[python-committers] improving our code quality [my summary of the "PQM" thread]

Jesse Noller jnoller at gmail.com
Fri Aug 15 17:06:29 CEST 2008

On Aug 15, 2008, at 10:54 AM, "A.M. Kuchling" <amk at amk.ca> wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 11:48:49PM -0300, Facundo Batista wrote:
>> And, if you pick up that bug six month later, or three year later,  
>> you
>> lose twenty minutes reading the whole discussion, and then realize
>> that neither you have the expertise to get a decision, and skip to  
>> the
>> next bug.
> ...
>> Don't know how to solve this, and I'm pretty sure I'm not pointing  
>> out
>> all the problems: just don't forget to include this in the list.
> Should we add a 'needsreview' or 'ready-for-review' keyword that could
> be marked on such bugs?  People could check for it before diving into
> a bug, and the mythical reviewer could use it too.

Would it be possible / make sense to tie this more tightly to the code  
review application guido put together?

Perhaps a patch set to needsreview gets an automatic ticket / upload  
to the codereview app?

I'm just thinking that we have a good code review app and a good  
ticket system, maybe we just need to use the code review system more


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