[Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Python newcompile.c,,

jhylton at users.sourceforge.net jhylton at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Feb 16 17:11:39 EST 2004

Update of /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Python
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv18239

Modified Files:
      Tag: ast-branch
Log Message:
Fix for lnotab generation.  (See last line of patch.)

The offset of the last bytecode with a line number wasn't being
updated, so the lnotab was generating bogus values with very large
address increments.

Index: newcompile.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Python/Attic/newcompile.c,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.74 -r1.1.2.75
*** newcompile.c	16 Feb 2004 04:07:24 -0000
--- newcompile.c	16 Feb 2004 22:11:34 -0000
*** 42,45 ****
--- 42,47 ----
       #: yield or return outside a function don't raise a SyntaxError
       #: line numbers are off a bit (may just need to add calls to set lineno)
+         In some cases, the line numbers for generated code aren't strictly
+         increasing.  This breaks the lnotab.
       #: Modules/parsermodule.c:496: warning: implicit declaration 
                                      of function `PyParser_SimpleParseString'
*** 582,586 ****
  	c->u->u_lineno_set = true;
  	b = c->u->u_blocks[c->u->u_curblock];
! 	b->b_instr[off].i_lineno = c->u->u_lineno;
--- 584,588 ----
  	c->u->u_lineno_set = true;
  	b = c->u->u_blocks[c->u->u_curblock];
!  	b->b_instr[off].i_lineno = c->u->u_lineno;
*** 594,598 ****
  	if (off < 0)
  		return 0;
- 	compiler_set_lineno(c, off);
  	b = c->u->u_blocks[c->u->u_curblock];
  	i = &b->b_instr[off];
--- 596,599 ----
*** 601,604 ****
--- 602,606 ----
  	if (opcode == RETURN_VALUE)
  		b->b_return = 1;
+ 	compiler_set_lineno(c, off);
  	return 1;
*** 650,658 ****
  	if (off < 0)
  		return 0;
- 	compiler_set_lineno(c, off);
  	i = &c->u->u_blocks[c->u->u_curblock]->b_instr[off];
  	i->i_opcode = opcode;
  	i->i_oparg = oparg;
  	i->i_hasarg = 1;
  	return 1;
--- 652,660 ----
  	if (off < 0)
  		return 0;
  	i = &c->u->u_blocks[c->u->u_curblock]->b_instr[off];
  	i->i_opcode = opcode;
  	i->i_oparg = oparg;
  	i->i_hasarg = 1;
+ 	compiler_set_lineno(c, off);
  	return 1;
*** 2442,2445 ****
--- 2444,2452 ----
  	d_lineno = i->i_lineno - a->a_lineno;
+ 	/* setup.py's get_platform() causes these asserts to fail.
+ 	assert(d_bytecode >= 0);
+ 	assert(d_lineno >= 0);
+ 	*/
  	if (d_lineno == 0)
  		return 1;
*** 2502,2505 ****
--- 2509,2513 ----
  	a->a_lineno = i->i_lineno;
+ 	a->a_lineno_off = a->a_offset;
  	return 1;

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