[Python-checkins] GH-89480: Document motivation, design and implementation of 3.11 frame stack. (GH-32304)

markshannon webhook-mailer at python.org
Mon Apr 11 11:05:42 EDT 2022

commit: f6e43e834c9712d548ce9dd2f7a1d9033e45ce51
branch: main
author: Mark Shannon <mark at hotpy.org>
committer: markshannon <mark at hotpy.org>
date: 2022-04-11T16:05:20+01:00

GH-89480: Document motivation, design and implementation of 3.11 frame stack. (GH-32304)

A Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/2022-04-04-15-12-38.bpo-45317.UDLOt8.rst
A Objects/frame_layout.md
M Include/internal/pycore_frame.h

diff --git a/Include/internal/pycore_frame.h b/Include/internal/pycore_frame.h
index 49bdc6324ca36..405afd67d2274 100644
--- a/Include/internal/pycore_frame.h
+++ b/Include/internal/pycore_frame.h
@@ -7,6 +7,11 @@ extern "C" {
 #include <stdbool.h>
 #include <stddef.h>
+/* See Objects/frame_layout.md for an explanation of the frame stack
+ * including explanation of the PyFrameObject and _PyInterpreterFrame
+ * structs. */
 struct _frame {
     PyFrameObject *f_back;      /* previous frame, or NULL */
@@ -40,12 +45,14 @@ enum _frameowner {
 typedef struct _PyInterpreterFrame {
+    /* "Specials" section */
     PyFunctionObject *f_func; /* Strong reference */
     PyObject *f_globals; /* Borrowed reference */
     PyObject *f_builtins; /* Borrowed reference */
     PyObject *f_locals; /* Strong reference, may be NULL */
     PyCodeObject *f_code; /* Strong reference */
     PyFrameObject *frame_obj; /* Strong reference, may be NULL */
+    /* Linkage section */
     struct _PyInterpreterFrame *previous;
     // NOTE: This is not necessarily the last instruction started in the given
     // frame. Rather, it is the code unit *prior to* the *next* instruction. For
@@ -55,6 +62,7 @@ typedef struct _PyInterpreterFrame {
     int stacktop;     /* Offset of TOS from localsplus  */
     bool is_entry;  // Whether this is the "root" frame for the current _PyCFrame.
     char owner;
+    /* Locals and stack */
     PyObject *localsplus[1];
 } _PyInterpreterFrame;
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/2022-04-04-15-12-38.bpo-45317.UDLOt8.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/2022-04-04-15-12-38.bpo-45317.UDLOt8.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..dd2da464e2552
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Core and Builtins/2022-04-04-15-12-38.bpo-45317.UDLOt8.rst	
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Add internal documentation explaining design of new (for 3.11) frame stack.
diff --git a/Objects/frame_layout.md b/Objects/frame_layout.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..11688f68e42e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Objects/frame_layout.md
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+# The Frame Stack
+Each call to a Python function has an activation record,
+commonly known as a "frame".
+Python semantics allows frames to outlive the activation,
+so they have (before 3.11) been allocated on the heap.
+This is expensive as it requires many allocations and
+results in poor locality of reference.
+In 3.11, rather than have these frames scattered about memory,
+as happens for heap-allocated objects, frames are allocated
+contiguously in a per-thread stack. 
+This improves performance significantly for two reasons:
+* It reduces allocation overhead to a pointer comparison and increment.
+* Stack allocated data has the best possible locality and will always be in 
+  CPU cache.
+Generator and coroutines still need heap allocated activation records, but
+can be linked into the per-thread stack so as to not impact performance too much.
+## Layout
+Each activation record consists of four conceptual sections:
+* Local variables (including arguments, cells and free variables)
+* Evaluation stack
+* Specials: The per-frame object references needed by the VM: globals dict,
+  code object, etc.
+* Linkage: Pointer to the previous activation record, stack depth, etc.
+### Layout
+The specials and linkage sections are a fixed size, so are grouped together.
+Each activation record is laid out as:
+* Specials and linkage
+* Locals
+* Stack
+This seems to provide the best performance without excessive complexity.
+It needs the interpreter to hold two pointers, a frame pointer and a stack pointer.
+#### Alternative layout
+An alternative layout that was used for part of 3.11 alpha was:
+* Locals
+* Specials and linkage
+* Stack
+This has the advantage that no copying is required when making a call,
+as the arguments on the stack are (usually) already in the correct
+location for the parameters. However, it requires the VM to maintain
+an extra pointer for the locals, which can hurt performance.
+A variant that only needs the need two pointers is to reverse the numbering
+of the locals, so that the last one is numbered `0`, and the first in memory
+is numbered `N-1`.
+This allows the locals, specials and linkage to accessed from the frame pointer.
+We may implement this in the future.
+#### Note:
+> In a contiguous stack, we would need to save one fewer registers, as the
+> top of the caller's activation record would be the same at the base of the
+> callee's. However, since some activation records are kept on the heap we 
+> cannot do this.
+### Generators and Coroutines
+Generators and coroutines contain a `_PyInterpreterFrame`
+The specials sections contains the following pointers:
+* Globals dict
+* Builtins dict
+* Locals dict (not the "fast" locals, but the locals for eval and class creation)
+* Code object
+* Heap allocated `PyFrameObject` for this activation record, if any.
+* The function.
+The pointer to the function is not strictly required, but it is cheaper to
+store a strong reference to the function and borrowed references to the globals
+and builtins, than strong references to both globals and builtins.
+### Frame objects
+When creating a backtrace or when calling `sys._getframe()` the frame becomes
+visible to Python code. When this happens a new `PyFrameObject` is created 
+and a strong reference to it placed in the `frame_obj` field of the specials
+section. The `frame_obj` field is initially `NULL`.
+The `PyFrameObject` may outlive a stack-allocated `_PyInterpreterFrame`.
+If it does then `_PyInterpreterFrame` is copied into the `PyFrameObject`,
+except the evaluation stack which must be empty at this point.
+The linkage section is updated to reflect the new location of the frame.
+This mechanism provides the appearance of persistent, heap-allocated
+frames for each activation, but with low runtime overhead.
+### Generators and Coroutines
+Generator objects have a `_PyInterpreterFrame` embedded in them.
+This means that creating a generator requires only a single allocation,
+reducing allocation overhead and improving locality of reference.
+The embedded frame is linked into the per-thread frame when iterated or
+If a frame object associated with a generator outlives the generator, then
+the embedded `_PyInterpreterFrame` is copied into the frame object.
+All the above applies to coroutines and async generators as well.
+### Field names
+Many of the fields in `_PyInterpreterFrame` were copied from the 3.10 `PyFrameObject`.
+Thus, some of the field names may be a bit misleading.
+For example the `f_globals` field has a `f_` prefix implying it belongs to the
+`PyFrameObject` struct, although it belongs to the `_PyInterpreterFrame` struct.
+We may rationalize this naming scheme for 3.12.
\ No newline at end of file

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