[python-committers] state of the 3.2 branch

Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Thu Jun 9 08:13:26 CEST 2011

On 06/09/11 03:43, R. David Murray wrote:
> I am completely confused by the state of the 3.2 branch.  My understanding
> is that RC1 has been released, that RC2 is coming soon, and that Georg
> is releasing 3.2.1 from a separate clone so that we do not have to have
> a freeze in the main repo.  All that is fine, but the main repo NEWS
> file is headed by "What's New in Python 3.2.1 Release candidate 2?",
> yet there are clearly news items in that section that should not be
> going in to release candidate 2.  As an arbitrary example, take:
>     - Issue #12175: FileIO.readall() now raises a ValueError instead of
>       an IOError if the file is closed.
> That seems to me to be clearly not a critical fix, and thus not
> appropriate for the RC stage.
> Is is that the NEWS section hasn't been updated?  Or, Georg, are you
> going to sort out the stuff you really put into RC2 from the other stuff
> after you release RC2?
> I'm not committing anything right now because it just isn't clear to me
> how all of this is working, so for me it's as if we have a freeze just
> like we had with our SVN procedures.
> (The 2.7 branch, on the other hand, looks as I would expect, with
> the section header referring to 2.7.3.)

Since there is such a long timespan between rc1 and rc2, and rc1 normall is
the first and only prerelease anyway, I've decided to allow all fixes into
rc2.  So just commit as usual.


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