[Python-checkins] cpython: asyncio doc: Move streams to their own dedicated page

victor.stinner python-checkins at python.org
Thu Jan 23 11:05:13 CET 2014

changeset:   88651:95b3f5d152f0
user:        Victor Stinner <victor.stinner at gmail.com>
date:        Thu Jan 23 11:05:01 2014 +0100
  asyncio doc: Move streams to their own dedicated page

  Doc/library/asyncio-protocol.rst |  212 +-------
  Doc/library/asyncio-protocol.rst |  508 +------------------
  Doc/library/asyncio.rst          |    1 +
  3 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 711 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Doc/library/asyncio-protocol.rst b/Doc/library/asyncio-protocol.rst
--- a/Doc/library/asyncio-protocol.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/asyncio-protocol.rst
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 .. currentmodule:: asyncio
-Transports, streams and protocols
+Transports  and protocols
 .. _transport:
@@ -228,212 +228,6 @@
       stop the subprocess.
-Stream functions
-.. function:: open_connection(host=None, port=None, *, loop=None, limit=_DEFAULT_LIMIT, **kwds)
-   A wrapper for :meth:`~BaseEventLoop.create_connection()` returning a (reader,
-   writer) pair.
-   The reader returned is a :class:`StreamReader` instance; the writer is
-   a :class:`StreamWriter` instance.
-   The arguments are all the usual arguments to
-   :meth:`BaseEventLoop.create_connection` except *protocol_factory*; most
-   common are positional host and port, with various optional keyword arguments
-   following.
-   Additional optional keyword arguments are *loop* (to set the event loop
-   instance to use) and *limit* (to set the buffer limit passed to the
-   :class:`StreamReader`).
-   (If you want to customize the :class:`StreamReader` and/or
-   :class:`StreamReaderProtocol` classes, just copy the code -- there's really
-   nothing special here except some convenience.)
-   This function returns a :ref:`coroutine object <coroutine>`.
-.. function:: start_server(client_connected_cb, host=None, port=None, *, loop=None, limit=_DEFAULT_LIMIT, **kwds)
-   Start a socket server, call back for each client connected.
-   The first parameter, *client_connected_cb*, takes two parameters:
-   *client_reader*, *client_writer*.  *client_reader* is a
-   :class:`StreamReader` object, while *client_writer* is a
-   :class:`StreamWriter` object.  This parameter can either be a plain callback
-   function or a :ref:`coroutine function <coroutine>`; if it is a coroutine
-   function, it will be automatically converted into a :class:`Task`.
-   The rest of the arguments are all the usual arguments to
-   :meth:`~BaseEventLoop.create_server()` except *protocol_factory*; most
-   common are positional host and port, with various optional keyword arguments
-   following.  The return value is the same as
-   :meth:`~BaseEventLoop.create_server()`.
-   Additional optional keyword arguments are *loop* (to set the event loop
-   instance to use) and *limit* (to set the buffer limit passed to the
-   :class:`StreamReader`).
-   The return value is the same as :meth:`~BaseEventLoop.create_server()`, i.e.
-   a :class:`AbstractServer` object which can be used to stop the service.
-   This function returns a :ref:`coroutine object <coroutine>`.
-.. class:: StreamReader(limit=_DEFAULT_LIMIT, loop=None)
-   .. method:: exception()
-      Get the exception.
-   .. method:: feed_eof()
-      XXX
-   .. method:: feed_data(data)
-      XXX
-   .. method:: set_exception(exc)
-      Set the exception.
-   .. method:: set_transport(transport)
-      Set the transport.
-   .. method:: read(n=-1)
-      XXX
-      This method returns a :ref:`coroutine object <coroutine>`.
-   .. method:: readline()
-      XXX
-      This method returns a :ref:`coroutine object <coroutine>`.
-   .. method:: readexactly(n)
-      XXX
-      This method returns a :ref:`coroutine object <coroutine>`.
-.. class:: StreamWriter(transport, protocol, reader, loop)
-   Wraps a Transport.
-   This exposes :meth:`write`, :meth:`writelines`, :meth:`can_write_eof()`,
-   :meth:`write_eof`, :meth:`get_extra_info` and :meth:`close`.  It adds
-   :meth:`drain` which returns an optional :class:`Future` on which you can
-   wait for flow control.  It also adds a transport attribute which references
-   the :class:`Transport` directly.
-   .. attribute:: transport
-      Transport.
-   .. method:: close()
-      Close the transport: see :meth:`BaseTransport.close`.
-   .. method:: drain()
-      This method has an unusual return value.
-      The intended use is to write::
-          w.write(data)
-          yield from w.drain()
-      When there's nothing to wait for, :meth:`drain()` returns ``()``, and the
-      yield-from continues immediately.  When the transport buffer is full (the
-      protocol is paused), :meth:`drain` creates and returns a
-      :class:`Future` and the yield-from will block until
-      that Future is completed, which will happen when the buffer is
-      (partially) drained and the protocol is resumed.
-   .. method:: get_extra_info(name, default=None)
-      Return optional transport information: see
-      :meth:`BaseTransport.get_extra_info`.
-   .. method:: write(data)
-      Write some *data* bytes to the transport: see
-      :meth:`WriteTransport.write`.
-   .. method:: writelines(data)
-      Write a list (or any iterable) of data bytes to the transport:
-      see :meth:`WriteTransport.writelines`.
-   .. method:: can_write_eof()
-      Return :const:`True` if the transport supports :meth:`write_eof`,
-      :const:`False` if not. See :meth:`WriteTransport.can_write_eof`.
-   .. method:: write_eof()
-      Close the write end of the transport after flushing buffered data:
-      see :meth:`WriteTransport.write_eof`.
-.. class:: StreamReaderProtocol(stream_reader, client_connected_cb=None, loop=None)
-    Trivial helper class to adapt between :class:`Protocol` and
-    :class:`StreamReader`. Sublclass of :class:`Protocol`.
-    *stream_reader* is a :class:`StreamReader` instance, *client_connected_cb*
-    is an optional function called with (stream_reader, stream_writer) when a
-    connection is made, *loop* is the event loop instance to use.
-    (This is a helper class instead of making :class:`StreamReader` itself a
-    :class:`Protocol` subclass, because the :class:`StreamReader` has other
-    potential uses, and to prevent the user of the :class:`StreamReader` to
-    accidentally call inappropriate methods of the protocol.)
-    .. method:: connection_made(transport)
-       XXX
-    .. method:: connection_lost(exc)
-       XXX
-    .. method:: data_received(data)
-       XXX
-    .. method:: eof_received()
-       XXX
-    .. method:: pause_writing()
-       XXX
-    .. method:: resume_writing()
-       XXX
 .. _protocol:
diff --git a/Doc/library/asyncio-protocol.rst b/Doc/library/asyncio-stream.rst
copy from Doc/library/asyncio-protocol.rst
copy to Doc/library/asyncio-stream.rst
--- a/Doc/library/asyncio-protocol.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/asyncio-stream.rst
@@ -1,238 +1,11 @@
 .. currentmodule:: asyncio
-Transports, streams and protocols
-.. _transport:
-Transports are classed provided by :mod:`asyncio` in order to abstract
-various kinds of communication channels.  You generally won't instantiate
-a transport yourself; instead, you will call a :class:`BaseEventLoop` method
-which will create the transport and try to initiate the underlying
-communication channel, calling you back when it succeeds.
-Once the communication channel is established, a transport is always
-paired with a :ref:`protocol <protocol>` instance.  The protocol can
-then call the transport's methods for various purposes.
-:mod:`asyncio` currently implements transports for TCP, UDP, SSL, and
-subprocess pipes.  The methods available on a transport depend on
-the transport's kind.
-.. class:: BaseTransport
-   Base class for transports.
-   .. method:: close(self)
-      Close the transport.  If the transport has a buffer for outgoing
-      data, buffered data will be flushed asynchronously.  No more data
-      will be received.  After all buffered data is flushed, the
-      protocol's :meth:`connection_lost` method will be called with
-      :const:`None` as its argument.
-   .. method:: get_extra_info(name, default=None)
-      Return optional transport information.  *name* is a string representing
-      the piece of transport-specific information to get, *default* is the
-      value to return if the information doesn't exist.
-      This method allows transport implementations to easily expose
-      channel-specific information.
-      * socket:
-        - ``'peername'``: the remote address to which the socket is connected,
-          result of :meth:`socket.socket.getpeername` (``None`` on error)
-        - ``'socket'``: :class:`socket.socket` instance
-        - ``'sockname'``: the socket's own address,
-          result of :meth:`socket.socket.getsockname`
-      * SSL socket:
-        - ``'compression'``: the compression algorithm being used as a string,
-          or ``None`` if the connection isn't compressed; result of
-          :meth:`ssl.SSLSocket.compression`
-        - ``'cipher'``: a three-value tuple containing the name of the cipher
-          being used, the version of the SSL protocol that defines its use, and
-          the number of secret bits being used; result of
-          :meth:`ssl.SSLSocket.cipher`
-        - ``'peercert'``: peer certificate; result of
-          :meth:`ssl.SSLSocket.getpeercert`
-        - ``'sslcontext'``: :class:`ssl.SSLContext` instance
-      * pipe:
-        - ``'pipe'``: pipe object
-      * subprocess:
-        - ``'subprocess'``: :class:`subprocess.Popen` instance
-.. class:: ReadTransport
-   Interface for read-only transports.
-   .. method:: pause_reading()
-      Pause the receiving end of the transport.  No data will be passed to
-      the protocol's :meth:`data_received` method until meth:`resume_reading`
-      is called.
-   .. method:: resume_reading()
-      Resume the receiving end.  The protocol's :meth:`data_received` method
-      will be called once again if some data is available for reading.
-.. class:: WriteTransport
-   Interface for write-only transports.
-   .. method:: abort()
-      Close the transport immediately, without waiting for pending operations
-      to complete.  Buffered data will be lost.  No more data will be received.
-      The protocol's :meth:`connection_lost` method will eventually be
-      called with :const:`None` as its argument.
-   .. method:: can_write_eof()
-      Return :const:`True` if the transport supports :meth:`write_eof`,
-      :const:`False` if not.
-   .. method:: get_write_buffer_size()
-      Return the current size of the output buffer used by the transport.
-   .. method:: set_write_buffer_limits(high=None, low=None)
-      Set the *high*- and *low*-water limits for write flow control.
-      These two values control when call the protocol's
-      :meth:`pause_writing` and :meth:`resume_writing` methods are called.
-      If specified, the low-water limit must be less than or equal to the
-      high-water limit.  Neither *high* nor *low* can be negative.
-      The defaults are implementation-specific.  If only the
-      high-water limit is given, the low-water limit defaults to a
-      implementation-specific value less than or equal to the
-      high-water limit.  Setting *high* to zero forces *low* to zero as
-      well, and causes :meth:`pause_writing` to be called whenever the
-      buffer becomes non-empty.  Setting *low* to zero causes
-      :meth:`resume_writing` to be called only once the buffer is empty.
-      Use of zero for either limit is generally sub-optimal as it
-      reduces opportunities for doing I/O and computation
-      concurrently.
-   .. method:: write(data)
-      Write some *data* bytes to the transport.
-      This method does not block; it buffers the data and arranges for it
-      to be sent out asynchronously.
-   .. method:: writelines(list_of_data)
-      Write a list (or any iterable) of data bytes to the transport.
-      This is functionally equivalent to calling :meth:`write` on each
-      element yielded by the iterable, but may be implemented more efficiently.
-   .. method:: write_eof()
-      Close the write end of the transport after flushing buffered data.
-      Data may still be received.
-      This method can raise :exc:`NotImplementedError` if the transport
-      (e.g. SSL) doesn't support half-closes.
-.. method:: DatagramTransport.sendto(data, addr=None)
-   Send the *data* bytes to the remote peer given by *addr* (a
-   transport-dependent target address).  If *addr* is :const:`None`, the
-   data is sent to the target address given on transport creation.
-   This method does not block; it buffers the data and arranges for it
-   to be sent out asynchronously.
-.. method:: DatagramTransport.abort()
-   Close the transport immediately, without waiting for pending operations
-   to complete.  Buffered data will be lost.  No more data will be received.
-   The protocol's :meth:`connection_lost` method will eventually be
-   called with :const:`None` as its argument.
-.. class:: BaseSubprocessTransport
-   .. method:: get_pid()
-      Return the subprocess process id as an integer.
-   .. method:: get_pipe_transport(fd)
-      Return the transport for the communication pipe correspondong to the
-      integer file descriptor *fd*.  The return value can be a readable or
-      writable streaming transport, depending on the *fd*.  If *fd* doesn't
-      correspond to a pipe belonging to this transport, :const:`None` is
-      returned.
-   .. method:: get_returncode()
-      Return the subprocess returncode as an integer or :const:`None`
-      if it hasn't returned, similarly to the
-      :attr:`subprocess.Popen.returncode` attribute.
-   .. method:: kill(self)
-      Kill the subprocess, as in :meth:`subprocess.Popen.kill`
-      On POSIX systems, the function sends SIGKILL to the subprocess.
-      On Windows, this method is an alias for :meth:`terminate`.
-   .. method:: send_signal(signal)
-      Send the *signal* number to the subprocess, as in
-      :meth:`subprocess.Popen.send_signal`.
-   .. method:: terminate()
-      Ask the subprocess to stop, as in :meth:`subprocess.Popen.terminate`.
-      This method is an alias for the :meth:`close` method.
-      On POSIX systems, this method sends SIGTERM to the subprocess.
-      On Windows, the Windows API function TerminateProcess() is called to
-      stop the subprocess.
 Stream functions
 .. function:: open_connection(host=None, port=None, *, loop=None, limit=_DEFAULT_LIMIT, **kwds)
@@ -285,7 +58,7 @@
 .. class:: StreamReader(limit=_DEFAULT_LIMIT, loop=None)
@@ -329,7 +102,7 @@
 .. class:: StreamWriter(transport, protocol, reader, loop)
@@ -392,7 +165,7 @@
 .. class:: StreamReaderProtocol(stream_reader, client_connected_cb=None, loop=None)
@@ -432,272 +205,3 @@
-.. _protocol:
-:mod:`asyncio` provides base classes that you can subclass to implement
-your network protocols.  Those classes are used in conjunction with
-:ref:`transports <transport>` (see below): the protocol parses incoming
-data and asks for the writing of outgoing data, while the transport is
-responsible for the actual I/O and buffering.
-When subclassing a protocol class, it is recommended you override certain
-methods.  Those methods are callbacks: they will be called by the transport
-on certain events (for example when some data is received); you shouldn't
-call them yourself, unless you are implementing a transport.
-.. note::
-   All callbacks have default implementations, which are empty.  Therefore,
-   you only need to implement the callbacks for the events in which you
-   are interested.
-Protocol classes
-.. class:: Protocol
-   The base class for implementing streaming protocols (for use with
-   e.g. TCP and SSL transports).
-.. class:: DatagramProtocol
-   The base class for implementing datagram protocols (for use with
-   e.g. UDP transports).
-.. class:: SubprocessProtocol
-   The base class for implementing protocols communicating with child
-   processes (through a set of unidirectional pipes).
-Connection callbacks
-These callbacks may be called on :class:`Protocol` and
-:class:`SubprocessProtocol` instances:
-.. method:: BaseProtocol.connection_made(transport)
-   Called when a connection is made.
-   The *transport* argument is the transport representing the
-   connection.  You are responsible for storing it somewhere
-   (e.g. as an attribute) if you need to.
-.. method:: BaseProtocol.connection_lost(exc)
-   Called when the connection is lost or closed.
-   The argument is either an exception object or :const:`None`.
-   The latter means a regular EOF is received, or the connection was
-   aborted or closed by this side of the connection.
-:meth:`connection_made` and :meth:`connection_lost` are called exactly once
-per successful connection.  All other callbacks will be called between those
-two methods, which allows for easier resource management in your protocol
-The following callbacks may be called only on :class:`SubprocessProtocol`
-.. method:: SubprocessProtocol.pipe_data_received(fd, data)
-   Called when the child process writes data into its stdout or stderr pipe.
-   *fd* is the integer file descriptor of the pipe.  *data* is a non-empty
-   bytes object containing the data.
-.. method:: SubprocessProtocol.pipe_connection_lost(fd, exc)
-   Called when one of the pipes communicating with the child process
-   is closed.  *fd* is the integer file descriptor that was closed.
-.. method:: SubprocessProtocol.process_exited()
-   Called when the child process has exited.
-Streaming protocols
-The following callbacks are called on :class:`Protocol` instances:
-.. method:: Protocol.data_received(data)
-   Called when some data is received.  *data* is a non-empty bytes object
-   containing the incoming data.
-   .. note::
-      Whether the data is buffered, chunked or reassembled depends on
-      the transport.  In general, you shouldn't rely on specific semantics
-      and instead make your parsing generic and flexible enough.  However,
-      data is always received in the correct order.
-.. method:: Protocol.eof_received()
-   Calls when the other end signals it won't send any more data
-   (for example by calling :meth:`write_eof`, if the other end also uses
-   asyncio).
-   This method may return a false value (including None), in which case
-   the transport will close itself.  Conversely, if this method returns a
-   true value, closing the transport is up to the protocol.  Since the
-   default implementation returns None, it implicitly closes the connection.
-   .. note::
-      Some transports such as SSL don't support half-closed connections,
-      in which case returning true from this method will not prevent closing
-      the connection.
-:meth:`data_received` can be called an arbitrary number of times during
-a connection.  However, :meth:`eof_received` is called at most once
-and, if called, :meth:`data_received` won't be called after it.
-Datagram protocols
-The following callbacks are called on :class:`DatagramProtocol` instances.
-.. method:: DatagramProtocol.datagram_received(data, addr)
-   Called when a datagram is received.  *data* is a bytes object containing
-   the incoming data.  *addr* is the address of the peer sending the data;
-   the exact format depends on the transport.
-.. method:: DatagramProtocol.error_received(exc)
-   Called when a previous send or receive operation raises an
-   :class:`OSError`.  *exc* is the :class:`OSError` instance.
-   This method is called in rare conditions, when the transport (e.g. UDP)
-   detects that a datagram couldn't be delivered to its recipient.
-   In many conditions though, undeliverable datagrams will be silently
-   dropped.
-Flow control callbacks
-These callbacks may be called on :class:`Protocol` and
-:class:`SubprocessProtocol` instances:
-.. method:: BaseProtocol.pause_writing()
-   Called when the transport's buffer goes over the high-water mark.
-.. method:: BaseProtocol.resume_writing()
-   Called when the transport's buffer drains below the low-water mark.
-:meth:`pause_writing` and :meth:`resume_writing` calls are paired --
-:meth:`pause_writing` is called once when the buffer goes strictly over
-the high-water mark (even if subsequent writes increases the buffer size
-even more), and eventually :meth:`resume_writing` is called once when the
-buffer size reaches the low-water mark.
-.. note::
-   If the buffer size equals the high-water mark,
-   :meth:`pause_writing` is not called -- it must go strictly over.
-   Conversely, :meth:`resume_writing` is called when the buffer size is
-   equal or lower than the low-water mark.  These end conditions
-   are important to ensure that things go as expected when either
-   mark is zero.
-.. class:: AbstractServer
-   Abstract server returned by :func:`BaseEventLoop.create_server`.
-   .. method:: close()
-      Stop serving.  This leaves existing connections open.
-   .. method:: wait_closed()
-      Coroutine to wait until service is closed.
-Protocol example: TCP echo server and client
-Echo client
-TCP echo client example, send data and wait until the connection is closed::
-    import asyncio
-    class EchoClient(asyncio.Protocol):
-        message = 'This is the message. It will be echoed.'
-        def connection_made(self, transport):
-            transport.write(self.message.encode())
-            print('data sent: {}'.format(self.message))
-        def data_received(self, data):
-            print('data received: {}'.format(data.decode()))
-        def connection_lost(self, exc):
-            print('server closed the connection')
-            asyncio.get_event_loop().stop()
-    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
-    coro = loop.create_connection(EchoClient, '', 8888)
-    loop.run_until_complete(coro)
-    loop.run_forever()
-    loop.close()
-The event loop is running twice. The
-:meth:`~BaseEventLoop.run_until_complete` method is preferred in this short
-example to raise an exception if the server is not listening, instead of
-having to write a short coroutine to handle the exception and stop the
-running loop. At :meth:`~BaseEventLoop.run_until_complete` exit, the loop is
-no more running, so there is no need to stop the loop in case of an error.
-Echo server
-TCP echo server example, send back received data and close the connection::
-    import asyncio
-    class EchoServer(asyncio.Protocol):
-        def connection_made(self, transport):
-            peername = transport.get_extra_info('peername')
-            print('connection from {}'.format(peername))
-            self.transport = transport
-        def data_received(self, data):
-            print('data received: {}'.format(data.decode()))
-            self.transport.write(data)
-            # close the socket
-            self.transport.close()
-    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
-    coro = loop.create_server(EchoServer, '', 8888)
-    server = loop.run_until_complete(coro)
-    print('serving on {}'.format(server.sockets[0].getsockname()))
-    try:
-        loop.run_forever()
-    except KeyboardInterrupt:
-        print("exit")
-    finally:
-        server.close()
-        loop.close()
-:meth:`Transport.close` can be called immediately after
-:meth:`WriteTransport.write` even if data are not sent yet on the socket: both
-methods are asynchronous. ``yield from`` is not needed because these transport
-methods don't return coroutines.
diff --git a/Doc/library/asyncio.rst b/Doc/library/asyncio.rst
--- a/Doc/library/asyncio.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/asyncio.rst
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
+   asyncio-stream.rst

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