[python-committers] 3.2.1 rc 2

Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Fri Jun 3 17:39:49 CEST 2011

On 06/03/11 01:28, Brian Curtin wrote:
> On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 13:33, Georg Brandl <g.brandl at gmx.net
> <mailto:g.brandl at gmx.net>> wrote:
>     As I've already said in another thread, I plan for 3.2.1 r2 as soon as
>     http://bugs.python.org/issue12084 is fixed.  This is hopefully this
>     weekend, but may be next.  Final is, as always, one week later.
>     Georg
> Sorry for taking so long to finish it, but I now have a patch completed for
> #12084. It's Windows specific so I don't imagine there are a lot of interested
> reviewers, but at least a quick look to make sure I'm not doing anything too
> crazy would be greatly appreciated so Georg and the crew and get on with the
> release process.
> The full test suite passes, but keep in mind that symlinks on Windows require
> administrator privileges. My build slave is the only one which runs as admin and
> it's not currently running very well. Now that I fixed this bug, I'll get the
> bot back up and running.

Good timing... I'm just leaving for vacation :)  I am not certain, but if all
goes as planned I might still have some time between this and next weekend to
get out a rc2, and reserve the weekend of the 18th/19th for the final.  I'll
put that in the release calendar for now.


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