[Python-checkins] bpo-41028: Doc: Move switchers to docsbuild-scripts. (GH-20969) (GH-30344)

ambv webhook-mailer at python.org
Thu Feb 17 13:55:35 EST 2022

commit: 4c48cac1c44fbbfe3f5fd0c623b7768e2a709da8
branch: 3.8
author: Miss Islington (bot) <31488909+miss-islington at users.noreply.github.com>
committer: ambv <lukasz at langa.pl>
date: 2022-02-17T19:55:23+01:00

bpo-41028: Doc: Move switchers to docsbuild-scripts. (GH-20969) (GH-30344)

(cherry picked from commit ee2549c2ba8bae00f2b2fea8a39c6dfbd1d06520)

Co-authored-by: Julien Palard <julien at palard.fr>

A Misc/NEWS.d/next/Documentation/2020-06-18-23-37-03.bpo-41028.vM8bC8.rst
D Doc/tools/static/switchers.js
M Doc/Makefile
M Doc/tools/templates/dummy.html
M Doc/tools/templates/indexsidebar.html
M Doc/tools/templates/layout.html

diff --git a/Doc/Makefile b/Doc/Makefile
index f653d70674eb1..6bf1f408b56f0 100644
--- a/Doc/Makefile
+++ b/Doc/Makefile
@@ -215,12 +215,12 @@ serve:
 # for development releases: always build
-	make dist SPHINXOPTS='$(SPHINXOPTS) -Ea -A daily=1 -A switchers=1'
+	make dist SPHINXOPTS='$(SPHINXOPTS) -Ea -A daily=1'
 	-make suspicious
 # for quick rebuilds (HTML only)
-	make html SPHINXOPTS='$(SPHINXOPTS) -Ea -A daily=1 -A switchers=1'
+	make html SPHINXOPTS='$(SPHINXOPTS) -Ea -A daily=1'
 # for stable releases: only build if not in pre-release stage (alpha, beta)
 # release candidate downloads are okay, since the stable tree can be in that stage
diff --git a/Doc/tools/static/switchers.js b/Doc/tools/static/switchers.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a1c7d0fa57e2..0000000000000
--- a/Doc/tools/static/switchers.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-(function() {
-  'use strict';
-  // Parses versions in URL segments like:
-  // "3", "dev", "release/2.7" or "3.6rc2"
-  var version_regexs = [
-    '(?:\\d)',
-    '(?:\\d\\.\\d[\\w\\d\\.]*)',
-    '(?:dev)',
-    '(?:release/\\d.\\d[\\x\\d\\.]*)'];
-  var all_versions = {
-    '3.10': 'dev (3.10)',
-    '3.9': 'pre (3.9)',
-    '3.8': '3.8',
-    '3.7': '3.7',
-    '3.6': '3.6',
-    '2.7': '2.7',
-  };
-  var all_languages = {
-      'en': 'English',
-      'fr': 'French',
-      'ja': 'Japanese',
-      'ko': 'Korean',
-      'pt-br': 'Brazilian Portuguese',
-      'zh-cn': 'Simplified Chinese',
-  };
-  function build_version_select(current_version, current_release) {
-    var buf = ['<select>'];
-    $.each(all_versions, function(version, title) {
-      buf.push('<option value="' + version + '"');
-      if (version == current_version)
-        buf.push(' selected="selected">' + current_release + '</option>');
-      else
-        buf.push('>' + title + '</option>');
-    });
-    buf.push('</select>');
-    return buf.join('');
-  }
-  function build_language_select(current_language) {
-    var buf = ['<select>'];
-    $.each(all_languages, function(language, title) {
-      if (language == current_language)
-        buf.push('<option value="' + language + '" selected="selected">' +
-                 all_languages[current_language] + '</option>');
-      else
-        buf.push('<option value="' + language + '">' + title + '</option>');
-    });
-    if (!(current_language in all_languages)) {
-        // In case we're browsing a language that is not yet in all_languages.
-        buf.push('<option value="' + current_language + '" selected="selected">' +
-                 current_language + '</option>');
-        all_languages[current_language] = current_language;
-    }
-    buf.push('</select>');
-    return buf.join('');
-  }
-  function navigate_to_first_existing(urls) {
-    // Navigate to the first existing URL in urls.
-    var url = urls.shift();
-    if (urls.length == 0) {
-      window.location.href = url;
-      return;
-    }
-    $.ajax({
-      url: url,
-      success: function() {
-        window.location.href = url;
-      },
-      error: function() {
-        navigate_to_first_existing(urls);
-      }
-    });
-  }
-  function on_version_switch() {
-    var selected_version = $(this).children('option:selected').attr('value') + '/';
-    var url = window.location.href;
-    var current_language = language_segment_from_url(url);
-    var current_version = version_segment_in_url(url);
-    var new_url = url.replace('.org/' + current_language + current_version,
-                              '.org/' + current_language + selected_version);
-    if (new_url != url) {
-      navigate_to_first_existing([
-        new_url,
-        url.replace('.org/' + current_language + current_version,
-                    '.org/' + selected_version),
-        'https://docs.python.org/' + current_language + selected_version,
-        'https://docs.python.org/' + selected_version,
-        'https://docs.python.org/'
-      ]);
-    }
-  }
-  function on_language_switch() {
-    var selected_language = $(this).children('option:selected').attr('value') + '/';
-    var url = window.location.href;
-    var current_language = language_segment_from_url(url);
-    var current_version = version_segment_in_url(url);
-    if (selected_language == 'en/') // Special 'default' case for english.
-      selected_language = '';
-    var new_url = url.replace('.org/' + current_language + current_version,
-                              '.org/' + selected_language + current_version);
-    if (new_url != url) {
-      navigate_to_first_existing([
-        new_url,
-        'https://docs.python.org/'
-      ]);
-    }
-  }
-  // Returns the path segment of the language as a string, like 'fr/'
-  // or '' if not found.
-  function language_segment_from_url(url) {
-    var language_regexp = '\.org/([a-z]{2}(?:-[a-z]{2})?/)';
-    var match = url.match(language_regexp);
-    if (match !== null)
-        return match[1];
-    return '';
-  }
-  // Returns the path segment of the version as a string, like '3.6/'
-  // or '' if not found.
-  function version_segment_in_url(url) {
-    var language_segment = '(?:[a-z]{2}(?:-[a-z]{2})?/)';
-    var version_segment = '(?:(?:' + version_regexs.join('|') + ')/)';
-    var version_regexp = '\\.org/' + language_segment + '?(' + version_segment + ')';
-    var match = url.match(version_regexp);
-    if (match !== null)
-      return match[1];
-    return ''
-  }
-  $(document).ready(function() {
-    var language_segment = language_segment_from_url(window.location.href);
-    var current_language = language_segment.replace(/\/+$/g, '') || 'en';
-    var version = release.substr(0, 3);
-    var version_select = build_version_select(version, release);
-    $('.version_switcher_placeholder').html(version_select);
-    $('.version_switcher_placeholder select').bind('change', on_version_switch);
-    var language_select = build_language_select(current_language);
-    $('.language_switcher_placeholder').html(language_select);
-    $('.language_switcher_placeholder select').bind('change', on_language_switch);
-  });
diff --git a/Doc/tools/templates/dummy.html b/Doc/tools/templates/dummy.html
index 68ae3ad148ec2..3438b44377fcb 100644
--- a/Doc/tools/templates/dummy.html
+++ b/Doc/tools/templates/dummy.html
@@ -6,3 +6,12 @@
 {% trans %}CPython implementation detail:{% endtrans %}
 {% trans %}Deprecated since version {deprecated}, will be removed in version {removed}{% endtrans %}
 {% trans %}Deprecated since version {deprecated}, removed in version {removed}{% endtrans %}
+In docsbuild-scripts, when rewriting indexsidebar.html with actual versions:
+{% trans %}in development{% endtrans %}
+{% trans %}pre-release{% endtrans %}
+{% trans %}stable{% endtrans %}
+{% trans %}security-fixes{% endtrans %}
+{% trans %}EOL{% endtrans %}
diff --git a/Doc/tools/templates/indexsidebar.html b/Doc/tools/templates/indexsidebar.html
index 1c1cb5484a4f6..f7bf6d8e49117 100644
--- a/Doc/tools/templates/indexsidebar.html
+++ b/Doc/tools/templates/indexsidebar.html
@@ -2,12 +2,8 @@ <h3>{% trans %}Download{% endtrans %}</h3>
 <p><a href="{{ pathto('download') }}">{% trans %}Download these documents{% endtrans %}</a></p>
 <h3>{% trans %}Docs by version{% endtrans %}</h3>
-  <li><a href="https://docs.python.org/3.10/">{% trans %}Python 3.10 (in development){% endtrans %}</a></li>
-  <li><a href="https://docs.python.org/3.9/">{% trans %}Python 3.9 (pre-release){% endtrans %}</a></li>
-  <li><a href="https://docs.python.org/3.8/">{% trans %}Python 3.8 (stable){% endtrans %}</a></li>
-  <li><a href="https://docs.python.org/3.7/">{% trans %}Python 3.7 (stable){% endtrans %}</a></li>
-  <li><a href="https://docs.python.org/3.6/">{% trans %}Python 3.6 (security-fixes){% endtrans %}</a></li>
-  <li><a href="https://docs.python.org/2.7/">{% trans %}Python 2.7 (EOL){% endtrans %}</a></li>
+  <li><a href="https://docs.python.org/">{% trans %}Stable{% endtrans %}</a></li>
+  <li><a href="https://docs.python.org/dev/">{% trans %}In development{% endtrans %}</a></li>
   <li><a href="https://www.python.org/doc/versions/">{% trans %}All versions{% endtrans %}</a></li>
diff --git a/Doc/tools/templates/layout.html b/Doc/tools/templates/layout.html
index 17592d74a4eb5..98ccf4224804b 100644
--- a/Doc/tools/templates/layout.html
+++ b/Doc/tools/templates/layout.html
@@ -12,22 +12,14 @@
 {% block rootrellink %}
 {{ super() }}
-    <li>
-      {%- if switchers is defined %}
-      <span class="language_switcher_placeholder">{{ language or 'en' }}</span>
-      <span class="version_switcher_placeholder">{{ release }}</span>
-      <a href="{{ pathto('index') }}">{% trans %}Documentation {% endtrans %}</a>{{ reldelim1 }}
-      {%- else %}
+    <li id="cpython-language-and-version">
       <a href="{{ pathto('index') }}">{{ shorttitle }}</a>{{ reldelim1 }}
-      {%- endif %}
 {% endblock %}
 {% block extrahead %}
     <link rel="canonical" href="https://docs.python.org/3/{{pagename}}.html" />
     {% if builder != "htmlhelp" %}
-      {% if switchers is defined and not embedded %}
-      <script type="text/javascript" src="{{ pathto('_static/switchers.js', 1) }}"></script>{% endif %}
       {% if pagename == 'whatsnew/changelog' and not embedded %}
       <script type="text/javascript" src="{{ pathto('_static/changelog_search.js', 1) }}"></script>{% endif %}
     {% endif %}
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Documentation/2020-06-18-23-37-03.bpo-41028.vM8bC8.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Documentation/2020-06-18-23-37-03.bpo-41028.vM8bC8.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..5fc4155b55346
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Documentation/2020-06-18-23-37-03.bpo-41028.vM8bC8.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Language and version switchers, previously maintained in every cpython
+branches, are now handled by docsbuild-script.

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