[Python-checkins] Various refinements to the NormalDist examples and recipes (GH-12272)

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Mon Mar 11 02:43:40 EDT 2019

commit: cc353a0cd95d9b0c93ed0b60ba762427a94c790d
branch: master
author: Raymond Hettinger <rhettinger at users.noreply.github.com>
committer: Miss Islington (bot) <31488909+miss-islington at users.noreply.github.com>
date: 2019-03-10T23:43:33-07:00

Various refinements to the NormalDist examples and recipes (GH-12272)

M Doc/library/statistics.rst

diff --git a/Doc/library/statistics.rst b/Doc/library/statistics.rst
index 3e1443424340..81119da0a382 100644
--- a/Doc/library/statistics.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/statistics.rst
@@ -510,10 +510,9 @@ of applications in statistics.
     .. classmethod:: NormalDist.from_samples(data)
-       Class method that makes a normal distribution instance
-       from sample data.  The *data* can be any :term:`iterable`
-       and should consist of values that can be converted to type
-       :class:`float`.
+       Makes a normal distribution instance computed from sample data.  The
+       *data* can be any :term:`iterable` and should consist of values that
+       can be converted to type :class:`float`.
        If *data* does not contain at least two elements, raises
        :exc:`StatisticsError` because it takes at least one point to estimate
@@ -536,11 +535,10 @@ of applications in statistics.
        the given value *x*.  Mathematically, it is the ratio ``P(x <= X <
        x+dx) / dx``.
-       Note the relative likelihood of *x* can be greater than `1.0`.  The
-       probability for a specific point on a continuous distribution is `0.0`,
-       so the :func:`pdf` is used instead.  It gives the probability of a
-       sample occurring in a narrow range around *x* and then dividing that
-       probability by the width of the range (hence the word "density").
+       The relative likelihood is computed as the probability of a sample
+       occurring in a narrow range divided by the width of the range (hence
+       the word "density").  Since the likelihood is relative to other points,
+       its value can be greater than `1.0`.
     .. method:: NormalDist.cdf(x)
@@ -568,7 +566,8 @@ of applications in statistics.
         >>> temperature_february * (9/5) + 32                     # Fahrenheit
         NormalDist(mu=41.0, sigma=4.5)
-    Dividing a constant by an instance of :class:`NormalDist` is not supported.
+    Dividing a constant by an instance of :class:`NormalDist` is not supported
+    because the result wouldn't be normally distributed.
     Since normal distributions arise from additive effects of independent
     variables, it is possible to `add and subtract two independent normally
@@ -581,8 +580,10 @@ of applications in statistics.
         >>> birth_weights = NormalDist.from_samples([2.5, 3.1, 2.1, 2.4, 2.7, 3.5])
         >>> drug_effects = NormalDist(0.4, 0.15)
         >>> combined = birth_weights + drug_effects
-        >>> f'mean: {combined.mean :.1f}   standard deviation: {combined.stdev :.1f}'
-        'mean: 3.1   standard deviation: 0.5'
+        >>> round(combined.mean, 1)
+        3.1
+        >>> round(combined.stdev, 1)
+        0.5
     .. versionadded:: 3.8
@@ -595,14 +596,15 @@ of applications in statistics.
 For example, given `historical data for SAT exams
 <https://blog.prepscholar.com/sat-standard-deviation>`_ showing that scores
 are normally distributed with a mean of 1060 and a standard deviation of 192,
-determine the percentage of students with scores between 1100 and 1200:
+determine the percentage of students with scores between 1100 and 1200, after
+rounding to the nearest whole number:
 .. doctest::
     >>> sat = NormalDist(1060, 195)
     >>> fraction = sat.cdf(1200 + 0.5) - sat.cdf(1100 - 0.5)
-    >>> f'{fraction * 100 :.1f}% score between 1100 and 1200'
-    '18.4% score between 1100 and 1200'
+    >>> round(fraction * 100.0, 1)
+    18.4
 What percentage of men and women will have the same height in `two normally
 distributed populations with known means and standard deviations
@@ -616,18 +618,19 @@ distributed populations with known means and standard deviations
 To estimate the distribution for a model than isn't easy to solve
 analytically, :class:`NormalDist` can generate input samples for a `Monte
-Carlo simulation <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monte_Carlo_method>`_ of the
+Carlo simulation <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monte_Carlo_method>`_:
 .. doctest::
+    >>> def model(x, y, z):
+    ...     return (3*x + 7*x*y - 5*y) / (11 * z)
+    ...
     >>> n = 100_000
-    >>> X = NormalDist(350, 15).samples(n)
-    >>> Y = NormalDist(47, 17).samples(n)
-    >>> Z = NormalDist(62, 6).samples(n)
-    >>> model_simulation = [x * y / z for x, y, z in zip(X, Y, Z)]
-    >>> NormalDist.from_samples(model_simulation)           # doctest: +SKIP
-    NormalDist(mu=267.6516398754636, sigma=101.357284306067)
+    >>> X = NormalDist(10, 2.5).samples(n)
+    >>> Y = NormalDist(15, 1.75).samples(n)
+    >>> Z = NormalDist(5, 1.25).samples(n)
+    >>> NormalDist.from_samples(map(model, X, Y, Z))     # doctest: +SKIP
+    NormalDist(mu=19.640137307085507, sigma=47.03273142191088)
 Normal distributions commonly arise in machine learning problems.

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