[Python-checkins] More Mac installer fixes for git-based workflow (#2839)

Ned Deily webhook-mailer at python.org
Mon Jul 24 04:58:46 EDT 2017

commit: b364d9f9c693742f0ddcd9e64a9bbf9339b686d9
branch: master
author: Ned Deily <nad at python.org>
committer: GitHub <noreply at github.com>
date: 2017-07-24T04:58:43-04:00

More Mac installer fixes for git-based workflow (#2839)

M Mac/BuildScript/build-installer.py

diff --git a/Mac/BuildScript/build-installer.py b/Mac/BuildScript/build-installer.py
index 7ffa3673664..4cb7e3214cd 100755
--- a/Mac/BuildScript/build-installer.py
+++ b/Mac/BuildScript/build-installer.py
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 Python 2.6.
 In addition to what is supplied with OS X 10.5+ and Xcode 3+, the script
-requires an installed version of git and a third-party version of
+requires an installed third-party version of
 Tcl/Tk 8.4 (for OS X 10.4 and 10.5 deployment targets) or Tcl/TK 8.5
 (for 10.6 or later) installed in /Library/Frameworks.  When installed,
 the Python built by this script will attempt to dynamically link first to
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 32-bit-only installer builds are still possible on OS X 10.4 with Xcode 2.5
 and the installation of additional components, such as a newer Python
-(2.5 is needed for Python parser updates), git, and for the documentation
+(2.5 is needed for Python parser updates) and for the documentation
 build either svn (pre-3.4.1) or sphinx-build (3.4.1 and later).
 Usage: see USAGE variable in the script.
@@ -635,9 +635,8 @@ def checkEnvironment():
         base_path = base_path + ':' + OLD_DEVELOPER_TOOLS
     os.environ['PATH'] = base_path
     print("Setting default PATH: %s"%(os.environ['PATH']))
-    # Ensure ws have access to git and to sphinx-build.
-    # You may have to create links in /usr/bin for them.
-    runCommand('git --version')
+    # Ensure we have access to sphinx-build.
+    # You may have to create a link in /usr/bin for it.
     runCommand('sphinx-build --version')
 def parseOptions(args=None):
@@ -1142,8 +1141,25 @@ def buildPython():
-    print("Running make")
-    runCommand("make")
+    # Look for environment value BUILDINSTALLER_BUILDPYTHON_MAKE_EXTRAS
+    # and, if defined, append its value to the make command.  This allows
+    # us to pass in version control tags, like GITTAG, to a build from a
+    # tarball rather than from a vcs checkout, thus eliminating the need
+    # to have a working copy of the vcs program on the build machine.
+    #
+    # A typical use might be:
+    #                         GITVERSION='echo 123456789a' \
+    #                         GITTAG='echo v3.6.0' \
+    #                         GITBRANCH='echo 3.6'"
+    make_extras = os.getenv("BUILDINSTALLER_BUILDPYTHON_MAKE_EXTRAS")
+    if make_extras:
+        make_cmd = "make " + make_extras
+    else:
+        make_cmd = "make"
+    print("Running " + make_cmd)
+    runCommand(make_cmd)
     print("Running make install")
     runCommand("make install DESTDIR=%s"%(

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