[Python-checkins] r63172 - sandbox/trunk/ttk-gsoc/Doc/library/ttk.rst

guilherme.polo python-checkins at python.org
Mon May 12 18:55:51 CEST 2008

Author: guilherme.polo
Date: Mon May 12 18:55:50 2008
New Revision: 63172

Reformatted the doc;
Documented Ttk Notebook, Progressbar, Separator and Sizegrip;
Updated Combobox and Widget docs;


Modified: sandbox/trunk/ttk-gsoc/Doc/library/ttk.rst
--- sandbox/trunk/ttk-gsoc/Doc/library/ttk.rst	(original)
+++ sandbox/trunk/ttk-gsoc/Doc/library/ttk.rst	Mon May 12 18:55:50 2008
@@ -82,14 +82,21 @@
    l1 = Ttk.Label(text="Test", style="BW.TLabel")
    l2 = Ttk.Label(text="Test", style="BW.TLabel")
 For more information about TtkStyling_ read the :class:`Style` class 
+:class:`Ttk.Widget` defines standard options and methods supported by Tk
+themed widgets.
-.. class:: Widget
-   Accepts the following options:
+Standard Options
+:class:`Ttk.Widget` accepts the following options, aswell all the other Ttk
    | Option    | Description                                                  |
@@ -115,38 +122,82 @@
    | style     | May be used to specify a custom widget style                 |
-   And the new methods:
-   .. method:: identify(x, y)
+Scrollable Widget Options
-      Returns the name of the element at position *x* *y*, or the empty string 
-      if the point does not lie within any element.
+The following options are supported by widgets that are controlled by a
-      *x* and *y* are pixel coordinates relative to the widget.
+   +----------------+-------------+
+   | option         | description |
+   +================+=============+
+   | xscrollcommand | XXX         |
+   +----------------+-------------+
+   | yscrollcommand | XXX         |
+   +----------------+-------------+
-   .. method:: instate(statespec[, callback=None[, *args]])
+Label Options
-      Test the widget's state. If a callback is not specified, returns 1
-      if the widget state matches *statespec* and 0 otherwise. If callback
-      is specified then it is called with args if widget state matches 
-      *statespec*.
+The following options are supported by labels, buttons and other button-like
+   +--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+
+   | option       | description                                               |
+   +==============+===========================================================+
+   | text         | Specifies a text string to be displayed inside the widget.|
+   +--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+
+   | textvariable | Specifies a name whose value will be used in place of the |
+   |              | text option resource.                                     |
+   +--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+
+   | underline    | If set, specifies the index (0-based) of a character to   |
+   |              | underline in the text string. The underline character is  |
+   |              | used for mnemonic activation.                             |
+   +--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+
+   | image        | Specifies an image to display. This is a list of 1 or more|
+   |              | elements. The first element is the default image name. The|
+   |              | rest of the list if a sequence of statespec/value pairs as|
+   |              | defined by :meth:`Style.map`, specifying different images |
+   |              | to use when the widget is in a particular state or a      |
+   |              | combination of states. All images in the list should have |
+   |              | the same size.                                            |
+   +--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+
+   | compound     | Specifies how to display the image relative to the text,  |
+   |              | in the case both text and images options are present.     |
+   |              | Valid values are:                                         |
+   |              |                                                           |
+   |              | * text: display text only                                 |
+   |              | * image: display image only                               |
+   |              | * top, bottom, left, right: display image above, below,   |
+   |              |   left of, or right of the text, respectively.            |
+   |              | * none: the default. display the image if present,        |
+   |              |   otherwise the text.                                     |
+   +--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+
+   | width        | If greather than zero, specifies how much space, in       |
+   |              | character widths, to allocate for the text label, if less |
+   |              | than zero, specifies a minimum width. If zero or          |
+   |              | unspecified, the natural width of the text label is used. |
+   +--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+
-   .. method:: state([statespec=None])
-      Modify or inquire widget state. If *statespec* is specified, sets the
-      widget state according to it and return a new *statespec* indicating
-      which flags were changed. If *statespec* is not specified, returns
-      the currently-enabled state flags.
-   Note that *statespec* is always expected to be a sequence.
+Compatibility Options
+   +--------+----------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | option | description                                                    |
+   +========+================================================================+
+   | state  | May be set to "normal" or "disabled" to control the "disabled" |
+   |        | state bit. This is a write-only option: setting it changes the |
+   |        | widget state, but the :meth:`Widget.state` method does not     |
+   |        | affect this option.                                            |
+   +--------+----------------------------------------------------------------+
 Widget States
-   The widget state is a bitmap of independent state flags.
+The widget state is a bitmap of independent state flags.
    | flag       | description                                                 |
@@ -175,20 +226,61 @@
    | invalid    | The widget's value is invalid                               |
-   A state specification is a sequence of state names, optionally prefixed with
-   an exclamation point indicating that the bit is off.
+A state specification is a sequence of state names, optionally prefixed with
+an exclamation point indicating that the bit is off.
-New Widgets
+Besides the methods described below, :class:`Ttk.Widget` supports the
+methods :meth:`Tkinter.Widget.cget` and :meth:`Tkinter.Widget.configure`.
+.. class:: Widget
-:class:`Combobox`, :class:`Notebook`, :class:`Progressbar`, :class:`Separator`, :class:`Sizegrip` and :class:`Treeview`.
+   .. method:: identify(x, y)
-.. class:: Combobox
+      Returns the name of the element at position *x* *y*, or the empty string 
+      if the point does not lie within any element.
+      *x* and *y* are pixel coordinates relative to the widget.
+   .. method:: instate(statespec[, callback=None[, *args]])
+      Test the widget's state. If a callback is not specified, returns 1
+      if the widget state matches *statespec* and 0 otherwise. If callback
+      is specified then it is called with args if widget state matches 
+      *statespec*.
+   .. method:: state([statespec=None])
+      Modify or inquire widget state. If *statespec* is specified, sets the
+      widget state according to it and return a new *statespec* indicating
+      which flags were changed. If *statespec* is not specified, returns
+      the currently-enabled state flags.
+   Note that *statespec* is always expected to be a sequence.
+Ttk Combobox widget combines a text field with a pop-down list of values,
+it inherits :class:`Entry`. 
-   Ttk Combobox widget combines a text field with a pop-down list of values,
-   it inherits :class:`Entry`. This widget accepts the following specific 
-   options:
+Besides the methods inherited from :class:`Widget`: :meth:`Widget.cget`,
+:meth:`Widget.configure`, :meth:`Widget.identify`, :meth:`Widget.instate`
+and :meth:`Widget.state`, and the following inherited from :class:`Entry`: 
+:meth:`Entry.bbox`, :meth:`Entry.delete`, :meth:`Entry.icursor`, 
+:meth:`Entry.index`, :meth:`Entry.inset`, :meth:`Entry.selection`,
+:meth:`Entry.xview`, it has some other methods, described at `Ttk.Combobox`_.
+This widget accepts the following specific options:
    | option          | description                                            |
@@ -223,13 +315,18 @@
-   Besides the methods inherited from :class:`Widget`: :meth:`Widget.cget`,
-   :meth:`Widget.configure`, :meth:`Wiget.identify`, :meth:`Widget.instate`
-   and :meth:`Widget.state`, and the following inherited from :class:`Entry`: 
-   :meth:`Entry.bbox`, :meth:`Entry.delete`, :meth:`Entry.icursor`, 
-   :meth:`Entry.index`, :meth:`Entry.inset`, :meth:`Entry.selection`,
-   :meth:`Entry.xview`, it has these other methods:
+Virtual events
+The combobox widgets generates a **<<ComboboxSelected>>** virtual event
+when the user selects an element from the list of values.
+.. class:: Combobox
    .. method:: current([newindex=None])
       If newindex is specified, sets the combobox value to the element position
@@ -247,22 +344,204 @@
       Sets the value of the combobox to value.
-   The combobox widgets generates a **<<ComboboxSelected>>** virtual event
-   when the user selects an element from the list of values.
+Ttk Notebook widget manages a collection of windows and displays a single
+one at a time. Each child window is associated with a tab, which the user 
+may select to change the currently-displayed window.
+This widget accepts the following specific options:
+   +---------+----------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | option  | description                                                    |
+   +=========+================================================================+
+   | height  | If present and greater than zero, specifies the desired height |
+   |         | of the pane area (not including internal padding or tabs).     |
+   |         | Otherwise, the maximum height of all panes is used.            |
+   +---------+----------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | padding | Specifies the amount of extra space to add around the outside  |
+   |         | of the notebook. The padding is a list up to four length       |
+   |         | specifications left top right bottom. If fewer than four       |
+   |         | elements are specified, bottom defaults to top, right defaults |
+   |         | to left, and top defaults to left.                             |
+   +---------+----------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | width   | If present and greater than zero, specified the desired width  |
+   |         | of the pane area (not including internal padding). Otherwise,  |
+   |         | the maximum width of all panes is used.                        |
+   +---------+----------------------------------------------------------------+
+Tab Options
+There are also specific options for tabs:
+   +-----------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | option    | description                                                  |
+   +===========+==============================================================+
+   | state     | Either "normal", "disabled" or "hidden". If "disabled", then |
+   |           | the tab is not selectable. If "hidden", then the tab is not  |
+   |           | shown.                                                       |
+   +-----------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | sticky    | Specifies how the child window is positioned within the pane |
+   |           | area. Value is a string containing zero or more of the       |
+   |           | characteres "n", "s", "e" or "w". Each letter refers to a    |
+   |           | side (north, south, east or west) that the child window will |
+   |           | stick to, as per the :meth:`grid` geometry manager.          |
+   +-----------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | padding   | Specifies the amount of extra space to add between the       |
+   |           | notebook and this pane. Syntax is the same as for the option |
+   |           | padding used by this widget.                                 |
+   +-----------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | text      | Specifies a text to be displayed in the tab.                 |
+   +-----------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | image     | Specifies an image to display in the tab. See the option     |
+   |           | image described in :class:`Widget`.                          |
+   +-----------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | compound  | Specifies how to display the image relative to the text, in  |
+   |           | the case both options text and image are present. See        |
+   |           | label(n) for legal values. XXX                               |
+   +-----------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | underline | Specifies the index (0-based) of a character to underline in |
+   |           | the text string. The underlined character is used for        |
+   |           | mnemonic activation if :meth:`Notebook.enable_traversal` is  |
+   |           | called.                                                      |
+   +-----------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
+Tab Identifiers
+The tab_id present in several methods of :class:`Ttk.Notebook` may take any
+of the following forms:
+* An integer between zero and the number of tabs
+* The name of a child window
+* A positional specification of the form "@x,y", which identifies the tab
+* The literal string "current", which identifies the currently-selected tab
+* The literal string "end", which returns the numer of tabs (only valid for
+  :meth:`Notebook.index`)
+Virtual Events
+This widget generates a **<<NotebookTabChanged>>** virtual event after a new
+tab is selected.
 .. class:: Notebook
+   .. method:: add(child, **kw)
-.. class:: Progressbar
+      Adds a new tab to the notebook.
+      If window is currently managed by the notebook but hidden, it is
+      restored to its previous position.
+      See `Tab Options`_ for the list of available options.
+   .. method:: forget(tab_id)
+      Removes the tab specified by *tab_id*, unmaps and unmanages the
+      associated window.
+   .. method:: hide(tab_id)
+      Hides the tab specified by *tab_id*.
+      The tab will not be displayed, but the associated window remains
+      managed by the notebook and its configuration remembered. Hidden tabs 
+      may be restored with the add command.
+   .. method:: identify(x, y)
+      Returns the name of the tab element at position *x*, *y*, or the empty 
+      string if none.
+   .. method:: index(tab_id)
+      Returns the numeric index of the tab specified by *tab_id*, or the total 
+      number of tabs if *tab_id* is the string "end".
+   .. method:: insert(pos, child, **kw)
+      Inserts a pane at the specified position.
-   Ttk Progressbar widget shows the status of a long-running operation. They 
-   can operate in two modes: determinate mode shows the amount completed 
-   relative to the total amount of work to be done, and indeterminate mode 
-   provides an animated display to let the user know that something is 
-   happening.
+      *pos* is either the string end, an integer index, or the name of a 
+      managed child. If *child* is already managed by the notebook, moves it to 
+      the specified positon.
-   This widget accepts the following specific options:
+      See `Tab Options`_ for the list of available options.
+   .. method:: select([tab_id])
+      Selects the specified *tab_id*.
+      The associated child window will be displayed, and the 
+      previously-selected window (if different) is unmapped. If *tab_id* is 
+      omitted, returns the widget name of the currently selected pane.
+   .. method:: tab(tab_id, **kw)
+      Query or modify the options of the specific *tab_id*.
+      If no option is specified, returns a dictionary of the tab option values.
+      If one option is specified, returns the value of that option. Otherwise, 
+      sets the options to the corresponding values.
+   .. method:: tabs()
+      Returns a list of windows managed by the notebook.
+   .. method:: enable_traversal()
+      Enable keyboard traversal for a toplevel window containing this notebook.
+      This will extend the bindings for the toplevel window containing the 
+      notebook as follows:
+      * Control-Tab: selects the tab following the currently selected one
+      * Shift-Control-Tab: selects the tab preceding the currently selected one
+      * Alt-K: where K is the mnemonic (underlined) character of any tab, will
+        select that tab.
+      Multiple notebooks in a single toplevel may be enabled for traversal,
+      including nested notebooks. However, notebook traversal only works
+      properly if all panes have as master the notebook they are in.
+Ttk Progressbar widget shows the status of a long-running operation. They 
+can operate in two modes: determinate mode shows the amount completed 
+relative to the total amount of work to be done, and indeterminate mode 
+provides an animated display to let the user know that something is 
+This widget accepts the following specific options:
    | option   | description                                                   |
@@ -294,7 +573,10 @@
-   And the following methods:
+.. class:: Progressbar
    .. method:: start([interval])
@@ -316,11 +598,18 @@
       :meth:`Progressbar.start` for this progressbar.
-.. class:: Separator
-   Ttk Separator widget displays a horizontal or vertical separator bar.
+Ttk Separator widget displays a horizontal or vertical separator bar.
-   This widget accepts the following specific option:
+It has no other method besides the ones inherited from :class:`Ttk.Widget`.
+This widget accepts the following specific option:
    | option | description                                                    |
@@ -329,30 +618,40 @@
    |        | the separator.                                                 |
-   It has no specific methods.
-.. class:: Sizegrip
-   Ttk Sizegrip widget (also known as grow box) allows the user to resize the
-   containing toplevel window by pressing and dragging the grip.
+Ttk Sizegrip widget (also known as grow box) allows the user to resize the
+containing toplevel window by pressing and dragging the grip.
-   This widget has no specific options neither specific methods, 
+This widget has no specific options neither specific methods, besides the
+ones inherited from `Widget`_.
-   Platform-specific notes:
-    * On Mac OSX, toplevel windows automatically include a built-in size grip 
-      by default. Adding a Sizegrip there is harmless, since the built-in 
-      grip will just mask the widget.
+Platform-specific notes
-   Bugs:
+* On Mac OSX, toplevel windows automatically include a built-in size grip 
+  by default. Adding a Sizegrip there is harmless, since the built-in 
+  grip will just mask the widget.
-    * If the containing toplevel's position was specified relative to the right
-      or bottom of the screen (e.g. ....), the Sizegrip widget will not resize
-      the window.
+* If the containing toplevel's position was specified relative to the right
+  or bottom of the screen (e.g. ....), the Sizegrip widget will not resize
+  the window.
+* This widget supports only "southeast" resizing.
-    * This widget supports only "southeast" resizing.
 .. class:: Treeview

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