[Python-checkins] r46042 - sandbox/trunk/Doc/functional.rst

andrew.kuchling python-checkins at python.org
Fri May 19 02:04:44 CEST 2006

Author: andrew.kuchling
Date: Fri May 19 02:04:44 2006
New Revision: 46042

Add two sections

Modified: sandbox/trunk/Doc/functional.rst
--- sandbox/trunk/Doc/functional.rst	(original)
+++ sandbox/trunk/Doc/functional.rst	Fri May 19 02:04:44 2006
@@ -4,7 +4,11 @@
 **Incomplete Draft**
 In this document, we'll take a tour of Python's features that are
-well-suited to implementing programs in a functional style.
+well-suited to implementing programs in a functional style.  
+After an introduction to the concepts of functional programming,
+we'll look at language features such as iterators and generators 
+and relevant library modules such as the ``itertools`` module.
@@ -60,6 +64,11 @@
 a pointless skill like writing a BASIC interpreter in {\TeX}.  There
 are theoretical and practical advantages to the functional style:
+* Formal provability.
+* Modularity.
+* Composability.
+* Ease of debugging and testing.
 Formal provability
@@ -97,101 +106,293 @@
-Ease of debugging
+.. comment
+	Small functions that do one thing.
+.. comment
+	You assemble a toolbox of functions that can be mixed
-		Formal provability
-			Not very relevant to Python
-		Modularity
-			Small functions that do one thing
-		Debuggability:
+Ease of debugging
+.. comment
 			Easy to test due to lack of state
 			Easy to verify output from intermediate steps
-		Composability
-			You assemble a toolbox of functions that can be mixed
-Functional programming can be considered the opposite of
-object-oriented programming.  Objects are little capsules containing
-some internal state, and there's a collection of method calls that let
-you modify this state.
-The Idea of Functional Programming
-		Programs built out of functions
-		Functions are strictly input-output, no internal state
-	Opposed to OO programming, where objects have state
-Why Functional Programming?
 		Formal provability
-			Assignment is difficult to reason about
 			Not very relevant to Python
 			Small functions that do one thing
+		Composability
+			You assemble a toolbox of functions that can be mixed
 			Easy to test due to lack of state
 			Easy to verify output from intermediate steps
-		Composability
-			You assemble a toolbox of functions that can be mixed
-Tackling a problem
-	Need a significant example
+Functional programming can be considered the opposite of
+object-oriented programming.  Objects are little capsules containing
+some internal state along with a collection of method calls that let
+you modify this state.
-Basic idea
-	Object which supports next() and raises StopIteration
-	Iterators don't need to end
+Iterators are the fundamental Python feature that provides 
+the foundation for writing functional-style programs.
+An iterator is an object representing a stream of data that returns
+the data one element at a time.  A Python iterator must support a
+method called ``next()`` that takes no arguments and always returns
+the next element of the stream.  If there are no more elements in the
+stream, ``next()`` must raise the ``StopIteration`` exception.
+Iterators don't have to be finite, though; it's perfectly reasonable
+to write an iterator that produces an infinite stream of data.
+The built-in ``iter()`` function takes an arbitrary object and tries
+to return an iterator that will return the object's contents or
+elements, raising ``TypeError`` if the object doesn't support
+iteration.  Several of Python's built-in data types support iteration,
+the most common being lists and dictionaries.
+You can experiment with the iteration interface manually::
+    >>> L = [1,2,3]
+    >>> it = iter(L)
+    >>> print it
+    <iterator object at 0x8116870>
+    >>> it.next()
+    1
+    >>> it.next()
+    2
+    >>> it.next()
+    3
+    >>> it.next()
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+      File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
+    StopIteration
+    >>>      
+Python expects iterable objects in several different contexts, the 
+most important being the ``for`` statement.  In the statement ``for X in Y``,
+Y must be an iterator or some object for which ``iter()`` can create 
+an iterator.  These two statements are equivalent::
+	for i in iter(obj):
+            print i
+	for i in obj:
+            print i
+Iterators can be materialized as lists or tuples by using the ``list()`` or ``tuple()``
+constructor functions::
+    >>> L = [1,2,3]
+    >>> iterator = iter(L)
+    >>> t = tuple(iterator)
+    >>> t
+    (1, 2, 3)
+Sequence unpacking also supports iterators: if you know an iterator 
+will return N elements, you can unpack them into an N-tuple::
+    >>> L = [1,2,3]
+    >>> iterator = iter(L)
+    >>> a,b,c = i
+    >>> a,b,c
+    (1, 2, 3)
+Built-in functions such as ``max()`` and ``min()`` can take a single
+iterator argument and will return the largest or smallest element.
+The ``"in"`` and ``"not in"`` operators also support iterators: ``X in
+iterator`` is true if X is found in the stream returned by the
+iterator.  You'll run into obvious problems if the iterator is
+infinite; ``max()``, ``min()``, and ``"not in"`` will never return, and
+if the element X never appears in the stream, the ``"in"`` operator
+won't return either.
+Note that you can only go forward in an iterator; there's no way to
+get the previous element, reset the iterator, or make a copy of it.
+Iterator objects can optionally provide these additional capabilities,
+but the iterator protocol only specifies the \method{next()} method.
+Functions may therefore consume all of the iterator's output, and if
+you need to do something different with the same stream, you'll have
+to create a new iterator.
+Data Types That Support Iterators
+We've already seen how lists and tuples support iterators.  In fact,
+any Python sequence type, such as strings, will automatically support
+creation of an iterator.
+Calling ``iter()`` on a dictionary returns an iterator that will loop
+over the dictionary's keys::
+    >>> m = {'Jan': 1, 'Feb': 2, 'Mar': 3, 'Apr': 4, 'May': 5, 'Jun': 6,
+    ...      'Jul': 7, 'Aug': 8, 'Sep': 9, 'Oct': 10, 'Nov': 11, 'Dec': 12}
+    >>> for key in m:
+    ...     print key, m[key]
+    Mar 3
+    Feb 2
+    Aug 8
+    Sep 9
+    May 5
+    Jun 6
+    Jul 7
+    Jan 1
+    Apr 4
+    Nov 11
+    Dec 12
+    Oct 10
+This is just the default behaviour.  If you want to iterate over keys,
+values, or key/value pairs, you can explicitly call the
+\method{iterkeys()}, \method{itervalues()}, or \method{iteritems()}
+methods to get an appropriate iterator.  
+The ``dict()`` constructor can accept an iterator that returns a
+finite stream of ``(key, value)`` tuples::
+    >>> L = [('Italy', 'Rome'), ('France', 'Paris'), ('US', 'Washington DC')]
+    >>> dict(iter(L))
+    {'Italy': 'Rome', 'US': 'Washington DC', 'France': 'Paris'}
+Files also support iteration by calling the \method{readline()}
+method until there are no more lines in the file.  This means you can
+read each line of a file like this:
+for line in file:
+    # do something for each line
+    ...
+XXX sets
-iter() -- returns an iterator for an object
-Example: iter(list)
-Objects: __iter__ returns iterator
-Example: object w/ list of contents
 List comprehensions
-Some built-ins support iterators, some don't.  min(), max(), len(), dict().
-List comps.
+Two common operations on a stream are performing some operation for
+every element, or selecting a subset of elements that meet some
+condition.  For example, given a list of strings, you might want to
+pull out all the strings containing a given substring, or strip off
+trailing whitespace from each line.
+List comprehensions (or "listcomps") are a concise notation for such
+operations, borrowed from the functional programming language Haskell
+(\url{http://www.haskell.org}).  You can strip all the whitespace from
+a stream of strings with the following list comprehension::
+        line_list = ['  line 1\n', 'line 2  \n', ...]
+	stripped_list = [line.strip() for line in line_list]
+You can select only certain elements by adding an ``"if"`` condition::
+	stripped_list = [line.strip() for line in line_list
+                         if line != ""]
+Note that in all case the resulting ``stripped_list`` is a Python list
+containing the resulting lines, not an iterator.  This means that list
+comprehensions aren't very useful if you're working with iterators 
+that return an infinite or a very large stream of data.
+List comprehensions have the form::
+    [ expression for expr in sequence1 
+		 for expr2 in sequence2
+		 for expr3 in sequence3 ...
+		 for exprN in sequenceN
+		 if condition ]
+The elements of the generated list will be the successive
+values of \var{expression}.  The final \keyword{if} clause is
+optional; if present, \var{expression} is only evaluated and added to
+the result when \var{condition} is true.
+The ``for...in`` clauses contain the sequences to be iterated over.
+The sequences do not have to be the same length, because they are
+iterated over from left to right, **not** in parallel.  For each
+element in ``sequence1``, ``sequence2`` is looped over from the
+beginning.  ``sequence3``  is then looped over for each 
+resulting pair of elements from ``sequence1`` and ``sequence2``.
+Put another way, a list comprehension is equivalent to the following
+Python code:
+for expr1 in sequence1:
+    for expr2 in sequence2:
+    ...
+        for exprN in sequenceN:
+             if (condition):
+                  # Append the value of 
+                  # the expression to the 
+                  # resulting list.
+This means that when there are multiple \keyword{for}...\keyword{in}
+clauses, the resulting list will be equal to the product of the
+lengths of all the sequences.  If you have two lists of length 3, the
+output list is 9 elements long:
+    seq1 = 'abc'
+    seq2 = (1,2,3)
+    >>> [ (x,y) for x in seq1 for y in seq2]
+    [('a', 1), ('a', 2), ('a', 3), 
+     ('b', 1), ('b', 2), ('b', 3), 
+     ('c', 1), ('c', 2), ('c', 3)]
+To avoid introducing an ambiguity into Python's grammar, if
+``expression`` is creating a tuple, it must be surrounded with
+parentheses.  The first list comprehension below is a syntax error,
+while the second one is correct:
+    # Syntax error
+    [ x,y for x in seq1 for y in seq2]
+    # Correct
+    [ (x,y) for x in seq1 for y in seq2]
-Functions where internal state is stored
-{Copy bits of what's new}
+Generators are a special class of functions that simplify 
+the task of writing certain kinds of iterators. 
+XXX {Copy bits of what's new}
+Mention 2.5 additions but don't describe them.
-Mention 2.5 additions but don't desribe them.
 The itertools module
 Small functions and the lambda statement
 Built-in functions
+map(), filter(), reduce()
 .. comment
 	    Idea of FP
 		    Programs built out of functions

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