[python-committers] PQM?

Jesse Noller jnoller at gmail.com
Fri Aug 15 00:16:31 CEST 2008

On Aug 14, 2008, at 6:00 PM, Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On Aug 14, 2008, at 10:33 AM, Christian Heimes wrote:
>> By the way the guys are totally awesome, dude. :)
> I agree wholeheartedly!
>>> That's what branches are for.  I really strongly feel that the  
>>> mainlines (by which I mean the branches we cut releases from)  
>>> should always be in a releasable state.  We should never be  
>>> committing broken tests to these mainlines.  If you spot a problem  
>>> you can't fix, create a branch and commit the broken test there,  
>>> and ask for help with that branch.  The mainline isn't (IMHO) the  
>>> place for that.
>>> You're right that it will slow us down, but only on the mainline.   
>>> That's a good thing, especially if it buys you high quality.
>> Sticking to our own rules would also buy us quality ... Let's not  
>> add new features to our code base during the beta phase, please.  
>> Although the addition of multiprocessing had some merit, we  
>> shouldn't to the same mistake twice.
> That wouldn't have helped.  multiprocessing was added during the  
> alpha phase.

Yup - it went in during alpha, and I underestimated the amount of  
work, which won't happen again.

Stunning revelation - getting everything right cross platform is hard.

Note, mp was not the only late-stage addition, there were other core  
language (non package) things in flux as well

>> Perhaps we could adopt a release plan similar to Ubuntu. They have  
>> releases with cool, new and bleeding edge stuff followed by a  
>> release that focuses on stability and long term support. Python 2.6  
>> and especially 3.0 are releases with new features. What do you  
>> think about focusing on stability and long time support for 2.7 and  
>> 3.1? 2.7 might be the last version of the 2.x series and we sure  
>> gonna have to fix lots of issues in the 3.x series until it's  
>> matured.
> If we did this, I think it should be less than 18 months between  
> releases.  But I also fear that there will be too much pressure to  
> add new features anyway.
> I remember at some distant Python conference, Guido asked the  
> audience, how many people feel Python is changing too fast, and then  
> how many people feel it's missing an important feature.  IIRC, the  
> show of hands was about equal.
> all-features-except-mine-are-unimportant-ly y'rs,
> - -Barry
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