[Python-checkins] r52867 - sandbox/trunk/2to3/play.py sandbox/trunk/2to3/pynode.py

guido.van.rossum python-checkins at python.org
Thu Nov 30 04:29:40 CET 2006

Author: guido.van.rossum
Date: Thu Nov 30 04:29:39 2006
New Revision: 52867

Lose lots of unused code from pynode.py.

Modified: sandbox/trunk/2to3/play.py
--- sandbox/trunk/2to3/play.py	(original)
+++ sandbox/trunk/2to3/play.py	Thu Nov 30 04:29:39 2006
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
     tree = dr.parse_file("example.py", debug=True)
-    return
+    return # Comment out to run the complete test suite below
     # Process every imported module
     for name in sys.modules:

Modified: sandbox/trunk/2to3/pynode.py
--- sandbox/trunk/2to3/pynode.py	(original)
+++ sandbox/trunk/2to3/pynode.py	Thu Nov 30 04:29:39 2006
@@ -9,11 +9,6 @@
 There is a class or function corresponding to each terminal and
 nonterminal symbol.
-The grammar is pieced together from the docstrings of the
-corresponding classes and functions: text between dollar signs is
-assumed to be the right-hand side of the grammar rule corresponding to
-that class or function.
 We use __slots__ to make the parse tree nodes as small as possible.
@@ -211,11 +206,6 @@
 # Nodes and factory functions for Python grammar
-class VanishingNonterminal(Nonterminal):
-    __slots__ = []
-    def __new__(cls, context, node):
-        return node
 class GenericSeries(Series):
     __slots__ = ["nodes"]
     def initseries(self, nodes):
@@ -466,182 +456,6 @@
 class file_input(GenericSeries):
     __slots__ = []
-# Example nodes and factory functions for nonterminal symbols
-# XXX: get rid of these
-def Program(context, stmts):
-    """Program is a nonterminal with only one non-trivial child.
-    Grammar: $ Expression ENDMARKER $
-    """
-    return stmts
-class Expression(Series):
-    "Grammar: $ BinaryExpression ['?' BinaryExpression ':' BinaryExpression] $"
-    __slots__ = ["test", "left", "right"]
-    def initseries(self, nodes):
-        self.test, self.left, self.right = nodes
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "%s ? %s : %s" % (self.test, self.left, self.right)
-class BinaryExpression(Series):
-    "Grammar: $ Operand (Operator Operand)* $"
-    __slots__ = ["left", "op", "right"]
-    def initseries(self, stuff):
-        # Stuff is a list with alternating operands and operators
-        if len(stuff) == 3:
-            self.left, self.op, self.right = stuff
-            return
-        assert len(stuff) > 1 and len(stuff) % 2 == 1
-        # Find the rightmost lowest-priority operator
-        lowest_i = 1
-        lowest_op = stuff[lowest_i]
-        lowest_pri = lowest_op.priority()
-        for i in range(3, len(stuff), 2):
-            op = stuff[i]
-            pri = op.priority()
-            if pri <= lowest_pri:
-                lowest_i = i
-                lowest_op = op
-                lowest_pri = pri
-        self.left = self.__class__(self.context, *stuff[:lowest_i])
-        self.op = lowest_op
-        self.right = self.__class__(self.context, *stuff[lowest_i+1:])
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "(%s %s %s)" % (self.left, self.op, self.right)
-def Operand(context, arg):
-    """Operand is a nonterminal with one child.
-    Grammar: $ Atom | UnaryExpression $
-    """
-    return arg
-class UnaryExpression(Nonterminal):
-    "Grammar: $ UnaryOperator Operand $"
-    __slots__ = ["op", "arg"]
-    def __init__(self, context, op, arg):
-        self.op = op
-        self.arg = arg
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "%s%s" % (self.op, self.arg)
-def UnaryOperator(context, op):
-    "Grammar: $ 'not' | '-' $"
-    return op
-class XXXOperator(Nonterminal):
-    """Operator.
-    This has a repr slot and a priority() method.
-    The __new__ method implements a sort-of singleton pattern: there's
-    only one instance per repr value.  (Yes, this means the context is
-    not useful.  Therefore we set it to None.)
-    Grammar: $ '**' | '*' | '/' | '+' | '-' | '&' | '^' | '|' |
-          ['not'] 'in' | '==' | '<' | '>' | '!=' | '<=' | '>=' |
-          'and' | 'or' $
-    """
-    __slots__ = ["repr"]
-    _stretch = False
-    _cache = {}
-    def __new__(cls, context, *args):
-        repr = " ".join(args)
-        # For "not in", the argument should be the string "not in"
-        obj = cls._cache.get(repr)
-        if obj is None:
-            obj = Terminal.__new__(cls, None)
-            obj.repr = repr
-        return obj
-    def __str__(self):
-        return self.repr
-    def priority(self):
-        return self._priorities[self.repr]
-    _priorities = {
-        "or":  0,
-        "and": 1,
-        "in":  2,
-        "not in": 2,
-        "<":  2,
-        ">":  2,
-        "==": 2,
-        "<=": 2,
-        ">=": 2,
-        "!=": 2,
-        "|":  3,
-        "^":  4,
-        "&":  5,
-        "+":  6,
-        "-":  6,
-        "*":  7,
-        "/":  7,
-        "**": 8,
-    }
-def Atom(context, arg):
-    """ Grammar: $ NAME | STRING | NUMBER | ParenthesizedExpression $
-    """
-    return arg
-def ParenthesizedExpression(context, expr):
-    "Grammar: $ '(' Expression ')' $"
-    return expr
-# Conversion from concrete to abstract syntax trees
-def vanish(context, value):
-    return None
-token_mapping = {
-    # Tokens that become parse tree nodes
-    # (token.NAME is special-cased in the code)
-    token.NUMBER: Number,
-    token.STRING: String,
-##     # Tokens that vanish
-##     token.DOT: vanish,
-##     token.LPAR: vanish,
-##     token.RPAR: vanish,
-##     token.COLON: vanish,
-##     token.COMMA: vanish,
-##     token.EQUAL: vanish,
-##     token.DEDENT: vanish,
-##     token.INDENT: vanish,
-##     token.LBRACE: vanish,
-##     token.RBRACE: vanish,
-##     token.NEWLINE: vanish,
-##     token.ENDMARKER: vanish,
-##     grammar.QUESTIONMARK: vanish,
-    # All other tokens return the token's string value (e.g. "+")
-    }
-vanishing_keywords = {
-    # E.g. "def": True,
-    }
 def convert(grammar, node):
     type, value, context, children = node
     # Is it a non-terminal symbol?
@@ -667,47 +481,12 @@
     if type == token.NAME:
         # Name or keyword.  Special-case the snot out of this.
         if value in grammar.keywords:
-            # Keywords become strings, like operators
-            if value in vanishing_keywords:
-                return None
-            else:
-                return Token(context, value)
+            # Keywords become Tokens
+            return Token(context, value)
             return Name(context, value)
-    # Look for a handler in the token_mapping table.
     assert type in token.tok_name
-    factory = token_mapping.get(type)
-    if factory:
-        return factory(context, value)
-    else:
-        return Token(context, value)
-# Support code
-def generate_grammar(stream):
-    """Extract the grammar rules from this module's doc strings."""
-    import re
-    from types import ModuleType
-    lines = []
-    startline = None
-    for name, obj in globals().items():
-        if hasattr(obj, "__doc__") and not isinstance(obj, ModuleType):
-            m = re.search(r"Grammar:\s*\$([^$]+)\$", obj.__doc__ or "")
-            if m:
-                rule = obj.__name__, " ".join(m.group(1).split())
-                if rule[0] == "Program":
-                    assert not startline
-                    startline = rule
-                else:
-                    lines.append(rule)
-    lines.sort()
-    # The start symbol *must* be the first rule
-    lines.insert(0, startline)
-    for name, rhs in lines:
-        stream.write("%s: %s\n" % (name, rhs))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    import sys
-    generate_grammar(sys.stdout)
+    # Operators become Tokens
+    return Token(context, value)

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