[Python-checkins] bpo-37021: Port _randommodule to the argument clinic (GH-13532)

Pablo Galindo webhook-mailer at python.org
Fri May 24 17:09:27 EDT 2019

commit: 561612d8456cfab5672c9b445521113b847bd6b3
branch: master
author: Pablo Galindo <Pablogsal at gmail.com>
committer: GitHub <noreply at github.com>
date: 2019-05-24T22:09:23+01:00

bpo-37021: Port _randommodule to the argument clinic (GH-13532)

A Modules/clinic/_randommodule.c.h
M Modules/_randommodule.c

diff --git a/Modules/_randommodule.c b/Modules/_randommodule.c
index 6a48689204c5..85f6e4029299 100644
--- a/Modules/_randommodule.c
+++ b/Modules/_randommodule.c
@@ -89,6 +89,13 @@ static PyTypeObject Random_Type;
 #define RandomObject_Check(v)      (Py_TYPE(v) == &Random_Type)
+#include "clinic/_randommodule.c.h"
+/*[clinic input]
+module _random
+class _random.Random "RandomObject *" "&Random_Type"
+[clinic start generated code]*/
+/*[clinic end generated code: output=da39a3ee5e6b4b0d input=f79898ae7847c321]*/
 /* Random methods */
@@ -137,8 +144,18 @@ genrand_int32(RandomObject *self)
  * lower 26 bits of the 53-bit numerator.
  * The original code credited Isaku Wada for this algorithm, 2002/01/09.
+/*[clinic input]
+  self: self(type="RandomObject *")
+random() -> x in the interval [0, 1).
+[clinic start generated code]*/
 static PyObject *
-random_random(RandomObject *self, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
+_random_Random_random_impl(RandomObject *self)
+/*[clinic end generated code: output=117ff99ee53d755c input=afb2a59cbbb00349]*/
     uint32_t a=genrand_int32(self)>>5, b=genrand_int32(self)>>6;
     return PyFloat_FromDouble((a*67108864.0+b)*(1.0/9007199254740992.0));
@@ -232,20 +249,16 @@ random_seed_time_pid(RandomObject *self)
 static PyObject *
-random_seed(RandomObject *self, PyObject *args)
+random_seed(RandomObject *self, PyObject *arg)
     PyObject *result = NULL;            /* guilty until proved innocent */
     PyObject *n = NULL;
     uint32_t *key = NULL;
     size_t bits, keyused;
     int res;
-    PyObject *arg = NULL;
-    if (!PyArg_UnpackTuple(args, "seed", 0, 1, &arg))
-        return NULL;
-     if (arg == NULL || arg == Py_None) {
-        if (random_seed_urandom(self) < 0) {
+    if (arg == NULL || arg == Py_None) {
+       if (random_seed_urandom(self) < 0) {
             /* Reading system entropy failed, fall back on the worst entropy:
@@ -317,8 +330,37 @@ random_seed(RandomObject *self, PyObject *args)
     return result;
+/*[clinic input]
+  self: self(type="RandomObject *")
+  n: object = None
+  /
+seed([n]) -> None.
+Defaults to use urandom and falls back to a combination
+of the current time and the process identifier.
+[clinic start generated code]*/
+static PyObject *
+_random_Random_seed_impl(RandomObject *self, PyObject *n)
+/*[clinic end generated code: output=0fad1e16ba883681 input=78d6ef0d52532a54]*/
+    return random_seed(self, n);
+/*[clinic input]
+  self: self(type="RandomObject *")
+getstate() -> tuple containing the current state.
+[clinic start generated code]*/
 static PyObject *
-random_getstate(RandomObject *self, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
+_random_Random_getstate_impl(RandomObject *self)
+/*[clinic end generated code: output=bf6cef0c092c7180 input=b937a487928c0e89]*/
     PyObject *state;
     PyObject *element;
@@ -344,8 +386,20 @@ random_getstate(RandomObject *self, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
     return NULL;
+/*[clinic input]
+  self: self(type="RandomObject *")
+  state: object
+  /
+setstate(state) -> None.  Restores generator state.
+[clinic start generated code]*/
 static PyObject *
-random_setstate(RandomObject *self, PyObject *state)
+_random_Random_setstate(RandomObject *self, PyObject *state)
+/*[clinic end generated code: output=fd1c3cd0037b6681 input=b3b4efbb1bc66af8]*/
     int i;
     unsigned long element;
@@ -384,17 +438,26 @@ random_setstate(RandomObject *self, PyObject *state)
+/*[clinic input]
+  self: self(type="RandomObject *")
+  k: int
+  /
+getrandbits(k) -> x.  Generates an int with k random bits.
+[clinic start generated code]*/
 static PyObject *
-random_getrandbits(RandomObject *self, PyObject *args)
+_random_Random_getrandbits_impl(RandomObject *self, int k)
+/*[clinic end generated code: output=b402f82a2158887f input=8c0e6396dd176fc0]*/
-    int k, i, words;
+    int i, words;
     uint32_t r;
     uint32_t *wordarray;
     PyObject *result;
-    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i:getrandbits", &k))
-        return NULL;
     if (k <= 0) {
                         "number of bits must be greater than zero");
@@ -453,17 +516,11 @@ random_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
 static PyMethodDef random_methods[] = {
-    {"random",          (PyCFunction)random_random,  METH_NOARGS,
-        PyDoc_STR("random() -> x in the interval [0, 1).")},
-    {"seed",            (PyCFunction)random_seed,  METH_VARARGS,
-        PyDoc_STR("seed([n]) -> None.  Defaults to current time.")},
-    {"getstate",        (PyCFunction)random_getstate,  METH_NOARGS,
-        PyDoc_STR("getstate() -> tuple containing the current state.")},
-    {"setstate",          (PyCFunction)random_setstate,  METH_O,
-        PyDoc_STR("setstate(state) -> None.  Restores generator state.")},
-    {"getrandbits",     (PyCFunction)random_getrandbits,  METH_VARARGS,
-        PyDoc_STR("getrandbits(k) -> x.  Generates an int with "
-                  "k random bits.")},
     {NULL,              NULL}           /* sentinel */
diff --git a/Modules/clinic/_randommodule.c.h b/Modules/clinic/_randommodule.c.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a467811d93b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Modules/clinic/_randommodule.c.h
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+/*[clinic input]
+[clinic start generated code]*/
+"random($self, /)\n"
+"random() -> x in the interval [0, 1).");
+    {"random", (PyCFunction)_random_Random_random, METH_NOARGS, _random_Random_random__doc__},
+static PyObject *
+_random_Random_random_impl(RandomObject *self);
+static PyObject *
+_random_Random_random(RandomObject *self, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
+    return _random_Random_random_impl(self);
+"seed($self, n=None, /)\n"
+"seed([n]) -> None.\n"
+"Defaults to use urandom and falls back to a combination\n"
+"of the current time and the process identifier.");
+    {"seed", (PyCFunction)(void(*)(void))_random_Random_seed, METH_FASTCALL, _random_Random_seed__doc__},
+static PyObject *
+_random_Random_seed_impl(RandomObject *self, PyObject *n);
+static PyObject *
+_random_Random_seed(RandomObject *self, PyObject *const *args, Py_ssize_t nargs)
+    PyObject *return_value = NULL;
+    PyObject *n = Py_None;
+    if (!_PyArg_CheckPositional("seed", nargs, 0, 1)) {
+        goto exit;
+    }
+    if (nargs < 1) {
+        goto skip_optional;
+    }
+    n = args[0];
+    return_value = _random_Random_seed_impl(self, n);
+    return return_value;
+"getstate($self, /)\n"
+"getstate() -> tuple containing the current state.");
+    {"getstate", (PyCFunction)_random_Random_getstate, METH_NOARGS, _random_Random_getstate__doc__},
+static PyObject *
+_random_Random_getstate_impl(RandomObject *self);
+static PyObject *
+_random_Random_getstate(RandomObject *self, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
+    return _random_Random_getstate_impl(self);
+"setstate($self, state, /)\n"
+"setstate(state) -> None.  Restores generator state.");
+    {"setstate", (PyCFunction)_random_Random_setstate, METH_O, _random_Random_setstate__doc__},
+"getrandbits($self, k, /)\n"
+"getrandbits(k) -> x.  Generates an int with k random bits.");
+    {"getrandbits", (PyCFunction)_random_Random_getrandbits, METH_O, _random_Random_getrandbits__doc__},
+static PyObject *
+_random_Random_getrandbits_impl(RandomObject *self, int k);
+static PyObject *
+_random_Random_getrandbits(RandomObject *self, PyObject *arg)
+    PyObject *return_value = NULL;
+    int k;
+    if (PyFloat_Check(arg)) {
+        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
+                        "integer argument expected, got float" );
+        goto exit;
+    }
+    k = _PyLong_AsInt(arg);
+    if (k == -1 && PyErr_Occurred()) {
+        goto exit;
+    }
+    return_value = _random_Random_getrandbits_impl(self, k);
+    return return_value;
+/*[clinic end generated code: output=a7feb0c9c8d1b627 input=a9049054013a1b77]*/

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