[python-committers] Python 4.0 or Python 3.10?

Antoine Pitrou antoine at python.org
Tue Sep 25 15:31:54 EDT 2018

Le 25/09/2018 à 21:30, Yury Selivanov a écrit :
> What's the current plan for what version of Python we release after 3.9?
> The reason I'm asking this is because I frequently need to refer to
> *that version* of Python in the documentation, especially when I'm
> deprecating APIs or behavior.  Right now I'm saying "Python 4.0"
> implying that 4.0 will be released right after 3.9.
> I've heard multiple opinions on this subject. One of them is that we
> should release 4.0 when we have a major new change, like removal of
> the GIL or introduction of a JIT compiler.  On the other hand, we have
> no estimate when we have such a change. We also don't want Python 4.0
> to be backwards incompatible with Python 3.0 (at least not at the
> scale of 2 vs 3).  So to me, it seems logical that we simply release
> Python 4.0 after Python 3.9.  After all, after 3.9 Python will be
> drastically different from 3.0 and from 2.7.  It sounds better. :)

Many people have bad memories of the Py2->3 transition, so I think we
should avoid triggering their sensitivities by announcing a Py4 if
there's nothing, in terms of changes, to justify the jump.

So my preference would be on 3.10.



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