[Python-checkins] r46556 - in python/trunk/Lib/test: output/test_exceptions test_exceptions.py

georg.brandl python-checkins at python.org
Tue May 30 10:47:25 CEST 2006

Author: georg.brandl
Date: Tue May 30 10:47:19 2006
New Revision: 46556

Convert test_exceptions to unittest.

Deleted: /python/trunk/Lib/test/output/test_exceptions
--- /python/trunk/Lib/test/output/test_exceptions	Tue May 30 10:47:19 2006
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-5. Built-in exceptions
-(not testable in a script)
-(not safe to test)
-(not used any more?)
-'continue' not supported inside 'finally' clause
-'continue' not properly in loop
-'continue' not properly in loop
-(hard to reproduce)

Modified: python/trunk/Lib/test/test_exceptions.py
--- python/trunk/Lib/test/test_exceptions.py	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Lib/test/test_exceptions.py	Tue May 30 10:47:19 2006
@@ -1,305 +1,295 @@
 # Python test set -- part 5, built-in exceptions
-from test.test_support import TestFailed, TESTFN, unlink
-from types import ClassType
+from test.test_support import TESTFN, unlink, run_unittest
 import warnings
 import sys, traceback, os
+import unittest
-print '5. Built-in exceptions'
 # XXX This is not really enough, each *operation* should be tested!
-# Reloading the built-in exceptions module failed prior to Py2.2, while it
-# should act the same as reloading built-in sys.
-    import exceptions
-    reload(exceptions)
-except ImportError, e:
-    raise TestFailed, e
-def test_raise_catch(exc):
-    try:
-        raise exc, "spam"
-    except exc, err:
-        buf = str(err)
-    try:
-        raise exc("spam")
-    except exc, err:
-        buf = str(err)
-    print buf
-def r(thing):
-    test_raise_catch(thing)
-    print getattr(thing, '__name__', thing)
-import sys
-try: x = sys.undefined_attribute
-except AttributeError: pass
-import sys
-fp = open(TESTFN, 'w')
-fp = open(TESTFN, 'r')
-savestdin = sys.stdin
-    try:
-        sys.stdin = fp
-        x = raw_input()
-    except EOFError:
-        pass
-    sys.stdin = savestdin
-    fp.close()
-try: open('this file does not exist', 'r')
-except IOError: pass
-try: import undefined_module
-except ImportError: pass
-x = []
-try: a = x[10]
-except IndexError: pass
-x = {}
-try: a = x['key']
-except KeyError: pass
-print '(not testable in a script)'
-print '(not safe to test)'
-try: x = undefined_variable
-except NameError: pass
-x = 1
-for dummy in range(128):
-    x += x  # this simply shouldn't blow up
-print '(not used any more?)'
-try: exec '/\n'
-except SyntaxError: pass
-# make sure the right exception message is raised for each of these
-# code fragments:
-def ckmsg(src, msg):
-    try:
-        compile(src, '<fragment>', 'exec')
-    except SyntaxError, e:
-        print e.msg
-        if e.msg == msg:
-            print "ok"
-        else:
-            print "expected:", msg
-    else:
-        print "failed to get expected SyntaxError"
-s = '''\
-while 1:
-    try:
-        pass
-    finally:
-        continue
-if sys.platform.startswith('java'):
-    print "'continue' not supported inside 'finally' clause"
-    print "ok"
-    ckmsg(s, "'continue' not supported inside 'finally' clause")
-s = '''\
-    continue
-    pass
-ckmsg(s, "'continue' not properly in loop")
-ckmsg("continue\n", "'continue' not properly in loop")
-# can only be tested under -tt, and is the only test for -tt
-#try: compile("try:\n\t1/0\n    \t1/0\nfinally:\n pass\n", '<string>', 'exec')
-#except TabError: pass
-#else: raise TestFailed
-print '(hard to reproduce)'
-import sys
-try: sys.exit(0)
-except SystemExit: pass
-try: [] + ()
-except TypeError: pass
-try: x = chr(10000)
-except ValueError: pass
-try: x = 1/0
-except ZeroDivisionError: pass
-try: x = 1/0
-except Exception, e: pass
-# test that setting an exception at the C level works even if the
-# exception object can't be constructed.
-class BadException:
-    def __init__(self):
-        raise RuntimeError, "can't instantiate BadException"
-def test_capi1():
-    import _testcapi
-    try:
-        _testcapi.raise_exception(BadException, 1)
-    except TypeError, err:
-        exc, err, tb = sys.exc_info()
-        co = tb.tb_frame.f_code
-        assert co.co_name == "test_capi1"
-        assert co.co_filename.endswith('test_exceptions'+os.extsep+'py')
-    else:
-        print "Expected exception"
-def test_capi2():
-    import _testcapi
-    try:
-        _testcapi.raise_exception(BadException, 0)
-    except RuntimeError, err:
-        exc, err, tb = sys.exc_info()
-        co = tb.tb_frame.f_code
-        assert co.co_name == "__init__"
-        assert co.co_filename.endswith('test_exceptions'+os.extsep+'py')
-        co2 = tb.tb_frame.f_back.f_code
-        assert co2.co_name == "test_capi2"
-    else:
-        print "Expected exception"
-if not sys.platform.startswith('java'):
-    test_capi1()
-    test_capi2()
-#  test that exception attributes are happy.
-try: str(u'Hello \u00E1')
-except Exception, e: sampleUnicodeEncodeError = e
-try: unicode('\xff')
-except Exception, e: sampleUnicodeDecodeError = e
-exceptionList = [
-        ( BaseException, (), { 'message' : '', 'args' : () }),
-        ( BaseException, (1, ), { 'message' : 1, 'args' : ( 1, ) }),
-        ( BaseException, ('foo', ), { 'message' : 'foo', 'args' : ( 'foo', ) }),
-        ( BaseException, ('foo', 1), { 'message' : '', 'args' : ( 'foo', 1 ) }),
-        ( SystemExit, ('foo',), { 'message' : 'foo', 'args' : ( 'foo', ),
-                'code' : 'foo' }),
-        ( IOError, ('foo',), { 'message' : 'foo', 'args' : ( 'foo', ), }),
-        ( IOError, ('foo', 'bar'), { 'message' : '',
-                'args' : ('foo', 'bar'), }),
-        ( IOError, ('foo', 'bar', 'baz'),
-                 { 'message' : '', 'args' : ('foo', 'bar'), }),
-        ( EnvironmentError, ('errnoStr', 'strErrorStr', 'filenameStr'),
-                { 'message' : '', 'args' : ('errnoStr', 'strErrorStr'),
-                    'strerror' : 'strErrorStr',
-                    'errno' : 'errnoStr', 'filename' : 'filenameStr' }),
-        ( EnvironmentError, (1, 'strErrorStr', 'filenameStr'),
-                { 'message' : '', 'args' : (1, 'strErrorStr'),
-                    'strerror' : 'strErrorStr', 'errno' : 1,
-                    'filename' : 'filenameStr' }),
-        ( SyntaxError, ('msgStr',),
-                { 'message' : 'msgStr', 'args' : ('msgStr', ),
-                    'print_file_and_line' : None, 'msg' : 'msgStr',
-                    'filename' : None, 'lineno' : None, 'offset' : None,
-                    'text' : None }),
-        ( SyntaxError, ('msgStr', ('filenameStr', 'linenoStr', 'offsetStr',
-                        'textStr')),
-                { 'message' : '', 'args' : ('msgStr', ('filenameStr',
-                        'linenoStr', 'offsetStr', 'textStr' )),
-                    'print_file_and_line' : None, 'msg' : 'msgStr',
-                    'filename' : 'filenameStr', 'lineno' : 'linenoStr',
-                    'offset' : 'offsetStr', 'text' : 'textStr' }),
-        ( SyntaxError, ('msgStr', 'filenameStr', 'linenoStr', 'offsetStr',
-                    'textStr', 'print_file_and_lineStr'),
-                { 'message' : '', 'args' : ('msgStr', 'filenameStr',
-                        'linenoStr', 'offsetStr', 'textStr',
-                        'print_file_and_lineStr'),
-                    'print_file_and_line' : None, 'msg' : 'msgStr',
-                    'filename' : None, 'lineno' : None, 'offset' : None,
-                    'text' : None }),
-        ( UnicodeError, (),
-                { 'message' : '', 'args' : (), }),
-        ( sampleUnicodeEncodeError,
-                { 'message' : '', 'args' : ('ascii', u'Hello \xe1', 6, 7,
-                        'ordinal not in range(128)'),
-                    'encoding' : 'ascii', 'object' : u'Hello \xe1',
-                    'start' : 6, 'reason' : 'ordinal not in range(128)' }),
-        ( sampleUnicodeDecodeError,
-                { 'message' : '', 'args' : ('ascii', '\xff', 0, 1,
-                        'ordinal not in range(128)'),
-                    'encoding' : 'ascii', 'object' : '\xff',
-                    'start' : 0, 'reason' : 'ordinal not in range(128)' }),
-        ( UnicodeTranslateError, (u"\u3042", 0, 1, "ouch"),
-                { 'message' : '', 'args' : (u'\u3042', 0, 1, 'ouch'),
-                    'object' : u'\u3042', 'reason' : 'ouch',
-                    'start' : 0, 'end' : 1 }),
-        ]
-    exceptionList.append(
-            ( WindowsError, (1, 'strErrorStr', 'filenameStr'),
-                    { 'message' : '', 'args' : (1, 'strErrorStr'),
-                        'strerror' : 'strErrorStr',
-                        'errno' : 22, 'filename' : 'filenameStr',
-                        'winerror' : 1 }))
-except NameError: pass
-import pickle, random
-for args in exceptionList:
-    expected = args[-1]
-    try:
-        if len(args) == 2: raise args[0]
-        else: raise apply(args[0], args[1])
-    except BaseException, e:
-        for checkArgName in expected.keys():
-            if repr(getattr(e, checkArgName)) != repr(expected[checkArgName]):
-                raise TestFailed('Checking exception arguments, exception '
-                        '"%s", attribute "%s" expected %s got %s.' %
-                        ( repr(e), checkArgName,
-                            repr(expected[checkArgName]),
-                            repr(getattr(e, checkArgName)) ))
+class ExceptionTests(unittest.TestCase):
+    def testReload(self):
+        # Reloading the built-in exceptions module failed prior to Py2.2, while it
+        # should act the same as reloading built-in sys.
+        try:
+            import exceptions
+            reload(exceptions)
+        except ImportError, e:
+            self.fail("reloading exceptions: %s" % e)
+    def raise_catch(self, exc, excname):
+        try:
+            raise exc, "spam"
+        except exc, err:
+            buf1 = str(err)
+        try:
+            raise exc("spam")
+        except exc, err:
+            buf2 = str(err)
+        self.assertEquals(buf1, buf2)
+        self.assertEquals(exc.__name__, excname)
+    def testRaising(self):
+        self.raise_catch(AttributeError, "AttributeError")    
+        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, sys, "undefined_attribute")
+        self.raise_catch(EOFError, "EOFError")
+        fp = open(TESTFN, 'w')
+        fp.close()
+        fp = open(TESTFN, 'r')
+        savestdin = sys.stdin
+        try:
+            try:
+                sys.stdin = fp
+                x = raw_input()
+            except EOFError:
+                pass
+        finally:
+            sys.stdin = savestdin
+            fp.close()
+            unlink(TESTFN)
+        self.raise_catch(IOError, "IOError")
+        self.assertRaises(IOError, open, 'this file does not exist', 'r')
+        self.raise_catch(ImportError, "ImportError")
+        self.assertRaises(ImportError, __import__, "undefined_module")
+        self.raise_catch(IndexError, "IndexError")
+        x = []
+        self.assertRaises(IndexError, x.__getitem__, 10)
+        self.raise_catch(KeyError, "KeyError")
+        x = {}
+        self.assertRaises(KeyError, x.__getitem__, 'key')
+        self.raise_catch(KeyboardInterrupt, "KeyboardInterrupt")
+        self.raise_catch(MemoryError, "MemoryError")
+        self.raise_catch(NameError, "NameError")
+        try: x = undefined_variable
+        except NameError: pass
+        self.raise_catch(OverflowError, "OverflowError")
+        x = 1
+        for dummy in range(128):
+            x += x  # this simply shouldn't blow up
+        self.raise_catch(RuntimeError, "RuntimeError")
+        self.raise_catch(SyntaxError, "SyntaxError")
+        try: exec '/\n'
+        except SyntaxError: pass
+        self.raise_catch(IndentationError, "IndentationError")
+        self.raise_catch(TabError, "TabError")
+        # can only be tested under -tt, and is the only test for -tt
+        #try: compile("try:\n\t1/0\n    \t1/0\nfinally:\n pass\n", '<string>', 'exec')
+        #except TabError: pass
+        #else: self.fail("TabError not raised")
+        self.raise_catch(SystemError, "SystemError")
+        self.raise_catch(SystemExit, "SystemExit")
+        self.assertRaises(SystemExit, sys.exit, 0)
+        self.raise_catch(TypeError, "TypeError")
+        try: [] + ()
+        except TypeError: pass
+        self.raise_catch(ValueError, "ValueError")
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, chr, 10000)
+        self.raise_catch(ZeroDivisionError, "ZeroDivisionError")
+        try: x = 1/0
+        except ZeroDivisionError: pass
+        self.raise_catch(Exception, "Exception")
+        try: x = 1/0
+        except Exception, e: pass
+    def testSyntaxErrorMessage(self):
+        """make sure the right exception message is raised for each of
+           these code fragments"""
+        def ckmsg(src, msg):
+            try:
+                compile(src, '<fragment>', 'exec')
+            except SyntaxError, e:
+                if e.msg != msg:
+                    self.fail("expected %s, got %s" % (msg, e.msg))
+            else:
+                self.fail("failed to get expected SyntaxError")
+        s = '''while 1:
+            try:
+                pass
+            finally:
+                continue'''
+        if not sys.platform.startswith('java'):
+            ckmsg(s, "'continue' not supported inside 'finally' clause")
+        s = '''if 1:
+        try:
+            continue
+        except:
+            pass'''
+        ckmsg(s, "'continue' not properly in loop")
+        ckmsg("continue\n", "'continue' not properly in loop")
+    def testSettingException(self):
+        """test that setting an exception at the C level works even if the
+           exception object can't be constructed."""
+        class BadException:
+            def __init__(self_):
+                raise RuntimeError, "can't instantiate BadException"
+        def test_capi1():
+            import _testcapi
+            try:
+                _testcapi.raise_exception(BadException, 1)
+            except TypeError, err:
+                exc, err, tb = sys.exc_info()
+                co = tb.tb_frame.f_code
+                self.assertEquals(co.co_name, "test_capi1")
+                self.assert_(co.co_filename.endswith('test_exceptions'+os.extsep+'py'))
+            else:
+                self.fail("Expected exception")
+        def test_capi2():
+            import _testcapi
+            try:
+                _testcapi.raise_exception(BadException, 0)
+            except RuntimeError, err:
+                exc, err, tb = sys.exc_info()
+                co = tb.tb_frame.f_code
+                self.assertEquals(co.co_name, "__init__")
+                self.assert_(co.co_filename.endswith('test_exceptions'+os.extsep+'py'))
+                co2 = tb.tb_frame.f_back.f_code
+                self.assertEquals(co2.co_name, "test_capi2")
+            else:
+                self.fail("Expected exception")
+        if not sys.platform.startswith('java'):
+            test_capi1()
+            test_capi2()
+    def testAttributes(self):
+        """test that exception attributes are happy."""
+        try: str(u'Hello \u00E1')
+        except Exception, e: sampleUnicodeEncodeError = e
+        try: unicode('\xff')
+        except Exception, e: sampleUnicodeDecodeError = e
-        # test for pickling support
-        new = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(e, random.randint(0, 2)))
-        for checkArgName in expected.keys():
-            if repr(getattr(e, checkArgName)) != repr(expected[checkArgName]):
-                raise TestFailed('Checking unpickled exception arguments, '
-                        'exception '
-                        '"%s", attribute "%s" expected %s got %s.' %
-                        ( repr(e), checkArgName,
-                            repr(expected[checkArgName]),
-                            repr(getattr(e, checkArgName)) ))
-    BaseException(a=1)
-except TypeError:
-    pass
-    raise TestFailed("BaseException shouldn't take keyword args")
+        exceptionList = [
+                ( BaseException, (), { 'message' : '', 'args' : () }),
+                ( BaseException, (1, ), { 'message' : 1, 'args' : ( 1, ) }),
+                ( BaseException, ('foo', ), { 'message' : 'foo', 'args' : ( 'foo', ) }),
+                ( BaseException, ('foo', 1), { 'message' : '', 'args' : ( 'foo', 1 ) }),
+                ( SystemExit, ('foo',), { 'message' : 'foo', 'args' : ( 'foo', ),
+                        'code' : 'foo' }),
+                ( IOError, ('foo',), { 'message' : 'foo', 'args' : ( 'foo', ), }),
+                ( IOError, ('foo', 'bar'), { 'message' : '',
+                        'args' : ('foo', 'bar'), }),
+                ( IOError, ('foo', 'bar', 'baz'),
+                         { 'message' : '', 'args' : ('foo', 'bar'), }),
+                ( EnvironmentError, ('errnoStr', 'strErrorStr', 'filenameStr'),
+                        { 'message' : '', 'args' : ('errnoStr', 'strErrorStr'),
+                            'strerror' : 'strErrorStr',
+                            'errno' : 'errnoStr', 'filename' : 'filenameStr' }),
+                ( EnvironmentError, (1, 'strErrorStr', 'filenameStr'),
+                        { 'message' : '', 'args' : (1, 'strErrorStr'),
+                            'strerror' : 'strErrorStr', 'errno' : 1,
+                            'filename' : 'filenameStr' }),
+                ( SyntaxError, ('msgStr',),
+                        { 'message' : 'msgStr', 'args' : ('msgStr', ),
+                            'print_file_and_line' : None, 'msg' : 'msgStr',
+                            'filename' : None, 'lineno' : None, 'offset' : None,
+                            'text' : None }),
+                ( SyntaxError, ('msgStr', ('filenameStr', 'linenoStr', 'offsetStr',
+                                'textStr')),
+                        { 'message' : '', 'args' : ('msgStr', ('filenameStr',
+                                'linenoStr', 'offsetStr', 'textStr' )),
+                            'print_file_and_line' : None, 'msg' : 'msgStr',
+                            'filename' : 'filenameStr', 'lineno' : 'linenoStr',
+                            'offset' : 'offsetStr', 'text' : 'textStr' }),
+                ( SyntaxError, ('msgStr', 'filenameStr', 'linenoStr', 'offsetStr',
+                            'textStr', 'print_file_and_lineStr'),
+                        { 'message' : '', 'args' : ('msgStr', 'filenameStr',
+                                'linenoStr', 'offsetStr', 'textStr',
+                                'print_file_and_lineStr'),
+                            'print_file_and_line' : None, 'msg' : 'msgStr',
+                            'filename' : None, 'lineno' : None, 'offset' : None,
+                            'text' : None }),
+                ( UnicodeError, (),
+                        { 'message' : '', 'args' : (), }),
+                ( sampleUnicodeEncodeError,
+                        { 'message' : '', 'args' : ('ascii', u'Hello \xe1', 6, 7,
+                                'ordinal not in range(128)'),
+                            'encoding' : 'ascii', 'object' : u'Hello \xe1',
+                            'start' : 6, 'reason' : 'ordinal not in range(128)' }),
+                ( sampleUnicodeDecodeError,
+                        { 'message' : '', 'args' : ('ascii', '\xff', 0, 1,
+                                'ordinal not in range(128)'),
+                            'encoding' : 'ascii', 'object' : '\xff',
+                            'start' : 0, 'reason' : 'ordinal not in range(128)' }),
+                ( UnicodeTranslateError, (u"\u3042", 0, 1, "ouch"),
+                        { 'message' : '', 'args' : (u'\u3042', 0, 1, 'ouch'),
+                            'object' : u'\u3042', 'reason' : 'ouch',
+                            'start' : 0, 'end' : 1 }),
+                ]
+        try:
+            exceptionList.append(
+                    ( WindowsError, (1, 'strErrorStr', 'filenameStr'),
+                            { 'message' : '', 'args' : (1, 'strErrorStr'),
+                                'strerror' : 'strErrorStr',
+                                'errno' : 22, 'filename' : 'filenameStr',
+                                'winerror' : 1 }))
+        except NameError: pass
+        import pickle, random
+        for args in exceptionList:
+            expected = args[-1]
+            try:
+                if len(args) == 2: raise args[0]
+                else: raise apply(args[0], args[1])
+            except BaseException, e:
+                for checkArgName in expected.keys():
+                    self.assertEquals(repr(getattr(e, checkArgName)),
+                                      repr(expected[checkArgName]),
+                                      'exception "%s", attribute "%s"' %
+                                       (repr(e), checkArgName))
+                # test for pickling support
+                new = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(e, random.randint(0, 2)))
+                for checkArgName in expected.keys():
+                    self.assertEquals(repr(getattr(e, checkArgName)),
+                                      repr(expected[checkArgName]),
+                                      'pickled exception "%s", attribute "%s' %
+                                      (repr(e), checkArgName))
+    def testKeywordArgs(self):
+        """test that builtin exception don't take keyword args,
+           but user-defined subclasses can if they want"""
+        self.assertRaises(TypeError, BaseException, a=1)
+        class DerivedException(BaseException):
+            def __init__(self, fancy_arg):
+                BaseException.__init__(self)
+                self.fancy_arg = fancy_arg
+        x = DerivedException(fancy_arg=42)
+        self.assertEquals(x.fancy_arg, 42)
+def test_main():
+    run_unittest(ExceptionTests)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    test_main()

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