[python-committers] [PSF-Members] Code Simplicity » Open Source Community, Simplified

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Sat Feb 5 00:36:32 CET 2011

> Look at issue 11089. It is applied in 2.7 and 3.1, but it can't be
> applied to 3.2 because we are in RC state now. Now, somebody *MUST*
> remember to apply this patch when the 3.2 branch in open again. That is
> a waste of mental energy for nothing.

That's because Raymond chose to break the usual workflow of fixing in
3.2 first. If he had waited for 3.2 to unfreeze first, there would be no
"waste of mental energy for nothing".

That said, I don't think it's useful to discuss hg workflows at length.
We certainly already did so in the past, and nothing came out (otherwise
we wouldn't have this discussion again). Someone could sit and produce a
written proposal evaluating the various possibilities, and we can
iterate from that.



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