[python-committers] 3.7.1 and 3.6.7 Releases Coming Soon

Ned Deily nad at python.org
Wed Sep 19 17:12:47 EDT 2018

Update: not surprisingly, there have been a number of issues that have popped up during and since the sprint that we would like to ensure are addressed in 3.7.1 and 3.6.7.  In order to do so, I've been holding off on starting the releases. I think we are now getting close to having the important ones resolved so I'm going to plan on cutting off code for 3.7.1rc1 and 3.6.7rc1 by the end of 2018-09-20 (23:59 AoE).  That's roughly 38 hours from now.

Thanks for all of your help in improving Python for everyone!


On Sep 10, 2018, at 18:17, Ned Deily <nad at python.org> wrote:
> I have now scheduled a 3.7.1 release candidate and rescheduled the 3.6.7 release candidate for 2018-09-18, about a week from today, and 3.7.1 final and 3.6.7 final for 2018-09-28.  That allows us to take advantage of fixes generated at the Core Developers sprint taking place this week.
> Please review any open issues you are working on or are interested in and try to get them merged in to the 3.7 and/or 3.6 branches soon - by the beginning of next week at the latest.  As usual, if there are any issues you believe need to be addressed prior to these releases, please ensure there are open issues for them in the bug tracker (bugs.python.org) and that their priorities are set accordingly (e.g. "release blocker").

  Ned Deily
  nad at python.org -- []

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