[Python-checkins] Update 3.5 to use blurb!

Larry Hastings webhook-mailer at python.org
Tue Jul 25 05:10:55 EDT 2017

commit: b902833f35efa1053f75d7b37769b27cb39e2682
branch: 3.5
author: Larry Hastings <larry at hastings.org>
committer: Larry Hastings <larry at hastings.org>
date: 2017-07-23T19:18:13-07:00

Update 3.5 to use blurb!

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A Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/028.bpo-29100.LAAERS.rst
A Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/029.bpo-28556.p6967e.rst
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A Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/031.bpo-28961.Rt93vg.rst
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A Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/041.bpo-25455.ZsahHN.rst
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A Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/066.bpo-29960.g0wr3r.rst
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A Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/069.bpo-27585.0Ugqqu.rst
A Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/070.bpo-29743.en2P4s.rst
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A Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/075.bpo-24484.vFem8K.rst
A Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/077.bpo-29931.tfcTwK.rst
A Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/078.bpo-30149.hE649r.rst
A Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/079.bpo-23890.GCFAAZ.rst
A Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/080.bpo-30645.oYzbbW.rst
A Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/082.bpo-29755.diQcY_.rst
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A Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/086.bpo-30879.N3KI-o.rst
A Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/087.bpo-29169.8ypApm.rst
A Misc/NEWS.d/next/Security/076.bpo-29591.ExKblw.rst
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A Misc/NEWS.d/next/Security/083.bpo-30694.WkMWM_.rst
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A Misc/NEWS.d/next/Tests/001.bpo-29571.r6Dixr.rst
A Misc/NEWS.d/next/Tests/002.bpo-30197.c5wRfu.rst
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M .travis.yml
M Doc/Makefile
M Doc/whatsnew/changelog.rst

diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index cf59d965a87..eb98a657b27 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ matrix:
         - cd Doc
         # Sphinx is pinned so that new versions that introduce new warnings won't suddenly cause build failures.
         # (Updating the version is fine as long as no warnings are raised by doing so.)
-        - python -m pip install sphinx~=1.6.1
+        - python -m pip install sphinx~=1.6.1 blurb
         - make check suspicious html SPHINXOPTS="-q -W -j4"
     - os: linux
diff --git a/Doc/Makefile b/Doc/Makefile
index b0800c15b5c..5075b0264d0 100644
--- a/Doc/Makefile
+++ b/Doc/Makefile
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 # You can set these variables from the command line.
 PYTHON       = python3
 SPHINXBUILD  = sphinx-build
+BLURB = $(PYTHON) -m blurb
 PAPER        =
 SOURCES      =
 DISTVERSION  = $(shell $(PYTHON) tools/extensions/patchlevel.py)
@@ -38,6 +39,8 @@ help:
 	@echo "  serve      to serve the documentation on the localhost (8000)"
+	-mkdir -p build
+	$(BLURB) merge -f build/NEWS
@@ -107,7 +110,7 @@ clean:
 	$(PYTHON) -m venv venv
-	./venv/bin/python3 -m pip install -U Sphinx
+	./venv/bin/python3 -m pip install -U Sphinx blurb
 	rm -rf dist
diff --git a/Doc/whatsnew/changelog.rst b/Doc/whatsnew/changelog.rst
index 67a12f3374f..b4356143659 100644
--- a/Doc/whatsnew/changelog.rst
+++ b/Doc/whatsnew/changelog.rst
@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@
-.. miscnews:: ../../Misc/NEWS
+.. miscnews:: ../build/NEWS
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS b/Misc/NEWS
deleted file mode 100644
index 966a011579f..00000000000
--- a/Misc/NEWS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9670 +0,0 @@
-Python News
-What's New in Python 3.5.4 release candidate 1?
-Release date: XXXX-XX-XX
-Core and Builtins
-- bpo-27945: Fixed various segfaults with dict when input collections are
-  mutated during searching, inserting or comparing.  Based on patches by
-  Duane Griffin and Tim Mitchell.
-- bpo-25794: Fixed type.__setattr__() and type.__delattr__() for
-  non-interned attribute names.  Based on patch by Eryk Sun.
-- bpo-29935: Fixed error messages in the index() method of tuple, list and deque
-  when pass indices of wrong type.
-- bpo-28876: ``bool(range)`` works even if ``len(range)``
-  raises :exc:`OverflowError`.
-- bpo-29600: Fix wrapping coroutine return values in StopIteration.
-- Issue #29537: Restore runtime compatibility with bytecode files generated by
-  CPython 3.5.0 to 3.5.2, and adjust the eval loop to avoid the problems that
-  could be caused by the malformed variant of the BUILD_MAP_UNPACK_WITH_CALL
-  opcode that they may contain. Patch by Petr Viktorin, Serhiy Storchaka,
-  and Nick Coghlan.
-- Issue #28598: Support __rmod__ for subclasses of str being called before
-  str.__mod__.  Patch by Martijn Pieters.
-- bpo-29602: Fix incorrect handling of signed zeros in complex constructor for
-  complex subclasses and for inputs having a __complex__ method. Patch
-  by Serhiy Storchaka.
-- bpo-29347: Fixed possibly dereferencing undefined pointers
-  when creating weakref objects.
-- bpo-29438: Fixed use-after-free problem in key sharing dict.
-- Issue #29319: Prevent RunMainFromImporter overwriting sys.path[0].
-- Issue #29337: Fixed possible BytesWarning when compare the code objects.
-  Warnings could be emitted at compile time.
-- bpo-29478: If max_line_length=None is specified while using the Compat32 policy,
-  it is no longer ignored.  Patch by Mircea Cosbuc.
-Extension Modules
-- Issue #29169: Update zlib to 1.2.11.
-- bpo-30879: os.listdir() and os.scandir() now emit bytes names when called
-  with bytes-like argument.
-- bpo-30746: Prohibited the '=' character in environment variable names in
-  ``os.putenv()`` and ``os.spawn*()``.
-- [Security] bpo-30730: Prevent environment variables injection in subprocess on
-  Windows.  Prevent passing other environment variables and command arguments.
-- [Security] bpo-30694: Upgrade expat copy from 2.2.0 to 2.2.1 to get fixes
-  of multiple security vulnerabilities including: CVE-2017-9233 (External
-  entity infinite loop DoS), CVE-2016-9063 (Integer overflow, re-fix),
-  CVE-2016-0718 (Fix regression bugs from 2.2.0's fix to CVE-2016-0718)
-  and CVE-2012-0876 (Counter hash flooding with SipHash).
-  Note: the CVE-2016-5300 (Use os-specific entropy sources like getrandom)
-  doesn't impact Python, since Python already gets entropy from the OS to set
-  the expat secret using ``XML_SetHashSalt()``.
-- bpo-29755: Fixed the lgettext() family of functions in the gettext module.
-  They now always return bytes.
-- [Security] bpo-30500: Fix urllib.parse.splithost() to correctly parse
-  fragments. For example, ``splithost('//')`` now
-  correctly returns the ```` host, instead of treating ``@evil.com``
-  as the host in an authentification (``login at host``).
-- bpo-30645: Fix path calculation in imp.load_package(), fixing it for
-  cases when a package is only shipped with bytecodes. Patch by
-  Alexandru Ardelean.
-- bpo-23890: unittest.TestCase.assertRaises() now manually breaks a reference
-  cycle to not keep objects alive longer than expected.
-- bpo-30149: inspect.signature() now supports callables with
-  variable-argument parameters wrapped with partialmethod.
-  Patch by Dong-hee Na.
-- bpo-29931: Fixed comparison check for ipaddress.ip_interface objects.
-  Patch by Sanjay Sundaresan.
-- [Security] bpo-29591: Update expat copy from 2.1.1 to 2.2.0 to get fixes
-  of CVE-2016-0718 and CVE-2016-4472. See
-  https://sourceforge.net/p/expat/bugs/537/ for more information.
-- bpo-24484: Avoid race condition in multiprocessing cleanup.
-- bpo-28994: The traceback no longer displayed for SystemExit raised in
-  a callback registered by atexit.
-- bpo-30508: Don't log exceptions if Task/Future "cancel()" method was
-  called.
-- bpo-28556: Updates to typing module: Add generic AsyncContextManager, add
-  support for ContextManager on all versions. Original PRs by Jelle Zijlstra
-  and Ivan Levkivskyi
-- bpo-29870: Fix ssl sockets leaks when connection is aborted in asyncio/ssl
-  implementation. Patch by Michaël Sghaïer.
-- bpo-29743: Closing transport during handshake process leaks open socket.
-  Patch by Nikolay Kim
-- bpo-27585: Fix waiter cancellation in asyncio.Lock.
-  Patch by Mathieu Sornay.
-- bpo-30418: On Windows, subprocess.Popen.communicate() now also ignore EINVAL
-  on stdin.write() if the child process is still running but closed the pipe.
-- bpo-30378: Fix the problem that logging.handlers.SysLogHandler cannot
-  handle IPv6 addresses.
-- bpo-29960: Preserve generator state when _random.Random.setstate()
-  raises an exception.  Patch by Bryan Olson.
-- bpo-30414: multiprocessing.Queue._feed background running
-  thread do not break from main loop on exception.
-- bpo-30003: Fix handling escape characters in HZ codec.  Based on patch
-  by Ma Lin.
-- bpo-30301: Fix AttributeError when using SimpleQueue.empty() under
-  *spawn* and *forkserver* start methods.
-- bpo-30329: imaplib and poplib now catch the Windows socket WSAEINVAL error
-  (code 10022) on shutdown(SHUT_RDWR): An invalid operation was attempted.
-  This error occurs sometimes on SSL connections.
-- bpo-30375: Warnings emitted when compile a regular expression now always
-  point to the line in the user code.  Previously they could point into inners
-  of the re module if emitted from inside of groups or conditionals.
-- bpo-30048: Fixed ``Task.cancel()`` can be ignored when the task is
-  running coroutine and the coroutine returned without any more ``await``.
-- bpo-29990: Fix range checking in GB18030 decoder.  Original patch by Ma Lin.
-- Revert bpo-26293 for zipfile breakage. See also bpo-29094.
-- bpo-30243: Removed the __init__ methods of _json's scanner and encoder.
-  Misusing them could cause memory leaks or crashes.  Now scanner and encoder
-  objects are completely initialized in the __new__ methods.
-- bpo-30185: Avoid KeyboardInterrupt tracebacks in forkserver helper process
-  when Ctrl-C is received.
-- bpo-28556: Various updates to typing module: add typing.NoReturn type, use
-  WrapperDescriptorType, minor bug-fixes.  Original PRs by
-  Jim Fasarakis-Hilliard and Ivan Levkivskyi.
-- bpo-30205: Fix getsockname() for unbound AF_UNIX sockets on Linux.
-- bpo-30070: Fixed leaks and crashes in errors handling in the parser module.
-- bpo-30061: Fixed crashes in IOBase methods __next__() and readlines() when
-  readline() or __next__() respectively return non-sizeable object.
-  Fixed possible other errors caused by not checking results of PyObject_Size(),
-  PySequence_Size(), or PyMapping_Size().
-- bpo-30068: _io._IOBase.readlines will check if it's closed first when
-  hint is present.
-- bpo-29694: Fixed race condition in pathlib mkdir with flags
-  parents=True.  Patch by Armin Rigo.
-- bpo-29692: Fixed arbitrary unchaining of RuntimeError exceptions in
-  contextlib.contextmanager.  Patch by Siddharth Velankar.
-- bpo-29998: Pickling and copying ImportError now preserves name and path
-  attributes.
-- bpo-29942: Fix a crash in itertools.chain.from_iterable when encountering
-  long runs of empty iterables.
-- bpo-27863: Fixed multiple crashes in ElementTree caused by race conditions
-  and wrong types.
-- bpo-28699: Fixed a bug in pools in multiprocessing.pool that raising an
-  exception at the very first of an iterable may swallow the exception or
-  make the program hang. Patch by Davin Potts and Xiang Zhang.
-- bpo-25803: Avoid incorrect errors raised by Path.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
-  when the OS gives priority to errors such as EACCES over EEXIST.
-- bpo-29861: Release references to tasks, their arguments and their results
-  as soon as they are finished in multiprocessing.Pool.
-- bpo-29884: faulthandler: Restore the old sigaltstack during teardown.
-  Patch by Christophe Zeitouny.
-- bpo-25455: Fixed crashes in repr of recursive buffered file-like objects.
-- bpo-29800: Fix crashes in partial.__repr__ if the keys of partial.keywords
-  are not strings.  Patch by Michael Seifert.
-- bpo-29742: get_extra_info() raises exception if get called on closed ssl transport.
-  Patch by Nikolay Kim.
-- bpo-8256: Fixed possible failing or crashing input() if attributes "encoding"
-  or "errors" of sys.stdin or sys.stdout are not set or are not strings.
-- bpo-28298: Fix a bug that prevented array 'Q', 'L' and 'I' from accepting big
-  intables (objects that have __int__) as elements.  Patch by Oren Milman.
-- bpo-29615: SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher no longer chains KeyError (or any other
-  exception) to exception(s) raised in the dispatched methods.
-  Patch by Petr Motejlek.
-- bpo-29704: asyncio.subprocess.SubprocessStreamProtocol no longer closes before
-  all pipes are closed.
-- bpo-29703: Fix asyncio to support instantiation of new event loops
-  in child processes.
-- bpo-29376: Fix assertion error in threading._DummyThread.is_alive().
-- bpo-29110: Fix file object leak in aifc.open() when file is given as a
-  filesystem path and is not in valid AIFF format. Patch by Anthony Zhang.
-- Issue #28961: Fix unittest.mock._Call helper: don't ignore the name parameter
-  anymore. Patch written by Jiajun Huang.
-- bpo-29532: Altering a kwarg dictionary passed to functools.partial()
-  no longer affects a partial object after creation.
-- Issue #28556: Various updates to typing module: typing.Counter, typing.ChainMap,
-  improved ABC caching, etc. Original PRs by Jelle Zijlstra, Ivan Levkivskyi,
-  Manuel Krebber, and Łukasz Langa.
-- Issue #29100: Fix datetime.fromtimestamp() regression introduced in Python
-  3.6.0: check minimum and maximum years.
-- Issue #29519: Fix weakref spewing exceptions during interpreter shutdown
-  when used with a rare combination of multiprocessing and custom codecs.
-- Issue #29416: Prevent infinite loop in pathlib.Path.mkdir
-- Issue #29444: Fixed out-of-bounds buffer access in the group() method of
-  the match object.  Based on patch by WGH.
-- Issue #29335: Fix subprocess.Popen.wait() when the child process has
-  exited to a stopped instead of terminated state (ex: when under ptrace).
-- Issue #29290: Fix a regression in argparse that help messages would wrap at
-  non-breaking spaces.
-- Issue #28735: Fixed the comparison of mock.MagickMock with mock.ANY.
-- Issue #29011: Fix an important omission by adding Deque to the typing module.
-- Issue #29219: Fixed infinite recursion in the repr of uninitialized
-  ctypes.CDLL instances.
-- Issue #28969: Fixed race condition in C implementation of functools.lru_cache.
-  KeyError could be raised when cached function with full cache was
-  simultaneously called from differen threads with the same uncached arguments.
-- Issue #29142: In urllib.request, suffixes in no_proxy environment variable with
-  leading dots could match related hostnames again (e.g. .b.c matches a.b.c).
-  Patch by Milan Oberkirch.
-- bpo-30687: Locate msbuild.exe on Windows when building rather than
-  vcvarsall.bat
-- Issue #29392: Prevent crash when passing invalid arguments into msvcrt module.
-- Issue #27867: Function PySlice_GetIndicesEx() is replaced with a macro if
-  Py_LIMITED_API is set to the value between 0x03050400 and 0x03060000 (not
-  including) or 0x03060100 or higher.
-- Issue #29083: Fixed the declaration of some public API functions.
-  PyArg_VaParse() and PyArg_VaParseTupleAndKeywords() were not available in
-  limited API.  PyArg_ValidateKeywordArguments(), PyArg_UnpackTuple() and
-  Py_BuildValue() were not available in limited API of version < 3.3 when
-  PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN is defined.
-- bpo-30176: Add missing attribute related constants in curses documentation.
-- bpo-26985: Add missing info of code object in inspect documentation.
-- bpo-28929: Link the documentation to its source file on GitHub.
-- bpo-25008: Document smtpd.py as effectively deprecated and add a pointer to
-  aiosmtpd, a third-party asyncio-based replacement.
-- Issue #26355: Add canonical header link on each page to corresponding major
-  version of the documentation. Patch by Matthias Bussonnier.
-- Issue #29349: Fix Python 2 syntax in code for building the documentation.
-- bpo-29243: Prevent unnecessary rebuilding of Python during ``make test``,
-  ``make install`` and some other make targets when configured with
-  ``--enable-optimizations``.
-- bpo-23404: Don't regenerate generated files based on file modification time
-  anymore: the action is now explicit. Replace ``make touch`` with
-  ``make regen-all``.
-- bpo-29643: Fix ``--enable-optimization`` didn't work.
-- bpo-30357: test_thread: setUp() now uses support.threading_setup() and
-  support.threading_cleanup() to wait until threads complete to avoid
-  random side effects on following tests. Initial patch written by Grzegorz
-  Grzywacz.
-- bpo-28087: Skip test_asyncore and test_eintr poll failures on macOS.
-  Skip some tests of select.poll when running on macOS due to unresolved
-  issues with the underlying system poll function on some macOS versions.
-- bpo-30197: Enhanced functions swap_attr() and swap_item() in the
-  test.support module.  They now work when delete replaced attribute or item
-  inside the with statement.  The old value of the attribute or item (or None
-  if it doesn't exist) now will be assigned to the target of the "as" clause,
-  if there is one.
-- Issue #29571: to match the behaviour of the ``re.LOCALE`` flag,
-  test_re.test_locale_flag now uses ``locale.getpreferredencoding(False)`` to
-  determine the candidate encoding for the test regex (allowing it to correctly
-  skip the test when the default locale encoding is a multi-byte encoding)
-What's New in Python 3.5.3?
-Release date: 2017-01-17
-There were no code changes between 3.5.3rc1 and 3.5.3 final.
-What's New in Python 3.5.3 release candidate 1?
-Release date: 2017-01-02
-Core and Builtins
-- Issue #29073: bytearray formatting no longer truncates on first null byte.
-- Issue #28932: Do not include <sys/random.h> if it does not exist.
-- Issue #28147: Fix a memory leak in split-table dictionaries: setattr()
-  must not convert combined table into split table.
-- Issue #25677: Correct the positioning of the syntax error caret for
-  indented blocks.  Based on patch by Michael Layzell.
-- Issue #29000: Fixed bytes formatting of octals with zero padding in alternate
-  form.
-- Issue #28512: Fixed setting the offset attribute of SyntaxError by
-  PyErr_SyntaxLocationEx() and PyErr_SyntaxLocationObject().
-- Issue #28991:  functools.lru_cache() was susceptible to an obscure reentrancy
-  bug caused by a monkey-patched len() function.
-- Issue #28648: Fixed crash in Py_DecodeLocale() in debug build on Mac OS X
-  when decode astral characters.  Patch by Xiang Zhang.
-- Issue #19398: Extra slash no longer added to sys.path components in case of
-  empty compile-time PYTHONPATH components.
-- Issue #28426: Fixed potential crash in PyUnicode_AsDecodedObject() in debug
-  build.
-- Issue #23782: Fixed possible memory leak in _PyTraceback_Add() and exception
-  loss in PyTraceBack_Here().
-- Issue #28379: Added sanity checks and tests for PyUnicode_CopyCharacters().
-  Patch by Xiang Zhang.
-- Issue #28376: The type of long range iterator is now registered as Iterator.
-  Patch by Oren Milman.
-- Issue #28376: The constructor of range_iterator now checks that step is not 0.
-  Patch by Oren Milman.
-- Issue #26906: Resolving special methods of uninitialized type now causes
-  implicit initialization of the type instead of a fail.
-- Issue #18287: PyType_Ready() now checks that tp_name is not NULL.
-  Original patch by Niklas Koep.
-- Issue #24098: Fixed possible crash when AST is changed in process of
-  compiling it.
-- Issue #28350: String constants with null character no longer interned.
-- Issue #26617: Fix crash when GC runs during weakref callbacks.
-- Issue #27942: String constants now interned recursively in tuples and frozensets.
-- Issue #21578: Fixed misleading error message when ImportError called with
-  invalid keyword args.
-- Issue #28203: Fix incorrect type in error message from
-  ``complex(1.0, {2:3})``. Patch by Soumya Sharma.
-- Issue #27955: Fallback on reading /dev/urandom device when the getrandom()
-  syscall fails with EPERM, for example when blocked by SECCOMP.
-- Issue #28131: Fix a regression in zipimport's compile_source().  zipimport
-  should use the same optimization level as the interpreter.
-- Issue #25221: Fix corrupted result from PyLong_FromLong(0) when
-  Python is compiled with NSMALLPOSINTS = 0.
-- Issue #25758: Prevents zipimport from unnecessarily encoding a filename
-  (patch by Eryk Sun)
-- Issue #28189: dictitems_contains no longer swallows compare errors.
-  (Patch by Xiang Zhang)
-- Issue #27812: Properly clear out a generator's frame's backreference to the
-  generator to prevent crashes in frame.clear().
-- Issue #27811: Fix a crash when a coroutine that has not been awaited is
-  finalized with warnings-as-errors enabled.
-- Issue #27587: Fix another issue found by PVS-Studio: Null pointer check
-  after use of 'def' in _PyState_AddModule().
-  Initial patch by Christian Heimes.
-- Issue #26020: set literal evaluation order did not match documented behaviour.
-- Issue #27782: Multi-phase extension module import now correctly allows the
-  ``m_methods`` field to be used to add module level functions to instances
-  of non-module types returned from ``Py_create_mod``. Patch by Xiang Zhang.
-- Issue #27936: The round() function accepted a second None argument
-  for some types but not for others.  Fixed the inconsistency by
-  accepting None for all numeric types.
-- Issue #27487: Warn if a submodule argument to "python -m" or
-  runpy.run_module() is found in sys.modules after parent packages are
-  imported, but before the submodule is executed.
-- Issue #27558: Fix a SystemError in the implementation of "raise" statement.
-  In a brand new thread, raise a RuntimeError since there is no active
-  exception to reraise. Patch written by Xiang Zhang.
-- Issue #27419: Standard __import__() no longer look up "__import__" in globals
-  or builtins for importing submodules or "from import".  Fixed handling an
-  error of non-string package name.
-- Issue #27083: Respect the PYTHONCASEOK environment variable under Windows.
-- Issue #27514: Make having too many statically nested blocks a SyntaxError
-  instead of SystemError.
-- Issue #27473: Fixed possible integer overflow in bytes and bytearray
-  concatenations.  Patch by Xiang Zhang.
-- Issue #27507: Add integer overflow check in bytearray.extend().  Patch by
-  Xiang Zhang.
-- Issue #27581: Don't rely on wrapping for overflow check in
-  PySequence_Tuple().  Patch by Xiang Zhang.
-- Issue #27443: __length_hint__() of bytearray iterators no longer return a
-  negative integer for a resized bytearray.
-- Issue #27942: Fix memory leak in codeobject.c
-- Issue #15812: inspect.getframeinfo() now correctly shows the first line of
-  a context.  Patch by Sam Breese.
-- Issue #29094: Offsets in a ZIP file created with extern file object and modes
-  "w" and "x" now are relative to the start of the file.
-- Issue #13051: Fixed recursion errors in large or resized
-  curses.textpad.Textbox.  Based on patch by Tycho Andersen.
-- Issue #29119: Fix weakrefs in the pure python version of
-  collections.OrderedDict move_to_end() method.
-  Contributed by Andra Bogildea.
-- Issue #9770: curses.ascii predicates now work correctly with negative
-  integers.
-- Issue #28427: old keys should not remove new values from
-  WeakValueDictionary when collecting from another thread.
-- Issue #28923: Remove editor artifacts from Tix.py.
-- Issue #28871: Fixed a crash when deallocate deep ElementTree.
-- Issue #19542: Fix bugs in WeakValueDictionary.setdefault() and
-  WeakValueDictionary.pop() when a GC collection happens in another
-  thread.
-- Issue #20191: Fixed a crash in resource.prlimit() when pass a sequence that
-  doesn't own its elements as limits.
-- Issue #28779: multiprocessing.set_forkserver_preload() would crash the
-  forkserver process if a preloaded module instantiated some
-  multiprocessing objects such as locks.
-- Issue #28847: dbm.dumb now supports reading read-only files and no longer
-  writes the index file when it is not changed.
-- Issue #25659: In ctypes, prevent a crash calling the from_buffer() and
-  from_buffer_copy() methods on abstract classes like Array.
-- Issue #28732: Fix crash in os.spawnv() with no elements in args
-- Issue #28485: Always raise ValueError for negative
-  compileall.compile_dir(workers=...) parameter, even when multithreading is
-  unavailable.
-- Issue #28387: Fixed possible crash in _io.TextIOWrapper deallocator when
-  the garbage collector is invoked in other thread.  Based on patch by
-  Sebastian Cufre.
-- Issue #27517: LZMA compressor and decompressor no longer raise exceptions if
-  given empty data twice.  Patch by Benjamin Fogle.
-- Issue #28549: Fixed segfault in curses's addch() with ncurses6.
-- Issue #28449: tarfile.open() with mode "r" or "r:" now tries to open a tar
-  file with compression before trying to open it without compression.  Otherwise
-  it had 50% chance failed with ignore_zeros=True.
-- Issue #23262: The webbrowser module now supports Firefox 36+ and derived
-  browsers.  Based on patch by Oleg Broytman.
-- Issue #27939: Fixed bugs in tkinter.ttk.LabeledScale and tkinter.Scale caused
-  by representing the scale as float value internally in Tk.  tkinter.IntVar
-  now works if float value is set to underlying Tk variable.
-- Issue #28255: calendar.TextCalendar().prmonth() no longer prints a space
-  at the start of new line after printing a month's calendar.  Patch by
-  Xiang Zhang.
-- Issue #20491: The textwrap.TextWrapper class now honors non-breaking spaces.
-  Based on patch by Kaarle Ritvanen.
-- Issue #28353: os.fwalk() no longer fails on broken links.
-- Issue #25464: Fixed HList.header_exists() in tkinter.tix module by addin
-  a workaround to Tix library bug.
-- Issue #28488: shutil.make_archive() no longer add entry "./" to ZIP archive.
-- Issue #24452: Make webbrowser support Chrome on Mac OS X.
-- Issue #20766: Fix references leaked by pdb in the handling of SIGINT
-  handlers.
-- Issue #26293: Fixed writing ZIP files that starts not from the start of the
-  file.  Offsets in ZIP file now are relative to the start of the archive in
-  conforming to the specification.
-- Issue #28321: Fixed writing non-BMP characters with binary format in plistlib.
-- Issue #28322: Fixed possible crashes when unpickle itertools objects from
-  incorrect pickle data.  Based on patch by John Leitch.
-- Fix possible integer overflows and crashes in the mmap module with unusual
-  usage patterns.
-- Issue #1703178: Fix the ability to pass the --link-objects option to the
-  distutils build_ext command.
-- Issue #28253: Fixed calendar functions for extreme months: 0001-01
-  and 9999-12.
-  Methods itermonthdays() and itermonthdays2() are reimplemented so
-  that they don't call itermonthdates() which can cause datetime.date
-  under/overflow.
-- Issue #28275: Fixed possible use after free in the decompress()
-  methods of the LZMADecompressor and BZ2Decompressor classes.
-  Original patch by John Leitch.
-- Issue #27897: Fixed possible crash in sqlite3.Connection.create_collation()
-  if pass invalid string-like object as a name.  Patch by Xiang Zhang.
-- Issue #18893: Fix invalid exception handling in Lib/ctypes/macholib/dyld.py.
-  Patch by Madison May.
-- Issue #27611: Fixed support of default root window in the tkinter.tix module.
-- Issue #27348: In the traceback module, restore the formatting of exception
-  messages like "Exception: None".  This fixes a regression introduced in
-  3.5a2.
-- Issue #25651: Allow falsy values to be used for msg parameter of subTest().
-- Issue #27932: Prevent memory leak in win32_ver().
-- Fix UnboundLocalError in socket._sendfile_use_sendfile.
-- Issue #28075: Check for ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED in Windows implementation of
-  os.stat().  Patch by Eryk Sun.
-- Issue #25270: Prevent codecs.escape_encode() from raising SystemError when
-  an empty bytestring is passed.
-- Issue #28181: Get antigravity over HTTPS. Patch by Kaartic Sivaraam.
-- Issue #25895: Enable WebSocket URL schemes in urllib.parse.urljoin.
-  Patch by Gergely Imreh and Markus Holtermann.
-- Issue #27599: Fixed buffer overrun in binascii.b2a_qp() and binascii.a2b_qp().
-- Issue #19003:m email.generator now replaces only ``\r`` and/or ``\n`` line
-  endings, per the RFC, instead of all unicode line endings.
-- Issue #28019: itertools.count() no longer rounds non-integer step in range
-  between 1.0 and 2.0 to 1.
-- Issue #25969: Update the lib2to3 grammar to handle the unpacking
-  generalizations added in 3.5.
-- Issue #14977: mailcap now respects the order of the lines in the mailcap
-  files ("first match"), as required by RFC 1542.  Patch by Michael Lazar.
-- Issue #24594: Validates persist parameter when opening MSI database
-- Issue #17582: xml.etree.ElementTree nows preserves whitespaces in attributes
-  (Patch by Duane Griffin.  Reviewed and approved by Stefan Behnel.)
-- Issue #28047: Fixed calculation of line length used for the base64 CTE
-  in the new email policies.
-- Issue #27445: Don't pass str(_charset) to MIMEText.set_payload().
-  Patch by Claude Paroz.
-- Issue #22450: urllib now includes an ``Accept: */*`` header among the
-  default headers.  This makes the results of REST API requests more
-  consistent and predictable especially when proxy servers are involved.
-- lib2to3.pgen3.driver.load_grammar() now creates a stable cache file
-  between runs given the same Grammar.txt input regardless of the hash
-  randomization setting.
-- Issue #27570: Avoid zero-length memcpy() etc calls with null source
-  pointers in the "ctypes" and "array" modules.
-- Issue #22233: Break email header lines *only* on the RFC specified CR and LF
-  characters, not on arbitrary unicode line breaks.  This also fixes a bug in
-  HTTP header parsing.
-- Issue #27988: Fix email iter_attachments incorrect mutation of payload list.
-- Issue #27691: Fix ssl module's parsing of GEN_RID subject alternative name
-  fields in X.509 certs.
-- Issue #27850: Remove 3DES from ssl module's default cipher list to counter
-  measure sweet32 attack (CVE-2016-2183).
-- Issue #27766: Add ChaCha20 Poly1305 to ssl module's default ciper list.
-  (Required OpenSSL 1.1.0 or LibreSSL).
-- Issue #26470: Port ssl and hashlib module to OpenSSL 1.1.0.
-- Remove support for passing a file descriptor to os.access. It never worked but
-  previously didn't raise.
-- Issue #12885: Fix error when distutils encounters symlink.
-- Issue #27881: Fixed possible bugs when setting sqlite3.Connection.isolation_level.
-  Based on patch by Xiang Zhang.
-- Issue #27861: Fixed a crash in sqlite3.Connection.cursor() when a factory
-  creates not a cursor.  Patch by Xiang Zhang.
-- Issue #19884: Avoid spurious output on OS X with Gnu Readline.
-- Issue #27706: Restore deterministic behavior of random.Random().seed()
-  for string seeds using seeding version 1.  Allows sequences of calls
-  to random() to exactly match those obtained in Python 2.
-  Patch by Nofar Schnider.
-- Issue #10513: Fix a regression in Connection.commit().  Statements should
-  not be reset after a commit.
-- A new version of typing.py from https://github.com/python/typing:
-  - Collection (only for 3.6) (Issue #27598)
-  - Add FrozenSet to __all__ (upstream #261)
-  - fix crash in _get_type_vars() (upstream #259)
-  - Remove the dict constraint in ForwardRef._eval_type (upstream #252)
-- Issue #27539: Fix unnormalised ``Fraction.__pow__`` result in the case
-  of negative exponent and negative base.
-- Issue #21718: cursor.description is now available for queries using CTEs.
-- Issue #2466: posixpath.ismount now correctly recognizes mount points which
-  the user does not have permission to access.
-- Issue #27773: Correct some memory management errors server_hostname in
-  _ssl.wrap_socket().
-- Issue #26750: unittest.mock.create_autospec() now works properly for
-  subclasses of property() and other data descriptors.
-- In the curses module, raise an error if window.getstr() or window.instr() is
-  passed a negative value.
-- Issue #27783: Fix possible usage of uninitialized memory in
-  operator.methodcaller.
-- Issue #27774: Fix possible Py_DECREF on unowned object in _sre.
-- Issue #27760: Fix possible integer overflow in binascii.b2a_qp.
-- Issue #27758: Fix possible integer overflow in the _csv module for large
-  record lengths.
-- Issue #27568: Prevent HTTPoxy attack (CVE-2016-1000110). Ignore the
-  HTTP_PROXY variable when REQUEST_METHOD environment is set, which indicates
-  that the script is in CGI mode.
-- Issue #27656: Do not assume sched.h defines any SCHED_* constants.
-- Issue #27130: In the "zlib" module, fix handling of large buffers
-  (typically 4 GiB) when compressing and decompressing.  Previously, inputs
-  were limited to 4 GiB, and compression and decompression operations did not
-  properly handle results of 4 GiB.
-- Issue #27533: Release GIL in nt._isdir
-- Issue #17711: Fixed unpickling by the persistent ID with protocol 0.
-  Original patch by Alexandre Vassalotti.
-- Issue #27522: Avoid an unintentional reference cycle in email.feedparser.
-- Issue #26844: Fix error message for imp.find_module() to refer to 'path'
-  instead of 'name'. Patch by Lev Maximov.
-- Issue #23804: Fix SSL zero-length recv() calls to not block and not raise
-  an error about unclean EOF.
-- Issue #27466: Change time format returned by http.cookie.time2netscape,
-  confirming the netscape cookie format and making it consistent with
-  documentation.
-- Issue #26664: Fix activate.fish by removing mis-use of ``$``.
-- Issue #22115: Fixed tracing Tkinter variables: trace_vdelete() with wrong
-  mode no longer break tracing, trace_vinfo() now always returns a list of
-  pairs of strings, tracing in the "u" mode now works.
-- Fix a scoping issue in importlib.util.LazyLoader which triggered an
-  UnboundLocalError when lazy-loading a module that was already put into
-  sys.modules.
-- Issue #27079: Fixed curses.ascii functions isblank(), iscntrl() and ispunct().
-- Issue #26754: Some functions (compile() etc) accepted a filename argument
-  encoded as an iterable of integers. Now only strings and byte-like objects
-  are accepted.
-- Issue #27048: Prevents distutils failing on Windows when environment
-  variables contain non-ASCII characters
-- Issue #27330: Fixed possible leaks in the ctypes module.
-- Issue #27238: Got rid of bare excepts in the turtle module.  Original patch
-  by Jelle Zijlstra.
-- Issue #27122: When an exception is raised within the context being managed
-  by a contextlib.ExitStack() and one of the exit stack generators
-  catches and raises it in a chain, do not re-raise the original exception
-  when exiting, let the new chained one through.  This avoids the PEP 479
-  bug described in issue25782.
-- [Security] Issue #27278: Fix os.urandom() implementation using getrandom() on
-  Linux.  Truncate size to INT_MAX and loop until we collected enough random
-  bytes, instead of casting a directly Py_ssize_t to int.
-- Issue #26386: Fixed ttk.TreeView selection operations with item id's
-  containing spaces.
-- [Security] Issue #22636: Avoid shell injection problems with
-  ctypes.util.find_library().
-- Issue #16182: Fix various functions in the "readline" module to use the
-  locale encoding, and fix get_begidx() and get_endidx() to return code point
-  indexes.
-- Issue #27392: Add loop.connect_accepted_socket().
-  Patch by Jim Fulton.
-- Issue #27930: Improved behaviour of logging.handlers.QueueListener.
-  Thanks to Paulo Andrade and Petr Viktorin for the analysis and patch.
-- Issue #21201: Improves readability of multiprocessing error message.  Thanks
-  to Wojciech Walczak for patch.
-- Issue #27456: asyncio: Set TCP_NODELAY by default.
-- Issue #27906: Fix socket accept exhaustion during high TCP traffic.
-  Patch by Kevin Conway.
-- Issue #28174: Handle when SO_REUSEPORT isn't properly supported.
-  Patch by Seth Michael Larson.
-- Issue #26654: Inspect functools.partial in asyncio.Handle.__repr__.
-  Patch by iceboy.
-- Issue #26909: Fix slow pipes IO in asyncio.
-  Patch by INADA Naoki.
-- Issue #28176: Fix callbacks race in asyncio.SelectorLoop.sock_connect.
-- Issue #27759: Fix selectors incorrectly retain invalid file descriptors.
-  Patch by Mark Williams.
-- Issue #28368: Refuse monitoring processes if the child watcher has
-  no loop attached.
-  Patch by Vincent Michel.
-- Issue #28369: Raise RuntimeError when transport's FD is used with
-  add_reader, add_writer, etc.
-- Issue #28370: Speedup asyncio.StreamReader.readexactly.
-  Patch by Коренберг Марк.
-- Issue #28371: Deprecate passing asyncio.Handles to run_in_executor.
-- Issue #28372: Fix asyncio to support formatting of non-python coroutines.
-- Issue #28399: Remove UNIX socket from FS before binding.
-  Patch by Коренберг Марк.
-- Issue #27972: Prohibit Tasks to await on themselves.
-- Issue #26923: Fix asyncio.Gather to refuse being cancelled once all
-  children are done.
-  Patch by Johannes Ebke.
-- Issue #26796: Don't configure the number of workers for default
-  threadpool executor.
-  Initial patch by Hans Lawrenz.
-- Issue #28600: Optimize loop.call_soon().
-- Issue #28613: Fix get_event_loop() return the current loop if
-  called from coroutines/callbacks.
-- Issue #28639: Fix inspect.isawaitable to always return bool
-  Patch by Justin Mayfield.
-- Issue #28652: Make loop methods reject socket kinds they do not support.
-- Issue #28653: Fix a refleak in functools.lru_cache.
-- Issue #28703: Fix asyncio.iscoroutinefunction to handle Mock objects.
-- Issue #24142: Reading a corrupt config file left the parser in an
-  invalid state.  Original patch by Florian Höch.
-- Issue #28990: Fix SSL hanging if connection is closed before handshake
-  completed.
-  (Patch by HoHo-Ho)
-- Issue #15308: Add 'interrupt execution' (^C) to Shell menu.
-  Patch by Roger Serwy, updated by Bayard Randel.
-- Issue #27922: Stop IDLE tests from 'flashing' gui widgets on the screen.
-- Add version to title of IDLE help window.
-- Issue #25564: In section on IDLE -- console differences, mention that
-  using exec means that __builtins__ is defined for each statement.
-- Issue #27714: text_textview and test_autocomplete now pass when re-run
-  in the same process.  This occurs when test_idle fails when run with the
-  -w option but without -jn.  Fix warning from test_config.
-- Issue #25507: IDLE no longer runs buggy code because of its tkinter imports.
-  Users must include the same imports required to run directly in Python.
-- Issue #27452: add line counter and crc to IDLE configHandler test dump.
-- Issue #27365: Allow non-ascii chars in IDLE NEWS.txt, for contributor names.
-- Issue #27245: IDLE: Cleanly delete custom themes and key bindings.
-  Previously, when IDLE was started from a console or by import, a cascade
-  of warnings was emitted.  Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
-- Issue #28808: PyUnicode_CompareWithASCIIString() now never raises exceptions.
-- Issue #26754: PyUnicode_FSDecoder() accepted a filename argument encoded as
-  an iterable of integers. Now only strings and bytes-like objects are accepted.
-- Issue #28513: Documented command-line interface of zipfile.
-- Issue #28950: Disallow -j0 to be combined with -T/-l/-M in regrtest
-  command line arguments.
-- Issue #28666: Now test.support.rmtree is able to remove unwritable or
-  unreadable directories.
-- Issue #23839: Various caches now are cleared before running every test file.
-- Issue #28409: regrtest: fix the parser of command line arguments.
-- Issue #27787: Call gc.collect() before checking each test for "dangling
-  threads", since the dangling threads are weak references.
-- Issue #27369: In test_pyexpat, avoid testing an error message detail that
-  changed in Expat 2.2.0.
-- Issue #27952: Get Tools/scripts/fixcid.py working with Python 3 and the
-  current "re" module, avoid invalid Python backslash escapes, and fix a bug
-  parsing escaped C quote signs.
-- Issue #27332: Fixed the type of the first argument of module-level functions
-  generated by Argument Clinic.  Patch by Petr Viktorin.
-- Issue #27418: Fixed Tools/importbench/importbench.py.
-- Issue #28251: Improvements to help manuals on Windows.
-- Issue #28110: launcher.msi has different product codes between 32-bit and
-  64-bit
-- Issue #25144: Ensures TargetDir is set before continuing with custom
-  install.
-- Issue #27469: Adds a shell extension to the launcher so that drag and drop
-  works correctly.
-- Issue #27309: Enabled proper Windows styles in python[w].exe manifest.
-- Issue #29080: Removes hard dependency on hg.exe from PCBuild/build.bat
-- Issue #23903: Added missed names to PC/python3.def.
-- Issue #10656: Fix out-of-tree building on AIX.  Patch by Tristan Carel and
-  Michael Haubenwallner.
-- Issue #26359: Rename --with-optimiations to --enable-optimizations.
-- Issue #28444: Fix missing extensions modules when cross compiling.
-- Issue #28248: Update Windows build and OS X installers to use OpenSSL 1.0.2j.
-- Issue #28258: Fixed build with Estonian locale (python-config and distclean
-  targets in Makefile).  Patch by Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis.
-- Issue #26661: setup.py now detects system libffi with multiarch wrapper.
-- Issue #28066: Fix the logic that searches build directories for generated
-  include files when building outside the source tree.
-- Issue #15819: Remove redundant include search directory option for building
-  outside the source tree.
-- Issue #27566: Fix clean target in freeze makefile (patch by Lisa Roach)
-- Issue #27705: Update message in validate_ucrtbase.py
-- Issue #27983: Cause lack of llvm-profdata tool when using clang as
-  required for PGO linking to be a configure time error rather than
-  make time when --with-optimizations is enabled.  Also improve our
-  ability to find the llvm-profdata tool on MacOS and some Linuxes.
-- Issue #26307: The profile-opt build now applies PGO to the built-in modules.
-- Issue #26359: Add the --with-optimizations configure flag.
-- Issue #27713: Suppress spurious build warnings when updating importlib's
-  bootstrap files.  Patch by Xiang Zhang
-- Issue #25825: Correct the references to Modules/python.exp and ld_so_aix,
-  which are required on AIX.  This updates references to an installation path
-  that was changed in 3.2a4, and undoes changed references to the build tree
-  that were made in 3.5.0a1.
-- Issue #27453: CPP invocation in configure must use CPPFLAGS. Patch by
-  Chi Hsuan Yen.
-- Issue #27641: The configure script now inserts comments into the makefile
-  to prevent the pgen and _freeze_importlib executables from being cross-
-  compiled.
-- Issue #26662: Set PYTHON_FOR_GEN in configure as the Python program to be
-  used for file generation during the build.
-- Issue #10910: Avoid C++ compilation errors on FreeBSD and OS X.
-  Also update FreedBSD version checks for the original ctype UTF-8 workaround.
-- Issue #28676: Prevent missing 'getentropy' declaration warning on macOS.
-  Patch by Gareth Rees.
-What's New in Python 3.5.2?
-Release date: 2016-06-26
-Core and Builtins
-- Issue #26930: Update Windows builds to use OpenSSL 1.0.2h.
-- Issue #26867: Ubuntu's openssl OP_NO_SSLv3 is forced on by default; fix test.
-- Issue #27365: Allow non-ascii in idlelib/NEWS.txt - minimal part for 3.5.2.
-What's New in Python 3.5.2 release candidate 1?
-Release date: 2016-06-12
-Core and Builtins
-- Issue #27066: Fixed SystemError if a custom opener (for open()) returns a
-  negative number without setting an exception.
-- Issue #20041: Fixed TypeError when frame.f_trace is set to None.
-  Patch by Xavier de Gaye.
-- Issue #26168: Fixed possible refleaks in failing Py_BuildValue() with the "N"
-  format unit.
-- Issue #26991: Fix possible refleak when creating a function with annotations.
-- Issue #27039: Fixed bytearray.remove() for values greater than 127.  Patch by
-  Joe Jevnik.
-- Issue #23640: int.from_bytes() no longer bypasses constructors for subclasses.
-- Issue #26811: gc.get_objects() no longer contains a broken tuple with NULL
-  pointer.
-- Issue #20120: Use RawConfigParser for .pypirc parsing,
-  removing support for interpolation unintentionally added
-  with move to Python 3. Behavior no longer does any
-  interpolation in .pypirc files, matching behavior in Python
-  2.7 and Setuptools 19.0.
-- Issue #26659: Make the builtin slice type support cycle collection.
-- Issue #26718: super.__init__ no longer leaks memory if called multiple times.
-  NOTE: A direct call of super.__init__ is not endorsed!
-- Issue #25339: PYTHONIOENCODING now has priority over locale in setting the
-  error handler for stdin and stdout.
-- Issue #26494: Fixed crash on iterating exhausting iterators.
-  Affected classes are generic sequence iterators, iterators of str, bytes,
-  bytearray, list, tuple, set, frozenset, dict, OrderedDict, corresponding
-  views and os.scandir() iterator.
-- Issue #26581: If coding cookie is specified multiple times on a line in
-  Python source code file, only the first one is taken to account.
-- Issue #26464: Fix str.translate() when string is ASCII and first replacements
-  removes character, but next replacement uses a non-ASCII character or a
-  string longer than 1 character. Regression introduced in Python 3.5.0.
-- Issue #22836: Ensure exception reports from PyErr_Display() and
-  PyErr_WriteUnraisable() are sensible even when formatting them produces
-  secondary errors.  This affects the reports produced by
-  sys.__excepthook__() and when __del__() raises an exception.
-- Issue #26302: Correct behavior to reject comma as a legal character for
-  cookie names.
-- Issue #4806: Avoid masking the original TypeError exception when using star
-  (``*``) unpacking in function calls.  Based on patch by Hagen Fürstenau and
-  Daniel Urban.
-- Issue #27138: Fix the doc comment for FileFinder.find_spec().
-- Issue #26154: Add a new private _PyThreadState_UncheckedGet() function to get
-  the current Python thread state, but don't issue a fatal error if it is NULL.
-  This new function must be used instead of accessing directly the
-  _PyThreadState_Current variable.  The variable is no more exposed since
-  Python 3.5.1 to hide the exact implementation of atomic C types, to avoid
-  compiler issues.
-- Issue #26194:  Deque.insert() gave odd results for bounded deques that had
-  reached their maximum size.  Now an IndexError will be raised when attempting
-  to insert into a full deque.
-- Issue #25843: When compiling code, don't merge constants if they are equal
-  but have a different types. For example, ``f1, f2 = lambda: 1, lambda: 1.0``
-  is now correctly compiled to two different functions: ``f1()`` returns ``1``
-  (``int``) and ``f2()`` returns ``1.0`` (``int``), even if ``1`` and ``1.0``
-  are equal.
-- Issue #22995: [UPDATE] Comment out the one of the pickleability tests in
-  _PyObject_GetState() due to regressions observed in Cython-based projects.
-- Issue #25961: Disallowed null characters in the type name.
-- Issue #25973: Fix segfault when an invalid nonlocal statement binds a name
-  starting with two underscores.
-- Issue #22995: Instances of extension types with a state that aren't
-  subclasses of list or dict and haven't implemented any pickle-related
-  methods (__reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __getnewargs__, __getnewargs_ex__,
-  or __getstate__), can no longer be pickled.  Including memoryview.
-- Issue #20440: Massive replacing unsafe attribute setting code with special
-  macro Py_SETREF.
-- Issue #25766: Special method __bytes__() now works in str subclasses.
-- Issue #25421: __sizeof__ methods of builtin types now use dynamic basic size.
-  This allows sys.getsize() to work correctly with their subclasses with
-  __slots__ defined.
-- Issue #25709: Fixed problem with in-place string concatenation and utf-8
-  cache.
-- Issue #27147: Mention PEP 420 in the importlib docs.
-- Issue #24097: Fixed crash in object.__reduce__() if slot name is freed inside
-  __getattr__.
-- Issue #24731: Fixed crash on converting objects with special methods
-  __bytes__, __trunc__, and __float__ returning instances of subclasses of
-  bytes, int, and float to subclasses of bytes, int, and float correspondingly.
-- Issue #26478: Fix semantic bugs when using binary operators with dictionary
-  views and tuples.
-- Issue #26171: Fix possible integer overflow and heap corruption in
-  zipimporter.get_data().
-- Issue #25660: Fix TAB key behaviour in REPL with readline.
-- Issue #25887: Raise a RuntimeError when a coroutine object is awaited
-  more than once.
-- Issue #27243: Update the __aiter__ protocol: instead of returning
-  an awaitable that resolves to an asynchronous iterator, the asynchronous
-  iterator should be returned directly.  Doing the former will trigger a
-  PendingDeprecationWarning.
-- [Security] Issue #26556: Update expat to 2.1.1, fixes CVE-2015-1283.
-- [Security] Fix TLS stripping vulnerability in smtplib, CVE-2016-0772.
-  Reported by Team Oststrom
-- Issue #21386: Implement missing IPv4Address.is_global property.  It was
-  documented since 07a5610bae9d.  Initial patch by Roger Luethi.
-- Issue #20900: distutils register command now decodes HTTP responses
-  correctly.  Initial patch by ingrid.
-- A new version of typing.py provides several new classes and
-  features: @overload outside stubs, Reversible, DefaultDict, Text,
-  ContextManager, Type[], NewType(), TYPE_CHECKING, and numerous bug
-  fixes (note that some of the new features are not yet implemented in
-  mypy or other static analyzers).  Also classes for PEP 492
-  (Awaitable, AsyncIterable, AsyncIterator) have been added (in fact
-  they made it into 3.5.1 but were never mentioned).
-- Issue #25738: Stop http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler.send_error() from
-  sending a message body for 205 Reset Content.  Also, don't send Content
-  header fields in responses that don't have a body.  Patch by Susumu
-  Koshiba.
-- Issue #21313: Fix the "platform" module to tolerate when sys.version
-  contains truncated build information.
-- [Security] Issue #26839: On Linux, :func:`os.urandom` now calls
-  ``getrandom()`` with ``GRND_NONBLOCK`` to fall back on reading
-  ``/dev/urandom`` if the urandom entropy pool is not initialized yet. Patch
-  written by Colm Buckley.
-- Issue #27164: In the zlib module, allow decompressing raw Deflate streams
-  with a predefined zdict.  Based on patch by Xiang Zhang.
-- Issue #24291: Fix wsgiref.simple_server.WSGIRequestHandler to completely
-  write data to the client.  Previously it could do partial writes and
-  truncate data.  Also, wsgiref.handler.ServerHandler can now handle stdout
-  doing partial writes, but this is deprecated.
-- Issue #26809: Add ``__all__`` to :mod:`string`.  Patch by Emanuel Barry.
-- Issue #26373: subprocess.Popen.communicate now correctly ignores
-  BrokenPipeError when the child process dies before .communicate()
-  is called in more/all circumstances.
-- Issue #21776: distutils.upload now correctly handles HTTPError.
-  Initial patch by Claudiu Popa.
-- Issue #27114: Fix SSLContext._load_windows_store_certs fails with
-  PermissionError
-- Issue #18383: Avoid creating duplicate filters when using filterwarnings
-  and simplefilter.  Based on patch by Alex Shkop.
-- Issue #27057: Fix os.set_inheritable() on Android, ioctl() is blocked by
-  SELinux and fails with EACCESS. The function now falls back to fcntl().
-  Patch written by Michał Bednarski.
-- Issue #27014: Fix infinite recursion using typing.py.  Thanks to Kalle Tuure!
-- Issue #14132: Fix urllib.request redirect handling when the target only has
-  a query string.  Original fix by Ján Janech.
-- Issue #17214: The "urllib.request" module now percent-encodes non-ASCII
-  bytes found in redirect target URLs.  Some servers send Location header
-  fields with non-ASCII bytes, but "http.client" requires the request target
-  to be ASCII-encodable, otherwise a UnicodeEncodeError is raised.  Based on
-  patch by Christian Heimes.
-- Issue #26892: Honor debuglevel flag in urllib.request.HTTPHandler. Patch
-  contributed by Chi Hsuan Yen.
-- Issue #22274: In the subprocess module, allow stderr to be redirected to
-  stdout even when stdout is not redirected.  Patch by Akira Li.
-- Issue #26807: mock_open 'files' no longer error on readline at end of file.
-  Patch from Yolanda Robla.
-- Issue #25745: Fixed leaking a userptr in curses panel destructor.
-- Issue #26977: Removed unnecessary, and ignored, call to sum of squares helper
-  in statistics.pvariance.
-- Issue #26881: The modulefinder module now supports extended opcode arguments.
-- Issue #23815: Fixed crashes related to directly created instances of types in
-  _tkinter and curses.panel modules.
-- Issue #17765: weakref.ref() no longer silently ignores keyword arguments.
-  Patch by Georg Brandl.
-- Issue #26873: xmlrpc now raises ResponseError on unsupported type tags
-  instead of silently return incorrect result.
-- Issue #26711: Fixed the comparison of plistlib.Data with other types.
-- Issue #24114: Fix an uninitialized variable in `ctypes.util`.
-  The bug only occurs on SunOS when the ctypes implementation searches
-  for the `crle` program.  Patch by Xiang Zhang.  Tested on SunOS by
-  Kees Bos.
-- Issue #26864: In urllib.request, change the proxy bypass host checking
-  against no_proxy to be case-insensitive, and to not match unrelated host
-  names that happen to have a bypassed hostname as a suffix.  Patch by Xiang
-  Zhang.
-- Issue #26634: recursive_repr() now sets __qualname__ of wrapper.  Patch by
-  Xiang Zhang.
-- Issue #26804: urllib.request will prefer lower_case proxy environment
-  variables over UPPER_CASE or Mixed_Case ones. Patch contributed by Hans-Peter
-  Jansen.
-- Issue #26837: assertSequenceEqual() now correctly outputs non-stringified
-  differing items (like bytes in the -b mode).  This affects assertListEqual()
-  and assertTupleEqual().
-- Issue #26041: Remove "will be removed in Python 3.7" from deprecation
-  messages of platform.dist() and platform.linux_distribution().
-  Patch by Kumaripaba Miyurusara Athukorala.
-- Issue #26822: itemgetter, attrgetter and methodcaller objects no longer
-  silently ignore keyword arguments.
-- Issue #26733: Disassembling a class now disassembles class and static methods.
-  Patch by Xiang Zhang.
-- Issue #26801: Fix error handling in :func:`shutil.get_terminal_size`, catch
-  :exc:`AttributeError` instead of :exc:`NameError`. Patch written by Emanuel
-  Barry.
-- Issue #24838: tarfile's ustar and gnu formats now correctly calculate name
-  and link field limits for multibyte character encodings like utf-8.
-- [Security] Issue #26657: Fix directory traversal vulnerability with
-  http.server on Windows.  This fixes a regression that was introduced in
-  3.3.4rc1 and 3.4.0rc1.  Based on patch by Philipp Hagemeister.
-- Issue #26717: Stop encoding Latin-1-ized WSGI paths with UTF-8.  Patch by
-  Anthony Sottile.
-- Issue #26735: Fix :func:`os.urandom` on Solaris 11.3 and newer when reading
-  more than 1,024 bytes: call ``getrandom()`` multiple times with a limit of
-  1024 bytes per call.
-- Issue #16329: Add .webm to mimetypes.types_map.  Patch by Giampaolo Rodola'.
-- Issue #13952: Add .csv to mimetypes.types_map.  Patch by Geoff Wilson.
-- Issue #26709: Fixed Y2038 problem in loading binary PLists.
-- Issue #23735: Handle terminal resizing with Readline 6.3+ by installing our
-  own SIGWINCH handler.  Patch by Eric Price.
-- Issue #26586: In http.server, respond with "413 Request header fields too
-  large" if there are too many header fields to parse, rather than killing
-  the connection and raising an unhandled exception.  Patch by Xiang Zhang.
-- Issue #22854: Change BufferedReader.writable() and
-  BufferedWriter.readable() to always return False.
-- Issue #25195: Fix a regression in mock.MagicMock. _Call is a subclass of
-  tuple (changeset 3603bae63c13 only works for classes) so we need to
-  implement __ne__ ourselves.  Patch by Andrew Plummer.
-- Issue #26644: Raise ValueError rather than SystemError when a negative
-  length is passed to SSLSocket.recv() or read().
-- Issue #23804: Fix SSL recv(0) and read(0) methods to return zero bytes
-  instead of up to 1024.
-- Issue #26616: Fixed a bug in datetime.astimezone() method.
-- Issue #21925: :func:`warnings.formatwarning` now catches exceptions on
-  ``linecache.getline(...)`` to be able to log :exc:`ResourceWarning` emitted
-  late during the Python shutdown process.
-- Issue #24266: Ctrl+C during Readline history search now cancels the search
-  mode when compiled with Readline 7.
-- Issue #26560: Avoid potential ValueError in BaseHandler.start_response.
-  Initial patch by Peter Inglesby.
-- [Security] Issue #26313: ssl.py _load_windows_store_certs fails if windows
-  cert store is empty. Patch by Baji.
-- Issue #26569: Fix :func:`pyclbr.readmodule` and :func:`pyclbr.readmodule_ex`
-  to support importing packages.
-- Issue #26499: Account for remaining Content-Length in
-  HTTPResponse.readline() and read1().  Based on patch by Silent Ghost.
-  Also document that HTTPResponse now supports these methods.
-- Issue #25320: Handle sockets in directories unittest discovery is scanning.
-  Patch from Victor van den Elzen.
-- Issue #16181: cookiejar.http2time() now returns None if year is higher than
-  datetime.MAXYEAR.
-- Issue #26513: Fixes platform module detection of Windows Server
-- Issue #23718: Fixed parsing time in week 0 before Jan 1.  Original patch by
-  Tamás Bence Gedai.
-- Issue #20589: Invoking Path.owner() and Path.group() on Windows now raise
-  NotImplementedError instead of ImportError.
-- Issue #26177: Fixed the keys() method for Canvas and Scrollbar widgets.
-- Issue #15068: Got rid of excessive buffering in the fileinput module.
-  The bufsize parameter is no longer used.
-- Issue #2202: Fix UnboundLocalError in
-  AbstractDigestAuthHandler.get_algorithm_impls.  Initial patch by Mathieu
-  Dupuy.
-- Issue #25718: Fixed pickling and copying the accumulate() iterator with
-  total is None.
-- Issue #26475: Fixed debugging output for regular expressions with the (?x)
-  flag.
-- Issue #26457: Fixed the subnets() methods in IP network classes for the case
-  when resulting prefix length is equal to maximal prefix length.
-  Based on patch by Xiang Zhang.
-- Issue #26385: Remove the file if the internal open() call in
-  NamedTemporaryFile() fails.  Patch by Silent Ghost.
-- Issue #26402: Fix XML-RPC client to retry when the server shuts down a
-  persistent connection.  This was a regression related to the new
-  http.client.RemoteDisconnected exception in 3.5.0a4.
-- Issue #25913: Leading ``<~`` is optional now in base64.a85decode() with
-  adobe=True.  Patch by Swati Jaiswal.
-- Issue #26186: Remove an invalid type check in importlib.util.LazyLoader.
-- Issue #26367: importlib.__import__() raises SystemError like
-  builtins.__import__() when ``level`` is specified but without an accompanying
-  package specified.
-- Issue #26309: In the "socketserver" module, shut down the request (closing
-  the connected socket) when verify_request() returns false.  Patch by Aviv
-  Palivoda.
-- [Security] Issue #25939: On Windows open the cert store readonly in
-  ssl.enum_certificates.
-- Issue #25995: os.walk() no longer uses FDs proportional to the tree depth.
-- Issue #26117: The os.scandir() iterator now closes file descriptor not only
-  when the iteration is finished, but when it was failed with error.
-- Issue #25911: Restored support of bytes paths in os.walk() on Windows.
-- Issue #26045: Add UTF-8 suggestion to error message when posting a
-  non-Latin-1 string with http.client.
-- Issue #12923: Reset FancyURLopener's redirect counter even if there is an
-  exception.  Based on patches by Brian Brazil and Daniel Rocco.
-- Issue #25945: Fixed a crash when unpickle the functools.partial object with
-  wrong state.  Fixed a leak in failed functools.partial constructor.
-  "args" and "keywords" attributes of functools.partial have now always types
-  tuple and dict correspondingly.
-- Issue #26202: copy.deepcopy() now correctly copies range() objects with
-  non-atomic attributes.
-- Issue #23076: Path.glob() now raises a ValueError if it's called with an
-  invalid pattern.  Patch by Thomas Nyberg.
-- Issue #19883: Fixed possible integer overflows in zipimport.
-- Issue #26227: On Windows, getnameinfo(), gethostbyaddr() and
-  gethostbyname_ex() functions of the socket module now decode the hostname
-  from the ANSI code page rather than UTF-8.
-- Issue #26147: xmlrpc now works with strings not encodable with used
-  non-UTF-8 encoding.
-- Issue #25935: Garbage collector now breaks reference loops with OrderedDict.
-- Issue #16620: Fixed AttributeError in msilib.Directory.glob().
-- Issue #26013: Added compatibility with broken protocol 2 pickles created
-  in old Python 3 versions (3.4.3 and lower).
-- Issue #25850: Use cross-compilation by default for 64-bit Windows.
-- Issue #17633: Improve zipimport's support for namespace packages.
-- Issue #24705: Fix sysconfig._parse_makefile not expanding ${} vars
-  appearing before $() vars.
-- Issue #22138: Fix mock.patch behavior when patching descriptors. Restore
-  original values after patching. Patch contributed by Sean McCully.
-- Issue #25672: In the ssl module, enable the SSL_MODE_RELEASE_BUFFERS mode
-  option if it is safe to do so.
-- Issue #26012: Don't traverse into symlinks for ``**`` pattern in
-  pathlib.Path.[r]glob().
-- Issue #24120: Ignore PermissionError when traversing a tree with
-  pathlib.Path.[r]glob().  Patch by Ulrich Petri.
-- Issue #25447: fileinput now uses sys.stdin as-is if it does not have a
-  buffer attribute (restores backward compatibility).
-- Issue #25447: Copying the lru_cache() wrapper object now always works,
-  independedly from the type of the wrapped object (by returning the original
-  object unchanged).
-- Issue #24103: Fixed possible use after free in ElementTree.XMLPullParser.
-- Issue #25860: os.fwalk() no longer skips remaining directories when error
-  occurs.  Original patch by Samson Lee.
-- Issue #25914: Fixed and simplified OrderedDict.__sizeof__.
-- Issue #25902: Fixed various refcount issues in ElementTree iteration.
-- Issue #25717: Restore the previous behaviour of tolerating most fstat()
-  errors when opening files.  This was a regression in 3.5a1, and stopped
-  anonymous temporary files from working in special cases.
-- Issue #24903: Fix regression in number of arguments compileall accepts when
-  '-d' is specified.  The check on the number of arguments has been dropped
-  completely as it never worked correctly anyway.
-- Issue #25764: In the subprocess module, preserve any exception caused by
-  fork() failure when preexec_fn is used.
-- Issue #6478: _strptime's regexp cache now is reset after changing timezone
-  with time.tzset().
-- Issue #14285: When executing a package with the "python -m package" option,
-  and package initialization fails, a proper traceback is now reported.  The
-  "runpy" module now lets exceptions from package initialization pass back to
-  the caller, rather than raising ImportError.
-- Issue #19771: Also in runpy and the "-m" option, omit the irrelevant
-  message ". . . is a package and cannot be directly executed" if the package
-  could not even be initialized (e.g. due to a bad ``*.pyc`` file).
-- Issue #25177: Fixed problem with the mean of very small and very large
-  numbers. As a side effect, statistics.mean and statistics.variance should
-  be significantly faster.
-- Issue #25718: Fixed copying object with state with boolean value is false.
-- Issue #10131: Fixed deep copying of minidom documents.  Based on patch
-  by Marian Ganisin.
-- Issue #25725: Fixed a reference leak in pickle.loads() when unpickling
-  invalid data including tuple instructions.
-- Issue #25663: In the Readline completer, avoid listing duplicate global
-  names, and search the global namespace before searching builtins.
-- Issue #25688: Fixed file leak in ElementTree.iterparse() raising an error.
-- Issue #23914: Fixed SystemError raised by unpickler on broken pickle data.
-- Issue #25691: Fixed crash on deleting ElementTree.Element attributes.
-- Issue #25624: ZipFile now always writes a ZIP_STORED header for directory
-  entries.  Patch by Dingyuan Wang.
-- Skip getaddrinfo if host is already resolved.
-  Patch by A. Jesse Jiryu Davis.
-- Issue #26050: Add asyncio.StreamReader.readuntil() method.
-  Patch by Марк Коренберг.
-- Issue #25924: Avoid unnecessary serialization of getaddrinfo(3) calls on
-  OS X versions 10.5 or higher.  Original patch by A. Jesse Jiryu Davis.
-- Issue #26406: Avoid unnecessary serialization of getaddrinfo(3) calls on
-  current versions of OpenBSD and NetBSD.  Patch by A. Jesse Jiryu Davis.
-- Issue #26848: Fix asyncio/subprocess.communicate() to handle empty input.
-  Patch by Jack O'Connor.
-- Issue #27040: Add loop.get_exception_handler method
-- Issue #27041: asyncio: Add loop.create_future method
-- Issue #27223: asyncio: Fix _read_ready and _write_ready to respect
-  _conn_lost.
-  Patch by Łukasz Langa.
-- Issue #22970: asyncio: Fix inconsistency cancelling Condition.wait.
-  Patch by David Coles.
-- Issue #5124: Paste with text selected now replaces the selection on X11.
-  This matches how paste works on Windows, Mac, most modern Linux apps,
-  and ttk widgets.  Original patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
-- Issue #24759: Make clear in idlelib.idle_test.__init__ that the directory
-  is a private implementation of test.test_idle and tool for maintainers.
-- Issue #27196: Stop 'ThemeChanged' warnings when running IDLE tests.
-  These persisted after other warnings were suppressed in #20567.
-  Apply Serhiy Storchaka's update_idletasks solution to four test files.
-  Record this additional advice in idle_test/README.txt
-- Issue #20567: Revise idle_test/README.txt with advice about avoiding
-  tk warning messages from tests.  Apply advice to several IDLE tests.
-- Issue #27117: Make colorizer htest and turtledemo work with dark themes.
-  Move code for configuring text widget colors to a new function.
-- Issue #26673: When tk reports font size as 0, change to size 10.
-  Such fonts on Linux prevented the configuration dialog from opening.
-- Issue #21939: Add test for IDLE's percolator.
-  Original patch by Saimadhav Heblikar.
-- Issue #21676: Add test for IDLE's replace dialog.
-  Original patch by Saimadhav Heblikar.
-- Issue #18410: Add test for IDLE's search dialog.
-  Original patch by Westley Martínez.
-- Issue #21703: Add test for IDLE's undo delegator.
-  Original patch by Saimadhav Heblikar .
-- Issue #27044: Add ConfigDialog.remove_var_callbacks to stop memory leaks.
-- Issue #23977: Add more asserts to test_delegator.
-- Issue #20640: Add tests for idlelib.configHelpSourceEdit.
-  Patch by Saimadhav Heblikar.
-- In the 'IDLE-console differences' section of the IDLE doc, clarify
-  how running with IDLE affects sys.modules and the standard streams.
-- Issue #25507: fix incorrect change in IOBinding that prevented printing.
-  Augment IOBinding htest to include all major IOBinding functions.
-- Issue #25905: Revert unwanted conversion of ' to ’ RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION
-  MARK in README.txt and open this and NEWS.txt with 'ascii'.
-  Re-encode CREDITS.txt to utf-8 and open it with 'utf-8'.
-- Issue #19489: Moved the search box from the sidebar to the header and footer
-  of each page.  Patch by Ammar Askar.
-- Issue #24136: Document the new PEP 448 unpacking syntax of 3.5.
-- Issue #26736: Used HTTPS for external links in the documentation if possible.
-- Issue #6953: Rework the Readline module documentation to group related
-  functions together, and add more details such as what underlying Readline
-  functions and variables are accessed.
-- Issue #23606: Adds note to ctypes documentation regarding cdll.msvcrt.
-- Issue #25500: Fix documentation to not claim that __import__ is searched for
-  in the global scope.
-- Issue #26014: Update 3.x packaging documentation:
-  * "See also" links to the new docs are now provided in the legacy pages
-  * links to setuptools documentation have been updated
-- Issue #21916: Added tests for the turtle module.  Patch by ingrid,
-  Gregory Loyse and Jelle Zijlstra.
-- Issue #26523: The multiprocessing thread pool (multiprocessing.dummy.Pool)
-  was untested.
-- Issue #26015: Added new tests for pickling iterators of mutable sequences.
-- Issue #26325: Added test.support.check_no_resource_warning() to check that
-  no ResourceWarning is emitted.
-- Issue #25940: Changed test_ssl to use self-signed.pythontest.net.  This
-  avoids relying on svn.python.org, which recently changed root certificate.
-- Issue #25616: Tests for OrderedDict are extracted from test_collections
-  into separate file test_ordered_dict.
-- Issue #26583: Skip test_timestamp_overflow in test_import if bytecode
-  files cannot be written.
-- Issue #26884: Fix linking extension modules for cross builds.
-  Patch by Xavier de Gaye.
-- Issue #22359: Disable the rules for running _freeze_importlib and pgen when
-  cross-compiling.  The output of these programs is normally saved with the
-  source code anyway, and is still regenerated when doing a native build.
-  Patch by Xavier de Gaye.
-- Issue #27229: Fix the cross-compiling pgen rule for in-tree builds.  Patch
-  by Xavier de Gaye.
-- Issue #21668: Link audioop, _datetime, _ctypes_test modules to libm,
-  except on Mac OS X. Patch written by Xavier de Gaye.
-- Issue #25702: A --with-lto configure option has been added that will
-  enable link time optimizations at build time during a make profile-opt.
-  Some compilers and toolchains are known to not produce stable code when
-  using LTO, be sure to test things thoroughly before relying on it.
-  It can provide a few % speed up over profile-opt alone.
-- Issue #26624: Adds validation of ucrtbase[d].dll version with warning
-  for old versions.
-- Issue #17603: Avoid error about nonexistant fileblocks.o file by using a
-  lower-level check for st_blocks in struct stat.
-- Issue #26079: Fixing the build output folder for tix- Patch by
-  Bjoern Thiel.
-- Issue #26465: Update Windows builds to use OpenSSL 1.0.2g.
-- Issue #24421: Compile Modules/_math.c once, before building extensions.
-  Previously it could fail to compile properly if the math and cmath builds
-  were concurrent.
-- Issue #25348: Added ``--pgo`` and ``--pgo-job`` arguments to
-  ``PCbuild\build.bat`` for building with Profile-Guided Optimization.  The
-  old ``PCbuild\build_pgo.bat`` script is now deprecated, and simply calls
-  ``PCbuild\build.bat --pgo %*``.
-- Issue #25827: Add support for building with ICC to ``configure``, including
-  a new ``--with-icc`` flag.
-- Issue #25696: Fix installation of Python on UNIX with make -j9.
-- Issue #26930: Update OS X 10.5+ 32-bit-only installer to build
-  and link with OpenSSL 1.0.2h.
-- Issue #26268: Update Windows builds to use OpenSSL 1.0.2f.
-- Issue #25136: Support Apple Xcode 7's new textual SDK stub libraries.
-- Issue #24324: Do not enable unreachable code warnings when using
-  gcc as the option does not work correctly in older versions of gcc
-  and has been silently removed as of gcc-4.5.
-- Issue #27053: Updates make_zip.py to correctly generate library ZIP file.
-- Issue #26268: Update the prepare_ssl.py script to handle OpenSSL releases
-  that don't include the contents of the include directory (that is, 1.0.2e
-  and later).
-- Issue #26071: bdist_wininst created binaries fail to start and find
-  32bit Python
-- Issue #26073: Update the list of magic numbers in launcher
-- Issue #26065: Excludes venv from library when generating embeddable
-  distro.
-- Issue #26799: Fix python-gdb.py: don't get C types once when the Python code
-  is loaded, but get C types on demand. The C types can change if
-  python-gdb.py is loaded before the Python executable. Patch written by Thomas
-  Ilsche.
-- Issue #26271: Fix the Freeze tool to properly use flags passed through
-  configure. Patch by Daniel Shaulov.
-- Issue #26489: Add dictionary unpacking support to Tools/parser/unparse.py.
-  Patch by Guo Ci Teo.
-- Issue #26316: Fix variable name typo in Argument Clinic.
-- Issue #17500, and https://github.com/python/pythondotorg/issues/945: Remove
-  unused and outdated icons.
-What's New in Python 3.5.1 final?
-Release date: 2015-12-06
-Core and Builtins
-- Issue #25709: Fixed problem with in-place string concatenation and
-  utf-8 cache.
-- Issue #25715: Python 3.5.1 installer shows wrong upgrade path and incorrect
-  logic for launcher detection.
-What's New in Python 3.5.1 release candidate 1?
-Release date: 2015-11-22
-Core and Builtins
-- Issue #25630: Fix a possible segfault during argument parsing in functions
-  that accept filesystem paths.
-- Issue #23564: Fixed a partially broken sanity check in the _posixsubprocess
-  internals regarding how fds_to_pass were passed to the child.  The bug had
-  no actual impact as subprocess.py already avoided it.
-- Issue #25388: Fixed tokenizer crash when processing undecodable source code
-  with a null byte.
-- Issue #25462: The hash of the key now is calculated only once in most
-  operations in C implementation of OrderedDict.
-- Issue #22995: Default implementation of __reduce__ and __reduce_ex__ now
-  rejects builtin types with not defined __new__.
-- Issue #25555: Fix parser and AST: fill lineno and col_offset of "arg" node
-  when compiling AST from Python objects.
-- Issue #24802: Avoid buffer overreads when int(), float(), compile(), exec()
-  and eval() are passed bytes-like objects.  These objects are not
-  necessarily terminated by a null byte, but the functions assumed they were.
-- Issue #24726: Fixed a crash and leaking NULL in repr() of OrderedDict that
-  was mutated by direct calls of dict methods.
-- Issue #25449: Iterating OrderedDict with keys with unstable hash now raises
-  KeyError in C implementations as well as in Python implementation.
-- Issue #25395: Fixed crash when highly nested OrderedDict structures were
-  garbage collected.
-- Issue #25274: sys.setrecursionlimit() now raises a RecursionError if the new
-  recursion limit is too low depending at the current recursion depth. Modify
-  also the "lower-water mark" formula to make it monotonic. This mark is used
-  to decide when the overflowed flag of the thread state is reset.
-- Issue #24402: Fix input() to prompt to the redirected stdout when
-  sys.stdout.fileno() fails.
-- Issue #24806: Prevent builtin types that are not allowed to be subclassed from
-  being subclassed through multiple inheritance.
-- Issue #24848: Fixed a number of bugs in UTF-7 decoding of misformed data.
-- Issue #25280: Import trace messages emitted in verbose (-v) mode are no
-  longer formatted twice.
-- Issue #25003: On Solaris 11.3 or newer, os.urandom() now uses the
-  getrandom() function instead of the getentropy() function. The getentropy()
-  function is blocking to generate very good quality entropy, os.urandom()
-  doesn't need such high-quality entropy.
-- Issue #25182: The stdprinter (used as sys.stderr before the io module is
-  imported at startup) now uses the backslashreplace error handler.
-- Issue #25131: Make the line number and column offset of set/dict literals and
-  comprehensions correspond to the opening brace.
-- Issue #25150: Hide the private _Py_atomic_xxx symbols from the public
-  Python.h header to fix a compilation error with OpenMP. PyThreadState_GET()
-  becomes an alias to PyThreadState_Get() to avoid ABI incompatibilies.
-- Issue #25626: Change three zlib functions to accept sizes that fit in
-  Py_ssize_t, but internally cap those sizes to UINT_MAX.  This resolves a
-  regression in 3.5 where GzipFile.read() failed to read chunks larger than 2
-  or 4 GiB.  The change affects the zlib.Decompress.decompress() max_length
-  parameter, the zlib.decompress() bufsize parameter, and the
-  zlib.Decompress.flush() length parameter.
-- Issue #25583: Avoid incorrect errors raised by os.makedirs(exist_ok=True)
-  when the OS gives priority to errors such as EACCES over EEXIST.
-- Issue #25593: Change semantics of EventLoop.stop() in asyncio.
-- Issue #6973: When we know a subprocess.Popen process has died, do
-  not allow the send_signal(), terminate(), or kill() methods to do
-  anything as they could potentially signal a different process.
-- Issue #25590: In the Readline completer, only call getattr() once per
-  attribute.
-- Issue #25498: Fix a crash when garbage-collecting ctypes objects created
-  by wrapping a memoryview.  This was a regression made in 3.5a1.  Based
-  on patch by Eryksun.
-- Issue #25584: Added "escape" to the __all__ list in the glob module.
-- Issue #25584: Fixed recursive glob() with patterns starting with ``**``.
-- Issue #25446: Fix regression in smtplib's AUTH LOGIN support.
-- Issue #18010: Fix the pydoc web server's module search function to handle
-  exceptions from importing packages.
-- Issue #25554: Got rid of circular references in regular expression parsing.
-- Issue #25510: fileinput.FileInput.readline() now returns b'' instead of ''
-  at the end if the FileInput was opened with binary mode.
-  Patch by Ryosuke Ito.
-- Issue #25503: Fixed inspect.getdoc() for inherited docstrings of properties.
-  Original patch by John Mark Vandenberg.
-- Issue #25515: Always use os.urandom as a source of randomness in uuid.uuid4.
-- Issue #21827: Fixed textwrap.dedent() for the case when largest common
-  whitespace is a substring of smallest leading whitespace.
-  Based on patch by Robert Li.
-- Issue #25447: The lru_cache() wrapper objects now can be copied and pickled
-  (by returning the original object unchanged).
-- Issue #25390: typing: Don't crash on Union[str, Pattern].
-- Issue #25441: asyncio: Raise error from drain() when socket is closed.
-- Issue #25410: Cleaned up and fixed minor bugs in C implementation of
-  OrderedDict.
-- Issue #25411: Improved Unicode support in SMTPHandler through better use of
-  the email package. Thanks to user simon04 for the patch.
-- Issue #25407: Remove mentions of the formatter module being removed in
-  Python 3.6.
-- Issue #25406: Fixed a bug in C implementation of OrderedDict.move_to_end()
-  that caused segmentation fault or hang in iterating after moving several
-  items to the start of ordered dict.
-- Issue #25364: zipfile now works in threads disabled builds.
-- Issue #25328: smtpd's SMTPChannel now correctly raises a ValueError if both
-  decode_data and enable_SMTPUTF8 are set to true.
-- Issue #25316: distutils raises OSError instead of DistutilsPlatformError
-  when MSVC is not installed.
-- Issue #25380: Fixed protocol for the STACK_GLOBAL opcode in
-  pickletools.opcodes.
-- Issue #23972: Updates asyncio datagram create method allowing reuseport
-  and reuseaddr socket options to be set prior to binding the socket.
-  Mirroring the existing asyncio create_server method the reuseaddr option
-  for datagram sockets defaults to True if the O/S is 'posix' (except if the
-  platform is Cygwin). Patch by Chris Laws.
-- Issue #25304: Add asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe().  This lets you
-  submit a coroutine to a loop from another thread, returning a
-  concurrent.futures.Future.  By Vincent Michel.
-- Issue #25232: Fix CGIRequestHandler to split the query from the URL at the
-  first question mark (?) rather than the last. Patch from Xiang Zhang.
-- Issue #24657: Prevent CGIRequestHandler from collapsing slashes in the
-  query part of the URL as if it were a path. Patch from Xiang Zhang.
-- Issue #24483: C implementation of functools.lru_cache() now calculates key's
-  hash only once.
-- Issue #22958: Constructor and update method of weakref.WeakValueDictionary
-  now accept the self and the dict keyword arguments.
-- Issue #22609: Constructor of collections.UserDict now accepts the self keyword
-  argument.
-- Issue #25111: Fixed comparison of traceback.FrameSummary.
-- Issue #25262: Added support for BINBYTES8 opcode in Python implementation of
-  unpickler.  Highest 32 bits of 64-bit size for BINUNICODE8 and BINBYTES8
-  opcodes no longer silently ignored on 32-bit platforms in C implementation.
-- Issue #25034: Fix string.Formatter problem with auto-numbering and
-  nested format_specs. Patch by Anthon van der Neut.
-- Issue #25233: Rewrite the guts of asyncio.Queue and
-  asyncio.Semaphore to be more understandable and correct.
-- Issue #25203: Failed readline.set_completer_delims() no longer left the
-  module in inconsistent state.
-- Issue #23600: Default implementation of tzinfo.fromutc() was returning
-  wrong results in some cases.
-- Issue #23329: Allow the ssl module to be built with older versions of
-  LibreSSL.
-- Prevent overflow in _Unpickler_Read.
-- Issue #25047: The XML encoding declaration written by Element Tree now
-  respects the letter case given by the user. This restores the ability to
-  write encoding names in uppercase like "UTF-8", which worked in Python 2.
-- Issue #25135: Make deque_clear() safer by emptying the deque before clearing.
-  This helps avoid possible reentrancy issues.
-- Issue #19143: platform module now reads Windows version from kernel32.dll to
-  avoid compatibility shims.
-- Issue #25092: Fix datetime.strftime() failure when errno was already set to
-- Issue #23517: Fix rounding in fromtimestamp() and utcfromtimestamp() methods
-  of datetime.datetime: microseconds are now rounded to nearest with ties
-  going to nearest even integer (ROUND_HALF_EVEN), instead of being rounding
-  towards minus infinity (ROUND_FLOOR). It's important that these methods use
-  the same rounding mode than datetime.timedelta to keep the property:
-  (datetime(1970,1,1) + timedelta(seconds=t)) == datetime.utcfromtimestamp(t).
-  It also the rounding mode used by round(float) for example.
-- Issue #25155: Fix datetime.datetime.now() and datetime.datetime.utcnow() on
-  Windows to support date after year 2038. It was a regression introduced in
-  Python 3.5.0.
-- Issue #25108: Omitted internal frames in traceback functions print_stack(),
-  format_stack(), and extract_stack() called without arguments.
-- Issue #25118: Fix a regression of Python 3.5.0 in os.waitpid() on Windows.
-- Issue #24684: socket.socket.getaddrinfo() now calls
-  PyUnicode_AsEncodedString() instead of calling the encode() method of the
-  host, to handle correctly custom string with an encode() method which doesn't
-  return a byte string. The encoder of the IDNA codec is now called directly
-  instead of calling the encode() method of the string.
-- Issue #25060: Correctly compute stack usage of the BUILD_MAP opcode.
-- Issue #24857: Comparing call_args to a long sequence now correctly returns a
-  boolean result instead of raising an exception.  Patch by A Kaptur.
-- Issue #23144: Make sure that HTMLParser.feed() returns all the data, even
-  when convert_charrefs is True.
-- Issue #24982: shutil.make_archive() with the "zip" format now adds entries
-  for directories (including empty directories) in ZIP file.
-- Issue #25019: Fixed a crash caused by setting non-string key of expat parser.
-  Based on patch by John Leitch.
-- Issue #16180: Exit pdb if file has syntax error, instead of trapping user
-  in an infinite loop.  Patch by Xavier de Gaye.
-- Issue #24891: Fix a race condition at Python startup if the file descriptor
-  of stdin (0), stdout (1) or stderr (2) is closed while Python is creating
-  sys.stdin, sys.stdout and sys.stderr objects. These attributes are now set
-  to None if the creation of the object failed, instead of raising an OSError
-  exception. Initial patch written by Marco Paolini.
-- Issue #24992: Fix error handling and a race condition (related to garbage
-  collection) in collections.OrderedDict constructor.
-- Issue #24881: Fixed setting binary mode in Python implementation of FileIO
-  on Windows and Cygwin.  Patch from Akira Li.
-- Issue #25578: Fix (another) memory leak in SSLSocket.getpeercer().
-- Issue #25530: Disable the vulnerable SSLv3 protocol by default when creating
-  ssl.SSLContext.
-- Issue #25569: Fix memory leak in SSLSocket.getpeercert().
-- Issue #25471: Sockets returned from accept() shouldn't appear to be
-  nonblocking.
-- Issue #25319: When threading.Event is reinitialized, the underlying condition
-  should use a regular lock rather than a recursive lock.
-- Issue #21112: Fix regression in unittest.expectedFailure on subclasses.
-  Patch from Berker Peksag.
-- Issue #24764: cgi.FieldStorage.read_multi() now ignores the Content-Length
-  header in part headers. Patch written by Peter Landry and reviewed by Pierre
-  Quentel.
-- Issue #24913: Fix overrun error in deque.index().
-  Found by John Leitch and Bryce Darling.
-- Issue #24774: Fix docstring in http.server.test. Patch from Chiu-Hsiang Hsu.
-- Issue #21159: Improve message in configparser.InterpolationMissingOptionError.
-  Patch from Łukasz Langa.
-- Issue #20362: Honour TestCase.longMessage correctly in assertRegex.
-  Patch from Ilia Kurenkov.
-- Issue #23572: Fixed functools.singledispatch on classes with falsy
-  metaclasses.  Patch by Ethan Furman.
-- asyncio: ensure_future() now accepts awaitable objects.
-- Issue #15348: Stop the debugger engine (normally in a user process)
-  before closing the debugger window (running in the IDLE process).
-  This prevents the RuntimeErrors that were being caught and ignored.
-- Issue #24455: Prevent IDLE from hanging when a) closing the shell while the
-  debugger is active (15347); b) closing the debugger with the [X] button
-  (15348); and c) activating the debugger when already active (24455).
-  The patch by Mark Roseman does this by making two changes.
-  1. Suspend and resume the gui.interaction method with the tcl vwait
-  mechanism intended for this purpose (instead of root.mainloop & .quit).
-  2. In gui.run, allow any existing interaction to terminate first.
-- Change 'The program' to 'Your program' in an IDLE 'kill program?' message
-  to make it clearer that the program referred to is the currently running
-  user program, not IDLE itself.
-- Issue #24750: Improve the appearance of the IDLE editor window status bar.
-  Patch by Mark Roseman.
-- Issue #25313: Change the handling of new built-in text color themes to better
-  address the compatibility problem introduced by the addition of IDLE Dark.
-  Consistently use the revised idleConf.CurrentTheme everywhere in idlelib.
-- Issue #24782: Extension configuration is now a tab in the IDLE Preferences
-  dialog rather than a separate dialog.  The former tabs are now a sorted
-  list.  Patch by Mark Roseman.
-- Issue #22726: Re-activate the config dialog help button with some content
-  about the other buttons and the new IDLE Dark theme.
-- Issue #24820: IDLE now has an 'IDLE Dark' built-in text color theme.
-  It is more or less IDLE Classic inverted, with a cobalt blue background.
-  Strings, comments, keywords, ... are still green, red, orange, ... .
-  To use it with IDLEs released before November 2015, hit the
-  'Save as New Custom Theme' button and enter a new name,
-  such as 'Custom Dark'.  The custom theme will work with any IDLE
-  release, and can be modified.
-- Issue #25224: README.txt is now an idlelib index for IDLE developers and
-  curious users.  The previous user content is now in the IDLE doc chapter.
-  'IDLE' now means 'Integrated Development and Learning Environment'.
-- Issue #24820: Users can now set breakpoint colors in
-  Settings -> Custom Highlighting.  Original patch by Mark Roseman.
-- Issue #24972: Inactive selection background now matches active selection
-  background, as configured by users, on all systems.  Found items are now
-  always highlighted on Windows.  Initial patch by Mark Roseman.
-- Issue #24570: Idle: make calltip and completion boxes appear on Macs
-  affected by a tk regression.  Initial patch by Mark Roseman.
-- Issue #24988: Idle ScrolledList context menus (used in debugger)
-  now work on Mac Aqua.  Patch by Mark Roseman.
-- Issue #24801: Make right-click for context menu work on Mac Aqua.
-  Patch by Mark Roseman.
-- Issue #25173: Associate tkinter messageboxes with a specific widget.
-  For Mac OSX, make them a 'sheet'.  Patch by Mark Roseman.
-- Issue #25198: Enhance the initial html viewer now used for Idle Help.
-  * Properly indent fixed-pitch text (patch by Mark Roseman).
-  * Give code snippet a very Sphinx-like light blueish-gray background.
-  * Re-use initial width and height set by users for shell and editor.
-  * When the Table of Contents (TOC) menu is used, put the section header
-  at the top of the screen.
-- Issue #25225: Condense and rewrite Idle doc section on text colors.
-- Issue #21995: Explain some differences between IDLE and console Python.
-- Issue #22820: Explain need for *print* when running file from Idle editor.
-- Issue #25224: Doc: augment Idle feature list and no-subprocess section.
-- Issue #25219: Update doc for Idle command line options.
-  Some were missing and notes were not correct.
-- Issue #24861: Most of idlelib is private and subject to change.
-  Use idleib.idle.* to start Idle. See idlelib.__init__.__doc__.
-- Issue #25199: Idle: add synchronization comments for future maintainers.
-- Issue #16893: Replace help.txt with help.html for Idle doc display.
-  The new idlelib/help.html is rstripped Doc/build/html/library/idle.html.
-  It looks better than help.txt and will better document Idle as released.
-  The tkinter html viewer that works for this file was written by Mark Roseman.
-  The now unused EditorWindow.HelpDialog class and helt.txt file are deprecated.
-- Issue #24199: Deprecate unused idlelib.idlever with possible removal in 3.6.
-- Issue #24790: Remove extraneous code (which also create 2 & 3 conflicts).
-- Issue #22558: Add remaining doc links to source code for Python-coded modules.
-  Patch by Yoni Lavi.
-- Issue #12067: Rewrite Comparisons section in the Expressions chapter of the
-  language reference. Some of the details of comparing mixed types were
-  incorrect or ambiguous. NotImplemented is only relevant at a lower level
-  than the Expressions chapter. Added details of comparing range() objects,
-  and default behaviour and consistency suggestions for user-defined classes.
-  Patch from Andy Maier.
-- Issue #24952: Clarify the default size argument of stack_size() in
-  the "threading" and "_thread" modules. Patch from Mattip.
-- Issue #23725: Overhaul tempfile docs. Note deprecated status of mktemp.
-  Patch from Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek.
-- Issue #24808: Update the types of some PyTypeObject fields.  Patch by
-  Joseph Weston.
-- Issue #22812: Fix unittest discovery examples.
-  Patch from Pam McA'Nulty.
-- Issue #25449: Added tests for OrderedDict subclasses.
-- Issue #25099: Make test_compileall not fail when an entry on sys.path cannot
-  be written to (commonly seen in administrative installs on Windows).
-- Issue #23919: Prevents assert dialogs appearing in the test suite.
-- ``PCbuild\rt.bat`` now accepts an unlimited number of arguments to pass along
-  to regrtest.py.  Previously there was a limit of 9.
-- Issue #24915: Add LLVM support for PGO builds and use the test suite to
-  generate the profile data. Initial patch by Alecsandru Patrascu of Intel.
-- Issue #24910: Windows MSIs now have unique display names.
-- Issue #24986: It is now possible to build Python on Windows without errors
-  when external libraries are not available.
-- Issue #25450: Updates shortcuts to start Python in installation directory.
-- Issue #25164: Changes default all-users install directory to match per-user
-  directory.
-- Issue #25143: Improves installer error messages for unsupported platforms.
-- Issue #25163: Display correct directory in installer when using non-default
-  settings.
-- Issue #25361: Disables use of SSE2 instructions in Windows 32-bit build
-- Issue #25089: Adds logging to installer for case where launcher is not
-  selected on upgrade.
-- Issue #25165: Windows uninstallation should not remove launcher if other
-  versions remain
-- Issue #25112: py.exe launcher is missing icons
-- Issue #25102: Windows installer does not precompile for -O or -OO.
-- Issue #25081: Makes Back button in installer go back to upgrade page when
-  upgrading.
-- Issue #25091: Increases font size of the installer.
-- Issue #25126: Clarifies that the non-web installer will download some
-  components.
-- Issue #25213: Restores requestedExecutionLevel to manifest to disable
-  UAC virtualization.
-- Issue #25022: Removed very outdated PC/example_nt/ directory.
-- Issue #25440: Fix output of python-config --extension-suffix.
-What's New in Python 3.5.0 final?
-Release date: 2015-09-13
-- Issue #25071: Windows installer should not require TargetDir
-  parameter when installing quietly.
-What's New in Python 3.5.0 release candidate 4?
-Release date: 2015-09-09
-- Issue #25029: Fixes MemoryError in test_strptime.
-- Issue #25027: Reverts partial-static build options and adds
-  vcruntime140.dll to Windows installation.
-What's New in Python 3.5.0 release candidate 3?
-Release date: 2015-09-07
-Core and Builtins
-- Issue #24305: Prevent import subsystem stack frames from being counted
-  by the warnings.warn(stacklevel=) parameter.
-- Issue #24912: Prevent __class__ assignment to immutable built-in objects.
-- Issue #24975: Fix AST compilation for PEP 448 syntax.
-- Issue #24917: time_strftime() buffer over-read.
-- Issue #24748: To resolve a compatibility problem found with py2exe and
-  pywin32, imp.load_dynamic() once again ignores previously loaded modules
-  to support Python modules replacing themselves with extension modules.
-  Patch by Petr Viktorin.
-- Issue #24635: Fixed a bug in typing.py where isinstance([], typing.Iterable)
-  would return True once, then False on subsequent calls.
-- Issue #24989: Fixed buffer overread in BytesIO.readline() if a position is
-  set beyond size.  Based on patch by John Leitch.
-- Issue #24913: Fix overrun error in deque.index().
-  Found by John Leitch and Bryce Darling.
-What's New in Python 3.5.0 release candidate 2?
-Release date: 2015-08-25
-Core and Builtins
-- Issue #24769: Interpreter now starts properly when dynamic loading
-  is disabled.  Patch by Petr Viktorin.
-- Issue #21167: NAN operations are now handled correctly when python is
-  compiled with ICC even if -fp-model strict is not specified.
-- Issue #24492: A "package" lacking a __name__ attribute when trying to perform
-  a ``from .. import ...`` statement will trigger an ImportError instead of an
-  AttributeError.
-- Issue #24847: Removes vcruntime140.dll dependency from Tcl/Tk.
-- Issue #24839: platform._syscmd_ver raises DeprecationWarning
-- Issue #24867: Fix Task.get_stack() for 'async def' coroutines
-What's New in Python 3.5.0 release candidate 1?
-Release date: 2015-08-09
-Core and Builtins
-- Issue #24667: Resize odict in all cases that the underlying dict resizes.
-- Issue #24824: Signatures of codecs.encode() and codecs.decode() now are
-  compatible with pydoc.
-- Issue #24634: Importing uuid should not try to load libc on Windows
-- Issue #24798: _msvccompiler.py doesn't properly support manifests
-- Issue #4395: Better testing and documentation of binary operators.
-  Patch by Martin Panter.
-- Issue #23973: Update typing.py from GitHub repo.
-- Issue #23004: mock_open() now reads binary data correctly when the type of
-  read_data is bytes.  Initial patch by Aaron Hill.
-- Issue #23888: Handle fractional time in cookie expiry. Patch by ssh.
-- Issue #23652: Make it possible to compile the select module against the
-  libc headers from the Linux Standard Base, which do not include some
-  EPOLL macros.  Patch by Matt Frank.
-- Issue #22932: Fix timezones in email.utils.formatdate.
-  Patch from Dmitry Shachnev.
-- Issue #23779: imaplib raises TypeError if authenticator tries to abort.
-  Patch from Craig Holmquist.
-- Issue #23319: Fix ctypes.BigEndianStructure, swap correctly bytes. Patch
-  written by Matthieu Gautier.
-- Issue #23254: Document how to close the TCPServer listening socket.
-  Patch from Martin Panter.
-- Issue #19450: Update Windows and OS X installer builds to use SQLite 3.8.11.
-- Issue #17527: Add PATCH to wsgiref.validator. Patch from Luca Sbardella.
-- Issue #24791: Fix grammar regression for call syntax: 'g(\*a or b)'.
-- Issue #23672: Allow Idle to edit and run files with astral chars in name.
-  Patch by Mohd Sanad Zaki Rizvi.
-- Issue #24745: Idle editor default font. Switch from Courier to
-  platform-sensitive TkFixedFont.  This should not affect current customized
-  font selections.  If there is a problem, edit $HOME/.idlerc/config-main.cfg
-  and remove 'fontxxx' entries from [Editor Window].  Patch by Mark Roseman.
-- Issue #21192: Idle editor. When a file is run, put its name in the restart bar.
-  Do not print false prompts. Original patch by Adnan Umer.
-- Issue #13884: Idle menus. Remove tearoff lines. Patch by Roger Serwy.
-- Issue #24129: Clarify the reference documentation for name resolution.
-  This includes removing the assumption that readers will be familiar with the
-  name resolution scheme Python used prior to the introduction of lexical
-  scoping for function namespaces. Patch by Ivan Levkivskyi.
-- Issue #20769: Improve reload() docs. Patch by Dorian Pula.
-- Issue #23589: Remove duplicate sentence from the FAQ.  Patch by Yongzhi Pan.
-- Issue #24729: Correct IO tutorial to match implementation regarding
-  encoding parameter to open function.
-- Issue #24751: When running regrtest with the ``-w`` command line option,
-  a test run is no longer marked as a failure if all tests succeed when
-  re-run.
-What's New in Python 3.5.0 beta 4?
-Release date: 2015-07-26
-Core and Builtins
-- Issue #23573: Restored optimization of bytes.rfind() and bytearray.rfind()
-  for single-byte argument on Linux.
-- Issue #24569: Make PEP 448 dictionary evaluation more consistent.
-- Issue #24583: Fix crash when set is mutated while being updated.
-- Issue #24407: Fix crash when dict is mutated while being updated.
-- Issue #24619: New approach for tokenizing async/await. As a consequence,
-  it is now possible to have one-line 'async def foo(): await ..' functions.
-- Issue #24687: Plug refleak on SyntaxError in function parameters
-  annotations.
-- Issue #15944: memoryview: Allow arbitrary formats when casting to bytes.
-  Patch by Martin Panter.
-- Issue #23441: rcompleter now prints a tab character instead of displaying
-  possible completions for an empty word.  Initial patch by Martin Sekera.
-- Issue #24683: Fixed crashes in _json functions called with arguments of
-  inappropriate type.
-- Issue #21697: shutil.copytree() now correctly handles symbolic links that
-  point to directories.  Patch by Eduardo Seabra and Thomas Kluyver.
-- Issue #14373: Fixed segmentation fault when gc.collect() is called during
-  constructing lru_cache (C implementation).
-- Issue #24695: Fix a regression in traceback.print_exception().  If
-  exc_traceback is None we shouldn't print a traceback header like described
-  in the documentation.
-- Issue #24620: Random.setstate() now validates the value of state last element.
-- Issue #22485: Fixed an issue that caused `inspect.getsource` to return
-  incorrect results on nested functions.
-- Issue #22153: Improve unittest docs. Patch from Martin Panter and evilzero.
-- Issue #24580: Symbolic group references to open group in re patterns now are
-  explicitly forbidden as well as numeric group references.
-- Issue #24206: Fixed __eq__ and __ne__ methods of inspect classes.
-- Issue #24631: Fixed regression in the timeit module with multiline setup.
-- Issue #18622: unittest.mock.mock_open().reset_mock would recurse infinitely.
-  Patch from Nicola Palumbo and Laurent De Buyst.
-- Issue #23661: unittest.mock side_effects can now be exceptions again. This
-  was a regression vs Python 3.4. Patch from Ignacio Rossi
-- Issue #24608: chunk.Chunk.read() now always returns bytes, not str.
-- Issue #18684: Fixed reading out of the buffer in the re module.
-- Issue #24259: tarfile now raises a ReadError if an archive is truncated
-  inside a data segment.
-- Issue #15014: SMTP.auth() and SMTP.login() now support RFC 4954's optional
-  initial-response argument to the SMTP AUTH command.
-- Issue #24669: Fix inspect.getsource() for 'async def' functions.
-  Patch by Kai Groner.
-- Issue #24688: ast.get_docstring() for 'async def' functions.
-- Issue #24603: Update Windows builds and OS X 10.5 installer to use OpenSSL
-  1.0.2d.
-What's New in Python 3.5.0 beta 3?
-Release date: 2015-07-05
-Core and Builtins
-- Issue #24467: Fixed possible buffer over-read in bytearray. The bytearray
-  object now always allocates place for trailing null byte and it's buffer now
-  is always null-terminated.
-- Upgrade to Unicode 8.0.0.
-- Issue #24345: Add Py_tp_finalize slot for the stable ABI.
-- Issue #24400: Introduce a distinct type for PEP 492 coroutines; add
-  types.CoroutineType, inspect.getcoroutinestate, inspect.getcoroutinelocals;
-  coroutines no longer use CO_GENERATOR flag; sys.set_coroutine_wrapper
-  works only for 'async def' coroutines; inspect.iscoroutine no longer
-  uses collections.abc.Coroutine, it's intended to test for pure 'async def'
-  coroutines only; add new opcode: GET_YIELD_FROM_ITER; fix generators wrapper
-  used in types.coroutine to be instance of collections.abc.Generator;
-  collections.abc.Awaitable and collections.abc.Coroutine can no longer
-  be used to detect generator-based coroutines--use inspect.isawaitable
-  instead.
-- Issue #24450: Add gi_yieldfrom to generators and cr_await to coroutines.
-  Contributed by Benno Leslie and Yury Selivanov.
-- Issue #19235: Add new RecursionError exception. Patch by Georg Brandl.
-- Issue #21750: mock_open.read_data can now be read from each instance, as it
-  could in Python 3.3.
-- Issue #24552: Fix use after free in an error case of the _pickle module.
-- Issue #24514: tarfile now tolerates number fields consisting of only
-  whitespace.
-- Issue #19176: Fixed doctype() related bugs in C implementation of ElementTree.
-  A deprecation warning no longer issued by XMLParser subclass with default
-  doctype() method.  Direct call of doctype() now issues a warning.  Parser's
-  doctype() now is not called if target's doctype() is called.  Based on patch
-  by Martin Panter.
-- Issue #20387: Restore semantic round-trip correctness in tokenize/untokenize
-  for tab-indented blocks.
-- Issue #24456: Fixed possible buffer over-read in adpcm2lin() and lin2adpcm()
-  functions of the audioop module.
-- Issue #24336: The contextmanager decorator now works with functions with
-  keyword arguments called "func" and "self".  Patch by Martin Panter.
-- Issue #24522: Fix possible integer overflow in json accelerator module.
-- Issue #24489: ensure a previously set C errno doesn't disturb cmath.polar().
-- Issue #24408: Fixed AttributeError in measure() and metrics() methods of
-  tkinter.Font.
-- Issue #14373: C implementation of functools.lru_cache() now can be used with
-  methods.
-- Issue #24347: Set KeyError if PyDict_GetItemWithError returns NULL.
-- Issue #24348: Drop superfluous incref/decref.
-- Issue #24359: Check for changed OrderedDict size during iteration.
-- Issue #24368: Support keyword arguments in OrderedDict methods.
-- Issue #24362: Simplify the C OrderedDict fast nodes resize logic.
-- Issue #24377: Fix a ref leak in OrderedDict.__repr__.
-- Issue #24369: Defend against key-changes during iteration.
-- Issue #24373: _testmultiphase and xxlimited now use tp_traverse and
-  tp_finalize to avoid reference leaks encountered when combining tp_dealloc
-  with PyType_FromSpec (see issue #16690 for details)
-- Issue #24458: Update documentation to cover multi-phase initialization for
-  extension modules (PEP 489). Patch by Petr Viktorin.
-- Issue #24351: Clarify what is meant by "identifier" in the context of
-  string.Template instances.
-- Issue #24432: Update Windows builds and OS X 10.5 installer to use OpenSSL
-  1.0.2c.
-What's New in Python 3.5.0 beta 2?
-Release date: 2015-05-31
-Core and Builtins
-- Issue #24284: The startswith and endswith methods of the str class no longer
-  return True when finding the empty string and the indexes are completely out
-  of range.
-- Issue #24115: Update uses of PyObject_IsTrue(), PyObject_Not(),
-  PyObject_IsInstance(), PyObject_RichCompareBool() and _PyDict_Contains()
-  to check for and handle errors correctly.
-- Issue #24328: Fix importing one character extension modules.
-- Issue #11205: In dictionary displays, evaluate the key before the value.
-- Issue #24285: Fixed regression that prevented importing extension modules
-  from inside packages. Patch by Petr Viktorin.
-- Issue #23247: Fix a crash in the StreamWriter.reset() of CJK codecs.
-- Issue #24270: Add math.isclose() and cmath.isclose() functions as per PEP 485.
-  Contributed by Chris Barker and Tal Einat.
-- Issue #5633: Fixed timeit when the statement is a string and the setup is not.
-- Issue #24326: Fixed audioop.ratecv() with non-default weightB argument.
-  Original patch by David Moore.
-- Issue #16991: Add a C implementation of OrderedDict.
-- Issue #23934: Fix inspect.signature to fail correctly for builtin types
-  lacking signature information.  Initial patch by James Powell.
-What's New in Python 3.5.0 beta 1?
-Release date: 2015-05-24
-Core and Builtins
-- Issue #24276: Fixed optimization of property descriptor getter.
-- Issue #24268: PEP 489: Multi-phase extension module initialization.
-  Patch by Petr Viktorin.
-- Issue #23955: Add pyvenv.cfg option to suppress registry/environment
-  lookup for generating sys.path on Windows.
-- Issue #24257: Fixed system error in the comparison of faked
-  types.SimpleNamespace.
-- Issue #22939: Fixed integer overflow in iterator object.  Patch by
-  Clement Rouault.
-- Issue #23985: Fix a possible buffer overrun when deleting a slice from
-  the front of a bytearray and then appending some other bytes data.
-- Issue #24102: Fixed exception type checking in standard error handlers.
-- Issue #15027: The UTF-32 encoder is now 3x to 7x faster.
-- Issue #23290: Optimize set_merge() for cases where the target is empty.
-  (Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka.)
-- Issue #2292: PEP 448: Additional Unpacking Generalizations.
-- Issue #24096: Make warnings.warn_explicit more robust against mutation of the
-  warnings.filters list.
-- Issue #23996: Avoid a crash when a delegated generator raises an
-  unnormalized StopIteration exception.  Patch by Stefan Behnel.
-- Issue #23910: Optimize property() getter calls.  Patch by Joe Jevnik.
-- Issue #23911: Move path-based importlib bootstrap code to a separate
-  frozen module.
-- Issue #24192: Fix namespace package imports.
-- Issue #24022: Fix tokenizer crash when processing undecodable source code.
-- Issue #9951: Added a hex() method to bytes, bytearray, and memoryview.
-- Issue #22906: PEP 479: Change StopIteration handling inside generators.
-- Issue #24017: PEP 492: Coroutines with async and await syntax.
-- Issue #14373: Added C implementation of functools.lru_cache().  Based on
-  patches by Matt Joiner and Alexey Kachayev.
-- Issue #24230: The tempfile module now accepts bytes for prefix, suffix and dir
-  parameters and returns bytes in such situations (matching the os module APIs).
-- Issue #22189: collections.UserString now supports __getnewargs__(),
-  __rmod__(), casefold(), format_map(), isprintable(), and maketrans().
-  Patch by Joe Jevnik.
-- Issue #24244: Prevents termination when an invalid format string is
-  encountered on Windows in strftime.
-- Issue #23973: PEP 484: Add the typing module.
-- Issue #23086: The collections.abc.Sequence() abstract base class added
-  *start* and *stop* parameters to the index() mixin.
-  Patch by Devin Jeanpierre.
-- Issue #20035: Replaced the ``tkinter._fix`` module used for setting up the
-  Tcl/Tk environment on Windows with a private function in the ``_tkinter``
-  module that makes no permanent changes to the environment.
-- Issue #24257: Fixed segmentation fault in sqlite3.Row constructor with faked
-  cursor type.
-- Issue #15836: assertRaises(), assertRaisesRegex(), assertWarns() and
-  assertWarnsRegex() assertments now check the type of the first argument
-  to prevent possible user error.  Based on patch by Daniel Wagner-Hall.
-- Issue #9858: Add missing method stubs to _io.RawIOBase.  Patch by Laura
-  Rupprecht.
-- Issue #22955: attrgetter, itemgetter and methodcaller objects in the operator
-  module now support pickling.  Added readable and evaluable repr for these
-  objects.  Based on patch by Josh Rosenberg.
-- Issue #22107: tempfile.gettempdir() and tempfile.mkdtemp() now try again
-  when a directory with the chosen name already exists on Windows as well as
-  on Unix.  tempfile.mkstemp() now fails early if parent directory is not
-  valid (not exists or is a file) on Windows.
-- Issue #23780: Improved error message in os.path.join() with single argument.
-- Issue #6598: Increased time precision and random number range in
-  email.utils.make_msgid() to strengthen the uniqueness of the message ID.
-- Issue #24091: Fixed various crashes in corner cases in C implementation of
-  ElementTree.
-- Issue #21931: msilib.FCICreate() now raises TypeError in the case of a bad
-  argument instead of a ValueError with a bogus FCI error number.
-  Patch by Jeffrey Armstrong.
-- Issue #13866: *quote_via* argument added to urllib.parse.urlencode.
-- Issue #20098: New mangle_from policy option for email, default True
-  for compat32, but False for all other policies.
-- Issue #24211: The email library now supports RFC 6532: it can generate
-  headers using utf-8 instead of encoded words.
-- Issue #16314: Added support for the LZMA compression in distutils.
-- Issue #21804: poplib now supports RFC 6856 (UTF8).
-- Issue #18682: Optimized pprint functions for builtin scalar types.
-- Issue #22027: smtplib now supports RFC 6531 (SMTPUTF8).
-- Issue #23488: Random generator objects now consume 2x less memory on 64-bit.
-- Issue #1322: platform.dist() and platform.linux_distribution() functions are
-  now deprecated.  Initial patch by Vajrasky Kok.
-- Issue #22486: Added the math.gcd() function.  The fractions.gcd() function
-  now is deprecated.  Based on patch by Mark Dickinson.
-- Issue #24064: Property() docstrings are now writeable.
-  (Patch by Berker Peksag.)
-- Issue #22681: Added support for the koi8_t encoding.
-- Issue #22682: Added support for the kz1048 encoding.
-- Issue #23796: peek and read1 methods of BufferedReader now raise ValueError
-  if they called on a closed object. Patch by John Hergenroeder.
-- Issue #21795: smtpd now supports the 8BITMIME extension whenever
-  the new *decode_data* constructor argument is set to False.
-- Issue #24155: optimize heapq.heapify() for better cache performance
-  when heapifying large lists.
-- Issue #21800: imaplib now supports RFC 5161 (enable), RFC 6855
-  (utf8/internationalized email) and automatically encodes non-ASCII
-  usernames and passwords to UTF8.
-- Issue #20274: When calling a _sqlite.Connection, it now complains if passed
-  any keyword arguments.  Previously it silently ignored them.
-- Issue #20274: Remove ignored and erroneous "kwargs" parameters from three
-  METH_VARARGS methods on _sqlite.Connection.
-- Issue #24134: assertRaises(), assertRaisesRegex(), assertWarns() and
-  assertWarnsRegex() checks now emits a deprecation warning when callable is
-  None or keyword arguments except msg is passed in the context manager mode.
-- Issue #24018: Add a collections.abc.Generator abstract base class.
-  Contributed by Stefan Behnel.
-- Issue #23880: Tkinter's getint() and getdouble() now support Tcl_Obj.
-  Tkinter's getdouble() now supports any numbers (in particular int).
-- Issue #22619: Added negative limit support in the traceback module.
-  Based on patch by Dmitry Kazakov.
-- Issue #24094: Fix possible crash in json.encode with poorly behaved dict
-  subclasses.
-- Issue #9246: On POSIX, os.getcwd() now supports paths longer than 1025 bytes.
-  Patch written by William Orr.
-- Issue #17445: add difflib.diff_bytes() to support comparison of
-  byte strings (fixes a regression from Python 2).
-- Issue #23917: Fall back to sequential compilation when ProcessPoolExecutor
-  doesn't exist.  Patch by Claudiu Popa.
-- Issue #23008: Fixed resolving attributes with boolean value is False in pydoc.
-- Fix asyncio issue 235: LifoQueue and PriorityQueue's put didn't
-  increment unfinished tasks (this bug was introduced when
-  JoinableQueue was merged with Queue).
-- Issue #23908: os functions now reject paths with embedded null character
-  on Windows instead of silently truncating them.
-- Issue #23728: binascii.crc_hqx() could return an integer outside of the range
-  0-0xffff for empty data.
-- Issue #23887: urllib.error.HTTPError now has a proper repr() representation.
-  Patch by Berker Peksag.
-- asyncio: New event loop APIs: set_task_factory() and get_task_factory().
-- asyncio: async() function is deprecated in favour of ensure_future().
-- Issue #24178: asyncio.Lock, Condition, Semaphore, and BoundedSemaphore
-  support new 'async with' syntax.  Contributed by Yury Selivanov.
-- Issue #24179: Support 'async for' for asyncio.StreamReader.
-  Contributed by Yury Selivanov.
-- Issue #24184: Add AsyncIterator and AsyncIterable ABCs to
-  collections.abc.  Contributed by Yury Selivanov.
-- Issue #22547: Implement informative __repr__ for inspect.BoundArguments.
-  Contributed by Yury Selivanov.
-- Issue #24190: Implement inspect.BoundArgument.apply_defaults() method.
-  Contributed by Yury Selivanov.
-- Issue #20691: Add 'follow_wrapped' argument to
-  inspect.Signature.from_callable() and inspect.signature().
-  Contributed by Yury Selivanov.
-- Issue #24248: Deprecate inspect.Signature.from_function() and
-  inspect.Signature.from_builtin().
-- Issue #23898: Fix inspect.classify_class_attrs() to support attributes
-  with overloaded __eq__ and __bool__.  Patch by Mike Bayer.
-- Issue #24298: Fix inspect.signature() to correctly unwrap wrappers
-  around bound methods.
-- Issue #23184: remove unused names and imports in idlelib.
-  Initial patch by Al Sweigart.
-- Issue #21520: test_zipfile no longer fails if the word 'bad' appears
-  anywhere in the name of the current directory.
-- Issue #9517: Move script_helper into the support package.
-  Patch by Christie Wilson.
-- Issue #22155: Add File Handlers subsection with createfilehandler to tkinter
-  doc.  Remove obsolete example from FAQ.  Patch by Martin Panter.
-- Issue #24029: Document the name binding behavior for submodule imports.
-- Issue #24077: Fix typo in man page for -I command option: -s, not -S
-- Issue #24000: Improved Argument Clinic's mapping of converters to legacy
-  "format units".  Updated the documentation to match.
-- Issue #24001: Argument Clinic converters now use accept={type}
-  instead of types={'type'} to specify the types the converter accepts.
-- Issue #23330: h2py now supports arbitrary filenames in #include.
-- Issue #24031: make patchcheck now supports git checkouts, too.
-What's New in Python 3.5.0 alpha 4?
-Release date: 2015-04-19
-Core and Builtins
-- Issue #22980: Under Linux, GNU/KFreeBSD and the Hurd, C extensions now include
-  the architecture triplet in the extension name, to make it easy to test builds
-  for different ABIs in the same working tree.  Under OS X, the extension name
-  now includes PEP 3149-style information.
-- Issue #22631: Added Linux-specific socket constant CAN_RAW_FD_FRAMES.
-  Patch courtesy of Joe Jevnik.
-- Issue #23731: Implement PEP 488: removal of .pyo files.
-- Issue #23726: Don't enable GC for user subclasses of non-GC types that
-  don't add any new fields.  Patch by Eugene Toder.
-- Issue #23309: Avoid a deadlock at shutdown if a daemon thread is aborted
-  while it is holding a lock to a buffered I/O object, and the main thread
-  tries to use the same I/O object (typically stdout or stderr).  A fatal
-  error is emitted instead.
-- Issue #22977: Fixed formatting Windows error messages on Wine.
-  Patch by Martin Panter.
-- Issue #23466: %c, %o, %x, and %X in bytes formatting now raise TypeError on
-  non-integer input.
-- Issue #24044: Fix possible null pointer dereference in list.sort in out of
-  memory conditions.
-- Issue #21354: PyCFunction_New function is exposed by python DLL again.
-- Issue #23840: tokenize.open() now closes the temporary binary file on error
-  to fix a resource warning.
-- Issue #16914: new debuglevel 2 in smtplib adds timestamps to debug output.
-- Issue #7159: urllib.request now supports sending auth credentials
-  automatically after the first 401.  This enhancement is a superset of the
-  enhancement from issue #19494 and supersedes that change.
-- Issue #23703: Fix a regression in urljoin() introduced in 901e4e52b20a.
-  Patch by Demian Brecht.
-- Issue #4254: Adds _curses.update_lines_cols().  Patch by Arnon Yaari
-- Issue #19933: Provide default argument for ndigits in round. Patch by
-  Vajrasky Kok.
-- Issue #23193: Add a numeric_owner parameter to
-  tarfile.TarFile.extract and tarfile.TarFile.extractall. Patch by
-  Michael Vogt and Eric Smith.
-- Issue #23342: Add a subprocess.run() function than returns a CalledProcess
-  instance for a more consistent API than the existing call* functions.
-- Issue #21217: inspect.getsourcelines() now tries to compute the start and end
-  lines from the code object, fixing an issue when a lambda function is used as
-  decorator argument. Patch by Thomas Ballinger and Allison Kaptur.
-- Issue #24521: Fix possible integer overflows in the pickle module.
-- Issue #22931: Allow '[' and ']' in cookie values.
-- The keywords attribute of functools.partial is now always a dictionary.
-- Issue #23811: Add missing newline to the PyCompileError error message.
-  Patch by Alex Shkop.
-- Issue #21116: Avoid blowing memory when allocating a multiprocessing shared
-  array that's larger than 50% of the available RAM.  Patch by Médéric Boquien.
-- Issue #22982: Improve BOM handling when seeking to multiple positions of
-  a writable text file.
-- Issue #23464: Removed deprecated asyncio JoinableQueue.
-- Issue #23529: Limit the size of decompressed data when reading from
-  GzipFile, BZ2File or LZMAFile.  This defeats denial of service attacks
-  using compressed bombs (i.e. compressed payloads which decompress to a huge
-  size).  Patch by Martin Panter and Nikolaus Rath.
-- Issue #21859: Added Python implementation of io.FileIO.
-- Issue #23865: close() methods in multiple modules now are idempotent and more
-  robust at shutdown. If they need to release multiple resources, all are
-  released even if errors occur.
-- Issue #23400: Raise same exception on both Python 2 and 3 if sem_open is not
-  available.  Patch by Davin Potts.
-- Issue #10838: The subprocess now module includes SubprocessError and
-  TimeoutError in its list of exported names for the users wild enough
-  to use ``from subprocess import *``.
-- Issue #23411: Added DefragResult, ParseResult, SplitResult, DefragResultBytes,
-  ParseResultBytes, and SplitResultBytes to urllib.parse.__all__.
-  Patch by Martin Panter.
-- Issue #23881: urllib.request.ftpwrapper constructor now closes the socket if
-  the FTP connection failed to fix a ResourceWarning.
-- Issue #23853: :meth:`socket.socket.sendall` does no more reset the socket
-  timeout each time data is sent successfully. The socket timeout is now the
-  maximum total duration to send all data.
-- Issue #22721: An order of multiline pprint output of set or dict containing
-  orderable and non-orderable elements no longer depends on iteration order of
-  set or dict.
-- Issue #15133: _tkinter.tkapp.getboolean() now supports Tcl_Obj and always
-  returns bool.  tkinter.BooleanVar now validates input values (accepted bool,
-  int, str, and Tcl_Obj).  tkinter.BooleanVar.get() now always returns bool.
-- Issue #10590: xml.sax.parseString() now supports string argument.
-- Issue #23338: Fixed formatting ctypes error messages on Cygwin.
-  Patch by Makoto Kato.
-- Issue #15582: inspect.getdoc() now follows inheritance chains.
-- Issue #2175: SAX parsers now support a character stream of InputSource object.
-- Issue #16840: Tkinter now supports 64-bit integers added in Tcl 8.4 and
-  arbitrary precision integers added in Tcl 8.5.
-- Issue #23834: Fix socket.sendto(), use the C Py_ssize_t type to store the
-  result of sendto() instead of the C int type.
-- Issue #23618: :meth:`socket.socket.connect` now waits until the connection
-  completes instead of raising :exc:`InterruptedError` if the connection is
-  interrupted by signals, signal handlers don't raise an exception and the
-  socket is blocking or has a timeout. :meth:`socket.socket.connect` still
-  raise :exc:`InterruptedError` for non-blocking sockets.
-- Issue #21526: Tkinter now supports new boolean type in Tcl 8.5.
-- Issue #23836: Fix the faulthandler module to handle reentrant calls to
-  its signal handlers.
-- Issue #23838: linecache now clears the cache and returns an empty result on
-  MemoryError.
-- Issue #10395: Added os.path.commonpath(). Implemented in posixpath and ntpath.
-  Based on patch by Rafik Draoui.
-- Issue #23611: Serializing more "lookupable" objects (such as unbound methods
-  or nested classes) now are supported with pickle protocols < 4.
-- Issue #13583: sqlite3.Row now supports slice indexing.
-- Issue #18473: Fixed 2to3 and 3to2 compatible pickle mappings.  Fixed
-  ambigious reverse mappings.  Added many new mappings.  Import mapping is no
-  longer applied to modules already mapped with full name mapping.
-- Issue #23485: select.select() is now retried automatically with the
-  recomputed timeout when interrupted by a signal, except if the signal handler
-  raises an exception. This change is part of the PEP 475.
-- Issue #23752: When built from an existing file descriptor, io.FileIO() now
-  only calls fstat() once. Before fstat() was called twice, which was not
-  necessary.
-- Issue #23704: collections.deque() objects now support __add__, __mul__, and
-  __imul__().
-- Issue #23171: csv.Writer.writerow() now supports arbitrary iterables.
-- Issue #23745: The new email header parser now handles duplicate MIME
-  parameter names without error, similar to how get_param behaves.
-- Issue #22117: Fix os.utime(), it now rounds the timestamp towards minus
-  infinity (-inf) instead of rounding towards zero.
-- Issue #23310: Fix MagicMock's initializer to work with __methods__, just
-  like configure_mock().  Patch by Kasia Jachim.
-- Issue #23817: FreeBSD now uses "1.0" in the SOVERSION as other operating
-  systems, instead of just "1".
-- Issue #23501: Argument Clinic now generates code into separate files by default.
-- Issue #23799: Added test.support.start_threads() for running and
-  cleaning up multiple threads.
-- Issue #22390: test.regrtest now emits a warning if temporary files or
-  directories are left after running a test.
-- Issue #18128: pygettext now uses standard +NNNN format in the
-  POT-Creation-Date header.
-- Issue #23935: Argument Clinic's understanding of format units
-  accepting bytes, bytearrays, and buffers is now consistent with
-  both the documentation and the implementation.
-- Issue #23944: Argument Clinic now wraps long impl prototypes at column 78.
-- Issue #20586: Argument Clinic now ensures that functions without docstrings
-  have signatures.
-- Issue #23492: Argument Clinic now generates argument parsing code with
-  PyArg_Parse instead of PyArg_ParseTuple if possible.
-- Issue #23500: Argument Clinic is now smarter about generating the "#ifndef"
-  (empty) definition of the methoddef macro: it's only generated once, even
-  if Argument Clinic processes the same symbol multiple times, and it's emitted
-  at the end of all processing rather than immediately after the first use.
-- Issue #23998: PyImport_ReInitLock() now checks for lock allocation error
-What's New in Python 3.5.0 alpha 3?
-Release date: 2015-03-28
-Core and Builtins
-- Issue #23573: Increased performance of string search operations (str.find,
-  str.index, str.count, the in operator, str.split, str.partition) with
-  arguments of different kinds (UCS1, UCS2, UCS4).
-- Issue #23753: Python doesn't support anymore platforms without stat() or
-  fstat(), these functions are always required.
-- Issue #23681: The -b option now affects comparisons of bytes with int.
-- Issue #23632: Memoryviews now allow tuple indexing (including for
-  multi-dimensional memoryviews).
-- Issue #23192: Fixed generator lambdas.  Patch by Bruno Cauet.
-- Issue #23629: Fix the default __sizeof__ implementation for variable-sized
-  objects.
-- Issue #14260: The groupindex attribute of regular expression pattern object
-  now is non-modifiable mapping.
-- Issue #23792: Ignore KeyboardInterrupt when the pydoc pager is active.
-  This mimics the behavior of the standard unix pagers, and prevents
-  pipepager from shutting down while the pager itself is still running.
-- Issue #23775: pprint() of OrderedDict now outputs the same representation
-  as repr().
-- Issue #23765: Removed IsBadStringPtr calls in ctypes
-- Issue #22364: Improved some re error messages using regex for hints.
-- Issue #23742: ntpath.expandvars() no longer loses unbalanced single quotes.
-- Issue #21717: The zipfile.ZipFile.open function now supports 'x' (exclusive
-  creation) mode.
-- Issue #21802: The reader in BufferedRWPair now is closed even when closing
-  writer failed in BufferedRWPair.close().
-- Issue #23622: Unknown escapes in regular expressions that consist of ``'\'``
-  and ASCII letter now raise a deprecation warning and will be forbidden in
-  Python 3.6.
-- Issue #23671: string.Template now allows specifying the "self" parameter as
-  a keyword argument.  string.Formatter now allows specifying the "self" and
-  the "format_string" parameters as keyword arguments.
-- Issue #23502: The pprint module now supports mapping proxies.
-- Issue #17530: pprint now wraps long bytes objects and bytearrays.
-- Issue #22687: Fixed some corner cases in breaking words in tetxtwrap.
-  Got rid of quadratic complexity in breaking long words.
-- Issue #4727: The copy module now uses pickle protocol 4 (PEP 3154) and
-  supports copying of instances of classes whose __new__ method takes
-  keyword-only arguments.
-- Issue #23491: Added a zipapp module to support creating executable zip
-  file archives of Python code. Registered ".pyz" and ".pyzw" extensions
-  on Windows for these archives (PEP 441).
-- Issue #23657: Avoid explicit checks for str in zipapp, adding support
-  for pathlib.Path objects as arguments.
-- Issue #23688: Added support of arbitrary bytes-like objects and avoided
-  unnecessary copying of memoryview in gzip.GzipFile.write().
-  Original patch by Wolfgang Maier.
-- Issue #23252: Added support for writing ZIP files to unseekable streams.
-- Issue #23647: Increase impalib's MAXLINE to accommodate modern mailbox sizes.
-- Issue #23539: If body is None, http.client.HTTPConnection.request now sets
-  Content-Length to 0 for PUT, POST, and PATCH headers to avoid 411 errors from
-  some web servers.
-- Issue #22351: The nntplib.NNTP constructor no longer leaves the connection
-  and socket open until the garbage collector cleans them up.  Patch by
-  Martin Panter.
-- Issue #23704: collections.deque() objects now support methods for index(),
-  insert(), and copy().  This allows deques to be registered as a
-  MutableSequence and it improves their substitutability for lists.
-- Issue #23715: :func:`signal.sigwaitinfo` and :func:`signal.sigtimedwait` are
-  now retried when interrupted by a signal not in the *sigset* parameter, if
-  the signal handler does not raise an exception. signal.sigtimedwait()
-  recomputes the timeout with a monotonic clock when it is retried.
-- Issue #23001: Few functions in modules mmap, ossaudiodev, socket, ssl, and
-  codecs, that accepted only read-only bytes-like object now accept writable
-  bytes-like object too.
-- Issue #23646: If time.sleep() is interrupted by a signal, the sleep is now
-  retried with the recomputed delay, except if the signal handler raises an
-  exception (PEP 475).
-- Issue #23136: _strptime now uniformly handles all days in week 0, including
-  Dec 30 of previous year.  Based on patch by Jim Carroll.
-- Issue #23700: Iterator of NamedTemporaryFile now keeps a reference to
-  NamedTemporaryFile instance.  Patch by Bohuslav Kabrda.
-- Issue #22903: The fake test case created by unittest.loader when it fails
-  importing a test module is now picklable.
-- Issue #22181: On Linux, os.urandom() now uses the new getrandom() syscall if
-  available, syscall introduced in the Linux kernel 3.17. It is more reliable
-  and more secure, because it avoids the need of a file descriptor and waits
-  until the kernel has enough entropy.
-- Issue #2211: Updated the implementation of the http.cookies.Morsel class.
-  Setting attributes key, value and coded_value directly now is deprecated.
-  update() and setdefault() now transform and check keys.  Comparing for
-  equality now takes into account attributes key, value and coded_value.
-  copy() now returns a Morsel, not a dict.  repr() now contains all attributes.
-  Optimized checking keys and quoting values.  Added new tests.
-  Original patch by Demian Brecht.
-- Issue #18983: Allow selection of output units in timeit.
-  Patch by Julian Gindi.
-- Issue #23631: Fix traceback.format_list when a traceback has been mutated.
-- Issue #23568: Add rdivmod support to MagicMock() objects.
-  Patch by Håkan Lövdahl.
-- Issue #2052: Add charset parameter to HtmlDiff.make_file().
-- Issue #23668: Support os.truncate and os.ftruncate on Windows.
-- Issue #23138: Fixed parsing cookies with absent keys or values in cookiejar.
-  Patch by Demian Brecht.
-- Issue #23051: multiprocessing.Pool methods imap() and imap_unordered() now
-  handle exceptions raised by an iterator.  Patch by Alon Diamant and Davin
-  Potts.
-- Issue #23581: Add matmul support to MagicMock. Patch by Håkan Lövdahl.
-- Issue #23566: enable(), register(), dump_traceback() and
-  dump_traceback_later() functions of faulthandler now accept file
-  descriptors. Patch by Wei Wu.
-- Issue #22928: Disabled HTTP header injections in http.client.
-  Original patch by Demian Brecht.
-- Issue #23615: Modules bz2, tarfile and tokenize now can be reloaded with
-  imp.reload().  Patch by Thomas Kluyver.
-- Issue #23605: os.walk() now calls os.scandir() instead of os.listdir().
-  The usage of os.scandir() reduces the number of calls to os.stat().
-  Initial patch written by Ben Hoyt.
-- Issue #23585: make patchcheck will ensure the interpreter is built.
-- Issue #23583: Added tests for standard IO streams in IDLE.
-- Issue #22289: Prevent test_urllib2net failures due to ftp connection timeout.
-- Issue #22826: The result of open() in Tools/freeze/bkfile.py is now better
-  compatible with regular files (in particular it now supports the context
-  management protocol).
-What's New in Python 3.5 alpha 2?
-Release date: 2015-03-09
-Core and Builtins
-- Issue #23571: PyObject_Call() and PyCFunction_Call() now raise a SystemError
-  if a function returns a result and raises an exception. The SystemError is
-  chained to the previous exception.
-- Issue #22524: New os.scandir() function, part of the PEP 471: "os.scandir()
-  function -- a better and faster directory iterator". Patch written by Ben
-  Hoyt.
-- Issue #23103: Reduced the memory consumption of IPv4Address and IPv6Address.
-- Issue #21793: BaseHTTPRequestHandler again logs response code as numeric,
-  not as stringified enum.  Patch by Demian Brecht.
-- Issue #23476: In the ssl module, enable OpenSSL's X509_V_FLAG_TRUSTED_FIRST
-  flag on certificate stores when it is available.
-- Issue #23576: Avoid stalling in SSL reads when EOF has been reached in the
-  SSL layer but the underlying connection hasn't been closed.
-- Issue #23504: Added an __all__ to the types module.
-- Issue #23563: Optimized utility functions in urllib.parse.
-- Issue #7830: Flatten nested functools.partial.
-- Issue #20204: Added the __module__ attribute to _tkinter classes.
-- Issue #19980: Improved help() for non-recognized strings.  help('') now
-  shows the help on str.  help('help') now shows the help on help().
-  Original patch by Mark Lawrence.
-- Issue #23521: Corrected pure python implementation of timedelta division.
- * Eliminated OverflowError from ``timedelta * float`` for some floats;
- * Corrected rounding in timedlta true division.
-- Issue #21619: Popen objects no longer leave a zombie after exit in the with
-  statement if the pipe was broken.  Patch by Martin Panter.
-- Issue #22936: Make it possible to show local variables in tracebacks for
-  both the traceback module and unittest.
-- Issue #15955: Add an option to limit the output size in bz2.decompress().
-  Patch by Nikolaus Rath.
-- Issue #6639: Module-level turtle functions no longer raise TclError after
-  closing the window.
-- Issues #814253, #9179: Group references and conditional group references now
-  work in lookbehind assertions in regular expressions.
-- Issue #23215: Multibyte codecs with custom error handlers that ignores errors
-  consumed too much memory and raised SystemError or MemoryError.
-  Original patch by Aleksi Torhamo.
-- Issue #5700: io.FileIO() called flush() after closing the file.
-  flush() was not called in close() if closefd=False.
-- Issue #23374: Fixed pydoc failure with non-ASCII files when stdout encoding
-  differs from file system encoding (e.g. on Mac OS).
-- Issue #23481: Remove RC4 from the SSL module's default cipher list.
-- Issue #21548: Fix pydoc.synopsis() and pydoc.apropos() on modules with empty
-  docstrings.
-- Issue #22885: Fixed arbitrary code execution vulnerability in the dbm.dumb
-  module.  Original patch by Claudiu Popa.
-- Issue #23239: ssl.match_hostname() now supports matching of IP addresses.
-- Issue #23146: Fix mishandling of absolute Windows paths with forward
-  slashes in pathlib.
-- Issue #23096: Pickle representation of floats with protocol 0 now is the same
-  for both Python and C implementations.
-- Issue #19105: pprint now more efficiently uses free space at the right.
-- Issue #14910: Add allow_abbrev parameter to argparse.ArgumentParser. Patch by
-  Jonathan Paugh, Steven Bethard, paul j3 and Daniel Eriksson.
-- Issue #21717: tarfile.open() now supports 'x' (exclusive creation) mode.
-- Issue #23344: marshal.dumps() is now 20-25% faster on average.
-- Issue #20416: marshal.dumps() with protocols 3 and 4 is now 40-50% faster on
-  average.
-- Issue #23421: Fixed compression in tarfile CLI.  Patch by wdv4758h.
-- Issue #23367: Fix possible overflows in the unicodedata module.
-- Issue #23361: Fix possible overflow in Windows subprocess creation code.
-- logging.handlers.QueueListener now takes a respect_handler_level keyword
-  argument which, if set to True, will pass messages to handlers taking handler
-  levels into account.
-- Issue #19705: turtledemo now has a visual sorting algorithm demo.  Original
-  patch from Jason Yeo.
-- Issue #23801: Fix issue where cgi.FieldStorage did not always ignore the
-  entire preamble to a multipart body.
-- Issue #23445: pydebug builds now use "gcc -Og" where possible, to make
-  the resulting executable faster.
-- Issue #23686: Update OS X 10.5 installer build to use OpenSSL 1.0.2a.
-- Issue #20204: Deprecation warning is now raised for builtin types without the
-  __module__ attribute.
-- Issue #23465: Implement PEP 486 - Make the Python Launcher aware of virtual
-  environments. Patch by Paul Moore.
-- Issue #23437: Make user scripts directory versioned on Windows. Patch by Paul
-  Moore.
-What's New in Python 3.5 alpha 1?
-Release date: 2015-02-08
-Core and Builtins
-- Issue #23285: PEP 475 - EINTR handling.
-- Issue #22735: Fix many edge cases (including crashes) involving custom mro()
-  implementations.
-- Issue #22896: Avoid using PyObject_AsCharBuffer(), PyObject_AsReadBuffer()
-  and PyObject_AsWriteBuffer().
-- Issue #21295: Revert some changes (issue #16795) to AST line numbers and
-  column offsets that constituted a regression.
-- Issue #22986: Allow changing an object's __class__ between a dynamic type and
-  static type in some cases.
-- Issue #15859: PyUnicode_EncodeFSDefault(), PyUnicode_EncodeMBCS() and
-  PyUnicode_EncodeCodePage() now raise an exception if the object is not a
-  Unicode object. For PyUnicode_EncodeFSDefault(), it was already the case on
-  platforms other than Windows. Patch written by Campbell Barton.
-- Issue #21408: The default __ne__() now returns NotImplemented if __eq__()
-  returned NotImplemented.  Original patch by Martin Panter.
-- Issue #23321: Fixed a crash in str.decode() when error handler returned
-  replacment string longer than mailformed input data.
-- Issue #22286: The "backslashreplace" error handlers now works with
-  decoding and translating.
-- Issue #23253: Delay-load ShellExecute[AW] in os.startfile for reduced
-  startup overhead on Windows.
-- Issue #22038: pyatomic.h now uses stdatomic.h or GCC built-in functions for
-  atomic memory access if available. Patch written by Vitor de Lima and Gustavo
-  Temple.
-- Issue #20284: %-interpolation (aka printf) formatting added for bytes and
-  bytearray.
-- Issue #23048: Fix jumping out of an infinite while loop in the pdb.
-- Issue #20335: bytes constructor now raises TypeError when encoding or errors
-  is specified with non-string argument.  Based on patch by Renaud Blanch.
-- Issue #22834: If the current working directory ends up being set to a
-  non-existent directory then import will no longer raise FileNotFoundError.
-- Issue #22869: Move the interpreter startup & shutdown code to a new
-  dedicated pylifecycle.c module
-- Issue #22847: Improve method cache efficiency.
-- Issue #22335: Fix crash when trying to enlarge a bytearray to 0x7fffffff
-  bytes on a 32-bit platform.
-- Issue #22653: Fix an assertion failure in debug mode when doing a reentrant
-  dict insertion in debug mode.
-- Issue #22643: Fix integer overflow in Unicode case operations (upper, lower,
-  title, swapcase, casefold).
-- Issue #17636: Circular imports involving relative imports are now
-  supported.
-- Issue #22604: Fix assertion error in debug mode when dividing a complex
-  number by (nan+0j).
-- Issue #21052: Do not raise ImportWarning when sys.path_hooks or sys.meta_path
-  are set to None.
-- Issue #16518: Use 'bytes-like object required' in error messages that
-  previously used the far more cryptic "'x' does not support the buffer
-  protocol.
-- Issue #22470: Fixed integer overflow issues in "backslashreplace",
-  "xmlcharrefreplace", and "surrogatepass" error handlers.
-- Issue #22540: speed up `PyObject_IsInstance` and `PyObject_IsSubclass` in the
-  common case that the second argument has metaclass `type`.
-- Issue #18711: Add a new `PyErr_FormatV` function, similar to `PyErr_Format`
-  but accepting a `va_list` argument.
-- Issue #22520: Fix overflow checking when generating the repr of a unicode
-  object.
-- Issue #22519: Fix overflow checking in PyBytes_Repr.
-- Issue #22518: Fix integer overflow issues in latin-1 encoding.
-- Issue #16324: _charset parameter of MIMEText now also accepts
-  email.charset.Charset instances. Initial patch by Claude Paroz.
-- Issue #1764286: Fix inspect.getsource() to support decorated functions.
-  Patch by Claudiu Popa.
-- Issue #18554: os.__all__ includes posix functions.
-- Issue #21391: Use os.path.abspath in the shutil module.
-- Issue #11471: avoid generating a JUMP_FORWARD instruction at the end of
-  an if-block if there is no else-clause.  Original patch by Eugene Toder.
-- Issue #22215: Now ValueError is raised instead of TypeError when str or bytes
-  argument contains not permitted null character or byte.
-- Issue #22258: Fix the internal function set_inheritable() on Illumos.
-  This platform exposes the function ``ioctl(FIOCLEX)``, but calling it fails
-  with errno is ENOTTY: "Inappropriate ioctl for device". set_inheritable()
-  now falls back to the slower ``fcntl()`` (``F_GETFD`` and then ``F_SETFD``).
-- Issue #21389: Displaying the __qualname__ of the underlying function in the
-  repr of a bound method.
-- Issue #22206: Using pthread, PyThread_create_key() now sets errno to ENOMEM
-  and returns -1 (error) on integer overflow.
-- Issue #20184: Argument Clinic based signature introspection added for
-  30 of the builtin functions.
-- Issue #22116: C functions and methods (of the 'builtin_function_or_method'
-  type) can now be weakref'ed.  Patch by Wei Wu.
-- Issue #22077: Improve index error messages for bytearrays, bytes, lists,
-  and tuples by adding 'or slices'. Added ', not <typename>' for bytearrays.
-  Original patch by Claudiu Popa.
-- Issue #20179: Apply Argument Clinic to bytes and bytearray.
-  Patch by Tal Einat.
-- Issue #22082: Clear interned strings in slotdefs.
-- Upgrade Unicode database to Unicode 7.0.0.
-- Issue #21897: Fix a crash with the f_locals attribute with closure
-  variables when frame.clear() has been called.
-- Issue #21205: Add a new ``__qualname__`` attribute to generator, the
-  qualified name, and use it in the representation of a generator
-  (``repr(gen)``). The default name of the generator (``__name__`` attribute)
-  is now get from the function instead of the code. Use ``gen.gi_code.co_name``
-  to get the name of the code.
-- Issue #21669: With the aid of heuristics in SyntaxError.__init__, the
-  parser now attempts to generate more meaningful (or at least more search
-  engine friendly) error messages when "exec" and "print" are used as
-  statements.
-- Issue #21642: In the conditional if-else expression, allow an integer written
-  with no space between itself and the ``else`` keyword (e.g. ``True if 42else
-  False``) to be valid syntax.
-- Issue #21523: Fix over-pessimistic computation of the stack effect of
-  some opcodes in the compiler.  This also fixes a quadratic compilation
-  time issue noticeable when compiling code with a large number of "and"
-  and "or" operators.
-- Issue #21418: Fix a crash in the builtin function super() when called without
-  argument and without current frame (ex: embedded Python).
-- Issue #21425: Fix flushing of standard streams in the interactive
-  interpreter.
-- Issue #21435: In rare cases, when running finalizers on objects in cyclic
-  trash a bad pointer dereference could occur due to a subtle flaw in
-  internal iteration logic.
-- Issue #21377: PyBytes_Concat() now tries to concatenate in-place when the
-  first argument has a reference count of 1.  Patch by Nikolaus Rath.
-- Issue #20355: -W command line options now have higher priority than the
-  PYTHONWARNINGS environment variable.  Patch by Arfrever.
-- Issue #21274: Define PATH_MAX for GNU/Hurd in Python/pythonrun.c.
-- Issue #20904: Support setting FPU precision on m68k.
-- Issue #21209: Fix sending tuples to custom generator objects with the yield
-  from syntax.
-- Issue #21193: pow(a, b, c) now raises ValueError rather than TypeError when b
-  is negative.  Patch by Josh Rosenberg.
-- PEP 465 and Issue #21176: Add the '@' operator for matrix multiplication.
-- Issue #21134: Fix segfault when str is called on an uninitialized
-  UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError, or UnicodeTranslateError object.
-- Issue #19537: Fix PyUnicode_DATA() alignment under m68k.  Patch by
-  Andreas Schwab.
-- Issue #20929: Add a type cast to avoid shifting a negative number.
-- Issue #20731: Properly position in source code files even if they
-  are opened in text mode. Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
-- Issue #20637: Key-sharing now also works for instance dictionaries of
-  subclasses.  Patch by Peter Ingebretson.
-- Issue #8297: Attributes missing from modules now include the module name
-  in the error text.  Original patch by ysj.ray.
-- Issue #19995: %c, %o, %x, and %X now raise TypeError on non-integer input.
-- Issue #19655: The ASDL parser - used by the build process to generate code for
-  managing the Python AST in C - was rewritten. The new parser is self contained
-  and does not require to carry long the spark.py parser-generator library;
-  spark.py was removed from the source base.
-- Issue #12546: Allow ``\x00`` to be used as a fill character when using str, int,
-  float, and complex __format__ methods.
-- Issue #20480: Add ipaddress.reverse_pointer. Patch by Leon Weber.
-- Issue #13598: Modify string.Formatter to support auto-numbering of
-  replacement fields. It now matches the behavior of str.format() in
-  this regard. Patches by Phil Elson and Ramchandra Apte.
-- Issue #8931: Make alternate formatting ('#') for type 'c' raise an
-  exception. In versions prior to 3.5, '#' with 'c' had no effect. Now
-  specifying it is an error.  Patch by Torsten Landschoff.
-- Issue #23165: Perform overflow checks before allocating memory in the
-  _Py_char2wchar function.
-- Issue #23399: pyvenv creates relative symlinks where possible.
-- Issue #20289: cgi.FieldStorage() now supports the context management
-  protocol.
-- Issue #13128: Print response headers for CONNECT requests when debuglevel
-  > 0. Patch by Demian Brecht.
-- Issue #15381: Optimized io.BytesIO to make less allocations and copyings.
-- Issue #22818: Splitting on a pattern that could match an empty string now
-  raises a warning.  Patterns that can only match empty strings are now
-  rejected.
-- Issue #23099: Closing io.BytesIO with exported buffer is rejected now to
-  prevent corrupting exported buffer.
-- Issue #23326: Removed __ne__ implementations.  Since fixing default __ne__
-  implementation in issue #21408 they are redundant.
-- Issue #23363: Fix possible overflow in itertools.permutations.
-- Issue #23364: Fix possible overflow in itertools.product.
-- Issue #23366: Fixed possible integer overflow in itertools.combinations.
-- Issue #23369: Fixed possible integer overflow in
-  _json.encode_basestring_ascii.
-- Issue #23353: Fix the exception handling of generators in
-  PyEval_EvalFrameEx(). At entry, save or swap the exception state even if
-  PyEval_EvalFrameEx() is called with throwflag=0. At exit, the exception state
-  is now always restored or swapped, not only if why is WHY_YIELD or
-  WHY_RETURN. Patch co-written with Antoine Pitrou.
-- Issue #14099: Restored support of writing ZIP files to tellable but
-  non-seekable streams.
-- Issue #14099: Writing to ZipFile and reading multiple ZipExtFiles is
-  threadsafe now.
-- Issue #19361: JSON decoder now raises JSONDecodeError instead of ValueError.
-- Issue #18518: timeit now rejects statements which can't be compiled outside
-  a function or a loop (e.g. "return" or "break").
-- Issue #23094: Fixed readline with frames in Python implementation of pickle.
-- Issue #23268: Fixed bugs in the comparison of ipaddress classes.
-- Issue #21408: Removed incorrect implementations of __ne__() which didn't
-  returned NotImplemented if __eq__() returned NotImplemented.  The default
-  __ne__() now works correctly.
-- Issue #19996: :class:`email.feedparser.FeedParser` now handles (malformed)
-  headers with no key rather than assuming the body has started.
-- Issue #20188: Support Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN) in the ssl
-  module.
-- Issue #23133: Pickling of ipaddress objects now produces more compact and
-  portable representation.
-- Issue #23248: Update ssl error codes from latest OpenSSL git master.
-- Issue #23266: Much faster implementation of ipaddress.collapse_addresses()
-  when there are many non-consecutive addresses.
-- Issue #23098: 64-bit dev_t is now supported in the os module.
-- Issue #21817: When an exception is raised in a task submitted to a
-  ProcessPoolExecutor, the remote traceback is now displayed in the
-  parent process.  Patch by Claudiu Popa.
-- Issue #15955: Add an option to limit output size when decompressing LZMA
-  data.  Patch by Nikolaus Rath and Martin Panter.
-- Issue #23250: In the http.cookies module, capitalize "HttpOnly" and "Secure"
-  as they are written in the standard.
-- Issue #23063: In the disutils' check command, fix parsing of reST with code or
-  code-block directives.
-- Issue #23209, #23225: selectors.BaseSelector.get_key() now raises a
-  RuntimeError if the selector is closed. And selectors.BaseSelector.close()
-  now clears its internal reference to the selector mapping to break a
-  reference cycle. Initial patch written by Martin Richard.
-- Issue #17911: Provide a way to seed the linecache for a PEP-302 module
-  without actually loading the code.
-- Issue #17911: Provide a new object API for traceback, including the ability
-  to not lookup lines at all until the traceback is actually rendered, without
-  any trace of the original objects being kept alive.
-- Issue #19777: Provide a home() classmethod on Path objects.  Contributed
-  by Victor Salgado and Mayank Tripathi.
-- Issue #23206: Make ``json.dumps(..., ensure_ascii=False)`` as fast as the
-  default case of ``ensure_ascii=True``.  Patch by Naoki Inada.
-- Issue #23185: Add math.inf and math.nan constants.
-- Issue #23186: Add ssl.SSLObject.shared_ciphers() and
-  ssl.SSLSocket.shared_ciphers() to fetch the client's list ciphers sent at
-  handshake.
-- Issue #23143: Remove compatibility with OpenSSLs older than 0.9.8.
-- Issue #23132: Improve performance and introspection support of comparison
-  methods created by functool.total_ordering.
-- Issue #19776: Add an expanduser() method on Path objects.
-- Issue #23112: Fix SimpleHTTPServer to correctly carry the query string and
-  fragment when it redirects to add a trailing slash.
-- Issue #21793: Added http.HTTPStatus enums (i.e. HTTPStatus.OK,
-  HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND).  Patch by Demian Brecht.
-- Issue #23093: In the io, module allow more operations to work on detached
-  streams.
-- Issue #23111: In the ftplib, make ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23 the default protocol
-  version.
-- Issue #22585: On OpenBSD 5.6 and newer, os.urandom() now calls getentropy(),
-  instead of reading /dev/urandom, to get pseudo-random bytes.
-- Issue #19104: pprint now produces evaluable output for wrapped strings.
-- Issue #23071: Added missing names to codecs.__all__.  Patch by Martin Panter.
-- Issue #22783: Pickling now uses the NEWOBJ opcode instead of the NEWOBJ_EX
-  opcode if possible.
-- Issue #15513: Added a __sizeof__ implementation for pickle classes.
-- Issue #19858: pickletools.optimize() now aware of the MEMOIZE opcode, can
-  produce more compact result and no longer produces invalid output if input
-  data contains MEMOIZE opcodes together with PUT or BINPUT opcodes.
-- Issue #22095: Fixed HTTPConnection.set_tunnel with default port.  The port
-  value in the host header was set to "None".  Patch by Demian Brecht.
-- Issue #23016: A warning no longer produces an AttributeError when the program
-  is run with pythonw.exe.
-- Issue #21775: shutil.copytree(): fix crash when copying to VFAT. An exception
-  handler assumed that OSError objects always have a 'winerror' attribute.
-  That is not the case, so the exception handler itself raised AttributeError
-  when run on Linux (and, presumably, any other non-Windows OS).
-  Patch by Greg Ward.
-- Issue #1218234: Fix inspect.getsource() to load updated source of
-  reloaded module. Initial patch by Berker Peksag.
-- Issue #21740: Support wrapped callables in doctest. Patch by Claudiu Popa.
-- Issue #23009: Make sure selectors.EpollSelecrtor.select() works when no
-  FD is registered.
-- Issue #22959: In the constructor of http.client.HTTPSConnection, prefer the
-  context's check_hostname attribute over the *check_hostname* parameter.
-- Issue #22696: Add function :func:`sys.is_finalizing` to know about
-  interpreter shutdown.
-- Issue #16043: Add a default limit for the amount of data xmlrpclib.gzip_decode
-  will return. This resolves CVE-2013-1753.
-- Issue #14099: ZipFile.open() no longer reopen the underlying file.  Objects
-  returned by ZipFile.open() can now operate independently of the ZipFile even
-  if the ZipFile was created by passing in a file-like object as the first
-  argument to the constructor.
-- Issue #22966: Fix __pycache__ pyc file name clobber when pyc_compile is
-  asked to compile a source file containing multiple dots in the source file
-  name.
-- Issue #21971: Update turtledemo doc and add module to the index.
-- Issue #21032: Fixed socket leak if HTTPConnection.getresponse() fails.
-  Original patch by Martin Panter.
-- Issue #22407: Deprecated the use of re.LOCALE flag with str patterns or
-  re.ASCII. It was newer worked.
-- Issue #22902: The "ip" command is now used on Linux to determine MAC address
-  in uuid.getnode().  Pach by Bruno Cauet.
-- Issue #22960: Add a context argument to xmlrpclib.ServerProxy constructor.
-- Issue #22389: Add contextlib.redirect_stderr().
-- Issue #21356: Make ssl.RAND_egd() optional to support LibreSSL. The
-  availability of the function is checked during the compilation. Patch written
-  by Bernard Spil.
-- Issue #22915: SAX parser now supports files opened with file descriptor or
-  bytes path.
-- Issue #22609: Constructors and update methods of mapping classes in the
-  collections module now accept the self keyword argument.
-- Issue #22940: Add readline.append_history_file.
-- Issue #19676: Added the "namereplace" error handler.
-- Issue #22788: Add *context* parameter to logging.handlers.HTTPHandler.
-- Issue #22921: Allow SSLContext to take the *hostname* parameter even if
-  OpenSSL doesn't support SNI.
-- Issue #22894: TestCase.subTest() would cause the test suite to be stopped
-  when in failfast mode, even in the absence of failures.
-- Issue #22796: HTTP cookie parsing is now stricter, in order to protect
-  against potential injection attacks.
-- Issue #22370: Windows detection in pathlib is now more robust.
-- Issue #22841: Reject coroutines in asyncio add_signal_handler().
-  Patch by Ludovic.Gasc.
-- Issue #19494: Added urllib.request.HTTPBasicPriorAuthHandler. Patch by
-  Matej Cepl.
-- Issue #22578: Added attributes to the re.error class.
-- Issue #22849: Fix possible double free in the io.TextIOWrapper constructor.
-- Issue #12728: Different Unicode characters having the same uppercase but
-  different lowercase are now matched in case-insensitive regular expressions.
-- Issue #22821: Fixed fcntl() with integer argument on 64-bit big-endian
-  platforms.
-- Issue #21650: Add an `--sort-keys` option to json.tool CLI.
-- Issue #22824: Updated reprlib output format for sets to use set literals.
-  Patch contributed by Berker Peksag.
-- Issue #22824: Updated reprlib output format for arrays to display empty
-  arrays without an unnecessary empty list.  Suggested by Serhiy Storchaka.
-- Issue #22406: Fixed the uu_codec codec incorrectly ported to 3.x.
-  Based on patch by Martin Panter.
-- Issue #17293: uuid.getnode() now determines MAC address on AIX using netstat.
-  Based on patch by Aivars Kalvāns.
-- Issue #22769: Fixed ttk.Treeview.tag_has() when called without arguments.
-- Issue #22417: Verify certificates by default in httplib (PEP 476).
-- Issue #22775: Fixed unpickling of http.cookies.SimpleCookie with protocol 2
-  and above.  Patch by Tim Graham.
-- Issue #22776: Brought excluded code into the scope of a try block in
-  SysLogHandler.emit().
-- Issue #22665: Add missing get_terminal_size and SameFileError to
-  shutil.__all__.
-- Issue #6623: Remove deprecated Netrc class in the ftplib module. Patch by
-  Matt Chaput.
-- Issue #17381: Fixed handling of case-insensitive ranges in regular
-  expressions.
-- Issue #22410: Module level functions in the re module now cache compiled
-  locale-dependent regular expressions taking into account the locale.
-- Issue #22759: Query methods on pathlib.Path() (exists(), is_dir(), etc.)
-  now return False when the underlying stat call raises NotADirectoryError.
-- Issue #8876: distutils now falls back to copying files when hard linking
-  doesn't work.  This allows use with special filesystems such as VirtualBox
-  shared folders.
-- Issue #22217: Implemented reprs of classes in the zipfile module.
-- Issue #22457: Honour load_tests in the start_dir of discovery.
-- Issue #18216: gettext now raises an error when a .mo file has an
-  unsupported major version number.  Patch by Aaron Hill.
-- Issue #13918: Provide a locale.delocalize() function which can remove
-  locale-specific number formatting from a string representing a number,
-  without then converting it to a specific type.  Patch by Cédric Krier.
-- Issue #22676: Make the pickling of global objects which don't have a
-  __module__ attribute less slow.
-- Issue #18853: Fixed ResourceWarning in shlex.__nain__.
-- Issue #9351: Defaults set with set_defaults on an argparse subparser
-  are no longer ignored when also set on the parent parser.
-- Issue #7559: unittest test loading ImportErrors are reported as import errors
-  with their import exception rather than as attribute errors after the import
-  has already failed.
-- Issue #19746: Make it possible to examine the errors from unittest
-  discovery without executing the test suite. The new `errors` attribute
-  on TestLoader exposes these non-fatal errors encountered during discovery.
-- Issue #21991: Make email.headerregistry's header 'params' attributes
-  be read-only (MappingProxyType).  Previously the dictionary was modifiable
-  but a new one was created on each access of the attribute.
-- Issue #22638: SSLv3 is now disabled throughout the standard library.
-  It can still be enabled by instantiating a SSLContext manually.
-- Issue #22641: In asyncio, the default SSL context for client connections
-  is now created using ssl.create_default_context(), for stronger security.
-- Issue #17401: Include closefd in io.FileIO repr.
-- Issue #21338: Add silent mode for compileall. quiet parameters of
-  compile_{dir, file, path} functions now have a multilevel value. Also,
-  -q option of the CLI now have a multilevel value. Patch by Thomas Kluyver.
-- Issue #20152: Convert the array and cmath modules to Argument Clinic.
-- Issue #18643: Add socket.socketpair() on Windows.
-- Issue #22435: Fix a file descriptor leak when socketserver bind fails.
-- Issue #13096: Fixed segfault in CTypes POINTER handling of large
-  values.
-- Issue #11694: Raise ConversionError in xdrlib as documented.  Patch
-  by Filip Gruszczyński and Claudiu Popa.
-- Issue #19380: Optimized parsing of regular expressions.
-- Issue #1519638: Now unmatched groups are replaced with empty strings in re.sub()
-  and re.subn().
-- Issue #18615: sndhdr.what/whathdr now return a namedtuple.
-- Issue #22462: Fix pyexpat's creation of a dummy frame to make it
-  appear in exception tracebacks.
-- Issue #21965: Add support for in-memory SSL to the ssl module.  Patch
-  by Geert Jansen.
-- Issue #21173: Fix len() on a WeakKeyDictionary when .clear() was called
-  with an iterator alive.
-- Issue #11866: Eliminated race condition in the computation of names
-  for new threads.
-- Issue #21905: Avoid RuntimeError in pickle.whichmodule() when sys.modules
-  is mutated while iterating.  Patch by Olivier Grisel.
-- Issue #11271: concurrent.futures.Executor.map() now takes a *chunksize*
-  argument to allow batching of tasks in child processes and improve
-  performance of ProcessPoolExecutor.  Patch by Dan O'Reilly.
-- Issue #21883: os.path.join() and os.path.relpath() now raise a TypeError with
-  more helpful error message for unsupported or mismatched types of arguments.
-- Issue #22219: The zipfile module CLI now adds entries for directories
-  (including empty directories) in ZIP file.
-- Issue #22449: In the ssl.SSLContext.load_default_certs, consult the
-  environmental variables SSL_CERT_DIR and SSL_CERT_FILE on Windows.
-- Issue #22508: The email.__version__ variable has been removed; the email
-  code is no longer shipped separately from the stdlib, and __version__
-  hasn't been updated in several releases.
-- Issue #20076: Added non derived UTF-8 aliases to locale aliases table.
-- Issue #20079: Added locales supported in glibc 2.18 to locale alias table.
-- Issue #20218: Added convenience methods read_text/write_text and read_bytes/
-  write_bytes to pathlib.Path objects.
-- Issue #22396: On 32-bit AIX platform, don't expose os.posix_fadvise() nor
-  os.posix_fallocate() because their prototypes in system headers are wrong.
-- Issue #22517: When an io.BufferedRWPair object is deallocated, clear its
-  weakrefs.
-- Issue #22437: Number of capturing groups in regular expression is no longer
-  limited by 100.
-- Issue #17442: InteractiveInterpreter now displays the full chained traceback
-  in its showtraceback method, to match the built in interactive interpreter.
-- Issue #23392: Added tests for marshal C API that works with FILE*.
-- Issue #10510: distutils register and upload methods now use HTML standards
-  compliant CRLF line endings.
-- Issue #9850: Fixed macpath.join() for empty first component.  Patch by
-  Oleg Oshmyan.
-- Issue #5309: distutils' build and build_ext commands now accept a ``-j``
-  option to enable parallel building of extension modules.
-- Issue #22448: Improve canceled timer handles cleanup to prevent
-  unbound memory usage. Patch by Joshua Moore-Oliva.
-- Issue #22427: TemporaryDirectory no longer attempts to clean up twice when
-  used in the with statement in generator.
-- Issue #22362: Forbidden ambiguous octal escapes out of range 0-0o377 in
-  regular expressions.
-- Issue #20912: Now directories added to ZIP file have correct Unix and MS-DOS
-  directory attributes.
-- Issue #21866: ZipFile.close() no longer writes ZIP64 central directory
-  records if allowZip64 is false.
-- Issue #22278: Fix urljoin problem with relative urls, a regression observed
-  after changes to issue22118 were submitted.
-- Issue #22415: Fixed debugging output of the GROUPREF_EXISTS opcode in the re
-  module.  Removed trailing spaces in debugging output.
-- Issue #22423: Unhandled exception in thread no longer causes unhandled
-  AttributeError when sys.stderr is None.
-- Issue #21332: Ensure that ``bufsize=1`` in subprocess.Popen() selects
-  line buffering, rather than block buffering.  Patch by Akira Li.
-- Issue #21091: Fix API bug: email.message.EmailMessage.is_attachment is now
-  a method.
-- Issue #21079: Fix email.message.EmailMessage.is_attachment to return the
-  correct result when the header has parameters as well as a value.
-- Issue #22247: Add NNTPError to nntplib.__all__.
-- Issue #22366: urllib.request.urlopen will accept a context object
-  (SSLContext) as an argument which will then be used for HTTPS connection.
-  Patch by Alex Gaynor.
-- Issue #4180: The warnings registries are now reset when the filters
-  are modified.
-- Issue #22419: Limit the length of incoming HTTP request in wsgiref server to
-  65536 bytes and send a 414 error code for higher lengths. Patch contributed
-  by Devin Cook.
-- Lax cookie parsing in http.cookies could be a security issue when combined
-  with non-standard cookie handling in some Web browsers.  Reported by
-  Sergey Bobrov.
-- Issue #20537: logging methods now accept an exception instance as well as a
-  Boolean value or exception tuple. Thanks to Yury Selivanov for the patch.
-- Issue #22384: An exception in Tkinter callback no longer crashes the program
-  when it is run with pythonw.exe.
-- Issue #22168: Prevent turtle AttributeError with non-default Canvas on OS X.
-- Issue #21147: sqlite3 now raises an exception if the request contains a null
-  character instead of truncating it.  Based on patch by Victor Stinner.
-- Issue #13968: The glob module now supports recursive search in
-  subdirectories using the ``**`` pattern.
-- Issue #21951: Fixed a crash in Tkinter on AIX when called Tcl command with
-  empty string or tuple argument.
-- Issue #21951: Tkinter now most likely raises MemoryError instead of crash
-  if the memory allocation fails.
-- Issue #22338: Fix a crash in the json module on memory allocation failure.
-- Issue #12410: imaplib.IMAP4 now supports the context management protocol.
-  Original patch by Tarek Ziadé.
-- Issue #21270: We now override tuple methods in mock.call objects so that
-  they can be used as normal call attributes.
-- Issue #16662: load_tests() is now unconditionally run when it is present in
-  a package's __init__.py.  TestLoader.loadTestsFromModule() still accepts
-  use_load_tests, but it is deprecated and ignored.  A new keyword-only
-  attribute `pattern` is added and documented.  Patch given by Robert Collins,
-  tweaked by Barry Warsaw.
-- Issue #22226: First letter no longer is stripped from the "status" key in
-  the result of Treeview.heading().
-- Issue #19524: Fixed resource leak in the HTTP connection when an invalid
-  response is received.  Patch by Martin Panter.
-- Issue #20421: Add a .version() method to SSL sockets exposing the actual
-  protocol version in use.
-- Issue #19546: configparser exceptions no longer expose implementation details.
-  Chained KeyErrors are removed, which leads to cleaner tracebacks.  Patch by
-  Claudiu Popa.
-- Issue #22051: turtledemo no longer reloads examples to re-run them.
-  Initialization of variables and gui setup should be done in main(),
-  which is called each time a demo is run, but not on import.
-- Issue #21933: Turtledemo users can change the code font size with a menu
-  selection or control(command) '-' or '+' or control-mousewheel.
-  Original patch by Lita Cho.
-- Issue #21597: The separator between the turtledemo text pane and the drawing
-  canvas can now be grabbed and dragged with a mouse.  The code text pane can
-  be widened to easily view or copy the full width of the text.  The canvas
-  can be widened on small screens.  Original patches by Jan Kanis and Lita Cho.
-- Issue #18132: Turtledemo buttons no longer disappear when the window is
-  shrunk.  Original patches by Jan Kanis and Lita Cho.
-- Issue #22043: time.monotonic() is now always available.
-  ``threading.Lock.acquire()``, ``threading.RLock.acquire()`` and socket
-  operations now use a monotonic clock, instead of the system clock, when a
-  timeout is used.
-- Issue #21527: Add a default number of workers to ThreadPoolExecutor equal
-  to 5 times the number of CPUs.  Patch by Claudiu Popa.
-- Issue #22216: smtplib now resets its state more completely after a quit.  The
-  most obvious consequence of the previous behavior was a STARTTLS failure
-  during a connect/starttls/quit/connect/starttls sequence.
-- Issue #22098: ctypes' BigEndianStructure and LittleEndianStructure now
-  define an empty __slots__ so that subclasses don't always get an instance
-  dict.  Patch by Claudiu Popa.
-- Issue #22185: Fix an occasional RuntimeError in threading.Condition.wait()
-  caused by mutation of the waiters queue without holding the lock.  Patch
-  by Doug Zongker.
-- Issue #22287: On UNIX, _PyTime_gettimeofday() now uses
-  clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME) if available. As a side effect, Python now
-  depends on the librt library on Solaris and on Linux (only with glibc older
-  than 2.17).
-- Issue #22182: Use e.args to unpack exceptions correctly in
-  distutils.file_util.move_file. Patch by Claudiu Popa.
-- The webbrowser module now uses subprocess's start_new_session=True rather
-  than a potentially risky preexec_fn=os.setsid call.
-- Issue #22042: signal.set_wakeup_fd(fd) now raises an exception if the file
-  descriptor is in blocking mode.
-- Issue #16808: inspect.stack() now returns a named tuple instead of a tuple.
-  Patch by Daniel Shahaf.
-- Issue #22236: Fixed Tkinter images copying operations in NoDefaultRoot mode.
-- Issue #2527: Add a *globals* argument to timeit functions, in order to
-  override the globals namespace in which the timed code is executed.
-  Patch by Ben Roberts.
-- Issue #22118: Switch urllib.parse to use RFC 3986 semantics for the
-  resolution of relative URLs, rather than RFCs 1808 and 2396.
-  Patch by Demian Brecht.
-- Issue #21549: Added the "members" parameter to TarFile.list().
-- Issue #19628: Allow compileall recursion depth to be specified with a -r
-  option.
-- Issue #15696: Add a __sizeof__ implementation for mmap objects on Windows.
-- Issue #22068: Avoided reference loops with Variables and Fonts in Tkinter.
-- Issue #22165: SimpleHTTPRequestHandler now supports undecodable file names.
-- Issue #15381: Optimized line reading in io.BytesIO.
-- Issue #8797: Raise HTTPError on failed Basic Authentication immediately.
-  Initial patch by Sam Bull.
-- Issue #20729: Restored the use of lazy iterkeys()/itervalues()/iteritems()
-  in the mailbox module.
-- Issue #21448: Changed FeedParser feed() to avoid O(N**2) behavior when
-  parsing long line.  Original patch by Raymond Hettinger.
-- Issue #22184: The functools LRU Cache decorator factory now gives an earlier
-  and clearer error message when the user forgets the required parameters.
-- Issue #17923: glob() patterns ending with a slash no longer match non-dirs on
-  AIX.  Based on patch by Delhallt.
-- Issue #21725: Added support for RFC 6531 (SMTPUTF8) in smtpd.
-- Issue #22176: Update the ctypes module's libffi to v3.1.  This release
-  adds support for the Linux AArch64 and POWERPC ELF ABIv2 little endian
-  architectures.
-- Issue #5411: Added support for the "xztar" format in the shutil module.
-- Issue #21121: Don't force 3rd party C extensions to be built with
-  -Werror=declaration-after-statement.
-- Issue #21975: Fixed crash when using uninitialized sqlite3.Row (in particular
-  when unpickling pickled sqlite3.Row).  sqlite3.Row is now initialized in the
-  __new__() method.
-- Issue #20170: Convert posixmodule to use Argument Clinic.
-- Issue #21539: Add an *exists_ok* argument to `Pathlib.mkdir()` to mimic
-  `mkdir -p` and `os.makedirs()` functionality.  When true, ignore
-  FileExistsErrors.  Patch by Berker Peksag.
-- Issue #22127: Bypass IDNA for pure-ASCII host names in the socket module
-  (in particular for numeric IPs).
-- Issue #21047: set the default value for the *convert_charrefs* argument
-  of HTMLParser to True.  Patch by Berker Peksag.
-- Add an __all__ to html.entities.
-- Issue #15114: the strict mode and argument of HTMLParser, HTMLParser.error,
-  and the HTMLParserError exception have been removed.
-- Issue #22085: Dropped support of Tk 8.3 in Tkinter.
-- Issue #21580: Now Tkinter correctly handles bytes arguments passed to Tk.
-  In particular this allows initializing images from binary data.
-- Issue #22003: When initialized from a bytes object, io.BytesIO() now
-  defers making a copy until it is mutated, improving performance and
-  memory use on some use cases.  Patch by David Wilson.
-- Issue #22018: On Windows, signal.set_wakeup_fd() now also supports sockets.
-  A side effect is that Python depends to the WinSock library.
-- Issue #22054: Add os.get_blocking() and os.set_blocking() functions to get
-  and set the blocking mode of a file descriptor (False if the O_NONBLOCK flag
-  is set, True otherwise). These functions are not available on Windows.
-- Issue #17172: Make turtledemo start as active on OS X even when run with
-  subprocess.  Patch by Lita Cho.
-- Issue #21704: Fix build error for _multiprocessing when semaphores
-  are not available.  Patch by Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis.
-- Issue #20173: Convert sha1, sha256, sha512 and md5 to ArgumentClinic.
-  Patch by Vajrasky Kok.
-- Fix repr(_socket.socket) on Windows 64-bit: don't fail with OverflowError
-  on closed socket. repr(socket.socket) already works fine.
-- Issue #22033: Reprs of most Python implemened classes now contain actual
-  class name instead of hardcoded one.
-- Issue #21947: The dis module can now disassemble generator-iterator
-  objects based on their gi_code attribute. Patch by Clement Rouault.
-- Issue #16133: The asynchat.async_chat.handle_read() method now ignores
-  BlockingIOError exceptions.
-- Issue #22044: Fixed premature DECREF in call_tzinfo_method.
-  Patch by Tom Flanagan.
-- Issue #19884: readline: Disable the meta modifier key if stdout is not
-  a terminal to not write the ANSI sequence ``"\033[1034h"`` into stdout. This
-  sequence is used on some terminal (ex: TERM=xterm-256color") to enable
-  support of 8 bit characters.
-- Issue #4350: Removed a number of out-of-dated and non-working for a long time
-  Tkinter methods.
-- Issue #6167: Scrollbar.activate() now returns the name of active element if
-  the argument is not specified.  Scrollbar.set() now always accepts only 2
-  arguments.
-- Issue #15275: Clean up and speed up the ntpath module.
-- Issue #21888: plistlib's load() and loads() now work if the fmt parameter is
-  specified.
-- Issue #22032: __qualname__ instead of __name__ is now always used to format
-  fully qualified class names of Python implemented classes.
-- Issue #22031: Reprs now always use hexadecimal format with the "0x" prefix
-  when contain an id in form " at 0x...".
-- Issue #22018: signal.set_wakeup_fd() now raises an OSError instead of a
-  ValueError on ``fstat()`` failure.
-- Issue #21044: tarfile.open() now handles fileobj with an integer 'name'
-  attribute.  Based on patch by Antoine Pietri.
-- Issue #21966: Respect -q command-line option when code module is ran.
-- Issue #19076: Don't pass the redundant 'file' argument to self.error().
-- Issue #16382: Improve exception message of warnings.warn() for bad
-  category. Initial patch by Phil Elson.
-- Issue #21932: os.read() now uses a :c:func:`Py_ssize_t` type instead of
-  :c:type:`int` for the size to support reading more than 2 GB at once. On
-  Windows, the size is truncted to INT_MAX. As any call to os.read(), the OS
-  may read less bytes than the number of requested bytes.
-- Issue #21942: Fixed source file viewing in pydoc's server mode on Windows.
-- Issue #11259: asynchat.async_chat().set_terminator() now raises a ValueError
-  if the number of received bytes is negative.
-- Issue #12523: asynchat.async_chat.push() now raises a TypeError if it doesn't
-  get a bytes string
-- Issue #21707: Add missing kwonlyargcount argument to
-  ModuleFinder.replace_paths_in_code().
-- Issue #20639: calling Path.with_suffix('') allows removing the suffix
-  again.  Patch by July Tikhonov.
-- Issue #21714: Disallow the construction of invalid paths using
-  Path.with_name().  Original patch by Antony Lee.
-- Issue #15014: Added 'auth' method to smtplib to make implementing auth
-  mechanisms simpler, and used it internally in the login method.
-- Issue #21151: Fixed a segfault in the winreg module when ``None`` is passed
-  as a ``REG_BINARY`` value to SetValueEx.  Patch by John Ehresman.
-- Issue #21090: io.FileIO.readall() does not ignore I/O errors anymore. Before,
-  it ignored I/O errors if at least the first C call read() succeed.
-- Issue #5800: headers parameter of wsgiref.headers.Headers is now optional.
-  Initial patch by Pablo Torres Navarrete and SilentGhost.
-- Issue #21781: ssl.RAND_add() now supports strings longer than 2 GB.
-- Issue #21679: Prevent extraneous fstat() calls during open().  Patch by
-  Bohuslav Kabrda.
-- Issue #21863: cProfile now displays the module name of C extension functions,
-  in addition to their own name.
-- Issue #11453: asyncore: emit a ResourceWarning when an unclosed file_wrapper
-  object is destroyed. The destructor now closes the file if needed. The
-  close() method can now be called twice: the second call does nothing.
-- Issue #21858: Better handling of Python exceptions in the sqlite3 module.
-- Issue #21476: Make sure the email.parser.BytesParser TextIOWrapper is
-  discarded after parsing, so the input file isn't unexpectedly closed.
-- Issue #20295: imghdr now recognizes OpenEXR format images.
-- Issue #21729: Used the "with" statement in the dbm.dumb module to ensure
-  files closing.  Patch by Claudiu Popa.
-- Issue #21491: socketserver: Fix a race condition in child processes reaping.
-- Issue #21719: Added the ``st_file_attributes`` field to os.stat_result on
-  Windows.
-- Issue #21832: Require named tuple inputs to be exact strings.
-- Issue #21722: The distutils "upload" command now exits with a non-zero
-  return code when uploading fails.  Patch by Martin Dengler.
-- Issue #21723: asyncio.Queue: support any type of number (ex: float) for the
-  maximum size. Patch written by Vajrasky Kok.
-- Issue #21711: support for "site-python" directories has now been removed
-  from the site module (it was deprecated in 3.4).
-- Issue #17552: new socket.sendfile() method allowing a file to be sent over a
-  socket by using high-performance os.sendfile() on UNIX.
-  Patch by Giampaolo Rodola'.
-- Issue #18039: dbm.dump.open() now always creates a new database when the
-  flag has the value 'n'.  Patch by Claudiu Popa.
-- Issue #21326: Add a new is_closed() method to asyncio.BaseEventLoop.
-  run_forever() and run_until_complete() methods of asyncio.BaseEventLoop now
-  raise an exception if the event loop was closed.
-- Issue #21766: Prevent a security hole in CGIHTTPServer by URL unquoting paths
-  before checking for a CGI script at that path.
-- Issue #21310: Fixed possible resource leak in failed open().
-- Issue #21256: Printout of keyword args should be in deterministic order in
-  a mock function call. This will help to write better doctests.
-- Issue #21677: Fixed chaining nonnormalized exceptions in io close() methods.
-- Issue #11709: Fix the pydoc.help function to not fail when sys.stdin is not a
-  valid file.
-- Issue #21515: tempfile.TemporaryFile now uses os.O_TMPFILE flag is available.
-- Issue #13223: Fix pydoc.writedoc so that the HTML documentation for methods
-  that use 'self' in the example code is generated correctly.
-- Issue #21463: In urllib.request, fix pruning of the FTP cache.
-- Issue #21618: The subprocess module could fail to close open fds that were
-  inherited by the calling process and already higher than POSIX resource
-  limits would otherwise allow.  On systems with a functioning /proc/self/fd
-  or /dev/fd interface the max is now ignored and all fds are closed.
-- Issue #20383: Introduce importlib.util.module_from_spec() as the preferred way
-  to create a new module.
-- Issue #21552: Fixed possible integer overflow of too long string lengths in
-  the tkinter module on 64-bit platforms.
-- Issue #14315: The zipfile module now ignores extra fields in the central
-  directory that are too short to be parsed instead of letting a struct.unpack
-  error bubble up as this "bad data" appears in many real world zip files in
-  the wild and is ignored by other zip tools.
-- Issue #13742: Added "key" and "reverse" parameters to heapq.merge().
-  (First draft of patch contributed by Simon Sapin.)
-- Issue #21402: tkinter.ttk now works when default root window is not set.
-- Issue #3015: _tkinter.create() now creates tkapp object with wantobject=1 by
-  default.
-- Issue #10203: sqlite3.Row now truly supports sequence protocol.  In particular
-  it supports reverse() and negative indices.  Original patch by Claudiu Popa.
-- Issue #18807: If copying (no symlinks) specified for a venv, then the python
-  interpreter aliases (python, python3) are now created by copying rather than
-  symlinking.
-- Issue #20197: Added support for the WebP image type in the imghdr module.
-  Patch by Fabrice Aneche and Claudiu Popa.
-- Issue #21513: Speedup some properties of IP addresses (IPv4Address,
-  IPv6Address) such as .is_private or .is_multicast.
-- Issue #21137: Improve the repr for threading.Lock() and its variants
-  by showing the "locked" or "unlocked" status.  Patch by Berker Peksag.
-- Issue #21538: The plistlib module now supports loading of binary plist files
-  when reference or offset size is not a power of two.
-- Issue #21455: Add a default backlog to socket.listen().
-- Issue #21525: Most Tkinter methods which accepted tuples now accept lists too.
-- Issue #22166: With the assistance of a new internal _codecs._forget_codec
-  helping function, test_codecs now clears the encoding caches to avoid the
-  appearance of a reference leak
-- Issue #22236: Tkinter tests now don't reuse default root window.  New root
-  window is created for every test class.
-- Issue #10744: Fix PEP 3118 format strings on ctypes objects with a nontrivial
-  shape.
-- Issue #20826: Optimize ipaddress.collapse_addresses().
-- Issue #21487: Optimize ipaddress.summarize_address_range() and
-  ipaddress.{IPv4Network,IPv6Network}.subnets().
-- Issue #21486: Optimize parsing of netmasks in ipaddress.IPv4Network and
-  ipaddress.IPv6Network.
-- Issue #13916: Disallowed the surrogatepass error handler for non UTF-\*
-  encodings.
-- Issue #20998: Fixed re.fullmatch() of repeated single character pattern
-  with ignore case.  Original patch by Matthew Barnett.
-- Issue #21075: fileinput.FileInput now reads bytes from standard stream if
-  binary mode is specified.  Patch by Sam Kimbrel.
-- Issue #19775: Add a samefile() method to pathlib Path objects.  Initial
-  patch by Vajrasky Kok.
-- Issue #21226: Set up modules properly in PyImport_ExecCodeModuleObject
-  (and friends).
-- Issue #21398: Fix a unicode error in the pydoc pager when the documentation
-  contains characters not encodable to the stdout encoding.
-- Issue #16531: ipaddress.IPv4Network and ipaddress.IPv6Network now accept
-  an (address, netmask) tuple argument, so as to easily construct network
-  objects from existing addresses.
-- Issue #21156: importlib.abc.InspectLoader.source_to_code() is now a
-  staticmethod.
-- Issue #21424: Simplified and optimized heaqp.nlargest() and nmsmallest()
-  to make fewer tuple comparisons.
-- Issue #21396: Fix TextIOWrapper(..., write_through=True) to not force a
-  flush() on the underlying binary stream.  Patch by akira.
-- Issue #18314: Unlink now removes junctions on Windows. Patch by Kim Gräsman
-- Issue #21088: Bugfix for curses.window.addch() regression in 3.4.0.
-  In porting to Argument Clinic, the first two arguments were reversed.
-- Issue #21407: _decimal: The module now supports function signatures.
-- Issue #10650: Remove the non-standard 'watchexp' parameter from the
-  Decimal.quantize() method in the Python version.  It had never been
-  present in the C version.
-- Issue #21469: Reduced the risk of false positives in robotparser by
-  checking to make sure that robots.txt has been read or does not exist
-  prior to returning True in can_fetch().
-- Issue #19414: Have the OrderedDict mark deleted links as unusable.
-  This gives an early failure if the link is deleted during iteration.
-- Issue #21421: Add __slots__ to the MappingViews ABC.
-  Patch by Josh Rosenberg.
-- Issue #21101: Eliminate double hashing in the C speed-up code for
-  collections.Counter().
-- Issue #21321: itertools.islice() now releases the reference to the source
-  iterator when the slice is exhausted.  Patch by Anton Afanasyev.
-- Issue #21057: TextIOWrapper now allows the underlying binary stream's
-  read() or read1() method to return an arbitrary bytes-like object
-  (such as a memoryview).  Patch by Nikolaus Rath.
-- Issue #20951: SSLSocket.send() now raises either SSLWantReadError or
-  SSLWantWriteError on a non-blocking socket if the operation would block.
-  Previously, it would return 0.  Patch by Nikolaus Rath.
-- Issue #13248: removed previously deprecated asyncore.dispatcher __getattr__
-  cheap inheritance hack.
-- Issue #9815: assertRaises now tries to clear references to local variables
-  in the exception's traceback.
-- Issue #19940: ssl.cert_time_to_seconds() now interprets the given time
-  string in the UTC timezone (as specified in RFC 5280), not the local
-  timezone.
-- Issue #13204: Calling sys.flags.__new__ would crash the interpreter,
-  now it raises a TypeError.
-- Issue #19385: Make operations on a closed dbm.dumb database always raise the
-  same exception.
-- Issue #21207: Detect when the os.urandom cached fd has been closed or
-  replaced, and open it anew.
-- Issue #21291: subprocess's Popen.wait() is now thread safe so that
-  multiple threads may be calling wait() or poll() on a Popen instance
-  at the same time without losing the Popen.returncode value.
-- Issue #21127: Path objects can now be instantiated from str subclass
-  instances (such as ``numpy.str_``).
-- Issue #15002: urllib.response object to use _TemporaryFileWrapper (and
-  _TemporaryFileCloser) facility. Provides a better way to handle file
-  descriptor close. Patch contributed by Christian Theune.
-- Issue #12220: mindom now raises a custom ValueError indicating it doesn't
-  support spaces in URIs instead of letting a 'split' ValueError bubble up.
-- Issue #21068: The ssl.PROTOCOL* constants are now enum members.
-- Issue #21276: posixmodule: Don't define USE_XATTRS on KFreeBSD and the Hurd.
-- Issue #21262: New method assert_not_called for Mock.
-  It raises AssertionError if the mock has been called.
-- Issue #21238: New keyword argument `unsafe` to Mock. It raises
-  `AttributeError` incase of an attribute startswith assert or assret.
-- Issue #20896: ssl.get_server_certificate() now uses PROTOCOL_SSLv23, not
-  PROTOCOL_SSLv3, for maximum compatibility.
-- Issue #21239: patch.stopall() didn't work deterministically when the same
-  name was patched more than once.
-- Issue #21203: Updated fileConfig and dictConfig to remove inconsistencies.
-  Thanks to Jure Koren for the patch.
-- Issue #21222: Passing name keyword argument to mock.create_autospec now
-  works.
-- Issue #21197: Add lib64 -> lib symlink in venvs on 64-bit non-OS X POSIX.
-- Issue #17498: Some SMTP servers disconnect after certain errors, violating
-  strict RFC conformance.  Instead of losing the error code when we issue the
-  subsequent RSET, smtplib now returns the error code and defers raising the
-  SMTPServerDisconnected error until the next command is issued.
-- Issue #17826: setting an iterable side_effect on a mock function created by
-  create_autospec now works. Patch by Kushal Das.
-- Issue #7776: Fix ``Host:`` header and reconnection when using
-  http.client.HTTPConnection.set_tunnel(). Patch by Nikolaus Rath.
-- Issue #20968: unittest.mock.MagicMock now supports division.
-  Patch by Johannes Baiter.
-- Issue #21529 (CVE-2014-4616): Fix arbitrary memory access in
-  JSONDecoder.raw_decode with a negative second parameter. Bug reported by Guido
-  Vranken.
-- Issue #21169: getpass now handles non-ascii characters that the
-  input stream encoding cannot encode by re-encoding using the
-  replace error handler.
-- Issue #21171: Fixed undocumented filter API of the rot13 codec.
-  Patch by Berker Peksag.
-- Issue #20539: Improved math.factorial error message for large positive inputs
-  and changed exception type (OverflowError -> ValueError) for large negative
-  inputs.
-- Issue #21172: isinstance check relaxed from dict to collections.Mapping.
-- Issue #21155: asyncio.EventLoop.create_unix_server() now raises a ValueError
-  if path and sock are specified at the same time.
-- Issue #21136: Avoid unnecessary normalization of Fractions resulting from
-  power and other operations.  Patch by Raymond Hettinger.
-- Issue #17621: Introduce importlib.util.LazyLoader.
-- Issue #21076: signal module constants were turned into enums.
-  Patch by Giampaolo Rodola'.
-- Issue #20636: Improved the repr of Tkinter widgets.
-- Issue #19505: The items, keys, and values views of OrderedDict now support
-  reverse iteration using reversed().
-- Issue #21149: Improved thread-safety in logging cleanup during interpreter
-  shutdown. Thanks to Devin Jeanpierre for the patch.
-- Issue #21058: Fix a leak of file descriptor in
-  :func:`tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile`, close the file descriptor if
-  :func:`io.open` fails
-- Issue #21200: Return None from pkgutil.get_loader() when __spec__ is missing.
-- Issue #21013: Enhance ssl.create_default_context() when used for server side
-  sockets to provide better security by default.
-- Issue #20145: `assertRaisesRegex` and `assertWarnsRegex` now raise a
-  TypeError if the second argument is not a string or compiled regex.
-- Issue #20633: Replace relative import by absolute import.
-- Issue #20980: Stop wrapping exception when using ThreadPool.
-- Issue #21082: In os.makedirs, do not set the process-wide umask. Note this
-  changes behavior of makedirs when exist_ok=True.
-- Issue #20990: Fix issues found by pyflakes for multiprocessing.
-- Issue #21015: SSL contexts will now automatically select an elliptic
-  curve for ECDH key exchange on OpenSSL 1.0.2 and later, and otherwise
-  default to "prime256v1".
-- Issue #21000: Improve the command-line interface of json.tool.
-- Issue #20995: Enhance default ciphers used by the ssl module to enable
-  better security and prioritize perfect forward secrecy.
-- Issue #20884: Don't assume that __file__ is defined on importlib.__init__.
-- Issue #21499: Ignore __builtins__ in several test_importlib.test_api tests.
-- Issue #20627: xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy is now a context manager.
-- Issue #19165: The formatter module now raises DeprecationWarning instead of
-  PendingDeprecationWarning.
-- Issue #13936: Remove the ability of datetime.time instances to be considered
-  false in boolean contexts.
-- Issue #18931: selectors module now supports /dev/poll on Solaris.
-  Patch by Giampaolo Rodola'.
-- Issue #19977: When the ``LC_TYPE`` locale is the POSIX locale (``C`` locale),
-  :py:data:`sys.stdin` and :py:data:`sys.stdout` are now using the
-  ``surrogateescape`` error handler, instead of the ``strict`` error handler.
-- Issue #20574: Implement incremental decoder for cp65001 code (Windows code
-  page 65001, Microsoft UTF-8).
-- Issue #20879: Delay the initialization of encoding and decoding tables for
-  base32, ascii85 and base85 codecs in the base64 module, and delay the
-  initialization of the unquote_to_bytes() table of the urllib.parse module, to
-  not waste memory if these modules are not used.
-- Issue #19157: Include the broadcast address in the usuable hosts for IPv6
-  in ipaddress.
-- Issue #11599: When an external command (e.g. compiler) fails, distutils now
-  prints out the whole command line (instead of just the command name) if the
-  environment variable DISTUTILS_DEBUG is set.
-- Issue #4931: distutils should not produce unhelpful "error: None" messages
-  anymore.  distutils.util.grok_environment_error is kept but doc-deprecated.
-- Issue #20875: Prevent possible gzip "'read' is not defined" NameError.
-  Patch by Claudiu Popa.
-- Issue #11558: ``email.message.Message.attach`` now returns a more
-  useful error message if ``attach`` is called on a message for which
-  ``is_multipart`` is False.
-- Issue #20283: RE pattern methods now accept the string keyword parameters
-  as documented.  The pattern and source keyword parameters are left as
-  deprecated aliases.
-- Issue #20778: Fix modulefinder to work with bytecode-only modules.
-- Issue #20791: copy.copy() now doesn't make a copy when the input is
-  a bytes object.  Initial patch by Peter Otten.
-- Issue #19748: On AIX, time.mktime() now raises an OverflowError for year
-  outsize range [1902; 2037].
-- Issue #19573: inspect.signature: Use enum for parameter kind constants.
-- Issue #20726: inspect.signature: Make Signature and Parameter picklable.
-- Issue #17373: Add inspect.Signature.from_callable method.
-- Issue #20378: Improve repr of inspect.Signature and inspect.Parameter.
-- Issue #20816: Fix inspect.getcallargs() to raise correct TypeError for
-  missing keyword-only arguments. Patch by Jeremiah Lowin.
-- Issue #20817: Fix inspect.getcallargs() to fail correctly if more
-  than 3 arguments are missing. Patch by Jeremiah Lowin.
-- Issue #6676: Ensure a meaningful exception is raised when attempting
-  to parse more than one XML document per pyexpat xmlparser instance.
-  (Original patches by Hirokazu Yamamoto and Amaury Forgeot d'Arc, with
-  suggested wording by David Gutteridge)
-- Issue #21117: Fix inspect.signature to better support functools.partial.
-  Due to the specifics of functools.partial implementation,
-  positional-or-keyword arguments passed as keyword arguments become
-  keyword-only.
-- Issue #20334: inspect.Signature and inspect.Parameter are now hashable.
-  Thanks to Antony Lee for bug reports and suggestions.
-- Issue #15916: doctest.DocTestSuite returns an empty unittest.TestSuite instead
-  of raising ValueError if it finds no tests
-- Issue #21209: Fix asyncio.tasks.CoroWrapper to workaround a bug
-  in yield-from implementation in CPythons prior to 3.4.1.
-- asyncio: Add gi_{frame,running,code} properties to CoroWrapper
-  (upstream issue #163).
-- Issue #21311: Avoid exception in _osx_support with non-standard compiler
-  configurations.  Patch by John Szakmeister.
-- Issue #11571: Ensure that the turtle window becomes the topmost window
-  when launched on OS X.
-- Issue #21801: Validate that __signature__ is None or an instance of Signature.
-- Issue #21923: Prevent AttributeError in distutils.sysconfig.customize_compiler
-  due to possible uninitialized _config_vars.
-- Issue #21323: Fix http.server to again handle scripts in CGI subdirectories,
-  broken by the fix for security issue #19435.  Patch by Zach Byrne.
-- Issue #22733: Fix ffi_prep_args not zero-extending argument values correctly
-  on 64-bit Windows.
-- Issue #23302: Default to TCP_NODELAY=1 upon establishing an HTTPConnection.
-  Removed use of hard-coded MSS as it's an optimization that's no longer needed
-  with Nagle disabled.
-- Issue #20577: Configuration of the max line length for the FormatParagraph
-  extension has been moved from the General tab of the Idle preferences dialog
-  to the FormatParagraph tab of the Config Extensions dialog.
-  Patch by Tal Einat.
-- Issue #16893: Update Idle doc chapter to match current Idle and add new
-  information.
-- Issue #3068: Add Idle extension configuration dialog to Options menu.
-  Changes are written to HOME/.idlerc/config-extensions.cfg.
-  Original patch by Tal Einat.
-- Issue #16233: A module browser (File : Class Browser, Alt+C) requires an
-  editor window with a filename.  When Class Browser is requested otherwise,
-  from a shell, output window, or 'Untitled' editor, Idle no longer displays
-  an error box.  It now pops up an Open Module box (Alt+M). If a valid name
-  is entered and a module is opened, a corresponding browser is also opened.
-- Issue #4832: Save As to type Python files automatically adds .py to the
-  name you enter (even if your system does not display it).  Some systems
-  automatically add .txt when type is Text files.
-- Issue #21986: Code objects are not normally pickled by the pickle module.
-  To match this, they are no longer pickled when running under Idle.
-- Issue #17390: Adjust Editor window title; remove 'Python',
-  move version to end.
-- Issue #14105: Idle debugger breakpoints no longer disappear
-  when inserting or deleting lines.
-- Issue #17172: Turtledemo can now be run from Idle.
-  Currently, the entry is on the Help menu, but it may move to Run.
-  Patch by Ramchandra Apt and Lita Cho.
-- Issue #21765: Add support for non-ascii identifiers to HyperParser.
-- Issue #21940: Add unittest for WidgetRedirector. Initial patch by Saimadhav
-  Heblikar.
-- Issue #18592: Add unittest for SearchDialogBase. Patch by Phil Webster.
-- Issue #21694: Add unittest for ParenMatch. Patch by Saimadhav Heblikar.
-- Issue #21686: add unittest for HyperParser. Original patch by Saimadhav
-  Heblikar.
-- Issue #12387: Add missing upper(lower)case versions of default Windows key
-  bindings for Idle so Caps Lock does not disable them. Patch by Roger Serwy.
-- Issue #21695: Closing a Find-in-files output window while the search is
-  still in progress no longer closes Idle.
-- Issue #18910: Add unittest for textView. Patch by Phil Webster.
-- Issue #18292: Add unittest for AutoExpand. Patch by Saihadhav Heblikar.
-- Issue #18409: Add unittest for AutoComplete. Patch by Phil Webster.
-- Issue #21477: htest.py - Improve framework, complete set of tests.
-  Patches by Saimadhav Heblikar
-- Issue #18104: Add idlelib/idle_test/htest.py with a few sample tests to begin
-  consolidating and improving human-validated tests of Idle. Change other files
-  as needed to work with htest.  Running the module as __main__ runs all tests.
-- Issue #21139: Change default paragraph width to 72, the PEP 8 recommendation.
-- Issue #21284: Paragraph reformat test passes after user changes reformat width.
-- Issue #17654: Ensure IDLE menus are customized properly on OS X for
-  non-framework builds and for all variants of Tk.
-- Issue #23180: Rename IDLE "Windows" menu item to "Window".
-  Patch by Al Sweigart.
-- Issue #15506: Use standard PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG autoconf macro in the configure
-  script.
-- Issue #22935: Allow the ssl module to be compiled if openssl doesn't support
-  SSL 3.
-- Issue #22592: Drop support of the Borland C compiler to build Python. The
-  distutils module still supports it to build extensions.
-- Issue #22591: Drop support of MS-DOS, especially of the DJGPP compiler
-  (MS-DOS port of GCC).
-- Issue #16537: Check whether self.extensions is empty in setup.py. Patch by
-  Jonathan Hosmer.
-- Issue #22359: Remove incorrect uses of recursive make.  Patch by Jonas
-  Wagner.
-- Issue #21958: Define HAVE_ROUND when building with Visual Studio 2013 and
-  above.  Patch by Zachary Turner.
-- Issue #18093: the programs that embed the CPython runtime are now in a
-  separate "Programs" directory, rather than being kept in the Modules
-  directory.
-- Issue #15759: "make suspicious", "make linkcheck" and "make doctest" in Doc/
-  now display special message when and only when there are failures.
-- Issue #21141: The Windows build process no longer attempts to find Perl,
-  instead relying on OpenSSL source being configured and ready to build.  The
-  ``PCbuild\build_ssl.py`` script has been re-written and re-named to
-  ``PCbuild\prepare_ssl.py``, and takes care of configuring OpenSSL source
-  for both 32 and 64 bit platforms.  OpenSSL sources obtained from
-  svn.python.org will always be pre-configured and ready to build.
-- Issue #21037: Add a build option to enable AddressSanitizer support.
-- Issue #19962: The Windows build process now creates "python.bat" in the
-  root of the source tree, which passes all arguments through to the most
-  recently built interpreter.
-- Issue #21285: Refactor and fix curses configure check to always search
-  in a ncursesw directory.
-- Issue #15234: For BerkelyDB and Sqlite, only add the found library and
-  include directories if they aren't already being searched. This avoids
-  an explicit runtime library dependency.
-- Issue #17861: Tools/scripts/generate_opcode_h.py automatically regenerates
-  Include/opcode.h from Lib/opcode.py if the latter gets any change.
-- Issue #20644: OS X installer build support for documentation build changes
-  in 3.4.1: assume externally supplied sphinx-build is available in /usr/bin.
-- Issue #20022: Eliminate use of deprecated bundlebuilder in OS X builds.
-- Issue #15968: Incorporated Tcl, Tk, and Tix builds into the Windows build
-  solution.
-- Issue #17095: Fix Modules/Setup *shared* support.
-- Issue #21811: Anticipated fixes to support OS X versions > 10.9.
-- Issue #21166: Prevent possible segfaults and other random failures of
-  python --generate-posix-vars in pybuilddir.txt build target.
-- Issue #18096: Fix library order returned by python-config.
-- Issue #17219: Add library build dir for Python extension cross-builds.
-- Issue #22919: Windows build updated to support VC 14.0 (Visual Studio 2015),
-  which will be used for the official release.
-- Issue #21236: Build _msi.pyd with cabinet.lib instead of fci.lib
-- Issue #17128: Use private version of OpenSSL for OS X 10.5+ installer.
-- Issue #14203: Remove obsolete support for view==NULL in PyBuffer_FillInfo(),
-  bytearray_getbuffer(), bytesiobuf_getbuffer() and array_buffer_getbuf().
-  All functions now raise BufferError in that case.
-- Issue #22445: PyBuffer_IsContiguous() now implements precise contiguity
-  tests, compatible with NumPy's NPY_RELAXED_STRIDES_CHECKING compilation
-  flag.  Previously the function reported false negatives for corner cases.
-- Issue #22079: PyType_Ready() now checks that statically allocated type has
-  no dynamically allocated bases.
-- Issue #22453: Removed non-documented macro PyObject_REPR().
-- Issue #18395: Rename ``_Py_char2wchar()`` to :c:func:`Py_DecodeLocale`,
-  rename ``_Py_wchar2char()`` to :c:func:`Py_EncodeLocale`, and document
-  these functions.
-- Issue #21233: Add new C functions: PyMem_RawCalloc(), PyMem_Calloc(),
-  PyObject_Calloc(), _PyObject_GC_Calloc(). bytes(int) is now using
-  ``calloc()`` instead of ``malloc()`` for large objects which is faster and
-  use less memory.
-- Issue #20942: PyImport_ImportFrozenModuleObject() no longer sets __file__ to
-  match what importlib does; this affects _frozen_importlib as well as any
-  module loaded using imp.init_frozen().
-- Issue #19548: Update the codecs module documentation to better cover the
-  distinction between text encodings and other codecs, together with other
-  clarifications. Patch by Martin Panter.
-- Issue #22394: Doc/Makefile now supports ``make venv PYTHON=../python`` to
-  create a venv for generating the documentation, e.g.,
-  ``make html PYTHON=venv/bin/python3``.
-- Issue #21514: The documentation of the json module now refers to new JSON RFC
-  7159 instead of obsoleted RFC 4627.
-- Issue #21777: The binary sequence methods on bytes and bytearray are now
-  documented explicitly, rather than assuming users will be able to derive
-  the expected behaviour from the behaviour of the corresponding str methods.
-- Issue #6916: undocument deprecated asynchat.fifo class.
-- Issue #17386: Expanded functionality of the ``Doc/make.bat`` script to make
-  it much more comparable to ``Doc/Makefile``.
-- Issue #21312: Update the thread_foobar.h template file to include newer
-  threading APIs.  Patch by Jack McCracken.
-- Issue #21043: Remove the recommendation for specific CA organizations and to
-  mention the ability to load the OS certificates.
-- Issue #20765: Add missing documentation for PurePath.with_name() and
-  PurePath.with_suffix().
-- Issue #19407: New package installation and distribution guides based on
-  the Python Packaging Authority tools. Existing guides have been retained
-  as legacy links from the distutils docs, as they still contain some
-  required reference material for tool developers that isn't recorded
-  anywhere else.
-- Issue #19697: Document cases where __main__.__spec__ is None.
-- Issue #18982: Add tests for CLI of the calendar module.
-- Issue #19548: Added some additional checks to test_codecs to ensure that
-  statements in the updated documentation remain accurate. Patch by Martin
-  Panter.
-- Issue #22838: All test_re tests now work with unittest test discovery.
-- Issue #22173: Update lib2to3 tests to use unittest test discovery.
-- Issue #16000: Convert test_curses to use unittest.
-- Issue #21456: Skip two tests in test_urllib2net.py if _ssl module not
-  present. Patch by Remi Pointel.
-- Issue #20746: Fix test_pdb to run in refleak mode (-R).  Patch by Xavier
-  de Gaye.
-- Issue #22060: test_ctypes has been somewhat cleaned up and simplified; it
-  now uses unittest test discovery to find its tests.
-- Issue #22104: regrtest.py no longer holds a reference to the suite of tests
-  loaded from test modules that don't define test_main().
-- Issue #22111: Assorted cleanups in test_imaplib.  Patch by Milan Oberkirch.
-- Issue #22002: Added ``load_package_tests`` function to test.support and used
-  it to implement/augment test discovery in test_asyncio, test_email,
-  test_importlib, test_json, and test_tools.
-- Issue #21976: Fix test_ssl to accept LibreSSL version strings.  Thanks
-  to William Orr.
-- Issue #21918: Converted test_tools from a module to a package containing
-  separate test files for each tested script.
-- Issue #9554: Use modern unittest features in test_argparse. Initial patch by
-  Denver Coneybeare and Radu Voicilas.
-- Issue #20155: Changed HTTP method names in failing tests in test_httpservers
-  so that packet filtering software (specifically Windows Base Filtering Engine)
-  does not interfere with the transaction semantics expected by the tests.
-- Issue #19493: Refactored the ctypes test package to skip tests explicitly
-  rather than silently.
-- Issue #18492: All resources are now allowed when tests are not run by
-  regrtest.py.
-- Issue #21634: Fix pystone micro-benchmark: use floor division instead of true
-  division to benchmark integers instead of floating point numbers. Set pystone
-  version to 1.2. Patch written by Lennart Regebro.
-- Issue #21605: Added tests for Tkinter images.
-- Issue #21493: Added test for ntpath.expanduser().  Original patch by
-  Claudiu Popa.
-- Issue #19925: Added tests for the spwd module. Original patch by Vajrasky Kok.
-- Issue #21522: Added Tkinter tests for Listbox.itemconfigure(),
-  PanedWindow.paneconfigure(), and Menu.entryconfigure().
-- Issue #17756: Fix test_code test when run from the installed location.
-- Issue #17752: Fix distutils tests when run from the installed location.
-- Issue #18604: Consolidated checks for GUI availability.  All platforms now
-  at least check whether Tk can be instantiated when the GUI resource is
-  requested.
-- Issue #21275: Fix a socket test on KFreeBSD.
-- Issue #21223: Pass test_site/test_startup_imports when some of the extensions
-  are built as builtins.
-- Issue #20635: Added tests for Tk geometry managers.
-- Add test case for freeze.
-- Issue #20743: Fix a reference leak in test_tcl.
-- Issue #21097: Move test_namespace_pkgs into test_importlib.
-- Issue #21503: Use test_both() consistently in test_importlib.
-- Issue #20939: Avoid various network test failures due to new
-  redirect of http://www.python.org/ to https://www.python.org:
-  use http://www.example.com instead.
-- Issue #20668: asyncio tests no longer rely on tests.txt file.
-  (Patch by Vajrasky Kok)
-- Issue #21093: Prevent failures of ctypes test_macholib on OS X if a
-  copy of libz exists in $HOME/lib or /usr/local/lib.
-- Issue #22770: Prevent some Tk segfaults on OS X when running gui tests.
-- Issue #23211: Workaround test_logging failure on some OS X 10.6 systems.
-- Issue #23345: Prevent test_ssl failures with large OpenSSL patch level
-  values (like 0.9.8zc).
-- Issue #22314: pydoc now works when the LINES environment variable is set.
-- Issue #22615: Argument Clinic now supports the "type" argument for the
-  int converter.  This permits using the int converter with enums and
-  typedefs.
-- Issue #20076: The makelocalealias.py script no longer ignores UTF-8 mapping.
-- Issue #20079: The makelocalealias.py script now can parse the SUPPORTED file
-  from glibc sources and supports command line options for source paths.
-- Issue #22201: Command-line interface of the zipfile module now correctly
-  extracts ZIP files with directory entries.  Patch by Ryan Wilson.
-- Issue #22120: For functions using an unsigned integer return converter,
-  Argument Clinic now generates a cast to that type for the comparison
-  to -1 in the generated code.  (This suppresses a compilation warning.)
-- Issue #18974: Tools/scripts/diff.py now uses argparse instead of optparse.
-- Issue #21906: Make Tools/scripts/md5sum.py work in Python 3.
-  Patch by Zachary Ware.
-- Issue #21629: Fix Argument Clinic's "--converters" feature.
-- Add support for ``yield from`` to 2to3.
-- Add support for the PEP 465 matrix multiplication operator to 2to3.
-- Issue #16047: Fix module exception list and __file__ handling in freeze.
-  Patch by Meador Inge.
-- Issue #11824: Consider ABI tags in freeze. Patch by Meador Inge.
-- Issue #20535: PYTHONWARNING no longer affects the run_tests.py script.
-  Patch by Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis.
-- Issue #23260: Update Windows installer
-- The bundled version of Tcl/Tk has been updated to 8.6.3.  The most visible
-  result of this change is the addition of new native file dialogs when
-  running on Windows Vista or newer.  See Tcl/Tk's TIP 432 for more
-  information.  Also, this version of Tcl/Tk includes support for Windows 10.
-- Issue #17896: The Windows build scripts now expect external library sources
-  to be in ``PCbuild\..\externals`` rather than ``PCbuild\..\..``.
-- Issue #17717: The Windows build scripts now use a copy of NASM pulled from
-  svn.python.org to build OpenSSL.
-- Issue #21907: Improved the batch scripts provided for building Python.
-- Issue #22644: The bundled version of OpenSSL has been updated to 1.0.1j.
-- Issue #10747: Use versioned labels in the Windows start menu.
-  Patch by Olive Kilburn.
-- Issue #22980: .pyd files with a version and platform tag (for example,
-  ".cp35-win32.pyd") will now be loaded in preference to those without tags.
-What's New in Python 3.4.0?
-Release date: 2014-03-16
-- Issue #20939: Fix test_geturl failure in test_urllibnet due to
-  new redirect of http://www.python.org/ to https://www.python.org.
-- Merge in all documentation changes since branching 3.4.0rc1.
-What's New in Python 3.4.0 release candidate 3?
-Release date: 2014-03-09
-Core and Builtins
-- Issue #20786: Fix signatures for dict.__delitem__ and
-  property.__delete__ builtins.
-- Issue #20839: Don't trigger a DeprecationWarning in the still supported
-  pkgutil.get_loader() API when __loader__ isn't set on a module (nor
-  when pkgutil.find_loader() is called directly).
-- Issue #14512: Launch pydoc -b instead of pydocgui.pyw on Windows.
-- Issue #20748: Uninstalling pip does not leave behind the pyc of
-  the uninstaller anymore.
-- Issue #20568: The Windows installer now installs the unversioned ``pip``
-  command in addition to the versioned ``pip3`` and ``pip3.4`` commands.
-- Issue #20757: The ensurepip helper for the Windows uninstaller now skips
-  uninstalling pip (rather than failing) if the user has updated pip to a
-  different version from the one bundled with ensurepip.
-- Issue #20465: Update OS X and Windows installer builds to use
-  SQLite
-What's New in Python 3.4.0 release candidate 2?
-Release date: 2014-02-23
-Core and Builtins
-- Issue #20625: Parameter names in __annotations__ were not mangled properly.
-  Discovered by Jonas Wielicki, patch by Yury Selivanov.
-- Issue #20261: In pickle, lookup __getnewargs__ and __getnewargs_ex__ on the
-  type of the object.
-- Issue #20619: Give the AST nodes of keyword-only arguments a column and line
-  number.
-- Issue #20526: Revert changes of issue #19466 which introduces a regression:
-  don't clear anymore the state of Python threads early during the Python
-  shutdown.
-- Issue #20710: The pydoc summary line no longer displays the "self" parameter
-  for bound methods.
-- Issue #20566: Change asyncio.as_completed() to use a Queue, to
-  avoid O(N**2) behavior.
-- Issue #20704: Implement new debug API in asyncio. Add new methods
-  BaseEventLoop.set_debug() and BaseEventLoop.get_debug().
-  Add support for setting 'asyncio.tasks._DEBUG' variable with
-  'PYTHONASYNCIODEBUG' environment variable.
-- asyncio: Refactoring and fixes: BaseEventLoop.sock_connect() raises an
-  error if the address is not resolved; use __slots__ in Handle and
-  TimerHandle; as_completed() and wait() raise TypeError if the passed
-  list of Futures is a single Future; call_soon() and other 'call_*()'
-  functions raise TypeError if the passed callback is a coroutine
-  function; _ProactorBasePipeTransport uses _FlowControlMixin;
-  WriteTransport.set_write_buffer_size() calls _maybe_pause_protocol()
-  to consider pausing receiving if the watermark limits have changed;
-  fix _check_resolved_address() for IPv6 address; and other minor
-  improvements, along with multiple documentation updates.
-- Issue #20684: Fix inspect.getfullargspec() to not to follow __wrapped__
-  chains. Make its behaviour consistent with bound methods first argument.
-  Patch by Nick Coghlan and Yury Selivanov.
-- Issue #20681: Add new error handling API in asyncio. New APIs:
-  loop.set_exception_handler(), loop.default_exception_handler(), and
-  loop.call_exception_handler().
-- Issue #20673: Implement support for UNIX Domain Sockets in asyncio.
-  New APIs: loop.create_unix_connection(), loop.create_unix_server(),
-  streams.open_unix_connection(), and streams.start_unix_server().
-- Issue #20616: Add a format() method to tracemalloc.Traceback.
-- Issue #19744: the ensurepip installation step now just prints a warning to
-  stderr rather than failing outright if SSL/TLS is unavailable. This allows
-  local installation of POSIX builds without SSL/TLS support.
-- Issue #20594: Avoid name clash with the libc function posix_close.
-- Issue #20641: Run MSI custom actions (pip installation, pyc compilation)
-  with the NoImpersonate flag, to support elevated execution (UAC).
-- Issue #20221: Removed conflicting (or circular) hypot definition when
-  compiled with VS 2010 or above.  Initial patch by Tabrez Mohammed.
-- Issue #20609: Restored the ability to build 64-bit Windows binaries on
-  32-bit Windows, which was broken by the change in issue #19788.
-What's New in Python 3.4.0 release candidate 1?
-Release date: 2014-02-10
-Core and Builtins
-- Issue #19255: The builtins module is restored to initial value before
-  cleaning other modules.  The sys and builtins modules are cleaned last.
-- Issue #20588: Make Python-ast.c C89 compliant.
-- Issue #20437: Fixed 22 potential bugs when deleting object references.
-- Issue #20500: Displaying an exception at interpreter shutdown no longer
-  risks triggering an assertion failure in PyObject_Str.
-- Issue #20538: UTF-7 incremental decoder produced inconsistent string when
-  input was truncated in BASE64 section.
-- Issue #20404: io.TextIOWrapper (and hence the open() builtin) now uses the
-  internal codec marking system added for issue #19619 to throw LookupError
-  for known non-text encodings at stream construction time. The existing
-  output type checks remain in place to deal with unmarked third party
-  codecs.
-- Issue #17162: Add PyType_GetSlot.
-- Issue #20162: Fix an alignment issue in the siphash24() hash function which
-  caused a crash on PowerPC 64-bit (ppc64).
-- Issue #20530: The signatures for slot builtins have been updated
-  to reflect the fact that they only accept positional-only arguments.
-- Issue #20517: Functions in the os module that accept two filenames
-  now register both filenames in the exception on failure.
-- Issue #20563: The ipaddress module API is now considered stable.
-- Issue #14983: email.generator now always adds a line end after each MIME
-  boundary marker, instead of doing so only when there is an epilogue.  This
-  fixes an RFC compliance bug and solves an issue with signed MIME parts.
-- Issue #20540: Fix a performance regression (vs. Python 3.2) when layering
-  a multiprocessing Connection over a TCP socket.  For small payloads, Nagle's
-  algorithm would introduce idle delays before the entire transmission of a
-  message.
-- Issue #16983: the new email header parsing code will now decode encoded words
-  that are (incorrectly) surrounded by quotes, and register a defect.
-- Issue #19772: email.generator no longer mutates the message object when
-  doing a down-transform from 8bit to 7bit CTEs.
-- Issue #20536: the statistics module now correctly handle Decimal instances
-  with positive exponents
-- Issue #18805: the netmask/hostmask parsing in ipaddress now more reliably
-  filters out illegal values and correctly allows any valid prefix length.
-- Issue #20481: For at least Python 3.4, the statistics module will require
-  that all inputs for a single operation be of a single consistent type, or
-  else a mixed of ints and a single other consistent type. This avoids
-  some interoperability issues that arose with the previous approach of
-  coercing to a suitable common type.
-- Issue #20478: the statistics module now treats collections.Counter inputs
-  like any other iterable.
-- Issue #17369: get_filename was raising an exception if the filename
-  parameter's RFC2231 encoding was broken in certain ways.  This was
-  a regression relative to python2.
-- Issue #20013: Some imap servers disconnect if the current mailbox is
-  deleted, and imaplib did not handle that case gracefully.  Now it
-  handles the 'bye' correctly.
-- Issue #20531: Revert 3.4 version of fix for #19063, and apply the 3.3
-  version.  That is, do *not* raise an error if unicode is passed to
-  email.message.Message.set_payload.
-- Issue #20476: If a non-compat32 policy is used with any of the email parsers,
-  EmailMessage is now used as the factory class.  The factory class should
-  really come from the policy; that will get fixed in 3.5.
-- Issue #19920: TarFile.list() no longer fails when outputs a listing
-  containing non-encodable characters.  Based on patch by Vajrasky Kok.
-- Issue #20515: Fix NULL pointer dereference introduced by issue #20368.
-- Issue #19186: Restore namespacing of expat symbols inside the pyexpat module.
-- Issue #20053: ensurepip (and hence venv) are no longer affected by the
-  settings in the default pip configuration file.
-- Issue #20426: When passing the re.DEBUG flag, re.compile() displays the
-  debug output every time it is called, regardless of the compilation cache.
-- Issue #20368: The null character now correctly passed from Tcl to Python.
-  Improved error handling in variables-related commands.
-- Issue #20435: Fix _pyio.StringIO.getvalue() to take into account newline
-  translation settings.
-- tracemalloc: Fix slicing traces and fix slicing a traceback.
-- Issue #20354: Fix an alignment issue in the tracemalloc module on 64-bit
-  platforms. Bug seen on 64-bit Linux when using "make profile-opt".
-- Issue #17159: inspect.signature now accepts duck types of functions,
-  which adds support for Cython functions. Initial patch by Stefan Behnel.
-- Issue #18801: Fix inspect.classify_class_attrs to correctly classify
-  object.__new__ and object.__init__.
-- Fixed cmath.isinf's name in its argument parsing code.
-- Issue #20311, #20452: poll and epoll now round the timeout away from zero,
-  instead of rounding towards zero, in select and selectors modules:
-  select.epoll.poll(), selectors.PollSelector.poll() and
-  selectors.EpollSelector.poll(). For example, a timeout of one microsecond
-  (1e-6) is now rounded to one millisecondi (1e-3), instead of being rounded to
-  zero.  However, the granularity property and asyncio's resolution feature
-  were removed again.
-- asyncio: Some refactoring; various fixes; add write flow control to
-  unix pipes; Future.set_exception() instantiates the exception
-  argument if it is a class; improved proactor pipe transport; support
-  wait_for(f, None); don't log broken/disconnected pipes; use
-  ValueError instead of assert for forbidden subprocess_{shell,exec}
-  arguments; added a convenience API for subprocess management; added
-  StreamReader.at_eof(); properly handle duplicate coroutines/futures
-  in gather(), wait(), as_completed(); use a bytearray for buffering
-  in StreamReader; and more.
-- Issue #20288: fix handling of invalid numeric charrefs in HTMLParser.
-- Issue #20424: Python implementation of io.StringIO now supports lone surrogates.
-- Issue #20308: inspect.signature now works on classes without user-defined
-  __init__ or __new__ methods.
-- Issue #20372: inspect.getfile (and a bunch of other inspect functions that
-  use it) doesn't crash with unexpected AttributeError on classes defined in C
-  without __module__.
-- Issue #20356: inspect.signature formatting uses '/' to separate
-  positional-only parameters from others.
-- Issue #20223: inspect.signature now supports methods defined with
-  functools.partialmethods.
-- Issue #19456: ntpath.join() now joins relative paths correctly when a drive
-  is present.
-- Issue #19077: tempfile.TemporaryDirectory cleanup no longer fails when
-  called during shutdown.  Emitting resource warning in __del__ no longer fails.
-  Original patch by Antoine Pitrou.
-- Issue #20394: Silence Coverity warning in audioop module.
-- Issue #20367: Fix behavior of concurrent.futures.as_completed() for
-  duplicate arguments.  Patch by Glenn Langford.
-- Issue #8260: The read(), readline() and readlines() methods of
-  codecs.StreamReader returned incomplete data when were called after
-  readline() or read(size).  Based on patch by Amaury Forgeot d'Arc.
-- Issue #20105: the codec exception chaining now correctly sets the
-  traceback of the original exception as its __traceback__ attribute.
-- Issue #17481: inspect.getfullargspec() now uses inspect.signature() API.
-- Issue #15304: concurrent.futures.wait() can block forever even if
-  Futures have completed. Patch by Glenn Langford.
-- Issue #14455: plistlib: fix serializing integers in the range
-  of an unsigned long long but outside of the range of signed long long for
-  binary plist files.
-- Issue #20406: Use Python application icons for Idle window title bars.
-  Patch mostly by Serhiy Storchaka.
-- Update the python.gif icon for the Idle classbrowser and pathbowser
-  from the old green snake to the new blue and yellow snakes.
-- Issue #17721: Remove non-functional configuration dialog help button until we
-  make it actually gives some help when clicked. Patch by Guilherme Simões.
-- Issue #20532: Tests which use _testcapi now are marked as CPython only.
-- Issue #19920: Added tests for TarFile.list().  Based on patch by Vajrasky Kok.
-- Issue #19990: Added tests for the imghdr module.  Based on patch by
-  Claudiu Popa.
-- Issue #20474: Fix test_socket "unexpected success" failures on OS X 10.7+.
-- Issue #20530: Argument Clinic's signature format has been revised again.
-  The new syntax is highly human readable while still preventing false
-  positives.  The syntax also extends Python syntax to denote "self" and
-  positional-only parameters, allowing inspect.Signature objects to be
-  totally accurate for all supported builtins in Python 3.4.
-- Issue #20456: Argument Clinic now observes the C preprocessor conditional
-  compilation statements of the C files it parses.  When a Clinic block is
-  inside a conditional code, it adjusts its output to match, including
-  automatically generating an empty methoddef macro.
-- Issue #20456: Cloned functions in Argument Clinic now use the correct
-  name, not the name of the function they were cloned from, for text
-  strings inside generated code.
-- Issue #20456: Fixed Argument Clinic's test suite and "--converters" feature.
-- Issue #20456: Argument Clinic now allows specifying different names
-  for a parameter in Python and C, using "as" on the parameter line.
-- Issue #20326: Argument Clinic now uses a simple, unique signature to
-  annotate text signatures in docstrings, resulting in fewer false
-  positives.  "self" parameters are also explicitly marked, allowing
-  inspect.Signature() to authoritatively detect (and skip) said parameters.
-- Issue #20326: Argument Clinic now generates separate checksums for the
-  input and output sections of the block, allowing external tools to verify
-  that the input has not changed (and thus the output is not out-of-date).
-- Issue #20465: Update SQLite shipped with OS X installer to 3.8.3.
-- Issue #20517: Added new functions allowing OSError exceptions to reference
-  two filenames instead of one: PyErr_SetFromErrnoWithFilenameObjects() and
-  PyErr_SetExcFromWindowsErrWithFilenameObjects().
-- Issue #20488: Change wording to say importlib is *the* implementation of
-  import instead of just *an* implementation.
-- Issue #6386: Clarify in the tutorial that specifying a symlink to execute
-  means the directory containing the executed script and not the symlink is
-  added to sys.path.
-What's New in Python 3.4.0 Beta 3?
-Release date: 2014-01-26
-Core and Builtins
-- Issue #20189: Four additional builtin types (PyTypeObject,
-  PyMethodDescr_Type, _PyMethodWrapper_Type, and PyWrapperDescr_Type)
-  have been modified to provide introspection information for builtins.
-- Issue #17825: Cursor "^" is correctly positioned for SyntaxError and
-  IndentationError.
-- Issue #2382: SyntaxError cursor "^" is now written at correct position in most
-  cases when multibyte characters are in line (before "^").  This still not
-  works correctly with wide East Asian characters.
-- Issue #18960: The first line of Python script could be executed twice when
-  the source encoding was specified on the second line.  Now the source encoding
-  declaration on the second line isn't effective if the first line contains
-  anything except a comment.  'python -x' works now again with files with the
-  source encoding declarations, and can be used to make Python batch files
-  on Windows.
-- asyncio: Various improvements and small changes not all covered by
-  issues listed below.  E.g. wait_for() now cancels the inner task if
-  the timeout occcurs; tweaked the set of exported symbols; renamed
-  Empty/Full to QueueEmpty/QueueFull; "with (yield from lock)" now
-  uses a separate context manager; readexactly() raises if not enough
-  data was read; PTY support tweaks.
-- Issue #20311: asyncio: Add a granularity attribute to BaseEventLoop: maximum
-  between the resolution of the BaseEventLoop.time() method and the resolution
-  of the selector. The granuarility is used in the scheduler to round time and
-  deadline.
-- Issue #20311: selectors: Add a resolution attribute to BaseSelector.
-- Issue #20189: unittest.mock now no longer assumes that any object for
-  which it could get an inspect.Signature is a callable written in Python.
-  Fix courtesy of Michael Foord.
-- Issue #20317: ExitStack.__exit__ could create a self-referential loop if an
-  exception raised by a cleanup operation already had its context set
-  correctly (for example, by the @contextmanager decorator). The infinite
-  loop this caused is now avoided by checking if the expected context is
-  already set before trying to fix it.
-- Issue #20374: Fix build with GNU readline >= 6.3.
-- Issue #20262: Warnings are raised now when duplicate names are added in the
-  ZIP file or too long ZIP file comment is truncated.
-- Issue #20165: The unittest module no longer considers tests marked with
-  @expectedFailure successful if they pass.
-- Issue #18574: Added missing newline in 100-Continue reply from
-  http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler. Patch by Nikolaus Rath.
-- Issue #20270: urllib.urlparse now supports empty ports.
-- Issue #20243: TarFile no longer raise ReadError when opened in write mode.
-- Issue #20238: TarFile opened with external fileobj and "w:gz" mode didn't
-  write complete output on close.
-- Issue #20245: The open functions in the tarfile module now correctly handle
-  empty mode.
-- Issue #20242: Fixed basicConfig() format strings for the alternative
-  formatting styles. Thanks to kespindler for the bug report and patch.
-- Issue #20246: Fix buffer overflow in socket.recvfrom_into.
-- Issues #20206 and #5803: Fix edge case in email.quoprimime.encode where it
-  truncated lines ending in a character needing encoding but no newline by
-  using a more efficient algorithm that doesn't have the bug.
-- Issue #19082: Working xmlrpc.server and xmlrpc.client examples. Both in
-  modules and in documentation. Initial patch contributed by Vajrasky Kok.
-- Issue #20138: The wsgiref.application_uri() and wsgiref.request_uri()
-  functions now conform to PEP 3333 when handle non-ASCII URLs.
-- Issue #19097: Raise the correct Exception when cgi.FieldStorage is given an
-  invalid fileobj.
-- Issue #20152: Ported Python/import.c over to Argument Clinic.
-- Issue #13107: argparse and optparse no longer raises an exception when output
-  a help on environment with too small COLUMNS.  Based on patch by
-  Elazar Gershuni.
-- Issue #20207: Always disable SSLv2 except when PROTOCOL_SSLv2 is explicitly
-  asked for.
-- Issue #18960: The tokenize module now ignore the source encoding declaration
-  on the second line if the first line contains anything except a comment.
-- Issue #20078: Reading malformed zipfiles no longer hangs with 100% CPU
-  consumption.
-- Issue #20113: os.readv() and os.writev() now raise an OSError exception on
-  error instead of returning -1.
-- Issue #19719: Make importlib.abc.MetaPathFinder.find_module(),
-  PathEntryFinder.find_loader(), and Loader.load_module() use PEP 451 APIs to
-  help with backwards-compatibility.
-- Issue #20144: inspect.Signature now supports parsing simple symbolic
-  constants as parameter default values in __text_signature__.
-- Issue #20072: Fixed multiple errors in tkinter with wantobjects is False.
-- Issue #20229: Avoid plistlib deprecation warning in platform.mac_ver().
-- Issue #14455: Fix some problems with the new binary plist support in plistlib.
-- Issue #17390: Add Python version to Idle editor window title bar.
-  Original patches by Edmond Burnett and Kent Johnson.
-- Issue #18960: IDLE now ignores the source encoding declaration on the second
-  line if the first line contains anything except a comment.
-- Issue #20358: Tests for curses.window.overlay and curses.window.overwrite
-  no longer specify min{row,col} > max{row,col}.
-- Issue #19804: The test_find_mac test in test_uuid is now skipped if the
-  ifconfig executable is not available.
-- Issue #19886: Use better estimated memory requirements for bigmem tests.
-- Issue #20390: Argument Clinic's "file" output preset now defaults to
-  "{dirname}/clinic/{basename}.h".
-- Issue #20390: Argument Clinic's "class" directive syntax has been extended
-  with two new required arguments: "typedef" and "type_object".
-- Issue #20390: Argument Clinic: If __new__ or __init__ functions didn't use
-  kwargs (or args), the PyArg_NoKeywords (or PyArg_NoPositional) calls
-  generated are only run when the type object is an exact match.
-- Issue #20390: Argument Clinic now fails if you have required parameters after
-  optional parameters.
-- Issue #20390: Argument Clinic converters now have a new template they can
-  inject code into: "modifiers".  Code put there is run in the parsing
-  function after argument parsing but before the call to the impl.
-- Issue #20376: Argument Clinic now escapes backslashes in docstrings.
-- Issue #20381: Argument Clinic now sanity checks the default argument when
-  c_default is also specified, providing a nice failure message for
-  disallowed values.
-- Issue #20189: Argument Clinic now ensures that parser functions for
-  __new__ are always of type newfunc, the type of the tp_new slot.
-  Similarly, parser functions for __init__ are now always of type initproc,
-  the type of tp_init.
-- Issue #20189: Argument Clinic now suppresses the docstring for __new__
-  and __init__ functions if no docstring is provided in the input.
-- Issue #20189: Argument Clinic now suppresses the "self" parameter in the
-  impl for @staticmethod functions.
-- Issue #20294: Argument Clinic now supports argument parsing for __new__ and
-  __init__ functions.
-- Issue #20299: Argument Clinic custom converters may now change the default
-  value of c_default and py_default with a class member.
-- Issue #20287: Argument Clinic's output is now configurable, allowing
-  delaying its output or even redirecting it to a separate file.
-- Issue #20226: Argument Clinic now permits simple expressions
-  (e.g. "sys.maxsize - 1") as default values for parameters.
-- Issue #19936: Added executable bits or shebang lines to Python scripts which
-  requires them.  Disable executable bits and shebang lines in test and
-  benchmark files in order to prevent using a random system python, and in
-  source files of modules which don't provide command line interface.  Fixed
-  shebang lines in the unittestgui and checkpip scripts.
-- Issue #20268: Argument Clinic now supports cloning the parameters and
-  return converter of existing functions.
-- Issue #20228: Argument Clinic now has special support for class special
-  methods.
-- Issue #20214: Fixed a number of small issues and documentation errors in
-  Argument Clinic (see issue for details).
-- Issue #20196: Fixed a bug where Argument Clinic did not generate correct
-  parsing code for functions with positional-only parameters where all arguments
-  are optional.
-- Issue #18960: 2to3 and the findnocoding.py script now ignore the source
-  encoding declaration on the second line if the first line contains anything
-  except a comment.
-- Issue #19723: The marker comments Argument Clinic uses have been changed
-  to improve readability.
-- Issue #20157: When Argument Clinic renames a parameter because its name
-  collides with a C keyword, it no longer exposes that rename to PyArg_Parse.
-- Issue #20141: Improved Argument Clinic's support for the PyArg_Parse "O!"
-  format unit.
-- Issue #20144: Argument Clinic now supports simple symbolic constants
-  as parameter default values.
-- Issue #20143: The line numbers reported in Argument Clinic errors are
-  now more accurate.
-- Issue #20142: Py_buffer variables generated by Argument Clinic are now
-  initialized with a default value.
-- Issue #12837: Silence a tautological comparison warning on OS X under Clang in
-  socketmodule.c.
-What's New in Python 3.4.0 Beta 2?
-Release date: 2014-01-05
-Core and Builtins
-- Issue #17432: Drop UCS2 from names of Unicode functions in python3.def.
-- Issue #19526: Exclude all new API from the stable ABI. Exceptions can be
-  made if a need is demonstrated.
-- Issue #19969: PyBytes_FromFormatV() now raises an OverflowError if "%c"
-  argument is not in range [0; 255].
-- Issue #19995: %c, %o, %x, and %X now issue a DeprecationWarning on non-integer
-  input; reworded docs to clarify that an integer type should define both __int__
-  and __index__.
-- Issue #19787: PyThread_set_key_value() now always set the value. In Python
-  3.3, the function did nothing if the key already exists (if the current value
-  is a non-NULL pointer).
-- Issue #14432: Remove the thread state field from the frame structure. Fix a
-  crash when a generator is created in a C thread that is destroyed while the
-  generator is still used. The issue was that a generator contains a frame, and
-  the frame kept a reference to the Python state of the destroyed C thread. The
-  crash occurs when a trace function is setup.
-- Issue #19576: PyGILState_Ensure() now initializes threads. At startup, Python
-  has no concrete GIL. If PyGILState_Ensure() is called from a new thread for
-  the first time and PyEval_InitThreads() was not called yet, a GIL needs to be
-  created.
-- Issue #17576: Deprecation warning emitted now when __int__() or __index__()
-  return not int instance.
-- Issue #19932: Fix typo in import.h, missing whitespaces in function prototypes.
-- Issue #19736: Add module-level statvfs constants defined for GNU/glibc
-  based systems.
-- Issue #20097: Fix bad use of "self" in importlib's WindowsRegistryFinder.
-- Issue #19729: In str.format(), fix recursive expansion in format spec.
-- Issue #19638: Fix possible crash / undefined behaviour from huge (more than 2
-  billion characters) input strings in _Py_dg_strtod.
-- Issue #20154: Deadlock in asyncio.StreamReader.readexactly().
-- Issue #16113: Remove sha3 module again.
-- Issue #20111: pathlib.Path.with_suffix() now sanity checks the given suffix.
-- Fix breakage in TestSuite.countTestCases() introduced by issue #11798.
-- Issue #20108: Avoid parameter name clash in inspect.getcallargs().
-- Issue #19918: Fix PurePath.relative_to() under Windows.
-- Issue #19422: Explicitly disallow non-SOCK_STREAM sockets in the ssl
-  module, rather than silently let them emit clear text data.
-- Issue #20046: Locale alias table no longer contains entities which can be
-  calculated.  Generalized support of the euro modifier.
-- Issue #20027: Fixed locale aliases for devanagari locales.
-- Issue #20067: Tkinter variables now work when wantobjects is false.
-- Issue #19020: Tkinter now uses splitlist() instead of split() in configure
-  methods.
-- Issue #19744: ensurepip now provides a better error message when Python is
-  built without SSL/TLS support (pip currently requires that support to run,
-  even if only operating with local wheel files)
-- Issue #19734: ensurepip now ignores all pip environment variables to avoid
-  odd behaviour based on user configuration settings
-- Fix TypeError on "setup.py upload --show-response".
-- Issue #20045: Fix "setup.py register --list-classifiers".
-- Issue #18879: When a method is looked up on a temporary file, avoid closing
-  the file before the method is possibly called.
-- Issue #20037: Avoid crashes when opening a text file late at interpreter
-  shutdown.
-- Issue #19967: Thanks to the PEP 442, asyncio.Future now uses a
-  destructor to log uncaught exceptions, instead of the dedicated
-  _TracebackLogger class.
-- Added a Task.current_task() class method to asyncio.
-- Issue #19850: Set SA_RESTART in asyncio when registering a signal
-  handler to limit EINTR occurrences.
-- Implemented write flow control in asyncio for proactor event loop (Windows).
-- Change write buffer in asyncio use to avoid O(N**2) behavior.  Make
-  write()/sendto() accept bytearray/memoryview.
-- Issue #20034: Updated alias mapping to most recent locale.alias file
-  from X.org distribution using makelocalealias.py.
-- Issue #5815: Fixed support for locales with modifiers.  Fixed support for
-  locale encodings with hyphens.
-- Issue #20026: Fix the sqlite module to handle correctly invalid isolation
-  level (wrong type).
-- Issue #18829: csv.Dialect() now checks type for delimiter, escapechar and
-  quotechar fields.  Original patch by Vajrasky Kok.
-- Issue #19855: uuid.getnode() on Unix now looks on the PATH for the
-  executables used to find the mac address, with /sbin and /usr/sbin as
-  fallbacks.
-- Issue #20007: HTTPResponse.read(0) no more prematurely closes connection.
-  Original patch by Simon Sapin.
-- Issue #19946: multiprocessing now uses runpy to initialize __main__ in
-  child processes when necessary, allowing it to correctly handle scripts
-  without suffixes and submodules that use explicit relative imports or
-  otherwise rely on parent modules being correctly imported prior to
-  execution.
-- Issue #19921: When Path.mkdir() is called with parents=True, any missing
-  parent is created with the default permissions, ignoring the mode argument
-  (mimicking the POSIX "mkdir -p" command).
-- Issue #19887: Improve the Path.resolve() algorithm to support certain
-  symlink chains.
-- Issue #19912: Fixed numerous bugs in ntpath.splitunc().
-- Issue #19911: ntpath.splitdrive() now correctly processes the 'İ' character
-- Issue #19532: python -m compileall with no filename/directory arguments now
-  respects the -f and -q flags instead of ignoring them.
-- Issue #19623: Fixed writing to unseekable files in the aifc module.
-- Issue #19946: multiprocessing.spawn now raises ImportError when the module to
-  be used as the main module cannot be imported.
-- Issue #17919: select.poll.register() again works with poll.POLLNVAL on AIX.
-  Fixed integer overflow in the eventmask parameter.
-- Issue #19063: if a Charset's body_encoding was set to None, the email
-  package would generate a message claiming the Content-Transfer-Encoding
-  was 7bit, and produce garbage output for the content.  This now works.
-  A couple of other set_payload mishandlings of non-ASCII are also fixed.
-  In addition, calling set_payload with a string argument without
-  specifying a charset now raises an error (this is a new error in 3.4).
-- Issue #15475: Add __sizeof__ implementations for itertools objects.
-- Issue #19944: Fix importlib.find_spec() so it imports parents as needed
-  and move the function to importlib.util.
-- Issue #19880: Fix a reference leak in unittest.TestCase. Explicitly break
-  reference cycles between frames and the _Outcome instance.
-- Issue #17429: platform.linux_distribution() now decodes files from the UTF-8
-  encoding with the surrogateescape error handler, instead of decoding from the
-  locale encoding in strict mode. It fixes the function on Fedora 19 which is
-  probably the first major distribution release with a non-ASCII name. Patch
-  written by Toshio Kuratomi.
-- Issue #19343: Expose FreeBSD-specific APIs in resource module.  Original
-  patch by Koobs.
-- Issue #19929: Call os.read with 32768 within subprocess.Popen.communicate
-  rather than 4096 for efficiency.  A microbenchmark shows Linux and OS X
-  both using ~50% less cpu time this way.
-- Issue #19506: Use a memoryview to avoid a data copy when piping data
-  to stdin within subprocess.Popen.communicate.  5-10% less cpu usage.
-- Issue #19876: selectors unregister() no longer raises ValueError or OSError
-  if the FD is closed (as long as it was registered).
-- Issue #19908: pathlib now joins relative Windows paths correctly when a drive
-  is present.  Original patch by Antoine Pitrou.
-- Issue #19296: Silence compiler warning in dbm_open
-- Issue #6784: Strings from Python 2 can now be unpickled as bytes
-  objects by setting the encoding argument of Unpickler to be 'bytes'.
-  Initial patch by Merlijn van Deen.
-- Issue #19839: Fix regression in bz2 module's handling of non-bzip2 data at
-  EOF, and analogous bug in lzma module.
-- Issue #19881: Fix pickling bug where cpickle would emit bad pickle data for
-  large bytes string (i.e., with size greater than 2**32-1).
-- Issue #19138: doctest's IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL now allows a match when
-  no exception detail exists (no colon following the exception's name, or
-  a colon does follow but no text follows the colon).
-- Issue #19927: Add __eq__ to path-based loaders in importlib.
-- Issue #19827: On UNIX, setblocking() and settimeout() methods of
-  socket.socket can now avoid a second syscall if the ioctl() function can be
-  used, or if the non-blocking flag of the socket is unchanged.
-- Issue #19785: smtplib now supports SSLContext.check_hostname and server name
-  indication for TLS/SSL connections.
-- Issue #19784: poplib now supports SSLContext.check_hostname and server name
-  indication for TLS/SSL connections.
-- Issue #19783: nntplib now supports SSLContext.check_hostname and server name
-  indication for TLS/SSL connections.
-- Issue #19782: imaplib now supports SSLContext.check_hostname and server name
-  indication for TLS/SSL connections.
-- Issue #20123: Fix pydoc.synopsis() for "binary" modules.
-- Issue #19834: Support unpickling of exceptions pickled by Python 2.
-- Issue #19781: ftplib now supports SSLContext.check_hostname and server name
-  indication for TLS/SSL connections.
-- Issue #19509: Add SSLContext.check_hostname to match the peer's certificate
-  with server_hostname on handshake.
-- Issue #15798: Fixed subprocess.Popen() to no longer fail if file
-  descriptor 0, 1 or 2 is closed.
-- Issue #17897: Optimized unpickle prefetching.
-- Issue #3693: Make the error message more helpful when the array.array()
-  constructor is given a str. Move the array module typecode documentation to
-  the docstring of the constructor.
-- Issue #19088: Fixed incorrect caching of the copyreg module in
-  object.__reduce__() and object.__reduce_ex__().
-- Issue #19698: Removed exec_module() methods from
-  importlib.machinery.BuiltinImporter and ExtensionFileLoader.
-- Issue #18864: Added a setter for ModuleSpec.has_location.
-- Fixed _pickle.Unpickler to not fail when loading empty strings as
-  persistent IDs.
-- Issue #11480: Fixed copy.copy to work with classes with custom metaclasses.
-  Patch by Daniel Urban.
-- Issue #6477: Added support for pickling the types of built-in singletons
-  (i.e., Ellipsis, NotImplemented, None).
-- Issue #19713: Add remaining PEP 451-related deprecations and move away
-  from using find_module/find_loaer/load_module.
-- Issue #19708: Update pkgutil to use the new importer APIs.
-- Issue #19703: Update pydoc to use the new importer APIs.
-- Issue #19851: Fixed a regression in reloading sub-modules.
-- ssl.create_default_context() sets OP_NO_COMPRESSION to prevent CRIME.
-- Issue #19802: Add socket.SO_PRIORITY.
-- Issue #11508: Fixed uuid.getnode() and uuid.uuid1() on environment with
-  virtual interface.  Original patch by Kent Frazier.
-- Issue #11489: JSON decoder now accepts lone surrogates.
-- Issue #19545: Avoid chained exceptions while passing stray % to
-  time.strptime().  Initial patch by Claudiu Popa.
-- Issue #20058: sys.stdin.readline() in IDLE now always returns only one line.
-- Issue #19481: print() of string subclass instance in IDLE no longer hangs.
-- Issue #18270: Prevent possible IDLE AttributeError on OS X when no initial
-  shell window is present.
-- Issue #20055: Fix test_shutil under Windows with symlink privileges held.
-  Patch by Vajrasky Kok.
-- Issue #20070: Don't run test_urllib2net when network resources are not
-  enabled.
-- Issue #19938: Re-enabled test_bug_1333982 in test_dis, which had been
-  disabled since 3.0 due to the changes in listcomp handling.
-- Issue #19320: test_tcl no longer fails when wantobjects is false.
-- Issue #19919: Fix flaky SSL test. connect_ex() sometimes returns
-  EWOULDBLOCK on Windows or VMs hosted on Windows.
-- Issue #19912: Added tests for ntpath.splitunc().
-- Issue #19828: Fixed test_site when the whole suite is run with -S.
-- Issue #19928: Implemented a test for repr() of cell objects.
-- Issue #19535: Fixed test_docxmlrpc, test_functools, test_inspect, and
-  test_statistics when python is run with -OO.
-- Issue #19926: Removed unneeded test_main from test_abstract_numbers.
-  Patch by Vajrasky Kok.
-- Issue #19572: More skipped tests explicitly marked as skipped.
-- Issue #19595, #19987: Re-enabled a long-disabled test in test_winsound.
-- Issue #19588: Fixed tests in test_random that were silently skipped most
-  of the time.  Patch by Julian Gindi.
-- Issue #19728: Enable pip installation by default on Windows.
-- Issue #16136: Remove VMS support
-- Issue #18215: Add script Tools/ssl/test_multiple_versions.py to compile and
-  run Python's unit tests with multiple versions of OpenSSL.
-- Issue #19922: define _INCLUDE__STDC_A1_SOURCE in HP-UX to include mbstate_t
-  for mbrtowc().
-- Issue #19788: kill_python(_d).exe is now run as a PreBuildEvent on the
-  pythoncore sub-project.  This should prevent build errors due a previous
-  build's python(_d).exe still running.
-- Issue #20265: Updated some parts of the Using Windows document.
-- Issue #20266: Updated some parts of the Windows FAQ.
-- Issue #20255: Updated the about and bugs pages.
-- Issue #20253: Fixed a typo in the ipaddress docs that advertised an
-  illegal attribute name.  Found by INADA Naoki.
-- Issue #18840: Introduce the json module in the tutorial, and de-emphasize
-  the pickle module.
-- Issue #19845: Updated the Compiling Python on Windows section.
-- Issue #19795: Improved markup of True/False constants.
-- Issue #19659: Added documentation for Argument Clinic.
-- Issue #19976: Argument Clinic METH_NOARGS functions now always
-  take two parameters.
-What's New in Python 3.4.0 Beta 1?
-Release date: 2013-11-24
-Core and Builtins
-- Use the repr of a module name in more places in import, especially
-  exceptions.
-- Issue #19619: str.encode, bytes.decode and bytearray.decode now use an
-  internal API to throw LookupError for known non-text encodings, rather
-  than attempting the encoding or decoding operation and then throwing a
-  TypeError for an unexpected output type. (The latter mechanism remains
-  in place for third party non-text encodings)
-- Issue #19183: Implement PEP 456 'secure and interchangeable hash algorithm'.
-  Python now uses SipHash24 on all major platforms.
-- Issue #12892: The utf-16* and utf-32* encoders no longer allow surrogate code
-  points (U+D800-U+DFFF) to be encoded.  The utf-32* decoders no longer decode
-  byte sequences that correspond to surrogate code points.  The surrogatepass
-  error handler now works with the utf-16* and utf-32* codecs.  Based on
-  patches by Victor Stinner and Kang-Hao (Kenny) Lu.
-- Issue #17806: Added keyword-argument support for "tabsize" to
-  str/bytes.expandtabs().
-- Issue #17828: Output type errors in str.encode(), bytes.decode() and
-  bytearray.decode() now direct users to codecs.encode() or codecs.decode()
-  as appropriate.
-- Issue #17828: The interpreter now attempts to chain errors that occur in
-  codec processing with a replacement exception of the same type that
-  includes the codec name in the error message. It ensures it only does this
-  when the creation of the replacement exception won't lose any information.
-- Issue #19466: Clear the frames of daemon threads earlier during the
-  Python shutdown to call object destructors. So "unclosed file" resource
-  warnings are now correctly emitted for daemon threads.
-- Issue #19514: Deduplicate some _Py_IDENTIFIER declarations.
-  Patch by Andrei Dorian Duma.
-- Issue #17936: Fix O(n**2) behaviour when adding or removing many subclasses
-  of a given type.
-- Issue #19428: zipimport now handles errors when reading truncated or invalid
-  ZIP archive.
-- Issue #18408: Add a new PyFrame_FastToLocalsWithError() function to handle
-  exceptions when merging fast locals into f_locals of a frame.
-  PyEval_GetLocals() now raises an exception and return NULL on failure.
-- Issue #19369: Optimized the usage of __length_hint__().
-- Issue #18603: Ensure that PyOS_mystricmp and PyOS_mystrnicmp are in the
-  Python executable and not removed by the linker's optimizer.
-- Issue #19306: Add extra hints to the faulthandler module's stack
-  dumps that these are "upside down".
-- Issue #3158: doctest can now find doctests in functions and methods
-  written in C.
-- Issue #13477: Added command line interface to the tarfile module.
-  Original patch by Berker Peksag.
-- Issue #19674: inspect.signature() now produces a correct signature
-  for some builtins.
-- Issue #19722: Added opcode.stack_effect(), which
-  computes the stack effect of bytecode instructions.
-- Issue #19735: Implement private function ssl._create_stdlib_context() to
-  create SSLContext objects in Python's stdlib module. It provides a single
-  configuration point and makes use of SSLContext.load_default_certs().
-- Issue #16203: Add re.fullmatch() function and regex.fullmatch() method,
-  which anchor the pattern at both ends of the string to match.
-  Original patch by Matthew Barnett.
-- Issue #13592: Improved the repr for regular expression pattern objects.
-  Based on patch by Hugo Lopes Tavares.
-- Issue #19641: Added the audioop.byteswap() function to convert big-endian
-  samples to little-endian and vice versa.
-- Issue #15204: Deprecated the 'U' mode in file-like objects.
-- Issue #17810: Implement PEP 3154, pickle protocol 4.
-- Issue #19668: Added support for the cp1125 encoding.
-- Issue #19689: Add ssl.create_default_context() factory function. It creates
-  a new SSLContext object with secure default settings.
-- Issue #19727: os.utime(..., None) is now potentially more precise
-  under Windows.
-- Issue #17201: ZIP64 extensions now are enabled by default.  Patch by
-  William Mallard.
-- Issue #19292: Add SSLContext.load_default_certs() to load default root CA
-  certificates from default stores or system stores. By default the method
-  loads CA certs for authentication of server certs.
-- Issue #19673: Add pathlib to the stdlib as a provisional module (PEP 428).
-- Issue #16596: pdb in a generator now properly skips over yield and
-  yield from rather than stepping out of the generator into its
-  caller.  (This is essential for stepping through asyncio coroutines.)
-- Issue #17916: Added dis.Bytecode.from_traceback() and
-  dis.Bytecode.current_offset to easily display "current instruction"
-  markers in the new disassembly API (Patch by Claudiu Popa).
-- Issue #19552: venv now supports bootstrapping pip into virtual environments
-- Issue #17134: Finalize interface to Windows' certificate store. Cert and
-  CRL enumeration are now two functions. enum_certificates() also returns
-  purpose flags as set of OIDs.
-- Issue #19555: Restore sysconfig.get_config_var('SO'), (and the distutils
-  equivalent) with a DeprecationWarning pointing people at $EXT_SUFFIX.
-- Issue #8813: Add SSLContext.verify_flags to change the verification flags
-  of the context in order to enable certification revocation list (CRL)
-  checks or strict X509 rules.
-- Issue #18294: Fix the zlib module to make it 64-bit safe.
-- Issue #19682: Fix compatibility issue with old version of OpenSSL that
-  was introduced by Issue #18379.
-- Issue #14455: plistlib now supports binary plists and has an updated API.
-- Issue #19633: Fixed writing not compressed 16- and 32-bit wave files on
-  big-endian platforms.
-- Issue #18379: SSLSocket.getpeercert() returns CA issuer AIA fields, OCSP
-  and CRL distribution points.
-- Issue #18138: Implement cadata argument of SSLContext.load_verify_location()
-  to load CA certificates and CRL from memory. It supports PEM and DER
-  encoded strings.
-- Issue #18775: Add name and block_size attribute to HMAC object. They now
-  provide the same API elements as non-keyed cryptographic hash functions.
-- Issue #17276: MD5 as default digestmod for HMAC is deprecated. The HMAC
-  module supports digestmod names, e.g. hmac.HMAC('sha1').
-- Issue #19449: in csv's writerow, handle non-string keys when generating the
-  error message that certain keys are not in the 'fieldnames' list.
-- Issue #13633: Added a new convert_charrefs keyword arg to HTMLParser that,
-  when True, automatically converts all character references.
-- Issue #2927: Added the unescape() function to the html module.
-- Issue #8402: Added the escape() function to the glob module.
-- Issue #17618: Add Base85 and Ascii85 encoding/decoding to the base64 module.
-- Issue #19634: time.strftime("%y") now raises a ValueError on AIX when given a
-  year before 1900.
-- Fix test.support.bind_port() to not cause an error when Python was compiled
-  on a system with SO_REUSEPORT defined in the headers but run on a system
-  with an OS kernel that does not support that reasonably new socket option.
-- Fix compilation error under gcc of the ctypes module bundled libffi for arm.
-- Issue #19448: Add private API to SSL module to lookup ASN.1 objects by OID,
-  NID, short name and long name.
-- Issue #19282: dbm.open now supports the context management protocol.
-  (Initial patch by Claudiu Popa)
-- Issue #8311: Added support for writing any bytes-like objects in the aifc,
-  sunau, and wave modules.
-- Issue #5202: Added support for unseekable files in the wave module.
-- Issue #19544 and Issue #1180: Restore global option to ignore
-  ~/.pydistutils.cfg in Distutils, accidentally removed in backout of
-  distutils2 changes.
-- Issue #19523: Closed FileHandler leak which occurred when delay was set.
-- Issue #19544 and Issue #6516: Restore support for --user and --group
-  parameters to sdist command accidentally rolled back as part of the
-  distutils2 rollback.
-- Issue #13674: Prevented time.strftime from crashing on Windows when given
-  a year before 1900 and a format of %y.
-- Issue #19406: implementation of the ensurepip module (part of PEP 453).
-  Patch by Donald Stufft and Nick Coghlan.
-- Issue #19544 and Issue #6286: Restore use of urllib over http allowing use
-  of http_proxy for Distutils upload command, a feature accidentally lost
-  in the rollback of distutils2.
-- Issue #19544 and Issue #7457: Restore the read_pkg_file method to
-  distutils.dist.DistributionMetadata accidentally removed in the undo of
-  distutils2.
-- Issue #16685: Added support for any bytes-like objects in the audioop module.
-  Removed support for strings.
-- Issue #7171: Add Windows implementation of ``inet_ntop`` and ``inet_pton``
-  to socket module. Patch by Atsuo Ishimoto.
-- Issue #19261: Added support for writing 24-bit samples in the sunau module.
-- Issue #1097797: Added CP273 encoding, used on IBM mainframes in
-  Germany and Austria.  Mapping provided by Michael Bierenfeld.
-- Issue #1575020: Fixed support of 24-bit wave files on big-endian platforms.
-- Issue #19378: Fixed a number of cases in the dis module where the new
-  "file" parameter was not being honoured correctly
-- Issue #19378: Removed the "dis.Bytecode.show_info" method
-- Issue #19378: Renamed the "dis.Bytecode.display_code" method to
-  "dis.Bytecode.dis" and converted it to returning a string rather than
-  printing output.
-- Issue #19378: the "line_offset" parameter in the new "dis.get_instructions"
-  API has been renamed to "first_line" (and the default value and usage
-  changed accordingly). This should reduce confusion with the more common use
-  of "offset" in the dis docs to refer to bytecode offsets.
-- Issue #18678: Corrected spwd struct member names in spwd module:
-  sp_nam->sp_namp, and sp_pwd->sp_pwdp.  The old names are kept as extra
-  structseq members, for backward compatibility.
-- Issue #6157: Fixed tkinter.Text.debug().  tkinter.Text.bbox() now raises
-  TypeError instead of TclError on wrong number of arguments.  Original patch
-  by Guilherme Polo.
-- Issue #10197: Rework subprocess.get[status]output to use subprocess
-  functionality and thus to work on Windows. Patch by Nick Coghlan
-- Issue #6160: The bbox() method of tkinter.Spinbox now returns a tuple of
-  integers instead of a string.  Based on patch by Guilherme Polo.
-- Issue #19403: contextlib.redirect_stdout is now reentrant
-- Issue #19286: Directories in ``package_data`` are no longer added to
-  the filelist, preventing failure outlined in the ticket.
-- Issue #19480: HTMLParser now accepts all valid start-tag names as defined
-  by the HTML5 standard.
-- Issue #15114: The html.parser module now raises a DeprecationWarning when the
-  strict argument of HTMLParser or the HTMLParser.error method are used.
-- Issue #19410: Undo the special-casing removal of '' for
-  importlib.machinery.FileFinder.
-- Issue #19424: Fix the warnings module to accept filename containing surrogate
-  characters.
-- Issue #19435: Fix directory traversal attack on CGIHttpRequestHandler.
-- Issue #19227: Remove pthread_atfork() handler. The handler was added to
-  solve #18747 but has caused issues.
-- Issue #19420: Fix reference leak in module initialization code of
-  _hashopenssl.c
-- Issue #19329: Optimized compiling charsets in regular expressions.
-- Issue #19227: Try to fix deadlocks caused by re-seeding then OpenSSL
-  pseudo-random number generator on fork().
-- Issue #16037: HTTPMessage.readheaders() raises an HTTPException when more than
-  100 headers are read.  Adapted from patch by Jyrki Pulliainen.
-- Issue #16040: CVE-2013-1752: nntplib: Limit maximum line lengths to 2048 to
-  prevent readline() calls from consuming too much memory.  Patch by Jyrki
-  Pulliainen.
-- Issue #16041: CVE-2013-1752: poplib: Limit maximum line lengths to 2048 to
-  prevent readline() calls from consuming too much memory.  Patch by Jyrki
-  Pulliainen.
-- Issue #17997: Change behavior of ``ssl.match_hostname()`` to follow RFC 6125,
-  for security reasons.  It now doesn't match multiple wildcards nor wildcards
-  inside IDN fragments.
-- Issue #16039: CVE-2013-1752: Change use of readline in imaplib module to limit
-  line length.  Patch by Emil Lind.
-- Issue #19330: the unnecessary wrapper functions have been removed from the
-  implementations of the new contextlib.redirect_stdout and
-  contextlib.suppress context managers, which also ensures they provide
-  reasonable help() output on instances
-- Issue #19393: Fix symtable.symtable function to not be confused when there are
-  functions or classes named "top".
-- Issue #18685: Restore re performance to pre-PEP 393 levels.
-- Issue #19339: telnetlib module is now using time.monotonic() when available
-  to compute timeout.
-- Issue #19399: fix sporadic test_subprocess failure.
-- Issue #13234: Fix os.listdir to work with extended paths on Windows.
-  Patch by Santoso Wijaya.
-- Issue #19375: The site module adding a "site-python" directory to sys.path,
-  if it exists, is now deprecated.
-- Issue #19379: Lazily import linecache in the warnings module, to make
-  startup with warnings faster until a warning gets printed.
-- Issue #19288: Fixed the "in" operator of dbm.gnu databases for string
-  argument.  Original patch by Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis.
-- Issue #19287: Fixed the "in" operator of dbm.ndbm databases for string
-  argument.  Original patch by Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis.
-- Issue #19327: Fixed the working of regular expressions with too big charset.
-- Issue #17400: New 'is_global' attribute for ipaddress to tell if an address
-  is allocated by IANA for global or private networks.
-- Issue #19350: Increasing the test coverage of macurl2path. Patch by Colin
-  Williams.
-- Issue #19365: Optimized the parsing of long replacement string in re.sub*()
-  functions.
-- Issue #19352: Fix unittest discovery when a module can be reached
-  through several paths (e.g. under Debian/Ubuntu with virtualenv).
-- Issue #15207: Fix mimetypes to read from correct part of Windows registry
-  Original patch by Dave Chambers
-- Issue #16595: Add prlimit() to resource module.
-- Issue #19324: Expose Linux-specific constants in resource module.
-- Load SSL's error strings in hashlib.
-- Issue #18527: Upgrade internal copy of zlib to 1.2.8.
-- Issue #19274: Add a filterfunc parameter to PyZipFile.writepy.
-- Issue #8964: fix platform._sys_version to handle IronPython 2.6+.
-  Patch by Martin Matusiak.
-- Issue #19413: Restore pre-3.3 reload() semantics of re-finding modules.
-- Issue #18958: Improve error message for json.load(s) while passing a string
-  that starts with a UTF-8 BOM.
-- Issue #19307: Improve error message for json.load(s) while passing objects
-  of the wrong type.
-- Issue #16038: CVE-2013-1752: ftplib: Limit amount of data read by
-  limiting the call to readline().  Original patch by Michał
-  Jastrzębski and Giampaolo Rodola.
-- Issue #17087: Improved the repr for regular expression match objects.
-- Issue #19664: test_userdict's repr test no longer depends on the order
-  of dict elements.
-- Issue #19440: Clean up test_capi by removing an unnecessary __future__
-  import, converting from test_main to unittest.main, and running the
-  _testcapi module tests as subTests of a unittest TestCase method.
-- Issue #19378: the main dis module tests are now run with both stdout
-  redirection *and* passing an explicit file parameter
-- Issue #19378: removed the not-actually-helpful assertInstructionMatches
-  and assertBytecodeExactlyMatches helpers from bytecode_helper
-- Issue #18702: All skipped tests now reported as skipped.
-- Issue #19439: interpreter embedding tests are now executed on Windows
-  (Patch by Zachary Ware)
-- Issue #19085: Added basic tests for all tkinter widget options.
-- Issue #19384: Fix test_py_compile for root user, patch by Claudiu Popa.
-- Issue #18326: Clarify that list.sort's arguments are keyword-only.  Also,
-  attempt to reduce confusion in the glossary by not saying there are
-  different "types" of arguments and parameters.
-- Issue #19358: "make clinic" now runs the Argument Clinic preprocessor
-  over all CPython source files.
-- Update SQLite to 3.8.1, xz to 5.0.5, and Tcl/Tk to 8.6.1 on Windows.
-- Issue #16632: Enable DEP and ASLR on Windows.
-- Issue #17791: Drop PREFIX and EXEC_PREFIX definitions from PC/pyconfig.h
-- Add workaround for VS 2010 nmake clean issue. VS 2010 doesn't set up PATH
-  for nmake.exe correctly.
-- Issue #19550: Implement Windows installer changes of PEP 453 (ensurepip).
-- Issue #19520: Fix compiler warning in the _sha3 module on 32bit Windows.
-- Issue #19356: Avoid using a C variabled named "_self", it's a reserved
-  word in some C compilers.
-- Issue #15792: Correct build options on Win64. Patch by Jeremy Kloth.
-- Issue #19373: Apply upstream change to Tk 8.5.15 fixing OS X 10.9
-  screen refresh problem for OS X installer build.
-- Issue #19649: On OS X, the same set of file names are now installed
-  in bin directories for all configurations: non-framework vs framework,
-  and single arch vs universal builds.  pythonx.y-32 is now always
-  installed for 64-bit/32-bit universal builds.  The obsolete and
-  undocumented pythonw* symlinks are no longer installed anywhere.
-- Issue #19553: PEP 453 - "make install" and "make altinstall" now install or
-  upgrade pip by default, using the bundled pip provided by the new ensurepip
-  module.  A new configure option, --with-ensurepip[=upgrade|install|no], is
-  available to override the default ensurepip "--upgrade" option.  The option
-  can also be set with "make [alt]install ENSUREPIP=[upgrade|install|no]".
-- Issue #19551: PEP 453 - the OS X installer now installs pip by default.
-- Update third-party libraries for OS X installers: xz 5.0.3 -> 5.0.5,
-  SQLite 3.7.13 -> 3.8.1
-- Issue #15663: Revert OS X installer built-in Tcl/Tk support for 3.4.0b1.
-  Some third-party projects, such as Matplotlib and PIL/Pillow,
-  depended on being able to build with Tcl and Tk frameworks in
-  /Library/Frameworks.
-- Issue #19730: Argument Clinic now supports all the existing PyArg
-  "format units" as legacy converters, as well as two new features:
-  "self converters" and the "version" directive.
-- Issue #19552: pyvenv now bootstraps pip into virtual environments by
-  default (pass --without-pip to request the old behaviour)
-- Issue #19390: Argument Clinic no longer accepts malformed Python
-  and C ids.
-What's New in Python 3.4.0 Alpha 4?
-Release date: 2013-10-20
-Core and Builtins
-- Issue #19301: Give classes and functions that are explicitly marked global a
-  global qualname.
-- Issue #19279: UTF-7 decoder no longer produces illegal strings.
-- Issue #16612: Add "Argument Clinic", a compile-time preprocessor for
-  C files to generate argument parsing code.  (See PEP 436.)
-- Issue #18810: Shift stat calls in importlib.machinery.FileFinder such that
-  the code is optimistic that if something exists in a directory named exactly
-  like the possible package being searched for that it's in actuality a
-  directory.
-- Issue #18416: importlib.machinery.PathFinder now treats '' as the cwd and
-  importlib.machinery.FileFinder no longer special-cases '' to '.'. This leads
-  to modules imported from cwd to now possess an absolute file path for
-  __file__ (this does not affect modules specified by path on the CLI but it
-  does affect -m/runpy). It also allows FileFinder to be more consistent by not
-  having an edge case.
-- Issue #4555: All exported C symbols are now prefixed with either
-  "Py" or "_Py".
-- Issue #19219: Speed up marshal.loads(), and make pyc files slightly
-  (5% to 10%) smaller.
-- Issue #19221: Upgrade Unicode database to version 6.3.0.
-- Issue #16742: The result of the C callback PyOS_ReadlineFunctionPointer must
-  now be a string allocated by PyMem_RawMalloc() or PyMem_RawRealloc() (or NULL
-  if an error occurred), instead of a string allocated by PyMem_Malloc() or
-  PyMem_Realloc().
-- Issue #19199: Remove ``PyThreadState.tick_counter`` field
-- Fix macro expansion of _PyErr_OCCURRED(), and make sure to use it in at
-  least one place so as to avoid regressions.
-- Issue #19087: Improve bytearray allocation in order to allow cheap popping
-  of data at the front (slice deletion).
-- Issue #19014: memoryview.cast() is now allowed on zero-length views.
-- Issue #18690: memoryview is now automatically registered with
-  collections.abc.Sequence
-- Issue #19078: memoryview now correctly supports the reversed builtin
-  (Patch by Claudiu Popa)
-- Issue #17457: unittest test discovery now works with namespace packages.
-  Patch by Claudiu Popa.
-- Issue #18235: Fix the sysconfig variables LDSHARED and BLDSHARED under AIX.
-  Patch by David Edelsohn.
-- Issue #18606: Add the new "statistics" module (PEP 450).  Contributed
-  by Steven D'Aprano.
-- Issue #12866: The audioop module now supports 24-bit samples.
-- Issue #19254: Provide an optimized Python implementation of pbkdf2_hmac.
-- Issues #19201, Issue #19222, Issue #19223: Add "x" mode (exclusive creation)
-  in opening file to bz2, gzip and lzma modules. Patches by Tim Heaney and
-  Vajrasky Kok.
-- Fix a reference count leak in _sre.
-- Issue #19262: Initial check in of the 'asyncio' package (a.k.a. Tulip,
-  a.k.a. PEP 3156).  There are no docs yet, and the PEP is slightly
-  out of date with the code.  This module will have *provisional* status
-  in Python 3.4.
-- Issue #19276: Fixed the wave module on 64-bit big-endian platforms.
-- Issue #19266: Rename the new-in-3.4 ``contextlib.ignore`` context manager
-  to ``contextlib.suppress`` in order to be more consistent with existing
-  descriptions of that operation elsewhere in the language and standard
-  library documentation (Patch by Zero Piraeus).
-- Issue #18891: Completed the new email package (provisional) API additions
-  by adding new classes EmailMessage, MIMEPart, and ContentManager.
-- Issue #18281: Unused stat constants removed from `tarfile`.
-- Issue #18999: Multiprocessing now supports 'contexts' with the same API
-  as the module, but bound to specified start methods.
-- Issue #18468: The re.split, re.findall, and re.sub functions and the group()
-  and groups() methods of match object now always return a string or a bytes
-  object.
-- Issue #18725: The textwrap module now supports truncating multiline text.
-- Issue #18776: atexit callbacks now display their full traceback when they
-  raise an exception.
-- Issue #17827: Add the missing documentation for ``codecs.encode`` and
-  ``codecs.decode``.
-- Issue #19218: Rename collections.abc to _collections_abc in order to
-  speed up interpreter start.
-- Issue #18582: Add 'pbkdf2_hmac' to the hashlib module. It implements PKCS#5
-  password-based key derivation functions with HMAC as pseudorandom function.
-- Issue #19131: The aifc module now correctly reads and writes sampwidth of
-  compressed streams.
-- Issue #19209: Remove import of copyreg from the os module to speed up
-  interpreter startup. stat_result and statvfs_result are now hard-coded to
-  reside in the os module.
-- Issue #19205: Don't import the 're' module in site and sysconfig module to
-  speed up interpreter start.
-- Issue #9548: Add a minimal "_bootlocale" module that is imported by the
-  _io module instead of the full locale module.
-- Issue #18764: Remove the 'print' alias for the PDB 'p' command so that it no
-  longer shadows the print function.
-- Issue #19158: A rare race in BoundedSemaphore could allow .release() too
-  often.
-- Issue #15805: Add contextlib.redirect_stdout().
-- Issue #18716: Deprecate the formatter module.
-- Issue #10712: 2to3 has a new "asserts" fixer that replaces deprecated names
-  of unittest methods (e.g. failUnlessEqual -> assertEqual).
-- Issue #18037: 2to3 now escapes ``'\u'`` and ``'\U'`` in native strings.
-- Issue #17839: base64.decodebytes and base64.encodebytes now accept any
-  object that exports a 1 dimensional array of bytes (this means the same
-  is now also true for base64_codec)
-- Issue #19132: The pprint module now supports compact mode.
-- Issue #19137: The pprint module now correctly formats instances of set and
-  frozenset subclasses.
-- Issue #10042: functools.total_ordering now correctly handles
-  NotImplemented being returned by the underlying comparison function (Patch
-  by Katie Miller)
-- Issue #19092: contextlib.ExitStack now correctly reraises exceptions
-  from the __exit__ callbacks of inner context managers (Patch by Hrvoje
-  Nikšić)
-- Issue #12641: Avoid passing "-mno-cygwin" to the mingw32 compiler, except
-  when necessary.  Patch by Oscar Benjamin.
-- Issue #5845: In site.py, only load readline history from ~/.python_history
-  if no history has been read already.  This avoids double writes to the
-  history file at shutdown.
-- Properly initialize all fields of a SSL object after allocation.
-- Issue #19095: SSLSocket.getpeercert() now raises ValueError when the
-  SSL handshake hasn't been done.
-- Issue #4366: Fix building extensions on all platforms when --enable-shared
-  is used.
-- Issue #19030: Fixed `inspect.getmembers` and `inspect.classify_class_attrs`
-  to attempt activating descriptors before falling back to a __dict__ search
-  for faulty descriptors.  `inspect.classify_class_attrs` no longer returns
-  Attributes whose home class is None.
-- Issue #1772673: The type of `char*` arguments now changed to `const char*`.
-- Issue #16129: Added a `Py_SetStandardStreamEncoding` pre-initialization API
-  to allow embedding applications like Blender to force a particular
-  encoding and error handler for the standard IO streams (initial patch by
-  Bastien Montagne)
-- Issue #19275: Fix test_site on AMD64 Snow Leopard
-- Issue #14407: Fix unittest test discovery in test_concurrent_futures.
-- Issue #18919: Unified and extended tests for audio modules: aifc, sunau and
-  wave.
-- Issue #18714: Added tests for ``pdb.find_function()``.
-- Issue #18758: Fixed and improved cross-references.
-- Issue #18972: Modernize email examples and use the argparse module in them.
-- Issue #19130: Correct PCbuild/readme.txt, Python 3.3 and 3.4 require VS 2010.
-- Issue #15663: Update OS X 10.6+ installer to use Tcl/Tk 8.5.15.
-- Issue #14499: Fix several problems with OS X universal build support:
-    1. ppc arch detection for extension module builds broke with Xcode 5
-    2. ppc arch detection in configure did not work on OS X 10.4
-    3. -sysroot and -arch flags were unnecessarily duplicated
-    4. there was no obvious way to configure an intel-32 only build.
-- Issue #19019: Change the OS X installer build script to use CFLAGS instead
-  of OPT for special build options.  By setting OPT, some compiler-specific
-  options like -fwrapv were overridden and thus not used, which could result
-  in broken interpreters when building with clang.
-What's New in Python 3.4.0 Alpha 3?
-Release date: 2013-09-29
-Core and Builtins
-- Issue #18818: The "encodingname" part of PYTHONIOENCODING is now optional.
-- Issue #19098: Prevent overflow in the compiler when the recursion limit is set
-  absurdly high.
-- Issue #18929: `inspect.classify_class_attrs()` now correctly finds class
-  attributes returned by `dir()` that are located in the metaclass.
-- Issue #18950: Fix miscellaneous bugs in the sunau module.
-  Au_read.readframes() now updates current file position and reads correct
-  number of frames from multichannel stream.  Au_write.writeframesraw() now
-  correctly updates current file position.  Au_read.getnframes() now returns an
-  integer (as in Python 2).  Au_read and Au_write now correctly works with file
-  object if start file position is not a zero.
-- Issue #18594: The fast path for collections.Counter() was never taken
-  due to an over-restrictive type check.
-- Issue #19053: ZipExtFile.read1() with non-zero argument no more returns empty
-  bytes until end of data.
-- logging: added support for Unix domain sockets to SocketHandler and
-  DatagramHandler.
-- Issue #18996: TestCase.assertEqual() now more cleverly shorten differing
-  strings in error report.
-- Issue #19034: repr() for tkinter.Tcl_Obj now exposes string reperesentation.
-- Issue #18978: ``urllib.request.Request`` now allows the method to be
-  indicated on the class and no longer sets it to None in ``__init__``.
-- Issue #18626: the inspect module now offers a basic command line
-  introspection interface (Initial patch by Claudiu Popa)
-- Issue #3015: Fixed tkinter with wantobject=False.  Any Tcl command call
-  returned empty string.
-- Issue #19037: The mailbox module now makes all changes to maildir files
-  before moving them into place, to avoid race conditions with other programs
-  that may be accessing the maildir directory.
-- Issue #14984: On POSIX systems, when netrc is called without a filename
-  argument (and therefore is reading the user's $HOME/.netrc file), it now
-  enforces the same security rules as typical ftp clients: the .netrc file must
-  be owned by the user that owns the process and must not be readable by any
-  other user.
-- Issue #18873: The tokenize module now detects Python source code encoding
-  only in comment lines.
-- Issue #17764: Enable http.server to bind to a user specified network
-  interface.  Patch contributed by Malte Swart.
-- Issue #18937: Add an assertLogs() context manager to unittest.TestCase
-  to ensure that a block of code emits a message using the logging module.
-- Issue #17324: Fix http.server's request handling case on trailing '/'. Patch
-  contributed by Vajrasky Kok.
-- Issue #19018: The heapq.merge() function no longer suppresses IndexError
-  in the underlying iterables.
-- Issue #18784: The uuid module no longer attempts to load libc via ctypes.CDLL
-  if all the necessary functions have already been found in libuuid.  Patch by
-  Evgeny Sologubov.
-- The :envvar:`PYTHONFAULTHANDLER` environment variable now only enables the
-  faulthandler module if the variable is non-empty. Same behaviour than other
-  variables like :envvar:`PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE`.
-- Issue #1565525: New function ``traceback.clear_frames`` will clear
-  the local variables of all the stack frames referenced by a traceback
-  object.
-- Issue #18952: Fix regression in support data downloads introduced when
-  test.support was converted to a package. Regression noticed by Zachary
-  Ware.
-- Issue #18873: IDLE now detects Python source code encoding only in comment
-  lines.
-- Issue #18988: The "Tab" key now works when a word is already autocompleted.
-- Issue #17003: Unified the size argument names in the io module with common
-  practice.
-- Issue #18596: Support the use of address sanity checking in recent versions
-  of clang and GCC by appropriately marking known false alarms in the small
-  object allocator. Patch contributed by Dhiru Kholia.
-- Issue #18873: 2to3 and the findnocoding.py script now detect Python source
-  code encoding only in comment lines.
-What's New in Python 3.4.0 Alpha 2?
-Release date: 2013-09-09
-Core and Builtins
-- Issue #18942: sys._debugmallocstats() output was damaged on Windows.
-- Issue #18571: Implementation of the PEP 446: file descriptors and file
-  handles are now created non-inheritable; add functions
-  os.get/set_inheritable(), os.get/set_handle_inheritable() and
-  socket.socket.get/set_inheritable().
-- Issue #11619: The parser and the import machinery do not encode Unicode
-  filenames anymore on Windows.
-- Issue #18808: Non-daemon threads are now automatically joined when
-  a sub-interpreter is shutdown (it would previously dump a fatal error).
-- Remove support for compiling on systems without getcwd().
-- Issue #18774: Remove last bits of GNU PTH thread code and thread_pth.h.
-- Issue #18771: Add optimization to set object lookups to reduce the cost
-  of hash collisions.  The core idea is to inspect a second key/hash pair
-  for each cache line retrieved.
-- Issue #16105: When a signal handler fails to write to the file descriptor
-  registered with ``signal.set_wakeup_fd()``, report an exception instead
-  of ignoring the error.
-- Issue #18722: Remove uses of the "register" keyword in C code.
-- Issue #18667: Add missing "HAVE_FCHOWNAT" symbol to posix._have_functions.
-- Issue #16499: Add command line option for isolated mode.
-- Issue #15301: Parsing fd, uid, and gid parameters for builtins
-  in Modules/posixmodule.c is now far more robust.
-- Issue #18368: PyOS_StdioReadline() no longer leaks memory when realloc()
-  fail.
-- Issue #17934: Add a clear() method to frame objects, to help clean up
-  expensive details (local variables) and break reference cycles.
-- Issue #18780: %-formatting codes %d, %i, and %u now treat int-subclasses
-  as int (displays value of int-subclass instead of str(int-subclass) ).
-- Issue #18808: Thread.join() now waits for the underlying thread state to
-  be destroyed before returning.  This prevents unpredictable aborts in
-  Py_EndInterpreter() when some non-daemon threads are still running.
-- Issue #18458: Prevent crashes with newer versions of libedit.  Its readline
-  emulation has changed from 0-based indexing to 1-based like gnu readline.
-- Issue #18852: Handle case of ``readline.__doc__`` being ``None`` in the new
-  readline activation code in ``site.py``.
-- Issue #18672: Fixed format specifiers for Py_ssize_t in debugging output in
-  the _sre module.
-- Issue #18830: inspect.getclasstree() no longer produces duplicate entries even
-  when input list contains duplicates.
-- Issue #18878: sunau.open now supports the context management protocol.  Based on
-  patches by Claudiu Popa and R. David Murray.
-- Issue #18909: Fix _tkinter.tkapp.interpaddr() on Windows 64-bit, don't cast
-  64-bit pointer to long (32 bits).
-- Issue #18876: The FileIO.mode attribute now better reflects the actual mode
-  under which the file was opened.  Patch by Erik Bray.
-- Issue #16853: Add new selectors module.
-- Issue #18882: Add threading.main_thread() function.
-- Issue #18901: The sunau getparams method now returns a namedtuple rather than
-  a plain tuple.  Patch by Claudiu Popa.
-- Issue #17487: The result of the wave getparams method now is pickleable again.
-  Patch by Claudiu Popa.
-- Issue #18756: os.urandom() now uses a lazily-opened persistent file
-  descriptor, so as to avoid using many file descriptors when run in
-  parallel from multiple threads.
-- Issue #18418: After fork(), reinit all threads states, not only active ones.
-  Patch by A. Jesse Jiryu Davis.
-- Issue #17974: Switch unittest from using getopt to using argparse.
-- Issue #11798: TestSuite now drops references to own tests after execution.
-- Issue #16611: http.cookie now correctly parses the 'secure' and 'httponly'
-  cookie flags.
-- Issue #11973: Fix a problem in kevent. The flags and fflags fields are now
-  properly handled as unsigned.
-- Issue #18807: ``pyvenv`` now takes a --copies argument allowing copies
-  instead of symlinks even where symlinks are available and the default.
-- Issue #18538: ``python -m dis`` now uses argparse for argument processing.
-  Patch by Michele Orrù.
-- Issue #18394: Close cgi.FieldStorage's optional file.
-- Issue #17702: On error, os.environb now suppresses the exception context
-  when raising a new KeyError with the original key.
-- Issue #16809: Fixed some tkinter incompatibilities with Tcl/Tk 8.6.
-- Issue #16809: Tkinter's splitlist() and split() methods now accept Tcl_Obj
-  argument.
-- Issue #18324: set_payload now correctly handles binary input.  This also
-  supersedes the previous fixes for #14360, #1717, and #16564.
-- Issue #18794: Add a fileno() method and a closed attribute to select.devpoll
-  objects.
-- Issue #17119: Fixed integer overflows when processing large strings and tuples
-  in the tkinter module.
-- Issue #18747: Re-seed OpenSSL's pseudo-random number generator after fork.
-  A pthread_atfork() parent handler is used to seed the PRNG with pid, time
-  and some stack data.
-- Issue #8865: Concurrent invocation of select.poll.poll() now raises a
-  RuntimeError exception.  Patch by Christian Schubert.
-- Issue #18777: The ssl module now uses the new CRYPTO_THREADID API of
-  OpenSSL 1.0.0+ instead of the deprecated CRYPTO id callback function.
-- Issue #18768: Correct doc string of RAND_edg(). Patch by Vajrasky Kok.
-- Issue #18178: Fix ctypes on BSD. dlmalloc.c was compiled twice which broke
-  malloc weak symbols.
-- Issue #18709: Fix CVE-2013-4238. The SSL module now handles NULL bytes
-  inside subjectAltName correctly. Formerly the module has used OpenSSL's
-  GENERAL_NAME_print() function to get the string representation of ASN.1
-  strings for ``rfc822Name`` (email), ``dNSName`` (DNS) and
-  ``uniformResourceIdentifier`` (URI).
-- Issue #18701: Remove support of old CPython versions (<3.0) from C code.
-- Issue #18756: Improve error reporting in os.urandom() when the failure
-  is due to something else than /dev/urandom not existing (for example,
-  exhausting the file descriptor limit).
-- Issue #18673: Add O_TMPFILE to os module. O_TMPFILE requires Linux kernel
-  3.11 or newer. It's only defined on system with 3.11 uapi headers, too.
-- Issue #18532: Change the builtin hash algorithms' names to lower case names
-  as promised by hashlib's documentation.
-- Issue #8713: add new spwan and forkserver start methods, and new functions
-  get_all_start_methods, get_start_method, and set_start_method, to
-  multiprocessing.
-- Issue #18405: Improve the entropy of crypt.mksalt().
-- Issue #12015: The tempfile module now uses a suffix of 8 random characters
-  instead of 6, to reduce the risk of filename collision. The entropy was
-  reduced when uppercase letters were removed from the charset used to generate
-  random characters.
-- Issue #18585: Add :func:`textwrap.shorten` to collapse and truncate a
-  piece of text to a given length.
-- Issue #18598: Tweak exception message for importlib.import_module() to
-  include the module name when a key argument is missing.
-- Issue #19151: Fix docstring and use of _get_supported_file_loaders() to
-  reflect 2-tuples.
-- Issue #19152: Add ExtensionFileLoader.get_filename().
-- Issue #18676: Change 'positive' to 'non-negative' in queue.py put and get
-  docstrings and ValueError messages. Patch by Zhongyue Luo
-- Fix refcounting issue with extension types in tkinter.
-- Issue #8112: xlmrpc.server's DocXMLRPCServer server no longer raises an error
-  if methods have annotations; it now correctly displays the annotations.
-- Issue #18600: Added policy argument to email.message.Message.as_string,
-  and as_bytes and __bytes__ methods to Message.
-- Issue #18671: Output more information when logging exceptions occur.
-- Issue #18621: Prevent the site module's patched builtins from keeping
-  too many references alive for too long.
-- Issue #4885: Add weakref support to mmap objects.  Patch by Valerie Lambert.
-- Issue #8860: Fixed rounding in timedelta constructor.
-- Issue #18849: Fixed a Windows-specific tempfile bug where collision with an
-  existing directory caused mkstemp and related APIs to fail instead of
-  retrying. Report and fix by Vlad Shcherbina.
-- Issue #18920: argparse's default destination for the version action (-v,
-  --version) has also been changed to stdout, to match the Python executable.
-- Issue #18623: Factor out the _SuppressCoreFiles context manager into
-  test.support.  Patch by Valerie Lambert.
-- Issue #12037: Fix test_email for desktop Windows.
-- Issue #15507: test_subprocess's test_send_signal could fail if the test
-  runner were run in an environment where the process inherited an ignore
-  setting for SIGINT.  Restore the SIGINT handler to the desired
-  KeyboardInterrupt raising one during that test.
-- Issue #16799: Switched from getopt to argparse style in regrtest's argument
-  parsing.  Added more tests for regrtest's argument parsing.
-- Issue #18792: Use "" or "::1" instead of "localhost" as much as
-  possible, since "localhost" goes through a DNS lookup under recent Windows
-  versions.
-- Issue #18489: Add tests for SearchEngine. Original patch by Phil Webster.
-- Issue #18743: Fix references to non-existent "StringIO" module.
-- Issue #18783: Removed existing mentions of Python long type in docstrings,
-  error messages and comments.
-- Issue #1584: Provide configure options to override default search paths for
-  Tcl and Tk when building _tkinter.
-- Issue #15663: Tcl/Tk 8.5.14 is now included with the OS X 10.6+ 64-/32-bit
-  installer.  It is no longer necessary to install a third-party version of
-  Tcl/Tk 8.5 to work around the problems in the Apple-supplied Tcl/Tk 8.5
-  shipped in OS X 10.6 and later releases.
-- Issue #18922: Now The Lib/smtpd.py and Tools/i18n/msgfmt.py scripts write
-  their version strings to stdout, and not to sderr.
-What's New in Python 3.4.0 Alpha 1?
-Release date: 2013-08-03
-Core and Builtins
-- Issue #16741: Fix an error reporting in int().
-- Issue #17899: Fix rare file descriptor leak in os.listdir().
-- Issue #10241: Clear extension module dict copies at interpreter shutdown.
-  Patch by Neil Schemenauer, minimally modified.
-- Issue #9035: ismount now recognises volumes mounted below a drive root
-  on Windows. Original patch by Atsuo Ishimoto.
-- Issue #18214: Improve finalization of Python modules to avoid setting
-  their globals to None, in most cases.
-- Issue #18112: PEP 442 implementation (safe object finalization).
-- Issue #18552: Check return value of PyArena_AddPyObject() in
-  obj2ast_object().
-- Issue #18560: Fix potential NULL pointer dereference in sum().
-- Issue #18520: Add a new PyStructSequence_InitType2() function, same than
-  PyStructSequence_InitType() except that it has a return value (0 on success,
-  -1 on error).
-- Issue #15905: Fix theoretical buffer overflow in handling of sys.argv[0],
-  prefix and exec_prefix if the operation system does not obey MAXPATHLEN.
-- Issue #18408: Fix many various bugs in code handling errors, especially
-  on memory allocation failure (MemoryError).
-- Issue #18344: Fix potential ref-leaks in _bufferedreader_read_all().
-- Issue #18342: Use the repr of a module name when an import fails when using
-  ``from ... import ...``.
-- Issue #17872: Fix a segfault in marshal.load() when input stream returns
-  more bytes than requested.
-- Issue #18338: `python --version` now prints version string to stdout, and
-  not to stderr.  Patch by Berker Peksag and Michael Dickens.
-- Issue #18426: Fix NULL pointer dereference in C extension import when
-  PyModule_GetDef() returns an error.
-- Issue #17206: On Windows, increase the stack size from 2 MB to 4.2 MB to fix
-  a stack overflow in the marshal module (fix a crash in test_marshal).
-  Patch written by Jeremy Kloth.
-- Issue #3329: Implement the PEP 445: Add new APIs to customize Python memory
-  allocators.
-- Issue #18328: Reorder ops in PyThreadState_Delete*() functions. Now the
-  tstate is first removed from TLS and then deallocated.
-- Issue #13483: Use VirtualAlloc in obmalloc on Windows.
-- Issue #18184: PyUnicode_FromFormat() and PyUnicode_FromFormatV() now raise
-  OverflowError when an argument of %c format is out of range.
-- Issue #18111: The min() and max() functions now support a default argument
-  to be returned instead of raising a ValueError on an empty sequence.
-  (Contributed by Julian Berman.)
-- Issue #18137: Detect integer overflow on precision in float.__format__()
-  and complex.__format__().
-- Issue #18183: Fix various unicode operations on strings with large unicode
-  codepoints.
-- Issue #18180: Fix ref leak in _PyImport_GetDynLoadWindows().
-- Issue #18038: SyntaxError raised during compilation sources with illegal
-  encoding now always contains an encoding name.
-- Issue #17931: Resolve confusion on Windows between pids and process
-  handles.
-- Tweak the exception message when the magic number or size value in a bytecode
-  file is truncated.
-- Issue #17932: Fix an integer overflow issue on Windows 64-bit in iterators:
-  change the C type of seqiterobject.it_index from long to Py_ssize_t.
-- Issue #18065: Don't set __path__ to the package name for frozen packages.
-- Issue #18088: When reloading a module, unconditionally reset all relevant
-  attributes on the module (e.g. __name__, __loader__, __package__, __file__,
-  __cached__).
-- Issue #17937: Try harder to collect cyclic garbage at shutdown.
-- Issue #12370: Prevent class bodies from interfering with the __class__
-  closure.
-- Issue #17644: Fix a crash in str.format when curly braces are used in square
-  brackets.
-- Issue #17237: Fix crash in the ASCII decoder on m68k.
-- Issue #17927: Frame objects kept arguments alive if they had been
-  copied into a cell, even if the cell was cleared.
-- Issue #1545463: At shutdown, defer finalization of codec modules so
-  that stderr remains usable.
-- Issue #7330: Implement width and precision (ex: "%5.3s") for the format
-  string of PyUnicode_FromFormat() function, original patch written by Ysj Ray.
-- Issue #1545463: Global variables caught in reference cycles are now
-  garbage-collected at shutdown.
-- Issue #17094: Clear stale thread states after fork().  Note that this
-  is a potentially disruptive change since it may release some system
-  resources which would otherwise remain perpetually alive (e.g. database
-  connections kept in thread-local storage).
-- Issue #17408: Avoid using an obsolete instance of the copyreg module when
-  the interpreter is shutdown and then started again.
-- Issue #5845: Enable tab-completion in the interactive interpreter by
-  default, thanks to a new sys.__interactivehook__.
-- Issue #17115,17116: Module initialization now includes setting __package__ and
-  __loader__ attributes to None.
-- Issue #17853: Ensure locals of a class that shadow free variables always win
-  over the closures.
-- Issue #17863: In the interactive console, don't loop forever if the encoding
-  can't be fetched from stdin.
-- Issue #17867: Raise an ImportError if __import__ is not found in __builtins__.
-- Issue #18698: Ensure importlib.reload() returns the module out of sys.modules.
-- Issue #17857: Prevent build failures with pre-3.5.0 versions of sqlite3,
-  such as was shipped with Centos 5 and Mac OS X 10.4.
-- Issue #17413: sys.settrace callbacks were being passed a string instead of an
-  exception instance for the 'value' element of the arg tuple if the exception
-  originated from C code; now an exception instance is always provided.
-- Issue #17782: Fix undefined behaviour on platforms where
-  ``struct timespec``'s "tv_nsec" member is not a C long.
-- Issue #17722: When looking up __round__, resolve descriptors.
-- Issue #16061: Speed up str.replace() for replacing 1-character strings.
-- Issue #17715: Fix segmentation fault from raising an exception in a __trunc__
-  method.
-- Issue #17643: Add __callback__ attribute to weakref.ref.
-- Issue #16447: Fixed potential segmentation fault when setting __name__ on a
-  class.
-- Issue #17669: Fix crash involving finalization of generators using yield from.
-- Issue #14439: Python now prints the traceback on runpy failure at startup.
-- Issue #17469: Fix _Py_GetAllocatedBlocks() and sys.getallocatedblocks()
-  when running on valgrind.
-- Issue #17619: Make input() check for Ctrl-C correctly on Windows.
-- Issue #17357: Add missing verbosity messages for -v/-vv that were lost during
-  the importlib transition.
-- Issue #17610: Don't rely on non-standard behavior of the C qsort() function.
-- Issue #17323: The "[X refs, Y blocks]" printed by debug builds has been
-  disabled by default.  It can be re-enabled with the `-X showrefcount` option.
-- Issue #17328: Fix possible refleak in dict.setdefault.
-- Issue #17275: Corrected class name in init error messages of the C version of
-  BufferedWriter and BufferedRandom.
-- Issue #7963: Fixed misleading error message that issued when object is
-  called without arguments.
-- Issue #8745: Small speed up zipimport on Windows. Patch by Catalin Iacob.
-- Issue #5308: Raise ValueError when marshalling too large object (a sequence
-  with size >= 2**31), instead of producing illegal marshal data.
-- Issue #12983: Bytes literals with invalid ``\x`` escape now raise a SyntaxError
-  and a full traceback including line number.
-- Issue #16967: In function definition, evaluate positional defaults before
-  keyword-only defaults.
-- Issue #17173: Remove uses of locale-dependent C functions (isalpha() etc.)
-  in the interpreter.
-- Issue #17137: When a Unicode string is resized, the internal wide character
-  string (wstr) format is now cleared.
-- Issue #17043: The unicode-internal decoder no longer read past the end of
-  input buffer.
-- Issue #17098: All modules now have __loader__ set even if they pre-exist the
-  bootstrapping of importlib.
-- Issue #16979: Fix error handling bugs in the unicode-escape-decode decoder.
-- Issue #16772: The base argument to the int constructor no longer accepts
-  floats, or other non-integer objects with an __int__ method.  Objects
-  with an __index__ method are now accepted.
-- Issue #10156: In the interpreter's initialization phase, unicode globals
-  are now initialized dynamically as needed.
-- Issue #16980: Fix processing of escaped non-ascii bytes in the
-  unicode-escape-decode decoder.
-- Issue #16975: Fix error handling bug in the escape-decode bytes decoder.
-- Issue #14850: Now a charmap decoder treats U+FFFE as "undefined mapping"
-  in any mapping, not only in a string.
-- Issue #16613: Add *m* argument to ``collections.Chainmap.new_child`` to
-  allow the new child map to be specified explicitly.
-- Issue #16730: importlib.machinery.FileFinder now no longers raises an
-  exception when trying to populate its cache and it finds out the directory is
-  unreadable or has turned into a file. Reported and diagnosed by
-  David Pritchard.
-- Issue #16906: Fix a logic error that prevented most static strings from being
-  cleared.
-- Issue #11461: Fix the incremental UTF-16 decoder. Original patch by
-  Amaury Forgeot d'Arc.
-- Issue #16856: Fix a segmentation fault from calling repr() on a dict with
-  a key whose repr raise an exception.
-- Issue #16367: Fix FileIO.readall() on Windows for files larger than 2 GB.
-- Issue #16761: Calling int() with base argument only now raises TypeError.
-- Issue #16759: Support the full DWORD (unsigned long) range in Reg2Py
-  when retrieving a REG_DWORD value. This corrects functions like
-  winreg.QueryValueEx that may have been returning truncated values.
-- Issue #14420: Support the full DWORD (unsigned long) range in Py2Reg
-  when passed a REG_DWORD value. Fixes OverflowError in winreg.SetValueEx.
-- Issue #11939: Set the st_dev attribute of stat_result to allow Windows to
-  take advantage of the os.path.samefile/sameopenfile/samestat implementations
-  used by other platforms.
-- Issue #16772: The int() constructor's second argument (base) no longer
-  accepts non integer values.  Consistent with the behavior in Python 2.
-- Issue #14470: Remove w9xpopen support per PEP 11.
-- Issue #9856: Replace deprecation warning with raising TypeError
-  in object.__format__. Patch by Florent Xicluna.
-- Issue #16597: In buffered and text IO, call close() on the underlying stream
-  if invoking flush() fails.
-- Issue #16722: In the bytes() constructor, try to call __bytes__ on the
-  argument before __index__.
-- Issue #16421: loading multiple modules from one shared object is now
-  handled correctly (previously, the first module loaded from that file
-  was silently returned). Patch by Václav Šmilauer.
-- Issue #16602: When a weakref's target was part of a long deallocation
-  chain, the object could remain reachable through its weakref even though
-  its refcount had dropped to zero.
-- Issue #16495: Remove extraneous NULL encoding check from bytes_decode().
-- Issue #16619: Create NameConstant AST class to represent None, True, and False
-  literals. As a result, these constants are never loaded at runtime from
-  builtins.
-- Issue #16455: On FreeBSD and Solaris, if the locale is C, the
-  ASCII/surrogateescape codec is now used (instead of the locale encoding) to
-  decode the command line arguments. This change fixes inconsistencies with
-  os.fsencode() and os.fsdecode(), because these operating systems announce an
-  ASCII locale encoding, but actually use the ISO-8859-1 encoding in practice.
-- Issue #16562: Optimize dict equality testing.  Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
-- Issue #16588: Silence unused-but-set warnings in Python/thread_pthread
-- Issue #16592: stringlib_bytes_join doesn't raise MemoryError on allocation
-  failure.
-- Issue #16546: Fix: ast.YieldFrom argument is now mandatory.
-- Issue #16514: Fix regression causing a traceback when sys.path[0] is None
-  (actually, any non-string or non-bytes type).
-- Issue #16306: Fix multiple error messages when unknown command line
-  parameters where passed to the interpreter.  Patch by Hieu Nguyen.
-- Issue #16215: Fix potential double memory free in str.replace().  Patch
-  by Serhiy Storchaka.
-- Issue #16290: A float return value from the __complex__ special method is no
-  longer accepted in the complex() constructor.
-- Issue #16416: On Mac OS X, operating system data are now always
-  encoded/decoded to/from UTF-8/surrogateescape, instead of the locale encoding
-  (which may be ASCII if no locale environment variable is set), to avoid
-  inconsistencies with os.fsencode() and os.fsdecode() functions which are
-  already using UTF-8/surrogateescape.
-- Issue #16453: Fix equality testing of dead weakref objects.
-- Issue #9535: Fix pending signals that have been received but not yet
-  handled by Python to not persist after os.fork() in the child process.
-- Issue #14794: Fix slice.indices to return correct results for huge values,
-  rather than raising OverflowError.
-- Issue #15001: fix segfault on "del sys.modules['__main__']". Patch by Victor
-  Stinner.
-- Issue #8271: the utf-8 decoder now outputs the correct number of U+FFFD
-  characters when used with the 'replace' error handler on invalid utf-8
-  sequences.  Patch by Serhiy Storchaka, tests by Ezio Melotti.
-- Issue #5765: Apply a hard recursion limit in the compiler instead of
-  blowing the stack and segfaulting. Initial patch by Andrea Griffini.
-- Issue #16402: When slicing a range, fix shadowing of exceptions from
-  __index__.
-- Issue #16336: fix input checking in the surrogatepass error handler.
-  Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
-- Issue #8401: assigning an int to a bytearray slice (e.g. b[3:4] = 5) now
-  raises an error.
-- Issue #7317: Display full tracebacks when an error occurs asynchronously.
-  Patch by Alon Horev with update by Alexey Kachayev.
-- Issue #16309: Make PYTHONPATH="" behavior the same as if PYTHONPATH
-  not set at all.
-- Issue #10189: Improve the error reporting of SyntaxErrors related to global
-  and nonlocal statements.
-- Fix segfaults on setting __qualname__ on builtin types and attempting to
-  delete it on any type.
-- Issue #14625: Rewrite the UTF-32 decoder. It is now 3x to 4x faster. Patch
-  written by Serhiy Storchaka.
-- Issue #16345: Fix an infinite loop when ``fromkeys`` on a dict subclass
-  received a nonempty dict from the constructor.
-- Issue #16271: Fix strange bugs that resulted from __qualname__ appearing in a
-  class's __dict__ and on type.
-- Issue #12805: Make bytes.join and bytearray.join faster when the separator
-  is empty.  Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
-- Issue #6074: Ensure cached bytecode files can always be updated by the
-  user that created them, even when the source file is read-only.
-- Issue #15958: bytes.join and bytearray.join now accept arbitrary buffer
-  objects.
-- Issue #14783: Improve int() docstring and switch docstrings for str(),
-  range(), and slice() to use multi-line signatures.
-- Issue #16160: Subclass support now works for types.SimpleNamespace.
-- Issue #16148: Implement PEP 424, adding operator.length_hint and
-  PyObject_LengthHint.
-- Upgrade Unicode data (UCD) to version 6.2.
-- Issue #15379: Fix passing of non-BMP characters as integers for the charmap
-  decoder (already working as unicode strings).  Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
-- Issue #15144: Fix possible integer overflow when handling pointers as integer
-  values, by using `Py_uintptr_t` instead of `size_t`.  Patch by Serhiy
-  Storchaka.
-- Issue #15965: Explicitly cast `AT_FDCWD` as (int).  Required on Solaris 10
-  (which defines `AT_FDCWD` as ``0xffd19553``), harmless on other platforms.
-- Issue #15839: Convert SystemErrors in `super()` to RuntimeErrors.
-- Issue #15448: Buffered IO now frees the buffer when closed, instead
-  of when deallocating.
-- Issue #15846: Fix SystemError which happened when using `ast.parse()` in an
-  exception handler on code with syntax errors.
-- Issue #15897: zipimport.c doesn't check return value of fseek().
-  Patch by Felipe Cruz.
-- Issue #15801: Make sure mappings passed to '%' formatting are actually
-  subscriptable.
-- Issue #15111: __import__ should propagate ImportError when raised as a
-  side-effect of a module triggered from using fromlist.
-- Issue #15022: Add pickle and comparison support to types.SimpleNamespace.
-- Issue #4331: Added functools.partialmethod (Initial patch by Alon Horev)
-- Issue #13461: Fix a crash in the TextIOWrapper.tell method on 64-bit
-  platforms.  Patch by Yogesh Chaudhari.
-- Issue #18681: Fix a NameError in importlib.reload() (noticed by Weizhao Li).
-- Issue #14323: Expanded the number of digits in the coefficients for the
-  RGB -- YIQ conversions so that they match the FCC NTSC versions.
-- Issue #17998: Fix an internal error in regular expression engine.
-- Issue #17557: Fix os.getgroups() to work with the modified behavior of
-  getgroups(2) on OS X 10.8.  Original patch by Mateusz Lenik.
-- Issue #18608: Avoid keeping a strong reference to the locale module
-  inside the _io module.
-- Issue #18619: Fix atexit leaking callbacks registered from sub-interpreters,
-  and make it GC-aware.
-- Issue #15699: The readline module now uses PEP 3121-style module
-  initialization, so as to reclaim allocated resources (Python callbacks)
-  at shutdown.  Original patch by Robin Schreiber.
-- Issue #17616: wave.open now supports the context management protocol.
-- Issue #18599: Fix name attribute of _sha1.sha1() object. It now returns
-  'SHA1' instead of 'SHA'.
-- Issue #13266: Added inspect.unwrap to easily unravel __wrapped__ chains
-  (initial patch by Daniel Urban and Aaron Iles)
-- Issue #18561: Skip name in ctypes' _build_callargs() if name is NULL.
-- Issue #18559: Fix NULL pointer dereference error in _pickle module
-- Issue #18556: Check the return type of PyUnicode_AsWideChar() in ctype's
-  U_set().
-- Issue #17818: aifc.getparams now returns a namedtuple.
-- Issue #18549: Eliminate dead code in socket_ntohl()
-- Issue #18530: Remove additional stat call from posixpath.ismount.
-  Patch by Alex Gaynor.
-- Issue #18514: Fix unreachable Py_DECREF() call in PyCData_FromBaseObj()
-- Issue #9177: Calling read() or write() now raises ValueError, not
-  AttributeError, on a closed SSL socket.  Patch by Senko Rasic.
-- Issue #18513: Fix behaviour of cmath.rect w.r.t. signed zeros on OS X 10.8 +
-  gcc.
-- Issue #18479: Changed venv Activate.ps1 to make deactivate a function, and
-  removed Deactivate.ps1.
-- Issue #18480: Add missing call to PyType_Ready to the _elementtree extension.
-- Issue #17778: Fix test discovery for test_multiprocessing. (Patch by
-  Zachary Ware.)
-- Issue #18393: The private module _gestalt and private functions
-  platform._mac_ver_gestalt, platform._mac_ver_lookup and
-  platform._bcd2str have been removed. This does not affect the public
-  interface of the platform module.
-- Issue #17482: functools.update_wrapper (and functools.wraps) now set the
-  __wrapped__ attribute correctly even if the underlying function has a
-  __wrapped__ attribute set.
-- Issue #18431: The new email header parser now decodes RFC2047 encoded words
-  in structured headers.
-- Issue #18432: The sched module's queue method was incorrectly returning
-  an iterator instead of a list.
-- Issue #18044: The new email header parser was mis-parsing encoded words where
-  an encoded character immediately followed the '?' that follows the CTE
-  character, resulting in a decoding failure.  They are now decoded correctly.
-- Issue #18101: Tcl.split() now process strings nested in a tuple as it
-  do with byte strings.
-- Issue #18116: getpass was always getting an error when testing /dev/tty,
-  and thus was always falling back to stdin, and would then raise an exception
-  if stdin could not be used (such as /dev/null).  It also leaked an open file.
-  All of these issues are now fixed.
-- Issue #17198: Fix a NameError in the dbm module.  Patch by Valentina
-  Mukhamedzhanova.
-- Issue #18013: Fix cgi.FieldStorage to parse the W3C sample form.
-- Issue #18020: improve html.escape speed by an order of magnitude.
-  Patch by Matt Bryant.
-- Issue #18347: ElementTree's html serializer now preserves the case of
-  closing tags.
-- Issue #17261: Ensure multiprocessing's proxies use proper address.
-- Issue #18343: faulthandler.register() now keeps the previous signal handler
-  when the function is called twice, so faulthandler.unregister() restores
-  correctly the original signal handler.
-- Issue #17097: Make multiprocessing ignore EINTR.
-- Issue #18339: Negative ints keys in unpickler.memo dict no longer cause a
-  segfault inside the _pickle C extension.
-- Issue #18240: The HMAC module is no longer restricted to bytes and accepts
-  any bytes-like object, e.g. memoryview. Original patch by Jonas Borgström.
-- Issue #18224: Removed pydoc script from created venv, as it causes problems
-  on Windows and adds no value over and above python -m pydoc ...
-- Issue #18155: The csv module now correctly handles csv files that use
-  a delimiter character that has a special meaning in regexes, instead of
-  throwing an exception.
-- Issue #14360: encode_quopri can now be successfully used as an encoder
-  when constructing a MIMEApplication object.
-- Issue #11390: Add -o and -f command line options to the doctest CLI to
-  specify doctest options (and convert it to using argparse).
-- Issue #18135: ssl.SSLSocket.write() now raises an OverflowError if the input
-  string in longer than 2 gigabytes, and ssl.SSLContext.load_cert_chain()
-  raises a ValueError if the password is longer than 2 gigabytes. The ssl
-  module does not support partial write.
-- Issue #11016: Add C implementation of the stat module as _stat.
-- Issue #18248: Fix libffi build on AIX.
-- Issue #18259: Declare sethostname in socketmodule.c for AIX
-- Issue #18147: Add diagnostic functions to ssl.SSLContext(). get_ca_list()
-  lists all loaded CA certificates and cert_store_stats() returns amount of
-  loaded X.509 certs, X.509 CA certs and CRLs.
-- Issue #18167: cgi.FieldStorage no longer fails to handle multipart/form-data
-  when ``\r\n`` appears at end of 65535 bytes without other newlines.
-- Issue #18076: Introduce importlib.util.decode_source().
-- Issue #18357: add tests for dictview set difference.
-  Patch by Fraser Tweedale.
-- importlib.abc.SourceLoader.get_source() no longer changes SyntaxError or
-  UnicodeDecodeError into ImportError.
-- Issue #18058, 18057: Make the namespace package loader meet the
-  importlib.abc.InspectLoader ABC, allowing for namespace packages to work with
-  runpy.
-- Issue #17177: The imp module is pending deprecation.
-- subprocess: Prevent a possible double close of parent pipe fds when the
-  subprocess exec runs into an error.  Prevent a regular multi-close of the
-  /dev/null fd when any of stdin, stdout and stderr was set to DEVNULL.
-- Issue #18194: Introduce importlib.util.cache_from_source() and
-  source_from_cache() while documenting the equivalent functions in imp as
-  deprecated.
-- Issue #17907: Document imp.new_module() as deprecated in favour of
-  types.ModuleType.
-- Issue #18192: Introduce importlib.util.MAGIC_NUMBER and document as deprecated
-  imp.get_magic().
-- Issue #18149: Add filecmp.clear_cache() to manually clear the filecmp cache.
-  Patch by Mark Levitt
-- Issue #18193: Add importlib.reload().
-- Issue #18157: Stop using imp.load_module() in pydoc.
-- Issue #16102: Make uuid._netbios_getnode() work again on Python 3.
-- Issue #17134: Add ssl.enum_cert_store() as interface to Windows' cert store.
-- Issue #18143: Implement ssl.get_default_verify_paths() in order to debug
-  the default locations for cafile and capath.
-- Issue #17314: Move multiprocessing.forking over to importlib.
-- Issue #11959: SMTPServer and SMTPChannel now take an optional map, use of
-  which avoids affecting global state.
-- Issue #18109: os.uname() now decodes fields from the locale encoding, and
-  socket.gethostname() now decodes the hostname from the locale encoding,
-  instead of using the UTF-8 encoding in strict mode.
-- Issue #18089: Implement importlib.abc.InspectLoader.load_module.
-- Issue #18088: Introduce importlib.abc.Loader.init_module_attrs for setting
-  module attributes. Leads to the pending deprecation of
-  importlib.util.module_for_loader.
-- Issue #17403: urllib.parse.robotparser normalizes the urls before adding to
-  ruleline. This helps in handling certain types invalid urls in a conservative
-  manner. Patch contributed by Mher Movsisyan.
-- Issue #18070: Have importlib.util.module_for_loader() set attributes
-  unconditionally in order to properly support reloading.
-- Added importlib.util.module_to_load to return a context manager to provide the
-  proper module object to load.
-- Issue #18025: Fixed a segfault in io.BufferedIOBase.readinto() when raw
-  stream's read() returns more bytes than requested.
-- Issue #18011: As was originally intended, base64.b32decode() now raises a
-  binascii.Error if there are non-b32-alphabet characters present in the input
-  string, instead of a TypeError.
-- Issue #18072: Implement importlib.abc.InspectLoader.get_code() and
-  importlib.abc.ExecutionLoader.get_code().
-- Issue #8240: Set the SSL_MODE_ACCEPT_MOVING_WRITE_BUFFER flag on SSL
-  sockets.
-- Issue #17269: Workaround for socket.getaddrinfo crash on MacOS X
-  with port None or "0" and flags AI_NUMERICSERV.
-- Issue #16986: ElementTree now correctly works with string input when the
-  internal XML encoding is not UTF-8 or US-ASCII.
-- Issue #17996: socket module now exposes AF_LINK constant on BSD and OSX.
-- Issue #17900: Allowed pickling of recursive OrderedDicts.  Decreased pickled
-  size and pickling time.
-- Issue #17914: Add os.cpu_count(). Patch by Yogesh Chaudhari, based on an
-  initial patch by Trent Nelson.
-- Issue #17812: Fixed quadratic complexity of base64.b32encode().
-  Optimize base64.b32encode() and base64.b32decode() (speed up to 3x).
-- Issue #17980: Fix possible abuse of ssl.match_hostname() for denial of
-  service using certificates with many wildcards (CVE-2013-2099).
-- Issue #15758: Fix FileIO.readall() so it no longer has O(n**2) complexity.
-- Issue #14596: The struct.Struct() objects now use a more compact
-  implementation.
-- Issue #17981: logging's SysLogHandler now closes the socket when it catches
-  socket OSErrors.
-- Issue #17964: Fix os.sysconf(): the return type of the C sysconf() function
-  is long, not int.
-- Fix typos in the multiprocessing module.
-- Issue #17754: Make ctypes.util.find_library() independent of the locale.
-- Issue #17968: Fix memory leak in os.listxattr().
-- Issue #17606: Fixed support of encoded byte strings in the XMLGenerator
-  characters() and ignorableWhitespace() methods.  Original patch by Sebastian
-  Ortiz Vasquez.
-- Issue #17732: Ignore distutils.cfg options pertaining to install paths if a
-  virtual environment is active.
-- Issue #17915: Fix interoperability of xml.sax with file objects returned by
-  codecs.open().
-- Issue #16601: Restarting iteration over tarfile really restarts rather
-  than continuing from where it left off.  Patch by Michael Birtwell.
-- Issue #17289: The readline module now plays nicer with external modules
-  or applications changing the rl_completer_word_break_characters global
-  variable.  Initial patch by Bradley Froehle.
-- Issue #12181: select module: Fix struct kevent definition on OpenBSD 64-bit
-  platforms. Patch by Federico Schwindt.
-- Issue #11816: multiple improvements to the dis module: get_instructions
-  generator, ability to redirect output to a file, Bytecode and Instruction
-  abstractions. Patch by Nick Coghlan, Ryan Kelly and Thomas Kluyver.
-- Issue #13831: Embed stringification of remote traceback in local
-  traceback raised when pool task raises an exception.
-- Issue #15528: Add weakref.finalize to support finalization using
-  weakref callbacks.
-- Issue #14173: Avoid crashing when reading a signal handler during
-  interpreter shutdown.
-- Issue #15902: Fix imp.load_module() accepting None as a file when loading an
-  extension module.
-- Issue #13721: SSLSocket.getpeercert() and SSLSocket.do_handshake() now
-  raise an OSError with ENOTCONN, instead of an AttributeError, when the
-  SSLSocket is not connected.
-- Issue #14679: add an __all__ (that contains only HTMLParser) to html.parser.
-- Issue #17802: Fix an UnboundLocalError in html.parser.  Initial tests by
-  Thomas Barlow.
-- Issue #17358: Modules loaded by imp.load_source() and load_compiled() (and by
-  extension load_module()) now have a better chance of working when reloaded.
-- Issue #17804: New function ``struct.iter_unpack`` allows for streaming
-  struct unpacking.
-- Issue #17830: When keyword.py is used to update a keyword file, it now
-  preserves the line endings of the original file.
-- Issue #17272: Making the urllib.request's Request.full_url a descriptor.
-  Fixes bugs with assignment to full_url. Patch by Demian Brecht.
-- Issue #17353: Plistlib emitted empty data tags with deeply nested datastructures
-- Issue #11714: Use 'with' statements to assure a Semaphore releases a
-  condition variable.  Original patch by Thomas Rachel.
-- Issue #16624: `subprocess.check_output` now accepts an `input` argument,
-  allowing the subprocess's stdin to be provided as a (byte) string.
-  Patch by Zack Weinberg.
-- Issue #17795: Reverted backwards-incompatible change in SysLogHandler with
-  Unix domain sockets.
-- Issue #16694: Add a pure Python implementation of the operator module.
-  Patch by Zachary Ware.
-- Issue #11182: remove the unused and undocumented pydoc.Scanner class.
-  Patch by Martin Morrison.
-- Issue #17741: Add ElementTree.XMLPullParser, an event-driven parser for
-  non-blocking applications.
-- Issue #17555: Fix ForkAwareThreadLock so that size of after fork
-  registry does not grow exponentially with generation of process.
-- Issue #17707: fix regression in multiprocessing.Queue's get() method where
-  it did not block for short timeouts.
-- Issue #17720: Fix the Python implementation of pickle.Unpickler to correctly
-  process the APPENDS opcode when it is used on non-list objects.
-- Issue #17012: shutil.which() no longer falls back to the PATH environment
-  variable if an empty path argument is specified.  Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
-- Issue #17710: Fix pickle raising a SystemError on bogus input.
-- Issue #17341: Include the invalid name in the error messages from re about
-  invalid group names.
-- Issue #17702: os.environ now raises KeyError with the original environment
-  variable name (str on UNIX), instead of using the encoded name (bytes on
-  UNIX).
-- Issue #16163: Make the importlib based version of pkgutil.iter_importers
-  work for submodules. Initial patch by Berker Peksag.
-- Issue #16804: Fix a bug in the 'site' module that caused running
-  'python -S -m site' to incorrectly throw an exception.
-- Issue #15480: Remove the deprecated and unused TYPE_INT64 code from marshal.
-  Initial patch by Daniel Riti.
-- Issue #2118: SMTPException is now a subclass of OSError.
-- Issue #17016: Get rid of possible pointer wraparounds and integer overflows
-  in the re module.  Patch by Nickolai Zeldovich.
-- Issue #16658: add missing return to HTTPConnection.send().
-  Patch by Jeff Knupp.
-- Issue #9556: the logging package now allows specifying a time-of-day for a
-  TimedRotatingFileHandler to rotate.
-- Issue #14971: unittest test discovery no longer gets confused when a function
-  has a different __name__ than its name in the TestCase class dictionary.
-- Issue #17487: The wave getparams method now returns a namedtuple rather than
-  a plain tuple.
-- Issue #17675: socket repr() provides local and remote addresses (if any).
-  Patch by Giampaolo Rodola'
-- Issue #17093: Make the ABCs in importlib.abc provide default values or raise
-  reasonable exceptions for their methods to make them more amenable to super()
-  calls.
-- Issue #17566: Make importlib.abc.Loader.module_repr() optional instead of an
-  abstractmethod; now it raises NotImplementedError so as to be ignored by default.
-- Issue #17678: Remove the use of deprecated method in http/cookiejar.py by
-  changing the call to get_origin_req_host() to origin_req_host.
-- Issue #17666: Fix reading gzip files with an extra field.
-- Issue #16475: Support object instancing, recursion and interned strings
-  in marshal
-- Issue #17502: Process DEFAULT values in mock side_effect that returns iterator.
-- Issue #16795: On the ast.arguments object, unify vararg with varargannotation
-  and kwarg and kwargannotation. Change the column offset of ast.Attribute to be
-  at the attribute name.
-- Issue #17434: Properly raise a SyntaxError when a string occurs between future
-  imports.
-- Issue #17117: Import and @importlib.util.set_loader now set __loader__ when
-  it has a value of None or the attribute doesn't exist.
-- Issue #17032: The "global" in the "NameError: global name 'x' is not defined"
-  error message has been removed.  Patch by Ram Rachum.
-- Issue #18080: When building a C extension module on OS X, if the compiler
-  is overridden with the CC environment variable, use the new compiler as
-  the default for linking if LDSHARED is not also overridden.  This restores
-  Distutils behavior introduced in 3.2.3 and inadvertently dropped in 3.3.0.
-- Issue #18113: Fixed a refcount leak in the curses.panel module's
-  set_userptr() method.  Reported by Atsuo Ishimoto.
-- Implement PEP 443 "Single-dispatch generic functions".
-- Implement PEP 435 "Adding an Enum type to the Python standard library".
-- Issue #15596: Faster pickling of unicode strings.
-- Issue #17572: Avoid chained exceptions when passing bad directives to
-  time.strptime().  Initial patch by Claudiu Popa.
-- Issue #17435: threading.Timer's __init__ method no longer uses mutable
-  default values for the args and kwargs parameters.
-- Issue #17526: fix an IndexError raised while passing code without filename to
-  inspect.findsource().  Initial patch by Tyler Doyle.
-- Issue #17540: Added style parameter to logging formatter configuration by dict.
-- Issue #16692: The ssl module now supports TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2.  Initial
-  patch by Michele Orrù.
-- Issue #17025: multiprocessing: Reduce Queue and SimpleQueue contention.
-- Issue #17536: Add to webbrowser's browser list: www-browser, x-www-browser,
-  iceweasel, iceape.
-- Issue #17150: pprint now uses line continuations to wrap long string
-  literals.
-- Issue #17488: Change the subprocess.Popen bufsize parameter default value
-  from unbuffered (0) to buffering (-1) to match the behavior existing code
-  expects and match the behavior of the subprocess module in Python 2 to avoid
-  introducing hard to track down bugs.
-- Issue #17521: Corrected non-enabling of logger following two calls to
-  fileConfig().
-- Issue #17508: Corrected logging MemoryHandler configuration in dictConfig()
-  where the target handler wasn't configured first.
-- Issue #17209: curses.window.get_wch() now correctly handles KeyboardInterrupt
-  (CTRL+c).
-- Issue #5713: smtplib now handles 421 (closing connection) error codes when
-  sending mail by closing the socket and reporting the 421 error code via the
-  exception appropriate to the command that received the error response.
-- Issue #16997: unittest.TestCase now provides a subTest() context manager
-  to procedurally generate, in an easy way, small test instances.
-- Issue #17485: Also delete the Request Content-Length header if the data
-  attribute is deleted.  (Follow on to issue Issue #16464).
-- Issue #15927: CVS now correctly parses escaped newlines and carriage
-  when parsing with quoting turned off.
-- Issue #17467: add readline and readlines support to mock_open in
-  unittest.mock.
-- Issue #13248: removed deprecated and undocumented difflib.isbjunk,
-  isbpopular.
-- Issue #17192: Update the ctypes module's libffi to v3.0.13.  This
-  specifically addresses a stack misalignment issue on x86 and issues on
-  some more recent platforms.
-- Issue #8862: Fixed curses cleanup when getkey is interrupted by a signal.
-- Issue #17443: imaplib.IMAP4_stream was using the default unbuffered IO
-  in subprocess, but the imap code assumes buffered IO.  In Python2 this
-  worked by accident.  IMAP4_stream now explicitly uses buffered IO.
-- Issue #17476: Fixed regression relative to Python2 in undocumented pydoc
-  'allmethods'; it was missing unbound methods on the class.
-- Issue #17474: Remove the deprecated methods of Request class.
-- Issue #16709: unittest discover order is no-longer filesystem specific. Patch
-  by Jeff Ramnani.
-- Use the HTTPS PyPI url for upload, overriding any plain HTTP URL in pypirc.
-- Issue #5024: sndhdr.whichhdr now returns the frame count for WAV files
-  rather than -1.
-- Issue #17460: Remove the strict argument of HTTPConnection and removing the
-  DeprecationWarning being issued from 3.2 onwards.
-- Issue #16880: Do not assume _imp.load_dynamic() is defined in the imp module.
-- Issue #16389: Fixed a performance regression relative to Python 3.1 in the
-  caching of compiled regular expressions.
-- Added missing FeedParser and BytesFeedParser to email.parser.__all__.
-- Issue #17431: Fix missing import of BytesFeedParser in email.parser.
-- Issue #12921: http.server's send_error takes an explain argument to send more
-  information in response. Patch contributed by Karl.
-- Issue #17414: Add timeit, repeat, and default_timer to timeit.__all__.
-- Issue #1285086: Get rid of the refcounting hack and speed up
-  urllib.parse.unquote() and urllib.parse.unquote_to_bytes().
-- Issue #17099: Have importlib.find_loader() raise ValueError when __loader__
-  is not set, harmonizing with what happens when the attribute is set to None.
-- Expose the O_PATH constant in the os module if it is available.
-- Issue #17368: Fix an off-by-one error in the Python JSON decoder that caused
-  a failure while decoding empty object literals when object_pairs_hook was
-  specified.
-- Issue #17385: Fix quadratic behavior in threading.Condition.  The FIFO
-  queue now uses a deque instead of a list.
-- Issue #15806: Add contextlib.ignore().  This creates a context manager to
-  ignore specified exceptions, replacing the "except SomeException: pass" idiom.
-- Issue #14645: The email generator classes now produce output using the
-  specified linesep throughout.  Previously if the prolog, epilog, or
-  body were stored with a different linesep, that linesep was used.  This
-  fix corrects an RFC non-compliance issue with smtplib.send_message.
-- Issue #17278: Fix a crash in heapq.heappush() and heapq.heappop() when
-  the list is being resized concurrently.
-- Issue #16962: Use getdents64 instead of the obsolete getdents syscall
-  in the subprocess module on Linux.
-- Issue #16935: unittest now counts the module as skipped if it raises SkipTest,
-  instead of counting it as an error.  Patch by Zachary Ware.
-- Issue #17018: Make Process.join() retry if os.waitpid() fails with EINTR.
-- Issue #17223: array module: Fix a crasher when converting an array containing
-  invalid characters (outside range [U+0000; U+10ffff]) to Unicode:
-  repr(array), str(array) and array.tounicode(). Patch written by Manuel Jacob.
-- Issue #17197: profile/cProfile modules refactored so that code of run() and
-  runctx() utility functions is not duplicated in both modules.
-- Issue #14720: sqlite3: Convert datetime microseconds correctly.
-  Patch by Lowe Thiderman.
-- Issue #15132: Allow a list for the defaultTest argument of
-  unittest.TestProgram. Patch by Jyrki Pulliainen.
-- Issue #17225: JSON decoder now counts columns in the first line starting
-  with 1, as in other lines.
-- Issue #6623: Added explicit DeprecationWarning for ftplib.netrc, which has
-  been deprecated and undocumented for a long time.
-- Issue #13700: Fix byte/string handling in imaplib authentication when an
-  authobject is specified.
-- Issue #13153: Tkinter functions now raise TclError instead of ValueError when
-  a string argument contains non-BMP character.
-- Issue #9669: Protect re against infinite loops on zero-width matching in
-  non-greedy repeat.  Patch by Matthew Barnett.
-- Issue #13169: The maximal repetition number in a regular expression has been
-  increased from 65534 to 2147483647 (on 32-bit platform) or 4294967294 (on
-  64-bit).
-- Issue #17143: Fix a missing import in the trace module.  Initial patch by
-  Berker Peksag.
-- Issue #15220: email.feedparser's line splitting algorithm is now simpler and
-  faster.
-- Issue #16743: Fix mmap overflow check on 32 bit Windows.
-- Issue #16996: webbrowser module now uses shutil.which() to find a
-  web-browser on the executable search path.
-- Issue #16800: tempfile.gettempdir() no longer left temporary files when
-  the disk is full.  Original patch by Amir Szekely.
-- Issue #17192: Import libffi-3.0.12.
-- Issue #16564: Fixed regression relative to Python2 in the operation of
-  email.encoders.encode_7or8bit when used with binary data.
-- Issue #17052: unittest discovery should use self.testLoader.
-- Issue #4591: Uid and gid values larger than 2**31 are supported now.
-- Issue #17141: random.vonmisesvariate() no longer hangs for large kappas.
-- Issue #17149: Fix random.vonmisesvariate to always return results in
-  [0, 2*math.pi].
-- Issue #1470548: XMLGenerator now works with binary output streams.
-- Issue #6975: os.path.realpath() now correctly resolves multiple nested
-  symlinks on POSIX platforms.
-- Issue #13773: sqlite3.connect() gets a new `uri` parameter to pass the
-  filename as a URI, allowing custom options to be passed.
-- Issue #16564: Fixed regression relative to Python2 in the operation of
-  email.encoders.encode_noop when used with binary data.
-- Issue #10355: The mode, name, encoding and newlines properties now work on
-  SpooledTemporaryFile objects even when they have not yet rolled over.
-  Obsolete method xreadline (which has never worked in Python 3) has been
-  removed.
-- Issue #16686: Fixed a lot of bugs in audioop module.  Fixed crashes in
-  avgpp(), maxpp() and ratecv().  Fixed an integer overflow in add(), bias(),
-  and ratecv().  reverse(), lin2lin() and ratecv() no more lose precision for
-  32-bit samples.  max() and rms() no more returns a negative result and
-  various other functions now work correctly with 32-bit sample -0x80000000.
-- Issue #17073: Fix some integer overflows in sqlite3 module.
-- Issue #16723: httplib.HTTPResponse no longer marked closed when the connection
-  is automatically closed.
-- Issue #15359: Add CAN_BCM protocol support to the socket module. Patch by
-  Brian Thorne.
-- Issue #16948: Fix quoted printable body encoding for non-latin1 character
-  sets in the email package.
-- Issue #16811: Fix folding of headers with no value in the provisional email
-  policies.
-- Issue #17132: Update symbol for "yield from" grammar changes.
-- Issue #17076: Make copying of xattrs more tolerant of missing FS support.
-  Patch by Thomas Wouters.
-- Issue #17089: Expat parser now correctly works with string input when the
-  internal XML encoding is not UTF-8 or US-ASCII.  It also now accepts bytes
-  and strings larger than 2 GiB.
-- Issue #6083: Fix multiple segmentation faults occurred when PyArg_ParseTuple
-  parses nested mutating sequence.
-- Issue #5289: Fix ctypes.util.find_library on Solaris.
-- Issue #17106: Fix a segmentation fault in io.TextIOWrapper when an underlying
-  stream or a decoder produces data of an unexpected type (i.e. when
-  io.TextIOWrapper initialized with text stream or use bytes-to-bytes codec).
-- Issue #17015: When it has a spec, a Mock object now inspects its signature
-  when matching calls, so that arguments can be matched positionally or
-  by name.
-- Issue #15633: httplib.HTTPResponse is now mark closed when the server
-  sends less than the advertised Content-Length.
-- Issue #12268: The io module file object write methods no longer abort early
-  when one of its write system calls is interrupted (EINTR).
-- Issue #6972: The zipfile module no longer overwrites files outside of
-  its destination path when extracting malicious zip files.
-- Issue #4844: ZipFile now raises BadZipFile when opens a ZIP file with an
-  incomplete "End of Central Directory" record.  Original patch by Guilherme
-  Polo and Alan McIntyre.
-- Issue #17071: Signature.bind() now works when one of the keyword arguments
-  is named ``self``.
-- Issue #12004: Fix an internal error in PyZipFile when writing an invalid
-  Python file.  Patch by Ben Morgan.
-- Have py_compile use importlib as much as possible to avoid code duplication.
-  Code now raises FileExistsError if the file path to be used for the
-  byte-compiled file is a symlink or non-regular file as a warning that import
-  will not keep the file path type if it writes to that path.
-- Issue #16972: Have site.addpackage() consider already known paths even when
-  none are explicitly passed in. Bug report and fix by Kirill.
-- Issue #1602133: on Mac OS X a shared library build (``--enable-shared``)
-  now fills the ``os.environ`` variable correctly.
-- Issue #15505: `unittest.installHandler` no longer assumes SIGINT handler is
-  set to a callable object.
-- Issue #13454: Fix a crash when deleting an iterator created by itertools.tee()
-  if all other iterators were very advanced before.
-- Issue #12411: Fix to cgi.parse_multipart to correctly use bytes boundaries
-  and bytes data. Patch by Jonas Wagner.
-- Issue #16957: shutil.which() no longer searches a bare file name in the
-  current directory on Unix and no longer searches a relative file path with
-  a directory part in PATH directories.  Patch by Thomas Kluyver.
-- Issue #1159051: GzipFile now raises EOFError when reading a corrupted file
-  with truncated header or footer.
-- Issue #16993: shutil.which() now preserves the case of the path and extension
-  on Windows.
-- Issue #16992: On Windows in signal.set_wakeup_fd, validate the file
-  descriptor argument.
-- Issue #16422: For compatibility with the Python version, the C version of
-  decimal now uses strings instead of integers for rounding mode constants.
-- Issue #15861: tkinter now correctly works with lists and tuples containing
-  strings with whitespaces, backslashes or unbalanced braces.
-- Issue #9720: zipfile now writes correct local headers for files larger than
-  4 GiB.
-- Issue #16955: Fix the poll() method for multiprocessing's socket
-  connections on Windows.
-- SSLContext.load_dh_params() now properly closes the input file.
-- Issue #15031: Refactor some .pyc management code to cut down on code
-  duplication. Thanks to Ronan Lamy for the report and taking an initial stab
-  at the problem.
-- Issue #16398: Optimize deque.rotate() so that it only moves pointers
-  and doesn't touch the underlying data with increfs and decrefs.
-- Issue #16900: Issue a ResourceWarning when an ssl socket is left unclosed.
-- Issue #13899: ``\A``, ``\Z``, and ``\B`` now correctly match the A, Z,
-  and B literals when used inside character classes (e.g. ``'[\A]'``).
-  Patch by Matthew Barnett.
-- Issue #15545: Fix regression in sqlite3's iterdump method where it was
-  failing if the connection used a row factory (such as sqlite3.Row) that
-  produced unsortable objects. (Regression was introduced by fix for 9750).
-- fcntl: add F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC constant, available on Linux 2.6.24+.
-- Issue #15972: Fix error messages when os functions expecting a file name or
-  file descriptor receive the incorrect type.
-- Issue #8109: The ssl module now has support for server-side SNI, thanks
-  to a :meth:`SSLContext.set_servername_callback` method.  Patch by Daniel
-  Black.
-- Issue #16860: In tempfile, use O_CLOEXEC when available to set the
-  close-on-exec flag atomically.
-- Issue #16674: random.getrandbits() is now 20-40% faster for small integers.
-- Issue #16009: JSON error messages now provide more information.
-- Issue #16828: Fix error incorrectly raised by bz2.compress(b'') and
-  bz2.BZ2Compressor.compress(b''). Initial patch by Martin Packman.
-- Issue #16833: In http.client.HTTPConnection, do not concatenate the request
-  headers and body when the payload exceeds 16 KB, since it can consume more
-  memory for no benefit.  Patch by Benno Leslie.
-- Issue #16541: tk_setPalette() now works with keyword arguments.
-- Issue #16820: In configparser, `parser.popitem()` no longer raises ValueError.
-  This makes `parser.clean()` work correctly.
-- Issue #16820: In configparser, ``parser['section'] = {}`` now preserves
-  section order within the parser. This makes `parser.update()` preserve section
-  order as well.
-- Issue #16820: In configparser, ``parser['DEFAULT'] = {}`` now correctly
-  clears previous values stored in the default section. Same goes for
-  ``parser.update({'DEFAULT': {}})``.
-- Issue #9586: Redefine SEM_FAILED on MacOSX to keep compiler happy.
-- Issue #16787: Increase asyncore and asynchat default output buffers size, to
-  decrease CPU usage and increase throughput.
-- Issue #10527: make multiprocessing use poll() instead of select() if available.
-- Issue #16688: Now regexes contained backreferences correctly work with
-  non-ASCII strings.  Patch by Matthew Barnett.
-- Issue #16486: Make aifc files act as context managers.
-- Issue #16485: Now file descriptors are closed if file header patching failed
-  on closing an aifc file.
-- Issue #16640: Run less code under a lock in sched module.
-- Issue #16165: sched.scheduler.run() no longer blocks a scheduler for other
-  threads.
-- Issue #16641: Default values of sched.scheduler.enter() are no longer
-  modifiable.
-- Issue #16618: Make glob.glob match consistently across strings and bytes
-  regarding leading dots.  Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
-- Issue #16788: Add samestat to Lib/ntpath.py
-- Issue #16713: Parsing of 'tel' urls using urlparse separates params from
-  path.
-- Issue #16443: Add docstrings to regular expression match objects.
-  Patch by Anton Kasyanov.
-- Issue #15701: Fix HTTPError info method call to return the headers information.
-- Issue #16752: Add a missing import to modulefinder. Patch by Berker Peksag.
-- Issue #16646: ftplib.FTP.makeport() might lose socket error details.
-  (patch by Serhiy Storchaka)
-- Issue #16626: Fix infinite recursion in glob.glob() on Windows when the
-  pattern contains a wildcard in the drive or UNC path.  Patch by Serhiy
-  Storchaka.
-- Issue #15783: Except for the number methods, the C version of decimal now
-  supports all None default values present in decimal.py. These values were
-  largely undocumented.
-- Issue #11175: argparse.FileType now accepts encoding and errors
-  arguments. Patch by Lucas Maystre.
-- Issue #16488: epoll() objects now support the `with` statement.  Patch
-  by Serhiy Storchaka.
-- Issue #16298: In HTTPResponse.read(), close the socket when there is no
-  Content-Length and the incoming stream is finished.  Patch by Eran
-  Rundstein.
-- Issue #16049: Add abc.ABC class to enable the use of inheritance to create
-  ABCs, rather than the more cumbersome metaclass=ABCMeta. Patch by Bruno
-  Dupuis.
-- Expose the TCP_FASTOPEN and MSG_FASTOPEN flags in socket when they're
-  available.
-- Issue #15701: Add a .headers attribute to urllib.error.HTTPError. Patch
-  contributed by Berker Peksag.
-- Issue #15872: Fix 3.3 regression introduced by the new fd-based shutil.rmtree
-  that caused it to not ignore certain errors when ignore_errors was set.
-  Patch by Alessandro Moura and Serhiy Storchaka.
-- Issue #16248: Disable code execution from the user's home directory by
-  tkinter when the -E flag is passed to Python.  Patch by Zachary Ware.
-- Issue #13390: New function :func:`sys.getallocatedblocks()` returns the
-  number of memory blocks currently allocated.
-- Issue #16628: Fix a memory leak in ctypes.resize().
-- Issue #13614: Fix setup.py register failure with invalid rst in description.
-  Patch by Julien Courteau and Pierre Paul Lefebvre.
-- Issue #13512: Create ~/.pypirc securely (CVE-2011-4944).  Initial patch by
-  Philip Jenvey, tested by Mageia and Debian.
-- Issue #7719: Make distutils ignore ``.nfs*`` files instead of choking later
-  on.  Initial patch by SilentGhost and Jeff Ramnani.
-- Issue #13120: Allow calling pdb.set_trace() from thread.
-  Patch by Ilya Sandler.
-- Issue #16585: Make CJK encoders support error handlers that return bytes per
-  PEP 383.
-- Issue #10182: The re module doesn't truncate indices to 32 bits anymore.
-  Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
-- Issue #16333: use (",", ": ") as default separator in json when indent is
-  specified, to avoid trailing whitespace.  Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
-- Issue #16573: In 2to3, treat enumerate() like a consuming call, so superfluous
-  list() calls aren't added to filter(), map(), and zip() which are directly
-  passed enumerate().
-- Issue #16464: Reset the Content-Length header when a urllib Request is reused
-  with new data.
-- Issue #12848: The pure Python pickle implementation now treats object
-  lengths as unsigned 32-bit integers, like the C implementation does.
-  Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
-- Issue #16423: urllib.request now has support for ``data:`` URLs.  Patch by
-  Mathias Panzenböck.
-- Issue #4473: Add a POP3.stls() to switch a clear-text POP3 session into
-  an encrypted POP3 session, on supported servers.  Patch by Lorenzo Catucci.
-- Issue #4473: Add a POP3.capa() method to query the capabilities advertised
-  by the POP3 server.  Patch by Lorenzo Catucci.
-- Issue #4473: Ensure the socket is shutdown cleanly in POP3.close().
-  Patch by Lorenzo Catucci.
-- Issue #16522: added FAIL_FAST flag to doctest.
-- Issue #15627: Add the importlib.abc.InspectLoader.source_to_code() method.
-- Issue #16408: Fix file descriptors not being closed in error conditions
-  in the zipfile module.  Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
-- Issue #14631: Add a new :class:`weakref.WeakMethod` to simulate weak
-  references to bound methods.
-- Issue #16469: Fix exceptions from float -> Fraction and Decimal -> Fraction
-  conversions for special values to be consistent with those for float -> int
-  and Decimal -> int.  Patch by Alexey Kachayev.
-- Issue #16481: multiprocessing no longer leaks process handles on Windows.
-- Issue #12428: Add a pure Python implementation of functools.partial().
-  Patch by Brian Thorne.
-- Issue #16140: The subprocess module no longer double closes its child
-  subprocess.PIPE parent file descriptors on child error prior to exec().
-- Remove a bare print to stdout from the subprocess module that could have
-  happened if the child process wrote garbage to its pre-exec error pipe.
-- The subprocess module now raises its own SubprocessError instead of a
-  RuntimeError in various error situations which should not normally happen.
-- Issue #16327: The subprocess module no longer leaks file descriptors
-  used for stdin/stdout/stderr pipes to the child when fork() fails.
-- Issue #14396: Handle the odd rare case of waitpid returning 0 when not
-  expected in subprocess.Popen.wait().
-- Issue #16411: Fix a bug where zlib.decompressobj().flush() might try to access
-  previously-freed memory. Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
-- Issue #16357: fix calling accept() on a SSLSocket created through
-  SSLContext.wrap_socket().  Original patch by Jeff McNeil.
-- Issue #16409: The reporthook callback made by the legacy
-  urllib.request.urlretrieve API now properly supplies a constant non-zero
-  block_size as it did in Python 3.2 and 2.7.  This matches the behavior of
-  urllib.request.URLopener.retrieve.
-- Issue #16431: Use the type information when constructing a Decimal subtype
-  from a Decimal argument.
-- Issue #15641: Clean up deprecated classes from importlib.
-  Patch by Taras Lyapun.
-- Issue #16350: zlib.decompressobj().decompress() now accumulates data from
-  successive calls after EOF in unused_data, instead of only saving the argument
-  to the last call. decompressobj().flush() now correctly sets unused_data and
-  unconsumed_tail. A bug in the handling of MemoryError when setting the
-  unconsumed_tail attribute has also been fixed. Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
-- Issue #12759: sre_parse now raises a proper error when the name of the group
-  is missing.  Initial patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
-- Issue #16152: fix tokenize to ignore whitespace at the end of the code when
-  no newline is found.  Patch by Ned Batchelder.
-- Issue #16284: Prevent keeping unnecessary references to worker functions
-  in concurrent.futures ThreadPoolExecutor.
-- Issue #16230: Fix a crash in select.select() when one of the lists changes
-  size while iterated on.  Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
-- Issue #16228: Fix a crash in the json module where a list changes size
-  while it is being encoded.  Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
-- Issue #16351: New function gc.get_stats() returns per-generation collection
-  statistics.
-- Issue #14897: Enhance error messages of struct.pack and
-  struct.pack_into. Patch by Matti Mäki.
-- Issue #16316: mimetypes now recognizes the .xz and .txz (.tar.xz) extensions.
-  Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
-- Issue #12890: cgitb no longer prints spurious <p> tags in text
-  mode when the logdir option is specified.
-- Issue #16307: Fix multiprocessing.Pool.map_async not calling its callbacks.
-  Patch by Janne Karila.
-- Issue #16305: Fix a segmentation fault occurring when interrupting
-  math.factorial.
-- Issue #16116: Fix include and library paths to be correct when building C
-  extensions in venvs.
-- Issue #16245: Fix the value of a few entities in html.entities.html5.
-- Issue #16301: Fix the localhost verification in urllib/request.py for ``file://``
-  urls.
-- Issue #16250: Fix the invocations of URLError which had misplaced filename
-  attribute for exception.
-- Issue #10836: Fix exception raised when file not found in urlretrieve
-  Initial patch by Ezio Melotti.
-- Issue #14398: Fix size truncation and overflow bugs in the bz2 module.
-- Issue #12692: Fix resource leak in urllib.request when talking to an HTTP
-  server that does not include a ``Connection: close`` header in its responses.
-- Issue #12034: Fix bogus caching of result in check_GetFinalPathNameByHandle.
-  Patch by Atsuo Ishimoto.
-- Improve performance of `lzma.LZMAFile` (see also issue #16034).
-- Issue #16220: wsgiref now always calls close() on an iterable response.
-  Patch by Brent Tubbs.
-- Issue #16270: urllib may hang when used for retrieving files via FTP by using
-  a context manager.  Patch by Giampaolo Rodola'.
-- Issue #16461: Wave library should be able to deal with 4GB wav files,
-  and sample rate of 44100 Hz.
-- Issue #16176: Properly identify Windows 8 via platform.platform()
-- Issue #16088: BaseHTTPRequestHandler's send_error method includes a
-  Content-Length header in its response now. Patch by Antoine Pitrou.
-- Issue #16114: The subprocess module no longer provides a misleading error
-  message stating that args[0] did not exist when either the cwd or executable
-  keyword arguments specified a path that did not exist.
-- Issue #16169: Fix ctypes.WinError()'s confusion between errno and winerror.
-- Issue #16110: logging.fileConfig now accepts a pre-initialised ConfigParser
-  instance.
-- Issue #1492704: shutil.copyfile() raises a distinct SameFileError now if
-  source and destination are the same file. Patch by Atsuo Ishimoto.
-- Issue #13896: Make shelf instances work with 'with' as context managers.
-  Original patch by Filip Gruszczyński.
-- Issue #15417: Add support for csh and fish in venv activation scripts.
-- Issue #14377: ElementTree.write and some of the module-level functions have
-  a new parameter - *short_empty_elements*. It controls how elements with no
-  contents are emitted.
-- Issue #16089: Allow ElementTree.TreeBuilder to work again with a non-Element
-  element_factory (fixes a regression in SimpleTAL).
-- Issue #9650: List commonly used format codes in time.strftime and
-  time.strptime docsttings.  Original patch by Mike Hoy.
-- Issue #15452: logging configuration socket listener now has a verify option
-  that allows an application to apply a verification function to the
-  received configuration data before it is acted upon.
-- Issue #16034: Fix performance regressions in the new `bz2.BZ2File`
-  implementation.  Initial patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
-- `pty.spawn()` now returns the child process status returned by `os.waitpid()`.
-- Issue #15756: `subprocess.poll()` now properly handles `errno.ECHILD` to
-  return a returncode of 0 when the child has already exited or cannot be waited
-  on.
-- Issue #15323: Improve failure message of `Mock.assert_called_once_with()`.
-- Issue #16064: ``unittest -m`` claims executable is "python", not "python3".
-- Issue #12376: Pass on parameters in `TextTestResult.__init__()` super call.
-- Issue #15222: Insert blank line after each message in mbox mailboxes.
-- Issue #16013: Fix `csv.Reader` parsing issue with ending quote characters.
-  Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
-- Issue #15421: Fix an OverflowError in `Calendar.itermonthdates()` after
-  `datetime.MAXYEAR`.  Patch by Cédric Krier.
-- Issue #16112: platform.architecture does not correctly escape argument to
-  /usr/bin/file.  Patch by David Benjamin.
-- Issue #15970: `xml.etree.ElementTree` now serializes correctly the empty HTML
-  elements 'meta' and 'param'.
-- Issue #15842: The `SocketIO.{readable,writable,seekable}` methods now raise
-  ValueError when the file-like object is closed.  Patch by Alessandro Moura.
-- Issue #15876: Fix a refleak in the `curses` module: window.encoding.
-- Issue #15881: Fix `atexit` hook in `multiprocessing`.  Original patch by Chris
-  McDonough.
-- Issue #15841: The readable(), writable() and seekable() methods of
-  `io.BytesIO` and `io.StringIO` objects now raise ValueError when the object
-  has been closed.  Patch by Alessandro Moura.
-- Issue #15447: Use `subprocess.DEVNULL` in webbrowser, instead of opening
-  `os.devnull` explicitly and leaving it open.
-- Issue #15509: `webbrowser.UnixBrowser` no longer passes empty arguments to
-  Popen when ``%action`` substitutions produce empty strings.
-- Issue #12776, issue #11839: Call `argparse` type function (specified by
-  add_argument) only once. Before, the type function was called twice in the
-  case where the default was specified and the argument was given as well.  This
-  was especially problematic for the FileType type, as a default file would
-  always be opened, even if a file argument was specified on the command line.
-- Issue #15906: Fix a regression in argparse caused by the preceding change,
-  when ``action='append'``, ``type='str'`` and ``default=[]``.
-- Issue #16113: Added sha3 module based on the Keccak reference implementation
-  3.2. The `hashlib` module has four additional hash algorithms: `sha3_224`,
-  `sha3_256`, `sha3_384` and `sha3_512`. As part of the patch some common
-  code was moved from _hashopenssl.c to hashlib.h.
-- ctypes.call_commethod was removed, since its only usage was in the defunct
-  samples directory.
-- Issue #16692: Added TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 support for the ssl modules.
-- Issue #16832: add abc.get_cache_token() to expose cache validity checking
-  support in ABCMeta.
-- Issue #18429: Format / Format Paragraph, now works when comment blocks
-  are selected. As with text blocks, this works best when the selection
-  only includes complete lines.
-- Issue #18226: Add docstrings and unittests for FormatParagraph.py.
-  Original patches by Todd Rovito and Phil Webster.
-- Issue #18279: Format - Strip trailing whitespace no longer marks a file as
-  changed when it has not been changed. This fix followed the addition of a
-  test file originally written by Phil Webster (the issue's main goal).
-- Issue #7136: In the Idle File menu, "New Window" is renamed "New File".
-  Patch by Tal Einat, Roget Serwy, and Todd Rovito.
-- Remove dead imports of imp.
-- Issue #18196: Avoid displaying spurious SystemExit tracebacks.
-- Issue #5492: Avoid traceback when exiting IDLE caused by a race condition.
-- Issue #17511: Keep IDLE find dialog open after clicking "Find Next".
-  Original patch by Sarah K.
-- Issue #18055: Move IDLE off of imp and on to importlib.
-- Issue #15392: Create a unittest framework for IDLE.
-  Initial patch by Rajagopalasarma Jayakrishnan.
-  See Lib/idlelib/idle_test/README.txt for how to run Idle tests.
-- Issue #14146: Highlight source line while debugging on Windows.
-- Issue #17838: Allow sys.stdin to be reassigned.
-- Issue #13495: Avoid loading the color delegator twice in IDLE.
-- Issue #17798: Allow IDLE to edit new files when specified on command line.
-- Issue #14735: Update IDLE docs to omit "Control-z on Windows".
-- Issue #17532: Always include Options menu for IDLE on OS X.
-  Patch by Guilherme Simões.
-- Issue #17585: Fixed IDLE regression. Now closes when using exit() or quit().
-- Issue #17657: Show full Tk version in IDLE's about dialog.
-  Patch by Todd Rovito.
-- Issue #17613: Prevent traceback when removing syntax colorizer in IDLE.
-- Issue #1207589: Backwards-compatibility patch for right-click menu in IDLE.
-- Issue #16887: IDLE now accepts Cancel in tabify/untabify dialog box.
-- Issue #17625: In IDLE, close the replace dialog after it is used.
-- Issue #14254: IDLE now handles readline correctly across shell restarts.
-- Issue #17614: IDLE no longer raises exception when quickly closing a file.
-- Issue #6698: IDLE now opens just an editor window when configured to do so.
-- Issue #8900: Using keyboard shortcuts in IDLE to open a file no longer
-  raises an exception.
-- Issue #6649: Fixed missing exit status in IDLE. Patch by Guilherme Polo.
-- Issue #17114: IDLE now uses non-strict config parser.
-- Issue #9290: In IDLE the sys.std* streams now implement io.TextIOBase
-  interface and support all mandatory methods and properties.
-- Issue #5066: Update IDLE docs. Patch by Todd Rovito.
-- Issue #16829: IDLE printing no longer fails if there are spaces or other
-  special characters in the file path.
-- Issue #16491: IDLE now prints chained exception tracebacks.
-- Issue #16819: IDLE method completion now correctly works for bytes literals.
-- Issue #16504: IDLE now catches SyntaxErrors raised by tokenizer. Patch by
-  Roger Serwy.
-- Issue #16511: Use default IDLE width and height if config param is not valid.
-  Patch Serhiy Storchaka.
-- Issue #1207589: Add Cut/Copy/Paste items to IDLE right click Context Menu.
-  Patch by Todd Rovito.
-- Issue #16123: IDLE - deprecate running without a subprocess.
-  Patch by Roger Serwy.
-- Issue #1666318: Add a test that shutil.copytree() retains directory
-  permissions.  Patch by Catherine Devlin.
-- Issue #18273: move the tests in Lib/test/json_tests to Lib/test/test_json
-  and make them discoverable by unittest.  Patch by Zachary Ware.
-- Fix a fcntl test case on KFreeBSD, Debian #708653 (Petr Salinger).
-- Issue #18396: Fix spurious test failure in test_signal on Windows when
-  faulthandler is enabled (Patch by Jeremy Kloth)
-- Issue #17046: Fix broken test_executable_without_cwd in test_subprocess.
-- Issue #15415: Add new temp_dir() and change_cwd() context managers to
-  test.support, and refactor temp_cwd() to use them.  Patch by Chris Jerdonek.
-- Issue #15494: test.support is now a package rather than a module (Initial
-  patch by Indra Talip)
-- Issue #17944: test_zipfile now discoverable and uses subclassing to
-  generate tests for different compression types.  Fixed a bug with skipping
-  some tests due to use of exhausted iterators.
-- Issue #18266: test_largefile now works with unittest test discovery and
-  supports running only selected tests.  Patch by Zachary Ware.
-- Issue #17767: test_locale now works with unittest test discovery.
-  Original patch by Zachary Ware.
-- Issue #18375: Assume --randomize when --randseed is used for running the
-  testsuite.
-- Issue #11185: Fix test_wait4 under AIX.  Patch by Sébastien Sablé.
-- Issue #18207: Fix test_ssl for some versions of OpenSSL that ignore seconds
-  in ASN1_TIME fields.
-- Issue #18094: test_uuid no longer reports skipped tests as passed.
-- Issue #17992: Add timeouts to asyncore and asynchat tests so that they won't
-  accidentally hang.
-- Issue #17833: Fix test_gdb failures seen on machines where debug symbols
-  for glibc are available (seen on PPC64 Linux).
-- Issue #7855: Add tests for ctypes/winreg for issues found in IronPython.
-  Initial patch by Dino Viehland.
-- Issue #11078: test___all__ now checks for duplicates in __all__.
-  Initial patch by R. David Murray.
-- Issue #17712: Fix test_gdb failures on Ubuntu 13.04.
-- Issue #17835: Fix test_io when the default OS pipe buffer size is larger
-  than one million bytes.
-- Issue #17065: Use process-unique key for winreg tests to avoid failures if
-  test is run multiple times in parallel (eg: on a buildbot host).
-- Issue #12820: add tests for the xml.dom.minicompat module.
-  Patch by John Chandler and Phil Connell.
-- Issue #17691: test_univnewlines now works with unittest test discovery.
-  Patch by Zachary Ware.
-- Issue #17790: test_set now works with unittest test discovery.
-  Patch by Zachary Ware.
-- Issue #17789: test_random now works with unittest test discovery.
-  Patch by Zachary Ware.
-- Issue #17779: test_osx_env now works with unittest test discovery.
-  Patch by Zachary Ware.
-- Issue #17766: test_iterlen now works with unittest test discovery.
-  Patch by Zachary Ware.
-- Issue #17690: test_time now works with unittest test discovery.
-  Patch by Zachary Ware.
-- Issue #17692: test_sqlite now works with unittest test discovery.
-  Patch by Zachary Ware.
-- Issue #11995: test_pydoc doesn't import all sys.path modules anymore.
-- Issue #17448: test_sax now skips if there are no xml parsers available
-  instead of raising an ImportError.
-- Issue #11420: make test suite pass with -B/DONTWRITEBYTECODE set.
-  Initial patch by Thomas Wouters.
-- Issue #10652: make tcl/tk tests run after __all__ test, patch by
-  Zachary Ware.
-- Issue #11963: remove human verification from test_parser and test_subprocess.
-- Issue #11732: add a new suppress_crash_popup() context manager to test.support
-  that disables crash popups on Windows and use it in test_faulthandler and
-  test_capi.
-- Issue #13898: test_ssl no longer prints a spurious stack trace on Ubuntu.
-- Issue #17283: Share code between `__main__.py` and `regrtest.py` in
-  `Lib/test`.
-- Issue #17249: convert a test in test_capi to use unittest and reap threads.
-- Issue #17107: Test client-side SNI support in urllib.request thanks to
-  the new server-side SNI support in the ssl module.  Initial patch by
-  Daniel Black.
-- Issue #17041: Fix testing when Python is configured with the
-  --without-doc-strings.
-- Issue #16923: Fix ResourceWarnings in test_ssl.
-- Issue #15539: Added regression tests for Tools/scripts/pindent.py.
-- Issue #17479: test_io now works with unittest test discovery.
-  Patch by Zachary Ware.
-- Issue #17066: test_robotparser now works with unittest test discovery.
-  Patch by Zachary Ware.
-- Issue #17334: test_index now works with unittest test discovery.
-  Patch by Zachary Ware.
-- Issue #17333: test_imaplib now works with unittest test discovery.
-  Patch by Zachary Ware.
-- Issue #17082: test_dbm* now work with unittest test discovery.
-  Patch by Zachary Ware.
-- Issue #17079: test_ctypes now works with unittest test discovery.
-  Patch by Zachary Ware.
-- Issue #17304: test_hash now works with unittest test discovery.
-  Patch by Zachary Ware.
-- Issue #17303: test_future* now work with unittest test discovery.
-  Patch by Zachary Ware.
-- Issue #17163: test_file now works with unittest test discovery.
-  Patch by Zachary Ware.
-- Issue #16925: test_configparser now works with unittest test discovery.
-  Patch by Zachary Ware.
-- Issue #16918: test_codecs now works with unittest test discovery.
-  Patch by Zachary Ware.
-- Issue #16919: test_crypt now works with unittest test discovery.
-  Patch by Zachary Ware.
-- Issue #16910: test_bytes, test_unicode, and test_userstring now work with
-  unittest test discovery.  Patch by Zachary Ware.
-- Issue #16905: test_warnings now works with unittest test discovery.
-  Initial patch by Berker Peksag.
-- Issue #16898: test_bufio now works with unittest test discovery.
-  Patch by Zachary Ware.
-- Issue #16888: test_array now works with unittest test discovery.
-  Patch by Zachary Ware.
-- Issue #16896: test_asyncore now works with unittest test discovery.
-  Patch by Zachary Ware.
-- Issue #16897: test_bisect now works with unittest test discovery.
-  Initial patch by Zachary Ware.
-- Issue #16852: test_genericpath, test_posixpath, test_ntpath, and test_macpath
-  now work with unittest test discovery.  Patch by Zachary Ware.
-- Issue #16748: test_heapq now works with unittest test discovery.
-- Issue #10646: Tests rearranged for os.samefile/samestat to check for not
-  just symlinks but also hard links.
-- Issue #15302: Switch regrtest from using getopt to using argparse.
-- Issue #15324: Fix regrtest parsing of --fromfile, --match, and --randomize
-  options.
-- Issue #16702: test_urllib2_localnet tests now correctly ignores proxies for
-  localhost tests.
-- Issue #16664: Add regression tests for glob's behaviour concerning entries
-  starting with a ".".  Patch by Sebastian Kreft.
-- Issue #13390: The ``-R`` option to regrtest now also checks for memory
-  allocation leaks, using :func:`sys.getallocatedblocks()`.
-- Issue #16559: Add more tests for the json module, including some from the
-  official test suite at json.org.  Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
-- Issue #16661: Fix the `os.getgrouplist()` test by not assuming that it gives
-  the same output as :command:`id -G`.
-- Issue #16115: Add some tests for the executable argument to
-  subprocess.Popen().  Initial patch by Kushal Das.
-- Issue #16126: PyErr_Format format mismatch in _testcapimodule.c.
-  Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
-- Issue #15304: Fix warning message when `os.chdir()` fails inside
-  `test.support.temp_cwd()`.  Patch by Chris Jerdonek.
-- Issue #15802: Fix test logic in `TestMaildir.test_create_tmp()`. Patch by
-  Serhiy Storchaka.
-- Issue #15557: Added a test suite for the webbrowser module, thanks to Anton
-  Barkovsky.
-- Issue #16698: Skip posix test_getgroups when built with OS X
-  deployment target prior to 10.6.
-- Issue #16067: Add description into MSI file to replace installer's
-  temporary name.
-- Issue #18257: Fix readlink usage in python-config.  Install the python
-  version again on Darwin.
-- Issue #18481: Add C coverage reporting with gcov and lcov. A new make target
-  "coverage-report" creates an instrumented Python build, runs unit tests
-  and creates a HTML. The report can be updated with "make coverage-lcov".
-- Issue #17845: Clarified the message printed when some module are not built.
-- Issue #18256: Compilation fix for recent AIX releases.  Patch by
-  David Edelsohn.
-- Issue #17547: In configure, explicitly pass -Wformat for the benefit for GCC
-  4.8.
-- Issue #15172: Document NASM 2.10+ as requirement for building OpenSSL 1.0.1
-  on Windows.
-- Issue #17591: Use lowercase filenames when including Windows header files.
-  Patch by Roumen Petrov.
-- Issue #17550: Fix the --enable-profiling configure switch.
-- Issue #17425: Build with openssl 1.0.1d on Windows.
-- Issue #16754: Fix the incorrect shared library extension on linux. Introduce
-  two makefile macros SHLIB_SUFFIX and EXT_SUFFIX. SO now has the value of
-  SHLIB_SUFFIX again (as in 2.x and 3.1). The SO macro is removed in 3.4.
-- Issue #5033: Fix building of the sqlite3 extension module when the
-  SQLite library version has "beta" in it. Patch by Andreas Pelme.
-- Issue #17228: Fix building without pymalloc.
-- Issue #3718: Use AC_ARG_VAR to set MACHDEP in configure.ac.
-- Issue #16235: Implement python-config as a shell script.
-- Issue #16769: Remove outdated Visual Studio projects.
-- Issue #17031: Fix running regen in cross builds.
-- Issue #3754: fix typo in pthread AC_CACHE_VAL.
-- Issue #15484: Fix _PYTHON_PROJECT_BASE for srcdir != builddir builds;
-  use _PYTHON_PROJECT_BASE in distutils/sysconfig.py.
-- Drop support for Windows 2000 (changeset e52df05b496a).
-- Issue #17029: Let h2py search the multiarch system include directory.
-- Issue #16953: Fix socket module compilation on platforms with
-  HAVE_BROKEN_POLL. Patch by Jeffrey Armstrong.
-- Issue #16320: Remove redundant Makefile dependencies for strings and bytes.
-- Cross compiling needs host and build settings. configure no longer
-  creates a broken PYTHON_FOR_BUILD variable when --build is missing.
-- Fix cross compiling issue in setup.py, ensure that lib_dirs and inc_dirs are
-  defined in cross compiling mode, too.
-- Issue #16836: Enable IPv6 support even if IPv6 is disabled on the build host.
-- Issue #16593: Have BSD 'make -s' do the right thing, thanks to Daniel Shahaf
-- Issue #16262: fix out-of-src-tree builds, if mercurial is not installed.
-- Issue #15298: ensure _sysconfigdata is generated in build directory, not
-  source directory.
-- Issue #15833: Fix a regression in 3.3 that resulted in exceptions being
-  raised if importlib failed to write byte-compiled files.  This affected
-  attempts to build Python out-of-tree from a read-only source directory.
-- Issue #15923: Fix a mistake in ``asdl_c.py`` that resulted in a TypeError
-  after 2801bf875a24 (see #15801).
-- Issue #16135: Remove OS/2 support.
-- Issue #15819: Make sure we can build Python out-of-tree from a read-only
-  source directory.  (Somewhat related to issue #9860.)
-- Issue #15587: Enable Tk high-resolution text rendering on Macs with
-  Retina displays.  Applies to Tkinter apps, such as IDLE, on OS X
-  framework builds linked with Cocoa Tk 8.5.
-- Issue #17161: make install now also installs a python3 man page.
-- Issue #18351: Fix various issues in a function in importlib provided to help
-  PyImport_ExecCodeModuleWithPathnames() (and thus by extension
-  PyImport_ExecCodeModule() and PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx()).
-- Issue #9369: The types of `char*` arguments of PyObject_CallFunction() and
-  PyObject_CallMethod() now changed to `const char*`.  Based on patches by
-  Jörg Müller and Lars Buitinck.
-- Issue #17206: Py_CLEAR(), Py_DECREF(), Py_XINCREF() and Py_XDECREF() now
-  expand their arguments once instead of multiple times.  Patch written by Illia
-  Polosukhin.
-- Issue #17522: Add the PyGILState_Check() API.
-- Issue #17327: Add PyDict_SetDefault.
-- Issue #16881: Fix Py_ARRAY_LENGTH macro for GCC < 3.1.
-- Issue #16505: Remove unused Py_TPFLAGS_INT_SUBCLASS.
-- Issue #16086: PyTypeObject.tp_flags and PyType_Spec.flags are now unsigned
-  (unsigned long and unsigned int) to avoid an undefined behaviour with
-  Py_TPFLAGS_TYPE_SUBCLASS ((1 << 31). PyType_GetFlags() result type is
-  now unsigned too (unsigned long, instead of long).
-- Issue #16166: Add PY_LITTLE_ENDIAN and PY_BIG_ENDIAN macros and unified
-  endianness detection and handling.
-- Issue #23006: Improve the documentation and indexing of dict.__missing__.
-  Add an entry in the language datamodel special methods section.
-  Revise and index its discussion in the stdtypes mapping/dict section.
-- Issue #17701: Improving strftime documentation.
-- Issue #18440: Clarify that `hash()` can truncate the value returned from an
-  object's custom `__hash__()` method.
-- Issue #17844: Add links to encoders and decoders for bytes-to-bytes codecs.
-- Issue #14097: improve the "introduction" page of the tutorial.
-- Issue #17977: The documentation for the cadefault argument's default value
-  in urllib.request.urlopen() is fixed to match the code.
-- Issue #6696: add documentation for the Profile objects, and improve
-  profile/cProfile docs.  Patch by Tom Pinckney.
-- Issue #15940: Specify effect of locale on time functions.
-- Issue #17538: Document XML vulnerabilties
-- Issue #16642: sched.scheduler timefunc initial default is time.monotonic.
-  Patch by Ramchandra Apte
-- Issue #17047: remove doubled words in docs and docstrings
-  reported by Serhiy Storchaka and Matthew Barnett.
-- Issue #15465: Document the versioning macros in the C API docs rather than
-  the standard library docs. Patch by Kushal Das.
-- Issue #16406: Combine the pages for uploading and registering to PyPI.
-- Issue #16403: Document how distutils uses the maintainer field in
-  PKG-INFO. Patch by Jyrki Pulliainen.
-- Issue #16695: Document how glob handles filenames starting with a
-  dot. Initial patch by Jyrki Pulliainen.
-- Issue #8890: Stop advertising an insecure practice by replacing uses
-  of the /tmp directory with better alternatives in the documentation.
-  Patch by Geoff Wilson.
-- Issue #17203: add long option names to unittest discovery docs.
-- Issue #13094: add "Why do lambdas defined in a loop with different values
-  all return the same result?" programming FAQ.
-- Issue #14901: Update portions of the Windows FAQ.
-  Patch by Ashish Nitin Patil.
-- Issue #16267: Better document the 3.3+ approach to combining
-  @abstractmethod with @staticmethod, @classmethod and @property
-- Issue #15209: Clarify exception chaining description in exceptions module
-  documentation
-- Issue #15990: Improve argument/parameter documentation.
-- Issue #16209: Move the documentation for the str built-in function to a new
-  str class entry in the "Text Sequence Type" section.
-- Issue #13538: Improve str() and object.__str__() documentation.
-- Issue #16489: Make it clearer that importlib.find_loader() needs parent
-  packages to be explicitly imported.
-- Issue #16400: Update the description of which versions of a given package
-  PyPI displays.
-- Issue #15677: Document that zlib and gzip accept a compression level of 0 to
-  mean 'no compression'. Patch by Brian Brazil.
-- Issue #16197: Update winreg docstrings and documentation to match code.
-  Patch by Zachary Ware.
-- Issue #8040: added a version switcher to the documentation.  Patch by
-  Yury Selivanov.
-- Issue #16241: Document -X faulthandler command line option.
-  Patch by Marek Šuppa.
-- Additional comments and some style changes in the concurrent.futures URL
-  retrieval example
-- Issue #16115: Improve subprocess.Popen() documentation around args, shell,
-  and executable arguments.
-- Issue #13498: Clarify docs of os.makedirs()'s exist_ok argument.  Done with
-  great native-speaker help from R. David Murray.
-- Issue #15533: Clarify docs and add tests for `subprocess.Popen()`'s cwd
-  argument.
-- Issue #15979: Improve timeit documentation.
-- Issue #16036: Improve documentation of built-in `int()`'s signature and
-  arguments.
-- Issue #15935: Clarification of `argparse` docs, re: add_argument() type and
-  default arguments.  Patch contributed by Chris Jerdonek.
-- Issue #11964: Document a change in v3.2 to the behavior of the indent
-  parameter of json encoding operations.
-- Issue #15116: Remove references to appscript as it is no longer being
-  supported.
-- Issue #18817: Fix a resource warning in Lib/aifc.py demo.  Patch by
-  Vajrasky Kok.
-- Issue #18439: Make patchcheck work on Windows for ACKS, NEWS.
-- Issue #18448: Fix a typo in Tools/demo/eiffel.py.
-- Issue #18457: Fixed saving of formulas and complex numbers in
-  Tools/demo/ss1.py.
-- Issue #18449: Make Tools/demo/ss1.py work again on Python 3.  Patch by
-  Févry Thibault.
-- Issue #12990: The "Python Launcher" on OSX could not launch python scripts
-  that have paths that include wide characters.
-- Issue #15239: Make mkstringprep.py work again on Python 3.
-- Issue #17028: Allowed Python arguments to be supplied to the Windows
-  launcher.
-- Issue #17156: pygettext.py now detects the encoding of source files and
-  correctly writes and escapes non-ascii characters.
-- Issue #15539: Fix a number of bugs in Tools/scripts/pindent.py.  Now
-  pindent.py works with a "with" statement.  pindent.py no longer produces
-  improper indentation.  pindent.py now works with continued lines broken after
-  "class" or "def" keywords and with continuations at the start of line.
-- Issue #11797: Add a 2to3 fixer that maps reload() to imp.reload().
-- Issue #10966: Remove the concept of unexpected skipped tests.
-- Issue #9893: Removed the Misc/Vim directory.
-- Removed the Misc/TextMate directory.
-- Issue #16245: Add the Tools/scripts/parse_html5_entities.py script to parse
-  the list of HTML5 entities and update the html.entities.html5 dictionary.
-- Issue #15378: Fix Tools/unicode/comparecodecs.py.  Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
-- Issue #16549: Make json.tool work again on Python 3 and add tests.
-  Initial patch by Berker Peksag and Serhiy Storchaka.
-- Issue #13301: use ast.literal_eval() instead of eval() in Tools/i18n/msgfmt.py.
-  Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
-- Issue #18569: The installer now adds .py to the PATHEXT variable when extensions
-  are registered. Patch by Paul Moore.
-**(For information about older versions, consult the HISTORY file.)**
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.4.0.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.4.0.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..544c12a4031
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.4.0.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+.. bpo: 20939
+.. date: 8350
+.. nonce: MX5O4e
+.. release date: 2014-03-16
+.. section: Library
+Fix test_geturl failure in test_urllibnet due to new redirect of
+http://www.python.org/ to https://www.python.org.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 8349
+.. nonce: 1hrH2G
+.. section: Documentation
+Merge in all documentation changes since branching 3.4.0rc1.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.4.0a1.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.4.0a1.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..34b3c718535
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.4.0a1.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,7218 @@
+.. bpo: 16741
+.. date: 7743
+.. nonce: bBBAqs
+.. release date: 2013-08-03
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix an error reporting in int().
+.. bpo: 17899
+.. date: 7742
+.. nonce: Asq8mo
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix rare file descriptor leak in os.listdir().
+.. bpo: 10241
+.. date: 7741
+.. nonce: V_nZk4
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Clear extension module dict copies at interpreter shutdown. Patch by Neil
+Schemenauer, minimally modified.
+.. bpo: 9035
+.. date: 7740
+.. nonce: Cx3O-7
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+ismount now recognises volumes mounted below a drive root on Windows.
+Original patch by Atsuo Ishimoto.
+.. bpo: 18214
+.. date: 7739
+.. nonce: K8wQAM
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Improve finalization of Python modules to avoid setting their globals to
+None, in most cases.
+.. bpo: 18112
+.. date: 7738
+.. nonce: 2Oph_E
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+PEP 442 implementation (safe object finalization).
+.. bpo: 18552
+.. date: 7737
+.. nonce: hbrQHu
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Check return value of PyArena_AddPyObject() in obj2ast_object().
+.. bpo: 18560
+.. date: 7736
+.. nonce: 5q_c1C
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix potential NULL pointer dereference in sum().
+.. bpo: 18520
+.. date: 7735
+.. nonce: JY197j
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Add a new PyStructSequence_InitType2() function, same than
+PyStructSequence_InitType() except that it has a return value (0 on success,
+-1 on error).
+.. bpo: 15905
+.. date: 7734
+.. nonce: RG-KXt
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix theoretical buffer overflow in handling of sys.argv[0], prefix and
+exec_prefix if the operation system does not obey MAXPATHLEN.
+.. bpo: 18408
+.. date: 7733
+.. nonce: w526wJ
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix many various bugs in code handling errors, especially on memory
+allocation failure (MemoryError).
+.. bpo: 18344
+.. date: 7732
+.. nonce: QFOn66
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix potential ref-leaks in _bufferedreader_read_all().
+.. bpo: 18342
+.. date: 7731
+.. nonce: PkhUGS
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Use the repr of a module name when an import fails when using ``from ...
+import ...``.
+.. bpo: 17872
+.. date: 7730
+.. nonce: P_Eal-
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix a segfault in marshal.load() when input stream returns more bytes than
+.. bpo: 18338
+.. date: 7729
+.. nonce: dhKNX2
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+`python --version` now prints version string to stdout, and not to stderr.
+Patch by Berker Peksag and Michael Dickens.
+.. bpo: 18426
+.. date: 7728
+.. nonce: NdnL3v
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix NULL pointer dereference in C extension import when PyModule_GetDef()
+returns an error.
+.. bpo: 17206
+.. date: 7727
+.. nonce: eT7Ywa
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+On Windows, increase the stack size from 2 MB to 4.2 MB to fix a stack
+overflow in the marshal module (fix a crash in test_marshal). Patch written
+by Jeremy Kloth.
+.. bpo: 3329
+.. date: 7726
+.. nonce: 9PzUjS
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Implement the PEP 445: Add new APIs to customize Python memory allocators.
+.. bpo: 18328
+.. date: 7725
+.. nonce: JHuF3K
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Reorder ops in PyThreadState_Delete*() functions. Now the tstate is first
+removed from TLS and then deallocated.
+.. bpo: 13483
+.. date: 7724
+.. nonce: hc6skP
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Use VirtualAlloc in obmalloc on Windows.
+.. bpo: 18184
+.. date: 7723
+.. nonce: xLNVG3
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+PyUnicode_FromFormat() and PyUnicode_FromFormatV() now raise OverflowError
+when an argument of %c format is out of range.
+.. bpo: 18111
+.. date: 7722
+.. nonce: 73CZdq
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+The min() and max() functions now support a default argument to be returned
+instead of raising a ValueError on an empty sequence. (Contributed by Julian
+.. bpo: 18137
+.. date: 7721
+.. nonce: a_Vsor
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Detect integer overflow on precision in float.__format__() and
+.. bpo: 18183
+.. date: 7720
+.. nonce: v68GC2
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix various unicode operations on strings with large unicode codepoints.
+.. bpo: 18180
+.. date: 7719
+.. nonce: GqAflm
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix ref leak in _PyImport_GetDynLoadWindows().
+.. bpo: 18038
+.. date: 7718
+.. nonce: Q8prhd
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+SyntaxError raised during compilation sources with illegal encoding now
+always contains an encoding name.
+.. bpo: 17931
+.. date: 7717
+.. nonce: FCMg_f
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Resolve confusion on Windows between pids and process handles.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7716
+.. nonce: Kzwq2I
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Tweak the exception message when the magic number or size value in a
+bytecode file is truncated.
+.. bpo: 17932
+.. date: 7715
+.. nonce: Y5Sfd4
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix an integer overflow issue on Windows 64-bit in iterators: change the C
+type of seqiterobject.it_index from long to Py_ssize_t.
+.. bpo: 18065
+.. date: 7714
+.. nonce: tMRL_r
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Don't set __path__ to the package name for frozen packages.
+.. bpo: 18088
+.. date: 7713
+.. nonce: 0wObC2
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+When reloading a module, unconditionally reset all relevant attributes on
+the module (e.g. __name__, __loader__, __package__, __file__, __cached__).
+.. bpo: 17937
+.. date: 7712
+.. nonce: xCh9n7
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Try harder to collect cyclic garbage at shutdown.
+.. bpo: 12370
+.. date: 7711
+.. nonce: 6tvbpM
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Prevent class bodies from interfering with the __class__ closure.
+.. bpo: 17644
+.. date: 7710
+.. nonce: OuMIFJ
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix a crash in str.format when curly braces are used in square brackets.
+.. bpo: 17237
+.. date: 7709
+.. nonce: cF-0Zw
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix crash in the ASCII decoder on m68k.
+.. bpo: 17927
+.. date: 7708
+.. nonce: w21Pnm
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Frame objects kept arguments alive if they had been copied into a cell, even
+if the cell was cleared.
+.. bpo: 1545463
+.. date: 7707
+.. nonce: ChdQTJ
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+At shutdown, defer finalization of codec modules so that stderr remains
+.. bpo: 7330
+.. date: 7706
+.. nonce: _GTI9L
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Implement width and precision (ex: "%5.3s") for the format string of
+PyUnicode_FromFormat() function, original patch written by Ysj Ray.
+.. bpo: 1545463
+.. date: 7705
+.. nonce: 5O00l2
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Global variables caught in reference cycles are now garbage-collected at
+.. bpo: 17094
+.. date: 7704
+.. nonce: Uc8zDO
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Clear stale thread states after fork().  Note that this is a potentially
+disruptive change since it may release some system resources which would
+otherwise remain perpetually alive (e.g. database connections kept in
+thread-local storage).
+.. bpo: 17408
+.. date: 7703
+.. nonce: mfHmrB
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Avoid using an obsolete instance of the copyreg module when the interpreter
+is shutdown and then started again.
+.. bpo: 5845
+.. date: 7702
+.. nonce: Ws1eJX
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Enable tab-completion in the interactive interpreter by default, thanks to a
+new sys.__interactivehook__.
+.. bpo: 17115
+.. date: 7701
+.. nonce: UWAXqy
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Module initialization now includes setting __package__ and __loader__
+attributes to None. (See also: bpo-17116)
+.. bpo: 17853
+.. date: 7700
+.. nonce: 7_fwd1
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Ensure locals of a class that shadow free variables always win over the
+.. bpo: 17863
+.. date: 7699
+.. nonce: 3PTJAD
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+In the interactive console, don't loop forever if the encoding can't be
+fetched from stdin.
+.. bpo: 17867
+.. date: 7698
+.. nonce: DrmXe2
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Raise an ImportError if __import__ is not found in __builtins__.
+.. bpo: 18698
+.. date: 7697
+.. nonce: q9QV4u
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Ensure importlib.reload() returns the module out of sys.modules.
+.. bpo: 17857
+.. date: 7696
+.. nonce: 7cCKDk
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Prevent build failures with pre-3.5.0 versions of sqlite3, such as was
+shipped with Centos 5 and Mac OS X 10.4.
+.. bpo: 17413
+.. date: 7695
+.. nonce: Nt_U0G
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+sys.settrace callbacks were being passed a string instead of an exception
+instance for the 'value' element of the arg tuple if the exception
+originated from C code; now an exception instance is always provided.
+.. bpo: 17782
+.. date: 7694
+.. nonce: HwEf1N
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix undefined behaviour on platforms where ``struct timespec``'s "tv_nsec"
+member is not a C long.
+.. bpo: 17722
+.. date: 7693
+.. nonce: SJ2O7r
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+When looking up __round__, resolve descriptors.
+.. bpo: 16061
+.. date: 7692
+.. nonce: 4LQQlk
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Speed up str.replace() for replacing 1-character strings.
+.. bpo: 17715
+.. date: 7691
+.. nonce: gZ33Sm
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix segmentation fault from raising an exception in a __trunc__ method.
+.. bpo: 17643
+.. date: 7690
+.. nonce: O1HaFZ
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Add __callback__ attribute to weakref.ref.
+.. bpo: 16447
+.. date: 7689
+.. nonce: Nqypja
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fixed potential segmentation fault when setting __name__ on a class.
+.. bpo: 17669
+.. date: 7688
+.. nonce: TkSpEF
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix crash involving finalization of generators using yield from.
+.. bpo: 14439
+.. date: 7687
+.. nonce: AK0wtz
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Python now prints the traceback on runpy failure at startup.
+.. bpo: 17469
+.. date: 7686
+.. nonce: Y2sqTK
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix _Py_GetAllocatedBlocks() and sys.getallocatedblocks() when running on
+.. bpo: 17619
+.. date: 7685
+.. nonce: nQqD2x
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Make input() check for Ctrl-C correctly on Windows.
+.. bpo: 17357
+.. date: 7684
+.. nonce: _xDD4K
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Add missing verbosity messages for -v/-vv that were lost during the
+importlib transition.
+.. bpo: 17610
+.. date: 7683
+.. nonce: QpIzEB
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Don't rely on non-standard behavior of the C qsort() function.
+.. bpo: 17323
+.. date: 7682
+.. nonce: TozBFg
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+The "[X refs, Y blocks]" printed by debug builds has been disabled by
+default.  It can be re-enabled with the `-X showrefcount` option.
+.. bpo: 17328
+.. date: 7681
+.. nonce: 5JxFnr
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix possible refleak in dict.setdefault.
+.. bpo: 17275
+.. date: 7680
+.. nonce: Aqerft
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Corrected class name in init error messages of the C version of
+BufferedWriter and BufferedRandom.
+.. bpo: 7963
+.. date: 7679
+.. nonce: FWJtUT
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fixed misleading error message that issued when object is called without
+.. bpo: 8745
+.. date: 7678
+.. nonce: 7K11Uf
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Small speed up zipimport on Windows. Patch by Catalin Iacob.
+.. bpo: 5308
+.. date: 7677
+.. nonce: s5uAbP
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Raise ValueError when marshalling too large object (a sequence with size >=
+2**31), instead of producing illegal marshal data.
+.. bpo: 12983
+.. date: 7676
+.. nonce: 9igtJf
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Bytes literals with invalid ``\x`` escape now raise a SyntaxError and a full
+traceback including line number.
+.. bpo: 16967
+.. date: 7675
+.. nonce: UYSqkX
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+In function definition, evaluate positional defaults before keyword-only
+.. bpo: 17173
+.. date: 7674
+.. nonce: -KwwJ2
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Remove uses of locale-dependent C functions (isalpha() etc.) in the
+.. bpo: 17137
+.. date: 7673
+.. nonce: CXHitK
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+When a Unicode string is resized, the internal wide character string (wstr)
+format is now cleared.
+.. bpo: 17043
+.. date: 7672
+.. nonce: 4OVhGk
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+The unicode-internal decoder no longer read past the end of input buffer.
+.. bpo: 17098
+.. date: 7671
+.. nonce: hppfYX
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+All modules now have __loader__ set even if they pre-exist the bootstrapping
+of importlib.
+.. bpo: 16979
+.. date: 7670
+.. nonce: jTR3Oe
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix error handling bugs in the unicode-escape-decode decoder.
+.. bpo: 16772
+.. date: 7669
+.. nonce: 8qUxMn
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+The base argument to the int constructor no longer accepts floats, or other
+non-integer objects with an __int__ method.  Objects with an __index__
+method are now accepted.
+.. bpo: 10156
+.. date: 7668
+.. nonce: iEZGhY
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+In the interpreter's initialization phase, unicode globals are now
+initialized dynamically as needed.
+.. bpo: 16980
+.. date: 7667
+.. nonce: e2jDb2
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix processing of escaped non-ascii bytes in the unicode-escape-decode
+.. bpo: 16975
+.. date: 7666
+.. nonce: MfvORJ
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix error handling bug in the escape-decode bytes decoder.
+.. bpo: 14850
+.. date: 7665
+.. nonce: yScInY
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Now a charmap decoder treats U+FFFE as "undefined mapping" in any mapping,
+not only in a string.
+.. bpo: 16613
+.. date: 7664
+.. nonce: 8V5m-H
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Add *m* argument to ``collections.Chainmap.new_child`` to allow the new
+child map to be specified explicitly.
+.. bpo: 16730
+.. date: 7663
+.. nonce: X_pIAe
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+importlib.machinery.FileFinder now no longers raises an exception when
+trying to populate its cache and it finds out the directory is unreadable or
+has turned into a file. Reported and diagnosed by David Pritchard.
+.. bpo: 16906
+.. date: 7662
+.. nonce: 3kn92w
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix a logic error that prevented most static strings from being cleared.
+.. bpo: 11461
+.. date: 7661
+.. nonce: xwn_Zw
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix the incremental UTF-16 decoder. Original patch by Amaury Forgeot d'Arc.
+.. bpo: 16856
+.. date: 7660
+.. nonce: _alafL
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix a segmentation fault from calling repr() on a dict with a key whose repr
+raise an exception.
+.. bpo: 16367
+.. date: 7659
+.. nonce: lewlCg
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix FileIO.readall() on Windows for files larger than 2 GB.
+.. bpo: 16761
+.. date: 7658
+.. nonce: bZqaqq
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Calling int() with base argument only now raises TypeError.
+.. bpo: 16759
+.. date: 7657
+.. nonce: U0-CFS
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Support the full DWORD (unsigned long) range in Reg2Py when retrieving a
+REG_DWORD value. This corrects functions like winreg.QueryValueEx that may
+have been returning truncated values.
+.. bpo: 14420
+.. date: 7656
+.. nonce: P8fmk8
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Support the full DWORD (unsigned long) range in Py2Reg when passed a
+REG_DWORD value. Fixes OverflowError in winreg.SetValueEx.
+.. bpo: 11939
+.. date: 7655
+.. nonce: rjfRMW
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Set the st_dev attribute of stat_result to allow Windows to take advantage
+of the os.path.samefile/sameopenfile/samestat implementations used by other
+.. bpo: 16772
+.. date: 7654
+.. nonce: XI5NvS
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+The int() constructor's second argument (base) no longer accepts non integer
+values.  Consistent with the behavior in Python 2.
+.. bpo: 14470
+.. date: 7653
+.. nonce: Qn1nFM
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Remove w9xpopen support per PEP 11.
+.. bpo: 9856
+.. date: 7652
+.. nonce: 5huiiZ
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Replace deprecation warning with raising TypeError in object.__format__.
+Patch by Florent Xicluna.
+.. bpo: 16597
+.. date: 7651
+.. nonce: z8uMEN
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+In buffered and text IO, call close() on the underlying stream if invoking
+flush() fails.
+.. bpo: 16722
+.. date: 7650
+.. nonce: HXliz2
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+In the bytes() constructor, try to call __bytes__ on the argument before
+.. bpo: 16421
+.. date: 7649
+.. nonce: Y9A84i
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+loading multiple modules from one shared object is now handled correctly
+(previously, the first module loaded from that file was silently returned).
+Patch by Václav Šmilauer.
+.. bpo: 16602
+.. date: 7648
+.. nonce: FjnLTD
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+When a weakref's target was part of a long deallocation chain, the object
+could remain reachable through its weakref even though its refcount had
+dropped to zero.
+.. bpo: 16495
+.. date: 7647
+.. nonce: HCGy9Q
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Remove extraneous NULL encoding check from bytes_decode().
+.. bpo: 16619
+.. date: 7646
+.. nonce: STDaB4
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Create NameConstant AST class to represent None, True, and False literals.
+As a result, these constants are never loaded at runtime from builtins.
+.. bpo: 16455
+.. date: 7645
+.. nonce: chBHs2
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+On FreeBSD and Solaris, if the locale is C, the ASCII/surrogateescape codec
+is now used (instead of the locale encoding) to decode the command line
+arguments. This change fixes inconsistencies with os.fsencode() and
+os.fsdecode(), because these operating systems announce an ASCII locale
+encoding, but actually use the ISO-8859-1 encoding in practice.
+.. bpo: 16562
+.. date: 7644
+.. nonce: IR_Kj7
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Optimize dict equality testing.  Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
+.. bpo: 16588
+.. date: 7643
+.. nonce: YKgxOa
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Silence unused-but-set warnings in Python/thread_pthread
+.. bpo: 16592
+.. date: 7642
+.. nonce: QVZPAM
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+stringlib_bytes_join doesn't raise MemoryError on allocation failure.
+.. bpo: 16546
+.. date: 7641
+.. nonce: LXZuCC
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix: ast.YieldFrom argument is now mandatory.
+.. bpo: 16514
+.. date: 7640
+.. nonce: NoxJ7R
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix regression causing a traceback when sys.path[0] is None (actually, any
+non-string or non-bytes type).
+.. bpo: 16306
+.. date: 7639
+.. nonce: H29SXn
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix multiple error messages when unknown command line parameters where
+passed to the interpreter.  Patch by Hieu Nguyen.
+.. bpo: 16215
+.. date: 7638
+.. nonce: hoWMgb
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix potential double memory free in str.replace().  Patch by Serhiy
+.. bpo: 16290
+.. date: 7637
+.. nonce: aCFQF9
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+A float return value from the __complex__ special method is no longer
+accepted in the complex() constructor.
+.. bpo: 16416
+.. date: 7636
+.. nonce: v9EtVT
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+On Mac OS X, operating system data are now always encoded/decoded to/from
+UTF-8/surrogateescape, instead of the locale encoding (which may be ASCII if
+no locale environment variable is set), to avoid inconsistencies with
+os.fsencode() and os.fsdecode() functions which are already using
+.. bpo: 16453
+.. date: 7635
+.. nonce: 0Zm9en
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix equality testing of dead weakref objects.
+.. bpo: 9535
+.. date: 7634
+.. nonce: hkixPD
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix pending signals that have been received but not yet handled by Python to
+not persist after os.fork() in the child process.
+.. bpo: 14794
+.. date: 7633
+.. nonce: lc6bpg
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix slice.indices to return correct results for huge values, rather than
+raising OverflowError.
+.. bpo: 15001
+.. date: 7632
+.. nonce: oD3gtX
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+fix segfault on "del sys.modules['__main__']". Patch by Victor Stinner.
+.. bpo: 8271
+.. date: 7631
+.. nonce: 1qiQia
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+the utf-8 decoder now outputs the correct number of U+FFFD characters when
+used with the 'replace' error handler on invalid utf-8 sequences.  Patch by
+Serhiy Storchaka, tests by Ezio Melotti.
+.. bpo: 5765
+.. date: 7630
+.. nonce: YFFijP
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Apply a hard recursion limit in the compiler instead of blowing the stack
+and segfaulting. Initial patch by Andrea Griffini.
+.. bpo: 16402
+.. date: 7629
+.. nonce: j73Ooz
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+When slicing a range, fix shadowing of exceptions from __index__.
+.. bpo: 16336
+.. date: 7628
+.. nonce: JaupVb
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+fix input checking in the surrogatepass error handler. Patch by Serhiy
+.. bpo: 8401
+.. date: 7627
+.. nonce: TslRZr
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+assigning an int to a bytearray slice (e.g. b[3:4] = 5) now raises an error.
+.. bpo: 7317
+.. date: 7626
+.. nonce: 0ogGME
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Display full tracebacks when an error occurs asynchronously. Patch by Alon
+Horev with update by Alexey Kachayev.
+.. bpo: 16309
+.. date: 7625
+.. nonce: i2KrDU
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Make PYTHONPATH="" behavior the same as if PYTHONPATH not set at all.
+.. bpo: 10189
+.. date: 7624
+.. nonce: 3tsml3
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Improve the error reporting of SyntaxErrors related to global and nonlocal
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7623
+.. nonce: iqyUxO
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix segfaults on setting __qualname__ on builtin types and attempting to
+delete it on any type.
+.. bpo: 14625
+.. date: 7622
+.. nonce: FHSRMM
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Rewrite the UTF-32 decoder. It is now 3x to 4x faster. Patch written by
+Serhiy Storchaka.
+.. bpo: 16345
+.. date: 7621
+.. nonce: azvPpP
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix an infinite loop when ``fromkeys`` on a dict subclass received a
+nonempty dict from the constructor.
+.. bpo: 16271
+.. date: 7620
+.. nonce: ALsJdN
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix strange bugs that resulted from __qualname__ appearing in a class's
+__dict__ and on type.
+.. bpo: 12805
+.. date: 7619
+.. nonce: 0u9UGE
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Make bytes.join and bytearray.join faster when the separator is empty.
+Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
+.. bpo: 6074
+.. date: 7618
+.. nonce: CXlveH
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Ensure cached bytecode files can always be updated by the user that created
+them, even when the source file is read-only.
+.. bpo: 15958
+.. date: 7617
+.. nonce: 0MDv_n
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+bytes.join and bytearray.join now accept arbitrary buffer objects.
+.. bpo: 14783
+.. date: 7616
+.. nonce: bv7z1_
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Improve int() docstring and switch docstrings for str(), range(), and
+slice() to use multi-line signatures.
+.. bpo: 16160
+.. date: 7615
+.. nonce: NKBYGr
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Subclass support now works for types.SimpleNamespace.
+.. bpo: 16148
+.. date: 7614
+.. nonce: tRekKP
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Implement PEP 424, adding operator.length_hint and PyObject_LengthHint.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7613
+.. nonce: J74Dx4
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Upgrade Unicode data (UCD) to version 6.2.
+.. bpo: 15379
+.. date: 7612
+.. nonce: Ix2NTb
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix passing of non-BMP characters as integers for the charmap decoder
+(already working as unicode strings).  Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
+.. bpo: 15144
+.. date: 7611
+.. nonce: ENBWTp
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix possible integer overflow when handling pointers as integer values, by
+using `Py_uintptr_t` instead of `size_t`.  Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
+.. bpo: 15965
+.. date: 7610
+.. nonce: kbbwZh
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Explicitly cast `AT_FDCWD` as (int).  Required on Solaris 10 (which defines
+`AT_FDCWD` as ``0xffd19553``), harmless on other platforms.
+.. bpo: 15839
+.. date: 7609
+.. nonce: upi9Zr
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Convert SystemErrors in `super()` to RuntimeErrors.
+.. bpo: 15448
+.. date: 7608
+.. nonce: dj1nDm
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Buffered IO now frees the buffer when closed, instead of when deallocating.
+.. bpo: 15846
+.. date: 7607
+.. nonce: fkKoxl
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix SystemError which happened when using `ast.parse()` in an exception
+handler on code with syntax errors.
+.. bpo: 15897
+.. date: 7606
+.. nonce: GQpoBE
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+zipimport.c doesn't check return value of fseek(). Patch by Felipe Cruz.
+.. bpo: 15801
+.. date: 7605
+.. nonce: gpcQV3
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Make sure mappings passed to '%' formatting are actually subscriptable.
+.. bpo: 15111
+.. date: 7604
+.. nonce: hM48LB
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+__import__ should propagate ImportError when raised as a side-effect of a
+module triggered from using fromlist.
+.. bpo: 15022
+.. date: 7603
+.. nonce: VevUbS
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Add pickle and comparison support to types.SimpleNamespace.
+.. bpo: 4331
+.. date: 7602
+.. nonce: Ua1fF0
+.. section: Library
+Added functools.partialmethod (Initial patch by Alon Horev)
+.. bpo: 13461
+.. date: 7601
+.. nonce: nLeS2R
+.. section: Library
+Fix a crash in the TextIOWrapper.tell method on 64-bit platforms.  Patch by
+Yogesh Chaudhari.
+.. bpo: 18681
+.. date: 7600
+.. nonce: 8Oug5y
+.. section: Library
+Fix a NameError in importlib.reload() (noticed by Weizhao Li).
+.. bpo: 14323
+.. date: 7599
+.. nonce: Sp7tzh
+.. section: Library
+Expanded the number of digits in the coefficients for the RGB -- YIQ
+conversions so that they match the FCC NTSC versions.
+.. bpo: 17998
+.. date: 7598
+.. nonce: hIbru5
+.. section: Library
+Fix an internal error in regular expression engine.
+.. bpo: 17557
+.. date: 7597
+.. nonce: s6BEMI
+.. section: Library
+Fix os.getgroups() to work with the modified behavior of getgroups(2) on OS
+X 10.8.  Original patch by Mateusz Lenik.
+.. bpo: 18608
+.. date: 7596
+.. nonce: iLz2V4
+.. section: Library
+Avoid keeping a strong reference to the locale module inside the _io module.
+.. bpo: 18619
+.. date: 7595
+.. nonce: sj_OcY
+.. section: Library
+Fix atexit leaking callbacks registered from sub-interpreters, and make it
+.. bpo: 15699
+.. date: 7594
+.. nonce: tRg3Ny
+.. section: Library
+The readline module now uses PEP 3121-style module initialization, so as to
+reclaim allocated resources (Python callbacks) at shutdown.  Original patch
+by Robin Schreiber.
+.. bpo: 17616
+.. date: 7593
+.. nonce: BZCSg_
+.. section: Library
+wave.open now supports the context management protocol.
+.. bpo: 18599
+.. date: 7592
+.. nonce: OLGDK_
+.. section: Library
+Fix name attribute of _sha1.sha1() object. It now returns 'SHA1' instead of
+.. bpo: 13266
+.. date: 7591
+.. nonce: vWxl34
+.. section: Library
+Added inspect.unwrap to easily unravel __wrapped__ chains (initial patch by
+Daniel Urban and Aaron Iles)
+.. bpo: 18561
+.. date: 7590
+.. nonce: vgaf-k
+.. section: Library
+Skip name in ctypes' _build_callargs() if name is NULL.
+.. bpo: 18559
+.. date: 7589
+.. nonce: svR01x
+.. section: Library
+Fix NULL pointer dereference error in _pickle module
+.. bpo: 18556
+.. date: 7588
+.. nonce: -3Wtbg
+.. section: Library
+Check the return type of PyUnicode_AsWideChar() in ctype's U_set().
+.. bpo: 17818
+.. date: 7587
+.. nonce: zyqY5Z
+.. section: Library
+aifc.getparams now returns a namedtuple.
+.. bpo: 18549
+.. date: 7586
+.. nonce: DfZaOD
+.. section: Library
+Eliminate dead code in socket_ntohl()
+.. bpo: 18530
+.. date: 7585
+.. nonce: roUGYs
+.. section: Library
+Remove additional stat call from posixpath.ismount. Patch by Alex Gaynor.
+.. bpo: 18514
+.. date: 7584
+.. nonce: byuxVK
+.. section: Library
+Fix unreachable Py_DECREF() call in PyCData_FromBaseObj()
+.. bpo: 9177
+.. date: 7583
+.. nonce: 0NCpHI
+.. section: Library
+Calling read() or write() now raises ValueError, not AttributeError, on a
+closed SSL socket.  Patch by Senko Rasic.
+.. bpo: 18513
+.. date: 7582
+.. nonce: 12JUZi
+.. section: Library
+Fix behaviour of cmath.rect w.r.t. signed zeros on OS X 10.8 + gcc.
+.. bpo: 18479
+.. date: 7581
+.. nonce: CLFAeo
+.. section: Library
+Changed venv Activate.ps1 to make deactivate a function, and removed
+.. bpo: 18480
+.. date: 7580
+.. nonce: JoDjBC
+.. section: Library
+Add missing call to PyType_Ready to the _elementtree extension.
+.. bpo: 17778
+.. date: 7579
+.. nonce: odXAnT
+.. section: Library
+Fix test discovery for test_multiprocessing. (Patch by Zachary Ware.)
+.. bpo: 18393
+.. date: 7578
+.. nonce: J5Ss7D
+.. section: Library
+The private module _gestalt and private functions platform._mac_ver_gestalt,
+platform._mac_ver_lookup and platform._bcd2str have been removed. This does
+not affect the public interface of the platform module.
+.. bpo: 17482
+.. date: 7577
+.. nonce: HSxNCy
+.. section: Library
+functools.update_wrapper (and functools.wraps) now set the __wrapped__
+attribute correctly even if the underlying function has a __wrapped__
+attribute set.
+.. bpo: 18431
+.. date: 7576
+.. nonce: 4TWlLe
+.. section: Library
+The new email header parser now decodes RFC2047 encoded words in structured
+.. bpo: 18432
+.. date: 7575
+.. nonce: 3KWObr
+.. section: Library
+The sched module's queue method was incorrectly returning an iterator
+instead of a list.
+.. bpo: 18044
+.. date: 7574
+.. nonce: -TYxNg
+.. section: Library
+The new email header parser was mis-parsing encoded words where an encoded
+character immediately followed the '?' that follows the CTE character,
+resulting in a decoding failure.  They are now decoded correctly.
+.. bpo: 18101
+.. date: 7573
+.. nonce: Y9oAK1
+.. section: Library
+Tcl.split() now process strings nested in a tuple as it do with byte
+.. bpo: 18116
+.. date: 7572
+.. nonce: ZOamPj
+.. section: Library
+getpass was always getting an error when testing /dev/tty, and thus was
+always falling back to stdin, and would then raise an exception if stdin
+could not be used (such as /dev/null).  It also leaked an open file. All of
+these issues are now fixed.
+.. bpo: 17198
+.. date: 7571
+.. nonce: MZjVaU
+.. section: Library
+Fix a NameError in the dbm module.  Patch by Valentina Mukhamedzhanova.
+.. bpo: 18013
+.. date: 7570
+.. nonce: wzBMJh
+.. section: Library
+Fix cgi.FieldStorage to parse the W3C sample form.
+.. bpo: 18020
+.. date: 7569
+.. nonce: eN5fLA
+.. section: Library
+improve html.escape speed by an order of magnitude. Patch by Matt Bryant.
+.. bpo: 18347
+.. date: 7568
+.. nonce: r98Yh-
+.. section: Library
+ElementTree's html serializer now preserves the case of closing tags.
+.. bpo: 17261
+.. date: 7567
+.. nonce: FBzLVh
+.. section: Library
+Ensure multiprocessing's proxies use proper address.
+.. bpo: 18343
+.. date: 7566
+.. nonce: hHmlM5
+.. section: Library
+faulthandler.register() now keeps the previous signal handler when the
+function is called twice, so faulthandler.unregister() restores correctly
+the original signal handler.
+.. bpo: 17097
+.. date: 7565
+.. nonce: npje1S
+.. section: Library
+Make multiprocessing ignore EINTR.
+.. bpo: 18339
+.. date: 7564
+.. nonce: tawrrh
+.. section: Library
+Negative ints keys in unpickler.memo dict no longer cause a segfault inside
+the _pickle C extension.
+.. bpo: 18240
+.. date: 7563
+.. nonce: Um--C2
+.. section: Library
+The HMAC module is no longer restricted to bytes and accepts any bytes-like
+object, e.g. memoryview. Original patch by Jonas Borgström.
+.. bpo: 18224
+.. date: 7562
+.. nonce: QcraR9
+.. section: Library
+Removed pydoc script from created venv, as it causes problems on Windows and
+adds no value over and above python -m pydoc ...
+.. bpo: 18155
+.. date: 7561
+.. nonce: P-O3wv
+.. section: Library
+The csv module now correctly handles csv files that use a delimiter
+character that has a special meaning in regexes, instead of throwing an
+.. bpo: 14360
+.. date: 7560
+.. nonce: bn3mJY
+.. section: Library
+encode_quopri can now be successfully used as an encoder when constructing a
+MIMEApplication object.
+.. bpo: 11390
+.. date: 7559
+.. nonce: KD6eql
+.. section: Library
+Add -o and -f command line options to the doctest CLI to specify doctest
+options (and convert it to using argparse).
+.. bpo: 18135
+.. date: 7558
+.. nonce: NUPrSU
+.. section: Library
+ssl.SSLSocket.write() now raises an OverflowError if the input string in
+longer than 2 gigabytes, and ssl.SSLContext.load_cert_chain() raises a
+ValueError if the password is longer than 2 gigabytes. The ssl module does
+not support partial write.
+.. bpo: 11016
+.. date: 7557
+.. nonce: w7C0Pf
+.. section: Library
+Add C implementation of the stat module as _stat.
+.. bpo: 18248
+.. date: 7556
+.. nonce: SFH5BJ
+.. section: Library
+Fix libffi build on AIX.
+.. bpo: 18259
+.. date: 7555
+.. nonce: _GlBhr
+.. section: Library
+Declare sethostname in socketmodule.c for AIX
+.. bpo: 18147
+.. date: 7554
+.. nonce: SwrMZ0
+.. section: Library
+Add diagnostic functions to ssl.SSLContext(). get_ca_list() lists all loaded
+CA certificates and cert_store_stats() returns amount of loaded X.509 certs,
+X.509 CA certs and CRLs.
+.. bpo: 18167
+.. date: 7553
+.. nonce: ZeSV0k
+.. section: Library
+cgi.FieldStorage no longer fails to handle multipart/form-data when ``\r\n``
+appears at end of 65535 bytes without other newlines.
+.. bpo: 18076
+.. date: 7552
+.. nonce: 4lL63W
+.. section: Library
+Introduce importlib.util.decode_source().
+.. bpo: 18357
+.. date: 7551
+.. nonce: jRiyQA
+.. section: Library
+add tests for dictview set difference. Patch by Fraser Tweedale.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7550
+.. nonce: 8RBFdG
+.. section: Library
+importlib.abc.SourceLoader.get_source() no longer changes SyntaxError or
+UnicodeDecodeError into ImportError.
+.. bpo: 18058
+.. date: 7549
+.. nonce: rfXwQL
+.. section: Library
+Make the namespace package loader meet the importlib.abc.InspectLoader ABC,
+allowing for namespace packages to work with runpy. (See also: bpo-18057)
+.. bpo: 17177
+.. date: 7548
+.. nonce: S7sdI_
+.. section: Library
+The imp module is pending deprecation.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7547
+.. nonce: Y71ClT
+.. section: Library
+subprocess: Prevent a possible double close of parent pipe fds when the
+subprocess exec runs into an error.  Prevent a regular multi-close of the
+/dev/null fd when any of stdin, stdout and stderr was set to DEVNULL.
+.. bpo: 18194
+.. date: 7546
+.. nonce: -jAlVj
+.. section: Library
+Introduce importlib.util.cache_from_source() and source_from_cache() while
+documenting the equivalent functions in imp as deprecated.
+.. bpo: 17907
+.. date: 7545
+.. nonce: yz9wrd
+.. section: Library
+Document imp.new_module() as deprecated in favour of types.ModuleType.
+.. bpo: 18192
+.. date: 7544
+.. nonce: R4NYan
+.. section: Library
+Introduce importlib.util.MAGIC_NUMBER and document as deprecated
+.. bpo: 18149
+.. date: 7543
+.. nonce: pYRXFc
+.. section: Library
+Add filecmp.clear_cache() to manually clear the filecmp cache. Patch by Mark
+.. bpo: 18193
+.. date: 7542
+.. nonce: Hi1c_l
+.. section: Library
+Add importlib.reload().
+.. bpo: 18157
+.. date: 7541
+.. nonce: 3qhsTW
+.. section: Library
+Stop using imp.load_module() in pydoc.
+.. bpo: 16102
+.. date: 7540
+.. nonce: Ue82lF
+.. section: Library
+Make uuid._netbios_getnode() work again on Python 3.
+.. bpo: 17134
+.. date: 7539
+.. nonce: 2FXUYZ
+.. section: Library
+Add ssl.enum_cert_store() as interface to Windows' cert store.
+.. bpo: 18143
+.. date: 7538
+.. nonce: qot9pC
+.. section: Library
+Implement ssl.get_default_verify_paths() in order to debug the default
+locations for cafile and capath.
+.. bpo: 17314
+.. date: 7537
+.. nonce: EgLvA7
+.. section: Library
+Move multiprocessing.forking over to importlib.
+.. bpo: 11959
+.. date: 7536
+.. nonce: KvHon-
+.. section: Library
+SMTPServer and SMTPChannel now take an optional map, use of which avoids
+affecting global state.
+.. bpo: 18109
+.. date: 7535
+.. nonce: ix7u1y
+.. section: Library
+os.uname() now decodes fields from the locale encoding, and
+socket.gethostname() now decodes the hostname from the locale encoding,
+instead of using the UTF-8 encoding in strict mode.
+.. bpo: 18089
+.. date: 7534
+.. nonce: f8TdL7
+.. section: Library
+Implement importlib.abc.InspectLoader.load_module.
+.. bpo: 18088
+.. date: 7533
+.. nonce: G6H6Z2
+.. section: Library
+Introduce importlib.abc.Loader.init_module_attrs for setting module
+attributes. Leads to the pending deprecation of
+.. bpo: 17403
+.. date: 7532
+.. nonce: gtIhUd
+.. section: Library
+urllib.parse.robotparser normalizes the urls before adding to ruleline. This
+helps in handling certain types invalid urls in a conservative manner. Patch
+contributed by Mher Movsisyan.
+.. bpo: 18070
+.. date: 7531
+.. nonce: ocj8nr
+.. section: Library
+Have importlib.util.module_for_loader() set attributes unconditionally in
+order to properly support reloading.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7530
+.. nonce: J5E4J_
+.. section: Library
+Added importlib.util.module_to_load to return a context manager to provide
+the proper module object to load.
+.. bpo: 18025
+.. date: 7529
+.. nonce: i8mW0x
+.. section: Library
+Fixed a segfault in io.BufferedIOBase.readinto() when raw stream's read()
+returns more bytes than requested.
+.. bpo: 18011
+.. date: 7528
+.. nonce: lvv4RQ
+.. section: Library
+As was originally intended, base64.b32decode() now raises a binascii.Error
+if there are non-b32-alphabet characters present in the input string,
+instead of a TypeError.
+.. bpo: 18072
+.. date: 7527
+.. nonce: id8KzR
+.. section: Library
+Implement importlib.abc.InspectLoader.get_code() and
+.. bpo: 8240
+.. date: 7526
+.. nonce: XMOgJe
+.. section: Library
+.. bpo: 17269
+.. date: 7525
+.. nonce: 7LxyKz
+.. section: Library
+Workaround for socket.getaddrinfo crash on MacOS X with port None or "0" and
+.. bpo: 16986
+.. date: 7524
+.. nonce: htN8mZ
+.. section: Library
+ElementTree now correctly works with string input when the internal XML
+encoding is not UTF-8 or US-ASCII.
+.. bpo: 17996
+.. date: 7523
+.. nonce: JRofiI
+.. section: Library
+socket module now exposes AF_LINK constant on BSD and OSX.
+.. bpo: 17900
+.. date: 7522
+.. nonce: KONBQp
+.. section: Library
+Allowed pickling of recursive OrderedDicts.  Decreased pickled size and
+pickling time.
+.. bpo: 17914
+.. date: 7521
+.. nonce: a7CBRm
+.. section: Library
+Add os.cpu_count(). Patch by Yogesh Chaudhari, based on an initial patch by
+Trent Nelson.
+.. bpo: 17812
+.. date: 7520
+.. nonce: WW32FE
+.. section: Library
+Fixed quadratic complexity of base64.b32encode(). Optimize
+base64.b32encode() and base64.b32decode() (speed up to 3x).
+.. bpo: 17980
+.. date: 7519
+.. nonce: oLLRCS
+.. section: Library
+Fix possible abuse of ssl.match_hostname() for denial of service using
+certificates with many wildcards (CVE-2013-2099).
+.. bpo: 15758
+.. date: 7518
+.. nonce: jcf1UW
+.. section: Library
+Fix FileIO.readall() so it no longer has O(n**2) complexity.
+.. bpo: 14596
+.. date: 7517
+.. nonce: _L9ARc
+.. section: Library
+The struct.Struct() objects now use a more compact implementation.
+.. bpo: 17981
+.. date: 7516
+.. nonce: 6UZcQZ
+.. section: Library
+logging's SysLogHandler now closes the socket when it catches socket
+.. bpo: 17964
+.. date: 7515
+.. nonce: fypN2L
+.. section: Library
+Fix os.sysconf(): the return type of the C sysconf() function is long, not
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7514
+.. nonce: 9OGCJH
+.. section: Library
+Fix typos in the multiprocessing module.
+.. bpo: 17754
+.. date: 7513
+.. nonce: xa6Bc3
+.. section: Library
+Make ctypes.util.find_library() independent of the locale.
+.. bpo: 17968
+.. date: 7512
+.. nonce: nY_hjb
+.. section: Library
+Fix memory leak in os.listxattr().
+.. bpo: 17606
+.. date: 7511
+.. nonce: KiLlUm
+.. section: Library
+Fixed support of encoded byte strings in the XMLGenerator characters() and
+ignorableWhitespace() methods.  Original patch by Sebastian Ortiz Vasquez.
+.. bpo: 17732
+.. date: 7510
+.. nonce: nVRMov
+.. section: Library
+Ignore distutils.cfg options pertaining to install paths if a virtual
+environment is active.
+.. bpo: 17915
+.. date: 7509
+.. nonce: ugMGeG
+.. section: Library
+Fix interoperability of xml.sax with file objects returned by codecs.open().
+.. bpo: 16601
+.. date: 7508
+.. nonce: nolAu_
+.. section: Library
+Restarting iteration over tarfile really restarts rather than continuing
+from where it left off.  Patch by Michael Birtwell.
+.. bpo: 17289
+.. date: 7507
+.. nonce: NPHOks
+.. section: Library
+The readline module now plays nicer with external modules or applications
+changing the rl_completer_word_break_characters global variable.  Initial
+patch by Bradley Froehle.
+.. bpo: 12181
+.. date: 7506
+.. nonce: Dq2moC
+.. section: Library
+select module: Fix struct kevent definition on OpenBSD 64-bit platforms.
+Patch by Federico Schwindt.
+.. bpo: 11816
+.. date: 7505
+.. nonce: sv6zV1
+.. section: Library
+multiple improvements to the dis module: get_instructions generator, ability
+to redirect output to a file, Bytecode and Instruction abstractions. Patch
+by Nick Coghlan, Ryan Kelly and Thomas Kluyver.
+.. bpo: 13831
+.. date: 7504
+.. nonce: 2ERopR
+.. section: Library
+Embed stringification of remote traceback in local traceback raised when
+pool task raises an exception.
+.. bpo: 15528
+.. date: 7503
+.. nonce: EwXcQD
+.. section: Library
+Add weakref.finalize to support finalization using weakref callbacks.
+.. bpo: 14173
+.. date: 7502
+.. nonce: mZM9Pr
+.. section: Library
+Avoid crashing when reading a signal handler during interpreter shutdown.
+.. bpo: 15902
+.. date: 7501
+.. nonce: 3XIl24
+.. section: Library
+Fix imp.load_module() accepting None as a file when loading an extension
+.. bpo: 13721
+.. date: 7500
+.. nonce: _1u_jf
+.. section: Library
+SSLSocket.getpeercert() and SSLSocket.do_handshake() now raise an OSError
+with ENOTCONN, instead of an AttributeError, when the SSLSocket is not
+.. bpo: 14679
+.. date: 7499
+.. nonce: XSBn-L
+.. section: Library
+add an __all__ (that contains only HTMLParser) to html.parser.
+.. bpo: 17802
+.. date: 7498
+.. nonce: ztoqWb
+.. section: Library
+Fix an UnboundLocalError in html.parser.  Initial tests by Thomas Barlow.
+.. bpo: 17358
+.. date: 7497
+.. nonce: qFWG6Z
+.. section: Library
+Modules loaded by imp.load_source() and load_compiled() (and by extension
+load_module()) now have a better chance of working when reloaded.
+.. bpo: 17804
+.. date: 7496
+.. nonce: 3ehiC3
+.. section: Library
+New function ``struct.iter_unpack`` allows for streaming struct unpacking.
+.. bpo: 17830
+.. date: 7495
+.. nonce: guxczO
+.. section: Library
+When keyword.py is used to update a keyword file, it now preserves the line
+endings of the original file.
+.. bpo: 17272
+.. date: 7494
+.. nonce: UdNBlq
+.. section: Library
+Making the urllib.request's Request.full_url a descriptor. Fixes bugs with
+assignment to full_url. Patch by Demian Brecht.
+.. bpo: 17353
+.. date: 7493
+.. nonce: 6Wiqfl
+.. section: Library
+Plistlib emitted empty data tags with deeply nested datastructures
+.. bpo: 11714
+.. date: 7492
+.. nonce: EZxzYl
+.. section: Library
+Use 'with' statements to assure a Semaphore releases a condition variable.
+Original patch by Thomas Rachel.
+.. bpo: 16624
+.. date: 7491
+.. nonce: fEhnPS
+.. section: Library
+`subprocess.check_output` now accepts an `input` argument, allowing the
+subprocess's stdin to be provided as a (byte) string. Patch by Zack
+.. bpo: 17795
+.. date: 7490
+.. nonce: IgVwMv
+.. section: Library
+Reverted backwards-incompatible change in SysLogHandler with Unix domain
+.. bpo: 16694
+.. date: 7489
+.. nonce: rHrtHr
+.. section: Library
+Add a pure Python implementation of the operator module. Patch by Zachary
+.. bpo: 11182
+.. date: 7488
+.. nonce: FEuMiq
+.. section: Library
+remove the unused and undocumented pydoc.Scanner class. Patch by Martin
+.. bpo: 17741
+.. date: 7487
+.. nonce: nAezWJ
+.. section: Library
+Add ElementTree.XMLPullParser, an event-driven parser for non-blocking
+.. bpo: 17555
+.. date: 7486
+.. nonce: 9klJCB
+.. section: Library
+Fix ForkAwareThreadLock so that size of after fork registry does not grow
+exponentially with generation of process.
+.. bpo: 17707
+.. date: 7485
+.. nonce: jX-JqL
+.. section: Library
+fix regression in multiprocessing.Queue's get() method where it did not
+block for short timeouts.
+.. bpo: 17720
+.. date: 7484
+.. nonce: mMh9Hz
+.. section: Library
+Fix the Python implementation of pickle.Unpickler to correctly process the
+APPENDS opcode when it is used on non-list objects.
+.. bpo: 17012
+.. date: 7483
+.. nonce: EW-5OU
+.. section: Library
+shutil.which() no longer falls back to the PATH environment variable if an
+empty path argument is specified.  Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
+.. bpo: 17710
+.. date: 7482
+.. nonce: OCzZ2n
+.. section: Library
+Fix pickle raising a SystemError on bogus input.
+.. bpo: 17341
+.. date: 7481
+.. nonce: DI-1AO
+.. section: Library
+Include the invalid name in the error messages from re about invalid group
+.. bpo: 17702
+.. date: 7480
+.. nonce: ySqg1b
+.. section: Library
+os.environ now raises KeyError with the original environment variable name
+(str on UNIX), instead of using the encoded name (bytes on UNIX).
+.. bpo: 16163
+.. date: 7479
+.. nonce: 3aay4D
+.. section: Library
+Make the importlib based version of pkgutil.iter_importers work for
+submodules. Initial patch by Berker Peksag.
+.. bpo: 16804
+.. date: 7478
+.. nonce: vK8Q1B
+.. section: Library
+Fix a bug in the 'site' module that caused running 'python -S -m site' to
+incorrectly throw an exception.
+.. bpo: 15480
+.. date: 7477
+.. nonce: RMEmOd
+.. section: Library
+Remove the deprecated and unused TYPE_INT64 code from marshal. Initial patch
+by Daniel Riti.
+.. bpo: 2118
+.. date: 7476
+.. nonce: jsDIem
+.. section: Library
+SMTPException is now a subclass of OSError.
+.. bpo: 17016
+.. date: 7475
+.. nonce: lQnMI8
+.. section: Library
+Get rid of possible pointer wraparounds and integer overflows in the re
+module.  Patch by Nickolai Zeldovich.
+.. bpo: 16658
+.. date: 7474
+.. nonce: WgAKmI
+.. section: Library
+add missing return to HTTPConnection.send(). Patch by Jeff Knupp.
+.. bpo: 9556
+.. date: 7473
+.. nonce: Dk30j0
+.. section: Library
+the logging package now allows specifying a time-of-day for a
+TimedRotatingFileHandler to rotate.
+.. bpo: 14971
+.. date: 7472
+.. nonce: cc8xNA
+.. section: Library
+unittest test discovery no longer gets confused when a function has a
+different __name__ than its name in the TestCase class dictionary.
+.. bpo: 17487
+.. date: 7471
+.. nonce: pP4v4C
+.. section: Library
+The wave getparams method now returns a namedtuple rather than a plain
+.. bpo: 17675
+.. date: 7470
+.. nonce: -A8oHC
+.. section: Library
+socket repr() provides local and remote addresses (if any). Patch by
+Giampaolo Rodola'
+.. bpo: 17093
+.. date: 7469
+.. nonce: M-IcJ-
+.. section: Library
+Make the ABCs in importlib.abc provide default values or raise reasonable
+exceptions for their methods to make them more amenable to super() calls.
+.. bpo: 17566
+.. date: 7468
+.. nonce: dqA1rg
+.. section: Library
+Make importlib.abc.Loader.module_repr() optional instead of an
+abstractmethod; now it raises NotImplementedError so as to be ignored by
+.. bpo: 17678
+.. date: 7467
+.. nonce: PZfAGl
+.. section: Library
+Remove the use of deprecated method in http/cookiejar.py by changing the
+call to get_origin_req_host() to origin_req_host.
+.. bpo: 17666
+.. date: 7466
+.. nonce: L8Gq8u
+.. section: Library
+Fix reading gzip files with an extra field.
+.. bpo: 16475
+.. date: 7465
+.. nonce: aNp-kL
+.. section: Library
+Support object instancing, recursion and interned strings in marshal
+.. bpo: 17502
+.. date: 7464
+.. nonce: yOccrz
+.. section: Library
+Process DEFAULT values in mock side_effect that returns iterator.
+.. bpo: 16795
+.. date: 7463
+.. nonce: zi6RPl
+.. section: Library
+On the ast.arguments object, unify vararg with varargannotation and kwarg
+and kwargannotation. Change the column offset of ast.Attribute to be at the
+attribute name.
+.. bpo: 17434
+.. date: 7462
+.. nonce: bctYsc
+.. section: Library
+Properly raise a SyntaxError when a string occurs between future imports.
+.. bpo: 17117
+.. date: 7461
+.. nonce: 2wgWhb
+.. section: Library
+Import and @importlib.util.set_loader now set __loader__ when it has a value
+of None or the attribute doesn't exist.
+.. bpo: 17032
+.. date: 7460
+.. nonce: FKHNgX
+.. section: Library
+The "global" in the "NameError: global name 'x' is not defined" error
+message has been removed.  Patch by Ram Rachum.
+.. bpo: 18080
+.. date: 7459
+.. nonce: rNHtkk
+.. section: Library
+When building a C extension module on OS X, if the compiler is overridden
+with the CC environment variable, use the new compiler as the default for
+linking if LDSHARED is not also overridden.  This restores Distutils
+behavior introduced in 3.2.3 and inadvertently dropped in 3.3.0.
+.. bpo: 18113
+.. date: 7458
+.. nonce: 7w81KJ
+.. section: Library
+Fixed a refcount leak in the curses.panel module's set_userptr() method.
+Reported by Atsuo Ishimoto.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7457
+.. nonce: t5hfCI
+.. section: Library
+Implement PEP 443 "Single-dispatch generic functions".
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7456
+.. nonce: U2ylaI
+.. section: Library
+Implement PEP 435 "Adding an Enum type to the Python standard library".
+.. bpo: 15596
+.. date: 7455
+.. nonce: 0NKCQv
+.. section: Library
+Faster pickling of unicode strings.
+.. bpo: 17572
+.. date: 7454
+.. nonce: 98CntI
+.. section: Library
+Avoid chained exceptions when passing bad directives to time.strptime().
+Initial patch by Claudiu Popa.
+.. bpo: 17435
+.. date: 7453
+.. nonce: 167Uzu
+.. section: Library
+threading.Timer's __init__ method no longer uses mutable default values for
+the args and kwargs parameters.
+.. bpo: 17526
+.. date: 7452
+.. nonce: wiYvlk
+.. section: Library
+fix an IndexError raised while passing code without filename to
+inspect.findsource().  Initial patch by Tyler Doyle.
+.. bpo: 17540
+.. date: 7451
+.. nonce: 0FlRFl
+.. section: Library
+Added style parameter to logging formatter configuration by dict.
+.. bpo: 16692
+.. date: 7450
+.. nonce: 1HPMSd
+.. section: Library
+The ssl module now supports TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2.  Initial patch by Michele
+.. bpo: 17025
+.. date: 7449
+.. nonce: 2cO-DW
+.. section: Library
+multiprocessing: Reduce Queue and SimpleQueue contention.
+.. bpo: 17536
+.. date: 7448
+.. nonce: PLE2RC
+.. section: Library
+Add to webbrowser's browser list: www-browser, x-www-browser, iceweasel,
+.. bpo: 17150
+.. date: 7447
+.. nonce: cs1ti6
+.. section: Library
+pprint now uses line continuations to wrap long string literals.
+.. bpo: 17488
+.. date: 7446
+.. nonce: ODub-T
+.. section: Library
+Change the subprocess.Popen bufsize parameter default value from unbuffered
+(0) to buffering (-1) to match the behavior existing code expects and match
+the behavior of the subprocess module in Python 2 to avoid introducing hard
+to track down bugs.
+.. bpo: 17521
+.. date: 7445
+.. nonce: rDGKe7
+.. section: Library
+Corrected non-enabling of logger following two calls to fileConfig().
+.. bpo: 17508
+.. date: 7444
+.. nonce: B0KwKx
+.. section: Library
+Corrected logging MemoryHandler configuration in dictConfig() where the
+target handler wasn't configured first.
+.. bpo: 17209
+.. date: 7443
+.. nonce: w9J1io
+.. section: Library
+curses.window.get_wch() now correctly handles KeyboardInterrupt (CTRL+c).
+.. bpo: 5713
+.. date: 7442
+.. nonce: SuN3vQ
+.. section: Library
+smtplib now handles 421 (closing connection) error codes when sending mail
+by closing the socket and reporting the 421 error code via the exception
+appropriate to the command that received the error response.
+.. bpo: 16997
+.. date: 7441
+.. nonce: vtxNkx
+.. section: Library
+unittest.TestCase now provides a subTest() context manager to procedurally
+generate, in an easy way, small test instances.
+.. bpo: 17485
+.. date: 7440
+.. nonce: coQ2Mv
+.. section: Library
+Also delete the Request Content-Length header if the data attribute is
+deleted.  (Follow on to issue Issue #16464).
+.. bpo: 15927
+.. date: 7439
+.. nonce: YpppEm
+.. section: Library
+CVS now correctly parses escaped newlines and carriage when parsing with
+quoting turned off.
+.. bpo: 17467
+.. date: 7438
+.. nonce: XLE6Ww
+.. section: Library
+add readline and readlines support to mock_open in unittest.mock.
+.. bpo: 13248
+.. date: 7437
+.. nonce: YnMTCa
+.. section: Library
+removed deprecated and undocumented difflib.isbjunk, isbpopular.
+.. bpo: 17192
+.. date: 7436
+.. nonce: U0oKFo
+.. section: Library
+Update the ctypes module's libffi to v3.0.13.  This specifically addresses a
+stack misalignment issue on x86 and issues on some more recent platforms.
+.. bpo: 8862
+.. date: 7435
+.. nonce: WpBti_
+.. section: Library
+Fixed curses cleanup when getkey is interrupted by a signal.
+.. bpo: 17443
+.. date: 7434
+.. nonce: _ARDbV
+.. section: Library
+imaplib.IMAP4_stream was using the default unbuffered IO in subprocess, but
+the imap code assumes buffered IO.  In Python2 this worked by accident.
+IMAP4_stream now explicitly uses buffered IO.
+.. bpo: 17476
+.. date: 7433
+.. nonce: Vs3Ky0
+.. section: Library
+Fixed regression relative to Python2 in undocumented pydoc 'allmethods'; it
+was missing unbound methods on the class.
+.. bpo: 17474
+.. date: 7432
+.. nonce: y7hWoH
+.. section: Library
+Remove the deprecated methods of Request class.
+.. bpo: 16709
+.. date: 7431
+.. nonce: 03AeYP
+.. section: Library
+unittest discover order is no-longer filesystem specific. Patch by Jeff
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7430
+.. nonce: 4ymwbY
+.. section: Library
+Use the HTTPS PyPI url for upload, overriding any plain HTTP URL in pypirc.
+.. bpo: 5024
+.. date: 7429
+.. nonce: 4cj0qD
+.. section: Library
+sndhdr.whichhdr now returns the frame count for WAV files rather than -1.
+.. bpo: 17460
+.. date: 7428
+.. nonce: EQquZ6
+.. section: Library
+Remove the strict argument of HTTPConnection and removing the
+DeprecationWarning being issued from 3.2 onwards.
+.. bpo: 16880
+.. date: 7427
+.. nonce: VYBbI-
+.. section: Library
+Do not assume _imp.load_dynamic() is defined in the imp module.
+.. bpo: 16389
+.. date: 7426
+.. nonce: uQ4z93
+.. section: Library
+Fixed a performance regression relative to Python 3.1 in the caching of
+compiled regular expressions.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7425
+.. nonce: VWrGFv
+.. section: Library
+Added missing FeedParser and BytesFeedParser to email.parser.__all__.
+.. bpo: 17431
+.. date: 7424
+.. nonce: nID-Rk
+.. section: Library
+Fix missing import of BytesFeedParser in email.parser.
+.. bpo: 12921
+.. date: 7423
+.. nonce: TksQ6K
+.. section: Library
+http.server's send_error takes an explain argument to send more information
+in response. Patch contributed by Karl.
+.. bpo: 17414
+.. date: 7422
+.. nonce: lOLLCV
+.. section: Library
+Add timeit, repeat, and default_timer to timeit.__all__.
+.. bpo: 1285086
+.. date: 7421
+.. nonce: RN9orX
+.. section: Library
+Get rid of the refcounting hack and speed up urllib.parse.unquote() and
+.. bpo: 17099
+.. date: 7420
+.. nonce: CfR4FA
+.. section: Library
+Have importlib.find_loader() raise ValueError when __loader__ is not set,
+harmonizing with what happens when the attribute is set to None.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7419
+.. nonce: a1ikiC
+.. section: Library
+Expose the O_PATH constant in the os module if it is available.
+.. bpo: 17368
+.. date: 7418
+.. nonce: y8QiJd
+.. section: Library
+Fix an off-by-one error in the Python JSON decoder that caused a failure
+while decoding empty object literals when object_pairs_hook was specified.
+.. bpo: 17385
+.. date: 7417
+.. nonce: vuRrxn
+.. section: Library
+Fix quadratic behavior in threading.Condition.  The FIFO queue now uses a
+deque instead of a list.
+.. bpo: 15806
+.. date: 7416
+.. nonce: vWRkOo
+.. section: Library
+Add contextlib.ignore().  This creates a context manager to ignore specified
+exceptions, replacing the "except SomeException: pass" idiom.
+.. bpo: 14645
+.. date: 7415
+.. nonce: FevIjz
+.. section: Library
+The email generator classes now produce output using the specified linesep
+throughout.  Previously if the prolog, epilog, or body were stored with a
+different linesep, that linesep was used.  This fix corrects an RFC non-
+compliance issue with smtplib.send_message.
+.. bpo: 17278
+.. date: 7414
+.. nonce: pOF4An
+.. section: Library
+Fix a crash in heapq.heappush() and heapq.heappop() when the list is being
+resized concurrently.
+.. bpo: 16962
+.. date: 7413
+.. nonce: 4mCLOO
+.. section: Library
+Use getdents64 instead of the obsolete getdents syscall in the subprocess
+module on Linux.
+.. bpo: 16935
+.. date: 7412
+.. nonce: ykjyut
+.. section: Library
+unittest now counts the module as skipped if it raises SkipTest, instead of
+counting it as an error.  Patch by Zachary Ware.
+.. bpo: 17018
+.. date: 7411
+.. nonce: l8_sa8
+.. section: Library
+Make Process.join() retry if os.waitpid() fails with EINTR.
+.. bpo: 17223
+.. date: 7410
+.. nonce: gzcSyh
+.. section: Library
+array module: Fix a crasher when converting an array containing invalid
+characters (outside range [U+0000; U+10ffff]) to Unicode: repr(array),
+str(array) and array.tounicode(). Patch written by Manuel Jacob.
+.. bpo: 17197
+.. date: 7409
+.. nonce: 8BMC_8
+.. section: Library
+profile/cProfile modules refactored so that code of run() and runctx()
+utility functions is not duplicated in both modules.
+.. bpo: 14720
+.. date: 7408
+.. nonce: rjT0OJ
+.. section: Library
+sqlite3: Convert datetime microseconds correctly. Patch by Lowe Thiderman.
+.. bpo: 15132
+.. date: 7407
+.. nonce: kC6tTe
+.. section: Library
+Allow a list for the defaultTest argument of unittest.TestProgram. Patch by
+Jyrki Pulliainen.
+.. bpo: 17225
+.. date: 7406
+.. nonce: Z396fN
+.. section: Library
+JSON decoder now counts columns in the first line starting with 1, as in
+other lines.
+.. bpo: 6623
+.. date: 7405
+.. nonce: eWizvk
+.. section: Library
+Added explicit DeprecationWarning for ftplib.netrc, which has been
+deprecated and undocumented for a long time.
+.. bpo: 13700
+.. date: 7404
+.. nonce: sfJ2nZ
+.. section: Library
+Fix byte/string handling in imaplib authentication when an authobject is
+.. bpo: 13153
+.. date: 7403
+.. nonce: DW27xH
+.. section: Library
+Tkinter functions now raise TclError instead of ValueError when a string
+argument contains non-BMP character.
+.. bpo: 9669
+.. date: 7402
+.. nonce: Td9alB
+.. section: Library
+Protect re against infinite loops on zero-width matching in non-greedy
+repeat.  Patch by Matthew Barnett.
+.. bpo: 13169
+.. date: 7401
+.. nonce: txDMgH
+.. section: Library
+The maximal repetition number in a regular expression has been increased
+from 65534 to 2147483647 (on 32-bit platform) or 4294967294 (on 64-bit).
+.. bpo: 17143
+.. date: 7400
+.. nonce: HLnFxv
+.. section: Library
+Fix a missing import in the trace module.  Initial patch by Berker Peksag.
+.. bpo: 15220
+.. date: 7399
+.. nonce: 7GI-FE
+.. section: Library
+email.feedparser's line splitting algorithm is now simpler and faster.
+.. bpo: 16743
+.. date: 7398
+.. nonce: 7vwfDN
+.. section: Library
+Fix mmap overflow check on 32 bit Windows.
+.. bpo: 16996
+.. date: 7397
+.. nonce: HEPEjp
+.. section: Library
+webbrowser module now uses shutil.which() to find a web-browser on the
+executable search path.
+.. bpo: 16800
+.. date: 7396
+.. nonce: HxSo58
+.. section: Library
+tempfile.gettempdir() no longer left temporary files when the disk is full.
+Original patch by Amir Szekely.
+.. bpo: 17192
+.. date: 7395
+.. nonce: f8i9hd
+.. section: Library
+Import libffi-3.0.12.
+.. bpo: 16564
+.. date: 7394
+.. nonce: KBvsbB
+.. section: Library
+Fixed regression relative to Python2 in the operation of
+email.encoders.encode_7or8bit when used with binary data.
+.. bpo: 17052
+.. date: 7393
+.. nonce: TEWdzQ
+.. section: Library
+unittest discovery should use self.testLoader.
+.. bpo: 4591
+.. date: 7392
+.. nonce: 9wJlD8
+.. section: Library
+Uid and gid values larger than 2**31 are supported now.
+.. bpo: 17141
+.. date: 7391
+.. nonce: wvMZ5Q
+.. section: Library
+random.vonmisesvariate() no longer hangs for large kappas.
+.. bpo: 17149
+.. date: 7390
+.. nonce: _hUd7T
+.. section: Library
+Fix random.vonmisesvariate to always return results in [0, 2*math.pi].
+.. bpo: 1470548
+.. date: 7389
+.. nonce: vqnyer
+.. section: Library
+XMLGenerator now works with binary output streams.
+.. bpo: 6975
+.. date: 7388
+.. nonce: 4GoPXW
+.. section: Library
+os.path.realpath() now correctly resolves multiple nested symlinks on POSIX
+.. bpo: 13773
+.. date: 7387
+.. nonce: SKb5ok
+.. section: Library
+sqlite3.connect() gets a new `uri` parameter to pass the filename as a URI,
+allowing custom options to be passed.
+.. bpo: 16564
+.. date: 7386
+.. nonce: 5RdAXG
+.. section: Library
+Fixed regression relative to Python2 in the operation of
+email.encoders.encode_noop when used with binary data.
+.. bpo: 10355
+.. date: 7385
+.. nonce: s_RAWf
+.. section: Library
+The mode, name, encoding and newlines properties now work on
+SpooledTemporaryFile objects even when they have not yet rolled over.
+Obsolete method xreadline (which has never worked in Python 3) has been
+.. bpo: 16686
+.. date: 7384
+.. nonce: zT_bpe
+.. section: Library
+Fixed a lot of bugs in audioop module.  Fixed crashes in avgpp(), maxpp()
+and ratecv().  Fixed an integer overflow in add(), bias(), and ratecv().
+reverse(), lin2lin() and ratecv() no more lose precision for 32-bit samples.
+max() and rms() no more returns a negative result and various other
+functions now work correctly with 32-bit sample -0x80000000.
+.. bpo: 17073
+.. date: 7383
+.. nonce: wlCar1
+.. section: Library
+Fix some integer overflows in sqlite3 module.
+.. bpo: 16723
+.. date: 7382
+.. nonce: q1Cw-s
+.. section: Library
+httplib.HTTPResponse no longer marked closed when the connection is
+automatically closed.
+.. bpo: 15359
+.. date: 7381
+.. nonce: UDphxr
+.. section: Library
+Add CAN_BCM protocol support to the socket module. Patch by Brian Thorne.
+.. bpo: 16948
+.. date: 7380
+.. nonce: 8mm-53
+.. section: Library
+Fix quoted printable body encoding for non-latin1 character sets in the
+email package.
+.. bpo: 16811
+.. date: 7379
+.. nonce: rlH6y6
+.. section: Library
+Fix folding of headers with no value in the provisional email policies.
+.. bpo: 17132
+.. date: 7378
+.. nonce: ebpN0J
+.. section: Library
+Update symbol for "yield from" grammar changes.
+.. bpo: 17076
+.. date: 7377
+.. nonce: IOhR77
+.. section: Library
+Make copying of xattrs more tolerant of missing FS support. Patch by Thomas
+.. bpo: 17089
+.. date: 7376
+.. nonce: Z3-kED
+.. section: Library
+Expat parser now correctly works with string input when the internal XML
+encoding is not UTF-8 or US-ASCII.  It also now accepts bytes and strings
+larger than 2 GiB.
+.. bpo: 6083
+.. date: 7375
+.. nonce: MVAIwI
+.. section: Library
+Fix multiple segmentation faults occurred when PyArg_ParseTuple parses
+nested mutating sequence.
+.. bpo: 5289
+.. date: 7374
+.. nonce: 4azz2m
+.. section: Library
+Fix ctypes.util.find_library on Solaris.
+.. bpo: 17106
+.. date: 7373
+.. nonce: -2_cbV
+.. section: Library
+Fix a segmentation fault in io.TextIOWrapper when an underlying stream or a
+decoder produces data of an unexpected type (i.e. when io.TextIOWrapper
+initialized with text stream or use bytes-to-bytes codec).
+.. bpo: 17015
+.. date: 7372
+.. nonce: SzigPI
+.. section: Library
+When it has a spec, a Mock object now inspects its signature when matching
+calls, so that arguments can be matched positionally or by name.
+.. bpo: 15633
+.. date: 7371
+.. nonce: t407yZ
+.. section: Library
+httplib.HTTPResponse is now mark closed when the server sends less than the
+advertised Content-Length.
+.. bpo: 12268
+.. date: 7370
+.. nonce: sIHfGM
+.. section: Library
+The io module file object write methods no longer abort early when one of
+its write system calls is interrupted (EINTR).
+.. bpo: 6972
+.. date: 7369
+.. nonce: e2Lq4T
+.. section: Library
+The zipfile module no longer overwrites files outside of its destination
+path when extracting malicious zip files.
+.. bpo: 4844
+.. date: 7368
+.. nonce: ascNW4
+.. section: Library
+ZipFile now raises BadZipFile when opens a ZIP file with an incomplete "End
+of Central Directory" record.  Original patch by Guilherme Polo and Alan
+.. bpo: 17071
+.. date: 7367
+.. nonce: kRQAey
+.. section: Library
+Signature.bind() now works when one of the keyword arguments is named
+.. bpo: 12004
+.. date: 7366
+.. nonce: SAEl1I
+.. section: Library
+Fix an internal error in PyZipFile when writing an invalid Python file.
+Patch by Ben Morgan.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7365
+.. nonce: 4OOKnh
+.. section: Library
+Have py_compile use importlib as much as possible to avoid code duplication.
+Code now raises FileExistsError if the file path to be used for the byte-
+compiled file is a symlink or non-regular file as a warning that import will
+not keep the file path type if it writes to that path.
+.. bpo: 16972
+.. date: 7364
+.. nonce: nEo5JN
+.. section: Library
+Have site.addpackage() consider already known paths even when none are
+explicitly passed in. Bug report and fix by Kirill.
+.. bpo: 1602133
+.. date: 7363
+.. nonce: lYqpUo
+.. section: Library
+on Mac OS X a shared library build (``--enable-shared``) now fills the
+``os.environ`` variable correctly.
+.. bpo: 15505
+.. date: 7362
+.. nonce: -pH9Mh
+.. section: Library
+`unittest.installHandler` no longer assumes SIGINT handler is set to a
+callable object.
+.. bpo: 13454
+.. date: 7361
+.. nonce: 81rUI-
+.. section: Library
+Fix a crash when deleting an iterator created by itertools.tee() if all
+other iterators were very advanced before.
+.. bpo: 12411
+.. date: 7360
+.. nonce: cw1MdL
+.. section: Library
+Fix to cgi.parse_multipart to correctly use bytes boundaries and bytes data.
+Patch by Jonas Wagner.
+.. bpo: 16957
+.. date: 7359
+.. nonce: ne-gBj
+.. section: Library
+shutil.which() no longer searches a bare file name in the current directory
+on Unix and no longer searches a relative file path with a directory part in
+PATH directories.  Patch by Thomas Kluyver.
+.. bpo: 1159051
+.. date: 7358
+.. nonce: 1KBJ6M
+.. section: Library
+GzipFile now raises EOFError when reading a corrupted file with truncated
+header or footer.
+.. bpo: 16993
+.. date: 7357
+.. nonce: L3OmWx
+.. section: Library
+shutil.which() now preserves the case of the path and extension on Windows.
+.. bpo: 16992
+.. date: 7356
+.. nonce: s_RXIM
+.. section: Library
+On Windows in signal.set_wakeup_fd, validate the file descriptor argument.
+.. bpo: 16422
+.. date: 7355
+.. nonce: SNwB1o
+.. section: Library
+For compatibility with the Python version, the C version of decimal now uses
+strings instead of integers for rounding mode constants.
+.. bpo: 15861
+.. date: 7354
+.. nonce: gGkxCM
+.. section: Library
+tkinter now correctly works with lists and tuples containing strings with
+whitespaces, backslashes or unbalanced braces.
+.. bpo: 9720
+.. date: 7353
+.. nonce: XPXDks
+.. section: Library
+zipfile now writes correct local headers for files larger than 4 GiB.
+.. bpo: 16955
+.. date: 7352
+.. nonce: VD_jpc
+.. section: Library
+Fix the poll() method for multiprocessing's socket connections on Windows.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7351
+.. nonce: PoQ__t
+.. section: Library
+SSLContext.load_dh_params() now properly closes the input file.
+.. bpo: 15031
+.. date: 7350
+.. nonce: an2pG1
+.. section: Library
+Refactor some .pyc management code to cut down on code duplication. Thanks
+to Ronan Lamy for the report and taking an initial stab at the problem.
+.. bpo: 16398
+.. date: 7349
+.. nonce: JU7cL4
+.. section: Library
+Optimize deque.rotate() so that it only moves pointers and doesn't touch the
+underlying data with increfs and decrefs.
+.. bpo: 16900
+.. date: 7348
+.. nonce: oyyCUi
+.. section: Library
+Issue a ResourceWarning when an ssl socket is left unclosed.
+.. bpo: 13899
+.. date: 7347
+.. nonce: PJ5tHf
+.. section: Library
+``\A``, ``\Z``, and ``\B`` now correctly match the A, Z, and B literals when
+used inside character classes (e.g. ``'[\A]'``). Patch by Matthew Barnett.
+.. bpo: 15545
+.. date: 7346
+.. nonce: FCBNNV
+.. section: Library
+Fix regression in sqlite3's iterdump method where it was failing if the
+connection used a row factory (such as sqlite3.Row) that produced unsortable
+objects. (Regression was introduced by fix for 9750).
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7345
+.. nonce: dEUst7
+.. section: Library
+fcntl: add F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC constant, available on Linux 2.6.24+.
+.. bpo: 15972
+.. date: 7344
+.. nonce: G3_6id
+.. section: Library
+Fix error messages when os functions expecting a file name or file
+descriptor receive the incorrect type.
+.. bpo: 8109
+.. date: 7343
+.. nonce: CbDLHH
+.. section: Library
+The ssl module now has support for server-side SNI, thanks to a
+:meth:`SSLContext.set_servername_callback` method.  Patch by Daniel Black.
+.. bpo: 16860
+.. date: 7342
+.. nonce: W9CpNg
+.. section: Library
+In tempfile, use O_CLOEXEC when available to set the close-on-exec flag
+.. bpo: 16674
+.. date: 7341
+.. nonce: Q8wDpT
+.. section: Library
+random.getrandbits() is now 20-40% faster for small integers.
+.. bpo: 16009
+.. date: 7340
+.. nonce: tTmrs1
+.. section: Library
+JSON error messages now provide more information.
+.. bpo: 16828
+.. date: 7339
+.. nonce: uSGRTZ
+.. section: Library
+Fix error incorrectly raised by bz2.compress(b'') and
+bz2.BZ2Compressor.compress(b''). Initial patch by Martin Packman.
+.. bpo: 16833
+.. date: 7338
+.. nonce: g0QSh5
+.. section: Library
+In http.client.HTTPConnection, do not concatenate the request headers and
+body when the payload exceeds 16 KB, since it can consume more memory for no
+benefit.  Patch by Benno Leslie.
+.. bpo: 16541
+.. date: 7337
+.. nonce: rfIhAb
+.. section: Library
+tk_setPalette() now works with keyword arguments.
+.. bpo: 16820
+.. date: 7336
+.. nonce: e27ceV
+.. section: Library
+In configparser, `parser.popitem()` no longer raises ValueError. This makes
+`parser.clean()` work correctly.
+.. bpo: 16820
+.. date: 7335
+.. nonce: eSaGa4
+.. section: Library
+In configparser, ``parser['section'] = {}`` now preserves section order
+within the parser. This makes `parser.update()` preserve section order as
+.. bpo: 16820
+.. date: 7334
+.. nonce: yk3gzb
+.. section: Library
+In configparser, ``parser['DEFAULT'] = {}`` now correctly clears previous
+values stored in the default section. Same goes for
+``parser.update({'DEFAULT': {}})``.
+.. bpo: 9586
+.. date: 7333
+.. nonce: 9tuKgR
+.. section: Library
+Redefine SEM_FAILED on MacOSX to keep compiler happy.
+.. bpo: 16787
+.. date: 7332
+.. nonce: H5R03d
+.. section: Library
+Increase asyncore and asynchat default output buffers size, to decrease CPU
+usage and increase throughput.
+.. bpo: 10527
+.. date: 7331
+.. nonce: 7btVvN
+.. section: Library
+make multiprocessing use poll() instead of select() if available.
+.. bpo: 16688
+.. date: 7330
+.. nonce: V4uNMo
+.. section: Library
+Now regexes contained backreferences correctly work with non-ASCII strings.
+Patch by Matthew Barnett.
+.. bpo: 16486
+.. date: 7329
+.. nonce: bfM62e
+.. section: Library
+Make aifc files act as context managers.
+.. bpo: 16485
+.. date: 7328
+.. nonce: aUJyTZ
+.. section: Library
+Now file descriptors are closed if file header patching failed on closing an
+aifc file.
+.. bpo: 16640
+.. date: 7327
+.. nonce: uijEnP
+.. section: Library
+Run less code under a lock in sched module.
+.. bpo: 16165
+.. date: 7326
+.. nonce: QuZOIy
+.. section: Library
+sched.scheduler.run() no longer blocks a scheduler for other threads.
+.. bpo: 16641
+.. date: 7325
+.. nonce: JYpAhs
+.. section: Library
+Default values of sched.scheduler.enter() are no longer modifiable.
+.. bpo: 16618
+.. date: 7324
+.. nonce: lo3BQu
+.. section: Library
+Make glob.glob match consistently across strings and bytes regarding leading
+dots.  Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
+.. bpo: 16788
+.. date: 7323
+.. nonce: Os6OJu
+.. section: Library
+Add samestat to Lib/ntpath.py
+.. bpo: 16713
+.. date: 7322
+.. nonce: Mq84Hq
+.. section: Library
+Parsing of 'tel' urls using urlparse separates params from path.
+.. bpo: 16443
+.. date: 7321
+.. nonce: SnGosi
+.. section: Library
+Add docstrings to regular expression match objects. Patch by Anton Kasyanov.
+.. bpo: 15701
+.. date: 7320
+.. nonce: rAh1Sy
+.. section: Library
+Fix HTTPError info method call to return the headers information.
+.. bpo: 16752
+.. date: 7319
+.. nonce: gIWkHK
+.. section: Library
+Add a missing import to modulefinder. Patch by Berker Peksag.
+.. bpo: 16646
+.. date: 7318
+.. nonce: Tc3vsq
+.. section: Library
+ftplib.FTP.makeport() might lose socket error details. (patch by Serhiy
+.. bpo: 16626
+.. date: 7317
+.. nonce: P9xKcu
+.. section: Library
+Fix infinite recursion in glob.glob() on Windows when the pattern contains a
+wildcard in the drive or UNC path.  Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
+.. bpo: 15783
+.. date: 7316
+.. nonce: y8LbED
+.. section: Library
+Except for the number methods, the C version of decimal now supports all
+None default values present in decimal.py. These values were largely
+.. bpo: 11175
+.. date: 7315
+.. nonce: T80G4_
+.. section: Library
+argparse.FileType now accepts encoding and errors arguments. Patch by Lucas
+.. bpo: 16488
+.. date: 7314
+.. nonce: SeOkz0
+.. section: Library
+epoll() objects now support the `with` statement.  Patch by Serhiy
+.. bpo: 16298
+.. date: 7313
+.. nonce: kN3o52
+.. section: Library
+In HTTPResponse.read(), close the socket when there is no Content-Length and
+the incoming stream is finished.  Patch by Eran Rundstein.
+.. bpo: 16049
+.. date: 7312
+.. nonce: HeaoM8
+.. section: Library
+Add abc.ABC class to enable the use of inheritance to create ABCs, rather
+than the more cumbersome metaclass=ABCMeta. Patch by Bruno Dupuis.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7311
+.. nonce: 0T54b0
+.. section: Library
+Expose the TCP_FASTOPEN and MSG_FASTOPEN flags in socket when they're
+.. bpo: 15701
+.. date: 7310
+.. nonce: 7KaZjl
+.. section: Library
+Add a .headers attribute to urllib.error.HTTPError. Patch contributed by
+Berker Peksag.
+.. bpo: 15872
+.. date: 7309
+.. nonce: hPj0NT
+.. section: Library
+Fix 3.3 regression introduced by the new fd-based shutil.rmtree that caused
+it to not ignore certain errors when ignore_errors was set. Patch by
+Alessandro Moura and Serhiy Storchaka.
+.. bpo: 16248
+.. date: 7308
+.. nonce: yOopnt
+.. section: Library
+Disable code execution from the user's home directory by tkinter when the -E
+flag is passed to Python.  Patch by Zachary Ware.
+.. bpo: 13390
+.. date: 7307
+.. nonce: Oj2WC_
+.. section: Library
+New function :func:`sys.getallocatedblocks()` returns the number of memory
+blocks currently allocated.
+.. bpo: 16628
+.. date: 7306
+.. nonce: qnWML3
+.. section: Library
+Fix a memory leak in ctypes.resize().
+.. bpo: 13614
+.. date: 7305
+.. nonce: buqA2j
+.. section: Library
+Fix setup.py register failure with invalid rst in description. Patch by
+Julien Courteau and Pierre Paul Lefebvre.
+.. bpo: 13512
+.. date: 7304
+.. nonce: KW8Du9
+.. section: Library
+Create ~/.pypirc securely (CVE-2011-4944).  Initial patch by Philip Jenvey,
+tested by Mageia and Debian.
+.. bpo: 7719
+.. date: 7303
+.. nonce: O-kdp6
+.. section: Library
+Make distutils ignore ``.nfs*`` files instead of choking later on.  Initial
+patch by SilentGhost and Jeff Ramnani.
+.. bpo: 13120
+.. date: 7302
+.. nonce: 3PKTDf
+.. section: Library
+Allow calling pdb.set_trace() from thread. Patch by Ilya Sandler.
+.. bpo: 16585
+.. date: 7301
+.. nonce: f_MHWg
+.. section: Library
+Make CJK encoders support error handlers that return bytes per PEP 383.
+.. bpo: 10182
+.. date: 7300
+.. nonce: 0nH79H
+.. section: Library
+The re module doesn't truncate indices to 32 bits anymore. Patch by Serhiy
+.. bpo: 16333
+.. date: 7299
+.. nonce: 8YUVkp
+.. section: Library
+use (",", ": ") as default separator in json when indent is specified, to
+avoid trailing whitespace.  Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
+.. bpo: 16573
+.. date: 7298
+.. nonce: kKjx72
+.. section: Library
+In 2to3, treat enumerate() like a consuming call, so superfluous list()
+calls aren't added to filter(), map(), and zip() which are directly passed
+.. bpo: 16464
+.. date: 7297
+.. nonce: fcgAzt
+.. section: Library
+Reset the Content-Length header when a urllib Request is reused with new
+.. bpo: 12848
+.. date: 7296
+.. nonce: gGAbLz
+.. section: Library
+The pure Python pickle implementation now treats object lengths as unsigned
+32-bit integers, like the C implementation does. Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
+.. bpo: 16423
+.. date: 7295
+.. nonce: ZVmUs3
+.. section: Library
+urllib.request now has support for ``data:`` URLs.  Patch by Mathias
+.. bpo: 4473
+.. date: 7294
+.. nonce: 3tTGZx
+.. section: Library
+Add a POP3.stls() to switch a clear-text POP3 session into an encrypted POP3
+session, on supported servers.  Patch by Lorenzo Catucci.
+.. bpo: 4473
+.. date: 7293
+.. nonce: BcE9oH
+.. section: Library
+Add a POP3.capa() method to query the capabilities advertised by the POP3
+server.  Patch by Lorenzo Catucci.
+.. bpo: 4473
+.. date: 7292
+.. nonce: dU-l8q
+.. section: Library
+Ensure the socket is shutdown cleanly in POP3.close(). Patch by Lorenzo
+.. bpo: 16522
+.. date: 7291
+.. nonce: NIzWem
+.. section: Library
+added FAIL_FAST flag to doctest.
+.. bpo: 15627
+.. date: 7290
+.. nonce: 4PHtp9
+.. section: Library
+Add the importlib.abc.InspectLoader.source_to_code() method.
+.. bpo: 16408
+.. date: 7289
+.. nonce: iqzks4
+.. section: Library
+Fix file descriptors not being closed in error conditions in the zipfile
+module.  Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
+.. bpo: 14631
+.. date: 7288
+.. nonce: -GSQmy
+.. section: Library
+Add a new :class:`weakref.WeakMethod` to simulate weak references to bound
+.. bpo: 16469
+.. date: 7287
+.. nonce: Od7MLh
+.. section: Library
+Fix exceptions from float -> Fraction and Decimal -> Fraction conversions
+for special values to be consistent with those for float -> int and Decimal
+-> int.  Patch by Alexey Kachayev.
+.. bpo: 16481
+.. date: 7286
+.. nonce: TsOri8
+.. section: Library
+multiprocessing no longer leaks process handles on Windows.
+.. bpo: 12428
+.. date: 7285
+.. nonce: wo0Z3V
+.. section: Library
+Add a pure Python implementation of functools.partial(). Patch by Brian
+.. bpo: 16140
+.. date: 7284
+.. nonce: lszQfR
+.. section: Library
+The subprocess module no longer double closes its child subprocess.PIPE
+parent file descriptors on child error prior to exec().
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7283
+.. nonce: G2vxaZ
+.. section: Library
+Remove a bare print to stdout from the subprocess module that could have
+happened if the child process wrote garbage to its pre-exec error pipe.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7282
+.. nonce: Kf0oN-
+.. section: Library
+The subprocess module now raises its own SubprocessError instead of a
+RuntimeError in various error situations which should not normally happen.
+.. bpo: 16327
+.. date: 7281
+.. nonce: uVAHv3
+.. section: Library
+The subprocess module no longer leaks file descriptors used for
+stdin/stdout/stderr pipes to the child when fork() fails.
+.. bpo: 14396
+.. date: 7280
+.. nonce: aUgPuV
+.. section: Library
+Handle the odd rare case of waitpid returning 0 when not expected in
+.. bpo: 16411
+.. date: 7279
+.. nonce: 9Mn07O
+.. section: Library
+Fix a bug where zlib.decompressobj().flush() might try to access previously-
+freed memory. Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
+.. bpo: 16357
+.. date: 7278
+.. nonce: JSAbxU
+.. section: Library
+fix calling accept() on a SSLSocket created through
+SSLContext.wrap_socket().  Original patch by Jeff McNeil.
+.. bpo: 16409
+.. date: 7277
+.. nonce: Q4-W9i
+.. section: Library
+The reporthook callback made by the legacy urllib.request.urlretrieve API
+now properly supplies a constant non-zero block_size as it did in Python 3.2
+and 2.7.  This matches the behavior of urllib.request.URLopener.retrieve.
+.. bpo: 16431
+.. date: 7276
+.. nonce: e4cPCA
+.. section: Library
+Use the type information when constructing a Decimal subtype from a Decimal
+.. bpo: 15641
+.. date: 7275
+.. nonce: vCK1I7
+.. section: Library
+Clean up deprecated classes from importlib. Patch by Taras Lyapun.
+.. bpo: 16350
+.. date: 7274
+.. nonce: b77tF6
+.. section: Library
+zlib.decompressobj().decompress() now accumulates data from successive calls
+after EOF in unused_data, instead of only saving the argument to the last
+call. decompressobj().flush() now correctly sets unused_data and
+unconsumed_tail. A bug in the handling of MemoryError when setting the
+unconsumed_tail attribute has also been fixed. Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
+.. bpo: 12759
+.. date: 7273
+.. nonce: c7p8aw
+.. section: Library
+sre_parse now raises a proper error when the name of the group is missing.
+Initial patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
+.. bpo: 16152
+.. date: 7272
+.. nonce: Lypvsp
+.. section: Library
+fix tokenize to ignore whitespace at the end of the code when no newline is
+found.  Patch by Ned Batchelder.
+.. bpo: 16284
+.. date: 7271
+.. nonce: fNPApL
+.. section: Library
+Prevent keeping unnecessary references to worker functions in
+concurrent.futures ThreadPoolExecutor.
+.. bpo: 16230
+.. date: 7270
+.. nonce: Y7XU0-
+.. section: Library
+Fix a crash in select.select() when one of the lists changes size while
+iterated on.  Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
+.. bpo: 16228
+.. date: 7269
+.. nonce: zsna-8
+.. section: Library
+Fix a crash in the json module where a list changes size while it is being
+encoded.  Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
+.. bpo: 16351
+.. date: 7268
+.. nonce: pm5Uwv
+.. section: Library
+New function gc.get_stats() returns per-generation collection statistics.
+.. bpo: 14897
+.. date: 7267
+.. nonce: OGbALj
+.. section: Library
+Enhance error messages of struct.pack and struct.pack_into. Patch by Matti
+.. bpo: 16316
+.. date: 7266
+.. nonce: JuyfbK
+.. section: Library
+mimetypes now recognizes the .xz and .txz (.tar.xz) extensions. Patch by
+Serhiy Storchaka.
+.. bpo: 12890
+.. date: 7265
+.. nonce: kDaDxa
+.. section: Library
+cgitb no longer prints spurious <p> tags in text mode when the logdir option
+is specified.
+.. bpo: 16307
+.. date: 7264
+.. nonce: a50VwB
+.. section: Library
+Fix multiprocessing.Pool.map_async not calling its callbacks. Patch by Janne
+.. bpo: 16305
+.. date: 7263
+.. nonce: 16wmhi
+.. section: Library
+Fix a segmentation fault occurring when interrupting math.factorial.
+.. bpo: 16116
+.. date: 7262
+.. nonce: vgGtQF
+.. section: Library
+Fix include and library paths to be correct when building C extensions in
+.. bpo: 16245
+.. date: 7261
+.. nonce: kJSC-a
+.. section: Library
+Fix the value of a few entities in html.entities.html5.
+.. bpo: 16301
+.. date: 7260
+.. nonce: hBD_Yq
+.. section: Library
+Fix the localhost verification in urllib/request.py for ``file://`` urls.
+.. bpo: 16250
+.. date: 7259
+.. nonce: ieVkF0
+.. section: Library
+Fix the invocations of URLError which had misplaced filename attribute for
+.. bpo: 10836
+.. date: 7258
+.. nonce: Jh2ffY
+.. section: Library
+Fix exception raised when file not found in urlretrieve Initial patch by
+Ezio Melotti.
+.. bpo: 14398
+.. date: 7257
+.. nonce: jPT4ME
+.. section: Library
+Fix size truncation and overflow bugs in the bz2 module.
+.. bpo: 12692
+.. date: 7256
+.. nonce: 2Mzlsy
+.. section: Library
+Fix resource leak in urllib.request when talking to an HTTP server that does
+not include a ``Connection: close`` header in its responses.
+.. bpo: 12034
+.. date: 7255
+.. nonce: btn3x3
+.. section: Library
+Fix bogus caching of result in check_GetFinalPathNameByHandle. Patch by
+Atsuo Ishimoto.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7254
+.. nonce: D_nbXg
+.. section: Library
+Improve performance of `lzma.LZMAFile` (see also issue #16034).
+.. bpo: 16220
+.. date: 7253
+.. nonce: KAtvbg
+.. section: Library
+wsgiref now always calls close() on an iterable response. Patch by Brent
+.. bpo: 16270
+.. date: 7252
+.. nonce: O-WZPm
+.. section: Library
+urllib may hang when used for retrieving files via FTP by using a context
+manager.  Patch by Giampaolo Rodola'.
+.. bpo: 16461
+.. date: 7251
+.. nonce: 4XLB7L
+.. section: Library
+Wave library should be able to deal with 4GB wav files, and sample rate of
+44100 Hz.
+.. bpo: 16176
+.. date: 7250
+.. nonce: iZz-x5
+.. section: Library
+Properly identify Windows 8 via platform.platform()
+.. bpo: 16088
+.. date: 7249
+.. nonce: 9zmUAz
+.. section: Library
+BaseHTTPRequestHandler's send_error method includes a Content-Length header
+in its response now. Patch by Antoine Pitrou.
+.. bpo: 16114
+.. date: 7248
+.. nonce: 99pl4N
+.. section: Library
+The subprocess module no longer provides a misleading error message stating
+that args[0] did not exist when either the cwd or executable keyword
+arguments specified a path that did not exist.
+.. bpo: 16169
+.. date: 7247
+.. nonce: zjnL7m
+.. section: Library
+Fix ctypes.WinError()'s confusion between errno and winerror.
+.. bpo: 16110
+.. date: 7246
+.. nonce: fJpUiF
+.. section: Library
+logging.fileConfig now accepts a pre-initialised ConfigParser instance.
+.. bpo: 1492704
+.. date: 7245
+.. nonce: 9rDdhr
+.. section: Library
+shutil.copyfile() raises a distinct SameFileError now if source and
+destination are the same file. Patch by Atsuo Ishimoto.
+.. bpo: 13896
+.. date: 7244
+.. nonce: iM0TJp
+.. section: Library
+Make shelf instances work with 'with' as context managers. Original patch by
+Filip Gruszczyński.
+.. bpo: 15417
+.. date: 7243
+.. nonce: Rd0mDH
+.. section: Library
+Add support for csh and fish in venv activation scripts.
+.. bpo: 14377
+.. date: 7242
+.. nonce: P85CJN
+.. section: Library
+ElementTree.write and some of the module-level functions have a new
+parameter - *short_empty_elements*. It controls how elements with no
+contents are emitted.
+.. bpo: 16089
+.. date: 7241
+.. nonce: L9jCK7
+.. section: Library
+Allow ElementTree.TreeBuilder to work again with a non-Element
+element_factory (fixes a regression in SimpleTAL).
+.. bpo: 9650
+.. date: 7240
+.. nonce: cENePt
+.. section: Library
+List commonly used format codes in time.strftime and time.strptime
+docsttings.  Original patch by Mike Hoy.
+.. bpo: 15452
+.. date: 7239
+.. nonce: qqK1EO
+.. section: Library
+logging configuration socket listener now has a verify option that allows an
+application to apply a verification function to the received configuration
+data before it is acted upon.
+.. bpo: 16034
+.. date: 7238
+.. nonce: E_ZhP2
+.. section: Library
+Fix performance regressions in the new `bz2.BZ2File` implementation.
+Initial patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7237
+.. nonce: f4R5V2
+.. section: Library
+`pty.spawn()` now returns the child process status returned by
+.. bpo: 15756
+.. date: 7236
+.. nonce: WAeC4R
+.. section: Library
+`subprocess.poll()` now properly handles `errno.ECHILD` to return a
+returncode of 0 when the child has already exited or cannot be waited on.
+.. bpo: 15323
+.. date: 7235
+.. nonce: L4bD_6
+.. section: Library
+Improve failure message of `Mock.assert_called_once_with()`.
+.. bpo: 16064
+.. date: 7234
+.. nonce: oSOZ0F
+.. section: Library
+``unittest -m`` claims executable is "python", not "python3".
+.. bpo: 12376
+.. date: 7233
+.. nonce: XQz0f2
+.. section: Library
+Pass on parameters in `TextTestResult.__init__()` super call.
+.. bpo: 15222
+.. date: 7232
+.. nonce: 1KFZ58
+.. section: Library
+Insert blank line after each message in mbox mailboxes.
+.. bpo: 16013
+.. date: 7231
+.. nonce: QtdOeT
+.. section: Library
+Fix `csv.Reader` parsing issue with ending quote characters. Patch by Serhiy
+.. bpo: 15421
+.. date: 7230
+.. nonce: bS-Hq5
+.. section: Library
+Fix an OverflowError in `Calendar.itermonthdates()` after
+`datetime.MAXYEAR`.  Patch by Cédric Krier.
+.. bpo: 16112
+.. date: 7229
+.. nonce: 7UQthq
+.. section: Library
+platform.architecture does not correctly escape argument to /usr/bin/file.
+Patch by David Benjamin.
+.. bpo: 15970
+.. date: 7228
+.. nonce: -hD9Ha
+.. section: Library
+`xml.etree.ElementTree` now serializes correctly the empty HTML elements
+'meta' and 'param'.
+.. bpo: 15842
+.. date: 7227
+.. nonce: _Kzj4o
+.. section: Library
+The `SocketIO.{readable,writable,seekable}` methods now raise ValueError
+when the file-like object is closed.  Patch by Alessandro Moura.
+.. bpo: 15876
+.. date: 7226
+.. nonce: hMWNMn
+.. section: Library
+Fix a refleak in the `curses` module: window.encoding.
+.. bpo: 15881
+.. date: 7225
+.. nonce: 0CCbVo
+.. section: Library
+Fix `atexit` hook in `multiprocessing`.  Original patch by Chris McDonough.
+.. bpo: 15841
+.. date: 7224
+.. nonce: UVh8eH
+.. section: Library
+The readable(), writable() and seekable() methods of `io.BytesIO` and
+`io.StringIO` objects now raise ValueError when the object has been closed.
+Patch by Alessandro Moura.
+.. bpo: 15447
+.. date: 7223
+.. nonce: bdNIb1
+.. section: Library
+Use `subprocess.DEVNULL` in webbrowser, instead of opening `os.devnull`
+explicitly and leaving it open.
+.. bpo: 15509
+.. date: 7222
+.. nonce: q1hQFS
+.. section: Library
+`webbrowser.UnixBrowser` no longer passes empty arguments to Popen when
+``%action`` substitutions produce empty strings.
+.. bpo: 12776
+.. date: 7221
+.. nonce: XiJzFk
+.. section: Library
+Call `argparse` type function (specified by add_argument) only once. Before,
+the type function was called twice in the case where the default was
+specified and the argument was given as well.  This was especially
+problematic for the FileType type, as a default file would always be opened,
+even if a file argument was specified on the command line. (See also:
+.. bpo: 15906
+.. date: 7220
+.. nonce: qeshwx
+.. section: Library
+Fix a regression in argparse caused by the preceding change, when
+``action='append'``, ``type='str'`` and ``default=[]``.
+.. bpo: 16113
+.. date: 7219
+.. nonce: tpf8Os
+.. section: Library
+Added sha3 module based on the Keccak reference implementation 3.2. The
+`hashlib` module has four additional hash algorithms: `sha3_224`,
+`sha3_256`, `sha3_384` and `sha3_512`. As part of the patch some common code
+was moved from _hashopenssl.c to hashlib.h.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7218
+.. nonce: t35X7X
+.. section: Library
+ctypes.call_commethod was removed, since its only usage was in the defunct
+samples directory.
+.. bpo: 16692
+.. date: 7217
+.. nonce: Hh7vnr
+.. section: Library
+Added TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 support for the ssl modules.
+.. bpo: 16832
+.. date: 7216
+.. nonce: D7LpUw
+.. section: Library
+add abc.get_cache_token() to expose cache validity checking support in
+.. bpo: 18429
+.. date: 7215
+.. nonce: F1lTq1
+.. section: IDLE
+Format / Format Paragraph, now works when comment blocks are selected. As
+with text blocks, this works best when the selection only includes complete
+.. bpo: 18226
+.. date: 7214
+.. nonce: 5HtrW1
+.. section: IDLE
+Add docstrings and unittests for FormatParagraph.py. Original patches by
+Todd Rovito and Phil Webster.
+.. bpo: 18279
+.. date: 7213
+.. nonce: UoF-oR
+.. section: IDLE
+Format - Strip trailing whitespace no longer marks a file as changed when it
+has not been changed. This fix followed the addition of a test file
+originally written by Phil Webster (the issue's main goal).
+.. bpo: 7136
+.. date: 7212
+.. nonce: 7horQf
+.. section: IDLE
+In the Idle File menu, "New Window" is renamed "New File". Patch by Tal
+Einat, Roget Serwy, and Todd Rovito.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7211
+.. nonce: OsJiav
+.. section: IDLE
+Remove dead imports of imp.
+.. bpo: 18196
+.. date: 7210
+.. nonce: hyO7x0
+.. section: IDLE
+Avoid displaying spurious SystemExit tracebacks.
+.. bpo: 5492
+.. date: 7209
+.. nonce: LCx7lq
+.. section: IDLE
+Avoid traceback when exiting IDLE caused by a race condition.
+.. bpo: 17511
+.. date: 7208
+.. nonce: 6XqdTH
+.. section: IDLE
+Keep IDLE find dialog open after clicking "Find Next". Original patch by
+Sarah K.
+.. bpo: 18055
+.. date: 7207
+.. nonce: e6MZXb
+.. section: IDLE
+Move IDLE off of imp and on to importlib.
+.. bpo: 15392
+.. date: 7206
+.. nonce: ukT_lg
+.. section: IDLE
+Create a unittest framework for IDLE. Initial patch by Rajagopalasarma
+Jayakrishnan. See Lib/idlelib/idle_test/README.txt for how to run Idle
+.. bpo: 14146
+.. date: 7205
+.. nonce: -n5gzd
+.. section: IDLE
+Highlight source line while debugging on Windows.
+.. bpo: 17838
+.. date: 7204
+.. nonce: -DDdhT
+.. section: IDLE
+Allow sys.stdin to be reassigned.
+.. bpo: 13495
+.. date: 7203
+.. nonce: CqEc2d
+.. section: IDLE
+Avoid loading the color delegator twice in IDLE.
+.. bpo: 17798
+.. date: 7202
+.. nonce: PVfMob
+.. section: IDLE
+Allow IDLE to edit new files when specified on command line.
+.. bpo: 14735
+.. date: 7201
+.. nonce: lbbw49
+.. section: IDLE
+Update IDLE docs to omit "Control-z on Windows".
+.. bpo: 17532
+.. date: 7200
+.. nonce: wgA70Z
+.. section: IDLE
+Always include Options menu for IDLE on OS X. Patch by Guilherme Simões.
+.. bpo: 17585
+.. date: 7199
+.. nonce: oXlcVX
+.. section: IDLE
+Fixed IDLE regression. Now closes when using exit() or quit().
+.. bpo: 17657
+.. date: 7198
+.. nonce: rGfxNo
+.. section: IDLE
+Show full Tk version in IDLE's about dialog. Patch by Todd Rovito.
+.. bpo: 17613
+.. date: 7197
+.. nonce: MfAJ31
+.. section: IDLE
+Prevent traceback when removing syntax colorizer in IDLE.
+.. bpo: 1207589
+.. date: 7196
+.. nonce: wqzkjh
+.. section: IDLE
+Backwards-compatibility patch for right-click menu in IDLE.
+.. bpo: 16887
+.. date: 7195
+.. nonce: -tb-0g
+.. section: IDLE
+IDLE now accepts Cancel in tabify/untabify dialog box.
+.. bpo: 17625
+.. date: 7194
+.. nonce: SoDm9J
+.. section: IDLE
+In IDLE, close the replace dialog after it is used.
+.. bpo: 14254
+.. date: 7193
+.. nonce: heeMG-
+.. section: IDLE
+IDLE now handles readline correctly across shell restarts.
+.. bpo: 17614
+.. date: 7192
+.. nonce: 9pmpYW
+.. section: IDLE
+IDLE no longer raises exception when quickly closing a file.
+.. bpo: 6698
+.. date: 7191
+.. nonce: fXoiv2
+.. section: IDLE
+IDLE now opens just an editor window when configured to do so.
+.. bpo: 8900
+.. date: 7190
+.. nonce: jkW99r
+.. section: IDLE
+Using keyboard shortcuts in IDLE to open a file no longer raises an
+.. bpo: 6649
+.. date: 7189
+.. nonce: uwGice
+.. section: IDLE
+Fixed missing exit status in IDLE. Patch by Guilherme Polo.
+.. bpo: 17114
+.. date: 7188
+.. nonce: vKMHae
+.. section: IDLE
+IDLE now uses non-strict config parser.
+.. bpo: 9290
+.. date: 7187
+.. nonce: Msbacw
+.. section: IDLE
+In IDLE the sys.std* streams now implement io.TextIOBase interface and
+support all mandatory methods and properties.
+.. bpo: 5066
+.. date: 7186
+.. nonce: 005zjD
+.. section: IDLE
+Update IDLE docs. Patch by Todd Rovito.
+.. bpo: 16829
+.. date: 7185
+.. nonce: u44Uel
+.. section: IDLE
+IDLE printing no longer fails if there are spaces or other special
+characters in the file path.
+.. bpo: 16491
+.. date: 7184
+.. nonce: xeXwAA
+.. section: IDLE
+IDLE now prints chained exception tracebacks.
+.. bpo: 16819
+.. date: 7183
+.. nonce: xEntNh
+.. section: IDLE
+IDLE method completion now correctly works for bytes literals.
+.. bpo: 16504
+.. date: 7182
+.. nonce: othtN_
+.. section: IDLE
+IDLE now catches SyntaxErrors raised by tokenizer. Patch by Roger Serwy.
+.. bpo: 16511
+.. date: 7181
+.. nonce: yFDlh7
+.. section: IDLE
+Use default IDLE width and height if config param is not valid. Patch Serhiy
+.. bpo: 1207589
+.. date: 7180
+.. nonce: 0bmiue
+.. section: IDLE
+Add Cut/Copy/Paste items to IDLE right click Context Menu. Patch by Todd
+.. bpo: 16123
+.. date: 7179
+.. nonce: btKEXc
+.. section: IDLE
+IDLE - deprecate running without a subprocess. Patch by Roger Serwy.
+.. bpo: 1666318
+.. date: 7178
+.. nonce: OPrK2i
+.. section: Tests
+Add a test that shutil.copytree() retains directory permissions.  Patch by
+Catherine Devlin.
+.. bpo: 18273
+.. date: 7177
+.. nonce: t4fyCm
+.. section: Tests
+move the tests in Lib/test/json_tests to Lib/test/test_json and make them
+discoverable by unittest.  Patch by Zachary Ware.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7176
+.. nonce: wExQ77
+.. section: Tests
+Fix a fcntl test case on KFreeBSD, Debian #708653 (Petr Salinger).
+.. bpo: 18396
+.. date: 7175
+.. nonce: 3gPC49
+.. section: Tests
+Fix spurious test failure in test_signal on Windows when faulthandler is
+enabled (Patch by Jeremy Kloth)
+.. bpo: 17046
+.. date: 7174
+.. nonce: mQoh7R
+.. section: Tests
+Fix broken test_executable_without_cwd in test_subprocess.
+.. bpo: 15415
+.. date: 7173
+.. nonce: u-UTrH
+.. section: Tests
+Add new temp_dir() and change_cwd() context managers to test.support, and
+refactor temp_cwd() to use them.  Patch by Chris Jerdonek.
+.. bpo: 15494
+.. date: 7172
+.. nonce: 52m-vd
+.. section: Tests
+test.support is now a package rather than a module (Initial patch by Indra
+.. bpo: 17944
+.. date: 7171
+.. nonce: 6e9wcJ
+.. section: Tests
+test_zipfile now discoverable and uses subclassing to generate tests for
+different compression types.  Fixed a bug with skipping some tests due to
+use of exhausted iterators.
+.. bpo: 18266
+.. date: 7170
+.. nonce: Fs0fT4
+.. section: Tests
+test_largefile now works with unittest test discovery and supports running
+only selected tests.  Patch by Zachary Ware.
+.. bpo: 17767
+.. date: 7169
+.. nonce: rObwV7
+.. section: Tests
+test_locale now works with unittest test discovery. Original patch by
+Zachary Ware.
+.. bpo: 18375
+.. date: 7168
+.. nonce: yMrtSQ
+.. section: Tests
+Assume --randomize when --randseed is used for running the testsuite.
+.. bpo: 11185
+.. date: 7167
+.. nonce: McIHeT
+.. section: Tests
+Fix test_wait4 under AIX.  Patch by Sébastien Sablé.
+.. bpo: 18207
+.. date: 7166
+.. nonce: QN93aB
+.. section: Tests
+Fix test_ssl for some versions of OpenSSL that ignore seconds in ASN1_TIME
+.. bpo: 18094
+.. date: 7165
+.. nonce: EDwnjd
+.. section: Tests
+test_uuid no longer reports skipped tests as passed.
+.. bpo: 17992
+.. date: 7164
+.. nonce: UQQWYc
+.. section: Tests
+Add timeouts to asyncore and asynchat tests so that they won't accidentally
+.. bpo: 17833
+.. date: 7163
+.. nonce: AqQAlk
+.. section: Tests
+Fix test_gdb failures seen on machines where debug symbols for glibc are
+available (seen on PPC64 Linux).
+.. bpo: 7855
+.. date: 7162
+.. nonce: ZbX91d
+.. section: Tests
+Add tests for ctypes/winreg for issues found in IronPython. Initial patch by
+Dino Viehland.
+.. bpo: 11078
+.. date: 7161
+.. nonce: TuZjxB
+.. section: Tests
+test___all__ now checks for duplicates in __all__. Initial patch by R. David
+.. bpo: 17712
+.. date: 7160
+.. nonce: RqkHUB
+.. section: Tests
+Fix test_gdb failures on Ubuntu 13.04.
+.. bpo: 17835
+.. date: 7159
+.. nonce: mJdR71
+.. section: Tests
+Fix test_io when the default OS pipe buffer size is larger than one million
+.. bpo: 17065
+.. date: 7158
+.. nonce: rql8lF
+.. section: Tests
+Use process-unique key for winreg tests to avoid failures if test is run
+multiple times in parallel (eg: on a buildbot host).
+.. bpo: 12820
+.. date: 7157
+.. nonce: HATljf
+.. section: Tests
+add tests for the xml.dom.minicompat module. Patch by John Chandler and Phil
+.. bpo: 17691
+.. date: 7156
+.. nonce: KHFcyE
+.. section: Tests
+test_univnewlines now works with unittest test discovery. Patch by Zachary
+.. bpo: 17790
+.. date: 7155
+.. nonce: JJXcrD
+.. section: Tests
+test_set now works with unittest test discovery. Patch by Zachary Ware.
+.. bpo: 17789
+.. date: 7154
+.. nonce: ILUl9_
+.. section: Tests
+test_random now works with unittest test discovery. Patch by Zachary Ware.
+.. bpo: 17779
+.. date: 7153
+.. nonce: f61EJr
+.. section: Tests
+test_osx_env now works with unittest test discovery. Patch by Zachary Ware.
+.. bpo: 17766
+.. date: 7152
+.. nonce: fGhYwN
+.. section: Tests
+test_iterlen now works with unittest test discovery. Patch by Zachary Ware.
+.. bpo: 17690
+.. date: 7151
+.. nonce: Tm3Owh
+.. section: Tests
+test_time now works with unittest test discovery. Patch by Zachary Ware.
+.. bpo: 17692
+.. date: 7150
+.. nonce: 6eSLWJ
+.. section: Tests
+test_sqlite now works with unittest test discovery. Patch by Zachary Ware.
+.. bpo: 11995
+.. date: 7149
+.. nonce: varfN1
+.. section: Tests
+test_pydoc doesn't import all sys.path modules anymore.
+.. bpo: 17448
+.. date: 7148
+.. nonce: E2kxQS
+.. section: Tests
+test_sax now skips if there are no xml parsers available instead of raising
+an ImportError.
+.. bpo: 11420
+.. date: 7147
+.. nonce: J5oaxT
+.. section: Tests
+make test suite pass with -B/DONTWRITEBYTECODE set. Initial patch by Thomas
+.. bpo: 10652
+.. date: 7146
+.. nonce: hWhWD_
+.. section: Tests
+make tcl/tk tests run after __all__ test, patch by Zachary Ware.
+.. bpo: 11963
+.. date: 7145
+.. nonce: _g8d_g
+.. section: Tests
+remove human verification from test_parser and test_subprocess.
+.. bpo: 11732
+.. date: 7144
+.. nonce: c8z-Dq
+.. section: Tests
+add a new suppress_crash_popup() context manager to test.support that
+disables crash popups on Windows and use it in test_faulthandler and
+.. bpo: 13898
+.. date: 7143
+.. nonce: HeB5Ep
+.. section: Tests
+test_ssl no longer prints a spurious stack trace on Ubuntu.
+.. bpo: 17283
+.. date: 7142
+.. nonce: rDD37m
+.. section: Tests
+Share code between `__main__.py` and `regrtest.py` in `Lib/test`.
+.. bpo: 17249
+.. date: 7141
+.. nonce: wGvw7G
+.. section: Tests
+convert a test in test_capi to use unittest and reap threads.
+.. bpo: 17107
+.. date: 7140
+.. nonce: rQeSWM
+.. section: Tests
+Test client-side SNI support in urllib.request thanks to the new server-side
+SNI support in the ssl module.  Initial patch by Daniel Black.
+.. bpo: 17041
+.. date: 7139
+.. nonce: QNrBhm
+.. section: Tests
+Fix testing when Python is configured with the --without-doc-strings.
+.. bpo: 16923
+.. date: 7138
+.. nonce: gK2bSh
+.. section: Tests
+Fix ResourceWarnings in test_ssl.
+.. bpo: 15539
+.. date: 7137
+.. nonce: a1_G0Q
+.. section: Tests
+Added regression tests for Tools/scripts/pindent.py.
+.. bpo: 17479
+.. date: 7136
+.. nonce: e2vj2q
+.. section: Tests
+test_io now works with unittest test discovery. Patch by Zachary Ware.
+.. bpo: 17066
+.. date: 7135
+.. nonce: 6axkCO
+.. section: Tests
+test_robotparser now works with unittest test discovery. Patch by Zachary
+.. bpo: 17334
+.. date: 7134
+.. nonce: hOeO8N
+.. section: Tests
+test_index now works with unittest test discovery. Patch by Zachary Ware.
+.. bpo: 17333
+.. date: 7133
+.. nonce: wKzaNc
+.. section: Tests
+test_imaplib now works with unittest test discovery. Patch by Zachary Ware.
+.. bpo: 17082
+.. date: 7132
+.. nonce: B-o8aq
+.. section: Tests
+test_dbm* now work with unittest test discovery. Patch by Zachary Ware.
+.. bpo: 17079
+.. date: 7131
+.. nonce: Uz1Ysh
+.. section: Tests
+test_ctypes now works with unittest test discovery. Patch by Zachary Ware.
+.. bpo: 17304
+.. date: 7130
+.. nonce: HUHsX_
+.. section: Tests
+test_hash now works with unittest test discovery. Patch by Zachary Ware.
+.. bpo: 17303
+.. date: 7129
+.. nonce: TGUnon
+.. section: Tests
+test_future* now work with unittest test discovery. Patch by Zachary Ware.
+.. bpo: 17163
+.. date: 7128
+.. nonce: RtwHDs
+.. section: Tests
+test_file now works with unittest test discovery. Patch by Zachary Ware.
+.. bpo: 16925
+.. date: 7127
+.. nonce: SMQSIJ
+.. section: Tests
+test_configparser now works with unittest test discovery. Patch by Zachary
+.. bpo: 16918
+.. date: 7126
+.. nonce: Dw6bfJ
+.. section: Tests
+test_codecs now works with unittest test discovery. Patch by Zachary Ware.
+.. bpo: 16919
+.. date: 7125
+.. nonce: RD7mec
+.. section: Tests
+test_crypt now works with unittest test discovery. Patch by Zachary Ware.
+.. bpo: 16910
+.. date: 7124
+.. nonce: awigr8
+.. section: Tests
+test_bytes, test_unicode, and test_userstring now work with unittest test
+discovery.  Patch by Zachary Ware.
+.. bpo: 16905
+.. date: 7123
+.. nonce: 8SuIFn
+.. section: Tests
+test_warnings now works with unittest test discovery. Initial patch by
+Berker Peksag.
+.. bpo: 16898
+.. date: 7122
+.. nonce: 1pNH58
+.. section: Tests
+test_bufio now works with unittest test discovery. Patch by Zachary Ware.
+.. bpo: 16888
+.. date: 7121
+.. nonce: yWvMUM
+.. section: Tests
+test_array now works with unittest test discovery. Patch by Zachary Ware.
+.. bpo: 16896
+.. date: 7120
+.. nonce: 8uLSFW
+.. section: Tests
+test_asyncore now works with unittest test discovery. Patch by Zachary Ware.
+.. bpo: 16897
+.. date: 7119
+.. nonce: aEwG-R
+.. section: Tests
+test_bisect now works with unittest test discovery. Initial patch by Zachary
+.. bpo: 16852
+.. date: 7118
+.. nonce: z4zef9
+.. section: Tests
+test_genericpath, test_posixpath, test_ntpath, and test_macpath now work
+with unittest test discovery.  Patch by Zachary Ware.
+.. bpo: 16748
+.. date: 7117
+.. nonce: 74HpRw
+.. section: Tests
+test_heapq now works with unittest test discovery.
+.. bpo: 10646
+.. date: 7116
+.. nonce: -n9wSX
+.. section: Tests
+Tests rearranged for os.samefile/samestat to check for not just symlinks but
+also hard links.
+.. bpo: 15302
+.. date: 7115
+.. nonce: nohKYA
+.. section: Tests
+Switch regrtest from using getopt to using argparse.
+.. bpo: 15324
+.. date: 7114
+.. nonce: mcS3I3
+.. section: Tests
+Fix regrtest parsing of --fromfile, --match, and --randomize options.
+.. bpo: 16702
+.. date: 7113
+.. nonce: 3Xf_t-
+.. section: Tests
+test_urllib2_localnet tests now correctly ignores proxies for localhost
+.. bpo: 16664
+.. date: 7112
+.. nonce: CxbZwX
+.. section: Tests
+Add regression tests for glob's behaviour concerning entries starting with a
+".".  Patch by Sebastian Kreft.
+.. bpo: 13390
+.. date: 7111
+.. nonce: CRkOlc
+.. section: Tests
+The ``-R`` option to regrtest now also checks for memory allocation leaks,
+using :func:`sys.getallocatedblocks()`.
+.. bpo: 16559
+.. date: 7110
+.. nonce: JvxWbq
+.. section: Tests
+Add more tests for the json module, including some from the official test
+suite at json.org.  Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
+.. bpo: 16661
+.. date: 7109
+.. nonce: Qn2hnC
+.. section: Tests
+Fix the `os.getgrouplist()` test by not assuming that it gives the same
+output as :command:`id -G`.
+.. bpo: 16115
+.. date: 7108
+.. nonce: vhK6oh
+.. section: Tests
+Add some tests for the executable argument to subprocess.Popen().  Initial
+patch by Kushal Das.
+.. bpo: 16126
+.. date: 7107
+.. nonce: blh5K0
+.. section: Tests
+PyErr_Format format mismatch in _testcapimodule.c. Patch by Serhiy
+.. bpo: 15304
+.. date: 7106
+.. nonce: DhyMtI
+.. section: Tests
+Fix warning message when `os.chdir()` fails inside
+`test.support.temp_cwd()`.  Patch by Chris Jerdonek.
+.. bpo: 15802
+.. date: 7105
+.. nonce: 1duwD4
+.. section: Tests
+Fix test logic in `TestMaildir.test_create_tmp()`. Patch by Serhiy
+.. bpo: 15557
+.. date: 7104
+.. nonce: H9Mhea
+.. section: Tests
+Added a test suite for the webbrowser module, thanks to Anton Barkovsky.
+.. bpo: 16698
+.. date: 7103
+.. nonce: RgmYjY
+.. section: Tests
+Skip posix test_getgroups when built with OS X deployment target prior to
+.. bpo: 16067
+.. date: 7102
+.. nonce: A9L5PU
+.. section: Build
+Add description into MSI file to replace installer's temporary name.
+.. bpo: 18257
+.. date: 7101
+.. nonce: E-TNPc
+.. section: Build
+Fix readlink usage in python-config.  Install the python version again on
+.. bpo: 18481
+.. date: 7100
+.. nonce: Is1C3p
+.. section: Build
+Add C coverage reporting with gcov and lcov. A new make target "coverage-
+report" creates an instrumented Python build, runs unit tests and creates a
+HTML. The report can be updated with "make coverage-lcov".
+.. bpo: 17845
+.. date: 7099
+.. nonce: kMmKYt
+.. section: Build
+Clarified the message printed when some module are not built.
+.. bpo: 18256
+.. date: 7098
+.. nonce: PiEkYT
+.. section: Build
+Compilation fix for recent AIX releases.  Patch by David Edelsohn.
+.. bpo: 17547
+.. date: 7097
+.. nonce: yVllRd
+.. section: Build
+In configure, explicitly pass -Wformat for the benefit for GCC 4.8.
+.. bpo: 15172
+.. date: 7096
+.. nonce: CpJRf2
+.. section: Build
+Document NASM 2.10+ as requirement for building OpenSSL 1.0.1 on Windows.
+.. bpo: 17591
+.. date: 7095
+.. nonce: e9az4p
+.. section: Build
+Use lowercase filenames when including Windows header files. Patch by Roumen
+.. bpo: 17550
+.. date: 7094
+.. nonce: zn8gOk
+.. section: Build
+Fix the --enable-profiling configure switch.
+.. bpo: 17425
+.. date: 7093
+.. nonce: Ix2fQh
+.. section: Build
+Build with openssl 1.0.1d on Windows.
+.. bpo: 16754
+.. date: 7092
+.. nonce: fLN-7H
+.. section: Build
+Fix the incorrect shared library extension on linux. Introduce two makefile
+macros SHLIB_SUFFIX and EXT_SUFFIX. SO now has the value of SHLIB_SUFFIX
+again (as in 2.x and 3.1). The SO macro is removed in 3.4.
+.. bpo: 5033
+.. date: 7091
+.. nonce: HKAgDA
+.. section: Build
+Fix building of the sqlite3 extension module when the SQLite library version
+has "beta" in it. Patch by Andreas Pelme.
+.. bpo: 17228
+.. date: 7090
+.. nonce: CCkAM0
+.. section: Build
+Fix building without pymalloc.
+.. bpo: 3718
+.. date: 7089
+.. nonce: n6-Cv2
+.. section: Build
+Use AC_ARG_VAR to set MACHDEP in configure.ac.
+.. bpo: 16235
+.. date: 7088
+.. nonce: u8Yi12
+.. section: Build
+Implement python-config as a shell script.
+.. bpo: 16769
+.. date: 7087
+.. nonce: bK11Wq
+.. section: Build
+Remove outdated Visual Studio projects.
+.. bpo: 17031
+.. date: 7086
+.. nonce: 947KBS
+.. section: Build
+Fix running regen in cross builds.
+.. bpo: 3754
+.. date: 7085
+.. nonce: sUdOUp
+.. section: Build
+fix typo in pthread AC_CACHE_VAL.
+.. bpo: 15484
+.. date: 7084
+.. nonce: CgA5fS
+.. section: Build
+Fix _PYTHON_PROJECT_BASE for srcdir != builddir builds; use
+_PYTHON_PROJECT_BASE in distutils/sysconfig.py.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7083
+.. nonce: eLqyZu
+.. section: Build
+Drop support for Windows 2000 (changeset e52df05b496a).
+.. bpo: 17029
+.. date: 7082
+.. nonce: dUd1NT
+.. section: Build
+Let h2py search the multiarch system include directory.
+.. bpo: 16953
+.. date: 7081
+.. nonce: tW1KVY
+.. section: Build
+Fix socket module compilation on platforms with HAVE_BROKEN_POLL. Patch by
+Jeffrey Armstrong.
+.. bpo: 16320
+.. date: 7080
+.. nonce: wSizMv
+.. section: Build
+Remove redundant Makefile dependencies for strings and bytes.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7079
+.. nonce: WRrrlF
+.. section: Build
+Cross compiling needs host and build settings. configure no longer creates a
+broken PYTHON_FOR_BUILD variable when --build is missing.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7078
+.. nonce: R2awqG
+.. section: Build
+Fix cross compiling issue in setup.py, ensure that lib_dirs and inc_dirs are
+defined in cross compiling mode, too.
+.. bpo: 16836
+.. date: 7077
+.. nonce: JZ-zO7
+.. section: Build
+Enable IPv6 support even if IPv6 is disabled on the build host.
+.. bpo: 16593
+.. date: 7076
+.. nonce: mS-VZr
+.. section: Build
+Have BSD 'make -s' do the right thing, thanks to Daniel Shahaf
+.. bpo: 16262
+.. date: 7075
+.. nonce: puaCXo
+.. section: Build
+fix out-of-src-tree builds, if mercurial is not installed.
+.. bpo: 15298
+.. date: 7074
+.. nonce: xiQHlO
+.. section: Build
+ensure _sysconfigdata is generated in build directory, not source directory.
+.. bpo: 15833
+.. date: 7073
+.. nonce: tqz7oy
+.. section: Build
+Fix a regression in 3.3 that resulted in exceptions being raised if
+importlib failed to write byte-compiled files.  This affected attempts to
+build Python out-of-tree from a read-only source directory.
+.. bpo: 15923
+.. date: 7072
+.. nonce: a2-GWK
+.. section: Build
+Fix a mistake in ``asdl_c.py`` that resulted in a TypeError after
+2801bf875a24 (see #15801).
+.. bpo: 16135
+.. date: 7071
+.. nonce: G5PgZc
+.. section: Build
+Remove OS/2 support.
+.. bpo: 15819
+.. date: 7070
+.. nonce: VE2bTI
+.. section: Build
+Make sure we can build Python out-of-tree from a read-only source directory.
+(Somewhat related to issue #9860.)
+.. bpo: 15587
+.. date: 7069
+.. nonce: gR7vei
+.. section: Build
+Enable Tk high-resolution text rendering on Macs with Retina displays.
+Applies to Tkinter apps, such as IDLE, on OS X framework builds linked with
+Cocoa Tk 8.5.
+.. bpo: 17161
+.. date: 7068
+.. nonce: AT7PDZ
+.. section: Build
+make install now also installs a python3 man page.
+.. bpo: 18351
+.. date: 7067
+.. nonce: pODT4P
+.. section: C API
+Fix various issues in a function in importlib provided to help
+PyImport_ExecCodeModuleWithPathnames() (and thus by extension
+PyImport_ExecCodeModule() and PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx()).
+.. bpo: 9369
+.. date: 7066
+.. nonce: z_ZQqc
+.. section: C API
+The types of `char*` arguments of PyObject_CallFunction() and
+PyObject_CallMethod() now changed to `const char*`.  Based on patches by
+Jörg Müller and Lars Buitinck.
+.. bpo: 17206
+.. date: 7065
+.. nonce: yljYPd
+.. section: C API
+Py_CLEAR(), Py_DECREF(), Py_XINCREF() and Py_XDECREF() now expand their
+arguments once instead of multiple times.  Patch written by Illia
+.. bpo: 17522
+.. date: 7064
+.. nonce: 7R55LY
+.. section: C API
+Add the PyGILState_Check() API.
+.. bpo: 17327
+.. date: 7063
+.. nonce: PVFW3J
+.. section: C API
+Add PyDict_SetDefault.
+.. bpo: 16881
+.. date: 7062
+.. nonce: 8SMude
+.. section: C API
+Fix Py_ARRAY_LENGTH macro for GCC < 3.1.
+.. bpo: 16505
+.. date: 7061
+.. nonce: NiEndF
+.. section: C API
+.. bpo: 16086
+.. date: 7060
+.. nonce: z-DFqk
+.. section: C API
+PyTypeObject.tp_flags and PyType_Spec.flags are now unsigned (unsigned long
+and unsigned int) to avoid an undefined behaviour with
+Py_TPFLAGS_TYPE_SUBCLASS ((1 << 31). PyType_GetFlags() result type is now
+unsigned too (unsigned long, instead of long).
+.. bpo: 16166
+.. date: 7059
+.. nonce: PDTSqL
+.. section: C API
+Add PY_LITTLE_ENDIAN and PY_BIG_ENDIAN macros and unified endianness
+detection and handling.
+.. bpo: 23006
+.. date: 7058
+.. nonce: B64FC0
+.. section: Documentation
+Improve the documentation and indexing of dict.__missing__. Add an entry in
+the language datamodel special methods section. Revise and index its
+discussion in the stdtypes mapping/dict section.
+.. bpo: 17701
+.. date: 7057
+.. nonce: FtTZ66
+.. section: Documentation
+Improving strftime documentation.
+.. bpo: 18440
+.. date: 7056
+.. nonce: LyvSOC
+.. section: Documentation
+Clarify that `hash()` can truncate the value returned from an object's
+custom `__hash__()` method.
+.. bpo: 17844
+.. date: 7055
+.. nonce: V3aWU6
+.. section: Documentation
+Add links to encoders and decoders for bytes-to-bytes codecs.
+.. bpo: 14097
+.. date: 7054
+.. nonce: xeOs59
+.. section: Documentation
+improve the "introduction" page of the tutorial.
+.. bpo: 17977
+.. date: 7053
+.. nonce: 5f6eWJ
+.. section: Documentation
+The documentation for the cadefault argument's default value in
+urllib.request.urlopen() is fixed to match the code.
+.. bpo: 6696
+.. date: 7052
+.. nonce: -aRVrf
+.. section: Documentation
+add documentation for the Profile objects, and improve profile/cProfile
+docs.  Patch by Tom Pinckney.
+.. bpo: 15940
+.. date: 7051
+.. nonce: XL62xu
+.. section: Documentation
+Specify effect of locale on time functions.
+.. bpo: 17538
+.. date: 7050
+.. nonce: M8FVLz
+.. section: Documentation
+Document XML vulnerabilties
+.. bpo: 16642
+.. date: 7049
+.. nonce: Cee7KE
+.. section: Documentation
+sched.scheduler timefunc initial default is time.monotonic. Patch by
+Ramchandra Apte
+.. bpo: 17047
+.. date: 7048
+.. nonce: sVzpby
+.. section: Documentation
+remove doubled words in docs and docstrings reported by Serhiy Storchaka and
+Matthew Barnett.
+.. bpo: 15465
+.. date: 7047
+.. nonce: yN2tkV
+.. section: Documentation
+Document the versioning macros in the C API docs rather than the standard
+library docs. Patch by Kushal Das.
+.. bpo: 16406
+.. date: 7046
+.. nonce: Q6DEK3
+.. section: Documentation
+Combine the pages for uploading and registering to PyPI.
+.. bpo: 16403
+.. date: 7045
+.. nonce: wPuYgA
+.. section: Documentation
+Document how distutils uses the maintainer field in PKG-INFO. Patch by Jyrki
+.. bpo: 16695
+.. date: 7044
+.. nonce: O3-q4k
+.. section: Documentation
+Document how glob handles filenames starting with a dot. Initial patch by
+Jyrki Pulliainen.
+.. bpo: 8890
+.. date: 7043
+.. nonce: ldKgWT
+.. section: Documentation
+Stop advertising an insecure practice by replacing uses of the /tmp
+directory with better alternatives in the documentation. Patch by Geoff
+.. bpo: 17203
+.. date: 7042
+.. nonce: b42JWx
+.. section: Documentation
+add long option names to unittest discovery docs.
+.. bpo: 13094
+.. date: 7041
+.. nonce: ujdNxz
+.. section: Documentation
+add "Why do lambdas defined in a loop with different values all return the
+same result?" programming FAQ.
+.. bpo: 14901
+.. date: 7040
+.. nonce: o_thZo
+.. section: Documentation
+Update portions of the Windows FAQ. Patch by Ashish Nitin Patil.
+.. bpo: 16267
+.. date: 7039
+.. nonce: SSKvue
+.. section: Documentation
+Better document the 3.3+ approach to combining @abstractmethod with
+ at staticmethod, @classmethod and @property
+.. bpo: 15209
+.. date: 7038
+.. nonce: w1UuQK
+.. section: Documentation
+Clarify exception chaining description in exceptions module documentation
+.. bpo: 15990
+.. date: 7037
+.. nonce: 41C5_M
+.. section: Documentation
+Improve argument/parameter documentation.
+.. bpo: 16209
+.. date: 7036
+.. nonce: 8-hM8N
+.. section: Documentation
+Move the documentation for the str built-in function to a new str class
+entry in the "Text Sequence Type" section.
+.. bpo: 13538
+.. date: 7035
+.. nonce: 6bfAto
+.. section: Documentation
+Improve str() and object.__str__() documentation.
+.. bpo: 16489
+.. date: 7034
+.. nonce: N4Xo3-
+.. section: Documentation
+Make it clearer that importlib.find_loader() needs parent packages to be
+explicitly imported.
+.. bpo: 16400
+.. date: 7033
+.. nonce: kDLZRV
+.. section: Documentation
+Update the description of which versions of a given package PyPI displays.
+.. bpo: 15677
+.. date: 7032
+.. nonce: _0vY-h
+.. section: Documentation
+Document that zlib and gzip accept a compression level of 0 to mean 'no
+compression'. Patch by Brian Brazil.
+.. bpo: 16197
+.. date: 7031
+.. nonce: LT1sjI
+.. section: Documentation
+Update winreg docstrings and documentation to match code. Patch by Zachary
+.. bpo: 8040
+.. date: 7030
+.. nonce: R8VAys
+.. section: Documentation
+added a version switcher to the documentation.  Patch by Yury Selivanov.
+.. bpo: 16241
+.. date: 7029
+.. nonce: LfdE7f
+.. section: Documentation
+Document -X faulthandler command line option. Patch by Marek Šuppa.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7028
+.. nonce: tWKgrg
+.. section: Documentation
+Additional comments and some style changes in the concurrent.futures URL
+retrieval example
+.. bpo: 16115
+.. date: 7027
+.. nonce: Ba1MH_
+.. section: Documentation
+Improve subprocess.Popen() documentation around args, shell, and executable
+.. bpo: 13498
+.. date: 7026
+.. nonce: LI0aQ4
+.. section: Documentation
+Clarify docs of os.makedirs()'s exist_ok argument.  Done with great native-
+speaker help from R. David Murray.
+.. bpo: 15533
+.. date: 7025
+.. nonce: oRcsqW
+.. section: Documentation
+Clarify docs and add tests for `subprocess.Popen()`'s cwd argument.
+.. bpo: 15979
+.. date: 7024
+.. nonce: UATtRZ
+.. section: Documentation
+Improve timeit documentation.
+.. bpo: 16036
+.. date: 7023
+.. nonce: ITDZx_
+.. section: Documentation
+Improve documentation of built-in `int()`'s signature and arguments.
+.. bpo: 15935
+.. date: 7022
+.. nonce: 49QYHM
+.. section: Documentation
+Clarification of `argparse` docs, re: add_argument() type and default
+arguments.  Patch contributed by Chris Jerdonek.
+.. bpo: 11964
+.. date: 7021
+.. nonce: TswBww
+.. section: Documentation
+Document a change in v3.2 to the behavior of the indent parameter of json
+encoding operations.
+.. bpo: 15116
+.. date: 7020
+.. nonce: uDQI_8
+.. section: Documentation
+Remove references to appscript as it is no longer being supported.
+.. bpo: 18817
+.. date: 7019
+.. nonce: b4b2nk
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Fix a resource warning in Lib/aifc.py demo.  Patch by Vajrasky Kok.
+.. bpo: 18439
+.. date: 7018
+.. nonce: W9DxeL
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Make patchcheck work on Windows for ACKS, NEWS.
+.. bpo: 18448
+.. date: 7017
+.. nonce: eLT81k
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Fix a typo in Tools/demo/eiffel.py.
+.. bpo: 18457
+.. date: 7016
+.. nonce: fTGIAR
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Fixed saving of formulas and complex numbers in Tools/demo/ss1.py.
+.. bpo: 18449
+.. date: 7015
+.. nonce: ufcaWC
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Make Tools/demo/ss1.py work again on Python 3.  Patch by Févry Thibault.
+.. bpo: 12990
+.. date: 7014
+.. nonce: E1geL-
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+The "Python Launcher" on OSX could not launch python scripts that have paths
+that include wide characters.
+.. bpo: 15239
+.. date: 7013
+.. nonce: uzPBlK
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Make mkstringprep.py work again on Python 3.
+.. bpo: 17028
+.. date: 7012
+.. nonce: d0Ryfg
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Allowed Python arguments to be supplied to the Windows launcher.
+.. bpo: 17156
+.. date: 7011
+.. nonce: zmokst
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+pygettext.py now detects the encoding of source files and correctly writes
+and escapes non-ascii characters.
+.. bpo: 15539
+.. date: 7010
+.. nonce: 6bqqV-
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Fix a number of bugs in Tools/scripts/pindent.py.  Now pindent.py works with
+a "with" statement.  pindent.py no longer produces improper indentation.
+pindent.py now works with continued lines broken after "class" or "def"
+keywords and with continuations at the start of line.
+.. bpo: 11797
+.. date: 7009
+.. nonce: 2UOmWr
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Add a 2to3 fixer that maps reload() to imp.reload().
+.. bpo: 10966
+.. date: 7008
+.. nonce: WsfpDc
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Remove the concept of unexpected skipped tests.
+.. bpo: 9893
+.. date: 7007
+.. nonce: pJeYiB
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Removed the Misc/Vim directory.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7006
+.. nonce: mdt8FR
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Removed the Misc/TextMate directory.
+.. bpo: 16245
+.. date: 7005
+.. nonce: eZNpI-
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Add the Tools/scripts/parse_html5_entities.py script to parse the list of
+HTML5 entities and update the html.entities.html5 dictionary.
+.. bpo: 15378
+.. date: 7004
+.. nonce: IO1T92
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Fix Tools/unicode/comparecodecs.py.  Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
+.. bpo: 16549
+.. date: 7003
+.. nonce: 2Pj5iC
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Make json.tool work again on Python 3 and add tests. Initial patch by Berker
+Peksag and Serhiy Storchaka.
+.. bpo: 13301
+.. date: 7002
+.. nonce: A4WOk5
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+use ast.literal_eval() instead of eval() in Tools/i18n/msgfmt.py. Patch by
+Serhiy Storchaka.
+.. bpo: 18569
+.. date: 7001
+.. nonce: 0L-xR0
+.. section: Windows
+The installer now adds .py to the PATHEXT variable when extensions are
+registered. Patch by Paul Moore.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.4.0a2.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.4.0a2.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..81ca1a33414
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.4.0a2.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,788 @@
+.. bpo: 18942
+.. date: 7823
+.. nonce: xpMQx7
+.. release date: 2013-09-09
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+sys._debugmallocstats() output was damaged on Windows.
+.. bpo: 18571
+.. date: 7822
+.. nonce: hvNoE2
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Implementation of the PEP 446: file descriptors and file handles are now
+created non-inheritable; add functions os.get/set_inheritable(),
+os.get/set_handle_inheritable() and socket.socket.get/set_inheritable().
+.. bpo: 11619
+.. date: 7821
+.. nonce: r2uijI
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+The parser and the import machinery do not encode Unicode filenames anymore
+on Windows.
+.. bpo: 18808
+.. date: 7820
+.. nonce: DicDIV
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Non-daemon threads are now automatically joined when a sub-interpreter is
+shutdown (it would previously dump a fatal error).
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7819
+.. nonce: FDR7CW
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Remove support for compiling on systems without getcwd().
+.. bpo: 18774
+.. date: 7818
+.. nonce: 4hnKQ1
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Remove last bits of GNU PTH thread code and thread_pth.h.
+.. bpo: 18771
+.. date: 7817
+.. nonce: gPhE3D
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Add optimization to set object lookups to reduce the cost of hash
+collisions.  The core idea is to inspect a second key/hash pair for each
+cache line retrieved.
+.. bpo: 16105
+.. date: 7816
+.. nonce: L1PWWk
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+When a signal handler fails to write to the file descriptor registered with
+``signal.set_wakeup_fd()``, report an exception instead of ignoring the
+.. bpo: 18722
+.. date: 7815
+.. nonce: 6O_dyg
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Remove uses of the "register" keyword in C code.
+.. bpo: 18667
+.. date: 7814
+.. nonce: xycqzn
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Add missing "HAVE_FCHOWNAT" symbol to posix._have_functions.
+.. bpo: 16499
+.. date: 7813
+.. nonce: BoV9L7
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Add command line option for isolated mode.
+.. bpo: 15301
+.. date: 7812
+.. nonce: rov_YS
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Parsing fd, uid, and gid parameters for builtins in Modules/posixmodule.c is
+now far more robust.
+.. bpo: 18368
+.. date: 7811
+.. nonce: eZ-IVt
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+PyOS_StdioReadline() no longer leaks memory when realloc() fail.
+.. bpo: 17934
+.. date: 7810
+.. nonce: R2hCWw
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Add a clear() method to frame objects, to help clean up expensive details
+(local variables) and break reference cycles.
+.. bpo: 18780
+.. date: 7809
+.. nonce: cRO6Nc
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+%-formatting codes %d, %i, and %u now treat int-subclasses as int (displays
+value of int-subclass instead of str(int-subclass) ).
+.. bpo: 18808
+.. date: 7808
+.. nonce: rKe4pf
+.. section: Library
+Thread.join() now waits for the underlying thread state to be destroyed
+before returning.  This prevents unpredictable aborts in Py_EndInterpreter()
+when some non-daemon threads are still running.
+.. bpo: 18458
+.. date: 7807
+.. nonce: XphzAu
+.. section: Library
+Prevent crashes with newer versions of libedit.  Its readline emulation has
+changed from 0-based indexing to 1-based like gnu readline.
+.. bpo: 18852
+.. date: 7806
+.. nonce: x1dLH9
+.. section: Library
+Handle case of ``readline.__doc__`` being ``None`` in the new readline
+activation code in ``site.py``.
+.. bpo: 18672
+.. date: 7805
+.. nonce: CIblDh
+.. section: Library
+Fixed format specifiers for Py_ssize_t in debugging output in the _sre
+.. bpo: 18830
+.. date: 7804
+.. nonce: 1kmGPa
+.. section: Library
+inspect.getclasstree() no longer produces duplicate entries even when input
+list contains duplicates.
+.. bpo: 18878
+.. date: 7803
+.. nonce: VuQM8h
+.. section: Library
+sunau.open now supports the context management protocol.  Based on patches
+by Claudiu Popa and R. David Murray.
+.. bpo: 18909
+.. date: 7802
+.. nonce: XSu98N
+.. section: Library
+Fix _tkinter.tkapp.interpaddr() on Windows 64-bit, don't cast 64-bit pointer
+to long (32 bits).
+.. bpo: 18876
+.. date: 7801
+.. nonce: 30Ist9
+.. section: Library
+The FileIO.mode attribute now better reflects the actual mode under which
+the file was opened.  Patch by Erik Bray.
+.. bpo: 16853
+.. date: 7800
+.. nonce: HyyMyr
+.. section: Library
+Add new selectors module.
+.. bpo: 18882
+.. date: 7799
+.. nonce: Z9cjmU
+.. section: Library
+Add threading.main_thread() function.
+.. bpo: 18901
+.. date: 7798
+.. nonce: CRT02s
+.. section: Library
+The sunau getparams method now returns a namedtuple rather than a plain
+tuple.  Patch by Claudiu Popa.
+.. bpo: 17487
+.. date: 7797
+.. nonce: EziBDf
+.. section: Library
+The result of the wave getparams method now is pickleable again. Patch by
+Claudiu Popa.
+.. bpo: 18756
+.. date: 7796
+.. nonce: DS8ILK
+.. section: Library
+os.urandom() now uses a lazily-opened persistent file descriptor, so as to
+avoid using many file descriptors when run in parallel from multiple
+.. bpo: 18418
+.. date: 7795
+.. nonce: _SFG8w
+.. section: Library
+After fork(), reinit all threads states, not only active ones. Patch by A.
+Jesse Jiryu Davis.
+.. bpo: 17974
+.. date: 7794
+.. nonce: mo7MP0
+.. section: Library
+Switch unittest from using getopt to using argparse.
+.. bpo: 11798
+.. date: 7793
+.. nonce: 0AnJcy
+.. section: Library
+TestSuite now drops references to own tests after execution.
+.. bpo: 16611
+.. date: 7792
+.. nonce: aHrYR1
+.. section: Library
+http.cookie now correctly parses the 'secure' and 'httponly' cookie flags.
+.. bpo: 11973
+.. date: 7791
+.. nonce: uPtBvG
+.. section: Library
+Fix a problem in kevent. The flags and fflags fields are now properly
+handled as unsigned.
+.. bpo: 18807
+.. date: 7790
+.. nonce: TnD-vF
+.. section: Library
+``pyvenv`` now takes a --copies argument allowing copies instead of symlinks
+even where symlinks are available and the default.
+.. bpo: 18538
+.. date: 7789
+.. nonce: wuWw4M
+.. section: Library
+``python -m dis`` now uses argparse for argument processing. Patch by
+Michele Orrù.
+.. bpo: 18394
+.. date: 7788
+.. nonce: 6pOClT
+.. section: Library
+Close cgi.FieldStorage's optional file.
+.. bpo: 17702
+.. date: 7787
+.. nonce: TDPIyM
+.. section: Library
+On error, os.environb now suppresses the exception context when raising a
+new KeyError with the original key.
+.. bpo: 16809
+.. date: 7786
+.. nonce: TF5mD7
+.. section: Library
+Fixed some tkinter incompatibilities with Tcl/Tk 8.6.
+.. bpo: 16809
+.. date: 7785
+.. nonce: WqSHdP
+.. section: Library
+Tkinter's splitlist() and split() methods now accept Tcl_Obj argument.
+.. bpo: 18324
+.. date: 7784
+.. nonce: 0vkj_r
+.. section: Library
+set_payload now correctly handles binary input.  This also supersedes the
+previous fixes for #14360, #1717, and #16564.
+.. bpo: 18794
+.. date: 7783
+.. nonce: A0pB9X
+.. section: Library
+Add a fileno() method and a closed attribute to select.devpoll objects.
+.. bpo: 17119
+.. date: 7782
+.. nonce: KfZ3-l
+.. section: Library
+Fixed integer overflows when processing large strings and tuples in the
+tkinter module.
+.. bpo: 18747
+.. date: 7781
+.. nonce: tPZkbG
+.. section: Library
+Re-seed OpenSSL's pseudo-random number generator after fork. A
+pthread_atfork() parent handler is used to seed the PRNG with pid, time and
+some stack data.
+.. bpo: 8865
+.. date: 7780
+.. nonce: cKBSJh
+.. section: Library
+Concurrent invocation of select.poll.poll() now raises a RuntimeError
+exception.  Patch by Christian Schubert.
+.. bpo: 18777
+.. date: 7779
+.. nonce: VLsjOw
+.. section: Library
+The ssl module now uses the new CRYPTO_THREADID API of OpenSSL 1.0.0+
+instead of the deprecated CRYPTO id callback function.
+.. bpo: 18768
+.. date: 7778
+.. nonce: r3TSCo
+.. section: Library
+Correct doc string of RAND_edg(). Patch by Vajrasky Kok.
+.. bpo: 18178
+.. date: 7777
+.. nonce: i4hnf-
+.. section: Library
+Fix ctypes on BSD. dlmalloc.c was compiled twice which broke malloc weak
+.. bpo: 18709
+.. date: 7776
+.. nonce: DWzpRe
+.. section: Library
+Fix CVE-2013-4238. The SSL module now handles NULL bytes inside
+subjectAltName correctly. Formerly the module has used OpenSSL's
+GENERAL_NAME_print() function to get the string representation of ASN.1
+strings for ``rfc822Name`` (email), ``dNSName`` (DNS) and
+``uniformResourceIdentifier`` (URI).
+.. bpo: 18701
+.. date: 7775
+.. nonce: nlDK3r
+.. section: Library
+Remove support of old CPython versions (<3.0) from C code.
+.. bpo: 18756
+.. date: 7774
+.. nonce: moRUfX
+.. section: Library
+Improve error reporting in os.urandom() when the failure is due to something
+else than /dev/urandom not existing (for example, exhausting the file
+descriptor limit).
+.. bpo: 18673
+.. date: 7773
+.. nonce: fZ5WYI
+.. section: Library
+Add O_TMPFILE to os module. O_TMPFILE requires Linux kernel 3.11 or newer.
+It's only defined on system with 3.11 uapi headers, too.
+.. bpo: 18532
+.. date: 7772
+.. nonce: 2hh1ms
+.. section: Library
+Change the builtin hash algorithms' names to lower case names as promised by
+hashlib's documentation.
+.. bpo: 8713
+.. date: 7771
+.. nonce: BFXgYS
+.. section: Library
+add new spwan and forkserver start methods, and new functions
+get_all_start_methods, get_start_method, and set_start_method, to
+.. bpo: 18405
+.. date: 7770
+.. nonce: z6flbp
+.. section: Library
+Improve the entropy of crypt.mksalt().
+.. bpo: 12015
+.. date: 7769
+.. nonce: wImE9r
+.. section: Library
+The tempfile module now uses a suffix of 8 random characters instead of 6,
+to reduce the risk of filename collision. The entropy was reduced when
+uppercase letters were removed from the charset used to generate random
+.. bpo: 18585
+.. date: 7768
+.. nonce: fooJpB
+.. section: Library
+Add :func:`textwrap.shorten` to collapse and truncate a piece of text to a
+given length.
+.. bpo: 18598
+.. date: 7767
+.. nonce: KRZlim
+.. section: Library
+Tweak exception message for importlib.import_module() to include the module
+name when a key argument is missing.
+.. bpo: 19151
+.. date: 7766
+.. nonce: 2MrIlH
+.. section: Library
+Fix docstring and use of _get_supported_file_loaders() to reflect 2-tuples.
+.. bpo: 19152
+.. date: 7765
+.. nonce: 2VYxzU
+.. section: Library
+Add ExtensionFileLoader.get_filename().
+.. bpo: 18676
+.. date: 7764
+.. nonce: WAq1iB
+.. section: Library
+Change 'positive' to 'non-negative' in queue.py put and get docstrings and
+ValueError messages. Patch by Zhongyue Luo
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7763
+.. nonce: Q7tLxE
+.. section: Library
+Fix refcounting issue with extension types in tkinter.
+.. bpo: 8112
+.. date: 7762
+.. nonce: J4M-dG
+.. section: Library
+xlmrpc.server's DocXMLRPCServer server no longer raises an error if methods
+have annotations; it now correctly displays the annotations.
+.. bpo: 18600
+.. date: 7761
+.. nonce: lnNy-j
+.. section: Library
+Added policy argument to email.message.Message.as_string, and as_bytes and
+__bytes__ methods to Message.
+.. bpo: 18671
+.. date: 7760
+.. nonce: ip02-u
+.. section: Library
+Output more information when logging exceptions occur.
+.. bpo: 18621
+.. date: 7759
+.. nonce: uGY0Dw
+.. section: Library
+Prevent the site module's patched builtins from keeping too many references
+alive for too long.
+.. bpo: 4885
+.. date: 7758
+.. nonce: tdRzg0
+.. section: Library
+Add weakref support to mmap objects.  Patch by Valerie Lambert.
+.. bpo: 8860
+.. date: 7757
+.. nonce: g3CWcZ
+.. section: Library
+Fixed rounding in timedelta constructor.
+.. bpo: 18849
+.. date: 7756
+.. nonce: Q0kF0R
+.. section: Library
+Fixed a Windows-specific tempfile bug where collision with an existing
+directory caused mkstemp and related APIs to fail instead of retrying.
+Report and fix by Vlad Shcherbina.
+.. bpo: 18920
+.. date: 7755
+.. nonce: ymifXY
+.. section: Library
+argparse's default destination for the version action (-v, --version) has
+also been changed to stdout, to match the Python executable.
+.. bpo: 18623
+.. date: 7754
+.. nonce: ac3L1h
+.. section: Tests
+Factor out the _SuppressCoreFiles context manager into test.support.  Patch
+by Valerie Lambert.
+.. bpo: 12037
+.. date: 7753
+.. nonce: pcCgBV
+.. section: Tests
+Fix test_email for desktop Windows.
+.. bpo: 15507
+.. date: 7752
+.. nonce: 3_em_8
+.. section: Tests
+test_subprocess's test_send_signal could fail if the test runner were run in
+an environment where the process inherited an ignore setting for SIGINT.
+Restore the SIGINT handler to the desired KeyboardInterrupt raising one
+during that test.
+.. bpo: 16799
+.. date: 7751
+.. nonce: Z_fDrt
+.. section: Tests
+Switched from getopt to argparse style in regrtest's argument parsing.
+Added more tests for regrtest's argument parsing.
+.. bpo: 18792
+.. date: 7750
+.. nonce: 5RkYdK
+.. section: Tests
+Use "" or "::1" instead of "localhost" as much as possible, since
+"localhost" goes through a DNS lookup under recent Windows versions.
+.. bpo: 18489
+.. date: 7749
+.. nonce: nOvxOH
+.. section: IDLE
+Add tests for SearchEngine. Original patch by Phil Webster.
+.. bpo: 18743
+.. date: 7748
+.. nonce: 5WKkvu
+.. section: Documentation
+Fix references to non-existent "StringIO" module.
+.. bpo: 18783
+.. date: 7747
+.. nonce: n5K5vI
+.. section: Documentation
+Removed existing mentions of Python long type in docstrings, error messages
+and comments.
+.. bpo: 1584
+.. date: 7746
+.. nonce: Lh1ZOs
+.. section: Build
+Provide configure options to override default search paths for Tcl and Tk
+when building _tkinter.
+.. bpo: 15663
+.. date: 7745
+.. nonce: VJKYGf
+.. section: Build
+Tcl/Tk 8.5.14 is now included with the OS X 10.6+ 64-/32-bit installer.  It
+is no longer necessary to install a third-party version of Tcl/Tk 8.5 to
+work around the problems in the Apple-supplied Tcl/Tk 8.5 shipped in OS X
+10.6 and later releases.
+.. bpo: 18922
+.. date: 7744
+.. nonce: xCUCW0
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Now The Lib/smtpd.py and Tools/i18n/msgfmt.py scripts write their version
+strings to stdout, and not to sderr.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.4.0a3.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.4.0a3.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6e1938e97e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.4.0a3.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+.. bpo: 18818
+.. date: 7851
+.. nonce: fsZ51D
+.. release date: 2013-09-29
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+The "encodingname" part of PYTHONIOENCODING is now optional.
+.. bpo: 19098
+.. date: 7850
+.. nonce: 5XU9uv
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Prevent overflow in the compiler when the recursion limit is set absurdly
+.. bpo: 18929
+.. date: 7849
+.. nonce: xt9_At
+.. section: Library
+`inspect.classify_class_attrs()` now correctly finds class attributes
+returned by `dir()` that are located in the metaclass.
+.. bpo: 18950
+.. date: 7848
+.. nonce: DHn3qf
+.. section: Library
+Fix miscellaneous bugs in the sunau module. Au_read.readframes() now updates
+current file position and reads correct number of frames from multichannel
+stream.  Au_write.writeframesraw() now correctly updates current file
+position.  Au_read.getnframes() now returns an integer (as in Python 2).
+Au_read and Au_write now correctly works with file object if start file
+position is not a zero.
+.. bpo: 18594
+.. date: 7847
+.. nonce: Dm34qD
+.. section: Library
+The fast path for collections.Counter() was never taken due to an over-
+restrictive type check.
+.. bpo: 19053
+.. date: 7846
+.. nonce: DkcFZ8
+.. section: Library
+ZipExtFile.read1() with non-zero argument no more returns empty bytes until
+end of data.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7845
+.. nonce: x-7joT
+.. section: Library
+logging: added support for Unix domain sockets to SocketHandler and
+.. bpo: 18996
+.. date: 7844
+.. nonce: 1Waotx
+.. section: Library
+TestCase.assertEqual() now more cleverly shorten differing strings in error
+.. bpo: 19034
+.. date: 7843
+.. nonce: S5MyMF
+.. section: Library
+repr() for tkinter.Tcl_Obj now exposes string reperesentation.
+.. bpo: 18978
+.. date: 7842
+.. nonce: qyLkAY
+.. section: Library
+``urllib.request.Request`` now allows the method to be indicated on the
+class and no longer sets it to None in ``__init__``.
+.. bpo: 18626
+.. date: 7841
+.. nonce: X3HiU3
+.. section: Library
+the inspect module now offers a basic command line introspection interface
+(Initial patch by Claudiu Popa)
+.. bpo: 3015
+.. date: 7840
+.. nonce: Db5Zwa
+.. section: Library
+Fixed tkinter with wantobject=False.  Any Tcl command call returned empty
+.. bpo: 19037
+.. date: 7839
+.. nonce: OfBhoU
+.. section: Library
+The mailbox module now makes all changes to maildir files before moving them
+into place, to avoid race conditions with other programs that may be
+accessing the maildir directory.
+.. bpo: 14984
+.. date: 7838
+.. nonce: iRbFp4
+.. section: Library
+On POSIX systems, when netrc is called without a filename argument (and
+therefore is reading the user's $HOME/.netrc file), it now enforces the same
+security rules as typical ftp clients: the .netrc file must be owned by the
+user that owns the process and must not be readable by any other user.
+.. bpo: 18873
+.. date: 7837
+.. nonce: 3ezwXm
+.. section: Library
+The tokenize module now detects Python source code encoding only in comment
+.. bpo: 17764
+.. date: 7836
+.. nonce: czuuKO
+.. section: Library
+Enable http.server to bind to a user specified network interface.  Patch
+contributed by Malte Swart.
+.. bpo: 18937
+.. date: 7835
+.. nonce: bcvKgi
+.. section: Library
+Add an assertLogs() context manager to unittest.TestCase to ensure that a
+block of code emits a message using the logging module.
+.. bpo: 17324
+.. date: 7834
+.. nonce: 0PkOTi
+.. section: Library
+Fix http.server's request handling case on trailing '/'. Patch contributed
+by Vajrasky Kok.
+.. bpo: 19018
+.. date: 7833
+.. nonce: mntKOW
+.. section: Library
+The heapq.merge() function no longer suppresses IndexError in the underlying
+.. bpo: 18784
+.. date: 7832
+.. nonce: dtzGbX
+.. section: Library
+The uuid module no longer attempts to load libc via ctypes.CDLL if all the
+necessary functions have already been found in libuuid.  Patch by Evgeny
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7831
+.. nonce: 22MCfN
+.. section: Library
+The :envvar:`PYTHONFAULTHANDLER` environment variable now only enables the
+faulthandler module if the variable is non-empty. Same behaviour than other
+variables like :envvar:`PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE`.
+.. bpo: 1565525
+.. date: 7830
+.. nonce: 0rVMB7
+.. section: Library
+New function ``traceback.clear_frames`` will clear the local variables of
+all the stack frames referenced by a traceback object.
+.. bpo: 18952
+.. date: 7829
+.. nonce: ysovuf
+.. section: Tests
+Fix regression in support data downloads introduced when test.support was
+converted to a package. Regression noticed by Zachary Ware.
+.. bpo: 18873
+.. date: 7828
+.. nonce: dyLPY9
+.. section: IDLE
+IDLE now detects Python source code encoding only in comment lines.
+.. bpo: 18988
+.. date: 7827
+.. nonce: 6CpesW
+.. section: IDLE
+The "Tab" key now works when a word is already autocompleted.
+.. bpo: 17003
+.. date: 7826
+.. nonce: eQGdny
+.. section: Documentation
+Unified the size argument names in the io module with common practice.
+.. bpo: 18596
+.. date: 7825
+.. nonce: TMPNJZ
+.. section: Build
+Support the use of address sanity checking in recent versions of clang and
+GCC by appropriately marking known false alarms in the small object
+allocator. Patch contributed by Dhiru Kholia.
+.. bpo: 18873
+.. date: 7824
+.. nonce: i_1Tf_
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+2to3 and the findnocoding.py script now detect Python source code encoding
+only in comment lines.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.4.0a4.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.4.0a4.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..201ac16d589
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.4.0a4.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,659 @@
+.. bpo: 19301
+.. date: 7918
+.. nonce: xZv71d
+.. release date: 2013-10-20
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Give classes and functions that are explicitly marked global a global
+.. bpo: 19279
+.. date: 7917
+.. nonce: VVzqJy
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+UTF-7 decoder no longer produces illegal strings.
+.. bpo: 16612
+.. date: 7916
+.. nonce: 8bgX-E
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Add "Argument Clinic", a compile-time preprocessor for C files to generate
+argument parsing code.  (See PEP 436.)
+.. bpo: 18810
+.. date: 7915
+.. nonce: tQAzk_
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Shift stat calls in importlib.machinery.FileFinder such that the code is
+optimistic that if something exists in a directory named exactly like the
+possible package being searched for that it's in actuality a directory.
+.. bpo: 18416
+.. date: 7914
+.. nonce: 5mWnIr
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+importlib.machinery.PathFinder now treats '' as the cwd and
+importlib.machinery.FileFinder no longer special-cases '' to '.'. This leads
+to modules imported from cwd to now possess an absolute file path for
+__file__ (this does not affect modules specified by path on the CLI but it
+does affect -m/runpy). It also allows FileFinder to be more consistent by
+not having an edge case.
+.. bpo: 4555
+.. date: 7913
+.. nonce: mOxiRO
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+All exported C symbols are now prefixed with either "Py" or "_Py".
+.. bpo: 19219
+.. date: 7912
+.. nonce: _H8xTK
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Speed up marshal.loads(), and make pyc files slightly (5% to 10%) smaller.
+.. bpo: 19221
+.. date: 7911
+.. nonce: Y7d-d9
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Upgrade Unicode database to version 6.3.0.
+.. bpo: 16742
+.. date: 7910
+.. nonce: vmmba7
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+The result of the C callback PyOS_ReadlineFunctionPointer must now be a
+string allocated by PyMem_RawMalloc() or PyMem_RawRealloc() (or NULL if an
+error occurred), instead of a string allocated by PyMem_Malloc() or
+.. bpo: 19199
+.. date: 7909
+.. nonce: HZHjaz
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Remove ``PyThreadState.tick_counter`` field
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7908
+.. nonce: 5kIB0G
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix macro expansion of _PyErr_OCCURRED(), and make sure to use it in at
+least one place so as to avoid regressions.
+.. bpo: 19087
+.. date: 7907
+.. nonce: gdUdnV
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Improve bytearray allocation in order to allow cheap popping of data at the
+front (slice deletion).
+.. bpo: 19014
+.. date: 7906
+.. nonce: y4w-XY
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+memoryview.cast() is now allowed on zero-length views.
+.. bpo: 18690
+.. date: 7905
+.. nonce: CS9avj
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+memoryview is now automatically registered with collections.abc.Sequence
+.. bpo: 19078
+.. date: 7904
+.. nonce: PQhOCk
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+memoryview now correctly supports the reversed builtin (Patch by Claudiu
+.. bpo: 17457
+.. date: 7903
+.. nonce: TeaU1w
+.. section: Library
+unittest test discovery now works with namespace packages. Patch by Claudiu
+.. bpo: 18235
+.. date: 7902
+.. nonce: LdBO1h
+.. section: Library
+Fix the sysconfig variables LDSHARED and BLDSHARED under AIX. Patch by David
+.. bpo: 18606
+.. date: 7901
+.. nonce: CIapUf
+.. section: Library
+Add the new "statistics" module (PEP 450).  Contributed by Steven D'Aprano.
+.. bpo: 12866
+.. date: 7900
+.. nonce: 7c7GGc
+.. section: Library
+The audioop module now supports 24-bit samples.
+.. bpo: 19254
+.. date: 7899
+.. nonce: hq_ejm
+.. section: Library
+Provide an optimized Python implementation of pbkdf2_hmac.
+.. bpo: 19201
+.. date: 7898
+.. nonce: OY6_PP
+.. section: Library
+Add "x" mode (exclusive creation) in opening file to bz2, gzip and lzma
+modules. Patches by Tim Heaney and Vajrasky Kok. (See also: bpo-19222,
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7897
+.. nonce: dSKPsn
+.. section: Library
+Fix a reference count leak in _sre.
+.. bpo: 19262
+.. date: 7896
+.. nonce: fNsTCq
+.. section: Library
+Initial check in of the 'asyncio' package (a.k.a. Tulip, a.k.a. PEP 3156).
+There are no docs yet, and the PEP is slightly out of date with the code.
+This module will have *provisional* status in Python 3.4.
+.. bpo: 19276
+.. date: 7895
+.. nonce: Y69Qmv
+.. section: Library
+Fixed the wave module on 64-bit big-endian platforms.
+.. bpo: 19266
+.. date: 7894
+.. nonce: an8EiY
+.. section: Library
+Rename the new-in-3.4 ``contextlib.ignore`` context manager to
+``contextlib.suppress`` in order to be more consistent with existing
+descriptions of that operation elsewhere in the language and standard
+library documentation (Patch by Zero Piraeus).
+.. bpo: 18891
+.. date: 7893
+.. nonce: 4TroDn
+.. section: Library
+Completed the new email package (provisional) API additions by adding new
+classes EmailMessage, MIMEPart, and ContentManager.
+.. bpo: 18281
+.. date: 7892
+.. nonce: 1FnfEW
+.. section: Library
+Unused stat constants removed from `tarfile`.
+.. bpo: 18999
+.. date: 7891
+.. nonce: -2OZju
+.. section: Library
+Multiprocessing now supports 'contexts' with the same API as the module, but
+bound to specified start methods.
+.. bpo: 18468
+.. date: 7890
+.. nonce: 8a1TVz
+.. section: Library
+The re.split, re.findall, and re.sub functions and the group() and groups()
+methods of match object now always return a string or a bytes object.
+.. bpo: 18725
+.. date: 7889
+.. nonce: zkMEqo
+.. section: Library
+The textwrap module now supports truncating multiline text.
+.. bpo: 18776
+.. date: 7888
+.. nonce: Y-0SKr
+.. section: Library
+atexit callbacks now display their full traceback when they raise an
+.. bpo: 17827
+.. date: 7887
+.. nonce: HJGFDL
+.. section: Library
+Add the missing documentation for ``codecs.encode`` and ``codecs.decode``.
+.. bpo: 19218
+.. date: 7886
+.. nonce: Cd2omk
+.. section: Library
+Rename collections.abc to _collections_abc in order to speed up interpreter
+.. bpo: 18582
+.. date: 7885
+.. nonce: hn0YhD
+.. section: Library
+Add 'pbkdf2_hmac' to the hashlib module. It implements PKCS#5 password-based
+key derivation functions with HMAC as pseudorandom function.
+.. bpo: 19131
+.. date: 7884
+.. nonce: eZXzpr
+.. section: Library
+The aifc module now correctly reads and writes sampwidth of compressed
+.. bpo: 19209
+.. date: 7883
+.. nonce: 3Hyd--
+.. section: Library
+Remove import of copyreg from the os module to speed up interpreter startup.
+stat_result and statvfs_result are now hard-coded to reside in the os
+.. bpo: 19205
+.. date: 7882
+.. nonce: yrFzJn
+.. section: Library
+Don't import the 're' module in site and sysconfig module to speed up
+interpreter start.
+.. bpo: 9548
+.. date: 7881
+.. nonce: nhTqHw
+.. section: Library
+Add a minimal "_bootlocale" module that is imported by the _io module
+instead of the full locale module.
+.. bpo: 18764
+.. date: 7880
+.. nonce: rbnhLA
+.. section: Library
+Remove the 'print' alias for the PDB 'p' command so that it no longer
+shadows the print function.
+.. bpo: 19158
+.. date: 7879
+.. nonce: GvkZuU
+.. section: Library
+A rare race in BoundedSemaphore could allow .release() too often.
+.. bpo: 15805
+.. date: 7878
+.. nonce: F_Ubx0
+.. section: Library
+Add contextlib.redirect_stdout().
+.. bpo: 18716
+.. date: 7877
+.. nonce: L9QcWX
+.. section: Library
+Deprecate the formatter module.
+.. bpo: 10712
+.. date: 7876
+.. nonce: rnd0oc
+.. section: Library
+2to3 has a new "asserts" fixer that replaces deprecated names of unittest
+methods (e.g. failUnlessEqual -> assertEqual).
+.. bpo: 18037
+.. date: 7875
+.. nonce: 7XGs8m
+.. section: Library
+2to3 now escapes ``'\u'`` and ``'\U'`` in native strings.
+.. bpo: 17839
+.. date: 7874
+.. nonce: EyWhFu
+.. section: Library
+base64.decodebytes and base64.encodebytes now accept any object that exports
+a 1 dimensional array of bytes (this means the same is now also true for
+.. bpo: 19132
+.. date: 7873
+.. nonce: ADBW6c
+.. section: Library
+The pprint module now supports compact mode.
+.. bpo: 19137
+.. date: 7872
+.. nonce: Iuit_M
+.. section: Library
+The pprint module now correctly formats instances of set and frozenset
+.. bpo: 10042
+.. date: 7871
+.. nonce: AH33zP
+.. section: Library
+functools.total_ordering now correctly handles NotImplemented being returned
+by the underlying comparison function (Patch by Katie Miller)
+.. bpo: 19092
+.. date: 7870
+.. nonce: Z7dea9
+.. section: Library
+contextlib.ExitStack now correctly reraises exceptions from the __exit__
+callbacks of inner context managers (Patch by Hrvoje Nikšić)
+.. bpo: 12641
+.. date: 7869
+.. nonce: r9sIyX
+.. section: Library
+Avoid passing "-mno-cygwin" to the mingw32 compiler, except when necessary.
+Patch by Oscar Benjamin.
+.. bpo: 5845
+.. date: 7868
+.. nonce: obzVIH
+.. section: Library
+In site.py, only load readline history from ~/.python_history if no history
+has been read already.  This avoids double writes to the history file at
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7867
+.. nonce: 08TsG5
+.. section: Library
+Properly initialize all fields of a SSL object after allocation.
+.. bpo: 19095
+.. date: 7866
+.. nonce: qZGvAs
+.. section: Library
+SSLSocket.getpeercert() now raises ValueError when the SSL handshake hasn't
+been done.
+.. bpo: 4366
+.. date: 7865
+.. nonce: lDEdfK
+.. section: Library
+Fix building extensions on all platforms when --enable-shared is used.
+.. bpo: 19030
+.. date: 7864
+.. nonce: uKvvJF
+.. section: Library
+Fixed `inspect.getmembers` and `inspect.classify_class_attrs` to attempt
+activating descriptors before falling back to a __dict__ search for faulty
+descriptors.  `inspect.classify_class_attrs` no longer returns Attributes
+whose home class is None.
+.. bpo: 1772673
+.. date: 7863
+.. nonce: 5cdzx1
+.. section: C API
+The type of `char*` arguments now changed to `const char*`.
+.. bpo: 16129
+.. date: 7862
+.. nonce: 8zyucl
+.. section: C API
+Added a `Py_SetStandardStreamEncoding` pre-initialization API to allow
+embedding applications like Blender to force a particular encoding and error
+handler for the standard IO streams (initial patch by Bastien Montagne)
+.. bpo: 19275
+.. date: 7861
+.. nonce: uboiiw
+.. section: Tests
+Fix test_site on AMD64 Snow Leopard
+.. bpo: 14407
+.. date: 7860
+.. nonce: -tmRl9
+.. section: Tests
+Fix unittest test discovery in test_concurrent_futures.
+.. bpo: 18919
+.. date: 7859
+.. nonce: cEkIuG
+.. section: Tests
+Unified and extended tests for audio modules: aifc, sunau and wave.
+.. bpo: 18714
+.. date: 7858
+.. nonce: tcsRe-
+.. section: Tests
+Added tests for ``pdb.find_function()``.
+.. bpo: 18758
+.. date: 7857
+.. nonce: hMCi7Z
+.. section: Documentation
+Fixed and improved cross-references.
+.. bpo: 18972
+.. date: 7856
+.. nonce: iFwRVt
+.. section: Documentation
+Modernize email examples and use the argparse module in them.
+.. bpo: 19130
+.. date: 7855
+.. nonce: 7l54jz
+.. section: Build
+Correct PCbuild/readme.txt, Python 3.3 and 3.4 require VS 2010.
+.. bpo: 15663
+.. date: 7854
+.. nonce: 72Jlq0
+.. section: Build
+Update OS X 10.6+ installer to use Tcl/Tk 8.5.15.
+.. bpo: 14499
+.. date: 7853
+.. nonce: 5ipy19
+.. section: Build
+Fix several problems with OS X universal build support:   1. ppc arch
+detection for extension module builds broke with Xcode 5   2. ppc arch
+detection in configure did not work on OS X 10.4   3. -sysroot and -arch
+flags were unnecessarily duplicated   4. there was no obvious way to
+configure an intel-32 only build.
+.. bpo: 19019
+.. date: 7852
+.. nonce: 5W7lw_
+.. section: Build
+Change the OS X installer build script to use CFLAGS instead of OPT for
+special build options.  By setting OPT, some compiler-specific options like
+-fwrapv were overridden and thus not used, which could result in broken
+interpreters when building with clang.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.4.0b1.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.4.0b1.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5d93b0a4dbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.4.0b1.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,1451 @@
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 8065
+.. nonce: HZ3bne
+.. release date: 2013-11-24
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Use the repr of a module name in more places in import, especially
+.. bpo: 19619
+.. date: 8064
+.. nonce: p4mly-
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+str.encode, bytes.decode and bytearray.decode now use an internal API to
+throw LookupError for known non-text encodings, rather than attempting the
+encoding or decoding operation and then throwing a TypeError for an
+unexpected output type. (The latter mechanism remains in place for third
+party non-text encodings)
+.. bpo: 19183
+.. date: 8063
+.. nonce: uRQl7Q
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Implement PEP 456 'secure and interchangeable hash algorithm'. Python now
+uses SipHash24 on all major platforms.
+.. bpo: 12892
+.. date: 8062
+.. nonce: TBN6AI
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+The utf-16* and utf-32* encoders no longer allow surrogate code points
+(U+D800-U+DFFF) to be encoded.  The utf-32* decoders no longer decode byte
+sequences that correspond to surrogate code points.  The surrogatepass error
+handler now works with the utf-16* and utf-32* codecs.  Based on patches by
+Victor Stinner and Kang-Hao (Kenny) Lu.
+.. bpo: 17806
+.. date: 8061
+.. nonce: Mkg_9s
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Added keyword-argument support for "tabsize" to str/bytes.expandtabs().
+.. bpo: 17828
+.. date: 8060
+.. nonce: -sD57u
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Output type errors in str.encode(), bytes.decode() and bytearray.decode()
+now direct users to codecs.encode() or codecs.decode() as appropriate.
+.. bpo: 17828
+.. date: 8059
+.. nonce: k-Stau
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+The interpreter now attempts to chain errors that occur in codec processing
+with a replacement exception of the same type that includes the codec name
+in the error message. It ensures it only does this when the creation of the
+replacement exception won't lose any information.
+.. bpo: 19466
+.. date: 8058
+.. nonce: QjlDnq
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Clear the frames of daemon threads earlier during the Python shutdown to
+call object destructors. So "unclosed file" resource warnings are now
+correctly emitted for daemon threads.
+.. bpo: 19514
+.. date: 8057
+.. nonce: FfR4kF
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Deduplicate some _Py_IDENTIFIER declarations. Patch by Andrei Dorian Duma.
+.. bpo: 17936
+.. date: 8056
+.. nonce: Vva8kQ
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix O(n**2) behaviour when adding or removing many subclasses of a given
+.. bpo: 19428
+.. date: 8055
+.. nonce: wN6Oyz
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+zipimport now handles errors when reading truncated or invalid ZIP archive.
+.. bpo: 18408
+.. date: 8054
+.. nonce: IDTlVz
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Add a new PyFrame_FastToLocalsWithError() function to handle exceptions when
+merging fast locals into f_locals of a frame. PyEval_GetLocals() now raises
+an exception and return NULL on failure.
+.. bpo: 19369
+.. date: 8053
+.. nonce: 19W2nG
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Optimized the usage of __length_hint__().
+.. bpo: 18603
+.. date: 8052
+.. nonce: 7SMyAQ
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Ensure that PyOS_mystricmp and PyOS_mystrnicmp are in the Python executable
+and not removed by the linker's optimizer.
+.. bpo: 19306
+.. date: 8051
+.. nonce: PYfqS6
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Add extra hints to the faulthandler module's stack dumps that these are
+"upside down".
+.. bpo: 3158
+.. date: 8050
+.. nonce: Uuris9
+.. section: Library
+doctest can now find doctests in functions and methods written in C.
+.. bpo: 13477
+.. date: 8049
+.. nonce: KYiO6P
+.. section: Library
+Added command line interface to the tarfile module. Original patch by Berker
+.. bpo: 19674
+.. date: 8048
+.. nonce: wDLXgw
+.. section: Library
+inspect.signature() now produces a correct signature for some builtins.
+.. bpo: 19722
+.. date: 8047
+.. nonce: pZvdfi
+.. section: Library
+Added opcode.stack_effect(), which computes the stack effect of bytecode
+.. bpo: 19735
+.. date: 8046
+.. nonce: 4JGp9S
+.. section: Library
+Implement private function ssl._create_stdlib_context() to create SSLContext
+objects in Python's stdlib module. It provides a single configuration point
+and makes use of SSLContext.load_default_certs().
+.. bpo: 16203
+.. date: 8045
+.. nonce: Obg29F
+.. section: Library
+Add re.fullmatch() function and regex.fullmatch() method, which anchor the
+pattern at both ends of the string to match. Original patch by Matthew
+.. bpo: 13592
+.. date: 8044
+.. nonce: LI-pVN
+.. section: Library
+Improved the repr for regular expression pattern objects. Based on patch by
+Hugo Lopes Tavares.
+.. bpo: 19641
+.. date: 8043
+.. nonce: S_oEqp
+.. section: Library
+Added the audioop.byteswap() function to convert big-endian samples to
+little-endian and vice versa.
+.. bpo: 15204
+.. date: 8042
+.. nonce: bICOJc
+.. section: Library
+Deprecated the 'U' mode in file-like objects.
+.. bpo: 17810
+.. date: 8041
+.. nonce: eJrPc5
+.. section: Library
+Implement PEP 3154, pickle protocol 4.
+.. bpo: 19668
+.. date: 8040
+.. nonce: e177xD
+.. section: Library
+Added support for the cp1125 encoding.
+.. bpo: 19689
+.. date: 8039
+.. nonce: ucsUkZ
+.. section: Library
+Add ssl.create_default_context() factory function. It creates a new
+SSLContext object with secure default settings.
+.. bpo: 19727
+.. date: 8038
+.. nonce: 7z890j
+.. section: Library
+os.utime(..., None) is now potentially more precise under Windows.
+.. bpo: 17201
+.. date: 8037
+.. nonce: x3oEjg
+.. section: Library
+ZIP64 extensions now are enabled by default.  Patch by William Mallard.
+.. bpo: 19292
+.. date: 8036
+.. nonce: SRsZqK
+.. section: Library
+Add SSLContext.load_default_certs() to load default root CA certificates
+from default stores or system stores. By default the method loads CA certs
+for authentication of server certs.
+.. bpo: 19673
+.. date: 8035
+.. nonce: cbMrgH
+.. section: Library
+Add pathlib to the stdlib as a provisional module (PEP 428).
+.. bpo: 16596
+.. date: 8034
+.. nonce: Fk4mD0
+.. section: Library
+pdb in a generator now properly skips over yield and yield from rather than
+stepping out of the generator into its caller.  (This is essential for
+stepping through asyncio coroutines.)
+.. bpo: 17916
+.. date: 8033
+.. nonce: NhM62k
+.. section: Library
+Added dis.Bytecode.from_traceback() and dis.Bytecode.current_offset to
+easily display "current instruction" markers in the new disassembly API
+(Patch by Claudiu Popa).
+.. bpo: 19552
+.. date: 8032
+.. nonce: YLwRGR
+.. section: Library
+venv now supports bootstrapping pip into virtual environments
+.. bpo: 17134
+.. date: 8031
+.. nonce: 59bg3U
+.. section: Library
+Finalize interface to Windows' certificate store. Cert and CRL enumeration
+are now two functions. enum_certificates() also returns purpose flags as set
+of OIDs.
+.. bpo: 19555
+.. date: 8030
+.. nonce: Cl1wp9
+.. section: Library
+Restore sysconfig.get_config_var('SO'), (and the distutils equivalent) with
+a DeprecationWarning pointing people at $EXT_SUFFIX.
+.. bpo: 8813
+.. date: 8029
+.. nonce: eOLgxE
+.. section: Library
+Add SSLContext.verify_flags to change the verification flags of the context
+in order to enable certification revocation list (CRL) checks or strict X509
+.. bpo: 18294
+.. date: 8028
+.. nonce: hCjVbY
+.. section: Library
+Fix the zlib module to make it 64-bit safe.
+.. bpo: 19682
+.. date: 8027
+.. nonce: Ruo2jD
+.. section: Library
+Fix compatibility issue with old version of OpenSSL that was introduced by
+Issue #18379.
+.. bpo: 14455
+.. date: 8026
+.. nonce: p3C8TR
+.. section: Library
+plistlib now supports binary plists and has an updated API.
+.. bpo: 19633
+.. date: 8025
+.. nonce: XJNQit
+.. section: Library
+Fixed writing not compressed 16- and 32-bit wave files on big-endian
+.. bpo: 18379
+.. date: 8024
+.. nonce: 6MEkk8
+.. section: Library
+SSLSocket.getpeercert() returns CA issuer AIA fields, OCSP and CRL
+distribution points.
+.. bpo: 18138
+.. date: 8023
+.. nonce: Xt0I1D
+.. section: Library
+Implement cadata argument of SSLContext.load_verify_location() to load CA
+certificates and CRL from memory. It supports PEM and DER encoded strings.
+.. bpo: 18775
+.. date: 8022
+.. nonce: Q0s2iT
+.. section: Library
+Add name and block_size attribute to HMAC object. They now provide the same
+API elements as non-keyed cryptographic hash functions.
+.. bpo: 17276
+.. date: 8021
+.. nonce: Rusj_j
+.. section: Library
+MD5 as default digestmod for HMAC is deprecated. The HMAC module supports
+digestmod names, e.g. hmac.HMAC('sha1').
+.. bpo: 19449
+.. date: 8020
+.. nonce: F2TbC_
+.. section: Library
+in csv's writerow, handle non-string keys when generating the error message
+that certain keys are not in the 'fieldnames' list.
+.. bpo: 13633
+.. date: 8019
+.. nonce: 1AJC3w
+.. section: Library
+Added a new convert_charrefs keyword arg to HTMLParser that, when True,
+automatically converts all character references.
+.. bpo: 2927
+.. date: 8018
+.. nonce: 5t4wCh
+.. section: Library
+Added the unescape() function to the html module.
+.. bpo: 8402
+.. date: 8017
+.. nonce: -VPGJN
+.. section: Library
+Added the escape() function to the glob module.
+.. bpo: 17618
+.. date: 8016
+.. nonce: OI2l3J
+.. section: Library
+Add Base85 and Ascii85 encoding/decoding to the base64 module.
+.. bpo: 19634
+.. date: 8015
+.. nonce: -pzaWO
+.. section: Library
+time.strftime("%y") now raises a ValueError on AIX when given a year before
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 8014
+.. nonce: -1Tvel
+.. section: Library
+Fix test.support.bind_port() to not cause an error when Python was compiled
+on a system with SO_REUSEPORT defined in the headers but run on a system
+with an OS kernel that does not support that reasonably new socket option.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 8013
+.. nonce: pmUthH
+.. section: Library
+Fix compilation error under gcc of the ctypes module bundled libffi for arm.
+.. bpo: 19448
+.. date: 8012
+.. nonce: oHsofd
+.. section: Library
+Add private API to SSL module to lookup ASN.1 objects by OID, NID, short
+name and long name.
+.. bpo: 19282
+.. date: 8011
+.. nonce: dDB6fB
+.. section: Library
+dbm.open now supports the context management protocol. (Initial patch by
+Claudiu Popa)
+.. bpo: 8311
+.. date: 8010
+.. nonce: 1h-XNN
+.. section: Library
+Added support for writing any bytes-like objects in the aifc, sunau, and
+wave modules.
+.. bpo: 5202
+.. date: 8009
+.. nonce: Qmv91E
+.. section: Library
+Added support for unseekable files in the wave module.
+.. bpo: 19544
+.. date: 8008
+.. nonce: KA-RHQ
+.. section: Library
+Restore global option to ignore ~/.pydistutils.cfg in Distutils,
+accidentally removed in backout of distutils2 changes. (See also: bpo-1180)
+.. bpo: 19523
+.. date: 8007
+.. nonce: tNiY9i
+.. section: Library
+Closed FileHandler leak which occurred when delay was set.
+.. bpo: 19544
+.. date: 8006
+.. nonce: vFbcTR
+.. section: Library
+Restore support for --user and --group parameters to sdist command
+accidentally rolled back as part of the distutils2 rollback. (See also:
+.. bpo: 13674
+.. date: 8005
+.. nonce: EIYe4u
+.. section: Library
+Prevented time.strftime from crashing on Windows when given a year before
+1900 and a format of %y.
+.. bpo: 19406
+.. date: 8004
+.. nonce: _vGZ47
+.. section: Library
+implementation of the ensurepip module (part of PEP 453). Patch by Donald
+Stufft and Nick Coghlan.
+.. bpo: 19544
+.. date: 8003
+.. nonce: NJk1xH
+.. section: Library
+Restore use of urllib over http allowing use of http_proxy for Distutils
+upload command, a feature accidentally lost in the rollback of distutils2.
+(See also: bpo-6286)
+.. bpo: 19544
+.. date: 8002
+.. nonce: ZtCJGn
+.. section: Library
+Restore the read_pkg_file method to distutils.dist.DistributionMetadata
+accidentally removed in the undo of distutils2. (See also: bpo-7457)
+.. bpo: 16685
+.. date: 8001
+.. nonce: qc5QWm
+.. section: Library
+Added support for any bytes-like objects in the audioop module. Removed
+support for strings.
+.. bpo: 7171
+.. date: 8000
+.. nonce: irjmxW
+.. section: Library
+Add Windows implementation of ``inet_ntop`` and ``inet_pton`` to socket
+module. Patch by Atsuo Ishimoto.
+.. bpo: 19261
+.. date: 7999
+.. nonce: MDxLbN
+.. section: Library
+Added support for writing 24-bit samples in the sunau module.
+.. bpo: 1097797
+.. date: 7998
+.. nonce: s8FvuZ
+.. section: Library
+Added CP273 encoding, used on IBM mainframes in Germany and Austria.
+Mapping provided by Michael Bierenfeld.
+.. bpo: 1575020
+.. date: 7997
+.. nonce: skWyvl
+.. section: Library
+Fixed support of 24-bit wave files on big-endian platforms.
+.. bpo: 19378
+.. date: 7996
+.. nonce: 1XDVqS
+.. section: Library
+Fixed a number of cases in the dis module where the new "file" parameter was
+not being honoured correctly
+.. bpo: 19378
+.. date: 7995
+.. nonce: s_AkzU
+.. section: Library
+Removed the "dis.Bytecode.show_info" method
+.. bpo: 19378
+.. date: 7994
+.. nonce: mEYzGf
+.. section: Library
+Renamed the "dis.Bytecode.display_code" method to "dis.Bytecode.dis" and
+converted it to returning a string rather than printing output.
+.. bpo: 19378
+.. date: 7993
+.. nonce: zuYjXC
+.. section: Library
+the "line_offset" parameter in the new "dis.get_instructions" API has been
+renamed to "first_line" (and the default value and usage changed
+accordingly). This should reduce confusion with the more common use of
+"offset" in the dis docs to refer to bytecode offsets.
+.. bpo: 18678
+.. date: 7992
+.. nonce: 7wTha_
+.. section: Library
+Corrected spwd struct member names in spwd module: sp_nam->sp_namp, and
+sp_pwd->sp_pwdp.  The old names are kept as extra structseq members, for
+backward compatibility.
+.. bpo: 6157
+.. date: 7991
+.. nonce: SpFEy2
+.. section: Library
+Fixed tkinter.Text.debug().  tkinter.Text.bbox() now raises TypeError
+instead of TclError on wrong number of arguments.  Original patch by
+Guilherme Polo.
+.. bpo: 10197
+.. date: 7990
+.. nonce: 6uq2Xn
+.. section: Library
+Rework subprocess.get[status]output to use subprocess functionality and thus
+to work on Windows. Patch by Nick Coghlan
+.. bpo: 6160
+.. date: 7989
+.. nonce: Mr5UuA
+.. section: Library
+The bbox() method of tkinter.Spinbox now returns a tuple of integers instead
+of a string.  Based on patch by Guilherme Polo.
+.. bpo: 19403
+.. date: 7988
+.. nonce: rJUF8f
+.. section: Library
+contextlib.redirect_stdout is now reentrant
+.. bpo: 19286
+.. date: 7987
+.. nonce: TUZetF
+.. section: Library
+Directories in ``package_data`` are no longer added to the filelist,
+preventing failure outlined in the ticket.
+.. bpo: 19480
+.. date: 7986
+.. nonce: MY3dmW
+.. section: Library
+HTMLParser now accepts all valid start-tag names as defined by the HTML5
+.. bpo: 15114
+.. date: 7985
+.. nonce: MuB2Yy
+.. section: Library
+The html.parser module now raises a DeprecationWarning when the strict
+argument of HTMLParser or the HTMLParser.error method are used.
+.. bpo: 19410
+.. date: 7984
+.. nonce: OU3U4K
+.. section: Library
+Undo the special-casing removal of '' for importlib.machinery.FileFinder.
+.. bpo: 19424
+.. date: 7983
+.. nonce: vYBdnZ
+.. section: Library
+Fix the warnings module to accept filename containing surrogate characters.
+.. bpo: 19435
+.. date: 7982
+.. nonce: kXqMz3
+.. section: Library
+Fix directory traversal attack on CGIHttpRequestHandler.
+.. bpo: 19227
+.. date: 7981
+.. nonce: yGdfN6
+.. section: Library
+Remove pthread_atfork() handler. The handler was added to solve #18747 but
+has caused issues.
+.. bpo: 19420
+.. date: 7980
+.. nonce: eJad_G
+.. section: Library
+Fix reference leak in module initialization code of _hashopenssl.c
+.. bpo: 19329
+.. date: 7979
+.. nonce: f3o3tr
+.. section: Library
+Optimized compiling charsets in regular expressions.
+.. bpo: 19227
+.. date: 7978
+.. nonce: -dpnbn
+.. section: Library
+Try to fix deadlocks caused by re-seeding then OpenSSL pseudo-random number
+generator on fork().
+.. bpo: 16037
+.. date: 7977
+.. nonce: cxufSm
+.. section: Library
+HTTPMessage.readheaders() raises an HTTPException when more than 100 headers
+are read.  Adapted from patch by Jyrki Pulliainen.
+.. bpo: 16040
+.. date: 7976
+.. nonce: xg3xlX
+.. section: Library
+CVE-2013-1752: nntplib: Limit maximum line lengths to 2048 to prevent
+readline() calls from consuming too much memory.  Patch by Jyrki Pulliainen.
+.. bpo: 16041
+.. date: 7975
+.. nonce: XFY0lr
+.. section: Library
+CVE-2013-1752: poplib: Limit maximum line lengths to 2048 to prevent
+readline() calls from consuming too much memory.  Patch by Jyrki Pulliainen.
+.. bpo: 17997
+.. date: 7974
+.. nonce: sJUozx
+.. section: Library
+Change behavior of ``ssl.match_hostname()`` to follow RFC 6125, for security
+reasons.  It now doesn't match multiple wildcards nor wildcards inside IDN
+.. bpo: 16039
+.. date: 7973
+.. nonce: ipafYi
+.. section: Library
+CVE-2013-1752: Change use of readline in imaplib module to limit line
+length.  Patch by Emil Lind.
+.. bpo: 19330
+.. date: 7972
+.. nonce: -pfViq
+.. section: Library
+the unnecessary wrapper functions have been removed from the implementations
+of the new contextlib.redirect_stdout and contextlib.suppress context
+managers, which also ensures they provide reasonable help() output on
+.. bpo: 19393
+.. date: 7971
+.. nonce: ytbAwl
+.. section: Library
+Fix symtable.symtable function to not be confused when there are functions
+or classes named "top".
+.. bpo: 18685
+.. date: 7970
+.. nonce: R0OJ2-
+.. section: Library
+Restore re performance to pre-PEP 393 levels.
+.. bpo: 19339
+.. date: 7969
+.. nonce: kxMuh2
+.. section: Library
+telnetlib module is now using time.monotonic() when available to compute
+.. bpo: 19399
+.. date: 7968
+.. nonce: ofrcCx
+.. section: Library
+fix sporadic test_subprocess failure.
+.. bpo: 13234
+.. date: 7967
+.. nonce: uuePvu
+.. section: Library
+Fix os.listdir to work with extended paths on Windows. Patch by Santoso
+.. bpo: 19375
+.. date: 7966
+.. nonce: Kbkj5C
+.. section: Library
+The site module adding a "site-python" directory to sys.path, if it exists,
+is now deprecated.
+.. bpo: 19379
+.. date: 7965
+.. nonce: jOblDO
+.. section: Library
+Lazily import linecache in the warnings module, to make startup with
+warnings faster until a warning gets printed.
+.. bpo: 19288
+.. date: 7964
+.. nonce: nKDzgw
+.. section: Library
+Fixed the "in" operator of dbm.gnu databases for string argument.  Original
+patch by Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis.
+.. bpo: 19287
+.. date: 7963
+.. nonce: IVl3jY
+.. section: Library
+Fixed the "in" operator of dbm.ndbm databases for string argument.  Original
+patch by Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis.
+.. bpo: 19327
+.. date: 7962
+.. nonce: S7Xvxs
+.. section: Library
+Fixed the working of regular expressions with too big charset.
+.. bpo: 17400
+.. date: 7961
+.. nonce: 8BUFmy
+.. section: Library
+New 'is_global' attribute for ipaddress to tell if an address is allocated
+by IANA for global or private networks.
+.. bpo: 19350
+.. date: 7960
+.. nonce: MCCKjK
+.. section: Library
+Increasing the test coverage of macurl2path. Patch by Colin Williams.
+.. bpo: 19365
+.. date: 7959
+.. nonce: ZBG2Mi
+.. section: Library
+Optimized the parsing of long replacement string in re.sub*() functions.
+.. bpo: 19352
+.. date: 7958
+.. nonce: 3TfAkY
+.. section: Library
+Fix unittest discovery when a module can be reached through several paths
+(e.g. under Debian/Ubuntu with virtualenv).
+.. bpo: 15207
+.. date: 7957
+.. nonce: piOBBi
+.. section: Library
+Fix mimetypes to read from correct part of Windows registry Original patch
+by Dave Chambers
+.. bpo: 16595
+.. date: 7956
+.. nonce: Be5Hga
+.. section: Library
+Add prlimit() to resource module.
+.. bpo: 19324
+.. date: 7955
+.. nonce: e0cvlt
+.. section: Library
+Expose Linux-specific constants in resource module.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7954
+.. nonce: sxxiug
+.. section: Library
+Load SSL's error strings in hashlib.
+.. bpo: 18527
+.. date: 7953
+.. nonce: fA-A37
+.. section: Library
+Upgrade internal copy of zlib to 1.2.8.
+.. bpo: 19274
+.. date: 7952
+.. nonce: i8khqy
+.. section: Library
+Add a filterfunc parameter to PyZipFile.writepy.
+.. bpo: 8964
+.. date: 7951
+.. nonce: dzU2FB
+.. section: Library
+fix platform._sys_version to handle IronPython 2.6+. Patch by Martin
+.. bpo: 19413
+.. date: 7950
+.. nonce: 2Niic6
+.. section: Library
+Restore pre-3.3 reload() semantics of re-finding modules.
+.. bpo: 18958
+.. date: 7949
+.. nonce: AoIQm9
+.. section: Library
+Improve error message for json.load(s) while passing a string that starts
+with a UTF-8 BOM.
+.. bpo: 19307
+.. date: 7948
+.. nonce: iFye0G
+.. section: Library
+Improve error message for json.load(s) while passing objects of the wrong
+.. bpo: 16038
+.. date: 7947
+.. nonce: TZGbSo
+.. section: Library
+CVE-2013-1752: ftplib: Limit amount of data read by limiting the call to
+readline().  Original patch by Michał Jastrzębski and Giampaolo Rodola.
+.. bpo: 17087
+.. date: 7946
+.. nonce: A3XA7C
+.. section: Library
+Improved the repr for regular expression match objects.
+.. bpo: 19664
+.. date: 7945
+.. nonce: Nw449E
+.. section: Tests
+test_userdict's repr test no longer depends on the order of dict elements.
+.. bpo: 19440
+.. date: 7944
+.. nonce: BW6mI9
+.. section: Tests
+Clean up test_capi by removing an unnecessary __future__ import, converting
+from test_main to unittest.main, and running the _testcapi module tests as
+subTests of a unittest TestCase method.
+.. bpo: 19378
+.. date: 7943
+.. nonce: zeWIz0
+.. section: Tests
+the main dis module tests are now run with both stdout redirection *and*
+passing an explicit file parameter
+.. bpo: 19378
+.. date: 7942
+.. nonce: MOkpfA
+.. section: Tests
+removed the not-actually-helpful assertInstructionMatches and
+assertBytecodeExactlyMatches helpers from bytecode_helper
+.. bpo: 18702
+.. date: 7941
+.. nonce: 91BEkZ
+.. section: Tests
+All skipped tests now reported as skipped.
+.. bpo: 19439
+.. date: 7940
+.. nonce: J96-Vv
+.. section: Tests
+interpreter embedding tests are now executed on Windows (Patch by Zachary
+.. bpo: 19085
+.. date: 7939
+.. nonce: Gcl9XX
+.. section: Tests
+Added basic tests for all tkinter widget options.
+.. bpo: 19384
+.. date: 7938
+.. nonce: v6r_8A
+.. section: Tests
+Fix test_py_compile for root user, patch by Claudiu Popa.
+.. bpo: 18326
+.. date: 7937
+.. nonce: juaetA
+.. section: Documentation
+Clarify that list.sort's arguments are keyword-only.  Also, attempt to
+reduce confusion in the glossary by not saying there are different "types"
+of arguments and parameters.
+.. bpo: 19358
+.. date: 7936
+.. nonce: 80ySM-
+.. section: Build
+"make clinic" now runs the Argument Clinic preprocessor over all CPython
+source files.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7935
+.. nonce: -GnKfJ
+.. section: Build
+Update SQLite to 3.8.1, xz to 5.0.5, and Tcl/Tk to 8.6.1 on Windows.
+.. bpo: 16632
+.. date: 7934
+.. nonce: BiQhFA
+.. section: Build
+Enable DEP and ASLR on Windows.
+.. bpo: 17791
+.. date: 7933
+.. nonce: fExj5r
+.. section: Build
+Drop PREFIX and EXEC_PREFIX definitions from PC/pyconfig.h
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7932
+.. nonce: uI77cH
+.. section: Build
+Add workaround for VS 2010 nmake clean issue. VS 2010 doesn't set up PATH
+for nmake.exe correctly.
+.. bpo: 19550
+.. date: 7931
+.. nonce: MLDPnk
+.. section: Build
+Implement Windows installer changes of PEP 453 (ensurepip).
+.. bpo: 19520
+.. date: 7930
+.. nonce: KBn7ff
+.. section: Build
+Fix compiler warning in the _sha3 module on 32bit Windows.
+.. bpo: 19356
+.. date: 7929
+.. nonce: lHamQS
+.. section: Build
+Avoid using a C variabled named "_self", it's a reserved word in some C
+.. bpo: 15792
+.. date: 7928
+.. nonce: Rx4fV2
+.. section: Build
+Correct build options on Win64. Patch by Jeremy Kloth.
+.. bpo: 19373
+.. date: 7927
+.. nonce: Gxnb8v
+.. section: Build
+Apply upstream change to Tk 8.5.15 fixing OS X 10.9 screen refresh problem
+for OS X installer build.
+.. bpo: 19649
+.. date: 7926
+.. nonce: yuZ3xq
+.. section: Build
+On OS X, the same set of file names are now installed in bin directories for
+all configurations: non-framework vs framework, and single arch vs universal
+builds.  pythonx.y-32 is now always installed for 64-bit/32-bit universal
+builds.  The obsolete and undocumented pythonw* symlinks are no longer
+installed anywhere.
+.. bpo: 19553
+.. date: 7925
+.. nonce: JY6pHm
+.. section: Build
+PEP 453 - "make install" and "make altinstall" now install or upgrade pip by
+default, using the bundled pip provided by the new ensurepip module.  A new
+configure option, --with-ensurepip[=upgrade|install|no], is available to
+override the default ensurepip "--upgrade" option.  The option can also be
+set with "make [alt]install ENSUREPIP=[upgrade|install|no]".
+.. bpo: 19551
+.. date: 7924
+.. nonce: Co7ZOp
+.. section: Build
+PEP 453 - the OS X installer now installs pip by default.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 7923
+.. nonce: kxcK-F
+.. section: Build
+Update third-party libraries for OS X installers: xz 5.0.3 -> 5.0.5, SQLite
+3.7.13 -> 3.8.1
+.. bpo: 15663
+.. date: 7922
+.. nonce: f91_wP
+.. section: Build
+Revert OS X installer built-in Tcl/Tk support for 3.4.0b1. Some third-party
+projects, such as Matplotlib and PIL/Pillow, depended on being able to build
+with Tcl and Tk frameworks in /Library/Frameworks.
+.. bpo: 19730
+.. date: 7921
+.. nonce: B7hBq7
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Argument Clinic now supports all the existing PyArg "format units" as legacy
+converters, as well as two new features: "self converters" and the "version"
+.. bpo: 19552
+.. date: 7920
+.. nonce: zuitRR
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+pyvenv now bootstraps pip into virtual environments by default (pass
+--without-pip to request the old behaviour)
+.. bpo: 19390
+.. date: 7919
+.. nonce: CROPNO
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Argument Clinic no longer accepts malformed Python and C ids.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.4.0b2.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.4.0b2.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..50a1f144cdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.4.0b2.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,1197 @@
+.. bpo: 17432
+.. date: 8188
+.. nonce: mmNI4f
+.. release date: 2014-01-05
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Drop UCS2 from names of Unicode functions in python3.def.
+.. bpo: 19526
+.. date: 8187
+.. nonce: 9WWttQ
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Exclude all new API from the stable ABI. Exceptions can be made if a need is
+.. bpo: 19969
+.. date: 8186
+.. nonce: mmRsrB
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+PyBytes_FromFormatV() now raises an OverflowError if "%c" argument is not in
+range [0; 255].
+.. bpo: 19995
+.. date: 8185
+.. nonce: gQHtAc
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+%c, %o, %x, and %X now issue a DeprecationWarning on non-integer input;
+reworded docs to clarify that an integer type should define both __int__ and
+.. bpo: 19787
+.. date: 8184
+.. nonce: tAMy-H
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+PyThread_set_key_value() now always set the value. In Python 3.3, the
+function did nothing if the key already exists (if the current value is a
+non-NULL pointer).
+.. bpo: 14432
+.. date: 8183
+.. nonce: yov4oy
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Remove the thread state field from the frame structure. Fix a crash when a
+generator is created in a C thread that is destroyed while the generator is
+still used. The issue was that a generator contains a frame, and the frame
+kept a reference to the Python state of the destroyed C thread. The crash
+occurs when a trace function is setup.
+.. bpo: 19576
+.. date: 8182
+.. nonce: b_UtIp
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+PyGILState_Ensure() now initializes threads. At startup, Python has no
+concrete GIL. If PyGILState_Ensure() is called from a new thread for the
+first time and PyEval_InitThreads() was not called yet, a GIL needs to be
+.. bpo: 17576
+.. date: 8181
+.. nonce: ukzqsg
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Deprecation warning emitted now when __int__() or __index__() return not int
+.. bpo: 19932
+.. date: 8180
+.. nonce: ZU_tXW
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix typo in import.h, missing whitespaces in function prototypes.
+.. bpo: 19736
+.. date: 8179
+.. nonce: j35rNX
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Add module-level statvfs constants defined for GNU/glibc based systems.
+.. bpo: 20097
+.. date: 8178
+.. nonce: _L-Wql
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix bad use of "self" in importlib's WindowsRegistryFinder.
+.. bpo: 19729
+.. date: 8177
+.. nonce: HmZThe
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+In str.format(), fix recursive expansion in format spec.
+.. bpo: 19638
+.. date: 8176
+.. nonce: lh5Awt
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix possible crash / undefined behaviour from huge (more than 2 billion
+characters) input strings in _Py_dg_strtod.
+.. bpo: 20154
+.. date: 8175
+.. nonce: 5JyK0Q
+.. section: Library
+Deadlock in asyncio.StreamReader.readexactly().
+.. bpo: 16113
+.. date: 8174
+.. nonce: 2gaEPO
+.. section: Library
+Remove sha3 module again.
+.. bpo: 20111
+.. date: 8173
+.. nonce: NsoIDi
+.. section: Library
+pathlib.Path.with_suffix() now sanity checks the given suffix.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 8172
+.. nonce: 6LOl16
+.. section: Library
+Fix breakage in TestSuite.countTestCases() introduced by issue #11798.
+.. bpo: 20108
+.. date: 8171
+.. nonce: HxuC0s
+.. section: Library
+Avoid parameter name clash in inspect.getcallargs().
+.. bpo: 19918
+.. date: 8170
+.. nonce: SciMAd
+.. section: Library
+Fix PurePath.relative_to() under Windows.
+.. bpo: 19422
+.. date: 8169
+.. nonce: 1dRaPS
+.. section: Library
+Explicitly disallow non-SOCK_STREAM sockets in the ssl module, rather than
+silently let them emit clear text data.
+.. bpo: 20046
+.. date: 8168
+.. nonce: NkWtze
+.. section: Library
+Locale alias table no longer contains entities which can be calculated.
+Generalized support of the euro modifier.
+.. bpo: 20027
+.. date: 8167
+.. nonce: dtB7OG
+.. section: Library
+Fixed locale aliases for devanagari locales.
+.. bpo: 20067
+.. date: 8166
+.. nonce: MlnlYd
+.. section: Library
+Tkinter variables now work when wantobjects is false.
+.. bpo: 19020
+.. date: 8165
+.. nonce: _16K__
+.. section: Library
+Tkinter now uses splitlist() instead of split() in configure methods.
+.. bpo: 19744
+.. date: 8164
+.. nonce: frub3A
+.. section: Library
+ensurepip now provides a better error message when Python is built without
+SSL/TLS support (pip currently requires that support to run, even if only
+operating with local wheel files)
+.. bpo: 19734
+.. date: 8163
+.. nonce: jHpBF-
+.. section: Library
+ensurepip now ignores all pip environment variables to avoid odd behaviour
+based on user configuration settings
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 8162
+.. nonce: d5LOJv
+.. section: Library
+Fix TypeError on "setup.py upload --show-response".
+.. bpo: 20045
+.. date: 8161
+.. nonce: fdKDSA
+.. section: Library
+Fix "setup.py register --list-classifiers".
+.. bpo: 18879
+.. date: 8160
+.. nonce: CEiozo
+.. section: Library
+When a method is looked up on a temporary file, avoid closing the file
+before the method is possibly called.
+.. bpo: 20037
+.. date: 8159
+.. nonce: Mnn2jV
+.. section: Library
+Avoid crashes when opening a text file late at interpreter shutdown.
+.. bpo: 19967
+.. date: 8158
+.. nonce: 0zAW9L
+.. section: Library
+Thanks to the PEP 442, asyncio.Future now uses a destructor to log uncaught
+exceptions, instead of the dedicated _TracebackLogger class.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 8157
+.. nonce: Gqaj5f
+.. section: Library
+Added a Task.current_task() class method to asyncio.
+.. bpo: 19850
+.. date: 8156
+.. nonce: WPTJDe
+.. section: Library
+Set SA_RESTART in asyncio when registering a signal handler to limit EINTR
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 8155
+.. nonce: JivAZe
+.. section: Library
+Implemented write flow control in asyncio for proactor event loop (Windows).
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 8154
+.. nonce: WBY2wl
+.. section: Library
+Change write buffer in asyncio use to avoid O(N**2) behavior.  Make
+write()/sendto() accept bytearray/memoryview.
+.. bpo: 20034
+.. date: 8153
+.. nonce: GlYpNX
+.. section: Library
+Updated alias mapping to most recent locale.alias file from X.org
+distribution using makelocalealias.py.
+.. bpo: 5815
+.. date: 8152
+.. nonce: FxSb0P
+.. section: Library
+Fixed support for locales with modifiers.  Fixed support for locale
+encodings with hyphens.
+.. bpo: 20026
+.. date: 8151
+.. nonce: KO1jB6
+.. section: Library
+Fix the sqlite module to handle correctly invalid isolation level (wrong
+.. bpo: 18829
+.. date: 8150
+.. nonce: QPwJFn
+.. section: Library
+csv.Dialect() now checks type for delimiter, escapechar and quotechar
+fields.  Original patch by Vajrasky Kok.
+.. bpo: 19855
+.. date: 8149
+.. nonce: TtBUO6
+.. section: Library
+uuid.getnode() on Unix now looks on the PATH for the executables used to
+find the mac address, with /sbin and /usr/sbin as fallbacks.
+.. bpo: 20007
+.. date: 8148
+.. nonce: IaSnPo
+.. section: Library
+HTTPResponse.read(0) no more prematurely closes connection. Original patch
+by Simon Sapin.
+.. bpo: 19946
+.. date: 8147
+.. nonce: hcbn92
+.. section: Library
+multiprocessing now uses runpy to initialize __main__ in child processes
+when necessary, allowing it to correctly handle scripts without suffixes and
+submodules that use explicit relative imports or otherwise rely on parent
+modules being correctly imported prior to execution.
+.. bpo: 19921
+.. date: 8146
+.. nonce: LGeNky
+.. section: Library
+When Path.mkdir() is called with parents=True, any missing parent is created
+with the default permissions, ignoring the mode argument (mimicking the
+POSIX "mkdir -p" command).
+.. bpo: 19887
+.. date: 8145
+.. nonce: 2jM2qA
+.. section: Library
+Improve the Path.resolve() algorithm to support certain symlink chains.
+.. bpo: 19912
+.. date: 8144
+.. nonce: TviIPi
+.. section: Library
+Fixed numerous bugs in ntpath.splitunc().
+.. bpo: 19911
+.. date: 8143
+.. nonce: w1QmnT
+.. section: Library
+ntpath.splitdrive() now correctly processes the 'İ' character (U+0130, LATIN
+.. bpo: 19532
+.. date: 8142
+.. nonce: vCt7bh
+.. section: Library
+python -m compileall with no filename/directory arguments now respects the
+-f and -q flags instead of ignoring them.
+.. bpo: 19623
+.. date: 8141
+.. nonce: zv4rIL
+.. section: Library
+Fixed writing to unseekable files in the aifc module.
+.. bpo: 19946
+.. date: 8140
+.. nonce: b4Js6X
+.. section: Library
+multiprocessing.spawn now raises ImportError when the module to be used as
+the main module cannot be imported.
+.. bpo: 17919
+.. date: 8139
+.. nonce: H5iGXv
+.. section: Library
+select.poll.register() again works with poll.POLLNVAL on AIX. Fixed integer
+overflow in the eventmask parameter.
+.. bpo: 19063
+.. date: 8138
+.. nonce: pQzK1K
+.. section: Library
+if a Charset's body_encoding was set to None, the email package would
+generate a message claiming the Content-Transfer-Encoding was 7bit, and
+produce garbage output for the content.  This now works. A couple of other
+set_payload mishandlings of non-ASCII are also fixed. In addition, calling
+set_payload with a string argument without specifying a charset now raises
+an error (this is a new error in 3.4).
+.. bpo: 15475
+.. date: 8137
+.. nonce: -vqlm1
+.. section: Library
+Add __sizeof__ implementations for itertools objects.
+.. bpo: 19944
+.. date: 8136
+.. nonce: XxQU2O
+.. section: Library
+Fix importlib.find_spec() so it imports parents as needed and move the
+function to importlib.util.
+.. bpo: 19880
+.. date: 8135
+.. nonce: wJls1u
+.. section: Library
+Fix a reference leak in unittest.TestCase. Explicitly break reference cycles
+between frames and the _Outcome instance.
+.. bpo: 17429
+.. date: 8134
+.. nonce: dlZP0_
+.. section: Library
+platform.linux_distribution() now decodes files from the UTF-8 encoding with
+the surrogateescape error handler, instead of decoding from the locale
+encoding in strict mode. It fixes the function on Fedora 19 which is
+probably the first major distribution release with a non-ASCII name. Patch
+written by Toshio Kuratomi.
+.. bpo: 19343
+.. date: 8133
+.. nonce: La15PA
+.. section: Library
+Expose FreeBSD-specific APIs in resource module.  Original patch by Koobs.
+.. bpo: 19929
+.. date: 8132
+.. nonce: BZDeEj
+.. section: Library
+Call os.read with 32768 within subprocess.Popen.communicate rather than 4096
+for efficiency.  A microbenchmark shows Linux and OS X both using ~50% less
+cpu time this way.
+.. bpo: 19506
+.. date: 8131
+.. nonce: GteUMC
+.. section: Library
+Use a memoryview to avoid a data copy when piping data to stdin within
+subprocess.Popen.communicate.  5-10% less cpu usage.
+.. bpo: 19876
+.. date: 8130
+.. nonce: 2YXHY-
+.. section: Library
+selectors unregister() no longer raises ValueError or OSError if the FD is
+closed (as long as it was registered).
+.. bpo: 19908
+.. date: 8129
+.. nonce: rOsMVQ
+.. section: Library
+pathlib now joins relative Windows paths correctly when a drive is present.
+Original patch by Antoine Pitrou.
+.. bpo: 19296
+.. date: 8128
+.. nonce: WVPZAK
+.. section: Library
+Silence compiler warning in dbm_open
+.. bpo: 6784
+.. date: 8127
+.. nonce: uxEt6F
+.. section: Library
+Strings from Python 2 can now be unpickled as bytes objects by setting the
+encoding argument of Unpickler to be 'bytes'. Initial patch by Merlijn van
+.. bpo: 19839
+.. date: 8126
+.. nonce: qfP0k5
+.. section: Library
+Fix regression in bz2 module's handling of non-bzip2 data at EOF, and
+analogous bug in lzma module.
+.. bpo: 19881
+.. date: 8125
+.. nonce: NKrKAh
+.. section: Library
+Fix pickling bug where cpickle would emit bad pickle data for large bytes
+string (i.e., with size greater than 2**32-1).
+.. bpo: 19138
+.. date: 8124
+.. nonce: xwKrX_
+.. section: Library
+doctest's IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL now allows a match when no exception
+detail exists (no colon following the exception's name, or a colon does
+follow but no text follows the colon).
+.. bpo: 19927
+.. date: 8123
+.. nonce: ZijD-E
+.. section: Library
+Add __eq__ to path-based loaders in importlib.
+.. bpo: 19827
+.. date: 8122
+.. nonce: KBYfyd
+.. section: Library
+On UNIX, setblocking() and settimeout() methods of socket.socket can now
+avoid a second syscall if the ioctl() function can be used, or if the non-
+blocking flag of the socket is unchanged.
+.. bpo: 19785
+.. date: 8121
+.. nonce: dTWAof
+.. section: Library
+smtplib now supports SSLContext.check_hostname and server name indication
+for TLS/SSL connections.
+.. bpo: 19784
+.. date: 8120
+.. nonce: t85DbS
+.. section: Library
+poplib now supports SSLContext.check_hostname and server name indication for
+TLS/SSL connections.
+.. bpo: 19783
+.. date: 8119
+.. nonce: VRsf8d
+.. section: Library
+nntplib now supports SSLContext.check_hostname and server name indication
+for TLS/SSL connections.
+.. bpo: 19782
+.. date: 8118
+.. nonce: 7jF-re
+.. section: Library
+imaplib now supports SSLContext.check_hostname and server name indication
+for TLS/SSL connections.
+.. bpo: 20123
+.. date: 8117
+.. nonce: o-MHVk
+.. section: Library
+Fix pydoc.synopsis() for "binary" modules.
+.. bpo: 19834
+.. date: 8116
+.. nonce: rlFmTq
+.. section: Library
+Support unpickling of exceptions pickled by Python 2.
+.. bpo: 19781
+.. date: 8115
+.. nonce: 4ZiyRb
+.. section: Library
+ftplib now supports SSLContext.check_hostname and server name indication for
+TLS/SSL connections.
+.. bpo: 19509
+.. date: 8114
+.. nonce: I2qj0u
+.. section: Library
+Add SSLContext.check_hostname to match the peer's certificate with
+server_hostname on handshake.
+.. bpo: 15798
+.. date: 8113
+.. nonce: 1bxNCP
+.. section: Library
+Fixed subprocess.Popen() to no longer fail if file descriptor 0, 1 or 2 is
+.. bpo: 17897
+.. date: 8112
+.. nonce: 0iKzvE
+.. section: Library
+Optimized unpickle prefetching.
+.. bpo: 3693
+.. date: 8111
+.. nonce: _c0s5z
+.. section: Library
+Make the error message more helpful when the array.array() constructor is
+given a str. Move the array module typecode documentation to the docstring
+of the constructor.
+.. bpo: 19088
+.. date: 8110
+.. nonce: JBKVzp
+.. section: Library
+Fixed incorrect caching of the copyreg module in object.__reduce__() and
+.. bpo: 19698
+.. date: 8109
+.. nonce: Xcq8uC
+.. section: Library
+Removed exec_module() methods from importlib.machinery.BuiltinImporter and
+.. bpo: 18864
+.. date: 8108
+.. nonce: 2CR2Xi
+.. section: Library
+Added a setter for ModuleSpec.has_location.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 8107
+.. nonce: UKWITk
+.. section: Library
+Fixed _pickle.Unpickler to not fail when loading empty strings as persistent
+.. bpo: 11480
+.. date: 8106
+.. nonce: qkIZLG
+.. section: Library
+Fixed copy.copy to work with classes with custom metaclasses. Patch by
+Daniel Urban.
+.. bpo: 6477
+.. date: 8105
+.. nonce: nK1lHr
+.. section: Library
+Added support for pickling the types of built-in singletons (i.e., Ellipsis,
+NotImplemented, None).
+.. bpo: 19713
+.. date: 8104
+.. nonce: UhiUKc
+.. section: Library
+Add remaining PEP 451-related deprecations and move away from using
+.. bpo: 19708
+.. date: 8103
+.. nonce: HJuToY
+.. section: Library
+Update pkgutil to use the new importer APIs.
+.. bpo: 19703
+.. date: 8102
+.. nonce: pLtVYQ
+.. section: Library
+Update pydoc to use the new importer APIs.
+.. bpo: 19851
+.. date: 8101
+.. nonce: 4HQZWz
+.. section: Library
+Fixed a regression in reloading sub-modules.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 8100
+.. nonce: 3H16yn
+.. section: Library
+ssl.create_default_context() sets OP_NO_COMPRESSION to prevent CRIME.
+.. bpo: 19802
+.. date: 8099
+.. nonce: PswaEk
+.. section: Library
+Add socket.SO_PRIORITY.
+.. bpo: 11508
+.. date: 8098
+.. nonce: fx7Abs
+.. section: Library
+Fixed uuid.getnode() and uuid.uuid1() on environment with virtual interface.
+Original patch by Kent Frazier.
+.. bpo: 11489
+.. date: 8097
+.. nonce: 3ZQHi8
+.. section: Library
+JSON decoder now accepts lone surrogates.
+.. bpo: 19545
+.. date: 8096
+.. nonce: 1FBY5Z
+.. section: Library
+Avoid chained exceptions while passing stray % to time.strptime().  Initial
+patch by Claudiu Popa.
+.. bpo: 20058
+.. date: 8095
+.. nonce: KnDlhH
+.. section: IDLE
+sys.stdin.readline() in IDLE now always returns only one line.
+.. bpo: 19481
+.. date: 8094
+.. nonce: BNkHOm
+.. section: IDLE
+print() of string subclass instance in IDLE no longer hangs.
+.. bpo: 18270
+.. date: 8093
+.. nonce: lu6dRW
+.. section: IDLE
+Prevent possible IDLE AttributeError on OS X when no initial shell window is
+.. bpo: 20055
+.. date: 8092
+.. nonce: iE7yU6
+.. section: Tests
+Fix test_shutil under Windows with symlink privileges held. Patch by
+Vajrasky Kok.
+.. bpo: 20070
+.. date: 8091
+.. nonce: HpyZrQ
+.. section: Tests
+Don't run test_urllib2net when network resources are not enabled.
+.. bpo: 19938
+.. date: 8090
+.. nonce: 2iLiKJ
+.. section: Tests
+Re-enabled test_bug_1333982 in test_dis, which had been disabled since 3.0
+due to the changes in listcomp handling.
+.. bpo: 19320
+.. date: 8089
+.. nonce: 9x_cw5
+.. section: Tests
+test_tcl no longer fails when wantobjects is false.
+.. bpo: 19919
+.. date: 8088
+.. nonce: N9bnWv
+.. section: Tests
+Fix flaky SSL test. connect_ex() sometimes returns EWOULDBLOCK on Windows or
+VMs hosted on Windows.
+.. bpo: 19912
+.. date: 8087
+.. nonce: NmE9ZX
+.. section: Tests
+Added tests for ntpath.splitunc().
+.. bpo: 19828
+.. date: 8086
+.. nonce: f5HrFG
+.. section: Tests
+Fixed test_site when the whole suite is run with -S.
+.. bpo: 19928
+.. date: 8085
+.. nonce: dwOQ95
+.. section: Tests
+Implemented a test for repr() of cell objects.
+.. bpo: 19535
+.. date: 8084
+.. nonce: 9ZtpA7
+.. section: Tests
+Fixed test_docxmlrpc, test_functools, test_inspect, and test_statistics when
+python is run with -OO.
+.. bpo: 19926
+.. date: 8083
+.. nonce: fkWjtw
+.. section: Tests
+Removed unneeded test_main from test_abstract_numbers. Patch by Vajrasky
+.. bpo: 19572
+.. date: 8082
+.. nonce: _65KAy
+.. section: Tests
+More skipped tests explicitly marked as skipped.
+.. bpo: 19595
+.. date: 8081
+.. nonce: q5oNE_
+.. section: Tests
+Re-enabled a long-disabled test in test_winsound. (See also: bpo-19987)
+.. bpo: 19588
+.. date: 8080
+.. nonce: EXKxpC
+.. section: Tests
+Fixed tests in test_random that were silently skipped most of the time.
+Patch by Julian Gindi.
+.. bpo: 19728
+.. date: 8079
+.. nonce: q1zXeT
+.. section: Build
+Enable pip installation by default on Windows.
+.. bpo: 16136
+.. date: 8078
+.. nonce: FQGvGl
+.. section: Build
+Remove VMS support
+.. bpo: 18215
+.. date: 8077
+.. nonce: yw2j0l
+.. section: Build
+Add script Tools/ssl/test_multiple_versions.py to compile and run Python's
+unit tests with multiple versions of OpenSSL.
+.. bpo: 19922
+.. date: 8076
+.. nonce: cG30aH
+.. section: Build
+define _INCLUDE__STDC_A1_SOURCE in HP-UX to include mbstate_t for mbrtowc().
+.. bpo: 19788
+.. date: 8075
+.. nonce: P7qrFB
+.. section: Build
+kill_python(_d).exe is now run as a PreBuildEvent on the pythoncore sub-
+project.  This should prevent build errors due a previous build's
+python(_d).exe still running.
+.. bpo: 20265
+.. date: 8074
+.. nonce: J7Xxm7
+.. section: Documentation
+Updated some parts of the Using Windows document.
+.. bpo: 20266
+.. date: 8073
+.. nonce: CieiXa
+.. section: Documentation
+Updated some parts of the Windows FAQ.
+.. bpo: 20255
+.. date: 8072
+.. nonce: SnYjEP
+.. section: Documentation
+Updated the about and bugs pages.
+.. bpo: 20253
+.. date: 8071
+.. nonce: nbp6uJ
+.. section: Documentation
+Fixed a typo in the ipaddress docs that advertised an illegal attribute
+name.  Found by INADA Naoki.
+.. bpo: 18840
+.. date: 8070
+.. nonce: _2UItV
+.. section: Documentation
+Introduce the json module in the tutorial, and de-emphasize the pickle
+.. bpo: 19845
+.. date: 8069
+.. nonce: luj-oI
+.. section: Documentation
+Updated the Compiling Python on Windows section.
+.. bpo: 19795
+.. date: 8068
+.. nonce: z5sbe1
+.. section: Documentation
+Improved markup of True/False constants.
+.. bpo: 19659
+.. date: 8067
+.. nonce: kghZl0
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Added documentation for Argument Clinic.
+.. bpo: 19976
+.. date: 8066
+.. nonce: My60GG
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Argument Clinic METH_NOARGS functions now always take two parameters.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.4.0b3.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.4.0b3.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e1e4fc6487f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.4.0b3.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,665 @@
+.. bpo: 20189
+.. date: 8254
+.. nonce: OIbmmo
+.. release date: 2014-01-26
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Four additional builtin types (PyTypeObject, PyMethodDescr_Type,
+_PyMethodWrapper_Type, and PyWrapperDescr_Type) have been modified to
+provide introspection information for builtins.
+.. bpo: 17825
+.. date: 8253
+.. nonce: toRoZf
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Cursor "^" is correctly positioned for SyntaxError and IndentationError.
+.. bpo: 2382
+.. date: 8252
+.. nonce: kL_Sgg
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+SyntaxError cursor "^" is now written at correct position in most cases when
+multibyte characters are in line (before "^").  This still not works
+correctly with wide East Asian characters.
+.. bpo: 18960
+.. date: 8251
+.. nonce: lhfZNw
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+The first line of Python script could be executed twice when the source
+encoding was specified on the second line.  Now the source encoding
+declaration on the second line isn't effective if the first line contains
+anything except a comment.  'python -x' works now again with files with the
+source encoding declarations, and can be used to make Python batch files on
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 8250
+.. nonce: GB7eBz
+.. section: Library
+asyncio: Various improvements and small changes not all covered by issues
+listed below.  E.g. wait_for() now cancels the inner task if the timeout
+occcurs; tweaked the set of exported symbols; renamed Empty/Full to
+QueueEmpty/QueueFull; "with (yield from lock)" now uses a separate context
+manager; readexactly() raises if not enough data was read; PTY support
+.. bpo: 20311
+.. date: 8249
+.. nonce: -6LF_t
+.. section: Library
+asyncio: Add a granularity attribute to BaseEventLoop: maximum between the
+resolution of the BaseEventLoop.time() method and the resolution of the
+selector. The granuarility is used in the scheduler to round time and
+.. bpo: 20311
+.. date: 8248
+.. nonce: JgE5j7
+.. section: Library
+selectors: Add a resolution attribute to BaseSelector.
+.. bpo: 20189
+.. date: 8247
+.. nonce: L9IuSm
+.. section: Library
+unittest.mock now no longer assumes that any object for which it could get
+an inspect.Signature is a callable written in Python. Fix courtesy of
+Michael Foord.
+.. bpo: 20317
+.. date: 8246
+.. nonce: 9JI93M
+.. section: Library
+ExitStack.__exit__ could create a self-referential loop if an exception
+raised by a cleanup operation already had its context set correctly (for
+example, by the @contextmanager decorator). The infinite loop this caused is
+now avoided by checking if the expected context is already set before trying
+to fix it.
+.. bpo: 20374
+.. date: 8245
+.. nonce: EWofHb
+.. section: Library
+Fix build with GNU readline >= 6.3.
+.. bpo: 20262
+.. date: 8244
+.. nonce: co0t1R
+.. section: Library
+Warnings are raised now when duplicate names are added in the ZIP file or
+too long ZIP file comment is truncated.
+.. bpo: 20165
+.. date: 8243
+.. nonce: PyLZUR
+.. section: Library
+The unittest module no longer considers tests marked with @expectedFailure
+successful if they pass.
+.. bpo: 18574
+.. date: 8242
+.. nonce: 28Z8aX
+.. section: Library
+Added missing newline in 100-Continue reply from
+http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler. Patch by Nikolaus Rath.
+.. bpo: 20270
+.. date: 8241
+.. nonce: Z2Cks9
+.. section: Library
+urllib.urlparse now supports empty ports.
+.. bpo: 20243
+.. date: 8240
+.. nonce: nApKCK
+.. section: Library
+TarFile no longer raise ReadError when opened in write mode.
+.. bpo: 20238
+.. date: 8239
+.. nonce: qojq-l
+.. section: Library
+TarFile opened with external fileobj and "w:gz" mode didn't write complete
+output on close.
+.. bpo: 20245
+.. date: 8238
+.. nonce: 93kf_h
+.. section: Library
+The open functions in the tarfile module now correctly handle empty mode.
+.. bpo: 20242
+.. date: 8237
+.. nonce: yvmL9l
+.. section: Library
+Fixed basicConfig() format strings for the alternative formatting styles.
+Thanks to kespindler for the bug report and patch.
+.. bpo: 20246
+.. date: 8236
+.. nonce: CC8uTq
+.. section: Library
+Fix buffer overflow in socket.recvfrom_into.
+.. bpo: 20206
+.. date: 8235
+.. nonce: CtFEMz
+.. section: Library
+Fix edge case in email.quoprimime.encode where it truncated lines ending in
+a character needing encoding but no newline by using a more efficient
+algorithm that doesn't have the bug. (See also: bpo-5803)
+.. bpo: 19082
+.. date: 8234
+.. nonce: idZnK7
+.. section: Library
+Working xmlrpc.server and xmlrpc.client examples. Both in modules and in
+documentation. Initial patch contributed by Vajrasky Kok.
+.. bpo: 20138
+.. date: 8233
+.. nonce: A4c9qc
+.. section: Library
+The wsgiref.application_uri() and wsgiref.request_uri() functions now
+conform to PEP 3333 when handle non-ASCII URLs.
+.. bpo: 19097
+.. date: 8232
+.. nonce: 5aGg0o
+.. section: Library
+Raise the correct Exception when cgi.FieldStorage is given an invalid
+.. bpo: 20152
+.. date: 8231
+.. nonce: eqfltY
+.. section: Library
+Ported Python/import.c over to Argument Clinic.
+.. bpo: 13107
+.. date: 8230
+.. nonce: YgEEME
+.. section: Library
+argparse and optparse no longer raises an exception when output a help on
+environment with too small COLUMNS.  Based on patch by Elazar Gershuni.
+.. bpo: 20207
+.. date: 8229
+.. nonce: ziIyF1
+.. section: Library
+Always disable SSLv2 except when PROTOCOL_SSLv2 is explicitly asked for.
+.. bpo: 18960
+.. date: 8228
+.. nonce: _8qsXn
+.. section: Library
+The tokenize module now ignore the source encoding declaration on the second
+line if the first line contains anything except a comment.
+.. bpo: 20078
+.. date: 8227
+.. nonce: 4FYvd_
+.. section: Library
+Reading malformed zipfiles no longer hangs with 100% CPU consumption.
+.. bpo: 20113
+.. date: 8226
+.. nonce: T6DWMh
+.. section: Library
+os.readv() and os.writev() now raise an OSError exception on error instead
+of returning -1.
+.. bpo: 19719
+.. date: 8225
+.. nonce: 1yF3Hm
+.. section: Library
+Make importlib.abc.MetaPathFinder.find_module(),
+PathEntryFinder.find_loader(), and Loader.load_module() use PEP 451 APIs to
+help with backwards-compatibility.
+.. bpo: 20144
+.. date: 8224
+.. nonce: UDSyaK
+.. section: Library
+inspect.Signature now supports parsing simple symbolic constants as
+parameter default values in __text_signature__.
+.. bpo: 20072
+.. date: 8223
+.. nonce: FzVG15
+.. section: Library
+Fixed multiple errors in tkinter with wantobjects is False.
+.. bpo: 20229
+.. date: 8222
+.. nonce: WCDCjt
+.. section: Library
+Avoid plistlib deprecation warning in platform.mac_ver().
+.. bpo: 14455
+.. date: 8221
+.. nonce: CDaul1
+.. section: Library
+Fix some problems with the new binary plist support in plistlib.
+.. bpo: 17390
+.. date: 8220
+.. nonce: 9m6ZhV
+.. section: IDLE
+Add Python version to Idle editor window title bar. Original patches by
+Edmond Burnett and Kent Johnson.
+.. bpo: 18960
+.. date: 8219
+.. nonce: d87SuA
+.. section: IDLE
+IDLE now ignores the source encoding declaration on the second line if the
+first line contains anything except a comment.
+.. bpo: 20358
+.. date: 8218
+.. nonce: e2PP3S
+.. section: Tests
+Tests for curses.window.overlay and curses.window.overwrite no longer
+specify min{row,col} > max{row,col}.
+.. bpo: 19804
+.. date: 8217
+.. nonce: xIHIl7
+.. section: Tests
+The test_find_mac test in test_uuid is now skipped if the ifconfig
+executable is not available.
+.. bpo: 19886
+.. date: 8216
+.. nonce: nqDFRC
+.. section: Tests
+Use better estimated memory requirements for bigmem tests.
+.. bpo: 20390
+.. date: 8215
+.. nonce: QXEDu6
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Argument Clinic's "file" output preset now defaults to
+.. bpo: 20390
+.. date: 8214
+.. nonce: 7f_5Hn
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Argument Clinic's "class" directive syntax has been extended with two new
+required arguments: "typedef" and "type_object".
+.. bpo: 20390
+.. date: 8213
+.. nonce: mDzhDq
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Argument Clinic: If __new__ or __init__ functions didn't use kwargs (or
+args), the PyArg_NoKeywords (or PyArg_NoPositional) calls generated are only
+run when the type object is an exact match.
+.. bpo: 20390
+.. date: 8212
+.. nonce: Feo6X8
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Argument Clinic now fails if you have required parameters after optional
+.. bpo: 20390
+.. date: 8211
+.. nonce: DrPQn0
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Argument Clinic converters now have a new template they can inject code
+into: "modifiers".  Code put there is run in the parsing function after
+argument parsing but before the call to the impl.
+.. bpo: 20376
+.. date: 8210
+.. nonce: Xq3E4A
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Argument Clinic now escapes backslashes in docstrings.
+.. bpo: 20381
+.. date: 8209
+.. nonce: _wqg4-
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Argument Clinic now sanity checks the default argument when c_default is
+also specified, providing a nice failure message for disallowed values.
+.. bpo: 20189
+.. date: 8208
+.. nonce: zdiKDh
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Argument Clinic now ensures that parser functions for __new__ are always of
+type newfunc, the type of the tp_new slot. Similarly, parser functions for
+__init__ are now always of type initproc, the type of tp_init.
+.. bpo: 20189
+.. date: 8207
+.. nonce: a1Tfvj
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Argument Clinic now suppresses the docstring for __new__ and __init__
+functions if no docstring is provided in the input.
+.. bpo: 20189
+.. date: 8206
+.. nonce: uWF8XZ
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Argument Clinic now suppresses the "self" parameter in the impl for
+ at staticmethod functions.
+.. bpo: 20294
+.. date: 8205
+.. nonce: XeuO9b
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Argument Clinic now supports argument parsing for __new__ and __init__
+.. bpo: 20299
+.. date: 8204
+.. nonce: yLslQI
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Argument Clinic custom converters may now change the default value of
+c_default and py_default with a class member.
+.. bpo: 20287
+.. date: 8203
+.. nonce: ACjrv7
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Argument Clinic's output is now configurable, allowing delaying its output
+or even redirecting it to a separate file.
+.. bpo: 20226
+.. date: 8202
+.. nonce: GKAbRe
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Argument Clinic now permits simple expressions (e.g. "sys.maxsize - 1") as
+default values for parameters.
+.. bpo: 19936
+.. date: 8201
+.. nonce: BLtXkq
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Added executable bits or shebang lines to Python scripts which requires
+them.  Disable executable bits and shebang lines in test and benchmark files
+in order to prevent using a random system python, and in source files of
+modules which don't provide command line interface.  Fixed shebang lines in
+the unittestgui and checkpip scripts.
+.. bpo: 20268
+.. date: 8200
+.. nonce: _-GWRe
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Argument Clinic now supports cloning the parameters and return converter of
+existing functions.
+.. bpo: 20228
+.. date: 8199
+.. nonce: pQeW8t
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Argument Clinic now has special support for class special methods.
+.. bpo: 20214
+.. date: 8198
+.. nonce: OoBv_8
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Fixed a number of small issues and documentation errors in Argument Clinic
+(see issue for details).
+.. bpo: 20196
+.. date: 8197
+.. nonce: BhK2gF
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Fixed a bug where Argument Clinic did not generate correct parsing code for
+functions with positional-only parameters where all arguments are optional.
+.. bpo: 18960
+.. date: 8196
+.. nonce: vONLqA
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+2to3 and the findnocoding.py script now ignore the source encoding
+declaration on the second line if the first line contains anything except a
+.. bpo: 19723
+.. date: 8195
+.. nonce: LApk5w
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+The marker comments Argument Clinic uses have been changed to improve
+.. bpo: 20157
+.. date: 8194
+.. nonce: SvrlOc
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+When Argument Clinic renames a parameter because its name collides with a C
+keyword, it no longer exposes that rename to PyArg_Parse.
+.. bpo: 20141
+.. date: 8193
+.. nonce: uYixKR
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Improved Argument Clinic's support for the PyArg_Parse "O!" format unit.
+.. bpo: 20144
+.. date: 8192
+.. nonce: jUfrSz
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Argument Clinic now supports simple symbolic constants as parameter default
+.. bpo: 20143
+.. date: 8191
+.. nonce: XvGuQk
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+The line numbers reported in Argument Clinic errors are now more accurate.
+.. bpo: 20142
+.. date: 8190
+.. nonce: FdECT9
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Py_buffer variables generated by Argument Clinic are now initialized with a
+default value.
+.. bpo: 12837
+.. date: 8189
+.. nonce: nsgduf
+.. section: Build
+Silence a tautological comparison warning on OS X under Clang in
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.4.0rc1.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.4.0rc1.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6a9fccef03a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.4.0rc1.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,715 @@
+.. bpo: 19255
+.. date: 8324
+.. nonce: eED7PV
+.. release date: 2014-02-10
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+The builtins module is restored to initial value before cleaning other
+modules.  The sys and builtins modules are cleaned last.
+.. bpo: 20588
+.. date: 8323
+.. nonce: Yibtu_
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Make Python-ast.c C89 compliant.
+.. bpo: 20437
+.. date: 8322
+.. nonce: E8n1Y-
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fixed 22 potential bugs when deleting object references.
+.. bpo: 20500
+.. date: 8321
+.. nonce: BJiIvW
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Displaying an exception at interpreter shutdown no longer risks triggering
+an assertion failure in PyObject_Str.
+.. bpo: 20538
+.. date: 8320
+.. nonce: 7FRDsi
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+UTF-7 incremental decoder produced inconsistent string when input was
+truncated in BASE64 section.
+.. bpo: 20404
+.. date: 8319
+.. nonce: 9dU6on
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+io.TextIOWrapper (and hence the open() builtin) now uses the internal codec
+marking system added for issue #19619 to throw LookupError for known non-
+text encodings at stream construction time. The existing output type checks
+remain in place to deal with unmarked third party codecs.
+.. bpo: 17162
+.. date: 8318
+.. nonce: p4Q-Hw
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Add PyType_GetSlot.
+.. bpo: 20162
+.. date: 8317
+.. nonce: u8qICT
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix an alignment issue in the siphash24() hash function which caused a crash
+on PowerPC 64-bit (ppc64).
+.. bpo: 20530
+.. date: 8316
+.. nonce: LXsfhK
+.. section: Library
+The signatures for slot builtins have been updated to reflect the fact that
+they only accept positional-only arguments.
+.. bpo: 20517
+.. date: 8315
+.. nonce: 81zuY3
+.. section: Library
+Functions in the os module that accept two filenames now register both
+filenames in the exception on failure.
+.. bpo: 20563
+.. date: 8314
+.. nonce: VTqHq5
+.. section: Library
+The ipaddress module API is now considered stable.
+.. bpo: 14983
+.. date: 8313
+.. nonce: H_gs8w
+.. section: Library
+email.generator now always adds a line end after each MIME boundary marker,
+instead of doing so only when there is an epilogue.  This fixes an RFC
+compliance bug and solves an issue with signed MIME parts.
+.. bpo: 20540
+.. date: 8312
+.. nonce: rhK6IW
+.. section: Library
+Fix a performance regression (vs. Python 3.2) when layering a
+multiprocessing Connection over a TCP socket.  For small payloads, Nagle's
+algorithm would introduce idle delays before the entire transmission of a
+.. bpo: 16983
+.. date: 8311
+.. nonce: MoPgVQ
+.. section: Library
+the new email header parsing code will now decode encoded words that are
+(incorrectly) surrounded by quotes, and register a defect.
+.. bpo: 19772
+.. date: 8310
+.. nonce: pRi-Hm
+.. section: Library
+email.generator no longer mutates the message object when doing a down-
+transform from 8bit to 7bit CTEs.
+.. bpo: 20536
+.. date: 8309
+.. nonce: YWe5TG
+.. section: Library
+the statistics module now correctly handle Decimal instances with positive
+.. bpo: 18805
+.. date: 8308
+.. nonce: fBdyY2
+.. section: Library
+the netmask/hostmask parsing in ipaddress now more reliably filters out
+illegal values and correctly allows any valid prefix length.
+.. bpo: 20481
+.. date: 8307
+.. nonce: ycaV9P
+.. section: Library
+For at least Python 3.4, the statistics module will require that all inputs
+for a single operation be of a single consistent type, or else a mixed of
+ints and a single other consistent type. This avoids some interoperability
+issues that arose with the previous approach of coercing to a suitable
+common type.
+.. bpo: 20478
+.. date: 8306
+.. nonce: LVoG5Q
+.. section: Library
+the statistics module now treats collections.Counter inputs like any other
+.. bpo: 17369
+.. date: 8305
+.. nonce: ZBFAd4
+.. section: Library
+get_filename was raising an exception if the filename parameter's RFC2231
+encoding was broken in certain ways.  This was a regression relative to
+.. bpo: 20013
+.. date: 8304
+.. nonce: erNy8V
+.. section: Library
+Some imap servers disconnect if the current mailbox is deleted, and imaplib
+did not handle that case gracefully.  Now it handles the 'bye' correctly.
+.. bpo: 20531
+.. date: 8303
+.. nonce: yz_zOY
+.. section: Library
+Revert 3.4 version of fix for #19063, and apply the 3.3 version.  That is,
+do *not* raise an error if unicode is passed to
+.. bpo: 20476
+.. date: 8302
+.. nonce: VhH-Lc
+.. section: Library
+If a non-compat32 policy is used with any of the email parsers, EmailMessage
+is now used as the factory class.  The factory class should really come from
+the policy; that will get fixed in 3.5.
+.. bpo: 19920
+.. date: 8301
+.. nonce: _fEm-X
+.. section: Library
+TarFile.list() no longer fails when outputs a listing containing non-
+encodable characters.  Based on patch by Vajrasky Kok.
+.. bpo: 20515
+.. date: 8300
+.. nonce: JrEnar
+.. section: Library
+Fix NULL pointer dereference introduced by issue #20368.
+.. bpo: 19186
+.. date: 8299
+.. nonce: cuiicK
+.. section: Library
+Restore namespacing of expat symbols inside the pyexpat module.
+.. bpo: 20053
+.. date: 8298
+.. nonce: vy5u-i
+.. section: Library
+ensurepip (and hence venv) are no longer affected by the settings in the
+default pip configuration file.
+.. bpo: 20426
+.. date: 8297
+.. nonce: f0ozAP
+.. section: Library
+When passing the re.DEBUG flag, re.compile() displays the debug output every
+time it is called, regardless of the compilation cache.
+.. bpo: 20368
+.. date: 8296
+.. nonce: I8sm7u
+.. section: Library
+The null character now correctly passed from Tcl to Python. Improved error
+handling in variables-related commands.
+.. bpo: 20435
+.. date: 8295
+.. nonce: _UNhlH
+.. section: Library
+Fix _pyio.StringIO.getvalue() to take into account newline translation
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 8294
+.. nonce: 2Jcf1f
+.. section: Library
+tracemalloc: Fix slicing traces and fix slicing a traceback.
+.. bpo: 20354
+.. date: 8293
+.. nonce: kn2Ns9
+.. section: Library
+Fix an alignment issue in the tracemalloc module on 64-bit platforms. Bug
+seen on 64-bit Linux when using "make profile-opt".
+.. bpo: 17159
+.. date: 8292
+.. nonce: c2P911
+.. section: Library
+inspect.signature now accepts duck types of functions, which adds support
+for Cython functions. Initial patch by Stefan Behnel.
+.. bpo: 18801
+.. date: 8291
+.. nonce: Tm4jxb
+.. section: Library
+Fix inspect.classify_class_attrs to correctly classify object.__new__ and
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 8290
+.. nonce: 3eFjFu
+.. section: Library
+Fixed cmath.isinf's name in its argument parsing code.
+.. bpo: 20311
+.. date: 8289
+.. nonce: f1lBLr
+.. section: Library
+poll and epoll now round the timeout away from zero, instead of rounding
+towards zero, in select and selectors modules: select.epoll.poll(),
+selectors.PollSelector.poll() and selectors.EpollSelector.poll(). For
+example, a timeout of one microsecond (1e-6) is now rounded to one
+millisecondi (1e-3), instead of being rounded to zero.  However, the
+granularity property and asyncio's resolution feature were removed again.
+(See also: bpo-20452)
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 8288
+.. nonce: qcxztP
+.. section: Library
+asyncio: Some refactoring; various fixes; add write flow control to unix
+pipes; Future.set_exception() instantiates the exception argument if it is a
+class; improved proactor pipe transport; support wait_for(f, None); don't
+log broken/disconnected pipes; use ValueError instead of assert for
+forbidden subprocess_{shell,exec} arguments; added a convenience API for
+subprocess management; added StreamReader.at_eof(); properly handle
+duplicate coroutines/futures in gather(), wait(), as_completed(); use a
+bytearray for buffering in StreamReader; and more.
+.. bpo: 20288
+.. date: 8287
+.. nonce: 6zUZe3
+.. section: Library
+fix handling of invalid numeric charrefs in HTMLParser.
+.. bpo: 20424
+.. date: 8286
+.. nonce: deh6LJ
+.. section: Library
+Python implementation of io.StringIO now supports lone surrogates.
+.. bpo: 20308
+.. date: 8285
+.. nonce: lquugc
+.. section: Library
+inspect.signature now works on classes without user-defined __init__ or
+__new__ methods.
+.. bpo: 20372
+.. date: 8284
+.. nonce: Mn_S78
+.. section: Library
+inspect.getfile (and a bunch of other inspect functions that use it) doesn't
+crash with unexpected AttributeError on classes defined in C without
+.. bpo: 20356
+.. date: 8283
+.. nonce: rD04St
+.. section: Library
+inspect.signature formatting uses '/' to separate positional-only parameters
+from others.
+.. bpo: 20223
+.. date: 8282
+.. nonce: y3icbD
+.. section: Library
+inspect.signature now supports methods defined with
+.. bpo: 19456
+.. date: 8281
+.. nonce: 6HhsFx
+.. section: Library
+ntpath.join() now joins relative paths correctly when a drive is present.
+.. bpo: 19077
+.. date: 8280
+.. nonce: xrOYHl
+.. section: Library
+tempfile.TemporaryDirectory cleanup no longer fails when called during
+shutdown.  Emitting resource warning in __del__ no longer fails. Original
+patch by Antoine Pitrou.
+.. bpo: 20394
+.. date: 8279
+.. nonce: HzRZRc
+.. section: Library
+Silence Coverity warning in audioop module.
+.. bpo: 20367
+.. date: 8278
+.. nonce: K0bFqf
+.. section: Library
+Fix behavior of concurrent.futures.as_completed() for duplicate arguments.
+Patch by Glenn Langford.
+.. bpo: 8260
+.. date: 8277
+.. nonce: nf7gg9
+.. section: Library
+The read(), readline() and readlines() methods of codecs.StreamReader
+returned incomplete data when were called after readline() or read(size).
+Based on patch by Amaury Forgeot d'Arc.
+.. bpo: 20105
+.. date: 8276
+.. nonce: foel6V
+.. section: Library
+the codec exception chaining now correctly sets the traceback of the
+original exception as its __traceback__ attribute.
+.. bpo: 17481
+.. date: 8275
+.. nonce: RrGlJS
+.. section: Library
+inspect.getfullargspec() now uses inspect.signature() API.
+.. bpo: 15304
+.. date: 8274
+.. nonce: GfZ2Sa
+.. section: Library
+concurrent.futures.wait() can block forever even if Futures have completed.
+Patch by Glenn Langford.
+.. bpo: 14455
+.. date: 8273
+.. nonce: bk3GTQ
+.. section: Library
+plistlib: fix serializing integers in the range of an unsigned long long but
+outside of the range of signed long long for binary plist files.
+.. bpo: 20406
+.. date: 8272
+.. nonce: AgBe_5
+.. section: IDLE
+Use Python application icons for Idle window title bars. Patch mostly by
+Serhiy Storchaka.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 8271
+.. nonce: FTwP_j
+.. section: IDLE
+Update the python.gif icon for the Idle classbrowser and pathbowser from the
+old green snake to the new blue and yellow snakes.
+.. bpo: 17721
+.. date: 8270
+.. nonce: 8Jh8C1
+.. section: IDLE
+Remove non-functional configuration dialog help button until we make it
+actually gives some help when clicked. Patch by Guilherme Simões.
+.. bpo: 20532
+.. date: 8269
+.. nonce: qsOt4d
+.. section: Tests
+Tests which use _testcapi now are marked as CPython only.
+.. bpo: 19920
+.. date: 8268
+.. nonce: suOIC7
+.. section: Tests
+Added tests for TarFile.list().  Based on patch by Vajrasky Kok.
+.. bpo: 19990
+.. date: 8267
+.. nonce: Lp1MVj
+.. section: Tests
+Added tests for the imghdr module.  Based on patch by Claudiu Popa.
+.. bpo: 20474
+.. date: 8266
+.. nonce: Jm7xrk
+.. section: Tests
+Fix test_socket "unexpected success" failures on OS X 10.7+.
+.. bpo: 20530
+.. date: 8265
+.. nonce: dqn540
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Argument Clinic's signature format has been revised again. The new syntax is
+highly human readable while still preventing false positives.  The syntax
+also extends Python syntax to denote "self" and positional-only parameters,
+allowing inspect.Signature objects to be totally accurate for all supported
+builtins in Python 3.4.
+.. bpo: 20456
+.. date: 8264
+.. nonce: RA_zxP
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Argument Clinic now observes the C preprocessor conditional compilation
+statements of the C files it parses.  When a Clinic block is inside a
+conditional code, it adjusts its output to match, including automatically
+generating an empty methoddef macro.
+.. bpo: 20456
+.. date: 8263
+.. nonce: tYeVw1
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Cloned functions in Argument Clinic now use the correct name, not the name
+of the function they were cloned from, for text strings inside generated
+.. bpo: 20456
+.. date: 8262
+.. nonce: vG6PXO
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Fixed Argument Clinic's test suite and "--converters" feature.
+.. bpo: 20456
+.. date: 8261
+.. nonce: E-qgFP
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Argument Clinic now allows specifying different names for a parameter in
+Python and C, using "as" on the parameter line.
+.. bpo: 20326
+.. date: 8260
+.. nonce: 1nRUAK
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Argument Clinic now uses a simple, unique signature to annotate text
+signatures in docstrings, resulting in fewer false positives.  "self"
+parameters are also explicitly marked, allowing inspect.Signature() to
+authoritatively detect (and skip) said parameters.
+.. bpo: 20326
+.. date: 8259
+.. nonce: eVlPqt
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Argument Clinic now generates separate checksums for the input and output
+sections of the block, allowing external tools to verify that the input has
+not changed (and thus the output is not out-of-date).
+.. bpo: 20465
+.. date: 8258
+.. nonce: 6xLtE3
+.. section: Build
+Update SQLite shipped with OS X installer to 3.8.3.
+.. bpo: 20517
+.. date: 8257
+.. nonce: PHWtoF
+.. section: C API
+Added new functions allowing OSError exceptions to reference two filenames
+instead of one: PyErr_SetFromErrnoWithFilenameObjects() and
+.. bpo: 20488
+.. date: 8256
+.. nonce: csO04J
+.. section: Documentation
+Change wording to say importlib is *the* implementation of import instead of
+just *an* implementation.
+.. bpo: 6386
+.. date: 8255
+.. nonce: TO2sFS
+.. section: Documentation
+Clarify in the tutorial that specifying a symlink to execute means the
+directory containing the executed script and not the symlink is added to
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.4.0rc2.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.4.0rc2.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..418fa4f26fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.4.0rc2.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+.. bpo: 20625
+.. date: 8341
+.. nonce: IA5Cu9
+.. release date: 2014-02-23
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Parameter names in __annotations__ were not mangled properly. Discovered by
+Jonas Wielicki, patch by Yury Selivanov.
+.. bpo: 20261
+.. date: 8340
+.. nonce: xyA9tG
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+In pickle, lookup __getnewargs__ and __getnewargs_ex__ on the type of the
+.. bpo: 20619
+.. date: 8339
+.. nonce: GtdhSO
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Give the AST nodes of keyword-only arguments a column and line number.
+.. bpo: 20526
+.. date: 8338
+.. nonce: wZEy32
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Revert changes of issue #19466 which introduces a regression: don't clear
+anymore the state of Python threads early during the Python shutdown.
+.. bpo: 20710
+.. date: 8337
+.. nonce: byega8
+.. section: Library
+The pydoc summary line no longer displays the "self" parameter for bound
+.. bpo: 20566
+.. date: 8336
+.. nonce: R8yrPZ
+.. section: Library
+Change asyncio.as_completed() to use a Queue, to avoid O(N**2) behavior.
+.. bpo: 20704
+.. date: 8335
+.. nonce: QQ4uy4
+.. section: Library
+Implement new debug API in asyncio. Add new methods
+BaseEventLoop.set_debug() and BaseEventLoop.get_debug(). Add support for
+setting 'asyncio.tasks._DEBUG' variable with 'PYTHONASYNCIODEBUG'
+environment variable.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 8334
+.. nonce: Ocnov-
+.. section: Library
+asyncio: Refactoring and fixes: BaseEventLoop.sock_connect() raises an error
+if the address is not resolved; use __slots__ in Handle and TimerHandle;
+as_completed() and wait() raise TypeError if the passed list of Futures is a
+single Future; call_soon() and other 'call_*()' functions raise TypeError if
+the passed callback is a coroutine function; _ProactorBasePipeTransport uses
+_FlowControlMixin; WriteTransport.set_write_buffer_size() calls
+_maybe_pause_protocol() to consider pausing receiving if the watermark
+limits have changed; fix _check_resolved_address() for IPv6 address; and
+other minor improvements, along with multiple documentation updates.
+.. bpo: 20684
+.. date: 8333
+.. nonce: EArKf9
+.. section: Library
+Fix inspect.getfullargspec() to not to follow __wrapped__ chains. Make its
+behaviour consistent with bound methods first argument. Patch by Nick
+Coghlan and Yury Selivanov.
+.. bpo: 20681
+.. date: 8332
+.. nonce: O8EUu8
+.. section: Library
+Add new error handling API in asyncio. New APIs:
+loop.set_exception_handler(), loop.default_exception_handler(), and
+.. bpo: 20673
+.. date: 8331
+.. nonce: bLJpSo
+.. section: Library
+Implement support for UNIX Domain Sockets in asyncio. New APIs:
+loop.create_unix_connection(), loop.create_unix_server(),
+streams.open_unix_connection(), and streams.start_unix_server().
+.. bpo: 20616
+.. date: 8330
+.. nonce: 9fIygg
+.. section: Library
+Add a format() method to tracemalloc.Traceback.
+.. bpo: 19744
+.. date: 8329
+.. nonce: fL4Brl
+.. section: Library
+the ensurepip installation step now just prints a warning to stderr rather
+than failing outright if SSL/TLS is unavailable. This allows local
+installation of POSIX builds without SSL/TLS support.
+.. bpo: 20594
+.. date: 8328
+.. nonce: BVHxPd
+.. section: Library
+Avoid name clash with the libc function posix_close.
+.. bpo: 20641
+.. date: 8327
+.. nonce: kAo-M-
+.. section: Build
+Run MSI custom actions (pip installation, pyc compilation) with the
+NoImpersonate flag, to support elevated execution (UAC).
+.. bpo: 20221
+.. date: 8326
+.. nonce: _yAetK
+.. section: Build
+Removed conflicting (or circular) hypot definition when compiled with VS
+2010 or above.  Initial patch by Tabrez Mohammed.
+.. bpo: 20609
+.. date: 8325
+.. nonce: IMbrDQ
+.. section: Build
+Restored the ability to build 64-bit Windows binaries on 32-bit Windows,
+which was broken by the change in issue #19788.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.4.0rc3.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.4.0rc3.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d12350eedc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.4.0rc3.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+.. bpo: 20786
+.. date: 8348
+.. nonce: M_2OYE
+.. release date: 2014-03-09
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix signatures for dict.__delitem__ and property.__delete__ builtins.
+.. bpo: 20839
+.. date: 8347
+.. nonce: SNn1MY
+.. section: Library
+Don't trigger a DeprecationWarning in the still supported
+pkgutil.get_loader() API when __loader__ isn't set on a module (nor when
+pkgutil.find_loader() is called directly).
+.. bpo: 14512
+.. date: 8346
+.. nonce: y7vmx3
+.. section: Build
+Launch pydoc -b instead of pydocgui.pyw on Windows.
+.. bpo: 20748
+.. date: 8345
+.. nonce: HbDp_u
+.. section: Build
+Uninstalling pip does not leave behind the pyc of the uninstaller anymore.
+.. bpo: 20568
+.. date: 8344
+.. nonce: ZvMU8d
+.. section: Build
+The Windows installer now installs the unversioned ``pip`` command in
+addition to the versioned ``pip3`` and ``pip3.4`` commands.
+.. bpo: 20757
+.. date: 8343
+.. nonce: BGFT6U
+.. section: Build
+The ensurepip helper for the Windows uninstaller now skips uninstalling pip
+(rather than failing) if the user has updated pip to a different version
+from the one bundled with ensurepip.
+.. bpo: 20465
+.. date: 8342
+.. nonce: iemVBC
+.. section: Build
+Update OS X and Windows installer builds to use SQLite
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..949997422f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+.. bpo: 25071
+.. date: 9305
+.. nonce: EwjXl1
+.. release date: 2015-09-13
+.. section: Build
+Windows installer should not require TargetDir parameter when installing
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0a1.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0a1.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f5e1e5ae05d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0a1.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,5869 @@
+.. bpo: 23285
+.. date: 8948
+.. nonce: bJJA8B
+.. release date: 2015-02-08
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+PEP 475 - EINTR handling.
+.. bpo: 22735
+.. date: 8947
+.. nonce: mFEX9n
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix many edge cases (including crashes) involving custom mro()
+.. bpo: 22896
+.. date: 8946
+.. nonce: xSDAHK
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Avoid using PyObject_AsCharBuffer(), PyObject_AsReadBuffer() and
+.. bpo: 21295
+.. date: 8945
+.. nonce: LYq9nF
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Revert some changes (issue #16795) to AST line numbers and column offsets
+that constituted a regression.
+.. bpo: 22986
+.. date: 8944
+.. nonce: yay2Lv
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Allow changing an object's __class__ between a dynamic type and static type
+in some cases.
+.. bpo: 15859
+.. date: 8943
+.. nonce: Fs5mE2
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+PyUnicode_EncodeFSDefault(), PyUnicode_EncodeMBCS() and
+PyUnicode_EncodeCodePage() now raise an exception if the object is not a
+Unicode object. For PyUnicode_EncodeFSDefault(), it was already the case on
+platforms other than Windows. Patch written by Campbell Barton.
+.. bpo: 21408
+.. date: 8942
+.. nonce: Lz6P3P
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+The default __ne__() now returns NotImplemented if __eq__() returned
+NotImplemented.  Original patch by Martin Panter.
+.. bpo: 23321
+.. date: 8941
+.. nonce: HQelge
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fixed a crash in str.decode() when error handler returned replacment string
+longer than mailformed input data.
+.. bpo: 22286
+.. date: 8940
+.. nonce: l6Qyy1
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+The "backslashreplace" error handlers now works with decoding and
+.. bpo: 23253
+.. date: 8939
+.. nonce: p4B1H-
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Delay-load ShellExecute[AW] in os.startfile for reduced startup overhead on
+.. bpo: 22038
+.. date: 8938
+.. nonce: BMZUHx
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+pyatomic.h now uses stdatomic.h or GCC built-in functions for atomic memory
+access if available. Patch written by Vitor de Lima and Gustavo Temple.
+.. bpo: 20284
+.. date: 8937
+.. nonce: CH8wpD
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+%-interpolation (aka printf) formatting added for bytes and bytearray.
+.. bpo: 23048
+.. date: 8936
+.. nonce: X5BUd3
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix jumping out of an infinite while loop in the pdb.
+.. bpo: 20335
+.. date: 8935
+.. nonce: YcAPOs
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+bytes constructor now raises TypeError when encoding or errors is specified
+with non-string argument.  Based on patch by Renaud Blanch.
+.. bpo: 22834
+.. date: 8934
+.. nonce: N1kAXN
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+If the current working directory ends up being set to a non-existent
+directory then import will no longer raise FileNotFoundError.
+.. bpo: 22869
+.. date: 8933
+.. nonce: rAWg-V
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Move the interpreter startup & shutdown code to a new dedicated
+pylifecycle.c module
+.. bpo: 22847
+.. date: 8932
+.. nonce: 6baj9f
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Improve method cache efficiency.
+.. bpo: 22335
+.. date: 8931
+.. nonce: DWsXiy
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix crash when trying to enlarge a bytearray to 0x7fffffff bytes on a 32-bit
+.. bpo: 22653
+.. date: 8930
+.. nonce: pCNlpv
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix an assertion failure in debug mode when doing a reentrant dict insertion
+in debug mode.
+.. bpo: 22643
+.. date: 8929
+.. nonce: xv8xev
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix integer overflow in Unicode case operations (upper, lower, title,
+swapcase, casefold).
+.. bpo: 17636
+.. date: 8928
+.. nonce: wiqnhw
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Circular imports involving relative imports are now supported.
+.. bpo: 22604
+.. date: 8927
+.. nonce: yii-It
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix assertion error in debug mode when dividing a complex number by
+.. bpo: 21052
+.. date: 8926
+.. nonce: -sf3tp
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Do not raise ImportWarning when sys.path_hooks or sys.meta_path are set to
+.. bpo: 16518
+.. date: 8925
+.. nonce: UADwcN
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Use 'bytes-like object required' in error messages that previously used the
+far more cryptic "'x' does not support the buffer protocol.
+.. bpo: 22470
+.. date: 8924
+.. nonce: igrgN2
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fixed integer overflow issues in "backslashreplace", "xmlcharrefreplace",
+and "surrogatepass" error handlers.
+.. bpo: 22540
+.. date: 8923
+.. nonce: FM72m-
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+speed up `PyObject_IsInstance` and `PyObject_IsSubclass` in the common case
+that the second argument has metaclass `type`.
+.. bpo: 18711
+.. date: 8922
+.. nonce: ds5wQa
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Add a new `PyErr_FormatV` function, similar to `PyErr_Format` but accepting
+a `va_list` argument.
+.. bpo: 22520
+.. date: 8921
+.. nonce: ZPJXSq
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix overflow checking when generating the repr of a unicode object.
+.. bpo: 22519
+.. date: 8920
+.. nonce: xvJVg0
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix overflow checking in PyBytes_Repr.
+.. bpo: 22518
+.. date: 8919
+.. nonce: C9T6ed
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix integer overflow issues in latin-1 encoding.
+.. bpo: 16324
+.. date: 8918
+.. nonce: YfrBNz
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+_charset parameter of MIMEText now also accepts email.charset.Charset
+instances. Initial patch by Claude Paroz.
+.. bpo: 1764286
+.. date: 8917
+.. nonce: L4seL2
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix inspect.getsource() to support decorated functions. Patch by Claudiu
+.. bpo: 18554
+.. date: 8916
+.. nonce: hxnaui
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+os.__all__ includes posix functions.
+.. bpo: 21391
+.. date: 8915
+.. nonce: 3jntPd
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Use os.path.abspath in the shutil module.
+.. bpo: 11471
+.. date: 8914
+.. nonce: Uu752F
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+avoid generating a JUMP_FORWARD instruction at the end of an if-block if
+there is no else-clause.  Original patch by Eugene Toder.
+.. bpo: 22215
+.. date: 8913
+.. nonce: IBFi6H
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Now ValueError is raised instead of TypeError when str or bytes argument
+contains not permitted null character or byte.
+.. bpo: 22258
+.. date: 8912
+.. nonce: 4FszMt
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix the internal function set_inheritable() on Illumos. This platform
+exposes the function ``ioctl(FIOCLEX)``, but calling it fails with errno is
+ENOTTY: "Inappropriate ioctl for device". set_inheritable() now falls back
+to the slower ``fcntl()`` (``F_GETFD`` and then ``F_SETFD``).
+.. bpo: 21389
+.. date: 8911
+.. nonce: dnWZBn
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Displaying the __qualname__ of the underlying function in the repr of a
+bound method.
+.. bpo: 22206
+.. date: 8910
+.. nonce: 0i_ihB
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Using pthread, PyThread_create_key() now sets errno to ENOMEM and returns -1
+(error) on integer overflow.
+.. bpo: 20184
+.. date: 8909
+.. nonce: bb3uHY
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Argument Clinic based signature introspection added for 30 of the builtin
+.. bpo: 22116
+.. date: 8908
+.. nonce: auVmIt
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+C functions and methods (of the 'builtin_function_or_method' type) can now
+be weakref'ed.  Patch by Wei Wu.
+.. bpo: 22077
+.. date: 8907
+.. nonce: KZUDR-
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Improve index error messages for bytearrays, bytes, lists, and tuples by
+adding 'or slices'. Added ', not <typename>' for bytearrays. Original patch
+by Claudiu Popa.
+.. bpo: 20179
+.. date: 8906
+.. nonce: Nvhffc
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Apply Argument Clinic to bytes and bytearray. Patch by Tal Einat.
+.. bpo: 22082
+.. date: 8905
+.. nonce: 6X8Qmg
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Clear interned strings in slotdefs.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 8904
+.. nonce: tuMnCc
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Upgrade Unicode database to Unicode 7.0.0.
+.. bpo: 21897
+.. date: 8903
+.. nonce: kiOGHe
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix a crash with the f_locals attribute with closure variables when
+frame.clear() has been called.
+.. bpo: 21205
+.. date: 8902
+.. nonce: wZsx1K
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Add a new ``__qualname__`` attribute to generator, the qualified name, and
+use it in the representation of a generator (``repr(gen)``). The default
+name of the generator (``__name__`` attribute) is now get from the function
+instead of the code. Use ``gen.gi_code.co_name`` to get the name of the
+.. bpo: 21669
+.. date: 8901
+.. nonce: DFDrBA
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+With the aid of heuristics in SyntaxError.__init__, the parser now attempts
+to generate more meaningful (or at least more search engine friendly) error
+messages when "exec" and "print" are used as statements.
+.. bpo: 21642
+.. date: 8900
+.. nonce: -lWoKz
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+In the conditional if-else expression, allow an integer written with no
+space between itself and the ``else`` keyword (e.g. ``True if 42else
+False``) to be valid syntax.
+.. bpo: 21523
+.. date: 8899
+.. nonce: f_PPYO
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix over-pessimistic computation of the stack effect of some opcodes in the
+compiler.  This also fixes a quadratic compilation time issue noticeable
+when compiling code with a large number of "and" and "or" operators.
+.. bpo: 21418
+.. date: 8898
+.. nonce: z9jp1_
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix a crash in the builtin function super() when called without argument and
+without current frame (ex: embedded Python).
+.. bpo: 21425
+.. date: 8897
+.. nonce: i3Teb8
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix flushing of standard streams in the interactive interpreter.
+.. bpo: 21435
+.. date: 8896
+.. nonce: ZojVOT
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+In rare cases, when running finalizers on objects in cyclic trash a bad
+pointer dereference could occur due to a subtle flaw in internal iteration
+.. bpo: 21377
+.. date: 8895
+.. nonce: OawYfl
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+PyBytes_Concat() now tries to concatenate in-place when the first argument
+has a reference count of 1.  Patch by Nikolaus Rath.
+.. bpo: 20355
+.. date: 8894
+.. nonce: OrCNkZ
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+-W command line options now have higher priority than the PYTHONWARNINGS
+environment variable.  Patch by Arfrever.
+.. bpo: 21274
+.. date: 8893
+.. nonce: fVGfwq
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Define PATH_MAX for GNU/Hurd in Python/pythonrun.c.
+.. bpo: 20904
+.. date: 8892
+.. nonce: fAGdj2
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Support setting FPU precision on m68k.
+.. bpo: 21209
+.. date: 8891
+.. nonce: nMljFr
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix sending tuples to custom generator objects with the yield from syntax.
+.. bpo: 21193
+.. date: 8890
+.. nonce: Dg98Oo
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+pow(a, b, c) now raises ValueError rather than TypeError when b is negative.
+Patch by Josh Rosenberg.
+.. bpo: 21176
+.. date: 8889
+.. nonce: mitDhW
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+PEP 465: Add the '@' operator for matrix multiplication.
+.. bpo: 21134
+.. date: 8888
+.. nonce: ZL4SKo
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix segfault when str is called on an uninitialized UnicodeEncodeError,
+UnicodeDecodeError, or UnicodeTranslateError object.
+.. bpo: 19537
+.. date: 8887
+.. nonce: AkuC_J
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix PyUnicode_DATA() alignment under m68k.  Patch by Andreas Schwab.
+.. bpo: 20929
+.. date: 8886
+.. nonce: 9NlUR7
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Add a type cast to avoid shifting a negative number.
+.. bpo: 20731
+.. date: 8885
+.. nonce: _03SZg
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Properly position in source code files even if they are opened in text mode.
+Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
+.. bpo: 20637
+.. date: 8884
+.. nonce: ppYU0o
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Key-sharing now also works for instance dictionaries of subclasses.  Patch
+by Peter Ingebretson.
+.. bpo: 8297
+.. date: 8883
+.. nonce: _XdGON
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Attributes missing from modules now include the module name in the error
+text.  Original patch by ysj.ray.
+.. bpo: 19995
+.. date: 8882
+.. nonce: mnHEzX
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+%c, %o, %x, and %X now raise TypeError on non-integer input.
+.. bpo: 19655
+.. date: 8881
+.. nonce: JgVdes
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+The ASDL parser - used by the build process to generate code for managing
+the Python AST in C - was rewritten. The new parser is self contained and
+does not require to carry long the spark.py parser-generator library;
+spark.py was removed from the source base.
+.. bpo: 12546
+.. date: 8880
+.. nonce: 09naZ9
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Allow ``\x00`` to be used as a fill character when using str, int, float,
+and complex __format__ methods.
+.. bpo: 20480
+.. date: 8879
+.. nonce: TIYPLo
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Add ipaddress.reverse_pointer. Patch by Leon Weber.
+.. bpo: 13598
+.. date: 8878
+.. nonce: GJelrw
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Modify string.Formatter to support auto-numbering of replacement fields. It
+now matches the behavior of str.format() in this regard. Patches by Phil
+Elson and Ramchandra Apte.
+.. bpo: 8931
+.. date: 8877
+.. nonce: M05x4f
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Make alternate formatting ('#') for type 'c' raise an exception. In versions
+prior to 3.5, '#' with 'c' had no effect. Now specifying it is an error.
+Patch by Torsten Landschoff.
+.. bpo: 23165
+.. date: 8876
+.. nonce: lk8uCE
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Perform overflow checks before allocating memory in the _Py_char2wchar
+.. bpo: 23399
+.. date: 8875
+.. nonce: hXMYgA
+.. section: Library
+pyvenv creates relative symlinks where possible.
+.. bpo: 20289
+.. date: 8874
+.. nonce: nio1N-
+.. section: Library
+cgi.FieldStorage() now supports the context management protocol.
+.. bpo: 13128
+.. date: 8873
+.. nonce: vqEcsy
+.. section: Library
+Print response headers for CONNECT requests when debuglevel > 0. Patch by
+Demian Brecht.
+.. bpo: 15381
+.. date: 8872
+.. nonce: Xv-wu8
+.. section: Library
+Optimized io.BytesIO to make less allocations and copyings.
+.. bpo: 22818
+.. date: 8871
+.. nonce: NYdAc9
+.. section: Library
+Splitting on a pattern that could match an empty string now raises a
+warning.  Patterns that can only match empty strings are now rejected.
+.. bpo: 23099
+.. date: 8870
+.. nonce: ZASrUo
+.. section: Library
+Closing io.BytesIO with exported buffer is rejected now to prevent
+corrupting exported buffer.
+.. bpo: 23326
+.. date: 8869
+.. nonce: 8VzlZD
+.. section: Library
+Removed __ne__ implementations.  Since fixing default __ne__ implementation
+in issue #21408 they are redundant.
+.. bpo: 23363
+.. date: 8868
+.. nonce: -koaol
+.. section: Library
+Fix possible overflow in itertools.permutations.
+.. bpo: 23364
+.. date: 8867
+.. nonce: 3yBV-6
+.. section: Library
+Fix possible overflow in itertools.product.
+.. bpo: 23366
+.. date: 8866
+.. nonce: tyAfm8
+.. section: Library
+Fixed possible integer overflow in itertools.combinations.
+.. bpo: 23369
+.. date: 8865
+.. nonce: nqChyE
+.. section: Library
+Fixed possible integer overflow in _json.encode_basestring_ascii.
+.. bpo: 23353
+.. date: 8864
+.. nonce: Iytkpc
+.. section: Library
+Fix the exception handling of generators in PyEval_EvalFrameEx(). At entry,
+save or swap the exception state even if PyEval_EvalFrameEx() is called with
+throwflag=0. At exit, the exception state is now always restored or swapped,
+not only if why is WHY_YIELD or WHY_RETURN. Patch co-written with Antoine
+.. bpo: 14099
+.. date: 8863
+.. nonce: t9-HVE
+.. section: Library
+Restored support of writing ZIP files to tellable but non-seekable streams.
+.. bpo: 14099
+.. date: 8862
+.. nonce: Myxxww
+.. section: Library
+Writing to ZipFile and reading multiple ZipExtFiles is threadsafe now.
+.. bpo: 19361
+.. date: 8861
+.. nonce: 2mvrV3
+.. section: Library
+JSON decoder now raises JSONDecodeError instead of ValueError.
+.. bpo: 18518
+.. date: 8860
+.. nonce: JXgicC
+.. section: Library
+timeit now rejects statements which can't be compiled outside a function or
+a loop (e.g. "return" or "break").
+.. bpo: 23094
+.. date: 8859
+.. nonce: -8AXSi
+.. section: Library
+Fixed readline with frames in Python implementation of pickle.
+.. bpo: 23268
+.. date: 8858
+.. nonce: ATtRa5
+.. section: Library
+Fixed bugs in the comparison of ipaddress classes.
+.. bpo: 21408
+.. date: 8857
+.. nonce: 0rI6tx
+.. section: Library
+Removed incorrect implementations of __ne__() which didn't returned
+NotImplemented if __eq__() returned NotImplemented.  The default __ne__()
+now works correctly.
+.. bpo: 19996
+.. date: 8856
+.. nonce: 2-SiMf
+.. section: Library
+:class:`email.feedparser.FeedParser` now handles (malformed) headers with no
+key rather than assuming the body has started.
+.. bpo: 20188
+.. date: 8855
+.. nonce: xocY-2
+.. section: Library
+Support Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN) in the ssl module.
+.. bpo: 23133
+.. date: 8854
+.. nonce: 8p2Wnl
+.. section: Library
+Pickling of ipaddress objects now produces more compact and portable
+.. bpo: 23248
+.. date: 8853
+.. nonce: FjcyCP
+.. section: Library
+Update ssl error codes from latest OpenSSL git master.
+.. bpo: 23266
+.. date: 8852
+.. nonce: Mo7alR
+.. section: Library
+Much faster implementation of ipaddress.collapse_addresses() when there are
+many non-consecutive addresses.
+.. bpo: 23098
+.. date: 8851
+.. nonce: 7VwF3K
+.. section: Library
+64-bit dev_t is now supported in the os module.
+.. bpo: 21817
+.. date: 8850
+.. nonce: xYUW-9
+.. section: Library
+When an exception is raised in a task submitted to a ProcessPoolExecutor,
+the remote traceback is now displayed in the parent process.  Patch by
+Claudiu Popa.
+.. bpo: 15955
+.. date: 8849
+.. nonce: uvpBL4
+.. section: Library
+Add an option to limit output size when decompressing LZMA data.  Patch by
+Nikolaus Rath and Martin Panter.
+.. bpo: 23250
+.. date: 8848
+.. nonce: qNGAUf
+.. section: Library
+In the http.cookies module, capitalize "HttpOnly" and "Secure" as they are
+written in the standard.
+.. bpo: 23063
+.. date: 8847
+.. nonce: 9-UJRs
+.. section: Library
+In the disutils' check command, fix parsing of reST with code or code-block
+.. bpo: 23209
+.. date: 8846
+.. nonce: I0bCCH
+.. section: Library
+selectors.BaseSelector.get_key() now raises a RuntimeError if the selector
+is closed. And selectors.BaseSelector.close() now clears its internal
+reference to the selector mapping to break a reference cycle. Initial patch
+written by Martin Richard. (See also: bpo-23225)
+.. bpo: 17911
+.. date: 8845
+.. nonce: yg65Iu
+.. section: Library
+Provide a way to seed the linecache for a PEP-302 module without actually
+loading the code.
+.. bpo: 17911
+.. date: 8844
+.. nonce: qeTePa
+.. section: Library
+Provide a new object API for traceback, including the ability to not lookup
+lines at all until the traceback is actually rendered, without any trace of
+the original objects being kept alive.
+.. bpo: 19777
+.. date: 8843
+.. nonce: H_NDIA
+.. section: Library
+Provide a home() classmethod on Path objects.  Contributed by Victor Salgado
+and Mayank Tripathi.
+.. bpo: 23206
+.. date: 8842
+.. nonce: xSiYwq
+.. section: Library
+Make ``json.dumps(..., ensure_ascii=False)`` as fast as the default case of
+``ensure_ascii=True``.  Patch by Naoki Inada.
+.. bpo: 23185
+.. date: 8841
+.. nonce: KHyoSO
+.. section: Library
+Add math.inf and math.nan constants.
+.. bpo: 23186
+.. date: 8840
+.. nonce: KzWLP2
+.. section: Library
+Add ssl.SSLObject.shared_ciphers() and ssl.SSLSocket.shared_ciphers() to
+fetch the client's list ciphers sent at handshake.
+.. bpo: 23143
+.. date: 8839
+.. nonce: AWxJXV
+.. section: Library
+Remove compatibility with OpenSSLs older than 0.9.8.
+.. bpo: 23132
+.. date: 8838
+.. nonce: pbQcut
+.. section: Library
+Improve performance and introspection support of comparison methods created
+by functool.total_ordering.
+.. bpo: 19776
+.. date: 8837
+.. nonce: BxNgxd
+.. section: Library
+Add an expanduser() method on Path objects.
+.. bpo: 23112
+.. date: 8836
+.. nonce: dZGf82
+.. section: Library
+Fix SimpleHTTPServer to correctly carry the query string and fragment when
+it redirects to add a trailing slash.
+.. bpo: 21793
+.. date: 8835
+.. nonce: T1kQBL
+.. section: Library
+Added http.HTTPStatus enums (i.e. HTTPStatus.OK, HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND).
+Patch by Demian Brecht.
+.. bpo: 23093
+.. date: 8834
+.. nonce: cP7OqD
+.. section: Library
+In the io, module allow more operations to work on detached streams.
+.. bpo: 23111
+.. date: 8833
+.. nonce: A34IA4
+.. section: Library
+In the ftplib, make ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23 the default protocol version.
+.. bpo: 22585
+.. date: 8832
+.. nonce: F4BkNo
+.. section: Library
+On OpenBSD 5.6 and newer, os.urandom() now calls getentropy(), instead of
+reading /dev/urandom, to get pseudo-random bytes.
+.. bpo: 19104
+.. date: 8831
+.. nonce: _eIThy
+.. section: Library
+pprint now produces evaluable output for wrapped strings.
+.. bpo: 23071
+.. date: 8830
+.. nonce: 3BSqF7
+.. section: Library
+Added missing names to codecs.__all__.  Patch by Martin Panter.
+.. bpo: 22783
+.. date: 8829
+.. nonce: OfYxBd
+.. section: Library
+Pickling now uses the NEWOBJ opcode instead of the NEWOBJ_EX opcode if
+.. bpo: 15513
+.. date: 8828
+.. nonce: 7yVnRE
+.. section: Library
+Added a __sizeof__ implementation for pickle classes.
+.. bpo: 19858
+.. date: 8827
+.. nonce: cqOlIt
+.. section: Library
+pickletools.optimize() now aware of the MEMOIZE opcode, can produce more
+compact result and no longer produces invalid output if input data contains
+MEMOIZE opcodes together with PUT or BINPUT opcodes.
+.. bpo: 22095
+.. date: 8826
+.. nonce: iISzxM
+.. section: Library
+Fixed HTTPConnection.set_tunnel with default port.  The port value in the
+host header was set to "None".  Patch by Demian Brecht.
+.. bpo: 23016
+.. date: 8825
+.. nonce: LyrPd_
+.. section: Library
+A warning no longer produces an AttributeError when the program is run with
+.. bpo: 21775
+.. date: 8824
+.. nonce: ELR_Al
+.. section: Library
+shutil.copytree(): fix crash when copying to VFAT. An exception handler
+assumed that OSError objects always have a 'winerror' attribute. That is not
+the case, so the exception handler itself raised AttributeError when run on
+Linux (and, presumably, any other non-Windows OS). Patch by Greg Ward.
+.. bpo: 1218234
+.. date: 8823
+.. nonce: 4GcoQK
+.. section: Library
+Fix inspect.getsource() to load updated source of reloaded module. Initial
+patch by Berker Peksag.
+.. bpo: 21740
+.. date: 8822
+.. nonce: TtAApO
+.. section: Library
+Support wrapped callables in doctest. Patch by Claudiu Popa.
+.. bpo: 23009
+.. date: 8821
+.. nonce: -sW7gk
+.. section: Library
+Make sure selectors.EpollSelecrtor.select() works when no FD is registered.
+.. bpo: 22959
+.. date: 8820
+.. nonce: Vxt3EP
+.. section: Library
+In the constructor of http.client.HTTPSConnection, prefer the context's
+check_hostname attribute over the *check_hostname* parameter.
+.. bpo: 22696
+.. date: 8819
+.. nonce: pvdcxs
+.. section: Library
+Add function :func:`sys.is_finalizing` to know about interpreter shutdown.
+.. bpo: 16043
+.. date: 8818
+.. nonce: TGIC7t
+.. section: Library
+Add a default limit for the amount of data xmlrpclib.gzip_decode will
+return. This resolves CVE-2013-1753.
+.. bpo: 14099
+.. date: 8817
+.. nonce: GJ5meQ
+.. section: Library
+ZipFile.open() no longer reopen the underlying file.  Objects returned by
+ZipFile.open() can now operate independently of the ZipFile even if the
+ZipFile was created by passing in a file-like object as the first argument
+to the constructor.
+.. bpo: 22966
+.. date: 8816
+.. nonce: zIxDrT
+.. section: Library
+Fix __pycache__ pyc file name clobber when pyc_compile is asked to compile a
+source file containing multiple dots in the source file name.
+.. bpo: 21971
+.. date: 8815
+.. nonce: XlTc22
+.. section: Library
+Update turtledemo doc and add module to the index.
+.. bpo: 21032
+.. date: 8814
+.. nonce: wxT_41
+.. section: Library
+Fixed socket leak if HTTPConnection.getresponse() fails. Original patch by
+Martin Panter.
+.. bpo: 22407
+.. date: 8813
+.. nonce: CWi1wX
+.. section: Library
+Deprecated the use of re.LOCALE flag with str patterns or re.ASCII. It was
+newer worked.
+.. bpo: 22902
+.. date: 8812
+.. nonce: ZqXriA
+.. section: Library
+The "ip" command is now used on Linux to determine MAC address in
+uuid.getnode().  Pach by Bruno Cauet.
+.. bpo: 22960
+.. date: 8811
+.. nonce: 2VDILT
+.. section: Library
+Add a context argument to xmlrpclib.ServerProxy constructor.
+.. bpo: 22389
+.. date: 8810
+.. nonce: 82DuwD
+.. section: Library
+Add contextlib.redirect_stderr().
+.. bpo: 21356
+.. date: 8809
+.. nonce: 8NY75J
+.. section: Library
+Make ssl.RAND_egd() optional to support LibreSSL. The availability of the
+function is checked during the compilation. Patch written by Bernard Spil.
+.. bpo: 22915
+.. date: 8808
+.. nonce: 709UAo
+.. section: Library
+SAX parser now supports files opened with file descriptor or bytes path.
+.. bpo: 22609
+.. date: 8807
+.. nonce: mmLoeb
+.. section: Library
+Constructors and update methods of mapping classes in the collections module
+now accept the self keyword argument.
+.. bpo: 22940
+.. date: 8806
+.. nonce: SP99Nf
+.. section: Library
+Add readline.append_history_file.
+.. bpo: 19676
+.. date: 8805
+.. nonce: Wijwr8
+.. section: Library
+Added the "namereplace" error handler.
+.. bpo: 22788
+.. date: 8804
+.. nonce: vofL9e
+.. section: Library
+Add *context* parameter to logging.handlers.HTTPHandler.
+.. bpo: 22921
+.. date: 8803
+.. nonce: a4wx1C
+.. section: Library
+Allow SSLContext to take the *hostname* parameter even if OpenSSL doesn't
+support SNI.
+.. bpo: 22894
+.. date: 8802
+.. nonce: 4AkwPA
+.. section: Library
+TestCase.subTest() would cause the test suite to be stopped when in failfast
+mode, even in the absence of failures.
+.. bpo: 22796
+.. date: 8801
+.. nonce: _pFPFA
+.. section: Library
+HTTP cookie parsing is now stricter, in order to protect against potential
+injection attacks.
+.. bpo: 22370
+.. date: 8800
+.. nonce: j4y21u
+.. section: Library
+Windows detection in pathlib is now more robust.
+.. bpo: 22841
+.. date: 8799
+.. nonce: 8wpk7T
+.. section: Library
+Reject coroutines in asyncio add_signal_handler(). Patch by Ludovic.Gasc.
+.. bpo: 19494
+.. date: 8798
+.. nonce: 7O5O8k
+.. section: Library
+Added urllib.request.HTTPBasicPriorAuthHandler. Patch by Matej Cepl.
+.. bpo: 22578
+.. date: 8797
+.. nonce: 6XZ0Jf
+.. section: Library
+Added attributes to the re.error class.
+.. bpo: 22849
+.. date: 8796
+.. nonce: AqBPyj
+.. section: Library
+Fix possible double free in the io.TextIOWrapper constructor.
+.. bpo: 12728
+.. date: 8795
+.. nonce: rHZmXO
+.. section: Library
+Different Unicode characters having the same uppercase but different
+lowercase are now matched in case-insensitive regular expressions.
+.. bpo: 22821
+.. date: 8794
+.. nonce: 30cQ-U
+.. section: Library
+Fixed fcntl() with integer argument on 64-bit big-endian platforms.
+.. bpo: 21650
+.. date: 8793
+.. nonce: 62MLqr
+.. section: Library
+Add an `--sort-keys` option to json.tool CLI.
+.. bpo: 22824
+.. date: 8792
+.. nonce: d5Txvr
+.. section: Library
+Updated reprlib output format for sets to use set literals. Patch
+contributed by Berker Peksag.
+.. bpo: 22824
+.. date: 8791
+.. nonce: H_r9uH
+.. section: Library
+Updated reprlib output format for arrays to display empty arrays without an
+unnecessary empty list.  Suggested by Serhiy Storchaka.
+.. bpo: 22406
+.. date: 8790
+.. nonce: sPlVbI
+.. section: Library
+Fixed the uu_codec codec incorrectly ported to 3.x. Based on patch by Martin
+.. bpo: 17293
+.. date: 8789
+.. nonce: Hk06bO
+.. section: Library
+uuid.getnode() now determines MAC address on AIX using netstat. Based on
+patch by Aivars Kalvāns.
+.. bpo: 22769
+.. date: 8788
+.. nonce: PunnvQ
+.. section: Library
+Fixed ttk.Treeview.tag_has() when called without arguments.
+.. bpo: 22417
+.. date: 8787
+.. nonce: To4b7U
+.. section: Library
+Verify certificates by default in httplib (PEP 476).
+.. bpo: 22775
+.. date: 8786
+.. nonce: V5aCUz
+.. section: Library
+Fixed unpickling of http.cookies.SimpleCookie with protocol 2 and above.
+Patch by Tim Graham.
+.. bpo: 22776
+.. date: 8785
+.. nonce: xNcRse
+.. section: Library
+Brought excluded code into the scope of a try block in SysLogHandler.emit().
+.. bpo: 22665
+.. date: 8784
+.. nonce: j6Jlp8
+.. section: Library
+Add missing get_terminal_size and SameFileError to shutil.__all__.
+.. bpo: 6623
+.. date: 8783
+.. nonce: 6LOidS
+.. section: Library
+Remove deprecated Netrc class in the ftplib module. Patch by Matt Chaput.
+.. bpo: 17381
+.. date: 8782
+.. nonce: 4J5yv7
+.. section: Library
+Fixed handling of case-insensitive ranges in regular expressions.
+.. bpo: 22410
+.. date: 8781
+.. nonce: 99YFdd
+.. section: Library
+Module level functions in the re module now cache compiled locale-dependent
+regular expressions taking into account the locale.
+.. bpo: 22759
+.. date: 8780
+.. nonce: BJPdiL
+.. section: Library
+Query methods on pathlib.Path() (exists(), is_dir(), etc.) now return False
+when the underlying stat call raises NotADirectoryError.
+.. bpo: 8876
+.. date: 8779
+.. nonce: A83Av4
+.. section: Library
+distutils now falls back to copying files when hard linking doesn't work.
+This allows use with special filesystems such as VirtualBox shared folders.
+.. bpo: 22217
+.. date: 8778
+.. nonce: nXzGur
+.. section: Library
+Implemented reprs of classes in the zipfile module.
+.. bpo: 22457
+.. date: 8777
+.. nonce: Xd2Mk-
+.. section: Library
+Honour load_tests in the start_dir of discovery.
+.. bpo: 18216
+.. date: 8776
+.. nonce: trTZw4
+.. section: Library
+gettext now raises an error when a .mo file has an unsupported major version
+number.  Patch by Aaron Hill.
+.. bpo: 13918
+.. date: 8775
+.. nonce: -OnUhD
+.. section: Library
+Provide a locale.delocalize() function which can remove locale-specific
+number formatting from a string representing a number, without then
+converting it to a specific type.  Patch by Cédric Krier.
+.. bpo: 22676
+.. date: 8774
+.. nonce: d2v8QM
+.. section: Library
+Make the pickling of global objects which don't have a __module__ attribute
+less slow.
+.. bpo: 18853
+.. date: 8773
+.. nonce: 76DrPD
+.. section: Library
+Fixed ResourceWarning in shlex.__nain__.
+.. bpo: 9351
+.. date: 8772
+.. nonce: u5UI-6
+.. section: Library
+Defaults set with set_defaults on an argparse subparser are no longer
+ignored when also set on the parent parser.
+.. bpo: 7559
+.. date: 8771
+.. nonce: QG35ZP
+.. section: Library
+unittest test loading ImportErrors are reported as import errors with their
+import exception rather than as attribute errors after the import has
+already failed.
+.. bpo: 19746
+.. date: 8770
+.. nonce: S1dg1K
+.. section: Library
+Make it possible to examine the errors from unittest discovery without
+executing the test suite. The new `errors` attribute on TestLoader exposes
+these non-fatal errors encountered during discovery.
+.. bpo: 21991
+.. date: 8769
+.. nonce: Mkm0IN
+.. section: Library
+Make email.headerregistry's header 'params' attributes be read-only
+(MappingProxyType).  Previously the dictionary was modifiable but a new one
+was created on each access of the attribute.
+.. bpo: 22638
+.. date: 8768
+.. nonce: Ur73gJ
+.. section: Library
+SSLv3 is now disabled throughout the standard library. It can still be
+enabled by instantiating a SSLContext manually.
+.. bpo: 22641
+.. date: 8767
+.. nonce: m0ldtl
+.. section: Library
+In asyncio, the default SSL context for client connections is now created
+using ssl.create_default_context(), for stronger security.
+.. bpo: 17401
+.. date: 8766
+.. nonce: SZd19P
+.. section: Library
+Include closefd in io.FileIO repr.
+.. bpo: 21338
+.. date: 8765
+.. nonce: evDyHD
+.. section: Library
+Add silent mode for compileall. quiet parameters of compile_{dir, file,
+path} functions now have a multilevel value. Also, -q option of the CLI now
+have a multilevel value. Patch by Thomas Kluyver.
+.. bpo: 20152
+.. date: 8764
+.. nonce: 9_o92A
+.. section: Library
+Convert the array and cmath modules to Argument Clinic.
+.. bpo: 18643
+.. date: 8763
+.. nonce: 6Qdc0J
+.. section: Library
+Add socket.socketpair() on Windows.
+.. bpo: 22435
+.. date: 8762
+.. nonce: s2U7Zm
+.. section: Library
+Fix a file descriptor leak when socketserver bind fails.
+.. bpo: 13096
+.. date: 8761
+.. nonce: rsailB
+.. section: Library
+Fixed segfault in CTypes POINTER handling of large values.
+.. bpo: 11694
+.. date: 8760
+.. nonce: JuDrch
+.. section: Library
+Raise ConversionError in xdrlib as documented.  Patch by Filip Gruszczyński
+and Claudiu Popa.
+.. bpo: 19380
+.. date: 8759
+.. nonce: nqgoRQ
+.. section: Library
+Optimized parsing of regular expressions.
+.. bpo: 1519638
+.. date: 8758
+.. nonce: 2pbuog
+.. section: Library
+Now unmatched groups are replaced with empty strings in re.sub() and
+.. bpo: 18615
+.. date: 8757
+.. nonce: 65TxnY
+.. section: Library
+sndhdr.what/whathdr now return a namedtuple.
+.. bpo: 22462
+.. date: 8756
+.. nonce: 1h4Kpr
+.. section: Library
+Fix pyexpat's creation of a dummy frame to make it appear in exception
+.. bpo: 21965
+.. date: 8755
+.. nonce: n_jnXs
+.. section: Library
+Add support for in-memory SSL to the ssl module.  Patch by Geert Jansen.
+.. bpo: 21173
+.. date: 8754
+.. nonce: egkbEx
+.. section: Library
+Fix len() on a WeakKeyDictionary when .clear() was called with an iterator
+.. bpo: 11866
+.. date: 8753
+.. nonce: xrvbIC
+.. section: Library
+Eliminated race condition in the computation of names for new threads.
+.. bpo: 21905
+.. date: 8752
+.. nonce: coKyRo
+.. section: Library
+Avoid RuntimeError in pickle.whichmodule() when sys.modules is mutated while
+iterating.  Patch by Olivier Grisel.
+.. bpo: 11271
+.. date: 8751
+.. nonce: ZYiJru
+.. section: Library
+concurrent.futures.Executor.map() now takes a *chunksize* argument to allow
+batching of tasks in child processes and improve performance of
+ProcessPoolExecutor.  Patch by Dan O'Reilly.
+.. bpo: 21883
+.. date: 8750
+.. nonce: qpuQu6
+.. section: Library
+os.path.join() and os.path.relpath() now raise a TypeError with more helpful
+error message for unsupported or mismatched types of arguments.
+.. bpo: 22219
+.. date: 8749
+.. nonce: l9Enh9
+.. section: Library
+The zipfile module CLI now adds entries for directories (including empty
+directories) in ZIP file.
+.. bpo: 22449
+.. date: 8748
+.. nonce: nFW_Fl
+.. section: Library
+In the ssl.SSLContext.load_default_certs, consult the environmental
+variables SSL_CERT_DIR and SSL_CERT_FILE on Windows.
+.. bpo: 22508
+.. date: 8747
+.. nonce: 2LbnGQ
+.. section: Library
+The email.__version__ variable has been removed; the email code is no longer
+shipped separately from the stdlib, and __version__ hasn't been updated in
+several releases.
+.. bpo: 20076
+.. date: 8746
+.. nonce: -7OIVB
+.. section: Library
+Added non derived UTF-8 aliases to locale aliases table.
+.. bpo: 20079
+.. date: 8745
+.. nonce: qM949O
+.. section: Library
+Added locales supported in glibc 2.18 to locale alias table.
+.. bpo: 20218
+.. date: 8744
+.. nonce: CMgOyE
+.. section: Library
+Added convenience methods read_text/write_text and read_bytes/ write_bytes
+to pathlib.Path objects.
+.. bpo: 22396
+.. date: 8743
+.. nonce: cQSizA
+.. section: Library
+On 32-bit AIX platform, don't expose os.posix_fadvise() nor
+os.posix_fallocate() because their prototypes in system headers are wrong.
+.. bpo: 22517
+.. date: 8742
+.. nonce: qT6-aB
+.. section: Library
+When an io.BufferedRWPair object is deallocated, clear its weakrefs.
+.. bpo: 22437
+.. date: 8741
+.. nonce: MRVnmQ
+.. section: Library
+Number of capturing groups in regular expression is no longer limited by
+.. bpo: 17442
+.. date: 8740
+.. nonce: rnc87D
+.. section: Library
+InteractiveInterpreter now displays the full chained traceback in its
+showtraceback method, to match the built in interactive interpreter.
+.. bpo: 23392
+.. date: 8739
+.. nonce: Pe7_WK
+.. section: Library
+Added tests for marshal C API that works with FILE*.
+.. bpo: 10510
+.. date: 8738
+.. nonce: N-ntcD
+.. section: Library
+distutils register and upload methods now use HTML standards compliant CRLF
+line endings.
+.. bpo: 9850
+.. date: 8737
+.. nonce: D-UnVi
+.. section: Library
+Fixed macpath.join() for empty first component.  Patch by Oleg Oshmyan.
+.. bpo: 5309
+.. date: 8736
+.. nonce: pVMmQ8
+.. section: Library
+distutils' build and build_ext commands now accept a ``-j`` option to enable
+parallel building of extension modules.
+.. bpo: 22448
+.. date: 8735
+.. nonce: fAapvE
+.. section: Library
+Improve canceled timer handles cleanup to prevent unbound memory usage.
+Patch by Joshua Moore-Oliva.
+.. bpo: 22427
+.. date: 8734
+.. nonce: TZ5S_u
+.. section: Library
+TemporaryDirectory no longer attempts to clean up twice when used in the
+with statement in generator.
+.. bpo: 22362
+.. date: 8733
+.. nonce: xIBThN
+.. section: Library
+Forbidden ambiguous octal escapes out of range 0-0o377 in regular
+.. bpo: 20912
+.. date: 8732
+.. nonce: cAq3mZ
+.. section: Library
+Now directories added to ZIP file have correct Unix and MS-DOS directory
+.. bpo: 21866
+.. date: 8731
+.. nonce: hSc4wM
+.. section: Library
+ZipFile.close() no longer writes ZIP64 central directory records if
+allowZip64 is false.
+.. bpo: 22278
+.. date: 8730
+.. nonce: abqBXZ
+.. section: Library
+Fix urljoin problem with relative urls, a regression observed after changes
+to issue22118 were submitted.
+.. bpo: 22415
+.. date: 8729
+.. nonce: xJLAvI
+.. section: Library
+Fixed debugging output of the GROUPREF_EXISTS opcode in the re module.
+Removed trailing spaces in debugging output.
+.. bpo: 22423
+.. date: 8728
+.. nonce: Rtb4oT
+.. section: Library
+Unhandled exception in thread no longer causes unhandled AttributeError when
+sys.stderr is None.
+.. bpo: 21332
+.. date: 8727
+.. nonce: Gwxwlr
+.. section: Library
+Ensure that ``bufsize=1`` in subprocess.Popen() selects line buffering,
+rather than block buffering.  Patch by Akira Li.
+.. bpo: 21091
+.. date: 8726
+.. nonce: M5hAtT
+.. section: Library
+Fix API bug: email.message.EmailMessage.is_attachment is now a method.
+.. bpo: 21079
+.. date: 8725
+.. nonce: czVcL8
+.. section: Library
+Fix email.message.EmailMessage.is_attachment to return the correct result
+when the header has parameters as well as a value.
+.. bpo: 22247
+.. date: 8724
+.. nonce: sGIpR3
+.. section: Library
+Add NNTPError to nntplib.__all__.
+.. bpo: 22366
+.. date: 8723
+.. nonce: Dd1eFj
+.. section: Library
+urllib.request.urlopen will accept a context object (SSLContext) as an
+argument which will then be used for HTTPS connection. Patch by Alex Gaynor.
+.. bpo: 4180
+.. date: 8722
+.. nonce: QBx0JK
+.. section: Library
+The warnings registries are now reset when the filters are modified.
+.. bpo: 22419
+.. date: 8721
+.. nonce: FqH4aC
+.. section: Library
+Limit the length of incoming HTTP request in wsgiref server to 65536 bytes
+and send a 414 error code for higher lengths. Patch contributed by Devin
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 8720
+.. nonce: y7r3O2
+.. section: Library
+Lax cookie parsing in http.cookies could be a security issue when combined
+with non-standard cookie handling in some Web browsers.  Reported by Sergey
+.. bpo: 20537
+.. date: 8719
+.. nonce: E0CE54
+.. section: Library
+logging methods now accept an exception instance as well as a Boolean value
+or exception tuple. Thanks to Yury Selivanov for the patch.
+.. bpo: 22384
+.. date: 8718
+.. nonce: -Nl4He
+.. section: Library
+An exception in Tkinter callback no longer crashes the program when it is
+run with pythonw.exe.
+.. bpo: 22168
+.. date: 8717
+.. nonce: vLeKWC
+.. section: Library
+Prevent turtle AttributeError with non-default Canvas on OS X.
+.. bpo: 21147
+.. date: 8716
+.. nonce: w9DE17
+.. section: Library
+sqlite3 now raises an exception if the request contains a null character
+instead of truncating it.  Based on patch by Victor Stinner.
+.. bpo: 13968
+.. date: 8715
+.. nonce: 1okGqm
+.. section: Library
+The glob module now supports recursive search in subdirectories using the
+``**`` pattern.
+.. bpo: 21951
+.. date: 8714
+.. nonce: 3vS4LK
+.. section: Library
+Fixed a crash in Tkinter on AIX when called Tcl command with empty string or
+tuple argument.
+.. bpo: 21951
+.. date: 8713
+.. nonce: _CCC4v
+.. section: Library
+Tkinter now most likely raises MemoryError instead of crash if the memory
+allocation fails.
+.. bpo: 22338
+.. date: 8712
+.. nonce: rKlCMz
+.. section: Library
+Fix a crash in the json module on memory allocation failure.
+.. bpo: 12410
+.. date: 8711
+.. nonce: oFf-cB
+.. section: Library
+imaplib.IMAP4 now supports the context management protocol. Original patch
+by Tarek Ziadé.
+.. bpo: 21270
+.. date: 8710
+.. nonce: qMBaY-
+.. section: Library
+We now override tuple methods in mock.call objects so that they can be used
+as normal call attributes.
+.. bpo: 16662
+.. date: 8709
+.. nonce: Nghn-Y
+.. section: Library
+load_tests() is now unconditionally run when it is present in a package's
+__init__.py.  TestLoader.loadTestsFromModule() still accepts use_load_tests,
+but it is deprecated and ignored.  A new keyword-only attribute `pattern` is
+added and documented.  Patch given by Robert Collins, tweaked by Barry
+.. bpo: 22226
+.. date: 8708
+.. nonce: T1ZMPY
+.. section: Library
+First letter no longer is stripped from the "status" key in the result of
+.. bpo: 19524
+.. date: 8707
+.. nonce: EQJjlF
+.. section: Library
+Fixed resource leak in the HTTP connection when an invalid response is
+received.  Patch by Martin Panter.
+.. bpo: 20421
+.. date: 8706
+.. nonce: iR0S1s
+.. section: Library
+Add a .version() method to SSL sockets exposing the actual protocol version
+in use.
+.. bpo: 19546
+.. date: 8705
+.. nonce: 8VdYBK
+.. section: Library
+configparser exceptions no longer expose implementation details. Chained
+KeyErrors are removed, which leads to cleaner tracebacks.  Patch by Claudiu
+.. bpo: 22051
+.. date: 8704
+.. nonce: cUjFqL
+.. section: Library
+turtledemo no longer reloads examples to re-run them. Initialization of
+variables and gui setup should be done in main(), which is called each time
+a demo is run, but not on import.
+.. bpo: 21933
+.. date: 8703
+.. nonce: IhMjN1
+.. section: Library
+Turtledemo users can change the code font size with a menu selection or
+control(command) '-' or '+' or control-mousewheel. Original patch by Lita
+.. bpo: 21597
+.. date: 8702
+.. nonce: aPTCWJ
+.. section: Library
+The separator between the turtledemo text pane and the drawing canvas can
+now be grabbed and dragged with a mouse.  The code text pane can be widened
+to easily view or copy the full width of the text.  The canvas can be
+widened on small screens.  Original patches by Jan Kanis and Lita Cho.
+.. bpo: 18132
+.. date: 8701
+.. nonce: 2R2nwM
+.. section: Library
+Turtledemo buttons no longer disappear when the window is shrunk.  Original
+patches by Jan Kanis and Lita Cho.
+.. bpo: 22043
+.. date: 8700
+.. nonce: Q6RvGL
+.. section: Library
+time.monotonic() is now always available. ``threading.Lock.acquire()``,
+``threading.RLock.acquire()`` and socket operations now use a monotonic
+clock, instead of the system clock, when a timeout is used.
+.. bpo: 21527
+.. date: 8699
+.. nonce: N5WPxr
+.. section: Library
+Add a default number of workers to ThreadPoolExecutor equal to 5 times the
+number of CPUs.  Patch by Claudiu Popa.
+.. bpo: 22216
+.. date: 8698
+.. nonce: Cmalu6
+.. section: Library
+smtplib now resets its state more completely after a quit.  The most obvious
+consequence of the previous behavior was a STARTTLS failure during a
+connect/starttls/quit/connect/starttls sequence.
+.. bpo: 22098
+.. date: 8697
+.. nonce: 5JYiQN
+.. section: Library
+ctypes' BigEndianStructure and LittleEndianStructure now define an empty
+__slots__ so that subclasses don't always get an instance dict.  Patch by
+Claudiu Popa.
+.. bpo: 22185
+.. date: 8696
+.. nonce: 1SCCIK
+.. section: Library
+Fix an occasional RuntimeError in threading.Condition.wait() caused by
+mutation of the waiters queue without holding the lock.  Patch by Doug
+.. bpo: 22287
+.. date: 8695
+.. nonce: awH2AI
+.. section: Library
+On UNIX, _PyTime_gettimeofday() now uses clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME) if
+available. As a side effect, Python now depends on the librt library on
+Solaris and on Linux (only with glibc older than 2.17).
+.. bpo: 22182
+.. date: 8694
+.. nonce: 5EG1Bc
+.. section: Library
+Use e.args to unpack exceptions correctly in distutils.file_util.move_file.
+Patch by Claudiu Popa.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 8693
+.. nonce: zBfe8J
+.. section: Library
+The webbrowser module now uses subprocess's start_new_session=True rather
+than a potentially risky preexec_fn=os.setsid call.
+.. bpo: 22042
+.. date: 8692
+.. nonce: WZvb8s
+.. section: Library
+signal.set_wakeup_fd(fd) now raises an exception if the file descriptor is
+in blocking mode.
+.. bpo: 16808
+.. date: 8691
+.. nonce: kPy_5U
+.. section: Library
+inspect.stack() now returns a named tuple instead of a tuple. Patch by
+Daniel Shahaf.
+.. bpo: 22236
+.. date: 8690
+.. nonce: 1utXkg
+.. section: Library
+Fixed Tkinter images copying operations in NoDefaultRoot mode.
+.. bpo: 2527
+.. date: 8689
+.. nonce: fR2GS6
+.. section: Library
+Add a *globals* argument to timeit functions, in order to override the
+globals namespace in which the timed code is executed. Patch by Ben Roberts.
+.. bpo: 22118
+.. date: 8688
+.. nonce: 3gdkOF
+.. section: Library
+Switch urllib.parse to use RFC 3986 semantics for the resolution of relative
+URLs, rather than RFCs 1808 and 2396. Patch by Demian Brecht.
+.. bpo: 21549
+.. date: 8687
+.. nonce: i1LVvg
+.. section: Library
+Added the "members" parameter to TarFile.list().
+.. bpo: 19628
+.. date: 8686
+.. nonce: ssQVP8
+.. section: Library
+Allow compileall recursion depth to be specified with a -r option.
+.. bpo: 15696
+.. date: 8685
+.. nonce: PTwXYJ
+.. section: Library
+Add a __sizeof__ implementation for mmap objects on Windows.
+.. bpo: 22068
+.. date: 8684
+.. nonce: wCdaW0
+.. section: Library
+Avoided reference loops with Variables and Fonts in Tkinter.
+.. bpo: 22165
+.. date: 8683
+.. nonce: J1np4o
+.. section: Library
+SimpleHTTPRequestHandler now supports undecodable file names.
+.. bpo: 15381
+.. date: 8682
+.. nonce: Ia8pf6
+.. section: Library
+Optimized line reading in io.BytesIO.
+.. bpo: 8797
+.. date: 8681
+.. nonce: aJcIPu
+.. section: Library
+Raise HTTPError on failed Basic Authentication immediately. Initial patch by
+Sam Bull.
+.. bpo: 20729
+.. date: 8680
+.. nonce: I-1Lap
+.. section: Library
+Restored the use of lazy iterkeys()/itervalues()/iteritems() in the mailbox
+.. bpo: 21448
+.. date: 8679
+.. nonce: THJSYB
+.. section: Library
+Changed FeedParser feed() to avoid O(N**2) behavior when parsing long line.
+Original patch by Raymond Hettinger.
+.. bpo: 22184
+.. date: 8678
+.. nonce: UCbSOt
+.. section: Library
+The functools LRU Cache decorator factory now gives an earlier and clearer
+error message when the user forgets the required parameters.
+.. bpo: 17923
+.. date: 8677
+.. nonce: YI_QjG
+.. section: Library
+glob() patterns ending with a slash no longer match non-dirs on AIX.  Based
+on patch by Delhallt.
+.. bpo: 21725
+.. date: 8676
+.. nonce: eIu-2N
+.. section: Library
+Added support for RFC 6531 (SMTPUTF8) in smtpd.
+.. bpo: 22176
+.. date: 8675
+.. nonce: rgbRyg
+.. section: Library
+Update the ctypes module's libffi to v3.1.  This release adds support for
+the Linux AArch64 and POWERPC ELF ABIv2 little endian architectures.
+.. bpo: 5411
+.. date: 8674
+.. nonce: 5Utapn
+.. section: Library
+Added support for the "xztar" format in the shutil module.
+.. bpo: 21121
+.. date: 8673
+.. nonce: ZLsRil
+.. section: Library
+Don't force 3rd party C extensions to be built with -Werror=declaration-
+.. bpo: 21975
+.. date: 8672
+.. nonce: MI8ntO
+.. section: Library
+Fixed crash when using uninitialized sqlite3.Row (in particular when
+unpickling pickled sqlite3.Row).  sqlite3.Row is now initialized in the
+__new__() method.
+.. bpo: 20170
+.. date: 8671
+.. nonce: 8QfhN7
+.. section: Library
+Convert posixmodule to use Argument Clinic.
+.. bpo: 21539
+.. date: 8670
+.. nonce: YccmZF
+.. section: Library
+Add an *exists_ok* argument to `Pathlib.mkdir()` to mimic `mkdir -p` and
+`os.makedirs()` functionality.  When true, ignore FileExistsErrors.  Patch
+by Berker Peksag.
+.. bpo: 22127
+.. date: 8669
+.. nonce: 0l2OO5
+.. section: Library
+Bypass IDNA for pure-ASCII host names in the socket module (in particular
+for numeric IPs).
+.. bpo: 21047
+.. date: 8668
+.. nonce: XfUQG3
+.. section: Library
+set the default value for the *convert_charrefs* argument of HTMLParser to
+True.  Patch by Berker Peksag.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 8667
+.. nonce: 56bAnQ
+.. section: Library
+Add an __all__ to html.entities.
+.. bpo: 15114
+.. date: 8666
+.. nonce: jXwseC
+.. section: Library
+the strict mode and argument of HTMLParser, HTMLParser.error, and the
+HTMLParserError exception have been removed.
+.. bpo: 22085
+.. date: 8665
+.. nonce: 3JM_Aw
+.. section: Library
+Dropped support of Tk 8.3 in Tkinter.
+.. bpo: 21580
+.. date: 8664
+.. nonce: 3ssycS
+.. section: Library
+Now Tkinter correctly handles bytes arguments passed to Tk. In particular
+this allows initializing images from binary data.
+.. bpo: 22003
+.. date: 8663
+.. nonce: 4ZIDS1
+.. section: Library
+When initialized from a bytes object, io.BytesIO() now defers making a copy
+until it is mutated, improving performance and memory use on some use cases.
+Patch by David Wilson.
+.. bpo: 22018
+.. date: 8662
+.. nonce: 6ApxSH
+.. section: Library
+On Windows, signal.set_wakeup_fd() now also supports sockets. A side effect
+is that Python depends to the WinSock library.
+.. bpo: 22054
+.. date: 8661
+.. nonce: zp6Svw
+.. section: Library
+Add os.get_blocking() and os.set_blocking() functions to get and set the
+blocking mode of a file descriptor (False if the O_NONBLOCK flag is set,
+True otherwise). These functions are not available on Windows.
+.. bpo: 17172
+.. date: 8660
+.. nonce: R_LI_2
+.. section: Library
+Make turtledemo start as active on OS X even when run with subprocess.
+Patch by Lita Cho.
+.. bpo: 21704
+.. date: 8659
+.. nonce: gL3ikj
+.. section: Library
+Fix build error for _multiprocessing when semaphores are not available.
+Patch by Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis.
+.. bpo: 20173
+.. date: 8658
+.. nonce: FAL-4L
+.. section: Library
+Convert sha1, sha256, sha512 and md5 to ArgumentClinic. Patch by Vajrasky
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 8657
+.. nonce: G25tq3
+.. section: Library
+Fix repr(_socket.socket) on Windows 64-bit: don't fail with OverflowError on
+closed socket. repr(socket.socket) already works fine.
+.. bpo: 22033
+.. date: 8656
+.. nonce: nkBNci
+.. section: Library
+Reprs of most Python implemened classes now contain actual class name
+instead of hardcoded one.
+.. bpo: 21947
+.. date: 8655
+.. nonce: mlisu-
+.. section: Library
+The dis module can now disassemble generator-iterator objects based on their
+gi_code attribute. Patch by Clement Rouault.
+.. bpo: 16133
+.. date: 8654
+.. nonce: tYuYQF
+.. section: Library
+The asynchat.async_chat.handle_read() method now ignores BlockingIOError
+.. bpo: 22044
+.. date: 8653
+.. nonce: t09GRU
+.. section: Library
+Fixed premature DECREF in call_tzinfo_method. Patch by Tom Flanagan.
+.. bpo: 19884
+.. date: 8652
+.. nonce: v73gSn
+.. section: Library
+readline: Disable the meta modifier key if stdout is not a terminal to not
+write the ANSI sequence ``"\033[1034h"`` into stdout. This sequence is used
+on some terminal (ex: TERM=xterm-256color") to enable support of 8 bit
+.. bpo: 4350
+.. date: 8651
+.. nonce: nrTzJn
+.. section: Library
+Removed a number of out-of-dated and non-working for a long time Tkinter
+.. bpo: 6167
+.. date: 8650
+.. nonce: n9dV_D
+.. section: Library
+Scrollbar.activate() now returns the name of active element if the argument
+is not specified.  Scrollbar.set() now always accepts only 2 arguments.
+.. bpo: 15275
+.. date: 8649
+.. nonce: jk0tTI
+.. section: Library
+Clean up and speed up the ntpath module.
+.. bpo: 21888
+.. date: 8648
+.. nonce: danlpz
+.. section: Library
+plistlib's load() and loads() now work if the fmt parameter is specified.
+.. bpo: 22032
+.. date: 8647
+.. nonce: UklzQW
+.. section: Library
+__qualname__ instead of __name__ is now always used to format fully
+qualified class names of Python implemented classes.
+.. bpo: 22031
+.. date: 8646
+.. nonce: 9aazp1
+.. section: Library
+Reprs now always use hexadecimal format with the "0x" prefix when contain an
+id in form " at 0x...".
+.. bpo: 22018
+.. date: 8645
+.. nonce: b_JTHH
+.. section: Library
+signal.set_wakeup_fd() now raises an OSError instead of a ValueError on
+``fstat()`` failure.
+.. bpo: 21044
+.. date: 8644
+.. nonce: 16xo9u
+.. section: Library
+tarfile.open() now handles fileobj with an integer 'name' attribute.  Based
+on patch by Antoine Pietri.
+.. bpo: 21966
+.. date: 8643
+.. nonce: hHD9MK
+.. section: Library
+Respect -q command-line option when code module is ran.
+.. bpo: 19076
+.. date: 8642
+.. nonce: xCoIai
+.. section: Library
+Don't pass the redundant 'file' argument to self.error().
+.. bpo: 16382
+.. date: 8641
+.. nonce: -XBK7z
+.. section: Library
+Improve exception message of warnings.warn() for bad category. Initial patch
+by Phil Elson.
+.. bpo: 21932
+.. date: 8640
+.. nonce: LK_5S1
+.. section: Library
+os.read() now uses a :c:func:`Py_ssize_t` type instead of :c:type:`int` for
+the size to support reading more than 2 GB at once. On Windows, the size is
+truncted to INT_MAX. As any call to os.read(), the OS may read less bytes
+than the number of requested bytes.
+.. bpo: 21942
+.. date: 8639
+.. nonce: TLOS41
+.. section: Library
+Fixed source file viewing in pydoc's server mode on Windows.
+.. bpo: 11259
+.. date: 8638
+.. nonce: GxfYnE
+.. section: Library
+asynchat.async_chat().set_terminator() now raises a ValueError if the number
+of received bytes is negative.
+.. bpo: 12523
+.. date: 8637
+.. nonce: XBdAky
+.. section: Library
+asynchat.async_chat.push() now raises a TypeError if it doesn't get a bytes
+.. bpo: 21707
+.. date: 8636
+.. nonce: rrY_wd
+.. section: Library
+Add missing kwonlyargcount argument to ModuleFinder.replace_paths_in_code().
+.. bpo: 20639
+.. date: 8635
+.. nonce: YdvOpp
+.. section: Library
+calling Path.with_suffix('') allows removing the suffix again.  Patch by
+July Tikhonov.
+.. bpo: 21714
+.. date: 8634
+.. nonce: HhkGXW
+.. section: Library
+Disallow the construction of invalid paths using Path.with_name().  Original
+patch by Antony Lee.
+.. bpo: 15014
+.. date: 8633
+.. nonce: dB50zb
+.. section: Library
+Added 'auth' method to smtplib to make implementing auth mechanisms simpler,
+and used it internally in the login method.
+.. bpo: 21151
+.. date: 8632
+.. nonce: o7IuiD
+.. section: Library
+Fixed a segfault in the winreg module when ``None`` is passed as a
+``REG_BINARY`` value to SetValueEx.  Patch by John Ehresman.
+.. bpo: 21090
+.. date: 8631
+.. nonce: 20Ooif
+.. section: Library
+io.FileIO.readall() does not ignore I/O errors anymore. Before, it ignored
+I/O errors if at least the first C call read() succeed.
+.. bpo: 5800
+.. date: 8630
+.. nonce: ZJiLZP
+.. section: Library
+headers parameter of wsgiref.headers.Headers is now optional. Initial patch
+by Pablo Torres Navarrete and SilentGhost.
+.. bpo: 21781
+.. date: 8629
+.. nonce: u_oiv9
+.. section: Library
+ssl.RAND_add() now supports strings longer than 2 GB.
+.. bpo: 21679
+.. date: 8628
+.. nonce: CTVT9A
+.. section: Library
+Prevent extraneous fstat() calls during open().  Patch by Bohuslav Kabrda.
+.. bpo: 21863
+.. date: 8627
+.. nonce: BzbwSL
+.. section: Library
+cProfile now displays the module name of C extension functions, in addition
+to their own name.
+.. bpo: 11453
+.. date: 8626
+.. nonce: 53Gr_R
+.. section: Library
+asyncore: emit a ResourceWarning when an unclosed file_wrapper object is
+destroyed. The destructor now closes the file if needed. The close() method
+can now be called twice: the second call does nothing.
+.. bpo: 21858
+.. date: 8625
+.. nonce: 0hbFBG
+.. section: Library
+Better handling of Python exceptions in the sqlite3 module.
+.. bpo: 21476
+.. date: 8624
+.. nonce: VN-5pW
+.. section: Library
+Make sure the email.parser.BytesParser TextIOWrapper is discarded after
+parsing, so the input file isn't unexpectedly closed.
+.. bpo: 20295
+.. date: 8623
+.. nonce: U1MPhw
+.. section: Library
+imghdr now recognizes OpenEXR format images.
+.. bpo: 21729
+.. date: 8622
+.. nonce: dk7o_U
+.. section: Library
+Used the "with" statement in the dbm.dumb module to ensure files closing.
+Patch by Claudiu Popa.
+.. bpo: 21491
+.. date: 8621
+.. nonce: Zxmut-
+.. section: Library
+socketserver: Fix a race condition in child processes reaping.
+.. bpo: 21719
+.. date: 8620
+.. nonce: DhQz3I
+.. section: Library
+Added the ``st_file_attributes`` field to os.stat_result on Windows.
+.. bpo: 21832
+.. date: 8619
+.. nonce: PBA0Uu
+.. section: Library
+Require named tuple inputs to be exact strings.
+.. bpo: 21722
+.. date: 8618
+.. nonce: WTHuRy
+.. section: Library
+The distutils "upload" command now exits with a non-zero return code when
+uploading fails.  Patch by Martin Dengler.
+.. bpo: 21723
+.. date: 8617
+.. nonce: r86fwb
+.. section: Library
+asyncio.Queue: support any type of number (ex: float) for the maximum size.
+Patch written by Vajrasky Kok.
+.. bpo: 21711
+.. date: 8616
+.. nonce: JWPFQZ
+.. section: Library
+support for "site-python" directories has now been removed from the site
+module (it was deprecated in 3.4).
+.. bpo: 17552
+.. date: 8615
+.. nonce: NunErD
+.. section: Library
+new socket.sendfile() method allowing a file to be sent over a socket by
+using high-performance os.sendfile() on UNIX. Patch by Giampaolo Rodola'.
+.. bpo: 18039
+.. date: 8614
+.. nonce: vC9hNy
+.. section: Library
+dbm.dump.open() now always creates a new database when the flag has the
+value 'n'.  Patch by Claudiu Popa.
+.. bpo: 21326
+.. date: 8613
+.. nonce: Y6iW3s
+.. section: Library
+Add a new is_closed() method to asyncio.BaseEventLoop. run_forever() and
+run_until_complete() methods of asyncio.BaseEventLoop now raise an exception
+if the event loop was closed.
+.. bpo: 21766
+.. date: 8612
+.. nonce: 0xk_xC
+.. section: Library
+Prevent a security hole in CGIHTTPServer by URL unquoting paths before
+checking for a CGI script at that path.
+.. bpo: 21310
+.. date: 8611
+.. nonce: 2mjByJ
+.. section: Library
+Fixed possible resource leak in failed open().
+.. bpo: 21256
+.. date: 8610
+.. nonce: dGq6cw
+.. section: Library
+Printout of keyword args should be in deterministic order in a mock function
+call. This will help to write better doctests.
+.. bpo: 21677
+.. date: 8609
+.. nonce: 58CDDD
+.. section: Library
+Fixed chaining nonnormalized exceptions in io close() methods.
+.. bpo: 11709
+.. date: 8608
+.. nonce: JdObvL
+.. section: Library
+Fix the pydoc.help function to not fail when sys.stdin is not a valid file.
+.. bpo: 21515
+.. date: 8607
+.. nonce: D9TLJF
+.. section: Library
+tempfile.TemporaryFile now uses os.O_TMPFILE flag is available.
+.. bpo: 13223
+.. date: 8606
+.. nonce: 9AzEbN
+.. section: Library
+Fix pydoc.writedoc so that the HTML documentation for methods that use
+'self' in the example code is generated correctly.
+.. bpo: 21463
+.. date: 8605
+.. nonce: 09PsgH
+.. section: Library
+In urllib.request, fix pruning of the FTP cache.
+.. bpo: 21618
+.. date: 8604
+.. nonce: 3Z7WS3
+.. section: Library
+The subprocess module could fail to close open fds that were inherited by
+the calling process and already higher than POSIX resource limits would
+otherwise allow.  On systems with a functioning /proc/self/fd or /dev/fd
+interface the max is now ignored and all fds are closed.
+.. bpo: 20383
+.. date: 8603
+.. nonce: pSPFpW
+.. section: Library
+Introduce importlib.util.module_from_spec() as the preferred way to create a
+new module.
+.. bpo: 21552
+.. date: 8602
+.. nonce: uVy4tM
+.. section: Library
+Fixed possible integer overflow of too long string lengths in the tkinter
+module on 64-bit platforms.
+.. bpo: 14315
+.. date: 8601
+.. nonce: YzZzS8
+.. section: Library
+The zipfile module now ignores extra fields in the central directory that
+are too short to be parsed instead of letting a struct.unpack error bubble
+up as this "bad data" appears in many real world zip files in the wild and
+is ignored by other zip tools.
+.. bpo: 13742
+.. date: 8600
+.. nonce: QJiVSC
+.. section: Library
+Added "key" and "reverse" parameters to heapq.merge(). (First draft of patch
+contributed by Simon Sapin.)
+.. bpo: 21402
+.. date: 8599
+.. nonce: 51vDXt
+.. section: Library
+tkinter.ttk now works when default root window is not set.
+.. bpo: 3015
+.. date: 8598
+.. nonce: FE_PII
+.. section: Library
+_tkinter.create() now creates tkapp object with wantobject=1 by default.
+.. bpo: 10203
+.. date: 8597
+.. nonce: zgr0hh
+.. section: Library
+sqlite3.Row now truly supports sequence protocol.  In particular it supports
+reverse() and negative indices.  Original patch by Claudiu Popa.
+.. bpo: 18807
+.. date: 8596
+.. nonce: XP7p8B
+.. section: Library
+If copying (no symlinks) specified for a venv, then the python interpreter
+aliases (python, python3) are now created by copying rather than symlinking.
+.. bpo: 20197
+.. date: 8595
+.. nonce: nYR9fq
+.. section: Library
+Added support for the WebP image type in the imghdr module. Patch by Fabrice
+Aneche and Claudiu Popa.
+.. bpo: 21513
+.. date: 8594
+.. nonce: ro4AOe
+.. section: Library
+Speedup some properties of IP addresses (IPv4Address, IPv6Address) such as
+.is_private or .is_multicast.
+.. bpo: 21137
+.. date: 8593
+.. nonce: wgHb_F
+.. section: Library
+Improve the repr for threading.Lock() and its variants by showing the
+"locked" or "unlocked" status.  Patch by Berker Peksag.
+.. bpo: 21538
+.. date: 8592
+.. nonce: Q60FWA
+.. section: Library
+The plistlib module now supports loading of binary plist files when
+reference or offset size is not a power of two.
+.. bpo: 21455
+.. date: 8591
+.. nonce: 6-Uvv4
+.. section: Library
+Add a default backlog to socket.listen().
+.. bpo: 21525
+.. date: 8590
+.. nonce: hAKOve
+.. section: Library
+Most Tkinter methods which accepted tuples now accept lists too.
+.. bpo: 22166
+.. date: 8589
+.. nonce: sZYhmv
+.. section: Library
+With the assistance of a new internal _codecs._forget_codec helping
+function, test_codecs now clears the encoding caches to avoid the appearance
+of a reference leak
+.. bpo: 22236
+.. date: 8588
+.. nonce: ginJSI
+.. section: Library
+Tkinter tests now don't reuse default root window.  New root window is
+created for every test class.
+.. bpo: 10744
+.. date: 8587
+.. nonce: kfV0wm
+.. section: Library
+Fix PEP 3118 format strings on ctypes objects with a nontrivial shape.
+.. bpo: 20826
+.. date: 8586
+.. nonce: 3rXqMC
+.. section: Library
+Optimize ipaddress.collapse_addresses().
+.. bpo: 21487
+.. date: 8585
+.. nonce: sX8YmK
+.. section: Library
+Optimize ipaddress.summarize_address_range() and
+.. bpo: 21486
+.. date: 8584
+.. nonce: CeFKRP
+.. section: Library
+Optimize parsing of netmasks in ipaddress.IPv4Network and
+.. bpo: 13916
+.. date: 8583
+.. nonce: D77YVH
+.. section: Library
+Disallowed the surrogatepass error handler for non UTF-\* encodings.
+.. bpo: 20998
+.. date: 8582
+.. nonce: fkxpXI
+.. section: Library
+Fixed re.fullmatch() of repeated single character pattern with ignore case.
+Original patch by Matthew Barnett.
+.. bpo: 21075
+.. date: 8581
+.. nonce: f_hmEh
+.. section: Library
+fileinput.FileInput now reads bytes from standard stream if binary mode is
+specified.  Patch by Sam Kimbrel.
+.. bpo: 19775
+.. date: 8580
+.. nonce: yxxD_R
+.. section: Library
+Add a samefile() method to pathlib Path objects.  Initial patch by Vajrasky
+.. bpo: 21226
+.. date: 8579
+.. nonce: pzGmG1
+.. section: Library
+Set up modules properly in PyImport_ExecCodeModuleObject (and friends).
+.. bpo: 21398
+.. date: 8578
+.. nonce: guSBXt
+.. section: Library
+Fix a unicode error in the pydoc pager when the documentation contains
+characters not encodable to the stdout encoding.
+.. bpo: 16531
+.. date: 8577
+.. nonce: AhrY_v
+.. section: Library
+ipaddress.IPv4Network and ipaddress.IPv6Network now accept an (address,
+netmask) tuple argument, so as to easily construct network objects from
+existing addresses.
+.. bpo: 21156
+.. date: 8576
+.. nonce: 3dmBEp
+.. section: Library
+importlib.abc.InspectLoader.source_to_code() is now a staticmethod.
+.. bpo: 21424
+.. date: 8575
+.. nonce: 8CJBqW
+.. section: Library
+Simplified and optimized heaqp.nlargest() and nmsmallest() to make fewer
+tuple comparisons.
+.. bpo: 21396
+.. date: 8574
+.. nonce: cqO6DN
+.. section: Library
+Fix TextIOWrapper(..., write_through=True) to not force a flush() on the
+underlying binary stream.  Patch by akira.
+.. bpo: 18314
+.. date: 8573
+.. nonce: NCd_KF
+.. section: Library
+Unlink now removes junctions on Windows. Patch by Kim Gräsman
+.. bpo: 21088
+.. date: 8572
+.. nonce: WOg7Xy
+.. section: Library
+Bugfix for curses.window.addch() regression in 3.4.0. In porting to Argument
+Clinic, the first two arguments were reversed.
+.. bpo: 21407
+.. date: 8571
+.. nonce: cZjFde
+.. section: Library
+_decimal: The module now supports function signatures.
+.. bpo: 10650
+.. date: 8570
+.. nonce: HYT4Oe
+.. section: Library
+Remove the non-standard 'watchexp' parameter from the Decimal.quantize()
+method in the Python version.  It had never been present in the C version.
+.. bpo: 21469
+.. date: 8569
+.. nonce: _fFGuq
+.. section: Library
+Reduced the risk of false positives in robotparser by checking to make sure
+that robots.txt has been read or does not exist prior to returning True in
+.. bpo: 19414
+.. date: 8568
+.. nonce: bAAw4D
+.. section: Library
+Have the OrderedDict mark deleted links as unusable. This gives an early
+failure if the link is deleted during iteration.
+.. bpo: 21421
+.. date: 8567
+.. nonce: 5AKAat
+.. section: Library
+Add __slots__ to the MappingViews ABC. Patch by Josh Rosenberg.
+.. bpo: 21101
+.. date: 8566
+.. nonce: Lj-_P4
+.. section: Library
+Eliminate double hashing in the C speed-up code for collections.Counter().
+.. bpo: 21321
+.. date: 8565
+.. nonce: wUkTON
+.. section: Library
+itertools.islice() now releases the reference to the source iterator when
+the slice is exhausted.  Patch by Anton Afanasyev.
+.. bpo: 21057
+.. date: 8564
+.. nonce: 0TC4Xl
+.. section: Library
+TextIOWrapper now allows the underlying binary stream's read() or read1()
+method to return an arbitrary bytes-like object (such as a memoryview).
+Patch by Nikolaus Rath.
+.. bpo: 20951
+.. date: 8563
+.. nonce: tF0dJi
+.. section: Library
+SSLSocket.send() now raises either SSLWantReadError or SSLWantWriteError on
+a non-blocking socket if the operation would block. Previously, it would
+return 0.  Patch by Nikolaus Rath.
+.. bpo: 13248
+.. date: 8562
+.. nonce: 7vtGj0
+.. section: Library
+removed previously deprecated asyncore.dispatcher __getattr__ cheap
+inheritance hack.
+.. bpo: 9815
+.. date: 8561
+.. nonce: 52FPlI
+.. section: Library
+assertRaises now tries to clear references to local variables in the
+exception's traceback.
+.. bpo: 19940
+.. date: 8560
+.. nonce: 2qtBQ8
+.. section: Library
+ssl.cert_time_to_seconds() now interprets the given time string in the UTC
+timezone (as specified in RFC 5280), not the local timezone.
+.. bpo: 13204
+.. date: 8559
+.. nonce: ZPKA5g
+.. section: Library
+Calling sys.flags.__new__ would crash the interpreter, now it raises a
+.. bpo: 19385
+.. date: 8558
+.. nonce: PexO_g
+.. section: Library
+Make operations on a closed dbm.dumb database always raise the same
+.. bpo: 21207
+.. date: 8557
+.. nonce: Hr72AB
+.. section: Library
+Detect when the os.urandom cached fd has been closed or replaced, and open
+it anew.
+.. bpo: 21291
+.. date: 8556
+.. nonce: 5sSLWN
+.. section: Library
+subprocess's Popen.wait() is now thread safe so that multiple threads may be
+calling wait() or poll() on a Popen instance at the same time without losing
+the Popen.returncode value.
+.. bpo: 21127
+.. date: 8555
+.. nonce: A1aBjG
+.. section: Library
+Path objects can now be instantiated from str subclass instances (such as
+.. bpo: 15002
+.. date: 8554
+.. nonce: qorYDe
+.. section: Library
+urllib.response object to use _TemporaryFileWrapper (and
+_TemporaryFileCloser) facility. Provides a better way to handle file
+descriptor close. Patch contributed by Christian Theune.
+.. bpo: 12220
+.. date: 8553
+.. nonce: U25uE9
+.. section: Library
+mindom now raises a custom ValueError indicating it doesn't support spaces
+in URIs instead of letting a 'split' ValueError bubble up.
+.. bpo: 21068
+.. date: 8552
+.. nonce: 9k6N9m
+.. section: Library
+The ssl.PROTOCOL* constants are now enum members.
+.. bpo: 21276
+.. date: 8551
+.. nonce: JkfhvQ
+.. section: Library
+posixmodule: Don't define USE_XATTRS on KFreeBSD and the Hurd.
+.. bpo: 21262
+.. date: 8550
+.. nonce: 1J5ylk
+.. section: Library
+New method assert_not_called for Mock. It raises AssertionError if the mock
+has been called.
+.. bpo: 21238
+.. date: 8549
+.. nonce: 5CDoox
+.. section: Library
+New keyword argument `unsafe` to Mock. It raises `AttributeError` incase of
+an attribute startswith assert or assret.
+.. bpo: 20896
+.. date: 8548
+.. nonce: oWwAb1
+.. section: Library
+ssl.get_server_certificate() now uses PROTOCOL_SSLv23, not PROTOCOL_SSLv3,
+for maximum compatibility.
+.. bpo: 21239
+.. date: 8547
+.. nonce: EalCNt
+.. section: Library
+patch.stopall() didn't work deterministically when the same name was patched
+more than once.
+.. bpo: 21203
+.. date: 8546
+.. nonce: 1IMs-Z
+.. section: Library
+Updated fileConfig and dictConfig to remove inconsistencies. Thanks to Jure
+Koren for the patch.
+.. bpo: 21222
+.. date: 8545
+.. nonce: G6MQBP
+.. section: Library
+Passing name keyword argument to mock.create_autospec now works.
+.. bpo: 21197
+.. date: 8544
+.. nonce: Gzfqdl
+.. section: Library
+Add lib64 -> lib symlink in venvs on 64-bit non-OS X POSIX.
+.. bpo: 17498
+.. date: 8543
+.. nonce: LR9xyb
+.. section: Library
+Some SMTP servers disconnect after certain errors, violating strict RFC
+conformance.  Instead of losing the error code when we issue the subsequent
+RSET, smtplib now returns the error code and defers raising the
+SMTPServerDisconnected error until the next command is issued.
+.. bpo: 17826
+.. date: 8542
+.. nonce: z0zMRV
+.. section: Library
+setting an iterable side_effect on a mock function created by
+create_autospec now works. Patch by Kushal Das.
+.. bpo: 7776
+.. date: 8541
+.. nonce: K5S2Pe
+.. section: Library
+Fix ``Host:`` header and reconnection when using
+http.client.HTTPConnection.set_tunnel(). Patch by Nikolaus Rath.
+.. bpo: 20968
+.. date: 8540
+.. nonce: 53Aagz
+.. section: Library
+unittest.mock.MagicMock now supports division. Patch by Johannes Baiter.
+.. bpo: 21529
+.. date: 8539
+.. nonce: 57R_Fc
+.. section: Library
+Fix arbitrary memory access in JSONDecoder.raw_decode with a negative second
+parameter. Bug reported by Guido Vranken. (See also: CVE-2014-4616)
+.. bpo: 21169
+.. date: 8538
+.. nonce: KE7B0M
+.. section: Library
+getpass now handles non-ascii characters that the input stream encoding
+cannot encode by re-encoding using the replace error handler.
+.. bpo: 21171
+.. date: 8537
+.. nonce: iUbV9S
+.. section: Library
+Fixed undocumented filter API of the rot13 codec. Patch by Berker Peksag.
+.. bpo: 20539
+.. date: 8536
+.. nonce: 62nbEb
+.. section: Library
+Improved math.factorial error message for large positive inputs and changed
+exception type (OverflowError -> ValueError) for large negative inputs.
+.. bpo: 21172
+.. date: 8535
+.. nonce: dQ7yY7
+.. section: Library
+isinstance check relaxed from dict to collections.Mapping.
+.. bpo: 21155
+.. date: 8534
+.. nonce: JSKEE7
+.. section: Library
+asyncio.EventLoop.create_unix_server() now raises a ValueError if path and
+sock are specified at the same time.
+.. bpo: 21136
+.. date: 8533
+.. nonce: JZAKv3
+.. section: Library
+Avoid unnecessary normalization of Fractions resulting from power and other
+operations.  Patch by Raymond Hettinger.
+.. bpo: 17621
+.. date: 8532
+.. nonce: 1x0mvJ
+.. section: Library
+Introduce importlib.util.LazyLoader.
+.. bpo: 21076
+.. date: 8531
+.. nonce: upxQc6
+.. section: Library
+signal module constants were turned into enums. Patch by Giampaolo Rodola'.
+.. bpo: 20636
+.. date: 8530
+.. nonce: KGh-BD
+.. section: Library
+Improved the repr of Tkinter widgets.
+.. bpo: 19505
+.. date: 8529
+.. nonce: VEtIE6
+.. section: Library
+The items, keys, and values views of OrderedDict now support reverse
+iteration using reversed().
+.. bpo: 21149
+.. date: 8528
+.. nonce: cnjwMR
+.. section: Library
+Improved thread-safety in logging cleanup during interpreter shutdown.
+Thanks to Devin Jeanpierre for the patch.
+.. bpo: 21058
+.. date: 8527
+.. nonce: IhluPP
+.. section: Library
+Fix a leak of file descriptor in :func:`tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile`, close
+the file descriptor if :func:`io.open` fails
+.. bpo: 21200
+.. date: 8526
+.. nonce: Kht8yD
+.. section: Library
+Return None from pkgutil.get_loader() when __spec__ is missing.
+.. bpo: 21013
+.. date: 8525
+.. nonce: 3s8Ic0
+.. section: Library
+Enhance ssl.create_default_context() when used for server side sockets to
+provide better security by default.
+.. bpo: 20145
+.. date: 8524
+.. nonce: FP5FY0
+.. section: Library
+`assertRaisesRegex` and `assertWarnsRegex` now raise a TypeError if the
+second argument is not a string or compiled regex.
+.. bpo: 20633
+.. date: 8523
+.. nonce: 6kaPjT
+.. section: Library
+Replace relative import by absolute import.
+.. bpo: 20980
+.. date: 8522
+.. nonce: cYszHY
+.. section: Library
+Stop wrapping exception when using ThreadPool.
+.. bpo: 21082
+.. date: 8521
+.. nonce: GLzGlV
+.. section: Library
+In os.makedirs, do not set the process-wide umask. Note this changes
+behavior of makedirs when exist_ok=True.
+.. bpo: 20990
+.. date: 8520
+.. nonce: PBfjW3
+.. section: Library
+Fix issues found by pyflakes for multiprocessing.
+.. bpo: 21015
+.. date: 8519
+.. nonce: xnwWAH
+.. section: Library
+SSL contexts will now automatically select an elliptic curve for ECDH key
+exchange on OpenSSL 1.0.2 and later, and otherwise default to "prime256v1".
+.. bpo: 21000
+.. date: 8518
+.. nonce: JUyyVV
+.. section: Library
+Improve the command-line interface of json.tool.
+.. bpo: 20995
+.. date: 8517
+.. nonce: KSORJT
+.. section: Library
+Enhance default ciphers used by the ssl module to enable better security and
+prioritize perfect forward secrecy.
+.. bpo: 20884
+.. date: 8516
+.. nonce: qNmub_
+.. section: Library
+Don't assume that __file__ is defined on importlib.__init__.
+.. bpo: 21499
+.. date: 8515
+.. nonce: wU4OBi
+.. section: Library
+Ignore __builtins__ in several test_importlib.test_api tests.
+.. bpo: 20627
+.. date: 8514
+.. nonce: fgfQ1x
+.. section: Library
+xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy is now a context manager.
+.. bpo: 19165
+.. date: 8513
+.. nonce: sAkUjU
+.. section: Library
+The formatter module now raises DeprecationWarning instead of
+.. bpo: 13936
+.. date: 8512
+.. nonce: _Q0Yog
+.. section: Library
+Remove the ability of datetime.time instances to be considered false in
+boolean contexts.
+.. bpo: 18931
+.. date: 8511
+.. nonce: mq4Mud
+.. section: Library
+selectors module now supports /dev/poll on Solaris. Patch by Giampaolo
+.. bpo: 19977
+.. date: 8510
+.. nonce: A-sQ_V
+.. section: Library
+When the ``LC_TYPE`` locale is the POSIX locale (``C`` locale),
+:py:data:`sys.stdin` and :py:data:`sys.stdout` are now using the
+``surrogateescape`` error handler, instead of the ``strict`` error handler.
+.. bpo: 20574
+.. date: 8509
+.. nonce: KaKqSs
+.. section: Library
+Implement incremental decoder for cp65001 code (Windows code page 65001,
+Microsoft UTF-8).
+.. bpo: 20879
+.. date: 8508
+.. nonce: myeYdq
+.. section: Library
+Delay the initialization of encoding and decoding tables for base32, ascii85
+and base85 codecs in the base64 module, and delay the initialization of the
+unquote_to_bytes() table of the urllib.parse module, to not waste memory if
+these modules are not used.
+.. bpo: 19157
+.. date: 8507
+.. nonce: V1-XhC
+.. section: Library
+Include the broadcast address in the usuable hosts for IPv6 in ipaddress.
+.. bpo: 11599
+.. date: 8506
+.. nonce: 9QOXf4
+.. section: Library
+When an external command (e.g. compiler) fails, distutils now prints out the
+whole command line (instead of just the command name) if the environment
+variable DISTUTILS_DEBUG is set.
+.. bpo: 4931
+.. date: 8505
+.. nonce: uF10hr
+.. section: Library
+distutils should not produce unhelpful "error: None" messages anymore.
+distutils.util.grok_environment_error is kept but doc-deprecated.
+.. bpo: 20875
+.. date: 8504
+.. nonce: IjfI5V
+.. section: Library
+Prevent possible gzip "'read' is not defined" NameError. Patch by Claudiu
+.. bpo: 11558
+.. date: 8503
+.. nonce: pxrsmq
+.. section: Library
+``email.message.Message.attach`` now returns a more useful error message if
+``attach`` is called on a message for which ``is_multipart`` is False.
+.. bpo: 20283
+.. date: 8502
+.. nonce: v0Vs9V
+.. section: Library
+RE pattern methods now accept the string keyword parameters as documented.
+The pattern and source keyword parameters are left as deprecated aliases.
+.. bpo: 20778
+.. date: 8501
+.. nonce: g_fAGI
+.. section: Library
+Fix modulefinder to work with bytecode-only modules.
+.. bpo: 20791
+.. date: 8500
+.. nonce: n_zrkc
+.. section: Library
+copy.copy() now doesn't make a copy when the input is a bytes object.
+Initial patch by Peter Otten.
+.. bpo: 19748
+.. date: 8499
+.. nonce: kiA171
+.. section: Library
+On AIX, time.mktime() now raises an OverflowError for year outsize range
+[1902; 2037].
+.. bpo: 19573
+.. date: 8498
+.. nonce: QJvX_V
+.. section: Library
+inspect.signature: Use enum for parameter kind constants.
+.. bpo: 20726
+.. date: 8497
+.. nonce: 0yfRDI
+.. section: Library
+inspect.signature: Make Signature and Parameter picklable.
+.. bpo: 17373
+.. date: 8496
+.. nonce: ECwuJO
+.. section: Library
+Add inspect.Signature.from_callable method.
+.. bpo: 20378
+.. date: 8495
+.. nonce: l9M3H-
+.. section: Library
+Improve repr of inspect.Signature and inspect.Parameter.
+.. bpo: 20816
+.. date: 8494
+.. nonce: DFMEgN
+.. section: Library
+Fix inspect.getcallargs() to raise correct TypeError for missing keyword-
+only arguments. Patch by Jeremiah Lowin.
+.. bpo: 20817
+.. date: 8493
+.. nonce: O5XyZB
+.. section: Library
+Fix inspect.getcallargs() to fail correctly if more than 3 arguments are
+missing. Patch by Jeremiah Lowin.
+.. bpo: 6676
+.. date: 8492
+.. nonce: CJu5On
+.. section: Library
+Ensure a meaningful exception is raised when attempting to parse more than
+one XML document per pyexpat xmlparser instance. (Original patches by
+Hirokazu Yamamoto and Amaury Forgeot d'Arc, with suggested wording by David
+.. bpo: 21117
+.. date: 8491
+.. nonce: hyH7EK
+.. section: Library
+Fix inspect.signature to better support functools.partial. Due to the
+specifics of functools.partial implementation, positional-or-keyword
+arguments passed as keyword arguments become keyword-only.
+.. bpo: 20334
+.. date: 8490
+.. nonce: 0yFmfQ
+.. section: Library
+inspect.Signature and inspect.Parameter are now hashable. Thanks to Antony
+Lee for bug reports and suggestions.
+.. bpo: 15916
+.. date: 8489
+.. nonce: _vhKPn
+.. section: Library
+doctest.DocTestSuite returns an empty unittest.TestSuite instead of raising
+ValueError if it finds no tests
+.. bpo: 21209
+.. date: 8488
+.. nonce: wRE7Dn
+.. section: Library
+Fix asyncio.tasks.CoroWrapper to workaround a bug in yield-from
+implementation in CPythons prior to 3.4.1.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 8487
+.. nonce: Q1I78Z
+.. section: Library
+asyncio: Add gi_{frame,running,code} properties to CoroWrapper (upstream
+issue #163).
+.. bpo: 21311
+.. date: 8486
+.. nonce: JsDF8H
+.. section: Library
+Avoid exception in _osx_support with non-standard compiler configurations.
+Patch by John Szakmeister.
+.. bpo: 11571
+.. date: 8485
+.. nonce: RPeGNo
+.. section: Library
+Ensure that the turtle window becomes the topmost window when launched on OS
+.. bpo: 21801
+.. date: 8484
+.. nonce: rzfhYl
+.. section: Library
+Validate that __signature__ is None or an instance of Signature.
+.. bpo: 21923
+.. date: 8483
+.. nonce: hXnoZa
+.. section: Library
+Prevent AttributeError in distutils.sysconfig.customize_compiler due to
+possible uninitialized _config_vars.
+.. bpo: 21323
+.. date: 8482
+.. nonce: quiWfl
+.. section: Library
+Fix http.server to again handle scripts in CGI subdirectories, broken by the
+fix for security issue #19435.  Patch by Zach Byrne.
+.. bpo: 22733
+.. date: 8481
+.. nonce: 21gJBp
+.. section: Library
+Fix ffi_prep_args not zero-extending argument values correctly on 64-bit
+.. bpo: 23302
+.. date: 8480
+.. nonce: X2dabK
+.. section: Library
+Default to TCP_NODELAY=1 upon establishing an HTTPConnection. Removed use of
+hard-coded MSS as it's an optimization that's no longer needed with Nagle
+.. bpo: 20577
+.. date: 8479
+.. nonce: Y71IMj
+.. section: IDLE
+Configuration of the max line length for the FormatParagraph extension has
+been moved from the General tab of the Idle preferences dialog to the
+FormatParagraph tab of the Config Extensions dialog. Patch by Tal Einat.
+.. bpo: 16893
+.. date: 8478
+.. nonce: JfHAA4
+.. section: IDLE
+Update Idle doc chapter to match current Idle and add new information.
+.. bpo: 3068
+.. date: 8477
+.. nonce: TYjXTA
+.. section: IDLE
+Add Idle extension configuration dialog to Options menu. Changes are written
+to HOME/.idlerc/config-extensions.cfg. Original patch by Tal Einat.
+.. bpo: 16233
+.. date: 8476
+.. nonce: sOadNo
+.. section: IDLE
+A module browser (File : Class Browser, Alt+C) requires an editor window
+with a filename.  When Class Browser is requested otherwise, from a shell,
+output window, or 'Untitled' editor, Idle no longer displays an error box.
+It now pops up an Open Module box (Alt+M). If a valid name is entered and a
+module is opened, a corresponding browser is also opened.
+.. bpo: 4832
+.. date: 8475
+.. nonce: GRKi9M
+.. section: IDLE
+Save As to type Python files automatically adds .py to the name you enter
+(even if your system does not display it).  Some systems automatically add
+.txt when type is Text files.
+.. bpo: 21986
+.. date: 8474
+.. nonce: 04GUv2
+.. section: IDLE
+Code objects are not normally pickled by the pickle module. To match this,
+they are no longer pickled when running under Idle.
+.. bpo: 17390
+.. date: 8473
+.. nonce: I4vHFh
+.. section: IDLE
+Adjust Editor window title; remove 'Python', move version to end.
+.. bpo: 14105
+.. date: 8472
+.. nonce: -FZwYH
+.. section: IDLE
+Idle debugger breakpoints no longer disappear when inserting or deleting
+.. bpo: 17172
+.. date: 8471
+.. nonce: R8jkU1
+.. section: IDLE
+Turtledemo can now be run from Idle. Currently, the entry is on the Help
+menu, but it may move to Run. Patch by Ramchandra Apt and Lita Cho.
+.. bpo: 21765
+.. date: 8470
+.. nonce: JyiDbd
+.. section: IDLE
+Add support for non-ascii identifiers to HyperParser.
+.. bpo: 21940
+.. date: 8469
+.. nonce: VlIRz7
+.. section: IDLE
+Add unittest for WidgetRedirector. Initial patch by Saimadhav Heblikar.
+.. bpo: 18592
+.. date: 8468
+.. nonce: sMG-SZ
+.. section: IDLE
+Add unittest for SearchDialogBase. Patch by Phil Webster.
+.. bpo: 21694
+.. date: 8467
+.. nonce: 1oLmRo
+.. section: IDLE
+Add unittest for ParenMatch. Patch by Saimadhav Heblikar.
+.. bpo: 21686
+.. date: 8466
+.. nonce: TAkFB0
+.. section: IDLE
+add unittest for HyperParser. Original patch by Saimadhav Heblikar.
+.. bpo: 12387
+.. date: 8465
+.. nonce: XO7Ozk
+.. section: IDLE
+Add missing upper(lower)case versions of default Windows key bindings for
+Idle so Caps Lock does not disable them. Patch by Roger Serwy.
+.. bpo: 21695
+.. date: 8464
+.. nonce: g-t0Tm
+.. section: IDLE
+Closing a Find-in-files output window while the search is still in progress
+no longer closes Idle.
+.. bpo: 18910
+.. date: 8463
+.. nonce: ke8lMK
+.. section: IDLE
+Add unittest for textView. Patch by Phil Webster.
+.. bpo: 18292
+.. date: 8462
+.. nonce: ks_3wm
+.. section: IDLE
+Add unittest for AutoExpand. Patch by Saihadhav Heblikar.
+.. bpo: 18409
+.. date: 8461
+.. nonce: 7fe-aK
+.. section: IDLE
+Add unittest for AutoComplete. Patch by Phil Webster.
+.. bpo: 21477
+.. date: 8460
+.. nonce: 33NOe0
+.. section: IDLE
+htest.py - Improve framework, complete set of tests. Patches by Saimadhav
+.. bpo: 18104
+.. date: 8459
+.. nonce: 8Fj9Pf
+.. section: IDLE
+Add idlelib/idle_test/htest.py with a few sample tests to begin
+consolidating and improving human-validated tests of Idle. Change other
+files as needed to work with htest.  Running the module as __main__ runs all
+.. bpo: 21139
+.. date: 8458
+.. nonce: kqetng
+.. section: IDLE
+Change default paragraph width to 72, the PEP 8 recommendation.
+.. bpo: 21284
+.. date: 8457
+.. nonce: KKJfmv
+.. section: IDLE
+Paragraph reformat test passes after user changes reformat width.
+.. bpo: 17654
+.. date: 8456
+.. nonce: NbzhNS
+.. section: IDLE
+Ensure IDLE menus are customized properly on OS X for non-framework builds
+and for all variants of Tk.
+.. bpo: 23180
+.. date: 8455
+.. nonce: cE_89F
+.. section: IDLE
+Rename IDLE "Windows" menu item to "Window". Patch by Al Sweigart.
+.. bpo: 15506
+.. date: 8454
+.. nonce: nh8KlR
+.. section: Build
+Use standard PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG autoconf macro in the configure script.
+.. bpo: 22935
+.. date: 8453
+.. nonce: -vY3lc
+.. section: Build
+Allow the ssl module to be compiled if openssl doesn't support SSL 3.
+.. bpo: 22592
+.. date: 8452
+.. nonce: O_IE9W
+.. section: Build
+Drop support of the Borland C compiler to build Python. The distutils module
+still supports it to build extensions.
+.. bpo: 22591
+.. date: 8451
+.. nonce: wwBlG8
+.. section: Build
+Drop support of MS-DOS, especially of the DJGPP compiler (MS-DOS port of
+.. bpo: 16537
+.. date: 8450
+.. nonce: llFo71
+.. section: Build
+Check whether self.extensions is empty in setup.py. Patch by Jonathan
+.. bpo: 22359
+.. date: 8449
+.. nonce: YYFOFG
+.. section: Build
+Remove incorrect uses of recursive make.  Patch by Jonas Wagner.
+.. bpo: 21958
+.. date: 8448
+.. nonce: 3rq4qR
+.. section: Build
+Define HAVE_ROUND when building with Visual Studio 2013 and above.  Patch by
+Zachary Turner.
+.. bpo: 18093
+.. date: 8447
+.. nonce: gnZieo
+.. section: Build
+the programs that embed the CPython runtime are now in a separate "Programs"
+directory, rather than being kept in the Modules directory.
+.. bpo: 15759
+.. date: 8446
+.. nonce: iGLR6O
+.. section: Build
+"make suspicious", "make linkcheck" and "make doctest" in Doc/ now display
+special message when and only when there are failures.
+.. bpo: 21141
+.. date: 8445
+.. nonce: 669LzK
+.. section: Build
+The Windows build process no longer attempts to find Perl, instead relying
+on OpenSSL source being configured and ready to build.  The
+``PCbuild\build_ssl.py`` script has been re-written and re-named to
+``PCbuild\prepare_ssl.py``, and takes care of configuring OpenSSL source for
+both 32 and 64 bit platforms.  OpenSSL sources obtained from svn.python.org
+will always be pre-configured and ready to build.
+.. bpo: 21037
+.. date: 8444
+.. nonce: v1rZzo
+.. section: Build
+Add a build option to enable AddressSanitizer support.
+.. bpo: 19962
+.. date: 8443
+.. nonce: HDlwsE
+.. section: Build
+The Windows build process now creates "python.bat" in the root of the source
+tree, which passes all arguments through to the most recently built
+.. bpo: 21285
+.. date: 8442
+.. nonce: cU9p2E
+.. section: Build
+Refactor and fix curses configure check to always search in a ncursesw
+.. bpo: 15234
+.. date: 8441
+.. nonce: vlM720
+.. section: Build
+For BerkelyDB and Sqlite, only add the found library and include directories
+if they aren't already being searched. This avoids an explicit runtime
+library dependency.
+.. bpo: 17861
+.. date: 8440
+.. nonce: jCi44U
+.. section: Build
+Tools/scripts/generate_opcode_h.py automatically regenerates
+Include/opcode.h from Lib/opcode.py if the latter gets any change.
+.. bpo: 20644
+.. date: 8439
+.. nonce: aV0zq7
+.. section: Build
+OS X installer build support for documentation build changes in 3.4.1:
+assume externally supplied sphinx-build is available in /usr/bin.
+.. bpo: 20022
+.. date: 8438
+.. nonce: EqSCTW
+.. section: Build
+Eliminate use of deprecated bundlebuilder in OS X builds.
+.. bpo: 15968
+.. date: 8437
+.. nonce: vxUxHK
+.. section: Build
+Incorporated Tcl, Tk, and Tix builds into the Windows build solution.
+.. bpo: 17095
+.. date: 8436
+.. nonce: -XEBIU
+.. section: Build
+Fix Modules/Setup *shared* support.
+.. bpo: 21811
+.. date: 8435
+.. nonce: 3_Xyr-
+.. section: Build
+Anticipated fixes to support OS X versions > 10.9.
+.. bpo: 21166
+.. date: 8434
+.. nonce: KAl7aO
+.. section: Build
+Prevent possible segfaults and other random failures of python --generate-
+posix-vars in pybuilddir.txt build target.
+.. bpo: 18096
+.. date: 8433
+.. nonce: ELyAUJ
+.. section: Build
+Fix library order returned by python-config.
+.. bpo: 17219
+.. date: 8432
+.. nonce: q8ueQ0
+.. section: Build
+Add library build dir for Python extension cross-builds.
+.. bpo: 22919
+.. date: 8431
+.. nonce: 1XThL9
+.. section: Build
+Windows build updated to support VC 14.0 (Visual Studio 2015), which will be
+used for the official release.
+.. bpo: 21236
+.. date: 8430
+.. nonce: 84LXxj
+.. section: Build
+Build _msi.pyd with cabinet.lib instead of fci.lib
+.. bpo: 17128
+.. date: 8429
+.. nonce: U2biLA
+.. section: Build
+Use private version of OpenSSL for OS X 10.5+ installer.
+.. bpo: 14203
+.. date: 8428
+.. nonce: 3hv0TX
+.. section: C API
+Remove obsolete support for view==NULL in PyBuffer_FillInfo(),
+bytearray_getbuffer(), bytesiobuf_getbuffer() and array_buffer_getbuf(). All
+functions now raise BufferError in that case.
+.. bpo: 22445
+.. date: 8427
+.. nonce: s0AOAS
+.. section: C API
+PyBuffer_IsContiguous() now implements precise contiguity tests, compatible
+with NumPy's NPY_RELAXED_STRIDES_CHECKING compilation flag.  Previously the
+function reported false negatives for corner cases.
+.. bpo: 22079
+.. date: 8426
+.. nonce: zhs2qM
+.. section: C API
+PyType_Ready() now checks that statically allocated type has no dynamically
+allocated bases.
+.. bpo: 22453
+.. date: 8425
+.. nonce: XoO4ns
+.. section: C API
+Removed non-documented macro PyObject_REPR().
+.. bpo: 18395
+.. date: 8424
+.. nonce: YC9B06
+.. section: C API
+Rename ``_Py_char2wchar()`` to :c:func:`Py_DecodeLocale`, rename
+``_Py_wchar2char()`` to :c:func:`Py_EncodeLocale`, and document these
+.. bpo: 21233
+.. date: 8423
+.. nonce: 98hZAt
+.. section: C API
+Add new C functions: PyMem_RawCalloc(), PyMem_Calloc(), PyObject_Calloc(),
+_PyObject_GC_Calloc(). bytes(int) is now using ``calloc()`` instead of
+``malloc()`` for large objects which is faster and use less memory.
+.. bpo: 20942
+.. date: 8422
+.. nonce: qHLJ5-
+.. section: C API
+PyImport_ImportFrozenModuleObject() no longer sets __file__ to match what
+importlib does; this affects _frozen_importlib as well as any module loaded
+using imp.init_frozen().
+.. bpo: 19548
+.. date: 8421
+.. nonce: yOX8sS
+.. section: Documentation
+Update the codecs module documentation to better cover the distinction
+between text encodings and other codecs, together with other clarifications.
+Patch by Martin Panter.
+.. bpo: 22394
+.. date: 8420
+.. nonce: 6bJywY
+.. section: Documentation
+Doc/Makefile now supports ``make venv PYTHON=../python`` to create a venv
+for generating the documentation, e.g., ``make html
+.. bpo: 21514
+.. date: 8419
+.. nonce: 1H16T6
+.. section: Documentation
+The documentation of the json module now refers to new JSON RFC 7159 instead
+of obsoleted RFC 4627.
+.. bpo: 21777
+.. date: 8418
+.. nonce: dtQCWV
+.. section: Documentation
+The binary sequence methods on bytes and bytearray are now documented
+explicitly, rather than assuming users will be able to derive the expected
+behaviour from the behaviour of the corresponding str methods.
+.. bpo: 6916
+.. date: 8417
+.. nonce: 4sm3nE
+.. section: Documentation
+undocument deprecated asynchat.fifo class.
+.. bpo: 17386
+.. date: 8416
+.. nonce: ivaGLb
+.. section: Documentation
+Expanded functionality of the ``Doc/make.bat`` script to make it much more
+comparable to ``Doc/Makefile``.
+.. bpo: 21312
+.. date: 8415
+.. nonce: 6IqcV4
+.. section: Documentation
+Update the thread_foobar.h template file to include newer threading APIs.
+Patch by Jack McCracken.
+.. bpo: 21043
+.. date: 8414
+.. nonce: oEOC8O
+.. section: Documentation
+Remove the recommendation for specific CA organizations and to mention the
+ability to load the OS certificates.
+.. bpo: 20765
+.. date: 8413
+.. nonce: Rv3GgV
+.. section: Documentation
+Add missing documentation for PurePath.with_name() and
+.. bpo: 19407
+.. date: 8412
+.. nonce: mRyNnG
+.. section: Documentation
+New package installation and distribution guides based on the Python
+Packaging Authority tools. Existing guides have been retained as legacy
+links from the distutils docs, as they still contain some required reference
+material for tool developers that isn't recorded anywhere else.
+.. bpo: 19697
+.. date: 8411
+.. nonce: 2jMQBP
+.. section: Documentation
+Document cases where __main__.__spec__ is None.
+.. bpo: 18982
+.. date: 8410
+.. nonce: TynSM6
+.. section: Tests
+Add tests for CLI of the calendar module.
+.. bpo: 19548
+.. date: 8409
+.. nonce: 25Kxq_
+.. section: Tests
+Added some additional checks to test_codecs to ensure that statements in the
+updated documentation remain accurate. Patch by Martin Panter.
+.. bpo: 22838
+.. date: 8408
+.. nonce: VZBtZg
+.. section: Tests
+All test_re tests now work with unittest test discovery.
+.. bpo: 22173
+.. date: 8407
+.. nonce: dxIIVx
+.. section: Tests
+Update lib2to3 tests to use unittest test discovery.
+.. bpo: 16000
+.. date: 8406
+.. nonce: Y7O6TP
+.. section: Tests
+Convert test_curses to use unittest.
+.. bpo: 21456
+.. date: 8405
+.. nonce: Axsw43
+.. section: Tests
+Skip two tests in test_urllib2net.py if _ssl module not present. Patch by
+Remi Pointel.
+.. bpo: 20746
+.. date: 8404
+.. nonce: N2pzAY
+.. section: Tests
+Fix test_pdb to run in refleak mode (-R).  Patch by Xavier de Gaye.
+.. bpo: 22060
+.. date: 8403
+.. nonce: TduJNO
+.. section: Tests
+test_ctypes has been somewhat cleaned up and simplified; it now uses
+unittest test discovery to find its tests.
+.. bpo: 22104
+.. date: 8402
+.. nonce: -YYDup
+.. section: Tests
+regrtest.py no longer holds a reference to the suite of tests loaded from
+test modules that don't define test_main().
+.. bpo: 22111
+.. date: 8401
+.. nonce: 0XlFAU
+.. section: Tests
+Assorted cleanups in test_imaplib.  Patch by Milan Oberkirch.
+.. bpo: 22002
+.. date: 8400
+.. nonce: jpiaA2
+.. section: Tests
+Added ``load_package_tests`` function to test.support and used it to
+implement/augment test discovery in test_asyncio, test_email,
+test_importlib, test_json, and test_tools.
+.. bpo: 21976
+.. date: 8399
+.. nonce: Slq6se
+.. section: Tests
+Fix test_ssl to accept LibreSSL version strings.  Thanks to William Orr.
+.. bpo: 21918
+.. date: 8398
+.. nonce: QTFFSj
+.. section: Tests
+Converted test_tools from a module to a package containing separate test
+files for each tested script.
+.. bpo: 9554
+.. date: 8397
+.. nonce: VsP0Ve
+.. section: Tests
+Use modern unittest features in test_argparse. Initial patch by Denver
+Coneybeare and Radu Voicilas.
+.. bpo: 20155
+.. date: 8396
+.. nonce: nphzS3
+.. section: Tests
+Changed HTTP method names in failing tests in test_httpservers so that
+packet filtering software (specifically Windows Base Filtering Engine) does
+not interfere with the transaction semantics expected by the tests.
+.. bpo: 19493
+.. date: 8395
+.. nonce: SwbzLQ
+.. section: Tests
+Refactored the ctypes test package to skip tests explicitly rather than
+.. bpo: 18492
+.. date: 8394
+.. nonce: ylPRU7
+.. section: Tests
+All resources are now allowed when tests are not run by regrtest.py.
+.. bpo: 21634
+.. date: 8393
+.. nonce: Eng06F
+.. section: Tests
+Fix pystone micro-benchmark: use floor division instead of true division to
+benchmark integers instead of floating point numbers. Set pystone version to
+1.2. Patch written by Lennart Regebro.
+.. bpo: 21605
+.. date: 8392
+.. nonce: qsLV8d
+.. section: Tests
+Added tests for Tkinter images.
+.. bpo: 21493
+.. date: 8391
+.. nonce: NqhRsy
+.. section: Tests
+Added test for ntpath.expanduser().  Original patch by Claudiu Popa.
+.. bpo: 19925
+.. date: 8390
+.. nonce: dhMx08
+.. section: Tests
+Added tests for the spwd module. Original patch by Vajrasky Kok.
+.. bpo: 21522
+.. date: 8389
+.. nonce: b-VwFW
+.. section: Tests
+Added Tkinter tests for Listbox.itemconfigure(),
+PanedWindow.paneconfigure(), and Menu.entryconfigure().
+.. bpo: 17756
+.. date: 8388
+.. nonce: LLfbfU
+.. section: Tests
+Fix test_code test when run from the installed location.
+.. bpo: 17752
+.. date: 8387
+.. nonce: P8iG44
+.. section: Tests
+Fix distutils tests when run from the installed location.
+.. bpo: 18604
+.. date: 8386
+.. nonce: Q00Xrj
+.. section: Tests
+Consolidated checks for GUI availability.  All platforms now at least check
+whether Tk can be instantiated when the GUI resource is requested.
+.. bpo: 21275
+.. date: 8385
+.. nonce: lI5FkX
+.. section: Tests
+Fix a socket test on KFreeBSD.
+.. bpo: 21223
+.. date: 8384
+.. nonce: lMY6ka
+.. section: Tests
+Pass test_site/test_startup_imports when some of the extensions are built as
+.. bpo: 20635
+.. date: 8383
+.. nonce: mzWmoS
+.. section: Tests
+Added tests for Tk geometry managers.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 8382
+.. nonce: E5XNqr
+.. section: Tests
+Add test case for freeze.
+.. bpo: 20743
+.. date: 8381
+.. nonce: hxZQUf
+.. section: Tests
+Fix a reference leak in test_tcl.
+.. bpo: 21097
+.. date: 8380
+.. nonce: gsUesm
+.. section: Tests
+Move test_namespace_pkgs into test_importlib.
+.. bpo: 21503
+.. date: 8379
+.. nonce: H9TPCg
+.. section: Tests
+Use test_both() consistently in test_importlib.
+.. bpo: 20939
+.. date: 8378
+.. nonce: x3KQ35
+.. section: Tests
+Avoid various network test failures due to new redirect of
+http://www.python.org/ to https://www.python.org: use http://www.example.com
+.. bpo: 20668
+.. date: 8377
+.. nonce: IWjOSC
+.. section: Tests
+asyncio tests no longer rely on tests.txt file. (Patch by Vajrasky Kok)
+.. bpo: 21093
+.. date: 8376
+.. nonce: CcpRim
+.. section: Tests
+Prevent failures of ctypes test_macholib on OS X if a copy of libz exists in
+$HOME/lib or /usr/local/lib.
+.. bpo: 22770
+.. date: 8375
+.. nonce: FxAh91
+.. section: Tests
+Prevent some Tk segfaults on OS X when running gui tests.
+.. bpo: 23211
+.. date: 8374
+.. nonce: Bc-QfJ
+.. section: Tests
+Workaround test_logging failure on some OS X 10.6 systems.
+.. bpo: 23345
+.. date: 8373
+.. nonce: HIGBKx
+.. section: Tests
+Prevent test_ssl failures with large OpenSSL patch level values (like
+.. bpo: 22314
+.. date: 8372
+.. nonce: ws6xsH
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+pydoc now works when the LINES environment variable is set.
+.. bpo: 22615
+.. date: 8371
+.. nonce: My3DWN
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Argument Clinic now supports the "type" argument for the int converter.
+This permits using the int converter with enums and typedefs.
+.. bpo: 20076
+.. date: 8370
+.. nonce: ZNuBrC
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+The makelocalealias.py script no longer ignores UTF-8 mapping.
+.. bpo: 20079
+.. date: 8369
+.. nonce: ogPXcK
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+The makelocalealias.py script now can parse the SUPPORTED file from glibc
+sources and supports command line options for source paths.
+.. bpo: 22201
+.. date: 8368
+.. nonce: k1Awbh
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Command-line interface of the zipfile module now correctly extracts ZIP
+files with directory entries.  Patch by Ryan Wilson.
+.. bpo: 22120
+.. date: 8367
+.. nonce: KmBUj-
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+For functions using an unsigned integer return converter, Argument Clinic
+now generates a cast to that type for the comparison to -1 in the generated
+code.  (This suppresses a compilation warning.)
+.. bpo: 18974
+.. date: 8366
+.. nonce: I3DdAo
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Tools/scripts/diff.py now uses argparse instead of optparse.
+.. bpo: 21906
+.. date: 8365
+.. nonce: ZsKy9v
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Make Tools/scripts/md5sum.py work in Python 3. Patch by Zachary Ware.
+.. bpo: 21629
+.. date: 8364
+.. nonce: 9kZmQl
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Fix Argument Clinic's "--converters" feature.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 8363
+.. nonce: _-ge-g
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Add support for ``yield from`` to 2to3.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 8362
+.. nonce: dpFbyZ
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Add support for the PEP 465 matrix multiplication operator to 2to3.
+.. bpo: 16047
+.. date: 8361
+.. nonce: IsgTzm
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Fix module exception list and __file__ handling in freeze. Patch by Meador
+.. bpo: 11824
+.. date: 8360
+.. nonce: OBWc3T
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Consider ABI tags in freeze. Patch by Meador Inge.
+.. bpo: 20535
+.. date: 8359
+.. nonce: 0qkvZZ
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+PYTHONWARNING no longer affects the run_tests.py script. Patch by Arfrever
+Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis.
+.. bpo: 23260
+.. date: 8358
+.. nonce: aZ5VLH
+.. section: Windows
+Update Windows installer
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 8357
+.. nonce: _aEUNt
+.. section: Windows
+The bundled version of Tcl/Tk has been updated to 8.6.3.  The most visible
+result of this change is the addition of new native file dialogs when
+running on Windows Vista or newer.  See Tcl/Tk's TIP 432 for more
+information.  Also, this version of Tcl/Tk includes support for Windows 10.
+.. bpo: 17896
+.. date: 8356
+.. nonce: o79rHM
+.. section: Windows
+The Windows build scripts now expect external library sources to be in
+``PCbuild\..\externals`` rather than ``PCbuild\..\..``.
+.. bpo: 17717
+.. date: 8355
+.. nonce: y1zoye
+.. section: Windows
+The Windows build scripts now use a copy of NASM pulled from svn.python.org
+to build OpenSSL.
+.. bpo: 21907
+.. date: 8354
+.. nonce: jm1smN
+.. section: Windows
+Improved the batch scripts provided for building Python.
+.. bpo: 22644
+.. date: 8353
+.. nonce: gosBki
+.. section: Windows
+The bundled version of OpenSSL has been updated to 1.0.1j.
+.. bpo: 10747
+.. date: 8352
+.. nonce: LTWhLn
+.. section: Windows
+Use versioned labels in the Windows start menu. Patch by Olive Kilburn.
+.. bpo: 22980
+.. date: 8351
+.. nonce: -UypE5
+.. section: Windows
+.pyd files with a version and platform tag (for example, ".cp35-win32.pyd")
+will now be loaded in preference to those without tags.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0a2.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0a2.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..80bf9e8e556
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0a2.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+.. bpo: 23571
+.. date: 8990
+.. nonce: GTkAkq
+.. release date: 2015-03-09
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+PyObject_Call() and PyCFunction_Call() now raise a SystemError if a function
+returns a result and raises an exception. The SystemError is chained to the
+previous exception.
+.. bpo: 22524
+.. date: 8989
+.. nonce: Ks6_2x
+.. section: Library
+New os.scandir() function, part of the PEP 471: "os.scandir() function -- a
+better and faster directory iterator". Patch written by Ben Hoyt.
+.. bpo: 23103
+.. date: 8988
+.. nonce: I3RLIV
+.. section: Library
+Reduced the memory consumption of IPv4Address and IPv6Address.
+.. bpo: 21793
+.. date: 8987
+.. nonce: GQtYMM
+.. section: Library
+BaseHTTPRequestHandler again logs response code as numeric, not as
+stringified enum.  Patch by Demian Brecht.
+.. bpo: 23476
+.. date: 8986
+.. nonce: 82QV9I
+.. section: Library
+In the ssl module, enable OpenSSL's X509_V_FLAG_TRUSTED_FIRST flag on
+certificate stores when it is available.
+.. bpo: 23576
+.. date: 8985
+.. nonce: 98F-PP
+.. section: Library
+Avoid stalling in SSL reads when EOF has been reached in the SSL layer but
+the underlying connection hasn't been closed.
+.. bpo: 23504
+.. date: 8984
+.. nonce: o31h5I
+.. section: Library
+Added an __all__ to the types module.
+.. bpo: 23563
+.. date: 8983
+.. nonce: iQB-ba
+.. section: Library
+Optimized utility functions in urllib.parse.
+.. bpo: 7830
+.. date: 8982
+.. nonce: irvPdC
+.. section: Library
+Flatten nested functools.partial.
+.. bpo: 20204
+.. date: 8981
+.. nonce: DorA4b
+.. section: Library
+Added the __module__ attribute to _tkinter classes.
+.. bpo: 19980
+.. date: 8980
+.. nonce: whwzL_
+.. section: Library
+Improved help() for non-recognized strings.  help('') now shows the help on
+str.  help('help') now shows the help on help(). Original patch by Mark
+.. bpo: 23521
+.. date: 8979
+.. nonce: HvwFfd
+.. section: Library
+Corrected pure python implementation of timedelta division.
+Eliminated OverflowError from ``timedelta * float`` for some floats;
+Corrected rounding in timedlta true division.
+.. bpo: 21619
+.. date: 8978
+.. nonce: uL0SZh
+.. section: Library
+Popen objects no longer leave a zombie after exit in the with statement if
+the pipe was broken.  Patch by Martin Panter.
+.. bpo: 22936
+.. date: 8977
+.. nonce: JrhGYd
+.. section: Library
+Make it possible to show local variables in tracebacks for both the
+traceback module and unittest.
+.. bpo: 15955
+.. date: 8976
+.. nonce: _8nYPy
+.. section: Library
+Add an option to limit the output size in bz2.decompress(). Patch by
+Nikolaus Rath.
+.. bpo: 6639
+.. date: 8975
+.. nonce: rmjUmG
+.. section: Library
+Module-level turtle functions no longer raise TclError after closing the
+.. bpo: 814253
+.. date: 8974
+.. nonce: icZb-I
+.. section: Library
+Group references and conditional group references now work in lookbehind
+assertions in regular expressions. (See also: bpo-9179)
+.. bpo: 23215
+.. date: 8973
+.. nonce: VHVSVX
+.. section: Library
+Multibyte codecs with custom error handlers that ignores errors consumed too
+much memory and raised SystemError or MemoryError. Original patch by Aleksi
+.. bpo: 5700
+.. date: 8972
+.. nonce: iA5yzL
+.. section: Library
+io.FileIO() called flush() after closing the file. flush() was not called in
+close() if closefd=False.
+.. bpo: 23374
+.. date: 8971
+.. nonce: 8A9LuZ
+.. section: Library
+Fixed pydoc failure with non-ASCII files when stdout encoding differs from
+file system encoding (e.g. on Mac OS).
+.. bpo: 23481
+.. date: 8970
+.. nonce: ZWwliG
+.. section: Library
+Remove RC4 from the SSL module's default cipher list.
+.. bpo: 21548
+.. date: 8969
+.. nonce: CmO_Yh
+.. section: Library
+Fix pydoc.synopsis() and pydoc.apropos() on modules with empty docstrings.
+.. bpo: 22885
+.. date: 8968
+.. nonce: p8FnYk
+.. section: Library
+Fixed arbitrary code execution vulnerability in the dbm.dumb module.
+Original patch by Claudiu Popa.
+.. bpo: 23239
+.. date: 8967
+.. nonce: PGUq7T
+.. section: Library
+ssl.match_hostname() now supports matching of IP addresses.
+.. bpo: 23146
+.. date: 8966
+.. nonce: PW-O3u
+.. section: Library
+Fix mishandling of absolute Windows paths with forward slashes in pathlib.
+.. bpo: 23096
+.. date: 8965
+.. nonce: Ftrmf3
+.. section: Library
+Pickle representation of floats with protocol 0 now is the same for both
+Python and C implementations.
+.. bpo: 19105
+.. date: 8964
+.. nonce: ZK07Ff
+.. section: Library
+pprint now more efficiently uses free space at the right.
+.. bpo: 14910
+.. date: 8963
+.. nonce: zueIhP
+.. section: Library
+Add allow_abbrev parameter to argparse.ArgumentParser. Patch by Jonathan
+Paugh, Steven Bethard, paul j3 and Daniel Eriksson.
+.. bpo: 21717
+.. date: 8962
+.. nonce: Knut81
+.. section: Library
+tarfile.open() now supports 'x' (exclusive creation) mode.
+.. bpo: 23344
+.. date: 8961
+.. nonce: ieu8C1
+.. section: Library
+marshal.dumps() is now 20-25% faster on average.
+.. bpo: 20416
+.. date: 8960
+.. nonce: cwEgkL
+.. section: Library
+marshal.dumps() with protocols 3 and 4 is now 40-50% faster on average.
+.. bpo: 23421
+.. date: 8959
+.. nonce: eckzoV
+.. section: Library
+Fixed compression in tarfile CLI.  Patch by wdv4758h.
+.. bpo: 23367
+.. date: 8958
+.. nonce: kHnFiz
+.. section: Library
+Fix possible overflows in the unicodedata module.
+.. bpo: 23361
+.. date: 8957
+.. nonce: I_w0-z
+.. section: Library
+Fix possible overflow in Windows subprocess creation code.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 8956
+.. nonce: sfmjTs
+.. section: Library
+logging.handlers.QueueListener now takes a respect_handler_level keyword
+argument which, if set to True, will pass messages to handlers taking
+handler levels into account.
+.. bpo: 19705
+.. date: 8955
+.. nonce: WLzTRV
+.. section: Library
+turtledemo now has a visual sorting algorithm demo.  Original patch from
+Jason Yeo.
+.. bpo: 23801
+.. date: 8954
+.. nonce: jyJK3z
+.. section: Library
+Fix issue where cgi.FieldStorage did not always ignore the entire preamble
+to a multipart body.
+.. bpo: 23445
+.. date: 8953
+.. nonce: 7fmkYO
+.. section: Build
+pydebug builds now use "gcc -Og" where possible, to make the resulting
+executable faster.
+.. bpo: 23686
+.. date: 8952
+.. nonce: B7jDXY
+.. section: Build
+Update OS X 10.5 installer build to use OpenSSL 1.0.2a.
+.. bpo: 20204
+.. date: 8951
+.. nonce: M_jcNK
+.. section: C API
+Deprecation warning is now raised for builtin types without the __module__
+.. bpo: 23465
+.. date: 8950
+.. nonce: qBauCy
+.. section: Windows
+Implement PEP 486 - Make the Python Launcher aware of virtual environments.
+Patch by Paul Moore.
+.. bpo: 23437
+.. date: 8949
+.. nonce: ro9X8r
+.. section: Windows
+Make user scripts directory versioned on Windows. Patch by Paul Moore.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0a3.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0a3.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2c62799dab6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0a3.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
+.. bpo: 23573
+.. date: 9042
+.. nonce: ZpM4D-
+.. release date: 2015-03-28
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Increased performance of string search operations (str.find, str.index,
+str.count, the in operator, str.split, str.partition) with arguments of
+different kinds (UCS1, UCS2, UCS4).
+.. bpo: 23753
+.. date: 9041
+.. nonce: CREjLC
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Python doesn't support anymore platforms without stat() or fstat(), these
+functions are always required.
+.. bpo: 23681
+.. date: 9040
+.. nonce: kh02TF
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+The -b option now affects comparisons of bytes with int.
+.. bpo: 23632
+.. date: 9039
+.. nonce: UVdIZY
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Memoryviews now allow tuple indexing (including for multi-dimensional
+.. bpo: 23192
+.. date: 9038
+.. nonce: QKqdow
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fixed generator lambdas.  Patch by Bruno Cauet.
+.. bpo: 23629
+.. date: 9037
+.. nonce: r9Mt2C
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix the default __sizeof__ implementation for variable-sized objects.
+.. bpo: 14260
+.. date: 9036
+.. nonce: b5M04V
+.. section: Library
+The groupindex attribute of regular expression pattern object now is non-
+modifiable mapping.
+.. bpo: 23792
+.. date: 9035
+.. nonce: Kfm9-f
+.. section: Library
+Ignore KeyboardInterrupt when the pydoc pager is active. This mimics the
+behavior of the standard unix pagers, and prevents pipepager from shutting
+down while the pager itself is still running.
+.. bpo: 23775
+.. date: 9034
+.. nonce: xKGrSQ
+.. section: Library
+pprint() of OrderedDict now outputs the same representation as repr().
+.. bpo: 23765
+.. date: 9033
+.. nonce: 2ta_C4
+.. section: Library
+Removed IsBadStringPtr calls in ctypes
+.. bpo: 22364
+.. date: 9032
+.. nonce: ejtoKl
+.. section: Library
+Improved some re error messages using regex for hints.
+.. bpo: 23742
+.. date: 9031
+.. nonce: _EkAIa
+.. section: Library
+ntpath.expandvars() no longer loses unbalanced single quotes.
+.. bpo: 21717
+.. date: 9030
+.. nonce: pKndpx
+.. section: Library
+The zipfile.ZipFile.open function now supports 'x' (exclusive creation)
+.. bpo: 21802
+.. date: 9029
+.. nonce: ygSM2A
+.. section: Library
+The reader in BufferedRWPair now is closed even when closing writer failed
+in BufferedRWPair.close().
+.. bpo: 23622
+.. date: 9028
+.. nonce: 9-ZRqj
+.. section: Library
+Unknown escapes in regular expressions that consist of ``'\'`` and ASCII
+letter now raise a deprecation warning and will be forbidden in Python 3.6.
+.. bpo: 23671
+.. date: 9027
+.. nonce: zWPm-a
+.. section: Library
+string.Template now allows specifying the "self" parameter as a keyword
+argument.  string.Formatter now allows specifying the "self" and the
+"format_string" parameters as keyword arguments.
+.. bpo: 23502
+.. date: 9026
+.. nonce: AH20IQ
+.. section: Library
+The pprint module now supports mapping proxies.
+.. bpo: 17530
+.. date: 9025
+.. nonce: PUp8rL
+.. section: Library
+pprint now wraps long bytes objects and bytearrays.
+.. bpo: 22687
+.. date: 9024
+.. nonce: zEJPd9
+.. section: Library
+Fixed some corner cases in breaking words in tetxtwrap. Got rid of quadratic
+complexity in breaking long words.
+.. bpo: 4727
+.. date: 9023
+.. nonce: iDQSpi
+.. section: Library
+The copy module now uses pickle protocol 4 (PEP 3154) and supports copying
+of instances of classes whose __new__ method takes keyword-only arguments.
+.. bpo: 23491
+.. date: 9022
+.. nonce: P_WKrt
+.. section: Library
+Added a zipapp module to support creating executable zip file archives of
+Python code. Registered ".pyz" and ".pyzw" extensions on Windows for these
+archives (PEP 441).
+.. bpo: 23657
+.. date: 9021
+.. nonce: y1OaV-
+.. section: Library
+Avoid explicit checks for str in zipapp, adding support for pathlib.Path
+objects as arguments.
+.. bpo: 23688
+.. date: 9020
+.. nonce: d6LVy3
+.. section: Library
+Added support of arbitrary bytes-like objects and avoided unnecessary
+copying of memoryview in gzip.GzipFile.write(). Original patch by Wolfgang
+.. bpo: 23252
+.. date: 9019
+.. nonce: Goi18g
+.. section: Library
+Added support for writing ZIP files to unseekable streams.
+.. bpo: 23647
+.. date: 9018
+.. nonce: pX2qrx
+.. section: Library
+Increase impalib's MAXLINE to accommodate modern mailbox sizes.
+.. bpo: 23539
+.. date: 9017
+.. nonce: 5BVUim
+.. section: Library
+If body is None, http.client.HTTPConnection.request now sets Content-Length
+to 0 for PUT, POST, and PATCH headers to avoid 411 errors from some web
+.. bpo: 22351
+.. date: 9016
+.. nonce: agB8Y3
+.. section: Library
+The nntplib.NNTP constructor no longer leaves the connection and socket open
+until the garbage collector cleans them up.  Patch by Martin Panter.
+.. bpo: 23704
+.. date: 9015
+.. nonce: LTyyxL
+.. section: Library
+collections.deque() objects now support methods for index(), insert(), and
+copy().  This allows deques to be registered as a MutableSequence and it
+improves their substitutability for lists.
+.. bpo: 23715
+.. date: 9014
+.. nonce: Yap3tU
+.. section: Library
+:func:`signal.sigwaitinfo` and :func:`signal.sigtimedwait` are now retried
+when interrupted by a signal not in the *sigset* parameter, if the signal
+handler does not raise an exception. signal.sigtimedwait() recomputes the
+timeout with a monotonic clock when it is retried.
+.. bpo: 23001
+.. date: 9013
+.. nonce: YSFnam
+.. section: Library
+Few functions in modules mmap, ossaudiodev, socket, ssl, and codecs, that
+accepted only read-only bytes-like object now accept writable bytes-like
+object too.
+.. bpo: 23646
+.. date: 9012
+.. nonce: Tljc1S
+.. section: Library
+If time.sleep() is interrupted by a signal, the sleep is now retried with
+the recomputed delay, except if the signal handler raises an exception (PEP
+.. bpo: 23136
+.. date: 9011
+.. nonce: 1bnpnb
+.. section: Library
+_strptime now uniformly handles all days in week 0, including Dec 30 of
+previous year.  Based on patch by Jim Carroll.
+.. bpo: 23700
+.. date: 9010
+.. nonce: VfnWwi
+.. section: Library
+Iterator of NamedTemporaryFile now keeps a reference to NamedTemporaryFile
+instance.  Patch by Bohuslav Kabrda.
+.. bpo: 22903
+.. date: 9009
+.. nonce: 2GjTHY
+.. section: Library
+The fake test case created by unittest.loader when it fails importing a test
+module is now picklable.
+.. bpo: 22181
+.. date: 9008
+.. nonce: 7mnxea
+.. section: Library
+On Linux, os.urandom() now uses the new getrandom() syscall if available,
+syscall introduced in the Linux kernel 3.17. It is more reliable and more
+secure, because it avoids the need of a file descriptor and waits until the
+kernel has enough entropy.
+.. bpo: 2211
+.. date: 9007
+.. nonce: 17Iz5U
+.. section: Library
+Updated the implementation of the http.cookies.Morsel class. Setting
+attributes key, value and coded_value directly now is deprecated. update()
+and setdefault() now transform and check keys.  Comparing for equality now
+takes into account attributes key, value and coded_value. copy() now returns
+a Morsel, not a dict.  repr() now contains all attributes. Optimized
+checking keys and quoting values.  Added new tests. Original patch by Demian
+.. bpo: 18983
+.. date: 9006
+.. nonce: vF4i2S
+.. section: Library
+Allow selection of output units in timeit. Patch by Julian Gindi.
+.. bpo: 23631
+.. date: 9005
+.. nonce: GfSqNI
+.. section: Library
+Fix traceback.format_list when a traceback has been mutated.
+.. bpo: 23568
+.. date: 9004
+.. nonce: ffzJc7
+.. section: Library
+Add rdivmod support to MagicMock() objects. Patch by Håkan Lövdahl.
+.. bpo: 2052
+.. date: 9003
+.. nonce: ujNgna
+.. section: Library
+Add charset parameter to HtmlDiff.make_file().
+.. bpo: 23668
+.. date: 9002
+.. nonce: nF_jnN
+.. section: Library
+Support os.truncate and os.ftruncate on Windows.
+.. bpo: 23138
+.. date: 9001
+.. nonce: 4vMoMZ
+.. section: Library
+Fixed parsing cookies with absent keys or values in cookiejar. Patch by
+Demian Brecht.
+.. bpo: 23051
+.. date: 9000
+.. nonce: Vi5tCZ
+.. section: Library
+multiprocessing.Pool methods imap() and imap_unordered() now handle
+exceptions raised by an iterator.  Patch by Alon Diamant and Davin Potts.
+.. bpo: 23581
+.. date: 8999
+.. nonce: D4Lknl
+.. section: Library
+Add matmul support to MagicMock. Patch by Håkan Lövdahl.
+.. bpo: 23566
+.. date: 8998
+.. nonce: F6LSyk
+.. section: Library
+enable(), register(), dump_traceback() and dump_traceback_later() functions
+of faulthandler now accept file descriptors. Patch by Wei Wu.
+.. bpo: 22928
+.. date: 8997
+.. nonce: q2TmY0
+.. section: Library
+Disabled HTTP header injections in http.client. Original patch by Demian
+.. bpo: 23615
+.. date: 8996
+.. nonce: 5Kx9k5
+.. section: Library
+Modules bz2, tarfile and tokenize now can be reloaded with imp.reload().
+Patch by Thomas Kluyver.
+.. bpo: 23605
+.. date: 8995
+.. nonce: JUOA_X
+.. section: Library
+os.walk() now calls os.scandir() instead of os.listdir(). The usage of
+os.scandir() reduces the number of calls to os.stat(). Initial patch written
+by Ben Hoyt.
+.. bpo: 23585
+.. date: 8994
+.. nonce: DTIIoI
+.. section: Build
+make patchcheck will ensure the interpreter is built.
+.. bpo: 23583
+.. date: 8993
+.. nonce: bY8AbM
+.. section: Tests
+Added tests for standard IO streams in IDLE.
+.. bpo: 22289
+.. date: 8992
+.. nonce: ybGcC-
+.. section: Tests
+Prevent test_urllib2net failures due to ftp connection timeout.
+.. bpo: 22826
+.. date: 8991
+.. nonce: 3bcoDL
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+The result of open() in Tools/freeze/bkfile.py is now better compatible with
+regular files (in particular it now supports the context management
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0a4.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0a4.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9b162bb5f86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0a4.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,665 @@
+.. bpo: 22980
+.. date: 9109
+.. nonce: Lu_y6y
+.. release date: 2015-04-19
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Under Linux, GNU/KFreeBSD and the Hurd, C extensions now include the
+architecture triplet in the extension name, to make it easy to test builds
+for different ABIs in the same working tree.  Under OS X, the extension name
+now includes PEP 3149-style information.
+.. bpo: 22631
+.. date: 9108
+.. nonce: nTx_ZF
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Added Linux-specific socket constant CAN_RAW_FD_FRAMES. Patch courtesy of
+Joe Jevnik.
+.. bpo: 23731
+.. date: 9107
+.. nonce: FOXb37
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Implement PEP 488: removal of .pyo files.
+.. bpo: 23726
+.. date: 9106
+.. nonce: ZopTQ0
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Don't enable GC for user subclasses of non-GC types that don't add any new
+fields.  Patch by Eugene Toder.
+.. bpo: 23309
+.. date: 9105
+.. nonce: Wfnsnz
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Avoid a deadlock at shutdown if a daemon thread is aborted while it is
+holding a lock to a buffered I/O object, and the main thread tries to use
+the same I/O object (typically stdout or stderr).  A fatal error is emitted
+.. bpo: 22977
+.. date: 9104
+.. nonce: hutEse
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fixed formatting Windows error messages on Wine. Patch by Martin Panter.
+.. bpo: 23466
+.. date: 9103
+.. nonce: KhMltK
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+%c, %o, %x, and %X in bytes formatting now raise TypeError on non-integer
+.. bpo: 24044
+.. date: 9102
+.. nonce: H7vb6-
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix possible null pointer dereference in list.sort in out of memory
+.. bpo: 21354
+.. date: 9101
+.. nonce: ZZTe1E
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+PyCFunction_New function is exposed by python DLL again.
+.. bpo: 23840
+.. date: 9100
+.. nonce: mtSbqO
+.. section: Library
+tokenize.open() now closes the temporary binary file on error to fix a
+resource warning.
+.. bpo: 16914
+.. date: 9099
+.. nonce: GrP2Jr
+.. section: Library
+new debuglevel 2 in smtplib adds timestamps to debug output.
+.. bpo: 7159
+.. date: 9098
+.. nonce: KCgOUm
+.. section: Library
+urllib.request now supports sending auth credentials automatically after the
+first 401.  This enhancement is a superset of the enhancement from issue
+#19494 and supersedes that change.
+.. bpo: 23703
+.. date: 9097
+.. nonce: kYybxm
+.. section: Library
+Fix a regression in urljoin() introduced in 901e4e52b20a. Patch by Demian
+.. bpo: 4254
+.. date: 9096
+.. nonce: eUC_2H
+.. section: Library
+Adds _curses.update_lines_cols().  Patch by Arnon Yaari
+.. bpo: 19933
+.. date: 9095
+.. nonce: Qq8utk
+.. section: Library
+Provide default argument for ndigits in round. Patch by Vajrasky Kok.
+.. bpo: 23193
+.. date: 9094
+.. nonce: n5ahcG
+.. section: Library
+Add a numeric_owner parameter to tarfile.TarFile.extract and
+tarfile.TarFile.extractall. Patch by Michael Vogt and Eric Smith.
+.. bpo: 23342
+.. date: 9093
+.. nonce: CbSzYI
+.. section: Library
+Add a subprocess.run() function than returns a CalledProcess instance for a
+more consistent API than the existing call* functions.
+.. bpo: 21217
+.. date: 9092
+.. nonce: TkFTlk
+.. section: Library
+inspect.getsourcelines() now tries to compute the start and end lines from
+the code object, fixing an issue when a lambda function is used as decorator
+argument. Patch by Thomas Ballinger and Allison Kaptur.
+.. bpo: 24521
+.. date: 9091
+.. nonce: bn4U-y
+.. section: Library
+Fix possible integer overflows in the pickle module.
+.. bpo: 22931
+.. date: 9090
+.. nonce: 4CuWYD
+.. section: Library
+Allow '[' and ']' in cookie values.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 9089
+.. nonce: fgX8Qe
+.. section: Library
+The keywords attribute of functools.partial is now always a dictionary.
+.. bpo: 23811
+.. date: 9088
+.. nonce: B6tzf9
+.. section: Library
+Add missing newline to the PyCompileError error message. Patch by Alex
+.. bpo: 21116
+.. date: 9087
+.. nonce: Orft3K
+.. section: Library
+Avoid blowing memory when allocating a multiprocessing shared array that's
+larger than 50% of the available RAM.  Patch by Médéric Boquien.
+.. bpo: 22982
+.. date: 9086
+.. nonce: xYmG62
+.. section: Library
+Improve BOM handling when seeking to multiple positions of a writable text
+.. bpo: 23464
+.. date: 9085
+.. nonce: _XGkBk
+.. section: Library
+Removed deprecated asyncio JoinableQueue.
+.. bpo: 23529
+.. date: 9084
+.. nonce: Hr7AHH
+.. section: Library
+Limit the size of decompressed data when reading from GzipFile, BZ2File or
+LZMAFile.  This defeats denial of service attacks using compressed bombs
+(i.e. compressed payloads which decompress to a huge size).  Patch by Martin
+Panter and Nikolaus Rath.
+.. bpo: 21859
+.. date: 9083
+.. nonce: GYrUNP
+.. section: Library
+Added Python implementation of io.FileIO.
+.. bpo: 23865
+.. date: 9082
+.. nonce: PtSLgU
+.. section: Library
+close() methods in multiple modules now are idempotent and more robust at
+shutdown. If they need to release multiple resources, all are released even
+if errors occur.
+.. bpo: 23400
+.. date: 9081
+.. nonce: JSh9Z3
+.. section: Library
+Raise same exception on both Python 2 and 3 if sem_open is not available.
+Patch by Davin Potts.
+.. bpo: 10838
+.. date: 9080
+.. nonce: p9tSPC
+.. section: Library
+The subprocess now module includes SubprocessError and TimeoutError in its
+list of exported names for the users wild enough to use ``from subprocess
+import *``.
+.. bpo: 23411
+.. date: 9079
+.. nonce: 0im3Qw
+.. section: Library
+Added DefragResult, ParseResult, SplitResult, DefragResultBytes,
+ParseResultBytes, and SplitResultBytes to urllib.parse.__all__. Patch by
+Martin Panter.
+.. bpo: 23881
+.. date: 9078
+.. nonce: yZjl4b
+.. section: Library
+urllib.request.ftpwrapper constructor now closes the socket if the FTP
+connection failed to fix a ResourceWarning.
+.. bpo: 23853
+.. date: 9077
+.. nonce: mNY1eI
+.. section: Library
+:meth:`socket.socket.sendall` does no more reset the socket timeout each
+time data is sent successfully. The socket timeout is now the maximum total
+duration to send all data.
+.. bpo: 22721
+.. date: 9076
+.. nonce: MVfBL9
+.. section: Library
+An order of multiline pprint output of set or dict containing orderable and
+non-orderable elements no longer depends on iteration order of set or dict.
+.. bpo: 15133
+.. date: 9075
+.. nonce: C0QfV8
+.. section: Library
+_tkinter.tkapp.getboolean() now supports Tcl_Obj and always returns bool.
+tkinter.BooleanVar now validates input values (accepted bool, int, str, and
+Tcl_Obj).  tkinter.BooleanVar.get() now always returns bool.
+.. bpo: 10590
+.. date: 9074
+.. nonce: nkxXfU
+.. section: Library
+xml.sax.parseString() now supports string argument.
+.. bpo: 23338
+.. date: 9073
+.. nonce: ZYMGN1
+.. section: Library
+Fixed formatting ctypes error messages on Cygwin. Patch by Makoto Kato.
+.. bpo: 15582
+.. date: 9072
+.. nonce: 26wJNk
+.. section: Library
+inspect.getdoc() now follows inheritance chains.
+.. bpo: 2175
+.. date: 9071
+.. nonce: cHiVOp
+.. section: Library
+SAX parsers now support a character stream of InputSource object.
+.. bpo: 16840
+.. date: 9070
+.. nonce: kKIhPm
+.. section: Library
+Tkinter now supports 64-bit integers added in Tcl 8.4 and arbitrary
+precision integers added in Tcl 8.5.
+.. bpo: 23834
+.. date: 9069
+.. nonce: fX3TF4
+.. section: Library
+Fix socket.sendto(), use the C Py_ssize_t type to store the result of
+sendto() instead of the C int type.
+.. bpo: 23618
+.. date: 9068
+.. nonce: Of_q5t
+.. section: Library
+:meth:`socket.socket.connect` now waits until the connection completes
+instead of raising :exc:`InterruptedError` if the connection is interrupted
+by signals, signal handlers don't raise an exception and the socket is
+blocking or has a timeout. :meth:`socket.socket.connect` still raise
+:exc:`InterruptedError` for non-blocking sockets.
+.. bpo: 21526
+.. date: 9067
+.. nonce: QQEXrR
+.. section: Library
+Tkinter now supports new boolean type in Tcl 8.5.
+.. bpo: 23836
+.. date: 9066
+.. nonce: zrEmlR
+.. section: Library
+Fix the faulthandler module to handle reentrant calls to its signal
+.. bpo: 23838
+.. date: 9065
+.. nonce: IX6FPX
+.. section: Library
+linecache now clears the cache and returns an empty result on MemoryError.
+.. bpo: 10395
+.. date: 9064
+.. nonce: fi_lZp
+.. section: Library
+Added os.path.commonpath(). Implemented in posixpath and ntpath. Based on
+patch by Rafik Draoui.
+.. bpo: 23611
+.. date: 9063
+.. nonce: QkBJVB
+.. section: Library
+Serializing more "lookupable" objects (such as unbound methods or nested
+classes) now are supported with pickle protocols < 4.
+.. bpo: 13583
+.. date: 9062
+.. nonce: -MPBjZ
+.. section: Library
+sqlite3.Row now supports slice indexing.
+.. bpo: 18473
+.. date: 9061
+.. nonce: 89RHm-
+.. section: Library
+Fixed 2to3 and 3to2 compatible pickle mappings.  Fixed ambigious reverse
+mappings.  Added many new mappings.  Import mapping is no longer applied to
+modules already mapped with full name mapping.
+.. bpo: 23485
+.. date: 9060
+.. nonce: kQWN6L
+.. section: Library
+select.select() is now retried automatically with the recomputed timeout
+when interrupted by a signal, except if the signal handler raises an
+exception. This change is part of the PEP 475.
+.. bpo: 23752
+.. date: 9059
+.. nonce: 5fbVNb
+.. section: Library
+When built from an existing file descriptor, io.FileIO() now only calls
+fstat() once. Before fstat() was called twice, which was not necessary.
+.. bpo: 23704
+.. date: 9058
+.. nonce: Ggjvm8
+.. section: Library
+collections.deque() objects now support __add__, __mul__, and __imul__().
+.. bpo: 23171
+.. date: 9057
+.. nonce: b6PBzM
+.. section: Library
+csv.Writer.writerow() now supports arbitrary iterables.
+.. bpo: 23745
+.. date: 9056
+.. nonce: E00Bml
+.. section: Library
+The new email header parser now handles duplicate MIME parameter names
+without error, similar to how get_param behaves.
+.. bpo: 22117
+.. date: 9055
+.. nonce: bTO0xx
+.. section: Library
+Fix os.utime(), it now rounds the timestamp towards minus infinity (-inf)
+instead of rounding towards zero.
+.. bpo: 23310
+.. date: 9054
+.. nonce: GXmFMR
+.. section: Library
+Fix MagicMock's initializer to work with __methods__, just like
+configure_mock().  Patch by Kasia Jachim.
+.. bpo: 23817
+.. date: 9053
+.. nonce: DTmVan
+.. section: Build
+FreeBSD now uses "1.0" in the SOVERSION as other operating systems, instead
+of just "1".
+.. bpo: 23501
+.. date: 9052
+.. nonce: iz10e6
+.. section: Build
+Argument Clinic now generates code into separate files by default.
+.. bpo: 23799
+.. date: 9051
+.. nonce: XU2xDw
+.. section: Tests
+Added test.support.start_threads() for running and cleaning up multiple
+.. bpo: 22390
+.. date: 9050
+.. nonce: UPVFnq
+.. section: Tests
+test.regrtest now emits a warning if temporary files or directories are left
+after running a test.
+.. bpo: 18128
+.. date: 9049
+.. nonce: lx2V5a
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+pygettext now uses standard +NNNN format in the POT-Creation-Date header.
+.. bpo: 23935
+.. date: 9048
+.. nonce: JSYowT
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Argument Clinic's understanding of format units accepting bytes, bytearrays,
+and buffers is now consistent with both the documentation and the
+.. bpo: 23944
+.. date: 9047
+.. nonce: Q8ZL2s
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Argument Clinic now wraps long impl prototypes at column 78.
+.. bpo: 20586
+.. date: 9046
+.. nonce: 7BiEkx
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Argument Clinic now ensures that functions without docstrings have
+.. bpo: 23492
+.. date: 9045
+.. nonce: kjIcQW
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Argument Clinic now generates argument parsing code with PyArg_Parse instead
+of PyArg_ParseTuple if possible.
+.. bpo: 23500
+.. date: 9044
+.. nonce: H6_dX_
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Argument Clinic is now smarter about generating the "#ifndef" (empty)
+definition of the methoddef macro: it's only generated once, even if
+Argument Clinic processes the same symbol multiple times, and it's emitted
+at the end of all processing rather than immediately after the first use.
+.. bpo: 23998
+.. date: 9043
+.. nonce: z7mlLW
+.. section: C API
+PyImport_ReInitLock() now checks for lock allocation error
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0b1.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0b1.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..edecd79f15d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0b1.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,848 @@
+.. bpo: 24276
+.. date: 9197
+.. nonce: awsxJJ
+.. release date: 2015-05-24
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fixed optimization of property descriptor getter.
+.. bpo: 24268
+.. date: 9196
+.. nonce: nS7uea
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+PEP 489: Multi-phase extension module initialization. Patch by Petr
+.. bpo: 23955
+.. date: 9195
+.. nonce: hBHSaU
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Add pyvenv.cfg option to suppress registry/environment lookup for generating
+sys.path on Windows.
+.. bpo: 24257
+.. date: 9194
+.. nonce: UBxshR
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fixed system error in the comparison of faked types.SimpleNamespace.
+.. bpo: 22939
+.. date: 9193
+.. nonce: DWA9ls
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fixed integer overflow in iterator object.  Patch by Clement Rouault.
+.. bpo: 23985
+.. date: 9192
+.. nonce: eezPxO
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix a possible buffer overrun when deleting a slice from the front of a
+bytearray and then appending some other bytes data.
+.. bpo: 24102
+.. date: 9191
+.. nonce: 9T6h3m
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fixed exception type checking in standard error handlers.
+.. bpo: 15027
+.. date: 9190
+.. nonce: wi9sCd
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+The UTF-32 encoder is now 3x to 7x faster.
+.. bpo: 23290
+.. date: 9189
+.. nonce: 57aqLU
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Optimize set_merge() for cases where the target is empty. (Contributed by
+Serhiy Storchaka.)
+.. bpo: 2292
+.. date: 9188
+.. nonce: h4sibO
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+PEP 448: Additional Unpacking Generalizations.
+.. bpo: 24096
+.. date: 9187
+.. nonce: a_Rap7
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Make warnings.warn_explicit more robust against mutation of the
+warnings.filters list.
+.. bpo: 23996
+.. date: 9186
+.. nonce: znqcT8
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Avoid a crash when a delegated generator raises an unnormalized
+StopIteration exception.  Patch by Stefan Behnel.
+.. bpo: 23910
+.. date: 9185
+.. nonce: _gDzaj
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Optimize property() getter calls.  Patch by Joe Jevnik.
+.. bpo: 23911
+.. date: 9184
+.. nonce: 0FnTHk
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Move path-based importlib bootstrap code to a separate frozen module.
+.. bpo: 24192
+.. date: 9183
+.. nonce: 6ZxJ_R
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix namespace package imports.
+.. bpo: 24022
+.. date: 9182
+.. nonce: 1l8YBm
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix tokenizer crash when processing undecodable source code.
+.. bpo: 9951
+.. date: 9181
+.. nonce: wGztNC
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Added a hex() method to bytes, bytearray, and memoryview.
+.. bpo: 22906
+.. date: 9180
+.. nonce: WN_kQ6
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+PEP 479: Change StopIteration handling inside generators.
+.. bpo: 24017
+.. date: 9179
+.. nonce: QJa1SC
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+PEP 492: Coroutines with async and await syntax.
+.. bpo: 14373
+.. date: 9178
+.. nonce: 0sk6kE
+.. section: Library
+Added C implementation of functools.lru_cache().  Based on patches by Matt
+Joiner and Alexey Kachayev.
+.. bpo: 24230
+.. date: 9177
+.. nonce: b-kgme
+.. section: Library
+The tempfile module now accepts bytes for prefix, suffix and dir parameters
+and returns bytes in such situations (matching the os module APIs).
+.. bpo: 22189
+.. date: 9176
+.. nonce: 8epgat
+.. section: Library
+collections.UserString now supports __getnewargs__(), __rmod__(),
+casefold(), format_map(), isprintable(), and maketrans(). Patch by Joe
+.. bpo: 24244
+.. date: 9175
+.. nonce: OKE_3R
+.. section: Library
+Prevents termination when an invalid format string is encountered on Windows
+in strftime.
+.. bpo: 23973
+.. date: 9174
+.. nonce: EK6awi
+.. section: Library
+PEP 484: Add the typing module.
+.. bpo: 23086
+.. date: 9173
+.. nonce: Aix6Nv
+.. section: Library
+The collections.abc.Sequence() abstract base class added *start* and *stop*
+parameters to the index() mixin. Patch by Devin Jeanpierre.
+.. bpo: 20035
+.. date: 9172
+.. nonce: UNZzw6
+.. section: Library
+Replaced the ``tkinter._fix`` module used for setting up the Tcl/Tk
+environment on Windows with a private function in the ``_tkinter`` module
+that makes no permanent changes to the environment.
+.. bpo: 24257
+.. date: 9171
+.. nonce: L_efq0
+.. section: Library
+Fixed segmentation fault in sqlite3.Row constructor with faked cursor type.
+.. bpo: 15836
+.. date: 9170
+.. nonce: gU3Rmx
+.. section: Library
+assertRaises(), assertRaisesRegex(), assertWarns() and assertWarnsRegex()
+assertments now check the type of the first argument to prevent possible
+user error.  Based on patch by Daniel Wagner-Hall.
+.. bpo: 9858
+.. date: 9169
+.. nonce: uke9pa
+.. section: Library
+Add missing method stubs to _io.RawIOBase.  Patch by Laura Rupprecht.
+.. bpo: 22955
+.. date: 9168
+.. nonce: Jw_B9_
+.. section: Library
+attrgetter, itemgetter and methodcaller objects in the operator module now
+support pickling.  Added readable and evaluable repr for these objects.
+Based on patch by Josh Rosenberg.
+.. bpo: 22107
+.. date: 9167
+.. nonce: 2F8k4W
+.. section: Library
+tempfile.gettempdir() and tempfile.mkdtemp() now try again when a directory
+with the chosen name already exists on Windows as well as on Unix.
+tempfile.mkstemp() now fails early if parent directory is not valid (not
+exists or is a file) on Windows.
+.. bpo: 23780
+.. date: 9166
+.. nonce: jFPVcN
+.. section: Library
+Improved error message in os.path.join() with single argument.
+.. bpo: 6598
+.. date: 9165
+.. nonce: JdZNDt
+.. section: Library
+Increased time precision and random number range in email.utils.make_msgid()
+to strengthen the uniqueness of the message ID.
+.. bpo: 24091
+.. date: 9164
+.. nonce: Jw0-wj
+.. section: Library
+Fixed various crashes in corner cases in C implementation of ElementTree.
+.. bpo: 21931
+.. date: 9163
+.. nonce: t6lGxY
+.. section: Library
+msilib.FCICreate() now raises TypeError in the case of a bad argument
+instead of a ValueError with a bogus FCI error number. Patch by Jeffrey
+.. bpo: 13866
+.. date: 9162
+.. nonce: n5NAj0
+.. section: Library
+*quote_via* argument added to urllib.parse.urlencode.
+.. bpo: 20098
+.. date: 9161
+.. nonce: Y4otaf
+.. section: Library
+New mangle_from policy option for email, default True for compat32, but
+False for all other policies.
+.. bpo: 24211
+.. date: 9160
+.. nonce: j3Afpc
+.. section: Library
+The email library now supports RFC 6532: it can generate headers using utf-8
+instead of encoded words.
+.. bpo: 16314
+.. date: 9159
+.. nonce: Xc4d1O
+.. section: Library
+Added support for the LZMA compression in distutils.
+.. bpo: 21804
+.. date: 9158
+.. nonce: lEhTlc
+.. section: Library
+poplib now supports RFC 6856 (UTF8).
+.. bpo: 18682
+.. date: 9157
+.. nonce: 6Pnfte
+.. section: Library
+Optimized pprint functions for builtin scalar types.
+.. bpo: 22027
+.. date: 9156
+.. nonce: _aeUQS
+.. section: Library
+smtplib now supports RFC 6531 (SMTPUTF8).
+.. bpo: 23488
+.. date: 9155
+.. nonce: 7gs3Cm
+.. section: Library
+Random generator objects now consume 2x less memory on 64-bit.
+.. bpo: 1322
+.. date: 9154
+.. nonce: 495nFL
+.. section: Library
+platform.dist() and platform.linux_distribution() functions are now
+deprecated.  Initial patch by Vajrasky Kok.
+.. bpo: 22486
+.. date: 9153
+.. nonce: Yxov5m
+.. section: Library
+Added the math.gcd() function.  The fractions.gcd() function now is
+deprecated.  Based on patch by Mark Dickinson.
+.. bpo: 24064
+.. date: 9152
+.. nonce: zXC7OL
+.. section: Library
+Property() docstrings are now writeable. (Patch by Berker Peksag.)
+.. bpo: 22681
+.. date: 9151
+.. nonce: 2rIoA2
+.. section: Library
+Added support for the koi8_t encoding.
+.. bpo: 22682
+.. date: 9150
+.. nonce: cP4i3L
+.. section: Library
+Added support for the kz1048 encoding.
+.. bpo: 23796
+.. date: 9149
+.. nonce: JJmUnc
+.. section: Library
+peek and read1 methods of BufferedReader now raise ValueError if they called
+on a closed object. Patch by John Hergenroeder.
+.. bpo: 21795
+.. date: 9148
+.. nonce: BDLMS4
+.. section: Library
+smtpd now supports the 8BITMIME extension whenever the new *decode_data*
+constructor argument is set to False.
+.. bpo: 24155
+.. date: 9147
+.. nonce: FZx5c2
+.. section: Library
+optimize heapq.heapify() for better cache performance when heapifying large
+.. bpo: 21800
+.. date: 9146
+.. nonce: evGSKc
+.. section: Library
+imaplib now supports RFC 5161 (enable), RFC 6855 (utf8/internationalized
+email) and automatically encodes non-ASCII usernames and passwords to UTF8.
+.. bpo: 20274
+.. date: 9145
+.. nonce: uVHogg
+.. section: Library
+When calling a _sqlite.Connection, it now complains if passed any keyword
+arguments.  Previously it silently ignored them.
+.. bpo: 20274
+.. date: 9144
+.. nonce: hBst4M
+.. section: Library
+Remove ignored and erroneous "kwargs" parameters from three METH_VARARGS
+methods on _sqlite.Connection.
+.. bpo: 24134
+.. date: 9143
+.. nonce: Ajw0S-
+.. section: Library
+assertRaises(), assertRaisesRegex(), assertWarns() and assertWarnsRegex()
+checks now emits a deprecation warning when callable is None or keyword
+arguments except msg is passed in the context manager mode.
+.. bpo: 24018
+.. date: 9142
+.. nonce: hk7Rcn
+.. section: Library
+Add a collections.abc.Generator abstract base class. Contributed by Stefan
+.. bpo: 23880
+.. date: 9141
+.. nonce: QtKupC
+.. section: Library
+Tkinter's getint() and getdouble() now support Tcl_Obj. Tkinter's
+getdouble() now supports any numbers (in particular int).
+.. bpo: 22619
+.. date: 9140
+.. nonce: 1gJEqV
+.. section: Library
+Added negative limit support in the traceback module. Based on patch by
+Dmitry Kazakov.
+.. bpo: 24094
+.. date: 9139
+.. nonce: 7T-u7k
+.. section: Library
+Fix possible crash in json.encode with poorly behaved dict subclasses.
+.. bpo: 9246
+.. date: 9138
+.. nonce: oM-Ikk
+.. section: Library
+On POSIX, os.getcwd() now supports paths longer than 1025 bytes. Patch
+written by William Orr.
+.. bpo: 17445
+.. date: 9137
+.. nonce: Z-QYh5
+.. section: Library
+add difflib.diff_bytes() to support comparison of byte strings (fixes a
+regression from Python 2).
+.. bpo: 23917
+.. date: 9136
+.. nonce: uMVPV7
+.. section: Library
+Fall back to sequential compilation when ProcessPoolExecutor doesn't exist.
+Patch by Claudiu Popa.
+.. bpo: 23008
+.. date: 9135
+.. nonce: OZFCd-
+.. section: Library
+Fixed resolving attributes with boolean value is False in pydoc.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 9134
+.. nonce: 6tJNf2
+.. section: Library
+Fix asyncio issue 235: LifoQueue and PriorityQueue's put didn't increment
+unfinished tasks (this bug was introduced when JoinableQueue was merged with
+.. bpo: 23908
+.. date: 9133
+.. nonce: ATdNG-
+.. section: Library
+os functions now reject paths with embedded null character on Windows
+instead of silently truncating them.
+.. bpo: 23728
+.. date: 9132
+.. nonce: YBmQmV
+.. section: Library
+binascii.crc_hqx() could return an integer outside of the range 0-0xffff for
+empty data.
+.. bpo: 23887
+.. date: 9131
+.. nonce: _XpjPN
+.. section: Library
+urllib.error.HTTPError now has a proper repr() representation. Patch by
+Berker Peksag.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 9130
+.. nonce: MjNdSC
+.. section: Library
+asyncio: New event loop APIs: set_task_factory() and get_task_factory().
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 9129
+.. nonce: rVcHXp
+.. section: Library
+asyncio: async() function is deprecated in favour of ensure_future().
+.. bpo: 24178
+.. date: 9128
+.. nonce: -enO4y
+.. section: Library
+asyncio.Lock, Condition, Semaphore, and BoundedSemaphore support new 'async
+with' syntax.  Contributed by Yury Selivanov.
+.. bpo: 24179
+.. date: 9127
+.. nonce: wDy_WZ
+.. section: Library
+Support 'async for' for asyncio.StreamReader. Contributed by Yury Selivanov.
+.. bpo: 24184
+.. date: 9126
+.. nonce: El74TU
+.. section: Library
+Add AsyncIterator and AsyncIterable ABCs to collections.abc.  Contributed by
+Yury Selivanov.
+.. bpo: 22547
+.. date: 9125
+.. nonce: _ikCaj
+.. section: Library
+Implement informative __repr__ for inspect.BoundArguments. Contributed by
+Yury Selivanov.
+.. bpo: 24190
+.. date: 9124
+.. nonce: 1a3vWW
+.. section: Library
+Implement inspect.BoundArgument.apply_defaults() method. Contributed by Yury
+.. bpo: 20691
+.. date: 9123
+.. nonce: -raLyf
+.. section: Library
+Add 'follow_wrapped' argument to inspect.Signature.from_callable() and
+inspect.signature(). Contributed by Yury Selivanov.
+.. bpo: 24248
+.. date: 9122
+.. nonce: IxWooo
+.. section: Library
+Deprecate inspect.Signature.from_function() and
+.. bpo: 23898
+.. date: 9121
+.. nonce: OSiZie
+.. section: Library
+Fix inspect.classify_class_attrs() to support attributes with overloaded
+__eq__ and __bool__.  Patch by Mike Bayer.
+.. bpo: 24298
+.. date: 9120
+.. nonce: u_TaxI
+.. section: Library
+Fix inspect.signature() to correctly unwrap wrappers around bound methods.
+.. bpo: 23184
+.. date: 9119
+.. nonce: G_Cp9v
+.. section: IDLE
+remove unused names and imports in idlelib. Initial patch by Al Sweigart.
+.. bpo: 21520
+.. date: 9118
+.. nonce: FKtvmQ
+.. section: Tests
+test_zipfile no longer fails if the word 'bad' appears anywhere in the name
+of the current directory.
+.. bpo: 9517
+.. date: 9117
+.. nonce: W0Ag2V
+.. section: Tests
+Move script_helper into the support package. Patch by Christie Wilson.
+.. bpo: 22155
+.. date: 9116
+.. nonce: 9EbOit
+.. section: Documentation
+Add File Handlers subsection with createfilehandler to tkinter doc.  Remove
+obsolete example from FAQ.  Patch by Martin Panter.
+.. bpo: 24029
+.. date: 9115
+.. nonce: M2Bnks
+.. section: Documentation
+Document the name binding behavior for submodule imports.
+.. bpo: 24077
+.. date: 9114
+.. nonce: 2Og2j-
+.. section: Documentation
+Fix typo in man page for -I command option: -s, not -S
+.. bpo: 24000
+.. date: 9113
+.. nonce: MJyXRr
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Improved Argument Clinic's mapping of converters to legacy "format units".
+Updated the documentation to match.
+.. bpo: 24001
+.. date: 9112
+.. nonce: m74vst
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Argument Clinic converters now use accept={type} instead of types={'type'}
+to specify the types the converter accepts.
+.. bpo: 23330
+.. date: 9111
+.. nonce: LTlKDp
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+h2py now supports arbitrary filenames in #include.
+.. bpo: 24031
+.. date: 9110
+.. nonce: duGo88
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+make patchcheck now supports git checkouts, too.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0b2.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0b2.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..21c75dd2352
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0b2.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+.. bpo: 24284
+.. date: 9208
+.. nonce: NvtEnc
+.. release date: 2015-05-31
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+The startswith and endswith methods of the str class no longer return True
+when finding the empty string and the indexes are completely out of range.
+.. bpo: 24115
+.. date: 9207
+.. nonce: y9e_MO
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Update uses of PyObject_IsTrue(), PyObject_Not(), PyObject_IsInstance(),
+PyObject_RichCompareBool() and _PyDict_Contains() to check for and handle
+errors correctly.
+.. bpo: 24328
+.. date: 9206
+.. nonce: 5gL8or
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix importing one character extension modules.
+.. bpo: 11205
+.. date: 9205
+.. nonce: bikrRP
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+In dictionary displays, evaluate the key before the value.
+.. bpo: 24285
+.. date: 9204
+.. nonce: wvJumr
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fixed regression that prevented importing extension modules from inside
+packages. Patch by Petr Viktorin.
+.. bpo: 23247
+.. date: 9203
+.. nonce: nN-K74
+.. section: Library
+Fix a crash in the StreamWriter.reset() of CJK codecs.
+.. bpo: 24270
+.. date: 9202
+.. nonce: M2rJNs
+.. section: Library
+Add math.isclose() and cmath.isclose() functions as per PEP 485. Contributed
+by Chris Barker and Tal Einat.
+.. bpo: 5633
+.. date: 9201
+.. nonce: JNzKZq
+.. section: Library
+Fixed timeit when the statement is a string and the setup is not.
+.. bpo: 24326
+.. date: 9200
+.. nonce: 4t_6Gy
+.. section: Library
+Fixed audioop.ratecv() with non-default weightB argument. Original patch by
+David Moore.
+.. bpo: 16991
+.. date: 9199
+.. nonce: 19_Zmj
+.. section: Library
+Add a C implementation of OrderedDict.
+.. bpo: 23934
+.. date: 9198
+.. nonce: esb-45
+.. section: Library
+Fix inspect.signature to fail correctly for builtin types lacking signature
+information.  Initial patch by James Powell.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0b3.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0b3.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bb4cc33cc99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0b3.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+.. bpo: 24467
+.. date: 9236
+.. nonce: BAJ80-
+.. release date: 2015-07-05
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fixed possible buffer over-read in bytearray. The bytearray object now
+always allocates place for trailing null byte and it's buffer now is always
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 9235
+.. nonce: 944IUY
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Upgrade to Unicode 8.0.0.
+.. bpo: 24345
+.. date: 9234
+.. nonce: fVcTaB
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Add Py_tp_finalize slot for the stable ABI.
+.. bpo: 24400
+.. date: 9233
+.. nonce: 2mNeD8
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Introduce a distinct type for PEP 492 coroutines; add types.CoroutineType,
+inspect.getcoroutinestate, inspect.getcoroutinelocals; coroutines no longer
+use CO_GENERATOR flag; sys.set_coroutine_wrapper works only for 'async def'
+coroutines; inspect.iscoroutine no longer uses collections.abc.Coroutine,
+it's intended to test for pure 'async def' coroutines only; add new opcode:
+GET_YIELD_FROM_ITER; fix generators wrapper used in types.coroutine to be
+instance of collections.abc.Generator; collections.abc.Awaitable and
+collections.abc.Coroutine can no longer be used to detect generator-based
+coroutines--use inspect.isawaitable instead.
+.. bpo: 24450
+.. date: 9232
+.. nonce: lF0S5c
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Add gi_yieldfrom to generators and cr_await to coroutines. Contributed by
+Benno Leslie and Yury Selivanov.
+.. bpo: 19235
+.. date: 9231
+.. nonce: 0kW4n5
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Add new RecursionError exception. Patch by Georg Brandl.
+.. bpo: 21750
+.. date: 9230
+.. nonce: _Ycvgi
+.. section: Library
+mock_open.read_data can now be read from each instance, as it could in
+Python 3.3.
+.. bpo: 24552
+.. date: 9229
+.. nonce: VTO6sf
+.. section: Library
+Fix use after free in an error case of the _pickle module.
+.. bpo: 24514
+.. date: 9228
+.. nonce: _xRb2r
+.. section: Library
+tarfile now tolerates number fields consisting of only whitespace.
+.. bpo: 19176
+.. date: 9227
+.. nonce: 8V6nOK
+.. section: Library
+Fixed doctype() related bugs in C implementation of ElementTree. A
+deprecation warning no longer issued by XMLParser subclass with default
+doctype() method.  Direct call of doctype() now issues a warning.  Parser's
+doctype() now is not called if target's doctype() is called.  Based on patch
+by Martin Panter.
+.. bpo: 20387
+.. date: 9226
+.. nonce: aAbWbQ
+.. section: Library
+Restore semantic round-trip correctness in tokenize/untokenize for tab-
+indented blocks.
+.. bpo: 24456
+.. date: 9225
+.. nonce: yYSd2u
+.. section: Library
+Fixed possible buffer over-read in adpcm2lin() and lin2adpcm() functions of
+the audioop module.
+.. bpo: 24336
+.. date: 9224
+.. nonce: 4a5y1m
+.. section: Library
+The contextmanager decorator now works with functions with keyword arguments
+called "func" and "self".  Patch by Martin Panter.
+.. bpo: 24522
+.. date: 9223
+.. nonce: PkcqCA
+.. section: Library
+Fix possible integer overflow in json accelerator module.
+.. bpo: 24489
+.. date: 9222
+.. nonce: GJnMcW
+.. section: Library
+ensure a previously set C errno doesn't disturb cmath.polar().
+.. bpo: 24408
+.. date: 9221
+.. nonce: vPb5UK
+.. section: Library
+Fixed AttributeError in measure() and metrics() methods of tkinter.Font.
+.. bpo: 14373
+.. date: 9220
+.. nonce: CTYZ4J
+.. section: Library
+C implementation of functools.lru_cache() now can be used with methods.
+.. bpo: 24347
+.. date: 9219
+.. nonce: CPPDb8
+.. section: Library
+Set KeyError if PyDict_GetItemWithError returns NULL.
+.. bpo: 24348
+.. date: 9218
+.. nonce: U11rhr
+.. section: Library
+Drop superfluous incref/decref.
+.. bpo: 24359
+.. date: 9217
+.. nonce: -IRNG9
+.. section: Library
+Check for changed OrderedDict size during iteration.
+.. bpo: 24368
+.. date: 9216
+.. nonce: 550kDT
+.. section: Library
+Support keyword arguments in OrderedDict methods.
+.. bpo: 24362
+.. date: 9215
+.. nonce: cHYce5
+.. section: Library
+Simplify the C OrderedDict fast nodes resize logic.
+.. bpo: 24377
+.. date: 9214
+.. nonce: Gp1Bqr
+.. section: Library
+Fix a ref leak in OrderedDict.__repr__.
+.. bpo: 24369
+.. date: 9213
+.. nonce: qFl7lZ
+.. section: Library
+Defend against key-changes during iteration.
+.. bpo: 24373
+.. date: 9212
+.. nonce: 6TL2XG
+.. section: Tests
+_testmultiphase and xxlimited now use tp_traverse and tp_finalize to avoid
+reference leaks encountered when combining tp_dealloc with PyType_FromSpec
+(see issue #16690 for details)
+.. bpo: 24458
+.. date: 9211
+.. nonce: 1egApX
+.. section: Documentation
+Update documentation to cover multi-phase initialization for extension
+modules (PEP 489). Patch by Petr Viktorin.
+.. bpo: 24351
+.. date: 9210
+.. nonce: XeSVl5
+.. section: Documentation
+Clarify what is meant by "identifier" in the context of string.Template
+.. bpo: 24432
+.. date: 9209
+.. nonce: IvUSiN
+.. section: Build
+Update Windows builds and OS X 10.5 installer to use OpenSSL 1.0.2c.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0b4.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0b4.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bcc7345d8a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0b4.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+.. bpo: 23573
+.. date: 9263
+.. nonce: HdJPs7
+.. release date: 2015-07-26
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Restored optimization of bytes.rfind() and bytearray.rfind() for single-byte
+argument on Linux.
+.. bpo: 24569
+.. date: 9262
+.. nonce: bqh6PQ
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Make PEP 448 dictionary evaluation more consistent.
+.. bpo: 24583
+.. date: 9261
+.. nonce: Ooq0Tn
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix crash when set is mutated while being updated.
+.. bpo: 24407
+.. date: 9260
+.. nonce: GmCBB3
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix crash when dict is mutated while being updated.
+.. bpo: 24619
+.. date: 9259
+.. nonce: cnfZGo
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+New approach for tokenizing async/await. As a consequence, it is now
+possible to have one-line 'async def foo(): await ..' functions.
+.. bpo: 24687
+.. date: 9258
+.. nonce: 0UaXFe
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Plug refleak on SyntaxError in function parameters annotations.
+.. bpo: 15944
+.. date: 9257
+.. nonce: 4GuwqX
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+memoryview: Allow arbitrary formats when casting to bytes. Patch by Martin
+.. bpo: 23441
+.. date: 9256
+.. nonce: JXt2Yt
+.. section: Library
+rcompleter now prints a tab character instead of displaying possible
+completions for an empty word.  Initial patch by Martin Sekera.
+.. bpo: 24683
+.. date: 9255
+.. nonce: aJdWEv
+.. section: Library
+Fixed crashes in _json functions called with arguments of inappropriate
+.. bpo: 21697
+.. date: 9254
+.. nonce: jpATha
+.. section: Library
+shutil.copytree() now correctly handles symbolic links that point to
+directories.  Patch by Eduardo Seabra and Thomas Kluyver.
+.. bpo: 14373
+.. date: 9253
+.. nonce: Je0yDg
+.. section: Library
+Fixed segmentation fault when gc.collect() is called during constructing
+lru_cache (C implementation).
+.. bpo: 24695
+.. date: 9252
+.. nonce: QjZzFb
+.. section: Library
+Fix a regression in traceback.print_exception().  If exc_traceback is None
+we shouldn't print a traceback header like described in the documentation.
+.. bpo: 24620
+.. date: 9251
+.. nonce: rrnxB-
+.. section: Library
+Random.setstate() now validates the value of state last element.
+.. bpo: 22485
+.. date: 9250
+.. nonce: HvJf6T
+.. section: Library
+Fixed an issue that caused `inspect.getsource` to return incorrect results
+on nested functions.
+.. bpo: 22153
+.. date: 9249
+.. nonce: 6n6yld
+.. section: Library
+Improve unittest docs. Patch from Martin Panter and evilzero.
+.. bpo: 24580
+.. date: 9248
+.. nonce: AGi4Gm
+.. section: Library
+Symbolic group references to open group in re patterns now are explicitly
+forbidden as well as numeric group references.
+.. bpo: 24206
+.. date: 9247
+.. nonce: ffkVHH
+.. section: Library
+Fixed __eq__ and __ne__ methods of inspect classes.
+.. bpo: 24631
+.. date: 9246
+.. nonce: uljPxM
+.. section: Library
+Fixed regression in the timeit module with multiline setup.
+.. bpo: 18622
+.. date: 9245
+.. nonce: i6nCCW
+.. section: Library
+unittest.mock.mock_open().reset_mock would recurse infinitely. Patch from
+Nicola Palumbo and Laurent De Buyst.
+.. bpo: 23661
+.. date: 9244
+.. nonce: 5VHJmh
+.. section: Library
+unittest.mock side_effects can now be exceptions again. This was a
+regression vs Python 3.4. Patch from Ignacio Rossi
+.. bpo: 24608
+.. date: 9243
+.. nonce: 0TndL0
+.. section: Library
+chunk.Chunk.read() now always returns bytes, not str.
+.. bpo: 18684
+.. date: 9242
+.. nonce: S2es0F
+.. section: Library
+Fixed reading out of the buffer in the re module.
+.. bpo: 24259
+.. date: 9241
+.. nonce: vMAi1A
+.. section: Library
+tarfile now raises a ReadError if an archive is truncated inside a data
+.. bpo: 15014
+.. date: 9240
+.. nonce: hwXwCH
+.. section: Library
+SMTP.auth() and SMTP.login() now support RFC 4954's optional initial-
+response argument to the SMTP AUTH command.
+.. bpo: 24669
+.. date: 9239
+.. nonce: kFThK0
+.. section: Library
+Fix inspect.getsource() for 'async def' functions. Patch by Kai Groner.
+.. bpo: 24688
+.. date: 9238
+.. nonce: -yWfcO
+.. section: Library
+ast.get_docstring() for 'async def' functions.
+.. bpo: 24603
+.. date: 9237
+.. nonce: PyHyF5
+.. section: Build
+Update Windows builds and OS X 10.5 installer to use OpenSSL 1.0.2d.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0rc1.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0rc1.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1fb9bc6c04d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0rc1.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+.. bpo: 24667
+.. date: 9288
+.. nonce: tdwszf
+.. release date: 2015-08-09
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Resize odict in all cases that the underlying dict resizes.
+.. bpo: 24824
+.. date: 9287
+.. nonce: Eoc4lq
+.. section: Library
+Signatures of codecs.encode() and codecs.decode() now are compatible with
+.. bpo: 24634
+.. date: 9286
+.. nonce: 7bnVgr
+.. section: Library
+Importing uuid should not try to load libc on Windows
+.. bpo: 24798
+.. date: 9285
+.. nonce: zDXL5R
+.. section: Library
+_msvccompiler.py doesn't properly support manifests
+.. bpo: 4395
+.. date: 9284
+.. nonce: JpT0k7
+.. section: Library
+Better testing and documentation of binary operators. Patch by Martin
+.. bpo: 23973
+.. date: 9283
+.. nonce: wT59Vh
+.. section: Library
+Update typing.py from GitHub repo.
+.. bpo: 23004
+.. date: 9282
+.. nonce: xswcPm
+.. section: Library
+mock_open() now reads binary data correctly when the type of read_data is
+bytes.  Initial patch by Aaron Hill.
+.. bpo: 23888
+.. date: 9281
+.. nonce: 7gw4oO
+.. section: Library
+Handle fractional time in cookie expiry. Patch by ssh.
+.. bpo: 23652
+.. date: 9280
+.. nonce: DKQ_7t
+.. section: Library
+Make it possible to compile the select module against the libc headers from
+the Linux Standard Base, which do not include some EPOLL macros.  Patch by
+Matt Frank.
+.. bpo: 22932
+.. date: 9279
+.. nonce: mPclSJ
+.. section: Library
+Fix timezones in email.utils.formatdate. Patch from Dmitry Shachnev.
+.. bpo: 23779
+.. date: 9278
+.. nonce: ET4JJP
+.. section: Library
+imaplib raises TypeError if authenticator tries to abort. Patch from Craig
+.. bpo: 23319
+.. date: 9277
+.. nonce: FXyUH-
+.. section: Library
+Fix ctypes.BigEndianStructure, swap correctly bytes. Patch written by
+Matthieu Gautier.
+.. bpo: 23254
+.. date: 9276
+.. nonce: zNiy1X
+.. section: Library
+Document how to close the TCPServer listening socket. Patch from Martin
+.. bpo: 19450
+.. date: 9275
+.. nonce: VG7T-L
+.. section: Library
+Update Windows and OS X installer builds to use SQLite 3.8.11.
+.. bpo: 17527
+.. date: 9274
+.. nonce: ve9fyw
+.. section: Library
+Add PATCH to wsgiref.validator. Patch from Luca Sbardella.
+.. bpo: 24791
+.. date: 9273
+.. nonce: Ok-3nA
+.. section: Library
+Fix grammar regression for call syntax: 'g(\*a or b)'.
+.. bpo: 23672
+.. date: 9272
+.. nonce: 8td2se
+.. section: IDLE
+Allow Idle to edit and run files with astral chars in name. Patch by Mohd
+Sanad Zaki Rizvi.
+.. bpo: 24745
+.. date: 9271
+.. nonce: edbziT
+.. section: IDLE
+Idle editor default font. Switch from Courier to platform-sensitive
+TkFixedFont.  This should not affect current customized font selections.  If
+there is a problem, edit $HOME/.idlerc/config-main.cfg and remove 'fontxxx'
+entries from [Editor Window].  Patch by Mark Roseman.
+.. bpo: 21192
+.. date: 9270
+.. nonce: CdbipH
+.. section: IDLE
+Idle editor. When a file is run, put its name in the restart bar. Do not
+print false prompts. Original patch by Adnan Umer.
+.. bpo: 13884
+.. date: 9269
+.. nonce: vVcO1E
+.. section: IDLE
+Idle menus. Remove tearoff lines. Patch by Roger Serwy.
+.. bpo: 24129
+.. date: 9268
+.. nonce: Imr54z
+.. section: Documentation
+Clarify the reference documentation for name resolution. This includes
+removing the assumption that readers will be familiar with the name
+resolution scheme Python used prior to the introduction of lexical scoping
+for function namespaces. Patch by Ivan Levkivskyi.
+.. bpo: 20769
+.. date: 9267
+.. nonce: ZUc9z9
+.. section: Documentation
+Improve reload() docs. Patch by Dorian Pula.
+.. bpo: 23589
+.. date: 9266
+.. nonce: rjU421
+.. section: Documentation
+Remove duplicate sentence from the FAQ.  Patch by Yongzhi Pan.
+.. bpo: 24729
+.. date: 9265
+.. nonce: PH3A9p
+.. section: Documentation
+Correct IO tutorial to match implementation regarding encoding parameter to
+open function.
+.. bpo: 24751
+.. date: 9264
+.. nonce: pL2pbj
+.. section: Tests
+When running regrtest with the ``-w`` command line option, a test run is no
+longer marked as a failure if all tests succeed when re-run.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0rc2.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0rc2.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2a8a52a13ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0rc2.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+.. bpo: 24769
+.. date: 9294
+.. nonce: XgRA0n
+.. release date: 2015-08-25
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Interpreter now starts properly when dynamic loading is disabled.  Patch by
+Petr Viktorin.
+.. bpo: 21167
+.. date: 9293
+.. nonce: uom-Dq
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+NAN operations are now handled correctly when python is compiled with ICC
+even if -fp-model strict is not specified.
+.. bpo: 24492
+.. date: 9292
+.. nonce: LKDAIu
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+A "package" lacking a __name__ attribute when trying to perform a ``from ..
+import ...`` statement will trigger an ImportError instead of an
+.. bpo: 24847
+.. date: 9291
+.. nonce: SHiiO_
+.. section: Library
+Removes vcruntime140.dll dependency from Tcl/Tk.
+.. bpo: 24839
+.. date: 9290
+.. nonce: 7_iQZl
+.. section: Library
+platform._syscmd_ver raises DeprecationWarning
+.. bpo: 24867
+.. date: 9289
+.. nonce: rxJIl7
+.. section: Library
+Fix Task.get_stack() for 'async def' coroutines
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0rc3.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0rc3.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c6976c0f0c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0rc3.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+.. bpo: 24305
+.. date: 9302
+.. nonce: QeF4A8
+.. release date: 2015-09-07
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Prevent import subsystem stack frames from being counted by the
+warnings.warn(stacklevel=) parameter.
+.. bpo: 24912
+.. date: 9301
+.. nonce: ubSi5J
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Prevent __class__ assignment to immutable built-in objects.
+.. bpo: 24975
+.. date: 9300
+.. nonce: 2gLdfN
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix AST compilation for PEP 448 syntax.
+.. bpo: 24917
+.. date: 9299
+.. nonce: xaQocz
+.. section: Library
+time_strftime() buffer over-read.
+.. bpo: 24748
+.. date: 9298
+.. nonce: 83NuO8
+.. section: Library
+To resolve a compatibility problem found with py2exe and pywin32,
+imp.load_dynamic() once again ignores previously loaded modules to support
+Python modules replacing themselves with extension modules. Patch by Petr
+.. bpo: 24635
+.. date: 9297
+.. nonce: EiJPPf
+.. section: Library
+Fixed a bug in typing.py where isinstance([], typing.Iterable) would return
+True once, then False on subsequent calls.
+.. bpo: 24989
+.. date: 9296
+.. nonce: 9BJLiy
+.. section: Library
+Fixed buffer overread in BytesIO.readline() if a position is set beyond
+size.  Based on patch by John Leitch.
+.. bpo: 24913
+.. date: 9295
+.. nonce: p2ZAJ4
+.. section: Library
+Fix overrun error in deque.index(). Found by John Leitch and Bryce Darling.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0rc4.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0rc4.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a6d9454f198
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.0rc4.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+.. bpo: 25029
+.. date: 9304
+.. nonce: Zf97rk
+.. release date: 2015-09-09
+.. section: Library
+Fixes MemoryError in test_strptime.
+.. bpo: 25027
+.. date: 9303
+.. nonce: Zaib78
+.. section: Build
+Reverts partial-static build options and adds vcruntime140.dll to Windows
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.1.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.1.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..45df6f9bafd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.1.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+.. bpo: 25709
+.. date: 9452
+.. nonce: OPX2TS
+.. release date: 2015-12-06
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fixed problem with in-place string concatenation and utf-8 cache.
+.. bpo: 25715
+.. date: 9451
+.. nonce: 3LLYLj
+.. section: Windows
+Python 3.5.1 installer shows wrong upgrade path and incorrect logic for
+launcher detection.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.1rc1.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.1rc1.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bb2d84a0109
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.1rc1.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,1451 @@
+.. bpo: 25630
+.. date: 9450
+.. nonce: ZxzcoY
+.. release date: 2015-11-22
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix a possible segfault during argument parsing in functions that accept
+filesystem paths.
+.. bpo: 23564
+.. date: 9449
+.. nonce: XHarGG
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fixed a partially broken sanity check in the _posixsubprocess internals
+regarding how fds_to_pass were passed to the child.  The bug had no actual
+impact as subprocess.py already avoided it.
+.. bpo: 25388
+.. date: 9448
+.. nonce: zm3uuQ
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fixed tokenizer crash when processing undecodable source code with a null
+.. bpo: 25462
+.. date: 9447
+.. nonce: eXDzgO
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+The hash of the key now is calculated only once in most operations in C
+implementation of OrderedDict.
+.. bpo: 22995
+.. date: 9446
+.. nonce: 90kpuP
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Default implementation of __reduce__ and __reduce_ex__ now rejects builtin
+types with not defined __new__.
+.. bpo: 25555
+.. date: 9445
+.. nonce: MUpG-j
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix parser and AST: fill lineno and col_offset of "arg" node when compiling
+AST from Python objects.
+.. bpo: 24802
+.. date: 9444
+.. nonce: Qie066
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Avoid buffer overreads when int(), float(), compile(), exec() and eval() are
+passed bytes-like objects.  These objects are not necessarily terminated by
+a null byte, but the functions assumed they were.
+.. bpo: 24726
+.. date: 9443
+.. nonce: AHk4v2
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fixed a crash and leaking NULL in repr() of OrderedDict that was mutated by
+direct calls of dict methods.
+.. bpo: 25449
+.. date: 9442
+.. nonce: VqTOFi
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Iterating OrderedDict with keys with unstable hash now raises KeyError in C
+implementations as well as in Python implementation.
+.. bpo: 25395
+.. date: 9441
+.. nonce: htkE3W
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fixed crash when highly nested OrderedDict structures were garbage
+.. bpo: 25274
+.. date: 9440
+.. nonce: QCGvAF
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+sys.setrecursionlimit() now raises a RecursionError if the new recursion
+limit is too low depending at the current recursion depth. Modify also the
+"lower-water mark" formula to make it monotonic. This mark is used to decide
+when the overflowed flag of the thread state is reset.
+.. bpo: 24402
+.. date: 9439
+.. nonce: MAgi3X
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix input() to prompt to the redirected stdout when sys.stdout.fileno()
+.. bpo: 24806
+.. date: 9438
+.. nonce: Nb0znT
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Prevent builtin types that are not allowed to be subclassed from being
+subclassed through multiple inheritance.
+.. bpo: 24848
+.. date: 9437
+.. nonce: HlUSuy
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fixed a number of bugs in UTF-7 decoding of misformed data.
+.. bpo: 25280
+.. date: 9436
+.. nonce: ivTMwd
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Import trace messages emitted in verbose (-v) mode are no longer formatted
+.. bpo: 25003
+.. date: 9435
+.. nonce: _ban92
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+On Solaris 11.3 or newer, os.urandom() now uses the getrandom() function
+instead of the getentropy() function. The getentropy() function is blocking
+to generate very good quality entropy, os.urandom() doesn't need such high-
+quality entropy.
+.. bpo: 25182
+.. date: 9434
+.. nonce: gBDq-T
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+The stdprinter (used as sys.stderr before the io module is imported at
+startup) now uses the backslashreplace error handler.
+.. bpo: 25131
+.. date: 9433
+.. nonce: j5hH6a
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Make the line number and column offset of set/dict literals and
+comprehensions correspond to the opening brace.
+.. bpo: 25150
+.. date: 9432
+.. nonce: 0Gh-Ty
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Hide the private _Py_atomic_xxx symbols from the public Python.h header to
+fix a compilation error with OpenMP. PyThreadState_GET() becomes an alias to
+PyThreadState_Get() to avoid ABI incompatibilies.
+.. bpo: 25626
+.. date: 9431
+.. nonce: TQ3fvb
+.. section: Library
+Change three zlib functions to accept sizes that fit in Py_ssize_t, but
+internally cap those sizes to UINT_MAX.  This resolves a regression in 3.5
+where GzipFile.read() failed to read chunks larger than 2 or 4 GiB.  The
+change affects the zlib.Decompress.decompress() max_length parameter, the
+zlib.decompress() bufsize parameter, and the zlib.Decompress.flush() length
+.. bpo: 25583
+.. date: 9430
+.. nonce: Gk-cim
+.. section: Library
+Avoid incorrect errors raised by os.makedirs(exist_ok=True) when the OS
+gives priority to errors such as EACCES over EEXIST.
+.. bpo: 25593
+.. date: 9429
+.. nonce: 56uegI
+.. section: Library
+Change semantics of EventLoop.stop() in asyncio.
+.. bpo: 6973
+.. date: 9428
+.. nonce: nl5cHt
+.. section: Library
+When we know a subprocess.Popen process has died, do not allow the
+send_signal(), terminate(), or kill() methods to do anything as they could
+potentially signal a different process.
+.. bpo: 25590
+.. date: 9427
+.. nonce: aCt-yW
+.. section: Library
+In the Readline completer, only call getattr() once per attribute.
+.. bpo: 25498
+.. date: 9426
+.. nonce: AvqEBl
+.. section: Library
+Fix a crash when garbage-collecting ctypes objects created by wrapping a
+memoryview.  This was a regression made in 3.5a1.  Based on patch by
+.. bpo: 25584
+.. date: 9425
+.. nonce: 124mYw
+.. section: Library
+Added "escape" to the __all__ list in the glob module.
+.. bpo: 25584
+.. date: 9424
+.. nonce: ZeWX0J
+.. section: Library
+Fixed recursive glob() with patterns starting with ``**``.
+.. bpo: 25446
+.. date: 9423
+.. nonce: k1DByx
+.. section: Library
+Fix regression in smtplib's AUTH LOGIN support.
+.. bpo: 18010
+.. date: 9422
+.. nonce: Azyf1C
+.. section: Library
+Fix the pydoc web server's module search function to handle exceptions from
+importing packages.
+.. bpo: 25554
+.. date: 9421
+.. nonce: UM9MlR
+.. section: Library
+Got rid of circular references in regular expression parsing.
+.. bpo: 25510
+.. date: 9420
+.. nonce: 79g7LA
+.. section: Library
+fileinput.FileInput.readline() now returns b'' instead of '' at the end if
+the FileInput was opened with binary mode. Patch by Ryosuke Ito.
+.. bpo: 25503
+.. date: 9419
+.. nonce: Zea0Y7
+.. section: Library
+Fixed inspect.getdoc() for inherited docstrings of properties. Original
+patch by John Mark Vandenberg.
+.. bpo: 25515
+.. date: 9418
+.. nonce: fQsyYG
+.. section: Library
+Always use os.urandom as a source of randomness in uuid.uuid4.
+.. bpo: 21827
+.. date: 9417
+.. nonce: k2oreR
+.. section: Library
+Fixed textwrap.dedent() for the case when largest common whitespace is a
+substring of smallest leading whitespace. Based on patch by Robert Li.
+.. bpo: 25447
+.. date: 9416
+.. nonce: eDYc4t
+.. section: Library
+The lru_cache() wrapper objects now can be copied and pickled (by returning
+the original object unchanged).
+.. bpo: 25390
+.. date: 9415
+.. nonce: 6mSgRq
+.. section: Library
+typing: Don't crash on Union[str, Pattern].
+.. bpo: 25441
+.. date: 9414
+.. nonce: d7zph6
+.. section: Library
+asyncio: Raise error from drain() when socket is closed.
+.. bpo: 25410
+.. date: 9413
+.. nonce: QAs_3B
+.. section: Library
+Cleaned up and fixed minor bugs in C implementation of OrderedDict.
+.. bpo: 25411
+.. date: 9412
+.. nonce: qsJTCb
+.. section: Library
+Improved Unicode support in SMTPHandler through better use of the email
+package. Thanks to user simon04 for the patch.
+.. bpo: 25407
+.. date: 9411
+.. nonce: ukNt1D
+.. section: Library
+Remove mentions of the formatter module being removed in Python 3.6.
+.. bpo: 25406
+.. date: 9410
+.. nonce: 5MZKU_
+.. section: Library
+Fixed a bug in C implementation of OrderedDict.move_to_end() that caused
+segmentation fault or hang in iterating after moving several items to the
+start of ordered dict.
+.. bpo: 25364
+.. date: 9409
+.. nonce: u_1Wi6
+.. section: Library
+zipfile now works in threads disabled builds.
+.. bpo: 25328
+.. date: 9408
+.. nonce: Rja1Xg
+.. section: Library
+smtpd's SMTPChannel now correctly raises a ValueError if both decode_data
+and enable_SMTPUTF8 are set to true.
+.. bpo: 25316
+.. date: 9407
+.. nonce: dHQHWI
+.. section: Library
+distutils raises OSError instead of DistutilsPlatformError when MSVC is not
+.. bpo: 25380
+.. date: 9406
+.. nonce: sKZ6-I
+.. section: Library
+Fixed protocol for the STACK_GLOBAL opcode in pickletools.opcodes.
+.. bpo: 23972
+.. date: 9405
+.. nonce: s2g30g
+.. section: Library
+Updates asyncio datagram create method allowing reuseport and reuseaddr
+socket options to be set prior to binding the socket. Mirroring the existing
+asyncio create_server method the reuseaddr option for datagram sockets
+defaults to True if the O/S is 'posix' (except if the platform is Cygwin).
+Patch by Chris Laws.
+.. bpo: 25304
+.. date: 9404
+.. nonce: CsmLyI
+.. section: Library
+Add asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe().  This lets you submit a coroutine to
+a loop from another thread, returning a concurrent.futures.Future.  By
+Vincent Michel.
+.. bpo: 25232
+.. date: 9403
+.. nonce: KhKjCE
+.. section: Library
+Fix CGIRequestHandler to split the query from the URL at the first question
+mark (?) rather than the last. Patch from Xiang Zhang.
+.. bpo: 24657
+.. date: 9402
+.. nonce: h2Ag7y
+.. section: Library
+Prevent CGIRequestHandler from collapsing slashes in the query part of the
+URL as if it were a path. Patch from Xiang Zhang.
+.. bpo: 24483
+.. date: 9401
+.. nonce: WPLGSJ
+.. section: Library
+C implementation of functools.lru_cache() now calculates key's hash only
+.. bpo: 22958
+.. date: 9400
+.. nonce: Ebu7Gl
+.. section: Library
+Constructor and update method of weakref.WeakValueDictionary now accept the
+self and the dict keyword arguments.
+.. bpo: 22609
+.. date: 9399
+.. nonce: fV7hdV
+.. section: Library
+Constructor of collections.UserDict now accepts the self keyword argument.
+.. bpo: 25111
+.. date: 9398
+.. nonce: azL4qE
+.. section: Library
+Fixed comparison of traceback.FrameSummary.
+.. bpo: 25262
+.. date: 9397
+.. nonce: pQS5cB
+.. section: Library
+Added support for BINBYTES8 opcode in Python implementation of unpickler.
+Highest 32 bits of 64-bit size for BINUNICODE8 and BINBYTES8 opcodes no
+longer silently ignored on 32-bit platforms in C implementation.
+.. bpo: 25034
+.. date: 9396
+.. nonce: eGvOIb
+.. section: Library
+Fix string.Formatter problem with auto-numbering and nested format_specs.
+Patch by Anthon van der Neut.
+.. bpo: 25233
+.. date: 9395
+.. nonce: EdZV9x
+.. section: Library
+Rewrite the guts of asyncio.Queue and asyncio.Semaphore to be more
+understandable and correct.
+.. bpo: 25203
+.. date: 9394
+.. nonce: IgDEbt
+.. section: Library
+Failed readline.set_completer_delims() no longer left the module in
+inconsistent state.
+.. bpo: 23600
+.. date: 9393
+.. nonce: 7J_RD5
+.. section: Library
+Default implementation of tzinfo.fromutc() was returning wrong results in
+some cases.
+.. bpo: 23329
+.. date: 9392
+.. nonce: yccJBE
+.. section: Library
+Allow the ssl module to be built with older versions of LibreSSL.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 9391
+.. nonce: ww9QSm
+.. section: Library
+Prevent overflow in _Unpickler_Read.
+.. bpo: 25047
+.. date: 9390
+.. nonce: kc8tqx
+.. section: Library
+The XML encoding declaration written by Element Tree now respects the letter
+case given by the user. This restores the ability to write encoding names in
+uppercase like "UTF-8", which worked in Python 2.
+.. bpo: 25135
+.. date: 9389
+.. nonce: gVHNy-
+.. section: Library
+Make deque_clear() safer by emptying the deque before clearing. This helps
+avoid possible reentrancy issues.
+.. bpo: 19143
+.. date: 9388
+.. nonce: 76SBSO
+.. section: Library
+platform module now reads Windows version from kernel32.dll to avoid
+compatibility shims.
+.. bpo: 25092
+.. date: 9387
+.. nonce: fQ37Ac
+.. section: Library
+Fix datetime.strftime() failure when errno was already set to EINVAL.
+.. bpo: 23517
+.. date: 9386
+.. nonce: 3ABmf1
+.. section: Library
+Fix rounding in fromtimestamp() and utcfromtimestamp() methods of
+datetime.datetime: microseconds are now rounded to nearest with ties going
+to nearest even integer (ROUND_HALF_EVEN), instead of being rounding towards
+minus infinity (ROUND_FLOOR). It's important that these methods use the same
+rounding mode than datetime.timedelta to keep the property:
+(datetime(1970,1,1) + timedelta(seconds=t)) == datetime.utcfromtimestamp(t).
+It also the rounding mode used by round(float) for example.
+.. bpo: 25155
+.. date: 9385
+.. nonce: JiETzD
+.. section: Library
+Fix datetime.datetime.now() and datetime.datetime.utcnow() on Windows to
+support date after year 2038. It was a regression introduced in Python
+.. bpo: 25108
+.. date: 9384
+.. nonce: zGPbgA
+.. section: Library
+Omitted internal frames in traceback functions print_stack(),
+format_stack(), and extract_stack() called without arguments.
+.. bpo: 25118
+.. date: 9383
+.. nonce: wGm1u6
+.. section: Library
+Fix a regression of Python 3.5.0 in os.waitpid() on Windows.
+.. bpo: 24684
+.. date: 9382
+.. nonce: t4T77O
+.. section: Library
+socket.socket.getaddrinfo() now calls PyUnicode_AsEncodedString() instead of
+calling the encode() method of the host, to handle correctly custom string
+with an encode() method which doesn't return a byte string. The encoder of
+the IDNA codec is now called directly instead of calling the encode() method
+of the string.
+.. bpo: 25060
+.. date: 9381
+.. nonce: zLdvIk
+.. section: Library
+Correctly compute stack usage of the BUILD_MAP opcode.
+.. bpo: 24857
+.. date: 9380
+.. nonce: PpJWZ9
+.. section: Library
+Comparing call_args to a long sequence now correctly returns a boolean
+result instead of raising an exception.  Patch by A Kaptur.
+.. bpo: 23144
+.. date: 9379
+.. nonce: cLf67X
+.. section: Library
+Make sure that HTMLParser.feed() returns all the data, even when
+convert_charrefs is True.
+.. bpo: 24982
+.. date: 9378
+.. nonce: sGMMAR
+.. section: Library
+shutil.make_archive() with the "zip" format now adds entries for directories
+(including empty directories) in ZIP file.
+.. bpo: 25019
+.. date: 9377
+.. nonce: JQJlOZ
+.. section: Library
+Fixed a crash caused by setting non-string key of expat parser. Based on
+patch by John Leitch.
+.. bpo: 16180
+.. date: 9376
+.. nonce: 6IUcNS
+.. section: Library
+Exit pdb if file has syntax error, instead of trapping user in an infinite
+loop.  Patch by Xavier de Gaye.
+.. bpo: 24891
+.. date: 9375
+.. nonce: ddVmHS
+.. section: Library
+Fix a race condition at Python startup if the file descriptor of stdin (0),
+stdout (1) or stderr (2) is closed while Python is creating sys.stdin,
+sys.stdout and sys.stderr objects. These attributes are now set to None if
+the creation of the object failed, instead of raising an OSError exception.
+Initial patch written by Marco Paolini.
+.. bpo: 24992
+.. date: 9374
+.. nonce: 5sqF74
+.. section: Library
+Fix error handling and a race condition (related to garbage collection) in
+collections.OrderedDict constructor.
+.. bpo: 24881
+.. date: 9373
+.. nonce: ZoVZXu
+.. section: Library
+Fixed setting binary mode in Python implementation of FileIO on Windows and
+Cygwin.  Patch from Akira Li.
+.. bpo: 25578
+.. date: 9372
+.. nonce: G6S-ft
+.. section: Library
+Fix (another) memory leak in SSLSocket.getpeercer().
+.. bpo: 25530
+.. date: 9371
+.. nonce: hDFkwu
+.. section: Library
+Disable the vulnerable SSLv3 protocol by default when creating
+.. bpo: 25569
+.. date: 9370
+.. nonce: CfvQjK
+.. section: Library
+Fix memory leak in SSLSocket.getpeercert().
+.. bpo: 25471
+.. date: 9369
+.. nonce: T0A02M
+.. section: Library
+Sockets returned from accept() shouldn't appear to be nonblocking.
+.. bpo: 25319
+.. date: 9368
+.. nonce: iyuglv
+.. section: Library
+When threading.Event is reinitialized, the underlying condition should use a
+regular lock rather than a recursive lock.
+.. bpo: 21112
+.. date: 9367
+.. nonce: vSFU1r
+.. section: Library
+Fix regression in unittest.expectedFailure on subclasses. Patch from Berker
+.. bpo: 24764
+.. date: 9366
+.. nonce: QwFZ2S
+.. section: Library
+cgi.FieldStorage.read_multi() now ignores the Content-Length header in part
+headers. Patch written by Peter Landry and reviewed by Pierre Quentel.
+.. bpo: 24913
+.. date: 9365
+.. nonce: p2ZAJ4
+.. section: Library
+Fix overrun error in deque.index(). Found by John Leitch and Bryce Darling.
+.. bpo: 24774
+.. date: 9364
+.. nonce: xLbskG
+.. section: Library
+Fix docstring in http.server.test. Patch from Chiu-Hsiang Hsu.
+.. bpo: 21159
+.. date: 9363
+.. nonce: ochL5W
+.. section: Library
+Improve message in configparser.InterpolationMissingOptionError. Patch from
+Łukasz Langa.
+.. bpo: 20362
+.. date: 9362
+.. nonce: 5aP_Ri
+.. section: Library
+Honour TestCase.longMessage correctly in assertRegex. Patch from Ilia
+.. bpo: 23572
+.. date: 9361
+.. nonce: QhQ9RD
+.. section: Library
+Fixed functools.singledispatch on classes with falsy metaclasses.  Patch by
+Ethan Furman.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 9360
+.. nonce: DO1sFa
+.. section: Library
+asyncio: ensure_future() now accepts awaitable objects.
+.. bpo: 15348
+.. date: 9359
+.. nonce: d1Fg01
+.. section: IDLE
+Stop the debugger engine (normally in a user process) before closing the
+debugger window (running in the IDLE process). This prevents the
+RuntimeErrors that were being caught and ignored.
+.. bpo: 24455
+.. date: 9358
+.. nonce: x6YqtE
+.. section: IDLE
+Prevent IDLE from hanging when a) closing the shell while the debugger is
+active (15347); b) closing the debugger with the [X] button (15348); and c)
+activating the debugger when already active (24455). The patch by Mark
+Roseman does this by making two changes. 1. Suspend and resume the
+gui.interaction method with the tcl vwait mechanism intended for this
+purpose (instead of root.mainloop & .quit). 2. In gui.run, allow any
+existing interaction to terminate first.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 9357
+.. nonce: Yp9LRY
+.. section: IDLE
+Change 'The program' to 'Your program' in an IDLE 'kill program?' message to
+make it clearer that the program referred to is the currently running user
+program, not IDLE itself.
+.. bpo: 24750
+.. date: 9356
+.. nonce: xgsi-K
+.. section: IDLE
+Improve the appearance of the IDLE editor window status bar. Patch by Mark
+.. bpo: 25313
+.. date: 9355
+.. nonce: xMXHpO
+.. section: IDLE
+Change the handling of new built-in text color themes to better address the
+compatibility problem introduced by the addition of IDLE Dark. Consistently
+use the revised idleConf.CurrentTheme everywhere in idlelib.
+.. bpo: 24782
+.. date: 9354
+.. nonce: RgIPYE
+.. section: IDLE
+Extension configuration is now a tab in the IDLE Preferences dialog rather
+than a separate dialog.  The former tabs are now a sorted list.  Patch by
+Mark Roseman.
+.. bpo: 22726
+.. date: 9353
+.. nonce: x8T0dA
+.. section: IDLE
+Re-activate the config dialog help button with some content about the other
+buttons and the new IDLE Dark theme.
+.. bpo: 24820
+.. date: 9352
+.. nonce: TFPJhr
+.. section: IDLE
+IDLE now has an 'IDLE Dark' built-in text color theme. It is more or less
+IDLE Classic inverted, with a cobalt blue background. Strings, comments,
+keywords, ... are still green, red, orange, ... . To use it with IDLEs
+released before November 2015, hit the 'Save as New Custom Theme' button and
+enter a new name, such as 'Custom Dark'.  The custom theme will work with
+any IDLE release, and can be modified.
+.. bpo: 25224
+.. date: 9351
+.. nonce: 5Llwo4
+.. section: IDLE
+README.txt is now an idlelib index for IDLE developers and curious users.
+The previous user content is now in the IDLE doc chapter. 'IDLE' now means
+'Integrated Development and Learning Environment'.
+.. bpo: 24820
+.. date: 9350
+.. nonce: ZUz9Fn
+.. section: IDLE
+Users can now set breakpoint colors in Settings -> Custom Highlighting.
+Original patch by Mark Roseman.
+.. bpo: 24972
+.. date: 9349
+.. nonce: uc0uNo
+.. section: IDLE
+Inactive selection background now matches active selection background, as
+configured by users, on all systems.  Found items are now always highlighted
+on Windows.  Initial patch by Mark Roseman.
+.. bpo: 24570
+.. date: 9348
+.. nonce: s3EkNn
+.. section: IDLE
+Idle: make calltip and completion boxes appear on Macs affected by a tk
+regression.  Initial patch by Mark Roseman.
+.. bpo: 24988
+.. date: 9347
+.. nonce: tXqq4T
+.. section: IDLE
+Idle ScrolledList context menus (used in debugger) now work on Mac Aqua.
+Patch by Mark Roseman.
+.. bpo: 24801
+.. date: 9346
+.. nonce: -bj_Ou
+.. section: IDLE
+Make right-click for context menu work on Mac Aqua. Patch by Mark Roseman.
+.. bpo: 25173
+.. date: 9345
+.. nonce: EZzrPg
+.. section: IDLE
+Associate tkinter messageboxes with a specific widget. For Mac OSX, make
+them a 'sheet'.  Patch by Mark Roseman.
+.. bpo: 25198
+.. date: 9344
+.. nonce: -j_BV7
+.. section: IDLE
+Enhance the initial html viewer now used for Idle Help. * Properly indent
+fixed-pitch text (patch by Mark Roseman). * Give code snippet a very Sphinx-
+like light blueish-gray background. * Re-use initial width and height set by
+users for shell and editor. * When the Table of Contents (TOC) menu is used,
+put the section header at the top of the screen.
+.. bpo: 25225
+.. date: 9343
+.. nonce: 9pvdq6
+.. section: IDLE
+Condense and rewrite Idle doc section on text colors.
+.. bpo: 21995
+.. date: 9342
+.. nonce: C5Rmzx
+.. section: IDLE
+Explain some differences between IDLE and console Python.
+.. bpo: 22820
+.. date: 9341
+.. nonce: hix_8X
+.. section: IDLE
+Explain need for *print* when running file from Idle editor.
+.. bpo: 25224
+.. date: 9340
+.. nonce: UVMYQq
+.. section: IDLE
+Doc: augment Idle feature list and no-subprocess section.
+.. bpo: 25219
+.. date: 9339
+.. nonce: 8_9DYg
+.. section: IDLE
+Update doc for Idle command line options. Some were missing and notes were
+not correct.
+.. bpo: 24861
+.. date: 9338
+.. nonce: Ecg2yT
+.. section: IDLE
+Most of idlelib is private and subject to change. Use idleib.idle.* to start
+Idle. See idlelib.__init__.__doc__.
+.. bpo: 25199
+.. date: 9337
+.. nonce: ih7yY3
+.. section: IDLE
+Idle: add synchronization comments for future maintainers.
+.. bpo: 16893
+.. date: 9336
+.. nonce: bZtPgJ
+.. section: IDLE
+Replace help.txt with help.html for Idle doc display. The new
+idlelib/help.html is rstripped Doc/build/html/library/idle.html. It looks
+better than help.txt and will better document Idle as released. The tkinter
+html viewer that works for this file was written by Mark Roseman. The now
+unused EditorWindow.HelpDialog class and helt.txt file are deprecated.
+.. bpo: 24199
+.. date: 9335
+.. nonce: VKnZEv
+.. section: IDLE
+Deprecate unused idlelib.idlever with possible removal in 3.6.
+.. bpo: 24790
+.. date: 9334
+.. nonce: hD1hlj
+.. section: IDLE
+Remove extraneous code (which also create 2 & 3 conflicts).
+.. bpo: 22558
+.. date: 9333
+.. nonce: Pk02YC
+.. section: Documentation
+Add remaining doc links to source code for Python-coded modules. Patch by
+Yoni Lavi.
+.. bpo: 12067
+.. date: 9332
+.. nonce: nLD2M-
+.. section: Documentation
+Rewrite Comparisons section in the Expressions chapter of the language
+reference. Some of the details of comparing mixed types were incorrect or
+ambiguous. NotImplemented is only relevant at a lower level than the
+Expressions chapter. Added details of comparing range() objects, and default
+behaviour and consistency suggestions for user-defined classes. Patch from
+Andy Maier.
+.. bpo: 24952
+.. date: 9331
+.. nonce: RHhFPE
+.. section: Documentation
+Clarify the default size argument of stack_size() in the "threading" and
+"_thread" modules. Patch from Mattip.
+.. bpo: 23725
+.. date: 9330
+.. nonce: 49TZ5f
+.. section: Documentation
+Overhaul tempfile docs. Note deprecated status of mktemp. Patch from
+Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek.
+.. bpo: 24808
+.. date: 9329
+.. nonce: MGjc3F
+.. section: Documentation
+Update the types of some PyTypeObject fields.  Patch by Joseph Weston.
+.. bpo: 22812
+.. date: 9328
+.. nonce: kLCF0G
+.. section: Documentation
+Fix unittest discovery examples. Patch from Pam McA'Nulty.
+.. bpo: 25449
+.. date: 9327
+.. nonce: MP6KNs
+.. section: Tests
+Added tests for OrderedDict subclasses.
+.. bpo: 25099
+.. date: 9326
+.. nonce: tJQOWx
+.. section: Tests
+Make test_compileall not fail when an entry on sys.path cannot be written to
+(commonly seen in administrative installs on Windows).
+.. bpo: 23919
+.. date: 9325
+.. nonce: vJnjaq
+.. section: Tests
+Prevents assert dialogs appearing in the test suite.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 9324
+.. nonce: X-Bk5l
+.. section: Tests
+``PCbuild\rt.bat`` now accepts an unlimited number of arguments to pass
+along to regrtest.py.  Previously there was a limit of 9.
+.. bpo: 24915
+.. date: 9323
+.. nonce: PgD3Cx
+.. section: Build
+Add LLVM support for PGO builds and use the test suite to generate the
+profile data. Initial patch by Alecsandru Patrascu of Intel.
+.. bpo: 24910
+.. date: 9322
+.. nonce: ZZdfl0
+.. section: Build
+Windows MSIs now have unique display names.
+.. bpo: 24986
+.. date: 9321
+.. nonce: 1WyXeU
+.. section: Build
+It is now possible to build Python on Windows without errors when external
+libraries are not available.
+.. bpo: 25450
+.. date: 9320
+.. nonce: X4xlWf
+.. section: Windows
+Updates shortcuts to start Python in installation directory.
+.. bpo: 25164
+.. date: 9319
+.. nonce: FHVOOA
+.. section: Windows
+Changes default all-users install directory to match per-user directory.
+.. bpo: 25143
+.. date: 9318
+.. nonce: hmxsia
+.. section: Windows
+Improves installer error messages for unsupported platforms.
+.. bpo: 25163
+.. date: 9317
+.. nonce: uCRe8H
+.. section: Windows
+Display correct directory in installer when using non-default settings.
+.. bpo: 25361
+.. date: 9316
+.. nonce: GETaSY
+.. section: Windows
+Disables use of SSE2 instructions in Windows 32-bit build
+.. bpo: 25089
+.. date: 9315
+.. nonce: n_YJgw
+.. section: Windows
+Adds logging to installer for case where launcher is not selected on
+.. bpo: 25165
+.. date: 9314
+.. nonce: aUTN1e
+.. section: Windows
+Windows uninstallation should not remove launcher if other versions remain
+.. bpo: 25112
+.. date: 9313
+.. nonce: frdKij
+.. section: Windows
+py.exe launcher is missing icons
+.. bpo: 25102
+.. date: 9312
+.. nonce: 6y6Akl
+.. section: Windows
+Windows installer does not precompile for -O or -OO.
+.. bpo: 25081
+.. date: 9311
+.. nonce: dcRCTO
+.. section: Windows
+Makes Back button in installer go back to upgrade page when upgrading.
+.. bpo: 25091
+.. date: 9310
+.. nonce: 1u-VKy
+.. section: Windows
+Increases font size of the installer.
+.. bpo: 25126
+.. date: 9309
+.. nonce: ANx3DW
+.. section: Windows
+Clarifies that the non-web installer will download some components.
+.. bpo: 25213
+.. date: 9308
+.. nonce: KGmXoe
+.. section: Windows
+Restores requestedExecutionLevel to manifest to disable UAC virtualization.
+.. bpo: 25022
+.. date: 9307
+.. nonce: vAt_zr
+.. section: Windows
+Removed very outdated PC/example_nt/ directory.
+.. bpo: 25440
+.. date: 9306
+.. nonce: 5xhyGr
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Fix output of python-config --extension-suffix.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.2.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.2.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..982b227962d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.2.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+.. bpo: 26930
+.. date: 9676
+.. nonce: 9JUeSD
+.. release date: 2016-06-26
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Update Windows builds to use OpenSSL 1.0.2h.
+.. bpo: 26867
+.. date: 9675
+.. nonce: QPSyP5
+.. section: Tests
+Ubuntu's openssl OP_NO_SSLv3 is forced on by default; fix test.
+.. bpo: 27365
+.. date: 9674
+.. nonce: ipkJ_M
+.. section: IDLE
+Allow non-ascii in idlelib/NEWS.txt - minimal part for 3.5.2.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.2rc1.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.2rc1.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6a07020c0ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.2rc1.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2204 @@
+.. bpo: 27066
+.. date: 9673
+.. nonce: SNExZi
+.. release date: 2016-06-12
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fixed SystemError if a custom opener (for open()) returns a negative number
+without setting an exception.
+.. bpo: 20041
+.. date: 9672
+.. nonce: TypyGp
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fixed TypeError when frame.f_trace is set to None. Patch by Xavier de Gaye.
+.. bpo: 26168
+.. date: 9671
+.. nonce: -nPBL6
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fixed possible refleaks in failing Py_BuildValue() with the "N" format unit.
+.. bpo: 26991
+.. date: 9670
+.. nonce: yWGNhz
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix possible refleak when creating a function with annotations.
+.. bpo: 27039
+.. date: 9669
+.. nonce: Zj7tV7
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fixed bytearray.remove() for values greater than 127.  Patch by Joe Jevnik.
+.. bpo: 23640
+.. date: 9668
+.. nonce: kvNC4c
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+int.from_bytes() no longer bypasses constructors for subclasses.
+.. bpo: 26811
+.. date: 9667
+.. nonce: oNzUWt
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+gc.get_objects() no longer contains a broken tuple with NULL pointer.
+.. bpo: 20120
+.. date: 9666
+.. nonce: c-FZZc
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Use RawConfigParser for .pypirc parsing, removing support for interpolation
+unintentionally added with move to Python 3. Behavior no longer does any
+interpolation in .pypirc files, matching behavior in Python 2.7 and
+Setuptools 19.0.
+.. bpo: 26659
+.. date: 9665
+.. nonce: 5PRa83
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Make the builtin slice type support cycle collection.
+.. bpo: 26718
+.. date: 9664
+.. nonce: K5PQ8j
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+super.__init__ no longer leaks memory if called multiple times. NOTE: A
+direct call of super.__init__ is not endorsed!
+.. bpo: 25339
+.. date: 9663
+.. nonce: ZcaC2E
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+PYTHONIOENCODING now has priority over locale in setting the error handler
+for stdin and stdout.
+.. bpo: 26494
+.. date: 9662
+.. nonce: G6eXIi
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fixed crash on iterating exhausting iterators. Affected classes are generic
+sequence iterators, iterators of str, bytes, bytearray, list, tuple, set,
+frozenset, dict, OrderedDict, corresponding views and os.scandir() iterator.
+.. bpo: 26581
+.. date: 9661
+.. nonce: yNA7nm
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+If coding cookie is specified multiple times on a line in Python source code
+file, only the first one is taken to account.
+.. bpo: 26464
+.. date: 9660
+.. nonce: 7BreGz
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix str.translate() when string is ASCII and first replacements removes
+character, but next replacement uses a non-ASCII character or a string
+longer than 1 character. Regression introduced in Python 3.5.0.
+.. bpo: 22836
+.. date: 9659
+.. nonce: cimt1y
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Ensure exception reports from PyErr_Display() and PyErr_WriteUnraisable()
+are sensible even when formatting them produces secondary errors.  This
+affects the reports produced by sys.__excepthook__() and when __del__()
+raises an exception.
+.. bpo: 26302
+.. date: 9658
+.. nonce: UD9XQt
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Correct behavior to reject comma as a legal character for cookie names.
+.. bpo: 4806
+.. date: 9657
+.. nonce: i9m3hj
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Avoid masking the original TypeError exception when using star (``*``)
+unpacking in function calls.  Based on patch by Hagen Fürstenau and Daniel
+.. bpo: 27138
+.. date: 9656
+.. nonce: ifYEro
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix the doc comment for FileFinder.find_spec().
+.. bpo: 26154
+.. date: 9655
+.. nonce: MtnRAH
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Add a new private _PyThreadState_UncheckedGet() function to get the current
+Python thread state, but don't issue a fatal error if it is NULL. This new
+function must be used instead of accessing directly the
+_PyThreadState_Current variable.  The variable is no more exposed since
+Python 3.5.1 to hide the exact implementation of atomic C types, to avoid
+compiler issues.
+.. bpo: 26194
+.. date: 9654
+.. nonce: j9zand
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Deque.insert() gave odd results for bounded deques that had reached their
+maximum size.  Now an IndexError will be raised when attempting to insert
+into a full deque.
+.. bpo: 25843
+.. date: 9653
+.. nonce: t2kGug
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+When compiling code, don't merge constants if they are equal but have a
+different types. For example, ``f1, f2 = lambda: 1, lambda: 1.0`` is now
+correctly compiled to two different functions: ``f1()`` returns ``1``
+(``int``) and ``f2()`` returns ``1.0`` (``int``), even if ``1`` and ``1.0``
+are equal.
+.. bpo: 22995
+.. date: 9652
+.. nonce: KYNKvs
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+[UPDATE] Comment out the one of the pickleability tests in
+_PyObject_GetState() due to regressions observed in Cython-based projects.
+.. bpo: 25961
+.. date: 9651
+.. nonce: Hdjjw0
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Disallowed null characters in the type name.
+.. bpo: 25973
+.. date: 9650
+.. nonce: Ud__ZP
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix segfault when an invalid nonlocal statement binds a name starting with
+two underscores.
+.. bpo: 22995
+.. date: 9649
+.. nonce: Wq0E86
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Instances of extension types with a state that aren't subclasses of list or
+dict and haven't implemented any pickle-related methods (__reduce__,
+__reduce_ex__, __getnewargs__, __getnewargs_ex__, or __getstate__), can no
+longer be pickled.  Including memoryview.
+.. bpo: 20440
+.. date: 9648
+.. nonce: GCwOfH
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Massive replacing unsafe attribute setting code with special macro
+.. bpo: 25766
+.. date: 9647
+.. nonce: jn93Yu
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Special method __bytes__() now works in str subclasses.
+.. bpo: 25421
+.. date: 9646
+.. nonce: c47YEL
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+__sizeof__ methods of builtin types now use dynamic basic size. This allows
+sys.getsize() to work correctly with their subclasses with __slots__
+.. bpo: 25709
+.. date: 9645
+.. nonce: WwGm2k
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fixed problem with in-place string concatenation and utf-8 cache.
+.. bpo: 27147
+.. date: 9644
+.. nonce: tCCgmH
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Mention PEP 420 in the importlib docs.
+.. bpo: 24097
+.. date: 9643
+.. nonce: Vt4E-i
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fixed crash in object.__reduce__() if slot name is freed inside __getattr__.
+.. bpo: 24731
+.. date: 9642
+.. nonce: h9-hnz
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fixed crash on converting objects with special methods __bytes__, __trunc__,
+and __float__ returning instances of subclasses of bytes, int, and float to
+subclasses of bytes, int, and float correspondingly.
+.. bpo: 26478
+.. date: 9641
+.. nonce: n0dB8e
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix semantic bugs when using binary operators with dictionary views and
+.. bpo: 26171
+.. date: 9640
+.. nonce: 8SaQEa
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix possible integer overflow and heap corruption in zipimporter.get_data().
+.. bpo: 25660
+.. date: 9639
+.. nonce: 93DzBo
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix TAB key behaviour in REPL with readline.
+.. bpo: 25887
+.. date: 9638
+.. nonce: PtVIX7
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Raise a RuntimeError when a coroutine object is awaited more than once.
+.. bpo: 27243
+.. date: 9637
+.. nonce: U36M4E
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Update the __aiter__ protocol: instead of returning an awaitable that
+resolves to an asynchronous iterator, the asynchronous iterator should be
+returned directly.  Doing the former will trigger a
+.. bpo: 26556
+.. date: 9636
+.. nonce: v5j2uL
+.. original section: Library
+.. section: Security
+Update expat to 2.1.1, fixes CVE-2015-1283.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 9635
+.. nonce: E4ochz
+.. original section: Library
+.. section: Security
+Fix TLS stripping vulnerability in smtplib, CVE-2016-0772. Reported by Team
+.. bpo: 21386
+.. date: 9634
+.. nonce: DjV72U
+.. section: Library
+Implement missing IPv4Address.is_global property.  It was documented since
+07a5610bae9d.  Initial patch by Roger Luethi.
+.. bpo: 20900
+.. date: 9633
+.. nonce: H5YQPR
+.. section: Library
+distutils register command now decodes HTTP responses correctly.  Initial
+patch by ingrid.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 9632
+.. nonce: iYIeng
+.. section: Library
+A new version of typing.py provides several new classes and features:
+ at overload outside stubs, Reversible, DefaultDict, Text, ContextManager,
+Type[], NewType(), TYPE_CHECKING, and numerous bug fixes (note that some of
+the new features are not yet implemented in mypy or other static analyzers).
+Also classes for PEP 492 (Awaitable, AsyncIterable, AsyncIterator) have been
+added (in fact they made it into 3.5.1 but were never mentioned).
+.. bpo: 25738
+.. date: 9631
+.. nonce: mED9w4
+.. section: Library
+Stop http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler.send_error() from sending a message
+body for 205 Reset Content.  Also, don't send Content header fields in
+responses that don't have a body.  Patch by Susumu Koshiba.
+.. bpo: 21313
+.. date: 9630
+.. nonce: W30MBr
+.. section: Library
+Fix the "platform" module to tolerate when sys.version contains truncated
+build information.
+.. bpo: 26839
+.. date: 9629
+.. nonce: yVvy7R
+.. original section: Library
+.. section: Security
+On Linux, :func:`os.urandom` now calls ``getrandom()`` with
+``GRND_NONBLOCK`` to fall back on reading ``/dev/urandom`` if the urandom
+entropy pool is not initialized yet. Patch written by Colm Buckley.
+.. bpo: 27164
+.. date: 9628
+.. nonce: 6wmjx2
+.. section: Library
+In the zlib module, allow decompressing raw Deflate streams with a
+predefined zdict.  Based on patch by Xiang Zhang.
+.. bpo: 24291
+.. date: 9627
+.. nonce: Ac6HvL
+.. section: Library
+Fix wsgiref.simple_server.WSGIRequestHandler to completely write data to the
+client.  Previously it could do partial writes and truncate data.  Also,
+wsgiref.handler.ServerHandler can now handle stdout doing partial writes,
+but this is deprecated.
+.. bpo: 26809
+.. date: 9626
+.. nonce: ya7JMb
+.. section: Library
+Add ``__all__`` to :mod:`string`.  Patch by Emanuel Barry.
+.. bpo: 26373
+.. date: 9625
+.. nonce: P6qz6o
+.. section: Library
+subprocess.Popen.communicate now correctly ignores BrokenPipeError when the
+child process dies before .communicate() is called in more/all
+.. bpo: 21776
+.. date: 9624
+.. nonce: 04eQfa
+.. section: Library
+distutils.upload now correctly handles HTTPError. Initial patch by Claudiu
+.. bpo: 27114
+.. date: 9623
+.. nonce: bGCuAM
+.. section: Library
+Fix SSLContext._load_windows_store_certs fails with PermissionError
+.. bpo: 18383
+.. date: 9622
+.. nonce: jr-b0l
+.. section: Library
+Avoid creating duplicate filters when using filterwarnings and simplefilter.
+Based on patch by Alex Shkop.
+.. bpo: 27057
+.. date: 9621
+.. nonce: YzTA_Q
+.. section: Library
+Fix os.set_inheritable() on Android, ioctl() is blocked by SELinux and fails
+with EACCESS. The function now falls back to fcntl(). Patch written by
+Michał Bednarski.
+.. bpo: 27014
+.. date: 9620
+.. nonce: ui7Khn
+.. section: Library
+Fix infinite recursion using typing.py.  Thanks to Kalle Tuure!
+.. bpo: 14132
+.. date: 9619
+.. nonce: 5wR9MN
+.. section: Library
+Fix urllib.request redirect handling when the target only has a query
+string.  Original fix by Ján Janech.
+.. bpo: 17214
+.. date: 9618
+.. nonce: lUbZOV
+.. section: Library
+The "urllib.request" module now percent-encodes non-ASCII bytes found in
+redirect target URLs.  Some servers send Location header fields with non-
+ASCII bytes, but "http.client" requires the request target to be ASCII-
+encodable, otherwise a UnicodeEncodeError is raised.  Based on patch by
+Christian Heimes.
+.. bpo: 26892
+.. date: 9617
+.. nonce: XIXb0h
+.. section: Library
+Honor debuglevel flag in urllib.request.HTTPHandler. Patch contributed by
+Chi Hsuan Yen.
+.. bpo: 22274
+.. date: 9616
+.. nonce: 0RHDMN
+.. section: Library
+In the subprocess module, allow stderr to be redirected to stdout even when
+stdout is not redirected.  Patch by Akira Li.
+.. bpo: 26807
+.. date: 9615
+.. nonce: LXSPP6
+.. section: Library
+mock_open 'files' no longer error on readline at end of file. Patch from
+Yolanda Robla.
+.. bpo: 25745
+.. date: 9614
+.. nonce: -n8acU
+.. section: Library
+Fixed leaking a userptr in curses panel destructor.
+.. bpo: 26977
+.. date: 9613
+.. nonce: 5G4HtL
+.. section: Library
+Removed unnecessary, and ignored, call to sum of squares helper in
+.. bpo: 26881
+.. date: 9612
+.. nonce: mdiq_L
+.. section: Library
+The modulefinder module now supports extended opcode arguments.
+.. bpo: 23815
+.. date: 9611
+.. nonce: _krNe8
+.. section: Library
+Fixed crashes related to directly created instances of types in _tkinter and
+curses.panel modules.
+.. bpo: 17765
+.. date: 9610
+.. nonce: hiSVS1
+.. section: Library
+weakref.ref() no longer silently ignores keyword arguments. Patch by Georg
+.. bpo: 26873
+.. date: 9609
+.. nonce: cYXRcH
+.. section: Library
+xmlrpc now raises ResponseError on unsupported type tags instead of silently
+return incorrect result.
+.. bpo: 26711
+.. date: 9608
+.. nonce: Eu85Qw
+.. section: Library
+Fixed the comparison of plistlib.Data with other types.
+.. bpo: 24114
+.. date: 9607
+.. nonce: RMRMtM
+.. section: Library
+Fix an uninitialized variable in `ctypes.util`.
+The bug only occurs on SunOS when the ctypes implementation searches for the
+`crle` program.  Patch by Xiang Zhang.  Tested on SunOS by Kees Bos.
+.. bpo: 26864
+.. date: 9606
+.. nonce: 1KgGds
+.. section: Library
+In urllib.request, change the proxy bypass host checking against no_proxy to
+be case-insensitive, and to not match unrelated host names that happen to
+have a bypassed hostname as a suffix.  Patch by Xiang Zhang.
+.. bpo: 26634
+.. date: 9605
+.. nonce: FZvsSb
+.. section: Library
+recursive_repr() now sets __qualname__ of wrapper.  Patch by Xiang Zhang.
+.. bpo: 26804
+.. date: 9604
+.. nonce: 9Orp-G
+.. section: Library
+urllib.request will prefer lower_case proxy environment variables over
+UPPER_CASE or Mixed_Case ones. Patch contributed by Hans-Peter Jansen.
+.. bpo: 26837
+.. date: 9603
+.. nonce: 2FXGsD
+.. section: Library
+assertSequenceEqual() now correctly outputs non-stringified differing items
+(like bytes in the -b mode).  This affects assertListEqual() and
+.. bpo: 26041
+.. date: 9602
+.. nonce: bVem-p
+.. section: Library
+Remove "will be removed in Python 3.7" from deprecation messages of
+platform.dist() and platform.linux_distribution(). Patch by Kumaripaba
+Miyurusara Athukorala.
+.. bpo: 26822
+.. date: 9601
+.. nonce: rYSL4W
+.. section: Library
+itemgetter, attrgetter and methodcaller objects no longer silently ignore
+keyword arguments.
+.. bpo: 26733
+.. date: 9600
+.. nonce: YxaJmL
+.. section: Library
+Disassembling a class now disassembles class and static methods. Patch by
+Xiang Zhang.
+.. bpo: 26801
+.. date: 9599
+.. nonce: TQGY-7
+.. section: Library
+Fix error handling in :func:`shutil.get_terminal_size`, catch
+:exc:`AttributeError` instead of :exc:`NameError`. Patch written by Emanuel
+.. bpo: 24838
+.. date: 9598
+.. nonce: 3Pfx8T
+.. section: Library
+tarfile's ustar and gnu formats now correctly calculate name and link field
+limits for multibyte character encodings like utf-8.
+.. bpo: 26657
+.. date: 9597
+.. nonce: C_-XFg
+.. original section: Library
+.. section: Security
+Fix directory traversal vulnerability with http.server on Windows.  This
+fixes a regression that was introduced in 3.3.4rc1 and 3.4.0rc1.  Based on
+patch by Philipp Hagemeister.
+.. bpo: 26717
+.. date: 9596
+.. nonce: jngTdu
+.. section: Library
+Stop encoding Latin-1-ized WSGI paths with UTF-8.  Patch by Anthony Sottile.
+.. bpo: 26735
+.. date: 9595
+.. nonce: riSl3b
+.. section: Library
+Fix :func:`os.urandom` on Solaris 11.3 and newer when reading more than
+1,024 bytes: call ``getrandom()`` multiple times with a limit of 1024 bytes
+per call.
+.. bpo: 16329
+.. date: 9594
+.. nonce: nuXD8W
+.. section: Library
+Add .webm to mimetypes.types_map.  Patch by Giampaolo Rodola'.
+.. bpo: 13952
+.. date: 9593
+.. nonce: SOoTVE
+.. section: Library
+Add .csv to mimetypes.types_map.  Patch by Geoff Wilson.
+.. bpo: 26709
+.. date: 9592
+.. nonce: luOPbP
+.. section: Library
+Fixed Y2038 problem in loading binary PLists.
+.. bpo: 23735
+.. date: 9591
+.. nonce: Y5oQ9r
+.. section: Library
+Handle terminal resizing with Readline 6.3+ by installing our own SIGWINCH
+handler.  Patch by Eric Price.
+.. bpo: 26586
+.. date: 9590
+.. nonce: V5pZNa
+.. section: Library
+In http.server, respond with "413 Request header fields too large" if there
+are too many header fields to parse, rather than killing the connection and
+raising an unhandled exception.  Patch by Xiang Zhang.
+.. bpo: 22854
+.. date: 9589
+.. nonce: K3rMEH
+.. section: Library
+Change BufferedReader.writable() and BufferedWriter.readable() to always
+return False.
+.. bpo: 25195
+.. date: 9588
+.. nonce: EOc4Po
+.. section: Library
+Fix a regression in mock.MagicMock. _Call is a subclass of tuple (changeset
+3603bae63c13 only works for classes) so we need to implement __ne__
+ourselves.  Patch by Andrew Plummer.
+.. bpo: 26644
+.. date: 9587
+.. nonce: 7tt1tk
+.. section: Library
+Raise ValueError rather than SystemError when a negative length is passed to
+SSLSocket.recv() or read().
+.. bpo: 23804
+.. date: 9586
+.. nonce: PP63Ff
+.. section: Library
+Fix SSL recv(0) and read(0) methods to return zero bytes instead of up to
+.. bpo: 26616
+.. date: 9585
+.. nonce: v3QwdD
+.. section: Library
+Fixed a bug in datetime.astimezone() method.
+.. bpo: 21925
+.. date: 9584
+.. nonce: _fr69L
+.. section: Library
+:func:`warnings.formatwarning` now catches exceptions on
+``linecache.getline(...)`` to be able to log :exc:`ResourceWarning` emitted
+late during the Python shutdown process.
+.. bpo: 24266
+.. date: 9583
+.. nonce: YZgVyM
+.. section: Library
+Ctrl+C during Readline history search now cancels the search mode when
+compiled with Readline 7.
+.. bpo: 26560
+.. date: 9582
+.. nonce: A4WXNz
+.. section: Library
+Avoid potential ValueError in BaseHandler.start_response. Initial patch by
+Peter Inglesby.
+.. bpo: 26313
+.. date: 9581
+.. nonce: LjZAjy
+.. original section: Library
+.. section: Security
+ssl.py _load_windows_store_certs fails if windows cert store is empty. Patch
+by Baji.
+.. bpo: 26569
+.. date: 9580
+.. nonce: EX8vF1
+.. section: Library
+Fix :func:`pyclbr.readmodule` and :func:`pyclbr.readmodule_ex` to support
+importing packages.
+.. bpo: 26499
+.. date: 9579
+.. nonce: NP08PI
+.. section: Library
+Account for remaining Content-Length in HTTPResponse.readline() and read1().
+Based on patch by Silent Ghost. Also document that HTTPResponse now supports
+these methods.
+.. bpo: 25320
+.. date: 9578
+.. nonce: V96LIy
+.. section: Library
+Handle sockets in directories unittest discovery is scanning. Patch from
+Victor van den Elzen.
+.. bpo: 16181
+.. date: 9577
+.. nonce: P7lLvo
+.. section: Library
+cookiejar.http2time() now returns None if year is higher than
+.. bpo: 26513
+.. date: 9576
+.. nonce: HoPepy
+.. section: Library
+Fixes platform module detection of Windows Server
+.. bpo: 23718
+.. date: 9575
+.. nonce: AMPC0o
+.. section: Library
+Fixed parsing time in week 0 before Jan 1.  Original patch by Tamás Bence
+.. bpo: 20589
+.. date: 9574
+.. nonce: NsQ_I1
+.. section: Library
+Invoking Path.owner() and Path.group() on Windows now raise
+NotImplementedError instead of ImportError.
+.. bpo: 26177
+.. date: 9573
+.. nonce: HlSWer
+.. section: Library
+Fixed the keys() method for Canvas and Scrollbar widgets.
+.. bpo: 15068
+.. date: 9572
+.. nonce: bcHtiw
+.. section: Library
+Got rid of excessive buffering in the fileinput module. The bufsize
+parameter is no longer used.
+.. bpo: 2202
+.. date: 9571
+.. nonce: dk9sd0
+.. section: Library
+Fix UnboundLocalError in AbstractDigestAuthHandler.get_algorithm_impls.
+Initial patch by Mathieu Dupuy.
+.. bpo: 25718
+.. date: 9570
+.. nonce: 4EjZyv
+.. section: Library
+Fixed pickling and copying the accumulate() iterator with total is None.
+.. bpo: 26475
+.. date: 9569
+.. nonce: JXVccY
+.. section: Library
+Fixed debugging output for regular expressions with the (?x) flag.
+.. bpo: 26457
+.. date: 9568
+.. nonce: Xe6Clh
+.. section: Library
+Fixed the subnets() methods in IP network classes for the case when
+resulting prefix length is equal to maximal prefix length. Based on patch by
+Xiang Zhang.
+.. bpo: 26385
+.. date: 9567
+.. nonce: 50bDXm
+.. section: Library
+Remove the file if the internal open() call in NamedTemporaryFile() fails.
+Patch by Silent Ghost.
+.. bpo: 26402
+.. date: 9566
+.. nonce: k7DVuU
+.. section: Library
+Fix XML-RPC client to retry when the server shuts down a persistent
+connection.  This was a regression related to the new
+http.client.RemoteDisconnected exception in 3.5.0a4.
+.. bpo: 25913
+.. date: 9565
+.. nonce: 5flb95
+.. section: Library
+Leading ``<~`` is optional now in base64.a85decode() with adobe=True.  Patch
+by Swati Jaiswal.
+.. bpo: 26186
+.. date: 9564
+.. nonce: R9rfiL
+.. section: Library
+Remove an invalid type check in importlib.util.LazyLoader.
+.. bpo: 26367
+.. date: 9563
+.. nonce: ckpNeU
+.. section: Library
+importlib.__import__() raises SystemError like builtins.__import__() when
+``level`` is specified but without an accompanying package specified.
+.. bpo: 26309
+.. date: 9562
+.. nonce: ubEeiz
+.. section: Library
+In the "socketserver" module, shut down the request (closing the connected
+socket) when verify_request() returns false.  Patch by Aviv Palivoda.
+.. bpo: 25939
+.. date: 9561
+.. nonce: X49Fqd
+.. original section: Library
+.. section: Security
+On Windows open the cert store readonly in ssl.enum_certificates.
+.. bpo: 25995
+.. date: 9560
+.. nonce: NfcimP
+.. section: Library
+os.walk() no longer uses FDs proportional to the tree depth.
+.. bpo: 26117
+.. date: 9559
+.. nonce: ne6p11
+.. section: Library
+The os.scandir() iterator now closes file descriptor not only when the
+iteration is finished, but when it was failed with error.
+.. bpo: 25911
+.. date: 9558
+.. nonce: d4Zadh
+.. section: Library
+Restored support of bytes paths in os.walk() on Windows.
+.. bpo: 26045
+.. date: 9557
+.. nonce: WmzUrX
+.. section: Library
+Add UTF-8 suggestion to error message when posting a non-Latin-1 string with
+.. bpo: 12923
+.. date: 9556
+.. nonce: HPAu-B
+.. section: Library
+Reset FancyURLopener's redirect counter even if there is an exception.
+Based on patches by Brian Brazil and Daniel Rocco.
+.. bpo: 25945
+.. date: 9555
+.. nonce: guNgNM
+.. section: Library
+Fixed a crash when unpickle the functools.partial object with wrong state.
+Fixed a leak in failed functools.partial constructor. "args" and "keywords"
+attributes of functools.partial have now always types tuple and dict
+.. bpo: 26202
+.. date: 9554
+.. nonce: LPIXLg
+.. section: Library
+copy.deepcopy() now correctly copies range() objects with non-atomic
+.. bpo: 23076
+.. date: 9553
+.. nonce: 8rphoP
+.. section: Library
+Path.glob() now raises a ValueError if it's called with an invalid pattern.
+Patch by Thomas Nyberg.
+.. bpo: 19883
+.. date: 9552
+.. nonce: z9TsO6
+.. section: Library
+Fixed possible integer overflows in zipimport.
+.. bpo: 26227
+.. date: 9551
+.. nonce: Fe6oiB
+.. section: Library
+On Windows, getnameinfo(), gethostbyaddr() and gethostbyname_ex() functions
+of the socket module now decode the hostname from the ANSI code page rather
+than UTF-8.
+.. bpo: 26147
+.. date: 9550
+.. nonce: i-Jc01
+.. section: Library
+xmlrpc now works with strings not encodable with used non-UTF-8 encoding.
+.. bpo: 25935
+.. date: 9549
+.. nonce: cyni91
+.. section: Library
+Garbage collector now breaks reference loops with OrderedDict.
+.. bpo: 16620
+.. date: 9548
+.. nonce: rxpn_Y
+.. section: Library
+Fixed AttributeError in msilib.Directory.glob().
+.. bpo: 26013
+.. date: 9547
+.. nonce: 93RKNz
+.. section: Library
+Added compatibility with broken protocol 2 pickles created in old Python 3
+versions (3.4.3 and lower).
+.. bpo: 25850
+.. date: 9546
+.. nonce: jwFPxj
+.. section: Library
+Use cross-compilation by default for 64-bit Windows.
+.. bpo: 17633
+.. date: 9545
+.. nonce: 9mpbUO
+.. section: Library
+Improve zipimport's support for namespace packages.
+.. bpo: 24705
+.. date: 9544
+.. nonce: IZYwjR
+.. section: Library
+Fix sysconfig._parse_makefile not expanding ${} vars appearing before $()
+.. bpo: 22138
+.. date: 9543
+.. nonce: nRNYkc
+.. section: Library
+Fix mock.patch behavior when patching descriptors. Restore original values
+after patching. Patch contributed by Sean McCully.
+.. bpo: 25672
+.. date: 9542
+.. nonce: fw9RJP
+.. section: Library
+In the ssl module, enable the SSL_MODE_RELEASE_BUFFERS mode option if it is
+safe to do so.
+.. bpo: 26012
+.. date: 9541
+.. nonce: IFSXNm
+.. section: Library
+Don't traverse into symlinks for ``**`` pattern in pathlib.Path.[r]glob().
+.. bpo: 24120
+.. date: 9540
+.. nonce: Yiwa0h
+.. section: Library
+Ignore PermissionError when traversing a tree with pathlib.Path.[r]glob().
+Patch by Ulrich Petri.
+.. bpo: 25447
+.. date: 9539
+.. nonce: -4m4xO
+.. section: Library
+fileinput now uses sys.stdin as-is if it does not have a buffer attribute
+(restores backward compatibility).
+.. bpo: 25447
+.. date: 9538
+.. nonce: AtHkWA
+.. section: Library
+Copying the lru_cache() wrapper object now always works, independedly from
+the type of the wrapped object (by returning the original object unchanged).
+.. bpo: 24103
+.. date: 9537
+.. nonce: WufqrQ
+.. section: Library
+Fixed possible use after free in ElementTree.XMLPullParser.
+.. bpo: 25860
+.. date: 9536
+.. nonce: 0hActb
+.. section: Library
+os.fwalk() no longer skips remaining directories when error occurs.
+Original patch by Samson Lee.
+.. bpo: 25914
+.. date: 9535
+.. nonce: h0V61F
+.. section: Library
+Fixed and simplified OrderedDict.__sizeof__.
+.. bpo: 25902
+.. date: 9534
+.. nonce: 6t2FmH
+.. section: Library
+Fixed various refcount issues in ElementTree iteration.
+.. bpo: 25717
+.. date: 9533
+.. nonce: 0_xjaK
+.. section: Library
+Restore the previous behaviour of tolerating most fstat() errors when
+opening files.  This was a regression in 3.5a1, and stopped anonymous
+temporary files from working in special cases.
+.. bpo: 24903
+.. date: 9532
+.. nonce: 3LBdzb
+.. section: Library
+Fix regression in number of arguments compileall accepts when '-d' is
+specified.  The check on the number of arguments has been dropped completely
+as it never worked correctly anyway.
+.. bpo: 25764
+.. date: 9531
+.. nonce: 7WWG07
+.. section: Library
+In the subprocess module, preserve any exception caused by fork() failure
+when preexec_fn is used.
+.. bpo: 6478
+.. date: 9530
+.. nonce: -Bi9Hb
+.. section: Library
+_strptime's regexp cache now is reset after changing timezone with
+.. bpo: 14285
+.. date: 9529
+.. nonce: UyG8Hj
+.. section: Library
+When executing a package with the "python -m package" option, and package
+initialization fails, a proper traceback is now reported.  The "runpy"
+module now lets exceptions from package initialization pass back to the
+caller, rather than raising ImportError.
+.. bpo: 19771
+.. date: 9528
+.. nonce: 5NG-bg
+.. section: Library
+Also in runpy and the "-m" option, omit the irrelevant message ". . . is a
+package and cannot be directly executed" if the package could not even be
+initialized (e.g. due to a bad ``*.pyc`` file).
+.. bpo: 25177
+.. date: 9527
+.. nonce: aNR4Ha
+.. section: Library
+Fixed problem with the mean of very small and very large numbers. As a side
+effect, statistics.mean and statistics.variance should be significantly
+.. bpo: 25718
+.. date: 9526
+.. nonce: D9mHZF
+.. section: Library
+Fixed copying object with state with boolean value is false.
+.. bpo: 10131
+.. date: 9525
+.. nonce: a7tptz
+.. section: Library
+Fixed deep copying of minidom documents.  Based on patch by Marian Ganisin.
+.. bpo: 25725
+.. date: 9524
+.. nonce: XIKv3R
+.. section: Library
+Fixed a reference leak in pickle.loads() when unpickling invalid data
+including tuple instructions.
+.. bpo: 25663
+.. date: 9523
+.. nonce: Ofwfqa
+.. section: Library
+In the Readline completer, avoid listing duplicate global names, and search
+the global namespace before searching builtins.
+.. bpo: 25688
+.. date: 9522
+.. nonce: 8P1HOv
+.. section: Library
+Fixed file leak in ElementTree.iterparse() raising an error.
+.. bpo: 23914
+.. date: 9521
+.. nonce: 1sEz4J
+.. section: Library
+Fixed SystemError raised by unpickler on broken pickle data.
+.. bpo: 25691
+.. date: 9520
+.. nonce: ZEaapY
+.. section: Library
+Fixed crash on deleting ElementTree.Element attributes.
+.. bpo: 25624
+.. date: 9519
+.. nonce: ed-fM0
+.. section: Library
+ZipFile now always writes a ZIP_STORED header for directory entries.  Patch
+by Dingyuan Wang.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 9518
+.. nonce: rtZyid
+.. section: Library
+Skip getaddrinfo if host is already resolved. Patch by A. Jesse Jiryu Davis.
+.. bpo: 26050
+.. date: 9517
+.. nonce: sclyvk
+.. section: Library
+Add asyncio.StreamReader.readuntil() method. Patch by Марк Коренберг.
+.. bpo: 25924
+.. date: 9516
+.. nonce: Uxr2vt
+.. section: Library
+Avoid unnecessary serialization of getaddrinfo(3) calls on OS X versions
+10.5 or higher.  Original patch by A. Jesse Jiryu Davis.
+.. bpo: 26406
+.. date: 9515
+.. nonce: ihvhF4
+.. section: Library
+Avoid unnecessary serialization of getaddrinfo(3) calls on current versions
+of OpenBSD and NetBSD.  Patch by A. Jesse Jiryu Davis.
+.. bpo: 26848
+.. date: 9514
+.. nonce: ChBOpQ
+.. section: Library
+Fix asyncio/subprocess.communicate() to handle empty input. Patch by Jack
+.. bpo: 27040
+.. date: 9513
+.. nonce: UASyCC
+.. section: Library
+Add loop.get_exception_handler method
+.. bpo: 27041
+.. date: 9512
+.. nonce: p3893U
+.. section: Library
+asyncio: Add loop.create_future method
+.. bpo: 27223
+.. date: 9511
+.. nonce: PRf4I6
+.. section: Library
+asyncio: Fix _read_ready and _write_ready to respect _conn_lost. Patch by
+Łukasz Langa.
+.. bpo: 22970
+.. date: 9510
+.. nonce: WhdhyM
+.. section: Library
+asyncio: Fix inconsistency cancelling Condition.wait. Patch by David Coles.
+.. bpo: 5124
+.. date: 9509
+.. nonce: 4kwBvM
+.. section: IDLE
+Paste with text selected now replaces the selection on X11. This matches how
+paste works on Windows, Mac, most modern Linux apps, and ttk widgets.
+Original patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
+.. bpo: 24759
+.. date: 9508
+.. nonce: ccmySu
+.. section: IDLE
+Make clear in idlelib.idle_test.__init__ that the directory is a private
+implementation of test.test_idle and tool for maintainers.
+.. bpo: 27196
+.. date: 9507
+.. nonce: 3yp8TF
+.. section: IDLE
+Stop 'ThemeChanged' warnings when running IDLE tests. These persisted after
+other warnings were suppressed in #20567. Apply Serhiy Storchaka's
+update_idletasks solution to four test files. Record this additional advice
+in idle_test/README.txt
+.. bpo: 20567
+.. date: 9506
+.. nonce: hhT32b
+.. section: IDLE
+Revise idle_test/README.txt with advice about avoiding tk warning messages
+from tests.  Apply advice to several IDLE tests.
+.. bpo: 27117
+.. date: 9505
+.. nonce: YrLPf4
+.. section: IDLE
+Make colorizer htest and turtledemo work with dark themes. Move code for
+configuring text widget colors to a new function.
+.. bpo: 26673
+.. date: 9504
+.. nonce: dh0_Ij
+.. section: IDLE
+When tk reports font size as 0, change to size 10. Such fonts on Linux
+prevented the configuration dialog from opening.
+.. bpo: 21939
+.. date: 9503
+.. nonce: pWz-OK
+.. section: IDLE
+Add test for IDLE's percolator. Original patch by Saimadhav Heblikar.
+.. bpo: 21676
+.. date: 9502
+.. nonce: hqy6Qh
+.. section: IDLE
+Add test for IDLE's replace dialog. Original patch by Saimadhav Heblikar.
+.. bpo: 18410
+.. date: 9501
+.. nonce: DLSPZo
+.. section: IDLE
+Add test for IDLE's search dialog. Original patch by Westley Martínez.
+.. bpo: 21703
+.. date: 9500
+.. nonce: BAZfDM
+.. section: IDLE
+Add test for IDLE's undo delegator. Original patch by Saimadhav Heblikar .
+.. bpo: 27044
+.. date: 9499
+.. nonce: 4y7tyM
+.. section: IDLE
+Add ConfigDialog.remove_var_callbacks to stop memory leaks.
+.. bpo: 23977
+.. date: 9498
+.. nonce: miDjj8
+.. section: IDLE
+Add more asserts to test_delegator.
+.. bpo: 20640
+.. date: 9497
+.. nonce: PmI-G8
+.. section: IDLE
+Add tests for idlelib.configHelpSourceEdit. Patch by Saimadhav Heblikar.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 9496
+.. nonce: _YJfG7
+.. section: IDLE
+In the 'IDLE-console differences' section of the IDLE doc, clarify how
+running with IDLE affects sys.modules and the standard streams.
+.. bpo: 25507
+.. date: 9495
+.. nonce: i8bNpk
+.. section: IDLE
+fix incorrect change in IOBinding that prevented printing. Augment IOBinding
+htest to include all major IOBinding functions.
+.. bpo: 25905
+.. date: 9494
+.. nonce: FzNb3B
+.. section: IDLE
+Revert unwanted conversion of ' to ’ RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK in
+README.txt and open this and NEWS.txt with 'ascii'. Re-encode CREDITS.txt to
+utf-8 and open it with 'utf-8'.
+.. bpo: 19489
+.. date: 9493
+.. nonce: jvzuO7
+.. section: Documentation
+Moved the search box from the sidebar to the header and footer of each page.
+Patch by Ammar Askar.
+.. bpo: 24136
+.. date: 9492
+.. nonce: MUK0zK
+.. section: Documentation
+Document the new PEP 448 unpacking syntax of 3.5.
+.. bpo: 26736
+.. date: 9491
+.. nonce: U_Hyqo
+.. section: Documentation
+Used HTTPS for external links in the documentation if possible.
+.. bpo: 6953
+.. date: 9490
+.. nonce: Zk6rno
+.. section: Documentation
+Rework the Readline module documentation to group related functions
+together, and add more details such as what underlying Readline functions
+and variables are accessed.
+.. bpo: 23606
+.. date: 9489
+.. nonce: 9MhIso
+.. section: Documentation
+Adds note to ctypes documentation regarding cdll.msvcrt.
+.. bpo: 25500
+.. date: 9488
+.. nonce: AV47eF
+.. section: Documentation
+Fix documentation to not claim that __import__ is searched for in the global
+.. bpo: 26014
+.. date: 9487
+.. nonce: ptdZ_I
+.. section: Documentation
+Update 3.x packaging documentation: * "See also" links to the new docs are
+now provided in the legacy pages * links to setuptools documentation have
+been updated
+.. bpo: 21916
+.. date: 9486
+.. nonce: muwCyp
+.. section: Tests
+Added tests for the turtle module.  Patch by ingrid, Gregory Loyse and Jelle
+.. bpo: 26523
+.. date: 9485
+.. nonce: em_Uzt
+.. section: Tests
+The multiprocessing thread pool (multiprocessing.dummy.Pool) was untested.
+.. bpo: 26015
+.. date: 9484
+.. nonce: p3oWK3
+.. section: Tests
+Added new tests for pickling iterators of mutable sequences.
+.. bpo: 26325
+.. date: 9483
+.. nonce: KOUc82
+.. section: Tests
+Added test.support.check_no_resource_warning() to check that no
+ResourceWarning is emitted.
+.. bpo: 25940
+.. date: 9482
+.. nonce: PgiLVN
+.. section: Tests
+Changed test_ssl to use self-signed.pythontest.net.  This avoids relying on
+svn.python.org, which recently changed root certificate.
+.. bpo: 25616
+.. date: 9481
+.. nonce: Qr-60p
+.. section: Tests
+Tests for OrderedDict are extracted from test_collections into separate file
+.. bpo: 26583
+.. date: 9480
+.. nonce: Up7hTl
+.. section: Tests
+Skip test_timestamp_overflow in test_import if bytecode files cannot be
+.. bpo: 26884
+.. date: 9479
+.. nonce: O8-azL
+.. section: Build
+Fix linking extension modules for cross builds. Patch by Xavier de Gaye.
+.. bpo: 22359
+.. date: 9478
+.. nonce: HDjM4s
+.. section: Build
+Disable the rules for running _freeze_importlib and pgen when cross-
+compiling.  The output of these programs is normally saved with the source
+code anyway, and is still regenerated when doing a native build. Patch by
+Xavier de Gaye.
+.. bpo: 27229
+.. date: 9477
+.. nonce: C2NDch
+.. section: Build
+Fix the cross-compiling pgen rule for in-tree builds.  Patch by Xavier de
+.. bpo: 21668
+.. date: 9476
+.. nonce: 4sMAa1
+.. section: Build
+Link audioop, _datetime, _ctypes_test modules to libm, except on Mac OS X.
+Patch written by Xavier de Gaye.
+.. bpo: 25702
+.. date: 9475
+.. nonce: ipxyJs
+.. section: Build
+A --with-lto configure option has been added that will enable link time
+optimizations at build time during a make profile-opt. Some compilers and
+toolchains are known to not produce stable code when using LTO, be sure to
+test things thoroughly before relying on it. It can provide a few % speed up
+over profile-opt alone.
+.. bpo: 26624
+.. date: 9474
+.. nonce: 4fGrTl
+.. section: Build
+Adds validation of ucrtbase[d].dll version with warning for old versions.
+.. bpo: 17603
+.. date: 9473
+.. nonce: 102DA-
+.. section: Build
+Avoid error about nonexistant fileblocks.o file by using a lower-level check
+for st_blocks in struct stat.
+.. bpo: 26079
+.. date: 9472
+.. nonce: mEzW0O
+.. section: Build
+Fixing the build output folder for tix- Patch by Bjoern Thiel.
+.. bpo: 26465
+.. date: 9471
+.. nonce: _YR608
+.. section: Build
+Update Windows builds to use OpenSSL 1.0.2g.
+.. bpo: 24421
+.. date: 9470
+.. nonce: 2zY7vM
+.. section: Build
+Compile Modules/_math.c once, before building extensions. Previously it
+could fail to compile properly if the math and cmath builds were concurrent.
+.. bpo: 25348
+.. date: 9469
+.. nonce: u6_BaQ
+.. section: Build
+Added ``--pgo`` and ``--pgo-job`` arguments to ``PCbuild\build.bat`` for
+building with Profile-Guided Optimization.  The old
+``PCbuild\build_pgo.bat`` script is now deprecated, and simply calls
+``PCbuild\build.bat --pgo %*``.
+.. bpo: 25827
+.. date: 9468
+.. nonce: yg3DMM
+.. section: Build
+Add support for building with ICC to ``configure``, including a new
+``--with-icc`` flag.
+.. bpo: 25696
+.. date: 9467
+.. nonce: 2R_wIv
+.. section: Build
+Fix installation of Python on UNIX with make -j9.
+.. bpo: 26930
+.. date: 9466
+.. nonce: Sqz2O3
+.. section: Build
+Update OS X 10.5+ 32-bit-only installer to build and link with OpenSSL
+.. bpo: 26268
+.. date: 9465
+.. nonce: I3-YLh
+.. section: Build
+Update Windows builds to use OpenSSL 1.0.2f.
+.. bpo: 25136
+.. date: 9464
+.. nonce: Vi-fmO
+.. section: Build
+Support Apple Xcode 7's new textual SDK stub libraries.
+.. bpo: 24324
+.. date: 9463
+.. nonce: m6DZMx
+.. section: Build
+Do not enable unreachable code warnings when using gcc as the option does
+not work correctly in older versions of gcc and has been silently removed as
+of gcc-4.5.
+.. bpo: 27053
+.. date: 9462
+.. nonce: 1IRbae
+.. section: Windows
+Updates make_zip.py to correctly generate library ZIP file.
+.. bpo: 26268
+.. date: 9461
+.. nonce: Z-lJEh
+.. section: Windows
+Update the prepare_ssl.py script to handle OpenSSL releases that don't
+include the contents of the include directory (that is, 1.0.2e and later).
+.. bpo: 26071
+.. date: 9460
+.. nonce: wLxL2l
+.. section: Windows
+bdist_wininst created binaries fail to start and find 32bit Python
+.. bpo: 26073
+.. date: 9459
+.. nonce: XwWgHp
+.. section: Windows
+Update the list of magic numbers in launcher
+.. bpo: 26065
+.. date: 9458
+.. nonce: SkVLJp
+.. section: Windows
+Excludes venv from library when generating embeddable distro.
+.. bpo: 26799
+.. date: 9457
+.. nonce: gK2VXX
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Fix python-gdb.py: don't get C types once when the Python code is loaded,
+but get C types on demand. The C types can change if python-gdb.py is loaded
+before the Python executable. Patch written by Thomas Ilsche.
+.. bpo: 26271
+.. date: 9456
+.. nonce: wg-rzr
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Fix the Freeze tool to properly use flags passed through configure. Patch by
+Daniel Shaulov.
+.. bpo: 26489
+.. date: 9455
+.. nonce: rJ_U5S
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Add dictionary unpacking support to Tools/parser/unparse.py. Patch by Guo Ci
+.. bpo: 26316
+.. date: 9454
+.. nonce: QJvVOi
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Fix variable name typo in Argument Clinic.
+.. bpo: 17500
+.. date: 9453
+.. nonce: QTZbRV
+.. section: Windows
+Remove unused and outdated icons. (See also:
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.3.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.3.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c3fcb67a456
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.3.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 9899
+.. no changes: True
+.. nonce: zYPqUK
+.. release date: 2017-01-17
+There were no code changes between 3.5.3rc1 and 3.5.3 final.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.3rc1.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.3rc1.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..99b4675ed5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.5.3rc1.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2164 @@
+.. bpo: 29073
+.. date: 9898
+.. nonce: EFpHQ7
+.. release date: 2017-01-02
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+bytearray formatting no longer truncates on first null byte.
+.. bpo: 28932
+.. date: 9897
+.. nonce: QnLx8A
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Do not include <sys/random.h> if it does not exist.
+.. bpo: 28147
+.. date: 9896
+.. nonce: EV4bm6
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix a memory leak in split-table dictionaries: setattr() must not convert
+combined table into split table.
+.. bpo: 25677
+.. date: 9895
+.. nonce: RWhZrb
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Correct the positioning of the syntax error caret for indented blocks.
+Based on patch by Michael Layzell.
+.. bpo: 29000
+.. date: 9894
+.. nonce: K6wQ-3
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fixed bytes formatting of octals with zero padding in alternate form.
+.. bpo: 28512
+.. date: 9893
+.. nonce: i-pv6d
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fixed setting the offset attribute of SyntaxError by
+PyErr_SyntaxLocationEx() and PyErr_SyntaxLocationObject().
+.. bpo: 28991
+.. date: 9892
+.. nonce: -qOTxS
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+functools.lru_cache() was susceptible to an obscure reentrancy bug caused by
+a monkey-patched len() function.
+.. bpo: 28648
+.. date: 9891
+.. nonce: z7B52W
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fixed crash in Py_DecodeLocale() in debug build on Mac OS X when decode
+astral characters.  Patch by Xiang Zhang.
+.. bpo: 19398
+.. date: 9890
+.. nonce: RYbEGH
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Extra slash no longer added to sys.path components in case of empty compile-
+time PYTHONPATH components.
+.. bpo: 28426
+.. date: 9889
+.. nonce: E_quyK
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fixed potential crash in PyUnicode_AsDecodedObject() in debug build.
+.. bpo: 23782
+.. date: 9888
+.. nonce: lonDzj
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fixed possible memory leak in _PyTraceback_Add() and exception loss in
+.. bpo: 28379
+.. date: 9887
+.. nonce: DuXlco
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Added sanity checks and tests for PyUnicode_CopyCharacters(). Patch by Xiang
+.. bpo: 28376
+.. date: 9886
+.. nonce: oPD-5D
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+The type of long range iterator is now registered as Iterator. Patch by Oren
+.. bpo: 28376
+.. date: 9885
+.. nonce: fLeHM2
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+The constructor of range_iterator now checks that step is not 0. Patch by
+Oren Milman.
+.. bpo: 26906
+.. date: 9884
+.. nonce: YBjcwI
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Resolving special methods of uninitialized type now causes implicit
+initialization of the type instead of a fail.
+.. bpo: 18287
+.. date: 9883
+.. nonce: k6jffS
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+PyType_Ready() now checks that tp_name is not NULL. Original patch by Niklas
+.. bpo: 24098
+.. date: 9882
+.. nonce: XqlP_1
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fixed possible crash when AST is changed in process of compiling it.
+.. bpo: 28350
+.. date: 9881
+.. nonce: 8M5Eg9
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+String constants with null character no longer interned.
+.. bpo: 26617
+.. date: 9880
+.. nonce: Gh5LvN
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix crash when GC runs during weakref callbacks.
+.. bpo: 27942
+.. date: 9879
+.. nonce: ZGuhns
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+String constants now interned recursively in tuples and frozensets.
+.. bpo: 21578
+.. date: 9878
+.. nonce: GI1bhj
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fixed misleading error message when ImportError called with invalid keyword
+.. bpo: 28203
+.. date: 9877
+.. nonce: kOgvtp
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix incorrect type in error message from ``complex(1.0, {2:3})``. Patch by
+Soumya Sharma.
+.. bpo: 27955
+.. date: 9876
+.. nonce: HC4pZ4
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fallback on reading /dev/urandom device when the getrandom() syscall fails
+with EPERM, for example when blocked by SECCOMP.
+.. bpo: 28131
+.. date: 9875
+.. nonce: owq0wW
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix a regression in zipimport's compile_source().  zipimport should use the
+same optimization level as the interpreter.
+.. bpo: 25221
+.. date: 9874
+.. nonce: Zvkz9i
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix corrupted result from PyLong_FromLong(0) when Python is compiled with
+.. bpo: 25758
+.. date: 9873
+.. nonce: yR-YTD
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Prevents zipimport from unnecessarily encoding a filename (patch by Eryk
+.. bpo: 28189
+.. date: 9872
+.. nonce: c_nbR_
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+dictitems_contains no longer swallows compare errors. (Patch by Xiang Zhang)
+.. bpo: 27812
+.. date: 9871
+.. nonce: sidcs8
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Properly clear out a generator's frame's backreference to the generator to
+prevent crashes in frame.clear().
+.. bpo: 27811
+.. date: 9870
+.. nonce: T4AuBo
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix a crash when a coroutine that has not been awaited is finalized with
+warnings-as-errors enabled.
+.. bpo: 27587
+.. date: 9869
+.. nonce: mbavY2
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix another issue found by PVS-Studio: Null pointer check after use of 'def'
+in _PyState_AddModule(). Initial patch by Christian Heimes.
+.. bpo: 26020
+.. date: 9868
+.. nonce: niLbLa
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+set literal evaluation order did not match documented behaviour.
+.. bpo: 27782
+.. date: 9867
+.. nonce: C8OBQD
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Multi-phase extension module import now correctly allows the ``m_methods``
+field to be used to add module level functions to instances of non-module
+types returned from ``Py_create_mod``. Patch by Xiang Zhang.
+.. bpo: 27936
+.. date: 9866
+.. nonce: AdOann
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+The round() function accepted a second None argument for some types but not
+for others.  Fixed the inconsistency by accepting None for all numeric
+.. bpo: 27487
+.. date: 9865
+.. nonce: jeTQNr
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Warn if a submodule argument to "python -m" or runpy.run_module() is found
+in sys.modules after parent packages are imported, but before the submodule
+is executed.
+.. bpo: 27558
+.. date: 9864
+.. nonce: VmltMh
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix a SystemError in the implementation of "raise" statement. In a brand new
+thread, raise a RuntimeError since there is no active exception to reraise.
+Patch written by Xiang Zhang.
+.. bpo: 27419
+.. date: 9863
+.. nonce: JZ94ju
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Standard __import__() no longer look up "__import__" in globals or builtins
+for importing submodules or "from import".  Fixed handling an error of non-
+string package name.
+.. bpo: 27083
+.. date: 9862
+.. nonce: F4ZT1C
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Respect the PYTHONCASEOK environment variable under Windows.
+.. bpo: 27514
+.. date: 9861
+.. nonce: NLbwPG
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Make having too many statically nested blocks a SyntaxError instead of
+.. bpo: 27473
+.. date: 9860
+.. nonce: _nOtTA
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fixed possible integer overflow in bytes and bytearray concatenations.
+Patch by Xiang Zhang.
+.. bpo: 27507
+.. date: 9859
+.. nonce: 3pX0Be
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Add integer overflow check in bytearray.extend().  Patch by Xiang Zhang.
+.. bpo: 27581
+.. date: 9858
+.. nonce: KezjNt
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Don't rely on wrapping for overflow check in PySequence_Tuple().  Patch by
+Xiang Zhang.
+.. bpo: 27443
+.. date: 9857
+.. nonce: 87ZwZ1
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+__length_hint__() of bytearray iterators no longer return a negative integer
+for a resized bytearray.
+.. bpo: 27942
+.. date: 9856
+.. nonce: wCAkW5
+.. section: Core and Builtins
+Fix memory leak in codeobject.c
+.. bpo: 15812
+.. date: 9855
+.. nonce: R1U-Ec
+.. section: Library
+inspect.getframeinfo() now correctly shows the first line of a context.
+Patch by Sam Breese.
+.. bpo: 29094
+.. date: 9854
+.. nonce: 460ZQo
+.. section: Library
+Offsets in a ZIP file created with extern file object and modes "w" and "x"
+now are relative to the start of the file.
+.. bpo: 13051
+.. date: 9853
+.. nonce: YzC1Te
+.. section: Library
+Fixed recursion errors in large or resized curses.textpad.Textbox.  Based on
+patch by Tycho Andersen.
+.. bpo: 29119
+.. date: 9852
+.. nonce: Ov69fr
+.. section: Library
+Fix weakrefs in the pure python version of collections.OrderedDict
+move_to_end() method. Contributed by Andra Bogildea.
+.. bpo: 9770
+.. date: 9851
+.. nonce: WJJnwP
+.. section: Library
+curses.ascii predicates now work correctly with negative integers.
+.. bpo: 28427
+.. date: 9850
+.. nonce: vUd-va
+.. section: Library
+old keys should not remove new values from WeakValueDictionary when
+collecting from another thread.
+.. bpo: 28923
+.. date: 9849
+.. nonce: naVULD
+.. section: Library
+Remove editor artifacts from Tix.py.
+.. bpo: 28871
+.. date: 9848
+.. nonce: cPMXCJ
+.. section: Library
+Fixed a crash when deallocate deep ElementTree.
+.. bpo: 19542
+.. date: 9847
+.. nonce: 5tCkaK
+.. section: Library
+Fix bugs in WeakValueDictionary.setdefault() and WeakValueDictionary.pop()
+when a GC collection happens in another thread.
+.. bpo: 20191
+.. date: 9846
+.. nonce: P_EZ7c
+.. section: Library
+Fixed a crash in resource.prlimit() when pass a sequence that doesn't own
+its elements as limits.
+.. bpo: 28779
+.. date: 9845
+.. nonce: t-mjED
+.. section: Library
+multiprocessing.set_forkserver_preload() would crash the forkserver process
+if a preloaded module instantiated some multiprocessing objects such as
+.. bpo: 28847
+.. date: 9844
+.. nonce: J7d3nG
+.. section: Library
+dbm.dumb now supports reading read-only files and no longer writes the index
+file when it is not changed.
+.. bpo: 25659
+.. date: 9843
+.. nonce: lE2IlT
+.. section: Library
+In ctypes, prevent a crash calling the from_buffer() and from_buffer_copy()
+methods on abstract classes like Array.
+.. bpo: 28732
+.. date: 9842
+.. nonce: xkG8k7
+.. section: Library
+Fix crash in os.spawnv() with no elements in args
+.. bpo: 28485
+.. date: 9841
+.. nonce: WuKqKh
+.. section: Library
+Always raise ValueError for negative compileall.compile_dir(workers=...)
+parameter, even when multithreading is unavailable.
+.. bpo: 28387
+.. date: 9840
+.. nonce: 1clJu7
+.. section: Library
+Fixed possible crash in _io.TextIOWrapper deallocator when the garbage
+collector is invoked in other thread.  Based on patch by Sebastian Cufre.
+.. bpo: 27517
+.. date: 9839
+.. nonce: 1CYM8A
+.. section: Library
+LZMA compressor and decompressor no longer raise exceptions if given empty
+data twice.  Patch by Benjamin Fogle.
+.. bpo: 28549
+.. date: 9838
+.. nonce: ShnM2y
+.. section: Library
+Fixed segfault in curses's addch() with ncurses6.
+.. bpo: 28449
+.. date: 9837
+.. nonce: 5JK6ES
+.. section: Library
+tarfile.open() with mode "r" or "r:" now tries to open a tar file with
+compression before trying to open it without compression.  Otherwise it had
+50% chance failed with ignore_zeros=True.
+.. bpo: 23262
+.. date: 9836
+.. nonce: 6EVB7N
+.. section: Library
+The webbrowser module now supports Firefox 36+ and derived browsers.  Based
+on patch by Oleg Broytman.
+.. bpo: 27939
+.. date: 9835
+.. nonce: mTfADV
+.. section: Library
+Fixed bugs in tkinter.ttk.LabeledScale and tkinter.Scale caused by
+representing the scale as float value internally in Tk.  tkinter.IntVar now
+works if float value is set to underlying Tk variable.
+.. bpo: 28255
+.. date: 9834
+.. nonce: _ZH4wm
+.. section: Library
+calendar.TextCalendar().prmonth() no longer prints a space at the start of
+new line after printing a month's calendar.  Patch by Xiang Zhang.
+.. bpo: 20491
+.. date: 9833
+.. nonce: ObgnQ2
+.. section: Library
+The textwrap.TextWrapper class now honors non-breaking spaces. Based on
+patch by Kaarle Ritvanen.
+.. bpo: 28353
+.. date: 9832
+.. nonce: sKGbLL
+.. section: Library
+os.fwalk() no longer fails on broken links.
+.. bpo: 25464
+.. date: 9831
+.. nonce: HDUTCu
+.. section: Library
+Fixed HList.header_exists() in tkinter.tix module by addin a workaround to
+Tix library bug.
+.. bpo: 28488
+.. date: 9830
+.. nonce: NlkjBM
+.. section: Library
+shutil.make_archive() no longer add entry "./" to ZIP archive.
+.. bpo: 24452
+.. date: 9829
+.. nonce: m9Kyg3
+.. section: Library
+Make webbrowser support Chrome on Mac OS X.
+.. bpo: 20766
+.. date: 9828
+.. nonce: 4kvCzx
+.. section: Library
+Fix references leaked by pdb in the handling of SIGINT handlers.
+.. bpo: 26293
+.. date: 9827
+.. nonce: 2mjvwX
+.. section: Library
+Fixed writing ZIP files that starts not from the start of the file.  Offsets
+in ZIP file now are relative to the start of the archive in conforming to
+the specification.
+.. bpo: 28321
+.. date: 9826
+.. nonce: bQ-IIX
+.. section: Library
+Fixed writing non-BMP characters with binary format in plistlib.
+.. bpo: 28322
+.. date: 9825
+.. nonce: l9hzap
+.. section: Library
+Fixed possible crashes when unpickle itertools objects from incorrect pickle
+data.  Based on patch by John Leitch.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 9824
+.. nonce: 81jNns
+.. section: Library
+Fix possible integer overflows and crashes in the mmap module with unusual
+usage patterns.
+.. bpo: 1703178
+.. date: 9823
+.. nonce: meb49K
+.. section: Library
+Fix the ability to pass the --link-objects option to the distutils build_ext
+.. bpo: 28253
+.. date: 9822
+.. nonce: aLfmhe
+.. section: Library
+Fixed calendar functions for extreme months: 0001-01 and 9999-12.
+Methods itermonthdays() and itermonthdays2() are reimplemented so that they
+don't call itermonthdates() which can cause datetime.date under/overflow.
+.. bpo: 28275
+.. date: 9821
+.. nonce: EhWIsz
+.. section: Library
+Fixed possible use after free in the decompress() methods of the
+LZMADecompressor and BZ2Decompressor classes. Original patch by John Leitch.
+.. bpo: 27897
+.. date: 9820
+.. nonce: I0Ppmx
+.. section: Library
+Fixed possible crash in sqlite3.Connection.create_collation() if pass
+invalid string-like object as a name.  Patch by Xiang Zhang.
+.. bpo: 18893
+.. date: 9819
+.. nonce: osiX5c
+.. section: Library
+Fix invalid exception handling in Lib/ctypes/macholib/dyld.py. Patch by
+Madison May.
+.. bpo: 27611
+.. date: 9818
+.. nonce: qL-UVQ
+.. section: Library
+Fixed support of default root window in the tkinter.tix module.
+.. bpo: 27348
+.. date: 9817
+.. nonce: tDx7Vw
+.. section: Library
+In the traceback module, restore the formatting of exception messages like
+"Exception: None".  This fixes a regression introduced in 3.5a2.
+.. bpo: 25651
+.. date: 9816
+.. nonce: 3UhyPo
+.. section: Library
+Allow falsy values to be used for msg parameter of subTest().
+.. bpo: 27932
+.. date: 9815
+.. nonce: mtgl-6
+.. section: Library
+Prevent memory leak in win32_ver().
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 9814
+.. nonce: iPpjqX
+.. section: Library
+Fix UnboundLocalError in socket._sendfile_use_sendfile.
+.. bpo: 28075
+.. date: 9813
+.. nonce: aLiUs9
+.. section: Library
+Check for ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED in Windows implementation of os.stat().  Patch
+by Eryk Sun.
+.. bpo: 25270
+.. date: 9812
+.. nonce: jrZruM
+.. section: Library
+Prevent codecs.escape_encode() from raising SystemError when an empty
+bytestring is passed.
+.. bpo: 28181
+.. date: 9811
+.. nonce: NGc4Yv
+.. section: Library
+Get antigravity over HTTPS. Patch by Kaartic Sivaraam.
+.. bpo: 25895
+.. date: 9810
+.. nonce: j92qoQ
+.. section: Library
+Enable WebSocket URL schemes in urllib.parse.urljoin. Patch by Gergely Imreh
+and Markus Holtermann.
+.. bpo: 27599
+.. date: 9809
+.. nonce: itvm8T
+.. section: Library
+Fixed buffer overrun in binascii.b2a_qp() and binascii.a2b_qp().
+.. bpo: 19003
+.. date: 9808
+.. nonce: UUcK_F
+.. section: Library
+m email.generator now replaces only ``\r`` and/or ``\n`` line endings, per
+the RFC, instead of all unicode line endings.
+.. bpo: 28019
+.. date: 9807
+.. nonce: KUhBaS
+.. section: Library
+itertools.count() no longer rounds non-integer step in range between 1.0 and
+2.0 to 1.
+.. bpo: 25969
+.. date: 9806
+.. nonce: qSPkl-
+.. section: Library
+Update the lib2to3 grammar to handle the unpacking generalizations added in
+.. bpo: 14977
+.. date: 9805
+.. nonce: 4MvALg
+.. section: Library
+mailcap now respects the order of the lines in the mailcap files ("first
+match"), as required by RFC 1542.  Patch by Michael Lazar.
+.. bpo: 24594
+.. date: 9804
+.. nonce: 9CnFVS
+.. section: Library
+Validates persist parameter when opening MSI database
+.. bpo: 17582
+.. date: 9803
+.. nonce: MXEHxQ
+.. section: Library
+xml.etree.ElementTree nows preserves whitespaces in attributes (Patch by
+Duane Griffin.  Reviewed and approved by Stefan Behnel.)
+.. bpo: 28047
+.. date: 9802
+.. nonce: pDu3Fm
+.. section: Library
+Fixed calculation of line length used for the base64 CTE in the new email
+.. bpo: 27445
+.. date: 9801
+.. nonce: wOG0C0
+.. section: Library
+Don't pass str(_charset) to MIMEText.set_payload(). Patch by Claude Paroz.
+.. bpo: 22450
+.. date: 9800
+.. nonce: T3Sn_J
+.. section: Library
+urllib now includes an ``Accept: */*`` header among the default headers.
+This makes the results of REST API requests more consistent and predictable
+especially when proxy servers are involved.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 9799
+.. nonce: PVZStR
+.. section: Library
+lib2to3.pgen3.driver.load_grammar() now creates a stable cache file between
+runs given the same Grammar.txt input regardless of the hash randomization
+.. bpo: 27570
+.. date: 9798
+.. nonce: pU0Zie
+.. section: Library
+Avoid zero-length memcpy() etc calls with null source pointers in the
+"ctypes" and "array" modules.
+.. bpo: 22233
+.. date: 9797
+.. nonce: uXSN0R
+.. section: Library
+Break email header lines *only* on the RFC specified CR and LF characters,
+not on arbitrary unicode line breaks.  This also fixes a bug in HTTP header
+.. bpo: 27988
+.. date: 9796
+.. nonce: VfMzZH
+.. section: Library
+Fix email iter_attachments incorrect mutation of payload list.
+.. bpo: 27691
+.. date: 9795
+.. nonce: TMYF5_
+.. section: Library
+Fix ssl module's parsing of GEN_RID subject alternative name fields in X.509
+.. bpo: 27850
+.. date: 9794
+.. nonce: kIVQ0m
+.. section: Library
+Remove 3DES from ssl module's default cipher list to counter measure sweet32
+attack (CVE-2016-2183).
+.. bpo: 27766
+.. date: 9793
+.. nonce: WI70Tc
+.. section: Library
+Add ChaCha20 Poly1305 to ssl module's default ciper list. (Required OpenSSL
+1.1.0 or LibreSSL).
+.. bpo: 26470
+.. date: 9792
+.. nonce: QGu_wo
+.. section: Library
+Port ssl and hashlib module to OpenSSL 1.1.0.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 9791
+.. nonce: 6TjEgz
+.. section: Library
+Remove support for passing a file descriptor to os.access. It never worked
+but previously didn't raise.
+.. bpo: 12885
+.. date: 9790
+.. nonce: r-IV1g
+.. section: Library
+Fix error when distutils encounters symlink.
+.. bpo: 27881
+.. date: 9789
+.. nonce: fkETd9
+.. section: Library
+Fixed possible bugs when setting sqlite3.Connection.isolation_level. Based
+on patch by Xiang Zhang.
+.. bpo: 27861
+.. date: 9788
+.. nonce: DBYuo9
+.. section: Library
+Fixed a crash in sqlite3.Connection.cursor() when a factory creates not a
+cursor.  Patch by Xiang Zhang.
+.. bpo: 19884
+.. date: 9787
+.. nonce: MO8AWH
+.. section: Library
+Avoid spurious output on OS X with Gnu Readline.
+.. bpo: 27706
+.. date: 9786
+.. nonce: ZY67yu
+.. section: Library
+Restore deterministic behavior of random.Random().seed() for string seeds
+using seeding version 1.  Allows sequences of calls to random() to exactly
+match those obtained in Python 2. Patch by Nofar Schnider.
+.. bpo: 10513
+.. date: 9785
+.. nonce: tQIQD_
+.. section: Library
+Fix a regression in Connection.commit().  Statements should not be reset
+after a commit.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 9784
+.. nonce: cYraeH
+.. section: Library
+A new version of typing.py from https://github.com/python/typing: -
+Collection (only for 3.6) (Issue #27598) - Add FrozenSet to __all__
+(upstream #261) - fix crash in _get_type_vars() (upstream #259) - Remove the
+dict constraint in ForwardRef._eval_type (upstream #252)
+.. bpo: 27539
+.. date: 9783
+.. nonce: S4L1cq
+.. section: Library
+Fix unnormalised ``Fraction.__pow__`` result in the case of negative
+exponent and negative base.
+.. bpo: 21718
+.. date: 9782
+.. nonce: FUJd-7
+.. section: Library
+cursor.description is now available for queries using CTEs.
+.. bpo: 2466
+.. date: 9781
+.. nonce: VRNlkg
+.. section: Library
+posixpath.ismount now correctly recognizes mount points which the user does
+not have permission to access.
+.. bpo: 27773
+.. date: 9780
+.. nonce: hMSSeX
+.. section: Library
+Correct some memory management errors server_hostname in _ssl.wrap_socket().
+.. bpo: 26750
+.. date: 9779
+.. nonce: rv76vt
+.. section: Library
+unittest.mock.create_autospec() now works properly for subclasses of
+property() and other data descriptors.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 9778
+.. nonce: Ny9oPv
+.. section: Library
+In the curses module, raise an error if window.getstr() or window.instr() is
+passed a negative value.
+.. bpo: 27783
+.. date: 9777
+.. nonce: cR1jXH
+.. section: Library
+Fix possible usage of uninitialized memory in operator.methodcaller.
+.. bpo: 27774
+.. date: 9776
+.. nonce: FDcik1
+.. section: Library
+Fix possible Py_DECREF on unowned object in _sre.
+.. bpo: 27760
+.. date: 9775
+.. nonce: gxMjp4
+.. section: Library
+Fix possible integer overflow in binascii.b2a_qp.
+.. bpo: 27758
+.. date: 9774
+.. nonce: 0NRV03
+.. section: Library
+Fix possible integer overflow in the _csv module for large record lengths.
+.. bpo: 27568
+.. date: 9773
+.. nonce: OnuO9s
+.. section: Library
+Prevent HTTPoxy attack (CVE-2016-1000110). Ignore the HTTP_PROXY variable
+when REQUEST_METHOD environment is set, which indicates that the script is
+in CGI mode.
+.. bpo: 27656
+.. date: 9772
+.. nonce: joTscM
+.. section: Library
+Do not assume sched.h defines any SCHED_* constants.
+.. bpo: 27130
+.. date: 9771
+.. nonce: SUxwXZ
+.. section: Library
+In the "zlib" module, fix handling of large buffers (typically 4 GiB) when
+compressing and decompressing.  Previously, inputs were limited to 4 GiB,
+and compression and decompression operations did not properly handle results
+of 4 GiB.
+.. bpo: 27533
+.. date: 9770
+.. nonce: iDmKzV
+.. section: Library
+Release GIL in nt._isdir
+.. bpo: 17711
+.. date: 9769
+.. nonce: 47AILJ
+.. section: Library
+Fixed unpickling by the persistent ID with protocol 0. Original patch by
+Alexandre Vassalotti.
+.. bpo: 27522
+.. date: 9768
+.. nonce: 8vVz_t
+.. section: Library
+Avoid an unintentional reference cycle in email.feedparser.
+.. bpo: 26844
+.. date: 9767
+.. nonce: I0wdnY
+.. section: Library
+Fix error message for imp.find_module() to refer to 'path' instead of
+'name'. Patch by Lev Maximov.
+.. bpo: 23804
+.. date: 9766
+.. nonce: ipFvxc
+.. section: Library
+Fix SSL zero-length recv() calls to not block and not raise an error about
+unclean EOF.
+.. bpo: 27466
+.. date: 9765
+.. nonce: C_3a8E
+.. section: Library
+Change time format returned by http.cookie.time2netscape, confirming the
+netscape cookie format and making it consistent with documentation.
+.. bpo: 26664
+.. date: 9764
+.. nonce: OzsSzf
+.. section: Library
+Fix activate.fish by removing mis-use of ``$``.
+.. bpo: 22115
+.. date: 9763
+.. nonce: apoFQ9
+.. section: Library
+Fixed tracing Tkinter variables: trace_vdelete() with wrong mode no longer
+break tracing, trace_vinfo() now always returns a list of pairs of strings,
+tracing in the "u" mode now works.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 9762
+.. nonce: oZOeFE
+.. section: Library
+Fix a scoping issue in importlib.util.LazyLoader which triggered an
+UnboundLocalError when lazy-loading a module that was already put into
+.. bpo: 27079
+.. date: 9761
+.. nonce: c7d0Ym
+.. section: Library
+Fixed curses.ascii functions isblank(), iscntrl() and ispunct().
+.. bpo: 26754
+.. date: 9760
+.. nonce: J3n0QW
+.. section: Library
+Some functions (compile() etc) accepted a filename argument encoded as an
+iterable of integers. Now only strings and byte-like objects are accepted.
+.. bpo: 27048
+.. date: 9759
+.. nonce: EVe-Bk
+.. section: Library
+Prevents distutils failing on Windows when environment variables contain
+non-ASCII characters
+.. bpo: 27330
+.. date: 9758
+.. nonce: GJaFCV
+.. section: Library
+Fixed possible leaks in the ctypes module.
+.. bpo: 27238
+.. date: 9757
+.. nonce: Q6v6Qv
+.. section: Library
+Got rid of bare excepts in the turtle module.  Original patch by Jelle
+.. bpo: 27122
+.. date: 9756
+.. nonce: 06t7zN
+.. section: Library
+When an exception is raised within the context being managed by a
+contextlib.ExitStack() and one of the exit stack generators catches and
+raises it in a chain, do not re-raise the original exception when exiting,
+let the new chained one through.  This avoids the PEP 479 bug described in
+.. bpo: 27278
+.. date: 9755
+.. nonce: y_HkGw
+.. original section: Library
+.. section: Security
+Fix os.urandom() implementation using getrandom() on Linux.  Truncate size
+to INT_MAX and loop until we collected enough random bytes, instead of
+casting a directly Py_ssize_t to int.
+.. bpo: 26386
+.. date: 9754
+.. nonce: 9L3Ut4
+.. section: Library
+Fixed ttk.TreeView selection operations with item id's containing spaces.
+.. bpo: 22636
+.. date: 9753
+.. nonce: 3fQW_g
+.. original section: Library
+.. section: Security
+Avoid shell injection problems with ctypes.util.find_library().
+.. bpo: 16182
+.. date: 9752
+.. nonce: RgFXyr
+.. section: Library
+Fix various functions in the "readline" module to use the locale encoding,
+and fix get_begidx() and get_endidx() to return code point indexes.
+.. bpo: 27392
+.. date: 9751
+.. nonce: obfni7
+.. section: Library
+Add loop.connect_accepted_socket(). Patch by Jim Fulton.
+.. bpo: 27930
+.. date: 9750
+.. nonce: BkOfSi
+.. section: Library
+Improved behaviour of logging.handlers.QueueListener. Thanks to Paulo
+Andrade and Petr Viktorin for the analysis and patch.
+.. bpo: 21201
+.. date: 9749
+.. nonce: wLCKiA
+.. section: Library
+Improves readability of multiprocessing error message.  Thanks to Wojciech
+Walczak for patch.
+.. bpo: 27456
+.. date: 9748
+.. nonce: lI_IE7
+.. section: Library
+asyncio: Set TCP_NODELAY by default.
+.. bpo: 27906
+.. date: 9747
+.. nonce: TBBXrv
+.. section: Library
+Fix socket accept exhaustion during high TCP traffic. Patch by Kevin Conway.
+.. bpo: 28174
+.. date: 9746
+.. nonce: CV1UdI
+.. section: Library
+Handle when SO_REUSEPORT isn't properly supported. Patch by Seth Michael
+.. bpo: 26654
+.. date: 9745
+.. nonce: XtzTE9
+.. section: Library
+Inspect functools.partial in asyncio.Handle.__repr__. Patch by iceboy.
+.. bpo: 26909
+.. date: 9744
+.. nonce: ASiakT
+.. section: Library
+Fix slow pipes IO in asyncio. Patch by INADA Naoki.
+.. bpo: 28176
+.. date: 9743
+.. nonce: sU8R6L
+.. section: Library
+Fix callbacks race in asyncio.SelectorLoop.sock_connect.
+.. bpo: 27759
+.. date: 9742
+.. nonce: qpMDGq
+.. section: Library
+Fix selectors incorrectly retain invalid file descriptors. Patch by Mark
+.. bpo: 28368
+.. date: 9741
+.. nonce: n594X4
+.. section: Library
+Refuse monitoring processes if the child watcher has no loop attached. Patch
+by Vincent Michel.
+.. bpo: 28369
+.. date: 9740
+.. nonce: 8DTANe
+.. section: Library
+Raise RuntimeError when transport's FD is used with add_reader, add_writer,
+.. bpo: 28370
+.. date: 9739
+.. nonce: 18jBuZ
+.. section: Library
+Speedup asyncio.StreamReader.readexactly. Patch by Коренберг Марк.
+.. bpo: 28371
+.. date: 9738
+.. nonce: U9Zqdk
+.. section: Library
+Deprecate passing asyncio.Handles to run_in_executor.
+.. bpo: 28372
+.. date: 9737
+.. nonce: njcIPk
+.. section: Library
+Fix asyncio to support formatting of non-python coroutines.
+.. bpo: 28399
+.. date: 9736
+.. nonce: QKIqRX
+.. section: Library
+Remove UNIX socket from FS before binding. Patch by Коренберг Марк.
+.. bpo: 27972
+.. date: 9735
+.. nonce: ZK-GFm
+.. section: Library
+Prohibit Tasks to await on themselves.
+.. bpo: 26923
+.. date: 9734
+.. nonce: 8dh3AV
+.. section: Library
+Fix asyncio.Gather to refuse being cancelled once all children are done.
+Patch by Johannes Ebke.
+.. bpo: 26796
+.. date: 9733
+.. nonce: TZyAfJ
+.. section: Library
+Don't configure the number of workers for default threadpool executor.
+Initial patch by Hans Lawrenz.
+.. bpo: 28600
+.. date: 9732
+.. nonce: 2ThUQV
+.. section: Library
+Optimize loop.call_soon().
+.. bpo: 28613
+.. date: 9731
+.. nonce: sqUPrv
+.. section: Library
+Fix get_event_loop() return the current loop if called from
+.. bpo: 28639
+.. date: 9730
+.. nonce: WUPo1o
+.. section: Library
+Fix inspect.isawaitable to always return bool Patch by Justin Mayfield.
+.. bpo: 28652
+.. date: 9729
+.. nonce: f5M8FG
+.. section: Library
+Make loop methods reject socket kinds they do not support.
+.. bpo: 28653
+.. date: 9728
+.. nonce: S5bA9i
+.. section: Library
+Fix a refleak in functools.lru_cache.
+.. bpo: 28703
+.. date: 9727
+.. nonce: CRLTJc
+.. section: Library
+Fix asyncio.iscoroutinefunction to handle Mock objects.
+.. bpo: 24142
+.. date: 9726
+.. nonce: _BgogI
+.. section: Library
+Reading a corrupt config file left the parser in an invalid state.  Original
+patch by Florian Höch.
+.. bpo: 28990
+.. date: 9725
+.. nonce: W8tuYZ
+.. section: Library
+Fix SSL hanging if connection is closed before handshake completed. (Patch
+by HoHo-Ho)
+.. bpo: 15308
+.. date: 9724
+.. nonce: zZxn8m
+.. section: IDLE
+Add 'interrupt execution' (^C) to Shell menu. Patch by Roger Serwy, updated
+by Bayard Randel.
+.. bpo: 27922
+.. date: 9723
+.. nonce: UEtEv9
+.. section: IDLE
+Stop IDLE tests from 'flashing' gui widgets on the screen.
+.. bpo: 0
+.. date: 9722
+.. nonce: zWZs6o
+.. section: IDLE
+Add version to title of IDLE help window.
+.. bpo: 25564
+.. date: 9721
+.. nonce: GN0p14
+.. section: IDLE
+In section on IDLE -- console differences, mention that using exec means
+that __builtins__ is defined for each statement.
+.. bpo: 27714
+.. date: 9720
+.. nonce: bUEDsI
+.. section: IDLE
+text_textview and test_autocomplete now pass when re-run in the same
+process.  This occurs when test_idle fails when run with the -w option but
+without -jn.  Fix warning from test_config.
+.. bpo: 25507
+.. date: 9719
+.. nonce: lxf68d
+.. section: IDLE
+IDLE no longer runs buggy code because of its tkinter imports. Users must
+include the same imports required to run directly in Python.
+.. bpo: 27452
+.. date: 9718
+.. nonce: RtWnyR
+.. section: IDLE
+add line counter and crc to IDLE configHandler test dump.
+.. bpo: 27365
+.. date: 9717
+.. nonce: y7ys_A
+.. section: IDLE
+Allow non-ascii chars in IDLE NEWS.txt, for contributor names.
+.. bpo: 27245
+.. date: 9716
+.. nonce: u9aKO1
+.. section: IDLE
+IDLE: Cleanly delete custom themes and key bindings. Previously, when IDLE
+was started from a console or by import, a cascade of warnings was emitted.
+Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
+.. bpo: 28808
+.. date: 9715
+.. nonce: A03X6r
+.. section: C API
+PyUnicode_CompareWithASCIIString() now never raises exceptions.
+.. bpo: 26754
+.. date: 9714
+.. nonce: j2czHF
+.. section: C API
+PyUnicode_FSDecoder() accepted a filename argument encoded as an iterable of
+integers. Now only strings and bytes-like objects are accepted.
+.. bpo: 28513
+.. date: 9713
+.. nonce: L3joAz
+.. section: Documentation
+Documented command-line interface of zipfile.
+.. bpo: 28950
+.. date: 9712
+.. nonce: 9_vY6R
+.. section: Tests
+Disallow -j0 to be combined with -T/-l/-M in regrtest command line
+.. bpo: 28666
+.. date: 9711
+.. nonce: RtTk-4
+.. section: Tests
+Now test.support.rmtree is able to remove unwritable or unreadable
+.. bpo: 23839
+.. date: 9710
+.. nonce: zsT_L9
+.. section: Tests
+Various caches now are cleared before running every test file.
+.. bpo: 28409
+.. date: 9709
+.. nonce: Q2IlxJ
+.. section: Tests
+regrtest: fix the parser of command line arguments.
+.. bpo: 27787
+.. date: 9708
+.. nonce: kf0YAt
+.. section: Tests
+Call gc.collect() before checking each test for "dangling threads", since
+the dangling threads are weak references.
+.. bpo: 27369
+.. date: 9707
+.. nonce: LG7U2D
+.. section: Tests
+In test_pyexpat, avoid testing an error message detail that changed in Expat
+.. bpo: 27952
+.. date: 9706
+.. nonce: WX9Ufc
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Get Tools/scripts/fixcid.py working with Python 3 and the current "re"
+module, avoid invalid Python backslash escapes, and fix a bug parsing
+escaped C quote signs.
+.. bpo: 27332
+.. date: 9705
+.. nonce: OuRZp9
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Fixed the type of the first argument of module-level functions generated by
+Argument Clinic.  Patch by Petr Viktorin.
+.. bpo: 27418
+.. date: 9704
+.. nonce: W2m_8I
+.. section: Tools/Demos
+Fixed Tools/importbench/importbench.py.
+.. bpo: 28251
+.. date: 9703
+.. nonce: tR_AFs
+.. section: Windows
+Improvements to help manuals on Windows.
+.. bpo: 28110
+.. date: 9702
+.. nonce: cnkP5F
+.. section: Windows
+launcher.msi has different product codes between 32-bit and 64-bit
+.. bpo: 25144
+.. date: 9701
+.. nonce: iUha52
+.. section: Windows
+Ensures TargetDir is set before continuing with custom install.
+.. bpo: 27469
+.. date: 9700
+.. nonce: 0GwDkX
+.. section: Windows
+Adds a shell extension to the launcher so that drag and drop works
+.. bpo: 27309
+.. date: 9699
+.. nonce: 4DPjhF
+.. section: Windows
+Enabled proper Windows styles in python[w].exe manifest.
+.. bpo: 29080
+.. date: 9698
+.. nonce: b3qLQT
+.. section: Build
+Removes hard dependency on hg.exe from PCBuild/build.bat
+.. bpo: 23903
+.. date: 9697
+.. nonce: JXJ889
+.. section: Build
+Added missed names to PC/python3.def.
+.. bpo: 10656
+.. date: 9696
+.. nonce: pR8FFU
+.. section: Build
+Fix out-of-tree building on AIX.  Patch by Tristan Carel and Michael
+.. bpo: 26359
+.. date: 9695
+.. nonce: CLz6qy
+.. section: Build
+Rename --with-optimiations to --enable-optimizations.
+.. bpo: 28444
+.. date: 9694
+.. nonce: zkc9nT
+.. section: Build
+Fix missing extensions modules when cross compiling.
+.. bpo: 28248
+.. date: 9693
+.. nonce: KY_-en
+.. section: Build
+Update Windows build and OS X installers to use OpenSSL 1.0.2j.
+.. bpo: 28258
+.. date: 9692
+.. nonce: iKtAHd
+.. section: Build
+Fixed build with Estonian locale (python-config and distclean targets in
+Makefile).  Patch by Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis.
+.. bpo: 26661
+.. date: 9691
+.. nonce: Z_HNbs
+.. section: Build
+setup.py now detects system libffi with multiarch wrapper.
+.. bpo: 28066
+.. date: 9690
+.. nonce: _3xImV
+.. section: Build
+Fix the logic that searches build directories for generated include files
+when building outside the source tree.
+.. bpo: 15819
+.. date: 9689
+.. nonce: QVDr3E
+.. section: Build
+Remove redundant include search directory option for building outside the
+source tree.
+.. bpo: 27566
+.. date: 9688
+.. nonce: xDWjEb
+.. section: Build
+Fix clean target in freeze makefile (patch by Lisa Roach)
+.. bpo: 27705
+.. date: 9687
+.. nonce: 8C2Ms3
+.. section: Build
+Update message in validate_ucrtbase.py
+.. bpo: 27983
+.. date: 9686
+.. nonce: jL_1n8
+.. section: Build
+Cause lack of llvm-profdata tool when using clang as required for PGO
+linking to be a configure time error rather than make time when --with-
+optimizations is enabled.  Also improve our ability to find the llvm-
+profdata tool on MacOS and some Linuxes.
+.. bpo: 26307
+.. date: 9685
+.. nonce: Puk2rd
+.. section: Build
+The profile-opt build now applies PGO to the built-in modules.
+.. bpo: 26359
+.. date: 9684
+.. nonce: WXBL-Y
+.. section: Build
+Add the --with-optimizations configure flag.
+.. bpo: 27713
+.. date: 9683
+.. nonce: _3DgXG
+.. section: Build
+Suppress spurious build warnings when updating importlib's bootstrap files.
+Patch by Xiang Zhang
+.. bpo: 25825
+.. date: 9682
+.. nonce: JD8aRp
+.. section: Build
+Correct the references to Modules/python.exp and ld_so_aix, which are
+required on AIX.  This updates references to an installation path that was
+changed in 3.2a4, and undoes changed references to the build tree that were
+made in 3.5.0a1.
+.. bpo: 27453
+.. date: 9681
+.. nonce: Pb5DBi
+.. section: Build
+CPP invocation in configure must use CPPFLAGS. Patch by Chi Hsuan Yen.
+.. bpo: 27641
+.. date: 9680
+.. nonce: eGzgCk
+.. section: Build
+The configure script now inserts comments into the makefile to prevent the
+pgen and _freeze_importlib executables from being cross- compiled.
+.. bpo: 26662
+.. date: 9679
+.. nonce: XkwRxM
+.. section: Build
+Set PYTHON_FOR_GEN in configure as the Python program to be used for file
+generation during the build.
+.. bpo: 10910
+.. date: 9678
+.. nonce: ZdRayb
+.. section: Build
+Avoid C++ compilation errors on FreeBSD and OS X. Also update FreedBSD
+version checks for the original ctype UTF-8 workaround.
+.. bpo: 28676
+.. date: 9677
+.. nonce: Wxf6Ds
+.. section: Build
+Prevent missing 'getentropy' declaration warning on macOS. Patch by Gareth
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Build/005.bpo-29643.4WLIJQ.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Build/005.bpo-29643.4WLIJQ.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..65b958ffef4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Build/005.bpo-29643.4WLIJQ.rst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Fix ``--enable-optimization`` didn't work.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Build/006.bpo-23404.PdYVWg.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Build/006.bpo-23404.PdYVWg.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0addfd094f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Build/006.bpo-23404.PdYVWg.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Don't regenerate generated files based on file modification time anymore:
+the action is now explicit. Replace ``make touch`` with ``make regen-all``.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Build/007.bpo-29243.WDK4hT.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Build/007.bpo-29243.WDK4hT.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..378e49f67bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Build/007.bpo-29243.WDK4hT.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Prevent unnecessary rebuilding of Python during ``make test``, ``make
+install`` and some other make targets when configured with ``--enable-
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/C API/014.bpo-29083.tGTjr_.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/C API/014.bpo-29083.tGTjr_.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..639fc25c972
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/C API/014.bpo-29083.tGTjr_.rst	
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Fixed the declaration of some public API functions. PyArg_VaParse() and
+PyArg_VaParseTupleAndKeywords() were not available in limited API.
+PyArg_ValidateKeywordArguments(), PyArg_UnpackTuple() and Py_BuildValue()
+were not available in limited API of version < 3.3 when PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN is
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/C API/015.bpo-27867.VMCoJU.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/C API/015.bpo-27867.VMCoJU.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f2201feccd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/C API/015.bpo-27867.VMCoJU.rst	
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Function PySlice_GetIndicesEx() is replaced with a macro if Py_LIMITED_API
+is set to the value between 0x03050400 and 0x03060000 (not including) or
+0x03060100 or higher.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/088.bpo-29478.rTQ-qy.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/088.bpo-29478.rTQ-qy.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a9d4bdbabd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/088.bpo-29478.rTQ-qy.rst	
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+If max_line_length=None is specified while using the Compat32 policy, it is
+no longer ignored.  Patch by Mircea Cosbuc.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/089.bpo-29337.bjX8AE.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/089.bpo-29337.bjX8AE.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..201325cbf6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/089.bpo-29337.bjX8AE.rst	
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Fixed possible BytesWarning when compare the code objects. Warnings could be
+emitted at compile time.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/090.bpo-29319.KLDUZf.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/090.bpo-29319.KLDUZf.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..254d8731d56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/090.bpo-29319.KLDUZf.rst	
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Prevent RunMainFromImporter overwriting sys.path[0].
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/091.bpo-29438.IKxD6I.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/091.bpo-29438.IKxD6I.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e3eecb6136e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/091.bpo-29438.IKxD6I.rst	
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Fixed use-after-free problem in key sharing dict.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/092.bpo-29347.1RPPGN.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/092.bpo-29347.1RPPGN.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..35fa1066645
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/092.bpo-29347.1RPPGN.rst	
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Fixed possibly dereferencing undefined pointers when creating weakref
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/093.bpo-29602.qyyskC.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/093.bpo-29602.qyyskC.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cc1366caf30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/093.bpo-29602.qyyskC.rst	
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Fix incorrect handling of signed zeros in complex constructor for complex
+subclasses and for inputs having a __complex__ method. Patch by Serhiy
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/094.bpo-28598.QxbzQn.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/094.bpo-28598.QxbzQn.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4757347a3d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/094.bpo-28598.QxbzQn.rst	
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Support __rmod__ for subclasses of str being called before str.__mod__.
+Patch by Martijn Pieters.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/095.bpo-29537.lu1ysY.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/095.bpo-29537.lu1ysY.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3713ae82918
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/095.bpo-29537.lu1ysY.rst	
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Restore runtime compatibility with bytecode files generated by CPython 3.5.0
+to 3.5.2, and adjust the eval loop to avoid the problems that could be
+caused by the malformed variant of the BUILD_MAP_UNPACK_WITH_CALL opcode
+that they may contain. Patch by Petr Viktorin, Serhiy Storchaka, and Nick
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/096.bpo-29600.77wQ6C.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/096.bpo-29600.77wQ6C.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..136538de3be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/096.bpo-29600.77wQ6C.rst	
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Fix wrapping coroutine return values in StopIteration.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/097.bpo-28876.cU-sGT.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/097.bpo-28876.cU-sGT.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..76c09e34e1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/097.bpo-28876.cU-sGT.rst	
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+``bool(range)`` works even if ``len(range)`` raises :exc:`OverflowError`.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/098.bpo-29935.vgjdJo.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/098.bpo-29935.vgjdJo.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6f96cded835
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/098.bpo-29935.vgjdJo.rst	
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Fixed error messages in the index() method of tuple, list and deque when
+pass indices of wrong type.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/099.bpo-25794.xfPwqm.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/099.bpo-25794.xfPwqm.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..de46584a64d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/099.bpo-25794.xfPwqm.rst	
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Fixed type.__setattr__() and type.__delattr__() for non-interned attribute
+names.  Based on patch by Eryk Sun.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/100.bpo-27945.p29r3O.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/100.bpo-27945.p29r3O.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..da5b8d1a2ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/100.bpo-27945.p29r3O.rst	
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Fixed various segfaults with dict when input collections are mutated during
+searching, inserting or comparing.  Based on patches by Duane Griffin and
+Tim Mitchell.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Documentation/008.bpo-29349.PjSo-t.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Documentation/008.bpo-29349.PjSo-t.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..09f6f3889b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Documentation/008.bpo-29349.PjSo-t.rst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Fix Python 2 syntax in code for building the documentation.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Documentation/009.bpo-26355.SDq_8Y.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Documentation/009.bpo-26355.SDq_8Y.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2614c0ba850
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Documentation/009.bpo-26355.SDq_8Y.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Add canonical header link on each page to corresponding major version of the
+documentation. Patch by Matthias Bussonnier.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Documentation/010.bpo-25008.CeIzyU.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Documentation/010.bpo-25008.CeIzyU.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ea4046ead7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Documentation/010.bpo-25008.CeIzyU.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Document smtpd.py as effectively deprecated and add a pointer to aiosmtpd, a
+third-party asyncio-based replacement.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Documentation/011.bpo-28929.Md7kb0.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Documentation/011.bpo-28929.Md7kb0.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..acacdd01322
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Documentation/011.bpo-28929.Md7kb0.rst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Link the documentation to its source file on GitHub.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Documentation/012.bpo-26985.NB5_9S.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Documentation/012.bpo-26985.NB5_9S.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3413e054759
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Documentation/012.bpo-26985.NB5_9S.rst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Add missing info of code object in inspect documentation.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Documentation/013.bpo-30176.VivmCg.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Documentation/013.bpo-30176.VivmCg.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..df73aeda646
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Documentation/013.bpo-30176.VivmCg.rst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Add missing attribute related constants in curses documentation.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/018.bpo-29142.xo6kAv.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/018.bpo-29142.xo6kAv.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fd5465baa90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/018.bpo-29142.xo6kAv.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+In urllib.request, suffixes in no_proxy environment variable with leading
+dots could match related hostnames again (e.g. .b.c matches a.b.c). Patch by
+Milan Oberkirch.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/019.bpo-28969.j3HJYO.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/019.bpo-28969.j3HJYO.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f2a4171294f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/019.bpo-28969.j3HJYO.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Fixed race condition in C implementation of functools.lru_cache. KeyError
+could be raised when cached function with full cache was simultaneously
+called from differen threads with the same uncached arguments.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/020.bpo-29219.kxui7t.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/020.bpo-29219.kxui7t.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ab6725f596a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/020.bpo-29219.kxui7t.rst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Fixed infinite recursion in the repr of uninitialized ctypes.CDLL instances.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/021.bpo-29011.MI5f2R.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/021.bpo-29011.MI5f2R.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4d71b40753c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/021.bpo-29011.MI5f2R.rst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Fix an important omission by adding Deque to the typing module.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/022.bpo-28735.admHLO.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/022.bpo-28735.admHLO.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1ec6247bb9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/022.bpo-28735.admHLO.rst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Fixed the comparison of mock.MagickMock with mock.ANY.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/023.bpo-29290.XBqptF.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/023.bpo-29290.XBqptF.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a4ac1f0725f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/023.bpo-29290.XBqptF.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Fix a regression in argparse that help messages would wrap at non-breaking
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/024.bpo-29335._KC7IK.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/024.bpo-29335._KC7IK.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..79e17482299
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/024.bpo-29335._KC7IK.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Fix subprocess.Popen.wait() when the child process has exited to a stopped
+instead of terminated state (ex: when under ptrace).
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/025.bpo-29444.cEwgmk.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/025.bpo-29444.cEwgmk.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..05e96fb79da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/025.bpo-29444.cEwgmk.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Fixed out-of-bounds buffer access in the group() method of the match object.
+Based on patch by WGH.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/026.bpo-29416.KJGyI_.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/026.bpo-29416.KJGyI_.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b0b9838b373
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/026.bpo-29416.KJGyI_.rst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Prevent infinite loop in pathlib.Path.mkdir
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/027.bpo-29519.oGGgZ4.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/027.bpo-29519.oGGgZ4.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9b2e39d3318
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/027.bpo-29519.oGGgZ4.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Fix weakref spewing exceptions during interpreter shutdown when used with a
+rare combination of multiprocessing and custom codecs.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/028.bpo-29100.LAAERS.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/028.bpo-29100.LAAERS.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d12217a34bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/028.bpo-29100.LAAERS.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Fix datetime.fromtimestamp() regression introduced in Python 3.6.0: check
+minimum and maximum years.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/029.bpo-28556.p6967e.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/029.bpo-28556.p6967e.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5b1c326f486
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/029.bpo-28556.p6967e.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Various updates to typing module: typing.Counter, typing.ChainMap, improved
+ABC caching, etc. Original PRs by Jelle Zijlstra, Ivan Levkivskyi, Manuel
+Krebber, and Łukasz Langa.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/030.bpo-29532.YCwVQn.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/030.bpo-29532.YCwVQn.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9e3a25e2908
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/030.bpo-29532.YCwVQn.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Altering a kwarg dictionary passed to functools.partial() no longer affects
+a partial object after creation.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/031.bpo-28961.Rt93vg.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/031.bpo-28961.Rt93vg.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..31d81af9853
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/031.bpo-28961.Rt93vg.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Fix unittest.mock._Call helper: don't ignore the name parameter anymore.
+Patch written by Jiajun Huang.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/032.bpo-29110.wmE-_T.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/032.bpo-29110.wmE-_T.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..10c495cb907
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/032.bpo-29110.wmE-_T.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Fix file object leak in aifc.open() when file is given as a filesystem path
+and is not in valid AIFF format. Patch by Anthony Zhang.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/033.bpo-29376.rrJhJy.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/033.bpo-29376.rrJhJy.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5b610c45895
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/033.bpo-29376.rrJhJy.rst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Fix assertion error in threading._DummyThread.is_alive().
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/034.bpo-29703.ZdsPCR.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/034.bpo-29703.ZdsPCR.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ce844f7b2ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/034.bpo-29703.ZdsPCR.rst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Fix asyncio to support instantiation of new event loops in child processes.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/035.bpo-29704.WHbx27.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/035.bpo-29704.WHbx27.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c371cedc086
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/035.bpo-29704.WHbx27.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+asyncio.subprocess.SubprocessStreamProtocol no longer closes before all
+pipes are closed.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/036.bpo-29615.OpFKzg.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/036.bpo-29615.OpFKzg.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4cef50404a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/036.bpo-29615.OpFKzg.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher no longer chains KeyError (or any other exception) to
+exception(s) raised in the dispatched methods. Patch by Petr Motejlek.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/037.bpo-28298.xfm84U.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/037.bpo-28298.xfm84U.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fd97c125e68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/037.bpo-28298.xfm84U.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Fix a bug that prevented array 'Q', 'L' and 'I' from accepting big intables
+(objects that have __int__) as elements.  Patch by Oren Milman.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/038.bpo-8256.jAwGQH.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/038.bpo-8256.jAwGQH.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3a9fc7c07bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/038.bpo-8256.jAwGQH.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Fixed possible failing or crashing input() if attributes "encoding" or
+"errors" of sys.stdin or sys.stdout are not set or are not strings.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/039.bpo-29742.8hqfEO.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/039.bpo-29742.8hqfEO.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..af487f02efe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/039.bpo-29742.8hqfEO.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+get_extra_info() raises exception if get called on closed ssl transport.
+Patch by Nikolay Kim.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/040.bpo-29800.d2xASa.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/040.bpo-29800.d2xASa.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e4aba4b88e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/040.bpo-29800.d2xASa.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Fix crashes in partial.__repr__ if the keys of partial.keywords are not
+strings.  Patch by Michael Seifert.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/041.bpo-25455.ZsahHN.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/041.bpo-25455.ZsahHN.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ee68d5b6c86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/041.bpo-25455.ZsahHN.rst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Fixed crashes in repr of recursive buffered file-like objects.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/042.bpo-29884.kWXR8W.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/042.bpo-29884.kWXR8W.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..90b5f0cf9ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/042.bpo-29884.kWXR8W.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+faulthandler: Restore the old sigaltstack during teardown. Patch by
+Christophe Zeitouny.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/043.bpo-29861.t2ZoRK.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/043.bpo-29861.t2ZoRK.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c14091ab5bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/043.bpo-29861.t2ZoRK.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Release references to tasks, their arguments and their results as soon as
+they are finished in multiprocessing.Pool.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/044.bpo-25803.CPDR0W.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/044.bpo-25803.CPDR0W.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2ca8488f397
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/044.bpo-25803.CPDR0W.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Avoid incorrect errors raised by Path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) when the OS gives
+priority to errors such as EACCES over EEXIST.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/045.bpo-28699.wZztZP.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/045.bpo-28699.wZztZP.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5ea6808390e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/045.bpo-28699.wZztZP.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Fixed a bug in pools in multiprocessing.pool that raising an exception at
+the very first of an iterable may swallow the exception or make the program
+hang. Patch by Davin Potts and Xiang Zhang.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/046.bpo-27863.pPYHHI.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/046.bpo-27863.pPYHHI.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..49f0f03d7bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/046.bpo-27863.pPYHHI.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Fixed multiple crashes in ElementTree caused by race conditions and wrong
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/047.bpo-29942.CsGNuT.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/047.bpo-29942.CsGNuT.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..39b8ba8f3e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/047.bpo-29942.CsGNuT.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Fix a crash in itertools.chain.from_iterable when encountering long runs of
+empty iterables.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/048.bpo-29998.poeIKD.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/048.bpo-29998.poeIKD.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1999770e5d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/048.bpo-29998.poeIKD.rst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Pickling and copying ImportError now preserves name and path attributes.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/049.bpo-29692.oyWrAE.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/049.bpo-29692.oyWrAE.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..118475deca0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/049.bpo-29692.oyWrAE.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Fixed arbitrary unchaining of RuntimeError exceptions in
+contextlib.contextmanager.  Patch by Siddharth Velankar.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/050.bpo-29694.LWKxb1.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/050.bpo-29694.LWKxb1.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fd91668c3df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/050.bpo-29694.LWKxb1.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Fixed race condition in pathlib mkdir with flags parents=True.  Patch by
+Armin Rigo.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/051.bpo-30068.n4q47r.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/051.bpo-30068.n4q47r.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..429673b83ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/051.bpo-30068.n4q47r.rst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+_io._IOBase.readlines will check if it's closed first when hint is present.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/052.bpo-30061.2w_dX9.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/052.bpo-30061.2w_dX9.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0b181f6084f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/052.bpo-30061.2w_dX9.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Fixed crashes in IOBase methods __next__() and readlines() when readline()
+or __next__() respectively return non-sizeable object. Fixed possible other
+errors caused by not checking results of PyObject_Size(), PySequence_Size(),
+or PyMapping_Size().
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/053.bpo-30070.XM_B41.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/053.bpo-30070.XM_B41.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8e31371216a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/053.bpo-30070.XM_B41.rst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Fixed leaks and crashes in errors handling in the parser module.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/054.bpo-30205.BsxO34.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/054.bpo-30205.BsxO34.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2692614a80a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/054.bpo-30205.BsxO34.rst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Fix getsockname() for unbound AF_UNIX sockets on Linux.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/055.bpo-28556.51gjbP.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/055.bpo-28556.51gjbP.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dd8fc74567d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/055.bpo-28556.51gjbP.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Various updates to typing module: add typing.NoReturn type, use
+WrapperDescriptorType, minor bug-fixes.  Original PRs by Jim Fasarakis-
+Hilliard and Ivan Levkivskyi.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/056.bpo-30185.Tiu1n8.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/056.bpo-30185.Tiu1n8.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f19d47c7af9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/056.bpo-30185.Tiu1n8.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Avoid KeyboardInterrupt tracebacks in forkserver helper process when Ctrl-C
+is received.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/057.bpo-30243.RHQt0v.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/057.bpo-30243.RHQt0v.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6037eaf2555
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/057.bpo-30243.RHQt0v.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Removed the __init__ methods of _json's scanner and encoder. Misusing them
+could cause memory leaks or crashes.  Now scanner and encoder objects are
+completely initialized in the __new__ methods.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/058.bpo-26293.wig0YG.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/058.bpo-26293.wig0YG.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ae977481643
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/058.bpo-26293.wig0YG.rst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Change resulted because of zipfile breakage. (See also: bpo-29094)
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/059.bpo-29990.HWV6KE.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/059.bpo-29990.HWV6KE.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7a6793095f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/059.bpo-29990.HWV6KE.rst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Fix range checking in GB18030 decoder.  Original patch by Ma Lin.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/060.bpo-30048.ELRx8R.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/060.bpo-30048.ELRx8R.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ee47a9e5832
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/060.bpo-30048.ELRx8R.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Fixed ``Task.cancel()`` can be ignored when the task is running coroutine
+and the coroutine returned without any more ``await``.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/061.bpo-30375.9c8qM7.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/061.bpo-30375.9c8qM7.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cb0f7eb038c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/061.bpo-30375.9c8qM7.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Warnings emitted when compile a regular expression now always point to the
+line in the user code.  Previously they could point into inners of the re
+module if emitted from inside of groups or conditionals.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/062.bpo-30329.EuT36N.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/062.bpo-30329.EuT36N.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d9d7be37e44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/062.bpo-30329.EuT36N.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+imaplib and poplib now catch the Windows socket WSAEINVAL error (code 10022)
+on shutdown(SHUT_RDWR): An invalid operation was attempted. This error
+occurs sometimes on SSL connections.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/063.bpo-30301.ywOkjN.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/063.bpo-30301.ywOkjN.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0479f10483f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/063.bpo-30301.ywOkjN.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Fix AttributeError when using SimpleQueue.empty() under *spawn* and
+*forkserver* start methods.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/064.bpo-30003.BOl9HE.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/064.bpo-30003.BOl9HE.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ac449728fd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/064.bpo-30003.BOl9HE.rst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Fix handling escape characters in HZ codec.  Based on patch by Ma Lin.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/065.bpo-30414.jGl1Lb.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/065.bpo-30414.jGl1Lb.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3bd0a23069e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/065.bpo-30414.jGl1Lb.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+multiprocessing.Queue._feed background running thread do not break from main
+loop on exception.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/066.bpo-29960.g0wr3r.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/066.bpo-29960.g0wr3r.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0b37a4b96d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/066.bpo-29960.g0wr3r.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Preserve generator state when _random.Random.setstate() raises an exception.
+Patch by Bryan Olson.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/067.bpo-30378.R_19_5.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/067.bpo-30378.R_19_5.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5994abe142c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/067.bpo-30378.R_19_5.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Fix the problem that logging.handlers.SysLogHandler cannot handle IPv6
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/068.bpo-30418.EwISQm.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/068.bpo-30418.EwISQm.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..43e149daffe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/068.bpo-30418.EwISQm.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+On Windows, subprocess.Popen.communicate() now also ignore EINVAL on
+stdin.write() if the child process is still running but closed the pipe.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/069.bpo-27585.0Ugqqu.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/069.bpo-27585.0Ugqqu.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3e31ab1b855
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/069.bpo-27585.0Ugqqu.rst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Fix waiter cancellation in asyncio.Lock. Patch by Mathieu Sornay.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/070.bpo-29743.en2P4s.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/070.bpo-29743.en2P4s.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c4264b45ce5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/070.bpo-29743.en2P4s.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Closing transport during handshake process leaks open socket. Patch by
+Nikolay Kim
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/071.bpo-29870.p960Ih.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/071.bpo-29870.p960Ih.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..55b78a7a79b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/071.bpo-29870.p960Ih.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Fix ssl sockets leaks when connection is aborted in asyncio/ssl
+implementation. Patch by Michaël Sghaïer.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/072.bpo-28556.mESP7G.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/072.bpo-28556.mESP7G.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..96a4eeb3cb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/072.bpo-28556.mESP7G.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Updates to typing module: Add generic AsyncContextManager, add support for
+ContextManager on all versions. Original PRs by Jelle Zijlstra and Ivan
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/073.bpo-30508.wNWRS2.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/073.bpo-30508.wNWRS2.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c0322082e8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/073.bpo-30508.wNWRS2.rst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Don't log exceptions if Task/Future "cancel()" method was called.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/074.bpo-28994.9vzun1.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/074.bpo-28994.9vzun1.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..80de944b4e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/074.bpo-28994.9vzun1.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+The traceback no longer displayed for SystemExit raised in a callback
+registered by atexit.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/075.bpo-24484.vFem8K.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/075.bpo-24484.vFem8K.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ac5b648a25b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/075.bpo-24484.vFem8K.rst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Avoid race condition in multiprocessing cleanup.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/077.bpo-29931.tfcTwK.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/077.bpo-29931.tfcTwK.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cb098ff6b05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/077.bpo-29931.tfcTwK.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Fixed comparison check for ipaddress.ip_interface objects. Patch by Sanjay
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/078.bpo-30149.hE649r.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/078.bpo-30149.hE649r.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..44a69f47ce8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/078.bpo-30149.hE649r.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+inspect.signature() now supports callables with variable-argument parameters
+wrapped with partialmethod. Patch by Dong-hee Na.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/079.bpo-23890.GCFAAZ.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/079.bpo-23890.GCFAAZ.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7a589f1dcdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/079.bpo-23890.GCFAAZ.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+unittest.TestCase.assertRaises() now manually breaks a reference cycle to
+not keep objects alive longer than expected.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/080.bpo-30645.oYzbbW.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/080.bpo-30645.oYzbbW.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..be8637f9fcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/080.bpo-30645.oYzbbW.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Fix path calculation in imp.load_package(), fixing it for cases when a
+package is only shipped with bytecodes. Patch by Alexandru Ardelean.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/082.bpo-29755.diQcY_.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/082.bpo-29755.diQcY_.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f4f1b277c18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/082.bpo-29755.diQcY_.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Fixed the lgettext() family of functions in the gettext module. They now
+always return bytes.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/085.bpo-30746.7drQI0.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/085.bpo-30746.7drQI0.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..94803bb5f1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/085.bpo-30746.7drQI0.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Prohibited the '=' character in environment variable names in
+``os.putenv()`` and ``os.spawn*()``.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/086.bpo-30879.N3KI-o.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/086.bpo-30879.N3KI-o.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..862c114aef8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/086.bpo-30879.N3KI-o.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+os.listdir() and os.scandir() now emit bytes names when called with bytes-
+like argument.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/087.bpo-29169.8ypApm.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/087.bpo-29169.8ypApm.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..96d066d41d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/087.bpo-29169.8ypApm.rst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Update zlib to 1.2.11.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Security/076.bpo-29591.ExKblw.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Security/076.bpo-29591.ExKblw.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7394ac2ff0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Security/076.bpo-29591.ExKblw.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+.. original section: Library
+Update expat copy from 2.1.1 to 2.2.0 to get fixes of CVE-2016-0718 and
+CVE-2016-4472. See https://sourceforge.net/p/expat/bugs/537/ for more
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Security/081.bpo-30500.1VG7R-.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Security/081.bpo-30500.1VG7R-.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..adf464567b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Security/081.bpo-30500.1VG7R-.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+.. original section: Library
+Fix urllib.parse.splithost() to correctly parse fragments. For example,
+``splithost('//')`` now correctly returns the
+```` host, instead of treating ``@evil.com`` as the host in an
+authentification (``login at host``).
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Security/083.bpo-30694.WkMWM_.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Security/083.bpo-30694.WkMWM_.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ebbd359e63f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Security/083.bpo-30694.WkMWM_.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+.. original section: Library
+Upgrade expat copy from 2.2.0 to 2.2.1 to get fixes of multiple security
+vulnerabilities including: CVE-2017-9233 (External entity infinite loop
+DoS), CVE-2016-9063 (Integer overflow, re-fix), CVE-2016-0718 (Fix
+regression bugs from 2.2.0's fix to CVE-2016-0718) and CVE-2012-0876
+(Counter hash flooding with SipHash). Note: the CVE-2016-5300 (Use os-
+specific entropy sources like getrandom) doesn't impact Python, since Python
+already gets entropy from the OS to set the expat secret using
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Security/084.bpo-30730.rJsyTH.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Security/084.bpo-30730.rJsyTH.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..008aa706d49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Security/084.bpo-30730.rJsyTH.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+.. original section: Library
+Prevent environment variables injection in subprocess on Windows.  Prevent
+passing other environment variables and command arguments.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Tests/001.bpo-29571.r6Dixr.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Tests/001.bpo-29571.r6Dixr.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ec4c9986ab1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Tests/001.bpo-29571.r6Dixr.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+to match the behaviour of the ``re.LOCALE`` flag, test_re.test_locale_flag
+now uses ``locale.getpreferredencoding(False)`` to determine the candidate
+encoding for the test regex (allowing it to correctly skip the test when the
+default locale encoding is a multi-byte encoding)
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Tests/002.bpo-30197.c5wRfu.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Tests/002.bpo-30197.c5wRfu.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..63461bb478b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Tests/002.bpo-30197.c5wRfu.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Enhanced functions swap_attr() and swap_item() in the test.support module.
+They now work when delete replaced attribute or item inside the with
+statement.  The old value of the attribute or item (or None if it doesn't
+exist) now will be assigned to the target of the "as" clause, if there is
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Tests/003.bpo-28087.m8dc4R.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Tests/003.bpo-28087.m8dc4R.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5e33e56ad4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Tests/003.bpo-28087.m8dc4R.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Skip test_asyncore and test_eintr poll failures on macOS. Skip some tests of
+select.poll when running on macOS due to unresolved issues with the
+underlying system poll function on some macOS versions.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Tests/004.bpo-30357.n4CPEa.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Tests/004.bpo-30357.n4CPEa.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c7e7b7f242b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Tests/004.bpo-30357.n4CPEa.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+test_thread: setUp() now uses support.threading_setup() and
+support.threading_cleanup() to wait until threads complete to avoid random
+side effects on following tests. Initial patch written by Grzegorz Grzywacz.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Windows/016.bpo-29392.OtqS5t.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Windows/016.bpo-29392.OtqS5t.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..881b2c8cd3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Windows/016.bpo-29392.OtqS5t.rst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Prevent crash when passing invalid arguments into msvcrt module.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Windows/017.bpo-30687.8mqHnu.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Windows/017.bpo-30687.8mqHnu.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9f37c075b84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Windows/017.bpo-30687.8mqHnu.rst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Locate msbuild.exe on Windows when building rather than vcvarsall.bat

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