[python-committers] SVN repository is now read-only

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Fri Mar 4 18:18:33 CET 2011

Since it was just asked on #python-dev:

The current "cpython" repository is still a test repository, you can do
your test commits against it; a new fresh repository will replace it
once the conversion is over (so any important commits should be deferred
until further announcement :-)).

(I'm saying "commits" and not only "pushes" because if you base your
commits on some of the test commits that were done in between, they will
not push properly into the new repository)



Le vendredi 04 mars 2011 à 17:55 +0100, Georg Brandl a écrit :
> Antoine and me are starting the conversion now (it takes quite
> a while to get the SVN repo and convert it, so we're doing it
> overnight).
> The majority of the work will be done tomorrow: pushing the new
> repositories live, enabling and testing all integration into
> python.org services and probably more work on the new devguide.
> Please join us in #python-dev if you have questions.
> cheers,
> Georg
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