[Python-checkins] r83897 - python/branches/py3k-dtoa/Lib/test/test_dtoa.py

mark.dickinson python-checkins at python.org
Mon Aug 9 20:50:22 CEST 2010

Author: mark.dickinson
Date: Mon Aug  9 20:50:22 2010
New Revision: 83897

Add framework for testing float repr and float formatting.


Added: python/branches/py3k-dtoa/Lib/test/test_dtoa.py
--- (empty file)
+++ python/branches/py3k-dtoa/Lib/test/test_dtoa.py	Mon Aug  9 20:50:22 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+import random
+import struct
+import unittest
+import math
+import decimal
+import test.support
+import sys
+def bitfield(n, a, b):
+    """Extract bits a through b - 1 (inclusive) of an integer n."""
+    return (n >> a) & ((1 << b - a) - 1)
+# Some utility functions for manipulating Decimal instances.
+# XXX These are *slow*.
+def decimal_to_triple(d):
+    """Express a finite Decimal instance as a triple (s, c, e) of
+    integers, with value (-1)**s * c * 10**e."""
+    sign, digits, exp = d.as_tuple()
+    return sign, int(''.join(map(str, digits))), exp
+def decimal_from_triple(sign, coefficient, exponent):
+    """Create a Decimal instance from a triple; inverse of
+    decimal_to_triple."""
+    return decimal.Decimal((sign,
+                            tuple(map(int, list(str(coefficient)))),
+                            exponent))
+def next_fixed(d):
+    """Next decimal.Decimal up with the same exponent."""
+    s, c, e = decimal_to_triple(d)
+    return decimal_from_triple(s, c+1, e)
+def next_floating(d):
+    """Next decimal.Decimal up with the same coefficient length."""
+    s, c, e = decimal_to_triple(d)
+    # if c is one less than a power of 10...
+    strc = str(c)
+    if strc == '9' * len(strc):
+        return decimal_from_triple(s, (c + 1) // 10, e + 1)
+    else:
+        return decimal_from_triple(s, c + 1, e)
+class MockFloat(object):
+    """Mock float class, implemented using integer arithmetic.
+    Provides integer and Decimal-based formatting operations, for the
+    purposes of comparing with true float str, repr and formatting.
+    This class models IEEE 754 binary64 floating-point, except that:
+       - NaNs and infinities aren't represented, and
+       - There's no upper bound on the exponent.
+    Subnormals and signed zeros are supported.
+    """
+    # parameters of the system float format
+    MIN_EXP = sys.float_info.min_exp
+    MANT_DIG = sys.float_info.mant_dig
+    SPECIAL_EXP = sys.float_info.max_exp - MIN_EXP + 2
+    TOTAL_BITS = MANT_DIG + SPECIAL_EXP.bit_length()
+    def __new__(cls, x):
+        if isinstance(x, tuple):
+            # create from triple (s, m, e), representing the value (-1)**s * m
+            # * 2**e.  The triple is required to be normalized, in the sense
+            # that:
+            #
+            #   * e >= MIN_EXP - MANT_DIG
+            #   * m.bit_length() <= MANT_DIG
+            #   * either e == MIN_EXP - MANT_DIG or m.bit_length() == MANT_DIG
+            self = object.__new__(cls)
+            self.sign, self.coefficient, self.exponent = x
+            if not self.is_normalized():
+                raise ValueError("unnormalized MockFloat instance")
+            return self
+        elif isinstance(x, float):
+            return cls.from_float(x)
+        elif isinstance(x, decimal.Decimal):
+            return cls.from_decimal(x)
+        else:
+            raise TypeError("Don't know how to construct a MockFloat "
+                            "from an object of type {}".format(type(x)))
+    def __bool__(self):
+        return bool(self.coefficient)
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        return (self.sign == other.sign and
+                self.coefficient == other.coefficient and
+                self.exponent == other.exponent)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        if not self:
+            return '-0.0' if self.sign else '0.0'
+        sign, coeff, exp = decimal_to_triple(self.to_shortest_decimal())
+        digits = str(coeff)
+        k = len(str(coeff)) + exp
+        if k <= -4 or k > 16:
+            # Use scientific notation.
+            res = '{}{}e{:+03d}'.format(digits[:1],
+                                        '.' + digits[1:] if digits[1:] else '',
+                                        k - 1)
+        else:
+            # Non-scientific notation; may need to pad with zeros on either the
+            # left or the right of the digit string.
+            dotpos = exp + len(digits)
+            if dotpos <= 0:
+                res = '0.' + '0'*-dotpos + digits
+            elif dotpos >= len(digits):
+                res = digits + '0'*(dotpos-len(digits)) + '.0'
+            else:
+                res = digits[:dotpos] + '.' + digits[dotpos:]
+        return '-' + res if sign else res
+    def is_normalized(self):
+        m, e = self.coefficient, self.exponent
+        return (m >= 0 and
+                e >= self.MIN_EXP - self.MANT_DIG and
+                m.bit_length() <= self.MANT_DIG and
+                (e == self.MIN_EXP - self.MANT_DIG or
+                 m.bit_length() == self.MANT_DIG))
+    @classmethod
+    def from_float(cls, x):
+        """Convert a finite float to an equivalent MockFloat."""
+        x_bits = struct.pack('<d', x)
+        n = int.from_bytes(x_bits, 'little')
+        # Break into fields: significand m, exponent e, and sign s.
+        coeff = bitfield(n, 0, cls.MANT_DIG - 1)
+        exp = bitfield(n, cls.MANT_DIG - 1, cls.TOTAL_BITS - 1)
+        sign = bitfield(n, cls.TOTAL_BITS - 1, cls.TOTAL_BITS)
+        if exp == cls.SPECIAL_EXP:
+            # NaNs and infinities.
+            raise ValueError("from_float expects a finite value, "
+                             "not an infinity or nan.")
+        elif exp == 0:
+            # Zeros and subnormal values.
+            return cls((sign, coeff, cls.MIN_EXP - cls.MANT_DIG + exp))
+        else:
+            # Normal values.
+            return cls((sign, coeff + (1 << cls.MANT_DIG - 1),
+                        cls.MIN_EXP - cls.MANT_DIG - 1 + exp))
+    @classmethod
+    def from_decimal(cls, x):
+        """Convert a finite Decimal instance to the nearest MockFloat."""
+        s, n, d = decimal_to_triple(x)
+        # Express abs(x) as an integer fraction, a / b
+        a, b = n * 10**max(d, 0), 10**max(0, -d)
+        if a:
+            # Identify exponent e such that 2**(e-1) <= a / b < 2**e.
+            # The difference 'e_test' between the bit lengths of a and b
+            # gives a value that's either correct, or one too small.
+            e_test = a.bit_length() - b.bit_length()
+            scaled_a = a >> e_test if e_test >= 0 else a << -e_test
+            e = e_test if scaled_a < b else e_test + 1
+        else:
+            e = cls.MIN_EXP
+        # Adjust e to give a result with MANT_DIG bits of precision for normal
+        # numbers, or such that e == MIN_EXP - MANT_DIG for subnormals.
+        e = max(e, cls.MIN_EXP) - cls.MANT_DIG
+        # Now approximate a / b by number of the form m * 2**e.  For rounding
+        # purposes, we compute an extra 2 bits for m,  hence the '2' in '2-e'.
+        p2 = 2 - e
+        a, b = a << max(p2, 0), b << max(0, -p2)
+        m, r = divmod(a, b)
+        # Absorb any remainder into the last bit of m, then find the nearest
+        # integer to m / 4, using round-half-to-even.
+        if r:
+            m |= 1
+        m = (m >> 2) + (bool(m & 2) and bool(m & 5))
+        if m.bit_length() == cls.MANT_DIG + 1:
+            m //= 2
+            e += 1
+        return cls((s, m, e))
+    def decimal_exponent(self):
+        """The unique integer d such that 10**(d-1) <= abs(self) < 10**d.
+        If self is zero, there's no such integer; a ValueError is raised in
+        this case.
+        """
+        if not self:
+            raise ValueError("decimal_exponent expects a nonzero argument")
+        e = self.exponent
+        # Express abs(self) as a fraction, a / b, and compute an approximation
+        # to log10(abs(self)) by counting decimal digits in a and b.
+        a, b = self.coefficient << max(e, 0), 1 << max(0, -e)
+        d = len(str(a)) - len(str(b))
+        # d is either correct, or one too small; compare a / 10**d
+        # with b to find out which.
+        scaled_a = a // 10**d if d >= 0 else a * 10**-d
+        if scaled_a >= b:
+            d += 1
+        return d
+    def to_decimal(self, d):
+        """Convert to a decimal with a particular exponent d.
+        Returns a pair x, r, where:
+           x is the largest decimal with exponent d that doesn't exceed self.
+           r is False if x is the *closest* decimal with exponent d to
+              self, else True.
+        """
+        p2 = self.exponent - d + 2
+        n, r = divmod(self.coefficient * 5**max(-d, 0) << max(p2, 0),
+                      5**max(d, 0) << max(-p2, 0))
+        if r:
+            n |= 1
+        round_up = bool(n & 2) and bool(n & 5)
+        return decimal_from_triple(self.sign, n >> 2, d), round_up
+    def to_fixed_precision(self, d):
+        """Round self to the nearest integral multiple of 10**d."""
+        n, r = self.to_decimal(d)
+        return next_fixed(n) if r else n
+    def to_significant_figures(self, f):
+        """Round self to the given number of significant figures.
+        self should be nonzero;  if it's zero a ValueError is raised.
+        """
+        if f < 1:
+            raise ValueError("significant figures should be positive.")
+        if not self:
+            raise ValueError("Refusing to compute significant digits of 0.")
+        d = self.decimal_exponent() - f
+        n, r = self.to_decimal(d)
+        return next_floating(n) if r else n
+    def to_shortest_decimal(self):
+        """Find shortest Decimal value that rounds back to the original."""
+        if not self:
+            raise ValueError("Refusing to compute shortest decimal for 0.")
+        d = self.decimal_exponent() - 1
+        while True:
+            lower, round_up = self.to_decimal(d)
+            upper = next_floating(lower)
+            lower_ok = MockFloat(lower) == self
+            upper_ok = MockFloat(upper) == self
+            if upper_ok and (round_up or not lower_ok):
+                return upper
+            elif lower_ok:
+                return lower
+            d -= 1
+class ReprTests(unittest.TestCase):
+    def check_repr(self, x):
+        """Compare float.__repr__ with MockFloat.__repr__."""
+        expected = repr(MockFloat(x))
+        got = repr(x)
+        self.assertEqual(expected, got,
+                         "Incorrect repr for {}: "
+                         "expected {}, got {}".format(x, expected, got))
+    def test_random(self):
+        for _ in range(1000):
+            # bit pattern corresponding to a random finite positive float
+            bits = random.randrange(2047*2**52)
+            x = struct.unpack('<d', struct.pack('<Q', bits))[0]
+            self.check_repr(x)
+    def test_particular(self):
+        self.check_repr(0.0)
+        self.check_repr(-0.0)
+        self.check_repr(2.3)
+        self.check_repr(4.788141995955901e+131)
+        # case where it matters that we're using round half to even
+        self.check_repr(1e23)
+def test_main():
+    test.support.run_unittest(ReprTests)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_main()

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