[Python-checkins] r54986 - peps/trunk/pep-3119.txt

guido.van.rossum python-checkins at python.org
Thu Apr 26 20:24:12 CEST 2007

Author: guido.van.rossum
Date: Thu Apr 26 20:24:07 2007
New Revision: 54986

Deal with some open issues.  Add some others.  Will be posting soon.

Modified: peps/trunk/pep-3119.txt
--- peps/trunk/pep-3119.txt	(original)
+++ peps/trunk/pep-3119.txt	Thu Apr 26 20:24:07 2007
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 Type: Standards Track
 Content-Type: text/x-rst
 Created: 18-Apr-2007
-Post-History: Not yet posted
+Post-History: 26-Apr-2007
@@ -213,19 +213,18 @@
     This ABC defines the 4 inequality operations ``<``, ``<=``, ``>=``,
     ``>``.  (Note that ``==`` and ``!=`` are defined by ``object``.)
-    Classes deriving from this ABC should satisfy weak invariants such
-    as ``a < b < c`` implies ``a < c`` but don't require that for any
-    two instances ``x`` and ``y`` exactly one of ``x < y``, ``x == y``
-    or ``x >= y`` apply.
+    Classes deriving from this ABC should implement a partial order
+    as defined in mathematics.  [9]_
     This ABC derives from ``PartiallyOrdered``.  It adds no new
-    operations but implies a promise of stronger invariants.  **Open
-    issues:** Should ``float`` derive from ``TotallyOrdered`` even
-    though for ``NaN`` this isn't strictly correct?
+    operations but implies a promise of stronger invariants.
+    Classes deriving from this ABC should implement a total order
+    as defined in mathematics.  [10]_
 **Open issues:** Where should these live?  The ``collections`` module
-doesn't seem right.
+doesn't seem right, but making them built-ins seems a slippery slope
 One Trick Ponies
@@ -252,7 +251,7 @@
     instances only, ``__hash__`` for those instances should raise a
     ``TypeError`` exception.
-    Note: being an instance of this class does not imply that an
+    **Note:** being an instance of this class does not imply that an
     object is immutable; e.g. a tuple containing a list as a member is
     not immutable; its ``__hash__`` method raises ``TypeError``.
@@ -266,7 +265,7 @@
     The base class for classes defining ``__next__``.  This derives
     from ``Iterable``.  The abstract ``__next__`` method raises
     ``StopIteration``.  The concrete ``__iter__`` method returns
-    ``self``.  (Note: this assumes PEP 3114 is implemented.)
+    ``self``.
     The base class for classes defining ``__len__``.  The ``__len__``
@@ -274,13 +273,7 @@
     The abstract ``__len__`` method returns 0.  **Invariant:** If a
     class ``C`` derives from ``Sized`` as well as from ``Iterable``,
     the invariant ``sum(1 for x in o) == len(o)`` should hold for any
-    instance ``o`` of ``C``.  **Open issues:** Is ``Sized`` the best
-    name?  Proposed alternatives already tentatively rejected:
-    ``Finite`` (nobody understood it), ``Lengthy``, ``Sizeable`` (both
-    too cute), ``Countable`` (the set of natural numbers is a
-    countable set in math), ``Enumerable`` (sounds like a sysnonym for
-    ``Iterable``), ``Dimension``, ``Extent`` (sound like numbers to
-    me), ``Bounded`` (probably just as confusing as ``Fininte``).
+    instance ``o`` of ``C``.
     The base class for classes defining ``__contains__``.  The
@@ -290,7 +283,7 @@
     ``Iterable``, then ``(x in o for x in o)`` should be a generator
     yielding only True values for any instance ``o`` of ``C``.
-    Note: strictly speaking, there are three variants of this method's
+    **Note:** strictly speaking, there are three variants of this method's
     semantics.  The first one is for sets and mappings, which is fast:
     O(1) or O(log N).  The second one is for membership checking on
     sequences, which is slow: O(N).  The third one is for subsequence
@@ -337,25 +330,31 @@
     a set though!  Sets have the additional invariant that each
     element occurs only once (as can be determined by iteration), and
     in addition sets define concrete operators that implement the
-    inequality operations as subclass/superclass tests.
+    inequality operations as subclass/superclass tests.  In general,
+    the invariants for finite sets in mathematics hold. [11]_
     Sets with different implementations can be compared safely,
-    efficiently and correctly.  Because ``Set`` derives from
-    ``Sized``, ``__eq__`` takes a shortcut and returns ``False``
-    immediately if two sets of unequal length are compared.
-    Similarly, ``__le__`` returns ``False`` immediately if the first
-    set has more members than the second set.  Note that set inclusion
-    implements only a partial ordering; e.g. ``{1, 2}`` and ``{1, 3}``
-    are not ordered (all three of ``<``, ``==`` and ``>`` return
-    ``False`` for these arguments).  Sets cannot be ordered relative
-    to mappings or sequences, but they can be compared for equality
-    (and then they always compare unequal).
+    (usually) efficiently and correctly using the mathematical
+    definitions of the subclass/superclass operations for finite sets.
+    The ordering operations have concrete implementations; subclasses
+    may override these for speed but should maintain the semantics.
+    Because ``Set`` derives from ``Sized``, ``__eq__`` may take a
+    shortcut and returns ``False`` immediately if two sets of unequal
+    length are compared.  Similarly, ``__le__`` may return ``False``
+    immediately if the first set has more members than the second set.
+    Note that set inclusion implements only a partial ordering;
+    e.g. ``{1, 2}`` and ``{1, 3}`` are not ordered (all three of
+    ``<``, ``==`` and ``>`` return ``False`` for these arguments).
+    Sets cannot be ordered relative to mappings or sequences, but they
+    can be compared to those for equality (and then they always
+    compare unequal).
-    Note: the ``issubset`` and ``issuperset`` methods found on the set
-    type in Python 2 are not supported, as these are mostly just
+    **Note:** the ``issubset`` and ``issuperset`` methods found on the
+    set type in Python 2 are not supported, as these are mostly just
     aliases for ``__le__`` and ``__ge__``.
-    **Open issues:** Spell out the invariants and method definitions.
+    **Open issues:** should we define comparison of instances of
+    different concrete set types this way?
     This is a subclass of ``Set`` that defines abstract operators to
@@ -366,14 +365,22 @@
     ``NotImplementedError``; this is because any generic
     implementation would have to create new instances but the ABCs
     don't (and shouldn't, IMO) provide an API for creating new
-    instances.  **Invariants:** The implementations of these operators
-    should ensure that the results match the mathematical definition
-    of set composition.
-    **Open issues:** Should I spell out the invariants?  Should we
-    define an API for creating new instances (e.g. a class method or a
-    fixed constructor signature)?  Should we just pick a concrete
-    return type (e.g. ``set``)?
+    instances.  The implementations of these operators should ensure
+    that the results match the mathematical definition of set
+    composition. [11]_
+    **Open issues:** Should ``__or__`` and friends be abstract or
+    concrete methods?  Making them abstract means that every
+    ComposableSet implementation must reimplement all of them.  But
+    making them concrete begs the question of the actual return type:
+    since the ABC doesn't (and IMO shouldn't) define the constructor
+    signature for subclasses, the concrete implementations in the ABC
+    don't have an API to construct a new instance given an iterable.
+    Perhaps the right choice is to have a static concrete factory
+    function ``fromiterable`` which takes an iterable and returns
+    a ``ComposableSet`` instance.  Subclasses can override this and
+    benefit from the default implementations of ``__or__`` etc.; or
+    they can override ``__or__`` if they want to.
     This is a subclass of both ``ComposableSet`` and ``Hashable``.  It
@@ -385,8 +392,8 @@
     values for different types of numbers and strings.)
     **Open issues:** Spell out the hash algorithm.  Should there be
-    another ABC that derives from Set and Hashable (but not from
-    Composable)?
+    another ABC that derives from Set and Hashable, but not from
+    Composable?
     This is a subclass of ``ComposableSet`` implementing additional
@@ -421,7 +428,7 @@
         Concrete method that empties the set.  The default
         implementation repeatedly calls ``self.pop()`` until
-        ``KeyError`` is caught.  (Note: this is probably much slower
+        ``KeyError`` is caught.  (**Note:** this is likely much slower
         than simply creating a new set, even if an implementation
         overrides it with a faster approach; but in some cases object
         identity is important.)
@@ -467,21 +474,52 @@
         raise ``KeyError``, and ``False`` if it does.
-    A subclass of ``BasicMapping``, ``iterable`` and ``Sized``.  It
-    defines concrete methods ``__eq__``, ``keys``, ``items``,
-    ``values``.  Iterating over a mapping should return all the valid
-    keys (i.e. those keys for which ``.__getitem__()`` returns a
-    value), once each, and nothing else.  The lengh of a mapping
-    should equal to the number of elements returned by iterating over
-    the object until the end of the iterator is reached (this is
-    implied by the invariant listed above for ``Sized``).  Two
-    mappings, even with different implementations, can be compared for
-    equality, and are considered equal if and only iff their items
-    compare equal when converted to sets.  The ``keys``, ``items`` and
-    ``values`` methods return views; ``keys`` and ``items`` return
-    ``Set`` views, ``values`` returns a ``Container`` view.  The
-    following invariant should hold: m.items() == set(zip(m.keys(),
-    m.values())).
+    A subclass of ``BasicMapping``, ``Iterable`` and ``Sized``.  The
+    keys of a mapping naturally form a set.  The (key, value) pairs
+    are also referred to as items.  The items also form a set.
+    Methods:
+    ``__len__``
+        Abstract method returning the length of the key set.
+    ``__iter__``
+        Abstract method returning each key in the key set exactly once.
+    ``__eq__``
+        Concrete method for comparing mappings.  Two mappings, even
+        with different implementations, can be compared for equality,
+        and are considered equal if and only iff their item sets are
+        equal.  **Open issues:** should we define comparison of
+        instances of different concrete mapping types this way?
+    ``keys``
+        Concrete method returning the key set as a ``Set``.  The
+        default concrete implementation returns a "view" on the key
+        set (meaning if the underlying mapping is modified, the view's
+        value changes correspondingly); subclasses are not required to
+        return a view but they should return a ``Set``.
+    ``items``
+        Concrete method returning the items as a ``Set``.  The default
+        concrete implementation returns a "view" on the item set;
+        subclasses are not required to return a view but they should
+        return a ``Set``.
+    ``values``
+        Concrete method returning the values as a sized, iterable
+        container (not a set!).  The default concrete implementation
+        returns a "view" on the values of the mapping; subclasses are
+        not required to return a view but they should return a sized,
+        iterable container.
+    The following invariant should hold for any mapping ``m``::
+        set(m.items()) == set(zip(m.keys(), m.values()))
+    i.e. iterating over the keys and the values in parallel should
+    return *corresponding* keys and values.  **Open issues:** Should
+    this always be required?  How about the stronger invariant using
+    ``list()`` instead of ``set()``?
     A subclass of ``Mapping`` and ``Hashable``.  The values should be
@@ -492,11 +530,8 @@
     A subclass of ``Mapping`` that also implements some standard
     mutating methods.  Abstract methods include ``__setitem__``,
     ``__delitem__``.  Concrete methods include ``pop``, ``popitem``,
-    ``clear``, ``update``.  Note: ``setdefault`` is *not* included.
-**Open issues:**
-* We should say more about mapping view types.
+    ``clear``, ``update``.  **Note:** ``setdefault`` is *not* included.
+    **Open issues:** Write out the specs for the methods.
@@ -510,7 +545,7 @@
     A subclass of ``Iterable``, ``Sized``, ``Container``.  It
-    defines a new abstract method ``__getitem__`` that has a
+    defines a new abstract method ``__getitem__`` that has a somewhat
     complicated signature: when called with an integer, it returns an
     element of the sequence or raises ``IndexError``; when called with
     a ``slice`` object, it returns another ``Sequence``.  The concrete
@@ -535,10 +570,19 @@
     well as slices), ``__delitem__`` (ditto), ``insert``, ``append``,
     ``reverse``.  Concrete mutating methods: ``extend``, ``pop``,
     ``remove``.  Concrete mutating operators: ``+=``, ``*=`` (these
-    mutate the object in place).  Note: this does not define
+    mutate the object in place).  **Note:** this does not define
     ``sort()`` -- that is only required to exist on genuine ``list``
+**Open issues:** If all the elements of a sequence are totally
+ordered, the sequence itself can be totally ordered with respect to
+other sequences containing corresponding items of the same type.
+Should we reflect this by making ``Sequence`` derive from
+``TotallyOrdered``?  Or ``Partiallyordered``?  Also, we could easily
+define comparison of sequences of different types, so that e.g.
+``(1, 2, 3) == [1, 2, 3]`` and ``(1, 2) < [1, 2, 3]``.  Should we?
+(It might imply ``["a", "b"] == "ab"`` and ``[1, 2] == b"\1\2"``.)
@@ -686,10 +730,19 @@
 .. [7] Unifying types and classes in Python 2.2, by GvR
-.. [8] "Putting Metaclasses to Work: A New Dimension in Object-Oriented
-   Programming", by Ira R. Forman and Scott H. Danforth
+.. [8] Putting Metaclasses to Work: A New Dimension in Object-Oriented
+   Programming, by Ira R. Forman and Scott H. Danforth
+.. [9] Partial order, in Wikipedia
+   (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partial_order)
+.. [10] Total order, in Wikipedia
+   (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Total_order)
+.. [11] Finite set, in Wikipedia
+   (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finite_set)

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