[python-committers] PEP process with github

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Sat Jul 23 16:17:43 EDT 2016

On Sat, Jul 23, 2016, 12:15 Paul Moore <p.f.moore at gmail.com> wrote:

> With PEPs now being hosted on github, is there any specific process
> for handling reviews/discussions on the github tracker? PEP 1 doesn't
> mention the matter, other than to note that discussions "may also
> occur on a list other than python-dev" although the approach of having
> a Discussions-To header doesn't really work well there.
> My suggestion (which is basically what we've been doing with PEP 514)
> is that PEP discussions are acceptable on the tracker, but comments on
> the core list should be monitored as well (and responded to on-list).

The problem with this is it bifurcates the discussion. I do think that all
grammar fixes and such like that should be on GitHub as a PR. And I do
think PEPs still need to be announced here. But whether the discussion
happens here or GitHub, I don't think we should split it.


When the PEP is ready for acceptance, a posting of the final version
> should be made to the list, and the acceptance email should be posted
> to the list (so that there's a permanent record of the acceptance,
> which can be linked to in the PEP).
> Is that reasonable? Does it need an update to PEP 1 to cover it? If
> so, should I post a PR for PEP 1? Or is it obvious enough to be
> assumed without needing the bureaucracy of updating PEP 1?
> Paul
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