[Python-checkins] cpython: Use hg manifest to compute list of library files to include.

martin.v.loewis python-checkins at python.org
Tue Mar 6 17:54:45 CET 2012

changeset:   75458:fb7bb61c8847
user:        Martin v. Löwis <martin at v.loewis.de>
date:        Tue Mar 06 17:53:12 2012 +0100
  Use hg manifest to compute list of library files to include.

  Tools/msi/msi.py |  165 ++++++++--------------------------
  1 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 126 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Tools/msi/msi.py b/Tools/msi/msi.py
--- a/Tools/msi/msi.py
+++ b/Tools/msi/msi.py
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
 # (C) 2003 Martin v. Loewis
 # See "FOO" in comments refers to MSDN sections with the title FOO.
 import msilib, schema, sequence, os, glob, time, re, shutil, zipfile
+import subprocess, tempfile
 from msilib import Feature, CAB, Directory, Dialog, Binary, add_data
 import uisample
 from win32com.client import constants
 from distutils.spawn import find_executable
-import tempfile
 # Settings can be overridden in config.py below
 # 0 for official python.org releases
@@ -909,31 +909,27 @@
             kw['componentflags'] = 2 #msidbComponentAttributesOptional
         Directory.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
-    def check_unpackaged(self):
-        self.unpackaged_files.discard('__pycache__')
-        self.unpackaged_files.discard('.svn')
-        if self.unpackaged_files:
-            print "Warning: Unpackaged files in %s" % self.absolute
-            print self.unpackaged_files
+def hgmanifest():
+    # Fetch file list from Mercurial
+    process = subprocess.Popen(['hg', 'manifest'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+    stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
+    # Create nested directories for file tree
+    result = {}
+    for line in stdout.splitlines():
+        components = line.split('/')
+        d = result
+        while len(components) > 1:
+            d1 = d.setdefault(components[0], {})
+            d = d1
+            del components[0]
+        d[components[0]] = None
+    return result
-def inside_test(dir):
-    if dir.physical in ('test', 'tests'):
-        return True
-    if dir.basedir:
-        return inside_test(dir.basedir)
-    return False
-def in_packaging_tests(dir):
-    if dir.physical == 'tests' and dir.basedir.physical == 'packaging':
-        return True
-    if dir.basedir:
-        return in_packaging_tests(dir.basedir)
-    return False
 # See "File Table", "Component Table", "Directory Table",
 # "FeatureComponents Table"
 def add_files(db):
+    hgfiles = hgmanifest()
     cab = CAB("python")
     tmpfiles = []
     # Add all executables, icons, text files into the TARGETDIR component
@@ -995,123 +991,40 @@
     # Add all .py files in Lib, except tkinter, test
     dirs = []
-    pydirs = [(root,"Lib")]
+    pydirs = [(root, "Lib", hgfiles["Lib"], default_feature)]
     while pydirs:
         # Commit every now and then, or else installer will complain
-        parent, dir = pydirs.pop()
-        if dir == ".svn" or dir == '__pycache__' or dir.startswith("plat-"):
+        parent, dir, files, feature = pydirs.pop()
+        if dir.startswith("plat-"):
-        elif dir in ["tkinter", "idlelib", "Icons"]:
+        if dir in ["tkinter", "idlelib", "turtledemo"]:
             if not have_tcl:
+            feature = tcltk
-        elif dir in ('test', 'tests') or inside_test(parent):
-            testsuite.set_current()
+        elif dir in ('test', 'tests'):
+            feature = testsuite
         elif not have_ctypes and dir == "ctypes":
-        else:
-            default_feature.set_current()
+        feature.set_current()
         lib = PyDirectory(db, cab, parent, dir, dir, "%s|%s" % (parent.make_short(dir), dir))
-        # Add additional files
-        lib.glob("*.txt")
-        if dir=='site-packages':
-            lib.add_file("README.txt", src="README")
-            continue
-        files = lib.glob("*.py")
-        files += lib.glob("*.pyw")
-        if files:
-            # Add an entry to the RemoveFile table to remove bytecode files.
+        has_py = False
+        for name, subdir in files.items():
+            if subdir is None:
+                assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(lib.absolute, name))
+                if name == 'README':
+                    lib.add_file("README.txt", src="README")
+                else:
+                    lib.add_file(name)
+                    has_py = has_py or name.endswith(".py") or name.endswith(".pyw")
+            else:
+                assert os.path.isdir(os.path.join(lib.absolute, name))
+                pydirs.append((lib, name, subdir, feature))
+        if has_py:
-        # package READMEs if present
-        lib.glob("README")
-        if dir=='Lib':
-            lib.add_file("sysconfig.cfg")
-        if dir=='test' and parent.physical=='Lib':
-            lib.add_file("185test.db")
-            lib.add_file("audiotest.au")
-            lib.add_file("sgml_input.html")
-            lib.add_file("testtar.tar")
-            lib.add_file("test_difflib_expect.html")
-            lib.add_file("check_soundcard.vbs")
-            lib.add_file("empty.vbs")
-            lib.add_file("Sine-1000Hz-300ms.aif")
-            lib.glob("*.uue")
-            lib.glob("*.pem")
-            lib.glob("*.pck")
-            lib.glob("cfgparser.*")
-            lib.add_file("zip_cp437_header.zip")
-            lib.add_file("zipdir.zip")
-            lib.add_file("mime.types")
-        if dir=='capath':
-            lib.glob("*.0")
-        if dir=='tests' and parent.physical=='distutils':
-            lib.add_file("Setup.sample")
-        if dir=='decimaltestdata':
-            lib.glob("*.decTest")
-        if dir=='xmltestdata':
-            lib.glob("*.xml")
-            lib.add_file("test.xml.out")
-        if dir=='output':
-            lib.glob("test_*")
-        if dir=='sndhdrdata':
-            lib.glob("sndhdr.*")
-        if dir=='idlelib':
-            lib.glob("*.def")
-            lib.add_file("idle.bat")
-            lib.add_file("ChangeLog")
-        if dir=="Icons":
-            lib.glob("*.gif")
-            lib.add_file("idle.icns")
-        if dir=="command" and parent.physical in ("distutils", "packaging"):
-            lib.glob("wininst*.exe")
-            lib.add_file("command_template")
-        if dir=="lib2to3":
-            lib.removefile("pickle", "*.pickle")
-        if dir=="macholib":
-            lib.add_file("README.ctypes")
-            lib.glob("fetch_macholib*")
-        if dir=='turtledemo':
-            lib.add_file("turtle.cfg")
-        if dir=="pydoc_data":
-            lib.add_file("_pydoc.css")
-        if dir.endswith('.dist-info'):
-            lib.add_file('INSTALLER')
-            lib.add_file('REQUESTED')
-            lib.add_file('RECORD')
-            lib.add_file('METADATA')
-            lib.glob('RESOURCES')
-        if dir.endswith('.egg-info') or dir == 'EGG-INFO':
-            lib.add_file('PKG-INFO')
-        if in_packaging_tests(parent):
-            lib.glob('*.html')
-            lib.glob('*.tar.gz')
-        if dir=='fake_dists':
-            # cannot use glob since there are also egg-info directories here
-            lib.add_file('cheese-2.0.2.egg-info')
-            lib.add_file('nut-funkyversion.egg-info')
-            lib.add_file('strawberry-0.6.egg')
-            lib.add_file('truffles-5.0.egg-info')
-            lib.add_file('babar.cfg')
-            lib.add_file('babar.png')
-        if dir=="data" and parent.physical=="test_email":
-            # This should contain all non-.svn files listed in subversion
-            for f in os.listdir(lib.absolute):
-                if f.endswith(".txt") or f==".svn":continue
-                if f.endswith(".au") or f.endswith(".gif"):
-                    lib.add_file(f)
-                else:
-                    print("WARNING: New file %s in test/test_email/data" % f)
-        if dir=='tests' and parent.physical == 'packaging':
-            lib.add_file('SETUPTOOLS-PKG-INFO2')
-            lib.add_file('SETUPTOOLS-PKG-INFO')
-            lib.add_file('PKG-INFO')
-        for f in os.listdir(lib.absolute):
-            if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(lib.absolute, f)):
-                pydirs.append((lib, f))
-    for d in dirs:
-        d.check_unpackaged()
     # Add DLLs
     lib = DLLs

Repository URL: http://hg.python.org/cpython

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