[python-committers] discuss.python.org participation

Łukasz Langa lukasz at langa.pl
Fri Oct 12 05:56:10 EDT 2018

> On 12 Oct 2018, at 00:38, Terry Reedy <tjreedy at udel.edu> wrote:
> On 10/11/2018 4:30 AM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
>> What concerns me is that there are several long-time and/or prominent
>> developers who are not even registered (*) on discuss.python.org.  For
>> example Benjamin Peterson, Larry Hastings, Raymond Hettinger, Stefan
>> Krah, Terry Reedy.
> This provoked me to sign up and spend a few hours reading and practicing.  It seems to mix features from github issues and StackOverflow questions.  One main difference from the latter is using categories instead of tags.
> If I wanted an IDLE category, should I post to Discourse Feedback?

Hi, Terry! Glad to see you. We are trying not to have too many top-level categories because it increases friction for first-comers. When you mentioned tags, I remembered that we can actually have those on Discourse, too. Maybe IDLE-specific topics could be tagged with "IDLE"? To show you how this works, I created a "governance" tag.

You can filter the main page by tags using a dropdown next to "all categories". If you don't see it, your browser probably cached the main page, hit Refresh. By filtering on the main page, you're getting all topics on discuss.python.org <http://discuss.python.org/> which are tagged with "governance":

https://discuss.python.org/tags/governance <https://discuss.python.org/tags/governance>

You can also filter a specific category. These are topics tagged with "governance" in "Committers":

https://discuss.python.org/tags/c/committers/governance <https://discuss.python.org/tags/c/committers/governance>

I think tags are attractive because you could have IDLE, AsyncIO, Typing, and so on. Sometimes they overlap so you could have a few tags on a single topic. And depending whether it's a Committers, Users, or an Ideas discussion, the topic would belong to the right category. What do you think, Terry?

> Could I be made the moderator, with full powers at least for that category?

Discourse does not currently allow per-category moderation yet. This is planned but not implemented yet:

https://meta.discourse.org/t/category-specific-moderators-phase-1-rfc/21900/64 <https://meta.discourse.org/t/category-specific-moderators-phase-1-rfc/21900/64>

As for global moderation, our current hosted Discourse plan (that we are getting from Discourse.org <http://discourse.org/> for free) allows up to five staff members (admins + moderators). We'd probably want a few more so I'll talk with Ernest to maybe bump this a bit.

- Ł
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