[python-committers] Transfer of power

Mark Shannon mark at hotpy.org
Thu Jul 12 12:19:12 EDT 2018

On 12/07/18 16:55, Christian Heimes wrote:
> On 2018-07-12 16:57, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>> Now that PEP 572 is done, I don't ever want to have to fight so hard for
>> a PEP and find that so many people despise my decisions.
>> I would like to remove myself entirely from the decision process. I'll
>> still be there for a while as an ordinary core dev, and I'll still be
>> available to mentor people -- possibly more available. But I'm basically
>> giving myself a permanent vacation from being BDFL, and you all will be
>> on your own.
>> After all that's eventually going to happen regardless -- there's still
>> that bus lurking around the corner, and I'm not getting younger... (I'll
>> spare you the list of medical issues.)
>> I am not going to appoint a successor.
>> So what are you all going to do? Create a democracy? Anarchy? A
>> dictatorship? A federation?
> Thanks for being our beloved BDFL for so many years!
> The mail doesn't come to an suprise, although I didn't think it would
> hit my inbox this year or next year. I've been pondering about possible
> succession for you for a while. In my opinion we need some trusted
> entity to have final say. Otherwise we are going to waste^H^H^H^H^H
> spend too much time in bike shedding. But I don't see one clear person
> to take your place as BDFL.
> How about a form of presbyterian polity in the form of a triumvirate or
> quintumvirate? (For those with a lucky childhood that didn't involve
> Latin and Greek: ruling of elders with three or five powerful
> individuals). It would spread the load and responsibilities between
> multiple core devs.
> I would consider (in alphabetical order) Barry, Brett, Mariatta, Mark,
> Nick, or Victor as potential members. Each persons has been a core dev
> for a long time and would brings a unique perspective into the
> quintumvirate. For example Mark Shannon has an academic background in
> language design.

Language *implementation* not design. It is much less controversial :)

Thanks for your vote of confidence, but I think there are plenty of 
others better qualified.


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