[Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Lib doctest.py,,

dcjim at users.sourceforge.net dcjim at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Aug 6 16:32:53 CEST 2004

Update of /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv6902

Modified Files:
      Tag: tim-doctest-branch
Log Message:
Shortened some class names.

Added a test for the DocTestCase debug method, and debugged the
resulting failure. :)

Also changed the signature to DocTestCase.__init__ so it accepts
optionflags rather than a runner.

Index: doctest.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib/doctest.py,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.36.2.22 -r1.36.2.23
*** doctest.py	6 Aug 2004 06:30:21 -0000
--- doctest.py	6 Aug 2004 14:32:50 -0000
*** 297,301 ****
!     'DocTestTestCase',
--- 297,301 ----
!     'DocTestCase',
*** 1601,1610 ****
         If the output doesn't match, then a DocTestFailure is raised:
!          >>> try:
!          ...    test = DocTest('''
           ...      >>> x = 1
           ...      >>> x
           ...      2
           ...      ''', {}, 'foo', 'foo.py', 0)
           ...    runner.run(test)
           ... except DocTestFailure, failure:
--- 1601,1611 ----
         If the output doesn't match, then a DocTestFailure is raised:
!          >>> test = DocTest('''
           ...      >>> x = 1
           ...      >>> x
           ...      2
           ...      ''', {}, 'foo', 'foo.py', 0)
+          >>> try:
           ...    runner.run(test)
           ... except DocTestFailure, failure:
*** 1865,1892 ****
! class DocTestTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
!     """A test case that wraps a test function.
!     This is useful for slipping pre-existing test functions into the
!     PyUnit framework.  Optionally, set-up and tidy-up functions can be
!     supplied.  As with TestCase, the tidy-up ('tearDown') function will
!     always be called if the set-up ('setUp') function ran successfully.
!     """
!     def __init__(self, test_runner, test,
!                  setUp=None, tearDown=None):
!         self.__test_runner = test_runner
          self._dt_test = test
!         self.__setUp = setUp
!         self.__tearDown = tearDown
      def setUp(self):
!         if self.__setUp is not None:
!             self.__setUp()
      def tearDown(self):
!         if self.__tearDown is not None:
!             self.__tearDown()
      def runTest(self):
--- 1866,1885 ----
! class DocTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
!     def __init__(self, test, optionflags=0, setUp=None, tearDown=None):
!         self._dt_optionflags = optionflags
          self._dt_test = test
!         self._dt_setUp = setUp
!         self._dt_tearDown = tearDown
      def setUp(self):
!         if self._dt_setUp is not None:
!             self._dt_setUp()
      def tearDown(self):
!         if self._dt_tearDown is not None:
!             self._dt_tearDown()
      def runTest(self):
*** 1894,1900 ****
          old = sys.stdout
          new = StringIO()
!             self.__test_runner.DIVIDER = "-"*70
!             failures, tries = self.__test_runner.run(test, out=new.write)
              sys.stdout = old
--- 1887,1895 ----
          old = sys.stdout
          new = StringIO()
+         runner = DocTestRunner(optionflags=self._dt_optionflags, verbose=False)
!             runner.DIVIDER = "-"*70
!             failures, tries = runner.run(test, out=new.write)
              sys.stdout = old
*** 1916,1922 ****
      def debug(self):
!         runner = DebugRunner(verbose=False,
!                              optionflags=self.__test_runner.optionflags)
!         runner.run(self._dt_test, nooutput)
      def id(self):
--- 1911,1961 ----
      def debug(self):
!         r"""Run the test case without results and without catching exceptions
!            The unit test framework includes a debug method on test cases
!            and test suites to support post-mortem debugging.  The test code
!            is run in such a way that errors are not caught.  This way a
!            caller can catch the errors and initiate post-mortem debugging:
!              >>> test = DocTest('>>> raise KeyError', {}, 'foo', 'foo.py', 0)
!              >>> case = DocTestCase(test)
!              >>> case.debug()
!              Traceback (most recent call last):
!              ...
!              KeyError
!            If the output doesn't match, then a DocTestFailure is raised:
!              >>> test = DocTest('''
!              ...      >>> x = 1
!              ...      >>> x
!              ...      2
!              ...      ''', {}, 'foo', 'foo.py', 0)
!              >>> case = DocTestCase(test)
!              >>> try:
!              ...    case.debug()
!              ... except DocTestFailure, failure:
!              ...    pass
!            DocTestFailure objects provide access to the test:
!              >>> failure.test is test
!              True
!            As well as to the example:
!              >>> failure.example.want
!              '2\n'
!            and the actual output:
!              >>> failure.got
!              '1\n'
!            """
!         runner = DebugRunner(verbose = False, optionflags=self._dt_optionflags)
!         runner.run(self._dt_test, out=nooutput)
      def id(self):
*** 1955,1959 ****
      if test_finder is None:
          test_finder = DocTestFinder()
-     test_runner = DocTestRunner(optionflags=optionflags, verbose=False)
      module = _normalize_module(module)
--- 1994,1997 ----
*** 1976,1985 ****
                  filename = filename[:-1]
              test.filename = filename
!         suite.addTest(DocTestTestCase(test_runner, test,
!                                       setUp, tearDown))
      return suite
! class DocTestFileTestCase(DocTestTestCase):
      def id(self):
--- 2014,2022 ----
                  filename = filename[:-1]
              test.filename = filename
!         suite.addTest(DocTestCase(test, optionflags, setUp, tearDown))
      return suite
! class DocFileCase(DocTestCase):
      def id(self):
*** 2007,2014 ****
          globs = {}
-     test_runner = DocTestRunner(optionflags=optionflags, verbose=False)
      test = DocTest(doc, globs, name, path, 0)
!     return DocTestFileTestCase(test_runner, test, setUp, tearDown)
  def DocFileSuite(*paths, **kw):
--- 2044,2050 ----
          globs = {}
      test = DocTest(doc, globs, name, path, 0)
!     return DocFileCase(test, optionflags, setUp, tearDown)
  def DocFileSuite(*paths, **kw):

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