[Python-checkins] Improve the io module documentation (GH-15099)

Carol Willing webhook-mailer at python.org
Wed Sep 11 10:55:16 EDT 2019

commit: 3b58a70d9cf1c0f963adce9b07060116b2775687
branch: master
author: Géry Ogam <gery.ogam at gmail.com>
committer: Carol Willing <carolcode at willingconsulting.com>
date: 2019-09-11T15:55:13+01:00

Improve the io module documentation (GH-15099)

* Update io.rst

* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-Authored-By: Ashwin Ramaswami <aramaswamis at gmail.com>

Co-Authored-By: Carol Willing <carolcode at willingconsulting.com>

M Doc/library/io.rst

diff --git a/Doc/library/io.rst b/Doc/library/io.rst
index 70e01153d419..f0987da9b6a4 100644
--- a/Doc/library/io.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/io.rst
@@ -195,18 +195,18 @@ The :class:`RawIOBase` ABC extends :class:`IOBase`.  It deals with the reading
 and writing of bytes to a stream.  :class:`FileIO` subclasses :class:`RawIOBase`
 to provide an interface to files in the machine's file system.
-The :class:`BufferedIOBase` ABC deals with buffering on a raw byte stream
-(:class:`RawIOBase`).  Its subclasses, :class:`BufferedWriter`,
-:class:`BufferedReader`, and :class:`BufferedRWPair` buffer streams that are
-readable, writable, and both readable and writable.  :class:`BufferedRandom`
-provides a buffered interface to random access streams.  Another
-:class:`BufferedIOBase` subclass, :class:`BytesIO`, is a stream of in-memory
-The :class:`TextIOBase` ABC, another subclass of :class:`IOBase`, deals with
+The :class:`BufferedIOBase` ABC extends :class:`IOBase`.  It deals with
+buffering on a raw binary stream (:class:`RawIOBase`).  Its subclasses,
+:class:`BufferedWriter`, :class:`BufferedReader`, and :class:`BufferedRWPair`
+buffer raw binary streams that are readable, writable, and both readable and writable,
+respectively. :class:`BufferedRandom` provides a buffered interface to seekable streams.
+Another :class:`BufferedIOBase` subclass, :class:`BytesIO`, is a stream of
+in-memory bytes.
+The :class:`TextIOBase` ABC extends :class:`IOBase`.  It deals with
 streams whose bytes represent text, and handles encoding and decoding to and
-from strings. :class:`TextIOWrapper`, which extends it, is a buffered text
-interface to a buffered raw stream (:class:`BufferedIOBase`). Finally,
+from strings.  :class:`TextIOWrapper`, which extends :class:`TextIOBase`, is a buffered text
+interface to a buffered raw stream (:class:`BufferedIOBase`).  Finally,
 :class:`StringIO` is an in-memory stream for text.
 Argument names are not part of the specification, and only the arguments of
@@ -391,15 +391,16 @@ I/O Base Classes
 .. class:: RawIOBase
-   Base class for raw binary I/O.  It inherits :class:`IOBase`.  There is no
+   Base class for raw binary streams.  It inherits :class:`IOBase`.  There is no
    public constructor.
-   Raw binary I/O typically provides low-level access to an underlying OS
-   device or API, and does not try to encapsulate it in high-level primitives
-   (this is left to Buffered I/O and Text I/O, described later in this page).
+   Raw binary streams typically provide low-level access to an underlying OS
+   device or API, and do not try to encapsulate it in high-level primitives
+   (this functionality is done at a higher-level in buffered binary streams and text streams, described later
+   in this page).
-   In addition to the attributes and methods from :class:`IOBase`,
-   :class:`RawIOBase` provides the following methods:
+   :class:`RawIOBase` provides these methods in addition to those from
+   :class:`IOBase`:
    .. method:: read(size=-1)
@@ -463,8 +464,8 @@ I/O Base Classes
    :class:`RawIOBase` implementation, but wrap one, like
    :class:`BufferedWriter` and :class:`BufferedReader` do.
-   :class:`BufferedIOBase` provides or overrides these methods and attribute in
-   addition to those from :class:`IOBase`:
+   :class:`BufferedIOBase` provides or overrides these data attributes and
+   methods in addition to those from :class:`IOBase`:
    .. attribute:: raw
@@ -557,9 +558,8 @@ Raw File I/O
 .. class:: FileIO(name, mode='r', closefd=True, opener=None)
-   :class:`FileIO` represents an OS-level file containing bytes data.
-   It implements the :class:`RawIOBase` interface (and therefore the
-   :class:`IOBase` interface, too).
+   A raw binary stream representing an OS-level file containing bytes data.  It
+   inherits :class:`RawIOBase`.
    The *name* can be one of two things:
@@ -600,9 +600,8 @@ Raw File I/O
    .. versionchanged:: 3.4
       The file is now non-inheritable.
-   In addition to the attributes and methods from :class:`IOBase` and
-   :class:`RawIOBase`, :class:`FileIO` provides the following data
-   attributes:
+   :class:`FileIO` provides these data attributes in addition to those from
+   :class:`RawIOBase` and :class:`IOBase`:
    .. attribute:: mode
@@ -622,7 +621,7 @@ than raw I/O does.
 .. class:: BytesIO([initial_bytes])
-   A stream implementation using an in-memory bytes buffer.  It inherits
+   A binary stream using an in-memory bytes buffer.  It inherits
    :class:`BufferedIOBase`.  The buffer is discarded when the
    :meth:`~IOBase.close` method is called.
@@ -670,8 +669,10 @@ than raw I/O does.
 .. class:: BufferedReader(raw, buffer_size=DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE)
-   A buffer providing higher-level access to a readable, sequential
-   :class:`RawIOBase` object.  It inherits :class:`BufferedIOBase`.
+   A buffered binary stream providing higher-level access to a readable, non
+   seekable :class:`RawIOBase` raw binary stream.  It inherits
+   :class:`BufferedIOBase`.
    When reading data from this object, a larger amount of data may be
    requested from the underlying raw stream, and kept in an internal buffer.
    The buffered data can then be returned directly on subsequent reads.
@@ -706,8 +707,10 @@ than raw I/O does.
 .. class:: BufferedWriter(raw, buffer_size=DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE)
-   A buffer providing higher-level access to a writeable, sequential
-   :class:`RawIOBase` object.  It inherits :class:`BufferedIOBase`.
+   A buffered binary stream providing higher-level access to a writeable, non
+   seekable :class:`RawIOBase` raw binary stream.  It inherits
+   :class:`BufferedIOBase`.
    When writing to this object, data is normally placed into an internal
    buffer.  The buffer will be written out to the underlying :class:`RawIOBase`
    object under various conditions, including:
@@ -739,8 +742,9 @@ than raw I/O does.
 .. class:: BufferedRandom(raw, buffer_size=DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE)
-   A buffered interface to random access streams.  It inherits
-   :class:`BufferedReader` and :class:`BufferedWriter`.
+   A buffered binary stream providing higher-level access to a seekable
+   :class:`RawIOBase` raw binary stream.  It inherits :class:`BufferedReader`
+   and :class:`BufferedWriter`.
    The constructor creates a reader and writer for a seekable raw stream, given
    in the first argument.  If the *buffer_size* is omitted it defaults to
@@ -753,9 +757,9 @@ than raw I/O does.
 .. class:: BufferedRWPair(reader, writer, buffer_size=DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE)
-   A buffered I/O object combining two unidirectional :class:`RawIOBase`
-   objects -- one readable, the other writeable -- into a single bidirectional
-   endpoint.  It inherits :class:`BufferedIOBase`.
+   A buffered binary stream providing higher-level access to two non seekable
+   :class:`RawIOBase` raw binary streams---one readable, the other writeable.
+   It inherits :class:`BufferedIOBase`.
    *reader* and *writer* are :class:`RawIOBase` objects that are readable and
    writeable respectively.  If the *buffer_size* is omitted it defaults to
@@ -778,8 +782,8 @@ Text I/O
 .. class:: TextIOBase
    Base class for text streams.  This class provides a character and line based
-   interface to stream I/O.  It inherits :class:`IOBase`.
-   There is no public constructor.
+   interface to stream I/O.  It inherits :class:`IOBase`.  There is no public
+   constructor.
    :class:`TextIOBase` provides or overrides these data attributes and
    methods in addition to those from :class:`IOBase`:
@@ -867,8 +871,9 @@ Text I/O
 .. class:: TextIOWrapper(buffer, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None, \
                          line_buffering=False, write_through=False)
-   A buffered text stream over a :class:`BufferedIOBase` binary stream.
-   It inherits :class:`TextIOBase`.
+   A buffered text stream providing higher-level access to a
+   :class:`BufferedIOBase` buffered binary stream.  It inherits
+   :class:`TextIOBase`.
    *encoding* gives the name of the encoding that the stream will be decoded or
    encoded with.  It defaults to
@@ -896,11 +901,11 @@ Text I/O
    * When reading input from the stream, if *newline* is ``None``,
      :term:`universal newlines` mode is enabled.  Lines in the input can end in
      ``'\n'``, ``'\r'``, or ``'\r\n'``, and these are translated into ``'\n'``
-     before being returned to the caller.  If it is ``''``, universal newlines
-     mode is enabled, but line endings are returned to the caller untranslated.
-     If it has any of the other legal values, input lines are only terminated
-     by the given string, and the line ending is returned to the caller
-     untranslated.
+     before being returned to the caller.  If *newline* is ``''``, universal
+     newlines mode is enabled, but line endings are returned to the caller
+     untranslated.  If *newline* has any of the other legal values, input lines
+     are only terminated by the given string, and the line ending is returned to
+     the caller untranslated.
    * When writing output to the stream, if *newline* is ``None``, any ``'\n'``
      characters written are translated to the system default line separator,
@@ -924,8 +929,8 @@ Text I/O
       locale encoding using :func:`locale.setlocale`, use the current locale
       encoding instead of the user preferred encoding.
-   :class:`TextIOWrapper` provides these members in addition to those of
-   :class:`TextIOBase` and its parents:
+   :class:`TextIOWrapper` provides these data attributes and methods in
+   addition to those from :class:`TextIOBase` and :class:`IOBase`:
    .. attribute:: line_buffering
@@ -960,22 +965,23 @@ Text I/O
 .. class:: StringIO(initial_value='', newline='\\n')
-   An in-memory stream for text I/O.  The text buffer is discarded when the
-   :meth:`~IOBase.close` method is called.
+   A text stream using an in-memory text buffer.  It inherits
+   :class:`TextIOBase`.
+   The text buffer is discarded when the :meth:`~IOBase.close` method is
+   called.
    The initial value of the buffer can be set by providing *initial_value*.
    If newline translation is enabled, newlines will be encoded as if by
    :meth:`~TextIOBase.write`.  The stream is positioned at the start of
    the buffer.
-   The *newline* argument works like that of :class:`TextIOWrapper`.
-   The default is to consider only ``\n`` characters as ends of lines and
-   to do no newline translation.  If *newline* is set to ``None``,
-   newlines are written as ``\n`` on all platforms, but universal
-   newline decoding is still performed when reading.
+   The *newline* argument works like that of :class:`TextIOWrapper`,
+   except that when writing output to the stream, if *newline* is ``None``,
+   newlines are written as ``\n`` on all platforms.
    :class:`StringIO` provides this method in addition to those from
-   :class:`TextIOBase` and its parents:
+   :class:`TextIOBase` and :class:`IOBase`:
    .. method:: getvalue()
@@ -1066,5 +1072,5 @@ buffered object.
 The above implicitly extends to text files, since the :func:`open()` function
 will wrap a buffered object inside a :class:`TextIOWrapper`.  This includes
-standard streams and therefore affects the built-in function :func:`print()` as
+standard streams and therefore affects the built-in :func:`print()` function as

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