[python-committers] Would anyone STOP contributing to Python if we used GitHub?

s.krah stefan at bytereef.org
Sun Dec 13 12:55:00 EST 2015

Brett Cannon <brett at python.org> wrote:
> You can email me privately if you want, but let me know if you care if I share this with
> very select people like Guido. Also realize that anyone who says they will walk away will
> be held to their word; if we still choose to switch to GitHub I will expect you to no longer
> contribute to Python and will personally hold you to your word (which also makes private
> emails a little moot, but I can understand if you would rather fade away than make a public
> political statement). I'm saying this not to be threaten people into not giving me an answer
> but because I want to get the point across that this is a very serious question, so I don't
> want any wavering on the answer.

This doesn't concern me, since I've already said on core-workflow that I'll stay
regardless of the decision.   Still, this sounds more like an ultimatum than a survey. ;)

Wavering is completely natural on such matters, for example the ctypes maintainer
mentioned in his goodbye message (shortly after the svn -> hg transition) that he
hadn't even looked at mercurial yet.  Which indicates to me that churn in the
workflow can be a contributing factor in decisions like that.

More than that, changing one's opinion is rather natural, too.  As a real world
example, I intensely disliked f-strings when they were discussed initially.  I
prudently stayed out of the discussion altogether, and when I saw Eric's
implementation I was instantly sold.  That's a complete reversal from -1 to +1.

I can't imagine that a statistician would accept any results derived from an
inquiry worded like that.

Stefan Krah

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