[python-committers] Is 3.1 open?

Jesus Cea jcea at jcea.es
Sun Mar 14 03:14:17 CET 2010

Hash: SHA1

On 03/14/2010 12:40 AM, Benjamin Peterson wrote:
> 2010/3/13 "Martin v. Löwis" <martin at v.loewis.de>:
>>>>> What about 3.1.3, Benjamin?. I guess it is too late for 3.1.2,
>>>>> since the rc is out. I saw your message asking for stopping commits
>>>>> the 6th march, but I haven't seen another message opening the gates
>>>>> again...
>>>> As Martin pointed out, I don't think this patch is acceptable for a
>>>> bug fix release.
>>> I would say the patch is acceptable for a bugfix release, just not one
>>> in release candidate status.
>> That's what I meant as well.
> Very well then, let's wait for 3.1.3.

That was what I was asking.

I will commit the patch to trunk and py3k, and to 2.6 and 3.1 branch
after 2.6.5 and 3.1.2 are out.

Should I commit now to trunk/py3k and later to 2.6/3.1, or wait to do
the four commits at the same time?. Don't want to miss the 2.7beta.

Mercurial, where are you?. This would be a non issue :)

- -- 
Jesus Cea Avion                         _/_/      _/_/_/        _/_/_/
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