[python-committers] [Infrastructure] [Pydotorg] XSS security issue

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Mon Jul 15 18:02:35 CEST 2013

On 2013-07-15 17:16, R. David Murray wrote:
>> I will make the password available to whoever is in charge, (Or they
>> can just change the password themselves I don't care).
> I think the user should just be retired.  My guess is that it dates 
> from
> a time when we were less worried about bad actors coming in and 
> trashing
> things just for the fun of it.  What I don't know is if there is some
> script somewhere depending on it being a valid user.  For now, I've
> removed its access roles, and we'll see if anything breaks.

Isn't it the user for automatic Roundup updates from hg pushes?



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