[python-committers] Stéphane Wirtel has been promoted as a core developer

Victor Stinner vstinner at redhat.com
Mon Apr 8 04:36:09 EDT 2019

The vote to promote Stéphane Wirtel occurred at:

Extract of the message opening the vote:

Some of you already met him at Pycon US or EuroPython.

Stéphane is contributing to Python since 2014. He fixed bugs in
various parts of the code, but also implemented some nice features:

* -d option of “python3 -m http.server -d DIRECTORY” to serve a
specific directory using Python builtin HTTP Server
* –fast and --best options on gzip CLI: “python3 -m gzip [options] file”

(Julien told me that he frequently uses “python3 -m http.server -d
DIRECTORY” to read the Python documentation :-))

In my experience, Stéphane *likes* getting review and is fine to make
any change on his code. It’s not an issue to work with him, it’s more
the opposite For example, he doesn’t get mad if one of his PR is
rejected (I’m saying that because I sometimes get mad about that,
sorry for being emotional :-))

He got 57 commits merged into the master branch of Python: authored 46
commits + co-authored 1 commit + 10 commits before Git (“Patch written
by Stéphane Wirtel”).

He organized a Python conference at FOSDEM 5 times in a row (between
80 and 800 persons per year) and got a PSF Community Service Awards in
June 2016 for that: “Stéphane Wirtel for his work organizing a Python
User Group in Belgium, for his continued work creating marketing
material for the PSF, for his continued outreach efforts with
spreading the PSF’s mission.”


He is also helping to organize EuroPython, by working on the website
or being a volunteer on-site.

He gave a lot of Python talks all around the world at many Pycon
(France, EuroPython, Canda, Italy, Ireland, UK, San Sebastiàn,
Slovakia, Ukraine) and at FOSDEM (Belgium). For example, he gave talks
about Python internals (bytecode, parser), and on Python development
workflow and Pull Requests.

He is always volunteer to help the Python project, not only the code.
For example, he is a committer on the developer guide (devguide).

He is helping other contributors get their bugs fixed or to get their
changes merged. He participated to not less than 218 PR: ping the
right core dev who can review/help, test manually to validate and
provide good feedback, propose enhancements, etc. Sometimes, he just
says “Thank you for your contribution” which is IMHO a good practice
for a healthy community (we don’t do that often enough!)

Stéphane is involved in Python for 5 years. To be honest, he should
have been promoted earlier, but I (Victor) wasn’t sure to promote him
myself because I know him too well, and so I wasn’t objective about
his work. But well, now it’s time, and Julien is supporting his
promotion as well

I offer to mentor Stéphane once he would become a core dev for 1 month
(*) for help him to deal with his new responsibilities. I would
require him to ask me before merging any PR during the mentoring.


* https://wirtel.be/
* https://twitter.com/matrixise

Julien and Victor

Note: (*) the mentoring has been extend to at least 2 months, Julien
and me will mentor him as we are already mentoring him for 1 year.

Le lun. 8 avr. 2019 à 10:31, Victor Stinner <vstinner at redhat.com> a écrit :
> Hi,
> Stéphane Wirtel has been promoted as a core developer: Welcome aboard
> Stéphane ! I asked him to introduce himself on the
> python-committers, but he is currently in holiday (and I am not sure
> that he is subscribed to the list yet).
> The Steering Committee approved the promotion, but asked Julien and me
> (who proposed Stéphane) to extend the mentoring period to 2 mentors.
> Julien and me are fine with that, we already planned to decide
> together when Stéphane will be fully confident with his new
> responsibilities.
> Julien Palard and me (Victor Stinner) will mentor him “strictly” for
> at least 2 months: Stéphane will have to ask us before merging a pull
> request. We plan to discuss together to decide when the strict
> mentoring ends. Right now, we are updating everything to make Stéphane
> Wirtel officially a core dev.
> Victor
> --
> Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death.

Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death.

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