[Python-checkins] bpo-34363: dataclasses.asdict() and .astuple() now handle fields which are namedtuples. (GH-9151) (GH-9304)

Eric V. Smith webhook-mailer at python.org
Fri Sep 14 13:47:18 EDT 2018

commit: 78aa3d8f5204bc856d7b2eb67288cf90c6a30660
branch: 3.7
author: Miss Islington (bot) <31488909+miss-islington at users.noreply.github.com>
committer: Eric V. Smith <ericvsmith at users.noreply.github.com>
date: 2018-09-14T13:47:14-04:00

bpo-34363: dataclasses.asdict() and .astuple() now handle fields which are namedtuples. (GH-9151) (GH-9304)

(cherry picked from commit 9b9d97dd139a799d28ff8bc90d118b1cac190b03)

Co-authored-by: Eric V. Smith <ericvsmith at users.noreply.github.com>

A Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/2018-09-10-21-09-34.bpo-34363.YuSb0T.rst
M Lib/dataclasses.py
M Lib/test/test_dataclasses.py

diff --git a/Lib/dataclasses.py b/Lib/dataclasses.py
index a43d07693ac3..28e9f75127b1 100644
--- a/Lib/dataclasses.py
+++ b/Lib/dataclasses.py
@@ -1026,11 +1026,36 @@ def _asdict_inner(obj, dict_factory):
             value = _asdict_inner(getattr(obj, f.name), dict_factory)
             result.append((f.name, value))
         return dict_factory(result)
+    elif isinstance(obj, tuple) and hasattr(obj, '_fields'):
+        # obj is a namedtuple.  Recurse into it, but the returned
+        # object is another namedtuple of the same type.  This is
+        # similar to how other list- or tuple-derived classes are
+        # treated (see below), but we just need to create them
+        # differently because a namedtuple's __init__ needs to be
+        # called differently (see bpo-34363).
+        # I'm not using namedtuple's _asdict()
+        # method, because:
+        # - it does not recurse in to the namedtuple fields and
+        #   convert them to dicts (using dict_factory).
+        # - I don't actually want to return a dict here.  The the main
+        #   use case here is json.dumps, and it handles converting
+        #   namedtuples to lists.  Admittedly we're losing some
+        #   information here when we produce a json list instead of a
+        #   dict.  Note that if we returned dicts here instead of
+        #   namedtuples, we could no longer call asdict() on a data
+        #   structure where a namedtuple was used as a dict key.
+        return type(obj)(*[_asdict_inner(v, dict_factory) for v in obj])
     elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
+        # Assume we can create an object of this type by passing in a
+        # generator (which is not true for namedtuples, handled
+        # above).
         return type(obj)(_asdict_inner(v, dict_factory) for v in obj)
     elif isinstance(obj, dict):
-        return type(obj)((_asdict_inner(k, dict_factory), _asdict_inner(v, dict_factory))
-                          for k, v in obj.items())
+        return type(obj)((_asdict_inner(k, dict_factory),
+                          _asdict_inner(v, dict_factory))
+                         for k, v in obj.items())
         return copy.deepcopy(obj)
@@ -1066,7 +1091,18 @@ def _astuple_inner(obj, tuple_factory):
             value = _astuple_inner(getattr(obj, f.name), tuple_factory)
         return tuple_factory(result)
+    elif isinstance(obj, tuple) and hasattr(obj, '_fields'):
+        # obj is a namedtuple.  Recurse into it, but the returned
+        # object is another namedtuple of the same type.  This is
+        # similar to how other list- or tuple-derived classes are
+        # treated (see below), but we just need to create them
+        # differently because a namedtuple's __init__ needs to be
+        # called differently (see bpo-34363).
+        return type(obj)(*[_astuple_inner(v, tuple_factory) for v in obj])
     elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
+        # Assume we can create an object of this type by passing in a
+        # generator (which is not true for namedtuples, handled
+        # above).
         return type(obj)(_astuple_inner(v, tuple_factory) for v in obj)
     elif isinstance(obj, dict):
         return type(obj)((_astuple_inner(k, tuple_factory), _astuple_inner(v, tuple_factory))
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_dataclasses.py b/Lib/test/test_dataclasses.py
index 4c93513956a2..6efe785bc328 100755
--- a/Lib/test/test_dataclasses.py
+++ b/Lib/test/test_dataclasses.py
@@ -1429,6 +1429,70 @@ class C:
         self.assertEqual(d, OrderedDict([('x', 42), ('y', 2)]))
         self.assertIs(type(d), OrderedDict)
+    def test_helper_asdict_namedtuple(self):
+        T = namedtuple('T', 'a b c')
+        @dataclass
+        class C:
+            x: str
+            y: T
+        c = C('outer', T(1, C('inner', T(11, 12, 13)), 2))
+        d = asdict(c)
+        self.assertEqual(d, {'x': 'outer',
+                             'y': T(1,
+                                    {'x': 'inner',
+                                     'y': T(11, 12, 13)},
+                                    2),
+                             }
+                         )
+        # Now with a dict_factory.  OrderedDict is convenient, but
+        # since it compares to dicts, we also need to have separate
+        # assertIs tests.
+        d = asdict(c, dict_factory=OrderedDict)
+        self.assertEqual(d, {'x': 'outer',
+                             'y': T(1,
+                                    {'x': 'inner',
+                                     'y': T(11, 12, 13)},
+                                    2),
+                             }
+                         )
+        # Make sure that the returned dicts are actuall OrderedDicts.
+        self.assertIs(type(d), OrderedDict)
+        self.assertIs(type(d['y'][1]), OrderedDict)
+    def test_helper_asdict_namedtuple_key(self):
+        # Ensure that a field that contains a dict which has a
+        # namedtuple as a key works with asdict().
+        @dataclass
+        class C:
+            f: dict
+        T = namedtuple('T', 'a')
+        c = C({T('an a'): 0})
+        self.assertEqual(asdict(c), {'f': {T(a='an a'): 0}})
+    def test_helper_asdict_namedtuple_derived(self):
+        class T(namedtuple('Tbase', 'a')):
+            def my_a(self):
+                return self.a
+        @dataclass
+        class C:
+            f: T
+        t = T(6)
+        c = C(t)
+        d = asdict(c)
+        self.assertEqual(d, {'f': T(a=6)})
+        # Make sure that t has been copied, not used directly.
+        self.assertIsNot(d['f'], t)
+        self.assertEqual(d['f'].my_a(), 6)
     def test_helper_astuple(self):
         # Basic tests for astuple(), it should return a new tuple.
@@ -1541,6 +1605,21 @@ def nt(lst):
         self.assertEqual(t, NT(42, 2))
         self.assertIs(type(t), NT)
+    def test_helper_astuple_namedtuple(self):
+        T = namedtuple('T', 'a b c')
+        @dataclass
+        class C:
+            x: str
+            y: T
+        c = C('outer', T(1, C('inner', T(11, 12, 13)), 2))
+        t = astuple(c)
+        self.assertEqual(t, ('outer', T(1, ('inner', (11, 12, 13)), 2)))
+        # Now, using a tuple_factory.  list is convenient here.
+        t = astuple(c, tuple_factory=list)
+        self.assertEqual(t, ['outer', T(1, ['inner', T(11, 12, 13)], 2)])
     def test_dynamic_class_creation(self):
         cls_dict = {'__annotations__': {'x': int, 'y': int},
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/2018-09-10-21-09-34.bpo-34363.YuSb0T.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/2018-09-10-21-09-34.bpo-34363.YuSb0T.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5691efb1e276
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/2018-09-10-21-09-34.bpo-34363.YuSb0T.rst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+dataclasses.asdict() and .astuple() now handle namedtuples correctly.

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