[python-committers] Would anyone STOP contributing to Python if we used GitHub?

Vinay Sajip vinay_sajip at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Dec 15 11:58:42 EST 2015

Brett Cannon <brett <at> python.org> writes:

> Over at core-workflow we are discussing details of the GitHub and GitLab
> proposals

I don't have any strong feelings against GitHub, and I understand you want
to bring out strong feelings, but

> Also realize that anyone who says they will walk away will be held to
> their word; if we still choose to switch to GitHub I will expect you to
> no longer contribute to Python and will personally hold you to your word

seems a little strong. Even principled people can change their minds about
things, can't they? To me, this does come across like an ultimatum (Stefan's
word) or a threat (your word) - as if you want to somehow punish people who
make the "wrong" decision now, even if they relent later (which might be for
perfectly valid reasons). What's the justification for this bit of it? I
would have thought it would be enough for people to say if they are going to
walk away - if they later on change their minds, eat humble pie (which would
be evident to those who care) and want to come back, why would you want to
exclude contributors who have already passed a certain commitment/competence
bar to become Python committers? One of the reasons touted for adopting
GitHub is to increase the number of contributors and contributions, not to
decrease them, surely.

Perhaps I've just misunderstood the tone in your post. I hope that's so.


Vinay Sajip

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