[python-committers] Codecov and PR

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Thu Apr 27 20:49:11 EDT 2017

On 4/27/2017 3:44 PM, Brett Cannon wrote:
> On Wed, 26 Apr 2017 at 22:36 Terry Reedy <tjreedy at udel.edu 
> <mailto:tjreedy at udel.edu>> wrote:
>     On 4/26/2017 1:45 PM, Brett Cannon wrote:

>      > E.g. I don't expect
>      > test_importlib to be directly responsible for exercising all code in
>      > importlib, just that Python's entire test suite exercise importlib as
>      > much as possible as a whole.
>     The advantage for importlib in this respect is that import statements
>     cannot be mocked; only the objects imported, after importlib is
>     finished.
> Oh, you can mock import statements. :)

Other than by pre-loading a mock module into sys.modules?
If so, please give a hint, as this could be useful to me.

>     At the moment, I am the only one pushing idlelib patches, except when it
>     gets included in one of Serhiy's multi-module refactoring patches (and
>     he always nosies me).

It turns out that Louie Lu's new tool revealed a couple of other 
patches, though just to tests that started failing.

>     I had not thought about the issue that way.  I should add a test_module
>     for each remaining module, import the module, and at least create an
>     instance of every tkinter widget defined therein, and see what other
>     classes could be easily instantiated and what functions easily run.
> That seems like a good starting point. Kind of like test_sundry but with 
> class instantiation on top of it.

I looked and saw that bdb is in 'untested'.  I also discovered
to change that, with a 3+ year-old-patch.  I plan to review it.

>      > I view 100% coverage as aspirational, not attainable. But if we
>     want an
>      > attainable goal, what should we aim for? We're at 83.44% now
>     On what system?

> Travis, where the Codecov run is driven from.

I meant OS, because

>        I suspect that Tkinter, ttk, turtle, and IDLE
>     GUI-dependent tests make at least a 2% difference on GUI Windows versus
>     no-GUI *nix.

Terry Jan Reedy

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