[python-committers] Keyword expansion in online PEPs

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Tue Apr 5 21:07:15 CEST 2011

I'm still a little confused about keyword expansion for PEPs.  Georg says


that he's enabled the extension "locally", but I don't quite understand if
that means he did it only in his copy of the repo, or on python.org.  Clearly,
keywords are not getting expanded in the online version of the PEP:


and while I'm not sure if .hg/hgrc is version controlled in
ssh://hg@hg.python.org/peps, the file there definitely does not have the
keyword extension enabled.  This pages recommends it be enabled only per-repo,
not globally:


I think we want keywords to be expanded in the online version of the PEPs.
How can we make that happen and what do PEP authors need to do?


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