[python-committers] PyCon Language Summit: Wednesday 9th April

Michael Foord michael at voidspace.org.uk
Wed Dec 4 13:22:53 CET 2013

Hello all,

As with previous years we will be having a Language Summit at PyCon North America, in Montreal. The summit will be on Wednesday 9th April and running from approximately 10am to 4pm.

As Python committers you're invited, but please respond if you're attending so I can track numbers. When we have specific venue details I will email them to all attendees. I will also be inviting "core members" of other implementations and prominent Python projects.

The topic of conversation will largely be "floor led" with a focus on plans for Python 3.5, but we will endeavour to have updates from members of the alternative implementations of Python and important topics like tulip, PyPI, packaging and so on. If you have topics you would like to see discussed please let me know. We may have some other short presentations, but they will be time limited (and the time limit enforced!).

Attending the Summit is free.  You are responsible for your travel and hotel costs.

If you wish to attend PyCon, you must still register and pay for PyCon.  Note that you don't have to stay for PyCon if you're only interested in the Language Summit.


Michael Foord
Coordinator, Python Language Summit


May you do good and not evil
May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others
May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
-- the sqlite blessing 

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