[Python-checkins] r62490 - in python/trunk/Doc/library: asynchat.rst asyncore.rst basehttpserver.rst bdb.rst bz2.rst calendar.rst cgihttpserver.rst chunk.rst codecs.rst collections.rst compiler.rst csv.rst ctypes.rst curses.rst decimal.rst difflib.rst doctest.rst email.charset.rst email.generator.rst email.header.rst email.message.rst email.parser.rst filecmp.rst fractions.rst ftplib.rst gettext.rst logging.rst mailbox.rst mmap.rst modulefinder.rst msilib.rst numbers.rst pickle.rst robotparser.rst simplehttpserver.rst smtpd.rst string.rst struct.rst textwrap.rst xml.etree.elementtree.rst xmllib.rst zipimport.rst

benjamin.peterson python-checkins at python.org
Fri Apr 25 03:29:14 CEST 2008

Author: benjamin.peterson
Date: Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
New Revision: 62490

reformat some documentation of classes so methods and attributes are under the class directive


Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/asynchat.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/asynchat.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/asynchat.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -197,10 +197,10 @@
    the data no larger than *buffer_size*.
-.. method:: simple_producer.more()
+   .. method:: more()
-   Produces the next chunk of information from the producer, or returns the
-   empty string.
+      Produces the next chunk of information from the producer, or returns the
+      empty string.
 .. class:: fifo([list=None])
@@ -212,26 +212,26 @@
    producers or data items to be written to the channel.
-.. method:: fifo.is_empty()
+   .. method:: is_empty()
-   Returns ``True`` if and only if the fifo is empty.
+      Returns ``True`` if and only if the fifo is empty.
-.. method:: fifo.first()
+   .. method:: first()
-   Returns the least-recently :meth:`push`\ ed item from the fifo.
+      Returns the least-recently :meth:`push`\ ed item from the fifo.
-.. method:: fifo.push(data)
+   .. method:: push(data)
-   Adds the given data (which may be a string or a producer object) to the
-   producer fifo.
+      Adds the given data (which may be a string or a producer object) to the
+      producer fifo.
-.. method:: fifo.pop()
+   .. method:: pop()
-   If the fifo is not empty, returns ``True, first()``, deleting the popped
-   item.  Returns ``False, None`` for an empty fifo.
+      If the fifo is not empty, returns ``True, first()``, deleting the popped
+      item.  Returns ``False, None`` for an empty fifo.
 The :mod:`asynchat` module also defines one utility function, which may be of
 use in network and textual analysis operations.

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/asyncore.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/asyncore.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/asyncore.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -95,132 +95,132 @@
    should be added to the list of channels :cfunc:`select`\ ed or
    :cfunc:`poll`\ ed for read and write events.
-Thus, the set of channel events is larger than the basic socket events.  The
-full set of methods that can be overridden in your subclass follows:
+   Thus, the set of channel events is larger than the basic socket events.  The
+   full set of methods that can be overridden in your subclass follows:
-.. method:: dispatcher.handle_read()
+   .. method:: handle_read()
-   Called when the asynchronous loop detects that a :meth:`read` call on the
-   channel's socket will succeed.
+      Called when the asynchronous loop detects that a :meth:`read` call on the
+      channel's socket will succeed.
-.. method:: dispatcher.handle_write()
+   .. method:: handle_write()
-   Called when the asynchronous loop detects that a writable socket can be
-   written.  Often this method will implement the necessary buffering for
-   performance.  For example::
+      Called when the asynchronous loop detects that a writable socket can be
+      written.  Often this method will implement the necessary buffering for
+      performance.  For example::
-      def handle_write(self):
-          sent = self.send(self.buffer)
-          self.buffer = self.buffer[sent:]
+         def handle_write(self):
+             sent = self.send(self.buffer)
+             self.buffer = self.buffer[sent:]
-.. method:: dispatcher.handle_expt()
+   .. method:: handle_expt()
-   Called when there is out of band (OOB) data for a socket connection.  This
-   will almost never happen, as OOB is tenuously supported and rarely used.
+      Called when there is out of band (OOB) data for a socket connection.  This
+      will almost never happen, as OOB is tenuously supported and rarely used.
-.. method:: dispatcher.handle_connect()
+   .. method:: handle_connect()
-   Called when the active opener's socket actually makes a connection.  Might
-   send a "welcome" banner, or initiate a protocol negotiation with the remote
-   endpoint, for example.
+      Called when the active opener's socket actually makes a connection.  Might
+      send a "welcome" banner, or initiate a protocol negotiation with the
+      remote endpoint, for example.
-.. method:: dispatcher.handle_close()
+   .. method:: handle_close()
-   Called when the socket is closed.
+      Called when the socket is closed.
-.. method:: dispatcher.handle_error()
+   .. method:: handle_error()
-   Called when an exception is raised and not otherwise handled.  The default
-   version prints a condensed traceback.
+      Called when an exception is raised and not otherwise handled.  The default
+      version prints a condensed traceback.
-.. method:: dispatcher.handle_accept()
+   .. method:: handle_accept()
-   Called on listening channels (passive openers) when a   connection can be
-   established with a new remote endpoint that has issued a :meth:`connect`
-   call for the local endpoint.
+      Called on listening channels (passive openers) when a connection can be
+      established with a new remote endpoint that has issued a :meth:`connect`
+      call for the local endpoint.
-.. method:: dispatcher.readable()
+   .. method:: readable()
-   Called each time around the asynchronous loop to determine whether a
-   channel's socket should be added to the list on which read events can
-   occur.  The default method simply returns ``True``, indicating that by
-   default, all channels will be interested in read events.
+      Called each time around the asynchronous loop to determine whether a
+      channel's socket should be added to the list on which read events can
+      occur.  The default method simply returns ``True``, indicating that by
+      default, all channels will be interested in read events.
-.. method:: dispatcher.writable()
+   .. method:: writable()
-   Called each time around the asynchronous loop to determine whether a
-   channel's socket should be added to the list on which write events can
-   occur.  The default method simply returns ``True``, indicating that by
-   default, all channels will be interested in write events.
+      Called each time around the asynchronous loop to determine whether a
+      channel's socket should be added to the list on which write events can
+      occur.  The default method simply returns ``True``, indicating that by
+      default, all channels will be interested in write events.
-In addition, each channel delegates or extends many of the socket methods.
-Most of these are nearly identical to their socket partners.
+   In addition, each channel delegates or extends many of the socket methods.
+   Most of these are nearly identical to their socket partners.
-.. method:: dispatcher.create_socket(family, type)
-   This is identical to the creation of a normal socket, and will use the same
-   options for creation.  Refer to the :mod:`socket` documentation for
-   information on creating sockets.
+   .. method:: create_socket(family, type)
+      This is identical to the creation of a normal socket, and will use the
+      same options for creation.  Refer to the :mod:`socket` documentation for
+      information on creating sockets.
-.. method:: dispatcher.connect(address)
-   As with the normal socket object, *address* is a tuple with the first
-   element the host to connect to, and the second the port number.
+   .. method:: connect(address)
+      As with the normal socket object, *address* is a tuple with the first
+      element the host to connect to, and the second the port number.
-.. method:: dispatcher.send(data)
-   Send *data* to the remote end-point of the socket.
+   .. method:: send(data)
+      Send *data* to the remote end-point of the socket.
-.. method:: dispatcher.recv(buffer_size)
-   Read at most *buffer_size* bytes from the socket's remote end-point.
-   An empty string implies that the channel has been closed from the other
-   end.
+   .. method:: recv(buffer_size)
+      Read at most *buffer_size* bytes from the socket's remote end-point.  An
+      empty string implies that the channel has been closed from the other end.
-.. method:: dispatcher.listen(backlog)
-   Listen for connections made to the socket.  The *backlog* argument
-   specifies the maximum number of queued connections and should be at least
-   1; the maximum value is system-dependent (usually 5).
+   .. method:: listen(backlog)
+      Listen for connections made to the socket.  The *backlog* argument
+      specifies the maximum number of queued connections and should be at least
+      1; the maximum value is system-dependent (usually 5).
-.. method:: dispatcher.bind(address)
-   Bind the socket to *address*.  The socket must not already be bound.  (The
-   format of *address* depends on the address family --- see above.)  To mark
-   the socket as re-usable (setting the :const:`SO_REUSEADDR` option), call
-   the :class:`dispatcher` object's :meth:`set_reuse_addr` method.
+   .. method:: bind(address)
+      Bind the socket to *address*.  The socket must not already be bound.  (The
+      format of *address* depends on the address family --- see above.)  To mark
+      the socket as re-usable (setting the :const:`SO_REUSEADDR` option), call
+      the :class:`dispatcher` object's :meth:`set_reuse_addr` method.
-.. method:: dispatcher.accept()
-   Accept a connection.  The socket must be bound to an address and listening
-   for connections.  The return value is a pair ``(conn, address)`` where
-   *conn* is a *new* socket object usable to send and receive data on the
-   connection, and *address* is the address bound to the socket on the other
-   end of the connection.
+   .. method:: accept()
+      Accept a connection.  The socket must be bound to an address and listening
+      for connections.  The return value is a pair ``(conn, address)`` where
+      *conn* is a *new* socket object usable to send and receive data on the
+      connection, and *address* is the address bound to the socket on the other
+      end of the connection.
-.. method:: dispatcher.close()
-   Close the socket.  All future operations on the socket object will fail.
-   The remote end-point will receive no more data (after queued data is
-   flushed).  Sockets are automatically closed when they are
-   garbage-collected.
+   .. method:: close()
+      Close the socket.  All future operations on the socket object will fail.
+      The remote end-point will receive no more data (after queued data is
+      flushed).  Sockets are automatically closed when they are
+      garbage-collected.
 .. _asyncore-example:

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/basehttpserver.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/basehttpserver.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/basehttpserver.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -34,222 +34,230 @@
 .. class:: HTTPServer(server_address, RequestHandlerClass)
-   This class builds on the :class:`TCPServer` class by storing the server address
-   as instance variables named :attr:`server_name` and :attr:`server_port`. The
-   server is accessible by the handler, typically through the handler's
-   :attr:`server` instance variable.
+   This class builds on the :class:`TCPServer` class by storing the server
+   address as instance variables named :attr:`server_name` and
+   :attr:`server_port`. The server is accessible by the handler, typically
+   through the handler's :attr:`server` instance variable.
 .. class:: BaseHTTPRequestHandler(request, client_address, server)
    This class is used to handle the HTTP requests that arrive at the server. By
-   itself, it cannot respond to any actual HTTP requests; it must be subclassed to
-   handle each request method (e.g. GET or POST). :class:`BaseHTTPRequestHandler`
-   provides a number of class and instance variables, and methods for use by
-   subclasses.
+   itself, it cannot respond to any actual HTTP requests; it must be subclassed
+   to handle each request method (e.g. GET or
+   POST). :class:`BaseHTTPRequestHandler` provides a number of class and
+   instance variables, and methods for use by subclasses.
-   The handler will parse the request and the headers, then call a method specific
-   to the request type. The method name is constructed from the request. For
-   example, for the request method ``SPAM``, the :meth:`do_SPAM` method will be
-   called with no arguments. All of the relevant information is stored in instance
-   variables of the handler.  Subclasses should not need to override or extend the
-   :meth:`__init__` method.
+   The handler will parse the request and the headers, then call a method
+   specific to the request type. The method name is constructed from the
+   request. For example, for the request method ``SPAM``, the :meth:`do_SPAM`
+   method will be called with no arguments. All of the relevant information is
+   stored in instance variables of the handler.  Subclasses should not need to
+   override or extend the :meth:`__init__` method.
-:class:`BaseHTTPRequestHandler` has the following instance variables:
+   :class:`BaseHTTPRequestHandler` has the following instance variables:
-.. attribute:: BaseHTTPRequestHandler.client_address
+   .. attribute:: client_address
-   Contains a tuple of the form ``(host, port)`` referring to the client's address.
+      Contains a tuple of the form ``(host, port)`` referring to the client's
+      address.
-.. attribute:: BaseHTTPRequestHandler.command
+   .. attribute:: command
-   Contains the command (request type). For example, ``'GET'``.
+      Contains the command (request type). For example, ``'GET'``.
-.. attribute:: BaseHTTPRequestHandler.path
+   .. attribute:: path
-   Contains the request path.
+      Contains the request path.
-.. attribute:: BaseHTTPRequestHandler.request_version
+   .. attribute:: request_version
-   Contains the version string from the request. For example, ``'HTTP/1.0'``.
+      Contains the version string from the request. For example, ``'HTTP/1.0'``.
-.. attribute:: BaseHTTPRequestHandler.headers
+   .. attribute:: headers
-   Holds an instance of the class specified by the :attr:`MessageClass` class
-   variable. This instance parses and manages the headers in the HTTP request.
+      Holds an instance of the class specified by the :attr:`MessageClass` class
+      variable. This instance parses and manages the headers in the HTTP
+      request.
-.. attribute:: BaseHTTPRequestHandler.rfile
+   .. attribute:: rfile
-   Contains an input stream, positioned at the start of the optional input data.
+      Contains an input stream, positioned at the start of the optional input
+      data.
-.. attribute:: BaseHTTPRequestHandler.wfile
+   .. attribute:: wfile
-   Contains the output stream for writing a response back to the client. Proper
-   adherence to the HTTP protocol must be used when writing to this stream.
+      Contains the output stream for writing a response back to the
+      client. Proper adherence to the HTTP protocol must be used when writing to
+      this stream.
-:class:`BaseHTTPRequestHandler` has the following class variables:
+   :class:`BaseHTTPRequestHandler` has the following class variables:
-.. attribute:: BaseHTTPRequestHandler.server_version
-   Specifies the server software version.  You may want to override this. The
-   format is multiple whitespace-separated strings, where each string is of the
-   form name[/version]. For example, ``'BaseHTTP/0.2'``.
+   .. attribute:: server_version
+      Specifies the server software version.  You may want to override this. The
+      format is multiple whitespace-separated strings, where each string is of
+      the form name[/version]. For example, ``'BaseHTTP/0.2'``.
-.. attribute:: BaseHTTPRequestHandler.sys_version
-   Contains the Python system version, in a form usable by the
-   :attr:`version_string` method and the :attr:`server_version` class variable. For
-   example, ``'Python/1.4'``.
+   .. attribute:: sys_version
+      Contains the Python system version, in a form usable by the
+      :attr:`version_string` method and the :attr:`server_version` class
+      variable. For example, ``'Python/1.4'``.
-.. attribute:: BaseHTTPRequestHandler.error_message_format
-   Specifies a format string for building an error response to the client. It uses
-   parenthesized, keyed format specifiers, so the format operand must be a
-   dictionary. The *code* key should be an integer, specifying the numeric HTTP
-   error code value. *message* should be a string containing a (detailed) error
-   message of what occurred, and *explain* should be an explanation of the error
-   code number. Default *message* and *explain* values can found in the *responses*
-   class variable.
+   .. attribute:: error_message_format
+      Specifies a format string for building an error response to the client. It
+      uses parenthesized, keyed format specifiers, so the format operand must be
+      a dictionary. The *code* key should be an integer, specifying the numeric
+      HTTP error code value. *message* should be a string containing a
+      (detailed) error message of what occurred, and *explain* should be an
+      explanation of the error code number. Default *message* and *explain*
+      values can found in the *responses* class variable.
-.. attribute:: BaseHTTPRequestHandler.error_content_type
-   Specifies the Content-Type HTTP header of error responses sent to the client.
-   The default value is ``'text/html'``.
+   .. attribute:: error_content_type
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
-      Previously, the content type was always ``'text/html'``.
+      Specifies the Content-Type HTTP header of error responses sent to the
+      client.  The default value is ``'text/html'``.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
+         Previously, the content type was always ``'text/html'``.
-.. attribute:: BaseHTTPRequestHandler.protocol_version
-   This specifies the HTTP protocol version used in responses.  If set to
-   ``'HTTP/1.1'``, the server will permit HTTP persistent connections; however,
-   your server *must* then include an accurate ``Content-Length`` header (using
-   :meth:`send_header`) in all of its responses to clients.  For backwards
-   compatibility, the setting defaults to ``'HTTP/1.0'``.
+   .. attribute:: protocol_version
+      This specifies the HTTP protocol version used in responses.  If set to
+      ``'HTTP/1.1'``, the server will permit HTTP persistent connections;
+      however, your server *must* then include an accurate ``Content-Length``
+      header (using :meth:`send_header`) in all of its responses to clients.
+      For backwards compatibility, the setting defaults to ``'HTTP/1.0'``.
-.. attribute:: BaseHTTPRequestHandler.MessageClass
-   .. index:: single: Message (in module mimetools)
+   .. attribute:: MessageClass
-   Specifies a :class:`rfc822.Message`\ -like class to parse HTTP headers.
-   Typically, this is not overridden, and it defaults to
-   :class:`mimetools.Message`.
+      .. index:: single: Message (in module mimetools)
+      Specifies a :class:`rfc822.Message`\ -like class to parse HTTP headers.
+      Typically, this is not overridden, and it defaults to
+      :class:`mimetools.Message`.
-.. attribute:: BaseHTTPRequestHandler.responses
-   This variable contains a mapping of error code integers to two-element tuples
-   containing a short and long message. For example, ``{code: (shortmessage,
-   longmessage)}``. The *shortmessage* is usually used as the *message* key in an
-   error response, and *longmessage* as the *explain* key (see the
-   :attr:`error_message_format` class variable).
+   .. attribute:: responses
-A :class:`BaseHTTPRequestHandler` instance has the following methods:
+      This variable contains a mapping of error code integers to two-element tuples
+      containing a short and long message. For example, ``{code: (shortmessage,
+      longmessage)}``. The *shortmessage* is usually used as the *message* key in an
+      error response, and *longmessage* as the *explain* key (see the
+      :attr:`error_message_format` class variable).
-.. method:: BaseHTTPRequestHandler.handle()
+   A :class:`BaseHTTPRequestHandler` instance has the following methods:
-   Calls :meth:`handle_one_request` once (or, if persistent connections are
-   enabled, multiple times) to handle incoming HTTP requests. You should never need
-   to override it; instead, implement appropriate :meth:`do_\*` methods.
+   .. method:: handle()
-.. method:: BaseHTTPRequestHandler.handle_one_request()
+      Calls :meth:`handle_one_request` once (or, if persistent connections are
+      enabled, multiple times) to handle incoming HTTP requests. You should
+      never need to override it; instead, implement appropriate :meth:`do_\*`
+      methods.
-   This method will parse and dispatch the request to the appropriate :meth:`do_\*`
-   method.  You should never need to override it.
+   .. method:: handle_one_request()
-.. method:: BaseHTTPRequestHandler.send_error(code[, message])
+      This method will parse and dispatch the request to the appropriate
+      :meth:`do_\*` method.  You should never need to override it.
-   Sends and logs a complete error reply to the client. The numeric *code*
-   specifies the HTTP error code, with *message* as optional, more specific text. A
-   complete set of headers is sent, followed by text composed using the
-   :attr:`error_message_format` class variable.
+   .. method:: send_error(code[, message])
-.. method:: BaseHTTPRequestHandler.send_response(code[, message])
+      Sends and logs a complete error reply to the client. The numeric *code*
+      specifies the HTTP error code, with *message* as optional, more specific text. A
+      complete set of headers is sent, followed by text composed using the
+      :attr:`error_message_format` class variable.
-   Sends a response header and logs the accepted request. The HTTP response line is
-   sent, followed by *Server* and *Date* headers. The values for these two headers
-   are picked up from the :meth:`version_string` and :meth:`date_time_string`
-   methods, respectively.
+   .. method:: send_response(code[, message])
-.. method:: BaseHTTPRequestHandler.send_header(keyword, value)
+      Sends a response header and logs the accepted request. The HTTP response
+      line is sent, followed by *Server* and *Date* headers. The values for
+      these two headers are picked up from the :meth:`version_string` and
+      :meth:`date_time_string` methods, respectively.
-   Writes a specific HTTP header to the output stream. *keyword* should specify the
-   header keyword, with *value* specifying its value.
+   .. method:: send_header(keyword, value)
-.. method:: BaseHTTPRequestHandler.end_headers()
+      Writes a specific HTTP header to the output stream. *keyword* should
+      specify the header keyword, with *value* specifying its value.
-   Sends a blank line, indicating the end of the HTTP headers in the response.
+   .. method:: end_headers()
-.. method:: BaseHTTPRequestHandler.log_request([code[, size]])
+      Sends a blank line, indicating the end of the HTTP headers in the
+      response.
-   Logs an accepted (successful) request. *code* should specify the numeric HTTP
-   code associated with the response. If a size of the response is available, then
-   it should be passed as the *size* parameter.
+   .. method:: log_request([code[, size]])
-.. method:: BaseHTTPRequestHandler.log_error(...)
+      Logs an accepted (successful) request. *code* should specify the numeric
+      HTTP code associated with the response. If a size of the response is
+      available, then it should be passed as the *size* parameter.
-   Logs an error when a request cannot be fulfilled. By default, it passes the
-   message to :meth:`log_message`, so it takes the same arguments (*format* and
-   additional values).
+   .. method:: log_error(...)
-.. method:: BaseHTTPRequestHandler.log_message(format, ...)
+      Logs an error when a request cannot be fulfilled. By default, it passes
+      the message to :meth:`log_message`, so it takes the same arguments
+      (*format* and additional values).
-   Logs an arbitrary message to ``sys.stderr``. This is typically overridden to
-   create custom error logging mechanisms. The *format* argument is a standard
-   printf-style format string, where the additional arguments to
-   :meth:`log_message` are applied as inputs to the formatting. The client address
-   and current date and time are prefixed to every message logged.
+   .. method:: log_message(format, ...)
-.. method:: BaseHTTPRequestHandler.version_string()
+      Logs an arbitrary message to ``sys.stderr``. This is typically overridden
+      to create custom error logging mechanisms. The *format* argument is a
+      standard printf-style format string, where the additional arguments to
+      :meth:`log_message` are applied as inputs to the formatting. The client
+      address and current date and time are prefixed to every message logged.
-   Returns the server software's version string. This is a combination of the
-   :attr:`server_version` and :attr:`sys_version` class variables.
+   .. method:: version_string()
-.. method:: BaseHTTPRequestHandler.date_time_string([timestamp])
+      Returns the server software's version string. This is a combination of the
+      :attr:`server_version` and :attr:`sys_version` class variables.
-   Returns the date and time given by *timestamp* (which must be in the format
-   returned by :func:`time.time`), formatted for a message header. If *timestamp*
-   is omitted, it uses the current date and time.
-   The result looks like ``'Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT'``.
+   .. method:: date_time_string([timestamp])
-   .. versionadded:: 2.5
-      The *timestamp* parameter.
+      Returns the date and time given by *timestamp* (which must be in the
+      format returned by :func:`time.time`), formatted for a message header. If
+      *timestamp* is omitted, it uses the current date and time.
+      The result looks like ``'Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT'``.
-.. method:: BaseHTTPRequestHandler.log_date_time_string()
+      .. versionadded:: 2.5
+         The *timestamp* parameter.
-   Returns the current date and time, formatted for logging.
+   .. method:: log_date_time_string()
-.. method:: BaseHTTPRequestHandler.address_string()
+      Returns the current date and time, formatted for logging.
-   Returns the client address, formatted for logging. A name lookup is performed on
-   the client's IP address.
+   .. method:: address_string()
+      Returns the client address, formatted for logging. A name lookup is
+      performed on the client's IP address.
 .. seealso::

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/bdb.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/bdb.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/bdb.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -31,32 +31,35 @@
    first line of that function is executed.  A conditional breakpoint always
    counts a hit.
-:class:`Breakpoint` instances have the following methods:
+   :class:`Breakpoint` instances have the following methods:
-.. method:: Breakpoint.deleteMe()
+   .. method:: deleteMe()
-   Delete the breakpoint from the list associated to a file/line.  If it is the
-   last breakpoint in that position, it also deletes the entry for the
-   file/line.
+      Delete the breakpoint from the list associated to a file/line.  If it is
+      the last breakpoint in that position, it also deletes the entry for the
+      file/line.
-.. method:: Breakpoint.enable()
-   Mark the breakpoint as enabled.
+   .. method:: enable()
-.. method:: Breakpoint.disable()
+      Mark the breakpoint as enabled.
-   Mark the breakpoint as disabled.
-.. method:: Breakpoint.bpprint([out])
+   .. method:: disable()
-   Print all the information about the breakpoint:
+      Mark the breakpoint as disabled.
-   * The breakpoint number.
-   * If it is temporary or not.
-   * Its file,line position.
-   * The condition that causes a break.
-   * If it must be ignored the next N times.
-   * The breakpoint hit count.
+   .. method:: pprint([out])
+      Print all the information about the breakpoint:
+      * The breakpoint number.
+      * If it is temporary or not.
+      * Its file,line position.
+      * The condition that causes a break.
+      * If it must be ignored the next N times.
+      * The breakpoint hit count.
 .. class:: Bdb()
@@ -68,247 +71,246 @@
    (:class:`pdb.Pdb`) is an example.
-The following methods of :class:`Bdb` normally don't need to be overridden.
-.. method:: Bdb.canonic(filename)
+   The following methods of :class:`Bdb` normally don't need to be overridden.
-   Auxiliary method for getting a filename in a canonical form, that is, as a
-   case-normalized (on case-insensitive filesystems) absolute path, stripped
-   of surrounding angle brackets.
+   .. method:: canonic(filename)
-.. method:: Bdb.reset()
+      Auxiliary method for getting a filename in a canonical form, that is, as a
+      case-normalized (on case-insensitive filesystems) absolute path, stripped
+      of surrounding angle brackets.
-   Set the :attr:`botframe`, :attr:`stopframe`, :attr:`returnframe` and
-   :attr:`quitting` attributes with values ready to start debugging.
+   .. method:: reset()
+      Set the :attr:`botframe`, :attr:`stopframe`, :attr:`returnframe` and
+      :attr:`quitting` attributes with values ready to start debugging.
-.. method:: Bdb.trace_dispatch(frame, event, arg)
+   .. method:: trace_dispatch(frame, event, arg)
-   This function is installed as the trace function of debugged frames.  Its
-   return value is the new trace function (in most cases, that is, itself).
+      This function is installed as the trace function of debugged frames.  Its
+      return value is the new trace function (in most cases, that is, itself).
-   The default implementation decides how to dispatch a frame, depending on the
-   type of event (passed as a string) that is about to be executed.  *event* can
-   be one of the following:
+      The default implementation decides how to dispatch a frame, depending on
+      the type of event (passed as a string) that is about to be executed.
+      *event* can be one of the following:
-   * ``"line"``: A new line of code is going to be executed.
-   * ``"call"``: A function is about to be called, or another code block
-     entered.
-   * ``"return"``: A function or other code block is about to return.
-   * ``"exception"``: An exception has occurred.
-   * ``"c_call"``: A C function is about to be called.
-   * ``"c_return"``: A C function has returned.
-   * ``"c_exception"``: A C function has thrown an exception.
+      * ``"line"``: A new line of code is going to be executed.
+      * ``"call"``: A function is about to be called, or another code block
+        entered.
+      * ``"return"``: A function or other code block is about to return.
+      * ``"exception"``: An exception has occurred.
+      * ``"c_call"``: A C function is about to be called.
+      * ``"c_return"``: A C function has returned.
+      * ``"c_exception"``: A C function has thrown an exception.
-   For the Python events, specialized functions (see below) are called.  For the
-   C events, no action is taken.
+      For the Python events, specialized functions (see below) are called.  For
+      the C events, no action is taken.
-   The *arg* parameter depends on the previous event.
+      The *arg* parameter depends on the previous event.
-   For more information on trace functions, see :ref:`debugger-hooks`.  For more
-   information on code and frame objects, refer to :ref:`types`.
+      For more information on trace functions, see :ref:`debugger-hooks`.  For
+      more information on code and frame objects, refer to :ref:`types`.
-.. method:: Bdb.dispatch_line(frame)
+   .. method:: dispatch_line(frame)
-   If the debugger should stop on the current line, invoke the :meth:`user_line`
-   method (which should be overridden in subclasses).  Raise a :exc:`BdbQuit`
-   exception if the :attr:`Bdb.quitting` flag is set (which can be set from
-   :meth:`user_line`).  Return a reference to the :meth:`trace_dispatch` method
-   for further tracing in that scope.
+      If the debugger should stop on the current line, invoke the
+      :meth:`user_line` method (which should be overridden in subclasses).
+      Raise a :exc:`BdbQuit` exception if the :attr:`Bdb.quitting` flag is set
+      (which can be set from :meth:`user_line`).  Return a reference to the
+      :meth:`trace_dispatch` method for further tracing in that scope.
-.. method:: Bdb.dispatch_call(frame, arg)
+   .. method:: dispatch_call(frame, arg)
-   If the debugger should stop on this function call, invoke the
-   :meth:`user_call` method (which should be overridden in subclasses).  Raise a
-   :exc:`BdbQuit` exception if the :attr:`Bdb.quitting` flag is set (which can
-   be set from :meth:`user_call`).  Return a reference to the
-   :meth:`trace_dispatch` method for further tracing in that scope.
+      If the debugger should stop on this function call, invoke the
+      :meth:`user_call` method (which should be overridden in subclasses).
+      Raise a :exc:`BdbQuit` exception if the :attr:`Bdb.quitting` flag is set
+      (which can be set from :meth:`user_call`).  Return a reference to the
+      :meth:`trace_dispatch` method for further tracing in that scope.
-.. method:: Bdb.dispatch_return(frame, arg)
+   .. method:: dispatch_return(frame, arg)
-   If the debugger should stop on this function return, invoke the
-   :meth:`user_return` method (which should be overridden in subclasses).  Raise
-   a :exc:`BdbQuit` exception if the :attr:`Bdb.quitting` flag is set (which can
-   be set from :meth:`user_return`).  Return a reference to the
-   :meth:`trace_dispatch` method for further tracing in that scope.
+      If the debugger should stop on this function return, invoke the
+      :meth:`user_return` method (which should be overridden in subclasses).
+      Raise a :exc:`BdbQuit` exception if the :attr:`Bdb.quitting` flag is set
+      (which can be set from :meth:`user_return`).  Return a reference to the
+      :meth:`trace_dispatch` method for further tracing in that scope.
-.. method:: Bdb.dispatch_exception(frame, arg)
+   .. method:: dispatch_exception(frame, arg)
-   If the debugger should stop at this exception, invokes the
-   :meth:`user_exception` method (which should be overridden in subclasses).
-   Raise a :exc:`BdbQuit` exception if the :attr:`Bdb.quitting` flag is set
-   (which can be set from :meth:`user_exception`).  Return a reference to the
-   :meth:`trace_dispatch` method for further tracing in that scope.
+      If the debugger should stop at this exception, invokes the
+      :meth:`user_exception` method (which should be overridden in subclasses).
+      Raise a :exc:`BdbQuit` exception if the :attr:`Bdb.quitting` flag is set
+      (which can be set from :meth:`user_exception`).  Return a reference to the
+      :meth:`trace_dispatch` method for further tracing in that scope.
-Normally derived classes don't override the following methods, but they may if
-they want to redefine the definition of stopping and breakpoints.
+   Normally derived classes don't override the following methods, but they may
+   if they want to redefine the definition of stopping and breakpoints.
-.. method:: Bdb.stop_here(frame)
+   .. method:: stop_here(frame)
-   This method checks if the *frame* is somewhere below :attr:`botframe` in the
-   call stack.  :attr:`botframe` is the frame in which debugging started.
+      This method checks if the *frame* is somewhere below :attr:`botframe` in
+      the call stack.  :attr:`botframe` is the frame in which debugging started.
-.. method:: Bdb.break_here(frame)
+   .. method:: break_here(frame)
-   This method checks if there is a breakpoint in the filename and line
-   belonging to *frame* or, at least, in the current function.  If the
-   breakpoint is a temporary one, this method deletes it.
+      This method checks if there is a breakpoint in the filename and line
+      belonging to *frame* or, at least, in the current function.  If the
+      breakpoint is a temporary one, this method deletes it.
-.. method:: Bdb.break_anywhere(frame)
+   .. method:: break_anywhere(frame)
-   This method checks if there is a breakpoint in the filename of the current
-   frame.
+      This method checks if there is a breakpoint in the filename of the current
+      frame.
-Derived classes should override these methods to gain control over debugger
+   Derived classes should override these methods to gain control over debugger
+   operation.
-.. method:: Bdb.user_call(frame, argument_list)
+   .. method:: user_call(frame, argument_list)
-   This method is called from :meth:`dispatch_call` when there is the
-   possibility that a break might be necessary anywhere inside the called
-   function.
+      This method is called from :meth:`dispatch_call` when there is the
+      possibility that a break might be necessary anywhere inside the called
+      function.
-.. method:: Bdb.user_line(frame)
+   .. method:: user_line(frame)
-   This method is called from :meth:`dispatch_line` when either
-   :meth:`stop_here` or :meth:`break_here` yields True.
+      This method is called from :meth:`dispatch_line` when either
+      :meth:`stop_here` or :meth:`break_here` yields True.
-.. method:: Bdb.user_return(frame, return_value)
+   .. method:: user_return(frame, return_value)
-   This method is called from :meth:`dispatch_return` when :meth:`stop_here`
-   yields True.
+      This method is called from :meth:`dispatch_return` when :meth:`stop_here`
+      yields True.
-.. method:: Bdb.user_exception(frame, exc_info)
+   .. method:: user_exception(frame, exc_info)
-   This method is called from :meth:`dispatch_exception` when :meth:`stop_here`
-   yields True.
+      This method is called from :meth:`dispatch_exception` when
+      :meth:`stop_here` yields True.
-.. method:: Bdb.do_clear(arg)
+   .. method:: do_clear(arg)
-   Handle how a breakpoint must be removed when it is a temporary one.
+      Handle how a breakpoint must be removed when it is a temporary one.
-   This method must be implemented by derived classes.
+      This method must be implemented by derived classes.
-Derived classes and clients can call the following methods to affect the 
-stepping state.
+   Derived classes and clients can call the following methods to affect the
+   stepping state.
-.. method:: Bdb.set_step()
+   .. method:: set_step()
-   Stop after one line of code.
+      Stop after one line of code.
-.. method:: Bdb.set_next(frame)
+   .. method:: set_next(frame)
-   Stop on the next line in or below the given frame.
+      Stop on the next line in or below the given frame.
-.. method:: Bdb.set_return(frame)
+   .. method:: set_return(frame)
-   Stop when returning from the given frame.
+      Stop when returning from the given frame.
-.. method:: Bdb.set_trace([frame])
+   .. method:: set_trace([frame])
-   Start debugging from *frame*.  If *frame* is not specified, debugging starts
-   from caller's frame.
+      Start debugging from *frame*.  If *frame* is not specified, debugging
+      starts from caller's frame.
-.. method:: Bdb.set_continue()
+   .. method:: set_continue()
-   Stop only at breakpoints or when finished.  If there are no breakpoints, set
-   the system trace function to None.
+      Stop only at breakpoints or when finished.  If there are no breakpoints,
+      set the system trace function to None.
-.. method:: Bdb.set_quit()
+   .. method:: set_quit()
-   Set the :attr:`quitting` attribute to True.  This raises :exc:`BdbQuit` in
-   the next call to one of the :meth:`dispatch_\*` methods.
+      Set the :attr:`quitting` attribute to True.  This raises :exc:`BdbQuit` in
+      the next call to one of the :meth:`dispatch_\*` methods.
-Derived classes and clients can call the following methods to manipulate
-breakpoints.  These methods return a string containing an error message if
-something went wrong, or ``None`` if all is well.
+   Derived classes and clients can call the following methods to manipulate
+   breakpoints.  These methods return a string containing an error message if
+   something went wrong, or ``None`` if all is well.
-.. method:: Bdb.set_break(filename, lineno[, temporary=0[, cond[, funcname]]])
+   .. method:: set_break(filename, lineno[, temporary=0[, cond[, funcname]]])
-   Set a new breakpoint.  If the *lineno* line doesn't exist for the *filename*
-   passed as argument, return an error message.  The *filename* should be in
-   canonical form, as described in the :meth:`canonic` method.
+      Set a new breakpoint.  If the *lineno* line doesn't exist for the
+      *filename* passed as argument, return an error message.  The *filename*
+      should be in canonical form, as described in the :meth:`canonic` method.
-.. method:: Bdb.clear_break(filename, lineno)
+   .. method:: clear_break(filename, lineno)
-   Delete the breakpoints in *filename* and *lineno*.  If none were set, an
-   error message is returned.
+      Delete the breakpoints in *filename* and *lineno*.  If none were set, an
+      error message is returned.
-.. method:: Bdb.clear_bpbynumber(arg)
+   .. method:: clear_bpbynumber(arg)
-   Delete the breakpoint which has the index *arg* in the
-   :attr:`Breakpoint.bpbynumber`.  If *arg* is not numeric or out of range,
-   return an error message.
+      Delete the breakpoint which has the index *arg* in the
+      :attr:`Breakpoint.bpbynumber`.  If *arg* is not numeric or out of range,
+      return an error message.
-.. method:: Bdb.clear_all_file_breaks(filename)
+   .. method:: clear_all_file_breaks(filename)
-   Delete all breakpoints in *filename*.  If none were set, an error message is
-   returned.
+      Delete all breakpoints in *filename*.  If none were set, an error message
+      is returned.
-.. method:: Bdb.clear_all_breaks()
+   .. method:: clear_all_breaks()
-   Delete all existing breakpoints.
+      Delete all existing breakpoints.
-.. method:: Bdb.get_break(filename, lineno)
+   .. method:: get_break(filename, lineno)
-   Check if there is a breakpoint for *lineno* of *filename*.
+      Check if there is a breakpoint for *lineno* of *filename*.
-.. method:: Bdb.get_breaks(filename, lineno)
+   .. method:: get_breaks(filename, lineno)
-   Return all breakpoints for *lineno* in *filename*, or an empty list if none
-   are set.
+      Return all breakpoints for *lineno* in *filename*, or an empty list if
+      none are set.
-.. method:: Bdb.get_file_breaks(filename)
+   .. method:: get_file_breaks(filename)
-   Return all breakpoints in *filename*, or an empty list if none are set.
+      Return all breakpoints in *filename*, or an empty list if none are set.
-.. method:: Bdb.get_all_breaks()
+   .. method:: get_all_breaks()
-   Return all breakpoints that are set.
+      Return all breakpoints that are set.
-Derived classes and clients can call the following methods to get a data
-structure representing a stack trace.
+   Derived classes and clients can call the following methods to get a data
+   structure representing a stack trace.
-.. method:: Bdb.get_stack(f, t)
+   .. method:: get_stack(f, t)
-   Get a list of records for a frame and all higher (calling) and lower frames,
-   and the size of the higher part.
+      Get a list of records for a frame and all higher (calling) and lower
+      frames, and the size of the higher part.
-.. method:: Bdb.format_stack_entry(frame_lineno, [lprefix=': '])
+   .. method:: format_stack_entry(frame_lineno, [lprefix=': '])
-   Return a string with information about a stack entry, identified by a
-   ``(frame, lineno)`` tuple:
+      Return a string with information about a stack entry, identified by a
+      ``(frame, lineno)`` tuple:
-   * The canonical form of the filename which contains the frame.
-   * The function name, or ``"<lambda>"``.
-   * The input arguments.
-   * The return value.
-   * The line of code (if it exists).
+      * The canonical form of the filename which contains the frame.
+      * The function name, or ``"<lambda>"``.
+      * The input arguments.
+      * The return value.
+      * The line of code (if it exists).
-The following two methods can be called by clients to use a debugger to debug a
-:term:`statement`, given as a string.
+   The following two methods can be called by clients to use a debugger to debug
+   a :term:`statement`, given as a string.
-.. method:: Bdb.run(cmd, [globals, [locals]])
+   .. method:: run(cmd, [globals, [locals]])
-   Debug a statement executed via the :keyword:`exec` statement.  *globals*
-   defaults to :attr:`__main__.__dict__`, *locals* defaults to *globals*.
+      Debug a statement executed via the :keyword:`exec` statement.  *globals*
+      defaults to :attr:`__main__.__dict__`, *locals* defaults to *globals*.
-.. method:: Bdb.runeval(expr, [globals, [locals]])
+   .. method:: runeval(expr, [globals, [locals]])
-   Debug an expression executed via the :func:`eval` function.  *globals* and
-   *locals* have the same meaning as in :meth:`run`.
+      Debug an expression executed via the :func:`eval` function.  *globals* and
+      *locals* have the same meaning as in :meth:`run`.
-.. method:: Bdb.runctx(cmd, globals, locals)
+   .. method:: runctx(cmd, globals, locals)
-   For backwards compatibility.  Calls the :meth:`run` method.
+      For backwards compatibility.  Calls the :meth:`run` method.
-.. method:: Bdb.runcall(func, *args, **kwds)
+   .. method:: runcall(func, *args, **kwds)
-   Debug a single function call, and return its result.
+      Debug a single function call, and return its result.
 Finally, the module defines the following functions:

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/bz2.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/bz2.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/bz2.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -46,85 +46,89 @@
 .. class:: BZ2File(filename[, mode[, buffering[, compresslevel]]])
-   Open a bz2 file. Mode can be either ``'r'`` or ``'w'``, for reading  (default)
+   Open a bz2 file. Mode can be either ``'r'`` or ``'w'``, for reading (default)
    or writing. When opened for writing, the file will be created if it doesn't
-   exist, and truncated otherwise. If *buffering* is given, ``0`` means unbuffered,
-   and larger numbers specify the buffer size; the default is ``0``. If
-   *compresslevel* is given, it must be a number between ``1`` and ``9``; the
-   default is ``9``. Add a ``'U'`` to mode to open the file for input with
-   universal newline support. Any line ending in the input file will be seen as a
-   ``'\n'`` in Python.  Also, a file so opened gains the attribute
+   exist, and truncated otherwise. If *buffering* is given, ``0`` means
+   unbuffered, and larger numbers specify the buffer size; the default is
+   ``0``. If *compresslevel* is given, it must be a number between ``1`` and
+   ``9``; the default is ``9``. Add a ``'U'`` to mode to open the file for input
+   with universal newline support. Any line ending in the input file will be
+   seen as a ``'\n'`` in Python.  Also, a file so opened gains the attribute
    :attr:`newlines`; the value for this attribute is one of ``None`` (no newline
-   read yet), ``'\r'``, ``'\n'``, ``'\r\n'`` or a tuple containing all the newline
-   types seen. Universal newlines are available only when reading. Instances
-   support iteration in the same way as normal :class:`file` instances.
+   read yet), ``'\r'``, ``'\n'``, ``'\r\n'`` or a tuple containing all the
+   newline types seen. Universal newlines are available only when
+   reading. Instances support iteration in the same way as normal :class:`file`
+   instances.
-.. method:: BZ2File.close()
+   .. method:: close()
-   Close the file. Sets data attribute :attr:`closed` to true. A closed file cannot
-   be used for further I/O operations. :meth:`close` may be called more than once
-   without error.
+      Close the file. Sets data attribute :attr:`closed` to true. A closed file
+      cannot be used for further I/O operations. :meth:`close` may be called
+      more than once without error.
-.. method:: BZ2File.read([size])
+   .. method:: read([size])
-   Read at most *size* uncompressed bytes, returned as a string. If the *size*
-   argument is negative or omitted, read until EOF is reached.
+      Read at most *size* uncompressed bytes, returned as a string. If the
+      *size* argument is negative or omitted, read until EOF is reached.
-.. method:: BZ2File.readline([size])
+   .. method:: readline([size])
-   Return the next line from the file, as a string, retaining newline. A
-   non-negative *size* argument limits the maximum number of bytes to return (an
-   incomplete line may be returned then). Return an empty string at EOF.
+      Return the next line from the file, as a string, retaining newline. A
+      non-negative *size* argument limits the maximum number of bytes to return
+      (an incomplete line may be returned then). Return an empty string at EOF.
-.. method:: BZ2File.readlines([size])
+   .. method:: readlines([size])
-   Return a list of lines read. The optional *size* argument, if given, is an
-   approximate bound on the total number of bytes in the lines returned.
+      Return a list of lines read. The optional *size* argument, if given, is an
+      approximate bound on the total number of bytes in the lines returned.
-.. method:: BZ2File.xreadlines()
+   .. method:: xreadlines()
-   For backward compatibility. :class:`BZ2File` objects now include the performance
-   optimizations previously implemented in the :mod:`xreadlines` module.
+      For backward compatibility. :class:`BZ2File` objects now include the
+      performance optimizations previously implemented in the :mod:`xreadlines`
+      module.
-   .. deprecated:: 2.3
-      This exists only for compatibility with the method by this name on :class:`file`
-      objects, which is deprecated.  Use ``for line in file`` instead.
+      .. deprecated:: 2.3 
+         This exists only for compatibility with the method by this name on
+         :class:`file` objects, which is deprecated.  Use ``for line in file``
+         instead.
-.. method:: BZ2File.seek(offset[, whence])
+   .. method:: seek(offset[, whence])
-   Move to new file position. Argument *offset* is a byte count. Optional argument
-   *whence* defaults to ``os.SEEK_SET`` or ``0`` (offset from start of file; offset
-   should be ``>= 0``); other values are ``os.SEEK_CUR`` or ``1`` (move relative to
-   current position; offset can be positive or negative), and ``os.SEEK_END`` or
-   ``2`` (move relative to end of file; offset is usually negative, although many
-   platforms allow seeking beyond the end of a file).
+      Move to new file position. Argument *offset* is a byte count. Optional
+      argument *whence* defaults to ``os.SEEK_SET`` or ``0`` (offset from start
+      of file; offset should be ``>= 0``); other values are ``os.SEEK_CUR`` or
+      ``1`` (move relative to current position; offset can be positive or
+      negative), and ``os.SEEK_END`` or ``2`` (move relative to end of file;
+      offset is usually negative, although many platforms allow seeking beyond
+      the end of a file).
-   Note that seeking of bz2 files is emulated, and depending on the parameters the
-   operation may be extremely slow.
+      Note that seeking of bz2 files is emulated, and depending on the
+      parameters the operation may be extremely slow.
-.. method:: BZ2File.tell()
+   .. method:: tell()
-   Return the current file position, an integer (may be a long integer).
+      Return the current file position, an integer (may be a long integer).
-.. method:: BZ2File.write(data)
+   .. method:: write(data)
-   Write string *data* to file. Note that due to buffering, :meth:`close` may be
-   needed before the file on disk reflects the data written.
+      Write string *data* to file. Note that due to buffering, :meth:`close` may
+      be needed before the file on disk reflects the data written.
-.. method:: BZ2File.writelines(sequence_of_strings)
+   .. method:: writelines(sequence_of_strings)
-   Write the sequence of strings to the file. Note that newlines are not added. The
-   sequence can be any iterable object producing strings. This is equivalent to
-   calling write() for each string.
+      Write the sequence of strings to the file. Note that newlines are not
+      added. The sequence can be any iterable object producing strings. This is
+      equivalent to calling write() for each string.
 Sequential (de)compression
@@ -137,23 +141,23 @@
 .. class:: BZ2Compressor([compresslevel])
    Create a new compressor object. This object may be used to compress data
-   sequentially. If you want to compress data in one shot, use the :func:`compress`
-   function instead. The *compresslevel* parameter, if given, must be a number
-   between ``1`` and ``9``; the default is ``9``.
+   sequentially. If you want to compress data in one shot, use the
+   :func:`compress` function instead. The *compresslevel* parameter, if given,
+   must be a number between ``1`` and ``9``; the default is ``9``.
-.. method:: BZ2Compressor.compress(data)
+   .. method:: compress(data)
-   Provide more data to the compressor object. It will return chunks of compressed
-   data whenever possible. When you've finished providing data to compress, call
-   the :meth:`flush` method to finish the compression process, and return what is
-   left in internal buffers.
+      Provide more data to the compressor object. It will return chunks of
+      compressed data whenever possible. When you've finished providing data to
+      compress, call the :meth:`flush` method to finish the compression process,
+      and return what is left in internal buffers.
-.. method:: BZ2Compressor.flush()
+   .. method:: flush()
-   Finish the compression process and return what is left in internal buffers. You
-   must not use the compressor object after calling this method.
+      Finish the compression process and return what is left in internal
+      buffers. You must not use the compressor object after calling this method.
 .. class:: BZ2Decompressor()
@@ -163,12 +167,13 @@
    :func:`decompress` function instead.
-.. method:: BZ2Decompressor.decompress(data)
+   .. method:: decompress(data)
-   Provide more data to the decompressor object. It will return chunks of
-   decompressed data whenever possible. If you try to decompress data after the end
-   of stream is found, :exc:`EOFError` will be raised. If any data was found after
-   the end of stream, it'll be ignored and saved in :attr:`unused_data` attribute.
+      Provide more data to the decompressor object. It will return chunks of
+      decompressed data whenever possible. If you try to decompress data after
+      the end of stream is found, :exc:`EOFError` will be raised. If any data
+      was found after the end of stream, it'll be ignored and saved in
+      :attr:`unused_data` attribute.
 One-shot (de)compression
@@ -180,13 +185,13 @@
 .. function:: compress(data[, compresslevel])
-   Compress *data* in one shot. If you want to compress data sequentially, use an
-   instance of :class:`BZ2Compressor` instead. The *compresslevel* parameter, if
-   given, must be a number between ``1`` and ``9``; the default is ``9``.
+   Compress *data* in one shot. If you want to compress data sequentially, use
+   an instance of :class:`BZ2Compressor` instead. The *compresslevel* parameter,
+   if given, must be a number between ``1`` and ``9``; the default is ``9``.
 .. function:: decompress(data)
-   Decompress *data* in one shot. If you want to decompress data sequentially, use
-   an instance of :class:`BZ2Decompressor` instead.
+   Decompress *data* in one shot. If you want to decompress data sequentially,
+   use an instance of :class:`BZ2Decompressor` instead.

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/calendar.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/calendar.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/calendar.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -34,75 +34,76 @@
    .. versionadded:: 2.5
-:class:`Calendar` instances have the following methods:
+   :class:`Calendar` instances have the following methods:
-.. method:: Calendar.iterweekdays(weekday)
+   .. method:: iterweekdays(weekday)
-   Return an iterator for the week day numbers that will be used for one week.
-   The first value from the iterator will be the same as the value of the
-   :attr:`firstweekday` property.
+      Return an iterator for the week day numbers that will be used for one
+      week.  The first value from the iterator will be the same as the value of
+      the :attr:`firstweekday` property.
-.. method:: Calendar.itermonthdates(year, month)
+   .. method:: itermonthdates(year, month)
-   Return an iterator for the month *month* (1-12) in the year *year*. This
-   iterator will return all days (as :class:`datetime.date` objects) for the month
-   and all days before the start of the month or after the end of the month that
-   are required to get a complete week.
+      Return an iterator for the month *month* (1-12) in the year *year*. This
+      iterator will return all days (as :class:`datetime.date` objects) for the
+      month and all days before the start of the month or after the end of the
+      month that are required to get a complete week.
-.. method:: Calendar.itermonthdays2(year, month)
+   .. method:: itermonthdays2(year, month)
-   Return an iterator for the month *month* in the year *year* similar to
-   :meth:`itermonthdates`. Days returned will be tuples consisting of a day number
-   and a week day number.
+      Return an iterator for the month *month* in the year *year* similar to
+      :meth:`itermonthdates`. Days returned will be tuples consisting of a day
+      number and a week day number.
-.. method:: Calendar.itermonthdays(year, month)
+   .. method:: itermonthdays(year, month)
-   Return an iterator for the month *month* in the year *year* similar to
-   :meth:`itermonthdates`. Days returned will simply be day numbers.
+      Return an iterator for the month *month* in the year *year* similar to
+      :meth:`itermonthdates`. Days returned will simply be day numbers.
-.. method:: Calendar.monthdatescalendar(year, month)
+   .. method:: monthdatescalendar(year, month)
-   Return a list of the weeks in the month *month* of the *year* as full weeks.
-   Weeks are lists of seven :class:`datetime.date` objects.
+      Return a list of the weeks in the month *month* of the *year* as full
+      weeks.  Weeks are lists of seven :class:`datetime.date` objects.
-.. method:: Calendar.monthdays2calendar(year, month)
+   .. method:: monthdays2calendar(year, month)
-   Return a list of the weeks in the month *month* of the *year* as full weeks.
-   Weeks are lists of seven tuples of day numbers and weekday numbers.
+      Return a list of the weeks in the month *month* of the *year* as full
+      weeks.  Weeks are lists of seven tuples of day numbers and weekday
+      numbers.
-.. method:: Calendar.monthdayscalendar(year, month)
+   .. method:: monthdayscalendar(year, month)
-   Return a list of the weeks in the month *month* of the *year* as full weeks.
-   Weeks are lists of seven day numbers.
+      Return a list of the weeks in the month *month* of the *year* as full
+      weeks.  Weeks are lists of seven day numbers.
-.. method:: Calendar.yeardatescalendar(year[, width])
+   .. method:: yeardatescalendar(year[, width])
-   Return the data for the specified year ready for formatting. The return value
-   is a list of month rows. Each month row contains up to *width* months
-   (defaulting to 3). Each month contains between 4 and 6 weeks and each week
-   contains 1--7 days. Days are :class:`datetime.date` objects.
+      Return the data for the specified year ready for formatting. The return
+      value is a list of month rows. Each month row contains up to *width*
+      months (defaulting to 3). Each month contains between 4 and 6 weeks and
+      each week contains 1--7 days. Days are :class:`datetime.date` objects.
-.. method:: Calendar.yeardays2calendar(year[, width])
+   .. method:: yeardays2calendar(year[, width])
-   Return the data for the specified year ready for formatting (similar to
-   :meth:`yeardatescalendar`). Entries in the week lists are tuples of day
-   numbers and weekday numbers. Day numbers outside this month are zero.
+      Return the data for the specified year ready for formatting (similar to
+      :meth:`yeardatescalendar`). Entries in the week lists are tuples of day
+      numbers and weekday numbers. Day numbers outside this month are zero.
-.. method:: Calendar.yeardayscalendar(year[, width])
+   .. method:: yeardayscalendar(year[, width])
-   Return the data for the specified year ready for formatting (similar to
-   :meth:`yeardatescalendar`). Entries in the week lists are day numbers. Day
-   numbers outside this month are zero.
+      Return the data for the specified year ready for formatting (similar to
+      :meth:`yeardatescalendar`). Entries in the week lists are day numbers. Day
+      numbers outside this month are zero.
 .. class:: TextCalendar([firstweekday])
@@ -111,36 +112,36 @@
    .. versionadded:: 2.5
-:class:`TextCalendar` instances have the following methods:
+   :class:`TextCalendar` instances have the following methods:
-.. method:: TextCalendar.formatmonth(theyear, themonth[, w[, l]])
+   .. method:: formatmonth(theyear, themonth[, w[, l]])
-   Return a month's calendar in a multi-line string. If *w* is provided, it
-   specifies the width of the date columns, which are centered. If *l* is given,
-   it specifies the number of lines that each week will use. Depends on the
-   first weekday as specified in the constructor or set by the
-   :meth:`setfirstweekday` method.
+      Return a month's calendar in a multi-line string. If *w* is provided, it
+      specifies the width of the date columns, which are centered. If *l* is
+      given, it specifies the number of lines that each week will use. Depends
+      on the first weekday as specified in the constructor or set by the
+      :meth:`setfirstweekday` method.
-.. method:: TextCalendar.prmonth(theyear, themonth[, w[, l]])
+   .. method:: prmonth(theyear, themonth[, w[, l]])
-   Print a month's calendar as returned by :meth:`formatmonth`.
+      Print a month's calendar as returned by :meth:`formatmonth`.
-.. method:: TextCalendar.formatyear(theyear, themonth[, w[, l[, c[, m]]]])
+   .. method:: formatyear(theyear, themonth[, w[, l[, c[, m]]]])
-   Return a *m*-column calendar for an entire year as a multi-line string.
-   Optional parameters *w*, *l*, and *c* are for date column width, lines per
-   week, and number of spaces between month columns, respectively. Depends on
-   the first weekday as specified in the constructor or set by the
-   :meth:`setfirstweekday` method.  The earliest year for which a calendar can
-   be generated is platform-dependent.
+      Return a *m*-column calendar for an entire year as a multi-line string.
+      Optional parameters *w*, *l*, and *c* are for date column width, lines per
+      week, and number of spaces between month columns, respectively. Depends on
+      the first weekday as specified in the constructor or set by the
+      :meth:`setfirstweekday` method.  The earliest year for which a calendar
+      can be generated is platform-dependent.
-.. method:: TextCalendar.pryear(theyear[, w[, l[, c[, m]]]])
+   .. method:: pryear(theyear[, w[, l[, c[, m]]]])
-   Print the calendar for an entire year as returned by :meth:`formatyear`.
+      Print the calendar for an entire year as returned by :meth:`formatyear`.
 .. class:: HTMLCalendar([firstweekday])
@@ -149,36 +150,37 @@
    .. versionadded:: 2.5
-:class:`HTMLCalendar` instances have the following methods:
+   :class:`HTMLCalendar` instances have the following methods:
-.. method:: HTMLCalendar.formatmonth(theyear, themonth[, withyear])
+   .. method:: formatmonth(theyear, themonth[, withyear])
-   Return a month's calendar as an HTML table. If *withyear* is true the year will
-   be included in the header, otherwise just the month name will be used.
+      Return a month's calendar as an HTML table. If *withyear* is true the year
+      will be included in the header, otherwise just the month name will be
+      used.
-.. method:: HTMLCalendar.formatyear(theyear, themonth[, width])
+   .. method:: formatyear(theyear, themonth[, width])
-   Return a year's calendar as an HTML table. *width* (defaulting to 3) specifies
-   the number of months per row.
+      Return a year's calendar as an HTML table. *width* (defaulting to 3)
+      specifies the number of months per row.
-.. method:: HTMLCalendar.formatyearpage(theyear[, width[, css[, encoding]]])
+   .. method:: formatyearpage(theyear[, width[, css[, encoding]]])
-   Return a year's calendar as a complete HTML page. *width* (defaulting to 3)
-   specifies the number of months per row. *css* is the name for the cascading
-   style sheet to be used. :const:`None` can be passed if no style sheet should be
-   used. *encoding* specifies the encoding to be used for the output (defaulting to
-   the system default encoding).
+      Return a year's calendar as a complete HTML page. *width* (defaulting to
+      3) specifies the number of months per row. *css* is the name for the
+      cascading style sheet to be used. :const:`None` can be passed if no style
+      sheet should be used. *encoding* specifies the encoding to be used for the
+      output (defaulting to the system default encoding).
 .. class:: LocaleTextCalendar([firstweekday[, locale]])
    This subclass of :class:`TextCalendar` can be passed a locale name in the
-   constructor and will return month and weekday names in the specified locale. If
-   this locale includes an encoding all strings containing month and weekday names
-   will be returned as unicode.
+   constructor and will return month and weekday names in the specified
+   locale. If this locale includes an encoding all strings containing month and
+   weekday names will be returned as unicode.
    .. versionadded:: 2.5
@@ -186,9 +188,9 @@
 .. class:: LocaleHTMLCalendar([firstweekday[, locale]])
    This subclass of :class:`HTMLCalendar` can be passed a locale name in the
-   constructor and will return month and weekday names in the specified locale. If
-   this locale includes an encoding all strings containing month and weekday names
-   will be returned as unicode.
+   constructor and will return month and weekday names in the specified
+   locale. If this locale includes an encoding all strings containing month and
+   weekday names will be returned as unicode.
    .. versionadded:: 2.5

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/cgihttpserver.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/cgihttpserver.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/cgihttpserver.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -43,22 +43,22 @@
    and serve the output, instead of serving files, if the request leads to
    somewhere below the ``cgi_directories`` path.
-The :class:`CGIHTTPRequestHandler` defines the following data member:
+   The :class:`CGIHTTPRequestHandler` defines the following data member:
-.. attribute:: CGIHTTPRequestHandler.cgi_directories
+   .. attribute:: cgi_directories
-   This defaults to ``['/cgi-bin', '/htbin']`` and describes directories to treat
-   as containing CGI scripts.
+      This defaults to ``['/cgi-bin', '/htbin']`` and describes directories to
+      treat as containing CGI scripts.
-The :class:`CGIHTTPRequestHandler` defines the following methods:
+   The :class:`CGIHTTPRequestHandler` defines the following methods:
-.. method:: CGIHTTPRequestHandler.do_POST()
+   .. method:: do_POST()
-   This method serves the ``'POST'`` request type, only allowed for CGI scripts.
-   Error 501, "Can only POST to CGI scripts", is output when trying to POST to a
-   non-CGI url.
+      This method serves the ``'POST'`` request type, only allowed for CGI
+      scripts.  Error 501, "Can only POST to CGI scripts", is output when trying
+      to POST to a non-CGI url.
 Note that CGI scripts will be run with UID of user nobody, for security reasons.
 Problems with the CGI script will be translated to error 403.

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/chunk.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/chunk.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/chunk.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -66,62 +66,64 @@
    optional argument *inclheader* is true, the size given in the chunk header
    includes the size of the header.  The default value is false.
-A :class:`Chunk` object supports the following methods:
+   A :class:`Chunk` object supports the following methods:
-.. method:: Chunk.getname()
+   .. method:: getname()
-   Returns the name (ID) of the chunk.  This is the first 4 bytes of the chunk.
+      Returns the name (ID) of the chunk.  This is the first 4 bytes of the
+      chunk.
-.. method:: Chunk.getsize()
+   .. method:: getsize()
-   Returns the size of the chunk.
+      Returns the size of the chunk.
-.. method:: Chunk.close()
+   .. method:: close()
-   Close and skip to the end of the chunk.  This does not close the underlying
-   file.
+      Close and skip to the end of the chunk.  This does not close the
+      underlying file.
-The remaining methods will raise :exc:`IOError` if called after the
-:meth:`close` method has been called.
+   The remaining methods will raise :exc:`IOError` if called after the
+   :meth:`close` method has been called.
-.. method:: Chunk.isatty()
+   .. method:: isatty()
-   Returns ``False``.
+      Returns ``False``.
-.. method:: Chunk.seek(pos[, whence])
+   .. method:: seek(pos[, whence])
-   Set the chunk's current position.  The *whence* argument is optional and
-   defaults to ``0`` (absolute file positioning); other values are ``1`` (seek
-   relative to the current position) and ``2`` (seek relative to the file's end).
-   There is no return value. If the underlying file does not allow seek, only
-   forward seeks are allowed.
+      Set the chunk's current position.  The *whence* argument is optional and
+      defaults to ``0`` (absolute file positioning); other values are ``1``
+      (seek relative to the current position) and ``2`` (seek relative to the
+      file's end).  There is no return value. If the underlying file does not
+      allow seek, only forward seeks are allowed.
-.. method:: Chunk.tell()
+   .. method:: tell()
-   Return the current position into the chunk.
+      Return the current position into the chunk.
-.. method:: Chunk.read([size])
+   .. method:: read([size])
-   Read at most *size* bytes from the chunk (less if the read hits the end of the
-   chunk before obtaining *size* bytes).  If the *size* argument is negative or
-   omitted, read all data until the end of the chunk.  The bytes are returned as a
-   string object.  An empty string is returned when the end of the chunk is
-   encountered immediately.
+      Read at most *size* bytes from the chunk (less if the read hits the end of
+      the chunk before obtaining *size* bytes).  If the *size* argument is
+      negative or omitted, read all data until the end of the chunk.  The bytes
+      are returned as a string object.  An empty string is returned when the end
+      of the chunk is encountered immediately.
-.. method:: Chunk.skip()
+   .. method:: skip()
+      Skip to the end of the chunk.  All further calls to :meth:`read` for the
+      chunk will return ``''``.  If you are not interested in the contents of
+      the chunk, this method should be called so that the file points to the
+      start of the next chunk.
-   Skip to the end of the chunk.  All further calls to :meth:`read` for the chunk
-   will return ``''``.  If you are not interested in the contents of the chunk,
-   this method should be called so that the file points to the start of the next
-   chunk.
 .. rubric:: Footnotes

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/codecs.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/codecs.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/codecs.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -435,16 +435,16 @@
-.. method:: IncrementalEncoder.encode(object[, final])
+   .. method:: encode(object[, final])
-   Encodes *object* (taking the current state of the encoder into account) and
-   returns the resulting encoded object. If this is the last call to :meth:`encode`
-   *final* must be true (the default is false).
+      Encodes *object* (taking the current state of the encoder into account)
+      and returns the resulting encoded object. If this is the last call to
+      :meth:`encode` *final* must be true (the default is false).
-.. method:: IncrementalEncoder.reset()
+   .. method:: reset()
-   Reset the encoder to the initial state.
+      Reset the encoder to the initial state.
 .. _incremental-decoder-objects:
@@ -483,20 +483,21 @@
-.. method:: IncrementalDecoder.decode(object[, final])
+   .. method:: decode(object[, final])
-   Decodes *object* (taking the current state of the decoder into account) and
-   returns the resulting decoded object. If this is the last call to :meth:`decode`
-   *final* must be true (the default is false). If *final* is true the decoder must
-   decode the input completely and must flush all buffers. If this isn't possible
-   (e.g. because of incomplete byte sequences at the end of the input) it must
-   initiate error handling just like in the stateless case (which might raise an
-   exception).
+      Decodes *object* (taking the current state of the decoder into account)
+      and returns the resulting decoded object. If this is the last call to
+      :meth:`decode` *final* must be true (the default is false). If *final* is
+      true the decoder must decode the input completely and must flush all
+      buffers. If this isn't possible (e.g. because of incomplete byte sequences
+      at the end of the input) it must initiate error handling just like in the
+      stateless case (which might raise an exception).
-.. method:: IncrementalDecoder.reset()
+   .. method:: reset()
+      Reset the decoder to the initial state.
-   Reset the decoder to the initial state.
 The :class:`StreamWriter` and :class:`StreamReader` classes provide generic
 working interfaces which can be used to implement new encoding submodules very
@@ -544,24 +545,25 @@
-.. method:: StreamWriter.write(object)
+   .. method:: write(object)
+      Writes the object's contents encoded to the stream.
-   Writes the object's contents encoded to the stream.
+   .. method:: writelines(list)
-.. method:: StreamWriter.writelines(list)
+      Writes the concatenated list of strings to the stream (possibly by reusing
+      the :meth:`write` method).
-   Writes the concatenated list of strings to the stream (possibly by reusing the
-   :meth:`write` method).
+   .. method:: reset()
-.. method:: StreamWriter.reset()
+      Flushes and resets the codec buffers used for keeping state.
-   Flushes and resets the codec buffers used for keeping state.
+      Calling this method should ensure that the data on the output is put into
+      a clean state that allows appending of new fresh data without having to
+      rescan the whole stream to recover state.
-   Calling this method should ensure that the data on the output is put into a
-   clean state that allows appending of new fresh data without having to rescan the
-   whole stream to recover state.
 In addition to the above methods, the :class:`StreamWriter` must also inherit
 all other methods and attributes from the underlying stream.
@@ -604,64 +606,68 @@
-.. method:: StreamReader.read([size[, chars, [firstline]]])
+   .. method:: read([size[, chars, [firstline]]])
-   Decodes data from the stream and returns the resulting object.
+      Decodes data from the stream and returns the resulting object.
-   *chars* indicates the number of characters to read from the stream. :func:`read`
-   will never return more than *chars* characters, but it might return less, if
-   there are not enough characters available.
+      *chars* indicates the number of characters to read from the
+      stream. :func:`read` will never return more than *chars* characters, but
+      it might return less, if there are not enough characters available.
-   *size* indicates the approximate maximum number of bytes to read from the stream
-   for decoding purposes. The decoder can modify this setting as appropriate. The
-   default value -1 indicates to read and decode as much as possible.  *size* is
-   intended to prevent having to decode huge files in one step.
+      *size* indicates the approximate maximum number of bytes to read from the
+      stream for decoding purposes. The decoder can modify this setting as
+      appropriate. The default value -1 indicates to read and decode as much as
+      possible.  *size* is intended to prevent having to decode huge files in
+      one step.
-   *firstline* indicates that it would be sufficient to only return the first line,
-   if there are decoding errors on later lines.
+      *firstline* indicates that it would be sufficient to only return the first
+      line, if there are decoding errors on later lines.
-   The method should use a greedy read strategy meaning that it should read as much
-   data as is allowed within the definition of the encoding and the given size,
-   e.g.  if optional encoding endings or state markers are available on the stream,
-   these should be read too.
+      The method should use a greedy read strategy meaning that it should read
+      as much data as is allowed within the definition of the encoding and the
+      given size, e.g.  if optional encoding endings or state markers are
+      available on the stream, these should be read too.
-   .. versionchanged:: 2.4
-      *chars* argument added.
+      .. versionchanged:: 2.4
+         *chars* argument added.
-   .. versionchanged:: 2.4.2
-      *firstline* argument added.
+      .. versionchanged:: 2.4.2
+         *firstline* argument added.
-.. method:: StreamReader.readline([size[, keepends]])
+   .. method:: readline([size[, keepends]])
-   Read one line from the input stream and return the decoded data.
+      Read one line from the input stream and return the decoded data.
-   *size*, if given, is passed as size argument to the stream's :meth:`readline`
-   method.
+      *size*, if given, is passed as size argument to the stream's
+      :meth:`readline` method.
-   If *keepends* is false line-endings will be stripped from the lines returned.
+      If *keepends* is false line-endings will be stripped from the lines
+      returned.
-   .. versionchanged:: 2.4
-      *keepends* argument added.
+      .. versionchanged:: 2.4
+         *keepends* argument added.
-.. method:: StreamReader.readlines([sizehint[, keepends]])
+   .. method:: readlines([sizehint[, keepends]])
-   Read all lines available on the input stream and return them as a list of lines.
+      Read all lines available on the input stream and return them as a list of
+      lines.
-   Line-endings are implemented using the codec's decoder method and are included
-   in the list entries if *keepends* is true.
+      Line-endings are implemented using the codec's decoder method and are
+      included in the list entries if *keepends* is true.
-   *sizehint*, if given, is passed as the *size* argument to the stream's
-   :meth:`read` method.
+      *sizehint*, if given, is passed as the *size* argument to the stream's
+      :meth:`read` method.
-.. method:: StreamReader.reset()
+   .. method:: reset()
-   Resets the codec buffers used for keeping state.
+      Resets the codec buffers used for keeping state.
+      Note that no stream repositioning should take place.  This method is
+      primarily intended to be able to recover from decoding errors.
-   Note that no stream repositioning should take place.  This method is primarily
-   intended to be able to recover from decoding errors.
 In addition to the above methods, the :class:`StreamReader` must also inherit
 all other methods and attributes from the underlying stream.
@@ -730,6 +736,7 @@
    Error handling is done in the same way as defined for the stream readers and
 :class:`StreamRecoder` instances define the combined interfaces of
 :class:`StreamReader` and :class:`StreamWriter` classes. They inherit all other
 methods and attributes from the underlying stream.

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/collections.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/collections.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/collections.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -179,62 +179,63 @@
    .. versionchanged:: 2.6
       Added *maxlen* parameter.
-Deque objects support the following methods:
+   Deque objects support the following methods:
-.. method:: deque.append(x)
+   .. method:: append(x)
-   Add *x* to the right side of the deque.
+      Add *x* to the right side of the deque.
-.. method:: deque.appendleft(x)
+   .. method:: appendleft(x)
-   Add *x* to the left side of the deque.
+      Add *x* to the left side of the deque.
-.. method:: deque.clear()
+   .. method:: clear()
-   Remove all elements from the deque leaving it with length 0.
+      Remove all elements from the deque leaving it with length 0.
-.. method:: deque.extend(iterable)
+   .. method:: extend(iterable)
-   Extend the right side of the deque by appending elements from the iterable
-   argument.
+      Extend the right side of the deque by appending elements from the iterable
+      argument.
-.. method:: deque.extendleft(iterable)
+   .. method:: extendleft(iterable)
-   Extend the left side of the deque by appending elements from *iterable*.  Note,
-   the series of left appends results in reversing the order of elements in the
-   iterable argument.
+      Extend the left side of the deque by appending elements from *iterable*.
+      Note, the series of left appends results in reversing the order of
+      elements in the iterable argument.
-.. method:: deque.pop()
+   .. method:: pop()
-   Remove and return an element from the right side of the deque. If no elements
-   are present, raises an :exc:`IndexError`.
+      Remove and return an element from the right side of the deque. If no
+      elements are present, raises an :exc:`IndexError`.
-.. method:: deque.popleft()
+   .. method:: popleft()
-   Remove and return an element from the left side of the deque. If no elements are
-   present, raises an :exc:`IndexError`.
+      Remove and return an element from the left side of the deque. If no
+      elements are present, raises an :exc:`IndexError`.
-.. method:: deque.remove(value)
+   .. method:: remove(value)
-   Removed the first occurrence of *value*.  If not found, raises a
-   :exc:`ValueError`.
+      Removed the first occurrence of *value*.  If not found, raises a
+      :exc:`ValueError`.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.5
-   .. versionadded:: 2.5
+   .. method:: rotate(n)
-.. method:: deque.rotate(n)
+      Rotate the deque *n* steps to the right.  If *n* is negative, rotate to
+      the left.  Rotating one step to the right is equivalent to:
+      ``d.appendleft(d.pop())``.
-   Rotate the deque *n* steps to the right.  If *n* is negative, rotate to the
-   left.  Rotating one step to the right is equivalent to:
-   ``d.appendleft(d.pop())``.
 In addition to the above, deques support iteration, pickling, ``len(d)``,
 ``reversed(d)``, ``copy.copy(d)``, ``copy.deepcopy(d)``, membership testing with
@@ -365,33 +366,35 @@
    .. versionadded:: 2.5
-:class:`defaultdict` objects support the following method in addition to the
-standard :class:`dict` operations:
+   :class:`defaultdict` objects support the following method in addition to the
+   standard :class:`dict` operations:
+   .. method:: defaultdict.__missing__(key)
-.. method:: defaultdict.__missing__(key)
+      If the :attr:`default_factory` attribute is ``None``, this raises an
+      :exc:`KeyError` exception with the *key* as argument.
-   If the :attr:`default_factory` attribute is ``None``, this raises an
-   :exc:`KeyError` exception with the *key* as argument.
+      If :attr:`default_factory` is not ``None``, it is called without arguments
+      to provide a default value for the given *key*, this value is inserted in
+      the dictionary for the *key*, and returned.
-   If :attr:`default_factory` is not ``None``, it is called without arguments to
-   provide a default value for the given *key*, this value is inserted in the
-   dictionary for the *key*, and returned.
+      If calling :attr:`default_factory` raises an exception this exception is
+      propagated unchanged.
-   If calling :attr:`default_factory` raises an exception this exception is
-   propagated unchanged.
+      This method is called by the :meth:`__getitem__` method of the
+      :class:`dict` class when the requested key is not found; whatever it
+      returns or raises is then returned or raised by :meth:`__getitem__`.
-   This method is called by the :meth:`__getitem__` method of the :class:`dict`
-   class when the requested key is not found; whatever it returns or raises is then
-   returned or raised by :meth:`__getitem__`.
-:class:`defaultdict` objects support the following instance variable:
+   :class:`defaultdict` objects support the following instance variable:
-.. attribute:: defaultdict.default_factory
+   .. attribute:: defaultdict.default_factory
-   This attribute is used by the :meth:`__missing__` method; it is initialized from
-   the first argument to the constructor, if present, or to ``None``,  if absent.
+      This attribute is used by the :meth:`__missing__` method; it is
+      initialized from the first argument to the constructor, if present, or to
+      ``None``, if absent.
 .. _defaultdict-examples:

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/compiler.rst
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@@ -153,22 +153,24 @@
    ``None``.  XXX Not sure what the rules are for which nodes will have a useful
-All :class:`Node` objects offer the following methods:
+   All :class:`Node` objects offer the following methods:
-.. method:: Node.getChildren()
+   .. method:: getChildren()
-   Returns a flattened list of the child nodes and objects in the order they occur.
-   Specifically, the order of the nodes is the order in which they appear in the
-   Python grammar.  Not all of the children are :class:`Node` instances.  The names
-   of functions and classes, for example, are plain strings.
+      Returns a flattened list of the child nodes and objects in the order they
+      occur.  Specifically, the order of the nodes is the order in which they
+      appear in the Python grammar.  Not all of the children are :class:`Node`
+      instances.  The names of functions and classes, for example, are plain
+      strings.
-.. method:: Node.getChildNodes()
+   .. method:: getChildNodes()
+      Returns a flattened list of the child nodes in the order they occur.  This
+      method is like :meth:`getChildren`, except that it only returns those
+      children that are :class:`Node` instances.
-   Returns a flattened list of the child nodes in the order they occur.  This
-   method is like :meth:`getChildren`, except that it only returns those children
-   that are :class:`Node` instances.
 Two examples illustrate the general structure of :class:`Node` classes.  The
 :keyword:`while` statement is defined by the following grammar production::
@@ -613,18 +615,18 @@
    particular child node.  If no visitor is found for a particular node type, the
    :meth:`default` method is called.
-:class:`ASTVisitor` objects have the following methods:
+   :class:`ASTVisitor` objects have the following methods:
-XXX describe extra arguments
+   XXX describe extra arguments
-.. method:: ASTVisitor.default(node[, ...])
+   .. method:: default(node[, ...])
-.. method:: ASTVisitor.dispatch(node[, ...])
+   .. method:: dispatch(node[, ...])
-.. method:: ASTVisitor.preorder(tree, visitor)
+   .. method:: preorder(tree, visitor)
 Bytecode Generation

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/csv.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/csv.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/csv.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -218,19 +218,20 @@
    The :class:`Sniffer` class is used to deduce the format of a CSV file.
-The :class:`Sniffer` class provides two methods:
+   The :class:`Sniffer` class provides two methods:
-.. method:: Sniffer.sniff(sample[, delimiters=None])
+   .. method:: sniff(sample[, delimiters=None])
-   Analyze the given *sample* and return a :class:`Dialect` subclass reflecting the
-   parameters found.  If the optional *delimiters* parameter is given, it is
-   interpreted as a string containing possible valid delimiter characters.
+      Analyze the given *sample* and return a :class:`Dialect` subclass
+      reflecting the parameters found.  If the optional *delimiters* parameter
+      is given, it is interpreted as a string containing possible valid
+      delimiter characters.
-.. method:: Sniffer.has_header(sample)
+   .. method:: has_header(sample)
-   Analyze the sample text (presumed to be in CSV format) and return :const:`True`
-   if the first row appears to be a series of column headers.
+      Analyze the sample text (presumed to be in CSV format) and return
+      :const:`True` if the first row appears to be a series of column headers.
 An example for :class:`Sniffer` use::

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/ctypes.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/ctypes.rst	(original)
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    so repeated attribute accesses return the same library each time.
-.. method:: LibraryLoader.LoadLibrary(name)
+   .. method:: LoadLibrary(name)
-   Load a shared library into the process and return it.  This method always
-   returns a new instance of the library.
+      Load a shared library into the process and return it.  This method always
+      returns a new instance of the library.
 These prefabricated library loaders are available:
@@ -1503,50 +1503,51 @@
    Base class for C callable foreign functions.
-Instances of foreign functions are also C compatible data types; they represent
-C function pointers.
+   Instances of foreign functions are also C compatible data types; they
+   represent C function pointers.
-This behavior can be customized by assigning to special attributes of the
-foreign function object.
+   This behavior can be customized by assigning to special attributes of the
+   foreign function object.
-.. attribute:: _FuncPtr.restype
+   .. attribute:: restype
-   Assign a ctypes type to specify the result type of the foreign function.  Use
-   ``None`` for ``void`` a function not returning anything.
+      Assign a ctypes type to specify the result type of the foreign function.
+      Use ``None`` for ``void`` a function not returning anything.
-   It is possible to assign a callable Python object that is not a ctypes type, in
-   this case the function is assumed to return a C ``int``, and the callable will
-   be called with this integer, allowing to do further processing or error
-   checking.  Using this is deprecated, for more flexible post processing or error
-   checking use a ctypes data type as :attr:`restype` and assign a callable to the
-   :attr:`errcheck` attribute.
+      It is possible to assign a callable Python object that is not a ctypes
+      type, in this case the function is assumed to return a C ``int``, and the
+      callable will be called with this integer, allowing to do further
+      processing or error checking.  Using this is deprecated, for more flexible
+      post processing or error checking use a ctypes data type as
+      :attr:`restype` and assign a callable to the :attr:`errcheck` attribute.
-.. attribute:: _FuncPtr.argtypes
+   .. attribute:: argtypes
-   Assign a tuple of ctypes types to specify the argument types that the function
-   accepts.  Functions using the ``stdcall`` calling convention can only be called
-   with the same number of arguments as the length of this tuple; functions using
-   the C calling convention accept additional, unspecified arguments as well.
+      Assign a tuple of ctypes types to specify the argument types that the
+      function accepts.  Functions using the ``stdcall`` calling convention can
+      only be called with the same number of arguments as the length of this
+      tuple; functions using the C calling convention accept additional,
+      unspecified arguments as well.
-   When a foreign function is called, each actual argument is passed to the
-   :meth:`from_param` class method of the items in the :attr:`argtypes` tuple, this
-   method allows to adapt the actual argument to an object that the foreign
-   function accepts.  For example, a :class:`c_char_p` item in the :attr:`argtypes`
-   tuple will convert a unicode string passed as argument into an byte string using
-   ctypes conversion rules.
+      When a foreign function is called, each actual argument is passed to the
+      :meth:`from_param` class method of the items in the :attr:`argtypes`
+      tuple, this method allows to adapt the actual argument to an object that
+      the foreign function accepts.  For example, a :class:`c_char_p` item in
+      the :attr:`argtypes` tuple will convert a unicode string passed as
+      argument into an byte string using ctypes conversion rules.
-   New: It is now possible to put items in argtypes which are not ctypes types, but
-   each item must have a :meth:`from_param` method which returns a value usable as
-   argument (integer, string, ctypes instance).  This allows to define adapters
-   that can adapt custom objects as function parameters.
+      New: It is now possible to put items in argtypes which are not ctypes
+      types, but each item must have a :meth:`from_param` method which returns a
+      value usable as argument (integer, string, ctypes instance).  This allows
+      to define adapters that can adapt custom objects as function parameters.
-.. attribute:: _FuncPtr.errcheck
+   .. attribute:: errcheck
-   Assign a Python function or another callable to this attribute. The callable
-   will be called with three or more arguments:
+      Assign a Python function or another callable to this attribute. The
+      callable will be called with three or more arguments:
 .. function:: callable(result, func, arguments)
@@ -1561,9 +1562,9 @@
    ``arguments`` is a tuple containing the parameters originally passed to the
    function call, this allows to specialize the behavior on the arguments used.
-   The object that this function returns will be returned from the foreign function
-   call, but it can also check the result value and raise an exception if the
-   foreign function call failed.
+   The object that this function returns will be returned from the foreign
+   function call, but it can also check the result value and raise an exception
+   if the foreign function call failed.
 .. exception:: ArgumentError()
@@ -1945,57 +1946,58 @@
    :attr:`_objects`; this contains other Python objects that need to be kept alive
    in case the memory block contains pointers.
-Common methods of ctypes data types, these are all class methods (to be exact,
-they are methods of the :term:`metaclass`):
+   Common methods of ctypes data types, these are all class methods (to be
+   exact, they are methods of the :term:`metaclass`):
-.. method:: _CData.from_address(address)
+   .. method:: from_address(address)
-   This method returns a ctypes type instance using the memory specified by address
-   which must be an integer.
+      This method returns a ctypes type instance using the memory specified by
+      address which must be an integer.
-.. method:: _CData.from_param(obj)
+   .. method:: from_param(obj)
-   This method adapts obj to a ctypes type.  It is called with the actual object
-   used in a foreign function call, when the type is present in the foreign
-   functions :attr:`argtypes` tuple; it must return an object that can be used as
-   function call parameter.
+      This method adapts obj to a ctypes type.  It is called with the actual
+      object used in a foreign function call, when the type is present in the
+      foreign functions :attr:`argtypes` tuple; it must return an object that
+      can be used as function call parameter.
-   All ctypes data types have a default implementation of this classmethod,
-   normally it returns ``obj`` if that is an instance of the type.  Some types
-   accept other objects as well.
+      All ctypes data types have a default implementation of this classmethod,
+      normally it returns ``obj`` if that is an instance of the type.  Some
+      types accept other objects as well.
-.. method:: _CData.in_dll(library, name)
+   .. method:: in_dll(library, name)
-   This method returns a ctypes type instance exported by a shared library. *name*
-   is the name of the symbol that exports the data, *library* is the loaded shared
-   library.
+      This method returns a ctypes type instance exported by a shared
+      library. *name* is the name of the symbol that exports the data, *library*
+      is the loaded shared library.
-Common instance variables of ctypes data types:
+   Common instance variables of ctypes data types:
-.. attribute:: _CData._b_base_
-   Sometimes ctypes data instances do not own the memory block they contain,
-   instead they share part of the memory block of a base object.  The
-   :attr:`_b_base_` read-only member is the root ctypes object that owns the memory
-   block.
+   .. attribute:: _b_base_
+      Sometimes ctypes data instances do not own the memory block they contain,
+      instead they share part of the memory block of a base object.  The
+      :attr:`_b_base_` read-only member is the root ctypes object that owns the
+      memory block.
-.. attribute:: _CData._b_needsfree_
-   This read-only variable is true when the ctypes data instance has allocated the
-   memory block itself, false otherwise.
+   .. attribute:: _b_needsfree_
+      This read-only variable is true when the ctypes data instance has
+      allocated the memory block itself, false otherwise.
-.. attribute:: _CData._objects
-   This member is either ``None`` or a dictionary containing Python objects that
-   need to be kept alive so that the memory block contents is kept valid.  This
-   object is only exposed for debugging; never modify the contents of this
-   dictionary.
+   .. attribute:: _objects
+      This member is either ``None`` or a dictionary containing Python objects
+      that need to be kept alive so that the memory block contents is kept
+      valid.  This object is only exposed for debugging; never modify the
+      contents of this dictionary.
 .. _ctypes-fundamental-data-types-2:
@@ -2015,19 +2017,20 @@
       ctypes data types that are not and do not contain pointers can
       now be pickled.
-Instances have a single attribute:
+   Instances have a single attribute:
-.. attribute:: _SimpleCData.value
+   .. attribute:: value
-   This attribute contains the actual value of the instance. For integer and
-   pointer types, it is an integer, for character types, it is a single character
-   string, for character pointer types it is a Python string or unicode string.
+      This attribute contains the actual value of the instance. For integer and
+      pointer types, it is an integer, for character types, it is a single
+      character string, for character pointer types it is a Python string or
+      unicode string.
-   When the ``value`` attribute is retrieved from a ctypes instance, usually a new
-   object is returned each time.  ``ctypes`` does *not* implement original object
-   return, always a new object is constructed.  The same is true for all other
-   ctypes object instances.
+      When the ``value`` attribute is retrieved from a ctypes instance, usually
+      a new object is returned each time.  ``ctypes`` does *not* implement
+      original object return, always a new object is constructed.  The same is
+      true for all other ctypes object instances.
 Fundamental data types, when returned as foreign function call results, or, for
 example, by retrieving structure field members or array items, are transparently
@@ -2265,90 +2268,92 @@
    Abstract base class for structures in *native* byte order.
-Concrete structure and union types must be created by subclassing one of these
-types, and at least define a :attr:`_fields_` class variable. ``ctypes`` will
-create :term:`descriptor`\s which allow reading and writing the fields by direct
-attribute accesses.  These are the
+   Concrete structure and union types must be created by subclassing one of these
+   types, and at least define a :attr:`_fields_` class variable. ``ctypes`` will
+   create :term:`descriptor`\s which allow reading and writing the fields by direct
+   attribute accesses.  These are the
-.. attribute:: Structure._fields_
+   .. attribute:: _fields_
-   A sequence defining the structure fields.  The items must be 2-tuples or
-   3-tuples.  The first item is the name of the field, the second item specifies
-   the type of the field; it can be any ctypes data type.
+      A sequence defining the structure fields.  The items must be 2-tuples or
+      3-tuples.  The first item is the name of the field, the second item
+      specifies the type of the field; it can be any ctypes data type.
-   For integer type fields like :class:`c_int`, a third optional item can be given.
-   It must be a small positive integer defining the bit width of the field.
+      For integer type fields like :class:`c_int`, a third optional item can be
+      given.  It must be a small positive integer defining the bit width of the
+      field.
-   Field names must be unique within one structure or union.  This is not checked,
-   only one field can be accessed when names are repeated.
+      Field names must be unique within one structure or union.  This is not
+      checked, only one field can be accessed when names are repeated.
-   It is possible to define the :attr:`_fields_` class variable *after* the class
-   statement that defines the Structure subclass, this allows to create data types
-   that directly or indirectly reference themselves::
+      It is possible to define the :attr:`_fields_` class variable *after* the
+      class statement that defines the Structure subclass, this allows to create
+      data types that directly or indirectly reference themselves::
-      class List(Structure):
-          pass
-      List._fields_ = [("pnext", POINTER(List)),
-                       ...
-                      ]
+         class List(Structure):
+             pass
+         List._fields_ = [("pnext", POINTER(List)),
+                          ...
+                         ]
-   The :attr:`_fields_` class variable must, however, be defined before the type is
-   first used (an instance is created, ``sizeof()`` is called on it, and so on).
-   Later assignments to the :attr:`_fields_` class variable will raise an
-   AttributeError.
+      The :attr:`_fields_` class variable must, however, be defined before the
+      type is first used (an instance is created, ``sizeof()`` is called on it,
+      and so on).  Later assignments to the :attr:`_fields_` class variable will
+      raise an AttributeError.
-   Structure and union subclass constructors accept both positional and named
-   arguments.  Positional arguments are used to initialize the fields in the same
-   order as they appear in the :attr:`_fields_` definition, named arguments are
-   used to initialize the fields with the corresponding name.
+      Structure and union subclass constructors accept both positional and named
+      arguments.  Positional arguments are used to initialize the fields in the
+      same order as they appear in the :attr:`_fields_` definition, named
+      arguments are used to initialize the fields with the corresponding name.
-   It is possible to defined sub-subclasses of structure types, they inherit the
-   fields of the base class plus the :attr:`_fields_` defined in the sub-subclass,
-   if any.
+      It is possible to defined sub-subclasses of structure types, they inherit
+      the fields of the base class plus the :attr:`_fields_` defined in the
+      sub-subclass, if any.
-.. attribute:: Structure._pack_
+   .. attribute:: _pack_
-   An optional small integer that allows to override the alignment of structure
-   fields in the instance.  :attr:`_pack_` must already be defined when
-   :attr:`_fields_` is assigned, otherwise it will have no effect.
+      An optional small integer that allows to override the alignment of
+      structure fields in the instance.  :attr:`_pack_` must already be defined
+      when :attr:`_fields_` is assigned, otherwise it will have no effect.
-.. attribute:: Structure._anonymous_
+   .. attribute:: _anonymous_
-   An optional sequence that lists the names of unnamed (anonymous) fields.
-   ``_anonymous_`` must be already defined when :attr:`_fields_` is assigned,
-   otherwise it will have no effect.
+      An optional sequence that lists the names of unnamed (anonymous) fields.
+      ``_anonymous_`` must be already defined when :attr:`_fields_` is assigned,
+      otherwise it will have no effect.
-   The fields listed in this variable must be structure or union type fields.
-   ``ctypes`` will create descriptors in the structure type that allows to access
-   the nested fields directly, without the need to create the structure or union
-   field.
+      The fields listed in this variable must be structure or union type fields.
+      ``ctypes`` will create descriptors in the structure type that allows to
+      access the nested fields directly, without the need to create the
+      structure or union field.
-   Here is an example type (Windows)::
+      Here is an example type (Windows)::
-      class _U(Union):
-          _fields_ = [("lptdesc", POINTER(TYPEDESC)),
-                      ("lpadesc", POINTER(ARRAYDESC)),
-                      ("hreftype", HREFTYPE)]
+         class _U(Union):
+             _fields_ = [("lptdesc", POINTER(TYPEDESC)),
+                         ("lpadesc", POINTER(ARRAYDESC)),
+                         ("hreftype", HREFTYPE)]
-      class TYPEDESC(Structure):
-          _fields_ = [("u", _U),
-                      ("vt", VARTYPE)]
+         class TYPEDESC(Structure):
+             _fields_ = [("u", _U),
+                         ("vt", VARTYPE)]
-          _anonymous_ = ("u",)
+             _anonymous_ = ("u",)
-   The ``TYPEDESC`` structure describes a COM data type, the ``vt`` field specifies
-   which one of the union fields is valid.  Since the ``u`` field is defined as
-   anonymous field, it is now possible to access the members directly off the
-   TYPEDESC instance. ``td.lptdesc`` and ``td.u.lptdesc`` are equivalent, but the
-   former is faster since it does not need to create a temporary union instance::
+      The ``TYPEDESC`` structure describes a COM data type, the ``vt`` field
+      specifies which one of the union fields is valid.  Since the ``u`` field
+      is defined as anonymous field, it is now possible to access the members
+      directly off the TYPEDESC instance. ``td.lptdesc`` and ``td.u.lptdesc``
+      are equivalent, but the former is faster since it does not need to create
+      a temporary union instance::
-      td = TYPEDESC()
-      td.vt = VT_PTR
-      td.lptdesc = POINTER(some_type)
-      td.u.lptdesc = POINTER(some_type)
+         td = TYPEDESC()
+         td.vt = VT_PTR
+         td.lptdesc = POINTER(some_type)
+         td.u.lptdesc = POINTER(some_type)
 It is possible to defined sub-subclasses of structures, they inherit the fields
 of the base class.  If the subclass definition has a separate :attr:`_fields_`

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/curses.rst
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+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/curses.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -1572,92 +1572,94 @@
    containing window, with coordinates ``(0, 0)``. The instance's
    :attr:`stripspaces` flag is initially on.
-:class:`Textbox` objects have the following methods:
+   :class:`Textbox` objects have the following methods:
-.. method:: Textbox.edit([validator])
+   .. method:: edit([validator])
-   This is the entry point you will normally use.  It accepts editing keystrokes
-   until one of the termination keystrokes is entered.  If *validator* is supplied,
-   it must be a function.  It will be called for each keystroke entered with the
-   keystroke as a parameter; command dispatch is done on the result. This method
-   returns the window contents as a string; whether blanks in the window are
-   included is affected by the :attr:`stripspaces` member.
-.. method:: Textbox.do_command(ch)
-   Process a single command keystroke.  Here are the supported special keystrokes:
-   +------------------+-------------------------------------------+
-   | Keystroke        | Action                                    |
-   +==================+===========================================+
-   | :kbd:`Control-A` | Go to left edge of window.                |
-   +------------------+-------------------------------------------+
-   | :kbd:`Control-B` | Cursor left, wrapping to previous line if |
-   |                  | appropriate.                              |
-   +------------------+-------------------------------------------+
-   | :kbd:`Control-D` | Delete character under cursor.            |
-   +------------------+-------------------------------------------+
-   | :kbd:`Control-E` | Go to right edge (stripspaces off) or end |
-   |                  | of line (stripspaces on).                 |
-   +------------------+-------------------------------------------+
-   | :kbd:`Control-F` | Cursor right, wrapping to next line when  |
-   |                  | appropriate.                              |
-   +------------------+-------------------------------------------+
-   | :kbd:`Control-G` | Terminate, returning the window contents. |
-   +------------------+-------------------------------------------+
-   | :kbd:`Control-H` | Delete character backward.                |
-   +------------------+-------------------------------------------+
-   | :kbd:`Control-J` | Terminate if the window is 1 line,        |
-   |                  | otherwise insert newline.                 |
-   +------------------+-------------------------------------------+
-   | :kbd:`Control-K` | If line is blank, delete it, otherwise    |
-   |                  | clear to end of line.                     |
-   +------------------+-------------------------------------------+
-   | :kbd:`Control-L` | Refresh screen.                           |
-   +------------------+-------------------------------------------+
-   | :kbd:`Control-N` | Cursor down; move down one line.          |
-   +------------------+-------------------------------------------+
-   | :kbd:`Control-O` | Insert a blank line at cursor location.   |
-   +------------------+-------------------------------------------+
-   | :kbd:`Control-P` | Cursor up; move up one line.              |
-   +------------------+-------------------------------------------+
-   Move operations do nothing if the cursor is at an edge where the movement is not
-   possible.  The following synonyms are supported where possible:
-   +------------------------+------------------+
-   | Constant               | Keystroke        |
-   +========================+==================+
-   | :const:`KEY_LEFT`      | :kbd:`Control-B` |
-   +------------------------+------------------+
-   | :const:`KEY_RIGHT`     | :kbd:`Control-F` |
-   +------------------------+------------------+
-   | :const:`KEY_UP`        | :kbd:`Control-P` |
-   +------------------------+------------------+
-   | :const:`KEY_DOWN`      | :kbd:`Control-N` |
-   +------------------------+------------------+
-   | :const:`KEY_BACKSPACE` | :kbd:`Control-h` |
-   +------------------------+------------------+
-   All other keystrokes are treated as a command to insert the given character and
-   move right (with line wrapping).
-.. method:: Textbox.gather()
-   This method returns the window contents as a string; whether blanks in the
-   window are included is affected by the :attr:`stripspaces` member.
-.. attribute:: Textbox.stripspaces
-   This data member is a flag which controls the interpretation of blanks in the
-   window.  When it is on, trailing blanks on each line are ignored; any cursor
-   motion that would land the cursor on a trailing blank goes to the end of that
-   line instead, and trailing blanks are stripped when the window contents are
-   gathered.
+      This is the entry point you will normally use.  It accepts editing
+      keystrokes until one of the termination keystrokes is entered.  If
+      *validator* is supplied, it must be a function.  It will be called for
+      each keystroke entered with the keystroke as a parameter; command dispatch
+      is done on the result. This method returns the window contents as a
+      string; whether blanks in the window are included is affected by the
+      :attr:`stripspaces` member.
+   .. method:: do_command(ch)
+      Process a single command keystroke.  Here are the supported special
+      keystrokes:
+      +------------------+-------------------------------------------+
+      | Keystroke        | Action                                    |
+      +==================+===========================================+
+      | :kbd:`Control-A` | Go to left edge of window.                |
+      +------------------+-------------------------------------------+
+      | :kbd:`Control-B` | Cursor left, wrapping to previous line if |
+      |                  | appropriate.                              |
+      +------------------+-------------------------------------------+
+      | :kbd:`Control-D` | Delete character under cursor.            |
+      +------------------+-------------------------------------------+
+      | :kbd:`Control-E` | Go to right edge (stripspaces off) or end |
+      |                  | of line (stripspaces on).                 |
+      +------------------+-------------------------------------------+
+      | :kbd:`Control-F` | Cursor right, wrapping to next line when  |
+      |                  | appropriate.                              |
+      +------------------+-------------------------------------------+
+      | :kbd:`Control-G` | Terminate, returning the window contents. |
+      +------------------+-------------------------------------------+
+      | :kbd:`Control-H` | Delete character backward.                |
+      +------------------+-------------------------------------------+
+      | :kbd:`Control-J` | Terminate if the window is 1 line,        |
+      |                  | otherwise insert newline.                 |
+      +------------------+-------------------------------------------+
+      | :kbd:`Control-K` | If line is blank, delete it, otherwise    |
+      |                  | clear to end of line.                     |
+      +------------------+-------------------------------------------+
+      | :kbd:`Control-L` | Refresh screen.                           |
+      +------------------+-------------------------------------------+
+      | :kbd:`Control-N` | Cursor down; move down one line.          |
+      +------------------+-------------------------------------------+
+      | :kbd:`Control-O` | Insert a blank line at cursor location.   |
+      +------------------+-------------------------------------------+
+      | :kbd:`Control-P` | Cursor up; move up one line.              |
+      +------------------+-------------------------------------------+
+      Move operations do nothing if the cursor is at an edge where the movement
+      is not possible.  The following synonyms are supported where possible:
+      +------------------------+------------------+
+      | Constant               | Keystroke        |
+      +========================+==================+
+      | :const:`KEY_LEFT`      | :kbd:`Control-B` |
+      +------------------------+------------------+
+      | :const:`KEY_RIGHT`     | :kbd:`Control-F` |
+      +------------------------+------------------+
+      | :const:`KEY_UP`        | :kbd:`Control-P` |
+      +------------------------+------------------+
+      | :const:`KEY_DOWN`      | :kbd:`Control-N` |
+      +------------------------+------------------+
+      | :const:`KEY_BACKSPACE` | :kbd:`Control-h` |
+      +------------------------+------------------+
+      All other keystrokes are treated as a command to insert the given
+      character and move right (with line wrapping).
+   .. method:: gather()
+      This method returns the window contents as a string; whether blanks in the
+      window are included is affected by the :attr:`stripspaces` member.
+   .. attribute:: stripspaces
+      This data member is a flag which controls the interpretation of blanks in
+      the window.  When it is on, trailing blanks on each line are ignored; any
+      cursor motion that would land the cursor on a trailing blank goes to the
+      end of that line instead, and trailing blanks are stripped when the window
+      contents are gathered.
 :mod:`curses.wrapper` --- Terminal handler for curses programs

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/decimal.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/decimal.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/decimal.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -349,484 +349,477 @@
       leading and trailing whitespace characters are permitted when
       creating a Decimal instance from a string.
-Decimal floating point objects share many properties with the other built-in
-numeric types such as :class:`float` and :class:`int`.  All of the usual math
-operations and special methods apply.  Likewise, decimal objects can be copied,
-pickled, printed, used as dictionary keys, used as set elements, compared,
-sorted, and coerced to another type (such as :class:`float` or :class:`long`).
+   Decimal floating point objects share many properties with the other built-in
+   numeric types such as :class:`float` and :class:`int`.  All of the usual math
+   operations and special methods apply.  Likewise, decimal objects can be
+   copied, pickled, printed, used as dictionary keys, used as set elements,
+   compared, sorted, and coerced to another type (such as :class:`float` or
+   :class:`long`).
-In addition to the standard numeric properties, decimal floating point objects
-also have a number of specialized methods:
+   In addition to the standard numeric properties, decimal floating point
+   objects also have a number of specialized methods:
-.. method:: Decimal.adjusted()
+   .. method:: adjusted()
-   Return the adjusted exponent after shifting out the coefficient's rightmost
-   digits until only the lead digit remains: ``Decimal('321e+5').adjusted()``
-   returns seven.  Used for determining the position of the most significant digit
-   with respect to the decimal point.
+      Return the adjusted exponent after shifting out the coefficient's
+      rightmost digits until only the lead digit remains:
+      ``Decimal('321e+5').adjusted()`` returns seven.  Used for determining the
+      position of the most significant digit with respect to the decimal point.
-.. method:: Decimal.as_tuple()
+   .. method:: as_tuple()
-   Return a :term:`named tuple` representation of the number:
-   ``DecimalTuple(sign, digits, exponent)``.
+      Return a :term:`named tuple` representation of the number:
+      ``DecimalTuple(sign, digits, exponent)``.
-   .. versionchanged:: 2.6
-      Use a named tuple.
+      .. versionchanged:: 2.6
+         Use a named tuple.
-.. method:: Decimal.canonical()
+   .. method:: canonical()
-   Return the canonical encoding of the argument.  Currently, the
-   encoding of a :class:`Decimal` instance is always canonical, so
-   this operation returns its argument unchanged.
+      Return the canonical encoding of the argument.  Currently, the encoding of
+      a :class:`Decimal` instance is always canonical, so this operation returns
+      its argument unchanged.
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
-.. method:: Decimal.compare(other[, context])
+   .. method:: compare(other[, context])
-   Compare the values of two Decimal instances.  This operation
-   behaves in the same way as the usual comparison method
-   :meth:`__cmp__`, except that :meth:`compare` returns a Decimal
-   instance rather than an integer, and if either operand is a NaN
-   then the result is a NaN::
+      Compare the values of two Decimal instances.  This operation behaves in
+      the same way as the usual comparison method :meth:`__cmp__`, except that
+      :meth:`compare` returns a Decimal instance rather than an integer, and if
+      either operand is a NaN then the result is a NaN::
-      a or b is a NaN ==> Decimal('NaN')
-      a < b           ==> Decimal('-1')
-      a == b          ==> Decimal('0')
-      a > b           ==> Decimal('1')
+         a or b is a NaN ==> Decimal('NaN')
+         a < b           ==> Decimal('-1')
+         a == b          ==> Decimal('0')
+         a > b           ==> Decimal('1')
-.. method:: Decimal.compare_signal(other[, context])
+   .. method:: compare_signal(other[, context])
-   This operation is identical to the :meth:`compare` method, except
-   that all NaNs signal.  That is, if neither operand is a signaling
-   NaN then any quiet NaN operand is treated as though it were a
-   signaling NaN.
+      This operation is identical to the :meth:`compare` method, except that all
+      NaNs signal.  That is, if neither operand is a signaling NaN then any
+      quiet NaN operand is treated as though it were a signaling NaN.
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
-.. method:: Decimal.compare_total(other)
+   .. method:: compare_total(other)
-   Compare two operands using their abstract representation rather
-   than their numerical value.  Similar to the :meth:`compare` method,
-   but the result gives a total ordering on :class:`Decimal`
-   instances.  Two :class:`Decimal` instances with the same numeric
-   value but different representations compare unequal in this
-   ordering:
-      >>> Decimal('12.0').compare_total(Decimal('12'))
-      Decimal('-1')
+      Compare two operands using their abstract representation rather than their
+      numerical value.  Similar to the :meth:`compare` method, but the result
+      gives a total ordering on :class:`Decimal` instances.  Two
+      :class:`Decimal` instances with the same numeric value but different
+      representations compare unequal in this ordering:
-   Quiet and signaling NaNs are also included in the total ordering.
-   The result of this function is ``Decimal('0')`` if both operands
-   have the same representation, ``Decimal('-1')`` if the first
-   operand is lower in the total order than the second, and
-   ``Decimal('1')`` if the first operand is higher in the total order
-   than the second operand.  See the specification for details of the
-   total order.
+         >>> Decimal('12.0').compare_total(Decimal('12'))
+         Decimal('-1')
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+      Quiet and signaling NaNs are also included in the total ordering.  The
+      result of this function is ``Decimal('0')`` if both operands have the same
+      representation, ``Decimal('-1')`` if the first operand is lower in the
+      total order than the second, and ``Decimal('1')`` if the first operand is
+      higher in the total order than the second operand.  See the specification
+      for details of the total order.
-.. method:: Decimal.compare_total_mag(other)
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
-   Compare two operands using their abstract representation rather
-   than their value as in :meth:`compare_total`, but ignoring the sign
-   of each operand.  ``x.compare_total_mag(y)`` is equivalent to
-   ``x.copy_abs().compare_total(y.copy_abs())``.
+   .. method:: compare_total_mag(other)
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+      Compare two operands using their abstract representation rather than their
+      value as in :meth:`compare_total`, but ignoring the sign of each operand.
+      ``x.compare_total_mag(y)`` is equivalent to
+      ``x.copy_abs().compare_total(y.copy_abs())``.
-.. method:: Decimal.copy_abs()
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
-   Return the absolute value of the argument.  This operation is
-   unaffected by the context and is quiet: no flags are changed and no
-   rounding is performed.
+   .. method:: copy_abs()
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+      Return the absolute value of the argument.  This operation is unaffected
+      by the context and is quiet: no flags are changed and no rounding is
+      performed.
-.. method:: Decimal.copy_negate()
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
-   Return the negation of the argument.  This operation is unaffected
-   by the context and is quiet: no flags are changed and no rounding
-   is performed.
+   .. method:: copy_negate()
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+      Return the negation of the argument.  This operation is unaffected by the
+      context and is quiet: no flags are changed and no rounding is performed.
-.. method:: Decimal.copy_sign(other)
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
-   Return a copy of the first operand with the sign set to be the
-   same as the sign of the second operand.  For example:
+   .. method:: copy_sign(other)
-      >>> Decimal('2.3').copy_sign(Decimal('-1.5'))
-      Decimal('-2.3')
-   This operation is unaffected by the context and is quiet: no flags
-   are changed and no rounding is performed.
+      Return a copy of the first operand with the sign set to be the same as the
+      sign of the second operand.  For example:
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+         >>> Decimal('2.3').copy_sign(Decimal('-1.5'))
+         Decimal('-2.3')
-.. method:: Decimal.exp([context])
+      This operation is unaffected by the context and is quiet: no flags are
+      changed and no rounding is performed.
-   Return the value of the (natural) exponential function ``e**x`` at the
-   given number.  The result is correctly rounded using the
-   :const:`ROUND_HALF_EVEN` rounding mode.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
-   >>> Decimal(1).exp()
-   Decimal('2.718281828459045235360287471')
-   >>> Decimal(321).exp()
-   Decimal('2.561702493119680037517373933E+139')
+   .. method:: exp([context])
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+      Return the value of the (natural) exponential function ``e**x`` at the
+      given number.  The result is correctly rounded using the
+      :const:`ROUND_HALF_EVEN` rounding mode.
-.. method:: Decimal.fma(other, third[, context])
+      >>> Decimal(1).exp()
+      Decimal('2.718281828459045235360287471')
+      >>> Decimal(321).exp()
+      Decimal('2.561702493119680037517373933E+139')
-   Fused multiply-add.  Return self*other+third with no rounding of
-   the intermediate product self*other.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
-   >>> Decimal(2).fma(3, 5)
-   Decimal('11')
+   .. method:: fma(other, third[, context])
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+      Fused multiply-add.  Return self*other+third with no rounding of the
+      intermediate product self*other.
-.. method:: Decimal.is_canonical()
+      >>> Decimal(2).fma(3, 5)
+      Decimal('11')
-   Return :const:`True` if the argument is canonical and
-   :const:`False` otherwise.  Currently, a :class:`Decimal` instance
-   is always canonical, so this operation always returns
-   :const:`True`.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+   .. method:: is_canonical()
-.. method:: is_finite()
+      Return :const:`True` if the argument is canonical and :const:`False`
+      otherwise.  Currently, a :class:`Decimal` instance is always canonical, so
+      this operation always returns :const:`True`.
-   Return :const:`True` if the argument is a finite number, and
-   :const:`False` if the argument is an infinity or a NaN.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+   .. method:: is_finite()
-.. method:: is_infinite()
+      Return :const:`True` if the argument is a finite number, and
+      :const:`False` if the argument is an infinity or a NaN.
-   Return :const:`True` if the argument is either positive or
-   negative infinity and :const:`False` otherwise.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+   .. method:: is_infinite()
-.. method:: is_nan()
+      Return :const:`True` if the argument is either positive or negative
+      infinity and :const:`False` otherwise.
-   Return :const:`True` if the argument is a (quiet or signaling)
-   NaN and :const:`False` otherwise.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+   .. method:: is_nan()
-.. method:: is_normal()
+      Return :const:`True` if the argument is a (quiet or signaling) NaN and
+      :const:`False` otherwise.
-   Return :const:`True` if the argument is a *normal* finite number.
-   Return :const:`False` if the argument is zero, subnormal, infinite
-   or a NaN.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+   .. method:: is_normal()
-.. method:: is_qnan()
+      Return :const:`True` if the argument is a *normal* finite number.  Return
+      :const:`False` if the argument is zero, subnormal, infinite or a NaN.
-   Return :const:`True` if the argument is a quiet NaN, and
-   :const:`False` otherwise.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+   .. method:: is_qnan()
-.. method:: is_signed()
+      Return :const:`True` if the argument is a quiet NaN, and
+      :const:`False` otherwise.
-   Return :const:`True` if the argument has a negative sign and
-   :const:`False` otherwise.  Note that zeros and NaNs can both carry
-   signs.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+   .. method:: is_signed()
-.. method:: is_snan()
+      Return :const:`True` if the argument has a negative sign and
+      :const:`False` otherwise.  Note that zeros and NaNs can both carry signs.
-   Return :const:`True` if the argument is a signaling NaN and
-   :const:`False` otherwise.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+   .. method:: is_snan()
-.. method:: is_subnormal()
+      Return :const:`True` if the argument is a signaling NaN and :const:`False`
+      otherwise.
-   Return :const:`True` if the argument is subnormal, and
-   :const:`False` otherwise.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+   .. method:: is_subnormal()
-.. method:: is_zero()
+      Return :const:`True` if the argument is subnormal, and :const:`False`
+      otherwise.
-   Return :const:`True` if the argument is a (positive or negative)
-   zero and :const:`False` otherwise.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+   .. method:: is_zero()
-.. method:: Decimal.ln([context])
+      Return :const:`True` if the argument is a (positive or negative) zero and
+      :const:`False` otherwise.
-   Return the natural (base e) logarithm of the operand.  The result
-   is correctly rounded using the :const:`ROUND_HALF_EVEN` rounding
-   mode.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+   .. method:: ln([context])
-.. method:: Decimal.log10([context])
+      Return the natural (base e) logarithm of the operand.  The result is
+      correctly rounded using the :const:`ROUND_HALF_EVEN` rounding mode.
-   Return the base ten logarithm of the operand.  The result is
-   correctly rounded using the :const:`ROUND_HALF_EVEN` rounding mode.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+   .. method:: log10([context])
-.. method:: Decimal.logb([context])
+      Return the base ten logarithm of the operand.  The result is correctly
+      rounded using the :const:`ROUND_HALF_EVEN` rounding mode.
-   For a nonzero number, return the adjusted exponent of its operand
-   as a :class:`Decimal` instance.  If the operand is a zero then
-   ``Decimal('-Infinity')`` is returned and the
-   :const:`DivisionByZero` flag is raised.  If the operand is an
-   infinity then ``Decimal('Infinity')`` is returned.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+   .. method:: logb([context])
-.. method:: Decimal.logical_and(other[, context])
+      For a nonzero number, return the adjusted exponent of its operand as a
+      :class:`Decimal` instance.  If the operand is a zero then
+      ``Decimal('-Infinity')`` is returned and the :const:`DivisionByZero` flag
+      is raised.  If the operand is an infinity then ``Decimal('Infinity')`` is
+      returned.
-   :meth:`logical_and` is a logical operation which takes two
-   *logical operands* (see :ref:`logical_operands_label`).  The result
-   is the digit-wise ``and`` of the two operands.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+   .. method:: logical_and(other[, context])
-.. method:: Decimal.logical_invert(other[, context])
+      :meth:`logical_and` is a logical operation which takes two *logical
+      operands* (see :ref:`logical_operands_label`).  The result is the
+      digit-wise ``and`` of the two operands.
-   :meth:`logical_invert` is a logical operation.  The argument must
-   be a *logical operand* (see :ref:`logical_operands_label`).  The
-   result is the digit-wise inversion of the operand.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+   .. method:: logical_invert(other[, context])
-.. method:: Decimal.logical_or(other[, context])
+      :meth:`logical_invert` is a logical operation.  The argument must
+      be a *logical operand* (see :ref:`logical_operands_label`).  The
+      result is the digit-wise inversion of the operand.
-   :meth:`logical_or` is a logical operation which takes two *logical
-   operands* (see :ref:`logical_operands_label`).  The result is the
-   digit-wise ``or`` of the two operands.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+   .. method:: logical_or(other[, context])
-.. method:: Decimal.logical_xor(other[, context])
+      :meth:`logical_or` is a logical operation which takes two *logical
+      operands* (see :ref:`logical_operands_label`).  The result is the
+      digit-wise ``or`` of the two operands.
-   :meth:`logical_xor` is a logical operation which takes two
-   *logical operands* (see :ref:`logical_operands_label`).  The result
-   is the digit-wise exclusive or of the two operands.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+   .. method:: logical_xor(other[, context])
-.. method:: Decimal.max(other[, context])
+      :meth:`logical_xor` is a logical operation which takes two *logical
+      operands* (see :ref:`logical_operands_label`).  The result is the
+      digit-wise exclusive or of the two operands.
-   Like ``max(self, other)`` except that the context rounding rule is applied
-   before returning and that :const:`NaN` values are either signaled or ignored
-   (depending on the context and whether they are signaling or quiet).
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
-.. method:: Decimal.max_mag(other[, context])
+   .. method:: max(other[, context])
-   Similar to the :meth:`max` method, but the comparison is done using
-   the absolute values of the operands.
+      Like ``max(self, other)`` except that the context rounding rule is applied
+      before returning and that :const:`NaN` values are either signaled or
+      ignored (depending on the context and whether they are signaling or
+      quiet).
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+   .. method:: max_mag(other[, context])
-.. method:: Decimal.min(other[, context])
+      Similar to the :meth:`max` method, but the comparison is done using the
+      absolute values of the operands.
-   Like ``min(self, other)`` except that the context rounding rule is applied
-   before returning and that :const:`NaN` values are either signaled or ignored
-   (depending on the context and whether they are signaling or quiet).
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
-.. method:: Decimal.min_mag(other[, context])
+   .. method:: min(other[, context])
-   Similar to the :meth:`min` method, but the comparison is done using
-   the absolute values of the operands.
+      Like ``min(self, other)`` except that the context rounding rule is applied
+      before returning and that :const:`NaN` values are either signaled or
+      ignored (depending on the context and whether they are signaling or
+      quiet).
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+   .. method:: min_mag(other[, context])
-.. method:: Decimal.next_minus([context])
+      Similar to the :meth:`min` method, but the comparison is done using the
+      absolute values of the operands.
-   Return the largest number representable in the given context (or
-   in the current thread's context if no context is given) that is smaller
-   than the given operand.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+   .. method:: next_minus([context])
-.. method:: Decimal.next_plus([context])
+      Return the largest number representable in the given context (or in the
+      current thread's context if no context is given) that is smaller than the
+      given operand.
-   Return the smallest number representable in the given context (or
-   in the current thread's context if no context is given) that is
-   larger than the given operand.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+   .. method:: next_plus([context])
-.. method:: Decimal.next_toward(other[, context])
+      Return the smallest number representable in the given context (or in the
+      current thread's context if no context is given) that is larger than the
+      given operand.
-   If the two operands are unequal, return the number closest to the
-   first operand in the direction of the second operand.  If both
-   operands are numerically equal, return a copy of the first operand
-   with the sign set to be the same as the sign of the second operand.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+   .. method:: next_toward(other[, context])
-.. method:: Decimal.normalize([context])
+      If the two operands are unequal, return the number closest to the first
+      operand in the direction of the second operand.  If both operands are
+      numerically equal, return a copy of the first operand with the sign set to
+      be the same as the sign of the second operand.
-   Normalize the number by stripping the rightmost trailing zeros and converting
-   any result equal to :const:`Decimal('0')` to :const:`Decimal('0e0')`. Used for
-   producing canonical values for members of an equivalence class. For example,
-   ``Decimal('32.100')`` and ``Decimal('0.321000e+2')`` both normalize to the
-   equivalent value ``Decimal('32.1')``.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
-.. method:: Decimal.number_class([context])
+   .. method:: normalize([context])
-   Return a string describing the *class* of the operand.  The
-   returned value is one of the following ten strings.
+      Normalize the number by stripping the rightmost trailing zeros and
+      converting any result equal to :const:`Decimal('0')` to
+      :const:`Decimal('0e0')`. Used for producing canonical values for members
+      of an equivalence class. For example, ``Decimal('32.100')`` and
+      ``Decimal('0.321000e+2')`` both normalize to the equivalent value
+      ``Decimal('32.1')``.
-   * ``"-Infinity"``, indicating that the operand is negative infinity.
-   * ``"-Normal"``, indicating that the operand is a negative normal number.
-   * ``"-Subnormal"``, indicating that the operand is negative and subnormal.
-   * ``"-Zero"``, indicating that the operand is a negative zero.
-   * ``"+Zero"``, indicating that the operand is a positive zero.
-   * ``"+Subnormal"``, indicating that the operand is positive and subnormal.
-   * ``"+Normal"``, indicating that the operand is a positive normal number.
-   * ``"+Infinity"``, indicating that the operand is positive infinity.
-   * ``"NaN"``, indicating that the operand is a quiet NaN (Not a Number).
-   * ``"sNaN"``, indicating that the operand is a signaling NaN.
+   .. method:: number_class([context])
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+      Return a string describing the *class* of the operand.  The returned value
+      is one of the following ten strings.
-.. method:: Decimal.quantize(exp[, rounding[, context[, watchexp]]])
+      * ``"-Infinity"``, indicating that the operand is negative infinity.
+      * ``"-Normal"``, indicating that the operand is a negative normal number.
+      * ``"-Subnormal"``, indicating that the operand is negative and subnormal.
+      * ``"-Zero"``, indicating that the operand is a negative zero.
+      * ``"+Zero"``, indicating that the operand is a positive zero.
+      * ``"+Subnormal"``, indicating that the operand is positive and subnormal.
+      * ``"+Normal"``, indicating that the operand is a positive normal number.
+      * ``"+Infinity"``, indicating that the operand is positive infinity.
+      * ``"NaN"``, indicating that the operand is a quiet NaN (Not a Number).
+      * ``"sNaN"``, indicating that the operand is a signaling NaN.
-   Return a value equal to the first operand after rounding and
-   having the exponent of the second operand.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
-   >>> Decimal('1.41421356').quantize(Decimal('1.000'))
-   Decimal('1.414')
+   .. method:: quantize(exp[, rounding[, context[, watchexp]]])
-   Unlike other operations, if the length of the coefficient after the
-   quantize operation would be greater than precision, then an
-   :const:`InvalidOperation` is signaled. This guarantees that, unless
-   there is an error condition, the quantized exponent is always equal
-   to that of the right-hand operand.
+      Return a value equal to the first operand after rounding and having the
+      exponent of the second operand.
-   Also unlike other operations, quantize never signals Underflow,
-   even if the result is subnormal and inexact.
+      >>> Decimal('1.41421356').quantize(Decimal('1.000'))
+      Decimal('1.414')
-   If the exponent of the second operand is larger than that of the
-   first then rounding may be necessary.  In this case, the rounding
-   mode is determined by the ``rounding`` argument if given, else by
-   the given ``context`` argument; if neither argument is given the
-   rounding mode of the current thread's context is used.
+      Unlike other operations, if the length of the coefficient after the
+      quantize operation would be greater than precision, then an
+      :const:`InvalidOperation` is signaled. This guarantees that, unless there
+      is an error condition, the quantized exponent is always equal to that of
+      the right-hand operand.
-   If *watchexp* is set (default), then an error is returned whenever the
-   resulting exponent is greater than :attr:`Emax` or less than :attr:`Etiny`.
+      Also unlike other operations, quantize never signals Underflow, even if
+      the result is subnormal and inexact.
-.. method:: Decimal.radix()
+      If the exponent of the second operand is larger than that of the first
+      then rounding may be necessary.  In this case, the rounding mode is
+      determined by the ``rounding`` argument if given, else by the given
+      ``context`` argument; if neither argument is given the rounding mode of
+      the current thread's context is used.
-   Return ``Decimal(10)``, the radix (base) in which the
-   :class:`Decimal` class does all its arithmetic.  Included for
-   compatibility with the specification.
+      If *watchexp* is set (default), then an error is returned whenever the
+      resulting exponent is greater than :attr:`Emax` or less than
+      :attr:`Etiny`.
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+   .. method:: radix()
-.. method:: Decimal.remainder_near(other[, context])
+      Return ``Decimal(10)``, the radix (base) in which the :class:`Decimal`
+      class does all its arithmetic.  Included for compatibility with the
+      specification.
-   Compute the modulo as either a positive or negative value depending on which is
-   closest to zero.  For instance, ``Decimal(10).remainder_near(6)`` returns
-   ``Decimal('-2')`` which is closer to zero than ``Decimal('4')``.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
-   If both are equally close, the one chosen will have the same sign as *self*.
+   .. method:: remainder_near(other[, context])
-.. method:: Decimal.rotate(other[, context])
+      Compute the modulo as either a positive or negative value depending on
+      which is closest to zero.  For instance, ``Decimal(10).remainder_near(6)``
+      returns ``Decimal('-2')`` which is closer to zero than ``Decimal('4')``.
-   Return the result of rotating the digits of the first operand by
-   an amount specified by the second operand.  The second operand
-   must be an integer in the range -precision through precision.  The
-   absolute value of the second operand gives the number of places to
-   rotate.  If the second operand is positive then rotation is to the
-   left; otherwise rotation is to the right.  The coefficient of the
-   first operand is padded on the left with zeros to length precision
-   if necessary.  The sign and exponent of the first operand are
-   unchanged.
+      If both are equally close, the one chosen will have the same sign as
+      *self*.
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+   .. method:: rotate(other[, context])
-.. method:: Decimal.same_quantum(other[, context])
+      Return the result of rotating the digits of the first operand by an amount
+      specified by the second operand.  The second operand must be an integer in
+      the range -precision through precision.  The absolute value of the second
+      operand gives the number of places to rotate.  If the second operand is
+      positive then rotation is to the left; otherwise rotation is to the right.
+      The coefficient of the first operand is padded on the left with zeros to
+      length precision if necessary.  The sign and exponent of the first operand
+      are unchanged.
-   Test whether self and other have the same exponent or whether both are
-   :const:`NaN`.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
-.. method:: Decimal.scaleb(other[, context])
+   .. method:: same_quantum(other[, context])
-   Return the first operand with exponent adjusted by the second.
-   Equivalently, return the first operand multiplied by ``10**other``.
-   The second operand must be an integer.
+      Test whether self and other have the same exponent or whether both are
+      :const:`NaN`.
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+   .. method:: scaleb(other[, context])
-.. method:: Decimal.shift(other[, context])
+      Return the first operand with exponent adjusted by the second.
+      Equivalently, return the first operand multiplied by ``10**other``.  The
+      second operand must be an integer.
-   Return the result of shifting the digits of the first operand by
-   an amount specified by the second operand.  The second operand must
-   be an integer in the range -precision through precision.  The
-   absolute value of the second operand gives the number of places to
-   shift.  If the second operand is positive then the shift is to the
-   left; otherwise the shift is to the right.  Digits shifted into the
-   coefficient are zeros.  The sign and exponent of the first operand
-   are unchanged.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+   .. method:: shift(other[, context])
-.. method:: Decimal.sqrt([context])
+      Return the result of shifting the digits of the first operand by an amount
+      specified by the second operand.  The second operand must be an integer in
+      the range -precision through precision.  The absolute value of the second
+      operand gives the number of places to shift.  If the second operand is
+      positive then the shift is to the left; otherwise the shift is to the
+      right.  Digits shifted into the coefficient are zeros.  The sign and
+      exponent of the first operand are unchanged.
-   Return the square root of the argument to full precision.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
+   .. method:: sqrt([context])
-.. method:: Decimal.to_eng_string([context])
+      Return the square root of the argument to full precision.
-   Convert to an engineering-type string.
-   Engineering notation has an exponent which is a multiple of 3, so there are up
-   to 3 digits left of the decimal place.  For example, converts
-   ``Decimal('123E+1')`` to ``Decimal('1.23E+3')``
+   .. method:: to_eng_string([context])
-.. method:: Decimal.to_integral([rounding[, context]])
+      Convert to an engineering-type string.
-   Identical to the :meth:`to_integral_value` method.  The ``to_integral``
-   name has been kept for compatibility with older versions.
+      Engineering notation has an exponent which is a multiple of 3, so there
+      are up to 3 digits left of the decimal place.  For example, converts
+      ``Decimal('123E+1')`` to ``Decimal('1.23E+3')``
-.. method:: Decimal.to_integral_exact([rounding[, context]])
+   .. method:: to_integral([rounding[, context]])
-   Round to the nearest integer, signaling
-   :const:`Inexact` or :const:`Rounded` as appropriate if rounding
-   occurs.  The rounding mode is determined by the ``rounding``
-   parameter if given, else by the given ``context``.  If neither
-   parameter is given then the rounding mode of the current context is
-   used.
+      Identical to the :meth:`to_integral_value` method.  The ``to_integral``
+      name has been kept for compatibility with older versions.
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+   .. method:: to_integral_exact([rounding[, context]])
-.. method:: Decimal.to_integral_value([rounding[, context]])
+      Round to the nearest integer, signaling :const:`Inexact` or
+      :const:`Rounded` as appropriate if rounding occurs.  The rounding mode is
+      determined by the ``rounding`` parameter if given, else by the given
+      ``context``.  If neither parameter is given then the rounding mode of the
+      current context is used.
-   Round to the nearest integer without signaling :const:`Inexact` or
-   :const:`Rounded`.  If given, applies *rounding*; otherwise, uses the rounding
-   method in either the supplied *context* or the current context.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
-   .. versionchanged:: 2.6
-      renamed from ``to_integral`` to ``to_integral_value``.  The old name
-      remains valid for compatibility.
+   .. method:: to_integral_value([rounding[, context]])
+      Round to the nearest integer without signaling :const:`Inexact` or
+      :const:`Rounded`.  If given, applies *rounding*; otherwise, uses the
+      rounding method in either the supplied *context* or the current context.
+      .. versionchanged:: 2.6
+         renamed from ``to_integral`` to ``to_integral_value``.  The old name
+         remains valid for compatibility.
-.. method:: Decimal.trim()
+   .. method:: trim()
-   Return the decimal with *insignificant* trailing zeros removed.
-   Here, a trailing zero is considered insignificant either if it
-   follows the decimal point, or if the exponent of the argument (that
-   is, the last element of the :meth:`as_tuple` representation) is
-   positive.
+      Return the decimal with *insignificant* trailing zeros removed.  Here, a
+      trailing zero is considered insignificant either if it follows the decimal
+      point, or if the exponent of the argument (that is, the last element of
+      the :meth:`as_tuple` representation) is positive.
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
 .. _logical_operands_label:
@@ -970,154 +963,152 @@
    .. versionchanged:: 2.6
       The :const:`ROUND_05UP` rounding mode was added.
-The :class:`Context` class defines several general purpose methods as
-well as a large number of methods for doing arithmetic directly in a
-given context.  In addition, for each of the :class:`Decimal` methods
-described above (with the exception of the :meth:`adjusted` and
-:meth:`as_tuple` methods) there is a corresponding :class:`Context`
-method.  For example, ``C.exp(x)`` is equivalent to
+   The :class:`Context` class defines several general purpose methods as well as
+   a large number of methods for doing arithmetic directly in a given context.
+   In addition, for each of the :class:`Decimal` methods described above (with
+   the exception of the :meth:`adjusted` and :meth:`as_tuple` methods) there is
+   a corresponding :class:`Context` method.  For example, ``C.exp(x)`` is
+   equivalent to ``x.exp(context=C)``.
-.. method:: Context.clear_flags()
-   Resets all of the flags to :const:`0`.
+   .. method:: clear_flags()
+      Resets all of the flags to :const:`0`.
-.. method:: Context.copy()
+   .. method:: copy()
-   Return a duplicate of the context.
+      Return a duplicate of the context.
-.. method:: Context.copy_decimal(num)
+   .. method:: copy_decimal(num)
-   Return a copy of the Decimal instance num.
+      Return a copy of the Decimal instance num.
-.. method:: Context.create_decimal(num)
+   .. method:: create_decimal(num)
-   Creates a new Decimal instance from *num* but using *self* as context. Unlike
-   the :class:`Decimal` constructor, the context precision, rounding method, flags,
-   and traps are applied to the conversion.
+      Creates a new Decimal instance from *num* but using *self* as
+      context. Unlike the :class:`Decimal` constructor, the context precision,
+      rounding method, flags, and traps are applied to the conversion.
-   This is useful because constants are often given to a greater precision than is
-   needed by the application.  Another benefit is that rounding immediately
-   eliminates unintended effects from digits beyond the current precision. In the
-   following example, using unrounded inputs means that adding zero to a sum can
-   change the result:
+      This is useful because constants are often given to a greater precision
+      than is needed by the application.  Another benefit is that rounding
+      immediately eliminates unintended effects from digits beyond the current
+      precision. In the following example, using unrounded inputs means that
+      adding zero to a sum can change the result:
-   .. doctest:: newcontext
+      .. doctest:: newcontext
-      >>> getcontext().prec = 3
-      >>> Decimal('3.4445') + Decimal('1.0023')
-      Decimal('4.45')
-      >>> Decimal('3.4445') + Decimal(0) + Decimal('1.0023')
-      Decimal('4.44')
+         >>> getcontext().prec = 3
+         >>> Decimal('3.4445') + Decimal('1.0023')
+         Decimal('4.45')
+         >>> Decimal('3.4445') + Decimal(0) + Decimal('1.0023')
+         Decimal('4.44')
-   This method implements the to-number operation of the IBM
-   specification.  If the argument is a string, no leading or trailing
-   whitespace is permitted.
+      This method implements the to-number operation of the IBM specification.
+      If the argument is a string, no leading or trailing whitespace is
+      permitted.
-.. method:: Context.Etiny()
+   .. method:: Etiny()
-   Returns a value equal to ``Emin - prec + 1`` which is the minimum exponent value
-   for subnormal results.  When underflow occurs, the exponent is set to
-   :const:`Etiny`.
+      Returns a value equal to ``Emin - prec + 1`` which is the minimum exponent
+      value for subnormal results.  When underflow occurs, the exponent is set
+      to :const:`Etiny`.
-.. method:: Context.Etop()
+   .. method:: Etop()
-   Returns a value equal to ``Emax - prec + 1``.
+      Returns a value equal to ``Emax - prec + 1``.
-The usual approach to working with decimals is to create :class:`Decimal`
-instances and then apply arithmetic operations which take place within the
-current context for the active thread.  An alternative approach is to use context
-methods for calculating within a specific context.  The methods are similar to
-those for the :class:`Decimal` class and are only briefly recounted here.
+   The usual approach to working with decimals is to create :class:`Decimal`
+   instances and then apply arithmetic operations which take place within the
+   current context for the active thread.  An alternative approach is to use
+   context methods for calculating within a specific context.  The methods are
+   similar to those for the :class:`Decimal` class and are only briefly
+   recounted here.
-.. method:: Context.abs(x)
+   .. method:: abs(x)
-   Returns the absolute value of *x*.
+      Returns the absolute value of *x*.
-.. method:: Context.add(x, y)
+   .. method:: add(x, y)
-   Return the sum of *x* and *y*.
+      Return the sum of *x* and *y*.
-.. method:: Context.divide(x, y)
+   .. method:: divide(x, y)
-   Return *x* divided by *y*.
+      Return *x* divided by *y*.
-.. method:: Context.divide_int(x, y)
+   .. method:: divide_int(x, y)
-   Return *x* divided by *y*, truncated to an integer.
+      Return *x* divided by *y*, truncated to an integer.
-.. method:: Context.divmod(x, y)
+   .. method:: divmod(x, y)
-   Divides two numbers and returns the integer part of the result.
+      Divides two numbers and returns the integer part of the result.
-.. method:: Context.minus(x)
+   .. method:: minus(x)
-   Minus corresponds to the unary prefix minus operator in Python.
+      Minus corresponds to the unary prefix minus operator in Python.
-.. method:: Context.multiply(x, y)
+   .. method:: multiply(x, y)
-   Return the product of *x* and *y*.
+      Return the product of *x* and *y*.
-.. method:: Context.plus(x)
+   .. method:: plus(x)
-   Plus corresponds to the unary prefix plus operator in Python.  This operation
-   applies the context precision and rounding, so it is *not* an identity
-   operation.
+      Plus corresponds to the unary prefix plus operator in Python.  This
+      operation applies the context precision and rounding, so it is *not* an
+      identity operation.
-.. method:: Context.power(x, y[, modulo])
+   .. method:: power(x, y[, modulo])
-   Return ``x`` to the power of ``y``, reduced modulo ``modulo`` if
-   given.
+      Return ``x`` to the power of ``y``, reduced modulo ``modulo`` if given.
-   With two arguments, compute ``x**y``.  If ``x`` is negative then
-   ``y`` must be integral.  The result will be inexact unless ``y`` is
-   integral and the result is finite and can be expressed exactly in
-   'precision' digits.  The result should always be correctly rounded,
-   using the rounding mode of the current thread's context.
+      With two arguments, compute ``x**y``.  If ``x`` is negative then ``y``
+      must be integral.  The result will be inexact unless ``y`` is integral and
+      the result is finite and can be expressed exactly in 'precision' digits.
+      The result should always be correctly rounded, using the rounding mode of
+      the current thread's context.
-   With three arguments, compute ``(x**y) % modulo``.  For the three
-   argument form, the following restrictions on the arguments hold:
+      With three arguments, compute ``(x**y) % modulo``.  For the three argument
+      form, the following restrictions on the arguments hold:
-      - all three arguments must be integral
-      - ``y`` must be nonnegative
-      - at least one of ``x`` or ``y`` must be nonzero
-      - ``modulo`` must be nonzero and have at most 'precision' digits
+         - all three arguments must be integral
+         - ``y`` must be nonnegative
+         - at least one of ``x`` or ``y`` must be nonzero
+         - ``modulo`` must be nonzero and have at most 'precision' digits
-   The result of ``Context.power(x, y, modulo)`` is identical to
-   the result that would be obtained by computing ``(x**y) %
-   modulo`` with unbounded precision, but is computed more
-   efficiently.  It is always exact.
+      The result of ``Context.power(x, y, modulo)`` is identical to the result
+      that would be obtained by computing ``(x**y) % modulo`` with unbounded
+      precision, but is computed more efficiently.  It is always exact.
-   .. versionchanged:: 2.6 
-      ``y`` may now be nonintegral in ``x**y``.
-      Stricter requirements for the three-argument version.
+      .. versionchanged:: 2.6 
+         ``y`` may now be nonintegral in ``x**y``.
+         Stricter requirements for the three-argument version.
-.. method:: Context.remainder(x, y)
+   .. method:: remainder(x, y)
-   Returns the remainder from integer division.
+      Returns the remainder from integer division.
-   The sign of the result, if non-zero, is the same as that of the original
-   dividend.
+      The sign of the result, if non-zero, is the same as that of the original
+      dividend.
-.. method:: Context.subtract(x, y)
+   .. method:: subtract(x, y)
-   Return the difference between *x* and *y*.
+      Return the difference between *x* and *y*.
-.. method:: Context.to_sci_string(x)
+   .. method:: to_sci_string(x)
-   Converts a number to a string using scientific notation.
+      Converts a number to a string using scientific notation.
 .. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
@@ -1196,28 +1187,29 @@
    Numerical overflow.
-   Indicates the exponent is larger than :attr:`Emax` after rounding has occurred.
-   If not trapped, the result depends on the rounding mode, either pulling inward
-   to the largest representable finite number or rounding outward to
-   :const:`Infinity`.  In either case, :class:`Inexact` and :class:`Rounded` are
-   also signaled.
+   Indicates the exponent is larger than :attr:`Emax` after rounding has
+   occurred.  If not trapped, the result depends on the rounding mode, either
+   pulling inward to the largest representable finite number or rounding outward
+   to :const:`Infinity`.  In either case, :class:`Inexact` and :class:`Rounded`
+   are also signaled.
 .. class:: Rounded
    Rounding occurred though possibly no information was lost.
-   Signaled whenever rounding discards digits; even if those digits are zero (such
-   as rounding :const:`5.00` to :const:`5.0`).   If not trapped, returns the result
-   unchanged.  This signal is used to detect loss of significant digits.
+   Signaled whenever rounding discards digits; even if those digits are zero
+   (such as rounding :const:`5.00` to :const:`5.0`).  If not trapped, returns
+   the result unchanged.  This signal is used to detect loss of significant
+   digits.
 .. class:: Subnormal
    Exponent was lower than :attr:`Emin` prior to rounding.
-   Occurs when an operation result is subnormal (the exponent is too small). If not
-   trapped, returns the result unchanged.
+   Occurs when an operation result is subnormal (the exponent is too small). If
+   not trapped, returns the result unchanged.
 .. class:: Underflow

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/difflib.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/difflib.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/difflib.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -350,173 +350,178 @@
    The optional arguments *a* and *b* are sequences to be compared; both default to
    empty strings.  The elements of both sequences must be :term:`hashable`.
-:class:`SequenceMatcher` objects have the following methods:
+   :class:`SequenceMatcher` objects have the following methods:
-.. method:: SequenceMatcher.set_seqs(a, b)
+   .. method:: set_seqs(a, b)
-   Set the two sequences to be compared.
+      Set the two sequences to be compared.
-:class:`SequenceMatcher` computes and caches detailed information about the
-second sequence, so if you want to compare one sequence against many sequences,
-use :meth:`set_seq2` to set the commonly used sequence once and call
-:meth:`set_seq1` repeatedly, once for each of the other sequences.
+   :class:`SequenceMatcher` computes and caches detailed information about the
+   second sequence, so if you want to compare one sequence against many
+   sequences, use :meth:`set_seq2` to set the commonly used sequence once and
+   call :meth:`set_seq1` repeatedly, once for each of the other sequences.
-.. method:: SequenceMatcher.set_seq1(a)
+   .. method:: set_seq1(a)
-   Set the first sequence to be compared.  The second sequence to be compared is
-   not changed.
+      Set the first sequence to be compared.  The second sequence to be compared
+      is not changed.
-.. method:: SequenceMatcher.set_seq2(b)
+   .. method:: set_seq2(b)
-   Set the second sequence to be compared.  The first sequence to be compared is
-   not changed.
+      Set the second sequence to be compared.  The first sequence to be compared
+      is not changed.
-.. method:: SequenceMatcher.find_longest_match(alo, ahi, blo, bhi)
+   .. method:: find_longest_match(alo, ahi, blo, bhi)
-   Find longest matching block in ``a[alo:ahi]`` and ``b[blo:bhi]``.
+      Find longest matching block in ``a[alo:ahi]`` and ``b[blo:bhi]``.
-   If *isjunk* was omitted or ``None``, :meth:`find_longest_match` returns ``(i, j,
-   k)`` such that ``a[i:i+k]`` is equal to ``b[j:j+k]``, where ``alo <= i <= i+k <=
-   ahi`` and ``blo <= j <= j+k <= bhi``. For all ``(i', j', k')`` meeting those
-   conditions, the additional conditions ``k >= k'``, ``i <= i'``, and if ``i ==
-   i'``, ``j <= j'`` are also met. In other words, of all maximal matching blocks,
-   return one that starts earliest in *a*, and of all those maximal matching blocks
-   that start earliest in *a*, return the one that starts earliest in *b*.
+      If *isjunk* was omitted or ``None``, :meth:`find_longest_match` returns
+      ``(i, j, k)`` such that ``a[i:i+k]`` is equal to ``b[j:j+k]``, where ``alo
+      <= i <= i+k <= ahi`` and ``blo <= j <= j+k <= bhi``. For all ``(i', j',
+      k')`` meeting those conditions, the additional conditions ``k >= k'``, ``i
+      <= i'``, and if ``i == i'``, ``j <= j'`` are also met. In other words, of
+      all maximal matching blocks, return one that starts earliest in *a*, and
+      of all those maximal matching blocks that start earliest in *a*, return
+      the one that starts earliest in *b*.
-      >>> s = SequenceMatcher(None, " abcd", "abcd abcd")
-      >>> s.find_longest_match(0, 5, 0, 9)
-      Match(a=0, b=4, size=5)
+         >>> s = SequenceMatcher(None, " abcd", "abcd abcd")
+         >>> s.find_longest_match(0, 5, 0, 9)
+         Match(a=0, b=4, size=5)
-   If *isjunk* was provided, first the longest matching block is determined as
-   above, but with the additional restriction that no junk element appears in the
-   block.  Then that block is extended as far as possible by matching (only) junk
-   elements on both sides. So the resulting block never matches on junk except as
-   identical junk happens to be adjacent to an interesting match.
+      If *isjunk* was provided, first the longest matching block is determined
+      as above, but with the additional restriction that no junk element appears
+      in the block.  Then that block is extended as far as possible by matching
+      (only) junk elements on both sides. So the resulting block never matches
+      on junk except as identical junk happens to be adjacent to an interesting
+      match.
-   Here's the same example as before, but considering blanks to be junk. That
-   prevents ``' abcd'`` from matching the ``' abcd'`` at the tail end of the second
-   sequence directly.  Instead only the ``'abcd'`` can match, and matches the
-   leftmost ``'abcd'`` in the second sequence:
+      Here's the same example as before, but considering blanks to be junk. That
+      prevents ``' abcd'`` from matching the ``' abcd'`` at the tail end of the
+      second sequence directly.  Instead only the ``'abcd'`` can match, and
+      matches the leftmost ``'abcd'`` in the second sequence:
-      >>> s = SequenceMatcher(lambda x: x==" ", " abcd", "abcd abcd")
-      >>> s.find_longest_match(0, 5, 0, 9)
-      Match(a=1, b=0, size=4)
+         >>> s = SequenceMatcher(lambda x: x==" ", " abcd", "abcd abcd")
+         >>> s.find_longest_match(0, 5, 0, 9)
+         Match(a=1, b=0, size=4)
-   If no blocks match, this returns ``(alo, blo, 0)``.
+      If no blocks match, this returns ``(alo, blo, 0)``.
-   .. versionchanged:: 2.6
-      This method returns a :term:`named tuple` ``Match(a, b, size)``.
+      .. versionchanged:: 2.6
+         This method returns a :term:`named tuple` ``Match(a, b, size)``.
-.. method:: SequenceMatcher.get_matching_blocks()
+   .. method:: get_matching_blocks()
-   Return list of triples describing matching subsequences. Each triple is of the
-   form ``(i, j, n)``, and means that ``a[i:i+n] == b[j:j+n]``.  The triples are
-   monotonically increasing in *i* and *j*.
+      Return list of triples describing matching subsequences. Each triple is of
+      the form ``(i, j, n)``, and means that ``a[i:i+n] == b[j:j+n]``.  The
+      triples are monotonically increasing in *i* and *j*.
-   The last triple is a dummy, and has the value ``(len(a), len(b), 0)``.  It is
-   the only triple with ``n == 0``.  If ``(i, j, n)`` and ``(i', j', n')`` are
-   adjacent triples in the list, and the second is not the last triple in the list,
-   then ``i+n != i'`` or ``j+n != j'``; in other words, adjacent triples always
-   describe non-adjacent equal blocks.
+      The last triple is a dummy, and has the value ``(len(a), len(b), 0)``.  It
+      is the only triple with ``n == 0``.  If ``(i, j, n)`` and ``(i', j', n')``
+      are adjacent triples in the list, and the second is not the last triple in
+      the list, then ``i+n != i'`` or ``j+n != j'``; in other words, adjacent
+      triples always describe non-adjacent equal blocks.
-   .. XXX Explain why a dummy is used!
+      .. XXX Explain why a dummy is used!
-   .. versionchanged:: 2.5
-      The guarantee that adjacent triples always describe non-adjacent blocks was
-      implemented.
+      .. versionchanged:: 2.5 
+         The guarantee that adjacent triples always describe non-adjacent blocks
+         was implemented.
-   .. doctest::
+      .. doctest::
-      >>> s = SequenceMatcher(None, "abxcd", "abcd")
-      >>> s.get_matching_blocks()
-      [Match(a=0, b=0, size=2), Match(a=3, b=2, size=2), Match(a=5, b=4, size=0)]
+         >>> s = SequenceMatcher(None, "abxcd", "abcd")
+         >>> s.get_matching_blocks()
+         [Match(a=0, b=0, size=2), Match(a=3, b=2, size=2), Match(a=5, b=4, size=0)]
-.. method:: SequenceMatcher.get_opcodes()
+   .. method:: get_opcodes()
-   Return list of 5-tuples describing how to turn *a* into *b*. Each tuple is of
-   the form ``(tag, i1, i2, j1, j2)``.  The first tuple has ``i1 == j1 == 0``, and
-   remaining tuples have *i1* equal to the *i2* from the preceding tuple, and,
-   likewise, *j1* equal to the previous *j2*.
+      Return list of 5-tuples describing how to turn *a* into *b*. Each tuple is
+      of the form ``(tag, i1, i2, j1, j2)``.  The first tuple has ``i1 == j1 ==
+      0``, and remaining tuples have *i1* equal to the *i2* from the preceding
+      tuple, and, likewise, *j1* equal to the previous *j2*.
-   The *tag* values are strings, with these meanings:
+      The *tag* values are strings, with these meanings:
-   +---------------+---------------------------------------------+
-   | Value         | Meaning                                     |
-   +===============+=============================================+
-   | ``'replace'`` | ``a[i1:i2]`` should be replaced by          |
-   |               | ``b[j1:j2]``.                               |
-   +---------------+---------------------------------------------+
-   | ``'delete'``  | ``a[i1:i2]`` should be deleted.  Note that  |
-   |               | ``j1 == j2`` in this case.                  |
-   +---------------+---------------------------------------------+
-   | ``'insert'``  | ``b[j1:j2]`` should be inserted at          |
-   |               | ``a[i1:i1]``. Note that ``i1 == i2`` in     |
-   |               | this case.                                  |
-   +---------------+---------------------------------------------+
-   | ``'equal'``   | ``a[i1:i2] == b[j1:j2]`` (the sub-sequences |
-   |               | are equal).                                 |
-   +---------------+---------------------------------------------+
+      +---------------+---------------------------------------------+
+      | Value         | Meaning                                     |
+      +===============+=============================================+
+      | ``'replace'`` | ``a[i1:i2]`` should be replaced by          |
+      |               | ``b[j1:j2]``.                               |
+      +---------------+---------------------------------------------+
+      | ``'delete'``  | ``a[i1:i2]`` should be deleted.  Note that  |
+      |               | ``j1 == j2`` in this case.                  |
+      +---------------+---------------------------------------------+
+      | ``'insert'``  | ``b[j1:j2]`` should be inserted at          |
+      |               | ``a[i1:i1]``. Note that ``i1 == i2`` in     |
+      |               | this case.                                  |
+      +---------------+---------------------------------------------+
+      | ``'equal'``   | ``a[i1:i2] == b[j1:j2]`` (the sub-sequences |
+      |               | are equal).                                 |
+      +---------------+---------------------------------------------+
-   For example:
+      For example:
-      >>> a = "qabxcd"
-      >>> b = "abycdf"
-      >>> s = SequenceMatcher(None, a, b)
-      >>> for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in s.get_opcodes():
-      ...    print ("%7s a[%d:%d] (%s) b[%d:%d] (%s)" %
-      ...           (tag, i1, i2, a[i1:i2], j1, j2, b[j1:j2]))
-       delete a[0:1] (q) b[0:0] ()
-        equal a[1:3] (ab) b[0:2] (ab)
-      replace a[3:4] (x) b[2:3] (y)
-        equal a[4:6] (cd) b[3:5] (cd)
-       insert a[6:6] () b[5:6] (f)
+         >>> a = "qabxcd"
+         >>> b = "abycdf"
+         >>> s = SequenceMatcher(None, a, b)
+         >>> for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in s.get_opcodes():
+         ...    print ("%7s a[%d:%d] (%s) b[%d:%d] (%s)" %
+         ...           (tag, i1, i2, a[i1:i2], j1, j2, b[j1:j2]))
+          delete a[0:1] (q) b[0:0] ()
+           equal a[1:3] (ab) b[0:2] (ab)
+         replace a[3:4] (x) b[2:3] (y)
+           equal a[4:6] (cd) b[3:5] (cd)
+          insert a[6:6] () b[5:6] (f)
-.. method:: SequenceMatcher.get_grouped_opcodes([n])
+   .. method:: get_grouped_opcodes([n])
-   Return a :term:`generator` of groups with up to *n* lines of context.
+      Return a :term:`generator` of groups with up to *n* lines of context.
-   Starting with the groups returned by :meth:`get_opcodes`, this method splits out
-   smaller change clusters and eliminates intervening ranges which have no changes.
+      Starting with the groups returned by :meth:`get_opcodes`, this method
+      splits out smaller change clusters and eliminates intervening ranges which
+      have no changes.
-   The groups are returned in the same format as :meth:`get_opcodes`.
+      The groups are returned in the same format as :meth:`get_opcodes`.
-   .. versionadded:: 2.3
+      .. versionadded:: 2.3
-.. method:: SequenceMatcher.ratio()
+   .. method:: ratio()
-   Return a measure of the sequences' similarity as a float in the range [0, 1].
+      Return a measure of the sequences' similarity as a float in the range [0,
+      1].
-   Where T is the total number of elements in both sequences, and M is the number
-   of matches, this is 2.0\*M / T. Note that this is ``1.0`` if the sequences are
-   identical, and ``0.0`` if they have nothing in common.
+      Where T is the total number of elements in both sequences, and M is the
+      number of matches, this is 2.0\*M / T. Note that this is ``1.0`` if the
+      sequences are identical, and ``0.0`` if they have nothing in common.
-   This is expensive to compute if :meth:`get_matching_blocks` or
-   :meth:`get_opcodes` hasn't already been called, in which case you may want to
-   try :meth:`quick_ratio` or :meth:`real_quick_ratio` first to get an upper bound.
+      This is expensive to compute if :meth:`get_matching_blocks` or
+      :meth:`get_opcodes` hasn't already been called, in which case you may want
+      to try :meth:`quick_ratio` or :meth:`real_quick_ratio` first to get an
+      upper bound.
-.. method:: SequenceMatcher.quick_ratio()
+   .. method:: quick_ratio()
-   Return an upper bound on :meth:`ratio` relatively quickly.
+      Return an upper bound on :meth:`ratio` relatively quickly.
-   This isn't defined beyond that it is an upper bound on :meth:`ratio`, and is
-   faster to compute.
+      This isn't defined beyond that it is an upper bound on :meth:`ratio`, and
+      is faster to compute.
-.. method:: SequenceMatcher.real_quick_ratio()
+   .. method:: real_quick_ratio()
-   Return an upper bound on :meth:`ratio` very quickly.
+      Return an upper bound on :meth:`ratio` very quickly.
-   This isn't defined beyond that it is an upper bound on :meth:`ratio`, and is
-   faster to compute than either :meth:`ratio` or :meth:`quick_ratio`.
+      This isn't defined beyond that it is an upper bound on :meth:`ratio`, and
+      is faster to compute than either :meth:`ratio` or :meth:`quick_ratio`.
 The three methods that return the ratio of matching to total characters can give
 different results due to differing levels of approximation, although
@@ -603,17 +608,17 @@
    length 1), and returns true if the character is junk. The default is ``None``,
    meaning that no character is considered junk.
-:class:`Differ` objects are used (deltas generated) via a single method:
+   :class:`Differ` objects are used (deltas generated) via a single method:
-.. method:: Differ.compare(a, b)
+   .. method:: Differ.compare(a, b)
-   Compare two sequences of lines, and generate the delta (a sequence of lines).
+      Compare two sequences of lines, and generate the delta (a sequence of lines).
-   Each sequence must contain individual single-line strings ending with newlines.
-   Such sequences can be obtained from the :meth:`readlines` method of file-like
-   objects.  The delta generated also consists of newline-terminated strings, ready
-   to be printed as-is via the :meth:`writelines` method of a file-like object.
+      Each sequence must contain individual single-line strings ending with newlines.
+      Such sequences can be obtained from the :meth:`readlines` method of file-like
+      objects.  The delta generated also consists of newline-terminated strings, ready
+      to be printed as-is via the :meth:`writelines` method of a file-like object.
 .. _differ-examples:

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/doctest.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/doctest.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/doctest.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -1179,48 +1179,48 @@
    .. versionadded:: 2.4
-:class:`DocTest` defines the following member variables.  They are initialized
-by the constructor, and should not be modified directly.
+   :class:`DocTest` defines the following member variables.  They are initialized by
+   the constructor, and should not be modified directly.
-.. attribute:: DocTest.examples
+   .. attribute:: examples
-   A list of :class:`Example` objects encoding the individual interactive Python
-   examples that should be run by this test.
+      A list of :class:`Example` objects encoding the individual interactive Python
+      examples that should be run by this test.
-.. attribute:: DocTest.globs
+   .. attribute:: globs
-   The namespace (aka globals) that the examples should be run in. This is a
-   dictionary mapping names to values.  Any changes to the namespace made by the
-   examples (such as binding new variables) will be reflected in :attr:`globs`
-   after the test is run.
+      The namespace (aka globals) that the examples should be run in. This is a
+      dictionary mapping names to values.  Any changes to the namespace made by the
+      examples (such as binding new variables) will be reflected in :attr:`globs`
+      after the test is run.
-.. attribute:: DocTest.name
+   .. attribute:: name
-   A string name identifying the :class:`DocTest`.  Typically, this is the name of
-   the object or file that the test was extracted from.
+      A string name identifying the :class:`DocTest`.  Typically, this is the name
+      of the object or file that the test was extracted from.
-.. attribute:: DocTest.filename
+   .. attribute:: filename
-   The name of the file that this :class:`DocTest` was extracted from; or ``None``
-   if the filename is unknown, or if the :class:`DocTest` was not extracted from a
-   file.
+      The name of the file that this :class:`DocTest` was extracted from; or
+      ``None`` if the filename is unknown, or if the :class:`DocTest` was not
+      extracted from a file.
-.. attribute:: DocTest.lineno
+   .. attribute:: lineno
-   The line number within :attr:`filename` where this :class:`DocTest` begins, or
-   ``None`` if the line number is unavailable.  This line number is zero-based with
-   respect to the beginning of the file.
+      The line number within :attr:`filename` where this :class:`DocTest` begins, or
+      ``None`` if the line number is unavailable.  This line number is zero-based
+      with respect to the beginning of the file.
-.. attribute:: DocTest.docstring
+   .. attribute:: docstring
-   The string that the test was extracted from, or 'None' if the string is
-   unavailable, or if the test was not extracted from a string.
+      The string that the test was extracted from, or 'None' if the string is
+      unavailable, or if the test was not extracted from a string.
 .. _doctest-example:
@@ -1237,53 +1237,53 @@
    .. versionadded:: 2.4
-:class:`Example` defines the following member variables.  They are initialized
-by the constructor, and should not be modified directly.
+   :class:`Example` defines the following member variables.  They are initialized by
+   the constructor, and should not be modified directly.
-.. attribute:: Example.source
+   .. attribute:: source
-   A string containing the example's source code.  This source code consists of a
-   single Python statement, and always ends with a newline; the constructor adds a
-   newline when necessary.
+      A string containing the example's source code.  This source code consists of a
+      single Python statement, and always ends with a newline; the constructor adds
+      a newline when necessary.
-.. attribute:: Example.want
+   .. attribute:: want
-   The expected output from running the example's source code (either from stdout,
-   or a traceback in case of exception).  :attr:`want` ends with a newline unless
-   no output is expected, in which case it's an empty string.  The constructor adds
-   a newline when necessary.
+      The expected output from running the example's source code (either from
+      stdout, or a traceback in case of exception).  :attr:`want` ends with a
+      newline unless no output is expected, in which case it's an empty string.  The
+      constructor adds a newline when necessary.
-.. attribute:: Example.exc_msg
+   .. attribute:: exc_msg
-   The exception message generated by the example, if the example is expected to
-   generate an exception; or ``None`` if it is not expected to generate an
-   exception.  This exception message is compared against the return value of
-   :func:`traceback.format_exception_only`.  :attr:`exc_msg` ends with a newline
-   unless it's ``None``.  The constructor adds a newline if needed.
+      The exception message generated by the example, if the example is expected to
+      generate an exception; or ``None`` if it is not expected to generate an
+      exception.  This exception message is compared against the return value of
+      :func:`traceback.format_exception_only`.  :attr:`exc_msg` ends with a newline
+      unless it's ``None``.  The constructor adds a newline if needed.
-.. attribute:: Example.lineno
+   .. attribute:: lineno
-   The line number within the string containing this example where the example
-   begins.  This line number is zero-based with respect to the beginning of the
-   containing string.
+      The line number within the string containing this example where the example
+      begins.  This line number is zero-based with respect to the beginning of the
+      containing string.
-.. attribute:: Example.indent
+   .. attribute:: indent
-   The example's indentation in the containing string, i.e., the number of space
-   characters that precede the example's first prompt.
+      The example's indentation in the containing string, i.e., the number of space
+      characters that precede the example's first prompt.
-.. attribute:: Example.options
+   .. attribute:: options
-   A dictionary mapping from option flags to ``True`` or ``False``, which is used
-   to override default options for this example.  Any option flags not contained in
-   this dictionary are left at their default value (as specified by the
-   :class:`DocTestRunner`'s :attr:`optionflags`). By default, no options are set.
+      A dictionary mapping from option flags to ``True`` or ``False``, which is used
+      to override default options for this example.  Any option flags not contained
+      in this dictionary are left at their default value (as specified by the
+      :class:`DocTestRunner`'s :attr:`optionflags`). By default, no options are set.
 .. _doctest-doctestfinder:
@@ -1314,44 +1314,44 @@
    .. versionadded:: 2.4
-:class:`DocTestFinder` defines the following method:
+   :class:`DocTestFinder` defines the following method:
-.. method:: DocTestFinder.find(obj[, name][, module][, globs][, extraglobs])
+   .. method:: find(obj[, name][, module][, globs][, extraglobs])
-   Return a list of the :class:`DocTest`\ s that are defined by *obj*'s docstring,
-   or by any of its contained objects' docstrings.
+      Return a list of the :class:`DocTest`\ s that are defined by *obj*'s
+      docstring, or by any of its contained objects' docstrings.
-   The optional argument *name* specifies the object's name; this name will be used
-   to construct names for the returned :class:`DocTest`\ s.  If *name* is not
-   specified, then ``obj.__name__`` is used.
+      The optional argument *name* specifies the object's name; this name will be
+      used to construct names for the returned :class:`DocTest`\ s.  If *name* is
+      not specified, then ``obj.__name__`` is used.
-   The optional parameter *module* is the module that contains the given object.
-   If the module is not specified or is None, then the test finder will attempt to
-   automatically determine the correct module.  The object's module is used:
+      The optional parameter *module* is the module that contains the given object.
+      If the module is not specified or is None, then the test finder will attempt
+      to automatically determine the correct module.  The object's module is used:
-   * As a default namespace, if *globs* is not specified.
+      * As a default namespace, if *globs* is not specified.
-   * To prevent the DocTestFinder from extracting DocTests from objects that are
-     imported from other modules.  (Contained objects with modules other than
-     *module* are ignored.)
+      * To prevent the DocTestFinder from extracting DocTests from objects that are
+        imported from other modules.  (Contained objects with modules other than
+        *module* are ignored.)
-   * To find the name of the file containing the object.
+      * To find the name of the file containing the object.
-   * To help find the line number of the object within its file.
+      * To help find the line number of the object within its file.
-   If *module* is ``False``, no attempt to find the module will be made.  This is
-   obscure, of use mostly in testing doctest itself: if *module* is ``False``, or
-   is ``None`` but cannot be found automatically, then all objects are considered
-   to belong to the (non-existent) module, so all contained objects will
-   (recursively) be searched for doctests.
+      If *module* is ``False``, no attempt to find the module will be made.  This is
+      obscure, of use mostly in testing doctest itself: if *module* is ``False``, or
+      is ``None`` but cannot be found automatically, then all objects are considered
+      to belong to the (non-existent) module, so all contained objects will
+      (recursively) be searched for doctests.
-   The globals for each :class:`DocTest` is formed by combining *globs* and
-   *extraglobs* (bindings in *extraglobs* override bindings in *globs*).  A new
-   shallow copy of the globals dictionary is created for each :class:`DocTest`.  If
-   *globs* is not specified, then it defaults to the module's *__dict__*, if
-   specified, or ``{}`` otherwise.  If *extraglobs* is not specified, then it
-   defaults to ``{}``.
+      The globals for each :class:`DocTest` is formed by combining *globs* and
+      *extraglobs* (bindings in *extraglobs* override bindings in *globs*).  A new
+      shallow copy of the globals dictionary is created for each :class:`DocTest`.
+      If *globs* is not specified, then it defaults to the module's *__dict__*, if
+      specified, or ``{}`` otherwise.  If *extraglobs* is not specified, then it
+      defaults to ``{}``.
 .. _doctest-doctestparser:
@@ -1367,32 +1367,32 @@
    .. versionadded:: 2.4
-:class:`DocTestParser` defines the following methods:
+   :class:`DocTestParser` defines the following methods:
-.. method:: DocTestParser.get_doctest(string, globs, name, filename, lineno)
+   .. method:: get_doctest(string, globs, name, filename, lineno)
-   Extract all doctest examples from the given string, and collect them into a
-   :class:`DocTest` object.
+      Extract all doctest examples from the given string, and collect them into a
+      :class:`DocTest` object.
-   *globs*, *name*, *filename*, and *lineno* are attributes for the new
-   :class:`DocTest` object.  See the documentation for :class:`DocTest` for more
-   information.
+      *globs*, *name*, *filename*, and *lineno* are attributes for the new
+      :class:`DocTest` object.  See the documentation for :class:`DocTest` for more
+      information.
-.. method:: DocTestParser.get_examples(string[, name])
+   .. method:: get_examples(string[, name])
-   Extract all doctest examples from the given string, and return them as a list of
-   :class:`Example` objects.  Line numbers are 0-based.  The optional argument
-   *name* is a name identifying this string, and is only used for error messages.
+      Extract all doctest examples from the given string, and return them as a list
+      of :class:`Example` objects.  Line numbers are 0-based.  The optional argument
+      *name* is a name identifying this string, and is only used for error messages.
-.. method:: DocTestParser.parse(string[, name])
+   .. method:: parse(string[, name])
-   Divide the given string into examples and intervening text, and return them as a
-   list of alternating :class:`Example`\ s and strings. Line numbers for the
-   :class:`Example`\ s are 0-based.  The optional argument *name* is a name
-   identifying this string, and is only used for error messages.
+      Divide the given string into examples and intervening text, and return them as
+      a list of alternating :class:`Example`\ s and strings. Line numbers for the
+      :class:`Example`\ s are 0-based.  The optional argument *name* is a name
+      identifying this string, and is only used for error messages.
 .. _doctest-doctestrunner:
@@ -1436,83 +1436,84 @@
    .. versionadded:: 2.4
-:class:`DocTestParser` defines the following methods:
+   :class:`DocTestParser` defines the following methods:
-.. method:: DocTestRunner.report_start(out, test, example)
+   .. method:: report_start(out, test, example)
-   Report that the test runner is about to process the given example. This method
-   is provided to allow subclasses of :class:`DocTestRunner` to customize their
-   output; it should not be called directly.
+      Report that the test runner is about to process the given example. This method
+      is provided to allow subclasses of :class:`DocTestRunner` to customize their
+      output; it should not be called directly.
-   *example* is the example about to be processed.  *test* is the test containing
-   *example*.  *out* is the output function that was passed to
-   :meth:`DocTestRunner.run`.
+      *example* is the example about to be processed.  *test* is the test
+      *containing example*.  *out* is the output function that was passed to
+      :meth:`DocTestRunner.run`.
-.. method:: DocTestRunner.report_success(out, test, example, got)
+   .. method:: report_success(out, test, example, got)
-   Report that the given example ran successfully.  This method is provided to
-   allow subclasses of :class:`DocTestRunner` to customize their output; it should
-   not be called directly.
+      Report that the given example ran successfully.  This method is provided to
+      allow subclasses of :class:`DocTestRunner` to customize their output; it
+      should not be called directly.
-   *example* is the example about to be processed.  *got* is the actual output from
-   the example.  *test* is the test containing *example*.  *out* is the output
-   function that was passed to :meth:`DocTestRunner.run`.
+      *example* is the example about to be processed.  *got* is the actual output
+      from the example.  *test* is the test containing *example*.  *out* is the
+      output function that was passed to :meth:`DocTestRunner.run`.
-.. method:: DocTestRunner.report_failure(out, test, example, got)
+   .. method:: report_failure(out, test, example, got)
-   Report that the given example failed.  This method is provided to allow
-   subclasses of :class:`DocTestRunner` to customize their output; it should not be
-   called directly.
+      Report that the given example failed.  This method is provided to allow
+      subclasses of :class:`DocTestRunner` to customize their output; it should not
+      be called directly.
-   *example* is the example about to be processed.  *got* is the actual output from
-   the example.  *test* is the test containing *example*.  *out* is the output
-   function that was passed to :meth:`DocTestRunner.run`.
+      *example* is the example about to be processed.  *got* is the actual output
+      from the example.  *test* is the test containing *example*.  *out* is the
+      output function that was passed to :meth:`DocTestRunner.run`.
-.. method:: DocTestRunner.report_unexpected_exception(out, test, example, exc_info)
+   .. method:: report_unexpected_exception(out, test, example, exc_info)
-   Report that the given example raised an unexpected exception. This method is
-   provided to allow subclasses of :class:`DocTestRunner` to customize their
-   output; it should not be called directly.
+      Report that the given example raised an unexpected exception. This method is
+      provided to allow subclasses of :class:`DocTestRunner` to customize their
+      output; it should not be called directly.
-   *example* is the example about to be processed. *exc_info* is a tuple containing
-   information about the unexpected exception (as returned by
-   :func:`sys.exc_info`). *test* is the test containing *example*.  *out* is the
-   output function that was passed to :meth:`DocTestRunner.run`.
+      *example* is the example about to be processed. *exc_info* is a tuple
+      containing information about the unexpected exception (as returned by
+      :func:`sys.exc_info`). *test* is the test containing *example*.  *out* is the
+      output function that was passed to :meth:`DocTestRunner.run`.
-.. method:: DocTestRunner.run(test[, compileflags][, out][, clear_globs])
+   .. method:: run(test[, compileflags][, out][, clear_globs])
-   Run the examples in *test* (a :class:`DocTest` object), and display the results
-   using the writer function *out*.
+      Run the examples in *test* (a :class:`DocTest` object), and display the
+      results using the writer function *out*.
-   The examples are run in the namespace ``test.globs``.  If *clear_globs* is true
-   (the default), then this namespace will be cleared after the test runs, to help
-   with garbage collection. If you would like to examine the namespace after the
-   test completes, then use *clear_globs=False*.
+      The examples are run in the namespace ``test.globs``.  If *clear_globs* is
+      true (the default), then this namespace will be cleared after the test runs,
+      to help with garbage collection. If you would like to examine the namespace
+      after the test completes, then use *clear_globs=False*.
-   *compileflags* gives the set of flags that should be used by the Python compiler
-   when running the examples.  If not specified, then it will default to the set of
-   future-import flags that apply to *globs*.
+      *compileflags* gives the set of flags that should be used by the Python
+      compiler when running the examples.  If not specified, then it will default to
+      the set of future-import flags that apply to *globs*.
-   The output of each example is checked using the :class:`DocTestRunner`'s output
-   checker, and the results are formatted by the :meth:`DocTestRunner.report_\*`
-   methods.
+      The output of each example is checked using the :class:`DocTestRunner`'s
+      output checker, and the results are formatted by the
+      :meth:`DocTestRunner.report_\*` methods.
-.. method:: DocTestRunner.summarize([verbose])
+   .. method:: summarize([verbose])
-   Print a summary of all the test cases that have been run by this DocTestRunner,
-   and return a :term:`named tuple` ``TestResults(failed, attempted)``.
+      Print a summary of all the test cases that have been run by this DocTestRunner,
+      and return a :term:`named tuple` ``TestResults(failed, attempted)``.
-   The optional *verbose* argument controls how detailed the summary is.  If the
-   verbosity is not specified, then the :class:`DocTestRunner`'s verbosity is used.
+      The optional *verbose* argument controls how detailed the summary is.  If the
+      verbosity is not specified, then the :class:`DocTestRunner`'s verbosity is
+      used.
-   .. versionchanged:: 2.6
-      Use a named tuple.
+      .. versionchanged:: 2.6
+         Use a named tuple.
 .. _doctest-outputchecker:
@@ -1531,23 +1532,23 @@
    .. versionadded:: 2.4
-:class:`OutputChecker` defines the following methods:
+   :class:`OutputChecker` defines the following methods:
-.. method:: OutputChecker.check_output(want, got, optionflags)
+   .. method:: check_output(want, got, optionflags)
-   Return ``True`` iff the actual output from an example (*got*) matches the
-   expected output (*want*).  These strings are always considered to match if they
-   are identical; but depending on what option flags the test runner is using,
-   several non-exact match types are also possible.  See section
-   :ref:`doctest-options` for more information about option flags.
+      Return ``True`` iff the actual output from an example (*got*) matches the
+      expected output (*want*).  These strings are always considered to match if
+      they are identical; but depending on what option flags the test runner is
+      using, several non-exact match types are also possible.  See section
+      :ref:`doctest-options` for more information about option flags.
-.. method:: OutputChecker.output_difference(example, got, optionflags)
+   .. method:: output_difference(example, got, optionflags)
-   Return a string describing the differences between the expected output for a
-   given example (*example*) and the actual output (*got*).  *optionflags* is the
-   set of option flags used to compare *want* and *got*.
+      Return a string describing the differences between the expected output for a
+      given example (*example*) and the actual output (*got*).  *optionflags* is the
+      set of option flags used to compare *want* and *got*.
 .. _doctest-debugging:

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/email.charset.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/email.charset.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/email.charset.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -40,164 +40,168 @@
    will not be encoded, but output text will be converted from the ``euc-jp``
    character set to the ``iso-2022-jp`` character set.
-:class:`Charset` instances have the following data attributes:
+   :class:`Charset` instances have the following data attributes:
-.. data:: input_charset
+   .. attribute:: input_charset
-   The initial character set specified.  Common aliases are converted to their
-   *official* email names (e.g. ``latin_1`` is converted to ``iso-8859-1``).
-   Defaults to 7-bit ``us-ascii``.
+      The initial character set specified.  Common aliases are converted to
+      their *official* email names (e.g. ``latin_1`` is converted to
+      ``iso-8859-1``).  Defaults to 7-bit ``us-ascii``.
-.. data:: header_encoding
+   .. attribute:: header_encoding
-   If the character set must be encoded before it can be used in an email header,
-   this attribute will be set to ``Charset.QP`` (for quoted-printable),
-   ``Charset.BASE64`` (for base64 encoding), or ``Charset.SHORTEST`` for the
-   shortest of QP or BASE64 encoding. Otherwise, it will be ``None``.
+      If the character set must be encoded before it can be used in an email
+      header, this attribute will be set to ``Charset.QP`` (for
+      quoted-printable), ``Charset.BASE64`` (for base64 encoding), or
+      ``Charset.SHORTEST`` for the shortest of QP or BASE64 encoding. Otherwise,
+      it will be ``None``.
-.. data:: body_encoding
+   .. attribute:: body_encoding
-   Same as *header_encoding*, but describes the encoding for the mail message's
-   body, which indeed may be different than the header encoding.
-   ``Charset.SHORTEST`` is not allowed for *body_encoding*.
+      Same as *header_encoding*, but describes the encoding for the mail
+      message's body, which indeed may be different than the header encoding.
+      ``Charset.SHORTEST`` is not allowed for *body_encoding*.
-.. data:: output_charset
+   .. attribute:: output_charset
-   Some character sets must be converted before they can be used in email headers
-   or bodies.  If the *input_charset* is one of them, this attribute will contain
-   the name of the character set output will be converted to.  Otherwise, it will
-   be ``None``.
+      Some character sets must be converted before they can be used in email headers
+      or bodies.  If the *input_charset* is one of them, this attribute will
+      contain the name of the character set output will be converted to.  Otherwise, it will
+      be ``None``.
-.. data:: input_codec
+   .. attribute:: input_codec
-   The name of the Python codec used to convert the *input_charset* to Unicode.  If
-   no conversion codec is necessary, this attribute will be ``None``.
+      The name of the Python codec used to convert the *input_charset* to
+      Unicode.  If no conversion codec is necessary, this attribute will be
+      ``None``.
-.. data:: output_codec
+   .. attribute:: output_codec
-   The name of the Python codec used to convert Unicode to the *output_charset*.
-   If no conversion codec is necessary, this attribute will have the same value as
-   the *input_codec*.
+      The name of the Python codec used to convert Unicode to the
+      *output_charset*.  If no conversion codec is necessary, this attribute
+      will have the same value as the *input_codec*.
-:class:`Charset` instances also have the following methods:
+   :class:`Charset` instances also have the following methods:
-.. method:: Charset.get_body_encoding()
+   .. method:: get_body_encoding()
-   Return the content transfer encoding used for body encoding.
+      Return the content transfer encoding used for body encoding.
-   This is either the string ``quoted-printable`` or ``base64`` depending on the
-   encoding used, or it is a function, in which case you should call the function
-   with a single argument, the Message object being encoded.  The function should
-   then set the :mailheader:`Content-Transfer-Encoding` header itself to whatever
-   is appropriate.
+      This is either the string ``quoted-printable`` or ``base64`` depending on
+      the encoding used, or it is a function, in which case you should call the
+      function with a single argument, the Message object being encoded.  The
+      function should then set the :mailheader:`Content-Transfer-Encoding`
+      header itself to whatever is appropriate.
-   Returns the string ``quoted-printable`` if *body_encoding* is ``QP``, returns
-   the string ``base64`` if *body_encoding* is ``BASE64``, and returns the string
-   ``7bit`` otherwise.
+      Returns the string ``quoted-printable`` if *body_encoding* is ``QP``,
+      returns the string ``base64`` if *body_encoding* is ``BASE64``, and
+      returns the string ``7bit`` otherwise.
-.. method:: Charset.convert(s)
+   .. method:: convert(s)
-   Convert the string *s* from the *input_codec* to the *output_codec*.
+      Convert the string *s* from the *input_codec* to the *output_codec*.
-.. method:: Charset.to_splittable(s)
+   .. method:: to_splittable(s)
-   Convert a possibly multibyte string to a safely splittable format. *s* is the
-   string to split.
+      Convert a possibly multibyte string to a safely splittable format. *s* is
+      the string to split.
-   Uses the *input_codec* to try and convert the string to Unicode, so it can be
-   safely split on character boundaries (even for multibyte characters).
+      Uses the *input_codec* to try and convert the string to Unicode, so it can
+      be safely split on character boundaries (even for multibyte characters).
-   Returns the string as-is if it isn't known how to convert *s* to Unicode with
-   the *input_charset*.
+      Returns the string as-is if it isn't known how to convert *s* to Unicode
+      with the *input_charset*.
-   Characters that could not be converted to Unicode will be replaced with the
-   Unicode replacement character ``'U+FFFD'``.
+      Characters that could not be converted to Unicode will be replaced with
+      the Unicode replacement character ``'U+FFFD'``.
-.. method:: Charset.from_splittable(ustr[, to_output])
+   .. method:: from_splittable(ustr[, to_output])
-   Convert a splittable string back into an encoded string.  *ustr* is a Unicode
-   string to "unsplit".
+      Convert a splittable string back into an encoded string.  *ustr* is a
+      Unicode string to "unsplit".
-   This method uses the proper codec to try and convert the string from Unicode
-   back into an encoded format.  Return the string as-is if it is not Unicode, or
-   if it could not be converted from Unicode.
+      This method uses the proper codec to try and convert the string from
+      Unicode back into an encoded format.  Return the string as-is if it is not
+      Unicode, or if it could not be converted from Unicode.
-   Characters that could not be converted from Unicode will be replaced with an
-   appropriate character (usually ``'?'``).
+      Characters that could not be converted from Unicode will be replaced with
+      an appropriate character (usually ``'?'``).
-   If *to_output* is ``True`` (the default), uses *output_codec* to convert to an
-   encoded format.  If *to_output* is ``False``, it uses *input_codec*.
+      If *to_output* is ``True`` (the default), uses *output_codec* to convert
+      to an encoded format.  If *to_output* is ``False``, it uses *input_codec*.
-.. method:: Charset.get_output_charset()
+   .. method:: get_output_charset()
-   Return the output character set.
+      Return the output character set.
-   This is the *output_charset* attribute if that is not ``None``, otherwise it is
-   *input_charset*.
+      This is the *output_charset* attribute if that is not ``None``, otherwise
+      it is *input_charset*.
-.. method:: Charset.encoded_header_len()
+   .. method:: encoded_header_len()
-   Return the length of the encoded header string, properly calculating for
-   quoted-printable or base64 encoding.
+      Return the length of the encoded header string, properly calculating for
+      quoted-printable or base64 encoding.
-.. method:: Charset.header_encode(s[, convert])
+   .. method:: header_encode(s[, convert])
-   Header-encode the string *s*.
+      Header-encode the string *s*.
-   If *convert* is ``True``, the string will be converted from the input charset to
-   the output charset automatically.  This is not useful for multibyte character
-   sets, which have line length issues (multibyte characters must be split on a
-   character, not a byte boundary); use the higher-level :class:`Header` class to
-   deal with these issues (see :mod:`email.header`).  *convert* defaults to
-   ``False``.
+      If *convert* is ``True``, the string will be converted from the input
+      charset to the output charset automatically.  This is not useful for
+      multibyte character sets, which have line length issues (multibyte
+      characters must be split on a character, not a byte boundary); use the
+      higher-level :class:`Header` class to deal with these issues (see
+      :mod:`email.header`).  *convert* defaults to ``False``.
-   The type of encoding (base64 or quoted-printable) will be based on the
-   *header_encoding* attribute.
+      The type of encoding (base64 or quoted-printable) will be based on the
+      *header_encoding* attribute.
-.. method:: Charset.body_encode(s[, convert])
+   .. method:: body_encode(s[, convert])
-   Body-encode the string *s*.
+      Body-encode the string *s*.
-   If *convert* is ``True`` (the default), the string will be converted from the
-   input charset to output charset automatically. Unlike :meth:`header_encode`,
-   there are no issues with byte boundaries and multibyte charsets in email bodies,
-   so this is usually pretty safe.
+      If *convert* is ``True`` (the default), the string will be converted from
+      the input charset to output charset automatically. Unlike
+      :meth:`header_encode`, there are no issues with byte boundaries and
+      multibyte charsets in email bodies, so this is usually pretty safe.
-   The type of encoding (base64 or quoted-printable) will be based on the
-   *body_encoding* attribute.
+      The type of encoding (base64 or quoted-printable) will be based on the
+      *body_encoding* attribute.
-The :class:`Charset` class also provides a number of methods to support standard
-operations and built-in functions.
+   The :class:`Charset` class also provides a number of methods to support
+   standard operations and built-in functions.
-.. method:: Charset.__str__()
+   .. method:: __str__()
-   Returns *input_charset* as a string coerced to lower case. :meth:`__repr__` is
-   an alias for :meth:`__str__`.
+      Returns *input_charset* as a string coerced to lower
+      case. :meth:`__repr__` is an alias for :meth:`__str__`.
-.. method:: Charset.__eq__(other)
+   .. method:: __eq__(other)
-   This method allows you to compare two :class:`Charset` instances for equality.
+      This method allows you to compare two :class:`Charset` instances for
+      equality.
-.. method:: Header.__ne__(other)
+   .. method:: __ne__(other)
-   This method allows you to compare two :class:`Charset` instances for inequality.
+      This method allows you to compare two :class:`Charset` instances for
+      inequality.
 The :mod:`email.charset` module also provides the following functions for adding
 new entries to the global character set, alias, and codec registries:

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/email.generator.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/email.generator.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/email.generator.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -44,39 +44,40 @@
    :mod:`email.header.Header` class.  Set to zero to disable header wrapping.  The
    default is 78, as recommended (but not required) by :rfc:`2822`.
-The other public :class:`Generator` methods are:
+   The other public :class:`Generator` methods are:
-.. method:: Generator.flatten(msg[, unixfrom])
+   .. method:: flatten(msg[, unixfrom])
-   Print the textual representation of the message object structure rooted at *msg*
-   to the output file specified when the :class:`Generator` instance was created.
-   Subparts are visited depth-first and the resulting text will be properly MIME
-   encoded.
+      Print the textual representation of the message object structure rooted at
+      *msg* to the output file specified when the :class:`Generator` instance
+      was created.  Subparts are visited depth-first and the resulting text will
+      be properly MIME encoded.
-   Optional *unixfrom* is a flag that forces the printing of the envelope header
-   delimiter before the first :rfc:`2822` header of the root message object.  If
-   the root object has no envelope header, a standard one is crafted.  By default,
-   this is set to ``False`` to inhibit the printing of the envelope delimiter.
+      Optional *unixfrom* is a flag that forces the printing of the envelope
+      header delimiter before the first :rfc:`2822` header of the root message
+      object.  If the root object has no envelope header, a standard one is
+      crafted.  By default, this is set to ``False`` to inhibit the printing of
+      the envelope delimiter.
-   Note that for subparts, no envelope header is ever printed.
+      Note that for subparts, no envelope header is ever printed.
-   .. versionadded:: 2.2.2
+      .. versionadded:: 2.2.2
-.. method:: Generator.clone(fp)
+   .. method:: clone(fp)
-   Return an independent clone of this :class:`Generator` instance with the exact
-   same options.
+      Return an independent clone of this :class:`Generator` instance with the
+      exact same options.
-   .. versionadded:: 2.2.2
+      .. versionadded:: 2.2.2
-.. method:: Generator.write(s)
+   .. method:: write(s)
-   Write the string *s* to the underlying file object, i.e. *outfp* passed to
-   :class:`Generator`'s constructor.  This provides just enough file-like API for
-   :class:`Generator` instances to be used in extended print statements.
+      Write the string *s* to the underlying file object, i.e. *outfp* passed to
+      :class:`Generator`'s constructor.  This provides just enough file-like API
+      for :class:`Generator` instances to be used in extended print statements.
 As a convenience, see the methods :meth:`Message.as_string` and
 ``str(aMessage)``, a.k.a. :meth:`Message.__str__`, which simplify the generation

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/email.header.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/email.header.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/email.header.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -76,65 +76,67 @@
    and is usually either a space or a hard tab character. This character will be
    prepended to continuation lines.
-Optional *errors* is passed straight through to the :meth:`append` method.
+   Optional *errors* is passed straight through to the :meth:`append` method.
-.. method:: Header.append(s[, charset[, errors]])
+   .. method:: append(s[, charset[, errors]])
-   Append the string *s* to the MIME header.
+      Append the string *s* to the MIME header.
-   Optional *charset*, if given, should be a :class:`Charset` instance (see
-   :mod:`email.charset`) or the name of a character set, which will be converted to
-   a :class:`Charset` instance.  A value of ``None`` (the default) means that the
-   *charset* given in the constructor is used.
+      Optional *charset*, if given, should be a :class:`Charset` instance (see
+      :mod:`email.charset`) or the name of a character set, which will be
+      converted to a :class:`Charset` instance.  A value of ``None`` (the
+      default) means that the *charset* given in the constructor is used.
-   *s* may be a byte string or a Unicode string.  If it is a byte string (i.e.
-   ``isinstance(s, str)`` is true), then *charset* is the encoding of that byte
-   string, and a :exc:`UnicodeError` will be raised if the string cannot be decoded
-   with that character set.
+      *s* may be a byte string or a Unicode string.  If it is a byte string
+      (i.e.  ``isinstance(s, str)`` is true), then *charset* is the encoding of
+      that byte string, and a :exc:`UnicodeError` will be raised if the string
+      cannot be decoded with that character set.
-   If *s* is a Unicode string, then *charset* is a hint specifying the character
-   set of the characters in the string.  In this case, when producing an
-   :rfc:`2822`\ -compliant header using :rfc:`2047` rules, the Unicode string will
-   be encoded using the following charsets in order: ``us-ascii``, the *charset*
-   hint, ``utf-8``.  The first character set to not provoke a :exc:`UnicodeError`
-   is used.
+      If *s* is a Unicode string, then *charset* is a hint specifying the
+      character set of the characters in the string.  In this case, when
+      producing an :rfc:`2822`\ -compliant header using :rfc:`2047` rules, the
+      Unicode string will be encoded using the following charsets in order:
+      ``us-ascii``, the *charset* hint, ``utf-8``.  The first character set to
+      not provoke a :exc:`UnicodeError` is used.
-   Optional *errors* is passed through to any :func:`unicode` or
-   :func:`ustr.encode` call, and defaults to "strict".
+      Optional *errors* is passed through to any :func:`unicode` or
+      :func:`ustr.encode` call, and defaults to "strict".
-.. method:: Header.encode([splitchars])
+   .. method:: encode([splitchars])
-   Encode a message header into an RFC-compliant format, possibly wrapping long
-   lines and encapsulating non-ASCII parts in base64 or quoted-printable encodings.
-   Optional *splitchars* is a string containing characters to split long ASCII
-   lines on, in rough support of :rfc:`2822`'s *highest level syntactic breaks*.
-   This doesn't affect :rfc:`2047` encoded lines.
+      Encode a message header into an RFC-compliant format, possibly wrapping
+      long lines and encapsulating non-ASCII parts in base64 or quoted-printable
+      encodings.  Optional *splitchars* is a string containing characters to
+      split long ASCII lines on, in rough support of :rfc:`2822`'s *highest
+      level syntactic breaks*.  This doesn't affect :rfc:`2047` encoded lines.
-The :class:`Header` class also provides a number of methods to support standard
-operators and built-in functions.
+   The :class:`Header` class also provides a number of methods to support
+   standard operators and built-in functions.
-.. method:: Header.__str__()
+   .. method:: __str__()
-   A synonym for :meth:`Header.encode`.  Useful for ``str(aHeader)``.
+      A synonym for :meth:`Header.encode`.  Useful for ``str(aHeader)``.
-.. method:: Header.__unicode__()
+   .. method:: __unicode__()
-   A helper for the built-in :func:`unicode` function.  Returns the header as a
-   Unicode string.
+      A helper for the built-in :func:`unicode` function.  Returns the header as
+      a Unicode string.
-.. method:: Header.__eq__(other)
+   .. method:: __eq__(other)
-   This method allows you to compare two :class:`Header` instances for equality.
+      This method allows you to compare two :class:`Header` instances for
+      equality.
-.. method:: Header.__ne__(other)
+   .. method:: __ne__(other)
-   This method allows you to compare two :class:`Header` instances for inequality.
+      This method allows you to compare two :class:`Header` instances for
+      inequality.
 The :mod:`email.header` module also provides the following convenient functions.

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/email.message.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/email.message.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/email.message.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -36,513 +36,532 @@
    The constructor takes no arguments.
-.. method:: Message.as_string([unixfrom])
+   .. method:: as_string([unixfrom])
-   Return the entire message flattened as a string.  When optional *unixfrom* is
-   ``True``, the envelope header is included in the returned string.  *unixfrom*
-   defaults to ``False``.
+      Return the entire message flattened as a string.  When optional *unixfrom*
+      is ``True``, the envelope header is included in the returned string.
+      *unixfrom* defaults to ``False``.
-   Note that this method is provided as a convenience and may not always format the
-   message the way you want.  For example, by default it mangles lines that begin
-   with ``From``.  For more flexibility, instantiate a :class:`Generator` instance
-   and use its :meth:`flatten` method directly.  For example::
+      Note that this method is provided as a convenience and may not always
+      format the message the way you want.  For example, by default it mangles
+      lines that begin with ``From``.  For more flexibility, instantiate a
+      :class:`Generator` instance and use its :meth:`flatten` method directly.
+      For example::
-      from cStringIO import StringIO
-      from email.generator import Generator
-      fp = StringIO()
-      g = Generator(fp, mangle_from_=False, maxheaderlen=60)
-      g.flatten(msg)
-      text = fp.getvalue()
+         from cStringIO import StringIO
+         from email.generator import Generator
+         fp = StringIO()
+         g = Generator(fp, mangle_from_=False, maxheaderlen=60)
+         g.flatten(msg)
+         text = fp.getvalue()
-.. method:: Message.__str__()
+   .. method:: __str__()
-   Equivalent to ``as_string(unixfrom=True)``.
+      Equivalent to ``as_string(unixfrom=True)``.
-.. method:: Message.is_multipart()
+   .. method:: is_multipart()
-   Return ``True`` if the message's payload is a list of sub-\ :class:`Message`
-   objects, otherwise return ``False``.  When :meth:`is_multipart` returns False,
-   the payload should be a string object.
+      Return ``True`` if the message's payload is a list of sub-\
+      :class:`Message` objects, otherwise return ``False``.  When
+      :meth:`is_multipart` returns False, the payload should be a string object.
-.. method:: Message.set_unixfrom(unixfrom)
+   .. method:: set_unixfrom(unixfrom)
-   Set the message's envelope header to *unixfrom*, which should be a string.
+      Set the message's envelope header to *unixfrom*, which should be a string.
-.. method:: Message.get_unixfrom()
+   .. method:: get_unixfrom()
-   Return the message's envelope header.  Defaults to ``None`` if the envelope
-   header was never set.
+      Return the message's envelope header.  Defaults to ``None`` if the
+      envelope header was never set.
-.. method:: Message.attach(payload)
+   .. method:: attach(payload)
-   Add the given *payload* to the current payload, which must be ``None`` or a list
-   of :class:`Message` objects before the call. After the call, the payload will
-   always be a list of :class:`Message` objects.  If you want to set the payload to
-   a scalar object (e.g. a string), use :meth:`set_payload` instead.
+      Add the given *payload* to the current payload, which must be ``None`` or
+      a list of :class:`Message` objects before the call. After the call, the
+      payload will always be a list of :class:`Message` objects.  If you want to
+      set the payload to a scalar object (e.g. a string), use
+      :meth:`set_payload` instead.
-.. method:: Message.get_payload([i[, decode]])
+   .. method:: get_payload([i[, decode]])
-   Return a reference the current payload, which will be a list of :class:`Message`
-   objects when :meth:`is_multipart` is ``True``, or a string when
-   :meth:`is_multipart` is ``False``.  If the payload is a list and you mutate the
-   list object, you modify the message's payload in place.
+      Return a reference the current payload, which will be a list of
+      :class:`Message` objects when :meth:`is_multipart` is ``True``, or a
+      string when :meth:`is_multipart` is ``False``.  If the payload is a list
+      and you mutate the list object, you modify the message's payload in place.
-   With optional argument *i*, :meth:`get_payload` will return the *i*-th element
-   of the payload, counting from zero, if :meth:`is_multipart` is ``True``.  An
-   :exc:`IndexError` will be raised if *i* is less than 0 or greater than or equal
-   to the number of items in the payload.  If the payload is a string (i.e.
-   :meth:`is_multipart` is ``False``) and *i* is given, a :exc:`TypeError` is
-   raised.
+      With optional argument *i*, :meth:`get_payload` will return the *i*-th
+      element of the payload, counting from zero, if :meth:`is_multipart` is
+      ``True``.  An :exc:`IndexError` will be raised if *i* is less than 0 or
+      greater than or equal to the number of items in the payload.  If the
+      payload is a string (i.e.  :meth:`is_multipart` is ``False``) and *i* is
+      given, a :exc:`TypeError` is raised.
-   Optional *decode* is a flag indicating whether the payload should be decoded or
-   not, according to the :mailheader:`Content-Transfer-Encoding` header. When
-   ``True`` and the message is not a multipart, the payload will be decoded if this
-   header's value is ``quoted-printable`` or ``base64``.  If some other encoding is
-   used, or :mailheader:`Content-Transfer-Encoding` header is missing, or if the
-   payload has bogus base64 data, the payload is returned as-is (undecoded).  If
-   the message is a multipart and the *decode* flag is ``True``, then ``None`` is
-   returned.  The default for *decode* is ``False``.
+      Optional *decode* is a flag indicating whether the payload should be
+      decoded or not, according to the :mailheader:`Content-Transfer-Encoding`
+      header. When ``True`` and the message is not a multipart, the payload will
+      be decoded if this header's value is ``quoted-printable`` or ``base64``.
+      If some other encoding is used, or :mailheader:`Content-Transfer-Encoding`
+      header is missing, or if the payload has bogus base64 data, the payload is
+      returned as-is (undecoded).  If the message is a multipart and the
+      *decode* flag is ``True``, then ``None`` is returned.  The default for
+      *decode* is ``False``.
-.. method:: Message.set_payload(payload[, charset])
+   .. method:: set_payload(payload[, charset])
-   Set the entire message object's payload to *payload*.  It is the client's
-   responsibility to ensure the payload invariants.  Optional *charset* sets the
-   message's default character set; see :meth:`set_charset` for details.
+      Set the entire message object's payload to *payload*.  It is the client's
+      responsibility to ensure the payload invariants.  Optional *charset* sets
+      the message's default character set; see :meth:`set_charset` for details.
-   .. versionchanged:: 2.2.2
-      *charset* argument added.
+      .. versionchanged:: 2.2.2
+         *charset* argument added.
-.. method:: Message.set_charset(charset)
+   .. method:: set_charset(charset)
-   Set the character set of the payload to *charset*, which can either be a
-   :class:`Charset` instance (see :mod:`email.charset`), a string naming a
-   character set, or ``None``.  If it is a string, it will be converted to a
-   :class:`Charset` instance.  If *charset* is ``None``, the ``charset`` parameter
-   will be removed from the :mailheader:`Content-Type` header. Anything else will
-   generate a :exc:`TypeError`.
+      Set the character set of the payload to *charset*, which can either be a
+      :class:`Charset` instance (see :mod:`email.charset`), a string naming a
+      character set, or ``None``.  If it is a string, it will be converted to a
+      :class:`Charset` instance.  If *charset* is ``None``, the ``charset``
+      parameter will be removed from the :mailheader:`Content-Type`
+      header. Anything else will generate a :exc:`TypeError`.
-   The message will be assumed to be of type :mimetype:`text/\*` encoded with
-   *charset.input_charset*.  It will be converted to *charset.output_charset* and
-   encoded properly, if needed, when generating the plain text representation of
-   the message.  MIME headers (:mailheader:`MIME-Version`,
-   :mailheader:`Content-Type`, :mailheader:`Content-Transfer-Encoding`) will be
-   added as needed.
+      The message will be assumed to be of type :mimetype:`text/\*` encoded with
+      *charset.input_charset*.  It will be converted to *charset.output_charset*
+      and encoded properly, if needed, when generating the plain text
+      representation of the message.  MIME headers (:mailheader:`MIME-Version`,
+      :mailheader:`Content-Type`, :mailheader:`Content-Transfer-Encoding`) will
+      be added as needed.
-   .. versionadded:: 2.2.2
+      .. versionadded:: 2.2.2
-.. method:: Message.get_charset()
+   .. method:: get_charset()
-   Return the :class:`Charset` instance associated with the message's payload.
+      Return the :class:`Charset` instance associated with the message's
+      payload.
-   .. versionadded:: 2.2.2
+      .. versionadded:: 2.2.2
-The following methods implement a mapping-like interface for accessing the
-message's :rfc:`2822` headers.  Note that there are some semantic differences
-between these methods and a normal mapping (i.e. dictionary) interface.  For
-example, in a dictionary there are no duplicate keys, but here there may be
-duplicate message headers.  Also, in dictionaries there is no guaranteed order
-to the keys returned by :meth:`keys`, but in a :class:`Message` object, headers
-are always returned in the order they appeared in the original message, or were
-added to the message later.  Any header deleted and then re-added are always
-appended to the end of the header list.
+   The following methods implement a mapping-like interface for accessing the
+   message's :rfc:`2822` headers.  Note that there are some semantic differences
+   between these methods and a normal mapping (i.e. dictionary) interface.  For
+   example, in a dictionary there are no duplicate keys, but here there may be
+   duplicate message headers.  Also, in dictionaries there is no guaranteed
+   order to the keys returned by :meth:`keys`, but in a :class:`Message` object,
+   headers are always returned in the order they appeared in the original
+   message, or were added to the message later.  Any header deleted and then
+   re-added are always appended to the end of the header list.
-These semantic differences are intentional and are biased toward maximal
+   These semantic differences are intentional and are biased toward maximal
+   convenience.
-Note that in all cases, any envelope header present in the message is not
-included in the mapping interface.
+   Note that in all cases, any envelope header present in the message is not
+   included in the mapping interface.
-.. method:: Message.__len__()
+   .. method:: __len__()
-   Return the total number of headers, including duplicates.
+      Return the total number of headers, including duplicates.
-.. method:: Message.__contains__(name)
+   .. method:: __contains__(name)
-   Return true if the message object has a field named *name*. Matching is done
-   case-insensitively and *name* should not include the trailing colon.  Used for
-   the ``in`` operator, e.g.::
+      Return true if the message object has a field named *name*. Matching is
+      done case-insensitively and *name* should not include the trailing colon.
+      Used for the ``in`` operator, e.g.::
-      if 'message-id' in myMessage:
-          print 'Message-ID:', myMessage['message-id']
+         if 'message-id' in myMessage:
+             print 'Message-ID:', myMessage['message-id']
-.. method:: Message.__getitem__(name)
+   .. method:: __getitem__(name)
-   Return the value of the named header field.  *name* should not include the colon
-   field separator.  If the header is missing, ``None`` is returned; a
-   :exc:`KeyError` is never raised.
+      Return the value of the named header field.  *name* should not include the
+      colon field separator.  If the header is missing, ``None`` is returned; a
+      :exc:`KeyError` is never raised.
-   Note that if the named field appears more than once in the message's headers,
-   exactly which of those field values will be returned is undefined.  Use the
-   :meth:`get_all` method to get the values of all the extant named headers.
+      Note that if the named field appears more than once in the message's
+      headers, exactly which of those field values will be returned is
+      undefined.  Use the :meth:`get_all` method to get the values of all the
+      extant named headers.
-.. method:: Message.__setitem__(name, val)
+   .. method:: __setitem__(name, val)
-   Add a header to the message with field name *name* and value *val*.  The field
-   is appended to the end of the message's existing fields.
+      Add a header to the message with field name *name* and value *val*.  The
+      field is appended to the end of the message's existing fields.
-   Note that this does *not* overwrite or delete any existing header with the same
-   name.  If you want to ensure that the new header is the only one present in the
-   message with field name *name*, delete the field first, e.g.::
+      Note that this does *not* overwrite or delete any existing header with the same
+      name.  If you want to ensure that the new header is the only one present in the
+      message with field name *name*, delete the field first, e.g.::
-      del msg['subject']
-      msg['subject'] = 'Python roolz!'
+         del msg['subject']
+         msg['subject'] = 'Python roolz!'
-.. method:: Message.__delitem__(name)
+   .. method:: __delitem__(name)
-   Delete all occurrences of the field with name *name* from the message's headers.
-   No exception is raised if the named field isn't present in the headers.
+      Delete all occurrences of the field with name *name* from the message's
+      headers.  No exception is raised if the named field isn't present in the headers.
-.. method:: Message.has_key(name)
+   .. method:: has_key(name)
-   Return true if the message contains a header field named *name*, otherwise
-   return false.
+      Return true if the message contains a header field named *name*, otherwise
+      return false.
-.. method:: Message.keys()
+   .. method:: keys()
-   Return a list of all the message's header field names.
+      Return a list of all the message's header field names.
-.. method:: Message.values()
+   .. method:: values()
-   Return a list of all the message's field values.
+      Return a list of all the message's field values.
-.. method:: Message.items()
+   .. method:: items()
-   Return a list of 2-tuples containing all the message's field headers and values.
+      Return a list of 2-tuples containing all the message's field headers and
+      values.
-.. method:: Message.get(name[, failobj])
+   .. method:: get(name[, failobj])
-   Return the value of the named header field.  This is identical to
-   :meth:`__getitem__` except that optional *failobj* is returned if the named
-   header is missing (defaults to ``None``).
+      Return the value of the named header field.  This is identical to
+      :meth:`__getitem__` except that optional *failobj* is returned if the
+      named header is missing (defaults to ``None``).
-Here are some additional useful methods:
+   Here are some additional useful methods:
-.. method:: Message.get_all(name[, failobj])
+   .. method:: get_all(name[, failobj])
-   Return a list of all the values for the field named *name*. If there are no such
-   named headers in the message, *failobj* is returned (defaults to ``None``).
+      Return a list of all the values for the field named *name*. If there are
+      no such named headers in the message, *failobj* is returned (defaults to
+      ``None``).
-.. method:: Message.add_header(_name, _value, **_params)
+   .. method:: add_header(_name, _value, **_params)
-   Extended header setting.  This method is similar to :meth:`__setitem__` except
-   that additional header parameters can be provided as keyword arguments.  *_name*
-   is the header field to add and *_value* is the *primary* value for the header.
+      Extended header setting.  This method is similar to :meth:`__setitem__`
+      except that additional header parameters can be provided as keyword
+      arguments.  *_name* is the header field to add and *_value* is the
+      *primary* value for the header.
-   For each item in the keyword argument dictionary *_params*, the key is taken as
-   the parameter name, with underscores converted to dashes (since dashes are
-   illegal in Python identifiers).  Normally, the parameter will be added as
-   ``key="value"`` unless the value is ``None``, in which case only the key will be
-   added.
+      For each item in the keyword argument dictionary *_params*, the key is
+      taken as the parameter name, with underscores converted to dashes (since
+      dashes are illegal in Python identifiers).  Normally, the parameter will
+      be added as ``key="value"`` unless the value is ``None``, in which case
+      only the key will be added.
-   Here's an example::
+      Here's an example::
-      msg.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename='bud.gif')
+         msg.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename='bud.gif')
-   This will add a header that looks like ::
+      This will add a header that looks like ::
-      Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="bud.gif"
+         Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="bud.gif"
-.. method:: Message.replace_header(_name, _value)
+   .. method:: replace_header(_name, _value)
-   Replace a header.  Replace the first header found in the message that matches
-   *_name*, retaining header order and field name case.  If no matching header was
-   found, a :exc:`KeyError` is raised.
+      Replace a header.  Replace the first header found in the message that
+      matches *_name*, retaining header order and field name case.  If no
+      matching header was found, a :exc:`KeyError` is raised.
-   .. versionadded:: 2.2.2
+      .. versionadded:: 2.2.2
-.. method:: Message.get_content_type()
+   .. method:: get_content_type()
-   Return the message's content type.  The returned string is coerced to lower case
-   of the form :mimetype:`maintype/subtype`.  If there was no
-   :mailheader:`Content-Type` header in the message the default type as given by
-   :meth:`get_default_type` will be returned.  Since according to :rfc:`2045`,
-   messages always have a default type, :meth:`get_content_type` will always return
-   a value.
+      Return the message's content type.  The returned string is coerced to
+      lower case of the form :mimetype:`maintype/subtype`.  If there was no
+      :mailheader:`Content-Type` header in the message the default type as given
+      by :meth:`get_default_type` will be returned.  Since according to
+      :rfc:`2045`, messages always have a default type, :meth:`get_content_type`
+      will always return a value.
-   :rfc:`2045` defines a message's default type to be :mimetype:`text/plain` unless
-   it appears inside a :mimetype:`multipart/digest` container, in which case it
-   would be :mimetype:`message/rfc822`.  If the :mailheader:`Content-Type` header
-   has an invalid type specification, :rfc:`2045` mandates that the default type be
-   :mimetype:`text/plain`.
+      :rfc:`2045` defines a message's default type to be :mimetype:`text/plain`
+      unless it appears inside a :mimetype:`multipart/digest` container, in
+      which case it would be :mimetype:`message/rfc822`.  If the
+      :mailheader:`Content-Type` header has an invalid type specification,
+      :rfc:`2045` mandates that the default type be :mimetype:`text/plain`.
-   .. versionadded:: 2.2.2
+      .. versionadded:: 2.2.2
-.. method:: Message.get_content_maintype()
+   .. method:: get_content_maintype()
-   Return the message's main content type.  This is the :mimetype:`maintype` part
-   of the string returned by :meth:`get_content_type`.
+      Return the message's main content type.  This is the :mimetype:`maintype`
+      part of the string returned by :meth:`get_content_type`.
-   .. versionadded:: 2.2.2
+      .. versionadded:: 2.2.2
-.. method:: Message.get_content_subtype()
+   .. method:: get_content_subtype()
-   Return the message's sub-content type.  This is the :mimetype:`subtype` part of
-   the string returned by :meth:`get_content_type`.
+      Return the message's sub-content type.  This is the :mimetype:`subtype`
+      part of the string returned by :meth:`get_content_type`.
-   .. versionadded:: 2.2.2
+      .. versionadded:: 2.2.2
-.. method:: Message.get_default_type()
+   .. method:: get_default_type()
-   Return the default content type.  Most messages have a default content type of
-   :mimetype:`text/plain`, except for messages that are subparts of
-   :mimetype:`multipart/digest` containers.  Such subparts have a default content
-   type of :mimetype:`message/rfc822`.
+      Return the default content type.  Most messages have a default content
+      type of :mimetype:`text/plain`, except for messages that are subparts of
+      :mimetype:`multipart/digest` containers.  Such subparts have a default
+      content type of :mimetype:`message/rfc822`.
-   .. versionadded:: 2.2.2
+      .. versionadded:: 2.2.2
-.. method:: Message.set_default_type(ctype)
+   .. method:: set_default_type(ctype)
-   Set the default content type.  *ctype* should either be :mimetype:`text/plain`
-   or :mimetype:`message/rfc822`, although this is not enforced.  The default
-   content type is not stored in the :mailheader:`Content-Type` header.
+      Set the default content type.  *ctype* should either be
+      :mimetype:`text/plain` or :mimetype:`message/rfc822`, although this is not
+      enforced.  The default content type is not stored in the
+      :mailheader:`Content-Type` header.
-   .. versionadded:: 2.2.2
+      .. versionadded:: 2.2.2
-.. method:: Message.get_params([failobj[, header[, unquote]]])
+   .. method:: get_params([failobj[, header[, unquote]]])
-   Return the message's :mailheader:`Content-Type` parameters, as a list.  The
-   elements of the returned list are 2-tuples of key/value pairs, as split on the
-   ``'='`` sign.  The left hand side of the ``'='`` is the key, while the right
-   hand side is the value.  If there is no ``'='`` sign in the parameter the value
-   is the empty string, otherwise the value is as described in :meth:`get_param`
-   and is unquoted if optional *unquote* is ``True`` (the default).
+      Return the message's :mailheader:`Content-Type` parameters, as a list.
+      The elements of the returned list are 2-tuples of key/value pairs, as
+      split on the ``'='`` sign.  The left hand side of the ``'='`` is the key,
+      while the right hand side is the value.  If there is no ``'='`` sign in
+      the parameter the value is the empty string, otherwise the value is as
+      described in :meth:`get_param` and is unquoted if optional *unquote* is
+      ``True`` (the default).
-   Optional *failobj* is the object to return if there is no
-   :mailheader:`Content-Type` header.  Optional *header* is the header to search
-   instead of :mailheader:`Content-Type`.
+      Optional *failobj* is the object to return if there is no
+      :mailheader:`Content-Type` header.  Optional *header* is the header to
+      search instead of :mailheader:`Content-Type`.
-   .. versionchanged:: 2.2.2
-      *unquote* argument added.
+      .. versionchanged:: 2.2.2
+         *unquote* argument added.
-.. method:: Message.get_param(param[, failobj[, header[, unquote]]])
+   .. method:: get_param(param[, failobj[, header[, unquote]]])
-   Return the value of the :mailheader:`Content-Type` header's parameter *param* as
-   a string.  If the message has no :mailheader:`Content-Type` header or if there
-   is no such parameter, then *failobj* is returned (defaults to ``None``).
+      Return the value of the :mailheader:`Content-Type` header's parameter
+      *param* as a string.  If the message has no :mailheader:`Content-Type`
+      header or if there is no such parameter, then *failobj* is returned
+      (defaults to ``None``).
-   Optional *header* if given, specifies the message header to use instead of
-   :mailheader:`Content-Type`.
+      Optional *header* if given, specifies the message header to use instead of
+      :mailheader:`Content-Type`.
-   Parameter keys are always compared case insensitively.  The return value can
-   either be a string, or a 3-tuple if the parameter was :rfc:`2231` encoded.  When
-   it's a 3-tuple, the elements of the value are of the form ``(CHARSET, LANGUAGE,
-   VALUE)``.  Note that both ``CHARSET`` and ``LANGUAGE`` can be ``None``, in which
-   case you should consider ``VALUE`` to be encoded in the ``us-ascii`` charset.
-   You can usually ignore ``LANGUAGE``.
+      Parameter keys are always compared case insensitively.  The return value
+      can either be a string, or a 3-tuple if the parameter was :rfc:`2231`
+      encoded.  When it's a 3-tuple, the elements of the value are of the form
+      ``(CHARSET, LANGUAGE, VALUE)``.  Note that both ``CHARSET`` and
+      ``LANGUAGE`` can be ``None``, in which case you should consider ``VALUE``
+      to be encoded in the ``us-ascii`` charset.  You can usually ignore
+      ``LANGUAGE``.
-   If your application doesn't care whether the parameter was encoded as in
-   :rfc:`2231`, you can collapse the parameter value by calling
-   :func:`email.Utils.collapse_rfc2231_value`, passing in the return value from
-   :meth:`get_param`.  This will return a suitably decoded Unicode string whn the
-   value is a tuple, or the original string unquoted if it isn't.  For example::
+      If your application doesn't care whether the parameter was encoded as in
+      :rfc:`2231`, you can collapse the parameter value by calling
+      :func:`email.Utils.collapse_rfc2231_value`, passing in the return value
+      from :meth:`get_param`.  This will return a suitably decoded Unicode
+      string whn the value is a tuple, or the original string unquoted if it
+      isn't.  For example::
-      rawparam = msg.get_param('foo')
-      param = email.Utils.collapse_rfc2231_value(rawparam)
+         rawparam = msg.get_param('foo')
+         param = email.Utils.collapse_rfc2231_value(rawparam)
-   In any case, the parameter value (either the returned string, or the ``VALUE``
-   item in the 3-tuple) is always unquoted, unless *unquote* is set to ``False``.
+      In any case, the parameter value (either the returned string, or the
+      ``VALUE`` item in the 3-tuple) is always unquoted, unless *unquote* is set
+      to ``False``.
-   .. versionchanged:: 2.2.2
-      *unquote* argument added, and 3-tuple return value possible.
+      .. versionchanged:: 2.2.2
+         *unquote* argument added, and 3-tuple return value possible.
-.. method:: Message.set_param(param, value[, header[, requote[, charset[, language]]]])
+   .. method:: set_param(param, value[, header[, requote[, charset[, language]]]])
-   Set a parameter in the :mailheader:`Content-Type` header.  If the parameter
-   already exists in the header, its value will be replaced with *value*.  If the
-   :mailheader:`Content-Type` header as not yet been defined for this message, it
-   will be set to :mimetype:`text/plain` and the new parameter value will be
-   appended as per :rfc:`2045`.
+      Set a parameter in the :mailheader:`Content-Type` header.  If the
+      parameter already exists in the header, its value will be replaced with
+      *value*.  If the :mailheader:`Content-Type` header as not yet been defined
+      for this message, it will be set to :mimetype:`text/plain` and the new
+      parameter value will be appended as per :rfc:`2045`.
-   Optional *header* specifies an alternative header to :mailheader:`Content-Type`,
-   and all parameters will be quoted as necessary unless optional *requote* is
-   ``False`` (the default is ``True``).
+      Optional *header* specifies an alternative header to
+      :mailheader:`Content-Type`, and all parameters will be quoted as necessary
+      unless optional *requote* is ``False`` (the default is ``True``).
-   If optional *charset* is specified, the parameter will be encoded according to
-   :rfc:`2231`. Optional *language* specifies the RFC 2231 language, defaulting to
-   the empty string.  Both *charset* and *language* should be strings.
+      If optional *charset* is specified, the parameter will be encoded
+      according to :rfc:`2231`. Optional *language* specifies the RFC 2231
+      language, defaulting to the empty string.  Both *charset* and *language*
+      should be strings.
-   .. versionadded:: 2.2.2
+      .. versionadded:: 2.2.2
-.. method:: Message.del_param(param[, header[, requote]])
+   .. method:: del_param(param[, header[, requote]])
-   Remove the given parameter completely from the :mailheader:`Content-Type`
-   header.  The header will be re-written in place without the parameter or its
-   value.  All values will be quoted as necessary unless *requote* is ``False``
-   (the default is ``True``).  Optional *header* specifies an alternative to
-   :mailheader:`Content-Type`.
+      Remove the given parameter completely from the :mailheader:`Content-Type`
+      header.  The header will be re-written in place without the parameter or
+      its value.  All values will be quoted as necessary unless *requote* is
+      ``False`` (the default is ``True``).  Optional *header* specifies an
+      alternative to :mailheader:`Content-Type`.
-   .. versionadded:: 2.2.2
+      .. versionadded:: 2.2.2
-.. method:: Message.set_type(type[, header][, requote])
+   .. method:: set_type(type[, header][, requote])
-   Set the main type and subtype for the :mailheader:`Content-Type` header. *type*
-   must be a string in the form :mimetype:`maintype/subtype`, otherwise a
-   :exc:`ValueError` is raised.
+      Set the main type and subtype for the :mailheader:`Content-Type`
+      header. *type* must be a string in the form :mimetype:`maintype/subtype`,
+      otherwise a :exc:`ValueError` is raised.
-   This method replaces the :mailheader:`Content-Type` header, keeping all the
-   parameters in place.  If *requote* is ``False``, this leaves the existing
-   header's quoting as is, otherwise the parameters will be quoted (the default).
+      This method replaces the :mailheader:`Content-Type` header, keeping all
+      the parameters in place.  If *requote* is ``False``, this leaves the
+      existing header's quoting as is, otherwise the parameters will be quoted
+      (the default).
-   An alternative header can be specified in the *header* argument. When the
-   :mailheader:`Content-Type` header is set a :mailheader:`MIME-Version` header is
-   also added.
+      An alternative header can be specified in the *header* argument. When the
+      :mailheader:`Content-Type` header is set a :mailheader:`MIME-Version`
+      header is also added.
-   .. versionadded:: 2.2.2
+      .. versionadded:: 2.2.2
-.. method:: Message.get_filename([failobj])
+   .. method:: get_filename([failobj])
-   Return the value of the ``filename`` parameter of the
-   :mailheader:`Content-Disposition` header of the message.  If the header does not
-   have a ``filename`` parameter, this method falls back to looking for the
-   ``name`` parameter.  If neither is found, or the header is missing, then
-   *failobj* is returned.  The returned string will always be unquoted as per
-   :meth:`Utils.unquote`.
+      Return the value of the ``filename`` parameter of the
+      :mailheader:`Content-Disposition` header of the message.  If the header
+      does not have a ``filename`` parameter, this method falls back to looking
+      for the ``name`` parameter.  If neither is found, or the header is
+      missing, then *failobj* is returned.  The returned string will always be
+      unquoted as per :meth:`Utils.unquote`.
-.. method:: Message.get_boundary([failobj])
+   .. method:: get_boundary([failobj])
-   Return the value of the ``boundary`` parameter of the :mailheader:`Content-Type`
-   header of the message, or *failobj* if either the header is missing, or has no
-   ``boundary`` parameter.  The returned string will always be unquoted as per
-   :meth:`Utils.unquote`.
+      Return the value of the ``boundary`` parameter of the
+      :mailheader:`Content-Type` header of the message, or *failobj* if either
+      the header is missing, or has no ``boundary`` parameter.  The returned
+      string will always be unquoted as per :meth:`Utils.unquote`.
-.. method:: Message.set_boundary(boundary)
+   .. method:: set_boundary(boundary)
-   Set the ``boundary`` parameter of the :mailheader:`Content-Type` header to
-   *boundary*.  :meth:`set_boundary` will always quote *boundary* if necessary.  A
-   :exc:`HeaderParseError` is raised if the message object has no
-   :mailheader:`Content-Type` header.
+      Set the ``boundary`` parameter of the :mailheader:`Content-Type` header to
+      *boundary*.  :meth:`set_boundary` will always quote *boundary* if
+      necessary.  A :exc:`HeaderParseError` is raised if the message object has
+      no :mailheader:`Content-Type` header.
-   Note that using this method is subtly different than deleting the old
-   :mailheader:`Content-Type` header and adding a new one with the new boundary via
-   :meth:`add_header`, because :meth:`set_boundary` preserves the order of the
-   :mailheader:`Content-Type` header in the list of headers. However, it does *not*
-   preserve any continuation lines which may have been present in the original
-   :mailheader:`Content-Type` header.
+      Note that using this method is subtly different than deleting the old
+      :mailheader:`Content-Type` header and adding a new one with the new
+      boundary via :meth:`add_header`, because :meth:`set_boundary` preserves
+      the order of the :mailheader:`Content-Type` header in the list of
+      headers. However, it does *not* preserve any continuation lines which may
+      have been present in the original :mailheader:`Content-Type` header.
-.. method:: Message.get_content_charset([failobj])
+   .. method:: get_content_charset([failobj])
-   Return the ``charset`` parameter of the :mailheader:`Content-Type` header,
-   coerced to lower case.  If there is no :mailheader:`Content-Type` header, or if
-   that header has no ``charset`` parameter, *failobj* is returned.
+      Return the ``charset`` parameter of the :mailheader:`Content-Type` header,
+      coerced to lower case.  If there is no :mailheader:`Content-Type` header, or if
+      that header has no ``charset`` parameter, *failobj* is returned.
-   Note that this method differs from :meth:`get_charset` which returns the
-   :class:`Charset` instance for the default encoding of the message body.
+      Note that this method differs from :meth:`get_charset` which returns the
+      :class:`Charset` instance for the default encoding of the message body.
-   .. versionadded:: 2.2.2
+      .. versionadded:: 2.2.2
-.. method:: Message.get_charsets([failobj])
+   .. method:: get_charsets([failobj])
-   Return a list containing the character set names in the message.  If the message
-   is a :mimetype:`multipart`, then the list will contain one element for each
-   subpart in the payload, otherwise, it will be a list of length 1.
+      Return a list containing the character set names in the message.  If the
+      message is a :mimetype:`multipart`, then the list will contain one element
+      for each subpart in the payload, otherwise, it will be a list of length 1.
-   Each item in the list will be a string which is the value of the ``charset``
-   parameter in the :mailheader:`Content-Type` header for the represented subpart.
-   However, if the subpart has no :mailheader:`Content-Type` header, no ``charset``
-   parameter, or is not of the :mimetype:`text` main MIME type, then that item in
-   the returned list will be *failobj*.
+      Each item in the list will be a string which is the value of the
+      ``charset`` parameter in the :mailheader:`Content-Type` header for the
+      represented subpart.  However, if the subpart has no
+      :mailheader:`Content-Type` header, no ``charset`` parameter, or is not of
+      the :mimetype:`text` main MIME type, then that item in the returned list
+      will be *failobj*.
-.. method:: Message.walk()
+   .. method:: walk()
-   The :meth:`walk` method is an all-purpose generator which can be used to iterate
-   over all the parts and subparts of a message object tree, in depth-first
-   traversal order.  You will typically use :meth:`walk` as the iterator in a
-   ``for`` loop; each iteration returns the next subpart.
+      The :meth:`walk` method is an all-purpose generator which can be used to
+      iterate over all the parts and subparts of a message object tree, in
+      depth-first traversal order.  You will typically use :meth:`walk` as the
+      iterator in a ``for`` loop; each iteration returns the next subpart.
-   Here's an example that prints the MIME type of every part of a multipart message
-   structure::
+      Here's an example that prints the MIME type of every part of a multipart
+      message structure::
-      >>> for part in msg.walk():
-      ...     print part.get_content_type()
-      multipart/report
-      text/plain
-      message/delivery-status
-      text/plain
-      text/plain
-      message/rfc822
+         >>> for part in msg.walk():
+         ...     print part.get_content_type()
+         multipart/report
+         text/plain
+         message/delivery-status
+         text/plain
+         text/plain
+         message/rfc822
-.. versionchanged:: 2.5
-   The previously deprecated methods :meth:`get_type`, :meth:`get_main_type`, and
-   :meth:`get_subtype` were removed.
+   .. versionchanged:: 2.5
+      The previously deprecated methods :meth:`get_type`, :meth:`get_main_type`, and
+      :meth:`get_subtype` were removed.
-:class:`Message` objects can also optionally contain two instance attributes,
-which can be used when generating the plain text of a MIME message.
+   :class:`Message` objects can also optionally contain two instance attributes,
+   which can be used when generating the plain text of a MIME message.
-.. data:: preamble
+   .. attribute:: preamble
-   The format of a MIME document allows for some text between the blank line
-   following the headers, and the first multipart boundary string. Normally, this
-   text is never visible in a MIME-aware mail reader because it falls outside the
-   standard MIME armor.  However, when viewing the raw text of the message, or when
-   viewing the message in a non-MIME aware reader, this text can become visible.
+      The format of a MIME document allows for some text between the blank line
+      following the headers, and the first multipart boundary string. Normally,
+      this text is never visible in a MIME-aware mail reader because it falls
+      outside the standard MIME armor.  However, when viewing the raw text of
+      the message, or when viewing the message in a non-MIME aware reader, this
+      text can become visible.
-   The *preamble* attribute contains this leading extra-armor text for MIME
-   documents.  When the :class:`Parser` discovers some text after the headers but
-   before the first boundary string, it assigns this text to the message's
-   *preamble* attribute.  When the :class:`Generator` is writing out the plain text
-   representation of a MIME message, and it finds the message has a *preamble*
-   attribute, it will write this text in the area between the headers and the first
-   boundary.  See :mod:`email.parser` and :mod:`email.generator` for details.
+      The *preamble* attribute contains this leading extra-armor text for MIME
+      documents.  When the :class:`Parser` discovers some text after the headers
+      but before the first boundary string, it assigns this text to the
+      message's *preamble* attribute.  When the :class:`Generator` is writing
+      out the plain text representation of a MIME message, and it finds the
+      message has a *preamble* attribute, it will write this text in the area
+      between the headers and the first boundary.  See :mod:`email.parser` and
+      :mod:`email.generator` for details.
-   Note that if the message object has no preamble, the *preamble* attribute will
-   be ``None``.
+      Note that if the message object has no preamble, the *preamble* attribute
+      will be ``None``.
-.. data:: epilogue
+   .. attribute:: epilogue
-   The *epilogue* attribute acts the same way as the *preamble* attribute, except
-   that it contains text that appears between the last boundary and the end of the
-   message.
+      The *epilogue* attribute acts the same way as the *preamble* attribute,
+      except that it contains text that appears between the last boundary and
+      the end of the message.
-   .. versionchanged:: 2.5
-      You do not need to set the epilogue to the empty string in order for the
-      :class:`Generator` to print a newline at the end of the file.
+      .. versionchanged:: 2.5
+         You do not need to set the epilogue to the empty string in order for the
+         :class:`Generator` to print a newline at the end of the file.
-.. data:: defects
+   .. attribute:: defects
-   The *defects* attribute contains a list of all the problems found when parsing
-   this message.  See :mod:`email.errors` for a detailed description of the
-   possible parsing defects.
+      The *defects* attribute contains a list of all the problems found when
+      parsing this message.  See :mod:`email.errors` for a detailed description
+      of the possible parsing defects.
-   .. versionadded:: 2.4
+      .. versionadded:: 2.4

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/email.parser.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/email.parser.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/email.parser.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -67,20 +67,21 @@
    defaults to the :class:`email.message.Message` class.
-.. method:: FeedParser.feed(data)
+   .. method:: feed(data)
-   Feed the :class:`FeedParser` some more data.  *data* should be a string
-   containing one or more lines.  The lines can be partial and the
-   :class:`FeedParser` will stitch such partial lines together properly.  The lines
-   in the string can have any of the common three line endings, carriage return,
-   newline, or carriage return and newline (they can even be mixed).
+      Feed the :class:`FeedParser` some more data.  *data* should be a string
+      containing one or more lines.  The lines can be partial and the
+      :class:`FeedParser` will stitch such partial lines together properly.  The
+      lines in the string can have any of the common three line endings,
+      carriage return, newline, or carriage return and newline (they can even be
+      mixed).
-.. method:: FeedParser.close()
+   .. method:: close()
-   Closing a :class:`FeedParser` completes the parsing of all previously fed data,
-   and returns the root message object.  It is undefined what happens if you feed
-   more data to a closed :class:`FeedParser`.
+      Closing a :class:`FeedParser` completes the parsing of all previously fed
+      data, and returns the root message object.  It is undefined what happens
+      if you feed more data to a closed :class:`FeedParser`.
 Parser class API
@@ -119,39 +120,40 @@
    .. versionchanged:: 2.4
       The *strict* flag was deprecated.
-The other public :class:`Parser` methods are:
+   The other public :class:`Parser` methods are:
-.. method:: Parser.parse(fp[, headersonly])
+   .. method:: parse(fp[, headersonly])
-   Read all the data from the file-like object *fp*, parse the resulting text, and
-   return the root message object.  *fp* must support both the :meth:`readline` and
-   the :meth:`read` methods on file-like objects.
+      Read all the data from the file-like object *fp*, parse the resulting
+      text, and return the root message object.  *fp* must support both the
+      :meth:`readline` and the :meth:`read` methods on file-like objects.
-   The text contained in *fp* must be formatted as a block of :rfc:`2822` style
-   headers and header continuation lines, optionally preceded by a envelope
-   header.  The header block is terminated either by the end of the data or by a
-   blank line.  Following the header block is the body of the message (which may
-   contain MIME-encoded subparts).
+      The text contained in *fp* must be formatted as a block of :rfc:`2822`
+      style headers and header continuation lines, optionally preceded by a
+      envelope header.  The header block is terminated either by the end of the
+      data or by a blank line.  Following the header block is the body of the
+      message (which may contain MIME-encoded subparts).
-   Optional *headersonly* is as with the :meth:`parse` method.
+      Optional *headersonly* is as with the :meth:`parse` method.
-   .. versionchanged:: 2.2.2
-      The *headersonly* flag was added.
+      .. versionchanged:: 2.2.2
+         The *headersonly* flag was added.
-.. method:: Parser.parsestr(text[, headersonly])
+   .. method:: parsestr(text[, headersonly])
-   Similar to the :meth:`parse` method, except it takes a string object instead of
-   a file-like object.  Calling this method on a string is exactly equivalent to
-   wrapping *text* in a :class:`StringIO` instance first and calling :meth:`parse`.
+      Similar to the :meth:`parse` method, except it takes a string object
+      instead of a file-like object.  Calling this method on a string is exactly
+      equivalent to wrapping *text* in a :class:`StringIO` instance first and
+      calling :meth:`parse`.
-   Optional *headersonly* is a flag specifying whether to stop parsing after
-   reading the headers or not.  The default is ``False``, meaning it parses the
-   entire contents of the file.
+      Optional *headersonly* is a flag specifying whether to stop parsing after
+      reading the headers or not.  The default is ``False``, meaning it parses
+      the entire contents of the file.
-   .. versionchanged:: 2.2.2
-      The *headersonly* flag was added.
+      .. versionchanged:: 2.2.2
+         The *headersonly* flag was added.
 Since creating a message object structure from a string or a file object is such
 a common task, two functions are provided as a convenience.  They are available

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/filecmp.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/filecmp.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/filecmp.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -66,88 +66,91 @@
    'tags']``. *hide* is a list of names to hide, and defaults to ``[os.curdir,
-The :class:`dircmp` class provides the following methods:
+   The :class:`dircmp` class provides the following methods:
-.. method:: dircmp.report()
+   .. method:: report()
-   Print (to ``sys.stdout``) a comparison between *a* and *b*.
+      Print (to ``sys.stdout``) a comparison between *a* and *b*.
-.. method:: dircmp.report_partial_closure()
+   .. method:: report_partial_closure()
-   Print a comparison between *a* and *b* and common immediate subdirectories.
+      Print a comparison between *a* and *b* and common immediate
+      subdirectories.
-.. method:: dircmp.report_full_closure()
+   .. method:: report_full_closure()
-   Print a comparison between *a* and *b* and common  subdirectories (recursively).
+      Print a comparison between *a* and *b* and common subdirectories
+      (recursively).
-The :class:`dircmp` offers a number of interesting attributes that may be used
-to get various bits of information about the directory trees being compared.
+   The :class:`dircmp` offers a number of interesting attributes that may be
+   used to get various bits of information about the directory trees being
+   compared.
-Note that via :meth:`__getattr__` hooks, all attributes are computed lazily, so
-there is no speed penalty if only those attributes which are lightweight to
-compute are used.
+   Note that via :meth:`__getattr__` hooks, all attributes are computed lazily,
+   so there is no speed penalty if only those attributes which are lightweight
+   to compute are used.
-.. attribute:: dircmp.left_list
+   .. attribute:: left_list
-   Files and subdirectories in *a*, filtered by *hide* and *ignore*.
+      Files and subdirectories in *a*, filtered by *hide* and *ignore*.
-.. attribute:: dircmp.right_list
+   .. attribute:: right_list
-   Files and subdirectories in *b*, filtered by *hide* and *ignore*.
+      Files and subdirectories in *b*, filtered by *hide* and *ignore*.
-.. attribute:: dircmp.common
+   .. attribute:: common
-   Files and subdirectories in both *a* and *b*.
+      Files and subdirectories in both *a* and *b*.
-.. attribute:: dircmp.left_only
+   .. attribute:: left_only
-   Files and subdirectories only in *a*.
+      Files and subdirectories only in *a*.
-.. attribute:: dircmp.right_only
+   .. attribute:: right_only
-   Files and subdirectories only in *b*.
+      Files and subdirectories only in *b*.
-.. attribute:: dircmp.common_dirs
+   .. attribute:: common_dirs
-   Subdirectories in both *a* and *b*.
+      Subdirectories in both *a* and *b*.
-.. attribute:: dircmp.common_files
+   .. attribute:: common_files
-   Files in both *a* and *b*
+      Files in both *a* and *b*
-.. attribute:: dircmp.common_funny
+   .. attribute:: common_funny
-   Names in both *a* and *b*, such that the type differs between the directories,
-   or names for which :func:`os.stat` reports an error.
+      Names in both *a* and *b*, such that the type differs between the
+      directories, or names for which :func:`os.stat` reports an error.
-.. attribute:: dircmp.same_files
+   .. attribute:: same_files
-   Files which are identical in both *a* and *b*.
+      Files which are identical in both *a* and *b*.
-.. attribute:: dircmp.diff_files
+   .. attribute:: diff_files
-   Files which are in both *a* and *b*, whose contents differ.
+      Files which are in both *a* and *b*, whose contents differ.
-.. attribute:: dircmp.funny_files
+   .. attribute:: funny_files
-   Files which are in both *a* and *b*, but could not be compared.
+      Files which are in both *a* and *b*, but could not be compared.
-.. attribute:: dircmp.subdirs
+   .. attribute:: subdirs
-   A dictionary mapping names in :attr:`common_dirs` to :class:`dircmp` objects.
+      A dictionary mapping names in :attr:`common_dirs` to :class:`dircmp` objects.

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/fractions.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/fractions.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/fractions.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -31,60 +31,58 @@
    :class:`numbers.Rational` and is immutable and hashable.
-.. method:: Fraction.from_float(flt)
+   .. method:: from_float(flt)
-   This classmethod constructs a :class:`Fraction` representing the
-   exact value of *flt*, which must be a :class:`float`. Beware that
-   ``Fraction.from_float(0.3)`` is not the same value as ``Fraction(3,
-   10)``
+      This classmethod constructs a :class:`Fraction` representing the exact
+      value of *flt*, which must be a :class:`float`. Beware that
+      ``Fraction.from_float(0.3)`` is not the same value as ``Fraction(3, 10)``
-.. method:: Fraction.from_decimal(dec)
+   .. method:: from_decimal(dec)
-   This classmethod constructs a :class:`Fraction` representing the
-   exact value of *dec*, which must be a
-   :class:`decimal.Decimal`.
+      This classmethod constructs a :class:`Fraction` representing the exact
+      value of *dec*, which must be a :class:`decimal.Decimal`.
-.. method:: Fraction.limit_denominator(max_denominator=1000000)
+   .. method:: limit_denominator(max_denominator=1000000)
-   Finds and returns the closest :class:`Fraction` to ``self`` that
-   has denominator at most max_denominator.  This method is useful for
-   finding rational approximations to a given floating-point number:
+      Finds and returns the closest :class:`Fraction` to ``self`` that has
+      denominator at most max_denominator.  This method is useful for finding
+      rational approximations to a given floating-point number:
-      >>> from fractions import Fraction
-      >>> Fraction('3.1415926535897932').limit_denominator(1000)
-      Fraction(355L, 113L)
+         >>> from fractions import Fraction
+         >>> Fraction('3.1415926535897932').limit_denominator(1000)
+         Fraction(355L, 113L)
-   or for recovering a rational number that's represented as a float:
+      or for recovering a rational number that's represented as a float:
-      >>> from math import pi, cos
-      >>> Fraction.from_float(cos(pi/3))
-      Fraction(4503599627370497L, 9007199254740992L)
-      >>> Fraction.from_float(cos(pi/3)).limit_denominator()
-      Fraction(1L, 2L)
+         >>> from math import pi, cos
+         >>> Fraction.from_float(cos(pi/3))
+         Fraction(4503599627370497L, 9007199254740992L)
+         >>> Fraction.from_float(cos(pi/3)).limit_denominator()
+         Fraction(1L, 2L)
-.. method:: Fraction.__floor__()
+   .. method:: __floor__()
-   Returns the greatest :class:`int` ``<= self``. Will be accessible
-   through :func:`math.floor` in Py3k.
+      Returns the greatest :class:`int` ``<= self``. Will be accessible through
+      :func:`math.floor` in Py3k.
-.. method:: Fraction.__ceil__()
+   .. method:: __ceil__()
-   Returns the least :class:`int` ``>= self``. Will be accessible
-   through :func:`math.ceil` in Py3k.
+      Returns the least :class:`int` ``>= self``. Will be accessible through
+      :func:`math.ceil` in Py3k.
-.. method:: Fraction.__round__()
-            Fraction.__round__(ndigits)
+   .. method:: __round__()
+               __round__(ndigits)
-   The first version returns the nearest :class:`int` to ``self``,
-   rounding half to even. The second version rounds ``self`` to the
-   nearest multiple of ``Fraction(1, 10**ndigits)`` (logically, if
-   ``ndigits`` is negative), again rounding half toward even. Will be
-   accessible through :func:`round` in Py3k.
+      The first version returns the nearest :class:`int` to ``self``, rounding
+      half to even. The second version rounds ``self`` to the nearest multiple
+      of ``Fraction(1, 10**ndigits)`` (logically, if ``ndigits`` is negative),
+      again rounding half toward even. Will be accessible through :func:`round`
+      in Py3k.
 .. seealso::

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/ftplib.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/ftplib.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/ftplib.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -50,33 +50,34 @@
       *timeout* was added.
-.. data:: all_errors
+   .. attribute:: all_errors
-   The set of all exceptions (as a tuple) that methods of :class:`FTP` instances
-   may raise as a result of problems with the FTP connection (as opposed to
-   programming errors made by the caller).  This set includes the four exceptions
-   listed below as well as :exc:`socket.error` and :exc:`IOError`.
+      The set of all exceptions (as a tuple) that methods of :class:`FTP`
+      instances may raise as a result of problems with the FTP connection (as
+      opposed to programming errors made by the caller).  This set includes the
+      four exceptions listed below as well as :exc:`socket.error` and
+      :exc:`IOError`.
-.. exception:: error_reply
+   .. exception:: error_reply
-   Exception raised when an unexpected reply is received from the server.
+      Exception raised when an unexpected reply is received from the server.
-.. exception:: error_temp
+   .. exception:: error_temp
-   Exception raised when an error code in the range 400--499 is received.
+      Exception raised when an error code in the range 400--499 is received.
-.. exception:: error_perm
+   .. exception:: error_perm
-   Exception raised when an error code in the range 500--599 is received.
+      Exception raised when an error code in the range 500--599 is received.
-.. exception:: error_proto
+   .. exception:: error_proto
-   Exception raised when a reply is received from the server that does not begin
-   with a digit in the range 1--5.
+      Exception raised when a reply is received from the server that does not
+      begin with a digit in the range 1--5.
 .. seealso::

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/gettext.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/gettext.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/gettext.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@
 are the methods of :class:`NullTranslations`:
-.. method:: NullTranslations.__init__([fp])
+.. class:: NullTranslations([fp])
    Takes an optional file object *fp*, which is ignored by the base class.
    Initializes "protected" instance variables *_info* and *_charset* which are set
@@ -249,121 +249,126 @@
-.. method:: NullTranslations._parse(fp)
+   .. method:: _parse(fp)
-   No-op'd in the base class, this method takes file object *fp*, and reads the
-   data from the file, initializing its message catalog.  If you have an
-   unsupported message catalog file format, you should override this method to
-   parse your format.
+      No-op'd in the base class, this method takes file object *fp*, and reads
+      the data from the file, initializing its message catalog.  If you have an
+      unsupported message catalog file format, you should override this method
+      to parse your format.
-.. method:: NullTranslations.add_fallback(fallback)
+   .. method:: add_fallback(fallback)
-   Add *fallback* as the fallback object for the current translation object. A
-   translation object should consult the fallback if it cannot provide a
-   translation for a given message.
+      Add *fallback* as the fallback object for the current translation
+      object. A translation object should consult the fallback if it cannot provide a
+      translation for a given message.
-.. method:: NullTranslations.gettext(message)
+   .. method:: gettext(message)
-   If a fallback has been set, forward :meth:`gettext` to the fallback. Otherwise,
-   return the translated message.  Overridden in derived classes.
+      If a fallback has been set, forward :meth:`gettext` to the
+      fallback. Otherwise, return the translated message.  Overridden in derived
+      classes.
-.. method:: NullTranslations.lgettext(message)
+   .. method:: lgettext(message)
-   If a fallback has been set, forward :meth:`lgettext` to the fallback. Otherwise,
-   return the translated message.  Overridden in derived classes.
+      If a fallback has been set, forward :meth:`lgettext` to the
+      fallback. Otherwise, return the translated message.  Overridden in derived
+      classes.
-   .. versionadded:: 2.4
+      .. versionadded:: 2.4
-.. method:: NullTranslations.ugettext(message)
+   .. method:: ugettext(message)
-   If a fallback has been set, forward :meth:`ugettext` to the fallback. Otherwise,
-   return the translated message as a Unicode string. Overridden in derived
-   classes.
+      If a fallback has been set, forward :meth:`ugettext` to the
+      fallback. Otherwise, return the translated message as a Unicode
+      string. Overridden in derived classes.
-.. method:: NullTranslations.ngettext(singular, plural, n)
+   .. method:: ngettext(singular, plural, n)
-   If a fallback has been set, forward :meth:`ngettext` to the fallback. Otherwise,
-   return the translated message.  Overridden in derived classes.
+      If a fallback has been set, forward :meth:`ngettext` to the
+      fallback. Otherwise, return the translated message.  Overridden in derived
+      classes.
-   .. versionadded:: 2.3
+      .. versionadded:: 2.3
-.. method:: NullTranslations.lngettext(singular, plural, n)
+   .. method:: lngettext(singular, plural, n)
-   If a fallback has been set, forward :meth:`ngettext` to the fallback. Otherwise,
-   return the translated message.  Overridden in derived classes.
+      If a fallback has been set, forward :meth:`ngettext` to the
+      fallback. Otherwise, return the translated message.  Overridden in derived
+      classes.
-   .. versionadded:: 2.4
+      .. versionadded:: 2.4
-.. method:: NullTranslations.ungettext(singular, plural, n)
+   .. method:: ungettext(singular, plural, n)
-   If a fallback has been set, forward :meth:`ungettext` to the fallback.
-   Otherwise, return the translated message as a Unicode string. Overridden in
-   derived classes.
+      If a fallback has been set, forward :meth:`ungettext` to the fallback.
+      Otherwise, return the translated message as a Unicode string. Overridden
+      in derived classes.
-   .. versionadded:: 2.3
+      .. versionadded:: 2.3
-.. method:: NullTranslations.info()
+   .. method:: info()
-   Return the "protected" :attr:`_info` variable.
+      Return the "protected" :attr:`_info` variable.
-.. method:: NullTranslations.charset()
+   .. method:: charset()
-   Return the "protected" :attr:`_charset` variable.
+      Return the "protected" :attr:`_charset` variable.
-.. method:: NullTranslations.output_charset()
+   .. method:: output_charset()
-   Return the "protected" :attr:`_output_charset` variable, which defines the
-   encoding used to return translated messages.
+      Return the "protected" :attr:`_output_charset` variable, which defines the
+      encoding used to return translated messages.
-   .. versionadded:: 2.4
+      .. versionadded:: 2.4
-.. method:: NullTranslations.set_output_charset(charset)
+   .. method:: set_output_charset(charset)
-   Change the "protected" :attr:`_output_charset` variable, which defines the
-   encoding used to return translated messages.
+      Change the "protected" :attr:`_output_charset` variable, which defines the
+      encoding used to return translated messages.
-   .. versionadded:: 2.4
+      .. versionadded:: 2.4
+   .. method:: install([unicode [, names]])
+      If the *unicode* flag is false, this method installs :meth:`self.gettext`
+      into the built-in namespace, binding it to ``_``.  If *unicode* is true,
+      it binds :meth:`self.ugettext` instead.  By default, *unicode* is false.
+      If the *names* parameter is given, it must be a sequence containing the
+      names of functions you want to install in the builtin namespace in
+      addition to :func:`_`.  Supported names are ``'gettext'`` (bound to
+      :meth:`self.gettext` or :meth:`self.ugettext` according to the *unicode*
+      flag), ``'ngettext'`` (bound to :meth:`self.ngettext` or
+      :meth:`self.ungettext` according to the *unicode* flag), ``'lgettext'``
+      and ``'lngettext'``.
-.. method:: NullTranslations.install([unicode [, names]])
+      Note that this is only one way, albeit the most convenient way, to make
+      the :func:`_` function available to your application.  Because it affects
+      the entire application globally, and specifically the built-in namespace,
+      localized modules should never install :func:`_`. Instead, they should use
+      this code to make :func:`_` available to their module::
-   If the *unicode* flag is false, this method installs :meth:`self.gettext` into
-   the built-in namespace, binding it to ``_``.  If *unicode* is true, it binds
-   :meth:`self.ugettext` instead.  By default, *unicode* is false.
-   If the *names* parameter is given, it must be a sequence containing the names of
-   functions you want to install in the builtin namespace in addition to :func:`_`.
-   Supported names are ``'gettext'`` (bound to :meth:`self.gettext` or
-   :meth:`self.ugettext` according to the *unicode* flag), ``'ngettext'`` (bound to
-   :meth:`self.ngettext` or :meth:`self.ungettext` according to the *unicode*
-   flag), ``'lgettext'`` and ``'lngettext'``.
-   Note that this is only one way, albeit the most convenient way, to make the
-   :func:`_` function available to your application.  Because it affects the entire
-   application globally, and specifically the built-in namespace, localized modules
-   should never install :func:`_`. Instead, they should use this code to make
-   :func:`_` available to their module::
-      import gettext
-      t = gettext.translation('mymodule', ...)
-      _ = t.gettext
+         import gettext
+         t = gettext.translation('mymodule', ...)
+         _ = t.gettext
-   This puts :func:`_` only in the module's global namespace and so only affects
-   calls within this module.
+      This puts :func:`_` only in the module's global namespace and so only
+      affects calls within this module.
-   .. versionchanged:: 2.5
-      Added the *names* parameter.
+      .. versionchanged:: 2.5
+         Added the *names* parameter.
 The :class:`GNUTranslations` class

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/logging.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/logging.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/logging.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -1514,19 +1514,19 @@
    will be used.
-.. method:: StreamHandler.emit(record)
+   .. method:: emit(record)
-   If a formatter is specified, it is used to format the record. The record is then
-   written to the stream with a trailing newline. If exception information is
-   present, it is formatted using :func:`traceback.print_exception` and appended to
-   the stream.
+      If a formatter is specified, it is used to format the record. The record
+      is then written to the stream with a trailing newline. If exception
+      information is present, it is formatted using
+      :func:`traceback.print_exception` and appended to the stream.
-.. method:: StreamHandler.flush()
+   .. method:: flush()
-   Flushes the stream by calling its :meth:`flush` method. Note that the
-   :meth:`close` method is inherited from :class:`Handler` and so does nothing, so
-   an explicit :meth:`flush` call may be needed at times.
+      Flushes the stream by calling its :meth:`flush` method. Note that the
+      :meth:`close` method is inherited from :class:`Handler` and so does
+      nothing, so an explicit :meth:`flush` call may be needed at times.
@@ -1546,14 +1546,14 @@
    first call to :meth:`emit`. By default, the file grows indefinitely.
-.. method:: FileHandler.close()
+   .. method:: close()
-   Closes the file.
+      Closes the file.
-.. method:: FileHandler.emit(record)
+   .. method:: emit(record)
-   Outputs the record to the file.
+      Outputs the record to the file.
@@ -1588,11 +1588,11 @@
    first call to :meth:`emit`.  By default, the file grows indefinitely.
-.. method:: WatchedFileHandler.emit(record)
+   .. method:: emit(record)
-   Outputs the record to the file, but first checks to see if the file has changed.
-   If it has, the existing stream is flushed and closed and the file opened again,
-   before outputting the record to the file.
+      Outputs the record to the file, but first checks to see if the file has
+      changed.  If it has, the existing stream is flushed and closed and the
+      file opened again, before outputting the record to the file.
@@ -1624,14 +1624,15 @@
    :file:`app.log.2`, :file:`app.log.3` etc.  respectively.
-.. method:: RotatingFileHandler.doRollover()
+   .. method:: doRollover()
-   Does a rollover, as described above.
+      Does a rollover, as described above.
-.. method:: RotatingFileHandler.emit(record)
+   .. method:: emit(record)
-   Outputs the record to the file, catering for rollover as described previously.
+      Outputs the record to the file, catering for rollover as described
+      previously.
@@ -1677,14 +1678,14 @@
    files to delete, so changing the interval may leave old files lying around.
-.. method:: TimedRotatingFileHandler.doRollover()
+   .. method:: doRollover()
-   Does a rollover, as described above.
+      Does a rollover, as described above.
-.. method:: TimedRotatingFileHandler.emit(record)
+   .. method:: emit(record)
-   Outputs the record to the file, catering for rollover as described above.
+      Outputs the record to the file, catering for rollover as described above.
@@ -1700,43 +1701,44 @@
    communicate with a remote machine whose address is given by *host* and *port*.
-.. method:: SocketHandler.close()
+   .. method:: close()
-   Closes the socket.
+      Closes the socket.
-.. method:: SocketHandler.emit()
+   .. method:: emit()
-   Pickles the record's attribute dictionary and writes it to the socket in binary
-   format. If there is an error with the socket, silently drops the packet. If the
-   connection was previously lost, re-establishes the connection. To unpickle the
-   record at the receiving end into a :class:`LogRecord`, use the
-   :func:`makeLogRecord` function.
+      Pickles the record's attribute dictionary and writes it to the socket in
+      binary format. If there is an error with the socket, silently drops the
+      packet. If the connection was previously lost, re-establishes the
+      connection. To unpickle the record at the receiving end into a
+      :class:`LogRecord`, use the :func:`makeLogRecord` function.
-.. method:: SocketHandler.handleError()
+   .. method:: handleError()
-   Handles an error which has occurred during :meth:`emit`. The most likely cause
-   is a lost connection. Closes the socket so that we can retry on the next event.
+      Handles an error which has occurred during :meth:`emit`. The most likely
+      cause is a lost connection. Closes the socket so that we can retry on the
+      next event.
-.. method:: SocketHandler.makeSocket()
+   .. method:: makeSocket()
-   This is a factory method which allows subclasses to define the precise type of
-   socket they want. The default implementation creates a TCP socket
-   (:const:`socket.SOCK_STREAM`).
+      This is a factory method which allows subclasses to define the precise
+      type of socket they want. The default implementation creates a TCP socket
+      (:const:`socket.SOCK_STREAM`).
-.. method:: SocketHandler.makePickle(record)
+   .. method:: makePickle(record)
-   Pickles the record's attribute dictionary in binary format with a length prefix,
-   and returns it ready for transmission across the socket.
+      Pickles the record's attribute dictionary in binary format with a length
+      prefix, and returns it ready for transmission across the socket.
-.. method:: SocketHandler.send(packet)
+   .. method:: send(packet)
-   Send a pickled string *packet* to the socket. This function allows for partial
-   sends which can happen when the network is busy.
+      Send a pickled string *packet* to the socket. This function allows for
+      partial sends which can happen when the network is busy.
@@ -1753,23 +1755,23 @@
    communicate with a remote machine whose address is given by *host* and *port*.
-.. method:: DatagramHandler.emit()
+   .. method:: emit()
-   Pickles the record's attribute dictionary and writes it to the socket in binary
-   format. If there is an error with the socket, silently drops the packet. To
-   unpickle the record at the receiving end into a :class:`LogRecord`, use the
-   :func:`makeLogRecord` function.
+      Pickles the record's attribute dictionary and writes it to the socket in
+      binary format. If there is an error with the socket, silently drops the
+      packet. To unpickle the record at the receiving end into a
+      :class:`LogRecord`, use the :func:`makeLogRecord` function.
-.. method:: DatagramHandler.makeSocket()
+   .. method:: makeSocket()
-   The factory method of :class:`SocketHandler` is here overridden to create a UDP
-   socket (:const:`socket.SOCK_DGRAM`).
+      The factory method of :class:`SocketHandler` is here overridden to create
+      a UDP socket (:const:`socket.SOCK_DGRAM`).
-.. method:: DatagramHandler.send(s)
+   .. method:: send(s)
-   Send a pickled string to a socket.
+      Send a pickled string to a socket.
@@ -1791,22 +1793,22 @@
    :const:`LOG_USER` is used.
-.. method:: SysLogHandler.close()
+   .. method:: close()
-   Closes the socket to the remote host.
+      Closes the socket to the remote host.
-.. method:: SysLogHandler.emit(record)
+   .. method:: emit(record)
-   The record is formatted, and then sent to the syslog server. If exception
-   information is present, it is *not* sent to the server.
+      The record is formatted, and then sent to the syslog server. If exception
+      information is present, it is *not* sent to the server.
-.. method:: SysLogHandler.encodePriority(facility, priority)
+   .. method:: encodePriority(facility, priority)
-   Encodes the facility and priority into an integer. You can pass in strings or
-   integers - if strings are passed, internal mapping dictionaries are used to
-   convert them to integers.
+      Encodes the facility and priority into an integer. You can pass in strings
+      or integers - if strings are passed, internal mapping dictionaries are
+      used to convert them to integers.
@@ -1834,45 +1836,45 @@
    defaults to ``'Application'``.
-.. method:: NTEventLogHandler.close()
+   .. method:: close()
-   At this point, you can remove the application name from the registry as a source
-   of event log entries. However, if you do this, you will not be able to see the
-   events as you intended in the Event Log Viewer - it needs to be able to access
-   the registry to get the .dll name. The current version does not do this (in fact
-   it doesn't do anything).
+      At this point, you can remove the application name from the registry as a
+      source of event log entries. However, if you do this, you will not be able
+      to see the events as you intended in the Event Log Viewer - it needs to be
+      able to access the registry to get the .dll name. The current version does
+      not do this (in fact it doesn't do anything).
-.. method:: NTEventLogHandler.emit(record)
+   .. method:: emit(record)
-   Determines the message ID, event category and event type, and then logs the
-   message in the NT event log.
+      Determines the message ID, event category and event type, and then logs
+      the message in the NT event log.
-.. method:: NTEventLogHandler.getEventCategory(record)
+   .. method:: getEventCategory(record)
-   Returns the event category for the record. Override this if you want to specify
-   your own categories. This version returns 0.
+      Returns the event category for the record. Override this if you want to
+      specify your own categories. This version returns 0.
-.. method:: NTEventLogHandler.getEventType(record)
+   .. method:: getEventType(record)
-   Returns the event type for the record. Override this if you want to specify your
-   own types. This version does a mapping using the handler's typemap attribute,
-   which is set up in :meth:`__init__` to a dictionary which contains mappings for
-   :const:`DEBUG`, :const:`INFO`, :const:`WARNING`, :const:`ERROR` and
-   :const:`CRITICAL`. If you are using your own levels, you will either need to
-   override this method or place a suitable dictionary in the handler's *typemap*
-   attribute.
+      Returns the event type for the record. Override this if you want to
+      specify your own types. This version does a mapping using the handler's
+      typemap attribute, which is set up in :meth:`__init__` to a dictionary
+      which contains mappings for :const:`DEBUG`, :const:`INFO`,
+      :const:`WARNING`, :const:`ERROR` and :const:`CRITICAL`. If you are using
+      your own levels, you will either need to override this method or place a
+      suitable dictionary in the handler's *typemap* attribute.
-.. method:: NTEventLogHandler.getMessageID(record)
+   .. method:: getMessageID(record)
-   Returns the message ID for the record. If you are using your own messages, you
-   could do this by having the *msg* passed to the logger being an ID rather than a
-   format string. Then, in here, you could use a dictionary lookup to get the
-   message ID. This version returns 1, which is the base message ID in
-   :file:`win32service.pyd`.
+      Returns the message ID for the record. If you are using your own messages,
+      you could do this by having the *msg* passed to the logger being an ID
+      rather than a format string. Then, in here, you could use a dictionary
+      lookup to get the message ID. This version returns 1, which is the base
+      message ID in :file:`win32service.pyd`.
@@ -1895,15 +1897,15 @@
       *credentials* was added.
-.. method:: SMTPHandler.emit(record)
+   .. method:: emit(record)
-   Formats the record and sends it to the specified addressees.
+      Formats the record and sends it to the specified addressees.
-.. method:: SMTPHandler.getSubject(record)
+   .. method:: getSubject(record)
-   If you want to specify a subject line which is record-dependent, override this
-   method.
+      If you want to specify a subject line which is record-dependent, override
+      this method.
@@ -1926,22 +1928,22 @@
    Initializes the handler with a buffer of the specified capacity.
-.. method:: BufferingHandler.emit(record)
+   .. method:: emit(record)
-   Appends the record to the buffer. If :meth:`shouldFlush` returns true, calls
-   :meth:`flush` to process the buffer.
+      Appends the record to the buffer. If :meth:`shouldFlush` returns true,
+      calls :meth:`flush` to process the buffer.
-.. method:: BufferingHandler.flush()
+   .. method:: flush()
-   You can override this to implement custom flushing behavior. This version just
-   zaps the buffer to empty.
+      You can override this to implement custom flushing behavior. This version
+      just zaps the buffer to empty.
-.. method:: BufferingHandler.shouldFlush(record)
+   .. method:: shouldFlush(record)
-   Returns true if the buffer is up to capacity. This method can be overridden to
-   implement custom flushing strategies.
+      Returns true if the buffer is up to capacity. This method can be
+      overridden to implement custom flushing strategies.
 .. class:: MemoryHandler(capacity[, flushLevel [, target]])
@@ -1952,25 +1954,27 @@
    set using :meth:`setTarget` before this handler does anything useful.
-.. method:: MemoryHandler.close()
+   .. method:: close()
-   Calls :meth:`flush`, sets the target to :const:`None` and clears the buffer.
+      Calls :meth:`flush`, sets the target to :const:`None` and clears the
+      buffer.
-.. method:: MemoryHandler.flush()
+   .. method:: flush()
-   For a :class:`MemoryHandler`, flushing means just sending the buffered records
-   to the target, if there is one. Override if you want different behavior.
+      For a :class:`MemoryHandler`, flushing means just sending the buffered
+      records to the target, if there is one. Override if you want different
+      behavior.
-.. method:: MemoryHandler.setTarget(target)
+   .. method:: setTarget(target)
-   Sets the target handler for this handler.
+      Sets the target handler for this handler.
-.. method:: MemoryHandler.shouldFlush(record)
+   .. method:: shouldFlush(record)
-   Checks for buffer full or a record at the *flushLevel* or higher.
+      Checks for buffer full or a record at the *flushLevel* or higher.
@@ -1989,9 +1993,9 @@
    *method* is specified, ``GET`` is used.
-.. method:: HTTPHandler.emit(record)
+   .. method:: emit(record)
-   Sends the record to the Web server as an URL-encoded dictionary.
+      Sends the record to the Web server as an URL-encoded dictionary.
 .. _formatter-objects:
@@ -2079,38 +2083,42 @@
    is used.
-.. method:: Formatter.format(record)
+   .. method:: format(record)
-   The record's attribute dictionary is used as the operand to a string formatting
-   operation. Returns the resulting string. Before formatting the dictionary, a
-   couple of preparatory steps are carried out. The *message* attribute of the
-   record is computed using *msg* % *args*. If the formatting string contains
-   ``'(asctime)'``, :meth:`formatTime` is called to format the event time. If there
-   is exception information, it is formatted using :meth:`formatException` and
-   appended to the message. Note that the formatted exception information is cached
-   in attribute *exc_text*. This is useful because the exception information can
-   be pickled and sent across the wire, but you should be careful if you have more
-   than one :class:`Formatter` subclass which customizes the formatting of exception
-   information. In this case, you will have to clear the cached value after a
-   formatter has done its formatting, so that the next formatter to handle the event
-   doesn't use the cached value but recalculates it afresh.
-.. method:: Formatter.formatTime(record[, datefmt])
-   This method should be called from :meth:`format` by a formatter which wants to
-   make use of a formatted time. This method can be overridden in formatters to
-   provide for any specific requirement, but the basic behavior is as follows: if
-   *datefmt* (a string) is specified, it is used with :func:`time.strftime` to
-   format the creation time of the record. Otherwise, the ISO8601 format is used.
-   The resulting string is returned.
-.. method:: Formatter.formatException(exc_info)
-   Formats the specified exception information (a standard exception tuple as
-   returned by :func:`sys.exc_info`) as a string. This default implementation just
-   uses :func:`traceback.print_exception`. The resulting string is returned.
+      The record's attribute dictionary is used as the operand to a string
+      formatting operation. Returns the resulting string. Before formatting the
+      dictionary, a couple of preparatory steps are carried out. The *message*
+      attribute of the record is computed using *msg* % *args*. If the
+      formatting string contains ``'(asctime)'``, :meth:`formatTime` is called
+      to format the event time. If there is exception information, it is
+      formatted using :meth:`formatException` and appended to the message. Note
+      that the formatted exception information is cached in attribute
+      *exc_text*. This is useful because the exception information can be
+      pickled and sent across the wire, but you should be careful if you have
+      more than one :class:`Formatter` subclass which customizes the formatting
+      of exception information. In this case, you will have to clear the cached
+      value after a formatter has done its formatting, so that the next
+      formatter to handle the event doesn't use the cached value but
+      recalculates it afresh.
+   .. method:: formatTime(record[, datefmt])
+      This method should be called from :meth:`format` by a formatter which
+      wants to make use of a formatted time. This method can be overridden in
+      formatters to provide for any specific requirement, but the basic behavior
+      is as follows: if *datefmt* (a string) is specified, it is used with
+      :func:`time.strftime` to format the creation time of the
+      record. Otherwise, the ISO8601 format is used.  The resulting string is
+      returned.
+   .. method:: formatException(exc_info)
+      Formats the specified exception information (a standard exception tuple as
+      returned by :func:`sys.exc_info`) as a string. This default implementation
+      just uses :func:`traceback.print_exception`. The resulting string is
+      returned.
 Filter Objects
@@ -2131,10 +2139,11 @@
    through the filter. If no name is specified, allows every event.
-.. method:: Filter.filter(record)
+   .. method:: filter(record)
-   Is the specified record to be logged? Returns zero for no, nonzero for yes. If
-   deemed appropriate, the record may be modified in-place by this method.
+      Is the specified record to be logged? Returns zero for no, nonzero for
+      yes. If deemed appropriate, the record may be modified in-place by this
+      method.
 LogRecord Objects
@@ -2165,10 +2174,11 @@
       *func* was added.
-.. method:: LogRecord.getMessage()
+   .. method:: getMessage()
+      Returns the message for this :class:`LogRecord` instance after merging any
+      user-supplied arguments with the message.
-   Returns the message for this :class:`LogRecord` instance after merging any
-   user-supplied arguments with the message.
 LoggerAdapter Objects
@@ -2186,13 +2196,13 @@
   Returns an instance of :class:`LoggerAdapter` initialized with an
   underlying :class:`Logger` instance and a dict-like object.
-.. method:: LoggerAdapter.process(msg, kwargs)
+  .. method:: process(msg, kwargs)
-  Modifies the message and/or keyword arguments passed to a logging call in
-  order to insert contextual information. This implementation takes the
-  object passed as *extra* to the constructor and adds it to *kwargs* using
-  key 'extra'. The return value is a (*msg*, *kwargs*) tuple which has the
-  (possibly modified) versions of the arguments passed in.
+    Modifies the message and/or keyword arguments passed to a logging call in
+    order to insert contextual information. This implementation takes the object
+    passed as *extra* to the constructor and adds it to *kwargs* using key
+    'extra'. The return value is a (*msg*, *kwargs*) tuple which has the
+    (possibly modified) versions of the arguments passed in.
 In addition to the above, :class:`LoggerAdapter` supports all the logging
 methods of :class:`Logger`, i.e. :meth:`debug`, :meth:`info`, :meth:`warning`,

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/mailbox.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/mailbox.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/mailbox.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -32,238 +32,244 @@
    A mailbox, which may be inspected and modified.
-The :class:`Mailbox` class defines an interface and is not intended to be
-instantiated.  Instead, format-specific subclasses should inherit from
-:class:`Mailbox` and your code should instantiate a particular subclass.
+   The :class:`Mailbox` class defines an interface and is not intended to be
+   instantiated.  Instead, format-specific subclasses should inherit from
+   :class:`Mailbox` and your code should instantiate a particular subclass.
+   The :class:`Mailbox` interface is dictionary-like, with small keys
+   corresponding to messages. Keys are issued by the :class:`Mailbox` instance
+   with which they will be used and are only meaningful to that :class:`Mailbox`
+   instance. A key continues to identify a message even if the corresponding
+   message is modified, such as by replacing it with another message.
+   Messages may be added to a :class:`Mailbox` instance using the set-like
+   method :meth:`add` and removed using a ``del`` statement or the set-like
+   methods :meth:`remove` and :meth:`discard`.
+   :class:`Mailbox` interface semantics differ from dictionary semantics in some
+   noteworthy ways. Each time a message is requested, a new representation
+   (typically a :class:`Message` instance) is generated based upon the current
+   state of the mailbox. Similarly, when a message is added to a
+   :class:`Mailbox` instance, the provided message representation's contents are
+   copied. In neither case is a reference to the message representation kept by
+   the :class:`Mailbox` instance.
+   The default :class:`Mailbox` iterator iterates over message representations,
+   not keys as the default dictionary iterator does. Moreover, modification of a
+   mailbox during iteration is safe and well-defined. Messages added to the
+   mailbox after an iterator is created will not be seen by the
+   iterator. Messages removed from the mailbox before the iterator yields them
+   will be silently skipped, though using a key from an iterator may result in a
+   :exc:`KeyError` exception if the corresponding message is subsequently
+   removed.
-The :class:`Mailbox` interface is dictionary-like, with small keys corresponding
-to messages. Keys are issued by the :class:`Mailbox` instance with which they
-will be used and are only meaningful to that :class:`Mailbox` instance. A key
-continues to identify a message even if the corresponding message is modified,
-such as by replacing it with another message.
-Messages may be added to a :class:`Mailbox` instance using the set-like method
-:meth:`add` and removed using a ``del`` statement or the set-like methods
-:meth:`remove` and :meth:`discard`.
-:class:`Mailbox` interface semantics differ from dictionary semantics in some
-noteworthy ways. Each time a message is requested, a new representation
-(typically a :class:`Message` instance) is generated based upon the current
-state of the mailbox. Similarly, when a message is added to a :class:`Mailbox`
-instance, the provided message representation's contents are copied. In neither
-case is a reference to the message representation kept by the :class:`Mailbox`
+   .. warning::
-The default :class:`Mailbox` iterator iterates over message representations, not
-keys as the default dictionary iterator does. Moreover, modification of a
-mailbox during iteration is safe and well-defined. Messages added to the mailbox
-after an iterator is created will not be seen by the iterator. Messages removed
-from the mailbox before the iterator yields them will be silently skipped,
-though using a key from an iterator may result in a :exc:`KeyError` exception if
-the corresponding message is subsequently removed.
+      Be very cautious when modifying mailboxes that might be simultaneously
+      changed by some other process.  The safest mailbox format to use for such
+      tasks is Maildir; try to avoid using single-file formats such as mbox for
+      concurrent writing.  If you're modifying a mailbox, you *must* lock it by
+      calling the :meth:`lock` and :meth:`unlock` methods *before* reading any
+      messages in the file or making any changes by adding or deleting a
+      message.  Failing to lock the mailbox runs the risk of losing messages or
+      corrupting the entire mailbox.
-.. warning::
+   :class:`Mailbox` instances have the following methods:
-   Be very cautious when modifying mailboxes that might be simultaneously changed
-   by some other process.  The safest mailbox format to use for such tasks is
-   Maildir; try to avoid using single-file formats such as mbox for concurrent
-   writing.  If you're modifying a mailbox, you *must* lock it by calling the
-   :meth:`lock` and :meth:`unlock` methods *before* reading any messages in the
-   file or making any changes by adding or deleting a message.  Failing to lock the
-   mailbox runs the risk of losing messages or corrupting the entire mailbox.
-:class:`Mailbox` instances have the following methods:
+   .. method:: add(message)
+      Add *message* to the mailbox and return the key that has been assigned to
+      it.
-.. method:: Mailbox.add(message)
+      Parameter *message* may be a :class:`Message` instance, an
+      :class:`email.Message.Message` instance, a string, or a file-like object
+      (which should be open in text mode). If *message* is an instance of the
+      appropriate format-specific :class:`Message` subclass (e.g., if it's an
+      :class:`mboxMessage` instance and this is an :class:`mbox` instance), its
+      format-specific information is used. Otherwise, reasonable defaults for
+      format-specific information are used.
-   Add *message* to the mailbox and return the key that has been assigned to it.
-   Parameter *message* may be a :class:`Message` instance, an
-   :class:`email.Message.Message` instance, a string, or a file-like object (which
-   should be open in text mode). If *message* is an instance of the appropriate
-   format-specific :class:`Message` subclass (e.g., if it's an :class:`mboxMessage`
-   instance and this is an :class:`mbox` instance), its format-specific information
-   is used. Otherwise, reasonable defaults for format-specific information are
-   used.
+   .. method:: remove(key)
+               __delitem__(key)
+               discard(key)
+      Delete the message corresponding to *key* from the mailbox.
-.. method:: Mailbox.remove(key)
-            Mailbox.__delitem__(key)
-            Mailbox.discard(key)
+      If no such message exists, a :exc:`KeyError` exception is raised if the
+      method was called as :meth:`remove` or :meth:`__delitem__` but no
+      exception is raised if the method was called as :meth:`discard`. The
+      behavior of :meth:`discard` may be preferred if the underlying mailbox
+      format supports concurrent modification by other processes.
-   Delete the message corresponding to *key* from the mailbox.
-   If no such message exists, a :exc:`KeyError` exception is raised if the method
-   was called as :meth:`remove` or :meth:`__delitem__` but no exception is raised
-   if the method was called as :meth:`discard`. The behavior of :meth:`discard` may
-   be preferred if the underlying mailbox format supports concurrent modification
-   by other processes.
+   .. method:: __setitem__(key, message)
+      Replace the message corresponding to *key* with *message*. Raise a
+      :exc:`KeyError` exception if no message already corresponds to *key*.
-.. method:: Mailbox.__setitem__(key, message)
+      As with :meth:`add`, parameter *message* may be a :class:`Message`
+      instance, an :class:`email.Message.Message` instance, a string, or a
+      file-like object (which should be open in text mode). If *message* is an
+      instance of the appropriate format-specific :class:`Message` subclass
+      (e.g., if it's an :class:`mboxMessage` instance and this is an
+      :class:`mbox` instance), its format-specific information is
+      used. Otherwise, the format-specific information of the message that
+      currently corresponds to *key* is left unchanged.
-   Replace the message corresponding to *key* with *message*. Raise a
-   :exc:`KeyError` exception if no message already corresponds to *key*.
-   As with :meth:`add`, parameter *message* may be a :class:`Message` instance, an
-   :class:`email.Message.Message` instance, a string, or a file-like object (which
-   should be open in text mode). If *message* is an instance of the appropriate
-   format-specific :class:`Message` subclass (e.g., if it's an :class:`mboxMessage`
-   instance and this is an :class:`mbox` instance), its format-specific information
-   is used. Otherwise, the format-specific information of the message that
-   currently corresponds to *key* is left unchanged.
+   .. method:: iterkeys()
+               keys()
+      Return an iterator over all keys if called as :meth:`iterkeys` or return a
+      list of keys if called as :meth:`keys`.
-.. method:: Mailbox.iterkeys()
-            Mailbox.keys()
-   Return an iterator over all keys if called as :meth:`iterkeys` or return a list
-   of keys if called as :meth:`keys`.
+   .. method:: itervalues()
+               __iter__()
+               values()
+      Return an iterator over representations of all messages if called as
+      :meth:`itervalues` or :meth:`__iter__` or return a list of such
+      representations if called as :meth:`values`. The messages are represented
+      as instances of the appropriate format-specific :class:`Message` subclass
+      unless a custom message factory was specified when the :class:`Mailbox`
+      instance was initialized.
-.. method:: Mailbox.itervalues()
-            Mailbox.__iter__()
-            Mailbox.values()
+      .. note::
-   Return an iterator over representations of all messages if called as
-   :meth:`itervalues` or :meth:`__iter__` or return a list of such representations
-   if called as :meth:`values`. The messages are represented as instances of the
-   appropriate format-specific :class:`Message` subclass unless a custom message
-   factory was specified when the :class:`Mailbox` instance was initialized.
+         The behavior of :meth:`__iter__` is unlike that of dictionaries, which
+         iterate over keys.
-   .. note::
-      The behavior of :meth:`__iter__` is unlike that of dictionaries, which iterate
-      over keys.
+   .. method:: iteritems()
+               items()
+      Return an iterator over (*key*, *message*) pairs, where *key* is a key and
+      *message* is a message representation, if called as :meth:`iteritems` or
+      return a list of such pairs if called as :meth:`items`. The messages are
+      represented as instances of the appropriate format-specific
+      :class:`Message` subclass unless a custom message factory was specified
+      when the :class:`Mailbox` instance was initialized.
-.. method:: Mailbox.iteritems()
-            Mailbox.items()
-   Return an iterator over (*key*, *message*) pairs, where *key* is a key and
-   *message* is a message representation, if called as :meth:`iteritems` or return
-   a list of such pairs if called as :meth:`items`. The messages are represented as
-   instances of the appropriate format-specific :class:`Message` subclass unless a
-   custom message factory was specified when the :class:`Mailbox` instance was
-   initialized.
+   .. method:: get(key[, default=None])
+               __getitem__(key)
+      Return a representation of the message corresponding to *key*. If no such
+      message exists, *default* is returned if the method was called as
+      :meth:`get` and a :exc:`KeyError` exception is raised if the method was
+      called as :meth:`__getitem__`. The message is represented as an instance
+      of the appropriate format-specific :class:`Message` subclass unless a
+      custom message factory was specified when the :class:`Mailbox` instance
+      was initialized.
-.. method:: Mailbox.get(key[, default=None])
-            Mailbox.__getitem__(key)
-   Return a representation of the message corresponding to *key*. If no such
-   message exists, *default* is returned if the method was called as :meth:`get`
-   and a :exc:`KeyError` exception is raised if the method was called as
-   :meth:`__getitem__`. The message is represented as an instance of the
-   appropriate format-specific :class:`Message` subclass unless a custom message
-   factory was specified when the :class:`Mailbox` instance was initialized.
+   .. method:: get_message(key)
+      Return a representation of the message corresponding to *key* as an
+      instance of the appropriate format-specific :class:`Message` subclass, or
+      raise a :exc:`KeyError` exception if no such message exists.
-.. method:: Mailbox.get_message(key)
-   Return a representation of the message corresponding to *key* as an instance of
-   the appropriate format-specific :class:`Message` subclass, or raise a
-   :exc:`KeyError` exception if no such message exists.
+   .. method:: get_string(key)
+      Return a string representation of the message corresponding to *key*, or
+      raise a :exc:`KeyError` exception if no such message exists.
-.. method:: Mailbox.get_string(key)
-   Return a string representation of the message corresponding to *key*, or raise a
-   :exc:`KeyError` exception if no such message exists.
+   .. method:: get_file(key)
+      Return a file-like representation of the message corresponding to *key*,
+      or raise a :exc:`KeyError` exception if no such message exists. The
+      file-like object behaves as if open in binary mode. This file should be
+      closed once it is no longer needed.
-.. method:: Mailbox.get_file(key)
+      .. note::
-   Return a file-like representation of the message corresponding to *key*, or
-   raise a :exc:`KeyError` exception if no such message exists. The file-like
-   object behaves as if open in binary mode. This file should be closed once it is
-   no longer needed.
+         Unlike other representations of messages, file-like representations are
+         not necessarily independent of the :class:`Mailbox` instance that
+         created them or of the underlying mailbox. More specific documentation
+         is provided by each subclass.
-   .. note::
-      Unlike other representations of messages, file-like representations are not
-      necessarily independent of the :class:`Mailbox` instance that created them or of
-      the underlying mailbox. More specific documentation is provided by each
-      subclass.
+   .. method:: has_key(key)
+               __contains__(key)
+      Return ``True`` if *key* corresponds to a message, ``False`` otherwise.
-.. method:: Mailbox.has_key(key)
-            Mailbox.__contains__(key)
-   Return ``True`` if *key* corresponds to a message, ``False`` otherwise.
+   .. method:: __len__()
+      Return a count of messages in the mailbox.
-.. method:: Mailbox.__len__()
-   Return a count of messages in the mailbox.
+   .. method:: clear()
+      Delete all messages from the mailbox.
-.. method:: Mailbox.clear()
-   Delete all messages from the mailbox.
+   .. method:: pop(key[, default])
+      Return a representation of the message corresponding to *key* and delete
+      the message. If no such message exists, return *default* if it was
+      supplied or else raise a :exc:`KeyError` exception. The message is
+      represented as an instance of the appropriate format-specific
+      :class:`Message` subclass unless a custom message factory was specified
+      when the :class:`Mailbox` instance was initialized.
-.. method:: Mailbox.pop(key[, default])
-   Return a representation of the message corresponding to *key* and delete the
-   message. If no such message exists, return *default* if it was supplied or else
-   raise a :exc:`KeyError` exception. The message is represented as an instance of
-   the appropriate format-specific :class:`Message` subclass unless a custom
-   message factory was specified when the :class:`Mailbox` instance was
-   initialized.
+   .. method:: popitem()
+      Return an arbitrary (*key*, *message*) pair, where *key* is a key and
+      *message* is a message representation, and delete the corresponding
+      message. If the mailbox is empty, raise a :exc:`KeyError` exception. The
+      message is represented as an instance of the appropriate format-specific
+      :class:`Message` subclass unless a custom message factory was specified
+      when the :class:`Mailbox` instance was initialized.
-.. method:: Mailbox.popitem()
-   Return an arbitrary (*key*, *message*) pair, where *key* is a key and *message*
-   is a message representation, and delete the corresponding message. If the
-   mailbox is empty, raise a :exc:`KeyError` exception. The message is represented
-   as an instance of the appropriate format-specific :class:`Message` subclass
-   unless a custom message factory was specified when the :class:`Mailbox` instance
-   was initialized.
+   .. method:: update(arg)
+      Parameter *arg* should be a *key*-to-*message* mapping or an iterable of
+      (*key*, *message*) pairs. Updates the mailbox so that, for each given
+      *key* and *message*, the message corresponding to *key* is set to
+      *message* as if by using :meth:`__setitem__`. As with :meth:`__setitem__`,
+      each *key* must already correspond to a message in the mailbox or else a
+      :exc:`KeyError` exception will be raised, so in general it is incorrect
+      for *arg* to be a :class:`Mailbox` instance.
-.. method:: Mailbox.update(arg)
+      .. note::
-   Parameter *arg* should be a *key*-to-*message* mapping or an iterable of (*key*,
-   *message*) pairs. Updates the mailbox so that, for each given *key* and
-   *message*, the message corresponding to *key* is set to *message* as if by using
-   :meth:`__setitem__`. As with :meth:`__setitem__`, each *key* must already
-   correspond to a message in the mailbox or else a :exc:`KeyError` exception will
-   be raised, so in general it is incorrect for *arg* to be a :class:`Mailbox`
-   instance.
+         Unlike with dictionaries, keyword arguments are not supported.
-   .. note::
-      Unlike with dictionaries, keyword arguments are not supported.
+   .. method:: flush()
+      Write any pending changes to the filesystem. For some :class:`Mailbox`
+      subclasses, changes are always written immediately and :meth:`flush` does
+      nothing, but you should still make a habit of calling this method.
-.. method:: Mailbox.flush()
-   Write any pending changes to the filesystem. For some :class:`Mailbox`
-   subclasses, changes are always written immediately and :meth:`flush` does
-   nothing, but you should still make a habit of calling this method.
+   .. method:: lock()
+      Acquire an exclusive advisory lock on the mailbox so that other processes
+      know not to modify it. An :exc:`ExternalClashError` is raised if the lock
+      is not available. The particular locking mechanisms used depend upon the
+      mailbox format.  You should *always* lock the mailbox before making any
+      modifications to its contents.
-.. method:: Mailbox.lock()
-   Acquire an exclusive advisory lock on the mailbox so that other processes know
-   not to modify it. An :exc:`ExternalClashError` is raised if the lock is not
-   available. The particular locking mechanisms used depend upon the mailbox
-   format.  You should *always* lock the mailbox before making any  modifications
-   to its contents.
+   .. method:: unlock()
+      Release the lock on the mailbox, if any.
-.. method:: Mailbox.unlock()
-   Release the lock on the mailbox, if any.
+   .. method:: close()
-.. method:: Mailbox.close()
-   Flush the mailbox, unlock it if necessary, and close any open files. For some
-   :class:`Mailbox` subclasses, this method does nothing.
+      Flush the mailbox, unlock it if necessary, and close any open files. For
+      some :class:`Mailbox` subclasses, this method does nothing.
 .. _mailbox-maildir:
@@ -286,113 +292,115 @@
    instance that behaves like instances of other :class:`Mailbox` subclasses, set
    *factory* to ``None``.
-Maildir is a directory-based mailbox format invented for the qmail mail transfer
-agent and now widely supported by other programs. Messages in a Maildir mailbox
-are stored in separate files within a common directory structure. This design
-allows Maildir mailboxes to be accessed and modified by multiple unrelated
-programs without data corruption, so file locking is unnecessary.
-Maildir mailboxes contain three subdirectories, namely: :file:`tmp`,
-:file:`new`, and :file:`cur`. Messages are created momentarily in the
-:file:`tmp` subdirectory and then moved to the :file:`new` subdirectory to
-finalize delivery. A mail user agent may subsequently move the message to the
-:file:`cur` subdirectory and store information about the state of the message in
-a special "info" section appended to its file name.
+   Maildir is a directory-based mailbox format invented for the qmail mail
+   transfer agent and now widely supported by other programs. Messages in a
+   Maildir mailbox are stored in separate files within a common directory
+   structure. This design allows Maildir mailboxes to be accessed and modified
+   by multiple unrelated programs without data corruption, so file locking is
+   unnecessary.
+   Maildir mailboxes contain three subdirectories, namely: :file:`tmp`,
+   :file:`new`, and :file:`cur`. Messages are created momentarily in the
+   :file:`tmp` subdirectory and then moved to the :file:`new` subdirectory to
+   finalize delivery. A mail user agent may subsequently move the message to the
+   :file:`cur` subdirectory and store information about the state of the message
+   in a special "info" section appended to its file name.
+   Folders of the style introduced by the Courier mail transfer agent are also
+   supported. Any subdirectory of the main mailbox is considered a folder if
+   ``'.'`` is the first character in its name. Folder names are represented by
+   :class:`Maildir` without the leading ``'.'``. Each folder is itself a Maildir
+   mailbox but should not contain other folders. Instead, a logical nesting is
+   indicated using ``'.'`` to delimit levels, e.g., "Archived.2005.07".
-Folders of the style introduced by the Courier mail transfer agent are also
-supported. Any subdirectory of the main mailbox is considered a folder if
-``'.'`` is the first character in its name. Folder names are represented by
-:class:`Maildir` without the leading ``'.'``. Each folder is itself a Maildir
-mailbox but should not contain other folders. Instead, a logical nesting is
-indicated using ``'.'`` to delimit levels, e.g., "Archived.2005.07".
-.. note::
+   .. note::
-   The Maildir specification requires the use of a colon (``':'``) in certain
-   message file names. However, some operating systems do not permit this character
-   in file names, If you wish to use a Maildir-like format on such an operating
-   system, you should specify another character to use instead. The exclamation
-   point (``'!'``) is a popular choice. For example::
+      The Maildir specification requires the use of a colon (``':'``) in certain
+      message file names. However, some operating systems do not permit this
+      character in file names, If you wish to use a Maildir-like format on such
+      an operating system, you should specify another character to use
+      instead. The exclamation point (``'!'``) is a popular choice. For
+      example::
-      import mailbox
-      mailbox.Maildir.colon = '!'
+         import mailbox
+         mailbox.Maildir.colon = '!'
-   The :attr:`colon` attribute may also be set on a per-instance basis.
+      The :attr:`colon` attribute may also be set on a per-instance basis.
-:class:`Maildir` instances have all of the methods of :class:`Mailbox` in
-addition to the following:
+   :class:`Maildir` instances have all of the methods of :class:`Mailbox` in
+   addition to the following:
-.. method:: Maildir.list_folders()
+   .. method:: list_folders()
-   Return a list of the names of all folders.
+      Return a list of the names of all folders.
-.. method:: Maildir.get_folder(folder)
+   .. method:: .et_folder(folder)
-   Return a :class:`Maildir` instance representing the folder whose name is
-   *folder*. A :exc:`NoSuchMailboxError` exception is raised if the folder does not
-   exist.
+      Return a :class:`Maildir` instance representing the folder whose name is
+      *folder*. A :exc:`NoSuchMailboxError` exception is raised if the folder
+      does not exist.
-.. method:: Maildir.add_folder(folder)
+   .. method:: add_folder(folder)
-   Create a folder whose name is *folder* and return a :class:`Maildir` instance
-   representing it.
+      Create a folder whose name is *folder* and return a :class:`Maildir`
+      instance representing it.
-.. method:: Maildir.remove_folder(folder)
+   .. method:: remove_folder(folder)
-   Delete the folder whose name is *folder*. If the folder contains any messages, a
-   :exc:`NotEmptyError` exception will be raised and the folder will not be
-   deleted.
+      Delete the folder whose name is *folder*. If the folder contains any
+      messages, a :exc:`NotEmptyError` exception will be raised and the folder
+      will not be deleted.
-.. method:: Maildir.clean()
+   .. method:: clean()
-   Delete temporary files from the mailbox that have not been accessed in the last
-   36 hours. The Maildir specification says that mail-reading programs should do
-   this occasionally.
+      Delete temporary files from the mailbox that have not been accessed in the
+      last 36 hours. The Maildir specification says that mail-reading programs
+      should do this occasionally.
-Some :class:`Mailbox` methods implemented by :class:`Maildir` deserve special
+   Some :class:`Mailbox` methods implemented by :class:`Maildir` deserve special
+   remarks:
-.. method:: Maildir.add(message)
-            Maildir.__setitem__(key, message)
-            Maildir.update(arg)
+   .. method:: add(message)
+               __setitem__(key, message)
+               update(arg)
-   .. warning::
+      .. warning::
-      These methods generate unique file names based upon the current process ID. When
-      using multiple threads, undetected name clashes may occur and cause corruption
-      of the mailbox unless threads are coordinated to avoid using these methods to
-      manipulate the same mailbox simultaneously.
+         These methods generate unique file names based upon the current process
+         ID. When using multiple threads, undetected name clashes may occur and
+         cause corruption of the mailbox unless threads are coordinated to avoid
+         using these methods to manipulate the same mailbox simultaneously.
-.. method:: Maildir.flush()
+   .. method:: flush()
-   All changes to Maildir mailboxes are immediately applied, so this method does
-   nothing.
+      All changes to Maildir mailboxes are immediately applied, so this method
+      does nothing.
-.. method:: Maildir.lock()
-            Maildir.unlock()
+   .. method:: lock()
+               unlock()
-   Maildir mailboxes do not support (or require) locking, so these methods do
-   nothing.
+      Maildir mailboxes do not support (or require) locking, so these methods do
+      nothing.
-.. method:: Maildir.close()
+   .. method:: close()
-   :class:`Maildir` instances do not keep any open files and the underlying
-   mailboxes do not support locking, so this method does nothing.
+      :class:`Maildir` instances do not keep any open files and the underlying
+      mailboxes do not support locking, so this method does nothing.
-.. method:: Maildir.get_file(key)
+   .. method:: get_file(key)
-   Depending upon the host platform, it may not be possible to modify or remove the
-   underlying message while the returned file remains open.
+      Depending upon the host platform, it may not be possible to modify or
+      remove the underlying message while the returned file remains open.
 .. seealso::
@@ -424,33 +432,34 @@
    representation. If *create* is ``True``, the mailbox is created if it does not
-The mbox format is the classic format for storing mail on Unix systems. All
-messages in an mbox mailbox are stored in a single file with the beginning of
-each message indicated by a line whose first five characters are "From ".
+   The mbox format is the classic format for storing mail on Unix systems. All
+   messages in an mbox mailbox are stored in a single file with the beginning of
+   each message indicated by a line whose first five characters are "From ".
-Several variations of the mbox format exist to address perceived shortcomings in
-the original. In the interest of compatibility, :class:`mbox` implements the
-original format, which is sometimes referred to as :dfn:`mboxo`. This means that
-the :mailheader:`Content-Length` header, if present, is ignored and that any
-occurrences of "From " at the beginning of a line in a message body are
-transformed to ">From " when storing the message, although occurrences of ">From
-" are not transformed to "From " when reading the message.
+   Several variations of the mbox format exist to address perceived shortcomings in
+   the original. In the interest of compatibility, :class:`mbox` implements the
+   original format, which is sometimes referred to as :dfn:`mboxo`. This means that
+   the :mailheader:`Content-Length` header, if present, is ignored and that any
+   occurrences of "From " at the beginning of a line in a message body are
+   transformed to ">From " when storing the message, although occurrences of ">From
+   " are not transformed to "From " when reading the message.
-Some :class:`Mailbox` methods implemented by :class:`mbox` deserve special
+   Some :class:`Mailbox` methods implemented by :class:`mbox` deserve special
+   remarks:
-.. method:: mbox.get_file(key)
+   .. method:: get_file(key)
-   Using the file after calling :meth:`flush` or :meth:`close` on the :class:`mbox`
-   instance may yield unpredictable results or raise an exception.
+      Using the file after calling :meth:`flush` or :meth:`close` on the
+      :class:`mbox` instance may yield unpredictable results or raise an
+      exception.
-.. method:: mbox.lock()
-            mbox.unlock()
+   .. method:: lock()
+               unlock()
-   Three locking mechanisms are used---dot locking and, if available, the
-   :cfunc:`flock` and :cfunc:`lockf` system calls.
+      Three locking mechanisms are used---dot locking and, if available, the
+      :cfunc:`flock` and :cfunc:`lockf` system calls.
 .. seealso::
@@ -483,106 +492,109 @@
    representation. If *create* is ``True``, the mailbox is created if it does not
-MH is a directory-based mailbox format invented for the MH Message Handling
-System, a mail user agent. Each message in an MH mailbox resides in its own
-file. An MH mailbox may contain other MH mailboxes (called :dfn:`folders`) in
-addition to messages. Folders may be nested indefinitely. MH mailboxes also
-support :dfn:`sequences`, which are named lists used to logically group messages
-without moving them to sub-folders. Sequences are defined in a file called
-:file:`.mh_sequences` in each folder.
+   MH is a directory-based mailbox format invented for the MH Message Handling
+   System, a mail user agent. Each message in an MH mailbox resides in its own
+   file. An MH mailbox may contain other MH mailboxes (called :dfn:`folders`) in
+   addition to messages. Folders may be nested indefinitely. MH mailboxes also
+   support :dfn:`sequences`, which are named lists used to logically group
+   messages without moving them to sub-folders. Sequences are defined in a file
+   called :file:`.mh_sequences` in each folder.
-The :class:`MH` class manipulates MH mailboxes, but it does not attempt to
-emulate all of :program:`mh`'s behaviors. In particular, it does not modify and
-is not affected by the :file:`context` or :file:`.mh_profile` files that are
-used by :program:`mh` to store its state and configuration.
+   The :class:`MH` class manipulates MH mailboxes, but it does not attempt to
+   emulate all of :program:`mh`'s behaviors. In particular, it does not modify
+   and is not affected by the :file:`context` or :file:`.mh_profile` files that
+   are used by :program:`mh` to store its state and configuration.
-:class:`MH` instances have all of the methods of :class:`Mailbox` in addition to
-the following:
+   :class:`MH` instances have all of the methods of :class:`Mailbox` in addition
+   to the following:
-.. method:: MH.list_folders()
+   .. method:: list_folders()
-   Return a list of the names of all folders.
+      Return a list of the names of all folders.
-.. method:: MH.get_folder(folder)
+   .. method:: get_folder(folder)
-   Return an :class:`MH` instance representing the folder whose name is *folder*. A
-   :exc:`NoSuchMailboxError` exception is raised if the folder does not exist.
+      Return an :class:`MH` instance representing the folder whose name is
+      *folder*. A :exc:`NoSuchMailboxError` exception is raised if the folder
+      does not exist.
-.. method:: MH.add_folder(folder)
+   .. method:: add_folder(folder)
-   Create a folder whose name is *folder* and return an :class:`MH` instance
-   representing it.
+      Create a folder whose name is *folder* and return an :class:`MH` instance
+      representing it.
-.. method:: MH.remove_folder(folder)
+   .. method:: remove_folder(folder)
-   Delete the folder whose name is *folder*. If the folder contains any messages, a
-   :exc:`NotEmptyError` exception will be raised and the folder will not be
-   deleted.
+      Delete the folder whose name is *folder*. If the folder contains any
+      messages, a :exc:`NotEmptyError` exception will be raised and the folder
+      will not be deleted.
-.. method:: MH.get_sequences()
+   .. method:: get_sequences()
-   Return a dictionary of sequence names mapped to key lists. If there are no
-   sequences, the empty dictionary is returned.
+      Return a dictionary of sequence names mapped to key lists. If there are no
+      sequences, the empty dictionary is returned.
-.. method:: MH.set_sequences(sequences)
+   .. method:: set_sequences(sequences)
-   Re-define the sequences that exist in the mailbox based upon *sequences*, a
-   dictionary of names mapped to key lists, like returned by :meth:`get_sequences`.
+      Re-define the sequences that exist in the mailbox based upon *sequences*,
+      a dictionary of names mapped to key lists, like returned by
+      :meth:`get_sequences`.
-.. method:: MH.pack()
+   .. method:: pack()
-   Rename messages in the mailbox as necessary to eliminate gaps in numbering.
-   Entries in the sequences list are updated correspondingly.
+      Rename messages in the mailbox as necessary to eliminate gaps in
+      numbering.  Entries in the sequences list are updated correspondingly.
-   .. note::
+      .. note::
-      Already-issued keys are invalidated by this operation and should not be
-      subsequently used.
+         Already-issued keys are invalidated by this operation and should not be
+         subsequently used.
-Some :class:`Mailbox` methods implemented by :class:`MH` deserve special
+   Some :class:`Mailbox` methods implemented by :class:`MH` deserve special
+   remarks:
-.. method:: MH.remove(key)
-            MH.__delitem__(key)
-            MH.discard(key)
+   .. method:: remove(key)
+               __delitem__(key)
+               discard(key)
-   These methods immediately delete the message. The MH convention of marking a
-   message for deletion by prepending a comma to its name is not used.
+      These methods immediately delete the message. The MH convention of marking
+      a message for deletion by prepending a comma to its name is not used.
-.. method:: MH.lock()
-            MH.unlock()
+   .. method:: lock()
+               unlock()
-   Three locking mechanisms are used---dot locking and, if available, the
-   :cfunc:`flock` and :cfunc:`lockf` system calls. For MH mailboxes, locking the
-   mailbox means locking the :file:`.mh_sequences` file and, only for the duration
-   of any operations that affect them, locking individual message files.
+      Three locking mechanisms are used---dot locking and, if available, the
+      :cfunc:`flock` and :cfunc:`lockf` system calls. For MH mailboxes, locking
+      the mailbox means locking the :file:`.mh_sequences` file and, only for the
+      duration of any operations that affect them, locking individual message
+      files.
-.. method:: MH.get_file(key)
+   .. method:: get_file(key)
-   Depending upon the host platform, it may not be possible to remove the
-   underlying message while the returned file remains open.
+      Depending upon the host platform, it may not be possible to remove the
+      underlying message while the returned file remains open.
-.. method:: MH.flush()
+   .. method:: flush()
-   All changes to MH mailboxes are immediately applied, so this method does
-   nothing.
+      All changes to MH mailboxes are immediately applied, so this method does
+      nothing.
-.. method:: MH.close()
+   .. method:: close()
-   :class:`MH` instances do not keep any open files, so this method is equivalent
-   to :meth:`unlock`.
+      :class:`MH` instances do not keep any open files, so this method is
+      equivalent to :meth:`unlock`.
 .. seealso::
@@ -610,54 +622,56 @@
    representation. If *create* is ``True``, the mailbox is created if it does not
-Babyl is a single-file mailbox format used by the Rmail mail user agent included
-with Emacs. The beginning of a message is indicated by a line containing the two
-characters Control-Underscore (``'\037'``) and Control-L (``'\014'``). The end
-of a message is indicated by the start of the next message or, in the case of
-the last message, a line containing a Control-Underscore (``'\037'``)
-Messages in a Babyl mailbox have two sets of headers, original headers and
-so-called visible headers. Visible headers are typically a subset of the
-original headers that have been reformatted or abridged to be more
-attractive. Each message in a Babyl mailbox also has an accompanying list of
-:dfn:`labels`, or short strings that record extra information about the message,
-and a list of all user-defined labels found in the mailbox is kept in the Babyl
-options section.
+   Babyl is a single-file mailbox format used by the Rmail mail user agent
+   included with Emacs. The beginning of a message is indicated by a line
+   containing the two characters Control-Underscore (``'\037'``) and Control-L
+   (``'\014'``). The end of a message is indicated by the start of the next
+   message or, in the case of the last message, a line containing a
+   Control-Underscore (``'\037'``) character.
-:class:`Babyl` instances have all of the methods of :class:`Mailbox` in addition
-to the following:
+   Messages in a Babyl mailbox have two sets of headers, original headers and
+   so-called visible headers. Visible headers are typically a subset of the
+   original headers that have been reformatted or abridged to be more
+   attractive. Each message in a Babyl mailbox also has an accompanying list of
+   :dfn:`labels`, or short strings that record extra information about the
+   message, and a list of all user-defined labels found in the mailbox is kept
+   in the Babyl options section.
+   :class:`Babyl` instances have all of the methods of :class:`Mailbox` in
+   addition to the following:
-.. method:: Babyl.get_labels()
-   Return a list of the names of all user-defined labels used in the mailbox.
+   .. method:: get_labels()
-   .. note::
+      Return a list of the names of all user-defined labels used in the mailbox.
+      .. note::
-      The actual messages are inspected to determine which labels exist in the mailbox
-      rather than consulting the list of labels in the Babyl options section, but the
-      Babyl section is updated whenever the mailbox is modified.
+         The actual messages are inspected to determine which labels exist in
+         the mailbox rather than consulting the list of labels in the Babyl
+         options section, but the Babyl section is updated whenever the mailbox
+         is modified.
-Some :class:`Mailbox` methods implemented by :class:`Babyl` deserve special
+   Some :class:`Mailbox` methods implemented by :class:`Babyl` deserve special
+   remarks:
-.. method:: Babyl.get_file(key)
+   .. method:: get_file(key)
-   In Babyl mailboxes, the headers of a message are not stored contiguously with
-   the body of the message. To generate a file-like representation, the headers and
-   body are copied together into a :class:`StringIO` instance (from the
-   :mod:`StringIO` module), which has an API identical to that of a file. As a
-   result, the file-like object is truly independent of the underlying mailbox but
-   does not save memory compared to a string representation.
+      In Babyl mailboxes, the headers of a message are not stored contiguously
+      with the body of the message. To generate a file-like representation, the
+      headers and body are copied together into a :class:`StringIO` instance
+      (from the :mod:`StringIO` module), which has an API identical to that of a
+      file. As a result, the file-like object is truly independent of the
+      underlying mailbox but does not save memory compared to a string
+      representation.
-.. method:: Babyl.lock()
-            Babyl.unlock()
+   .. method:: lock()
+               unlock()
-   Three locking mechanisms are used---dot locking and, if available, the
-   :cfunc:`flock` and :cfunc:`lockf` system calls.
+      Three locking mechanisms are used---dot locking and, if available, the
+      :cfunc:`flock` and :cfunc:`lockf` system calls.
 .. seealso::
@@ -684,30 +698,31 @@
    representation. If *create* is ``True``, the mailbox is created if it does not
-MMDF is a single-file mailbox format invented for the Multichannel Memorandum
-Distribution Facility, a mail transfer agent. Each message is in the same form
-as an mbox message but is bracketed before and after by lines containing four
-Control-A (``'\001'``) characters. As with the mbox format, the beginning of
-each message is indicated by a line whose first five characters are "From ", but
-additional occurrences of "From " are not transformed to ">From " when storing
-messages because the extra message separator lines prevent mistaking such
-occurrences for the starts of subsequent messages.
+   MMDF is a single-file mailbox format invented for the Multichannel Memorandum
+   Distribution Facility, a mail transfer agent. Each message is in the same
+   form as an mbox message but is bracketed before and after by lines containing
+   four Control-A (``'\001'``) characters. As with the mbox format, the
+   beginning of each message is indicated by a line whose first five characters
+   are "From ", but additional occurrences of "From " are not transformed to
+   ">From " when storing messages because the extra message separator lines
+   prevent mistaking such occurrences for the starts of subsequent messages.
-Some :class:`Mailbox` methods implemented by :class:`MMDF` deserve special
+   Some :class:`Mailbox` methods implemented by :class:`MMDF` deserve special
+   remarks:
-.. method:: MMDF.get_file(key)
+   .. method:: get_file(key)
-   Using the file after calling :meth:`flush` or :meth:`close` on the :class:`MMDF`
-   instance may yield unpredictable results or raise an exception.
+      Using the file after calling :meth:`flush` or :meth:`close` on the
+      :class:`MMDF` instance may yield unpredictable results or raise an
+      exception.
-.. method:: MMDF.lock()
-            MMDF.unlock()
+   .. method:: lock()
+               unlock()
-   Three locking mechanisms are used---dot locking and, if available, the
-   :cfunc:`flock` and :cfunc:`lockf` system calls.
+      Three locking mechanisms are used---dot locking and, if available, the
+      :cfunc:`flock` and :cfunc:`lockf` system calls.
 .. seealso::
@@ -738,21 +753,21 @@
    or a file, it should contain an :rfc:`2822`\ -compliant message, which is read
    and parsed.
-The format-specific state and behaviors offered by subclasses vary, but in
-general it is only the properties that are not specific to a particular mailbox
-that are supported (although presumably the properties are specific to a
-particular mailbox format). For example, file offsets for single-file mailbox
-formats and file names for directory-based mailbox formats are not retained,
-because they are only applicable to the original mailbox. But state such as
-whether a message has been read by the user or marked as important is retained,
-because it applies to the message itself.
-There is no requirement that :class:`Message` instances be used to represent
-messages retrieved using :class:`Mailbox` instances. In some situations, the
-time and memory required to generate :class:`Message` representations might not
-not acceptable. For such situations, :class:`Mailbox` instances also offer
-string and file-like representations, and a custom message factory may be
-specified when a :class:`Mailbox` instance is initialized.
+   The format-specific state and behaviors offered by subclasses vary, but in
+   general it is only the properties that are not specific to a particular
+   mailbox that are supported (although presumably the properties are specific
+   to a particular mailbox format). For example, file offsets for single-file
+   mailbox formats and file names for directory-based mailbox formats are not
+   retained, because they are only applicable to the original mailbox. But state
+   such as whether a message has been read by the user or marked as important is
+   retained, because it applies to the message itself.
+   There is no requirement that :class:`Message` instances be used to represent
+   messages retrieved using :class:`Mailbox` instances. In some situations, the
+   time and memory required to generate :class:`Message` representations might
+   not not acceptable. For such situations, :class:`Mailbox` instances also
+   offer string and file-like representations, and a custom message factory may
+   be specified when a :class:`Mailbox` instance is initialized.
 .. _mailbox-maildirmessage:
@@ -766,106 +781,109 @@
    A message with Maildir-specific behaviors. Parameter *message* has the same
    meaning as with the :class:`Message` constructor.
-Typically, a mail user agent application moves all of the messages in the
-:file:`new` subdirectory to the :file:`cur` subdirectory after the first time
-the user opens and closes the mailbox, recording that the messages are old
-whether or not they've actually been read. Each message in :file:`cur` has an
-"info" section added to its file name to store information about its state.
-(Some mail readers may also add an "info" section to messages in :file:`new`.)
-The "info" section may take one of two forms: it may contain "2," followed by a
-list of standardized flags (e.g., "2,FR") or it may contain "1," followed by
-so-called experimental information. Standard flags for Maildir messages are as
-| Flag | Meaning | Explanation                    |
-| D    | Draft   | Under composition              |
-| F    | Flagged | Marked as important            |
-| P    | Passed  | Forwarded, resent, or bounced  |
-| R    | Replied | Replied to                     |
-| S    | Seen    | Read                           |
-| T    | Trashed | Marked for subsequent deletion |
-:class:`MaildirMessage` instances offer the following methods:
-.. method:: MaildirMessage.get_subdir()
-   Return either "new" (if the message should be stored in the :file:`new`
-   subdirectory) or "cur" (if the message should be stored in the :file:`cur`
-   subdirectory).
+   Typically, a mail user agent application moves all of the messages in the
+   :file:`new` subdirectory to the :file:`cur` subdirectory after the first time
+   the user opens and closes the mailbox, recording that the messages are old
+   whether or not they've actually been read. Each message in :file:`cur` has an
+   "info" section added to its file name to store information about its state.
+   (Some mail readers may also add an "info" section to messages in
+   :file:`new`.)  The "info" section may take one of two forms: it may contain
+   "2," followed by a list of standardized flags (e.g., "2,FR") or it may
+   contain "1," followed by so-called experimental information. Standard flags
+   for Maildir messages are as follows:
-   .. note::
+   +------+---------+--------------------------------+
+   | Flag | Meaning | Explanation                    |
+   +======+=========+================================+
+   | D    | Draft   | Under composition              |
+   +------+---------+--------------------------------+
+   | F    | Flagged | Marked as important            |
+   +------+---------+--------------------------------+
+   | P    | Passed  | Forwarded, resent, or bounced  |
+   +------+---------+--------------------------------+
+   | R    | Replied | Replied to                     |
+   +------+---------+--------------------------------+
+   | S    | Seen    | Read                           |
+   +------+---------+--------------------------------+
+   | T    | Trashed | Marked for subsequent deletion |
+   +------+---------+--------------------------------+
+   :class:`MaildirMessage` instances offer the following methods:
+   .. method:: get_subdir()
+      Return either "new" (if the message should be stored in the :file:`new`
+      subdirectory) or "cur" (if the message should be stored in the :file:`cur`
+      subdirectory).
+      .. note::
-      A message is typically moved from :file:`new` to :file:`cur` after its mailbox
-      has been accessed, whether or not the message is has been read. A message
-      ``msg`` has been read if ``"S" in msg.get_flags()`` is ``True``.
+         A message is typically moved from :file:`new` to :file:`cur` after its
+         mailbox has been accessed, whether or not the message is has been
+         read. A message ``msg`` has been read if ``"S" in msg.get_flags()`` is
+         ``True``.
-.. method:: MaildirMessage.set_subdir(subdir)
+   .. method:: set_subdir(subdir)
-   Set the subdirectory the message should be stored in. Parameter *subdir* must be
-   either "new" or "cur".
+      Set the subdirectory the message should be stored in. Parameter *subdir*
+      must be either "new" or "cur".
-.. method:: MaildirMessage.get_flags()
+   .. method:: get_flags()
-   Return a string specifying the flags that are currently set. If the message
-   complies with the standard Maildir format, the result is the concatenation in
-   alphabetical order of zero or one occurrence of each of ``'D'``, ``'F'``,
-   ``'P'``, ``'R'``, ``'S'``, and ``'T'``. The empty string is returned if no flags
-   are set or if "info" contains experimental semantics.
+      Return a string specifying the flags that are currently set. If the
+      message complies with the standard Maildir format, the result is the
+      concatenation in alphabetical order of zero or one occurrence of each of
+      ``'D'``, ``'F'``, ``'P'``, ``'R'``, ``'S'``, and ``'T'``. The empty string
+      is returned if no flags are set or if "info" contains experimental
+      semantics.
-.. method:: MaildirMessage.set_flags(flags)
+   .. method:: set_flags(flags)
-   Set the flags specified by *flags* and unset all others.
+      Set the flags specified by *flags* and unset all others.
-.. method:: MaildirMessage.add_flag(flag)
+   .. method:: add_flag(flag)
-   Set the flag(s) specified by *flag* without changing other flags. To add more
-   than one flag at a time, *flag* may be a string of more than one character. The
-   current "info" is overwritten whether or not it contains experimental
-   information rather than flags.
+      Set the flag(s) specified by *flag* without changing other flags. To add
+      more than one flag at a time, *flag* may be a string of more than one
+      character. The current "info" is overwritten whether or not it contains
+      experimental information rather than flags.
-.. method:: MaildirMessage.remove_flag(flag)
+   .. method:: remove_flag(flag)
-   Unset the flag(s) specified by *flag* without changing other flags. To remove
-   more than one flag at a time, *flag* maybe a string of more than one character.
-   If "info" contains experimental information rather than flags, the current
-   "info" is not modified.
+      Unset the flag(s) specified by *flag* without changing other flags. To
+      remove more than one flag at a time, *flag* maybe a string of more than
+      one character.  If "info" contains experimental information rather than
+      flags, the current "info" is not modified.
-.. method:: MaildirMessage.get_date()
+   .. method:: get_date()
-   Return the delivery date of the message as a floating-point number representing
-   seconds since the epoch.
+      Return the delivery date of the message as a floating-point number
+      representing seconds since the epoch.
-.. method:: MaildirMessage.set_date(date)
+   .. method:: set_date(date)
-   Set the delivery date of the message to *date*, a floating-point number
-   representing seconds since the epoch.
+      Set the delivery date of the message to *date*, a floating-point number
+      representing seconds since the epoch.
-.. method:: MaildirMessage.get_info()
+   .. method:: get_info()
-   Return a string containing the "info" for a message. This is useful for
-   accessing and modifying "info" that is experimental (i.e., not a list of flags).
+      Return a string containing the "info" for a message. This is useful for
+      accessing and modifying "info" that is experimental (i.e., not a list of
+      flags).
-.. method:: MaildirMessage.set_info(info)
+   .. method:: set_info(info)
-   Set "info" to *info*, which should be a string.
+      Set "info" to *info*, which should be a string.
 When a :class:`MaildirMessage` instance is created based upon an
 :class:`mboxMessage` or :class:`MMDFMessage` instance, the :mailheader:`Status`
@@ -931,78 +949,81 @@
    A message with mbox-specific behaviors. Parameter *message* has the same meaning
    as with the :class:`Message` constructor.
-Messages in an mbox mailbox are stored together in a single file. The sender's
-envelope address and the time of delivery are typically stored in a line
-beginning with "From " that is used to indicate the start of a message, though
-there is considerable variation in the exact format of this data among mbox
-implementations. Flags that indicate the state of the message, such as whether
-it has been read or marked as important, are typically stored in
-:mailheader:`Status` and :mailheader:`X-Status` headers.
+   Messages in an mbox mailbox are stored together in a single file. The
+   sender's envelope address and the time of delivery are typically stored in a
+   line beginning with "From " that is used to indicate the start of a message,
+   though there is considerable variation in the exact format of this data among
+   mbox implementations. Flags that indicate the state of the message, such as
+   whether it has been read or marked as important, are typically stored in
+   :mailheader:`Status` and :mailheader:`X-Status` headers.
-Conventional flags for mbox messages are as follows:
+   Conventional flags for mbox messages are as follows:
-| Flag | Meaning  | Explanation                    |
-| R    | Read     | Read                           |
-| O    | Old      | Previously detected by MUA     |
-| D    | Deleted  | Marked for subsequent deletion |
-| F    | Flagged  | Marked as important            |
-| A    | Answered | Replied to                     |
+   +------+----------+--------------------------------+
+   | Flag | Meaning  | Explanation                    |
+   +======+==========+================================+
+   | R    | Read     | Read                           |
+   +------+----------+--------------------------------+
+   | O    | Old      | Previously detected by MUA     |
+   +------+----------+--------------------------------+
+   | D    | Deleted  | Marked for subsequent deletion |
+   +------+----------+--------------------------------+
+   | F    | Flagged  | Marked as important            |
+   +------+----------+--------------------------------+
+   | A    | Answered | Replied to                     |
+   +------+----------+--------------------------------+
-The "R" and "O" flags are stored in the :mailheader:`Status` header, and the
-"D", "F", and "A" flags are stored in the :mailheader:`X-Status` header. The
-flags and headers typically appear in the order mentioned.
+   The "R" and "O" flags are stored in the :mailheader:`Status` header, and the
+   "D", "F", and "A" flags are stored in the :mailheader:`X-Status` header. The
+   flags and headers typically appear in the order mentioned.
-:class:`mboxMessage` instances offer the following methods:
+   :class:`mboxMessage` instances offer the following methods:
-.. method:: mboxMessage.get_from()
+   .. method:: get_from()
-   Return a string representing the "From " line that marks the start of the
-   message in an mbox mailbox. The leading "From " and the trailing newline are
-   excluded.
+      Return a string representing the "From " line that marks the start of the
+      message in an mbox mailbox. The leading "From " and the trailing newline
+      are excluded.
-.. method:: mboxMessage.set_from(from_[, time_=None])
+   .. method:: set_from(from_[, time_=None])
-   Set the "From " line to *from_*, which should be specified without a leading
-   "From " or trailing newline. For convenience, *time_* may be specified and will
-   be formatted appropriately and appended to *from_*. If *time_* is specified, it
-   should be a :class:`struct_time` instance, a tuple suitable for passing to
-   :meth:`time.strftime`, or ``True`` (to use :meth:`time.gmtime`).
+      Set the "From " line to *from_*, which should be specified without a
+      leading "From " or trailing newline. For convenience, *time_* may be
+      specified and will be formatted appropriately and appended to *from_*. If
+      *time_* is specified, it should be a :class:`struct_time` instance, a
+      tuple suitable for passing to :meth:`time.strftime`, or ``True`` (to use
+      :meth:`time.gmtime`).
-.. method:: mboxMessage.get_flags()
+   .. method:: get_flags()
-   Return a string specifying the flags that are currently set. If the message
-   complies with the conventional format, the result is the concatenation in the
-   following order of zero or one occurrence of each of ``'R'``, ``'O'``, ``'D'``,
-   ``'F'``, and ``'A'``.
+      Return a string specifying the flags that are currently set. If the
+      message complies with the conventional format, the result is the
+      concatenation in the following order of zero or one occurrence of each of
+      ``'R'``, ``'O'``, ``'D'``, ``'F'``, and ``'A'``.
-.. method:: mboxMessage.set_flags(flags)
+   .. method:: set_flags(flags)
-   Set the flags specified by *flags* and unset all others. Parameter *flags*
-   should be the concatenation in any order of zero or more occurrences of each of
-   ``'R'``, ``'O'``, ``'D'``, ``'F'``, and ``'A'``.
+      Set the flags specified by *flags* and unset all others. Parameter *flags*
+      should be the concatenation in any order of zero or more occurrences of
+      each of ``'R'``, ``'O'``, ``'D'``, ``'F'``, and ``'A'``.
-.. method:: mboxMessage.add_flag(flag)
+   .. method:: add_flag(flag)
-   Set the flag(s) specified by *flag* without changing other flags. To add more
-   than one flag at a time, *flag* may be a string of more than one character.
+      Set the flag(s) specified by *flag* without changing other flags. To add
+      more than one flag at a time, *flag* may be a string of more than one
+      character.
-.. method:: mboxMessage.remove_flag(flag)
+   .. method:: remove_flag(flag)
-   Unset the flag(s) specified by *flag* without changing other flags. To remove
-   more than one flag at a time, *flag* maybe a string of more than one character.
+      Unset the flag(s) specified by *flag* without changing other flags. To
+      remove more than one flag at a time, *flag* maybe a string of more than
+      one character.
 When an :class:`mboxMessage` instance is created based upon a
 :class:`MaildirMessage` instance, a "From " line is generated based upon the
@@ -1082,43 +1103,43 @@
    A message with MH-specific behaviors. Parameter *message* has the same meaning
    as with the :class:`Message` constructor.
-MH messages do not support marks or flags in the traditional sense, but they do
-support sequences, which are logical groupings of arbitrary messages. Some mail
-reading programs (although not the standard :program:`mh` and :program:`nmh`)
-use sequences in much the same way flags are used with other formats, as
+   MH messages do not support marks or flags in the traditional sense, but they
+   do support sequences, which are logical groupings of arbitrary messages. Some
+   mail reading programs (although not the standard :program:`mh` and
+   :program:`nmh`) use sequences in much the same way flags are used with other
+   formats, as follows:
-| Sequence | Explanation                              |
-| unseen   | Not read, but previously detected by MUA |
-| replied  | Replied to                               |
-| flagged  | Marked as important                      |
+   +----------+------------------------------------------+
+   | Sequence | Explanation                              |
+   +==========+==========================================+
+   | unseen   | Not read, but previously detected by MUA |
+   +----------+------------------------------------------+
+   | replied  | Replied to                               |
+   +----------+------------------------------------------+
+   | flagged  | Marked as important                      |
+   +----------+------------------------------------------+
-:class:`MHMessage` instances offer the following methods:
+   :class:`MHMessage` instances offer the following methods:
-.. method:: MHMessage.get_sequences()
+   .. method:: get_sequences()
-   Return a list of the names of sequences that include this message.
+      Return a list of the names of sequences that include this message.
-.. method:: MHMessage.set_sequences(sequences)
+   .. method:: set_sequences(sequences)
-   Set the list of sequences that include this message.
+      Set the list of sequences that include this message.
-.. method:: MHMessage.add_sequence(sequence)
+   .. method:: add_sequence(sequence)
-   Add *sequence* to the list of sequences that include this message.
+      Add *sequence* to the list of sequences that include this message.
-.. method:: MHMessage.remove_sequence(sequence)
+   .. method:: remove_sequence(sequence)
-   Remove *sequence* from the list of sequences that include this message.
+      Remove *sequence* from the list of sequences that include this message.
 When an :class:`MHMessage` instance is created based upon a
 :class:`MaildirMessage` instance, the following conversions take place:
@@ -1172,79 +1193,79 @@
    A message with Babyl-specific behaviors. Parameter *message* has the same
    meaning as with the :class:`Message` constructor.
-Certain message labels, called :dfn:`attributes`, are defined by convention to
-have special meanings. The attributes are as follows:
+   Certain message labels, called :dfn:`attributes`, are defined by convention
+   to have special meanings. The attributes are as follows:
-| Label     | Explanation                              |
-| unseen    | Not read, but previously detected by MUA |
-| deleted   | Marked for subsequent deletion           |
-| filed     | Copied to another file or mailbox        |
-| answered  | Replied to                               |
-| forwarded | Forwarded                                |
-| edited    | Modified by the user                     |
-| resent    | Resent                                   |
+   +-----------+------------------------------------------+
+   | Label     | Explanation                              |
+   +===========+==========================================+
+   | unseen    | Not read, but previously detected by MUA |
+   +-----------+------------------------------------------+
+   | deleted   | Marked for subsequent deletion           |
+   +-----------+------------------------------------------+
+   | filed     | Copied to another file or mailbox        |
+   +-----------+------------------------------------------+
+   | answered  | Replied to                               |
+   +-----------+------------------------------------------+
+   | forwarded | Forwarded                                |
+   +-----------+------------------------------------------+
+   | edited    | Modified by the user                     |
+   +-----------+------------------------------------------+
+   | resent    | Resent                                   |
+   +-----------+------------------------------------------+
-By default, Rmail displays only visible headers. The :class:`BabylMessage`
-class, though, uses the original headers because they are more complete. Visible
-headers may be accessed explicitly if desired.
+   By default, Rmail displays only visible headers. The :class:`BabylMessage`
+   class, though, uses the original headers because they are more
+   complete. Visible headers may be accessed explicitly if desired.
-:class:`BabylMessage` instances offer the following methods:
+   :class:`BabylMessage` instances offer the following methods:
-.. method:: BabylMessage.get_labels()
+   .. method:: get_labels()
-   Return a list of labels on the message.
+      Return a list of labels on the message.
-.. method:: BabylMessage.set_labels(labels)
+   .. method:: set_labels(labels)
-   Set the list of labels on the message to *labels*.
+      Set the list of labels on the message to *labels*.
-.. method:: BabylMessage.add_label(label)
+   .. method:: add_label(label)
-   Add *label* to the list of labels on the message.
+      Add *label* to the list of labels on the message.
-.. method:: BabylMessage.remove_label(label)
+   .. method:: remove_label(label)
-   Remove *label* from the list of labels on the message.
+      Remove *label* from the list of labels on the message.
-.. method:: BabylMessage.get_visible()
+   .. method:: get_visible()
-   Return an :class:`Message` instance whose headers are the message's visible
-   headers and whose body is empty.
+      Return an :class:`Message` instance whose headers are the message's
+      visible headers and whose body is empty.
-.. method:: BabylMessage.set_visible(visible)
+   .. method:: set_visible(visible)
-   Set the message's visible headers to be the same as the headers in *message*.
-   Parameter *visible* should be a :class:`Message` instance, an
-   :class:`email.Message.Message` instance, a string, or a file-like object (which
-   should be open in text mode).
+      Set the message's visible headers to be the same as the headers in
+      *message*.  Parameter *visible* should be a :class:`Message` instance, an
+      :class:`email.Message.Message` instance, a string, or a file-like object
+      (which should be open in text mode).
-.. method:: BabylMessage.update_visible()
+   .. method:: update_visible()
-   When a :class:`BabylMessage` instance's original headers are modified, the
-   visible headers are not automatically modified to correspond. This method
-   updates the visible headers as follows: each visible header with a corresponding
-   original header is set to the value of the original header, each visible header
-   without a corresponding original header is removed, and any of
-   :mailheader:`Date`, :mailheader:`From`, :mailheader:`Reply-To`,
-   :mailheader:`To`, :mailheader:`CC`, and :mailheader:`Subject` that are present
-   in the original headers but not the visible headers are added to the visible
-   headers.
+      When a :class:`BabylMessage` instance's original headers are modified, the
+      visible headers are not automatically modified to correspond. This method
+      updates the visible headers as follows: each visible header with a
+      corresponding original header is set to the value of the original header,
+      each visible header without a corresponding original header is removed,
+      and any of :mailheader:`Date`, :mailheader:`From`, :mailheader:`Reply-To`,
+      :mailheader:`To`, :mailheader:`CC`, and :mailheader:`Subject` that are
+      present in the original headers but not the visible headers are added to
+      the visible headers.
 When a :class:`BabylMessage` instance is created based upon a
 :class:`MaildirMessage` instance, the following conversions take place:
@@ -1300,77 +1321,80 @@
    A message with MMDF-specific behaviors. Parameter *message* has the same meaning
    as with the :class:`Message` constructor.
-As with message in an mbox mailbox, MMDF messages are stored with the sender's
-address and the delivery date in an initial line beginning with "From ".
-Likewise, flags that indicate the state of the message are typically stored in
-:mailheader:`Status` and :mailheader:`X-Status` headers.
+   As with message in an mbox mailbox, MMDF messages are stored with the
+   sender's address and the delivery date in an initial line beginning with
+   "From ".  Likewise, flags that indicate the state of the message are
+   typically stored in :mailheader:`Status` and :mailheader:`X-Status` headers.
-Conventional flags for MMDF messages are identical to those of mbox message and
-are as follows:
+   Conventional flags for MMDF messages are identical to those of mbox message
+   and are as follows:
-| Flag | Meaning  | Explanation                    |
-| R    | Read     | Read                           |
-| O    | Old      | Previously detected by MUA     |
-| D    | Deleted  | Marked for subsequent deletion |
-| F    | Flagged  | Marked as important            |
-| A    | Answered | Replied to                     |
+   +------+----------+--------------------------------+
+   | Flag | Meaning  | Explanation                    |
+   +======+==========+================================+
+   | R    | Read     | Read                           |
+   +------+----------+--------------------------------+
+   | O    | Old      | Previously detected by MUA     |
+   +------+----------+--------------------------------+
+   | D    | Deleted  | Marked for subsequent deletion |
+   +------+----------+--------------------------------+
+   | F    | Flagged  | Marked as important            |
+   +------+----------+--------------------------------+
+   | A    | Answered | Replied to                     |
+   +------+----------+--------------------------------+
-The "R" and "O" flags are stored in the :mailheader:`Status` header, and the
-"D", "F", and "A" flags are stored in the :mailheader:`X-Status` header. The
-flags and headers typically appear in the order mentioned.
+   The "R" and "O" flags are stored in the :mailheader:`Status` header, and the
+   "D", "F", and "A" flags are stored in the :mailheader:`X-Status` header. The
+   flags and headers typically appear in the order mentioned.
-:class:`MMDFMessage` instances offer the following methods, which are identical
-to those offered by :class:`mboxMessage`:
+   :class:`MMDFMessage` instances offer the following methods, which are
+   identical to those offered by :class:`mboxMessage`:
-.. method:: MMDFMessage.get_from()
+   .. method:: get_from()
-   Return a string representing the "From " line that marks the start of the
-   message in an mbox mailbox. The leading "From " and the trailing newline are
-   excluded.
+      Return a string representing the "From " line that marks the start of the
+      message in an mbox mailbox. The leading "From " and the trailing newline
+      are excluded.
-.. method:: MMDFMessage.set_from(from_[, time_=None])
+   .. method:: set_from(from_[, time_=None])
-   Set the "From " line to *from_*, which should be specified without a leading
-   "From " or trailing newline. For convenience, *time_* may be specified and will
-   be formatted appropriately and appended to *from_*. If *time_* is specified, it
-   should be a :class:`struct_time` instance, a tuple suitable for passing to
-   :meth:`time.strftime`, or ``True`` (to use :meth:`time.gmtime`).
+      Set the "From " line to *from_*, which should be specified without a
+      leading "From " or trailing newline. For convenience, *time_* may be
+      specified and will be formatted appropriately and appended to *from_*. If
+      *time_* is specified, it should be a :class:`struct_time` instance, a
+      tuple suitable for passing to :meth:`time.strftime`, or ``True`` (to use
+      :meth:`time.gmtime`).
-.. method:: MMDFMessage.get_flags()
+   .. method:: get_flags()
-   Return a string specifying the flags that are currently set. If the message
-   complies with the conventional format, the result is the concatenation in the
-   following order of zero or one occurrence of each of ``'R'``, ``'O'``, ``'D'``,
-   ``'F'``, and ``'A'``.
+      Return a string specifying the flags that are currently set. If the
+      message complies with the conventional format, the result is the
+      concatenation in the following order of zero or one occurrence of each of
+      ``'R'``, ``'O'``, ``'D'``, ``'F'``, and ``'A'``.
-.. method:: MMDFMessage.set_flags(flags)
+   .. method:: set_flags(flags)
-   Set the flags specified by *flags* and unset all others. Parameter *flags*
-   should be the concatenation in any order of zero or more occurrences of each of
-   ``'R'``, ``'O'``, ``'D'``, ``'F'``, and ``'A'``.
+      Set the flags specified by *flags* and unset all others. Parameter *flags*
+      should be the concatenation in any order of zero or more occurrences of
+      each of ``'R'``, ``'O'``, ``'D'``, ``'F'``, and ``'A'``.
-.. method:: MMDFMessage.add_flag(flag)
+   .. method:: add_flag(flag)
-   Set the flag(s) specified by *flag* without changing other flags. To add more
-   than one flag at a time, *flag* may be a string of more than one character.
+      Set the flag(s) specified by *flag* without changing other flags. To add
+      more than one flag at a time, *flag* may be a string of more than one
+      character.
-.. method:: MMDFMessage.remove_flag(flag)
+   .. method:: remove_flag(flag)
-   Unset the flag(s) specified by *flag* without changing other flags. To remove
-   more than one flag at a time, *flag* maybe a string of more than one character.
+      Unset the flag(s) specified by *flag* without changing other flags. To
+      remove more than one flag at a time, *flag* maybe a string of more than
+      one character.
 When an :class:`MMDFMessage` instance is created based upon a
 :class:`MaildirMessage` instance, a "From " line is generated based upon the
@@ -1446,25 +1470,25 @@
 The following exception classes are defined in the :mod:`mailbox` module:
-.. class:: Error()
+.. exception:: Error()
    The based class for all other module-specific exceptions.
-.. class:: NoSuchMailboxError()
+.. exception:: NoSuchMailboxError()
    Raised when a mailbox is expected but is not found, such as when instantiating a
    :class:`Mailbox` subclass with a path that does not exist (and with the *create*
    parameter set to ``False``), or when opening a folder that does not exist.
-.. class:: NotEmptyErrorError()
+.. exception:: NotEmptyErrorError()
    Raised when a mailbox is not empty but is expected to be, such as when deleting
    a folder that contains messages.
-.. class:: ExternalClashError()
+.. exception:: ExternalClashError()
    Raised when some mailbox-related condition beyond the control of the program
    causes it to be unable to proceed, such as when failing to acquire a lock that
@@ -1472,7 +1496,7 @@
    already exists.
-.. class:: FormatError()
+.. exception:: FormatError()
    Raised when the data in a file cannot be parsed, such as when an :class:`MH`
    instance attempts to read a corrupted :file:`.mh_sequences` file.

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/mmap.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/mmap.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/mmap.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -137,111 +137,111 @@
-Memory-mapped file objects support the following methods:
+   Memory-mapped file objects support the following methods:
-.. method:: mmap.close()
+   .. method:: close()
-   Close the file.  Subsequent calls to other methods of the object will
-   result in an exception being raised.
+      Close the file.  Subsequent calls to other methods of the object will
+      result in an exception being raised.
-.. method:: mmap.find(string[, start[, end]])
+   .. method:: find(string[, start[, end]])
-   Returns the lowest index in the object where the substring *string* is
-   found, such that *string* is contained in the range [*start*, *end*].
-   Optional arguments *start* and *end* are interpreted as in slice notation.
-   Returns ``-1`` on failure.
+      Returns the lowest index in the object where the substring *string* is
+      found, such that *string* is contained in the range [*start*, *end*].
+      Optional arguments *start* and *end* are interpreted as in slice notation.
+      Returns ``-1`` on failure.
-.. method:: mmap.flush([offset, size])
+   .. method:: flush([offset, size])
-   Flushes changes made to the in-memory copy of a file back to disk. Without
-   use of this call there is no guarantee that changes are written back before
-   the object is destroyed.  If *offset* and *size* are specified, only
-   changes to the given range of bytes will be flushed to disk; otherwise, the
-   whole extent of the mapping is flushed.
+      Flushes changes made to the in-memory copy of a file back to disk. Without
+      use of this call there is no guarantee that changes are written back before
+      the object is destroyed.  If *offset* and *size* are specified, only
+      changes to the given range of bytes will be flushed to disk; otherwise, the
+      whole extent of the mapping is flushed.
-   **(Windows version)** A nonzero value returned indicates success; zero
-   indicates failure.
+      **(Windows version)** A nonzero value returned indicates success; zero
+      indicates failure.
-   **(Unix version)** A zero value is returned to indicate success. An
-   exception is raised when the call failed.
+      **(Unix version)** A zero value is returned to indicate success. An
+      exception is raised when the call failed.
-.. method:: mmap.move(dest, src, count)
+   .. method:: move(dest, src, count)
-   Copy the *count* bytes starting at offset *src* to the destination index
-   *dest*.  If the mmap was created with :const:`ACCESS_READ`, then calls to
-   move will throw a :exc:`TypeError` exception.
+      Copy the *count* bytes starting at offset *src* to the destination index
+      *dest*.  If the mmap was created with :const:`ACCESS_READ`, then calls to
+      move will throw a :exc:`TypeError` exception.
-.. method:: mmap.read(num)
+   .. method:: read(num)
-   Return a string containing up to *num* bytes starting from the current file
-   position; the file position is updated to point after the bytes that were
-   returned.
+      Return a string containing up to *num* bytes starting from the current
+      file position; the file position is updated to point after the bytes that
+      were returned.
-.. method:: mmap.read_byte()
+   .. method:: read_byte()
-   Returns a string of length 1 containing the character at the current file
-   position, and advances the file position by 1.
+      Returns a string of length 1 containing the character at the current file
+      position, and advances the file position by 1.
-.. method:: mmap.readline()
+   .. method:: readline()
-   Returns a single line, starting at the current file position and up to the
-   next newline.
+      Returns a single line, starting at the current file position and up to the
+      next newline.
-.. method:: mmap.resize(newsize)
+   .. method:: resize(newsize)
-   Resizes the map and the underlying file, if any. If the mmap was created
-   with :const:`ACCESS_READ` or :const:`ACCESS_COPY`, resizing the map will
-   throw a :exc:`TypeError` exception.
+      Resizes the map and the underlying file, if any. If the mmap was created
+      with :const:`ACCESS_READ` or :const:`ACCESS_COPY`, resizing the map will
+      throw a :exc:`TypeError` exception.
-.. method:: mmap.rfind(string[, start[, end]])
+   .. method:: rfind(string[, start[, end]])
-   Returns the highest index in the object where the substring *string* is
-   found, such that *string* is contained in the range [*start*, *end*].
-   Optional arguments *start* and *end* are interpreted as in slice notation.
-   Returns ``-1`` on failure.
+      Returns the highest index in the object where the substring *string* is
+      found, such that *string* is contained in the range [*start*, *end*].
+      Optional arguments *start* and *end* are interpreted as in slice notation.
+      Returns ``-1`` on failure.
-.. method:: mmap.seek(pos[, whence])
+   .. method:: seek(pos[, whence])
-   Set the file's current position.  *whence* argument is optional and
-   defaults to ``os.SEEK_SET`` or ``0`` (absolute file positioning); other
-   values are ``os.SEEK_CUR`` or ``1`` (seek relative to the current position)
-   and ``os.SEEK_END`` or ``2`` (seek relative to the file's end).
+      Set the file's current position.  *whence* argument is optional and
+      defaults to ``os.SEEK_SET`` or ``0`` (absolute file positioning); other
+      values are ``os.SEEK_CUR`` or ``1`` (seek relative to the current
+      position) and ``os.SEEK_END`` or ``2`` (seek relative to the file's end).
-.. method:: mmap.size()
+   .. method:: size()
-   Return the length of the file, which can be larger than the size of the
-   memory-mapped area.
+      Return the length of the file, which can be larger than the size of the
+      memory-mapped area.
-.. method:: mmap.tell()
+   .. method:: tell()
-   Returns the current position of the file pointer.
+      Returns the current position of the file pointer.
-.. method:: mmap.write(string)
+   .. method:: write(string)
-   Write the bytes in *string* into memory at the current position of the file
-   pointer; the file position is updated to point after the bytes that were
-   written. If the mmap was created with :const:`ACCESS_READ`, then writing to
-   it will throw a :exc:`TypeError` exception.
+      Write the bytes in *string* into memory at the current position of the
+      file pointer; the file position is updated to point after the bytes that
+      were written. If the mmap was created with :const:`ACCESS_READ`, then
+      writing to it will throw a :exc:`TypeError` exception.
-.. method:: mmap.write_byte(byte)
+   .. method:: write_byte(byte)
-   Write the single-character string *byte* into memory at the current
-   position of the file pointer; the file position is advanced by ``1``. If
-   the mmap was created with :const:`ACCESS_READ`, then writing to it will
-   throw a :exc:`TypeError` exception.
+      Write the single-character string *byte* into memory at the current
+      position of the file pointer; the file position is advanced by ``1``. If
+      the mmap was created with :const:`ACCESS_READ`, then writing to it will
+      throw a :exc:`TypeError` exception.

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/modulefinder.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/modulefinder.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/modulefinder.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -40,19 +40,21 @@
    be replaced in module paths.
-.. method:: ModuleFinder.report()
+   .. method:: report()
-   Print a report to standard output that lists the modules imported by the script
-   and their paths, as well as modules that are missing or seem to be missing.
+      Print a report to standard output that lists the modules imported by the
+      script and their paths, as well as modules that are missing or seem to be
+      missing.
+   .. method:: run_script(pathname)
-.. method:: ModuleFinder.run_script(pathname)
+      Analyze the contents of the *pathname* file, which must contain Python
+      code.
-   Analyze the contents of the *pathname* file, which must contain  Python code.
+   .. attribute:: modules
-.. attribute:: ModuleFinder.modules
-   A dictionary mapping module names to modules. See :ref:`modulefinder-example`
+      A dictionary mapping module names to modules. See
+      :ref:`modulefinder-example`
 .. _modulefinder-example:

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/msilib.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/msilib.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/msilib.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -320,19 +320,20 @@
    *name* is the name of the CAB file in the MSI file.
-.. method:: CAB.append(full, file, logical)
+   .. method:: append(full, file, logical)
-   Add the file with the pathname *full* to the CAB file, under the name *logical*.
-   If there is already a file named *logical*, a new file name is created.
+      Add the file with the pathname *full* to the CAB file, under the name
+      *logical*.  If there is already a file named *logical*, a new file name is
+      created.
-   Return the index of the file in the CAB file, and the new name of the file
-   inside the CAB file.
+      Return the index of the file in the CAB file, and the new name of the file
+      inside the CAB file.
-.. method:: CAB.commit(database)
+   .. method:: commit(database)
-   Generate a CAB file, add it as a stream to the MSI file, put it into the
-   ``Media`` table, and remove the generated file from the disk.
+      Generate a CAB file, add it as a stream to the MSI file, put it into the
+      ``Media`` table, and remove the generated file from the disk.
 .. _msi-directory:
@@ -353,33 +354,33 @@
    the default flags that new components get.
-.. method:: Directory.start_component([component[, feature[, flags[, keyfile[, uuid]]]]])
+   .. method:: start_component([component[, feature[, flags[, keyfile[, uuid]]]]])
-   Add an entry to the Component table, and make this component the current
-   component for this directory. If no component name is given, the directory name
-   is used. If no *feature* is given, the current feature is used. If no *flags*
-   are given, the directory's default flags are used. If no *keyfile* is given, the
-   KeyPath is left null in the Component table.
+      Add an entry to the Component table, and make this component the current
+      component for this directory. If no component name is given, the directory
+      name is used. If no *feature* is given, the current feature is used. If no
+      *flags* are given, the directory's default flags are used. If no *keyfile*
+      is given, the KeyPath is left null in the Component table.
-.. method:: Directory.add_file(file[, src[, version[, language]]])
+   .. method:: add_file(file[, src[, version[, language]]])
-   Add a file to the current component of the directory, starting a new one if
-   there is no current component. By default, the file name in the source and the
-   file table will be identical. If the *src* file is specified, it is interpreted
-   relative to the current directory. Optionally, a *version* and a *language* can
-   be specified for the entry in the File table.
+      Add a file to the current component of the directory, starting a new one
+      if there is no current component. By default, the file name in the source
+      and the file table will be identical. If the *src* file is specified, it
+      is interpreted relative to the current directory. Optionally, a *version*
+      and a *language* can be specified for the entry in the File table.
-.. method:: Directory.glob(pattern[, exclude])
+   .. method:: glob(pattern[, exclude])
-   Add a list of files to the current component as specified in the glob pattern.
-   Individual files can be excluded in the *exclude* list.
+      Add a list of files to the current component as specified in the glob
+      pattern.  Individual files can be excluded in the *exclude* list.
-.. method:: Directory.remove_pyc()
+   .. method:: remove_pyc()
-   Remove ``.pyc``/``.pyo`` files on uninstall.
+      Remove ``.pyc``/``.pyo`` files on uninstall.
 .. seealso::
@@ -403,11 +404,11 @@
-.. method:: Feature.set_current()
+   .. method:: set_current()
-   Make this feature the current feature of :mod:`msilib`. New components are
-   automatically added to the default feature, unless a feature is explicitly
-   specified.
+      Make this feature the current feature of :mod:`msilib`. New components are
+      automatically added to the default feature, unless a feature is explicitly
+      specified.
 .. seealso::
@@ -430,19 +431,19 @@
    belongs to, and *name* is the control's name.
-.. method:: Control.event(event, argument[,  condition=1[, ordering]])
+   .. method:: event(event, argument[,  condition=1[, ordering]])
-   Make an entry into the ``ControlEvent`` table for this control.
+      Make an entry into the ``ControlEvent`` table for this control.
-.. method:: Control.mapping(event, attribute)
+   .. method:: mapping(event, attribute)
-   Make an entry into the ``EventMapping`` table for this control.
+      Make an entry into the ``EventMapping`` table for this control.
-.. method:: Control.condition(action, condition)
+   .. method:: condition(action, condition)
-   Make an entry into the ``ControlCondition`` table for this control.
+      Make an entry into the ``ControlCondition`` table for this control.
 .. class:: RadioButtonGroup(dlg, name, property)
@@ -451,11 +452,11 @@
    that gets set when a radio button is selected.
-.. method:: RadioButtonGroup.add(name, x, y, width, height, text [, value])
+   .. method:: add(name, x, y, width, height, text [, value])
-   Add a radio button named *name* to the group, at the coordinates *x*, *y*,
-   *width*, *height*, and with the label *text*. If *value* is omitted, it defaults
-   to *name*.
+      Add a radio button named *name* to the group, at the coordinates *x*, *y*,
+      *width*, *height*, and with the label *text*. If *value* is omitted, it
+      defaults to *name*.
 .. class:: Dialog(db, name, x, y, w, h, attr, title, first,  default, cancel)
@@ -465,42 +466,43 @@
    default, and cancel controls.
-.. method:: Dialog.control(name, type, x, y, width, height,  attributes, property, text, control_next, help)
+   .. method:: control(name, type, x, y, width, height,  attributes, property, text, control_next, help)
-   Return a new :class:`Control` object. An entry in the ``Control`` table is made
-   with the specified parameters.
+      Return a new :class:`Control` object. An entry in the ``Control`` table is
+      made with the specified parameters.
-   This is a generic method; for specific types, specialized methods are provided.
+      This is a generic method; for specific types, specialized methods are
+      provided.
-.. method:: Dialog.text(name, x, y, width, height, attributes, text)
+   .. method:: text(name, x, y, width, height, attributes, text)
-   Add and return a ``Text`` control.
+      Add and return a ``Text`` control.
-.. method:: Dialog.bitmap(name, x, y, width, height, text)
+   .. method:: bitmap(name, x, y, width, height, text)
-   Add and return a ``Bitmap`` control.
+      Add and return a ``Bitmap`` control.
-.. method:: Dialog.line(name, x, y, width, height)
+   .. method:: line(name, x, y, width, height)
-   Add and return a ``Line`` control.
+      Add and return a ``Line`` control.
-.. method:: Dialog.pushbutton(name, x, y, width, height, attributes,  text, next_control)
+   .. method:: pushbutton(name, x, y, width, height, attributes,  text, next_control)
-   Add and return a ``PushButton`` control.
+      Add and return a ``PushButton`` control.
-.. method:: Dialog.radiogroup(name, x, y, width, height,  attributes, property, text, next_control)
+   .. method:: radiogroup(name, x, y, width, height,  attributes, property, text, next_control)
-   Add and return a ``RadioButtonGroup`` control.
+      Add and return a ``RadioButtonGroup`` control.
-.. method:: Dialog.checkbox(name, x, y, width, height,  attributes, property, text, next_control)
+   .. method:: checkbox(name, x, y, width, height,  attributes, property, text, next_control)
-   Add and return a ``CheckBox`` control.
+      Add and return a ``CheckBox`` control.
 .. seealso::

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/numbers.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/numbers.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/numbers.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -29,18 +29,18 @@
    ``-``, ``*``, ``/``, :func:`abs`, :meth:`conjugate`, ``==``, and ``!=``. All
    except ``-`` and ``!=`` are abstract.
-.. attribute:: Complex.real
+   .. attribute:: real
-   Abstract. Retrieves the :class:`Real` component of this number.
+      Abstract. Retrieves the :class:`Real` component of this number.
-.. attribute:: Complex.imag
+   .. attribute:: imag
-   Abstract. Retrieves the :class:`Real` component of this number.
+      Abstract. Retrieves the :class:`Real` component of this number.
-.. method:: Complex.conjugate()
+   .. method:: conjugate()
-   Abstract. Returns the complex conjugate. For example, ``(1+3j).conjugate() ==
-   (1-3j)``.
+      Abstract. Returns the complex conjugate. For example, ``(1+3j).conjugate()
+      == (1-3j)``.
 .. class:: Real
@@ -62,13 +62,13 @@
    should be in lowest terms. With these, it provides a default for
-.. attribute:: Rational.numerator
+   .. attribute:: numerator
-   Abstract.
+      Abstract.
-.. attribute:: Rational.denominator
+   .. attribute:: denominator
-   Abstract.
+      Abstract.
 .. class:: Integral

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/pickle.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/pickle.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/pickle.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -256,34 +256,34 @@
    It can thus be an open file object, a :mod:`StringIO` object, or any other
    custom object that meets this interface.
-:class:`Pickler` objects define one (or two) public methods:
+   :class:`Pickler` objects define one (or two) public methods:
-.. method:: Pickler.dump(obj)
+   .. method:: dump(obj)
-   Write a pickled representation of *obj* to the open file object given in the
-   constructor.  Either the binary or ASCII format will be used, depending on the
-   value of the *protocol* argument passed to the constructor.
+      Write a pickled representation of *obj* to the open file object given in the
+      constructor.  Either the binary or ASCII format will be used, depending on the
+      value of the *protocol* argument passed to the constructor.
-.. method:: Pickler.clear_memo()
+   .. method:: clear_memo()
-   Clears the pickler's "memo".  The memo is the data structure that remembers
-   which objects the pickler has already seen, so that shared or recursive objects
-   pickled by reference and not by value.  This method is useful when re-using
-   picklers.
+      Clears the pickler's "memo".  The memo is the data structure that remembers
+      which objects the pickler has already seen, so that shared or recursive objects
+      pickled by reference and not by value.  This method is useful when re-using
+      picklers.
-   .. note::
+      .. note::
-      Prior to Python 2.3, :meth:`clear_memo` was only available on the picklers
-      created by :mod:`cPickle`.  In the :mod:`pickle` module, picklers have an
-      instance variable called :attr:`memo` which is a Python dictionary.  So to clear
-      the memo for a :mod:`pickle` module pickler, you could do the following::
+         Prior to Python 2.3, :meth:`clear_memo` was only available on the picklers
+         created by :mod:`cPickle`.  In the :mod:`pickle` module, picklers have an
+         instance variable called :attr:`memo` which is a Python dictionary.  So to clear
+         the memo for a :mod:`pickle` module pickler, you could do the following::
-         mypickler.memo.clear()
+            mypickler.memo.clear()
-      Code that does not need to support older versions of Python should simply use
-      :meth:`clear_memo`.
+         Code that does not need to support older versions of Python should simply use
+         :meth:`clear_memo`.
 It is possible to make multiple calls to the :meth:`dump` method of the same
 :class:`Pickler` instance.  These must then be matched to the same number of
@@ -307,29 +307,30 @@
    reading, a :mod:`StringIO` object, or any other custom object that meets this
-:class:`Unpickler` objects have one (or two) public methods:
+   :class:`Unpickler` objects have one (or two) public methods:
-.. method:: Unpickler.load()
+   .. method:: load()
-   Read a pickled object representation from the open file object given in the
-   constructor, and return the reconstituted object hierarchy specified therein.
+      Read a pickled object representation from the open file object given in
+      the constructor, and return the reconstituted object hierarchy specified
+      therein.
-   This method automatically determines whether the data stream was written in
-   binary mode or not.
+      This method automatically determines whether the data stream was written
+      in binary mode or not.
-.. method:: Unpickler.noload()
+   .. method:: noload()
-   This is just like :meth:`load` except that it doesn't actually create any
-   objects.  This is useful primarily for finding what's called "persistent ids"
-   that may be referenced in a pickle data stream.  See section
-   :ref:`pickle-protocol` below for more details.
+      This is just like :meth:`load` except that it doesn't actually create any
+      objects.  This is useful primarily for finding what's called "persistent
+      ids" that may be referenced in a pickle data stream.  See section
+      :ref:`pickle-protocol` below for more details.
-   **Note:** the :meth:`noload` method is currently only available on
-   :class:`Unpickler` objects created with the :mod:`cPickle` module.
-   :mod:`pickle` module :class:`Unpickler`\ s do not have the :meth:`noload`
-   method.
+      **Note:** the :meth:`noload` method is currently only available on
+      :class:`Unpickler` objects created with the :mod:`cPickle` module.
+      :mod:`pickle` module :class:`Unpickler`\ s do not have the :meth:`noload`
+      method.
 What can be pickled and unpickled?

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/robotparser.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/robotparser.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/robotparser.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -25,35 +25,35 @@
    single :file:`robots.txt` file.
-   .. method:: RobotFileParser.set_url(url)
+   .. method:: set_url(url)
       Sets the URL referring to a :file:`robots.txt` file.
-   .. method:: RobotFileParser.read()
+   .. method:: read()
       Reads the :file:`robots.txt` URL and feeds it to the parser.
-   .. method:: RobotFileParser.parse(lines)
+   .. method:: parse(lines)
       Parses the lines argument.
-   .. method:: RobotFileParser.can_fetch(useragent, url)
+   .. method:: can_fetch(useragent, url)
       Returns ``True`` if the *useragent* is allowed to fetch the *url* according to
       the rules contained in the parsed :file:`robots.txt` file.
-   .. method:: RobotFileParser.mtime()
+   .. method:: mtime()
       Returns the time the ``robots.txt`` file was last fetched.  This is useful for
       long-running web spiders that need to check for new ``robots.txt`` files
-   .. method:: RobotFileParser.modified()
+   .. method:: modified()
       Sets the time the ``robots.txt`` file was last fetched to the current time.

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/simplehttpserver.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/simplehttpserver.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/simplehttpserver.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -23,60 +23,62 @@
    :class:`BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler`.  This class implements the
    :func:`do_GET` and :func:`do_HEAD` functions.
-The :class:`SimpleHTTPRequestHandler` defines the following member variables:
+   The :class:`SimpleHTTPRequestHandler` defines the following member variables:
-.. attribute:: SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.server_version
+   .. attribute:: server_version
-   This will be ``"SimpleHTTP/" + __version__``, where ``__version__`` is defined
-   in the module.
+      This will be ``"SimpleHTTP/" + __version__``, where ``__version__`` is
+      defined in the module.
-.. attribute:: SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.extensions_map
+   .. attribute:: extensions_map
-   A dictionary mapping suffixes into MIME types. The default is signified by an
-   empty string, and is considered to be ``application/octet-stream``. The mapping
-   is used case-insensitively, and so should contain only lower-cased keys.
+      A dictionary mapping suffixes into MIME types. The default is signified by
+      an empty string, and is considered to be ``application/octet-stream``. The
+      mapping is used case-insensitively, and so should contain only lower-cased
+      keys.
-The :class:`SimpleHTTPRequestHandler` defines the following methods:
+   The :class:`SimpleHTTPRequestHandler` defines the following methods:
-.. method:: SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.do_HEAD()
+   .. method:: do_HEAD()
-   This method serves the ``'HEAD'`` request type: it sends the headers it would
-   send for the equivalent ``GET`` request. See the :meth:`do_GET` method for a
-   more complete explanation of the possible headers.
+      This method serves the ``'HEAD'`` request type: it sends the headers it
+      would send for the equivalent ``GET`` request. See the :meth:`do_GET`
+      method for a more complete explanation of the possible headers.
-.. method:: SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.do_GET()
+   .. method:: do_GET()
-   The request is mapped to a local file by interpreting the request as a path
-   relative to the current working directory.
+      The request is mapped to a local file by interpreting the request as a
+      path relative to the current working directory.
-   If the request was mapped to a directory, the directory is checked for a file
-   named ``index.html`` or ``index.htm`` (in that order). If found, the file's
-   contents are returned; otherwise a directory listing is generated by calling the
-   :meth:`list_directory` method. This method uses :func:`os.listdir` to scan the
-   directory, and returns a ``404`` error response if the :func:`listdir` fails.
+      If the request was mapped to a directory, the directory is checked for a
+      file named ``index.html`` or ``index.htm`` (in that order). If found, the
+      file's contents are returned; otherwise a directory listing is generated
+      by calling the :meth:`list_directory` method. This method uses
+      :func:`os.listdir` to scan the directory, and returns a ``404`` error
+      response if the :func:`listdir` fails.
-   If the request was mapped to a file, it is opened and the contents are returned.
-   Any :exc:`IOError` exception in opening the requested file is mapped to a
-   ``404``, ``'File not found'`` error. Otherwise, the content type is guessed by
-   calling the :meth:`guess_type` method, which in turn uses the *extensions_map*
-   variable.
+      If the request was mapped to a file, it is opened and the contents are
+      returned.  Any :exc:`IOError` exception in opening the requested file is
+      mapped to a ``404``, ``'File not found'`` error. Otherwise, the content
+      type is guessed by calling the :meth:`guess_type` method, which in turn
+      uses the *extensions_map* variable.
-   A ``'Content-type:'`` header with the guessed content type is output, followed
-   by a ``'Content-Length:'`` header with the file's size and a
-   ``'Last-Modified:'`` header with the file's modification time.
+      A ``'Content-type:'`` header with the guessed content type is output,
+      followed by a ``'Content-Length:'`` header with the file's size and a
+      ``'Last-Modified:'`` header with the file's modification time.
-   Then follows a blank line signifying the end of the headers, and then the
-   contents of the file are output. If the file's MIME type starts with ``text/``
-   the file is opened in text mode; otherwise binary mode is used.
+      Then follows a blank line signifying the end of the headers, and then the
+      contents of the file are output. If the file's MIME type starts with
+      ``text/`` the file is opened in text mode; otherwise binary mode is used.
-   For example usage, see the implementation of the :func:`test` function.
+      For example usage, see the implementation of the :func:`test` function.
-   .. versionadded:: 2.5
-      The ``'Last-Modified'`` header.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.5
+         The ``'Last-Modified'`` header.
 .. seealso::

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/smtpd.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/smtpd.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/smtpd.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -27,14 +27,15 @@
    :mod:`asyncore`'s event loop on instantiation.
-.. method:: SMTPServer.process_message(peer, mailfrom, rcpttos, data)
+   .. method:: process_message(peer, mailfrom, rcpttos, data)
-   Raise :exc:`NotImplementedError` exception. Override this in subclasses to do
-   something useful with this message. Whatever was passed in the constructor as
-   *remoteaddr* will be available as the :attr:`_remoteaddr` attribute. *peer* is
-   the remote host's address, *mailfrom* is the envelope originator, *rcpttos* are
-   the envelope recipients and *data* is a string containing the contents of the
-   e-mail (which should be in :rfc:`2822` format).
+      Raise :exc:`NotImplementedError` exception. Override this in subclasses to
+      do something useful with this message. Whatever was passed in the
+      constructor as *remoteaddr* will be available as the :attr:`_remoteaddr`
+      attribute. *peer* is the remote host's address, *mailfrom* is the envelope
+      originator, *rcpttos* are the envelope recipients and *data* is a string
+      containing the contents of the e-mail (which should be in :rfc:`2822`
+      format).
 DebuggingServer Objects

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/string.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/string.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/string.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -136,29 +136,29 @@
    The constructor takes a single argument which is the template string.
-.. method:: Template.substitute(mapping[, **kws])
+   .. method:: substitute(mapping[, **kws])
-   Performs the template substitution, returning a new string.  *mapping* is any
-   dictionary-like object with keys that match the placeholders in the template.
-   Alternatively, you can provide keyword arguments, where the keywords are the
-   placeholders.  When both *mapping* and *kws* are given and there are duplicates,
-   the placeholders from *kws* take precedence.
-.. method:: Template.safe_substitute(mapping[, **kws])
-   Like :meth:`substitute`, except that if placeholders are missing from *mapping*
-   and *kws*, instead of raising a :exc:`KeyError` exception, the original
-   placeholder will appear in the resulting string intact.  Also, unlike with
-   :meth:`substitute`, any other appearances of the ``$`` will simply return ``$``
-   instead of raising :exc:`ValueError`.
-   While other exceptions may still occur, this method is called "safe" because
-   substitutions always tries to return a usable string instead of raising an
-   exception.  In another sense, :meth:`safe_substitute` may be anything other than
-   safe, since it will silently ignore malformed templates containing dangling
-   delimiters, unmatched braces, or placeholders that are not valid Python
-   identifiers.
+      Performs the template substitution, returning a new string.  *mapping* is
+      any dictionary-like object with keys that match the placeholders in the
+      template.  Alternatively, you can provide keyword arguments, where the
+      keywords are the placeholders.  When both *mapping* and *kws* are given
+      and there are duplicates, the placeholders from *kws* take precedence.
+   .. method:: safe_substitute(mapping[, **kws])
+      Like :meth:`substitute`, except that if placeholders are missing from
+      *mapping* and *kws*, instead of raising a :exc:`KeyError` exception, the
+      original placeholder will appear in the resulting string intact.  Also,
+      unlike with :meth:`substitute`, any other appearances of the ``$`` will
+      simply return ``$`` instead of raising :exc:`ValueError`.
+      While other exceptions may still occur, this method is called "safe"
+      because substitutions always tries to return a usable string instead of
+      raising an exception.  In another sense, :meth:`safe_substitute` may be
+      anything other than safe, since it will silently ignore malformed
+      templates containing dangling delimiters, unmatched braces, or
+      placeholders that are not valid Python identifiers.
 :class:`Template` instances also provide one public data attribute:

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/struct.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/struct.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/struct.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -260,38 +260,38 @@
    .. versionadded:: 2.5
-Compiled Struct objects support the following methods and attributes:
+   Compiled Struct objects support the following methods and attributes:
-.. method:: Struct.pack(v1, v2, ...)
+   .. method:: pack(v1, v2, ...)
-   Identical to the :func:`pack` function, using the compiled format.
-   (``len(result)`` will equal :attr:`self.size`.)
+      Identical to the :func:`pack` function, using the compiled format.
+      (``len(result)`` will equal :attr:`self.size`.)
-.. method:: Struct.pack_into(buffer, offset, v1, v2, ...)
+   .. method:: pack_into(buffer, offset, v1, v2, ...)
-   Identical to the :func:`pack_into` function, using the compiled format.
+      Identical to the :func:`pack_into` function, using the compiled format.
-.. method:: Struct.unpack(string)
+   .. method:: unpack(string)
-   Identical to the :func:`unpack` function, using the compiled format.
-   (``len(string)`` must equal :attr:`self.size`).
+      Identical to the :func:`unpack` function, using the compiled format.
+      (``len(string)`` must equal :attr:`self.size`).
-.. method:: Struct.unpack_from(buffer[, offset=0])
+   .. method:: unpack_from(buffer[, offset=0])
-   Identical to the :func:`unpack_from` function, using the compiled format.
-   (``len(buffer[offset:])`` must be at least :attr:`self.size`).
+      Identical to the :func:`unpack_from` function, using the compiled format.
+      (``len(buffer[offset:])`` must be at least :attr:`self.size`).
-.. attribute:: Struct.format
+   .. attribute:: format
-   The format string used to construct this Struct object.
+      The format string used to construct this Struct object.
-.. attribute:: Struct.size
+   .. attribute:: size
-   The calculated size of the struct (and hence of the string) corresponding
-   to :attr:`format`.
+      The calculated size of the struct (and hence of the string) corresponding
+      to :attr:`format`.

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/textwrap.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/textwrap.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/textwrap.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -87,106 +87,107 @@
    change any of its options through direct assignment to instance attributes
    between uses.
-The :class:`TextWrapper` instance attributes (and keyword arguments to the
-constructor) are as follows:
+   The :class:`TextWrapper` instance attributes (and keyword arguments to the
+   constructor) are as follows:
-.. attribute:: TextWrapper.width
+   .. attribute:: width
-   (default: ``70``) The maximum length of wrapped lines.  As long as there are no
-   individual words in the input text longer than :attr:`width`,
-   :class:`TextWrapper` guarantees that no output line will be longer than
-   :attr:`width` characters.
+      (default: ``70``) The maximum length of wrapped lines.  As long as there
+      are no individual words in the input text longer than :attr:`width`,
+      :class:`TextWrapper` guarantees that no output line will be longer than
+      :attr:`width` characters.
-.. attribute:: TextWrapper.expand_tabs
+   .. attribute:: expand_tabs
-   (default: ``True``) If true, then all tab characters in *text* will be expanded
-   to spaces using the :meth:`expandtabs` method of *text*.
+      (default: ``True``) If true, then all tab characters in *text* will be
+      expanded to spaces using the :meth:`expandtabs` method of *text*.
-.. attribute:: TextWrapper.replace_whitespace
+   .. attribute:: replace_whitespace
-   (default: ``True``) If true, each whitespace character (as defined by
-   ``string.whitespace``) remaining after tab expansion will be replaced by a
-   single space.
+      (default: ``True``) If true, each whitespace character (as defined by
+      ``string.whitespace``) remaining after tab expansion will be replaced by a
+      single space.
-   .. note::
+      .. note::
-      If :attr:`expand_tabs` is false and :attr:`replace_whitespace` is true, each tab
-      character will be replaced by a single space, which is *not* the same as tab
-      expansion.
+         If :attr:`expand_tabs` is false and :attr:`replace_whitespace` is true,
+         each tab character will be replaced by a single space, which is *not*
+         the same as tab expansion.
-.. attribute:: TextWrapper.drop_whitespace
+   .. attribute:: drop_whitespace
-   (default: ``True``) If true, whitespace that, after wrapping, happens to end up
-   at the beginning or end of a line is dropped (leading whitespace in the first
-   line is always preserved, though).
+      (default: ``True``) If true, whitespace that, after wrapping, happens to
+      end up at the beginning or end of a line is dropped (leading whitespace in
+      the first line is always preserved, though).
-   .. versionadded:: 2.6
-      Whitespace was always dropped in earlier versions.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.6
+         Whitespace was always dropped in earlier versions.
-.. attribute:: TextWrapper.initial_indent
+   .. attribute:: initial_indent
-   (default: ``''``) String that will be prepended to the first line of wrapped
-   output.  Counts towards the length of the first line.
+      (default: ``''``) String that will be prepended to the first line of
+      wrapped output.  Counts towards the length of the first line.
-.. attribute:: TextWrapper.subsequent_indent
+   .. attribute:: subsequent_indent
-   (default: ``''``) String that will be prepended to all lines of wrapped output
-   except the first.  Counts towards the length of each line except the first.
+      (default: ``''``) String that will be prepended to all lines of wrapped
+      output except the first.  Counts towards the length of each line except
+      the first.
-.. attribute:: TextWrapper.fix_sentence_endings
+   .. attribute:: fix_sentence_endings
-   (default: ``False``) If true, :class:`TextWrapper` attempts to detect sentence
-   endings and ensure that sentences are always separated by exactly two spaces.
-   This is generally desired for text in a monospaced font.  However, the sentence
-   detection algorithm is imperfect: it assumes that a sentence ending consists of
-   a lowercase letter followed by one of ``'.'``, ``'!'``, or ``'?'``, possibly
-   followed by one of ``'"'`` or ``"'"``, followed by a space.  One problem with
-   this is algorithm is that it is unable to detect the difference between "Dr." in
-   ::
+      (default: ``False``) If true, :class:`TextWrapper` attempts to detect
+      sentence endings and ensure that sentences are always separated by exactly
+      two spaces.  This is generally desired for text in a monospaced font.
+      However, the sentence detection algorithm is imperfect: it assumes that a
+      sentence ending consists of a lowercase letter followed by one of ``'.'``,
+      ``'!'``, or ``'?'``, possibly followed by one of ``'"'`` or ``"'"``,
+      followed by a space.  One problem with this is algorithm is that it is
+      unable to detect the difference between "Dr." in ::
-      [...] Dr. Frankenstein's monster [...]
+         [...] Dr. Frankenstein's monster [...]
-   and "Spot." in ::
+      and "Spot." in ::
-      [...] See Spot. See Spot run [...]
+         [...] See Spot. See Spot run [...]
-   :attr:`fix_sentence_endings` is false by default.
+      :attr:`fix_sentence_endings` is false by default.
-   Since the sentence detection algorithm relies on ``string.lowercase`` for the
-   definition of "lowercase letter," and a convention of using two spaces after
-   a period to separate sentences on the same line, it is specific to
-   English-language texts.
+      Since the sentence detection algorithm relies on ``string.lowercase`` for
+      the definition of "lowercase letter," and a convention of using two spaces
+      after a period to separate sentences on the same line, it is specific to
+      English-language texts.
-.. attribute:: TextWrapper.break_long_words
+   .. attribute:: break_long_words
-   (default: ``True``) If true, then words longer than :attr:`width` will be broken
-   in order to ensure that no lines are longer than :attr:`width`.  If it is false,
-   long words will not be broken, and some lines may be longer than :attr:`width`.
-   (Long words will be put on a line by themselves, in order to minimize the amount
-   by which :attr:`width` is exceeded.)
+      (default: ``True``) If true, then words longer than :attr:`width` will be
+      broken in order to ensure that no lines are longer than :attr:`width`.  If
+      it is false, long words will not be broken, and some lines may be longer
+      than :attr:`width`.  (Long words will be put on a line by themselves, in
+      order to minimize the amount by which :attr:`width` is exceeded.)
-:class:`TextWrapper` also provides two public methods, analogous to the
-module-level convenience functions:
+   :class:`TextWrapper` also provides two public methods, analogous to the
+   module-level convenience functions:
-.. method:: TextWrapper.wrap(text)
+   .. method:: wrap(text)
-   Wraps the single paragraph in *text* (a string) so every line is at most
-   :attr:`width` characters long.  All wrapping options are taken from instance
-   attributes of the :class:`TextWrapper` instance. Returns a list of output lines,
-   without final newlines.
+      Wraps the single paragraph in *text* (a string) so every line is at most
+      :attr:`width` characters long.  All wrapping options are taken from
+      instance attributes of the :class:`TextWrapper` instance. Returns a list
+      of output lines, without final newlines.
-.. method:: TextWrapper.fill(text)
+   .. method:: fill(text)
-   Wraps the single paragraph in *text*, and returns a single string containing the
-   wrapped paragraph.
+      Wraps the single paragraph in *text*, and returns a single string
+      containing the wrapped paragraph.

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/xml.etree.elementtree.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/xml.etree.elementtree.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/xml.etree.elementtree.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -304,61 +304,63 @@
    XML *file* if given.
-.. method:: ElementTree._setroot(element)
+   .. method:: _setroot(element)
-   Replaces the root element for this tree.  This discards the current contents of
-   the tree, and replaces it with the given element.  Use with care. *element* is
-   an element instance.
+      Replaces the root element for this tree.  This discards the current
+      contents of the tree, and replaces it with the given element.  Use with
+      care. *element* is an element instance.
-.. method:: ElementTree.find(path)
+   .. method:: find(path)
-   Finds the first toplevel element with given tag. Same as getroot().find(path).
-   *path* is the element to look for. Returns the first matching element, or
-   ``None`` if no element was found.
+      Finds the first toplevel element with given tag. Same as
+      getroot().find(path).  *path* is the element to look for. Returns the
+      first matching element, or ``None`` if no element was found.
-.. method:: ElementTree.findall(path)
+   .. method:: findall(path)
-   Finds all toplevel elements with the given tag. Same as getroot().findall(path).
-   *path* is the element to look for. Returns a list or :term:`iterator` containing all
-   matching elements, in document order.
+      Finds all toplevel elements with the given tag. Same as
+      getroot().findall(path).  *path* is the element to look for. Returns a
+      list or :term:`iterator` containing all matching elements, in document
+      order.
-.. method:: ElementTree.findtext(path[, default])
+   .. method:: findtext(path[, default])
-   Finds the element text for the first toplevel element with given tag.  Same as
-   getroot().findtext(path). *path* is the toplevel element to look for. *default*
-   is the value to return if the element was not found. Returns the text content of
-   the first matching element, or the default value no element was found.  Note
-   that if the element has is found, but has no text content, this method returns
-   an empty string.
+      Finds the element text for the first toplevel element with given tag.
+      Same as getroot().findtext(path). *path* is the toplevel element to look
+      for. *default* is the value to return if the element was not
+      found. Returns the text content of the first matching element, or the
+      default value no element was found.  Note that if the element has is
+      found, but has no text content, this method returns an empty string.
-.. method:: ElementTree.getiterator([tag])
+   .. method:: getiterator([tag])
-   Creates and returns a tree iterator for the root element.  The iterator loops
-   over all elements in this tree, in section order. *tag* is the tag to look for
-   (default is to return all elements)
+      Creates and returns a tree iterator for the root element.  The iterator
+      loops over all elements in this tree, in section order. *tag* is the tag
+      to look for (default is to return all elements)
-.. method:: ElementTree.getroot()
+   .. method:: getroot()
-   Returns the root element for this tree.
+      Returns the root element for this tree.
-.. method:: ElementTree.parse(source[, parser])
+   .. method:: parse(source[, parser])
-   Loads an external XML section into this element tree. *source* is a file name or
-   file object. *parser* is an optional parser instance.  If not given, the
-   standard XMLTreeBuilder parser is used. Returns the section root element.
+      Loads an external XML section into this element tree. *source* is a file
+      name or file object. *parser* is an optional parser instance.  If not
+      given, the standard XMLTreeBuilder parser is used. Returns the section
+      root element.
-.. method:: ElementTree.write(file[, encoding])
+   .. method:: write(file[, encoding])
-   Writes the element tree to a file, as XML. *file* is a file name, or a file
-   object opened for writing. *encoding* [1]_ is the output encoding (default is
-   US-ASCII).
+      Writes the element tree to a file, as XML. *file* is a file name, or a
+      file object opened for writing. *encoding* [1]_ is the output encoding
+      (default is US-ASCII).
 This is the XML file that is going to be manipulated::
@@ -419,28 +421,28 @@
    Element instances when given.
-.. method:: TreeBuilder.close()
+   .. method:: close()
-   Flushes the parser buffers, and returns the toplevel document element. Returns an
-   Element instance.
+      Flushes the parser buffers, and returns the toplevel document
+      element. Returns an Element instance.
-.. method:: TreeBuilder.data(data)
+   .. method:: data(data)
-   Adds text to the current element. *data* is a string.  This should be either an
-   8-bit string containing ASCII text, or a Unicode string.
+      Adds text to the current element. *data* is a string.  This should be
+      either an 8-bit string containing ASCII text, or a Unicode string.
-.. method:: TreeBuilder.end(tag)
+   .. method:: end(tag)
-   Closes the current element. *tag* is the element name. Returns the closed
-   element.
+      Closes the current element. *tag* is the element name. Returns the closed
+      element.
-.. method:: TreeBuilder.start(tag, attrs)
+   .. method:: start(tag, attrs)
-   Opens a new element. *tag* is the element name. *attrs* is a dictionary
-   containing element attributes. Returns the opened element.
+      Opens a new element. *tag* is the element name. *attrs* is a dictionary
+      containing element attributes. Returns the opened element.
 .. _elementtree-xmltreebuilder-objects:
@@ -457,20 +459,20 @@
    instance of the standard TreeBuilder class.
-.. method:: XMLTreeBuilder.close()
+   .. method:: close()
-   Finishes feeding data to the parser. Returns an element structure.
+      Finishes feeding data to the parser. Returns an element structure.
-.. method:: XMLTreeBuilder.doctype(name, pubid, system)
+   .. method:: doctype(name, pubid, system)
-   Handles a doctype declaration. *name* is the doctype name. *pubid* is the public
-   identifier. *system* is the system identifier.
+      Handles a doctype declaration. *name* is the doctype name. *pubid* is the
+      public identifier. *system* is the system identifier.
-.. method:: XMLTreeBuilder.feed(data)
+   .. method:: feed(data)
-   Feeds data to the parser. *data* is encoded data.
+      Feeds data to the parser. *data* is encoded data.
 :meth:`XMLTreeBuilder.feed` calls *target*\'s :meth:`start` method
 for each opening tag, its :meth:`end` method for each closing tag,

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/xmllib.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/xmllib.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/xmllib.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -28,214 +28,223 @@
    The :class:`XMLParser` class must be instantiated without arguments. [#]_
-This class provides the following interface methods and instance variables:
+   This class provides the following interface methods and instance variables:
-.. attribute:: XMLParser.attributes
+   .. attribute:: attributes
-   A mapping of element names to mappings.  The latter mapping maps attribute names
-   that are valid for the element to the default value of  the attribute, or if
-   there is no default to ``None``.  The default value is the empty dictionary.
-   This variable is meant to be overridden, not extended since the default is
-   shared by all instances of :class:`XMLParser`.
+      A mapping of element names to mappings.  The latter mapping maps attribute
+      names that are valid for the element to the default value of the
+      attribute, or if there is no default to ``None``.  The default value is
+      the empty dictionary.  This variable is meant to be overridden, not
+      extended since the default is shared by all instances of
+      :class:`XMLParser`.
-.. attribute:: XMLParser.elements
+   .. attribute:: elements
-   A mapping of element names to tuples.  The tuples contain a function for
-   handling the start and end tag respectively of the element, or ``None`` if the
-   method :meth:`unknown_starttag` or :meth:`unknown_endtag` is to be called.  The
-   default value is the empty dictionary.  This variable is meant to be overridden,
-   not extended since the default is shared by all instances of :class:`XMLParser`.
+      A mapping of element names to tuples.  The tuples contain a function for
+      handling the start and end tag respectively of the element, or ``None`` if
+      the method :meth:`unknown_starttag` or :meth:`unknown_endtag` is to be
+      called.  The default value is the empty dictionary.  This variable is
+      meant to be overridden, not extended since the default is shared by all
+      instances of :class:`XMLParser`.
-.. attribute:: XMLParser.entitydefs
+   .. attribute:: entitydefs
-   A mapping of entitynames to their values.  The default value contains
-   definitions for ``'lt'``, ``'gt'``, ``'amp'``, ``'quot'``,  and ``'apos'``.
+      A mapping of entitynames to their values.  The default value contains
+      definitions for ``'lt'``, ``'gt'``, ``'amp'``, ``'quot'``, and ``'apos'``.
-.. method:: XMLParser.reset()
+   .. method:: reset()
-   Reset the instance.  Loses all unprocessed data.  This is called implicitly at
-   the instantiation time.
+      Reset the instance.  Loses all unprocessed data.  This is called
+      implicitly at the instantiation time.
-.. method:: XMLParser.setnomoretags()
+   .. method:: setnomoretags()
-   Stop processing tags.  Treat all following input as literal input (CDATA).
+      Stop processing tags.  Treat all following input as literal input (CDATA).
-.. method:: XMLParser.setliteral()
+   .. method:: setliteral()
-   Enter literal mode (CDATA mode).  This mode is automatically exited when the
-   close tag matching the last unclosed open tag is encountered.
+      Enter literal mode (CDATA mode).  This mode is automatically exited when
+      the close tag matching the last unclosed open tag is encountered.
-.. method:: XMLParser.feed(data)
+   .. method:: feed(data)
-   Feed some text to the parser.  It is processed insofar as it consists of
-   complete tags; incomplete data is buffered until more data is fed or
-   :meth:`close` is called.
+      Feed some text to the parser.  It is processed insofar as it consists of
+      complete tags; incomplete data is buffered until more data is fed or
+      :meth:`close` is called.
-.. method:: XMLParser.close()
+   .. method:: close()
-   Force processing of all buffered data as if it were followed by an end-of-file
-   mark.  This method may be redefined by a derived class to define additional
-   processing at the end of the input, but the redefined version should always call
-   :meth:`close`.
+      Force processing of all buffered data as if it were followed by an
+      end-of-file mark.  This method may be redefined by a derived class to
+      define additional processing at the end of the input, but the redefined
+      version should always call :meth:`close`.
-.. method:: XMLParser.translate_references(data)
+   .. method:: translate_references(data)
-   Translate all entity and character references in *data* and return the
-   translated string.
+      Translate all entity and character references in *data* and return the
+      translated string.
-.. method:: XMLParser.getnamespace()
+   .. method:: getnamespace()
-   Return a mapping of namespace abbreviations to namespace URIs that are currently
-   in effect.
+      Return a mapping of namespace abbreviations to namespace URIs that are
+      currently in effect.
-.. method:: XMLParser.handle_xml(encoding, standalone)
+   .. method:: handle_xml(encoding, standalone)
-   This method is called when the ``<?xml ...?>`` tag is processed. The arguments
-   are the values of the encoding and standalone attributes  in the tag.  Both
-   encoding and standalone are optional.  The values passed to :meth:`handle_xml`
-   default to ``None`` and the string ``'no'`` respectively.
+      This method is called when the ``<?xml ...?>`` tag is processed. The
+      arguments are the values of the encoding and standalone attributes in the
+      tag.  Both encoding and standalone are optional.  The values passed to
+      :meth:`handle_xml` default to ``None`` and the string ``'no'``
+      respectively.
-.. method:: XMLParser.handle_doctype(tag, pubid, syslit, data)
+   .. method:: handle_doctype(tag, pubid, syslit, data)
-   .. index::
-      single: DOCTYPE declaration
-      single: Formal Public Identifier
+      .. index::
+         single: DOCTYPE declaration
+         single: Formal Public Identifier
-   This method is called when the ``<!DOCTYPE...>`` declaration is processed.  The
-   arguments are the tag name of the root element, the Formal Public Identifier (or
-   ``None`` if not specified), the system identifier, and the uninterpreted
-   contents of the internal DTD subset as a string (or ``None`` if not present).
+      This method is called when the ``<!DOCTYPE...>`` declaration is processed.
+      The arguments are the tag name of the root element, the Formal Public
+      Identifier (or ``None`` if not specified), the system identifier, and the
+      uninterpreted contents of the internal DTD subset as a string (or ``None``
+      if not present).
-.. method:: XMLParser.handle_starttag(tag, method, attributes)
+   .. method:: handle_starttag(tag, method, attributes)
-   This method is called to handle start tags for which a start tag handler is
-   defined in the instance variable :attr:`elements`.  The *tag* argument is the
-   name of the tag, and the *method* argument is the function (method) which should
-   be used to support semantic interpretation of the start tag.  The *attributes*
-   argument is a dictionary of attributes, the key being the *name* and the value
-   being the *value* of the attribute found inside the tag's ``<>`` brackets.
-   Character and entity references in the *value* have been interpreted.  For
-   instance, for the start tag ``<A HREF="http://www.cwi.nl/">``, this method would
-   be called as ``handle_starttag('A', self.elements['A'][0], {'HREF':
-   'http://www.cwi.nl/'})``.  The base implementation simply calls *method* with
-   *attributes* as the only argument.
+      This method is called to handle start tags for which a start tag handler
+      is defined in the instance variable :attr:`elements`.  The *tag* argument
+      is the name of the tag, and the *method* argument is the function (method)
+      which should be used to support semantic interpretation of the start tag.
+      The *attributes* argument is a dictionary of attributes, the key being the
+      *name* and the value being the *value* of the attribute found inside the
+      tag's ``<>`` brackets.  Character and entity references in the *value*
+      have been interpreted.  For instance, for the start tag ``<A
+      HREF="http://www.cwi.nl/">``, this method would be called as
+      ``handle_starttag('A', self.elements['A'][0], {'HREF':
+      'http://www.cwi.nl/'})``.  The base implementation simply calls *method*
+      with *attributes* as the only argument.
-.. method:: XMLParser.handle_endtag(tag, method)
+   .. method:: handle_endtag(tag, method)
-   This method is called to handle endtags for which an end tag handler is defined
-   in the instance variable :attr:`elements`.  The *tag* argument is the name of
-   the tag, and the *method* argument is the function (method) which should be used
-   to support semantic interpretation of the end tag.  For instance, for the endtag
-   ``</A>``, this method would be called as ``handle_endtag('A',
-   self.elements['A'][1])``.  The base implementation simply calls *method*.
+      This method is called to handle endtags for which an end tag handler is
+      defined in the instance variable :attr:`elements`.  The *tag* argument is
+      the name of the tag, and the *method* argument is the function (method)
+      which should be used to support semantic interpretation of the end tag.
+      For instance, for the endtag ``</A>``, this method would be called as
+      ``handle_endtag('A', self.elements['A'][1])``.  The base implementation
+      simply calls *method*.
-.. method:: XMLParser.handle_data(data)
+   .. method:: handle_data(data)
-   This method is called to process arbitrary data.  It is intended to be
-   overridden by a derived class; the base class implementation does nothing.
+      This method is called to process arbitrary data.  It is intended to be
+      overridden by a derived class; the base class implementation does nothing.
-.. method:: XMLParser.handle_charref(ref)
+   .. method:: handle_charref(ref)
-   This method is called to process a character reference of the form ``&#ref;``.
-   *ref* can either be a decimal number, or a hexadecimal number when preceded by
-   an ``'x'``. In the base implementation, *ref* must be a number in the range
-   0-255.  It translates the character to ASCII and calls the method
-   :meth:`handle_data` with the character as argument.  If *ref* is invalid or out
-   of range, the method ``unknown_charref(ref)`` is called to handle the error.  A
-   subclass must override this method to provide support for character references
-   outside of the ASCII range.
+      This method is called to process a character reference of the form
+      ``&#ref;``.  *ref* can either be a decimal number, or a hexadecimal number
+      when preceded by an ``'x'``. In the base implementation, *ref* must be a
+      number in the range 0-255.  It translates the character to ASCII and calls
+      the method :meth:`handle_data` with the character as argument.  If *ref*
+      is invalid or out of range, the method ``unknown_charref(ref)`` is called
+      to handle the error.  A subclass must override this method to provide
+      support for character references outside of the ASCII range.
-.. method:: XMLParser.handle_comment(comment)
+   .. method:: handle_comment(comment)
-   This method is called when a comment is encountered.  The *comment* argument is
-   a string containing the text between the ``<!--`` and ``-->`` delimiters, but
-   not the delimiters themselves.  For example, the comment ``<!--text-->`` will
-   cause this method to be called with the argument ``'text'``.  The default method
-   does nothing.
+      This method is called when a comment is encountered.  The *comment*
+      argument is a string containing the text between the ``<!--`` and ``-->``
+      delimiters, but not the delimiters themselves.  For example, the comment
+      ``<!--text-->`` will cause this method to be called with the argument
+      ``'text'``.  The default method does nothing.
-.. method:: XMLParser.handle_cdata(data)
+   .. method:: handle_cdata(data)
-   This method is called when a CDATA element is encountered.  The *data* argument
-   is a string containing the text between the ``<![CDATA[`` and ``]]>``
-   delimiters, but not the delimiters themselves.  For example, the entity
-   ``<![CDATA[text]]>`` will cause this method to be called with the argument
-   ``'text'``.  The default method does nothing, and is intended to be overridden.
+      This method is called when a CDATA element is encountered.  The *data*
+      argument is a string containing the text between the ``<![CDATA[`` and
+      ``]]>`` delimiters, but not the delimiters themselves.  For example, the
+      entity ``<![CDATA[text]]>`` will cause this method to be called with the
+      argument ``'text'``.  The default method does nothing, and is intended to
+      be overridden.
-.. method:: XMLParser.handle_proc(name, data)
+   .. method:: handle_proc(name, data)
-   This method is called when a processing instruction (PI) is encountered.  The
-   *name* is the PI target, and the *data* argument is a string containing the text
-   between the PI target and the closing delimiter, but not the delimiter itself.
-   For example, the instruction ``<?XML text?>`` will cause this method to be
-   called with the arguments ``'XML'`` and ``'text'``.  The default method does
-   nothing.  Note that if a document starts with ``<?xml ..?>``, :meth:`handle_xml`
-   is called to handle it.
+      This method is called when a processing instruction (PI) is encountered.
+      The *name* is the PI target, and the *data* argument is a string
+      containing the text between the PI target and the closing delimiter, but
+      not the delimiter itself.  For example, the instruction ``<?XML text?>``
+      will cause this method to be called with the arguments ``'XML'`` and
+      ``'text'``.  The default method does nothing.  Note that if a document
+      starts with ``<?xml ..?>``, :meth:`handle_xml` is called to handle it.
-.. method:: XMLParser.handle_special(data)
+   .. method:: handle_special(data)
-   .. index:: single: ENTITY declaration
+      .. index:: single: ENTITY declaration
-   This method is called when a declaration is encountered.  The *data* argument is
-   a string containing the text between the ``<!`` and ``>`` delimiters, but not
-   the delimiters themselves.  For example, the entity declaration ``<!ENTITY
-   text>`` will cause this method to be called with the argument ``'ENTITY text'``.
-   The default method does nothing.  Note that ``<!DOCTYPE ...>`` is handled
-   separately if it is located at the start of the document.
+      This method is called when a declaration is encountered.  The *data*
+      argument is a string containing the text between the ``<!`` and ``>``
+      delimiters, but not the delimiters themselves.  For example, the entity
+      declaration ``<!ENTITY text>`` will cause this method to be called with
+      the argument ``'ENTITY text'``.  The default method does nothing.  Note
+      that ``<!DOCTYPE ...>`` is handled separately if it is located at the
+      start of the document.
-.. method:: XMLParser.syntax_error(message)
+   .. method:: syntax_error(message)
-   This method is called when a syntax error is encountered.  The *message* is a
-   description of what was wrong.  The default method  raises a :exc:`RuntimeError`
-   exception.  If this method is overridden, it is permissible for it to return.
-   This method is only called when the error can be recovered from.  Unrecoverable
-   errors raise a :exc:`RuntimeError` without first calling :meth:`syntax_error`.
+      This method is called when a syntax error is encountered.  The *message*
+      is a description of what was wrong.  The default method raises a
+      :exc:`RuntimeError` exception.  If this method is overridden, it is
+      permissible for it to return.  This method is only called when the error
+      can be recovered from.  Unrecoverable errors raise a :exc:`RuntimeError`
+      without first calling :meth:`syntax_error`.
-.. method:: XMLParser.unknown_starttag(tag, attributes)
+   .. method:: unknown_starttag(tag, attributes)
-   This method is called to process an unknown start tag.  It is intended to be
-   overridden by a derived class; the base class implementation does nothing.
+      This method is called to process an unknown start tag.  It is intended to
+      be overridden by a derived class; the base class implementation does nothing.
-.. method:: XMLParser.unknown_endtag(tag)
+   .. method:: unknown_endtag(tag)
-   This method is called to process an unknown end tag.  It is intended to be
-   overridden by a derived class; the base class implementation does nothing.
+      This method is called to process an unknown end tag.  It is intended to be
+      overridden by a derived class; the base class implementation does nothing.
-.. method:: XMLParser.unknown_charref(ref)
+   .. method:: unknown_charref(ref)
-   This method is called to process unresolvable numeric character references.  It
-   is intended to be overridden by a derived class; the base class implementation
-   does nothing.
+      This method is called to process unresolvable numeric character
+      references.  It is intended to be overridden by a derived class; the base
+      class implementation does nothing.
-.. method:: XMLParser.unknown_entityref(ref)
+   .. method:: unknown_entityref(ref)
-   This method is called to process an unknown entity reference.  It is intended to
-   be overridden by a derived class; the base class implementation calls
-   :meth:`syntax_error` to signal an error.
+      This method is called to process an unknown entity reference.  It is
+      intended to be overridden by a derived class; the base class
+      implementation calls :meth:`syntax_error` to signal an error.
 .. seealso::

Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/zipimport.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/zipimport.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/zipimport.rst	Fri Apr 25 03:29:10 2008
@@ -76,55 +76,57 @@
    (provided that it exists).
-.. method:: zipimporter.find_module(fullname[, path])
+   .. method:: find_module(fullname[, path])
-   Search for a module specified by *fullname*. *fullname* must be the fully
-   qualified (dotted) module name. It returns the zipimporter instance itself if
-   the module was found, or :const:`None` if it wasn't. The optional *path*
-   argument is ignored---it's there for  compatibility with the importer protocol.
+      Search for a module specified by *fullname*. *fullname* must be the fully
+      qualified (dotted) module name. It returns the zipimporter instance itself
+      if the module was found, or :const:`None` if it wasn't. The optional
+      *path* argument is ignored---it's there for compatibility with the
+      importer protocol.
-.. method:: zipimporter.get_code(fullname)
+   .. method:: get_code(fullname)
-   Return the code object for the specified module. Raise :exc:`ZipImportError` if
-   the module couldn't be found.
+      Return the code object for the specified module. Raise
+      :exc:`ZipImportError` if the module couldn't be found.
-.. method:: zipimporter.get_data(pathname)
+   .. method:: get_data(pathname)
-   Return the data associated with *pathname*. Raise :exc:`IOError` if the file
-   wasn't found.
+      Return the data associated with *pathname*. Raise :exc:`IOError` if the
+      file wasn't found.
-.. method:: zipimporter.get_source(fullname)
+   .. method:: get_source(fullname)
-   Return the source code for the specified module. Raise :exc:`ZipImportError` if
-   the module couldn't be found, return :const:`None` if the archive does contain
-   the module, but has no source for it.
+      Return the source code for the specified module. Raise
+      :exc:`ZipImportError` if the module couldn't be found, return
+      :const:`None` if the archive does contain the module, but has no source
+      for it.
-.. method:: zipimporter.is_package(fullname)
+   .. method:: is_package(fullname)
-   Return True if the module specified by *fullname* is a package. Raise
-   :exc:`ZipImportError` if the module couldn't be found.
+      Return True if the module specified by *fullname* is a package. Raise
+      :exc:`ZipImportError` if the module couldn't be found.
-.. method:: zipimporter.load_module(fullname)
+   .. method:: load_module(fullname)
-   Load the module specified by *fullname*. *fullname* must be the fully qualified
-   (dotted) module name. It returns the imported module, or raises
-   :exc:`ZipImportError` if it wasn't found.
+      Load the module specified by *fullname*. *fullname* must be the fully
+      qualified (dotted) module name. It returns the imported module, or raises
+      :exc:`ZipImportError` if it wasn't found.
-.. attribute:: zipimporter.archive
+   .. attribute:: archive
-   The file name of the importer's associated ZIP file.
+      The file name of the importer's associated ZIP file.
-.. attribute:: zipimporter.prefix
+   .. attribute:: prefix
-   The path within the ZIP file where modules are searched; see
-   :class:`zipimporter` for details.
+      The path within the ZIP file where modules are searched; see
+      :class:`zipimporter` for details.
 .. _zipimport-examples:

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