[Python-checkins] r55371 - peps/trunk/pep-0004.txt peps/trunk/pep-3100.txt peps/trunk/pep-3108.txt

brett.cannon python-checkins at python.org
Wed May 16 06:31:56 CEST 2007

Author: brett.cannon
Date: Wed May 16 06:31:51 2007
New Revision: 55371

Clean up listing of what modules are deprecated and thus should go from Py3K.

Modified: peps/trunk/pep-0004.txt
--- peps/trunk/pep-0004.txt	(original)
+++ peps/trunk/pep-0004.txt	Wed May 16 06:31:51 2007
@@ -188,6 +188,36 @@
     Date:          12-Jan-2007
     Documentation: Documented as deprecated as of Python 2.6.
+    Module name:   buildtools
+    Rationale:     Unknown.
+    Date:          15-May-2007
+    Documentation: Documented as deprecated as of Python 2.3, but
+                   listing in this PEP was neglected.
+    Module name:   cfmfile
+    Rationale:     Unknown.
+    Date:          15-May-2007
+    Documentation: Documented as deprecated as of Python 2.4, but
+                   listing in this PEP was neglected.
+    Module name:   macfs
+    Rationale:     Unknown.
+    Date:          15-May-2007
+    Documentation: Documented as deprecated as of Python 2.3, but
+                   listing in this PEP was neglected.
+    Module name:   md5
+    Rationale:     Replaced by the 'hashlib' module.
+    Date:          15-May-2007
+    Documentation: Documented as deprecated as of Python 2.5, but
+                   listing in this PEP was neglected.
+    Module name:   sha
+    Rationale:     Replaced by the 'hashlib' module.
+    Date:          15-May-2007
+    Documentation: Documented as deprecated as of Python 2.5, but
+                   listing in this PEP was neglected.
 Undeprecated modules

Modified: peps/trunk/pep-3100.txt
--- peps/trunk/pep-3100.txt	(original)
+++ peps/trunk/pep-3100.txt	Wed May 16 06:31:51 2007
@@ -210,10 +210,16 @@
         - ``reconvert``, ``stringold``, ``xmllib``,
           ``pcre``, ``pypcre``, ``strop`` [all done]
     + see PEP 4 [#pep4]_
-        - ``posixfile``,  ``pre``, ``regsub``, ``rfc822``,
-          ``statcache``, ``string``, ``TERMIOS``, ``mimetools``,
-          ``MimeWriter``, ``mimify``, ``mpz``, ``rgbimage``
-    + Everything in lib-old [#pep4]_
+        - ``cl``,
+          ``gopherlib``,
+          ``mimetools``, ``MimeWriter``, ``mimify``, ``mpz``,
+          ``multifile``,
+          ``posixfile``, 
+          ``pre``, ``regsub``, ``rfc822``, ``rgbimage``,
+          ``statcache``, ``string``, ``sv``, ``TERMIOS``, 
+          ``timing`` [to do]
+        - ``sets``, ``xreadlines``, ``rotor``, ``whrandom`` [done]
+    + Everything in lib-old [#pep4]_ [done]
         - ``Para``, ``addpack``, ``cmp``, ``cmpcache``, ``codehack``,
           ``dircmp``, ``dump``, ``find``, ``fmt``, ``grep``,
           ``lockfile``, ``newdir``, ``ni``, ``packmail``, ``poly``,

Modified: peps/trunk/pep-3108.txt
--- peps/trunk/pep-3108.txt	(original)
+++ peps/trunk/pep-3108.txt	Wed May 16 06:31:51 2007
@@ -71,25 +71,10 @@
 [#pep-0004]_.  All modules listed in the PEP at the time of the first
 alpha release of Python 3.0 will be removed.
-The entire contents of libold will also be removed.  These modules
+The entire contents of lib-old will also be removed.  These modules
 have already been removed from being imported but are kept in the
 distribution for Python for users that rely upon the code.
-On top of the modules listed in PEP 4, other modules have been
-documented as deprecated but have yet to be added to PEP 4.
-==============  ========== 
-Module          Deprecated 
-==============  ========== 
-buildtools      2.3        
-cfmfile         2.4        
-macfs           2.3        
-md5             2.5 [done]
-sha             2.5 [done]
-strop           unknown [done]
-xmllib          unknown [done]
-==============  ========== 
 Platform-specific with minimal use

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