[python-committers] Fwd: EPS: Announcing the Guido van Rossum Core Developer Grant

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Thu Jan 31 08:09:46 EST 2019

On Thu, 31 Jan 2019 at 20:29, Antoine Pitrou <antoine at python.org> wrote:
> Le 31/01/2019 à 11:15, M.-A. Lemburg a écrit :
> > FYI... perhaps you now understand why I was keen to get the committers
> > listed somewhere :-)

Very cool! (and thank you!)

> That's an interesting turn of events.  Traditionally PyCon US *refused*
> to offer special prices for core developers, right?  (I'm not sure what
> the motivation is).

I think it was more a matter of choosing not to offer special pricing
to anyone, not even folks speaking *at* the conference, or helping to
organise it: http://jessenoller.com/blog/2011/05/25/pycon-everybody-pays

Instead, everyone was offered the same access to the Financial Aid program.

I believe that policy has been moderated somewhat in recent years, due
to concerns that it was making the CFP process less approachable for
folks that weren't in a position to handle the uncertainty associated
with being accepted as a speaker, but then having to wait to see if
their financial aid was approved before they could accept the speaking


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

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