[Python-checkins] r46414 - in sandbox/trunk/hotbuffer: Modules/_hotbuf.c README.txt test_hotbuf.py use_cases.py

martin.blais python-checkins at python.org
Fri May 26 22:21:39 CEST 2006

Author: martin.blais
Date: Fri May 26 22:21:38 2006
New Revision: 46414

   sandbox/trunk/hotbuffer/use_cases.py   (contents, props changed)
Removed remaining.

Modified: sandbox/trunk/hotbuffer/Modules/_hotbuf.c
--- sandbox/trunk/hotbuffer/Modules/_hotbuf.c	(original)
+++ sandbox/trunk/hotbuffer/Modules/_hotbuf.c	Fri May 26 22:21:38 2006
@@ -498,18 +498,6 @@
-             "B.remaining() -> int\n\
-Returns the number of bytes between the current position and the limit.");
-static PyObject*
-hotbuf_remaining(PyHotbufObject *self)
-    return PyInt_FromSsize_t(self->b_limit - self->b_position);
@@ -867,8 +855,6 @@
 static Py_ssize_t
 hotbuf_length(PyHotbufObject *self)
-    /* Note: this is the same as 'remaining'. */
-    assert(self->b_position <= self->b_limit);
     return self->b_limit - self->b_position;
@@ -997,7 +983,6 @@
     {"restore", (PyCFunction)hotbuf_restore, METH_VARARGS, restore__doc__},
     {"flip", (PyCFunction)hotbuf_flip, METH_NOARGS, flip__doc__},
     {"rewind", (PyCFunction)hotbuf_rewind, METH_NOARGS, rewind__doc__},
-    {"remaining", (PyCFunction)hotbuf_remaining, METH_NOARGS, remaining__doc__},
     {"compact", (PyCFunction)hotbuf_compact, METH_NOARGS, compact__doc__},
     {"getbyte", (PyCFunction)hotbuf_getbyte, METH_NOARGS, get__doc__},
     {"putbyte", (PyCFunction)hotbuf_putbyte, METH_O, put__doc__},

Modified: sandbox/trunk/hotbuffer/README.txt
--- sandbox/trunk/hotbuffer/README.txt	(original)
+++ sandbox/trunk/hotbuffer/README.txt	Fri May 26 22:21:38 2006
@@ -23,24 +23,25 @@
-* Make push() and pop() instead of save() and restore()
+* Remove the advbytes argument to pop()
-* Need to select between PyObject_MALLOC and PyObject_MEMMALLOC
-* We need to make the client more easily remove the calls to remaining()
+* Make push() and pop() instead of save() and restore(), use a C stack
+  internally.
 * Make it possible to read from a file directly into a hotbuf
-  - implement the file protocol (read(), write()) on the buffer object
+  - implement the file protocol (read(), write()) on the hotbuf object
   - is there a file protocol?
+* We need to select between PyObject_MALLOC and PyObject_MEMMALLOC
 * Use descriptors rather than function calls to set the limit, etc.
-* Add restore() to the tests.
 * Implement pack() in C
 * Change the mark, this will make the loop easier to understand

Modified: sandbox/trunk/hotbuffer/test_hotbuf.py
--- sandbox/trunk/hotbuffer/test_hotbuf.py	(original)
+++ sandbox/trunk/hotbuffer/test_hotbuf.py	Fri May 26 22:21:38 2006
@@ -84,9 +84,9 @@
                           (0, 104, 42))
         # Play with remaining.
-        self.assertEquals(b.remaining(), 104)
+        self.assertEquals(len(b), 104)
-        self.assertEquals(b.remaining(), 94)
+        self.assertEquals(len(b), 94)
         # Play with advance.
         self.assertEquals(b.position, 10)

Added: sandbox/trunk/hotbuffer/use_cases.py
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/trunk/hotbuffer/use_cases.py	Fri May 26 22:21:38 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Use cases for the hot buffer.
+# Case 1: parsing netstrings, not using exceptions.
+    # Loop over the entire input.
+    while 1:
+        # Loop over all the messages in the current buffer.
+        while hot:
+            # Read the length and parse the message.
+            length = hot.getbyte() # No error can occur here, since we're
+                                   # still hot.
+            if len(hot) < length:
+                # Rollback the length byte and exit the loop to fill the buffer
+                # with new data.
+                hot.advance(-1)
+                break
+            # Save the current window and window around the message content.
+            hot.push(1, length)
+            # Parse the message.
+            #
+            # - We are insured to be able to read all the message here because
+            #   we checked for the length.
+            # - Exceptions will be programming errors.
+            # - You never need to deal with rollback of your transactions.
+            # (your code)
+            # Pop the message window and advance beyond the length.
+            hot.pop()
+            hot.advance(length + 1)
+        # Compact and read the next chunk of the buffer.
+        hot.compact()
+        s = read(len(hot))
+        if not s:
+            break # Finished the input, exit.
+# Case 2: parsing netstrings, using exceptions.  This is more or less the same
+# as Case 1, but without checking the length from Python, but the length is
+# automatically checked by push().
+    while 1:
+        # Catch when we hit the boundary.
+        try:
+            # Loop over all the messages in the current buffer.
+            while hot:
+                # Read the length.
+                length = hot.getbyte()  # This may raise
+                hot.push(1, length)     # This may raise as well
+                # Parse the message.
+                #
+                # - We are insured to be able to read all the message here
+                #   because we checked for the length.
+                # - Exceptions will be programming errors.
+                # - You never need to deal with rollback of your transactions.
+                # (your code)
+                # Pop the message window and advance beyond the length.
+                hot.pop()
+                hot.advance(length + 1)
+            else:
+                raise hotbuf.BoundaryError
+        except hotbuf.BoundaryError:
+            # Rollback the failed transaction.
+            hot.pop()
+            # Compact and read the next chunk of the buffer.
+            hot.compact()
+            s = read(len(hot))
+            if not s:
+                break # Finished the input, exit.
+# Case 3: arbitrary formats, may hit the boundary, cannot detect programming
+# errors.
+    while 1:
+        # Catch when we hit the boundary.
+        try:
+            # Loop over all the messages in the current buffer.
+            while hot:
+                hot.push()
+                # Parse the message.
+                #
+                # - We are insured to be able to read all the message here
+                #   because we checked for the length.
+                # - Exceptions will be programming errors.
+                # - You never need to deal with rollback of your transactions.
+                # (your code)
+                # Pop the safe window and leave the current position and limit
+                # alone.
+                hot.pop(False)
+            else:
+                raise hotbuf.BoundaryError
+        except hotbuf.BoundaryError:
+            # Rollback the failed transaction.
+            hot.pop()
+            # Compact and read the next chunk of the buffer.
+            hot.compact()
+            s = read(len(hot))
+            if not s:
+                break # Finished the input, exit.

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