[Python-checkins] bpo-32604: Remove xid registry. (#6813)

Eric Snow webhook-mailer at python.org
Tue May 15 09:56:22 EDT 2018

commit: 6bd0c476c58ca0046969f70dc2a4e4dfb3268062
branch: 3.7
author: Eric Snow <ericsnowcurrently at gmail.com>
committer: GitHub <noreply at github.com>
date: 2018-05-15T09:56:18-04:00

bpo-32604: Remove xid registry. (#6813)

Remove the interpreters testing helper (and xid registry).

A Misc/NEWS.d/next/Tests/2018-05-14-13-32-46.bpo-32604.a_z6D_.rst
D Lib/test/test__xxsubinterpreters.py
D Modules/_xxsubinterpretersmodule.c
M Include/internal/pystate.h
M Misc/NEWS.d/3.7.0b1.rst
M PC/config.c
M PCbuild/pythoncore.vcxproj
M Python/pystate.c
M setup.py

diff --git a/Include/internal/pystate.h b/Include/internal/pystate.h
index da642c6fd007..721d34fa4c19 100644
--- a/Include/internal/pystate.h
+++ b/Include/internal/pystate.h
@@ -73,75 +73,6 @@ PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyInterpreterState_IDInitref(PyInterpreterState *);
 PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyInterpreterState_IDIncref(PyInterpreterState *);
 PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyInterpreterState_IDDecref(PyInterpreterState *);
-/* cross-interpreter data */
-struct _xid;
-// _PyCrossInterpreterData is similar to Py_buffer as an effectively
-// opaque struct that holds data outside the object machinery.  This
-// is necessary to pass between interpreters in the same process.
-typedef struct _xid {
-    // data is the cross-interpreter-safe derivation of a Python object
-    // (see _PyObject_GetCrossInterpreterData).  It will be NULL if the
-    // new_object func (below) encodes the data.
-    void *data;
-    // obj is the Python object from which the data was derived.  This
-    // is non-NULL only if the data remains bound to the object in some
-    // way, such that the object must be "released" (via a decref) when
-    // the data is released.  In that case it is automatically
-    // incref'ed (to match the automatic decref when releaed).
-    PyObject *obj;
-    // interp is the ID of the owning interpreter of the original
-    // object.  It corresponds to the active interpreter when
-    // _PyObject_GetCrossInterpreterData() was called.  This should only
-    // be set by the cross-interpreter machinery.
-    //
-    // We use the ID rather than the PyInterpreterState to avoid issues
-    // with deleted interpreters.
-    int64_t interp;
-    // new_object is a function that returns a new object in the current
-    // interpreter given the data.  The resulting object (a new
-    // reference) will be equivalent to the original object.  This field
-    // is required.
-    PyObject *(*new_object)(struct _xid *);
-    // free is called when the data is released.  If it is NULL then
-    // nothing will be done to free the data.  For some types this is
-    // okay (e.g. bytes) and for those types this field should be set
-    // to NULL.  However, for most the data was allocated just for
-    // cross-interpreter use, so it must be freed when
-    // _PyCrossInterpreterData_Release is called or the memory will
-    // leak.  In that case, at the very least this field should be set
-    // to PyMem_RawFree (the default if not explicitly set to NULL).
-    // The call will happen with the original interpreter activated.
-    void (*free)(void *);
-} _PyCrossInterpreterData;
-typedef int (*crossinterpdatafunc)(PyObject *, _PyCrossInterpreterData *);
-PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyObject_CheckCrossInterpreterData(PyObject *);
-PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyObject_GetCrossInterpreterData(PyObject *, _PyCrossInterpreterData *);
-PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyCrossInterpreterData_NewObject(_PyCrossInterpreterData *);
-PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyCrossInterpreterData_Release(_PyCrossInterpreterData *);
-/* cross-interpreter data registry */
-/* For now we use a global registry of shareable classes.  An
-   alternative would be to add a tp_* slot for a class's
-   crossinterpdatafunc. It would be simpler and more efficient. */
-PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyCrossInterpreterData_Register_Class(PyTypeObject *, crossinterpdatafunc);
-PyAPI_FUNC(crossinterpdatafunc) _PyCrossInterpreterData_Lookup(PyObject *);
-struct _xidregitem;
-struct _xidregitem {
-    PyTypeObject *cls;
-    crossinterpdatafunc getdata;
-    struct _xidregitem *next;
 /* Full Python runtime state */
 typedef struct pyruntimestate {
@@ -163,11 +94,6 @@ typedef struct pyruntimestate {
            using a Python int. */
         int64_t next_id;
     } interpreters;
-    // XXX Remove this field once we have a tp_* slot.
-    struct _xidregistry {
-        PyThread_type_lock mutex;
-        struct _xidregitem *head;
-    } xidregistry;
 #define NEXITFUNCS 32
     void (*exitfuncs[NEXITFUNCS])(void);
diff --git a/Lib/test/test__xxsubinterpreters.py b/Lib/test/test__xxsubinterpreters.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ef77716c662..000000000000
--- a/Lib/test/test__xxsubinterpreters.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1229 +0,0 @@
-import contextlib
-import os
-import pickle
-from textwrap import dedent, indent
-import threading
-import time
-import unittest
-from test import support
-from test.support import script_helper
-interpreters = support.import_module('_xxsubinterpreters')
-def _captured_script(script):
-    r, w = os.pipe()
-    indented = script.replace('\n', '\n                ')
-    wrapped = dedent(f"""
-        import contextlib
-        with open({w}, 'w') as chan:
-            with contextlib.redirect_stdout(chan):
-                {indented}
-        """)
-    return wrapped, open(r)
-def _run_output(interp, request, shared=None):
-    script, chan = _captured_script(request)
-    with chan:
-        interpreters.run_string(interp, script, shared)
-        return chan.read()
- at contextlib.contextmanager
-def _running(interp):
-    r, w = os.pipe()
-    def run():
-        interpreters.run_string(interp, dedent(f"""
-            # wait for "signal"
-            with open({r}) as chan:
-                chan.read()
-            """))
-    t = threading.Thread(target=run)
-    t.start()
-    yield
-    with open(w, 'w') as chan:
-        chan.write('done')
-    t.join()
-class IsShareableTests(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_default_shareables(self):
-        shareables = [
-                # singletons
-                None,
-                # builtin objects
-                b'spam',
-                ]
-        for obj in shareables:
-            with self.subTest(obj):
-                self.assertTrue(
-                    interpreters.is_shareable(obj))
-    def test_not_shareable(self):
-        class Cheese:
-            def __init__(self, name):
-                self.name = name
-            def __str__(self):
-                return self.name
-        class SubBytes(bytes):
-            """A subclass of a shareable type."""
-        not_shareables = [
-                # singletons
-                True,
-                False,
-                NotImplemented,
-                ...,
-                # builtin types and objects
-                type,
-                object,
-                object(),
-                Exception(),
-                42,
-                100.0,
-                'spam',
-                # user-defined types and objects
-                Cheese,
-                Cheese('Wensleydale'),
-                SubBytes(b'spam'),
-                ]
-        for obj in not_shareables:
-            with self.subTest(obj):
-                self.assertFalse(
-                    interpreters.is_shareable(obj))
-class TestBase(unittest.TestCase):
-    def tearDown(self):
-        for id in interpreters.list_all():
-            if id == 0:  # main
-                continue
-            try:
-                interpreters.destroy(id)
-            except RuntimeError:
-                pass  # already destroyed
-        for cid in interpreters.channel_list_all():
-            try:
-                interpreters.channel_destroy(cid)
-            except interpreters.ChannelNotFoundError:
-                pass  # already destroyed
-class ListAllTests(TestBase):
-    def test_initial(self):
-        main = interpreters.get_main()
-        ids = interpreters.list_all()
-        self.assertEqual(ids, [main])
-    def test_after_creating(self):
-        main = interpreters.get_main()
-        first = interpreters.create()
-        second = interpreters.create()
-        ids = interpreters.list_all()
-        self.assertEqual(ids, [main, first, second])
-    def test_after_destroying(self):
-        main = interpreters.get_main()
-        first = interpreters.create()
-        second = interpreters.create()
-        interpreters.destroy(first)
-        ids = interpreters.list_all()
-        self.assertEqual(ids, [main, second])
-class GetCurrentTests(TestBase):
-    def test_main(self):
-        main = interpreters.get_main()
-        cur = interpreters.get_current()
-        self.assertEqual(cur, main)
-    def test_subinterpreter(self):
-        main = interpreters.get_main()
-        interp = interpreters.create()
-        out = _run_output(interp, dedent("""
-            import _xxsubinterpreters as _interpreters
-            print(int(_interpreters.get_current()))
-            """))
-        cur = int(out.strip())
-        _, expected = interpreters.list_all()
-        self.assertEqual(cur, expected)
-        self.assertNotEqual(cur, main)
-class GetMainTests(TestBase):
-    def test_from_main(self):
-        [expected] = interpreters.list_all()
-        main = interpreters.get_main()
-        self.assertEqual(main, expected)
-    def test_from_subinterpreter(self):
-        [expected] = interpreters.list_all()
-        interp = interpreters.create()
-        out = _run_output(interp, dedent("""
-            import _xxsubinterpreters as _interpreters
-            print(int(_interpreters.get_main()))
-            """))
-        main = int(out.strip())
-        self.assertEqual(main, expected)
-class IsRunningTests(TestBase):
-    def test_main(self):
-        main = interpreters.get_main()
-        self.assertTrue(interpreters.is_running(main))
-    def test_subinterpreter(self):
-        interp = interpreters.create()
-        self.assertFalse(interpreters.is_running(interp))
-        with _running(interp):
-            self.assertTrue(interpreters.is_running(interp))
-        self.assertFalse(interpreters.is_running(interp))
-    def test_from_subinterpreter(self):
-        interp = interpreters.create()
-        out = _run_output(interp, dedent(f"""
-            import _xxsubinterpreters as _interpreters
-            if _interpreters.is_running({int(interp)}):
-                print(True)
-            else:
-                print(False)
-            """))
-        self.assertEqual(out.strip(), 'True')
-    def test_already_destroyed(self):
-        interp = interpreters.create()
-        interpreters.destroy(interp)
-        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
-            interpreters.is_running(interp)
-    def test_does_not_exist(self):
-        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
-            interpreters.is_running(1_000_000)
-    def test_bad_id(self):
-        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
-            interpreters.is_running(-1)
-class InterpreterIDTests(TestBase):
-    def test_with_int(self):
-        id = interpreters.InterpreterID(10, force=True)
-        self.assertEqual(int(id), 10)
-    def test_coerce_id(self):
-        id = interpreters.InterpreterID('10', force=True)
-        self.assertEqual(int(id), 10)
-        id = interpreters.InterpreterID(10.0, force=True)
-        self.assertEqual(int(id), 10)
-        class Int(str):
-            def __init__(self, value):
-                self._value = value
-            def __int__(self):
-                return self._value
-        id = interpreters.InterpreterID(Int(10), force=True)
-        self.assertEqual(int(id), 10)
-    def test_bad_id(self):
-        for id in [-1, 'spam']:
-            with self.subTest(id):
-                with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
-                    interpreters.InterpreterID(id)
-        with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
-            interpreters.InterpreterID(2**64)
-        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
-            interpreters.InterpreterID(object())
-    def test_does_not_exist(self):
-        id = interpreters.channel_create()
-        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
-            interpreters.InterpreterID(int(id) + 1)  # unforced
-    def test_repr(self):
-        id = interpreters.InterpreterID(10, force=True)
-        self.assertEqual(repr(id), 'InterpreterID(10)')
-    def test_equality(self):
-        id1 = interpreters.create()
-        id2 = interpreters.InterpreterID(int(id1))
-        id3 = interpreters.create()
-        self.assertTrue(id1 == id1)
-        self.assertTrue(id1 == id2)
-        self.assertTrue(id1 == int(id1))
-        self.assertFalse(id1 == id3)
-        self.assertFalse(id1 != id1)
-        self.assertFalse(id1 != id2)
-        self.assertTrue(id1 != id3)
-class CreateTests(TestBase):
-    def test_in_main(self):
-        id = interpreters.create()
-        self.assertIn(id, interpreters.list_all())
-    @unittest.skip('enable this test when working on pystate.c')
-    def test_unique_id(self):
-        seen = set()
-        for _ in range(100):
-            id = interpreters.create()
-            interpreters.destroy(id)
-            seen.add(id)
-        self.assertEqual(len(seen), 100)
-    def test_in_thread(self):
-        lock = threading.Lock()
-        id = None
-        def f():
-            nonlocal id
-            id = interpreters.create()
-            lock.acquire()
-            lock.release()
-        t = threading.Thread(target=f)
-        with lock:
-            t.start()
-        t.join()
-        self.assertIn(id, interpreters.list_all())
-    def test_in_subinterpreter(self):
-        main, = interpreters.list_all()
-        id1 = interpreters.create()
-        out = _run_output(id1, dedent("""
-            import _xxsubinterpreters as _interpreters
-            id = _interpreters.create()
-            print(int(id))
-            """))
-        id2 = int(out.strip())
-        self.assertEqual(set(interpreters.list_all()), {main, id1, id2})
-    def test_in_threaded_subinterpreter(self):
-        main, = interpreters.list_all()
-        id1 = interpreters.create()
-        id2 = None
-        def f():
-            nonlocal id2
-            out = _run_output(id1, dedent("""
-                import _xxsubinterpreters as _interpreters
-                id = _interpreters.create()
-                print(int(id))
-                """))
-            id2 = int(out.strip())
-        t = threading.Thread(target=f)
-        t.start()
-        t.join()
-        self.assertEqual(set(interpreters.list_all()), {main, id1, id2})
-    def test_after_destroy_all(self):
-        before = set(interpreters.list_all())
-        # Create 3 subinterpreters.
-        ids = []
-        for _ in range(3):
-            id = interpreters.create()
-            ids.append(id)
-        # Now destroy them.
-        for id in ids:
-            interpreters.destroy(id)
-        # Finally, create another.
-        id = interpreters.create()
-        self.assertEqual(set(interpreters.list_all()), before | {id})
-    def test_after_destroy_some(self):
-        before = set(interpreters.list_all())
-        # Create 3 subinterpreters.
-        id1 = interpreters.create()
-        id2 = interpreters.create()
-        id3 = interpreters.create()
-        # Now destroy 2 of them.
-        interpreters.destroy(id1)
-        interpreters.destroy(id3)
-        # Finally, create another.
-        id = interpreters.create()
-        self.assertEqual(set(interpreters.list_all()), before | {id, id2})
-class DestroyTests(TestBase):
-    def test_one(self):
-        id1 = interpreters.create()
-        id2 = interpreters.create()
-        id3 = interpreters.create()
-        self.assertIn(id2, interpreters.list_all())
-        interpreters.destroy(id2)
-        self.assertNotIn(id2, interpreters.list_all())
-        self.assertIn(id1, interpreters.list_all())
-        self.assertIn(id3, interpreters.list_all())
-    def test_all(self):
-        before = set(interpreters.list_all())
-        ids = set()
-        for _ in range(3):
-            id = interpreters.create()
-            ids.add(id)
-        self.assertEqual(set(interpreters.list_all()), before | ids)
-        for id in ids:
-            interpreters.destroy(id)
-        self.assertEqual(set(interpreters.list_all()), before)
-    def test_main(self):
-        main, = interpreters.list_all()
-        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
-            interpreters.destroy(main)
-        def f():
-            with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
-                interpreters.destroy(main)
-        t = threading.Thread(target=f)
-        t.start()
-        t.join()
-    def test_already_destroyed(self):
-        id = interpreters.create()
-        interpreters.destroy(id)
-        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
-            interpreters.destroy(id)
-    def test_does_not_exist(self):
-        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
-            interpreters.destroy(1_000_000)
-    def test_bad_id(self):
-        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
-            interpreters.destroy(-1)
-    def test_from_current(self):
-        main, = interpreters.list_all()
-        id = interpreters.create()
-        script = dedent(f"""
-            import _xxsubinterpreters as _interpreters
-            try:
-                _interpreters.destroy({int(id)})
-            except RuntimeError:
-                pass
-            """)
-        interpreters.run_string(id, script)
-        self.assertEqual(set(interpreters.list_all()), {main, id})
-    def test_from_sibling(self):
-        main, = interpreters.list_all()
-        id1 = interpreters.create()
-        id2 = interpreters.create()
-        script = dedent(f"""
-            import _xxsubinterpreters as _interpreters
-            _interpreters.destroy({int(id2)})
-            """)
-        interpreters.run_string(id1, script)
-        self.assertEqual(set(interpreters.list_all()), {main, id1})
-    def test_from_other_thread(self):
-        id = interpreters.create()
-        def f():
-            interpreters.destroy(id)
-        t = threading.Thread(target=f)
-        t.start()
-        t.join()
-    def test_still_running(self):
-        main, = interpreters.list_all()
-        interp = interpreters.create()
-        with _running(interp):
-            with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
-                interpreters.destroy(interp)
-            self.assertTrue(interpreters.is_running(interp))
-class RunStringTests(TestBase):
-    SCRIPT = dedent("""
-        with open('{}', 'w') as out:
-            out.write('{}')
-        """)
-    FILENAME = 'spam'
-    def setUp(self):
-        super().setUp()
-        self.id = interpreters.create()
-        self._fs = None
-    def tearDown(self):
-        if self._fs is not None:
-            self._fs.close()
-        super().tearDown()
-    @property
-    def fs(self):
-        if self._fs is None:
-            self._fs = FSFixture(self)
-        return self._fs
-    def test_success(self):
-        script, file = _captured_script('print("it worked!", end="")')
-        with file:
-            interpreters.run_string(self.id, script)
-            out = file.read()
-        self.assertEqual(out, 'it worked!')
-    def test_in_thread(self):
-        script, file = _captured_script('print("it worked!", end="")')
-        with file:
-            def f():
-                interpreters.run_string(self.id, script)
-            t = threading.Thread(target=f)
-            t.start()
-            t.join()
-            out = file.read()
-        self.assertEqual(out, 'it worked!')
-    def test_create_thread(self):
-        script, file = _captured_script("""
-            import threading
-            def f():
-                print('it worked!', end='')
-            t = threading.Thread(target=f)
-            t.start()
-            t.join()
-            """)
-        with file:
-            interpreters.run_string(self.id, script)
-            out = file.read()
-        self.assertEqual(out, 'it worked!')
-    @unittest.skipUnless(hasattr(os, 'fork'), "test needs os.fork()")
-    def test_fork(self):
-        import tempfile
-        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w+') as file:
-            file.write('')
-            file.flush()
-            expected = 'spam spam spam spam spam'
-            script = dedent(f"""
-                # (inspired by Lib/test/test_fork.py)
-                import os
-                pid = os.fork()
-                if pid == 0:  # child
-                    with open('{file.name}', 'w') as out:
-                        out.write('{expected}')
-                    # Kill the unittest runner in the child process.
-                    os._exit(1)
-                else:
-                    SHORT_SLEEP = 0.1
-                    import time
-                    for _ in range(10):
-                        spid, status = os.waitpid(pid, os.WNOHANG)
-                        if spid == pid:
-                            break
-                        time.sleep(SHORT_SLEEP)
-                    assert(spid == pid)
-                """)
-            interpreters.run_string(self.id, script)
-            file.seek(0)
-            content = file.read()
-            self.assertEqual(content, expected)
-    def test_already_running(self):
-        with _running(self.id):
-            with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
-                interpreters.run_string(self.id, 'print("spam")')
-    def test_does_not_exist(self):
-        id = 0
-        while id in interpreters.list_all():
-            id += 1
-        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
-            interpreters.run_string(id, 'print("spam")')
-    def test_error_id(self):
-        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
-            interpreters.run_string(-1, 'print("spam")')
-    def test_bad_id(self):
-        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
-            interpreters.run_string('spam', 'print("spam")')
-    def test_bad_script(self):
-        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
-            interpreters.run_string(self.id, 10)
-    def test_bytes_for_script(self):
-        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
-            interpreters.run_string(self.id, b'print("spam")')
-    @contextlib.contextmanager
-    def assert_run_failed(self, exctype, msg=None):
-        with self.assertRaises(interpreters.RunFailedError) as caught:
-            yield
-        if msg is None:
-            self.assertEqual(str(caught.exception).split(':')[0],
-                             str(exctype))
-        else:
-            self.assertEqual(str(caught.exception),
-                             "{}: {}".format(exctype, msg))
-    def test_invalid_syntax(self):
-        with self.assert_run_failed(SyntaxError):
-            # missing close paren
-            interpreters.run_string(self.id, 'print("spam"')
-    def test_failure(self):
-        with self.assert_run_failed(Exception, 'spam'):
-            interpreters.run_string(self.id, 'raise Exception("spam")')
-    def test_SystemExit(self):
-        with self.assert_run_failed(SystemExit, '42'):
-            interpreters.run_string(self.id, 'raise SystemExit(42)')
-    def test_sys_exit(self):
-        with self.assert_run_failed(SystemExit):
-            interpreters.run_string(self.id, dedent("""
-                import sys
-                sys.exit()
-                """))
-        with self.assert_run_failed(SystemExit, '42'):
-            interpreters.run_string(self.id, dedent("""
-                import sys
-                sys.exit(42)
-                """))
-    def test_with_shared(self):
-        r, w = os.pipe()
-        shared = {
-                'spam': b'ham',
-                'eggs': b'-1',
-                'cheddar': None,
-                }
-        script = dedent(f"""
-            eggs = int(eggs)
-            spam = 42
-            result = spam + eggs
-            ns = dict(vars())
-            del ns['__builtins__']
-            import pickle
-            with open({w}, 'wb') as chan:
-                pickle.dump(ns, chan)
-            """)
-        interpreters.run_string(self.id, script, shared)
-        with open(r, 'rb') as chan:
-            ns = pickle.load(chan)
-        self.assertEqual(ns['spam'], 42)
-        self.assertEqual(ns['eggs'], -1)
-        self.assertEqual(ns['result'], 41)
-        self.assertIsNone(ns['cheddar'])
-    def test_shared_overwrites(self):
-        interpreters.run_string(self.id, dedent("""
-            spam = 'eggs'
-            ns1 = dict(vars())
-            del ns1['__builtins__']
-            """))
-        shared = {'spam': b'ham'}
-        script = dedent(f"""
-            ns2 = dict(vars())
-            del ns2['__builtins__']
-        """)
-        interpreters.run_string(self.id, script, shared)
-        r, w = os.pipe()
-        script = dedent(f"""
-            ns = dict(vars())
-            del ns['__builtins__']
-            import pickle
-            with open({w}, 'wb') as chan:
-                pickle.dump(ns, chan)
-            """)
-        interpreters.run_string(self.id, script)
-        with open(r, 'rb') as chan:
-            ns = pickle.load(chan)
-        self.assertEqual(ns['ns1']['spam'], 'eggs')
-        self.assertEqual(ns['ns2']['spam'], b'ham')
-        self.assertEqual(ns['spam'], b'ham')
-    def test_shared_overwrites_default_vars(self):
-        r, w = os.pipe()
-        shared = {'__name__': b'not __main__'}
-        script = dedent(f"""
-            spam = 42
-            ns = dict(vars())
-            del ns['__builtins__']
-            import pickle
-            with open({w}, 'wb') as chan:
-                pickle.dump(ns, chan)
-            """)
-        interpreters.run_string(self.id, script, shared)
-        with open(r, 'rb') as chan:
-            ns = pickle.load(chan)
-        self.assertEqual(ns['__name__'], b'not __main__')
-    def test_main_reused(self):
-        r, w = os.pipe()
-        interpreters.run_string(self.id, dedent(f"""
-            spam = True
-            ns = dict(vars())
-            del ns['__builtins__']
-            import pickle
-            with open({w}, 'wb') as chan:
-                pickle.dump(ns, chan)
-            del ns, pickle, chan
-            """))
-        with open(r, 'rb') as chan:
-            ns1 = pickle.load(chan)
-        r, w = os.pipe()
-        interpreters.run_string(self.id, dedent(f"""
-            eggs = False
-            ns = dict(vars())
-            del ns['__builtins__']
-            import pickle
-            with open({w}, 'wb') as chan:
-                pickle.dump(ns, chan)
-            """))
-        with open(r, 'rb') as chan:
-            ns2 = pickle.load(chan)
-        self.assertIn('spam', ns1)
-        self.assertNotIn('eggs', ns1)
-        self.assertIn('eggs', ns2)
-        self.assertIn('spam', ns2)
-    def test_execution_namespace_is_main(self):
-        r, w = os.pipe()
-        script = dedent(f"""
-            spam = 42
-            ns = dict(vars())
-            ns['__builtins__'] = str(ns['__builtins__'])
-            import pickle
-            with open({w}, 'wb') as chan:
-                pickle.dump(ns, chan)
-            """)
-        interpreters.run_string(self.id, script)
-        with open(r, 'rb') as chan:
-            ns = pickle.load(chan)
-        ns.pop('__builtins__')
-        ns.pop('__loader__')
-        self.assertEqual(ns, {
-            '__name__': '__main__',
-            '__annotations__': {},
-            '__doc__': None,
-            '__package__': None,
-            '__spec__': None,
-            'spam': 42,
-            })
-    # XXX Fix this test!
-    @unittest.skip('blocking forever')
-    def test_still_running_at_exit(self):
-        script = dedent(f"""
-        from textwrap import dedent
-        import threading
-        import _xxsubinterpreters as _interpreters
-        id = _interpreters.create()
-        def f():
-            _interpreters.run_string(id, dedent('''
-                import time
-                # Give plenty of time for the main interpreter to finish.
-                time.sleep(1_000_000)
-                '''))
-        t = threading.Thread(target=f)
-        t.start()
-        """)
-        with support.temp_dir() as dirname:
-            filename = script_helper.make_script(dirname, 'interp', script)
-            with script_helper.spawn_python(filename) as proc:
-                retcode = proc.wait()
-        self.assertEqual(retcode, 0)
-class ChannelIDTests(TestBase):
-    def test_default_kwargs(self):
-        cid = interpreters._channel_id(10, force=True)
-        self.assertEqual(int(cid), 10)
-        self.assertEqual(cid.end, 'both')
-    def test_with_kwargs(self):
-        cid = interpreters._channel_id(10, send=True, force=True)
-        self.assertEqual(cid.end, 'send')
-        cid = interpreters._channel_id(10, send=True, recv=False, force=True)
-        self.assertEqual(cid.end, 'send')
-        cid = interpreters._channel_id(10, recv=True, force=True)
-        self.assertEqual(cid.end, 'recv')
-        cid = interpreters._channel_id(10, recv=True, send=False, force=True)
-        self.assertEqual(cid.end, 'recv')
-        cid = interpreters._channel_id(10, send=True, recv=True, force=True)
-        self.assertEqual(cid.end, 'both')
-    def test_coerce_id(self):
-        cid = interpreters._channel_id('10', force=True)
-        self.assertEqual(int(cid), 10)
-        cid = interpreters._channel_id(10.0, force=True)
-        self.assertEqual(int(cid), 10)
-        class Int(str):
-            def __init__(self, value):
-                self._value = value
-            def __int__(self):
-                return self._value
-        cid = interpreters._channel_id(Int(10), force=True)
-        self.assertEqual(int(cid), 10)
-    def test_bad_id(self):
-        for cid in [-1, 'spam']:
-            with self.subTest(cid):
-                with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
-                    interpreters._channel_id(cid)
-        with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
-            interpreters._channel_id(2**64)
-        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
-            interpreters._channel_id(object())
-    def test_bad_kwargs(self):
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
-            interpreters._channel_id(10, send=False, recv=False)
-    def test_does_not_exist(self):
-        cid = interpreters.channel_create()
-        with self.assertRaises(interpreters.ChannelNotFoundError):
-            interpreters._channel_id(int(cid) + 1)  # unforced
-    def test_repr(self):
-        cid = interpreters._channel_id(10, force=True)
-        self.assertEqual(repr(cid), 'ChannelID(10)')
-        cid = interpreters._channel_id(10, send=True, force=True)
-        self.assertEqual(repr(cid), 'ChannelID(10, send=True)')
-        cid = interpreters._channel_id(10, recv=True, force=True)
-        self.assertEqual(repr(cid), 'ChannelID(10, recv=True)')
-        cid = interpreters._channel_id(10, send=True, recv=True, force=True)
-        self.assertEqual(repr(cid), 'ChannelID(10)')
-    def test_equality(self):
-        cid1 = interpreters.channel_create()
-        cid2 = interpreters._channel_id(int(cid1))
-        cid3 = interpreters.channel_create()
-        self.assertTrue(cid1 == cid1)
-        self.assertTrue(cid1 == cid2)
-        self.assertTrue(cid1 == int(cid1))
-        self.assertFalse(cid1 == cid3)
-        self.assertFalse(cid1 != cid1)
-        self.assertFalse(cid1 != cid2)
-        self.assertTrue(cid1 != cid3)
-class ChannelTests(TestBase):
-    def test_sequential_ids(self):
-        before = interpreters.channel_list_all()
-        id1 = interpreters.channel_create()
-        id2 = interpreters.channel_create()
-        id3 = interpreters.channel_create()
-        after = interpreters.channel_list_all()
-        self.assertEqual(id2, int(id1) + 1)
-        self.assertEqual(id3, int(id2) + 1)
-        self.assertEqual(set(after) - set(before), {id1, id2, id3})
-    def test_ids_global(self):
-        id1 = interpreters.create()
-        out = _run_output(id1, dedent("""
-            import _xxsubinterpreters as _interpreters
-            cid = _interpreters.channel_create()
-            print(int(cid))
-            """))
-        cid1 = int(out.strip())
-        id2 = interpreters.create()
-        out = _run_output(id2, dedent("""
-            import _xxsubinterpreters as _interpreters
-            cid = _interpreters.channel_create()
-            print(int(cid))
-            """))
-        cid2 = int(out.strip())
-        self.assertEqual(cid2, int(cid1) + 1)
-    ####################
-    def test_drop_single_user(self):
-        cid = interpreters.channel_create()
-        interpreters.channel_send(cid, b'spam')
-        interpreters.channel_recv(cid)
-        interpreters.channel_drop_interpreter(cid, send=True, recv=True)
-        with self.assertRaises(interpreters.ChannelClosedError):
-            interpreters.channel_send(cid, b'eggs')
-        with self.assertRaises(interpreters.ChannelClosedError):
-            interpreters.channel_recv(cid)
-    def test_drop_multiple_users(self):
-        cid = interpreters.channel_create()
-        id1 = interpreters.create()
-        id2 = interpreters.create()
-        interpreters.run_string(id1, dedent(f"""
-            import _xxsubinterpreters as _interpreters
-            _interpreters.channel_send({int(cid)}, b'spam')
-            """))
-        out = _run_output(id2, dedent(f"""
-            import _xxsubinterpreters as _interpreters
-            obj = _interpreters.channel_recv({int(cid)})
-            _interpreters.channel_drop_interpreter({int(cid)})
-            print(repr(obj))
-            """))
-        interpreters.run_string(id1, dedent(f"""
-            _interpreters.channel_drop_interpreter({int(cid)})
-            """))
-        self.assertEqual(out.strip(), "b'spam'")
-    def test_drop_no_kwargs(self):
-        cid = interpreters.channel_create()
-        interpreters.channel_send(cid, b'spam')
-        interpreters.channel_recv(cid)
-        interpreters.channel_drop_interpreter(cid)
-        with self.assertRaises(interpreters.ChannelClosedError):
-            interpreters.channel_send(cid, b'eggs')
-        with self.assertRaises(interpreters.ChannelClosedError):
-            interpreters.channel_recv(cid)
-    def test_drop_multiple_times(self):
-        cid = interpreters.channel_create()
-        interpreters.channel_send(cid, b'spam')
-        interpreters.channel_recv(cid)
-        interpreters.channel_drop_interpreter(cid, send=True, recv=True)
-        with self.assertRaises(interpreters.ChannelClosedError):
-            interpreters.channel_drop_interpreter(cid, send=True, recv=True)
-    def test_drop_with_unused_items(self):
-        cid = interpreters.channel_create()
-        interpreters.channel_send(cid, b'spam')
-        interpreters.channel_send(cid, b'ham')
-        interpreters.channel_drop_interpreter(cid, send=True, recv=True)
-        with self.assertRaises(interpreters.ChannelClosedError):
-            interpreters.channel_recv(cid)
-    def test_drop_never_used(self):
-        cid = interpreters.channel_create()
-        interpreters.channel_drop_interpreter(cid)
-        with self.assertRaises(interpreters.ChannelClosedError):
-            interpreters.channel_send(cid, b'spam')
-        with self.assertRaises(interpreters.ChannelClosedError):
-            interpreters.channel_recv(cid)
-    def test_drop_by_unassociated_interp(self):
-        cid = interpreters.channel_create()
-        interpreters.channel_send(cid, b'spam')
-        interp = interpreters.create()
-        interpreters.run_string(interp, dedent(f"""
-            import _xxsubinterpreters as _interpreters
-            _interpreters.channel_drop_interpreter({int(cid)})
-            """))
-        obj = interpreters.channel_recv(cid)
-        interpreters.channel_drop_interpreter(cid)
-        with self.assertRaises(interpreters.ChannelClosedError):
-            interpreters.channel_send(cid, b'eggs')
-        self.assertEqual(obj, b'spam')
-    def test_drop_close_if_unassociated(self):
-        cid = interpreters.channel_create()
-        interp = interpreters.create()
-        interpreters.run_string(interp, dedent(f"""
-            import _xxsubinterpreters as _interpreters
-            obj = _interpreters.channel_send({int(cid)}, b'spam')
-            _interpreters.channel_drop_interpreter({int(cid)})
-            """))
-        with self.assertRaises(interpreters.ChannelClosedError):
-            interpreters.channel_recv(cid)
-    def test_drop_partially(self):
-        # XXX Is partial close too weird/confusing?
-        cid = interpreters.channel_create()
-        interpreters.channel_send(cid, None)
-        interpreters.channel_recv(cid)
-        interpreters.channel_send(cid, b'spam')
-        interpreters.channel_drop_interpreter(cid, send=True)
-        obj = interpreters.channel_recv(cid)
-        self.assertEqual(obj, b'spam')
-    def test_drop_used_multiple_times_by_single_user(self):
-        cid = interpreters.channel_create()
-        interpreters.channel_send(cid, b'spam')
-        interpreters.channel_send(cid, b'spam')
-        interpreters.channel_send(cid, b'spam')
-        interpreters.channel_recv(cid)
-        interpreters.channel_drop_interpreter(cid, send=True, recv=True)
-        with self.assertRaises(interpreters.ChannelClosedError):
-            interpreters.channel_send(cid, b'eggs')
-        with self.assertRaises(interpreters.ChannelClosedError):
-            interpreters.channel_recv(cid)
-    ####################
-    def test_close_single_user(self):
-        cid = interpreters.channel_create()
-        interpreters.channel_send(cid, b'spam')
-        interpreters.channel_recv(cid)
-        interpreters.channel_close(cid)
-        with self.assertRaises(interpreters.ChannelClosedError):
-            interpreters.channel_send(cid, b'eggs')
-        with self.assertRaises(interpreters.ChannelClosedError):
-            interpreters.channel_recv(cid)
-    def test_close_multiple_users(self):
-        cid = interpreters.channel_create()
-        id1 = interpreters.create()
-        id2 = interpreters.create()
-        interpreters.run_string(id1, dedent(f"""
-            import _xxsubinterpreters as _interpreters
-            _interpreters.channel_send({int(cid)}, b'spam')
-            """))
-        interpreters.run_string(id2, dedent(f"""
-            import _xxsubinterpreters as _interpreters
-            _interpreters.channel_recv({int(cid)})
-            """))
-        interpreters.channel_close(cid)
-        with self.assertRaises(interpreters.RunFailedError) as cm:
-            interpreters.run_string(id1, dedent(f"""
-                _interpreters.channel_send({int(cid)}, b'spam')
-                """))
-        self.assertIn('ChannelClosedError', str(cm.exception))
-        with self.assertRaises(interpreters.RunFailedError) as cm:
-            interpreters.run_string(id2, dedent(f"""
-                _interpreters.channel_send({int(cid)}, b'spam')
-                """))
-        self.assertIn('ChannelClosedError', str(cm.exception))
-    def test_close_multiple_times(self):
-        cid = interpreters.channel_create()
-        interpreters.channel_send(cid, b'spam')
-        interpreters.channel_recv(cid)
-        interpreters.channel_close(cid)
-        with self.assertRaises(interpreters.ChannelClosedError):
-            interpreters.channel_close(cid)
-    def test_close_with_unused_items(self):
-        cid = interpreters.channel_create()
-        interpreters.channel_send(cid, b'spam')
-        interpreters.channel_send(cid, b'ham')
-        interpreters.channel_close(cid)
-        with self.assertRaises(interpreters.ChannelClosedError):
-            interpreters.channel_recv(cid)
-    def test_close_never_used(self):
-        cid = interpreters.channel_create()
-        interpreters.channel_close(cid)
-        with self.assertRaises(interpreters.ChannelClosedError):
-            interpreters.channel_send(cid, b'spam')
-        with self.assertRaises(interpreters.ChannelClosedError):
-            interpreters.channel_recv(cid)
-    def test_close_by_unassociated_interp(self):
-        cid = interpreters.channel_create()
-        interpreters.channel_send(cid, b'spam')
-        interp = interpreters.create()
-        interpreters.run_string(interp, dedent(f"""
-            import _xxsubinterpreters as _interpreters
-            _interpreters.channel_close({int(cid)})
-            """))
-        with self.assertRaises(interpreters.ChannelClosedError):
-            interpreters.channel_recv(cid)
-        with self.assertRaises(interpreters.ChannelClosedError):
-            interpreters.channel_close(cid)
-    def test_close_used_multiple_times_by_single_user(self):
-        cid = interpreters.channel_create()
-        interpreters.channel_send(cid, b'spam')
-        interpreters.channel_send(cid, b'spam')
-        interpreters.channel_send(cid, b'spam')
-        interpreters.channel_recv(cid)
-        interpreters.channel_close(cid)
-        with self.assertRaises(interpreters.ChannelClosedError):
-            interpreters.channel_send(cid, b'eggs')
-        with self.assertRaises(interpreters.ChannelClosedError):
-            interpreters.channel_recv(cid)
-    ####################
-    def test_send_recv_main(self):
-        cid = interpreters.channel_create()
-        orig = b'spam'
-        interpreters.channel_send(cid, orig)
-        obj = interpreters.channel_recv(cid)
-        self.assertEqual(obj, orig)
-        self.assertIsNot(obj, orig)
-    def test_send_recv_same_interpreter(self):
-        id1 = interpreters.create()
-        out = _run_output(id1, dedent("""
-            import _xxsubinterpreters as _interpreters
-            cid = _interpreters.channel_create()
-            orig = b'spam'
-            _interpreters.channel_send(cid, orig)
-            obj = _interpreters.channel_recv(cid)
-            assert obj is not orig
-            assert obj == orig
-            """))
-    def test_send_recv_different_interpreters(self):
-        cid = interpreters.channel_create()
-        id1 = interpreters.create()
-        out = _run_output(id1, dedent(f"""
-            import _xxsubinterpreters as _interpreters
-            _interpreters.channel_send({int(cid)}, b'spam')
-            """))
-        obj = interpreters.channel_recv(cid)
-        self.assertEqual(obj, b'spam')
-    def test_send_recv_different_threads(self):
-        cid = interpreters.channel_create()
-        def f():
-            while True:
-                try:
-                    obj = interpreters.channel_recv(cid)
-                    break
-                except interpreters.ChannelEmptyError:
-                    time.sleep(0.1)
-            interpreters.channel_send(cid, obj)
-        t = threading.Thread(target=f)
-        t.start()
-        interpreters.channel_send(cid, b'spam')
-        t.join()
-        obj = interpreters.channel_recv(cid)
-        self.assertEqual(obj, b'spam')
-    def test_send_recv_different_interpreters_and_threads(self):
-        cid = interpreters.channel_create()
-        id1 = interpreters.create()
-        out = None
-        def f():
-            nonlocal out
-            out = _run_output(id1, dedent(f"""
-                import time
-                import _xxsubinterpreters as _interpreters
-                while True:
-                    try:
-                        obj = _interpreters.channel_recv({int(cid)})
-                        break
-                    except _interpreters.ChannelEmptyError:
-                        time.sleep(0.1)
-                assert(obj == b'spam')
-                _interpreters.channel_send({int(cid)}, b'eggs')
-                """))
-        t = threading.Thread(target=f)
-        t.start()
-        interpreters.channel_send(cid, b'spam')
-        t.join()
-        obj = interpreters.channel_recv(cid)
-        self.assertEqual(obj, b'eggs')
-    def test_send_not_found(self):
-        with self.assertRaises(interpreters.ChannelNotFoundError):
-            interpreters.channel_send(10, b'spam')
-    def test_recv_not_found(self):
-        with self.assertRaises(interpreters.ChannelNotFoundError):
-            interpreters.channel_recv(10)
-    def test_recv_empty(self):
-        cid = interpreters.channel_create()
-        with self.assertRaises(interpreters.ChannelEmptyError):
-            interpreters.channel_recv(cid)
-    def test_run_string_arg(self):
-        cid = interpreters.channel_create()
-        interp = interpreters.create()
-        out = _run_output(interp, dedent("""
-            import _xxsubinterpreters as _interpreters
-            print(cid.end)
-            _interpreters.channel_send(cid, b'spam')
-            """),
-            dict(cid=cid.send))
-        obj = interpreters.channel_recv(cid)
-        self.assertEqual(obj, b'spam')
-        self.assertEqual(out.strip(), 'send')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.7.0b1.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.7.0b1.rst
index 185d59c7adf3..3f850904d4be 100644
--- a/Misc/NEWS.d/3.7.0b1.rst
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/3.7.0b1.rst
@@ -748,6 +748,8 @@ subinterpreter C-API and a new cross-interpreter data sharing mechanism. The
 module is primarily intended for more thorough testing of the existing
 subinterpreter support.
+Note that the _xxsubinterpreters module has been removed in 3.7.0rc1.
 .. bpo: 32602
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Tests/2018-05-14-13-32-46.bpo-32604.a_z6D_.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Tests/2018-05-14-13-32-46.bpo-32604.a_z6D_.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f854dd95412a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Tests/2018-05-14-13-32-46.bpo-32604.a_z6D_.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Remove the _xxsubinterpreters module (meant for testing) and associated
+helpers.  This module was originally added recently in 3.7b1.
diff --git a/Modules/_xxsubinterpretersmodule.c b/Modules/_xxsubinterpretersmodule.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 49d3b48e3879..000000000000
--- a/Modules/_xxsubinterpretersmodule.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2650 +0,0 @@
-/* interpreters module */
-/* low-level access to interpreter primitives */
-#include "Python.h"
-#include "frameobject.h"
-#include "internal/pystate.h"
-static char *
-_copy_raw_string(PyObject *strobj)
-    const char *str = PyUnicode_AsUTF8(strobj);
-    if (str == NULL) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    char *copied = PyMem_Malloc(strlen(str)+1);
-    if (str == NULL) {
-        PyErr_NoMemory();
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    strcpy(copied, str);
-    return copied;
-static PyInterpreterState *
-    PyThreadState *tstate = PyThreadState_Get();
-    // PyThreadState_Get() aborts if lookup fails, so we don't need
-    // to check the result for NULL.
-    return tstate->interp;
-static int64_t
-_coerce_id(PyObject *id)
-    id = PyNumber_Long(id);
-    if (id == NULL) {
-        if (PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_TypeError)) {
-            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
-                            "'id' must be a non-negative int");
-        }
-        else {
-            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
-                            "'id' must be a non-negative int");
-        }
-        return -1;
-    }
-    int64_t cid = PyLong_AsLongLong(id);
-    Py_DECREF(id);
-    if (cid == -1 && PyErr_Occurred() != NULL) {
-        if (!PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_OverflowError)) {
-            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
-                            "'id' must be a non-negative int");
-        }
-        return -1;
-    }
-    if (cid < 0) {
-        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
-                        "'id' must be a non-negative int");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    return cid;
-/* data-sharing-specific code ***********************************************/
-struct _sharednsitem {
-    char *name;
-    _PyCrossInterpreterData data;
-static int
-_sharednsitem_init(struct _sharednsitem *item, PyObject *key, PyObject *value)
-    item->name = _copy_raw_string(key);
-    if (item->name == NULL) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    if (_PyObject_GetCrossInterpreterData(value, &item->data) != 0) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    return 0;
-static void
-_sharednsitem_clear(struct _sharednsitem *item)
-    if (item->name != NULL) {
-        PyMem_Free(item->name);
-    }
-    _PyCrossInterpreterData_Release(&item->data);
-static int
-_sharednsitem_apply(struct _sharednsitem *item, PyObject *ns)
-    PyObject *name = PyUnicode_FromString(item->name);
-    if (name == NULL) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    PyObject *value = _PyCrossInterpreterData_NewObject(&item->data);
-    if (value == NULL) {
-        Py_DECREF(name);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    int res = PyDict_SetItem(ns, name, value);
-    Py_DECREF(name);
-    Py_DECREF(value);
-    return res;
-typedef struct _sharedns {
-    Py_ssize_t len;
-    struct _sharednsitem* items;
-} _sharedns;
-static _sharedns *
-_sharedns_new(Py_ssize_t len)
-    _sharedns *shared = PyMem_NEW(_sharedns, 1);
-    if (shared == NULL) {
-        PyErr_NoMemory();
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    shared->len = len;
-    shared->items = PyMem_NEW(struct _sharednsitem, len);
-    if (shared->items == NULL) {
-        PyErr_NoMemory();
-        PyMem_Free(shared);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    return shared;
-static void
-_sharedns_free(_sharedns *shared)
-    for (Py_ssize_t i=0; i < shared->len; i++) {
-        _sharednsitem_clear(&shared->items[i]);
-    }
-    PyMem_Free(shared->items);
-    PyMem_Free(shared);
-static _sharedns *
-_get_shared_ns(PyObject *shareable)
-    if (shareable == NULL || shareable == Py_None) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    Py_ssize_t len = PyDict_Size(shareable);
-    if (len == 0) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    _sharedns *shared = _sharedns_new(len);
-    if (shared == NULL) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    Py_ssize_t pos = 0;
-    for (Py_ssize_t i=0; i < len; i++) {
-        PyObject *key, *value;
-        if (PyDict_Next(shareable, &pos, &key, &value) == 0) {
-            break;
-        }
-        if (_sharednsitem_init(&shared->items[i], key, value) != 0) {
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
-        _sharedns_free(shared);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    return shared;
-static int
-_sharedns_apply(_sharedns *shared, PyObject *ns)
-    for (Py_ssize_t i=0; i < shared->len; i++) {
-        if (_sharednsitem_apply(&shared->items[i], ns) != 0) {
-            return -1;
-        }
-    }
-    return 0;
-// Ultimately we'd like to preserve enough information about the
-// exception and traceback that we could re-constitute (or at least
-// simulate, a la traceback.TracebackException), and even chain, a copy
-// of the exception in the calling interpreter.
-typedef struct _sharedexception {
-    char *name;
-    char *msg;
-} _sharedexception;
-static _sharedexception *
-    _sharedexception *err = PyMem_NEW(_sharedexception, 1);
-    if (err == NULL) {
-        PyErr_NoMemory();
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    err->name = NULL;
-    err->msg = NULL;
-    return err;
-static void
-_sharedexception_clear(_sharedexception *exc)
-    if (exc->name != NULL) {
-        PyMem_Free(exc->name);
-    }
-    if (exc->msg != NULL) {
-        PyMem_Free(exc->msg);
-    }
-static void
-_sharedexception_free(_sharedexception *exc)
-    _sharedexception_clear(exc);
-    PyMem_Free(exc);
-static _sharedexception *
-_sharedexception_bind(PyObject *exctype, PyObject *exc, PyObject *tb)
-    assert(exctype != NULL);
-    char *failure = NULL;
-    _sharedexception *err = _sharedexception_new();
-    if (err == NULL) {
-        goto finally;
-    }
-    PyObject *name = PyUnicode_FromFormat("%S", exctype);
-    if (name == NULL) {
-        failure = "unable to format exception type name";
-        goto finally;
-    }
-    err->name = _copy_raw_string(name);
-    Py_DECREF(name);
-    if (err->name == NULL) {
-        if (PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_MemoryError)) {
-            failure = "out of memory copying exception type name";
-        }
-        failure = "unable to encode and copy exception type name";
-        goto finally;
-    }
-    if (exc != NULL) {
-        PyObject *msg = PyUnicode_FromFormat("%S", exc);
-        if (msg == NULL) {
-            failure = "unable to format exception message";
-            goto finally;
-        }
-        err->msg = _copy_raw_string(msg);
-        Py_DECREF(msg);
-        if (err->msg == NULL) {
-            if (PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_MemoryError)) {
-                failure = "out of memory copying exception message";
-            }
-            failure = "unable to encode and copy exception message";
-            goto finally;
-        }
-    }
-    if (failure != NULL) {
-        PyErr_Clear();
-        if (err->name != NULL) {
-            PyMem_Free(err->name);
-            err->name = NULL;
-        }
-        err->msg = failure;
-    }
-    return err;
-static void
-_sharedexception_apply(_sharedexception *exc, PyObject *wrapperclass)
-    if (exc->name != NULL) {
-        if (exc->msg != NULL) {
-            PyErr_Format(wrapperclass, "%s: %s",  exc->name, exc->msg);
-        }
-        else {
-            PyErr_SetString(wrapperclass, exc->name);
-        }
-    }
-    else if (exc->msg != NULL) {
-        PyErr_SetString(wrapperclass, exc->msg);
-    }
-    else {
-        PyErr_SetNone(wrapperclass);
-    }
-/* channel-specific code ****************************************************/
-static PyObject *ChannelError;
-static PyObject *ChannelNotFoundError;
-static PyObject *ChannelClosedError;
-static PyObject *ChannelEmptyError;
-static int
-channel_exceptions_init(PyObject *ns)
-    // XXX Move the exceptions into per-module memory?
-    // A channel-related operation failed.
-    ChannelError = PyErr_NewException("_xxsubinterpreters.ChannelError",
-                                      PyExc_RuntimeError, NULL);
-    if (ChannelError == NULL) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    if (PyDict_SetItemString(ns, "ChannelError", ChannelError) != 0) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    // An operation tried to use a channel that doesn't exist.
-    ChannelNotFoundError = PyErr_NewException(
-            "_xxsubinterpreters.ChannelNotFoundError", ChannelError, NULL);
-    if (ChannelNotFoundError == NULL) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    if (PyDict_SetItemString(ns, "ChannelNotFoundError", ChannelNotFoundError) != 0) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    // An operation tried to use a closed channel.
-    ChannelClosedError = PyErr_NewException(
-            "_xxsubinterpreters.ChannelClosedError", ChannelError, NULL);
-    if (ChannelClosedError == NULL) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    if (PyDict_SetItemString(ns, "ChannelClosedError", ChannelClosedError) != 0) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    // An operation tried to pop from an empty channel.
-    ChannelEmptyError = PyErr_NewException(
-            "_xxsubinterpreters.ChannelEmptyError", ChannelError, NULL);
-    if (ChannelEmptyError == NULL) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    if (PyDict_SetItemString(ns, "ChannelEmptyError", ChannelEmptyError) != 0) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    return 0;
-/* the channel queue */
-struct _channelitem;
-typedef struct _channelitem {
-    _PyCrossInterpreterData *data;
-    struct _channelitem *next;
-} _channelitem;
-static _channelitem *
-    _channelitem *item = PyMem_NEW(_channelitem, 1);
-    if (item == NULL) {
-        PyErr_NoMemory();
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    item->data = NULL;
-    item->next = NULL;
-    return item;
-static void
-_channelitem_clear(_channelitem *item)
-    if (item->data != NULL) {
-        _PyCrossInterpreterData_Release(item->data);
-        PyMem_Free(item->data);
-        item->data = NULL;
-    }
-    item->next = NULL;
-static void
-_channelitem_free(_channelitem *item)
-    _channelitem_clear(item);
-    PyMem_Free(item);
-static void
-_channelitem_free_all(_channelitem *item)
-    while (item != NULL) {
-        _channelitem *last = item;
-        item = item->next;
-        _channelitem_free(last);
-    }
-static _PyCrossInterpreterData *
-_channelitem_popped(_channelitem *item)
-    _PyCrossInterpreterData *data = item->data;
-    item->data = NULL;
-    _channelitem_free(item);
-    return data;
-typedef struct _channelqueue {
-    int64_t count;
-    _channelitem *first;
-    _channelitem *last;
-} _channelqueue;
-static _channelqueue *
-    _channelqueue *queue = PyMem_NEW(_channelqueue, 1);
-    if (queue == NULL) {
-        PyErr_NoMemory();
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    queue->count = 0;
-    queue->first = NULL;
-    queue->last = NULL;
-    return queue;
-static void
-_channelqueue_clear(_channelqueue *queue)
-    _channelitem_free_all(queue->first);
-    queue->count = 0;
-    queue->first = NULL;
-    queue->last = NULL;
-static void
-_channelqueue_free(_channelqueue *queue)
-    _channelqueue_clear(queue);
-    PyMem_Free(queue);
-static int
-_channelqueue_put(_channelqueue *queue, _PyCrossInterpreterData *data)
-    _channelitem *item = _channelitem_new();
-    if (item == NULL) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    item->data = data;
-    queue->count += 1;
-    if (queue->first == NULL) {
-        queue->first = item;
-    }
-    else {
-        queue->last->next = item;
-    }
-    queue->last = item;
-    return 0;
-static _PyCrossInterpreterData *
-_channelqueue_get(_channelqueue *queue)
-    _channelitem *item = queue->first;
-    if (item == NULL) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    queue->first = item->next;
-    if (queue->last == item) {
-        queue->last = NULL;
-    }
-    queue->count -= 1;
-    return _channelitem_popped(item);
-/* channel-interpreter associations */
-struct _channelend;
-typedef struct _channelend {
-    struct _channelend *next;
-    int64_t interp;
-    int open;
-} _channelend;
-static _channelend *
-_channelend_new(int64_t interp)
-    _channelend *end = PyMem_NEW(_channelend, 1);
-    if (end == NULL) {
-        PyErr_NoMemory();
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    end->next = NULL;
-    end->interp = interp;
-    end->open = 1;
-    return end;
-static void
-_channelend_free(_channelend *end)
-    PyMem_Free(end);
-static void
-_channelend_free_all(_channelend *end)
-    while (end != NULL) {
-        _channelend *last = end;
-        end = end->next;
-        _channelend_free(last);
-    }
-static _channelend *
-_channelend_find(_channelend *first, int64_t interp, _channelend **pprev)
-    _channelend *prev = NULL;
-    _channelend *end = first;
-    while (end != NULL) {
-        if (end->interp == interp) {
-            break;
-        }
-        prev = end;
-        end = end->next;
-    }
-    if (pprev != NULL) {
-        *pprev = prev;
-    }
-    return end;
-typedef struct _channelassociations {
-    // Note that the list entries are never removed for interpreter
-    // for which the channel is closed.  This should be a problem in
-    // practice.  Also, a channel isn't automatically closed when an
-    // interpreter is destroyed.
-    int64_t numsendopen;
-    int64_t numrecvopen;
-    _channelend *send;
-    _channelend *recv;
-} _channelends;
-static _channelends *
-    _channelends *ends = PyMem_NEW(_channelends, 1);
-    if (ends== NULL) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    ends->numsendopen = 0;
-    ends->numrecvopen = 0;
-    ends->send = NULL;
-    ends->recv = NULL;
-    return ends;
-static void
-_channelends_clear(_channelends *ends)
-    _channelend_free_all(ends->send);
-    ends->send = NULL;
-    ends->numsendopen = 0;
-    _channelend_free_all(ends->recv);
-    ends->recv = NULL;
-    ends->numrecvopen = 0;
-static void
-_channelends_free(_channelends *ends)
-    _channelends_clear(ends);
-    PyMem_Free(ends);
-static _channelend *
-_channelends_add(_channelends *ends, _channelend *prev, int64_t interp,
-                 int send)
-    _channelend *end = _channelend_new(interp);
-    if (end == NULL) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (prev == NULL) {
-        if (send) {
-            ends->send = end;
-        }
-        else {
-            ends->recv = end;
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        prev->next = end;
-    }
-    if (send) {
-        ends->numsendopen += 1;
-    }
-    else {
-        ends->numrecvopen += 1;
-    }
-    return end;
-static int
-_channelends_associate(_channelends *ends, int64_t interp, int send)
-    _channelend *prev;
-    _channelend *end = _channelend_find(send ? ends->send : ends->recv,
-                                        interp, &prev);
-    if (end != NULL) {
-        if (!end->open) {
-            PyErr_SetString(ChannelClosedError, "channel already closed");
-            return -1;
-        }
-        // already associated
-        return 0;
-    }
-    if (_channelends_add(ends, prev, interp, send) == NULL) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    return 0;
-static int
-_channelends_is_open(_channelends *ends)
-    if (ends->numsendopen != 0 || ends->numrecvopen != 0) {
-        return 1;
-    }
-    if (ends->send == NULL && ends->recv == NULL) {
-        return 1;
-    }
-    return 0;
-static void
-_channelends_close_end(_channelends *ends, _channelend *end, int send)
-    end->open = 0;
-    if (send) {
-        ends->numsendopen -= 1;
-    }
-    else {
-        ends->numrecvopen -= 1;
-    }
-static int
-_channelends_close_interpreter(_channelends *ends, int64_t interp, int which)
-    _channelend *prev;
-    _channelend *end;
-    if (which >= 0) {  // send/both
-        end = _channelend_find(ends->send, interp, &prev);
-        if (end == NULL) {
-            // never associated so add it
-            end = _channelends_add(ends, prev, interp, 1);
-            if (end == NULL) {
-                return -1;
-            }
-        }
-        _channelends_close_end(ends, end, 1);
-    }
-    if (which <= 0) {  // recv/both
-        end = _channelend_find(ends->recv, interp, &prev);
-        if (end == NULL) {
-            // never associated so add it
-            end = _channelends_add(ends, prev, interp, 0);
-            if (end == NULL) {
-                return -1;
-            }
-        }
-        _channelends_close_end(ends, end, 0);
-    }
-    return 0;
-static void
-_channelends_close_all(_channelends *ends)
-    // Ensure all the "send"-associated interpreters are closed.
-    _channelend *end;
-    for (end = ends->send; end != NULL; end = end->next) {
-        _channelends_close_end(ends, end, 1);
-    }
-    // Ensure all the "recv"-associated interpreters are closed.
-    for (end = ends->recv; end != NULL; end = end->next) {
-        _channelends_close_end(ends, end, 0);
-    }
-/* channels */
-struct _channel;
-typedef struct _channel {
-    PyThread_type_lock mutex;
-    _channelqueue *queue;
-    _channelends *ends;
-    int open;
-} _PyChannelState;
-static _PyChannelState *
-    _PyChannelState *chan = PyMem_NEW(_PyChannelState, 1);
-    if (chan == NULL) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    chan->mutex = PyThread_allocate_lock();
-    if (chan->mutex == NULL) {
-        PyMem_Free(chan);
-        PyErr_SetString(ChannelError,
-                        "can't initialize mutex for new channel");
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    chan->queue = _channelqueue_new();
-    if (chan->queue == NULL) {
-        PyMem_Free(chan);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    chan->ends = _channelends_new();
-    if (chan->ends == NULL) {
-        _channelqueue_free(chan->queue);
-        PyMem_Free(chan);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    chan->open = 1;
-    return chan;
-static void
-_channel_free(_PyChannelState *chan)
-    PyThread_acquire_lock(chan->mutex, WAIT_LOCK);
-    _channelqueue_free(chan->queue);
-    _channelends_free(chan->ends);
-    PyThread_release_lock(chan->mutex);
-    PyThread_free_lock(chan->mutex);
-    PyMem_Free(chan);
-static int
-_channel_add(_PyChannelState *chan, int64_t interp,
-             _PyCrossInterpreterData *data)
-    int res = -1;
-    PyThread_acquire_lock(chan->mutex, WAIT_LOCK);
-    if (!chan->open) {
-        PyErr_SetString(ChannelClosedError, "channel closed");
-        goto done;
-    }
-    if (_channelends_associate(chan->ends, interp, 1) != 0) {
-        goto done;
-    }
-    if (_channelqueue_put(chan->queue, data) != 0) {
-        goto done;
-    }
-    res = 0;
-    PyThread_release_lock(chan->mutex);
-    return res;
-static _PyCrossInterpreterData *
-_channel_next(_PyChannelState *chan, int64_t interp)
-    _PyCrossInterpreterData *data = NULL;
-    PyThread_acquire_lock(chan->mutex, WAIT_LOCK);
-    if (!chan->open) {
-        PyErr_SetString(ChannelClosedError, "channel closed");
-        goto done;
-    }
-    if (_channelends_associate(chan->ends, interp, 0) != 0) {
-        goto done;
-    }
-    data = _channelqueue_get(chan->queue);
-    PyThread_release_lock(chan->mutex);
-    return data;
-static int
-_channel_close_interpreter(_PyChannelState *chan, int64_t interp, int which)
-    PyThread_acquire_lock(chan->mutex, WAIT_LOCK);
-    int res = -1;
-    if (!chan->open) {
-        PyErr_SetString(ChannelClosedError, "channel already closed");
-        goto done;
-    }
-    if (_channelends_close_interpreter(chan->ends, interp, which) != 0) {
-        goto done;
-    }
-    chan->open = _channelends_is_open(chan->ends);
-    res = 0;
-    PyThread_release_lock(chan->mutex);
-    return res;
-static int
-_channel_close_all(_PyChannelState *chan)
-    int res = -1;
-    PyThread_acquire_lock(chan->mutex, WAIT_LOCK);
-    if (!chan->open) {
-        PyErr_SetString(ChannelClosedError, "channel already closed");
-        goto done;
-    }
-    chan->open = 0;
-    // We *could* also just leave these in place, since we've marked
-    // the channel as closed already.
-    _channelends_close_all(chan->ends);
-    res = 0;
-    PyThread_release_lock(chan->mutex);
-    return res;
-/* the set of channels */
-struct _channelref;
-typedef struct _channelref {
-    int64_t id;
-    _PyChannelState *chan;
-    struct _channelref *next;
-    Py_ssize_t objcount;
-} _channelref;
-static _channelref *
-_channelref_new(int64_t id, _PyChannelState *chan)
-    _channelref *ref = PyMem_NEW(_channelref, 1);
-    if (ref == NULL) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    ref->id = id;
-    ref->chan = chan;
-    ref->next = NULL;
-    ref->objcount = 0;
-    return ref;
-//static void
-//_channelref_clear(_channelref *ref)
-//    ref->id = -1;
-//    ref->chan = NULL;
-//    ref->next = NULL;
-//    ref->objcount = 0;
-static void
-_channelref_free(_channelref *ref)
-    //_channelref_clear(ref);
-    PyMem_Free(ref);
-static _channelref *
-_channelref_find(_channelref *first, int64_t id, _channelref **pprev)
-    _channelref *prev = NULL;
-    _channelref *ref = first;
-    while (ref != NULL) {
-        if (ref->id == id) {
-            break;
-        }
-        prev = ref;
-        ref = ref->next;
-    }
-    if (pprev != NULL) {
-        *pprev = prev;
-    }
-    return ref;
-typedef struct _channels {
-    PyThread_type_lock mutex;
-    _channelref *head;
-    int64_t numopen;
-    int64_t next_id;
-} _channels;
-static int
-_channels_init(_channels *channels)
-    if (channels->mutex == NULL) {
-        channels->mutex = PyThread_allocate_lock();
-        if (channels->mutex == NULL) {
-            PyErr_SetString(ChannelError,
-                            "can't initialize mutex for channel management");
-            return -1;
-        }
-    }
-    channels->head = NULL;
-    channels->numopen = 0;
-    channels->next_id = 0;
-    return 0;
-static int64_t
-_channels_next_id(_channels *channels)  // needs lock
-    int64_t id = channels->next_id;
-    if (id < 0) {
-        /* overflow */
-        PyErr_SetString(ChannelError,
-                        "failed to get a channel ID");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    channels->next_id += 1;
-    return id;
-static _PyChannelState *
-_channels_lookup(_channels *channels, int64_t id, PyThread_type_lock *pmutex)
-    _PyChannelState *chan = NULL;
-    PyThread_acquire_lock(channels->mutex, WAIT_LOCK);
-    if (pmutex != NULL) {
-        *pmutex = NULL;
-    }
-    _channelref *ref = _channelref_find(channels->head, id, NULL);
-    if (ref == NULL) {
-        PyErr_Format(ChannelNotFoundError, "channel %d not found", id);
-        goto done;
-    }
-    if (ref->chan == NULL || !ref->chan->open) {
-        PyErr_Format(ChannelClosedError, "channel %d closed", id);
-        goto done;
-    }
-    if (pmutex != NULL) {
-        // The mutex will be closed by the caller.
-        *pmutex = channels->mutex;
-    }
-    chan = ref->chan;
-    if (pmutex == NULL || *pmutex == NULL) {
-        PyThread_release_lock(channels->mutex);
-    }
-    return chan;
-static int64_t
-_channels_add(_channels *channels, _PyChannelState *chan)
-    int64_t cid = -1;
-    PyThread_acquire_lock(channels->mutex, WAIT_LOCK);
-    // Create a new ref.
-    int64_t id = _channels_next_id(channels);
-    if (id < 0) {
-        goto done;
-    }
-    _channelref *ref = _channelref_new(id, chan);
-    if (ref == NULL) {
-        goto done;
-    }
-    // Add it to the list.
-    // We assume that the channel is a new one (not already in the list).
-    ref->next = channels->head;
-    channels->head = ref;
-    channels->numopen += 1;
-    cid = id;
-    PyThread_release_lock(channels->mutex);
-    return cid;
-static int
-_channels_close(_channels *channels, int64_t cid, _PyChannelState **pchan)
-    int res = -1;
-    PyThread_acquire_lock(channels->mutex, WAIT_LOCK);
-    if (pchan != NULL) {
-        *pchan = NULL;
-    }
-    _channelref *ref = _channelref_find(channels->head, cid, NULL);
-    if (ref == NULL) {
-        PyErr_Format(ChannelNotFoundError, "channel %d not found", cid);
-        goto done;
-    }
-    if (ref->chan == NULL) {
-        PyErr_Format(ChannelClosedError, "channel %d closed", cid);
-        goto done;
-    }
-    else {
-        if (_channel_close_all(ref->chan) != 0) {
-            goto done;
-        }
-        if (pchan != NULL) {
-            *pchan = ref->chan;
-        }
-        else {
-            _channel_free(ref->chan);
-        }
-        ref->chan = NULL;
-    }
-    res = 0;
-    PyThread_release_lock(channels->mutex);
-    return res;
-static void
-_channels_remove_ref(_channels *channels, _channelref *ref, _channelref *prev,
-                     _PyChannelState **pchan)
-    if (ref == channels->head) {
-        channels->head = ref->next;
-    }
-    else {
-        prev->next = ref->next;
-    }
-    channels->numopen -= 1;
-    if (pchan != NULL) {
-        *pchan = ref->chan;
-    }
-    _channelref_free(ref);
-static int
-_channels_remove(_channels *channels, int64_t id, _PyChannelState **pchan)
-    int res = -1;
-    PyThread_acquire_lock(channels->mutex, WAIT_LOCK);
-    if (pchan != NULL) {
-        *pchan = NULL;
-    }
-    _channelref *prev = NULL;
-    _channelref *ref = _channelref_find(channels->head, id, &prev);
-    if (ref == NULL) {
-        PyErr_Format(ChannelNotFoundError, "channel %d not found", id);
-        goto done;
-    }
-    _channels_remove_ref(channels, ref, prev, pchan);
-    res = 0;
-    PyThread_release_lock(channels->mutex);
-    return res;
-static int
-_channels_add_id_object(_channels *channels, int64_t id)
-    int res = -1;
-    PyThread_acquire_lock(channels->mutex, WAIT_LOCK);
-    _channelref *ref = _channelref_find(channels->head, id, NULL);
-    if (ref == NULL) {
-        PyErr_Format(ChannelNotFoundError, "channel %d not found", id);
-        goto done;
-    }
-    ref->objcount += 1;
-    res = 0;
-    PyThread_release_lock(channels->mutex);
-    return res;
-static void
-_channels_drop_id_object(_channels *channels, int64_t id)
-    PyThread_acquire_lock(channels->mutex, WAIT_LOCK);
-    _channelref *prev = NULL;
-    _channelref *ref = _channelref_find(channels->head, id, &prev);
-    if (ref == NULL) {
-        // Already destroyed.
-        goto done;
-    }
-    ref->objcount -= 1;
-    // Destroy if no longer used.
-    if (ref->objcount == 0) {
-        _PyChannelState *chan = NULL;
-        _channels_remove_ref(channels, ref, prev, &chan);
-        if (chan != NULL) {
-            _channel_free(chan);
-        }
-    }
-    PyThread_release_lock(channels->mutex);
-int64_t *
-_channels_list_all(_channels *channels, int64_t *count)
-    int64_t *cids = NULL;
-    PyThread_acquire_lock(channels->mutex, WAIT_LOCK);
-    int64_t numopen = channels->numopen;
-    if (numopen >= PY_SSIZE_T_MAX) {
-        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "too many channels open");
-        goto done;
-    }
-    int64_t *ids = PyMem_NEW(int64_t, (Py_ssize_t)(channels->numopen));
-    if (ids == NULL) {
-        goto done;
-    }
-    _channelref *ref = channels->head;
-    for (int64_t i=0; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next, i++) {
-        ids[i] = ref->id;
-    }
-    *count = channels->numopen;
-    cids = ids;
-    PyThread_release_lock(channels->mutex);
-    return cids;
-/* "high"-level channel-related functions */
-static int64_t
-_channel_create(_channels *channels)
-    _PyChannelState *chan = _channel_new();
-    if (chan == NULL) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    int64_t id = _channels_add(channels, chan);
-    if (id < 0) {
-        _channel_free(chan);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    return id;
-static int
-_channel_destroy(_channels *channels, int64_t id)
-    _PyChannelState *chan = NULL;
-    if (_channels_remove(channels, id, &chan) != 0) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    if (chan != NULL) {
-        _channel_free(chan);
-    }
-    return 0;
-static int
-_channel_send(_channels *channels, int64_t id, PyObject *obj)
-    PyInterpreterState *interp = _get_current();
-    if (interp == NULL) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    // Look up the channel.
-    PyThread_type_lock mutex = NULL;
-    _PyChannelState *chan = _channels_lookup(channels, id, &mutex);
-    if (chan == NULL) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    // Past this point we are responsible for releasing the mutex.
-    // Convert the object to cross-interpreter data.
-    _PyCrossInterpreterData *data = PyMem_NEW(_PyCrossInterpreterData, 1);
-    if (data == NULL) {
-        PyThread_release_lock(mutex);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    if (_PyObject_GetCrossInterpreterData(obj, data) != 0) {
-        PyThread_release_lock(mutex);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    // Add the data to the channel.
-    int res = _channel_add(chan, interp->id, data);
-    PyThread_release_lock(mutex);
-    if (res != 0) {
-        _PyCrossInterpreterData_Release(data);
-        PyMem_Free(data);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    return 0;
-static PyObject *
-_channel_recv(_channels *channels, int64_t id)
-    PyInterpreterState *interp = _get_current();
-    if (interp == NULL) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    // Look up the channel.
-    PyThread_type_lock mutex = NULL;
-    _PyChannelState *chan = _channels_lookup(channels, id, &mutex);
-    if (chan == NULL) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    // Past this point we are responsible for releasing the mutex.
-    // Pop off the next item from the channel.
-    _PyCrossInterpreterData *data = _channel_next(chan, interp->id);
-    PyThread_release_lock(mutex);
-    if (data == NULL) {
-        PyErr_Format(ChannelEmptyError, "channel %d is empty", id);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    // Convert the data back to an object.
-    PyObject *obj = _PyCrossInterpreterData_NewObject(data);
-    if (obj == NULL) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    _PyCrossInterpreterData_Release(data);
-    PyMem_Free(data);
-    return obj;
-static int
-_channel_drop(_channels *channels, int64_t id, int send, int recv)
-    PyInterpreterState *interp = _get_current();
-    if (interp == NULL) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    // Look up the channel.
-    PyThread_type_lock mutex = NULL;
-    _PyChannelState *chan = _channels_lookup(channels, id, &mutex);
-    if (chan == NULL) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    // Past this point we are responsible for releasing the mutex.
-    // Close one or both of the two ends.
-    int res = _channel_close_interpreter(chan, interp->id, send-recv);
-    PyThread_release_lock(mutex);
-    return res;
-static int
-_channel_close(_channels *channels, int64_t id)
-    return _channels_close(channels, id, NULL);
-/* ChannelID class */
-#define CHANNEL_SEND 1
-#define CHANNEL_RECV -1
-static PyTypeObject ChannelIDtype;
-typedef struct channelid {
-    PyObject_HEAD
-    int64_t id;
-    int end;
-    _channels *channels;
-} channelid;
-static channelid *
-newchannelid(PyTypeObject *cls, int64_t cid, int end, _channels *channels,
-             int force)
-    channelid *self = PyObject_New(channelid, cls);
-    if (self == NULL) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    self->id = cid;
-    self->end = end;
-    self->channels = channels;
-    if (_channels_add_id_object(channels, cid) != 0) {
-        if (force && PyErr_ExceptionMatches(ChannelNotFoundError)) {
-            PyErr_Clear();
-        }
-        else {
-            Py_DECREF((PyObject *)self);
-            return NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    return self;
-static _channels * _global_channels(void);
-static PyObject *
-channelid_new(PyTypeObject *cls, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
-    static char *kwlist[] = {"id", "send", "recv", "force", NULL};
-    PyObject *id;
-    int send = -1;
-    int recv = -1;
-    int force = 0;
-    if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds,
-                                     "O|$ppp:ChannelID.__init__", kwlist,
-                                     &id, &send, &recv, &force))
-        return NULL;
-    // Coerce and check the ID.
-    int64_t cid;
-    if (PyObject_TypeCheck(id, &ChannelIDtype)) {
-        cid = ((channelid *)id)->id;
-    }
-    else {
-        cid = _coerce_id(id);
-        if (cid < 0) {
-            return NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    // Handle "send" and "recv".
-    if (send == 0 && recv == 0) {
-        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
-                        "'send' and 'recv' cannot both be False");
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    int end = 0;
-    if (send == 1) {
-        if (recv == 0 || recv == -1) {
-            end = CHANNEL_SEND;
-        }
-    }
-    else if (recv == 1) {
-        end = CHANNEL_RECV;
-    }
-    return (PyObject *)newchannelid(cls, cid, end, _global_channels(), force);
-static void
-channelid_dealloc(PyObject *v)
-    int64_t cid = ((channelid *)v)->id;
-    _channels *channels = ((channelid *)v)->channels;
-    Py_TYPE(v)->tp_free(v);
-    _channels_drop_id_object(channels, cid);
-static PyObject *
-channelid_repr(PyObject *self)
-    PyTypeObject *type = Py_TYPE(self);
-    const char *name = _PyType_Name(type);
-    channelid *cid = (channelid *)self;
-    const char *fmt;
-    if (cid->end == CHANNEL_SEND) {
-        fmt = "%s(%d, send=True)";
-    }
-    else if (cid->end == CHANNEL_RECV) {
-        fmt = "%s(%d, recv=True)";
-    }
-    else {
-        fmt = "%s(%d)";
-    }
-    return PyUnicode_FromFormat(fmt, name, cid->id);
-PyObject *
-channelid_int(PyObject *self)
-    channelid *cid = (channelid *)self;
-    return PyLong_FromLongLong(cid->id);
-static PyNumberMethods channelid_as_number = {
-     0,                        /* nb_add */
-     0,                        /* nb_subtract */
-     0,                        /* nb_multiply */
-     0,                        /* nb_remainder */
-     0,                        /* nb_divmod */
-     0,                        /* nb_power */
-     0,                        /* nb_negative */
-     0,                        /* nb_positive */
-     0,                        /* nb_absolute */
-     0,                        /* nb_bool */
-     0,                        /* nb_invert */
-     0,                        /* nb_lshift */
-     0,                        /* nb_rshift */
-     0,                        /* nb_and */
-     0,                        /* nb_xor */
-     0,                        /* nb_or */
-     (unaryfunc)channelid_int, /* nb_int */
-     0,                        /* nb_reserved */
-     0,                        /* nb_float */
-     0,                        /* nb_inplace_add */
-     0,                        /* nb_inplace_subtract */
-     0,                        /* nb_inplace_multiply */
-     0,                        /* nb_inplace_remainder */
-     0,                        /* nb_inplace_power */
-     0,                        /* nb_inplace_lshift */
-     0,                        /* nb_inplace_rshift */
-     0,                        /* nb_inplace_and */
-     0,                        /* nb_inplace_xor */
-     0,                        /* nb_inplace_or */
-     0,                        /* nb_floor_divide */
-     0,                        /* nb_true_divide */
-     0,                        /* nb_inplace_floor_divide */
-     0,                        /* nb_inplace_true_divide */
-     (unaryfunc)channelid_int, /* nb_index */
-static Py_hash_t
-channelid_hash(PyObject *self)
-    channelid *cid = (channelid *)self;
-    PyObject *id = PyLong_FromLongLong(cid->id);
-    if (id == NULL) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    Py_hash_t hash = PyObject_Hash(id);
-    Py_DECREF(id);
-    return hash;
-static PyObject *
-channelid_richcompare(PyObject *self, PyObject *other, int op)
-    if (op != Py_EQ && op != Py_NE) {
-    }
-    if (!PyObject_TypeCheck(self, &ChannelIDtype)) {
-    }
-    channelid *cid = (channelid *)self;
-    int equal;
-    if (PyObject_TypeCheck(other, &ChannelIDtype)) {
-        channelid *othercid = (channelid *)other;
-        if (cid->end != othercid->end) {
-            equal = 0;
-        }
-        else {
-            equal = (cid->id == othercid->id);
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        other = PyNumber_Long(other);
-        if (other == NULL) {
-            PyErr_Clear();
-        }
-        int64_t othercid = PyLong_AsLongLong(other);
-        Py_DECREF(other);
-        if (othercid == -1 && PyErr_Occurred() != NULL) {
-            return NULL;
-        }
-        if (othercid < 0) {
-            equal = 0;
-        }
-        else {
-            equal = (cid->id == othercid);
-        }
-    }
-    if ((op == Py_EQ && equal) || (op == Py_NE && !equal)) {
-        Py_RETURN_TRUE;
-    }
-struct _channelid_xid {
-    int64_t id;
-    int end;
-static PyObject *
-_channelid_from_xid(_PyCrossInterpreterData *data)
-    struct _channelid_xid *xid = (struct _channelid_xid *)data->data;
-    return (PyObject *)newchannelid(&ChannelIDtype, xid->id, xid->end,
-                                    _global_channels(), 0);
-static int
-_channelid_shared(PyObject *obj, _PyCrossInterpreterData *data)
-    struct _channelid_xid *xid = PyMem_NEW(struct _channelid_xid, 1);
-    if (xid == NULL) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    xid->id = ((channelid *)obj)->id;
-    xid->end = ((channelid *)obj)->end;
-    data->data = xid;
-    data->obj = obj;
-    data->new_object = _channelid_from_xid;
-    data->free = PyMem_Free;
-    return 0;
-static PyObject *
-channelid_end(PyObject *self, void *end)
-    int force = 1;
-    channelid *cid = (channelid *)self;
-    if (end != NULL) {
-        return (PyObject *)newchannelid(Py_TYPE(self), cid->id, *(int *)end,
-                                        cid->channels, force);
-    }
-    if (cid->end == CHANNEL_SEND) {
-        return PyUnicode_InternFromString("send");
-    }
-    if (cid->end == CHANNEL_RECV) {
-        return PyUnicode_InternFromString("recv");
-    }
-    return PyUnicode_InternFromString("both");
-static int _channelid_end_send = CHANNEL_SEND;
-static int _channelid_end_recv = CHANNEL_RECV;
-static PyGetSetDef channelid_getsets[] = {
-    {"end", (getter)channelid_end, NULL,
-     PyDoc_STR("'send', 'recv', or 'both'")},
-    {"send", (getter)channelid_end, NULL,
-     PyDoc_STR("the 'send' end of the channel"), &_channelid_end_send},
-    {"recv", (getter)channelid_end, NULL,
-     PyDoc_STR("the 'recv' end of the channel"), &_channelid_end_recv},
-    {NULL}
-"A channel ID identifies a channel and may be used as an int.");
-static PyTypeObject ChannelIDtype = {
-    PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type, 0)
-    "_xxsubinterpreters.ChannelID", /* tp_name */
-    sizeof(channelid),              /* tp_size */
-    0,                              /* tp_itemsize */
-    (destructor)channelid_dealloc,  /* tp_dealloc */
-    0,                              /* tp_print */
-    0,                              /* tp_getattr */
-    0,                              /* tp_setattr */
-    0,                              /* tp_as_async */
-    (reprfunc)channelid_repr,       /* tp_repr */
-    &channelid_as_number,           /* tp_as_number */
-    0,                              /* tp_as_sequence */
-    0,                              /* tp_as_mapping */
-    channelid_hash,                 /* tp_hash */
-    0,                              /* tp_call */
-    0,                              /* tp_str */
-    0,                              /* tp_getattro */
-    0,                              /* tp_setattro */
-    0,                              /* tp_as_buffer */
-        Py_TPFLAGS_LONG_SUBCLASS,   /* tp_flags */
-    channelid_doc,                  /* tp_doc */
-    0,                              /* tp_traverse */
-    0,                              /* tp_clear */
-    channelid_richcompare,          /* tp_richcompare */
-    0,                              /* tp_weaklistoffset */
-    0,                              /* tp_iter */
-    0,                              /* tp_iternext */
-    0,                              /* tp_methods */
-    0,                              /* tp_members */
-    channelid_getsets,              /* tp_getset */
-    0,                              /* tp_base */
-    0,                              /* tp_dict */
-    0,                              /* tp_descr_get */
-    0,                              /* tp_descr_set */
-    0,                              /* tp_dictoffset */
-    0,                              /* tp_init */
-    0,                              /* tp_alloc */
-    // Note that we do not set tp_new to channelid_new.  Instead we
-    // set it to NULL, meaning it cannot be instantiated from Python
-    // code.  We do this because there is a strong relationship between
-    // channel IDs and the channel lifecycle, so this limitation avoids
-    // related complications.
-    NULL,                           /* tp_new */
-/* interpreter-specific code ************************************************/
-static PyObject * RunFailedError = NULL;
-static int
-interp_exceptions_init(PyObject *ns)
-    // XXX Move the exceptions into per-module memory?
-    if (RunFailedError == NULL) {
-        // An uncaught exception came out of interp_run_string().
-        RunFailedError = PyErr_NewException("_xxsubinterpreters.RunFailedError",
-                                            PyExc_RuntimeError, NULL);
-        if (RunFailedError == NULL) {
-            return -1;
-        }
-        if (PyDict_SetItemString(ns, "RunFailedError", RunFailedError) != 0) {
-            return -1;
-        }
-    }
-    return 0;
-static int
-_is_running(PyInterpreterState *interp)
-    PyThreadState *tstate = PyInterpreterState_ThreadHead(interp);
-    if (PyThreadState_Next(tstate) != NULL) {
-        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError,
-                        "interpreter has more than one thread");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    PyFrameObject *frame = tstate->frame;
-    if (frame == NULL) {
-        if (PyErr_Occurred() != NULL) {
-            return -1;
-        }
-        return 0;
-    }
-    return (int)(frame->f_executing);
-static int
-_ensure_not_running(PyInterpreterState *interp)
-    int is_running = _is_running(interp);
-    if (is_running < 0) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    if (is_running) {
-        PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError, "interpreter already running");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    return 0;
-static int
-_run_script(PyInterpreterState *interp, const char *codestr,
-            _sharedns *shared, _sharedexception **exc)
-    PyObject *exctype = NULL;
-    PyObject *excval = NULL;
-    PyObject *tb = NULL;
-    PyObject *main_mod = PyMapping_GetItemString(interp->modules, "__main__");
-    if (main_mod == NULL) {
-        goto error;
-    }
-    PyObject *ns = PyModule_GetDict(main_mod);  // borrowed
-    Py_DECREF(main_mod);
-    if (ns == NULL) {
-        goto error;
-    }
-    Py_INCREF(ns);
-    // Apply the cross-interpreter data.
-    if (shared != NULL) {
-        if (_sharedns_apply(shared, ns) != 0) {
-            Py_DECREF(ns);
-            goto error;
-        }
-    }
-    // Run the string (see PyRun_SimpleStringFlags).
-    PyObject *result = PyRun_StringFlags(codestr, Py_file_input, ns, ns, NULL);
-    Py_DECREF(ns);
-    if (result == NULL) {
-        goto error;
-    }
-    else {
-        Py_DECREF(result);  // We throw away the result.
-    }
-    *exc = NULL;
-    return 0;
-    PyErr_Fetch(&exctype, &excval, &tb);
-    _sharedexception *sharedexc = _sharedexception_bind(exctype, excval, tb);
-    Py_XDECREF(exctype);
-    Py_XDECREF(excval);
-    Py_XDECREF(tb);
-    if (sharedexc == NULL) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "RunFailedError: script raised an uncaught exception");
-        PyErr_Clear();
-        sharedexc = NULL;
-    }
-    else {
-        assert(!PyErr_Occurred());
-    }
-    *exc = sharedexc;
-    return -1;
-static int
-_run_script_in_interpreter(PyInterpreterState *interp, const char *codestr,
-                           PyObject *shareables)
-    if (_ensure_not_running(interp) < 0) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    _sharedns *shared = _get_shared_ns(shareables);
-    if (shared == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    // Switch to interpreter.
-    PyThreadState *save_tstate = NULL;
-    if (interp != PyThreadState_Get()->interp) {
-        // XXX Using the "head" thread isn't strictly correct.
-        PyThreadState *tstate = PyInterpreterState_ThreadHead(interp);
-        // XXX Possible GILState issues?
-        save_tstate = PyThreadState_Swap(tstate);
-    }
-    // Run the script.
-    _sharedexception *exc = NULL;
-    int result = _run_script(interp, codestr, shared, &exc);
-    // Switch back.
-    if (save_tstate != NULL) {
-        PyThreadState_Swap(save_tstate);
-    }
-    // Propagate any exception out to the caller.
-    if (exc != NULL) {
-        _sharedexception_apply(exc, RunFailedError);
-        _sharedexception_free(exc);
-    }
-    else if (result != 0) {
-        // We were unable to allocate a shared exception.
-        PyErr_NoMemory();
-    }
-    if (shared != NULL) {
-        _sharedns_free(shared);
-    }
-    return result;
-/* InterpreterID class */
-static PyTypeObject InterpreterIDtype;
-typedef struct interpid {
-    PyObject_HEAD
-    int64_t id;
-} interpid;
-static interpid *
-newinterpid(PyTypeObject *cls, int64_t id, int force)
-    PyInterpreterState *interp = _PyInterpreterState_LookUpID(id);
-    if (interp == NULL) {
-        if (force) {
-            PyErr_Clear();
-        }
-        else {
-            return NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    interpid *self = PyObject_New(interpid, cls);
-    if (self == NULL) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    self->id = id;
-    if (interp != NULL) {
-        _PyInterpreterState_IDIncref(interp);
-    }
-    return self;
-static PyObject *
-interpid_new(PyTypeObject *cls, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
-    static char *kwlist[] = {"id", "force", NULL};
-    PyObject *idobj;
-    int force = 0;
-    if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds,
-                                     "O|$p:InterpreterID.__init__", kwlist,
-                                     &idobj, &force)) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    // Coerce and check the ID.
-    int64_t id;
-    if (PyObject_TypeCheck(idobj, &InterpreterIDtype)) {
-        id = ((interpid *)idobj)->id;
-    }
-    else {
-        id = _coerce_id(idobj);
-        if (id < 0) {
-            return NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    return (PyObject *)newinterpid(cls, id, force);
-static void
-interpid_dealloc(PyObject *v)
-    int64_t id = ((interpid *)v)->id;
-    PyInterpreterState *interp = _PyInterpreterState_LookUpID(id);
-    if (interp != NULL) {
-        _PyInterpreterState_IDDecref(interp);
-    }
-    else {
-        // already deleted
-        PyErr_Clear();
-    }
-    Py_TYPE(v)->tp_free(v);
-static PyObject *
-interpid_repr(PyObject *self)
-    PyTypeObject *type = Py_TYPE(self);
-    const char *name = _PyType_Name(type);
-    interpid *id = (interpid *)self;
-    return PyUnicode_FromFormat("%s(%d)", name, id->id);
-PyObject *
-interpid_int(PyObject *self)
-    interpid *id = (interpid *)self;
-    return PyLong_FromLongLong(id->id);
-static PyNumberMethods interpid_as_number = {
-     0,                       /* nb_add */
-     0,                       /* nb_subtract */
-     0,                       /* nb_multiply */
-     0,                       /* nb_remainder */
-     0,                       /* nb_divmod */
-     0,                       /* nb_power */
-     0,                       /* nb_negative */
-     0,                       /* nb_positive */
-     0,                       /* nb_absolute */
-     0,                       /* nb_bool */
-     0,                       /* nb_invert */
-     0,                       /* nb_lshift */
-     0,                       /* nb_rshift */
-     0,                       /* nb_and */
-     0,                       /* nb_xor */
-     0,                       /* nb_or */
-     (unaryfunc)interpid_int, /* nb_int */
-     0,                       /* nb_reserved */
-     0,                       /* nb_float */
-     0,                       /* nb_inplace_add */
-     0,                       /* nb_inplace_subtract */
-     0,                       /* nb_inplace_multiply */
-     0,                       /* nb_inplace_remainder */
-     0,                       /* nb_inplace_power */
-     0,                       /* nb_inplace_lshift */
-     0,                       /* nb_inplace_rshift */
-     0,                       /* nb_inplace_and */
-     0,                       /* nb_inplace_xor */
-     0,                       /* nb_inplace_or */
-     0,                       /* nb_floor_divide */
-     0,                       /* nb_true_divide */
-     0,                       /* nb_inplace_floor_divide */
-     0,                       /* nb_inplace_true_divide */
-     (unaryfunc)interpid_int, /* nb_index */
-static Py_hash_t
-interpid_hash(PyObject *self)
-    interpid *id = (interpid *)self;
-    PyObject *obj = PyLong_FromLongLong(id->id);
-    if (obj == NULL) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    Py_hash_t hash = PyObject_Hash(obj);
-    Py_DECREF(obj);
-    return hash;
-static PyObject *
-interpid_richcompare(PyObject *self, PyObject *other, int op)
-    if (op != Py_EQ && op != Py_NE) {
-    }
-    if (!PyObject_TypeCheck(self, &InterpreterIDtype)) {
-    }
-    interpid *id = (interpid *)self;
-    int equal;
-    if (PyObject_TypeCheck(other, &InterpreterIDtype)) {
-        interpid *otherid = (interpid *)other;
-        equal = (id->id == otherid->id);
-    }
-    else {
-        other = PyNumber_Long(other);
-        if (other == NULL) {
-            PyErr_Clear();
-        }
-        int64_t otherid = PyLong_AsLongLong(other);
-        Py_DECREF(other);
-        if (otherid == -1 && PyErr_Occurred() != NULL) {
-            return NULL;
-        }
-        if (otherid < 0) {
-            equal = 0;
-        }
-        else {
-            equal = (id->id == otherid);
-        }
-    }
-    if ((op == Py_EQ && equal) || (op == Py_NE && !equal)) {
-        Py_RETURN_TRUE;
-    }
-"A interpreter ID identifies a interpreter and may be used as an int.");
-static PyTypeObject InterpreterIDtype = {
-    PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type, 0)
-    "interpreters.InterpreterID",   /* tp_name */
-    sizeof(interpid),               /* tp_size */
-    0,                              /* tp_itemsize */
-    (destructor)interpid_dealloc,   /* tp_dealloc */
-    0,                              /* tp_print */
-    0,                              /* tp_getattr */
-    0,                              /* tp_setattr */
-    0,                              /* tp_as_async */
-    (reprfunc)interpid_repr,        /* tp_repr */
-    &interpid_as_number,            /* tp_as_number */
-    0,                              /* tp_as_sequence */
-    0,                              /* tp_as_mapping */
-    interpid_hash,                  /* tp_hash */
-    0,                              /* tp_call */
-    0,                              /* tp_str */
-    0,                              /* tp_getattro */
-    0,                              /* tp_setattro */
-    0,                              /* tp_as_buffer */
-        Py_TPFLAGS_LONG_SUBCLASS,   /* tp_flags */
-    interpid_doc,                   /* tp_doc */
-    0,                              /* tp_traverse */
-    0,                              /* tp_clear */
-    interpid_richcompare,           /* tp_richcompare */
-    0,                              /* tp_weaklistoffset */
-    0,                              /* tp_iter */
-    0,                              /* tp_iternext */
-    0,                              /* tp_methods */
-    0,                              /* tp_members */
-    0,                              /* tp_getset */
-    0,                              /* tp_base */
-    0,                              /* tp_dict */
-    0,                              /* tp_descr_get */
-    0,                              /* tp_descr_set */
-    0,                              /* tp_dictoffset */
-    0,                              /* tp_init */
-    0,                              /* tp_alloc */
-    interpid_new,                   /* tp_new */
-static PyObject *
-_get_id(PyInterpreterState *interp)
-    PY_INT64_T id = PyInterpreterState_GetID(interp);
-    if (id < 0) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    return (PyObject *)newinterpid(&InterpreterIDtype, id, 0);
-static PyInterpreterState *
-_look_up(PyObject *requested_id)
-    int64_t id;
-    if (PyObject_TypeCheck(requested_id, &InterpreterIDtype)) {
-        id = ((interpid *)requested_id)->id;
-    }
-    else {
-        id = PyLong_AsLongLong(requested_id);
-        if (id == -1 && PyErr_Occurred() != NULL) {
-            return NULL;
-        }
-        assert(id <= INT64_MAX);
-    }
-    return _PyInterpreterState_LookUpID(id);
-/* module level code ********************************************************/
-/* globals is the process-global state for the module.  It holds all
-   the data that we need to share between interpreters, so it cannot
-   hold PyObject values. */
-static struct globals {
-    _channels channels;
-} _globals = {{0}};
-static int
-    if (_channels_init(&_globals.channels) != 0) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    return 0;
-static _channels *
-_global_channels(void) {
-    return &_globals.channels;
-static PyObject *
-interp_create(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
-    if (!PyArg_UnpackTuple(args, "create", 0, 0)) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    // Create and initialize the new interpreter.
-    PyThreadState *save_tstate = PyThreadState_Swap(NULL);
-    // XXX Possible GILState issues?
-    PyThreadState *tstate = Py_NewInterpreter();
-    PyThreadState_Swap(save_tstate);
-    if (tstate == NULL) {
-        /* Since no new thread state was created, there is no exception to
-           propagate; raise a fresh one after swapping in the old thread
-           state. */
-        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "interpreter creation failed");
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (_PyInterpreterState_IDInitref(tstate->interp) != 0) {
-        goto error;
-    };
-    return _get_id(tstate->interp);
-    // XXX Possible GILState issues?
-    save_tstate = PyThreadState_Swap(tstate);
-    Py_EndInterpreter(tstate);
-    PyThreadState_Swap(save_tstate);
-    return NULL;
-"create() -> ID\n\
-Create a new interpreter and return a unique generated ID.");
-static PyObject *
-interp_destroy(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
-    PyObject *id;
-    if (!PyArg_UnpackTuple(args, "destroy", 1, 1, &id)) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (!PyLong_Check(id)) {
-        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "ID must be an int");
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    // Look up the interpreter.
-    PyInterpreterState *interp = _look_up(id);
-    if (interp == NULL) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    // Ensure we don't try to destroy the current interpreter.
-    PyInterpreterState *current = _get_current();
-    if (current == NULL) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (interp == current) {
-        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError,
-                        "cannot destroy the current interpreter");
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    // Ensure the interpreter isn't running.
-    /* XXX We *could* support destroying a running interpreter but
-       aren't going to worry about it for now. */
-    if (_ensure_not_running(interp) < 0) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    // Destroy the interpreter.
-    //PyInterpreterState_Delete(interp);
-    PyThreadState *tstate = PyInterpreterState_ThreadHead(interp);
-    // XXX Possible GILState issues?
-    PyThreadState *save_tstate = PyThreadState_Swap(tstate);
-    Py_EndInterpreter(tstate);
-    PyThreadState_Swap(save_tstate);
-Destroy the identified interpreter.\n\
-Attempting to destroy the current interpreter results in a RuntimeError.\n\
-So does an unrecognized ID.");
-static PyObject *
-interp_list_all(PyObject *self)
-    PyObject *ids, *id;
-    PyInterpreterState *interp;
-    ids = PyList_New(0);
-    if (ids == NULL) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    interp = PyInterpreterState_Head();
-    while (interp != NULL) {
-        id = _get_id(interp);
-        if (id == NULL) {
-            Py_DECREF(ids);
-            return NULL;
-        }
-        // insert at front of list
-        int res = PyList_Insert(ids, 0, id);
-        Py_DECREF(id);
-        if (res < 0) {
-            Py_DECREF(ids);
-            return NULL;
-        }
-        interp = PyInterpreterState_Next(interp);
-    }
-    return ids;
-"list_all() -> [ID]\n\
-Return a list containing the ID of every existing interpreter.");
-static PyObject *
-interp_get_current(PyObject *self)
-    PyInterpreterState *interp =_get_current();
-    if (interp == NULL) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    return _get_id(interp);
-"get_current() -> ID\n\
-Return the ID of current interpreter.");
-static PyObject *
-interp_get_main(PyObject *self)
-    // Currently, 0 is always the main interpreter.
-    return PyLong_FromLongLong(0);
-"get_main() -> ID\n\
-Return the ID of main interpreter.");
-static PyObject *
-interp_run_string(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
-    PyObject *id, *code;
-    PyObject *shared = NULL;
-    if (!PyArg_UnpackTuple(args, "run_string", 2, 3, &id, &code, &shared)) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (!PyLong_Check(id)) {
-        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "first arg (ID) must be an int");
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (!PyUnicode_Check(code)) {
-        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
-                        "second arg (code) must be a string");
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    // Look up the interpreter.
-    PyInterpreterState *interp = _look_up(id);
-    if (interp == NULL) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    // Extract code.
-    Py_ssize_t size;
-    const char *codestr = PyUnicode_AsUTF8AndSize(code, &size);
-    if (codestr == NULL) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (strlen(codestr) != (size_t)size) {
-        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
-                        "source code string cannot contain null bytes");
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    // Run the code in the interpreter.
-    if (_run_script_in_interpreter(interp, codestr, shared) != 0) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-"run_string(ID, sourcetext)\n\
-Execute the provided string in the identified interpreter.\n\
-See PyRun_SimpleStrings.");
-static PyObject *
-object_is_shareable(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
-    PyObject *obj;
-    if (!PyArg_UnpackTuple(args, "is_shareable", 1, 1, &obj)) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (_PyObject_CheckCrossInterpreterData(obj) == 0) {
-        Py_RETURN_TRUE;
-    }
-    PyErr_Clear();
-"is_shareable(obj) -> bool\n\
-Return True if the object's data may be shared between interpreters and\n\
-False otherwise.");
-static PyObject *
-interp_is_running(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
-    PyObject *id;
-    if (!PyArg_UnpackTuple(args, "is_running", 1, 1, &id)) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (!PyLong_Check(id)) {
-        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "ID must be an int");
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    PyInterpreterState *interp = _look_up(id);
-    if (interp == NULL) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    int is_running = _is_running(interp);
-    if (is_running < 0) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (is_running) {
-        Py_RETURN_TRUE;
-    }
-"is_running(id) -> bool\n\
-Return whether or not the identified interpreter is running.");
-static PyObject *
-channel_create(PyObject *self)
-    int64_t cid = _channel_create(&_globals.channels);
-    if (cid < 0) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    PyObject *id = (PyObject *)newchannelid(&ChannelIDtype, cid, 0,
-                                            &_globals.channels, 0);
-    if (id == NULL) {
-        if (_channel_destroy(&_globals.channels, cid) != 0) {
-            // XXX issue a warning?
-        }
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    assert(((channelid *)id)->channels != NULL);
-    return id;
-"channel_create() -> ID\n\
-Create a new cross-interpreter channel and return a unique generated ID.");
-static PyObject *
-channel_destroy(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
-    PyObject *id;
-    if (!PyArg_UnpackTuple(args, "channel_destroy", 1, 1, &id)) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    int64_t cid = _coerce_id(id);
-    if (cid < 0) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (_channel_destroy(&_globals.channels, cid) != 0) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-Close and finalize the channel.  Afterward attempts to use the channel\n\
-will behave as though it never existed.");
-static PyObject *
-channel_list_all(PyObject *self)
-    int64_t count = 0;
-    int64_t *cids = _channels_list_all(&_globals.channels, &count);
-    if (cids == NULL) {
-        if (count == 0) {
-            return PyList_New(0);
-        }
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    PyObject *ids = PyList_New((Py_ssize_t)count);
-    if (ids == NULL) {
-        goto finally;
-    }
-    int64_t *cur = cids;
-    for (int64_t i=0; i < count; cur++, i++) {
-        PyObject *id = (PyObject *)newchannelid(&ChannelIDtype, *cur, 0,
-                                                &_globals.channels, 0);
-        if (id == NULL) {
-            Py_DECREF(ids);
-            ids = NULL;
-            break;
-        }
-        PyList_SET_ITEM(ids, i, id);
-    }
-    PyMem_Free(cids);
-    return ids;
-"channel_list_all() -> [ID]\n\
-Return the list of all IDs for active channels.");
-static PyObject *
-channel_send(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
-    PyObject *id;
-    PyObject *obj;
-    if (!PyArg_UnpackTuple(args, "channel_send", 2, 2, &id, &obj)) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    int64_t cid = _coerce_id(id);
-    if (cid < 0) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (_channel_send(&_globals.channels, cid, obj) != 0) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-"channel_send(ID, obj)\n\
-Add the object's data to the channel's queue.");
-static PyObject *
-channel_recv(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
-    PyObject *id;
-    if (!PyArg_UnpackTuple(args, "channel_recv", 1, 1, &id)) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    int64_t cid = _coerce_id(id);
-    if (cid < 0) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    return _channel_recv(&_globals.channels, cid);
-"channel_recv(ID) -> obj\n\
-Return a new object from the data at the from of the channel's queue.");
-static PyObject *
-channel_close(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
-    PyObject *id;
-    if (!PyArg_UnpackTuple(args, "channel_recv", 1, 1, &id)) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    int64_t cid = _coerce_id(id);
-    if (cid < 0) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (_channel_close(&_globals.channels, cid) != 0) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-Close the channel for all interpreters.  Once the channel's ID has\n\
-no more ref counts the channel will be destroyed.");
-static PyObject *
-channel_drop_interpreter(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
-    // Note that only the current interpreter is affected.
-    static char *kwlist[] = {"id", "send", "recv", NULL};
-    PyObject *id;
-    int send = -1;
-    int recv = -1;
-    if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds,
-                                     "O|$pp:channel_drop_interpreter", kwlist,
-                                     &id, &send, &recv))
-        return NULL;
-    int64_t cid = _coerce_id(id);
-    if (cid < 0) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (send < 0 && recv < 0) {
-        send = 1;
-        recv = 1;
-    }
-    else {
-        if (send < 0) {
-            send = 0;
-        }
-        if (recv < 0) {
-            recv = 0;
-        }
-    }
-    if (_channel_drop(&_globals.channels, cid, send, recv) != 0) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-"channel_drop_interpreter(ID, *, send=None, recv=None)\n\
-Close the channel for the current interpreter.  'send' and 'recv'\n\
-(bool) may be used to indicate the ends to close.  By default both\n\
-ends are closed.  Closing an already closed end is a noop.");
-static PyObject *
-channel__channel_id(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
-    return channelid_new(&ChannelIDtype, args, kwds);
-static PyMethodDef module_functions[] = {
-    {"create",                    (PyCFunction)interp_create,
-     METH_VARARGS, create_doc},
-    {"destroy",                   (PyCFunction)interp_destroy,
-     METH_VARARGS, destroy_doc},
-    {"list_all",                  (PyCFunction)interp_list_all,
-     METH_NOARGS, list_all_doc},
-    {"get_current",               (PyCFunction)interp_get_current,
-     METH_NOARGS, get_current_doc},
-    {"get_main",                  (PyCFunction)interp_get_main,
-     METH_NOARGS, get_main_doc},
-    {"is_running",                (PyCFunction)interp_is_running,
-     METH_VARARGS, is_running_doc},
-    {"run_string",                (PyCFunction)interp_run_string,
-     METH_VARARGS, run_string_doc},
-    {"is_shareable",              (PyCFunction)object_is_shareable,
-     METH_VARARGS, is_shareable_doc},
-    {"channel_create",            (PyCFunction)channel_create,
-     METH_NOARGS, channel_create_doc},
-    {"channel_destroy",           (PyCFunction)channel_destroy,
-     METH_VARARGS, channel_destroy_doc},
-    {"channel_list_all",          (PyCFunction)channel_list_all,
-     METH_NOARGS, channel_list_all_doc},
-    {"channel_send",              (PyCFunction)channel_send,
-     METH_VARARGS, channel_send_doc},
-    {"channel_recv",              (PyCFunction)channel_recv,
-     METH_VARARGS, channel_recv_doc},
-    {"channel_close",             (PyCFunction)channel_close,
-     METH_VARARGS, channel_close_doc},
-    {"channel_drop_interpreter",  (PyCFunction)channel_drop_interpreter,
-     METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS, channel_drop_interpreter_doc},
-    {"_channel_id",               (PyCFunction)channel__channel_id,
-    {NULL,                        NULL}           /* sentinel */
-/* initialization function */
-"This module provides primitive operations to manage Python interpreters.\n\
-The 'interpreters' module provides a more convenient interface.");
-static struct PyModuleDef interpretersmodule = {
-    PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT,
-    "_xxsubinterpreters",  /* m_name */
-    module_doc,            /* m_doc */
-    -1,                    /* m_size */
-    module_functions,      /* m_methods */
-    NULL,                  /* m_slots */
-    NULL,                  /* m_traverse */
-    NULL,                  /* m_clear */
-    NULL                   /* m_free */
-    if (_init_globals() != 0) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    /* Initialize types */
-    ChannelIDtype.tp_base = &PyLong_Type;
-    if (PyType_Ready(&ChannelIDtype) != 0) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    InterpreterIDtype.tp_base = &PyLong_Type;
-    if (PyType_Ready(&InterpreterIDtype) != 0) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    /* Create the module */
-    PyObject *module = PyModule_Create(&interpretersmodule);
-    if (module == NULL) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    /* Add exception types */
-    PyObject *ns = PyModule_GetDict(module);  // borrowed
-    if (interp_exceptions_init(ns) != 0) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (channel_exceptions_init(ns) != 0) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    /* Add other types */
-    Py_INCREF(&ChannelIDtype);
-    if (PyDict_SetItemString(ns, "ChannelID", (PyObject *)&ChannelIDtype) != 0) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    Py_INCREF(&InterpreterIDtype);
-    if (PyDict_SetItemString(ns, "InterpreterID", (PyObject *)&InterpreterIDtype) != 0) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (_PyCrossInterpreterData_Register_Class(&ChannelIDtype, _channelid_shared)) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    return module;
diff --git a/PC/config.c b/PC/config.c
index 568a0fa9a467..2037b3db64ba 100644
--- a/PC/config.c
+++ b/PC/config.c
@@ -32,9 +32,8 @@ extern PyObject* PyInit__locale(void);
 extern PyObject* PyInit__codecs(void);
 extern PyObject* PyInit__weakref(void);
-/* XXX: These two should really be extracted to standalone extensions. */
+/* XXX: This one should really be extracted to standalone extension. */
 extern PyObject* PyInit_xxsubtype(void);
-extern PyObject* PyInit__xxsubinterpreters(void);
 extern PyObject* PyInit_zipimport(void);
 extern PyObject* PyInit__random(void);
 extern PyObject* PyInit_itertools(void);
@@ -130,7 +129,6 @@ struct _inittab _PyImport_Inittab[] = {
     {"_json", PyInit__json},
     {"xxsubtype", PyInit_xxsubtype},
-    {"_xxsubinterpreters", PyInit__xxsubinterpreters},
     {"zipimport", PyInit_zipimport},
 #ifdef _Py_HAVE_ZLIB
     {"zlib", PyInit_zlib},
diff --git a/PCbuild/pythoncore.vcxproj b/PCbuild/pythoncore.vcxproj
index 90330faa0cf2..d19b5f5acf89 100644
--- a/PCbuild/pythoncore.vcxproj
+++ b/PCbuild/pythoncore.vcxproj
@@ -280,7 +280,6 @@
     <ClCompile Include="..\Modules\_tracemalloc.c" />
     <ClCompile Include="..\Modules\timemodule.c" />
     <ClCompile Include="..\Modules\xxsubtype.c" />
-    <ClCompile Include="..\Modules\_xxsubinterpretersmodule.c" />
     <ClCompile Include="..\Modules\zipimport.c" />
     <ClCompile Include="..\Modules\_io\fileio.c" />
     <ClCompile Include="..\Modules\_io\bytesio.c" />
diff --git a/Python/pystate.c b/Python/pystate.c
index 140d2fba8efd..7750f4ca8a55 100644
--- a/Python/pystate.c
+++ b/Python/pystate.c
@@ -56,11 +56,6 @@ _PyRuntimeState_Init_impl(_PyRuntimeState *runtime)
     runtime->interpreters.next_id = -1;
-    runtime->xidregistry.mutex = PyThread_allocate_lock();
-    if (runtime->xidregistry.mutex == NULL) {
-        return _Py_INIT_ERR("Can't initialize threads for cross-interpreter data registry");
-    }
     return _Py_INIT_OK();
@@ -1128,259 +1123,6 @@ PyGILState_Release(PyGILState_STATE oldstate)
-/* cross-interpreter data */
-/* cross-interpreter data */
-crossinterpdatafunc _PyCrossInterpreterData_Lookup(PyObject *);
-/* This is a separate func from _PyCrossInterpreterData_Lookup in order
-   to keep the registry code separate. */
-static crossinterpdatafunc
-_lookup_getdata(PyObject *obj)
-    crossinterpdatafunc getdata = _PyCrossInterpreterData_Lookup(obj);
-    if (getdata == NULL && PyErr_Occurred() == 0)
-        PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError,
-                     "%S does not support cross-interpreter data", obj);
-    return getdata;
-_PyObject_CheckCrossInterpreterData(PyObject *obj)
-    crossinterpdatafunc getdata = _lookup_getdata(obj);
-    if (getdata == NULL) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    return 0;
-static int
-_check_xidata(_PyCrossInterpreterData *data)
-    // data->data can be anything, including NULL, so we don't check it.
-    // data->obj may be NULL, so we don't check it.
-    if (data->interp < 0) {
-        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError, "missing interp");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    if (data->new_object == NULL) {
-        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError, "missing new_object func");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    // data->free may be NULL, so we don't check it.
-    return 0;
-_PyObject_GetCrossInterpreterData(PyObject *obj, _PyCrossInterpreterData *data)
-    PyThreadState *tstate = PyThreadState_Get();
-    // PyThreadState_Get() aborts if lookup fails, so we don't need
-    // to check the result for NULL.
-    PyInterpreterState *interp = tstate->interp;
-    // Reset data before re-populating.
-    *data = (_PyCrossInterpreterData){0};
-    data->free = PyMem_RawFree;  // Set a default that may be overridden.
-    // Call the "getdata" func for the object.
-    Py_INCREF(obj);
-    crossinterpdatafunc getdata = _lookup_getdata(obj);
-    if (getdata == NULL) {
-        Py_DECREF(obj);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    int res = getdata(obj, data);
-    Py_DECREF(obj);
-    if (res != 0) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    // Fill in the blanks and validate the result.
-    Py_XINCREF(data->obj);
-    data->interp = interp->id;
-    if (_check_xidata(data) != 0) {
-        _PyCrossInterpreterData_Release(data);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    return 0;
-_PyCrossInterpreterData_Release(_PyCrossInterpreterData *data)
-    if (data->data == NULL && data->obj == NULL) {
-        // Nothing to release!
-        return;
-    }
-    // Switch to the original interpreter.
-    PyInterpreterState *interp = _PyInterpreterState_LookUpID(data->interp);
-    if (interp == NULL) {
-        // The intepreter was already destroyed.
-        if (data->free != NULL) {
-            // XXX Someone leaked some memory...
-        }
-        return;
-    }
-    PyThreadState *save_tstate = NULL;
-    if (interp != PyThreadState_Get()->interp) {
-        // XXX Using the "head" thread isn't strictly correct.
-        PyThreadState *tstate = PyInterpreterState_ThreadHead(interp);
-        // XXX Possible GILState issues?
-        save_tstate = PyThreadState_Swap(tstate);
-    }
-    // "Release" the data and/or the object.
-    if (data->free != NULL) {
-        data->free(data->data);
-    }
-    Py_XDECREF(data->obj);
-    // Switch back.
-    if (save_tstate != NULL) {
-        PyThreadState_Swap(save_tstate);
-    }
-PyObject *
-_PyCrossInterpreterData_NewObject(_PyCrossInterpreterData *data)
-    return data->new_object(data);
-/* registry of {type -> crossinterpdatafunc} */
-/* For now we use a global registry of shareable classes.  An
-   alternative would be to add a tp_* slot for a class's
-   crossinterpdatafunc. It would be simpler and more efficient. */
-static int
-_register_xidata(PyTypeObject *cls, crossinterpdatafunc getdata)
-    // Note that we effectively replace already registered classes
-    // rather than failing.
-    struct _xidregitem *newhead = PyMem_RawMalloc(sizeof(struct _xidregitem));
-    if (newhead == NULL)
-        return -1;
-    newhead->cls = cls;
-    newhead->getdata = getdata;
-    newhead->next = _PyRuntime.xidregistry.head;
-    _PyRuntime.xidregistry.head = newhead;
-    return 0;
-static void _register_builtins_for_crossinterpreter_data(void);
-_PyCrossInterpreterData_Register_Class(PyTypeObject *cls,
-                                       crossinterpdatafunc getdata)
-    if (!PyType_Check(cls)) {
-        PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "only classes may be registered");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    if (getdata == NULL) {
-        PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "missing 'getdata' func");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    // Make sure the class isn't ever deallocated.
-    Py_INCREF((PyObject *)cls);
-    PyThread_acquire_lock(_PyRuntime.xidregistry.mutex, WAIT_LOCK);
-    if (_PyRuntime.xidregistry.head == NULL) {
-        _register_builtins_for_crossinterpreter_data();
-    }
-    int res = _register_xidata(cls, getdata);
-    PyThread_release_lock(_PyRuntime.xidregistry.mutex);
-    return res;
-_PyCrossInterpreterData_Lookup(PyObject *obj)
-    PyObject *cls = PyObject_Type(obj);
-    crossinterpdatafunc getdata = NULL;
-    PyThread_acquire_lock(_PyRuntime.xidregistry.mutex, WAIT_LOCK);
-    struct _xidregitem *cur = _PyRuntime.xidregistry.head;
-    if (cur == NULL) {
-        _register_builtins_for_crossinterpreter_data();
-        cur = _PyRuntime.xidregistry.head;
-    }
-    for(; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) {
-        if (cur->cls == (PyTypeObject *)cls) {
-            getdata = cur->getdata;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    Py_DECREF(cls);
-    PyThread_release_lock(_PyRuntime.xidregistry.mutex);
-    return getdata;
-/* cross-interpreter data for builtin types */
-static PyObject *
-_new_bytes_object(_PyCrossInterpreterData *data)
-    return PyBytes_FromString((char *)(data->data));
-static int
-_bytes_shared(PyObject *obj, _PyCrossInterpreterData *data)
-    data->data = (void *)(PyBytes_AS_STRING(obj));
-    data->obj = obj;  // Will be "released" (decref'ed) when data released.
-    data->new_object = _new_bytes_object;
-    data->free = NULL;  // Do not free the data (it belongs to the object).
-    return 0;
-static PyObject *
-_new_none_object(_PyCrossInterpreterData *data)
-    // XXX Singleton refcounts are problematic across interpreters...
-    Py_INCREF(Py_None);
-    return Py_None;
-static int
-_none_shared(PyObject *obj, _PyCrossInterpreterData *data)
-    data->data = NULL;
-    // data->obj remains NULL
-    data->new_object = _new_none_object;
-    data->free = NULL;  // There is nothing to free.
-    return 0;
-static void
-    // None
-    if (_register_xidata((PyTypeObject *)PyObject_Type(Py_None), _none_shared) != 0) {
-        Py_FatalError("could not register None for cross-interpreter sharing");
-    }
-    // bytes
-    if (_register_xidata(&PyBytes_Type, _bytes_shared) != 0) {
-        Py_FatalError("could not register bytes for cross-interpreter sharing");
-    }
 #ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 8536c350fe3a..a97a7559cae7 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -757,10 +757,6 @@ def detect_modules(self):
             ['_xxtestfuzz/_xxtestfuzz.c', '_xxtestfuzz/fuzzer.c'])
-        # Python interface to subinterpreter C-API.
-        exts.append(Extension('_xxsubinterpreters', ['_xxsubinterpretersmodule.c'],
-                              define_macros=[('Py_BUILD_CORE', '')]))
         # Here ends the simple stuff.  From here on, modules need certain
         # libraries, are platform-specific, or present other surprises.

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