[Python-checkins] r64305 - in peps/trunk: pep-0000.txt pep-0372.txt

georg.brandl python-checkins at python.org
Mon Jun 16 08:08:09 CEST 2008

Author: georg.brandl
Date: Mon Jun 16 08:08:08 2008
New Revision: 64305

Add PEP 372, Adding an ordered directory to collections.

   peps/trunk/pep-0372.txt   (contents, props changed)

Modified: peps/trunk/pep-0000.txt
--- peps/trunk/pep-0000.txt	(original)
+++ peps/trunk/pep-0000.txt	Mon Jun 16 08:08:08 2008
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@
  S   364  Transitioning to the Py3K Standard Library   Warsaw
  S   368  Standard image protocol and class            Mastrodomenico
  S   369  Post import hooks                            Heimes
+ S   372  Adding an ordered directory to collections   Ronacher
  S  3135  New Super                                    Spealman, Delaney
  Finished PEPs (done, implemented in Subversion)
@@ -476,6 +477,7 @@
  S   369  Post import hooks                            Heimes
  SA  370  Per user site-packages directory             Heimes
  SA  371  Addition of the multiprocessing package      Noller, Oudkerk
+ S   372  Adding an ordered directory to collections   Ronacher
  SR  666  Reject Foolish Indentation                   Creighton
  SR  754  IEEE 754 Floating Point Special Values       Warnes
  P  3000  Python 3000                                  GvR
@@ -629,6 +631,7 @@
     Reis, Christian R.       kiko at async.com.br
     Riehl, Jonathan          jriehl at spaceship.com
     Roberge, André           andre.roberge at gmail.com
+    Ronacher, Armin          armin.ronacher at active-4.com
     van Rossum, Guido (GvR)  guido at python.org
     van Rossum, Just (JvR)   just at letterror.com
     Sajip, Vinay             vinay_sajip at red-dove.com

Added: peps/trunk/pep-0372.txt
--- (empty file)
+++ peps/trunk/pep-0372.txt	Mon Jun 16 08:08:08 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+PEP: 372
+Title: Adding an ordered directory to collections
+Version: $Revision$
+Last-Modified: $Date$
+Author: Armin Ronacher <armin.ronacher at active-4.com>
+Status: Draft
+Type: Standards Track
+Content-Type: text/x-rst
+Created: 15-Jun-2008
+Python-Version: 2.6, 3.0
+This PEP proposes an ordered dictionary as a new data structure for
+the ``collections`` module, called "odict" in this PEP for short.  The
+proposed API incorporates the experiences gained from working with
+similar implementations that exist in various real-world applications
+and other programming languages.
+In current Python versions, the widely used built-in dict type does
+not specify an order for the key/value pairs stored.  This makes it
+hard to use dictionaries as data storage for some specific use cases.
+Some dynamic programming languages like PHP and Ruby 1.9 guarantee a
+certain order on iteration.  In those languages, and existing Python
+ordered-dict implementations, the ordering of items is defined by the
+time of insertion of the key.  New keys are appended at the end, keys
+that are overwritten and not moved.
+The following example shows the behavior for simple assignments:
+>>> d = odict()
+>>> d['parrot'] = 'dead'
+>>> d['penguin'] = 'exploded'
+>>> d.items()
+[('parrot', 'dead'), ('penguin', 'exploded')]
+That the ordering is preserved makes an odict useful for a couple of
+- XML/HTML processing libraries currently drop the ordering of
+  attributes, use a list instead of a dict which makes filtering
+  cumbersome, or implement their own ordered dictionary.  This affects
+  ElementTree, html5lib, Genshi and many more libraries.
+- There are many ordererd dict implementations in various libraries
+  and applications, most of them subtly incompatible with each other.
+  Furthermore, subclassing dict is a non-trivial task and many
+  implementations don't override all the methods properly which can
+  lead to unexpected results.
+  Additionally, many ordered dicts are implemented in an inefficient
+  way, making many operations more complex then they have to be.
+- PEP 3115 allows metaclasses to change the mapping object used for
+  the class body.  An ordered dict could be used to create ordered
+  member declarations similar to C structs.  This could be useful, for
+  example, for future ``ctypes`` releases as well as ORMs that define
+  database tables as classes, like the one the Django framework ships.
+  Django currently uses an ugly hack to restore the ordering of
+  members in database models.
+- Code ported from other programming languages such as PHP often
+  depends on a ordered dict.  Having an implementation of an
+  ordering-preserving dictionary in the standard library could ease
+  the transition and improve the compatibility of different libraries.
+Ordered Dict API
+The ordered dict API would be mostly compatible with dict and existing
+ordered dicts.  (Note: this PEP refers to the Python 2.x dictionary
+API; the transfer to the 3.x API is trivial.)
+The constructor and ``update()`` both accept iterables of tuples as
+well as mappings like a dict does.  The ordering however is preserved
+for the first case:
+>>> d = odict([('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd')])
+>>> d.update({'foo': 'bar'})
+>>> d
+collections.odict([('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd'), ('foo', 'bar')])
+If ordered dicts are updated from regular dicts, the ordering of new
+keys is of course undefined again unless ``sort()`` is called.
+All iteration methods as well as ``keys()``, ``values()`` and
+``items()`` return the values ordered by the the time the key-value
+pair was inserted:
+>>> d['spam'] = 'eggs'
+>>> d.keys()
+['a', 'c', 'foo', 'spam']
+>>> d.values()
+['b', 'd', 'bar', 'eggs']
+>>> d.items()
+[('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd'), ('foo', 'bar'), ('spam', 'eggs')]
+New methods not available on dict:
+    ``odict.byindex(index)``
+        Index-based lookup is supported by ``byindex()`` which returns
+        the key/value pair for an index, that is, the "position" of a
+        key in the ordered dict.  0 is the first key/value pair, -1
+        the last.
+        >>> d.byindex(2)
+        ('foo', 'bar')
+    ``odict.sort(cmp=None, key=None, reverse=False)``
+        Sorts the odict in place by cmp or key.  This works exactly
+        like ``list.sort()``, but the comparison functions are passed
+        a key/value tuple, not only the value.
+        >>> d = odict([(42, 1), (1, 4), (23, 7)])
+        >>> d.sort()
+        >>> d
+        collections.odict([(1, 4), (23, 7), (42, 1)])
+    ``odict.reverse()``
+        Reverses the odict in place.
+    ``odict.__reverse__()``
+        Supports reverse iteration by key.
+Questions and Answers
+What happens if an existing key is reassigned?
+    The key is not moved but assigned a new value in place.  This is
+    consistent with existing implementations and allows subclasses to
+    change the behavior easily::
+        class movingcollections.odict):
+            def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+                self.pop(key, None)
+                odict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
+What happens if keys appear multiple times in the list passed to the
+    The same as for regular dicts: The latter item overrides the
+    former.  This has the side-effect that the position of the first
+    key is used because the key is actually overwritten:
+    >>> odict([('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('a', 3)])
+    collections.odict([('a', 3), ('b', 2)])
+    This behavior is consistent with existing implementations in
+    Python, the PHP array and the hashmap in Ruby 1.9.
+Why is there no ``odict.insert()``?
+    There are few situations where you really want to insert a key at
+    an specified index.  To avoid API complication, the proposed
+    solution for this situation is creating a list of items,
+    manipulating that and converting it back into an odict:
+    >>> d = odict([('a', 42), ('b', 23), ('c', 19)])
+    >>> l = d.items()
+    >>> l.insert(1, ('x', 0))
+    >>> odict(l)
+    collections.odict([('a', 42), ('x', 0), ('b', 23), ('c', 19)])
+Example Implementation
+A poorly performing example implementation of the odict written in
+Python is available:
+    `odict.py <http://dev.pocoo.org/hg/sandbox/raw-file/tip/odict.py>`_
+The version for ``collections`` should be implemented in C and use a
+linked list internally.
+Other implementations of ordered dicts in various Python projects or
+standalone libraries, that inspired the API proposed here, are:
+- `odict in Babel`_
+- `OrderedDict in Django`_
+- `The odict module`_
+- `ordereddict`_ (a C implementation of the odict module)
+- `StableDict`_
+- `Armin Rigo's OrderedDict`_
+.. _odict in Babel: http://babel.edgewall.org/browser/trunk/babel/util.py?rev=374#L178
+.. _OrderedDict in Django:
+   http://code.djangoproject.com/browser/django/trunk/django/utils/datastructures.py?rev=7140#L53
+.. _The odict module: http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/odict.html
+.. _ordereddict: http://www.xs4all.nl/~anthon/Python/ordereddict/
+.. _StableDict: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/StableDict/0.2
+.. _Armin Rigo's OrderedDict: http://codespeak.net/svn/user/arigo/hack/pyfuse/OrderedDict.py
+Future Directions
+With the availability of an ordered dict in the standard library,
+other libraries may take advantage of that.  For example, ElementTree
+could return odicts in the future that retain the attribute ordering
+of the source file.
+This document has been placed in the public domain.
+   Local Variables:
+   mode: indented-text
+   indent-tabs-mode: nil
+   sentence-end-double-space: t
+   fill-column: 70
+   coding: utf-8
+   End:

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