[python-committers] Suggestion: A PSF grant for running a "Core Dev Mentorship Program"

Steve Dower steve.dower at python.org
Sat Nov 3 13:58:52 EDT 2018

On 03Nov2018 1006, Tal Einat wrote:
> My mentoring would aim to bring experienced developers to the point 
> where they can consistently create high-quality PRs, requiring mostly 
> high-level decisions from the experts.

This is a great point, and I'm supportive of having "general reviewers" 
who can get PRs to a point where they're ready for domain-specific 
reviews. Hopefully that would also responses like "this seems big enough 
to file and discuss on an issue before submitting a PR, so hold off on 
the code for a bit".

Given this seems to be your goal, I'm supportive of your proposal and 
program. Best of luck!


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