[python-committers] [PEP 8013] The External Council Governance Model

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Wed Sep 26 04:53:46 EDT 2018

Thanks, Steve, for writing this up:


A couple of comments:

I like the council model, but don't understand why the core developers
should be stripped from any decision powers.

External people will not have the institutional knowledge core
developers have, know why past decisions were reached and thus
cannot use this knowledge to base the new decisions on.

To give you an example:

As much as I admire people such as Larry Wall for designing popular
programming languages, I would not want to see Python take a Perl'ish
approach to language design.

Additionally, we'd have to transfer knowledge of how work is done
on the council for every new member. I've seen how long this takes
on the PSF and EPS boards. It effectively causes the council to
not be fully operable for a couple of months at least.

This will not happen with core developers as council members.

Could you give a reason why the council members should be
external ?

Another point I don't understand is why we should drop the BDFL-
Delegate system. This has proven to work well.

Perhaps PEP 8011 is a better approach, but it's not available
yet, so I'm focusing on your PEP for now.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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