[Python-checkins] r62129 - in python/trunk: PCbuild/debug.vsprops PCbuild/kill_python.c PCbuild/kill_python.vcproj PCbuild/pcbuild.sln PCbuild/pythoncore.vcproj PCbuild/release.vsprops Tools/buildbot/Makefile Tools/buildbot/build-amd64.bat Tools/buildbot/build.bat Tools/buildbot/buildmsi.bat Tools/buildbot/kill_python.bat Tools/buildbot/kill_python.c Tools/buildbot/kill_python.mak

Christian Heimes lists at cheimes.de
Fri Apr 4 10:25:19 CEST 2008

trent.nelson schrieb:
> Author: trent.nelson
> Date: Thu Apr  3 20:27:06 2008
> New Revision: 62129
> Added:
>    python/trunk/PCbuild/kill_python.c   (contents, props changed)
>    python/trunk/PCbuild/kill_python.vcproj
> Removed:
>    python/trunk/Tools/buildbot/Makefile
>    python/trunk/Tools/buildbot/kill_python.bat
>    python/trunk/Tools/buildbot/kill_python.c
>    python/trunk/Tools/buildbot/kill_python.mak
> Modified:
>    python/trunk/PCbuild/debug.vsprops
>    python/trunk/PCbuild/pcbuild.sln
>    python/trunk/PCbuild/pythoncore.vcproj
>    python/trunk/PCbuild/release.vsprops
>    python/trunk/Tools/buildbot/build-amd64.bat
>    python/trunk/Tools/buildbot/build.bat
>    python/trunk/Tools/buildbot/buildmsi.bat
> Log:
> Reimplement kill_python.  The existing version had a number of flaws, namely, it didn't work for x64 and it wasn't precise about which python_d.exe it was killing -- it just killed the first one it came across that happened to have 'pcbuild\python_d.exe' or 'build\python_d.exe' in it's path.  The new version has been rewritten from the ground up and now lives in PCbuild, instead of Tools\buildbot, and it has also been incorporated into the Visual Studio solution (pcbuild.sln) as 'kill_python'.  The solution has also been altered such that kill_python is called where necessary in the build process in order to prevent any linking errors due to open file locks.  In lieu of this, all of the existing bits and pieces in Tools\buildbot that called out to kill_python at various points have also be
>  en removed as they are now obsolete.  Tested on both Win32 and x64.

I don't like the part where the solution kills the Python process during
a rebuild. It's too surprising for the user.


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