[python-committers] A different way to focus discussions

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Thu May 24 12:56:01 EDT 2018

On Tue, 22 May 2018 at 13:52 Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org> wrote:

> On May 22, 2018, at 12:44, Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> wrote:
> >
> > Hm, what's the cost of those extra repos? As long as they have
> consistent names (e.g. pep-1234) they're easy to ignore right? Or does
> GitHub have a quota of repos per org?
> I think there is a quota for non-paying organizations, but I’m not sure.
> I was just thinking about clutter on https://github.com/python but maybe
> it won’t be so bad with…

I don't think there's a quota.


> > I was thinking of a workflow where the pep author initially creates the
> repo under their own username and directs discussion there. Then when their
> PEP is accepted (or rejected!) they can donate their repo to the python
> org. I know such a thing is possible (we did it for the mypy and typeshed
> repos).
> … +1!
> > Ironically for me GitHub is less linear than email. It's easier to ask
> people to open a new issue than it is to ask them to start a new thread. So
> e.g. if a discussion starts about a survey of feature X in various
> languages, when it veers off into a tutorial for a specific language that
> could be a separate issue, and the meta-discussion on how the list of
> languages should be selected could be made another issue.
> I see what you’re saying.  Yes, that could work if the PEP author is
> really diligent about shunting detours into new issues.  I’ve just found
> that within PRs or issues, the linearity can be quite difficult to follow.
> (FWIW, IMHO, GitLab does better here, but that’s besides the point.)

You do realize you are very quickly volunteering to propose to write the
PEP for moving issues to GitLab, right? ;)

> > I think Mark Shannon volunteered PEP 576 (though so far he hasn't
> created a separate repo, he's just created a PR for the peps repo IIUC). I
> hope Nick will also volunteer PEP 577 for this.
> +1
> -Barry
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