[Python-checkins] cpython: Backed out changeset dafca4714298

tim.golden python-checkins at python.org
Tue Nov 6 16:38:24 CET 2012

changeset:   80276:a29f15f743a2
parent:      80273:dafca4714298
user:        Tim Golden <mail at timgolden.me.uk>
date:        Tue Nov 06 15:33:30 2012 +0000
  Backed out changeset dafca4714298

  Doc/library/glob.rst  |  11 ++--
  Lib/glob.py           |  65 ++++++++----------------------
  Lib/test/test_glob.py |  64 +-----------------------------
  Misc/NEWS             |   3 -
  4 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 118 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Doc/library/glob.rst b/Doc/library/glob.rst
--- a/Doc/library/glob.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/glob.rst
@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@
 The :mod:`glob` module finds all the pathnames matching a specified pattern
 according to the rules used by the Unix shell.  No tilde expansion is done, but
-``*``, ``?``, character ranges expressed with ``[]`` and list of options
-expressed with ``{}`` will be correctly matched.  This is done by using the
-:func:`os.listdir` and :func:`fnmatch.fnmatch` functions in concert, and not by
-actually invoking a subshell.  (For tilde and shell variable expansion, use
+``*``, ``?``, and character ranges expressed with ``[]`` will be correctly
+matched.  This is done by using the :func:`os.listdir` and
+:func:`fnmatch.fnmatch` functions in concert, and not by actually invoking a
+subshell.  (For tilde and shell variable expansion, use
 :func:`os.path.expanduser` and :func:`os.path.expandvars`.)
@@ -47,8 +47,7 @@
    ['1.gif', 'card.gif']
    >>> glob.glob('?.gif')
-   >>> glob.glob('?.{gif,txt}')
-   ['1.gif', '2.txt']
 .. seealso::
diff --git a/Lib/glob.py b/Lib/glob.py
--- a/Lib/glob.py
+++ b/Lib/glob.py
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
     return list(iglob(pathname))
 def iglob(pathname):
     """Return an iterator which yields the paths matching a pathname pattern.
@@ -25,24 +24,21 @@
         if os.path.lexists(pathname):
             yield pathname
-    pathnames = expand_braces(pathname)
-    for pathname in pathnames:
-      dirname, basename = os.path.split(pathname)
-      if not dirname:
-          yield from glob1(None, basename)
-          return
-      if has_magic(dirname):
-          dirs = iglob(dirname)
-      else:
-          dirs = [dirname]
-      if has_magic(basename):
-          glob_in_dir = glob1
-      else:
-          glob_in_dir = glob0
-      for dirname in dirs:
-          for name in glob_in_dir(dirname, basename):
-              yield os.path.join(dirname, name)
+    dirname, basename = os.path.split(pathname)
+    if not dirname:
+        yield from glob1(None, basename)
+        return
+    if has_magic(dirname):
+        dirs = iglob(dirname)
+    else:
+        dirs = [dirname]
+    if has_magic(basename):
+        glob_in_dir = glob1
+    else:
+        glob_in_dir = glob0
+    for dirname in dirs:
+        for name in glob_in_dir(dirname, basename):
+            yield os.path.join(dirname, name)
 # These 2 helper functions non-recursively glob inside a literal directory.
 # They return a list of basenames. `glob1` accepts a pattern while `glob0`
@@ -74,37 +70,12 @@
     return []
-magic_check = re.compile('[*?[{]')
-magic_check_bytes = re.compile(b'[*?[{]')
+magic_check = re.compile('[*?[]')
+magic_check_bytes = re.compile(b'[*?[]')
 def has_magic(s):
     if isinstance(s, bytes):
         match = magic_check_bytes.search(s)
         match = magic_check.search(s)
     return match is not None
-brace_matcher = re.compile(r'.*(\{.+?[^\\]\})')
-def expand_braces(text):
-    """Find the rightmost, innermost set of braces and, if it contains a
-    comma-separated list, expand its contents recursively (any of its items
-    may itself be a list enclosed in braces).
-    Return the full set of expanded strings.
-    """
-    res = set()
-    match = brace_matcher.search(text)
-    if match is not None:
-        sub = match.group(1)
-        open_brace, close_brace = match.span(1)
-        if "," in sub:
-            for pat in sub.strip('{}').split(','):
-                res.update(expand_braces(text[:open_brace] + pat + text[close_brace:]))
-        else:
-            res.update(expand_braces(text[:open_brace] + sub.replace('}', '\\}') + text[close_brace:]))
-    else:
-        res.add(text.replace('\\}', '}'))
-    return res
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_glob.py b/Lib/test/test_glob.py
--- a/Lib/test/test_glob.py
+++ b/Lib/test/test_glob.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 import os
 import shutil
-class GlobTestsBase(unittest.TestCase):
+class GlobTests(unittest.TestCase):
     def norm(self, *parts):
         return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.tempdir, *parts))
@@ -45,8 +45,6 @@
     def assertSequencesEqual_noorder(self, l1, l2):
         self.assertEqual(set(l1), set(l2))
-class GlobTests(GlobTestsBase):
     def test_glob_literal(self):
         eq = self.assertSequencesEqual_noorder
         eq(self.glob('a'), [self.norm('a')])
@@ -107,67 +105,9 @@
         eq(self.glob('sym1'), [self.norm('sym1')])
         eq(self.glob('sym2'), [self.norm('sym2')])
-class GlobBracesTests(GlobTestsBase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        super(GlobBracesTests, self).setUp()
-        self.mktemp('c{}d')
-        self.mktemp('c{deg')
-        self.mktemp('c{dfg')
-        self.mktemp('cd{f}g')
-        self.mktemp('ce{f}g')
-        self.mktemp('cdf}g')
-        self.mktemp('cef}g')
-    def match_pattern_with_results(self, patterns, paths):
-        expected = [self.norm(path) for path in [os.path.join(*parts) for parts in paths]]
-        actual = [os.path.normpath(g) for g in self.glob(*patterns)]
-        self.assertSequencesEqual_noorder(actual, expected)
-    def test_two_terms(self):
-        self.match_pattern_with_results(['a{aa,ab}'], [["aaa"], ["aab"]])
-    def test_missing_first_plus_nested(self):
-        self.match_pattern_with_results(['a{,a{a,b}}'], [['a'], ['aaa'], ['aab']])
-    def test_one_subpath_with_two_file_terms(self):
-        self.match_pattern_with_results(['a', '{D,bcd}'], [['a', 'D'], ['a', 'bcd']])
-    def test_two_subpath_terms_with_two_file_terms(self):
-        self.match_pattern_with_results(['{aaa,aab}', '{F,zzzF}'], [('aaa', 'zzzF'), ('aab', 'F')])
-    def test_two_subpath_terms_with_wildcard_file_term(self):
-        self.match_pattern_with_results(['aa{a,b}', '*F'], [('aaa', 'zzzF'), ('aab', 'F')])
-    def test_wildcard_subpath_with_file_missing_first_term(self):
-        self.match_pattern_with_results(['aa?', '{,zzz}F'], [('aaa', 'zzzF'), ('aab', 'F')])
-    #
-    # Edge cases where braces should not be expanded
-    #
-    def test_empty_braces(self):
-        self.assertSequencesEqual_noorder(self.glob('c{}d'), [self.norm('c{}d')])
-    def test_missing_end_brace(self):
-        self.assertSequencesEqual_noorder(self.glob('c{d{e,f}g'), map(self.norm, ['c{deg', 'c{dfg']))
-    def test_second_brace_one_term(self):
-        self.assertSequencesEqual_noorder(self.glob('c{d,e}{f}g'), map(self.norm, ['cd{f}g', 'ce{f}g']))
-    def test_outer_term_missing_first_brace(self):
-        self.assertSequencesEqual_noorder(self.glob('c{d,e}f}g'), map(self.norm, ['cdf}g', 'cef}g']))
-    #
-    # Braces containing folder separators
-    #
-    def test_embedded_separator1(self):
-        self.match_pattern_with_results(['a/{D,bcd/{EF,efg}}'], [('a', 'D'), ('a', 'bcd', 'EF'), ('a', 'bcd', 'efg')])
-    def test_embedded_separator2(self):
-        self.match_pattern_with_results(['aa{a/zzz,b/}F'], [('aaa', 'zzzF'), ('aab', 'F')])
 def test_main():
-    run_unittest(GlobTests, GlobBracesTests)
+    run_unittest(GlobTests)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS b/Misc/NEWS
--- a/Misc/NEWS
+++ b/Misc/NEWS
@@ -10,9 +10,6 @@
 Core and Builtins
-- Issue #9584: glob.glob now expands braces to a list of strings.
-  Original patch by Mathieu Bridon.
 - Issue #8271: the utf-8 decoder now outputs the correct number of U+FFFD
   characters when used with the 'replace' error handler on invalid utf-8
   sequences.  Patch by Serhiy Storchaka, tests by Ezio Melotti.

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