[python-committers] Timeline to vote for a governance PEP

Tim Peters tim.peters at gmail.com
Sat Nov 3 15:07:18 EDT 2018

>>> You're basically forced to accept the flat discussion view, which is completely
>>> unworkable to review a long and branchy discussion.

>> There are two more fundamental problems with long and branchy
>> discussions:  they're long, and they're branchy ;-)

> But they are also unavoidable in any realistic setting.  The idea of
> Discourse seems to discourage such discussions entirely.  But that only
> works when the problems are simple and well-defined enough.

If your idea of what "works" is the typical long-and-branchy
contentious thread on Python-Ideas, we have incompatible views of what
"works" means ;-)  I don't care if something like that is displayed in
a 30-dimensional graph structure cross-linked by date, author,
reply-to, keywords, and semantic relevance, there's simply no clear
sense _to_ be made of such stuff.

The "Python Governance Electoral System" thread is as long and branchy
as a discussion has gotten there, but is more :"civilized" and
on-topic than most mailing list threads of similar complexity I've
seen in recent years.  It worked better than I expected it would -
although I was an active participant.

Making it very easy to multi-quote, with live clickable links to both
view and jump to the original messages, is really very nice.  _Lots_
of things are nicer than mailing lists.  And other things aren't.   So
it goes.

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