[Python-checkins] r53330 - sandbox/trunk/import_in_py/importer.py sandbox/trunk/import_in_py/importlib.py sandbox/trunk/import_in_py/mock_importer.py sandbox/trunk/import_in_py/mock_importlib.py sandbox/trunk/import_in_py/test_importer.py sandbox/trunk/import_in_py/test_importlib.py

brett.cannon python-checkins at python.org
Tue Jan 9 23:45:07 CET 2007

Author: brett.cannon
Date: Tue Jan  9 23:45:05 2007
New Revision: 53330

      - copied unchanged from r53322, sandbox/trunk/import_in_py/importer.py
      - copied, changed from r53280, sandbox/trunk/import_in_py/mock_importer.py
      - copied, changed from r53280, sandbox/trunk/import_in_py/test_importer.py
Rename the module importlib.

Deleted: /sandbox/trunk/import_in_py/importer.py
--- /sandbox/trunk/import_in_py/importer.py	Tue Jan  9 23:45:05 2007
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,902 +0,0 @@
-"""Implementation of Python's import machinery in Python source code.
-The Import class implements the semantics of import.  This means that an
-instance of this class can be called to properly check sys.modules,
-sys.meta_path, sys.path, etc. to import the requested module.
-The importing of built-in, frozen, extension, .py, and .pyc files are all
-handled by implementing importers and loaders as specified by PEP 302.  This
-leads to the ability to easily control imports based on the type of module.
-There is also a clear distinction between how the module is stored and how it
-is formatted (e.g., a Python source file does not require it be stored as a
-file on a filesystem).
-To help with the distinction between how a module is stored compared to its
-format the idea of handlers is introduced.  A handler implements a specific
-interface while specifying the type of module it handles (usually by the what
-one would expect as a file extension if the module was on a filesystem).  This
-allows a PEP 302 importer/loader to represent how a module is stored while the
-handler deals with how the module is formatted.
-A handler is expected to implement the handle_code method only.  The handler
-for Python source and bytecode modules goes farther and defines an extensive
-interface that is designed so that alternatives on module formatting can be
-supported easily without needing to write a new importer/loader.  The Python
-source and bytecode handler also expects loaders to define a more extensive
-interface to allow for different backend stores (e.g., databases) to use the
-handler without modification.  All of this helps with code reuse and possible
-errors from the complicated relationship between Python source and bytecode
-References on import
-* Language reference
-      http://docs.python.org/ref/import.html
-* __import__ function
-      http://docs.python.org/lib/built-in-funcs.html
-* Packages
-      http://www.python.org/doc/essays/packages.html
-* PEP 235: Import on Case-Insensitive Platforms
-      http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0235
-* PEP 275: Import Modules from Zip Archives
-      http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0273
-* PEP 302: New Import Hooks
-      http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0302/
-* PEP 328: Imports: Multi-line and Absolute/Relative
-      http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0328
-Known Issues
-* runpy ('-m' command-line option for Python) does not work.
-    + Requires get_code to be implemented for loaders.
-    + Uses pkgutil.get_loader which fakes a loader if __loader__ is not defined.
-    + New loaders do define __loader__ but not get_code, and thus dies on an
-      AttributeError.
-    + Possible fix
-        - Implement optional interface for loaders.
-        - Do not have new loaders set __loader__.
-            * Might happen because of security issues.
-* warnings and stack level.
-    + Affected tests
-        - test___all__
-        - test_imageop
-    + 'warnings' assumes that the import code does not show up in the call
-      stack.
-    + Because import now implemented in Python, import does show up in the
-      call stack.
-    + Trick of specifying going back in the call stack two levels so warning
-      shows up in the caller will cause the warning no longer holds true.
-    + Possible fixes
-        - Special module deprecation function.
-        - Code in warnings.warn to handle special import case.
-        - Flag on warnings.warn that warning is for an import and ignore stack
-          level argument.
-              * Could also infer from type of warning.
-* test_pkg
-    + Old-style test that compares output.
-    + Setting of __loader__ leads to different output.
-from __future__ import with_statement
-# Built-in modules.
-import imp
-import sys
-import marshal
-# Not built-in.
-import errno
-import os
-import contextlib
-import warnings
-def _set__import__():
-    """Set __import__ to an instance of Import."""
-    global original__import__
-    original__import__ = __import__
-    __builtins__['__import__'] = Import()
-def _reset__import__():
-    """Set __import__ back to the original implementation (assumes
-    _set__import__ was called previously)."""
-    __builtins__['__import__'] = original__import__
-def _w_long(x):
-    """Convert a 32-bit integer to little-endian.
-    XXX Temporary until marshal's long functions are exposed.
-    """
-    bytes = []
-    bytes.append(x & 0xFF)
-    bytes.append((x >> 8) & 0xFF)
-    bytes.append((x >> 16) & 0xFF)
-    bytes.append((x >> 24) & 0xFF)
-    return ''.join(chr(x) for x in bytes)
-def _r_long(bytes):
-    """Convert 4 bytes in little-endian to an integer.
-    XXX Temporary until marshal's long function are exposed.
-    """
-    x = ord(bytes[0])
-    x |= ord(bytes[1]) << 8
-    x |= ord(bytes[2]) << 16
-    x |= ord(bytes[3]) << 24
-    return x
-def _case_ok(directory, file_name):
-    """Verify that file_name (as found in 'directory') has the proper case.
-    The path is assumed to already exist.
-    XXX Temporary until imp's case_ok function can be exposed.
-    XXX Better to roll this into a single function some how so that existence
-    check can be part of case check and thus cut down on stat calls?
-    """
-    # If platform is not case-sensitive *or* the environment variable
-    # PYTHONCASEOK is defined, then os.path.exists already handled the case by
-    # either doing a case-sensitive check or from the user saying he does not
-    # want case-sensitivity, respectively.
-    if sys.platform not in ('win32', 'mac', 'riscos', 'darwin', 'cygwin',
-            'os2emx') or os.environ.get('PYTHONCASEOK'):
-        return True
-    directory_contents = os.listdir(directory)
-    if file_name in directory_contents:
-        return True
-    else:
-        return False
-class _BuiltinFrozenBaseImporter(object):
-    """Base class for meta_path importers for built-in and frozen modules.
-    Subclasses must provide the _find and _load methods.  The methods are
-    expected to be defined on the subclass itself and not on an instance.
-    """
-    @classmethod
-    def find_module(cls, fullname, path=None):
-        """See if a built-in or frozen module can be imported based on the
-        specified name."""
-        if cls._find(fullname):
-            return cls
-        else:
-            return None
-    @classmethod
-    def load_module(cls, fullname):
-        """Load a built-in or frozen module.
-        'imp' code for loading a built-in or frozen module handles the setting
-        of a module in sys.modules before initializing the module.  This means
-        that we do not need to perform that step as outlined by PEP 302.
-        """
-        try:
-            return sys.modules[fullname]
-        except KeyError:
-            mod = cls._load(fullname)
-            if not mod:
-                raise ImportError("expected built-in module not loaded")
-            return mod
-class BuiltinImporter(_BuiltinFrozenBaseImporter):
-    """sys.meta_path class for importing built-in modules.
-    XXX Possible optimization is to bail out in find_module() if 'path' is set
-    to a value.
-    """
-    _find = imp.is_builtin
-    _load = imp.init_builtin
-class FrozenImporter(_BuiltinFrozenBaseImporter):
-    """sys.meta_path class for importing frozen modules."""
-    _find = imp.is_frozen
-    _load = imp.init_frozen
-class FileSystemFactory(object):
-    """Factory function for sys.path_hooks for directory entries on sys.path.
-    The path to be handled, if it is a filesystem directory, is used to
-    initialize a new FileSystemImporter for that path entry.  An instantiated
-    object stores various handlers that are to be used to decide if the path
-    entry contains the module to be imported.
-    XXX Possible optimization would be to get the directory's contents and make
-    sure that only handlers for the files in the directory are given to the
-    returned importer.  This would kill the ability to add a new module into
-    the directory during run-time that is a new type of file, though.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, *handlers):
-        """Store handlers to be used in attempting to import.
-        The order that the handlers are specified are the order in which
-        the handlers will be passed on to any instantiated importers.
-        """
-        self.handlers = handlers
-    def __call__(self, path_entry):
-        """If path_entry is a directory, return an importer object for it, else
-        raise ImportError.
-        Both relative and absolute paths are accepted (the former because of
-        interactive interpreter usage).
-        """
-        absolute_path = os.path.abspath(path_entry)
-        if os.path.isdir(absolute_path):
-            return FileSystemImporter(absolute_path, *self.handlers)
-        else:
-            raise ImportError("can only handle directories")
-class FileSystemImporter(object):
-    """Importer for the filesystem using the passed-in handlers."""
-    def __init__(self, path_entry, *handlers):
-        """Store the path this importer handles and the handlers to use.
-        The order of the handlers determines precedence of file types.
-        """
-        self.path_entry = path_entry
-        self.handlers = handlers
-        self.loader = FileSystemLoader
-    def find_module(self, fullname, path=None):
-        """Determine if this path entry can handle this import, and if so,
-        return a loader for the module on this path entry based on the handlers
-        registered.
-        If the module's name is dotted then only search for the trailing
-        module's name on the path entry.  An importer is already created
-        for each directory in the __path__ attribute for a package.
-        """
-        tail_module = fullname.rsplit('.', 1)[-1]
-        package_directory = os.path.join(self.path_entry, tail_module)
-        for handler in self.handlers:
-            for file_ext in handler.handles:
-                # XXX Backwards-incompatible to use anything but .py/.pyc
-                # files for __init__?
-                init_filename = '__init__' + file_ext
-                package_init = os.path.join(package_directory, init_filename)
-                # Check if it is a package with an __init__ file.
-                if (os.path.isfile(package_init) and
-                        _case_ok(self.path_entry, tail_module) and
-                        _case_ok(package_directory, init_filename)):
-                    return self.loader(package_init, handler, package_directory)
-                # See if it is a module.
-                file_name = tail_module + file_ext
-                file_path = os.path.join(self.path_entry, file_name)
-                if (os.path.isfile(file_path) and
-                        _case_ok(self.path_entry, file_name)):
-                    return self.loader(file_path, handler)
-        else:
-            # Raise a warning if it matches a directory w/o an __init__ file.
-            if (os.path.isdir(package_directory) and
-                    _case_ok(self.path_entry, tail_module)):
-                warnings.warn("Not importing directory %s: missing __init__.py"
-                                    % package_directory,
-                                ImportWarning)
-            return None
-class FileSystemLoader(object):
-    """Loader for the filesystem.
-    It implements the needed API for the PyPycHandler.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, file_path, handler, package=None):
-        """Store the path to the file to use for the import and the handler to
-        use along with whether this is a package (this does not include modules
-        within a package)."""
-        self.file_path = file_path
-        self.handler = handler
-        self.package = package
-    def load_module(self, fullname):
-        """Load the module from self.path using self.handler.
-        The handler is expected to implement a handle_code method that will
-        deal with initializing the module passed to it.
-        """
-        try:
-            module = self.handler.handle_code(self, fullname,
-                                                self.file_path, self.package)
-        # Don't leave any partially initialised modules behind.
-        except:
-            if fullname in sys.modules:
-                del sys.modules[fullname]
-            raise
-        else:
-            return module
-    def mod_time(self, path):
-        """Return the modification time for the specified path as an integer.
-        This method is required as part of the interface needed for
-        PyPycHandler.
-        """
-        return int(os.stat(path).st_mtime)
-    def split_path(self, path):
-        """Split the specified path into a base path and the type of the
-        path.
-        This method is required for PyPycHandler.
-        """
-        return os.path.splitext(path)
-    def create_path(self, base_path, type_, must_exist=False):
-        """Create a new path based on a base path and requested path type.
-        If must_exist is True, the path must already exist in order to return a
-        path instead of None.
-        This method is required for PyPycHandler.
-        """
-        path = base_path + type_
-        if must_exist:
-            path = path if os.path.exists(path) else None
-        return path
-    def read_data(self, path, binary=False):
-        """Open the path and return the data read from it in the specified
-        format.
-        This method is required for PyPycHandler.
-        """
-        with open(path, 'rb' if binary else 'U') as data_file:
-            data = data_file.read()
-        return data
-    def write_data(self, data, path, binary=False):
-        """Write data to a specified path as either binary or textual data.
-        If the path cannot be accessed, then exit silently.
-        This method is required for PyPycHandler.
-        """
-        try:
-            with open(path, 'wb' if binary else 'w') as data_file:
-                data_file.write(data)
-        except IOError, exc:
-            if exc.errno == errno.EACCES:
-                pass
-            else:
-                raise
-class PyPycHandler(object):
-    """Handle reading Python bytecode/source with writing out of bytecode as
-    needed.
-    The handle_code method is the key entry point for this class.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, source_handles=None, bytecode_handles=None):
-        """Specify the file types for source and bytecode to be handled by this
-        handler and set 'handles' appropriately as tuples (empty tuples are
-        acceptable).
-        Not specifying handles will lead to reasonable defaults being used.
-        """
-        if source_handles is None:
-            self.source_handles = ('.py',)
-        else:
-            self.source_handles = source_handles
-        if bytecode_handles is None:
-            self.bytecode_handles = ('.pyc',) if __debug__ else ('.pyo',)
-        else:
-            self.bytecode_handles = bytecode_handles
-        self.handles = self.bytecode_handles + self.source_handles
-    def new_module(self, name):
-        """Retun a new module to be initialized (with __name__ set)."""
-        return imp.new_module(name)
-    def parse_pyc(self, data):
-        """Split data into magic number, timestamp, and bytecode."""
-        return data[:4], _r_long(data[4:8]), data[8:]
-    def check_magic(self, magic):
-        """Check whether the magic number is correct or not for the current
-        running interpreter."""
-        return imp.get_magic() == magic
-    def code_from_bytecode(self, bytecode):
-        """Create a code object from bytecode.
-        ValueError is expected to be raised if a code object can not be created
-        from the bytecode.
-        """
-        return marshal.loads(bytecode)
-    def code_from_source(self, source, path):
-        """Create a code object from source."""
-        return compile(source, str(path), 'exec')
-    def create_pyc(self, bytecode, timestamp):
-        """Create data to be written out for a .pyc file."""
-        data = imp.get_magic()
-        data += _w_long(timestamp)
-        data += marshal.dumps(bytecode)
-        return data
-    def handle_code(self, loader, mod_name, path, package=None):
-        """Handle creating a new module object for the module mod_name that is
-        to be initialized with data from 'path' and, if a package, has a
-        package location of 'package'.
-        The loader needs to implement several methods in order to this handler
-        to be able to load needed data.  A key point with some of these methods
-        is the idea of opaque code objects which are not directly touched by
-        the handler but are passed back to the loader so as to allow for a way
-        to keep state:
-        * split_path(path)
-            Take in an opaque path object and split it into a base path and a
-            string representing the type of the path (which should be in the
-            'handles' attribute of the handler).
-        * create_path(base_path, type_, must_exist)
-            Create an opaque path object from a base path and the type of path
-            that is desired.  If must_exist is True the path must already
-            exist.
-        * mod_time(path)
-            Return the last modification time for a path as an integer.
-        * read_data(path, binary)
-            Read the data from the specified path.  'binary' is a boolean that
-            flags whether the data should be read as binary data or text data.
-        * write_data(data, path, binary)
-            Write data to a path.  'binary' flags whether the data should be
-            written as binary or textual data.
-        """
-        source_path = None
-        source_timestamp = None
-        bytecode_path = None
-        module = sys.modules.get(mod_name)
-        if module is None:
-            module = self.new_module(mod_name)
-            sys.modules[mod_name] = module
-        # __file__, __path__, and __loader__ *must* be set on the module before
-        # any code is executed by the import.  __name__ is set by new_module.
-        module.__loader__ = loader
-        module.__file__ = path
-        if package is not None:
-            module.__path__ = [package]
-        base_path, type_ = loader.split_path(path)
-        if type_ in self.bytecode_handles:
-            # Attempt to use bytecode.
-            bytecode_path = path
-            source_path = None
-            pyc_data = loader.read_data(path, True)
-            magic, pyc_timestamp, bytecode = self.parse_pyc(pyc_data)
-            # Try to find corresponding source code.
-            for source_handle in self.source_handles:
-                source_path = loader.create_path(base_path, source_handle, True)
-                if source_path:
-                    break
-            try:
-                # Verify that the magic number is valid.
-                if not self.check_magic(magic):
-                    raise ImportError("bad magic number")
-                # Verify that the bytecode is not stale.
-                if source_path:
-                    source_timestamp = loader.mod_time(source_path)
-                    if pyc_timestamp < source_timestamp:
-                        raise ImportError("bytcode is stale")
-                # Bytecode is valid.
-                module.__file__ = path
-                try:
-                    code_object = self.code_from_bytecode(bytecode)
-                except ValueError:
-                    # Since bad bytecode halts the import entirely having the
-                    # source code is useless.  Use this fact to signal that
-                    # the ImportError being raised should propagate.
-                    source_path = None
-                    raise ImportError('Non-code object in %s' %
-                                        str(bytecode_path))
-                exec code_object in module.__dict__
-                return module
-            except ImportError:
-                # No source code to use to recover from bad bytecode.
-                if not source_path:
-                    raise
-        if type_ in self.source_handles:
-            # Asked directly to handle source code.
-            source_path = path
-        # Get the source code.
-        source = loader.read_data(source_path, False)
-        module.__file__ = source_path
-        code = self.code_from_source(source, source_path)
-        # See if there is a corresponding path to bytecode.
-        if not bytecode_path:
-            if self.bytecode_handles:
-                bytecode_handle = self.bytecode_handles[0]
-                bytecode_path = loader.create_path(base_path,
-                                                    bytecode_handle)
-            source_timestamp = loader.mod_time(source_path)
-        # If there is a possible path to bytecode, generate .pyc file.
-        if bytecode_path:
-            if not source_timestamp:
-                source_timestamp = loader.mod_time(source_path)
-            pyc = self.create_pyc(code, source_timestamp)
-            loader.write_data(pyc, bytecode_path, True)
-        exec code in module.__dict__
-        return module
-class ExtensionFileHandler(object):
-    """A handler for loading extension modules."""
-    def __init__(self):
-        """Set 'handles'."""
-        self.handles = tuple(suffix[0] for suffix in imp.get_suffixes()
-                                if suffix[2] == imp.C_EXTENSION)
-    def handle_code(self, loader, mod_name, extension_path, package=None):
-        """Import an extension module."""
-        module = imp.load_dynamic(mod_name, extension_path)
-        if package is not None:
-            module.__path__ = [package]
-        return module
-class ImportLockContext(object):
-    """Context manager for the import lock."""
-    def __enter__(self):
-        """Acquire the import lock."""
-        imp.acquire_lock()
-    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback):
-        """Release the import lock regardless of any raised exceptions."""
-        imp.release_lock()
-class Import(object):
-    """Class that implements the __import__ interface.
-    Backwards compatibility is maintained  by extending sys.meta_path
-    interally (for handling built-in and frozen modules) and providing a
-    default path hooks entry (for extension modules, .py, and .pyc
-    files).  Both are controlled during instance initialization.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, default_path_hook=None,
-                 extended_meta_path=(BuiltinImporter, FrozenImporter)):
-        """Store a default path hook entry and a sequence to internally extend
-        sys.meta_path by."""
-        self.extended_meta_path = extended_meta_path
-        self.default_path_hook = default_path_hook
-        if not self.default_path_hook:
-            # Create a handler to deal with extension modules, .py, and .pyc
-            # files.  Built-in and frozen modules are handled by sys.meta_path
-            # entries.
-            handlers = ExtensionFileHandler(), PyPycHandler()
-            self.default_path_hook = FileSystemFactory(*handlers)
-    def _search_meta_path(self, name, path=None):
-        """Check the importers on sys.meta_path for a loader along with the
-        extended meta path sequence stored within this instance.
-        The extended sys.meta_path entries are searched after the entries on
-        sys.meta_path.
-        """
-        for entry in (tuple(sys.meta_path) + self.extended_meta_path):
-            loader = entry.find_module(name, path)
-            if loader:
-                return loader
-        else:
-            raise ImportError("No module named %s" % name)
-    def _sys_path_importer(self, path_entry):
-        """Return the importer for the specified path, from
-        sys.path_importer_cache if possible.
-        If None is stored in sys.path_importer_cache then use the default path
-        hook.
-        """
-        try:
-            # See if an importer is cached.
-            importer = sys.path_importer_cache[path_entry]
-            # If None was returned, use default importer factory.
-            if importer is None:
-                # XXX Would it break backwards-compatibility to set the importer
-                # in sys.path_importer_cache, replacing the None entry?
-                return self.default_path_hook(path_entry)
-            else:
-                return importer
-        except KeyError:
-            # No cached importer found; try to get a new one from
-            # sys.path_hooks.
-            for importer_factory in sys.path_hooks:
-                try:
-                    importer = importer_factory(path_entry)
-                    # XXX Going to break backwards-compatibility by storing
-                    # an instance of the default importer?  None still handled
-                    # properly so shouldn't be any different than some other
-                    # importer being stored.
-                    sys.path_importer_cache[path_entry] = importer
-                    return importer
-                except ImportError:
-                    continue
-            else:
-                # No importer factory on sys.path_hooks works; use the default
-                # importer factory.
-                try:
-                    importer = self.default_path_hook(path_entry)
-                    sys.path_importer_cache[path_entry] = importer
-                    return importer
-                except ImportError:
-                    sys.path_importer_cache[path_entry] = None
-                    raise ImportError("no importer found for %s" % path_entry)
-    def _search_std_path(self, name, path=None):
-        """Check sys.path or 'path' (depending if 'path' is set) for the
-        named module and return its loader."""
-        if path:
-            search_paths = path
-        else:
-            search_paths = sys.path
-        for entry in search_paths:
-            try:
-                importer = self._sys_path_importer(entry)
-            except ImportError:
-                continue
-            loader = importer.find_module(name)
-            if loader:
-                return loader
-        else:
-            raise ImportError("No module found named %s" % name)
-    def _import_module(self, name, path=None):
-        """Import the specified module with no handling of parent modules.
-        If None is set for a value in sys.modules (to signify that a relative
-        import was attempted and failed) then ImportError is raised.
-        """
-        if name in sys.modules:
-            value = sys.modules[name]
-            if value is None:
-                raise ImportError("relative import redirect")
-            else:
-                return value
-        try:
-            # Attempt to find a loader on sys.meta_path.
-            loader = self._search_meta_path(name, path)
-        except ImportError:
-            # sys.meta_path search failed.  Attempt to find a loader on
-            # sys.path.  If this fails then module cannot be found.
-            loader = self._search_std_path(name, path)
-        # A loader was found.  It is the loader's responsibility to have put an
-        # entry in sys.modules.
-        return loader.load_module(name)
-    def _import_full_module(self, name):
-        """Import a module along with its parent modules and set into
-        sys.modules."""
-        # Import the module (importing its parent modules first).
-        name_parts = name.split('.')
-        current_name_parts = []
-        parent_module = None
-        path_list = None
-        # XXX Any perk to being optimistic and assuming parent modules were
-        # imported already, and thus search in the reverse order for the first module
-        # to be found?
-        for name_part in name_parts:
-            current_name_parts.append(name_part)
-            # Recreating name every time around the loop is sub-optimal, but
-            # does away with base case of a non-dotted name.
-            current_name = ".".join(current_name_parts)
-            if parent_module:
-                try:
-                    path_list = parent_module.__path__
-                except AttributeError:
-                    pass
-            module = self._import_module(current_name, path_list)
-            if parent_module:
-                setattr(parent_module, name_part, module)
-            parent_module = module
-    def _classic_resolve_name(self, name, caller_name, caller_is_package):
-        """Return the absolute name of the module specified in 'name' as based
-        on the name of the caller and whether it is a package."""
-        if caller_is_package:
-            base_name = caller_name
-        else:
-            if '.' not in caller_name:
-                # Importing in a top-level module, so name is already absolute.
-                return name
-            else:
-                base_name = caller_name.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
-        return base_name + '.' + name
-    def _resolve_name(self, name, caller_name, caller_is_package, level):
-        """Return the absolute name of the module specified by 'name' based on
-        where the module is being imported and the requested change in dotted
-        name level.
-        Absolute imports always take the form of ``from <name> import ...``.
-        This means that the number of leading dots in '<name>' becomes 'level'
-        and the rest of '<name>' becomes 'name'.  This leads to the possibility
-        that 'name' is the empty string, representing the current package.
-        """
-        if caller_is_package:
-            level -= 1
-        if caller_name.count('.') < level:
-            raise ImportError("attempted relative import beyond top-level "
-                                "pacakge")
-        base_name = caller_name.rsplit('.', level)[0]
-        if name:
-            return base_name + '.' + name
-        else:
-            return base_name
-    def _return_module(self, absolute_name, relative_name, fromlist):
-        """Return the proper module based on what module was requested (and its
-        absolute module name), who is
-        requesting it, and whether any speicific attributes were specified.
-        The semantics of this method revolve around 'fromlist'.  When it is
-        empty, the module up to the first dot is to be returned.  When the
-        module being requested is an absolute name this is simple (and
-        relative_name is an empty string).  But if the requested module was
-        a relative import (as signaled by relative_name having a non-false
-        value), then the name up to the first dot in the relative name resolved
-        to an absolute name is to be returned.
-        When fromlist is not empty and the module being imported is a package,
-        then the values
-        in fromlist need to be checked for.  If a value is not a pre-existing
-        attribute a relative import is attempted.  If it fails then suppressed
-        the failure silently.
-        """
-        if not fromlist:
-            if relative_name:
-                absolute_base = absolute_name.rpartition(relative_name)[0]
-                relative_head = relative_name.split('.', 1)[0]
-                to_return = absolute_base + relative_head
-            else:
-                to_return = absolute_name.split('.', 1)[0]
-            return sys.modules[to_return]
-        # When fromlist is not empty, return the actual module specified in
-        # the import.
-        else:
-            module = sys.modules[absolute_name]
-            if hasattr(module, '__path__') and hasattr(module, '__name__'):
-                # When fromlist has a value and the imported module is a
-                # package, then if a name in fromlist is not found as an
-                # attribute on module, try a relative import to find it.
-                # Failure is fine and the exception is suppressed.
-                check_for = list(fromlist)
-                if '*' in check_for and hasattr(module, '__all__'):
-                    check_for.extend(module.__all__)
-                for item in check_for:
-                    if item == '*':
-                        continue
-                    if not hasattr(module, item):
-                        resolved_name = self._resolve_name(item, module.__name__,
-                                                            True, 1)
-                        try:
-                            self._import_full_module(resolved_name)
-                        except ImportError:
-                            pass
-            return module
-    def __call__(self, name, globals={}, locals={}, fromlist=[], level=-1):
-        """Import a module.
-        The 'name' argument is the name of the module to be imported (e.g.,
-        'foo' in ``import foo`` or ``from foo import ...``).
-        'globals' and 'locals' are the global and local namespace dictionaries
-        of the module where the import statement appears.  'globals' is used to
-        introspect the __path__ and __name__ attributes of the module making
-        the call.  'local's is ignored.
-        'fromlist' lists any specific objects that are to eventually be put
-        into the namespace (e.g., ``from for.bar import baz`` would have 'baz'
-        in the fromlist, and this includes '*').  An entry of '*' will lead to
-        a check for __all__ being defined on the module.  If it is defined then
-        the values in __all__ will be checked to make sure that all values are
-        attributes on the module, attempting a module import relative to 'name'
-        to set that attribute.
-        When 'name' is a dotted name, there are two different situations to
-        consider for the return value.  One is when the fromlist is empty.
-        In this situation the import statement imports and returns the name up
-        to the first dot.  All subsequent names are imported but set as
-        attributes as needed on parent modules.  When fromlist is not empty
-        then the module represented by the full dotted name is returned.
-        'level' represents how to handle possible relative imports.  If 'level'
-        is set to -1 then the module name could be either relative or absolute.
-        A value of 0 is for absolute module names., Any positive value
-        represents the number of dots listed in the relative import statement
-        (e.g. has a value of 2 for ``from .. import foo``).
-        """
-        if not name and level < 1:
-            raise ValueError("Empty module name")
-        is_pkg = True if '__path__' in globals else False
-        caller_name = globals.get('__name__')
-        with ImportLockContext():
-            if level and caller_name:
-                # Handle the classic style of import: relative first, then
-                # absolute.
-                if level == -1:
-                    relative_name = self._classic_resolve_name(name, caller_name,
-                                                                is_pkg)
-                    imported_name = relative_name
-                    try:
-                        # Try a relative import.
-                        self._import_full_module(imported_name)
-                    except ImportError:
-                        # If the relative import fails (or is redirected), try an
-                        # absolute import.
-                        imported_name = name
-                        self._import_full_module(imported_name)
-                        # Redirection entry for resolved relative name to instead
-                        # redirect to the absolute import.
-                        sys.modules[relative_name] = None
-                # If using absolute imports with a relative path, only attempt with
-                # the fully-resolved module name.
-                else:
-                    imported_name = self._resolve_name(name, caller_name, is_pkg,
-                                                        level)
-                    # This call will also handle setting the attribute on the
-                    # package.
-                    self._import_full_module(imported_name)
-            # Absolute module import of a top-level module.
-            else:
-                imported_name = name
-                self._import_full_module(name)
-            relative_name = '' if imported_name == name else name
-            return self._return_module(imported_name, relative_name, fromlist)

Deleted: /sandbox/trunk/import_in_py/mock_importer.py
--- /sandbox/trunk/import_in_py/mock_importer.py	Tue Jan  9 23:45:05 2007
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import marshal
-import imp
-from test import test_support
-from importer import _w_long
-def log_call(method):
-    """Log method calls to self.log."""
-    def log_and_call(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        self.log.append(method.__name__)
-        return method(self, *args, **kwargs)
-    return log_and_call
-class MockModule(object):
-    """A mock module."""
-    def __init__(self, name=None, file_path=None, pkg_list=None, __all__=None):
-        if name is not None:
-            self.__name__ = name
-        if file_path is not None:
-            self.__file__ = file_path
-        if pkg_list is not None:
-            self.__path__ = pkg_list
-        if __all__ is not None:
-            self.__all__ = __all__
-class MockHandler(object):
-    """Mock a handler."""
-    def __init__(self, *handles):
-        self.handles = handles
-    def handle_code(self, loader, mod_name, path, package=None):
-        """Mock implementation of a handler.
-        An object that can have arbitrary attributes attached to it must be
-        returned.
-        """
-        module = sys.modules.get(mod_name)
-        if module is None:
-            module = self
-            sys.modules[mod_name] = self
-        try:
-            module.loader = loader
-            module.module_name = mod_name
-            module.path = path
-            module.package = package
-        except AttributeError:
-            pass
-        return module
-class MockPyPycLoader(object):
-    """Mock loader object for testing importer.PyPycHandler.
-    Opaque path objects are two-item tuple consisting of a string representing
-    the base path and another string representing the type.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, file_path, handler, package=None):
-        """Store arguments passed into the constructor for verification."""
-        self.file_path = file_path
-        self.handler = handler
-        self.package = package
-    @classmethod
-    def setup(cls, good_magic=True, good_timestamp=True, pyc_exists=True,
-                    py_exists=True, good_bytecode=True):
-        """Set up the mock loader based on possible scenarios of source and
-        bytecode combinations/issues."""
-        self = cls('<setup>', '<setup>')
-        self.module_name = 'test_module'
-        self.py_ext = "source" if py_exists else None
-        self.pyc_ext = "bytecode" if pyc_exists else None
-        self.base_path = "base path"
-        self.py_path = (self.base_path, self.py_ext)
-        self.pyc_path = (self.base_path, self.pyc_ext)
-        self.modification_time = 1
-        # Needed for read_data on source path.
-        self.attr_name = 'test_attr'
-        self.attr_value = None
-        self.source = "%s = %s" % (self.attr_name, self.attr_value)
-        code_object = compile(self.source, "<mock loader>", 'exec')
-        bytecode = marshal.dumps(code_object)
-        if good_magic:
-            pyc = imp.get_magic()
-        else:
-            magic = imp.get_magic()
-            pyc = magic[:3] + chr(ord(magic[3]) - 1)
-        if good_timestamp:
-            pyc += _w_long(self.modification_time)
-        else:
-            pyc += _w_long(self.modification_time - 1)
-        # Needed for read_data on .pyc path.
-        if good_bytecode:
-            self.pyc = pyc + bytecode
-        else:
-            self.pyc = pyc + "asd4asfasd4ae4fds"
-        self.log = []
-        return self
-    def _create_handler(self, handler):
-        if self.py_ext:
-            py_ext = (self.py_ext,)
-        else:
-            py_ext = tuple()
-        if self.pyc_ext:
-            pyc_ext = (self.pyc_ext,)
-        else:
-            pyc_ext = tuple()
-        return handler(py_ext, pyc_ext)
-    def _handle_py(self, handler, package=None):
-        args = [self, self.module_name, self.py_path]
-        if package is not None:
-            args.append(package)
-        return handler.handle_code(*args)
-    def _handle_pyc(self, handler, package=None):
-        args = [self, self.module_name, self.pyc_path]
-        if package is not None:
-            args.append(package)
-        return handler.handle_code(*args)
-    def _verify_module(self, module, test_metadata=True):
-        if not hasattr(module, 'test_attr'):
-            raise test_support.TestFailed("test_attr attribute missing")
-        if not module.test_attr is None:
-            raise test_support.TestFailed("test_attr not set to None")
-        if test_metadata:
-            assert module.__name__ == self.module_name
-            assert module.__loader__ == self
-            assert self.base_path in module.__file__
-            assert (self.pyc_ext in module.__file__ or
-                    self.py_ext in module.__file__)
-        return True
-    def load_module(self, fullname):
-        """Return what the method was called with."""
-        return fullname
-    @log_call
-    def split_path(self, path):
-        """'path' should be a two-item tuple, so just return it since the
-        caller expects two items back."""
-        assert (path[0] == self.base_path and
-                path[1] in (self.py_ext, self.pyc_ext))
-        return path
-    @log_call
-    def create_path(self, base, type_, must_exist=False):
-        """Create a tuple from 'base' and type_."""
-        assert base == self.base_path
-        assert type_ in (self.py_ext, self.pyc_ext)
-        if must_exist:
-            if type_ not in (self.py_ext, self.pyc_ext):
-                return None
-            else:
-                return (base, type_)
-        else:
-            return (base, type_)
-    @log_call
-    def mod_time(self, path):
-        """Consider self.modification_time the baseline modification time."""
-        assert path[0] == self.base_path
-        assert path[1] == self.py_ext
-        return self.modification_time
-    @log_call
-    def read_data(self, path, binary):
-        """Return the proper source or binary data based on the path."""
-        assert path[0] == self.base_path
-        assert path[1] in (self.py_ext, self.pyc_ext)
-        if binary:
-            assert self.pyc_ext and path[1] == self.pyc_ext
-            return self.pyc
-        else:
-            assert self.py_ext and path[1] == self.py_ext
-            return self.source
-    @log_call
-    def write_data(self, data, path, binary):
-        """Should only be requested to write to a bytecode path."""
-        assert path[0] == self.base_path
-        assert self.pyc_ext
-        assert path[1] == self.pyc_ext, "%s != %s" % (path[1], self.pyc_ext)
-        assert binary
-        assert data[:4] == imp.get_magic()
-        assert _w_long(self.modification_time) == data[4:8]
-        module = MockModule(self.module_name)
-        code = marshal.loads(data[8:])
-        exec code in module.__dict__
-        assert self._verify_module(module, False)
-        return None
-# Mock Importers (with optional path_hooks support).
-class ErrorImporter(object):
-    """Mock importer to have a guaranteed error point."""
-    def find_module(self, fullname, path=None):
-        self.find_request = fullname, path
-        raise ImportError
-    @classmethod
-    def set_on_sys_path(cls):
-        error_entry = '<error>'
-        sys.path.append(error_entry)
-        ins = cls()
-        sys.path_importer_cache[error_entry] = ins
-        return ins
-class PassImporter(object):
-    """Mock importer that always pass on importing a module."""
-    def __call__(self, path_entry):
-        """Always pass when asked to create an importer."""
-        raise ImportError
-    def find_module(self, fullname, path=None):
-        self.find_request = fullname, path
-        return None
-    @classmethod
-    def set_on_sys_path(cls):
-        pass_entry = '<pass>'
-        sys.path.append(pass_entry)
-        ins = cls()
-        sys.path_importer_cache[pass_entry] = ins
-        return ins
-class SucceedImporter(object):
-    """Mock importer that always succeed by returning 'self'."""
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.path_entries = []
-        self.loaded_modules = []
-    def __call__(self, path_entry):
-        self.path_entries.append(path_entry)
-        return self
-    def find_module(self, fullname, path=None):
-        self.find_request = fullname, path
-        return self
-    def load_module(self, fullname):
-        self.load_request = fullname
-        module = MockModule(fullname, '<succeed importer>')
-        self.loaded_modules.append(module)
-        sys.modules[fullname] = module
-        return module
-    @classmethod
-    def set_on_sys_path(cls):
-        succeed_entry = '<success>'
-        sys.path.append(succeed_entry)
-        ins = cls()
-        sys.path_importer_cache[succeed_entry] = ins
-        return ins

Copied: sandbox/trunk/import_in_py/mock_importlib.py (from r53280, sandbox/trunk/import_in_py/mock_importer.py)
--- sandbox/trunk/import_in_py/mock_importer.py	(original)
+++ sandbox/trunk/import_in_py/mock_importlib.py	Tue Jan  9 23:45:05 2007
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 import marshal
 import imp
 from test import test_support
-from importer import _w_long
+from importlib import _w_long
 def log_call(method):
     """Log method calls to self.log."""

Deleted: /sandbox/trunk/import_in_py/test_importer.py
--- /sandbox/trunk/import_in_py/test_importer.py	Tue Jan  9 23:45:05 2007
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,1525 +0,0 @@
-import importer
-import unittest
-from test import test_support
-import mock_importer
-import contextlib
-import imp
-import marshal
-import new
-import os
-import py_compile
-import shutil
-import StringIO
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import warnings
-class BuiltinFrozen_Tester(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Common test cases for built-in and frozen modules.
-    Expected attributes:
-    * self.importer
-        The meta_path importer to test.
-    * self.module_name
-        Name of a module that the importer can import.
-    * self.bad_module_names
-        Sequence of module names that cannot be imported.
-    """
-    def test_find_module_basic(self):
-        # Make sure expected modules can be found.
-        self.failUnless(self.importer.find_module(self.module_name))
-    def test_find_module_failures(self):
-        # Modules of the wrong type should not be found.
-        for module_name in self.bad_module_names:
-            self.failUnlessEqual(self.importer.find_module(module_name), None)
-    def test_find_module_arg_count(self):
-        # Cover proper number of arguments.
-        self.failUnlessRaises(TypeError, self.importer.find_module)
-        self.failUnlessRaises(TypeError, self.importer.find_module,
-                                self.module_name, None, None)
-    def test_load_module_prev_import_check(self):
-        # If a module is already in sys.modules it should be returned without
-        # being re-initialized.
-        self.failUnlessEqual(self.importer.load_module(self.module_name),
-                             sys.modules[self.module_name])
-    def test_load_module_new_import(self):
-        # Make sure importing of a module that was not done before works
-        # properly.
-        # Do not forget to put any removed module back into sys.modules!
-        # Certain modules like 'sys' have some attributes that are set
-        # only once during interpreter initialization and are never set
-        # again afterwards.
-        mod = None
-        try:
-            if self.module_name in sys.modules:
-                mod = sys.modules[self.module_name]
-                del sys.modules[self.module_name]
-            loaded_module = self.importer.load_module(self.module_name)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(self.module_name, loaded_module.__name__)
-        finally:
-            if mod:
-                sys.modules[self.module_name] = mod
-    def test_load_module_ImportError(self):
-        self.failUnlessRaises(ImportError,
-                                self.importer.load_module,
-                                self.bad_module_names[0])
-    def test_load_module_arg_count(self):
-        self.failUnlessRaises(TypeError, self.importer.load_module)
-        self.failUnlessRaises(TypeError, self.importer.load_module,
-                                self.module_name, None, None)
-class BuiltinImporterTests(BuiltinFrozen_Tester):
-    """Test the built-in module importer."""
-    importer = importer.BuiltinImporter
-    module_name = 'sys'
-    bad_module_names = ('tokenize', 'time', '__hello__')
-class FrozenImporterTests(BuiltinFrozen_Tester):
-    """Test the frozen module importer.
-    Python include the __hello__ and __phello__  frozen modules (as defined in
-    Python/frozen.c).  Both do output to the screen, though, which should be
-    suppressed during testing.
-    """
-    importer = importer.FrozenImporter
-    module_name = '__hello__'
-    bad_module_names = ('tokenize', 'time', 'sys')
-    def setUp(self):
-        """Importing the testing frozen modules outputs to stdout.  Redirect
-        stdout to block that."""
-        self._orig_stdout = sys.stdout
-        sys.stdout = StringIO.StringIO()
-    def tearDown(self):
-        """Reset stdout to what it is by default."""
-        sys.stdout = self._orig_stdout
-class FrozenPackageModuleTests(FrozenImporterTests):
-    """Tests the frozen module import for modules in packages."""
-    module_name = '__phello__.spam'
-class FrozenPackageInitTests(FrozenImporterTests):
-    """Tests the frozen module import for package __init__ modules."""
-    module_name = '__phello__'
-class TestPyPycFiles(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Base class to help in generating a fresh source and bytecode file.
-    Structure of created files:
-    * directory/
-        + py_path [module_name + py_ext]
-        + pyc_path [module_name +pyc_ext]
-    """
-    def setUp(self, faked_names=True):
-        """Generate the path to a temporary file to test with.
-        If faked_names is true then all names are non-standard compared to
-        normal Python files.
-        """
-        # Set needed info for file paths.
-        if faked_names:
-            self.module_name = '<test_module>'
-            self.py_ext = '.source'
-            self.pyc_ext = '.bytecode'
-        else:
-            self.module_name = '_test_module'
-            self.py_ext = '.py'
-            self.pyc_ext = '.pyc' if __debug__ else '.pyo'
-        try:
-            del sys.modules[self.module_name]
-        except KeyError:
-            pass
-        self.directory = tempfile.gettempdir()
-        self.test_attr = ('test_attr', None)
-        self.py_path = os.path.join(self.directory,
-                                    self.module_name+self.py_ext)
-        self.pyc_path = os.path.join(self.directory,
-                                        self.module_name+self.pyc_ext)
-        # Create source file.
-        self.source = '%s = %r' % self.test_attr
-        with open(self.py_path, 'w') as py_file:
-            py_file.write(self.source)
-        # Create bytecode file.
-        py_compile.compile(self.py_path, self.pyc_path, 'exec')
-        code = compile(self.source, self.pyc_path, 'exec')
-        self.bytecode = marshal.dumps(code)
-        sys.path.insert(0, self.directory)
-    def tearDown(self):
-        """If the temporary path was used, make sure to clean up."""
-        if self.directory in sys.path:
-            sys.path.remove(self.directory)
-        if os.path.exists(self.py_path):
-            os.remove(self.py_path)
-        if os.path.exists(self.pyc_path):
-            os.remove(self.pyc_path)
-    def verify_module(self, module, file_path=None):
-        """Verify that the module is correct."""
-        if file_path:
-            self.failUnlessEqual(module.__name__, self.module_name)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(module.__file__, file_path)
-        self.failUnless(hasattr(module, self.test_attr[0]))
-        self.failUnlessEqual(getattr(module, self.test_attr[0]),
-                                self.test_attr[1])
-class TestPyPycPackages(TestPyPycFiles):
-    """Create a testing package.
-    Structure of created files (on top of files created in superclasses):
-    * self.directory/
-        + top_level_module_path [top_level_module_name + py_ext]
-        + pkg_path/ [pkg_name]
-            - pkg_init_path [ '__init__' + py_ext]
-            - pkg_module_path [module_name + py_ext]
-            - sub_pkg_path/ [sub_pkg_name]
-                * sub_pkg_init_path ['__init__' + py_ext]
-                * sub_pkg_module_path [module_name + py_ext]
-    """
-    def setUp(self, faked_names=True):
-        TestPyPycFiles.setUp(self, faked_names)
-        self.top_level_module_name = 'top_level_' + self.module_name
-        self.top_level_module_path = os.path.join(self.directory,
-                                        self.top_level_module_name+self.py_ext)
-        with open(self.top_level_module_path, 'w') as top_level_file:
-            top_level_file.write(self.source)
-        if faked_names:
-            self.pkg_name = '<test_pkg>'
-        else:
-            self.pkg_name = '_test_pkg'
-        self.pkg_path = os.path.join(self.directory, self.pkg_name)
-        try:
-            os.mkdir(self.pkg_path)
-        except OSError:
-            self.tearDown()
-            os.mkdir(self.pkg_path)
-        self.pkg_init_path = os.path.join(self.pkg_path,
-                                            '__init__'+self.py_ext)
-        with open(self.pkg_init_path, 'w') as pkg_file:
-            pkg_file.write(self.source)
-        self.pkg_module_name = '.'.join([self.pkg_name, self.module_name])
-        self.pkg_module_path = os.path.join(self.pkg_path,
-                                        self.module_name+self.py_ext)
-        with open(self.pkg_module_path, 'w') as module_file:
-            module_file.write(self.source)
-        self.sub_pkg_tail_name = 'sub_pkg'
-        self.sub_pkg_name = '.'.join([self.pkg_name, self.sub_pkg_tail_name])
-        self.sub_pkg_path = os.path.join(self.pkg_path, self.sub_pkg_tail_name)
-        os.mkdir(self.sub_pkg_path)
-        self.sub_pkg_init_path = os.path.join(self.sub_pkg_path,
-                                                '__init__'+self.py_ext)
-        with open(self.sub_pkg_init_path, 'w') as subpkg_file:
-            subpkg_file.write(self.source)
-        self.sub_pkg_module_name = '.'.join([self.sub_pkg_name,
-                                            self.module_name])
-        self.sub_pkg_module_path = os.path.join(self.sub_pkg_path,
-                                                self.module_name+self.py_ext)
-        with open(self.sub_pkg_module_path, 'w') as submodule_file:
-            submodule_file.write(self.source)
-    def tearDown(self):
-        TestPyPycFiles.tearDown(self)
-        os.remove(self.top_level_module_path)
-        pyc_path = (os.path.splitext(self.top_level_module_path)[0] +
-                    self.pyc_ext)
-        if os.path.exists(pyc_path):
-            os.remove(pyc_path)
-        shutil.rmtree(self.pkg_path)
-    def verify_package(self, module, actual_name=None):
-        self.failUnless(hasattr(module, self.test_attr[0]))
-        self.failUnlessEqual(getattr(module, self.test_attr[0]),
-                                self.test_attr[1])
-        if module.__name__ == self.pkg_name:
-            self.failUnlessEqual(module.__file__, self.pkg_init_path)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(module.__path__, [self.pkg_path])
-            # Module in top-level package.
-            if actual_name and self.pkg_module_name in actual_name:
-                self.failUnless(hasattr(module, self.module_name))
-                sub_module = getattr(module, self.module_name)
-                self.failUnlessEqual(sub_module.__name__, self.pkg_module_name)
-                self.failUnlessEqual(sub_module.__file__, self.pkg_module_path)
-                self.verify_module(sub_module)
-            # Package within top-level package.
-            if actual_name and self.sub_pkg_name in actual_name:
-                self.failUnless(hasattr(module, self.sub_pkg_tail_name))
-                sub_pkg = getattr(module, self.sub_pkg_tail_name)
-                self.failUnlessEqual(sub_pkg.__name__, self.sub_pkg_name)
-                self.failUnlessEqual(sub_pkg.__file__, self.sub_pkg_init_path)
-                self.failUnlessEqual(sub_pkg.__path__, [self.sub_pkg_path])
-                self.verify_module(sub_pkg)
-                if actual_name == self.sub_pkg_module_name:
-                    self.failUnless(hasattr(sub_pkg, self.module_name))
-                    sub_module = getattr(sub_pkg, self.module_name)
-                    self.failUnlessEqual(sub_module.__name__,
-                                            self.sub_pkg_module_name)
-                    self.failUnlessEqual(sub_module.__file__,
-                                            self.sub_pkg_module_path)
-                    self.verify_module(sub_module)
-        if module.__name__ == self.pkg_module_name:
-            self.failUnlessEqual(module.__file__, self.pkg_module_path)
-class FileSystemFactoryTests(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Test the filesystem path_hooks factory function."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        mock_handler = mock_importer.MockHandler('.X')
-        self.factory = importer.FileSystemFactory(mock_handler)
-    def test_absolute_path_accepted(self):
-        # Passing in an absolute path to a directory should be accepted.
-        importer_ = self.factory(os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()))
-        self.failUnless(isinstance(importer_, importer.FileSystemImporter))
-    def test_relative_path_accepted(self):
-        # Passing in a relative directory path should be accepted.
-        importer_ = self.factory('')
-        self.failUnless(isinstance(importer_, importer.FileSystemImporter))
-    def test_bad_directory(self):
-        # Should raise ImportError when used on a non-existing directory.
-        self.failUnlessRaises(ImportError, self.factory, 'sdadfasdfsdfsadfsdf')
-    def test_file(self):
-        # Passing in a file should raise ImportError.
-        with open(test_support.TESTFN, 'w') as test_file:
-            test_file.write('for testing FileSystemFactory')
-        try:
-            self.failUnlessRaises(ImportError, self.factory,
-                                    test_support.TESTFN)
-        finally:
-            os.remove(test_support.TESTFN)
-class FileSystemImporterTests(TestPyPycPackages):
-    """Test the filesystem importer."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        """Create a basic importer."""
-        TestPyPycPackages.setUp(self)
-        self.handler = mock_importer.MockHandler(self.py_ext)
-        self.importer = importer.FileSystemImporter(self.directory,
-                                                    self.handler)
-        self.importer.loader = mock_importer.MockPyPycLoader
-    def test_module_case_sensitivity(self):
-        # Case-sensitivity should always matter as long as PYTHONCASEOK is not
-        # set.
-        name_len = len(self.top_level_module_name)
-        bad_case_name = (self.top_level_module_name[:name_len/2].upper() +
-                            self.top_level_module_name[name_len/2:].lower())
-        env_guard = test_support.EnvironmentVarGuard()
-        env_guard.unset('PYTHONCASEOK')
-        with env_guard:
-            self.failUnless(not self.importer.find_module(bad_case_name))
-        if sys.platform not in ('win32', 'mac', 'darwin', 'cygwin', 'os2emx',
-                'riscos'):
-            return
-        env_guard = test_support.EnvironmentVarGuard()
-        env_guard.set('PYTHONCASEOK', '1')
-        with env_guard:
-            assert os.environ['PYTHONCASEOK']
-            self.failUnless(self.importer.find_module(bad_case_name))
-    def test_package_case_sensitivity(self):
-        # Case-sensitivity should always matter as long as PYTHONCASEOK is not
-        # set.
-        name_len = len(self.pkg_name)
-        bad_case_name = (self.pkg_name[:name_len/2].upper() +
-                            self.pkg_name[name_len/2:].lower())
-        bad_init_name = os.path.join(self.directory, self.pkg_name,
-                                        '__INit__.py')
-        env_guard = test_support.EnvironmentVarGuard()
-        env_guard.unset('PYTHONCASEOK')
-        with env_guard:
-            self.failUnless(not self.importer.find_module(bad_case_name))
-            os.unlink(self.pkg_init_path)
-            with open(bad_init_name, 'w') as init_file:
-                init_file.write('# Test case-sensitivity of imports.')
-            self.failUnless(not self.importer.find_module(self.pkg_name))
-        if sys.platform not in ('win32', 'mac', 'darwin', 'cygwin', 'os2emx',
-                'riscos'):
-            return
-        os.unlink(bad_init_name)
-        with open(self.pkg_init_path, 'w') as init_file:
-            init_file.write('# Used for testing import.')
-        env_guard = test_support.EnvironmentVarGuard()
-        env_guard.set('PYTHONCASEOK', '1')
-        with env_guard:
-            assert os.environ['PYTHONCASEOK']
-            self.failUnless(self.importer.find_module(bad_case_name))
-            with open(bad_init_name, 'w') as init_file:
-                init_file.write('# Used to test case-insensitivity of import.')
-            self.failUnless(self.importer.find_module(self.pkg_name))
-    def test_find_module_single_handler(self):
-        # Having a single handler should work without issue.
-        loader = self.importer.find_module(self.module_name)
-        self.failUnless(isinstance(loader, mock_importer.MockPyPycLoader))
-        self.failUnlessEqual(loader.file_path, self.py_path)
-        self.failUnless(isinstance(loader.handler, mock_importer.MockHandler))
-        self.failUnless(loader.package is None)
-    def test_find_module_cannot_find(self):
-        # Should return None if it can't find the module.
-        found = self.importer.find_module('gobbledeegook')
-        self.failUnlessEqual(found, None)
-    def test_find_module_multiple_handlers(self):
-        # Modules should be found based on the order of the handlers.
-        # mock
-        first_handler = mock_importer.MockHandler('.not_found')
-        second_handler = mock_importer.MockHandler(self.py_ext)
-        fs_importer = importer.FileSystemImporter(self.directory,
-                                                  first_handler,
-                                                  second_handler)
-        fs_importer.loader = mock_importer.MockPyPycLoader
-        loader = fs_importer.find_module(self.module_name)
-        self.failUnless(isinstance(loader, mock_importer.MockPyPycLoader))
-        self.failUnlessEqual(loader.file_path, self.py_path)
-        self.failUnless(isinstance(loader.handler, mock_importer.MockHandler))
-    def test_pkg_discovery(self):
-        # If a module name refers to a directory with an __init__ file it
-        # should be recognized as a package.
-        loader = self.importer.find_module(self.pkg_name)
-        self.failUnless(isinstance(loader, mock_importer.MockPyPycLoader))
-        self.failUnlessEqual(loader.file_path, self.pkg_init_path)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(loader.handler, self.handler)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(loader.package, self.pkg_path)
-    def test_pkg_before_module(self):
-        # Importing a name that is represented as both a package and a module
-        # should give precedence to the package.
-        module_path = os.path.join(self.directory, self.pkg_name + self.py_ext)
-        with open(module_path, 'w') as test_file:
-            test_file.write("blah")
-        try:
-            loader = self.importer.find_module(self.pkg_name)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(loader.file_path, self.pkg_init_path)
-        finally:
-            os.remove(module_path)
-    def test_directory_no_init_warning(self):
-        # If a directory matches for a package name but lacks an __init__.py
-        # file then raise ImportWarning.
-        os.remove(self.pkg_init_path)
-        with test_support.guard_warnings_filter():
-            warnings.simplefilter('error', ImportWarning)
-            self.failUnlessRaises(ImportWarning, self.importer.find_module,
-                                    self.pkg_name)
-class FileSystemLoaderMockEnv(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Helper for settting up mock environment for testing
-    importer.FileSystemLoader."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        """Create a fresh loader per run."""
-        mock_handler = mock_importer.MockHandler()
-        self.test_path = "<test path>"
-        self.pkg_path = "<test pkg>"
-        self.pkg_init_path = os.path.join(self.pkg_path, '__init__.test')
-        self.module_name = "test_module_name"
-        self.pkg_name = "test_pkg"
-        self.loader = importer.FileSystemLoader(self.test_path,
-                                                mock_handler)
-    def tearDown(self):
-        """Make sure that there is no straggling modules in sys.modules."""
-        try:
-            del sys.modules[self.module_name]
-        except KeyError:
-            pass
-        try:
-            del sys.modules[self.pkg_name]
-        except KeyError:
-            pass
-class FileSystemLoaderBlackBoxTests(FileSystemLoaderMockEnv):
-    """Test the filesystem loader's PEP 302 API compliance."""
-    def test_load_module_fresh(self):
-        # Test a basic module load where there is no sys.modules entry.
-        new_module = self.loader.load_module(self.module_name)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(new_module.loader, self.loader)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(new_module.module_name, self.module_name)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(new_module.path, self.test_path)
-    def test_load_module_sys_modules(self):
-        # Make sure that the loader returns the module from sys.modules if it
-        # is there.
-        sys.modules[self.module_name] = self.module_name
-        loaded_module = self.loader.load_module(self.module_name)
-        self.failUnless(loaded_module is self.module_name)
-    def test_sys_module_cleared_on_error(self):
-        # Any entry made for module into sys.modules should be cleared upon error.
-        class RaiseErrorHandler(object):
-            def handle_code(*args):
-                raise ImportError
-        loader = importer.FileSystemLoader(self.test_path, RaiseErrorHandler())
-        try:
-            loader.load_module(self.module_name)
-        except ImportError:
-            self.failUnless(self.module_name not in sys.modules)
-    def test_package_init(self):
-        # Test that instantiating a loader for handling a package works
-        # properly.
-        pkg_loader = importer.FileSystemLoader(self.pkg_init_path,
-                                                mock_importer.MockHandler(),
-                                                self.pkg_path)
-        module = pkg_loader.load_module(self.pkg_name)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(module.loader, pkg_loader)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(module.path, self.pkg_init_path)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(module.module_name, self.pkg_name)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(module.package, self.pkg_path)
-class FileSystemLoaderWhiteBoxTests(FileSystemLoaderMockEnv):
-    """Test the filesystem loader's non-PEP 302 API."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        """Set up a test file."""
-        super(FileSystemLoaderWhiteBoxTests, self).setUp()
-        self.directory = tempfile.gettempdir()
-        self.file_ext = ".test"
-        self.module_name = "import_test"
-        self.file_name = self.module_name + self.file_ext
-        self.file_path = os.path.join(self.directory, self.file_name)
-        self.data = "File used for testing 'importer' module.\r\n42"
-        with open(self.file_path, 'w') as test_file:
-            test_file.write(self.data)
-    def tearDown(self):
-        """Delete the test file."""
-        super(FileSystemLoaderWhiteBoxTests, self).tearDown()
-        try:
-            os.remove(self.file_path)
-        except OSError:
-            pass
-    def test_mod_time(self):
-        # Modification time for the passed-in path should match the file.
-        true_mod_time = os.stat(self.file_path).st_mtime
-        mod_time = self.loader.mod_time(self.file_path)
-        self.failUnless(isinstance(mod_time, (int, long)))
-        self.failUnlessEqual(mod_time, true_mod_time)
-    def test_split_path(self):
-        # Should split a path just like os.path.splitext().
-        true_split_path = os.path.splitext(self.file_path)
-        split_path = self.loader.split_path(self.file_path)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(split_path, true_split_path)
-    def test_create_path(self):
-        # Should work like concatenating two strings.
-        true_path = self.file_path
-        path = self.loader.create_path(*self.loader.split_path(
-                                                        self.file_path))
-        self.failUnlessEqual(path, true_path)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(None, self.loader.create_path('sadfasdfd', 'aaa',
-                                                            True))
-        self.failUnlessEqual('ab', self.loader.create_path('a', 'b'))
-    def test_read_data(self):
-        # Should be able to read a file.
-        data = self.loader.read_data(self.file_path, False)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(data, self.data.replace('\r', ''))
-        data = self.loader.read_data(self.file_path, True)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(data, self.data)
-        test_text = '1\r\n2'
-    def test_write_data(self):
-        # Should be able to write a file.
-        self.loader.write_data(self.data, self.file_path, True)
-        with open(self.file_path, 'rb') as test_file:
-            data = test_file.read()
-        self.failUnlessEqual(data, self.data)
-        # XXX How to test data written with/without 'b'?
-class PyPycHandlerSupportingMethodTests(TestPyPycFiles):
-    """Test the py/pyc handler."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        TestPyPycFiles.setUp(self)
-        self.handler = importer.PyPycHandler()
-    def test_init(self):
-        # Test __init__ usage.
-        proper_bytecode_ext = '.pyc' if __debug__ else '.pyo'
-        for source_ext, bytecode_ext in ((None, None), (('A',), None),
-                                         (None, ('A',)), (('A',), ('B',))):
-            handler = importer.PyPycHandler(source_ext, bytecode_ext)
-            if source_ext is None:
-                source = ('.py',)
-            if bytecode_ext is None:
-                bytecode = (proper_bytecode_ext,)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(self.handler.source_handles, source)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(self.handler.bytecode_handles, bytecode)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(self.handler.handles, bytecode + source)
-    def test_new_module(self):
-        # Should return a new module with the proper value for __name__.
-        module = self.handler.new_module('test')
-        self.failUnlessEqual('test', module.__name__)
-        self.failUnless(isinstance(module, importer.__class__))
-    def test_parse_pyc(self):
-        # Split up data from .pyc file for the magic number, timestamp,
-        # and bytecode.
-        with open(self.pyc_path, 'rb') as bytecode_file:
-            pyc = bytecode_file.read()
-        magic, timestamp, bytecode = self.handler.parse_pyc(pyc)
-        code = marshal.loads(bytecode)
-        module = mock_importer.MockModule(self.module_name, self.py_path)
-        exec code in module.__dict__
-        self.verify_module(module, self.py_path)
-    def test_check_magic(self):
-        # Compare a number against the magic number.
-        magic_number = imp.get_magic()
-        self.failUnless(self.handler.check_magic(magic_number))
-        smaller_number = magic_number[:3] + chr(ord(magic_number[3]) - 1)
-        self.failUnless(not self.handler.check_magic(smaller_number))
-        larger_number = magic_number[:3] + chr(ord(magic_number[3]) + 1)
-        self.failUnless(not self.handler.check_magic(larger_number))
-    def test_code_from_bytecode(self):
-        # Create a code object from bytecode; raises ValueError if code object
-        # cannot be created.
-        code_object = self.handler.code_from_bytecode(self.bytecode)
-        module = mock_importer.MockModule(self.module_name)
-        exec code_object in module.__dict__
-        self.verify_module(module)
-        self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, self.handler.code_from_bytecode,
-                                "234lkjfdase4")
-    def test_code_from_source(self):
-        # Create a code object from source.
-        code = self.handler.code_from_source(self.source, self.py_path)
-        module = mock_importer.MockModule(self.module_name)
-        exec code in module.__dict__
-        self.verify_module(module)
-    def test_create_pyc(self):
-        # Test creating bytes for creating a .pyc file.
-        bytecode = 'bytecode'
-        timestamp = 42
-        data = self.handler.create_pyc(bytecode, timestamp)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(imp.get_magic(), data[:4])
-        # XXX Using importer module's marshal long function.
-        self.failUnlessEqual(timestamp, importer._r_long(data[4:8]))
-        self.failUnlessEqual(marshal.dumps(bytecode), data[8:])
-class PyPycHandlerHandleCodeTests(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Test PyPycHandler.handle_code().
-    Various situations that must be handled (and thus tested):
-    * Valid .pyc
-        + .py exists [test_good_pyc_w_py]
-        + No .py .
-    * Invalid .pyc
-        + Reasons it is invalid
-            - Bad magic number.
-                * With .py [test_bad_magic_w_py]
-                * Without .py [test_bad_magic_no_py]
-            - .pyc stale based on timestamp.
-                * Requires .py [test_bad_timestamp_w_py]
-            - Bytecode is malformed.
-                * With .py [test_bad_bytecode_w_py]
-                * Without .py [test_bad_bytecode_no_py]
-    * No .pyc
-        + Valid .py
-            - Regenerate .pyc [test_py_w_pyc]
-            - Do not create .pyc [test_py_no_pyc]
-    """
-    def test_good_pyc_w_py(self):
-        # Test using a .pyc file that is valid and a .py file exists.
-        loader = mock_importer.MockPyPycLoader.setup()
-        handler = loader._create_handler(importer.PyPycHandler)
-        module = loader._handle_pyc(handler)
-        loader._verify_module(module)
-        # Source code should never be read, only bytecode.
-        self.failUnlessEqual(loader.log.count('read_data'), 1)
-        # Bytecode should not be written.
-        self.failUnless("write_data" not in loader.log)
-    def test_bad_magic_no_py(self):
-        # ImportError should be raised when a .pyc has a bad magic number and
-        # there is no corresponding .py file.
-        loader = mock_importer.MockPyPycLoader.setup(good_magic=False,
-                                                        py_exists=False)
-        handler = loader._create_handler(importer.PyPycHandler)
-        self.failUnlessRaises(ImportError, loader._handle_pyc, handler)
-    def test_bad_bytecode_no_py(self):
-        # A .pyc file with bad bytecode (but good magic number and timestamp)
-        # should raise an ImportError.
-        loader = mock_importer.MockPyPycLoader.setup(py_exists=False,
-                                                     good_bytecode=False)
-        handler = loader._create_handler(importer.PyPycHandler)
-        self.failUnlessRaises(ImportError, loader._handle_pyc, handler)
-    def test_bad_magic_w_py(self):
-        # A .pyc file with a bad magic number should lead to the .py file being
-        # used to generate a new .pyc.
-        loader = mock_importer.MockPyPycLoader.setup(good_magic=False)
-        handler = loader._create_handler(importer.PyPycHandler)
-        module = loader._handle_pyc(handler)
-        loader._verify_module(module)
-        self.failUnless("write_data" in loader.log)
-    def test_bad_timestamp_w_py(self):
-        # A .pyc file with a outdated timestamp should be regenerated.
-        loader = mock_importer.MockPyPycLoader.setup(good_timestamp=False)
-        handler = loader._create_handler(importer.PyPycHandler)
-        module = loader._handle_pyc(handler)
-        loader._verify_module(module)
-        self.failUnless("write_data" in loader.log)
-    def test_bad_bytecode_w_py(self):
-        # Even when there is a valid .py file, if the .pyc file has bad bytecode
-        # ImportError is raised.
-        loader = mock_importer.MockPyPycLoader.setup(good_bytecode=False)
-        handler = loader._create_handler(importer.PyPycHandler)
-        self.failUnlessRaises(ImportError, loader._handle_pyc, handler)
-    def test_py_no_pyc(self):
-        # Test importing a .py file where no .pyc path is available.
-        loader = mock_importer.MockPyPycLoader.setup(pyc_exists=False)
-        handler = loader._create_handler(importer.PyPycHandler)
-        module = loader._handle_py(handler)
-        loader._verify_module(module)
-        self.failUnless('write_data' not in loader.log)
-        # No attempt should be made to read bytecode.
-        self.failUnlessEqual(loader.log.count('read_data'), 1)
-    def test_py_w_pyc(self):
-        # Test importing a .py file and a .pyc path is available.
-        loader = mock_importer.MockPyPycLoader.setup()
-        handler = loader._create_handler(importer.PyPycHandler)
-        module = loader._handle_py(handler)
-        loader._verify_module(module)
-        self.failUnless('write_data' in loader.log)
-    def test_package_init(self):
-        # Handling a package should set __path__ properly.
-        loader = mock_importer.MockPyPycLoader.setup(pyc_exists=False)
-        handler = loader._create_handler(importer.PyPycHandler)
-        pkg_path = 'pkg path'
-        module = loader._handle_py(handler, pkg_path)
-        loader._verify_module(module)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(module.__path__, [pkg_path])
-    def test_sys_modules_used(self):
-        # Handler should re-initialize an existing module in sys.modules
-        # (needed for 'reload').
-        loader = mock_importer.MockPyPycLoader.setup()
-        original_module = mock_importer.MockModule(loader.module_name)
-        original_value = -13
-        assert loader.attr_value != original_value
-        setattr(original_module, loader.attr_name, original_value)
-        sys.modules[loader.module_name] = original_module
-        handler = loader._create_handler(importer.PyPycHandler)
-        new_module = loader._handle_pyc(handler)
-        self.failUnless(new_module is original_module)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(getattr(new_module, loader.attr_name),
-                                loader.attr_value)
-class ExtensionHandlerTests(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Test that extension modules can be loaded."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        """Find an extension module to test against."""
-        self.handler = importer.ExtensionFileHandler()
-        for entry in sys.path:
-            if not os.path.isdir(entry):
-                continue
-            ext_paths = [ext for ext in os.listdir(entry)
-                            if any(True for suffix in self.handler.handles
-                                    if ext.endswith(suffix))]
-            if ext_paths:
-                break
-        else:
-            raise test_support.TestSkipped("not extension modules found")
-        self.ext_path = os.path.join(entry, ext_paths[0])
-        self.module_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(self.ext_path)[1])[0]
-        self.loader = mock_importer.MockHandler()
-    def test_handle_code(self):
-        # Make sure an extension module can be loaded.
-        module = self.handler.handle_code(self.loader, self.module_name,
-                                            self.ext_path)
-        # There should be at least one attribute that does not start with '_'.
-        self.failUnless(any(True for attr in dir(module)
-                            if not attr.startswith('_')))
-class ImportHelper(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Common helper methods for testing the Importer class."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        """Store a copy of the 'sys' attribute pertaining to imports."""
-        # Don't backup sys.modules since dict is cached.
-        # Don't clear sys.modules as it can wreak havoc
-        # (e.g., losing __builtin__).
-        self.old_sys_modules = sys.modules.copy()
-        self.old_meta_path = sys.meta_path[:]
-        sys.meta_path = []
-        self.old_sys_path = sys.path[:]
-        sys.path = []
-        self.old_path_hooks = sys.path_hooks[:]
-        sys.path_hooks = []
-        self.old_path_importer_cache = sys.path_importer_cache.copy()
-        sys.path_importer_cache.clear()
-        self.default_importer = mock_importer.PassImporter()
-        self.importer = importer.Import(self.default_importer, tuple())
-    def tearDown(self):
-        """Restore backup of import-related attributes in 'sys'."""
-        sys.modules.clear()
-        sys.modules.update(self.old_sys_modules)
-        sys.meta_path = self.old_meta_path
-        sys.path = self.old_sys_path
-        sys.path_hooks = self.old_path_hooks
-        sys.path_importer_cache = self.old_path_importer_cache
-    def clear_sys_modules(*modules):
-        for module in modules:
-            try:
-                del sys.modules[module]
-            except KeyError:
-                pass
-class ImportHelper2(ImportHelper):
-    """Create mock modules."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        ImportHelper.setUp(self)
-        self.parent_name = '<parent>'
-        self.child_name = '<child>'
-        self.full_child_name = '.'.join([self.parent_name, self.child_name])
-        self.parent_module = mock_importer.MockModule(self.parent_name)
-        self.child_module = mock_importer.MockModule(self.full_child_name)
-        setattr(self.parent_module, self.child_name, self.child_module)
-class ImportNameResolutionTests(ImportHelper2):
-    """Test the absolute name resolution for relative imports."""
-    def test_classic_relative_import_in_package(self):
-        # Importing from within a package's __init__ file should lead to a
-        # resolved import name of the package name tacked on to the name of the
-        # module being imported.
-        resolved_name = self.importer._classic_resolve_name(self.child_name,
-                                                            self.parent_name,
-                                                            True)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(resolved_name, self.full_child_name)
-    def test_classic_relative_import_in_module(self):
-        # Importing within a module in a package should lead to the importer's
-        # module name being removed and replaced with the name of what is to be
-        # imported.
-        calling_from = self.parent_name + '.' + '<calling from>'
-        resolved_name = self.importer._classic_resolve_name(self.child_name,
-                                                                calling_from,
-                                                                False)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(resolved_name, self.full_child_name)
-    def test_relative_import_in_package_for_a_module(self):
-        # Trying to import a single level within a package within it's __init__
-        # module should stay within the package.
-        # ``from .child_name import ...`` in a package.
-        resolved_name = self.importer._resolve_name(self.child_name,
-                                                    self.parent_name, True, 1)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(resolved_name, self.full_child_name)
-    def test_relative_import_in_module_for_a_module(self):
-        # Importing from within a module in a package should try to import from
-        # within the same directory as the module requesting the import.
-        # ``from .child_name import ...`` in a package module.
-        calling_from = self.parent_name + '.' + '<calling from>'
-        resolved_name = self.importer._resolve_name(self.child_name,
-                                                    calling_from, False, 1)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(resolved_name, self.full_child_name)
-    def test_relative_import_deep_in_package(self):
-        # Calling from a deep point in the package should still work.
-        depth = 10
-        name_extension = (str(x) for x in xrange(10))
-        calling_from = self.parent_name + '.' + '.'.join(name_extension)
-        resolved_name = self.importer._resolve_name(self.child_name,
-                calling_from, False, depth)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(resolved_name, self.full_child_name)
-    def test_attempt_to_escape_out_of_package_init(self):
-        # Attempting to go too high out of a package in its __init__ file
-        # should raise ImportError.
-        # ``from ..child_name import ...`` in a top-level package.
-        self.failUnlessRaises(ImportError, self.importer._resolve_name,
-                self.child_name, self.parent_name, True, 2)
-    def test_attempt_to_escape_out_of_package_module(self):
-        # Attempting to go too high in the package from a module should raise
-        # ImportError.
-        # ``from ..child_name import ...`` in a top-level package module.
-        calling_from = self.parent_name + '.' + '<calling from>'
-        self.failUnlessRaises(ImportError, self.importer._resolve_name,
-                                self.child_name, calling_from, False, 2)
-    def test_relative_import_in_top_level(self):
-        # Attempting a relative import in a top-level location should raise
-        # ImportError.
-        # ``from .child_name import ...`` outside of a package.
-        self.failUnlessRaises(ImportError, self.importer._resolve_name,
-                                self.child_name, self.parent_name, False, 1)
-    def test_relative_import_in_package_init(self):
-        # ``from . import ...`` in a package.
-        resolved_name = self.importer._resolve_name('', self.parent_name, True,
-                                                    1)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(resolved_name, self.parent_name)
-    def test_relative_import_in_package_module(self):
-        # ``from . import ...`` in a package module.
-        resolved_name = self.importer._resolve_name('', self.full_child_name,
-                                                    False, 1)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(resolved_name, self.parent_name)
-    def test_relative_import_redirection(self):
-        # Having a relative module name resolve to a name that has a value of
-        # None in sys.modules should redirect to import an absolute import for
-        # the specified name.
-        module_name = '<to import>'
-        pkg_name = '<pkg>'
-        resolved_relative_name = module_name + '.' + pkg_name
-        expected_module = mock_importer.MockModule(module_name)
-        sys.modules[resolved_relative_name] = None
-        sys.modules[module_name] = expected_module
-        importing_globals = {'__name__':pkg_name, '__path__':['some path']}
-        imported = self.importer(module_name, importing_globals, level=-1)
-        self.failUnless(imported is expected_module)
-class ImportFromListTests(ImportHelper2):
-    """Test conditions based on fromlist."""
-    def test_fromlist_relative_import(self):
-        # Any items specified in fromlist while importing a package needs to be
-        # checked as to whether it is a pre-existing attribute or should be
-        # considered a declaration for a relative import.
-        module_name = '<module name>'
-        pkg_name = '<pkg name>'
-        full_module_name = pkg_name + '.' + module_name
-        # Already have package imported.
-        pkg_module = mock_importer.MockModule(pkg_name, pkg_list=['some path'])
-        sys.modules[pkg_name] = pkg_module
-        # Make sure implicit import succeeds.
-        succeed = mock_importer.SucceedImporter()
-        sys.meta_path.append(succeed)
-        # Import the package with a fromlist of the module.
-        module = self.importer._return_module(pkg_name, '',
-                                                fromlist=[module_name])
-        self.failUnless(hasattr(module, module_name))
-        fromlist_module = getattr(module, module_name)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(fromlist_module.__name__, full_module_name)
-    def test_fromlist_nonexistent(self):
-        # If something listed in a fromlist does not exist the import
-        # should still succeed.
-        pkg_name = '<pkg name>'
-        pkg_module = mock_importer.MockModule(pkg_name, pkg_list=['some path'])
-        sys.modules[pkg_name] = pkg_module
-        nonexistent_attr = 'asdfsdfd'
-        module = self.importer._return_module(pkg_name, '',
-                                                fromlist=[nonexistent_attr])
-        self.failUnless(not hasattr(module, nonexistent_attr))
-    def test_fromlist_existing(self):
-        # A value in fromlist that already exists should not lead to a relative
-        # import.
-        pkg_name = '<pkg name>'
-        pkg_module = mock_importer.MockModule(pkg_name, pkg_list=['some path'])
-        attr = 'some_attr'
-        setattr(pkg_module, attr, None)
-        sys.modules[pkg_name] = pkg_module
-        failing_import = mock_importer.ErrorImporter()
-        sys.meta_path.append(failing_import)
-        module = self.importer(pkg_name, fromlist=[attr])
-        self.failUnless(hasattr(module, attr))
-        self.failUnless(not hasattr(failing_import, 'find_request'))
-    def test_fromlist_nonpackage(self):
-        # No implicit imports of values in fromlist should be done if a module
-        # is what is being imported specifically.
-        module_name = '<module>'
-        module = mock_importer.MockModule(module_name)
-        sys.modules[module_name] = module
-        failing_import = mock_importer.ErrorImporter()
-        sys.meta_path.append(failing_import)
-        imported_module = self.importer(module_name, fromlist=['sadfsdd'])
-        self.failUnless(not hasattr(failing_import, 'find_request'))
-    def test_fromlist_relative_import_all(self):
-        # When '*' is passed in for fromlist, __all__ should be used for the
-        # possibility of a relative import.
-        module_name = '<module name>'
-        pkg_name = '<pkg name>'
-        full_module_name = pkg_name + '.' + module_name
-        pkg_module = mock_importer.MockModule(pkg_name, pkg_list=['some path'],
-                                                __all__=[module_name])
-        sys.modules[pkg_name] = pkg_module
-        succeed = mock_importer.SucceedImporter()
-        sys.meta_path.append(succeed)
-        # Also tests that fromlist can be a tuple and still work.
-        module = self.importer(pkg_name, fromlist=('*',))
-        self.failUnless(hasattr(module, module_name))
-        relative_module = getattr(module, module_name)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(relative_module.__name__, full_module_name)
-    def test_empty_fromlist(self):
-        # An empty fromlist means that the root module is returned.
-        sys.modules[self.parent_name] = self.parent_module
-        sys.modules[self.full_child_name] = self.child_module
-        module = self.importer._return_module(self.full_child_name, '', [])
-        self.failUnless(module is self.parent_module)
-    def test_nonempty_fromlist(self):
-        # A fromlist with values should return the specified module.
-        sys.modules[self.parent_name] = self.parent_module
-        sys.modules[self.full_child_name] = self.child_module
-        test_attr_name = 'test_attr'
-        setattr(self.child_module, test_attr_name, None)
-        module = self.importer._return_module(self.full_child_name, '',
-                                                [test_attr_name])
-        self.failUnless(module is self.child_module)
-    def test_relative_import_empty_fromlist(self):
-        # If a relative import (with no dot) is performed with an empty fromlist
-        # then the module specified in the relative name is returned.
-        sys.modules[self.full_child_name] = self.child_module
-        sys.modules[self.parent_name] = self.parent_module
-        module = self.importer._return_module(self.full_child_name,
-                                                self.child_name, [])
-        self.failUnless(module is self.child_module)
-    def test_deep_relative_import_empty_fromlist(self):
-        # If the relative name of a module has a dot, return the module that
-        # resolves to the absolute name of the module up to the first dot.
-        sys.modules[self.full_child_name] = self.child_module
-        sys.modules[self.parent_name] = self.parent_module
-        extra_depth = '.baz'
-        absolute_name = self.full_child_name + extra_depth
-        relative_name = self.child_name + extra_depth
-        module = self.importer._return_module(absolute_name, relative_name, [])
-        self.failUnless(module is self.child_module)
-class ImportMiscTests(ImportHelper2):
-    """Test miscellaneous parts of the Import class.
-    Tests of the default values for __init__ are handled in the integration
-    tests.
-    """
-    def test_sys_module_return(self):
-        # A module found in sys.modules should be returned immediately.
-        sys.modules[self.parent_name] = self.parent_module
-        module = self.importer._import_module(self.parent_name)
-        self.failUnless(module is self.parent_module)
-    def test_sys_module_None(self):
-        # If sys.modules contains None for a module name, then raise ImportError.
-        module_name = '<module>'
-        sys.modules[module_name] = None
-        self.failUnlessRaises(ImportError, self.importer._import_module,
-                                module_name)
-    def test_parent_missing(self):
-        # An import should fail if a parent module cannot be found.
-        sys.modules[self.full_child_name] = self.child_module
-        self.failUnlessRaises(ImportError, self.importer, self.full_child_name)
-    def test_parent_imported(self):
-        # If a parent module is already imported, importing a child module
-        # should work (along with setting the attribute on the parent for the
-        # child module).
-        delattr(self.parent_module, self.child_name)
-        succeed_importer = mock_importer.SucceedImporter()
-        sys.meta_path.append(succeed_importer)
-        sys.modules[self.parent_name] = self.parent_module
-        self.importer(self.full_child_name)
-        self.failUnless(hasattr(self.parent_module, self.child_name))
-        self.failUnlessEqual(getattr(self.parent_module, self.child_name),
-                                sys.modules[self.full_child_name])
-    def test_parent_not_imported(self):
-        # If a parent module is not imported yet, it should be imported.
-        # The attribute on the parent module for the child module should also
-        # be set.
-        delattr(self.parent_module, self.child_name)
-        succeed_importer = mock_importer.SucceedImporter()
-        sys.meta_path.append(succeed_importer)
-        self.importer(self.full_child_name)
-        self.failUnless(self.parent_name in sys.modules)
-        self.failUnless(self.full_child_name in sys.modules)
-        self.failUnless(hasattr(sys.modules[self.parent_name], self.child_name))
-        self.failUnlessEqual(getattr(sys.modules[self.parent_name],
-                                        self.child_name),
-                                sys.modules[self.full_child_name])
-    def test_None_not_set_for_import_failure(self):
-        # If an import that is tried both relative and absolute fails there
-        # should not be an entry of None for the resolved relative name.
-        module_name = '<should fail>'
-        pkg_name = '<non-existent package>'
-        resolved_name = module_name + '.' + pkg_name
-        importing_globals = {'__name__':pkg_name, '__path__':['path']}
-        self.failUnlessRaises(ImportError, self.importer, module_name,
-                                importing_globals, {}, [], -1)
-        self.failUnless(resolved_name not in sys.modules)
-    def test_empty_string(self):
-        # An empty string should raise ValueError if level is not > 0.
-        for level in (-1, 0):
-            self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, self.importer, '', {}, {}, level)
-class ImportMetaPathTests(ImportHelper):
-    """Test meta_path usage."""
-    def test_search_meta_path(self):
-        # Test search method of sys.meta_path.
-        # Should raise ImportError on error.
-        self.clear_sys_modules('sys')
-        self.failUnlessRaises(ImportError, self.importer._search_meta_path,
-                                'sys')
-        # Verify call order.
-        meta_path = (mock_importer.PassImporter(),
-                        mock_importer.SucceedImporter())
-        sys.meta_path = meta_path
-        loader = self.importer._search_meta_path('sys')
-        for entry in meta_path:
-            self.failUnlessEqual(entry.find_request, ('sys', None))
-        self.failUnless(loader is meta_path[-1])
-    def test_extended_meta_path(self):
-        # Default meta_path entries set during initialization should be
-        # queried after sys.meta_path.
-        self.clear_sys_modules('sys')
-        pass_importer = mock_importer.PassImporter()
-        sys.meta_path = [pass_importer]
-        succeed_importer = mock_importer.SucceedImporter()
-        importer_ = importer.Import(extended_meta_path=(succeed_importer,))
-        module = importer_._import_module('sys')
-        for meta_importer in (pass_importer, succeed_importer):
-            self.failUnlessEqual(meta_importer.find_request, ('sys', None))
-        self.failUnless(module in succeed_importer.loaded_modules)
-    def test_parent_path(self):
-        # If a parent module has __path__ defined it should be passed as an
-        # argument during importing.
-        pkg_name = '<pkg>'
-        module_name = '<module>'
-        test_path = ['<test path>']
-        pkg_module = mock_importer.MockModule(pkg_name)
-        pkg_module.__path__ = test_path
-        sys.modules[pkg_name] = pkg_module
-        succeed_importer = mock_importer.SucceedImporter()
-        sys.meta_path.append(succeed_importer)
-        full_module_name = '.'.join([pkg_name, module_name])
-        lookup_args = (full_module_name, test_path)
-        self.importer(full_module_name)
-        self.failUnless(full_module_name in sys.modules)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(succeed_importer.find_request, lookup_args)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(succeed_importer.load_request, lookup_args[0])
-class ImportStdPathTests(ImportHelper):
-    """Test sys.path usage."""
-    def test_default_importer_factory(self):
-        # Make sure that the object passed in during initialization is used
-        # when sys.path_importer_cache has a value of None.
-        module_name = '<dummy>'
-        self.clear_sys_modules(module_name)
-        succeed_importer = mock_importer.SucceedImporter()
-        importer_ = importer.Import(succeed_importer, tuple())
-        sys.meta_path = []
-        sys.path = ['<succeed>']
-        sys.path_importer_cache['<succeed>'] = None
-        module = importer_._import_module(module_name)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(succeed_importer.find_request,
-                                (module_name, None))
-        self.failUnless(module in succeed_importer.loaded_modules)
-    def test_search_std_path(self):
-        # Test sys.path searching for a loader.
-        module_name = '<dummy>'
-        self.clear_sys_modules(module_name)
-        importer_ = importer.Import(extended_meta_path=())
-        sys.path = []
-        pass_importer = mock_importer.PassImporter.set_on_sys_path()
-        succeed_importer = mock_importer.SucceedImporter.set_on_sys_path()
-        sys_path = (pass_importer, succeed_importer)
-        module = importer_._import_module(module_name)
-        for entry in sys_path:
-            self.failUnlessEqual(entry.find_request, (module_name, None))
-        self.failUnless(module in succeed_importer.loaded_modules)
-    def test_importer_cache_preexisting(self):
-        # A pre-existing importer should be returned if it exists in
-        # sys.path_importer_cache.
-        module_name = '<dummy>'
-        self.clear_sys_modules(module_name)
-        sys.path = []
-        succeed_importer = mock_importer.SucceedImporter.set_on_sys_path()
-        loader = self.importer._search_std_path(module_name)
-        self.failUnless(loader is succeed_importer)
-    def test_importer_cache_from_path_hooks(self):
-        # If an entry does not exist for a sys.path entry in the importer cache
-        # then sys.path_hooks should be searched and if one is found then cache
-        # it.
-        module_name = '<dummy>'
-        self.clear_sys_modules(module_name)
-        path_entry = '<succeed>'
-        succeed_importer = mock_importer.SucceedImporter()
-        sys.path = [path_entry]
-        sys.path_importer_cache.clear()
-        sys.path_hooks = [succeed_importer]
-        loader = self.importer._search_std_path(module_name)
-        self.failUnless(loader is succeed_importer)
-        self.failUnless(sys.path_importer_cache[path_entry] is
-                        succeed_importer)
-    def test_importer_cache_no_path_hooks(self):
-        # If an entry does not exist for a sys.path entry in the importer cache
-        # and sys.path_hooks has nothing for the entry, None should be set.
-        module_name = '<dummy>'
-        self.clear_sys_modules(module_name)
-        path_entry = '<test>'
-        sys.path = [path_entry]
-        sys.path_hooks = []
-        sys.path_importer_cache.clear()
-        self.failUnlessRaises(ImportError, self.importer._search_std_path,
-                                module_name)
-        self.failUnless(sys.path_importer_cache[path_entry] is None)
-    def test_searching_package_path(self):
-        # If importing in a package then search path is the package's __path__
-        # value; otherwise it is sys.path.
-        succeed_importer = mock_importer.SucceedImporter()
-        sys.path_hooks.append(succeed_importer)
-        search_paths = ['test path']
-        module_name = '<pkg>.<dummy>'
-        loader = self.importer._search_std_path(module_name, search_paths)
-        self.failUnless(loader is succeed_importer)
-        self.failUnless(search_paths[0] in succeed_importer.path_entries)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(succeed_importer.find_request,
-                                (module_name, None))
-        self.failUnless(search_paths[0] in sys.path_importer_cache)
-        self.clear_sys_modules(module_name)
-        del sys.path_importer_cache[search_paths[0]]
-        succeed_importer.path_entries = []
-        self.importer._import_module(module_name, search_paths)
-        self.failUnless(search_paths[0] in succeed_importer.path_entries)
-class IntegrationTests(TestPyPycPackages):
-    """Tests that verify the default semantics are what is expected.
-    Tests should verify that:
-    * The proper module was returned.
-    * All expected modules were added to sys.modules.
-    * All modules imported by the call have the proper attributes.
-    There are currently no tests for the import lock.
-    Need to test (both relative and absolute imports as needed):
-    * import module
-    * import package
-    * import package.module
-    * from module import attribute
-    * from package import module
-    * from package import attribute
-    * from package.module import attribute
-    * from package import *
-        + With __all__
-    """
-    def setUp(self):
-        TestPyPycPackages.setUp(self, False)
-        self.import_ = importer.Import()
-        self.cached_modules = []
-        if self.module_name in sys.modules:
-            del sys.modules[self.module_name]
-        if self.pkg_name in sys.modules:
-            del sys.modules[self.pkg_name]
-        if self.pkg_module_name in sys.modules:
-            del sys.modules[self.pkg_module_name]
-    def tearDown(self):
-        TestPyPycPackages.tearDown(self)
-        for module_name, module in self.cached_modules:
-            sys.modules[module_name] = module
-    def clear_sys_modules(self, *modules):
-        """Remove specified modules from sys.modules for a test and put back
-        during teardown."""
-        for module_name in modules:
-            try:
-                self.cached_modules.append((module_name,
-                    sys.modules[module_name]))
-                del sys.modules[module_name]
-            except KeyError:
-                pass
-    def test_builtin(self):
-        # Test importing a built-in module.
-        # ``import sys``
-        self.clear_sys_modules('sys')
-        module = self.import_('sys')
-        self.failUnlessEqual(module.__name__, 'sys')
-        # Only test for attributes that are not set during interpreter
-        # creation!
-        self.failUnless(hasattr(module, 'exc_info'))
-        self.failUnless(hasattr(module, 'version'))
-    def test_frozen(self):
-        # Importing a frozen module should work.
-        # ``import __hello__``
-        self.clear_sys_modules('__hello__')
-        faked_stdout = StringIO.StringIO()
-        sys.stdout = faked_stdout
-        try:
-            module = self.import_('__hello__')
-            self.failUnlessEqual(module.__name__, '__hello__')
-            self.failUnless('frozen' in module.__file__)
-        finally:
-            sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
-    def test_extension(self):
-        # Should be able to import extension modules.
-        # ``import time``
-        module = self.import_('time')
-        self.failUnlessEqual(module.__name__, 'time')
-        self.failUnless(hasattr(module, 'time'))
-    def test_pyc_w_py(self):
-        # Should be able to import a .pyc file when a .py is also present.
-        # ``import pyc`` with a corresponding .py .
-        module = self.import_(self.module_name)
-        self.verify_module(module, self.pyc_path)
-    def test_pyc_wo_py(self):
-        # Importing just a .pyc file (w/ no .py) should be okay.
-        # ``import pyc`` from a .pyc .
-        os.remove(self.py_path)
-        module = self.import_(self.module_name)
-        self.verify_module(module, self.pyc_path)
-    def test_sys_modules(self):
-        # Should be able to pull from sys.modules even if a file does not exist
-        # for the module.
-        # ``import module`` from sys.modules.
-        test_module_name = '<' + self.module_name + '>'
-        test_module = mock_importer.MockModule(test_module_name)
-        sys.modules[test_module_name] = test_module
-        try:
-            module = self.import_(test_module_name)
-            self.failUnless(module is test_module)
-        finally:
-            del sys.modules[test_module_name]
-    def test_py_creating_pyc(self):
-        # Importing a .py file should work and generate a .pyc file.
-        # ``import py`` creating a .pyc .
-        os.remove(self.pyc_path)
-        module = self.import_(self.module_name)
-        self.verify_module(module)
-        self.failUnless(os.path.exists(self.pyc_path))
-        with open(self.pyc_path, 'rb') as pyc_file:
-            data = pyc_file.read()
-        self.failUnlessEqual(data[:4], imp.get_magic())
-        py_mod = int(os.stat(self.py_path).st_mtime)
-        # XXX Using importer's _r_long.
-        pyc_mod = importer._r_long(data[4:8])
-        self.failUnlessEqual(py_mod, pyc_mod)
-        code = marshal.loads(data[8:])
-        module = mock_importer.MockModule(self.module_name)
-        exec code in module.__dict__
-        self.verify_module(module)
-    def test_top_level_package(self):
-        # Should be able to import a top-level package.
-        # ``import package``
-        module = self.import_(self.pkg_name)
-        self.verify_package(module)
-    def test_package_module(self):
-        # A module within a top-level package should work with the package not
-        # already imported.
-        # ``import package.module``
-        assert '.' in self.pkg_module_name
-        module = self.import_(self.pkg_module_name)
-        self.verify_package(module, self.pkg_module_name)
-    def test_sub_package(self):
-        # A package within a package should work.
-        # ``import package.subpackage``
-        module = self.import_(self.sub_pkg_name)
-        self.verify_package(module, self.sub_pkg_name)
-    def test_sub_package_module(self):
-        # A module contained within a sub-package should work.
-        # ``import package.subpackage.module``
-        module = self.import_(self.sub_pkg_module_name)
-        self.verify_package(module, self.sub_pkg_module_name)
-    def test_classic_relative_import_in_package_init(self):
-        # Importing within a package's __init__ file using a relative name
-        # should work properly.
-        # ``import module`` for 'package' where 'module' is 'package.module'.
-        package_globals = {'__name__':self.pkg_name, '__path__':['some_path']}
-        module = self.import_(self.module_name, package_globals, level=-1)
-        self.verify_package(module, self.pkg_module_name)
-    def test_classic_relative_import_in_module(self):
-        # Importing using a relative name in a module in a package should work.
-        # ``import module`` for 'package.some_module' where 'module' is
-        # 'package.module'.
-        module_globals = {'__name__':self.pkg_name + '.' + 'another_module'}
-        module = self.import_(self.module_name, module_globals, level=-1)
-        self.verify_package(module, self.pkg_module_name)
-    def test_absolute_name_in_classic_relative_context(self):
-        # Importing a module that happens to be ambiguous in terms of being
-        # relative or absolute, but only exists in an absolute name context,
-        # should work.  It should also lead to a value for None in sys.modules
-        # for the resolved relative name.
-        # ``import module`` for 'package' where 'module' is 'module'.
-        package_module_globals = {'__name__':self.pkg_module_name}
-        module = self.import_(self.top_level_module_name,
-                                package_module_globals, level=-1)
-        resolved_name = self.pkg_name + '.' + self.top_level_module_name
-        self.verify_package(module)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(module.__name__, self.top_level_module_name)
-        self.failUnless(sys.modules[resolved_name] is None)
-    def test_relative_import_in_package_init(self):
-        # Importing a module with a relative name in a package's __init__ file
-        # should work.
-        # ``from . import module`` for 'package'.
-        caller_globals = {'__name__':self.pkg_name, '__path__':[self.pkg_path]}
-        module = self.import_('', caller_globals, fromlist=[self.module_name],
-                                level=1)
-        self.verify_package(module, self.pkg_name)
-    def test_relative_import_in_package(self):
-        # Importing a module with a relative name in another module should
-        # work.
-        # ``from . import module`` for 'package.module'.
-        caller_globals = {'__name__':self.pkg_module_name}
-        module = self.import_('', caller_globals, fromlist=[self.module_name],
-                                level=1)
-        self.verify_package(module, self.pkg_name)
-    def test_relative_import_in_subpackages(self):
-        # ``from .. import module`` in 'package.subpackage'.
-        caller_globals = {'__name__':self.sub_pkg_name,
-                            '__path__':[self.sub_pkg_path]}
-        module = self.import_('', caller_globals, fromlist=[self.module_name],
-                                level=2)
-        self.verify_package(module, self.pkg_name)
-    def test_relative_import_of_package(self):
-        # ``from ..subpackage import module`` in 'package.subpackage'.
-        # XXX
-        caller_globals = {'__name__':self.sub_pkg_name,
-                            '__path__':[self.sub_pkg_path]}
-        module = self.import_(self.sub_pkg_tail_name, caller_globals,
-                                fromlist=[self.module_name], level=2)
-        self.verify_package(module, self.sub_pkg_name)
-    def test_relative_import_return(self):
-        # When importing from a relative name, the module up to the first dot
-        # of that relative name (made absolute) should be returned.
-        # ``import subpackage.module`` for 'package.module'.
-        module_globals = {'__name__':self.pkg_module_name}
-        relative_name = self.sub_pkg_tail_name + '.' + self.module_name
-        module = self.import_(relative_name, module_globals)
-        self.verify_package(module, self.sub_pkg_name)
-def test_main():
-    test_classes = [cls for cls in globals().itervalues()
-                        if isinstance(cls, type) and
-                            cls.__name__.endswith('Tests')]
-    test_support.run_unittest(*test_classes)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    test_main()

Copied: sandbox/trunk/import_in_py/test_importlib.py (from r53280, sandbox/trunk/import_in_py/test_importer.py)
--- sandbox/trunk/import_in_py/test_importer.py	(original)
+++ sandbox/trunk/import_in_py/test_importlib.py	Tue Jan  9 23:45:05 2007
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-import importer
+import importlib
 import unittest
 from test import test_support
-import mock_importer
+import mock_importlib
 import contextlib
 import imp
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
     """Test the built-in module importer."""
-    importer = importer.BuiltinImporter
+    importer = importlib.BuiltinImporter
     module_name = 'sys'
     bad_module_names = ('tokenize', 'time', '__hello__')
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
-    importer = importer.FrozenImporter
+    importer = importlib.FrozenImporter
     module_name = '__hello__'
     bad_module_names = ('tokenize', 'time', 'sys')
@@ -298,18 +298,18 @@
     """Test the filesystem path_hooks factory function."""
     def setUp(self):
-        mock_handler = mock_importer.MockHandler('.X')
-        self.factory = importer.FileSystemFactory(mock_handler)
+        mock_handler = mock_importlib.MockHandler('.X')
+        self.factory = importlib.FileSystemFactory(mock_handler)
     def test_absolute_path_accepted(self):
         # Passing in an absolute path to a directory should be accepted.
         importer_ = self.factory(os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()))
-        self.failUnless(isinstance(importer_, importer.FileSystemImporter))
+        self.failUnless(isinstance(importer_, importlib.FileSystemImporter))
     def test_relative_path_accepted(self):
         # Passing in a relative directory path should be accepted.
         importer_ = self.factory('')
-        self.failUnless(isinstance(importer_, importer.FileSystemImporter))
+        self.failUnless(isinstance(importer_, importlib.FileSystemImporter))
     def test_bad_directory(self):
         # Should raise ImportError when used on a non-existing directory.
@@ -333,10 +333,10 @@
     def setUp(self):
         """Create a basic importer."""
-        self.handler = mock_importer.MockHandler(self.py_ext)
-        self.importer = importer.FileSystemImporter(self.directory,
+        self.handler = mock_importlib.MockHandler(self.py_ext)
+        self.importer = importlib.FileSystemImporter(self.directory,
-        self.importer.loader = mock_importer.MockPyPycLoader
+        self.importer.loader = mock_importlib.MockPyPycLoader
     def test_module_case_sensitivity(self):
         # Case-sensitivity should always matter as long as PYTHONCASEOK is not
@@ -391,9 +391,9 @@
     def test_find_module_single_handler(self):
         # Having a single handler should work without issue.
         loader = self.importer.find_module(self.module_name)
-        self.failUnless(isinstance(loader, mock_importer.MockPyPycLoader))
+        self.failUnless(isinstance(loader, mock_importlib.MockPyPycLoader))
         self.failUnlessEqual(loader.file_path, self.py_path)
-        self.failUnless(isinstance(loader.handler, mock_importer.MockHandler))
+        self.failUnless(isinstance(loader.handler, mock_importlib.MockHandler))
         self.failUnless(loader.package is None)
     def test_find_module_cannot_find(self):
@@ -404,22 +404,22 @@
     def test_find_module_multiple_handlers(self):
         # Modules should be found based on the order of the handlers.
         # mock
-        first_handler = mock_importer.MockHandler('.not_found')
-        second_handler = mock_importer.MockHandler(self.py_ext)
-        fs_importer = importer.FileSystemImporter(self.directory,
+        first_handler = mock_importlib.MockHandler('.not_found')
+        second_handler = mock_importlib.MockHandler(self.py_ext)
+        fs_importer = importlib.FileSystemImporter(self.directory,
-        fs_importer.loader = mock_importer.MockPyPycLoader
+        fs_importer.loader = mock_importlib.MockPyPycLoader
         loader = fs_importer.find_module(self.module_name)
-        self.failUnless(isinstance(loader, mock_importer.MockPyPycLoader))
+        self.failUnless(isinstance(loader, mock_importlib.MockPyPycLoader))
         self.failUnlessEqual(loader.file_path, self.py_path)
-        self.failUnless(isinstance(loader.handler, mock_importer.MockHandler))
+        self.failUnless(isinstance(loader.handler, mock_importlib.MockHandler))
     def test_pkg_discovery(self):
         # If a module name refers to a directory with an __init__ file it
         # should be recognized as a package.
         loader = self.importer.find_module(self.pkg_name)
-        self.failUnless(isinstance(loader, mock_importer.MockPyPycLoader))
+        self.failUnless(isinstance(loader, mock_importlib.MockPyPycLoader))
         self.failUnlessEqual(loader.file_path, self.pkg_init_path)
         self.failUnlessEqual(loader.handler, self.handler)
         self.failUnlessEqual(loader.package, self.pkg_path)
@@ -449,17 +449,17 @@
 class FileSystemLoaderMockEnv(unittest.TestCase):
     """Helper for settting up mock environment for testing
-    importer.FileSystemLoader."""
+    importlib.FileSystemLoader."""
     def setUp(self):
         """Create a fresh loader per run."""
-        mock_handler = mock_importer.MockHandler()
+        mock_handler = mock_importlib.MockHandler()
         self.test_path = "<test path>"
         self.pkg_path = "<test pkg>"
         self.pkg_init_path = os.path.join(self.pkg_path, '__init__.test')
         self.module_name = "test_module_name"
         self.pkg_name = "test_pkg"
-        self.loader = importer.FileSystemLoader(self.test_path,
+        self.loader = importlib.FileSystemLoader(self.test_path,
     def tearDown(self):
@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@
             def handle_code(*args):
                 raise ImportError
-        loader = importer.FileSystemLoader(self.test_path, RaiseErrorHandler())
+        loader = importlib.FileSystemLoader(self.test_path, RaiseErrorHandler())
         except ImportError:
@@ -507,8 +507,8 @@
     def test_package_init(self):
         # Test that instantiating a loader for handling a package works
         # properly.
-        pkg_loader = importer.FileSystemLoader(self.pkg_init_path,
-                                                mock_importer.MockHandler(),
+        pkg_loader = importlib.FileSystemLoader(self.pkg_init_path,
+                                                mock_importlib.MockHandler(),
         module = pkg_loader.load_module(self.pkg_name)
         self.failUnlessEqual(module.loader, pkg_loader)
@@ -529,7 +529,7 @@
         self.module_name = "import_test"
         self.file_name = self.module_name + self.file_ext
         self.file_path = os.path.join(self.directory, self.file_name)
-        self.data = "File used for testing 'importer' module.\r\n42"
+        self.data = "File used for testing 'importlib' module.\r\n42"
         with open(self.file_path, 'w') as test_file:
@@ -587,14 +587,14 @@
     def setUp(self):
-        self.handler = importer.PyPycHandler()
+        self.handler = importlib.PyPycHandler()
     def test_init(self):
         # Test __init__ usage.
         proper_bytecode_ext = '.pyc' if __debug__ else '.pyo'
         for source_ext, bytecode_ext in ((None, None), (('A',), None),
                                          (None, ('A',)), (('A',), ('B',))):
-            handler = importer.PyPycHandler(source_ext, bytecode_ext)
+            handler = importlib.PyPycHandler(source_ext, bytecode_ext)
             if source_ext is None:
                 source = ('.py',)
             if bytecode_ext is None:
@@ -607,7 +607,7 @@
         # Should return a new module with the proper value for __name__.
         module = self.handler.new_module('test')
         self.failUnlessEqual('test', module.__name__)
-        self.failUnless(isinstance(module, importer.__class__))
+        self.failUnless(isinstance(module, importlib.__class__))
     def test_parse_pyc(self):
         # Split up data from .pyc file for the magic number, timestamp,
@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@
             pyc = bytecode_file.read()
         magic, timestamp, bytecode = self.handler.parse_pyc(pyc)
         code = marshal.loads(bytecode)
-        module = mock_importer.MockModule(self.module_name, self.py_path)
+        module = mock_importlib.MockModule(self.module_name, self.py_path)
         exec code in module.__dict__
         self.verify_module(module, self.py_path)
@@ -633,7 +633,7 @@
         # Create a code object from bytecode; raises ValueError if code object
         # cannot be created.
         code_object = self.handler.code_from_bytecode(self.bytecode)
-        module = mock_importer.MockModule(self.module_name)
+        module = mock_importlib.MockModule(self.module_name)
         exec code_object in module.__dict__
         self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, self.handler.code_from_bytecode,
@@ -642,7 +642,7 @@
     def test_code_from_source(self):
         # Create a code object from source.
         code = self.handler.code_from_source(self.source, self.py_path)
-        module = mock_importer.MockModule(self.module_name)
+        module = mock_importlib.MockModule(self.module_name)
         exec code in module.__dict__
@@ -652,8 +652,8 @@
         timestamp = 42
         data = self.handler.create_pyc(bytecode, timestamp)
         self.failUnlessEqual(imp.get_magic(), data[:4])
-        # XXX Using importer module's marshal long function.
-        self.failUnlessEqual(timestamp, importer._r_long(data[4:8]))
+        # XXX Using importlib module's marshal long function.
+        self.failUnlessEqual(timestamp, importlib._r_long(data[4:8]))
         self.failUnlessEqual(marshal.dumps(bytecode), data[8:])
@@ -684,8 +684,8 @@
     def test_good_pyc_w_py(self):
         # Test using a .pyc file that is valid and a .py file exists.
-        loader = mock_importer.MockPyPycLoader.setup()
-        handler = loader._create_handler(importer.PyPycHandler)
+        loader = mock_importlib.MockPyPycLoader.setup()
+        handler = loader._create_handler(importlib.PyPycHandler)
         module = loader._handle_pyc(handler)
         # Source code should never be read, only bytecode.
@@ -696,32 +696,32 @@
     def test_bad_magic_no_py(self):
         # ImportError should be raised when a .pyc has a bad magic number and
         # there is no corresponding .py file.
-        loader = mock_importer.MockPyPycLoader.setup(good_magic=False,
+        loader = mock_importlib.MockPyPycLoader.setup(good_magic=False,
-        handler = loader._create_handler(importer.PyPycHandler)
+        handler = loader._create_handler(importlib.PyPycHandler)
         self.failUnlessRaises(ImportError, loader._handle_pyc, handler)
     def test_bad_bytecode_no_py(self):
         # A .pyc file with bad bytecode (but good magic number and timestamp)
         # should raise an ImportError.
-        loader = mock_importer.MockPyPycLoader.setup(py_exists=False,
+        loader = mock_importlib.MockPyPycLoader.setup(py_exists=False,
-        handler = loader._create_handler(importer.PyPycHandler)
+        handler = loader._create_handler(importlib.PyPycHandler)
         self.failUnlessRaises(ImportError, loader._handle_pyc, handler)
     def test_bad_magic_w_py(self):
         # A .pyc file with a bad magic number should lead to the .py file being
         # used to generate a new .pyc.
-        loader = mock_importer.MockPyPycLoader.setup(good_magic=False)
-        handler = loader._create_handler(importer.PyPycHandler)
+        loader = mock_importlib.MockPyPycLoader.setup(good_magic=False)
+        handler = loader._create_handler(importlib.PyPycHandler)
         module = loader._handle_pyc(handler)
         self.failUnless("write_data" in loader.log)
     def test_bad_timestamp_w_py(self):
         # A .pyc file with a outdated timestamp should be regenerated.
-        loader = mock_importer.MockPyPycLoader.setup(good_timestamp=False)
-        handler = loader._create_handler(importer.PyPycHandler)
+        loader = mock_importlib.MockPyPycLoader.setup(good_timestamp=False)
+        handler = loader._create_handler(importlib.PyPycHandler)
         module = loader._handle_pyc(handler)
         self.failUnless("write_data" in loader.log)
@@ -729,14 +729,14 @@
     def test_bad_bytecode_w_py(self):
         # Even when there is a valid .py file, if the .pyc file has bad bytecode
         # ImportError is raised.
-        loader = mock_importer.MockPyPycLoader.setup(good_bytecode=False)
-        handler = loader._create_handler(importer.PyPycHandler)
+        loader = mock_importlib.MockPyPycLoader.setup(good_bytecode=False)
+        handler = loader._create_handler(importlib.PyPycHandler)
         self.failUnlessRaises(ImportError, loader._handle_pyc, handler)
     def test_py_no_pyc(self):
         # Test importing a .py file where no .pyc path is available.
-        loader = mock_importer.MockPyPycLoader.setup(pyc_exists=False)
-        handler = loader._create_handler(importer.PyPycHandler)
+        loader = mock_importlib.MockPyPycLoader.setup(pyc_exists=False)
+        handler = loader._create_handler(importlib.PyPycHandler)
         module = loader._handle_py(handler)
         self.failUnless('write_data' not in loader.log)
@@ -745,16 +745,16 @@
     def test_py_w_pyc(self):
         # Test importing a .py file and a .pyc path is available.
-        loader = mock_importer.MockPyPycLoader.setup()
-        handler = loader._create_handler(importer.PyPycHandler)
+        loader = mock_importlib.MockPyPycLoader.setup()
+        handler = loader._create_handler(importlib.PyPycHandler)
         module = loader._handle_py(handler)
         self.failUnless('write_data' in loader.log)
     def test_package_init(self):
         # Handling a package should set __path__ properly.
-        loader = mock_importer.MockPyPycLoader.setup(pyc_exists=False)
-        handler = loader._create_handler(importer.PyPycHandler)
+        loader = mock_importlib.MockPyPycLoader.setup(pyc_exists=False)
+        handler = loader._create_handler(importlib.PyPycHandler)
         pkg_path = 'pkg path'
         module = loader._handle_py(handler, pkg_path)
@@ -763,13 +763,13 @@
     def test_sys_modules_used(self):
         # Handler should re-initialize an existing module in sys.modules
         # (needed for 'reload').
-        loader = mock_importer.MockPyPycLoader.setup()
-        original_module = mock_importer.MockModule(loader.module_name)
+        loader = mock_importlib.MockPyPycLoader.setup()
+        original_module = mock_importlib.MockModule(loader.module_name)
         original_value = -13
         assert loader.attr_value != original_value
         setattr(original_module, loader.attr_name, original_value)
         sys.modules[loader.module_name] = original_module
-        handler = loader._create_handler(importer.PyPycHandler)
+        handler = loader._create_handler(importlib.PyPycHandler)
         new_module = loader._handle_pyc(handler)
         self.failUnless(new_module is original_module)
         self.failUnlessEqual(getattr(new_module, loader.attr_name),
@@ -782,7 +782,7 @@
     def setUp(self):
         """Find an extension module to test against."""
-        self.handler = importer.ExtensionFileHandler()
+        self.handler = importlib.ExtensionFileHandler()
         for entry in sys.path:
             if not os.path.isdir(entry):
@@ -795,7 +795,7 @@
             raise test_support.TestSkipped("not extension modules found")
         self.ext_path = os.path.join(entry, ext_paths[0])
         self.module_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(self.ext_path)[1])[0]
-        self.loader = mock_importer.MockHandler()
+        self.loader = mock_importlib.MockHandler()
     def test_handle_code(self):
         # Make sure an extension module can be loaded.
@@ -824,8 +824,8 @@
         sys.path_hooks = []
         self.old_path_importer_cache = sys.path_importer_cache.copy()
-        self.default_importer = mock_importer.PassImporter()
-        self.importer = importer.Import(self.default_importer, tuple())
+        self.default_importer = mock_importlib.PassImporter()
+        self.importer = importlib.Import(self.default_importer, tuple())
     def tearDown(self):
         """Restore backup of import-related attributes in 'sys'."""
@@ -853,8 +853,8 @@
         self.parent_name = '<parent>'
         self.child_name = '<child>'
         self.full_child_name = '.'.join([self.parent_name, self.child_name])
-        self.parent_module = mock_importer.MockModule(self.parent_name)
-        self.child_module = mock_importer.MockModule(self.full_child_name)
+        self.parent_module = mock_importlib.MockModule(self.parent_name)
+        self.child_module = mock_importlib.MockModule(self.full_child_name)
         setattr(self.parent_module, self.child_name, self.child_module)
 class ImportNameResolutionTests(ImportHelper2):
@@ -947,7 +947,7 @@
         module_name = '<to import>'
         pkg_name = '<pkg>'
         resolved_relative_name = module_name + '.' + pkg_name
-        expected_module = mock_importer.MockModule(module_name)
+        expected_module = mock_importlib.MockModule(module_name)
         sys.modules[resolved_relative_name] = None
         sys.modules[module_name] = expected_module
         importing_globals = {'__name__':pkg_name, '__path__':['some path']}
@@ -967,10 +967,10 @@
         pkg_name = '<pkg name>'
         full_module_name = pkg_name + '.' + module_name
         # Already have package imported.
-        pkg_module = mock_importer.MockModule(pkg_name, pkg_list=['some path'])
+        pkg_module = mock_importlib.MockModule(pkg_name, pkg_list=['some path'])
         sys.modules[pkg_name] = pkg_module
         # Make sure implicit import succeeds.
-        succeed = mock_importer.SucceedImporter()
+        succeed = mock_importlib.SucceedImporter()
         # Import the package with a fromlist of the module.
         module = self.importer._return_module(pkg_name, '',
@@ -983,7 +983,7 @@
         # If something listed in a fromlist does not exist the import
         # should still succeed.
         pkg_name = '<pkg name>'
-        pkg_module = mock_importer.MockModule(pkg_name, pkg_list=['some path'])
+        pkg_module = mock_importlib.MockModule(pkg_name, pkg_list=['some path'])
         sys.modules[pkg_name] = pkg_module
         nonexistent_attr = 'asdfsdfd'
         module = self.importer._return_module(pkg_name, '',
@@ -994,11 +994,11 @@
         # A value in fromlist that already exists should not lead to a relative
         # import.
         pkg_name = '<pkg name>'
-        pkg_module = mock_importer.MockModule(pkg_name, pkg_list=['some path'])
+        pkg_module = mock_importlib.MockModule(pkg_name, pkg_list=['some path'])
         attr = 'some_attr'
         setattr(pkg_module, attr, None)
         sys.modules[pkg_name] = pkg_module
-        failing_import = mock_importer.ErrorImporter()
+        failing_import = mock_importlib.ErrorImporter()
         module = self.importer(pkg_name, fromlist=[attr])
         self.failUnless(hasattr(module, attr))
@@ -1008,9 +1008,9 @@
         # No implicit imports of values in fromlist should be done if a module
         # is what is being imported specifically.
         module_name = '<module>'
-        module = mock_importer.MockModule(module_name)
+        module = mock_importlib.MockModule(module_name)
         sys.modules[module_name] = module
-        failing_import = mock_importer.ErrorImporter()
+        failing_import = mock_importlib.ErrorImporter()
         imported_module = self.importer(module_name, fromlist=['sadfsdd'])
         self.failUnless(not hasattr(failing_import, 'find_request'))
@@ -1021,10 +1021,10 @@
         module_name = '<module name>'
         pkg_name = '<pkg name>'
         full_module_name = pkg_name + '.' + module_name
-        pkg_module = mock_importer.MockModule(pkg_name, pkg_list=['some path'],
+        pkg_module = mock_importlib.MockModule(pkg_name, pkg_list=['some path'],
         sys.modules[pkg_name] = pkg_module
-        succeed = mock_importer.SucceedImporter()
+        succeed = mock_importlib.SucceedImporter()
         # Also tests that fromlist can be a tuple and still work.
         module = self.importer(pkg_name, fromlist=('*',))
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@
         # should work (along with setting the attribute on the parent for the
         # child module).
         delattr(self.parent_module, self.child_name)
-        succeed_importer = mock_importer.SucceedImporter()
+        succeed_importer = mock_importlib.SucceedImporter()
         sys.modules[self.parent_name] = self.parent_module
@@ -1115,7 +1115,7 @@
         # The attribute on the parent module for the child module should also
         # be set.
         delattr(self.parent_module, self.child_name)
-        succeed_importer = mock_importer.SucceedImporter()
+        succeed_importer = mock_importlib.SucceedImporter()
         self.failUnless(self.parent_name in sys.modules)
@@ -1153,8 +1153,8 @@
         self.failUnlessRaises(ImportError, self.importer._search_meta_path,
         # Verify call order.
-        meta_path = (mock_importer.PassImporter(),
-                        mock_importer.SucceedImporter())
+        meta_path = (mock_importlib.PassImporter(),
+                        mock_importlib.SucceedImporter())
         sys.meta_path = meta_path
         loader = self.importer._search_meta_path('sys')
         for entry in meta_path:
@@ -1165,10 +1165,10 @@
         # Default meta_path entries set during initialization should be
         # queried after sys.meta_path.
-        pass_importer = mock_importer.PassImporter()
+        pass_importer = mock_importlib.PassImporter()
         sys.meta_path = [pass_importer]
-        succeed_importer = mock_importer.SucceedImporter()
-        importer_ = importer.Import(extended_meta_path=(succeed_importer,))
+        succeed_importer = mock_importlib.SucceedImporter()
+        importer_ = importlib.Import(extended_meta_path=(succeed_importer,))
         module = importer_._import_module('sys')
         for meta_importer in (pass_importer, succeed_importer):
             self.failUnlessEqual(meta_importer.find_request, ('sys', None))
@@ -1180,10 +1180,10 @@
         pkg_name = '<pkg>'
         module_name = '<module>'
         test_path = ['<test path>']
-        pkg_module = mock_importer.MockModule(pkg_name)
+        pkg_module = mock_importlib.MockModule(pkg_name)
         pkg_module.__path__ = test_path
         sys.modules[pkg_name] = pkg_module
-        succeed_importer = mock_importer.SucceedImporter()
+        succeed_importer = mock_importlib.SucceedImporter()
         full_module_name = '.'.join([pkg_name, module_name])
         lookup_args = (full_module_name, test_path)
@@ -1202,8 +1202,8 @@
         # when sys.path_importer_cache has a value of None.
         module_name = '<dummy>'
-        succeed_importer = mock_importer.SucceedImporter()
-        importer_ = importer.Import(succeed_importer, tuple())
+        succeed_importer = mock_importlib.SucceedImporter()
+        importer_ = importlib.Import(succeed_importer, tuple())
         sys.meta_path = []
         sys.path = ['<succeed>']
         sys.path_importer_cache['<succeed>'] = None
@@ -1216,10 +1216,10 @@
         # Test sys.path searching for a loader.
         module_name = '<dummy>'
-        importer_ = importer.Import(extended_meta_path=())
+        importer_ = importlib.Import(extended_meta_path=())
         sys.path = []
-        pass_importer = mock_importer.PassImporter.set_on_sys_path()
-        succeed_importer = mock_importer.SucceedImporter.set_on_sys_path()
+        pass_importer = mock_importlib.PassImporter.set_on_sys_path()
+        succeed_importer = mock_importlib.SucceedImporter.set_on_sys_path()
         sys_path = (pass_importer, succeed_importer)
         module = importer_._import_module(module_name)
         for entry in sys_path:
@@ -1232,7 +1232,7 @@
         module_name = '<dummy>'
         sys.path = []
-        succeed_importer = mock_importer.SucceedImporter.set_on_sys_path()
+        succeed_importer = mock_importlib.SucceedImporter.set_on_sys_path()
         loader = self.importer._search_std_path(module_name)
         self.failUnless(loader is succeed_importer)
@@ -1243,7 +1243,7 @@
         module_name = '<dummy>'
         path_entry = '<succeed>'
-        succeed_importer = mock_importer.SucceedImporter()
+        succeed_importer = mock_importlib.SucceedImporter()
         sys.path = [path_entry]
         sys.path_hooks = [succeed_importer]
@@ -1268,7 +1268,7 @@
     def test_searching_package_path(self):
         # If importing in a package then search path is the package's __path__
         # value; otherwise it is sys.path.
-        succeed_importer = mock_importer.SucceedImporter()
+        succeed_importer = mock_importlib.SucceedImporter()
         search_paths = ['test path']
         module_name = '<pkg>.<dummy>'
@@ -1311,7 +1311,7 @@
     def setUp(self):
         TestPyPycPackages.setUp(self, False)
-        self.import_ = importer.Import()
+        self.import_ = importlib.Import()
         self.cached_modules = []
         if self.module_name in sys.modules:
             del sys.modules[self.module_name]
@@ -1385,7 +1385,7 @@
         # for the module.
         # ``import module`` from sys.modules.
         test_module_name = '<' + self.module_name + '>'
-        test_module = mock_importer.MockModule(test_module_name)
+        test_module = mock_importlib.MockModule(test_module_name)
         sys.modules[test_module_name] = test_module
             module = self.import_(test_module_name)
@@ -1405,10 +1405,10 @@
         self.failUnlessEqual(data[:4], imp.get_magic())
         py_mod = int(os.stat(self.py_path).st_mtime)
         # XXX Using importer's _r_long.
-        pyc_mod = importer._r_long(data[4:8])
+        pyc_mod = importlib._r_long(data[4:8])
         self.failUnlessEqual(py_mod, pyc_mod)
         code = marshal.loads(data[8:])
-        module = mock_importer.MockModule(self.module_name)
+        module = mock_importlib.MockModule(self.module_name)
         exec code in module.__dict__

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